finished the half.. . It took almost as long to make the second score, the ball going over the line with but 20 seconds grace. In the second half Partridge took Yeckley’s place at left half-back. Partridge and Wray played with a dash that surprised the coaches. Yale’s heavy backs kept pounding the line until they had hammered out two more touchdowns. Near the end of the game State showed a freshm ss that seemed marvelous. Yale was held on her own tvc-yard line and forced to kick. Wray al most blocked the kick and Forkum caught the ball on the 35 yard line advancing it 5 yards. Before a play could be started the whistle sounded. The Elis made eight changes in their team during the game. These changes were not made to save the regulars but because of inefficiency. Dunn had his man completely best ed. Hogan threatened to take Kinney out several times if he did not hold his own better. He final ly lived up to his word. Saunders made several pretty tackles. Fork um played a star game. Mike Murphy, the well known trainer, said that he was the best all round full-back he had ever seen. The whole team played as a unit to give Yale the hardest battle so far this year. The line up : Yale. position. State. Gates (Stevens) 1 e Barr Bloomer 1. t (Wray) Moscrip Kinney (Hockenb’rg) 1. g White Uoraback (Cartw'rgt).c Dunn Tripp (Turner) r. g Woodward Hogan r. t Smith Hare (Spaulding) r. e Moorehead Owsley (Hutchinsou)_q. b Saunders Quill (Stevenson) 1. h. b. (Partrd'g) Yeckley Morse r. h b Fawkes Stievlm (Flynn) f. b Forkum Reteree—W. C. Wurtemburg, New Haven. Umpire—Samuel Hammond, New Maven. lyinesmen—Hoyt, Yale; Fulton, State. Touch downs—Bloomer, Shevlin, Morse, Flinn. Goals from touchdowns—Bloomer, 4. Time of halves 25 and 20 minutes. CHESTNUTING. Many of the students are taking advantage of the unusually large crop of chestnuts this fall and may be seen bringing in quantities of them daily. The “Barrens” seems to be the best district. “Man wants but little here below, nor wants that little long” but when it comes to his wearing apparel he’s pretty particular The apparel bearing the label B. KUPPENHEIMER & $lO.OO to $20.00 Guaranteed by us and the makers and by us exclusively KUPPENHEIMER & CO. clothes and our sons are destined to do likewise There's something in a name after all—Shake speare to the coutraiy notwithstanding. Step into our store and examine the new arrivals—the neatest, nobbiest read\ -to-wear apparel ever seen in this section MONTGOMERY & CO., JERSEY SHORE 15 COLLEGE 5. In a closely played game, during which, at times, excitement ran high, Jersey Shore defeated the College reserves on Saturday, Oc tober Bth, by score of 15 —5- Many reserve men were brought into the game to be tried out, but the Col lege team did not seem to "get together’ ’ as well as they do against the ’Varsity. The lack of team work was noticeable. In the first half Jersey Shore scored a touch down and goal besides a field goal from the 30 yard line. In the sec ond half, the reserves put more vig or into their play, rushing the ball down the field to the 10-yard line, when Zink took the ball and Price shoved him over the line for the single touchdown. Soon after this Jersey Shore made another touch down. This stopped the scoring and the game ended with the ball in College territory. There was too much “kicking” on both sides, even for a foot-ball game. is designed for particular men These suits and top coats show that Our fathers stood by For sale by us only BELLEFONTE, PA. Groups Flashlights All kinds of Amateur The Mallory Studio PHOTOGRAPHY. Bellefonte, - Pa. We will be represented at State by Guy McEntire. 3rd Floor, Main Building. Tie First national Dante CO. Book of College Views T. 11. Arnold Successor to w. E. KETCH AM. Photography. Bellefonte, Pa.
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