State College Hotel J. B. Shuman. Proprietor CENTRALLY LOOA-I El) SPECIAL KATES TO SITjDENTN EXCELLENT ATTENTION GIVEN TO TRANSIENT TRADE LIVERY IN CONNECTION STEAM lIEA'J GOOD CUISINE A FINE LINE OF CIGARS ALWAYS ON HAND Huntingdon Laundry R. L. DUFF, AGENT Soft wash - 50 conts per dozen SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Laundiy Bigs Fig? to Customcis 4 a neat Hair Cut, Shave, Shampoo, Massage Treatment, “>•» C. A.WOMER (Successor to C. L. Croyle) SHOP IN COLLEGE HOTEL Krumrine & Pearce STATE'S BIG STORE DRY GOODS In iill tile newest elleel'i In Wool ancl Wash Fabrics GENTS’ FURNISHINGS The best line of Shirts, Collars, Ties. Hosiery. Underwear Is lound here SHOES SHOES SHOES AND TIIKN SOME Wo liavo more Shoes than any two stores in town. Try a pair of the State shoes lor winter S-l 50 and St.OJ GROCERIES and table The finest and best line in the city is found with us. COLLEGE ORBIT University of Pennsylvania stu dents will receive the pleasure of an address by President Roosevelt on Washington’s birthday. The recently elected president cf the Sophomore class at Harvard is a man who is earning his way through college by waiting on table. Beloit College, Wisconsin, has a new Carnegie Library. There is also one other Carnegie Library in the same town. The value of both is $75,000. Lehigh University is endeavoring to find a suitable person to fill the college presidency made vacant by the death on November 16 of Dr. T. M. Drown. Mr. Schwab, the well known financier, has been suggested as a candidate to fill the vacancy that occurs in Lehigh’s Board of Trus tees. The engineers at Minnesota Uni versity have inaugurated an anti chapel crusade, the control of which has been vested in a sort of a vigilance committee. The duty and pleasure of this committee is to way lay any engineer who obeys the faculty’s orders-and goes to chapel. Several of the faithful have been vigorously pounded for their devo tion to chapel exercises. Of the Yale freshman class of three hundred and thirty-one, the report of the medical examiner shows that a hundred and forty-one smoke, a hundred and two wear g’asses and twelve have been ordered to wear them, a hundred and thirty four have never had gymnastic train ing, forty-six cannot swim, and a hundred and ninety-six have been in athletics. The average weight is a hundred and thirty-six pounds. IT WILL PAY YOU to examine THE “INTERNATIONAL” SAMPLES ifi‘ yon buy ymir Winter Suits. Overcoat or Rain Coat IMPOIU’HO ENGLISH COUDUOYS no fit. P. M. RAINEY. AoT.i NO PAY ROOM 578. MAIN G ?°J, W. HARVEY FOR CIGARS, TOBACCO *ll2 FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS A full Hue ot Smokers’ Fancy Articles ALLEN ST., STATE COLLEGE, PA. ! SHEASLY’S BAKERY FINE CONFECTIONERY randies always fresh because we buy 01KKCT THOM M ANUTA CTUKKUS RESTAURANT DEPARTMENT QUICK LUNCHES A SPECIALTY Oysters Ice Cream Soda Water WE ALWAYS TRY TO PLEASE OUR CUSTOMERS C, B, SHEASLY, Proprietor HARDWARE Good Goods Lowest Prices Honest inspection and fair judgment is all 1 ask JOHN I. OLEWINE Bellefonte - Pa. College Book Room HEADQUARTERS FOR STUDENTS’ SUPPLIES j Ist floor Main Bldg. Room No. 105
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers