DEMO CIi;A!i AND STAB. 1 ' m i OLOOMGBURG Wednesday, July 4, 1.C66. . ..Axavrzsa to cor.rspoNEENT3 J. - J. : iL-We Lad' no diScultv in ob- t&iaiag the evidence necessary to effect our object, - Ion may 7x037 dismiss the matter; Patriot.' Your cotnmunicatioa vrtxa re Cffived, but as it reflect unon thft character of certain candidates it is laot suitable for publication at this time. Our. opinion is, tnat you are in janed to consider success virtue and a crime. Hrv. T.-Thi bldest, Jewish Synagogue in Europ'J ii ia Frazuc. Germany. -. Fw D. Columbna died in 150G at Val ladolid, Spain, 100 jniles' north west of Ma tin:. - , - - -' IxQtrrasit. "We don't the late Asseor wa3 removed on account pt malfea sance, in Sice, but because he does not sup port the ''Government' hence, ho must be a disumoni.t, traitor, rebel, and should not Hold any oiiice under this administration., SSL. TTe. desire that all subscriptions to vue ciJJi vr tus .uaTii oe immediately eettkd. 4 W. II. Jacobv. 2C?Gou vr as quoted, on our going to press,' at 1.53 Phila., and in N. Y. mar ket It ranged, for the past few days, between 1.52 and 1.54. Quite fluctuating. ' rtr CoL' Tats presented the Editors of this journal, upon the first day of July, with a eou lo of ripe AriLZsy of his own raising, thu season. - XCjiThe-, gold market-has been very ir regular for the past week, and rates .were changing continually ; the fluctuations, how cr. were not violent To Lit. The newly appointed Revenue jLssessor of this District will dispose of about fifty positions as AsiJstant Assessors, Distil lery spies, &c, (o men who will don the Johnson Uniform! Will our down town co temporary be an applicant? 43" If the Question is not considered too , impertinent or inquisitive, we would inquire . of the late Assessor if "every thing is lovely . and the goose hangs as high" as it did the fore-part of last week ? f- tiTA horse, driven by William Verry, on '. last Sabbath, took fright, . became unman ageable, and resulted in the wreck of the ' buggy and serious inguries to the driver. . Ha is, however, expected to recover. The . horse was soon taken up,, apparently unin- - jored. ' '- ' ' ... tST'. Mrs. Scolliy, of Conyngham town ship, was brought before Esquire Reinbold, on Saturday last, for riotous conduct, and in default of proper security to keep the peace, she was committed to the county jail, - at this place, on Sabbath last JCST We observe by the proceedings of a Soldiers Meeting, published in the Lycom r tip Gazette; that Lt A. B. Tate, 1 ite of the Ashland. Aditocati, and now a resident of the city of William sport, ha; been sleet ed as one of the Delegates to the ILirrisLurg Soldiers' Convention. . - - EST" The Democrats of Sullivan County - will hold their convention on Tuesday, the .Slit of July.,', This is considerably earlier than they usually held .their conventions. The Democratic convention of this county will be held at the usual time, on the la.t Monday in August. v,RT ve learn tnat .Mr. JMilons, near ' Epy, cut a piece of Rye, on Saturday laft Mr. Shaman, of Scott, intends cutting his i wheat this week. The harvest has come on touch earlier this season than was anticipa ted. The crops promise a fair yield. ' S3 Not very popular for a Democrat to be engaged 'talking it up for the Columbian. ' Some of - our Democrats are trying hard to ''worm out" of ever having paid a "good . word" for that institution I No doubt they wish they never had. They were old enough, and have had sufficient experience in politi cal mattert, to have known better, and not " "brufctle up" when interrogated as to their ' relations with that institution " ..,,- . .. : " SST Remember ! that our Ftrength is in our principles. Jlepublicart, April 16. If that is the case your "principles" have become very iceak, when we consider that . you are no longer able to hold the ofiice of Assessor, ' Your ,V principles" have failed you, and yonvr party is not "united, compact,. ' olid, firm." There is no doubt but wliat ." ,rrigh't will triumph, and those who remain " true lo the end will be rewarded" with the r cSeea " - , ; . IlCtek GoaED.Bt a.'Bcll. We regret J- to learn that a valuable mare,, belonging to -our friend joiIN HlLly of Centre township, '.was seriously injured on Wednesday last, by 1 being gored by a bull, owned by '3Ir. Hicks. ' ' - The bull b evidently a d angcrous animal, vand should be put where he can do no harm. . It is said that he recently stopped the Loco JTnotive 6ntheL. & B-R. R., and if so, he is decidedly' ahead of Slaymaker's celebrated bull on the Columbia R. R. under the Ritner ' administration he didn't succeed. , 4 ! ' - 53-Reader don't fail to peruse the potiryon our first pager this-week. Some v vslaable hints are given in the. poem entitled "No sect .in Heaven. The 'Campaign Song" is lio pointed and spicy; We have another of these songs in our drawer, still better, and from the same author which we will publish next week.. We hope the time will soon come when the author of most of the original poetry published in -the -Demo- chat and Star will bo rewarded for his ; labors in the good cause. Let the public judge of his merits. : ' ; .. ..X-TT .Let the people look well to their in terests. '. And in doing this, please" examine, in another column, BooA&r & .KREAMxn's advertisement ,of. their. New Store. v They live established themselves in Rohrsburg. , without fabs pomp or show, with the infen , tica cf chics a permanent business. Their 'motto rv'Viidc pales and rtnall profit." . They buy with, can affnrdy and are de-"- termincd'to soil as cheap as the cheapest! They cjtj c-l-Iiia t,' reepnnsi?er"aad first-rate bnnness men ; and with their i mm on.-e Ptock, lata .ftyT and very gcnt!emanly clerk.?, we f ;lccr-lj;'nt that they c:m rkare. . Don't Owing to'tha crowded Etate of bur columns, we are unable to publish pur. re-; ceipt3, to the Democrat Ajrfc Star, -for June, in thi3 issue. " ' rt-r ' - :" The July number of the Phrenolog ical Journal, published by Fowler & Wells, New York, contains forty illustrations, por traits of distinguished statesmen, clergymen,' soldiers, criminals, besides a vast amount of reading matter, etc. It can be had for 20 ct3H-per number, or $2 a year; ' . i ; CSS CoL T. B. Searight has been recom mended by the Democracy of Fayette and Greene counties as their choice for the State Senate. ' He will be no minated by , the Dis trict Conference", and elected by the people as sure as there is an Andrew J onxsox. SF The Ladies of the Bloomsburg Ger man Reformed Church, will hold a Rasp berry Festival, in Mr. Snyder's New Hall, on Main Street, commencing Wednesday evening,- July 11th, to contiuuo every eve ning during the week. The public are re spectfully invited to attend. SAR5APARILLA. It is hard to kill out the medicinal use of this famous root It must be excellent, or it would not be demanded so extensively. - After all, good as it maybe, the Iodule of Jji'me, which the Boston chem ists combine with it, is a more valuable alter ative and tonic than Sarsaparilla. - TheSar saparilla with Iodide of Lime must be a sci entific and valuable remedy. "We still live." TheBuckalewand Cowan appointment of As.sesor for this District ha3 not been confirmed by the Sen ate. Y e rest easy. hambhean, May 3. We uiight infer from the above that if the late Assessor, "rested easy" while the ap pointment was not confirmed he rests ?n-casy since the confirmation of Mr. Clark, his sue- cessor. it is prooawy necessary tna& some of his friends should hole after him ! Charles E. Boyle, Esq., has been re nominated for the Assembly by the Demo crats of Favette Countv. , His election is bej-ond a doubt. : - - In Greene County the Democracy have nominated John Phelan, Esq., as successor of our friend Rev. Thomas Rose, who served his constituents in the Legislature with hon esty and fidelity. Mr. Phelan will be elect ed in that District by a handsome majority. SSsf Some of the shop-keepers of this town were taken by surprise, a few days ago, when they were informed by one of the peace-makers, that if they continued selling fire-crackers and such combustible material, he would have them prosecuted and punish ed as the law directs. . Our streets have pre sented quite a different appearance ever since the nuisance has been stopped. Boys, in squads, were annoying pedestrians and frightening horses, in this place, nearly every day in the week until the proper steps were taken to prevent it By common con sent, it has been agreed upon, that the boys may fire aicay as much as they please on the Fourth. ' ' Poor IIorsE. At a meeting held by the Commissioner)), in this place, on Satuiday lat, it waa unanimously resolved to postpone the purchasing of a Farm for the employ ment and maintenance of the poor. It ap pears there are other townships, besides the four that accepted the bill, that would like to join in building the poor hou!e, but can not do so without further legislation. They ari shut entirely out, at present, by their own action, over which many of them feel like repenting. Bloom township, alone, had better purchase a piece of land for the em ployment of her paupers than to continue supporting them after the present system. But, there is no question about it, the more go together in the new plan, the better it will le for all concerned. The Senior editor of this paper offers for sale an "order" given by Grovesteen & Co., of New York, to the amount of one hun dred dollars, to be applied a3 part pay ment on one of their three humlrrd d'jJlar Plvno "Fortes, which we will dispose of upon the most reasonable" conditions. This firm has the reputation of making the best instruments in this country. Their instru ments received premiums at the World's Fair held in England, the United States Fair at Chicago, and the Great Exhibition in New York, a few years since. They sell at prices ranging from $300 to $500: Any person wishing to purchase a first-class Pi ano,, the most improved and beautiful, will do well to purchase our "order" on Grove steen k Co. , New York. . To Our Patrons. Four months having expired since the consolidation of, the DEM OCRAT and Star, we will be obliged, owing to the continued high price of printing pa per and other material, to collect from all those of our patrons who Vhave not as yet paid us, tico dollars and ' tiecnty-five cents, and from those who neglect the matter and leive their eubscriptions run six months, two DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS. Two dollars m advance $ the lowest living figure, and when we do not receive our pay at the commence ment, our patrons should not find fault with us for asking the small additional amount. 3 On last Thursday afternoon we en joyed the pleasure of witnessing the closing exercises of the Spring term of the Blooms burg Literary Institute, under the auspices of Prof. Carver. The" students performed their parti in a very creditable manner, lx)th to themselves ' and ; their preceptors. The declaiming by the males was very good, con sidering their age; the compositions by the females were excellent and well read, and. by their application to'ficts and circumstances of the present; they undoubtedly were origi nal, as their tutors desired they should be. The whole entertainment being interspersed with music, both vocal and instrumental, made it doubly interesting. , The closing re marks, by Prof. Carver, were instructive, polite, and very effective, and the fympathy exhibited by the pupils went to show that while he was very Ftrict in his :echool dlsci pline,ho enjoyed the obedience, respect,and love of his entire ' school. ' Considering the short time Prof. Carver has been in our midst, we iielleve wc arc right, in symj that he has won- the confidcBcc of all who know him, and therefore, will be retained lo take cnarge or V.; P Tia in ilia tipw "Knriilinfra A Series oil Hori'ibie dVIurdera. A ncsBAXD BrrcnEri his Wrre Am) Step daughter WITH AN AXE. fKom the Columbtii fMidi. Journal. June 19ih.1 ' We are called Upon t'us evening to chron icle one of those terrible cases of crime which from time to time startle our peaceful com munity, and make us question our individ ual safety when such criminals are abroad in our midst ." . ' , . . Yestenlav afternoon a man named Isaac Van Aucken, residing in the township of Medina, killed bis wile and nerdaugnter with an axe. The particulars, as we learn them from the criminal himself, are substantially as follows : ; . He claims that a number of relatives of his wife are leavued together as a band of thieves, and that he has been made to suffer from their depredations, having lo.t a horse, har ness and other valuables, and having been severely punished by his wife's brother about two weeks since. That at times his wife would appear to favor him, and then again to seem linked in with her friends to com plete his ruin. Things had been going on in this manner for some time, when vesterday afternoon the subject was broached" in conversation. High words ensued, lid censured his wife lor turning from him to assist others in robbing him of his possessions. His wife replied in sultingly, and he made some demonstrations toward offering her personal violence, but two of his sous were present who entreated of him. not to injure her and he desisted for the time. The two women soon after started for the back part of the house, closely follow ed by the criminal. The conversation still continued, and upon reaching the woodshed, in replv to gome complaint of her husband, Mrs. Van Aucken said : "There is the axe; take it and finish me I" Van Aucken replied. "I have been ham mered once on your account, and I won't suffer it again. As he spoke 4ie sprang tor ward and dealt his wif j a blow on the head with the axe. fellins lur to the srround. He then started in pursuit of his step-daughter and struck at her. but t he did not receive the full force of the blow, and he passed on, for a few steps, impelled by his own momentum, lie returned to the cirl and struck her nnon the head, killing her instantly. Fearing lest the blow administered to hi wife had not been sufficient to cause death, and that she had cither fainted or was shamming, and be ing determined on her destruction, he wont to the place where sho lay and buried the axe in lier throat, almost severing her head from her body. The prisoner is aboit forty ycars of age, rather below the mediiura statue, with dark hair, grey eyes, and sandy whiskers. He was a well-to-do farmer, having a fine place, under a good state of cultivation. A man of nither ordinary education, but industrious and enterprising, he was highly esteemed bv his neighbors who were not connected with the family on his wife's side. A Man Murdered for Twelve Dollars Prevalence of Crime in Chicago. From the Chicago Tribune, June 20.J Coroner Wagner held an inquest yesterday forenoon on the bodv of a man named Wil liam Downey, found floating in the river near Ylrie street bridee, about five o'clock on Mon day evening. The inquest was held at the house of the deceased, corner of Division and Vine stpeet. and the little evidence ad duced thereat indicates mosteonclusivehtbe recent commission of the foul double crime of robbery and murder by some of the gang of garrotters, highway robbers and assassins who at the preseut time infest our city. It appears that Downey has been a temperate and industrious laboring man, regular in his habits, and ever mindful in his conduct of the responsibility resting upon him as a hus band and parent. There is, therefore, no ground whatever for the supposition that he might hare met his death in a drunken brawl, or by some ac cident caused by intoxication but the man ner of his death is not left to surmise. There are fact which tell with painful plainness the fearful story of a cold-blooded murder, committed to effect a petty robbery. Down ey left his house on Iriday evening last for the purpose of collecting a small amount of money due him for some labor he had per formed, and from that time was seen no more, until his corpse, covered with the filthy ooze and slime of the river, and bearing marks of a violent death, was brought home to his ag onized widow and her two fatherless chil dren. He is known to have obtained about twelve dollars, and this is believed to have been all the money in his possession on the fatal evening, but upon his corpse no money was found his pockets had not only been emptied of their contents by the murderers, but had been turned inside out, while his forehead battered in bv a sluncr-shot ainar- cntty, and his upper lip cut through by a blow, completed the little circumstantial evi dence, proving effectually that he hadjween waylaid and murdered on his homeward way for the mere pittance of money which he Eossessed. The jury returned a verdict that o "had been robbed and thrown into the river by some person or persons unknown," and this is probably the last which will ever be heard oi the horrible affair in this world. 3IiiiDER in Missouri The Murderer IIuno r a Mob. From the SL Lewis Democrat. June 19. We loam from Dr. Hill, cf Carondelet, the following "particulars of a tragic affair, which occurred in the Columbian Bottom on Sunday last : On Sunday morning lat John Augustine, an esteemed citizen oi' Carondelet, left that city, in company with a friend, to visit some friends at Columbia, Monroe county, Blinois. JIc took a gun with liim for the purpose of hunting on the road, after stoppung awhile at Columbia, the two friends started back in the afternoon. On the roadside, two miles this side of Columbia, they came to a saloon called "Fort Monroe," and went iu U get some Foda. Two drunken men were in the saloon, engaged in breaking the furniture and tumblers ; not liking the appearance of things. Augustine and his friend left the sa loon without saying a word. They were pursued by one of the ruffians, named John Lane, who overtook Angustiuc, wrenched his gun from his hands, struck him on the head with it, and knocked hint down. As he fell Lar3 struck him a second blow with the gun, which broke his neck. The