Senior.Electricals Entertained. ' On last Wednesday night Profes sor and Mrs. Jackson entertained the Senior Electricals. Every body we s present and had a royal good time. During the course of the evening, the guests presented a handsome silver bread tray to Mrs. H. P. Wood. Cards, smoking, and singing helped to make the evening one of the most enjoyable ever spent by the Electri cals at the home of Professor and Mrs. Jackson. He who knows and knows that he knows is a Senior—follow him. He who knows and doesn't know that he knows is a Junior—trust him. He who doesn't know and knows that he doesn't know is a Sopho more—honor him. He who doesn't know and doesn't know that he doesn't know is a Freshman—Pity him.—Ex. In 1904 five states and territories in the United States failed to qualify as candidates for the Rhodes scholar ships. This year ten have failed; namely, Alabama, Arizona, Arkan sas, Montana, Nevada, North Da kota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah and Wyoming.—The College Sig nal. H. D. Meek Souvenir Spoons, Lockets, Watch Fobs, Chains, Clasp and Stick Pins, Stationery The Drug Store SPALDING ATHLETIC GOODS Everything in Tennis and Base Ball Goods DOUGLAS COMPLETE Stale College Supply Co. Souvenir and Comic Postal Cards and Drawing Material IHE STATE COLLEGIAN Tennis Balls Tennis Rackets Tennis Nets AND WALK-OVER SHOES all the Latest Styles LINE OF GENTS' FURNISHINGS General Merchandise. V - Ei _A_ Or E - i IR_ 8c ID _AV I SHOES THAT ARE RIGHT F-I 1 1 fc) - r - I t The Drug Store H. D. Meek
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers