S. w. KALIN HATTER AND MEN'S FURNISHER Students’ headquarters for Hats, Neckwear, Fancy Shirts. Hosiery. Underwear. Tloves. and Sweaters STATE COLLEGE - PA Visiting Cards Engraved and Printod A Full Line of Thesis Paper The “TIMES” Office College Book Rosin HEADQUARTERS FOR STUDENTS’ SUPPLIES Ist floor Main Bldg. Room No. 105 H. D. MEEK THE DRUG STORE to the appearance of College Ave- A large number of the Seniors are spending this week at their homes. But one more, baseball game re mains to be played before this suc cessful season ends. The track meet with the Indians next Monday certainly ought to be a fast one. From the score made at Carlisle our chances look good to win this meet on our home grounds. Dead and buried —the inter-class baseball games. A meeting of local Alumni and representatives of the four classes was held at Prof. Reber’s residence last Friday to discuss matters relat ing to Alumni Day of Commence ment week. General Secretary J. R. Wood cock of the College Young Men’s Christian Association severs his connection with that Association at the close of the present college vear, and will go to Philadelphia where he is to be assistant pastor of the Sec ond Presbyterian church of that city. Mr. Woodcock has been untiring in his efforts to forward the Y. M. C. A. work of the college, and he will be greatly missed by his friends and co-workers We are still making a specialty of the finest School and CoL lege Stationery, also Paul E. Wirt, Parker and Laughlin Fountain Pens. Delicious Soda Water and Choice Cigars. THE STATE "COLLEGIAN Mr. Woodcock Leaving. SPECIAL NOTICE I HARDWARE Good Goods Lowest Prices Honest inspection and fair •judgment is aU I as'e... JOHN I. OLEWINE Bellefontc - Pn. 4 a neat Hair Cut, Shave, Shampoo, Massage Treatment, cnon c. A. WOMER (Successor to C L Cioyle) SHOP IN COLLEGE HOTEL Commencement, Icfjrc the time ccmes you should have a new Ti.ternntional Suit Prices the lowest, Quality the best No fh, -no pay. Don’i wait. No. 578 Monday, Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, or any evening P. M. RAINEY, Agt THE DRUG STORE H. D. MEEK id on a New Suit? st us help you. mart Styles !ccd Workman lip-Low Prices, rare combina m. 'or samples see K VARNES 13 Annex No. I red Kauffmann’s ocallccpicsentatix'o FEED KAUFFIIANN heAir.c.'xrn Toiler Chicago, U.S.A.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers