' -A GEICULTDR A L. ''"IULo ycur o;va clover gcej' ' fiJid', so it trit! an' iwrarlss har 3," like noarly all ag- -rienktiral precept, need qualification. On aIicat farm it Li not easy to grow too much clover, provided it is all consumed on the ' farm, or plowed in aa a manure ; but it is quite easy tu raioc . Clover K perhaps, all thingsconiidcred, the - best renovating crop that can be grown . on a wheat farm. Like peas and beans, clover 13 .a Wsuaihioua plant, and draws a considerable quantity of ammonia from - the atmosphere, while Iti deep roots penetrate the subsoil and bring up potash and other iugredients of plantrfood. It b admirably adapted to our climate," and a3yet "clover sickness," -which ia 60 troublesome on the light soils of Eng lAncL L3 known in few localities in.thia coun try. , " - " " . Whether it is best for farmers to , raise their own seed is a question which deserves consideration. ."We have urged them to do go because we think they will be more likely to sow more if they have plenty 'of seed of their own, man u- mey uuvo w uiwuwv. But it should be borne in mind that the main OUjt-Ci VI CJ"i"o 0 vVv- w : the land, and it is undoubtedly true that let : ting clover go to seed changes it from a ren l ovating to an exhausting crop. ' J John Johnston.in a letter now before us, " says'he has frequently sold from $700 to $1000 worth and over of clover seed, in a TT ,1 1 Ij. - P 1.1. ycAT. . X1C 11 um. ui xxivoM vuvu. ble crops the farmer can grow, put he adds, 'I have known a crop of clover seed exhaust the land more than a crop of wheat.' ' The conclusion is this : , Clover is a great renova ting crop when grown for hay, for pasture, or for plowing under, and should consequent ly be sown liborally. On the other hand, raising seed is highly profitable, but some- what exhausting to the land. Eaise clover seed, but use the money obtained from its sale to enrich the land. , A bushel of clover seed will usually buy six or eight bushels of peas or beans, and these fed to stock on the ' fimi will rofn fn f riff soil, in the form of manure, six or eight times as much plant f.A aa Tiavm-nn rf r-lnrrr peed removed! OnJ kU VI V s- V. w-i , Tin TiA ro rhMt. the soil. Do not induce -f V uv J -v it to eive you a cood crop of clover seed, and then refuse it a share in the profits. In raising clover seed, cut the first crop early say in this latitude, the first or sec ond week of June. It is also important that . the first crop should be mown as evenly a possible that the plants may start equally, n-rl Hatnfnro nynr rt cvrl nriPTi nil nr. thft LUVA WiAUl.U4V WVf V v- - same time. ' It is desirable to get the seed early, say the first or second week in Sep tember. Occasionally a large crop will ripen in October ; but at that season the weather is usually un propitious, and a large number of the heads when'rlpe are apt to drop off in i A . V .. Trt Vt Itn-fVkWk and Dl Vi rT- lira cut" ' A large growth of foliage is sometimes obtained by so wing gypsum on the clover after tlie hay crop is removed, but in a cool, growing season, the seed in this case is apt . to ripen poorly. - " The largest crops are obtained, other things being equal, from land seeded with nothing butelover and in this case the seed should be sown pretty thickly, say six or eight quarts per acre. This thick seeding has a double advantage : You get a finer quality of clover hay, and the plants being thick on the ground the crop is not so apt to lodge, ane can be mown" more evenly.. Six. bushels per acre is sdmetimea grown- on good land when clo ver alone is sown, tut three or four bushels is a fall average.- The expense of growing, harvesting, and hulling is very little, and the seed is practically nearly all profit. Let not the farmer wha neglects and starves his land think that he can get rich by growing clover seed. The profits are not for him. There is no better indication of good land and good treatment than luxuri ant crops of clover. The land that will pro duce good clover will produce good ' wheat or other grain and the negligent farmer de serves neither one nor the , other. . Let him him give the land good tillage and liberal treatment, and it will prove grateful, but if lie starves the soil tEe soil will starve him. Hot "Weather If farmers get what they hope and pray for, we shall have hot weather throughout this month wih just rain enough to keep things vigorously growing, and the rain will most of it come in showers, without wind, at night. A few drizzly days, coming in . parte, at intervals through the 'month:, would be most gratifying to those who want to reset tobacco plants, or to plant out cab bages, but what we most need is bright clear weather tor haying. VV e caution our read ers not to over work, and so lose an hundred ' fold more than they gain. ' Let farmerf see to it that their men and teams have time to eat and rest. Give the hands good wages, -treatment, and exact, in return, prompt, ac tive, cEigent labor, and devotion to' their ' employers interest A word to those who have never had the charge of farm hands : Take care yor. Inow how much a man should do in an hour or day, and never exact too much, nor be satisfied with too litthi. He is a very faithful man who will not taie advan tage of the ignorance of his employer in these particulars. . When there is necessity for lively work, or work during hours or rest, the men will always give it freely if they see the need, but a few "spurts" gotten up with out cause, will do much toward-: spoiling ethcrwise good Lands. - . . . . Ctniixa IIat, Stir well a3 soon as the Ettn is hot, and when the grass is well wilted and hot, rake it into loose windrows ; turn these frequency, shaking out wet locks until say 3 o'clock, then cock up and let these He a day or two if, need be, but employ' the first convenienf sun-shine after the next day to shake the cocks out and warm them through ; thenTgct the hay in. . This curing in the cock is especially good for clover, " but all hay is sweeter for it. " It should nerer get dry and parched. . If dried slowly, the iuiees iave a sort of honey-like character, and will neither sour, -mould, nor. ferment in the nor wia tlio icaves and .heads drop s in I r:-.r ' 'Ccm ..rzll ha very esrth around is J'ict dra 2c THE