State College Hotel J. B. SHUMAN, Prop. Centrally Located. Special rates to students. Excellent attention given to transient trade. Livery in Connection. Steam Heat, fiood Cuisine. A fine line of cigars always on hand. HUNTIK6DOH LHUHDRY. F*. U. DOFF, Agent Soft CDash 50ets. per doz SATISFACTION GUARANTEED liaandvy Bags Free to Customers, £ a neat* Hair Cut,, Shave, Shampoo, Massage Treatment*. .Call on C. P. WOMER., Successor to C. L Crov : e (Shop in College Hotel.) KROIIHE k PEARCE. STATE’S BIG STORE DRY GOODS. In nil the newest effects in wool mul Wash Fabrices CENTS FURNISHINGS The Best Tine of Shirts, Collars, Ths, Hosiery Underwear is found here. SHOES and then some SHOES We have more Shoes than any two stores in town. Tiy a pair of the State Shoes for winter. $3.50 and $4 00 Groceries and Table Supplies The finest and best line in the city is found with us. CORA MORRIS GRIFFIN R.ECITAL. A delighted audience listened to a new and entertaining program of readings, given by Cora Morris Grif fin, in the Auditorium last Friday evening. The arrangement of the numbers was well adapted to Miss Griffin’s power to sway the mind from sunshine to shadow. The pi ano solo by Miss Helen H. Ather ton, the violin solo by Mr. A. S. Lacock, ’oS, and the bass solo by Mr. J. D. Rippel, ’O5, added very much to the enjoyment of the even ing. The program : Readings Cora Morris Griffin a “Spanish Mother" Anon b “The Statue of Liberty” c “Rale Weel". Xichol d “Little Boy Blue" Field Piano Solo—Selected Miss Helen H. Atherton Readings Cora Morris Griffin a “Mose Johnson’s Funeral” Ihckctt* b “II Trovatore” c “Romance of the Hammock" Amm d “Zingerelle" McDoircll Violin Solo —Intermezzo, "Cavaleria Rusti- caua" Mr. A. S. Lacock Readings Cora Morris Griffin a "Mouse Story” Burdette b “Old Man and Jim" Bdn/ c "How Salvator \Von"__ Ella Wheeler H'i/co.r Bass Solo—“My Lady’s Bower" Temple Mr. J. D Rippel. Readings Cora Morris Griffin a “Curse Scene from “Leah" The following is on the authority of the Philadelphia Press , October 6th : “West Chester, Oct. 5. —Bay- ard Heston Sharpe, a member of the Brandywine base-ball team, of this borough, was married this af ternoon to Miss Bertha Elizabeth Thorp, eldest daughter of ex-Bur gess John Thorp. The ceremony was performed by Rev. William E. Needham, pastor of the First Bap tist church, at the home of the bride’s parents. In the spring Mr. and Mrs. Sharpe will leave for New England, Mr. Sharpe having signed for next season with the Boston National Eeague base-ball club. He is a graduate of the West Chester High school and of State College. East year he was an instructor at Bellefonte academy. ’ ’ The Collegian offers congratu lations and best wishes for a long and happy life. SHOES SHARPE-THOR.P. Wear International (lothing. Fall and Winter Suits, Overcoats, Raincoats and Corduroys. Prices Right. Fit Guaranteed. Boom 578 Main Bldir P. M. RAINEY, Agt. Go to J. W. Harvey, FOR Cigars, Tobacco and Fresh" Roasted Peanuts. A lull line of Pipes and Smokers Fancy Articles Allen St. . STATE COLLEGE PA. Sheasly’s Bakery FOR Confectionery. Candies a'ways fresh because we buy direct from Manufacturers. ~Restaurant* Department*.. Quick Lunchfs a Specialty. Oysters, Soda Water. We always try to please our Customers. C. B. SHEASLY, Proprietor, Clothes Pressed and (leaned. Suits 50c. Trousers 25c. Dress Suits 50c. Overcoats 50c. H. D. EASTON, Room 578. Agent for Belmar Clothes Hangers. Students’ Orders Called for Weekly. College Book Room Headquarters for Students Supplies Ist Floor Main Big. Room No. 105 Ice Cream,
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