friend of Augustine made his escape. A short time after thisi brutal murder, Dr. Payne passed along the road, and found Au gustine lying-dead- Several others came up and Lane was pursued., shot in the arm, and after a desperate struggle captured and ta ken to Columbia. He was taken before a Justice of the Peace, who made out a war rant, committing him to the county jail at Waterloo to await examination on a charge of murder. He was placed, in charge of a constable and a strong guard to be conveyed to Waterloo. By this time the populace began to assem ble iu Columbia t 1 was stated. that Lane had murdered a woman and her child in the Bottoms, about two years ago, and he was known to be a desperate character. The excitement increased &i the details of these murders were narrated. The mob finally be came furious . A charge was made upon the wagon in which tha prisoner had been placed, the constable ;nd the guard were scattered, and the trembling ruffian and mur derer was taken from the wagon, dragged through the streets of Columbia to ft spot half a mile west of the town, where a rope was tied around his neck, and he was sus pended to the limb of a tree until he expired. After Lane was pronounced dead, his body was cut down, aliole was dug in the jrround thrown, hastily covered over with earth, and a pileof stones heaped upon him to mark the spot of his burial. a. These summary pro ceedings were participated in by between five and eix hundred people. " Mr, Augustine leaves a wife in Carondelet, but no children. ' " - - The Texas Election. . , See how the Radicals are beginning to quarrel about the politics of the Southern States. We have only room to give an ex tract from the New York Tribune, and the comment by the New York Times, hereto fore, both disunion papers, but evidently the Times is backing down from its former Rad ical position. " The Tribune says : "Texas has just held her State election, and Throckmorton, . "Conservative," is chosen Governor. He was a slaveholder and a rebel, but both Slavery and the rebellion being dead we don't see what he wants to conserve. The Times says this : "As, in the eyes of Congress aud the Tri bune, there is no merit in Southern loyalty, what else but "Conservatism" can be ex pected ? Tennessee and Arkansas are loyal, but are held at arm's length. Their mem bers of Conpess are devoted and loyal, but have been fieft out in the cold' ' for eight montlis. If good and true Representatives had been admitted to their seats, we should have different results in Southern elections. Butj unhappily, we have changed sides. Se cessionists endeavored to divide the Union. W e resisted and defeated them. They sur rendered their armies, dissolved their Gov ernment, and offered to return to their alle giance. JJut we. though during the war in sisting that the Union was not and could not be severed, now say that it is divided, and that neither the Southern States nor their Representatives shall be admitted into the Union or into Congress unless they enter throuirh the "needle's eve" held bv Tiiatv Stevens. While loyal members of Comrress from Southern States are reuulsed . and re jected, what encouragement is there for loy alty ? Even the good old man who endeav ored in vain to beguile "rude boys" out of ins appie-tree was prompted to try "what virtue there was in stones." v General News Items. A few days ago the people in a neigh borhood in Henry County, organized a Sun day school, but the Radicals forbid the teach ers to teach unless they should take the oath. The school wa? broke u up. The alleged eorruptionists of the New J ersey Legislature were in Court on Tues day, at Trenton, and were bound over till October for trial. - - A horrid murder occurred in Edinburgh, Johnson County, Ohio on Friday. A soldier, by the name of Dittman, murdered Martha Bennett, with whom he had been living as his wife. He shot her five times, beat her with his revolver brutally, and then set fire to her clothes to make his work sure. Ditt man was arrested and lodged in jail. Some genius has discovered perpetmd motion.- It consists in the perpetual mo tions of the. Rump Disunionists to amend the Constitution, so as to secure perpetual power for themselves. The machine works admirably so long as the people are kept away from it Nebraska has gone Democratic. The Democratic majority in the Legislature, on joint ballot, is 8, securing the election of two U. S. Senators. Last yeartho "Republican" majority was 1,000. Babylon is fallen! Hurrah, boys, hurrah! Governor Hamilton, of Texas who has been here for several davs, comes under an agrccmcut with certain parties or schemers m Jus otate to betray the rresident Ham ilton has had a lengthy interview with Mr. Johnson, but managed to evade any allusion to the proposed apostacy. The President, meanwhile, had been fully informed of the plans ot Hamilton and his confreres. Another "loyal" fellow. GeortreN. Car leton, it seems, ha left the Government 1 rc:isury minus about half a million dollars, as special agent and actin? surveyor of cus toms at Memphis Tennessee. The Rumn House lias appointed a committee to send for persons und papers, and to overhaul the evidences oi jus guilt John W. Forney announced himself a candidate for United States Senator, in a sjeech at Lebanon, a few days ago. Twas well for John to go to the rural districts to make his announcement. Had heDrocIaim- ed himself a candidate for the cast-off shoes of Edgar Cowan, in Philadelphia, the very bricks would have laughed at him. Senators can't be made of such stuff. MARRIED On Tuesday, the 26th day of June, lSofi, r5" .Montgomery Lole,, .Mr. J'.ZRA U est. of Luzerne County, and Mrs. Ada- line Riddle, of Columbia County. D 1 El). In Jcrsejiown, on Friday, the ' 20th uTt, Dr. Simon Cotner, aged about 4." years. B LC 0 M SB r UC 311 R K KT. WIIEAT.pcr buhel. 3 (10 Rl'TTEIL - 25 KVK. 1 So KUGS . . . 5K) t'ORV, 1 10 POTATOES. - S M) KLVKWHEAT. 1 CO WUEO AITLE3, 3 t FI.OUK per bhl. 14(10 HAMS . - . CI.OVERSKED. 