PERUVIAN-SYRUP i - 13 A PROTECTED SOLUTIOM Ot" THE Urotoxhlz ot Iron, X a new discovery in rut dieine which ' .. BTR1KE9 AT THE ROOT OF DISEASE, BY. gupplyinf tua Ciod wiLb x'.a vital ruiicuu, bi TUii ! the iee'rei of tbe wonderful laeceil of thia remedy io curing - ., . , Dyspepsi, Lifer OompUint, Dropsy, . Chronic Diarrhoea, DoiI Nervoas Affettions, Chills and Fererg 1 ... Humors! Lost of Cou8ti- . tutional vigor, Diseases ,' , of the Kidnejs & - Bladder, Female Complaints, . and all diaeages originating ia a BAD STATE OP THE BLOOD or accompanied by Debility or a lour atato of tb ajraiem Being free from Alcohol in any form. lt enerpi in j effVcxa axa not f..llowd by correaponding reac lion.but are permaneul.iiifuang a'rength, vigor and New Life inte all pnrtnof the ayateui, and bundinj lip an IRON CONSTITUTION. DYSPEPSIA AND DEBILITY . From the VtnerabU Archdeacon 8COTT. n. D. Irwai. Canada Eat. March 24,1303. ' 'l am an inveterate Dyapeptie of more than SS yeara" standing." . have ao wonderfully benefitted in the three abort weeka during which 1 have used the Pe ruvian tifrup.ihat lean acarcely perauade myaclfof the reality. People who bavx known me are aaton ifhed at the change. J am widely known and can but recommend to otbira that which haa done ao much for mo A CASE OF 27 TE.E3' STANDING CURED. FromlNSLEV JEWETT. No. 15 Avon Place. Boston ' . ! hva auflered.-and aomctimca severely, for 27 yeara, from dyapeptie, I commenced taking tbe Pe ruvian Syrup, and found ftninediaie beneAt from it. In tbecoarae of three or four weeka 1 waa entirely relieved from my fUlTuring, and hava enjoyed unin terrupted health ever ainc." ' AN EMINENT DIVINE OF BOSTON, PAVa: I have been using the Peruvian Syrup for aome time pat; it rjvee me new Vigor. Buoyancy of apir its. Elasticity of Muscle.? Thausmdt have itn ckanftd tf tkt um of tkii rematfy from wemk, tuklg.nfferimf creatures. ttrtnjr.kealtnw: and happp men d dun; mmd invalid cannot rmni bljf AetUote tm five U trial, A pamphlet tf 32 pagea containing certiflcatea of eurea and reeommendaiiona from some of the most eminent pbyaieiana, clergymen, and others, will be sent men toauy addresa. 0"Uee that each botUebaa Fiacvia Stbop blown in the glaaa. - FOR SALE BY J, T. DIWSMOEE, Proprietor, 36 Dey St.New JTork BOUO BY A Li DllUGGlSTd. s CROFULA. All Medical Men asree that IODINE la the BEST REMEDY for Scrofula and all kindred diseases ever discovered. The difficulty has been to obtain a Pure tJoLnnow of it. ' . . Dr. 12. Anders' Iodine Water Is a. Pure Solution of Iodine, WITHOUT A SOL VENT 1 1 Containing a Pull Grain to each ounce of : . . water. . ' , . . . , . A most Powerful Vitalizing Agent and Restorative. has eared and will care SCROFULA in all iu mani fold forms. CLCER3. CANCERS. 8YPHILI3.SALT RHEUM ; and it tins been used with astonishing success in ca ses of Rheumatism, fly spep-iaf Cousutiiptioii.Feuiale Com plaints. Heart, Liver and Kidney Dise jses. e. Circulars will be aent mi to any one aenifiug their adilress. . . . Price SU0 a boUle. or 6 for $5.00 . . Prepared by Dr. U. ANDEHd, Physician Ac Chemist Pur Sale by J. P. DLNSMORE. 36 Dey St. New Y And by all Druggists. yff ISTAR'S BALSAM OF WIIiD CHER II Y HAS BEEN USED FOR NEARLY HALF A CENTURY, with the most astouisbing aucccaa in curing Coughs, Colds, lloareeoess, Sure Throat ' Iiifluanzi, Wbonpiog cough, Croup, Liver complaint, Bronchitis, biffi cult j of Breathing-, AstLma, ad every affec- THE THR OA T, L UJVU S 4- C11ES7. which carries ofT more victims than any other dis ease and which balfl the skill of the Physicians to greater extent than any other malady, often YIELDS TO THIS REMtDY when all others prove ineffectual. AS A MEDICINE Rapid in Relief, soothing in Effect, aafe in it Oper ation. IT IS UNSURPASSED ! while aa a preparation, free from noxious ingredinent poisona, or minerals limiting skill, acim e.ai:d medi cal knowledge; combining all that is valuable in the vegetable kingdom for Ibis class of disrate , it is INCOMPARABLE f and is entitled, merits, and receives the general con fidence of tbe public, SEYMOUR THATCHER, M. D., of Herman. N. Y-. write as follows : "Wistar's Balsm of Wild Oijirrt fire universal aatikfartion. It seems to cure a lough by lo. ning and eU-anring the lungs. and allaying irritniion thus removine the cause, instead of drying; up ine cnnph and leaving tb cause behind. 1 consider the Ral.ain as go d as any. if not the best, Cough me-iciue with which 1 am acquainted." Rev. Jacob Sechlee, of Hanover, Pa. Well known and much respeetad among the German populatiorf in this country. makes the fallowing state ment fur the bvm-fit of tlif afflicted, Dkak Mas llaviog realized in my family impor tant bmeiits from the use of your valuable prepara lion WuTAtu Balsam or Wild Chebxt it alfords me pleasure to reconimund it to tbe public. Some eight years ago one of my daughters seemed to be in a de cline ann little hopes of her recovery were entertain ed 1 then procured a bottle of your excellent Balaam, and before she bad taka the whole of the contents of tbe bottle there waa a great itcpruvement in ber health. I buve.in my individual cae made frequent use of your valuable medicjne.and have always been benefitted by it. JACOB SECHLER. , Trice One Dollar a Bottle. FOR SALE BY J. P. DINSMORE, 36 Dey Street. New York BETH W FOWL.E, at fcON. Proprietors,, Boston. AMD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Q RACES Celebrated Salve CURES CUTS.BURN3. SCALDS. Grace's Celebrated Salve CURES WOUNDS.BRCISES, SPRAItfS, Grace a Celebrated Salve - CURES BOILS, ULCERS, CANCERS. Grace's Ctlcbrated alve CURES SALT RHEUM. ERYSIPELAS. Grace's Celebrated Salve . CURES CHAPPED HANDS. CHILBLAINS, Grace's Celebrated Salva . HEALS OLD SORES .PRESH WOUNDS.te. It is prompt in action, removes pain at onee. and re duces tbe mmst angry-looking swellings and iuifla nations, as if by magic tuna affurdimg relief and a complete cure. Ouly25 eents a box I (Sent by mail for 15 cents ) For Sale by I. P. DIV3MORE 36 Dey Etreel,New York 3. W. FOWE SUN, Proprieto -s.Bostoq, and by all Drnggists, Grocers, and Country stores. January 27, lrton ly. LiqTJOBsS i LIQTJSi AVhocsnle anil Ilctail. 