Bowling. April 24, 8011-2 vs. 4:I)KY,—I April 25, >4AE-0 vs. 5,X-3. April 26, 8011-0 vs. I,AE-3 April 26, (1),6,0-1 vs. 412,1 C-2. Beta Theta Pi-0 Clay, Reid. 109 133 153 129 145 W. Ross, Patterson, F. Ross, Daiburg, Phi Delta Theta• 3 Cooner, mea.tun, Brady, Leitzell, Dawson, Fleming, 129 103 184 154 208 Kappa Sigma-U Montz, McGee, Curtis, Cordie, Lacock, Phi Sigma Kappa-3 Thompson, Martin, Putnam Heyd, Yeckley, 153 136 132 169 157 Sigma Chi 3 Brown, 129 117 124 125 123 Leathers. McDowell, Diehl, Partridge, Phi Kappa Sigma-0 Kuhn, 101 K. Stevenson, 120 McWilliams, 152 G. Stevenson, A. Steigerwalt, 103 R. Stemerwalt, 105 Kappa Sigma-2 Montz, Curtis, McGee. Cordie, Lacock, no 113 115 183 11.3 Phi Delta Theta-1 Fleming, Heaton, Brady, Leitzell, Dawsc n, 142 121 117 120 138 STANDING Won Sigma Chi 14 4 .778 Phi Sigma Kappa 11 4 .733 Sigma Alpha Epsilon 8 7 .533 Beta Theta Pi 9 9 • .500 Kappa Sigma 9 12 .429 Phi Gamma Delta 5 7 .417 Phi Delta Theta 7 11 .3d9 Phi Kappa Sigma 3 12 .200 High individual score--1 game. Brown, 213. 3 games. ' 338. High team score. 1 game, Sigma Chi, 7i.a " " " 3 games Sigma Alpha Epsilon 2240 THE STATE COLLEGIAN The Alumni Association has just issued a handsome and elaborate Alumni Record. This book con tains the name, address and a brief account of each graduate and as full 127 WB9I information qs possible regarding 119 those who failed to complete their 141 courses. R. L. MacDonald, '95, is manager of the Niagara Falls Electric Light and Power Company. J. B. Sterrett, 'O2, is an electrical engineer for the Norton Coal Com pany, at Norton, Va. J. R. Maddock, 'O2, has charge of the turbine test of the General Electric Company at Lynn, Mass. W. H. Landis, ex-'O3, is with the Crocker—Wheeler Electiic Manu facturing Company at Ampere, N.J. H. P. Dowler, '94, is the Phila delphia representative of the Weaver Coal Company, with offices at 727 Land Title Building. 128 131 114 132 149 128 120 148 106 138 126 156 127 187 155 115 201. 191 123 .170 130 143 133 143 lop 122 13;) 102 147 1.9 B. J. Bowen, '96, is traffic en gineer for the New England Tele phone and Telegraph Company, and is located in Boston, Mass. 108 1-4 136 122 120 R. F. Kelker, '96, engineer for the Soldschmidt, Thennit Joint Com pany of New York was recently elected a member of the New England Railway Club. 128 122 110 120 146 R. D. Barclay, 'O5, has just ac cepted the superintendency of the beautiful country estate "Dolobran" belonging to Clement -A. Griscorn at Haverford, Pa., and the large farm in connection with this estate on which are many fine breeds of cattle, sheep, dogs and other farm animals. 140 124 187 127 160 114 118 13) 117 124 Lost Pct CARDS ENGRAVED The Best Kind of w rk at The Right Price. ALL KINDS OF ENGRAVING J. GEO. STOLL .242 McAllister Hall ALUMNI. 5. E. KIM PORT Dealer in Choice Beef, Pork, Veal, Lamb and Poultry in Season. State College. THE AIoALLISTER DININ G HALL RATES 21 co ,, secutive meak, 12.75. by ticket, cash in advance. Single meal ticket, 25 cent-, Your Patronage W. IL HOUSE!. itehpeetrully Sol lel Led . Caterer C. B. SHEASLY Furniture and Carpets Picture Frames Made to Order NITTANY LIGHT & POWER CO. STATE COLLEGE. WILLIAMS & ROAN FURNITURE DEALERS FOLDING BOOK CASES CHEFFONIERS STUDY TABLES SPECIAL FOR STUDENTS LEMONT, PENN. JOSEPH MARKLE STATE COLLEGE, PA. All Kinds of Choice Meats ya THE MEAT MARKET, Old Postoffice Pllce Special Inducements to Clubs. TELEPHONE. PALACE RESTAURANT Under New Management. Oysters in Season Quick Lunch & Full Meals Biiarding by Week or Day. J. C. SHEFFLER, Prop.
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