NOTICE-MEEK BROS. aie in position fo furnish you with Drawing Instruments from Keuffel & Esser Co., Wm. E. Stieren Co., Riefler & Al tender Drawing Papi. rs, Scales, Triangles, Curves, Tee Squares Pencils, Erasers, etc. Every thing needed for the drawing room. Will order anything not in stock without extra cost. In Stationery we have the largest assortment of Box Paper ever displayed in the county, the latest in styles, size and color. Writing tab lets, note, pack, and letter size, ruled and plain, light and heavy, 5c to 50c each. Pencil tablets, note and composition books, vests pocket memoran dums and account books. Pens, pen holders, pencils, erasers, ink, mucilage, paste, card racks and photo mailers Fountain Pens “Parker,” “Wirt,” “Eaugh lin.” Every pen guaranteed. State Pins all the latest designs. Waste paper baskets, alarm clocks, mirrors, tooth, hair, lather, clothes, hat and flesh brushes, hand scrubs, combs, sponges, chamois, etc. Books, Magazines, Novels Eadies’ Home Journal, Satur day Evening Post, and Argosy ordered only on request. Cigars, cigarettes, and tobies, pipess moking tobacco, novel ties for the smoker’s den. Soda Water all flavors 5c., Sundae 5c., ice cream soda and egg phosphate 10c. Give us a call and if we cannot suit you or do not have what you want we will tell you where you can get it. We will order anything in our line for you without extra charge. We take subscriptions for any pub lications for Fraternities and Clubs at reduced prices. Souvenir Postal Cards State College Pennants Terms Cash. THE DRUG STORE, H. D. & P. B. MEEK, A CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY. The various classes assembled at different hours in the Old Chapel last Monday evening to consider the plans of a Co-operative Society, as presented by Mr. H. A. Leitzell, ’O4, present manager of the College Book Room. All classes approved the scheme, of which the following is the substance: Any person connected with the College can become a member of the Association for one year by the payment of one dollar. Each member will be entitled to a share of the net profits propor tional to the amount of his pur chases during the year. An advisory committee, composed of six men chosen from the three upper classes, each class electing two, will represent the student in terests. After the first year only members of the Association will have a vote in electing representa tives. The two Senior members will act in the capacity of president and vice-president of the Association and will audit all accounts of the Association. Prices will be the same as have been charged in the past and no one need join the Association unless he feels that it will be to his inter est to do so. SIDE LINES. Of the twenty-seven most inter esting games of foot-ball played last Saturday there was but one in which both teams scored —the Buck nell-Indian game at Williamsport. In running the ball from the kick-off Yale did not block, as usual, but formed a sort of wedge about the man with the ball and made large gains. Coach Fennell has left. It is hoped that his services may be ob tained a few days before the Dick inson game in conjunction with those of Dan Reed. S. W. Kalin, Hatter and Men’s Furnisher. Students headquarters for hats, Neckwear, Fancy Shirts, Hosie ry, Underwear, Gloves and Sweaters. STATE COLLEGE, PA Joseph Markle Aii nmds ch o j ce Meats at. the Meat Market on Pugh St>. Special Inducements to Clubs. Telephone. State College, Pa. It Will Pay You To buy your Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Groceries, Etc., of us. Our reputa tion stands back of the goods, which are better, brighter and snappier than ever before. HOLMES <Sb CO. Main st. State College, Pa. H. Grimm Merchant Tailor. 30 years experience in Tailoring. Samples of the finest imported goods steady on hand. Dress Suits a Specialty. STATE COLLEGE, PA. S. E. KIWI PORT, BUTCHER and dealer In Choice Beef, Lamb, Pork, Veal, Salt Meats and Poul try. Special attention given to Cat erers. Call and see us on Allen St. STATE COLLEGE, PA
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