MEEK, Phar. D. H. D. DRUG STORE Library Notes. List of Weekly Papers on file in The Carnegie Library. (LIBRARY HOURS 7-55 A. M.-10 P. M.) The Argus (Greensburg) Bath Record Bellefonte Republican Brockwayville Record Bryn Mawr Record Center Reporter Clearfield Republican Crawford Journal Democratic Watchman Forest Republican Greencastle Press The Independent (Collegeville) Indiana Weekly Messenger Jermyn Press Keystone Weekly Gazette Landsdale Republican Lawrenceville Herald Media Ledger Myersdale Commercial Mifflinburg Telegraph Mt. Jewett Herald Mt. Joy Herald Oil City Derrick (Semi-Weekly) Pennsylvania Hawkeye The Progress (Darby) Public Spirit (Clearfield) Punxsutawney Spirit Quakertown Times State Collegian The Times (State College) Der Volksfreund und Beobachter Wayne Independent West Grove Independent Windber Era Students may be of direct ser vice in extending this list to include counties and localities not represent ed. Consult with the Librarian. SPECIAL NOTICE! The largest assortment of “Parker” Fountain Pens ever seen in one store in Centre County. Call and look at them. We can suit you SOME TECENT ADDITIONS TO THE Ll- Blair and Robertson : The Philip pine Islands, Vol. 18-20. lowa-Geological Survey-14. An nual Report (Dept, of Mining En gineering) . Jewish Encyclopaedia, Vol. 8. New Jersey-Archives, 2nd. series Vol 2. Smart,William. Return to Protec tion. Smithsonian Institution —Annual Report, 1903. Smithsonian Institution —The 1900 solar eclipse expedition of the astro physical observatory. U. S. Library of Congress. Se lect list of references on the budget of foreign countries. Weale, W. L. P. Manchu and Muscovite. Webster’s International Diction ary, 1905. 2 cop. Wisconsin geological and natural history survey —Building and orna mental stones of Wisconsin. BRARY. P. B. MEEK MEEK BROS It will Pay You To buy your Dry Goods Notions, Shoes, Groceries, Etc., of us. Our reputa tion stands back of the goods, which are better, brighter and snappier than ever before. Holmes & Co. Avenue State College, Pa. H. GRIMM MERCHANT TAILOR STATE COLLEGE, I’A Thirly ypar.V o\pprii*nee in Tailoring, Samples of the finest, imported Goods always on hand. DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY S. E. KIMPORT BUTCHER Dealer in Choice Beef, Lamb. Pork, Veal. Salt Meats and Poultry. Special attention given to Caterers. Call and see us on Allen Street, State College.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers