STATE COLLEGE STUDIO 'W'. W. SMITH, ARTIST Review of Athletics (Continuedfrom istpage.) second place, outclassing Dickin son, Bucknell, Lafayette and the Indians. The track team defeated Dickinson at Carlisle and lost to the Indians by only three points. The prospects are very good for defeat ing them here next Monday. The record of the baseball team has appeared in these pages from time to time. Two victories over Dickinson, Ihree over Viilanova, one over Princeton, West Point, Annapolis, University of Virginia, California Noimal ar.d others while our team has suffered only three defeats is a :ecord to be proud of. Truly this has been a grand year for ‘ State athletics. - Class Elections The election for officers in the Sophomore and Freshman classes which were held last Friday resulted as follows : In the Sophomore class, R. S. Mitchell was elected president; J. B. Long, vice-president; F. E. Winter, secretary, and E. R. Wright, treasurer. The Freshmen elected E H. Leathers, president, B. Weber, Sec retary and J. S. Ritchey, tieasurer. THE STATE COLLEGIAN Stands as a synonym for all that is new, artistic and up-to date in Photography. If you watch this space during this college year we will try and demonstrate this fact to your satisfaction. Please call and examine our work Flash Lights ! Who takes them ? J. d. MORGAN, ROOM 564, MAIN BLD’G. OUR NEW SPRING MONTGOMERY & CO. First National Bank Men’s Furnishing Goods and Hats are Now Open for Inspection and Sale We never have gone into these articles so ex tensively and so carefully. Be assured of our earnest efforts to please all of our friends and customers in quality, style, fit and price We Have Larger Lines of Sporting Goods than any Former Season MERCHANT TAILORING In all its Branches. Fully Equipped Manhattan Shirts and Guyer Hats BELLEFONTE. PA. CLOTHING
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