5 50 BACON. - - lti FLA X SEKIi - 300 l HAY by the ton. 15 CO BUCK Willi AT Flour. 300 J L.ARU. per lb- 2j NEW A PVERTISEM E NTS. WHISKERS ! WHIERSTI Dr. L O. Mowrsz' Crrrili. the rreatept tiinijlator In the wcrl.l. will force WhmWi or Mu-tarhp to irrmv on the amoothest face or chin ; nerer known tn foil ; .ample fur trial lent free to any one deiron of testing it merila. - Addreia, Seivei St Co., T8 Nassau Street N-w York, July 4, ISiS. 3n. . . ' CAMPAIGNS OF THE ARMY OFTHE POTOMAC. BY WILLIAM SWINTON. The Standard History of the Grand Arnty. The trratel Work on tbe War. Universally ereloriieil by army officers and? th e press. THE AUTHOR. SAYS: "I Me.ign in this volame to record what tha' Ar my did aud suffered in ten campaigns and two score battles." I shall hare to celebrate 'the nnswervinr loalt of tbis army, that ofuiinca when the bond of milita y cohesion failed, held it, unshaken of fortune, to a duty self imposed," ' I shall have to follow it through a checkered ex perience, in a tale comntincled of (rest misfortunes, rrrat follies and f retft glories ; but from the first to the last it will appear that.amid many buffet of fr tuae, tbroa.h "winter and rovgh weather." the Ar my of l be I'otomacneTitr tare up. bat made a good fight and finally reached the goal." 'I HE "ARMY AND NAVY JOURNAL" FAYS "Tbis ia the only American critical work on the late war, and it is thoroughly critical and entirely divested of all political hue r tone." This i the only History ofthe 'Grand Army and noone who ba bWne a part in its conflicts, or is in terested ia its grand achieve went s, should be with out it This work sells itself. The people are tired of political and partisan hislorfes, and want something from official sources. We have Agents clearing over $i00 ptt snonth Send for circulars, and see our terms and proof of lh r sore assertion. Address, - NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO . : ' SO? Minor fcU, Philadelphia. Pa. July 4. 1P t. . .. T I III MICH ! ITCH! X ' SCRATCH '. SCRATCH ! SCSATCH ! WHEATON'S OINTMENT Will Core Tbe Itch in 18 Hours- Also cures SALT RHEUM. ULCERS, CHIL BLAINS, an J all ERUmONiS OF THE SKIS. ?ri-e SO cent. Kor sate by all Druggists. By sending 10 cents to WEk KS at POTTER.l Agent. -ITO Wash ington streeC Boston. H"will bo forwarded by mail. HEAD ! AHEAD ! ! Latest and Grandest opening oftfce tedson at ' BOQART 80 KREAMER'S Cheap and Extensive Dry Goods Empori um at Where they will offer tbe newest and most desirable styles and qualities of FOREIGN AMD DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, embracing all the latest varieties and styles in the market. . InlheDry Onnd line they offer tha following, auioug many other articles sold by PAKIC PRICES, Plain Black and Fancy Dress Silks, Calicoes of every description and figure, liUck and Colored Mohair Alpaccas. Real Organdy Jaconet Lawns ; IT2uIiiis Siiccliuzs. Pillow Case ill 11 si ins and Linens. Tickings. - Checks. Colton Pantaloon bluff. Linen Drillings, Flannel. Colton and Linen Table Cloth. For the latest style ' of PABASOLS and UMBRELLAS. - for Ladia and Children, call upon BOG ART 'it KREAMEU. ' They also keep on hand a complete assortment of iotioii and Groceries, consisting, in part. Cloves. Hosiery of all kinds. Balmoral. ;nnt-t Ribbons, Summer Hats for men, women and children. Head-dresses, lace vei's. pen knives, combs of every description, pencils. pen. paper and ink ; Also, Sugars. Vlolas-es. 'good syrups.) salt, pepper and spices, Maekerel of gitd quality, cheese, butler and cegs. hams, shoulders and sides, 'i hey also have a full assortment of ' surh aa axe's, nail and spikes, screws, hinges and bolts. I'alnt and Oils, Cedar Buckets and Willow Baskets, &c. &.C. .BOG ART & KREAMEU, sell cheap for Cash, or Country Produce, which will h. an a v.-h n f". . r ....! . C t m (hum a rl I and examine their extensive assortment for your selves neiore purcnasiug eiswnr DOG ART Sc. XREAMER. . July 4. IrCs. tf rp H E N E W " " Spring & Summer ITIediciiie ARS.PAR1IIA COMBINED WITH IODIDE OF LIME, PKF.PJRED FOR C. W. PETTES, BOSTON, By JAMES R. NICHOLS & CO. 3 fan u fact tiring Chem itts, MANUFACTURERS OFTHE ELIXIR PERUVIAN BARK WITH Protoxide of Iron, Which has become so favorably known as a TOJWC Jt.YD RKSTORA1 IVE. By Physicians aud Invalids in all parts ofthe cotin tO'. The new preparation. ''Sarsaparilla in combina tion with Iodide of Lime." present One of the most prompt alterative agents, in a form capable of exert ing full action upon the system, and this in minute and pleasant doses. It is conceded that the altera tive, resolvent, or tome elfect of Iodine are exert ed mo t decidprily wuen assnciited with other altrr alive, in combiuatiun ; and tbe Sarsaparilla seems to fulfill perfectly all the favorable requisition. The first rift ct usually observed when 3ARSAPAKILLA WITH IODIDE OF LIME" is taken, is an increase of appetite showing that it has tonic properties of a marked character, lis al leratrvs elfect. are manifest in it ready combina tion with tbe blood and tissues Palo, scrofulous women and childre n improve rapidly under it use, and the vital functions assume a healthy condition. It is admirably adapted to a large number of chron ic or acute arTectiona peculiar tn children. It is suit ed to them both by the mildness and efficiency of medicinal effect and the pleasant, attractive form of tlie remedy. It may be given for a long period where constitutional influences are desired, and no repug nance, or disinclinut on to take tne syrup, encoun tered. In White-gwrilings. Hip-Joint Disease, and I'isiortioiia of the should bi given persist ently, iu moderate Lutes, until relief is obtained. In the Spring of the Year, and during the Warm Wvatner, the accumulation of morbid matters in the system serins to become manifest and very tronblesome Las silude, Headache, duls, Costiveues, Loss of Appe tite, Pains in the Joints, Indigestion, etc., are very common. Nothing ever devised i bettxr ada-.ited lo exterminate or U.