It will Pay You To buj your Dry Goods Notions, Shoes, Groceries, . Etc., of us. Our reputa tion stands back of the goods, which are better, brighter and snappier than ever before. Holmes & Co. c Se State College, Pa. G 9o SIIEASLY and ADAMS FOIt CIGARS, TOBACCO and FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS A full line of Smokers' Fancy Articles ALLEN ST.. STATE COLLEGE. PA. Joseph Markle STATE COLLEGE, PA. choice Meats AT THU MEAT MARKET o.v I'HGII STREET Special inducements to Clubs TSi.KrnONn Just received a consignment of PETE R 3 S The onzn.ii! Swiss Milk Chocolate for the commencement trade 368 MAIN State College Hotel J. B. Shuman, Proprietor CENTRALLY LOCATED SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS EXCELLENT ATTENTION GIVEN TO TRANSIENT TRADE LIVERY IN CONNECTION GOOD CUISINE STEAM HEAT A PINE LINE OP CIGARS ALWAYS ON HAND THE STATE COLLEGIAN LOCALS. What is the committee appointed in the Athletic Association to look after the erection of Bleachers doing now ? We have heard nothing from them as yet. The work on the power plant for the Borough lighting company is progressing rapidly. The carpen ters have started to put on the roof and the building will soon be ready for use. Col. John A. Woodward, of Howard, trustee of the college, is improving from his injuries received recently in a runaway accident. Rumor has it that a stock com pany has been formed for the pur pose of erecting houses on a tract of land which will be entirely for professors of the college. The columus at the Allen Street entrance to the campus have been completed. J. W. Bailey, ex-’O6, is back for commencement. Several Seniors are engaged on surveying work between Bellefonte and State College for the new trolley line. G. E. Webster, ’O5, spent Satur day and Sunday in Bloomfield and Newark. New Jersey. J. M. McDowell, ’O7, of Altoona, has been notified of his appointment to a cadetship at West Point. He left for home last week. The flag stone being placed in front of the post office greatly adds W. L. FOSTER DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE SPECIALTIES Walk-over Shoes for Ladies and Gents. Gents’ Furnishing Goods of all kinds. Ladies’ fine Dress Goods in the very latest styles. Fancy Groceries —of the finest quality. Don’t forget that we carry a full line of A. G. Spalding’s Sporting Goods. Telephone STATE COLLEGE, PA D. Klein & Bro. PHILADELPHIA. Supplies foi Military Schools and Colleges. Uniform Clothing, Caps and Shoulder Straps, •Swords, Belts, Gloves, Leggins, etc., etc. ■S MAKERS OF Till-: g- UNIFORMS AND EQUIPMENTS FOR • THE P. S. C. Represented by W. R. DUNN, in Armory Rummer School in Mechanic Arts STATE COLLEGE OF KENTUCKY Elective courses arc provided in all subjects taught in mechanical and electrical engineering schools. Spccia 1 attention is given to shop courses, mechanical drawing ana design, mathematics, mechanics of engineering, theoretical electrical subjects, laboratory courses in stea i and electrical engineering. Ten weeks, beginning Jut Bth. F. Paul Anderson, Dean. For detailed ii.rurr.ia tion relative to any spccijl line of work, address J OKN T. FAIG, Registrar, Lexington, Ky Harrison’s Restaurant and Ice Cream Parlors Special attention paid to Banquets, Balls and Parties Oysters in Season Students’ Trade Solicited OPPOSITE U. C. U. It. DEPOT STATE COLLEGE - PA.
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