'r"HE subscriber would announce to the eitizns of J Bloomsburg and vieioily, that he is selling ' LiaUOHS in large and small qiianil- ... iiee and at different prices, at kis ew atore. on Maia atreet. north aide two doors south of Iron street. Blooms- burs:. Ussstocaor roreiga aaa) bq. i;,' consists af Co? aac aad Rochel e. Blackberry, Gin ger. Raspberry and Lavender. Be has a large ass aortment of - sss Da a S3 Us, a rm Old Rye, gray with agi. fine Old Bourboa. Hd F lks Whiskey, and any quantiiy of coirmoa. He also has PURE HOLLAND GIN, Madeiras. Lisbon. Claret, Sherry and Canpagne Wines ; and last but not least, a quantity of good doube ex.ua BROWN STOUT; a U ot which he will slt at the lowest eaio prices. The public are re -pectfully solicited to give hrs 1 1 711 or a trial. ; , D- W, ROBB1NS. Agenu CHARLES B. CilOCKWAY, Altoruey-at-Lau. Bounties, Back-pay, Pensions, $c.t ' . - - . ' . collected. ' - FTecia! attestion paid to matters arrisinr under the Internal Revenue Laws. C7" OFFICE, oca door wast of tbe Conrt Hoasa, Eioo-nsnarr. Pa. u A. J.'EVANS CLOTHING, E MPORIUM; Acay opposite the Episcopal Chvt 'ch. CLOTHING OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. 1V1 V stock is composed cf fine clothing, mediom and low priced adiipied to all conditions. tastes and wants. ' He has the latest styles for the season a ine assortment f Overcoats and Ge atlcaen's. Shawls, from low to the very best ' His Goodi ate. iathit nnble and well Made. In addition to my stock of ready-made clothing, I have piece goods for custoia orders. , Cloth, Cas-simcrei, &c, &c. And having one of the first class enters, I guaran toe ant in all eases and give satisfaction. Also a variety of " : - : ? . H OOLEX AND LIXEX ShIRTS, Stoeklnr, Neckties. Collars. Stocks. Handkerchiefs everything In the gentienea's line or eiotniiig. Also, hats, Boots and Siloes, Trunks and Carpet bags, ' . I will sell st tne lowest niaraet prices, riease give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. ANDREW J. EVANS, Bloomsburg, Nov. 15, 186,'i. Cntawissa Rail Rod.-On aad after MONDAY. April . ldt'5. passenger trains on tbe Catawiasa Railroad will run at the fol lowing named hours ; Mail t-outh statiohs. Mail North. De. H.45 ant Willis.insport Arr.HI5p.rn. 9.17 . Muncy Dep. 5 45 " 9.4(5 Watsontown 5.16 1 11.00 Mi'inri ", 5 01 " 1U43, Danville - 4 2'l " " itJIU Rupert 40 II.IO" Calawlssa 3.50 - 18. 18 pm Ringiown - V.35 " 12 . Suuimil. . 155 10't Quakalte " 1.40 " 1.20 " i E Mahimoy June. - I.S0 S.15 Dine Tamaqia. Dine 1.10 - 4 85 .Reading 10 40 it An 7.00 " Philadelphia 8.00 " 10 35 ' lNrW York Kead- - BOO JU I in-or Mnuch Chunk, j 0 00 No change of cars between Will js;n4oort and Phil adelphia. GEO. VV. WEUB. Sapt, April 18. 1P66 A LECTIKE TO YOUNG ME.. JUST published, in a sealed enve lopo. Price 6 tents. A lecture on the nature, treatment tnd radical cure of Sptrtnatorhoca, or Seminal Weaknnss fnvo'uiitary Emissions, sexual Debility and Imped imcnts to Marri.ige generally. Nervousness. Con sumption. Epilepsy, and Fits ; Mental and Physical Incapacity, reaultinS from ?elf Abuse, fcc. By Rob ert J. Culverwell, M, D.. ai.thor of th'j 'Green Book,' fee. The world renowned ant tor. in this admirable Lec ture, clearly proves from his own experience, that the awful consequences of Sl f-Abuse may be effct ually removed without Medicine, and without dan gerous rurvical' operations, bongles. instruments, rings, or cordials, poinlir g out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, ay which every s 11 tit-re r. no inalter what bis condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. This Lec ture will prove a boon to thousands. Sent under seal 10 any addresa, in a plain envelope, on receipt ot aix cents or two postage stamps. Also Dr. Cul vcrwell's Marriage Guide, price V5 cent. Address, CHAS. si. C. KLIXE fc CO.. I'.'T Bowety, Ni:w Yoik, P. O. box 43r'C April 18, le!ti. ly Peas 4; Co. BUSINESS COLLEGE N-E. Cor. Tenth ani Cbtwtcut Streets. PHILADELPHIA. The most complete and thoronshly appointed Easi ness or Commercial College 111 tbe country. The only one in the city pos.essinjr a Legislative Charter.and the only one in the United States author ized to confer Degrees of Mi-rit. Diaplomas awarded to graduates in the Commercial Course under its cor porate senl by authority of law. Conducted by geutlemen of liberal education and extensive experieoee in business, and affording une qualled advantaees for the ihoronph theoretical and piaclieal education of young men for tbe various du ties and employment of business life. THEORY ANU PRACTICE COMBINED by a of system ACTUAL BUSINESS TRAINING oririnal and pre tnninrnt'y practical giving the stn- dent in the shortest time a romp Icte irKieht into the science of accounts, nrraiued an. I published bv the proprietor of this Institution exclu.ively for his own use. saving one-half tne ordinary labor of the st-idrnt andcivinf him a complete k nowledgu of iht practice of the bent accountants. THE COMMERCIAL COURSE . EMBUACES BooKeapiogjCorDiDert-ial AriihinetIc,PeD- mandbip, UusinesB Lorrerponderjce, Commercial Law, Lectures on Business Affairs, Commer cial I'atoms, Forms, aad Actual Busi ness Practiee. SPECIAL ESANCIIES. tlgebra and the Higher MatAewatie, PAonographf, Or nancntrl Penmanship, the JiH o LletccUng Counterfeit Money, F.ng ineelmg Sur ttying, JVatigatisn sad Tele-rra'f king . TELEGRAPHING. The arrangements for 'leieirapning are far more ad ranee of any thine of the kind ever our red to tbe pub tic A regular Tele raph Line is connected with the Institution wi'h tw nty branch offices in various parts of the ci'y.where public business is transacted, and in which the students of this fustitntion are per mitted to practice. No regular rfice practice can be bad in anv other school of instruction in the country. without which no one can obtain a position as a prac tical operator, vonnz men lire cautioned against the deceptive representations of those who, without any sucn facilities, preienu m ( sen 1 eiegrapnmg, PATROVAGE. This Institution Is now enjoying the largest patron tronnge ever betowed upon any Commercial school in tfe State. Over nve hundrec students were in attt-n dance the first year, and ov.?r seven hundred during the oast year. Tbe bet class of stuilents mav inva riably be found here, and all its associations are first class LOCATION AND ACCOMMODATIONS. Thia Institution is located in the most central part of the city, and ita ao ommcdaUons. for extent, ele gance and convenience, are unsurpassed. All th rooms have Seen fitted np in the very best style with HUSlN EdS UtTH'Gtl UK UUU tfTIU HOUSED. TELEGRAPH OFFICE, (STATIONARY STORE ATI 9 A BOtLAR BANK OF DEPOSIT AND IS:HTE, supplied with finely engraved lithographic notes used aa a circulating medium mine uvpartment or Actual Business. TO YOUIYG who desire the very brst facilities for a Practical Edncalion for Easiness, we guaran tee a course of infraction nowhere else equalled, wbi'e the reputatisn and standing of the Institution nmong business men make its endorse ment the best passport to success and advancement. Ail contemplating entering any Commercial College, are invited to send lor an 1 iIjIsiKATlu aClRCULAR AND CATALOGUE containing complete interior views of the College, and full " particulars of the course of instruction. terms, ice - L. FAIUBIAKS, i. M , PresidenL T. E. MERCHANT, SupU of Office Business. Nov.4, ItHtS 12m. LIFE HEALTH STUEXGIII. LI FE HE A LI II- ST KE.XGTII. LIFE HEALTH STltEXCTU. Handreda and thousands annually die prematurely when, if they would give tbe Great French Remedy, DR. JUAN DELAXARRE'S Celebrated Specific rills. Prepared by Gabakciehi Sr. DrrWT, No. ?H Hue Lom bard. Paris, from the prescription of Dr. Jnan lela raarre. Chief Phvsiciau of the Hospital du Nord ou Lariuoisiere a fair riat. th'y sioul t Dnd immediate relieC and, iu a short time.be fully restored to Health and Strength It ia used in tbe practice of many euii-nt-nt Freeh physicians.witb uniform success. and high ly recomuradedasthe only positive ad pecific hems rfy for all persona suffering lrm General or Sexua Debility, all derangements of the Nervous Forces .Melancbaly.Spermatorrhoea or Seminal t.missions.al Weakness arising from sexual Ez-Eoergy. Physical Prostration, Nervousness, Weak Spine.t Lowness-of f-pirita. Dimness of Vision. Hj-stencs, Pains in the Bark and Limbs, Impotency, ate " No I tnguagfean convey an actuate idea of the Im mediate and almost miraculous change it occasions to inedeomcted and shattered system In fact.it tan. is unrivalled as an anfailing cure of the maladies above mentioned. I Suffer no more, bat use 71 i 7rrf Frrnch Itemed ; it will effect a cere where all others fail, and although a powarful remedy, roaiuos naiag hurtful to the most oVIieate eonstitotioo PaVpblets.eoiitaining fullpaitknlars and directions for using, in English.French. Spanish and German, ac company each box, and also seat Ire to any address when requested. ... Pree One rHlar pr bo; Six boites for Five Dollars 80U by all Drat gists tbroujrliotit tbe world ; or will be sent by mail, securely sealed from all observation, by inrto'.m? sppcilVrl priev to an-r 8ur&orizrt arms BKWJtRg, OF COUJtTEKFErTs itVD iMITATlOJfS. Propt-ietors exriusive Ageat for America, &3CvfJl Q MOSi-ZkJf CO., 27 Courltand St. New York, AuUiorixed Agents for filoomsborr. ' . J rAJt f MOTFtb.- JPaar'Ue rV. LJYCCCXi READING ; RAIL ROAD. hlMEIJ lilt ARUAKGliMEAT. : v- April 23J, 1806. " ' freat Trunk Line From The North X and North-West for Phlltdelphia. New York. Beading, Pottsville.Tamaqua. " Ashland, Lebanon. Al lentown. Easion. ate. Traina leave llarrisburg for New Yora, aa follows . At 3 0U. 740 and f. (15 A. M.. and 9.00 and 9 20 P M connecting with alnrilar Trains on the Pennsylvania Kail Hoad. and arriving at New York at 5.40 nd lo.ou A. M and 3 40 and ltl.35 P. M. Bleeping Cars accom panying the 3.00 and 9.30 A. M. Trains, without change. Leave Harrisbarg for Reading. roiisviile.Tamaqua. Mineraville, Ashland, Pine Grove, Allcntown, and Philadelphia at 7 40 A M. and 8 tm and 9 SO P M, stop. ing at Lebanon and principal Way tHationa; th V.'iO .M. Train making no close conneciinna for Potlsvillu or Philadelphia. For Pottsvillo. Pc.iuylKill linven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Rusijuebanna Rail Itoas. tens uarnsourg ai u r.iw.i Returning ; Leave New-York at 0 Ii0 A. M. 12.00 noon and 8 30 P. M. : Philadelphia at t) 00 A. M. and 3 30 P. M ; Pottsvjlle at 8 M A. M. and 245 P M; Ashland b 00 and II 15 AM. and 1 Oj P.M. Tamaiia at 9 45 A. M, and 1 00 and H.io P. M Leave Pnttsville for Harrifburg, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail Koad,at7.00 A M, Reading Accommodation Train : Leaves Reading at 8 10 A. M- returning from Philadelphia at 5.00 P. M. Columbia Rail Road Trains leave Reading at 6 10 A, M. and 0 15 P. M, for tphraU, Lttiz, Lancaster, Co lumbia, tte. Oa Sundays: Leave New York at P.30 P M, Phila delphia 8.' 0 A M. and 3.15 PM. the 8.0O A. M. Ttaiu running only to Reading. I'ottsville B 00 A M, Tamaqua30A M , ilarrifburg 0 05 A. M and Read ing at 1.30 A. M. for llarrixbure. nnd 10 A. AI. for Nw York, and 4 35 I. M lr Philadelphia. Coiumu'ation. Mileage, Season, Sciiool and Excur sion Tickets .o and from all point', at rdtir-d Hal-s KaeEage checked thmusil ; cO pounds allow.d each Passenger. G. A. Mi.llLI.S, Gehkbal acrtaistiNDKST. . Reading, Pa. April S3, lSoti. OF Spring .anil SuniisiPi nod., rrllE subscriber has just returned from the cities -l with another large and select assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, purchased at Philadelphia and New York, at the lowest figure, and which he is determined to sell on as mo If rite terms aa can be proeured elsewhere in llloomsburg. Ilia rtbek comprises LAD;ES DHES5 GOODS of the choicest styles and latest fagsiona together with a large assortment of DRY-GOODS, MUSLINS, CLOTHS, and Vt stings. Alio, Groceries,' ITardware, Cedar Ware, Ilollow-ware, A'ais, Iron, 55 00 Aim GUOVS, Bats and Caps, .c. In short, everything usually kept in a country tores. to which he invites the at. temion of the public generally. The highest price will be paid for country produce in exchange lor goods. S. II. MILLER. Rloomsbnrg. Nov. 92 I PAS. WYOMING iiv s UK a i c a ; co .ti pais y, WILKES-BAURE. PENNA. CAPITAL AND SIJlTpurs, - - $150, ASSETS. Stock not called in, - -Bills receivable, U. 8. 5-20 Bonds, Temporary and call loans. $50,000 40.0H0 25.000 6.000 103 shares Wyoming Mann etora. c.iho 56 shares First National Bank at Wilks-Barre, 5.000 70 shares Second National Hank at Wilkes-Barre 7,000 46 slieres Wilkes-Uarre Bridge Stock. - - 2.50 Real Estate, 1,519 Judgment. - - - - - 10-2 Due from Agents and others, ... 7,414 Cash in hand and in Bank. ... l,e4i DIRECTORS. G. M. HOLT.ENBACK, I. D. SHOEMAKER, JOHN REICH ARD. M. M HOYT, SAMUEL W A DMA MS, O. ;oLI.IVS. CHARLtS DORRANCE, Wat. S. ROSS, R D. LMHJB. fHARLE A MINER, STEWART PIERCE, G M I1AKD1NG. CM nOLI.EA:K. President. L. O. SHOEMAKER. Vies Prea f. K. C SMITH. Secbatabt. F. liROWN. Agent. March 25. 1PC3 " msburg, Pa. . OMNIBUS LINE. TIIE nndersigned would refpcctfully announce to the citizens of Bloomsburg. and the public gen- cmiiT. inni re is running an OMNIBUS LINE, be tween thia lace and thedif ferenl Rail Road Depot, dal ly. (Sundays excepted) to ennnert with the aev:ral Trains goin? South a West on the Calawissa and William.port Rail Koxd. and with those going North and South on the Lack. Sc. Bloomshnrx Road. His OMNI BC3-ES sre in pood condition, commo dious snd comfortable, and diaries reasonable. Persons wishisg to meet or see th-ir friends depart, can he accommodated, upon leasonrhle charges, by leaving timely notice at any of t be Ho- JACOB L. GIRTON, Proprietor, Bloomsburg. April 27, jor S28. WOOPSKiirrS, G28. Hopkin s Own lake." Mamcfactubcd and Sold WHOLESALE & RETAIL, No 628 ARCH Street, Philad'a, The most complete assortment of La. lies' Mises and Children's HOOP SKIRTS in this City ; rotten u-a expressly to meet the warts of fibrt olass Tbads ; euihraeins the newest and most desirable Styles and Sizes of -Gore Trails " of every tenth from 2 J-4 to 4 yds. round. -M tn M Sprtngs. at 8 to $5 00. Plain Skirts, all lenstha, from 2 to 3 yds round tbe bottom at SI 40 to $1 15. Our line of Misses'and Children's SKIRT?, are proverbially beyond all competition for variety of styles and sizes -as well as :or finish and durabili ty ; varying-from 8 lo 33 inches in length. t to i gp-iajs at 35 eents to ft? 85. All Skins of "OUR OWN MAKE." are WaBB anted to give Satisfaction ; but But honb as .cch. unless they have, -Hopkin's 4toop Skirt Manufactory, No. biii Arch Street'" Stamped on eat h l ab I - Also constantly on hand, eooo Skirts. Manufac tured in New York. and the Eastern States, which wcsell at very ow Prico. A lot of chean Skirts 15 springs. c5 cents ; SO srrings. I 00 35 sprtngs. $1 l5-3' prings. $1 25 and 40 springs SI 5U. CP Skirts made to O drr and Repaired. 0 r Tsaas Gash. Oub Prick uili 1 , March 7. IBtiti. 4inos. . M. WHITMOYER, ATTOR1VEY - AT - JLAAV, . BLOOMSBURG, P. Office opposite Pot office, over Horfnian's store Buck Iay, Bounty, Pensions and Gov ernment claims promptly collected. . Bloomsburg. Apr. 4. '66. ,Wx. c. bkxszxt, aioi. w. cabpzktib. . . Eitablislied 1828. G. TT. CARPEXTEE, UEXSZET & CO. WHOLESALE DRUGGIST?. 737 Mabxe-i St. one door below Elh. Pfilapblthia. - DRUGS. MEDICINES, CHEMICALS. - FAINTS OILS. GLAr-S. VARNlSlltS, DTES, And every atber art iele. appertaining to the baaiaess. of tbe Kest quality, and at tbe lowest Market Rate If arch 33. 1S6G. C'OQA IflOTH! Agents wanted Vr for tr entire! nrn mrtk'n. j1'"' oot. Ad dresa O. T. GAREY. City Eujlding, Bedford. Maine. mmmA JFl.-MARSHAUL'S - . This Snuff has thoroughly proved Itself to be the best article known for curing ihe CaTarbu. ColU ik thr Nut and lliimciis. It has been fxnud an ex cellent ivniedy in many eaces of Sore Eyes, Drat Bess has been removed by it aad Hsaboih has often been greatly improved by its use. It Is tragrani anl agreeably, and (JIVES IMMKtllATE REUFF To tbe doll heavy pains rauaed by diseases of the Head. The sensation a'ler using it are delightful and InVigorating.K opens ami purges nut all obstructions, strengthens the glands, and gives a healthy action to the parts affected. More tnan THirty Years' OfSaleand use of Da. Marshall's Catarrh and Hsabachb Snuff, has proved its gr t value for all the common diseases of t he Head, and at thia moment itsinnda higher than ever before. It is recommended by many of the best physician, and i a used with great succesa and eatiafaclion eve rywhere. Keadthe Certificates of Wholesale Drug gists in 1854 The undersigned, having fo- many years been ac quainted with Dr. M aBshasr's Catarrh and Head- At he t-wurr, and sold it in our wholesalelrade cheer fully suite. that we elieve it to be equal in every re fcl'ecl, to the ree mti.cnd ationa given of for the cure of Catarrhal Affet lions, and that it is decidedly the best article we have ever known for all common dis eases of the Head tturr t Perry, Boston. f Barnes Park. New Yoik Reed, Austin dt Co Brown. I.amson It Co " Reed, Cutlur st Cs " A r sc D Sands, " Stephen Paul Si Co Israel Minor Co M'Kesson It Robbina " A L Scovill at Co M Ward, i lose at Co " Seth W Fowle, Wilson. Fairbank Ic Co. lieusliaw, Edmands It Co II II liay. Portland. .Me. Bush It Gale, " For Sale b all Druggists Feb. 3, 1BCC ly. Try It. RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES. Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers. CJ-The original Medicine eatiblitbed in 1837. and first article of the kind ever introduced under th. name of "Pdlmohic Waters." in this or any othr country; all other Pulmo tic Wafers are counterfeits. The genuine can be known by the name BRYAN be ing stamped on each Wafer. TlK'se Wafers hnvu been before the public for nearly Thirty Years and Ihe immense sale alia ced.net only in America dji hi foreign countries, fully attest their intrinsic w-r'b. The medical properties are superior to any other article offered for the cure of Pulmonary or Bronchial adVctioiis.and the quantity conuined in each box is nearly double that of the many worthless imitations auvertlseu. Lryan s Pulmonic Wafprs cure Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat. Hoarseness.AMhma. t'atarrh. Bronchitis. Difficult Breathing, Spittins of mood fains in tne cnei iu ipieiit uonnumption and all liseases of the lungs. Notaffordiug o ily temporary relief, but effecting a rapid and lasting cure and are warranted to give satisfaction in every instance. They don-t nauseate like alcoholic compounds, and the medical properties are combined in a form so agreeable and pleasant to' the taste, that any child win reaaiiy taae mem. une dose wil I always atford RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES. To Vocalists and Public Speakers, the Wafers. are peculiarly valuable ; they wi II in one day remove the most severe occasional hoarseness : and Iheir recular use for a few days will, at all times.increase Ihe pow er ami neximpiy oi tne voiee, greaiiy improving its one. compass and clearness, for wbich purpose thi-y are regularly used by many professional vocalihts The very great ceiebrily of this valuable remedy has m ii. a unprmcipiea persons to prepare bass imita tions, which disappoint the jut expectations of the purnhaser, ana injure tne character of the genuine medicine. See that the word "BRYAN," is stamped on earh Wafi.r. and also observe the fan simile of the signa ture ofthe Proprietor. "JOB MOSEsS" on each wrap per, to countefeit which is forgery, OCT" Offending panics win ne ni-nii w n u m wic inn extent o l tne law Brtar'r Pulmonic WafilBs are for sale by'ail Drug gists. JOB MOSFS. 