Good Photographic Work 0 L, / 1 ) 0 0 i The Photographer must understand human nature; must be able to show the good points and hide the weaknesses in each subject. This requires good taste, an eye for beauty, an understanding of light and shade, posing, etc. These requirements you will find fully met at A 4.:. _ All we ask is the privilege of showing you our work. We are sure to interest you in quality, vari ety and price. We make a specialty of outdoor or interior pictures. Home Portraiture and Flash-Lights. ATTENTION ! The attention of the public is respectfully called to the efforts Harvey Bros. are making fo keep up with their demands. They handle HOME MADE CANDIES STACY LOWNEY AND HUYLER CHOCOLATES ICE CREAM IN SEASONABLE FLAVORS BREAD ROLLS AND CAKE ICE CREAM SODA GIVE OUR BREAD A TRIAL HARVEY BROS. Bakers and Confectioners CHAS. Al WOMER Tonsorial Artist SOLICITS YOUR PATRONAGE " First Class Work Guaranteed. ALLEN ST.. - BACK OF HOTEL Depends Upon Certain Conditions ,s - imrri-I' - r L 3 ID TO PEARCE BROS. General Merchandise Crossett Shoes Corless Coon & Co.'s Collars College Pennants College Pillows HOTEL BLOCK - • THE Potter-Hoy Hardware Co. Ilas always been, and tontines to be HEAD QUARTERS For anything you may want In the HARDWARE LINE We solicit your patronage The Potter-Hay Hardware Co. BELLEFONTE, PA. SMITH, State College. Full Weight ! Full Measure ! Full Count ! A triple of reasons why you should buy your DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, AND NOTIONS J. H. GROSS MERCHANT TAILOR BELLEFONTE. PA. First National Bank BELLEFONTE, PA. W. D.CUSTARD WALL PAPER, ROOM MOULDING, PAINTING AND PAPERING STATE COLLEGE. L. D. FYE, Successor to Holmes & Co
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers