1A I fN lyi STANDARD PORTABLE VV EH |. IX :: DIRECT READING = = Weston Standard Portable Voltmeter AGENTS ANYBODY CAN DO IT AGENTS We want good live representatives to take orders for “Peuro or Pearl” Me dallions. Entirely new. Sell at sight. Big money. Exclusive territory given. Agents’ supplies. Novelties up-to date. Write at once. Universal Manufacturing Co. Pittsburg, Pa. “KNACK” or “KNOW-HOW” in Clothes Making, call it what you will, “SIM" models embody it. They press their claim upon your attention by the distinc tiveness of the patterns, the excellency of the workmanship and their conformity to the latest whisper of the mode. Prices are their winning features, because they're just moderateenough. DO YOU GET A SUNDAY PAPER ? Why not the Pittsburg Press? — A live, up-to-date newspaper, which contains each Sunday a column of State College Athlet ic News. — Try one ! . . GRAHAM, the BARBER, sells them KRUMRINE & PEARCE STATE'S BIG STORE DRY GOODS In all the newest clVoels in Wool and Wash Fabrics GENTS’ FURNISHINGS The best line of Shirts, Collars, Ties, Hosiery, Underwear is found here SHOES SHOES SHOES AND THEN SOME We have more Shoes than any two stores in town. Try a pair of the State shoes for winter. St.so and 54.00 GROCERIES AND TABLE SUPPLIES The finest and best line in the city Is found with us. THE STATE COLLEGIAN Voltmeters, Ammeters. Ohmmeters and Portable Galvanometers For Laboratory, Testing and Switch-board use Our Portable Instruments are recognized as STARDARD The semi-portable Labora tory Srandards are still better. Our Station Voltmeters and Ammeters are unsurpassed in point of extreme accuracy and iowest consumption of eneergy Weston Electrical Instrument Go. Main Office and Works Wavorloy Park, NEWARK. N. i New York Offce, 74 Cortlandt St. Base Ball. (i Continued from isi page) STATE R H O A E Cree ss 2 2 12 1 Killmcr c 1 1 6 1 1 Mason 3. 13011 Mcllveen p .... 12220 Ray 1 1 0 12 1 0 Haverstick 1 1 2 0 0 0 Forkum 2 2 3 5 5 2 Ross m 0 1000 Yecklcy r 0 0 1 1 0 Totals 8 14 27 13 5 PRINCETON RHOAE Reid ss 11051 Heim m.. . 12100 Wells 2. ... ....02830 McLean 3. ... 0 0 0 1 1 L. Doyle r 0 0 2 0 0 Cooney c .. .... 1 0 32 0 Forsythe 1.... .. ..22200 Bard 1 1 3 11 0 0 D. Doyle p 00010 Totals State . Princeton Two base hits—Wells, Forsythe. Three base hits—Killmer, Mason, Forkum. Haverstick. Home run—Forkum. Stolen bases—Cree, Wells. Bases on balls —off Mcllveen 3. Struck out—by Doyle 3, Mcllveen 6. Sacrifice hits —Haverstick, Well' 1 . Double plays —Bard (unassisted;) Wells and Bard; Forkum and Ray, Mcllveen and Ray. Hit by pitched ball—Yeckley, Heim. Time of Game 1.40 Umpire—Horner. Natural History Club Banquet. Saturday night in McAllister Hall the members of the Natural History club together with two senior mem bers, Prof. Surface and Dr. Buck hout held their annual banquet. President McConnell acted as toast master and called on the different members of the club who responded with appropriate words. The “Spit Ball.” The “spit ball” has met its Waterloo at Newark, N. J. The Board of Health contends that the Now is the time to get fixed up for Commencement with SIM’S STRAW HATS MANHATTAN SHIRTS SOCKS AND TIES Full Dress Suits to Hire Call at 56 4 and look them over L. B. SMITH agent for SIM .. . . 61027 12 2 20 0 30012 0-S 02020 0 10 1-3 AGENTS WANTED to sell the Novels of Paul de Kock. The Outlook says “ he is one of the most ?musing writers of the century;” and Bulwer wrote of him, “ more racy and powerful than any other writer I am aware of.” Pamphlet sent on request. George Barrie & Sons, 1313 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. pitcher is spitting in a public place when he uses this style of pitching. They claim that the ball may be come infested with tuberculosis and be transferred to other players who handle it. COTRELL & LEONARD . . ALBANY, N. Y. . . Makers of CAPS, GOWNS AN D HOO DS to the American Colleges and Universities. Class Contracts a Specialty
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