8ole Proprietnr,27 Cortlandt St , N. Y t ub. a, lsoo ly. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. PROTECTED BY ROYAHLETTER3 PATENT. SIR JAMESCL VRKE'S Celebrated Female Pills. Prepared from a prescription Sir J.Clarke. M. VPAf sician Exiraordiuaoy to thi Queen. Thia invaluable niepirine is unfailing in the cure of all those painful and dangerous diseases to which the female constitution is shiiji ci. II moderates all ex cess and removes all obstruction, from whatever eauae and a speedy cure may be relied on iO MAURI ED LADIES, it is particularly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on tne nioniniy periou nun regularity. fcr.arn bottle, price une uoii.ir, Hears tne l.nvernment Stamp of Gleat Britain, to prevent couiiteifeils, i:aui ion. Thete Pills 9hould not he taken he Females during the FIRST TURF.E MOJVTHSof Prcnanr, the are sure tohring on Mcariage,but at any other time they aresafe Eveiy women knows that the bloom cif health mu.l fade, with the slightest irreguinrity -r obvtructiou of t he menses. 1 hese Pi. Is are truly the woman's friend iu the hour of trial, snd the only sure, positive and never failing rure and re gulator "I Miprei.n f na lure from wha ever cause So mild Inat thefeehet ran takfthem with perfect security yet so powerful ia their eJects, that tuey may be safely called, never failine Rprulator. In sll raes of Nervous and Spinal Aff-ctins Pains in the Back and I.iuibs. raliguea light erertion.l'al pitation of the Heart, Hysterics, and Whites, the-e Pit's will eff ct-a cure when ailothermeans have fai ed : and although a powerful remedy, do nnt contain iron, calomel, antimony, or anything hurtful to the constitution. FuH directions in the pamphlet around cacb package which snoum ne cnreiuiiy preserver. SOLO BY ALL DR VOOISTS. Sole General Agent for the Coiled States and British Dominion. JOB MOSES. 91 Cortland St.. New York N. B fl 00 and 6 three cent postage stamps en closed to any authorized Agent, will ensure a bottle containing 60 Pills, by return mail, securely sealed from a'l observation. , Feb. 3. 't.0.-ly. DENTISTRY. HC. HOWE R, SURGEON DBNTTST. KFSPEl Tr ULLY offers his profess lonal services to tne ladies and gontlc men of lt.ontburgand vicinity. He is prepared 10 at'end to 'iill th various opjraltons in the line ot ins profession andis provided w-tli fie latest improved P'JHCF.LAIJi TKETH: w hirl w II bd inserted on gold.platina, silver and rubber br e toloi-sw II as the nntuial teeth Ml ipmI plate and blck teelh manufactured ar all oi er; li'-ns on tecth.carefuily and properly attended t Residence and office a few doors above the Court H Hiie. same side. Pl K.ii8biire. June 0 rf3 rilUTUtiRAMS I tUUHjURArliS 1 1 A NEIF GJILIAZRY IN BLOOMS BURG. TIIE undersigned takes plpasrue in announcing that he lias opened Gallery in the large. Koom over Hartman's Store, in Bloomsburg. Pa., for Pho tographic and Kindred Art. tie is prepared to take i Kiurci nil niuus. Havinr procured the service of an experienced nm irum new rora.ne is prepared to do all s u ay iciurc KslaVlf'. C- Call aud aee before going elsewhere. A. a. UtiMrSTEAD. January 31. 1656 3in. NATIONAL FOUNDRY. 2?r . BI.OOMSHUKG.CO ' prepared ; for to receite orders All Kinds of Machinery, for Colleries, Blast Furnaces, Stationary Engines, MILLS, THPESHING M ACHIN ES. fcC. 4.C. He is also prepared to make Stoves, all sizes and patterns, p'ow-irons, and everything usually made in first-class Foundries. His extensive facilities and practical workmen, war i a nt him in receiving the largest contracts on the m t reasonable terms. lC7 Grain of all kinds will be taken in exchange for castings. ft This establishment is loea-ed Bear tbe Lackawa- na 4 Bloomsburg Railroad Depot. PETEE BILLMYER. Bloomsburg, Sept. 13. 18G3. JOHN C. YEAGER & Co., MAM FACTUREa It WHOLESALE DEALER IN Q. HATS, CAPS, STRAW GOODS, BONNETS AND ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, No. 257 North Third Street. Phila'd. Nov -SI. 18153 IKYEVrOttS OFFICES. D EPINEUIL & EVANS, Civil Enjineers and Patent Solicitor. No. 435 WALNUT STREET.. Philadelphia. PATENTS solicited Consultations am Engineering Draughting and Sketches. Models and Machinery of a'l kinds mads and skil'ully attended to. Special attention given to K EJECTED CASES and INTER FERENCE. Authentic Copies of all Documents from Patnt t'flice procured. N B. Save yourselves useless trouble and trav eling expenses as there is no actual need for person al Interview with us. All busit)es with trrse ra ces can be transacted in writing. For farther in for matioB direct as above, wirts stamp enclosed for Cir cular with references. JYew Stock of Clothing. Sirin mid ui.itiicr Goods- I NVITpS attention to his sto k of cheap and fash- i lonaoie uioiinug at nia More, on MsJX STREET, HLOOMSBUIIG. two doors uhove the JJmirican House, where he has jut received from New York and rat ladeiphia, a lull assortment of ITIcii and Boy's Clothing, ncluding the most feabionable. durable and hand some. DK ESS GOODS, consisting of liox. Hack, Frockf Gum and Oil Cloth Coals, and Pant 9, of all sorts. size. and colors. He also has r-nle- ishnd his already large stock of Full and Winter Shawls ; striped, figured and plain Vests, shirt. cravats, stocks, collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, sua- peoura ana ianry articles. N B. He hnaconstantly on hand a larae and well selerted assortment of Cloths tin I VestuiKs. which he ia prepared to make up to onl. r. into any kind of cunning on very siurl notice ana in tie best of in .li ner. Ai: his clothing la made to wear and most of it ia of home manufacture. A N D dj zmsr- rH rr-a m rif every Description, Fin- and Cheap. His Case of Jewelry is not snmassed in ihi. nlsm l'u snrf amine his geueral assortment of ;ioihing, Watches, eweiry, sic. ate DAVID LO WEN BURG, Bloomsburg, April 20. lcC5. FIIESI9 ARRIVAL AT I'ETKK EN 'PS STOKE. IN LIGHT STREET, OF SPiilIG All SU.TI.TIKR GREAT REDUCTION IS PRICES I 1 AS ins! received from llio Eastern X JL Cities and is now opening at the old stand a splendid assQiureiii oi tr c& Da si m c51 3. 23 cfe a which will be sold cheap for CASH OK COUNTRY PRODUCE Mis stock con it of readies' Dress Goods, choices tv I rat nml lntiL fAahinnm. CAlK;oES,MU.I.INS. GINGHAMS, KLANNELS, HOSIERY, CAKI'E I S. SILKS. HAVLS, lUatlv Jlmlt Clothins:. Satin ETiS, cssi.i. EKES.CO TTON A DES. KENTUCKY JEANS, TUKEALl, &C. QUEENS WARE. CEDAR WARE. HARDWARE, MEDICIN ES,D RUGS, COOTS AM) SHOES, HATS and CAPS, in snort, every wing usually Kept in a country The patronage of hi o'd friends, and the puclic generally, is respectfully solicited. '1 he highest market price ia i for cotiutry produce. Light Street, May 2. ie6C. Lackavanua& Cloomsburg Railroad TWO DAILY TRAINS, -a -N AND AFTKR NOVEMBER 27, 1805. PAS J SENUER TRAINS WILL RI,N AS FOLLOWS LEAVE S O U T II W A R D P M PM Leave Seranton, 4 4i ' Kingston. 6.00 " Bloomsl org. g.-'O Arrive at Northumberland 9.50 LEAVb NORTHWARD. A M Leave Northumberland, 7.00 " Danville, 7-40 " Bloomsburg, 8 2i A M S.5.-. 9'.'l) 11). Ho PM 5H) 5 40 6 3. Arrive at Hcranton. 12 40 Traina l-avinr Kingston at S 30 ennnert with Train arriving at Ill IS A: M for Scranlon New York at S.'O leaving Not tnuuibe-1 md at e!.0U A .!. and Kingston i 30 P. M , connect with Train arriving at New York at lu.oi r. in. Passenger taking Train South from Scranton at 5 5 A M via Noithiinbirland,reah llarrisburg i M P M Kaltininre 5 :'0 P M.. Wanhington 10 00 P M via Ru pert reach Philadelphia at 7 00 P M. 11. A. FONDA, Supt, Kingston. Nov. 23. l?r5. $25. THE $25 Union Business College HANDEL AND HAYDN HALL, Eighth and Spring Garden Struts. PHILADELPHIA. TIIOltfAS MAY PIERCE, A. M. President and Consulting Accountant. :o: Extriordinary Inducements ! NOVEL It PER A NEXT A R R . Vf! F. M ENT OF bL'SINESS COLLEGE TERWS. From April 1 to October I, 1866. AND SUCCEEDING TEARS. LIFE SCHOLARSHIPS, including Bookkeeping. Pu siness Correspondence. Forms and Customs. Corn nicrnal Arithmetic. Cusiness Penmanship, Detect ing Counterfeit Money, at Commercial Law, TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS, SCHOLARSHIPS, including same subjects as above. Time limited to three months. TWENTY DOLLARS, Penmanship. three months, 37 Penmanship si Arithmetic, three months - SlU The saving of coal and cas in the summer months is an advantage of such importance as enables the management of tbis College 10 make a considerable reduction in tbe summer rates. From October 1, 1866, to April 1, 1867, Atd succeeding years, as before. Life Scholarships ..... Scholarships, 3 months, - - tli Penmanship. 3 months, ... . g:n Penmanship and Arithmetic. 3 months, - - $12 SrsctAi. Terms roa Cuss, Soldiess. and roa 1111 Sons or Ministers and Teaiuer. DAY AND EVENING 1NSTSUC TI0N FOR BOTH SEXES AND ALE AGES, in Ranking. Storekeeping, bookkeeping. Penman ship. Pen Drawing. Phonography. Arithmetic, Men suration, Algebra. Geometry . Analytical Ceoinetry, The Calculus. Navigation. Surveying. Engineering. Gauging. Mining-, Mechanical Drawing, Commercial Law, German, Teiegraoliln, aud the English Branches, at moderate prices. Endersed by the public as the most successful Bu siness College of the country, as evidenced by tbe fact, that Four Hundred aud Two Students have entered in the FiRsr Six Moxtbs or its Existkhcc, rrmripals of Drpartmrnls. THOMAS MAY PIERCE A.M., GEORGE B. SNYDER. R. KARNES. C. N. PARR. Jr., J T. REYNOLDS. HENRY KEIVI. A E. ROC ERSO.V, a. st.c.a fcnppoited by an able Corps of As.-istcnts. Call or send for a Catologue. College Currency, and Pierce's Pra;lical tducator. OHIcc-531 IVorlli S.islilli St PHILADELPHIA. THOMAS M. FEiaCE. April 13.13C6. 3m. Julice of flic I'cnce, Licensed Conveyancer, Scrivener, and Snrveynr. Office Bearer V.iIIcy, Pa. Will attend to Hking Acknowledge meats. Write De.ds. Mortgages. Leases. Bonds. Notes. Agree ments. &e- Sorveying attended to with despatch, t h irses moderate. . TO FARSVJEHS, PHILLIPS SUPER PHOSPHATE LIME.Seymmirs Patent Grain and Phosphate Drill. Hu metis Re volving Hay Rakes aad llaad Kaker for sale by PAXTON St. HARMON, Roper., Pa. We claim for Philips Super Phosphate that K con. tains less moisture , is more uniform in quality, con tains mote agricultural value, than any other in the Market, and introduce the article t farmers in gen eral aa m rtaphs and standard article intending t make it a permanent trade. PAXT0N st HARMON. April, 13C X F O U TfZ'O; ;rirr ' This preparation f ions; and favorably -knoirn, -will Uior oogbiy r In vigors te broken-down audi' lowplrited tiorses, by strengthening aid, -cleansing tb stomach and lateav. tines. .;' . - : It la a sure pre ' vsntive of all dis eases Incident fas this animal, such aa LTJNO FETES, GLANDERS, It bLLUW WA TER, HEAVES, UUUBHB, 1)18- lr- TEMPER, FE-, YERS.FOUNDF.R LOSS OF APPE TITE AND VITAL ENERGY.-Ac. lis use improves tha mT t J " , j w 1 n a , increases the appetite-gives glossy skin-and fTZJO transforms the miserable skeleton Into a fine-looking and spirited) hone. . . To keepers of Cows this nrernratlon ( tnv.tn.M. It increases the quanUtf and improves the quality 01 tne milk, it has . been proven by ao-" tual experiment to increase the quan tity of milk and cream twenty per cent and make the" butter firm and sweet. In fattening cattle, it gives then an appetite, loosen itircir n 1 a e , uia snnkos 2hfa l.ritn much faster. In all diseases at 8 wine, such aa Coughs, Ulcers faa the Lungs, Liver, ic, this article acts as a snecifie. By putting from 1 one-bait a paper to a paper in a barrel of swill the above diseases will be eradicated . or entirely prevented. If given In time, a certain preventive and cure for the Hog Cholera. - . Price 25 Cents per Paper, or 5 Papers for tL PHEPARED ST S. A FOUTZ Sc UlltO., ' AT THEIR WHOLESALE DRl'G AMD M1DICIYE DEPOT, No. 116 Franklin St Baltimore, Hi. For Sale by Druggists and Storekeepers, through out tbe United States. . . 07 For sale at the Drug Ftore'of ' - EYER f MOVER, Eloomrburg Pa. Bloomsburg, Jan. S. lfc'615. l3mo. DR. AV. II. WIIITMOR, HAS been in successful practice for a number of years, w it Is the experience of the different hos pital - in Kuropo, also a member ofthe Aitalyicat Medical Institute of New Y rk, eonti tuea to attend to all protVsaioiial caes at his office No. U2d Filbert hStreet, PliiUdelpl;ia, 2. No patent Medicines are used or recommended ; the remedies administered are those wlitctt w,ll not break rnwn the constitution, but renovate the sys tem from all injuries H has sustained from mineral medicines, and leave the sysK-aa is a healthy and perlertly cured condition, 3. DYSPKPSI v that distressing disease and fell destroyer of health and happiness, undermining the con tituti n tnd yeaily carrying thousands to la limelv graves, can most emphatically be cured. 4. ii laucholv. Abtx-rration. that stste ot Allna tion and weakness of the mind which renders per soni, inrapnble .( enjoying the pleasures or porform ing th" dntje of life, 5. RHEL' WATIiH.in any form or condition.cbron ia or acute, warranted rurable. : , . KPILKI'SV.or falling aickneaa, all chronic or stubborn cases of FIil2AIK DISC ASKS radically removed ; Ki t Rbeum and every descrip tion of ulcerations ' Piles and scrofulous diseases whirh b:ivebafned all previous medical skill, can be Cured by my treatment ; and I do say all di sense. Cyea CoascmVrioii) can be cured by wearing my Medi cated Jacket, which is a protection to the Inngs against all ihangea of weather ih all el 1 males s hav ing Investigated fur year the cause and character nt iniermit:ents (fever and ague) in ll parts of the. Ciii'cd States-will cure pennant oily all chronic or acute cases of ague and nervous piseaaes ia a fev Cac'ccr Cared without tbe koiTc er Drawing B:ood. Tape Worm, that dread to tbe Human Family for years, can I e removed with - two or thjee doses of ny newly discovered remedy, warranted in all cases. 'ons'iltntion in the English and German Languages free of charsc. Will make visits any distance, if desired. iUy be addresse by letter (confidentially.) and .tiedicine sent with proper directions to any part ot the country OFFICE Vo, 923 Filbert St, Ptaila. April 4. 1800 ly. . IS6G Philadelphia & trie ISCG SAIItaHOAE. This great line travers:s tne northern and Nortls west counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, oa Lake Brie. It has been leased br the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, and is operated by them. Tias or rAsseaoKH trains at mobtrcmbsblarb- LK.UC hiSTWAEl), Erie Mail Trnin. 11 3 P. M. Erie Eipreis Train, 3 46 A M LluiiraMail Train. 10 iu A 11 Ms 1 VE U'ESTH'AKD. Erie Mail Train. 4 59 A M Erie Express t rain. 6 54 P M Klmira Mail Train. 4 SI P M 1'assi.ntfers 'ars run through on tbe Erie Mail and Express Trains without ibahob both ways between Philadelphia and Erie. tiEW YORK CONNECTION. Leave New York at 9 00 p, m. arrive at Erie 9 30 a.m. Leave Eric at 4 43 p m arriva nt New York 4.10 p m Kieeat Meeping Cars on all Night Trains. For information respecting Passenger busiiless ap ply nt the dir. liOth cn-t Market Sis Philadelphia. And fr Fn-iglit business or the Company's Agt's. g.H. Kingston, Jr., Cor. I lib and Market Streets, Philadelphia. Wtllia.n Brown. Agent N. O. R. R.. Haiti more. ' 11.11. Houston. G-u'l Freight Agt.Phil'a. H. W. Gwinner. Cen'l Ticket Aft. Plul'a, A. 1. TYLER. Gen-1. SupX Willamsp rt. March 21, IcbM. MANHOOD: ilOW LOST, HOW RESTORED. Just pabtisheJ. a new edition of DR. CULVER U'Ul. r Ccb-brated Essay on the radical enrt (whb-. out niedirlne) of permat irrho-a or seminal Veak ness. Involuntary Seminal Losaea, Impotency, Men tal aud Physical inc.ipacity, impedimenta to Mar riaee, etc, also. Consumption, r.pilepay, and Fits, induced by sell indulgence or sexual extravaeance. (TT" Trice, nt a sealed rmrlope, only i cents. The celebrated author in thia admirable easay clearly demonstrates, from a thirty year's successful practice. that the alirimne cons-uences.of eelf abase may be radically cured without t .e dangerous use of internal medicine or the application oj tbe knife point ng out a mode of rure at once aiuipie. certain and effectual by means of wbich every sufferer, an uutier what Ins condition in.v. be, may cure himself cheaply, privsteiy and radically. Q7 This Lecture should he ia the hands of every y.utli and every man in tbe land. Sent, undei seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad dress, post paid, on receipt of six cents, or two post tee stamps. Address the publishers, CH AS 3. C. KLINE t CO, 127 r.owery. Ne York, Post Office bt x, 4658. March 14. ly lutU S) 1 11 LAI' GUOCLllY AND rnovisios store On Main Street. Ploomtburg. A large and i omplete assortment of GROCERIES constantly on band. His clock is composed chiefly of tbe follovtiug articles : Sugar, Molasses, Teas, Coffee, Rice, Spices, ish, Salt, Candies, ' Tcys-, Scions, 4"&p FEED AND PROVISIONS, ron.isimr of. FLOUR. CHOP. IDIAN MEM II AM!, SHOULDER:). CHEESE, BPJTTRR. It EUGt together with a grca many other articles, aaually kept in a ftrst-class Grocery Store. Country produce geaxraUy wrll be tahea ia e chanee fr any articlvs fiMind in bis Store. C7" The btrhest market prices will be paid for ai kinds of COUNTRY URd. . HENRY GICER. Cloomsburg, Feb. 22, ie6C - .. 1 rx00 prn YKAR! a3 Xat- VfVT agents evrfywti PER THAR !' Wo want er lo aflt our improved t?0 Sewing Machines. Three pew kinds. IJader and upper feed. Warranted fiva years. Above salary or large commissions paid. Tbe ONUY macnines in tbe United States fr less than S40, whirq are fally liceosed by Howe.YYbeel er . Wi 'son. Groves 4c baker. Bi ages St Co., and. Pachelder. All other cbeap Machines are Infringe ments snd the seller or aser are liable to arrest. fla and imprisonment. Circulars free. Address or rait upon 8baw Jt Clark. Biddeford, Me., or Chicago UI. December 80. le6S.ly. BLANKS! BLANKS II Of erery decTiption for rate at tLii offic 7 ,v r v ji 1 f ,x
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