-l ve oti'thes': ntf etion. thin this ne w combination of SARSAt'ARILLA Wil li 1UDIDE OK LIME. Aa preparation like it, or which approzimateg to i; at an Alterative,' or Blood Verifier, hat trrrbrfortbee plated Kit him the rear h of invajtd. Indeed, it is an entirely hew and sciehtific combina tion, ia no respect resemoling anything hilhei to em ployed. Tho opinion of medical men concerning it. the de scription of its chemical character, therapeutic val ue, maimer of use, etc.. are given in a circiilnr, which ran be had at the store of ai.y aud all first class Druggists. Sold m Bloomsburg. wholesale anc retail, by Eyerie Myer, and all Druggists June 6. lmC 6m. IVotice in Partition. In the matter of the Estate of Ei t Jerich If'ssj late of Sugarloaf toicnship, Colum bia county, drceastd : To Joreiniah Hess. Thomas Hess, Aa He. Aman da Kline. Frederick lies, I.nry Ann fhnltz Maria. Sarah .and Belinda Hess. who have for th ir Guard ian David Lewis, Hannah liendershnt, Catharine Drink, Sarah Lewis, blizabeth Hess, and Vary Hess, heirs and legal representatives of Fredcnck Hess, deceas ed You and each of you will take notice that an in iiet will be held at the late dwelling house nf Frederirk Hess, deceased, in the to-vnshin of Stiearloaf. county of Columbia, on WEDNESDAY, THE IITH DAY of Ji;i, . i ri. bcitvecn hour ol 9 o'clock. A. M , and i o'clock P. M.. of said dav for tbe purpose of making partition ef the real (state of the said deeeMxed lo and among bis children and legal represent Hives if the came can be done without pnjudice to or spoil nig tbe whole, otherwise to value and ppraise the same according to law, at wbici time and place you are required lo attend if you think proper. AMU EL SNYDER, ihcrij. June 6, 18CS.- 4w, V RAPPING AND MINING PA- ? PER. Having thoroughly overhauled my Pa per Mills at Mil! Grove, near Bloomsbure. Columbia County, Pa.. I am now prepared tn till all orders for Wrapping, Dry tllasting ana Water Proof Paper, on short notice and fair price?. I have opened a ware house in Wilken-Barre. and appnin led Joseph Brown 01 the firm o it row 11, GrayJt to., my agent to dispose of uiy paper in Luzerne County. THOMAS TRENCH, Uloomsburg. fjept. 16. ISTki. KITING. : l.J SEALED proposals will be received by the Board of School Director of Scott township, at Charles S. Fowh-r's Espy, on SATURDAY, JCLY H I'H 13l6. between the hours of two and four o'clock. fir tba bunding of a new Two Story Fume School House. 4-'. feet, stories II feet each. Plan and specification will be exhibited at the place atid lime of letting. PETI ER ENT. JACOB TERWILLIGER, Sec'y. Treat. Scott Iwp. June 27. lrffiS. 3t. C7" All Cnunty papers please copy. Administrators iYolice. Estate of George Pfi il, late cf Orangetovcn . . ship, deceased. . . LETTERS of administration on the estate of Gc Pfeil, late of Orange township, Columbia county, have been granted, by Hie Register of said county, to Samuel tverttt, who reside iu Oranpeville. towng ship and ccunty aforesaid. All persons havin rlaims against the estate of the decedent are requcs tep to present tnem to the administrator for settle ment. and Urnse indebted lo the eslata will make immediate payment to SAMUEL EVER ETT, Jldm'r. Orange twp. June 6. lc!6ti. 6 GENTS WANTED. J. T. HE AD LETS NOW READY. Complete in TWO VOLUMES, also in OXE. It is admitted to be the most htcsistiso, fofi'MK. and VAiAitsi a History of the Rebellion, which is fully at tested by the c aormous sale of X-Md.OOO volck.cs, and a large portion of the country still nneanvassed. . VV are obliged to run our presses night and day to enable us to supply our Agents. Men of cnararler and ability, woo aesirs a lucra tive employment, will find this a rara opportunity. . Tbe price of tha work In one volume is so low. (compared with other Histories) as to bring it within the reach of all classes For lull particulars send for circo'ar. Address. AMERICAN PUBLISHING COMPANY, , 148 Asyluja Street, Hartford. Cona. June 27. 13W5. . t T3LANKS ! -BLANKS ! I EAL ESTATE FOR SALE. E state of William Robison, deceased, 3 Valuable Dusinss Stands, On Main Street. Bloomrborg, adjoining the Court H ou se and nearly opposite th Exchange iRteL TWO SMALL HOUSES AND LOTS, on Ridge Alley, known as tha "Spring Lots r '. ONE HOUSE AND LOT, on Rock Street. Also TIMBER LAND in Jay town ship. EIX county, , . ABOU 1' FIVE HUNDRED ACRE, well timbered with White Pine and Hemlock, good farming land. 1 Tbe above property will be offered at PRIVATE SALE, until the 1st of AUGU8T next, on which day, if not sold, will be offered at PUBLIC SALE on the premises, near tbe Codrt House, at 10 o'clock A. M. (T7- Apply to the subscribers, or to Miss Isabella Robison, Hloomsbnrg. Pa. . ALr.X. KOKISOV. Maucb CMtmk. 1 A PARDEE, Ha leton. ( tx "' Jane 6, Hud. u Ci HEAT ATTRACTION J AT 12 5X 0 CO 53" 9 S3 !ioci;i:y store. THE undersigned begs leave to announce to the citizen of Klnomsburg .and the surrounding country Hint he seeps ronstan ily on band at bis old stand, on the south east corner of Main and Iron sis., a prime lot of GREEN A NO BLA CK TEA S, Coffee, Sugar, Syrups. Tobacco, Cigars, Dried Fruit, Coal Oil. Snuff. Spices, Butter. Eggs. Lard Cheese. Dried Beef, Crackers. Drugs, Parlor and Hand Lamps, Paints of all kinds, and paint brushes. Dye Stuffs, Dry Goods, Calicoes, Cloths for boy's wear. Coups, Flour, Chop, Queensware, Glass, Put ty, Salt. Fish. Meat, Caudies Buckets, Brooms, Hosiery. .Books, Writing Paper, Ink, Hardware, Pocket Knivss, Comb, fcc. Ice. Ice. He keeps iu fact everything appertaining to a first class Grocery mid Variety Store. - He is determined not to be undersold. All kinds of produce taken at the HIGHEST MARKET PRICES. Having just received anew Hock, the people arc earnestly invited to call and satisfy themselves. Uy strict attention to busineg. he hopes not only to re. tain his patronage but to increase it. He feels thank ful for past favors, and with mauy years experience in tbe business, he feels confident he can render sat islactioo to all who favor him with their patronage. JOHN K G I ETON, BWmmsburg, June '29, 1806. T.TURRA1I FOR CATAWISSA. THIS WAY FOR BARGAINS Goods to compare with stringency of the Money Mariet, Look and compare prices before purchas ing elsewhere. Juat rail at the favorite business stand of McVinch Sc. Sh uman. .and you will be met by the obliging Proprietors or their Clerks and shown through their great variety Store free of charge, of cnurao. they will give you a fair chance to -pend your loose change, they trust much mote profitably than it can be spent elsewhere. Their STOCK OF DRY GOODS, this Spring i much larger in all Us varieties than iisu.l. Their Ladies Dress Goods areof the nicest styles n Market. They have a fine assortment of lints, 1 .Boots and Shoes, Summer Cloths, Casinets. Cassimers and Vestings, and numerous articles common to such establish ments, besides a general assortment of HARDWARE, TINWARE, Qncensware and Groceries, all at greatly reduce I prices. They wuh to conduct thci r busmesa on the system, of "PAY AS YOU GO' and they think they can afford to sell very cheap. They return their thanks for many past favors, and ask the future patronage of their former customers and the public ( nerally. McNINCII Sc. BHUMAN. May 10, 16f tf. A EATS WAITED mr oca NEW AXD BEAlTIFCh WORK, THE PlCTOplAL BOOR OF 253 & 05333333373 OF THE REBELLION : Heroic, Patriotic Political Romantic Humorous Ac Tragical, Spltndi'Hf IU its irate J with aver 300 jt ForltaiU omJ beaat'ful Engravings, This work for genial humor, tender pathos, start ling interest, and attractive bounty, stand peerless and alone among all its competitor. Tbe Valiant and Brave Hearted, the Pic tureqne and Dramatic the Witty and Marvellous, the Tender und Pathetic, The Roll of Fame and Story, Camp. Pi ket, tpy, Scout. Bivouac, and siege: Startling Surprisers. Won derful Escapes. Famous Word and Deeds of Wo rn an. and the whole Panorama of the War here thrli linjly ah. I sturtlingly portrayed ina masterly man ner. at onre hiMorical and romatir, rendering it the most ample. brilliant aud readable book that the war has called forth. Disabled rfiieera and soldiers, teachers, energetic young men. and all ia want of profitable employ uieut. will rind tbis the beet chance to make money ever yet offered. Send for circulars and see our terms. Address. Aatioiial Piiblifel'iiiix Co. No, 507 y inor Street PIUL.iDE.LPHU. April 25, l&tfi, 3m. jjLOOMSBURG FANCY TRIMMING AND BOOK S70BE, fcrcond dcor below Hartman's Main Street. Just received a new stock of ZKt'H V R3. WOOLEN AND COT TON YARNS, CORSETS, LACES, EMBROIDERIES, MUSLIN, EDGINGS. DRESS TRIMMINGS, and every variety of articles usually kept in a FANCY STOjUL'. A'sftSmnnl Hooks. Hymn Rooks, Bibles, Sunday. School ltonks, and a large let of MISCELLANEO US B O 0KS, Account and Memorandum Cncka. Blank Deeds. Bonds and Mortgage, and a general and well-selected assortment of Paper, Envelopes, A. A.D.WEBB. r.loomsburg. June S3. 1SG6, -tf RUGS, DRUGS, DRUGS. Pure Medicines, at Jnlm R, Moyrr's Drug Strwe, corner t' Main and Market Streets. A good assort ment of i'URE DRUGS, Medicines, Taints. Oils and Varnishes, always on hand, and il I be sold cheaper than at any other Dri g Store in i n. QUALITY GUARANTEED. Prescriptions carefully compounded at Moyer's Drug Store, Ayers and Jaynes Medicines sold at Moyer's Drug Store, Wi-hart's Tar Cordial. Baker's Cod Liver Oil. Wmslow's Soothing Syrup, sold at ' oyer's Drug Store. For any reliable patent medicines, call at Moyer's Drug Store. Leather of all kinds, wholesale and retail, at J. R. Moyer's I'rug Store, D1oouburg, Pa. Way i, JKMi. if. JkTEW QOAL y ARD. The nmlersigned respectfully informs the citizen of lllooni.bnrg and Columbia county , that they keep . II the different numbers of stove coal and selected lump coal for smithing purpose, on their wharf, ad joining McKelvv, Neul ScCo't Furnac ; with a good pair Buffalo scales on the weigh coal. bay and straw Likewise a horse and wagon, tn deliver coal to those who desire it. As we purchase a large amount of coal, we Intend to keep a superior article, and sell at the very lowest prices. Pleae call and examine fur yourselves before purchasing elsewbe re. J. W. H EN UEKSHOT. AUGUSTUS MASON. THE onr-eriigncd will take, in exchange for Coal and Gro-erie.s. h following named article : Wheat. Rve, Corn. Oats. Potatoes. Lard. Hara.Shoiil der.and side meal. Butter. Egg. Hay. e., at the bighesteash prices, at bis Grocery Store, adjoining their coal yard. J. W. HE NDERSUUT. Bloomsburg, April 25. 18141. ly. SAMUEL KNORR, ATTOISXEV-AT-LAW, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Office over Hartrnmt Store, oppotttt Pott Office Bloomsburg, April 4, 1866. tf. ....... . :7M. M. TRAUGH, atiorkey-at-law, BLOOMSBURG, Pa. Will pra ctieo in th several Courts of Colombia and adjoining eoonties. R EW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. ON MAIN 6TIEST. (WBARLT Offg6,' B DlW.Ih; m.w ' THE adorsigned Has Just flited ap. V bis new STOVE AtfD TIN SHOP, In this place, where h is prepared to maka njp J?w TIN WARK of all kinds in bis linj and do repair jug with neatness and disp tcb. JVEnv ,'re'r aonable terms. Healso keeps 9n haad T"VBS of various patterns and styles, which ha will sell apo terms la suit purchassrs. ' Give him a call. He is a goo! mechanic, and serving of tbe pub'ic patronage. Bloomsbnrg. May 8. lHfi. ly. "jy ISS LIZZE jVETERMAN, WoOld announce to the ladles ol Blodnj.burg anrl the public generally, that sho baa Just teoeived Irom ths eastern ci'ies her Spring and siiii"er Putin l MILLINERY GOODS, consisting of all article Usually found in first alasa Millinery f tores. Her goods are of tbe best quality and among the roost handsome and cheapest 4B in nikrket Call and examine them- for yourselves. Nobody should purchase elsewhere before examln ing Miss FelermsTu's slock ol goods. Bonnai mad to order, on the shortest notice, or repaired. Store on Main strett. 3d duor below the store of Mendenhall Sc. Rupert. Bloomsburg, May 2, 18(18.