Harvard University has just an nounced a change in it entrance pol icy. The faculty has decided that candidates for admission will be permitted to enter by passing suc cessfully the examinations of the ex amining board, of which most of the large colleges are members. Harvard is the last of the colleges of the country to accept these exami nations as satisfying her standard, and does so only with the condition that the examination books of all applicants are to be read by repre sentatives. The following clipping from the "Univers ity Umpire" fits well the conditions prevail ing at State.' I've got a pair of corduroys, And I am in the swim ! Just one kid aint got none at all; Gee whiz! I pity him. He can't have any fun these days, He's worse off than a Prep. He never understands the joys My trousers bring, each step. . They rub and squeak and talk to me They are my dearest friends. They give me lots of room to grow, And peace my walk attends. I wouldn't swap my corduroys For any kind of pants. I'll wear them days and nights and years, And then give you a chance. 0701000101:00,01000 1 1:01Wit'leVVOLOV - V r eiOre . camtrac i WE CARRY Wanamaker & Brown's Made.to.Order Clothing Regal Shoes KJ ciD gi 'l'. F. 'Foltz. 9 06, H. A. L.,eitz.ll 9 04, Mgr. Wca:adjreWeTelaeieMOTOT_A,GDlGTlMTlarOlenerO'eMMTM 1111 Gents' A Complete Line of Stationery Novelties Books NOW LOCATED IN THE HOTEL BUILDING. PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE CO.-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION THE STATE COLLEGIAN CENT. R. R. OF PA. In Effect Nov. 26, 1905 N 0.3 1 N 0.3 No. I No. 2 No. 4 No. 6 - - - - I'. 51.1P.111. A. M. lA% Au. A - . . 31. I' 111. /'. Al. 47 05, 42 'ha I ' l 7 10 Belk:route 1) 40 520 940 - - --- N. Y. C. & H. R. R. R. • _ 1.. v. Ar. 522 101 S2l) Attu Ilan 821) II 09 82,.1 606 11 20 tllearlield 825 530 -- - - -I - A r, I.v. I'. 111 . 904 1 1 ' l 5 .IpB. shore 752 3 20, 9 351 12 20 \Y'lnsuort 11 20 42 501 • P & R. R. -- - - - 1' M. P. Si. r,v. Ar. A. M. P. M. 111 30 11 2 29 W'rn.qmit 0 5 0 2 31) 301 415 Tamaqua 258 11 / 3 • Ar. 1,A.. 050 7 :10 piiii. t i• 111 30 48 30 , ( a. C. R. of N. J. New Lv. *9 O2 10 20y or k 09 00 14 :10 (via I'llllo 10 •l 0 Now Yuri, p.m . (via Tam.) 14 00 A. 31. P. M. A. 51. Week-dap, :;Daily ' , Sunday 10 33 a. in .Sunday. 0.00 a in. HOTEL LIVERY FIRST CLASS ACCOMODATIONS F. A. ROBISON, PROP. Commercial Telephone. Furnishings Bellefonte Central ' On aim atter Monday, 1\ 1905, Mains will run as follows frot station .1w and Eastw a • ad down Readui Stations - No. No. No. No. 2 .13 +5 t 4 in 1 )111 Lv Ar ant p 10 15 d 10 2U 8 0 7„11ellefonte.. 850 12 50 ...Colevllle.. 8 40 12 30 23 3 12 Morris.... f 8 37 ri2 27 flO 27 3 17 ... Stevens .. rs 33 fl 2 25 Lime Centre. flO :10 21 Hunters Parlc rs 31 fl 2 21 NO d 4 526 _Fillmore... f 8 28 rl2 18 flO 40 .1 32 ly 24 rl2 14 10 45 i 115 ...Waddles... 820 12 10, no 57 50 .10 07 fll 57 11 104 05 hate College 800 II 50 41U . r 7 45 4 15 . 111nomsdorf.. 17 40 420 Pine Gr. Mills 7 :15 Stop no Li al It. It. v is of the Pet a In b 30 6 3.) fli 3$ 16 43 16 46 f 6 501 f 6 55 7 00 17 l 2 ally except 'outlay. Ins of the Bellefonte CeE at Bellefonte with train: for points east and west . F 11. TIT PAYING bills by check is simplest and n convenient method, and y e check becomes a receipt for debt it pays. Open an acc• with THE FIRST NATION BANK of State College, Pa. Drawing Material
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers