STATE COLLEGE STUDIO W. W. SMITH, ARTIST S. W. KALIN HATTER AND MEN’S FURNISHER Students’ headquarters for Hats, Neckwear, Fancy Shirts, Hosiery. Underwear, Gloves, and Sweaters STATE COLLEGE - FA Joseph Marklc STATE COLLEGE, PA. ai,\kinps Choice Meats AT TUB MEAT MAIIKET on I'UCMI STREET Special Inducements to Clubs TtiLKlMlONti Harrison’s Restaurant and Ice Cream Parlors Special attention paid to Banquets, Balls and Parties Oysters in Season Students’ Trade Solicited OPPOSITE U. O. H. U PKI’OT STATE COLLEGE Stands as a synonym for all that is new, artistic and up-to date in Photography. If you watch this space during this college year we will try and demonstrate this fact to your satisfaction. Please call and examine our work W. L. FOSTER DEALERJN GENERAL MERCHANDISE SPECIALTIES Walk-over Shoes lor Ladies and Gents. Gents’ Furnishing Goods of all kinds. Ladies’ fine Dress Goods in the very latest styles. Fancy Groceries—of the finest quality. Don’t forget that we carry a full line of A. G. Spaulding’s Sporting Goods. Telephone STATE COLLEGE, PA. The basketball squad, under the guidance of Captain Dunn, is rapidly rounding into form. The material is first class and, al-.hough the mem bers of the Varsity are pretty well selected, the competition for places on the second team is very strong. M. I. Kilmer, guard on last year’s team and heretofore a candidate for his position, has withdrawn from the squad in order to devote more time to his studies. It is expected that Morehead, end on the footta’l team, wi'l be-placed in the position. He seems to be the most likely candi date. The College team plays the Wil liamsport High School on Friday evening, Jan. 13th, in the Armory. The first Varsity game takes place in the Armory on Friday, Jan. 20th. with Altoona A. A. This is the team that defeated State a few weeks ago and the contest here ought to be a good one. Basket Ball OUR MOTTO Nothing but the best is good enough for our pa trons. OUR AIM | To please. If we don’t do it, tell us our mistakes We will correct them. Graham TONSORIAL PARLOR
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