-if. J.J0 ! FOR IIUJJSBERGER'S TOBACCO STORE, in RLOOMSBURG. all you who desire superior article nl chewing or smoking tobacco. His cigars arc made np of tbe finest quality ot tobacco. Every body in town knows where to go tn get a good nrtl clc. He will sell at retail or wholesale to salt ifia purchaser, br. ia not particular. Shopkeepers d landlords generally would do better by purchasing of him than of tbe peddler and huckster that trav el through the country. They run no risk of being; cheated in what they buy. Patrooite regular linos if you wish to get the wor b ot your money. (7" More on Main Street, a few door bckawtha "American House." ' II. H. BUNSBCRGER. May 9. l8T6.-3m. ESPY HOTEL, Espy, Columbia Co. Pa. The undersigned having become sole proprietor nf this well known and conveniently locaud stand, respectfully informs his friend, and the public in general, that he has put his house in eompleta order for the accommodation of boarders, and for the recap tion and entertainment of travellers who may fowl , disposed to favor it with their custom. No expense has been spared in preparing this Htel for the enter tain men I of guests, and nothing shall be wanting, on bis psrt. to uilnislur to their personal comfort. Tbft location, aa well as the building, is a good on, and all togctbet is amply arranged to please the public. ISRAEL MUMEY. Espy. April II. IE(X. if. T PRIVATE SALE. The nnderisigned offers at Private Sate or exchang for town property, a TRCT OF LAND situate, in Orange township. miJway between Light Street and Orangoville, containing about, FIFTY ACJtES, it is In a good st;.te of cultivation. 1 hers Is a good ' HOUst; and other out-buildings on tha premises; also a stream of running water at tbe door. There is also a good SAW MILL with 19 feet fall water power on the tract Adi'resa John C. Albert son on the premises, or tbe undersigned at folk vilt. Columbia county. Pa. VCf luniediate possession given of ths land and Mill. D. L. EVERHABT. Orang; Twp. May 9. 13' 6, tf C C. ?IAKR'S m m$ si m , ?sf . I have opened a new Storo at the old stand of Da vid Stroup. on Min street. Bloomsburg, and will keep on baud a geuerol assortment of cs a? s 0a 3a aa L a ss 3 Such aa Dry Good. Notions. Groceries, Tin-wars, Hardware, Cedar and Willow Ware, Drags, Confectionary. Glass-Ware. Tobacco Hats ax Shoes, Flour. Salt. Pish and Meat : all of which I propose selling at a very low Ogurs for cash or produce. Oir Call and see. C.C MAIR. Bloomsburg, April 18, IPGC tf. ' GROCERIESTNJ IPH. F.LWELL. having boagbt L. Runyon' PRO J VISION STORK is nnw prepared to sell Grocer ies at Whole sale or Retail, as Cheap as theCaap- eSlIIEi:E Y'OU CAX FIXD SUGARS, TEAS. COFFEES. SYRUPS SPICES, CRACKERS, STARCH, SODA. CORN STARCH. DRIED FRUIT. CANNED FRUIT. A'OODEN-WARE. FLOUR, FISH, BEANS. ONIONS, &c, &e. EPH. W. ELWELL. Bloomsburg. Eeb 14, 1866. YyAEL pAPER. " THE undersigned respectfully anaoances to th public that be keeps constantly on hand, at bin old stand, one door below Lull's Drug Store. WALL PAPER. Oil Cloth, and Peper Window Shades, Cords. Tas sels and Fixtures, for Pictures., dec, of the vary latest styles, and is prepared. to do all kinds of paper hanging to order. E. J. THORTON. Elnom.-burj, April 4 lf&C. if Ths nnderiigncd respectfully announces that he has retimed a shop, tn Court House alley, opposite the Exchauge Hoi el. vt here he is prepared te .con duct the harburing bit-in, in all its branch es. '1'heartof coloring whiskers and moustacaes ia practiced by hiui nmst skillfully. He also cleans clothing, making the in lonk nearly aa good as new. upon the niont reasonable terms. Give hiui a trial. 'IT" Hair Tonic i f the very best quality. usd for clean n; hair, kept const-ntly on band, and fir sala S.C.COLLINS. Bloomsburg, April 43. I8V if. y00,0CV 0SlTlNGI.ES & A LARGE LOT OF FENCING BOARDS FOR sale. The undersigned offers for sale upon tha most rasrnalile terms, at his olace of business, in BENTON. COLUMBIA COUNTY, 0.1 e hundred thou sand shingles and a large lot of fencing boards, of the very best quality, both pine and hemlock. J. J. Mct'ENRT. Benton, Slay 9, I6C6. TO FARMERS. J The high price cf Potatoes warrants liberal use "concentrated fertilizer, used along the rows or hills. ani covered when cul tivator ; in like maimer on corn. Prepared by WILLIAM ELLIS A CO.. Chetnikts, No. 7:24 and Tti, Market Street , I hiladelphia. n J for sale by A. S. K ESTER. Agmt, Hloojasburg. Pa. May 10. ie6i.-3m. FAR 71 a't PRI VATE SALE. THE subscriber offers at Private Sale, a Farm sit uated in O'arge Twp., Col. co. Pa. 1 miles from Rohrsburg and 3 from Oraugeville. containing ONE HUNDRED aNJSLX ACRES, Sixty of which is cleared and well improved, tba balance is well timbered. There are 011 tbe premises commodious new buildings a good orchard and a large voung apple and peach orchard, of six )'rs growth, begiuuing to bear. ELEANOR KEELER. Orange twp, March 2S, 1?66 DR. J.R. EVANS, Tbysiclan and Surgeon, f f AVIN'i lora'pd pprmanerilly on Main 1 1 Mrpt. BLOdMSBlTRG. Pa., woold in- form the public genera'ly. tnat lie is preprarnd to attend 10 all business faithfully and punctually that may be intrusted to his care, on terms commensa rale with the times. C7" He pay stria attention to Surgery aa wall as medicine. Nov .25. 1 863. ly. CHARLES B. BROCKWAY, Attoriicy-at-Law. Bounties, Back-pay, Pensions, -c, collected. Special attention paid to matters arrising under the Internal Rsvcnua Laws. C7" OFFICE one door west of the Court Houas, Bloomsburg. Ta. January 17. itfftf. ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE. . . j i Estate of George L. Johnson, of Orang township deceased. LETTERS of administration on the estate of Geo L, Johnson dee'd. have been granted by tha Reg ister of Columbia County, to Samuel Bower of Centra township ; all persona having claims against the es tate -cf tae de-eednt,ar requested to present them to tha undersigned without delay, and all persona In debted to make payment forthwith. - M III.IMII I.IIIIMMIII.I1M IMIWIWIIII II I ' A- N
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers