PRICK CURRENT, ', Corrected weekly by llmrj .Matter. , WaAT, JU,' . Conn, ) Oat. B0TTt, Ena. 'falBKt Fi.ri, Tallow, I5S 62 ' 60 40 IS 8 5 IS5 10 Stoves, &c., ; F01R " SALE, CHEAP. ON E. common - Ten-lre. nn Kiterhnch, Cooking, i Coal move. ma m.ll Room Coal Stove, one Pu'kT, on Urge Carriage. Inquira at the office fifth SUNBURY AMERICAN. Sun'.ury. Oct 30th. 1847. 3t CAME to tho pr mic i f the eu'iecr.ber, n Iw. r Augusta township, Northumberland county nsoflne time in July las'. .. ".."BLACK CO W, i' out 8 nt 9 year rM. The nwn i rrqwi'tj to come forward, pne prnni-ry. pay charge. nl lake her av, of the wilt be di'iwa d nf arcm ding to law. " WILLI 4 M R.JONES. . Lower Angii-I-. On. 30 IM7 nt ' NORTHUItIBE RL AND TO Til EPUIILIC. NOTICE U hereby given that tlie Biidse.dvrr the North East Brnrh "film 8a on-hmn i, t Northunib-rUud, will be paihle mi the first day of Novemlr neil, fir Carriage of hurih ft, &e., and that tlie rate of loll have heen ledurcd. to lake effect fiorn and the Bridge i passable a a to, i For eviry Foot Passenger. Fif every Howe or Mole with Fidif For every Hore nc Mult without Rider, Fur iwtf Vi hicks with one Horse, For every additional Horse, For Horned Catt'e pec head. Fur KWn or Swine per hea l. 5 rcnti. 1(1 8 SO 10 3 1 By order of ihe B. ard, I). BRALTIGAM, Norlli'd, OrU 30. 1647. 4t '.'. erj-tor sale, cheap, two Ferry Flit en J two Foot Brats. Enqtii e of D. URAL iTlWAM, Northumberland. '""PHILADELPHIA lIEDICAL .EOTJSE, Etti.tlithed IS years ago by Dr. KISKEL1N. Tbe ol.lest, and lt hand to cur all form of accrt dierr,d:seise of (he kin and olilary hihila of yoHth, i D It. KLVKELI X, oY. W. former of 3d and Union f , fienrern Spruce and Pine, 1 tquare from the Erehangr. YOL'NO MEN! if yon value your life or ymir beilth, remember, tbcd.lsy of a mouth, nay, wen a week, may prove your ruin, both of fWy and mind. Hence let tin falte modesty deter on from m iking your r known rue who, from rilurat n'n and'ress?rlhility.c.n atoieh.f'letsl von. Ha who place fctea elf under Dr KlNKKLl.N'S fedment, may religiously c infide In hie honor a a gen Irmsn, arid in who- bosom will I forever locked the ecsel of th pa'.irni. Too eaanyihink iy will hog the e eret t. their own heart, ai d cHt thrm-v., Ala.1 how C ten ' thia a fital deloaion. and haw niany a pro mixirc yoic man, who m'xhi hae hero an orna ment to aociety, haa faded fioro the e .rlh. rOUNTRY I.NVAUDU, finding h iion'etn to m'kc pe inal appliea H n, ran. hv aiaiing their .e riilicUly, toee her ilh all iheir y it.ptotroi, (perl t'er poat paid.) lia f i w itilod to ilwtn a rheet ron'ain r.g 1) . K' ' dWine appropriated acei.riitngly. Patfcagea of M.dtciore forwarded to any part of tbe I'niled K'ate at a xn loenl'a noiire. qj Pot re taTTraa, ad eased to D'. Ka. acTua. Ph'dWil.ia, will o promctly tended to. Oc. 30ih. 1847 ly TKSTIMOXY is sow ui; Kivi;i K all tjuARTcaa 4ir tjii (SLoar.. f IV IE following lettcra are precnt'd w th avi'W .JL of more fully ahowtng the opinntna it pti--ina in .relatina) to the va'ue nf wiTii'iCmr ima ?ror Wna I'naaaT.' Da. eiw-hear Hir J Humi ued yoor nompound Symp of Wild Cherry, ettem-ivelv In mv practice, I taa ri-oii-ated ly your agent. lr. Cru eher.o erea mi opinion in wiilww. nf ita prrptrtiea aa a n-mediil aent. 1 mml chevrfuly romp'y. aa I feel hy ao doing, I will diaeharg a lehi I o th" eommunity at la-ee, and phy iei iaia in par irular. A meh aa I deteat ajuaih ri me 1i.a end patent noatmma. I waa inilureil fr. m a failure of the moat p 4enl eipeetoran a. reenmmen led In our materia medieaa in nmn ce-e .f IMa eaaed iunga, to tiy your preparation of i'runu Virginia or Wild Cherry. It ia euirinent to ay that I waa ao mifh pleaaed with the retult of that and euhtequent trial that I now prexrdie it in !e4eritra to all r remeil'iea .hr an eiperto rant ia Uillcited. In the murh dreaded Pneumo tiia rr Diaeaae of the l.unga, in the alarming form in which K ppera in Krntackv, i rraid it ai an invaluAde remedy in rhe treatment of that diaeaae. To all who know me I have raid ennveh, hut a thra my he eera hy peranna out nf the ii-ini y of Frankfort, 1 writ briefly add, lhat I have been in (aged in an arlive practice nf my prnfeaaion for 13 yiar. and am a regular graduate of 1'ianaylvani, rid thia ia the Aral pa'ent nicd'cine I ever thogglil enough of to eipreaa an opinion in writing. J. H. ELLISON, M P. 7, 1847. Franklin cn.. Ky. faianroar. K.. Jan 7. 1847. - 1'he above eerWicite ia fr4n one of our plta' riana living a few nnlea from heie, be i doin a very good jit e"we. and ia eonNilrntt a good plivwi. Clan, and etaoda fair; he ia a he aiva, a regular graduate. Da W. I.. Carrran, Diugga4 and Apatberaiy, i Sine the iettodurtiou nf my ankle Is the public, thrie have a r.umber of unprincipled imli viduala got tip nrelrunia. which they aaarrt contain Wild Cheery, eme are railed Balaam,' 'Bittera.' and even Hyrep of Wild Cherry, but mine ia the original end mily genuine preparation ever intro dued te the public, which ean be proved by tha publie Reeorde of the Commmwealih nl Pennsyl vania Tbe only safeguard againat irnmaition ia to aee that my eiftualufa ia on each ho tile. Da. H 8WAYNB, Corner of Bighih and Race ata, Philadelphia. Prepared only by Dr. 8WAYNE. N W.cor. tier of Eighth and Rca etreets Pbil!elpli. end for ' bv laaprrtatde Drugfiat In nearly all the principal towna in the L'uileJ Htatea, Only Agenta in Suubury, ae ' HENRY MA8HER, GEORGE BRIGHT. Dr. J. A. Moore, Dnvillt T. H. MerVy eV Mdion; M. D. tt J. Wel'a, Manerj C. A. Wyatt, Iwiaturg; Da via At Pehnute. Belinagrovet J, hn C. Renn, Line Moooiaio P. O. I'biUdeluLia, oc93m. TV.. - : i LIST OF JUROHS OF Norlhumberland ' Cooajy, fur Novarn'jef Ttm, A. D. IH47. i ;i i x GrandJurorna ; m TUrftu.. David Matr, David Ehbe. - Delaware trwt Caihcart, Daniil Csreaa, John McKinney, Robert Hutrhiion. Milton. Samuel Blair, Iaac Bro vn. Chittqunque. J. aeph Kincaid, Joseph Freder ick. Daniel Caul. Paint. J, .hn Elaton. ' t Sun bury Charlea Gustier, Ira T. Clement. Upper Angftnln. laaac Campbell. Wm. Miller. Lower if u'rtua. Dtvid Hauck, John H nder hot. , Rnh -Abrahim Campbell, J hn Colket, Wm. John n. Coat. George Lme. ? jrter Mohimnt. Daniel TTolahoe, Lower Mahonoy. John 8irpp. Travene Juror. ' Tiirbut. Phit:p Follm-r, H. J. Boyer. " Delaware. Anthony Follmer. Chilliquoqite.lrot Brnhart, Jamea TutV, Samuel McMahon, Jicob Kline, George Haa. Tiiomaa Urire, John Beck, Joseph 'oint Thomas Johnson. tinrthnmheriand George Fetter. iTohert Lesh er, fieorge Jobi aon. John Dunham, J hn GitiM. Sunbury. Pamui'l Mantz, Geo. Zimm rman, Jo eph Nai', George Ruhrbach, Wm. Mrtz, Cha. D"-v , ' ' ; I'pper Augusta. Jacob Eikman, R S. Grant, J . hn Ulark. lnner Aigita. John Shi'pe, ITenry Shamokin. James Linn, Isaac Hull, George Kell.r. .,..'.''. lituh. John Pitner. Cnat. J 'hn Keratitter. Ellaa Kis nhart. Upper Mahunoy. ioa Malich, Esq. Adam Abo on. Lt'trrr Mafwnoy D.nid Wal.l, D-ivid Framr, Henry t.atitz, John Tclmpp, Ahialiam Kebler. Jtickxin --Abrnham T. Trouttnan, J ifob Wei sor. Jnremiuh l.nngd :f, Daniel Wolf, Paul Hoi lenbach, John Haas. lctit Juror. Turbut.S cob Hoffy. Charlea Riddle, fto,f Samuel Kussel, Jacob Gutner, Jamea Armironc. Detuware. John If. Wilson, Comelina Ry nearaon. Miflan. lonird Stonghton, Malthia 8;tine, Abraham Kfauh. ChillittpurnHe. fobn Snyder, 8olomon Dent ler. John Pa k. Point. Anthony Wataon, James Nesbit, Wa nhiifitoii Newl-eny. Northumberland. Mr iu Kissinger, David Hil ken. Sunbury John A. Shialer. Jaeoh Kahel, Vpptr Augw,(a. John Woolverlon, Barnard Mitihell. lMi-er Augurta. Oeoige Haupt, jr. Shamokin.' John Ripley, - Cut! J-t-eph Dimmick. Upper Mtihonoy. Abraham Gtial, Jacob Kauf man. 1 fgtttrr Mnimnoy. Thoma Z r1 Mil hnel Oar manfjobn II nuemar.. jr.. Jn . Burrel. Jnn.Hmith. Little Mahnnoy Gaorge Heiiael, Rob'L Brach ial Jaeknon. David Scbwarta, Benjara'n 8lrick ler. FAR MS or From 50 to 400 Acres, At from $1 5 to pr Aero. vJT'f-CTE otf.-r lor aale and for arl b ment, about W SEVKNI EEN THOUSAND ACI.'ES nf unintfirieved land in Faia. aa above stutetl, to the drat twelve purchasera. Fur two dolUra per acre, h.ilf cah. and the rest in three yenly pay ment, the purchaaer may rhooae hia faira nut of the whV 17,000 acre (ncipiing water ower and the Piua tirabt r 'and.) The premieea are situated in the eounlie of Wy. oming and Sullivan, I'rnn'a.. about 5 miles north from Northumberland. inJ 1(1 mil s west ward Irom the North Branch nf the SuHjiiihinna River, on the h. 's of Mabonpeny and l.nyals rk rreek. .. ut 3,100 acrra have been alreid sold to 2(1 families, and settled by them, arid they have cleared ahout ."0(l acrea. They certify (h it ibe SOU, IN RICH AKD DEEP, j and the grounil iraonablv level, limbered with I fugar Maple, Heerh, llembvk, Wib'cl e-iy. Ac. j e l w iter (I by fine iringi. a reams and lUea, ' and the tSiTuaTMiv I'vcoMaosii Hkaltiit. Their full tasnmnny and denertptinn nv bo seen at thenfilM of tbe "Sunbury An.eiiran," signed by John H uutiuiger, Henry Kauch and 14 other wil ier. Those who wh to ee the land, cr lo make pur chases may cal on H. BELLAS, or at our go through Danville. Bloomahu'g and OrangeviUe, dtc. to the Berwick Tutrpike, which pae wiib in five miles of the premises. Only sober and in lustrinoa aet lera are invited. Theclearing, fen ring. cVc e at .bout the ssme a in other enttnliea. - A family bould have 100, or more, la begin there with a'ofuclum. Apply to Charles Pi aant$. Eiq , Agent. Sun bury, for fu iher information, or lo th proprietors, HI'UH li P.I. LAM, Ximbury. JOSEPH B. ANTHONY, WiUiamtport, GEORlit: A, FKK'K, Danville. Oe'oher IS.h. 1047 2m ITCr.TZTJITEEPvLAlTD. AN Eleeiinn ( Directors, It serve for the ensu ing yar. will I helj sl the ILmking House, on M.hi. lav the I lib. il ly of Novemlr, letween ibe hours of 10 u'cln Ic. A. M. and 3 o'clock. P. M. In id .nice wild the 10th sec'ion uf ihe act of iiiC'irp-rvlion, ihne will be a general meeting of the toi kl,ol. Iris mi the first Tuesday in Novernher at 10 i.VI k. A. M. J. R. PRIES I LEY. Oct. Ir 9. 1817 41 Cathier. Subpoena for Divorce. Norlbumhrrland county, a. THE Contmonwaul h nf Penmyfvania, lo Lo rer to Kelcbum, husband of Catharine K- ich urn. Grtrling: Wheress the said Cslbaiine Ketchum did, on the 9 h day of J4nusrv. A. D 1646, prrst-ut her petition to lb Hon, Judges of the court of common plea nf said county, praing that for th cause therein set foith aha might lie divorced fiom he bonds of rairimony rnleied in to vithyoti tha anid I.rrnti Kelcbum, You are hereby commanded thai, retting side all other bu. sineaa and azcuara whatsoever, yon be and appear in your proper person Ufors our judge in Sunbu ry, at county couitof common pleas, there lit be bidden Ihe first Monday of November out, to an awer Ihe charge conlaim d in tha said peilue or libel of the said Catharine Kelcbum, or ehew cause if any you have, why II e asid Catharine, yur wiCs, sliould not be div.uccd fiu Ibe bond', nf matiimony entered into with you, ihe said Lo renzo Ketchum, agreeably to Ibe set of eseembly in such case made and provided. THOMAS A. BILLIXGTON, Kheiiff's Office, Sunbury. ? SheiilT Oct, 9ih, A D. 1847. J -It LIST OP CAUSES. .-. 1(R trial In the Court of Common Pleas of Nor themlerUnd County, at iov. Term.- 1847, romrnenclng the first Monday, being the 1st. Jno B and Andrew Fener v Charlea Q Dotta T , Benjamin W Richards va Franklin W Pl itt et al J W 8eiiinger, alienee of Oarvet va J Oarver's heir William Simenlon va J 8hipman it E Dreennugh Wm II HeinemMi v Hartman It Kimble Peter Rirhler'a eir' v Dodge Barret John A Lloyd v, Wm E McDonald Wm H Pomp' assignees v Wm Welch Benjamin Rubina v Valentine Klate Henr Mssaer , '" va Win Me arty el al Jamea Merrill's ei'r ' va George WaHa's adnr ' Vickery At Vi.kerv va Peter Broius el al va John Bidleman et al va William Fried . Mahton Hamlen rt al Charles H Prick Wood tc It h awn's eirs va David Haupt Daniel II Conner vs Daniel Wridnrr George (3 Lilly v Jarnb Lilly's adm'r John Htne . v Elir.aleth Hine Com'lh for J Jenkins v T A Billingtun it al George Eck. rt a Jacob 8hi t Francis BallV admt v Samuel Bbtir , . Ballzer Garnhart , vs George Oyster f Borough of Milton va Samuel Blnir J J:icob W Srilainger va WillijDi Carf Hetiry Ma. er vi HD M ieer & Joseph Eiaaly Baltgir Garnhart vt George Or t'T . John Has, E.-qr Jacob Reed Williaai H Gilbert Whiiall & Brown Willi im Noan v Robert A Pariah va D N Lake et al v 'rtr Haiighawottt v John B Boyd' rs v. Same Yardlii'g Sl Loer rt al vs Molt dc Schueber et al v Same 8ma Daniel S. While , vs Benjamin Robins HulctSmirh va Augustus tt John Hoey Fieemnn H U'irk v J din Schriner Laac llulT v Henry Elt m D &. P Rnilmid co . vs Haywood Sc Snjder Hutfli D O k-'a adtn'ta va J.imea O ks Willi im Dale , s J.ihn Follmet' er William (Jibeon ' va David H olden Win At R Fege'y A ea v (ieo'ge Heekert William Alhnuht tbailes Pbaaant F li W ils. ii John N O.atrr Harlow Prior s Isaac C Bryant va Jamea Ross ft al i vs Abraham Iraub rs Hugh McFall v Same va Wm H Frymire k eo (arah H Comlry Miners' Hank rt Potlavillo vs Lewis Dewart Charles Ph aannt Pht'ip Billmeyer William Murray Robert I) Fonlsinan (e rge Oyster Fb trber Mathews l-rnel Guleliuv Samoel Reed v FJsnie ( v George Oood v B il zer Gs'nhart va Benj .min Furitsmin . va John ti.irnhart et al vs Daniel Weidm-r va John Poller . vs Ga'O'ge II Heiiz Srth I Comly rt al va David M n A Isaac Blown Win 1) (.'earhatt vs Charles tVr Daniel Mdlrr and wife vs Phd p Heck-rt Julin W real vs T A Billiuglon. late constalde S.m Myrr A llat'on Jum.-s Diimlss el al vs Same v Iwi Epplesheimer et al v t'slvin Blyibe vs William Depuey Jacob Leiaemiug Denller A Montague Hugh Bellaa Eljah Crawford Wm H Frymire William Statka va (hilain (Josh jr vs R A W Fegelv va M rV P Billmver v rtamuel Henderson va John McGinnia vs Fletcher M .thews JOHN FAUNS WORTH. Samuel BUir Proihonotm'e ofR -e. Prothy Sunbury, I tciol er 9, 1 C47 LAHT lTCHICE. ALL per.ons ii debted to the subscriber over ail months, either by note or b-ok account, will do well to call and settle soon. Immediate atten tion to this notice will save costs. Sunhurv.Oct 16. 1847. JOHN BOGAR, "Secure the Shadow ere the Substanee Fader . ( OlXnS' EI.EIlIt 1TED cs yv yy o ;f - ne rty FTl "P DAGUERREOTYPES! TWO SII.VKR MEI LS awarded al the Fairt of the Franklin und American 1nsltutrt fur the best and mott artistical upecimeni of Dtig ierreo type Portrait. riVrlE recent improvements made by the aubseri L hers, and whirb i peculiar lo their eial.lih meni alone, viz: an Upper &ght,h received the highest recommenda'ioiis from the Press, and a's written tesliinoniil' fr 'm the first artia's in the country, aa to its gret superiority over the usual Side Light. The peculiar advantage uf this Light is that ibe Natvhal KtriiassMa or Tea En can heoh'ained mors prilec ly Iban bereio'oie. Cil gnus and airancer era reiecifully ini ted, whether desiring Portraits or not, lo our P'ieinu gsllerb a. probably ibe large! and most eiten-ive in Ihe I'nned Siatea, and rzamine for themselves the ssionishing imprnvamenla made by the luhscriber in Ihis wnmleriul an. T. P. A D. C. COLLINS. Prnpiirtnrs of the Cily I)agu ririau Estbli.-h-' nient. No. 100 Clitsnul slrrt, two door above Thiid. oul!i si.le. Phi sd.lphia. Oct. 9, 1817 4m cow IVoticc 18 hereby given to nil legatees, creditors, and o tber person iiiterewted in ihe esialea of Dehiv rah Grant dec, settled by her admr Krnderton Smith; of John II. Hart dec. settled l one of hia eir Jsme Huirhtsnn; of John PeifT r snr dec, et tt ed bv his eirs John and George Peituir; nf S'muel Barr dee. aetiled by hi admr Thomas Man; of John Hiltle senr dee, settled by his s.imr. George Hinle and John Hitile; of Joseph Folk dee, s. tiled hy his admr Dji.kI Hilbish; ol George Neihart dee, settled hy hU admr J jrob Zartman; of A Inn Marr dec, aeie. by hia admr Wm. P. Marr; of John G in-ert iter, settled by his admr Hemy D. Hoffman; of Wm. Morilzilec, settled by hia adtni Jonathan P. Shu'tz; of John A. Schnei. der dee, settled by hi eir Joseph Bound; of John Mut. bier snr dee, settled by his admr Micbael M. Holier; the ac count of David Duukelbeiger, gu r d'an nf Esther and My Philips. Lale of Nor ihuiiiherlaiid comity; that the en-rulors and ad ministrators of ssid es'ale have fib d t' eir accounts with the Register of this county, and lhat they will be presmtrd to the Oiphans Court of said county on TuexUy Ibe 2d day uf November lie it, for con fiiimliun and allowance. EDWARD OYSTER. Register's Offic", Register. Sunbury, Pel. 2. 1817 S Feathers, Feathers. From l'Ji fo 45 rai per Pound. Cheap far Cush. hole tale and lie tad. . FnKl)EIICKG. FItASKU, lTpbolttercr V General Furnlaher, No. 415 Market Su above I Hit north side, opposite Girard Row, rmx.ADSLrniA, Vf fHERE may h had, al ail times, a taiga as- sorlment nf Bed end Matrasses, Curled Hair and Feathers, Chaira, Tables, Uedsleada and Looking liburi, together with all other ailicl- in tha above line of busineas, al the I meat cash pie ce. N. B. Goods warranted to aaiikTsclioa. SeoLtKih lasv aD.rxjL. urniarrriiiQs'iaa : Indian .Vegetable Panacea. , ' scrofitla;' ; ; " Mas. RowAvn A Waltov Gents: As yoe have sileee. ded in effi-Hing ru n up on me with your "Dr. OntaVe (sihiv Vsegi ata PAjracR," after the moat eminent phvsirians in Cubs. New York. Baltimore, and Philsdelidtia, and all the most popalal adverilaed meilieine nf he day hid failed, yn are fully emi'led to all ihe benefit which lb following statement nf facta can confer. - In th year 1819, while at aea on board the hrb Commodore Perrv, of this p nl. my leg w injured hy the anchor. The wound became a'ofu'ous waa highly inflamed and painful, pvrlieul rlv In spring and summer. From ihe time nf the accident I was under the treatment nf the most ee'ehra e.l physicisn In the Island nf Cub and thi e ty. un til 1824. ' The summer of that vear I siwnt in the cnontrv, to make a lair iri d of Hwairb's Panares lul even thai popular medicine (ailed t i pro btr a ny dre.ded improvement. In 1830 I applied to the most eminent snrneon in New York rite, end waa tor e in;der.h'e lime under his care without ny pa 'tit ular benefit. riom lhat lime until 1814. there w no ehanee for th better ; and during that year, while in Bt' tvnore, my leg vraa slightly injured bv a rail road car. whiih eued ibe ulcer' to rige with t.-t fold vio'nce. I applied to a phyaieian, who, afier ex haueting hi tk II in vain, .aid -the unsound tim ber mutt be removed. o he could not murh l inger keep the craft all nt !' Not liking 10 part wjih an oM ehlpinata, fcnwrvT trouble 'me, I refused t i have ilt.ikinorT; my leg. however, became o mneh wor-e thl tha ulcer etb-n.ted fmtn the altno I to tha knee, laying bare the hne, and s i ireedingly . re. that I cou!d nol hetr even wil ed plantain Irave., or the mi-l simple falvn to ion h il. 'I ho mst'era sl iod Ii Orloher !, whn for vour gratification I cimmencrd with Dr. CuHeu's Indian Vegrinble Panacea ; with lillle f.iith I con fesa. for I had uaeil Ineredihle qu inli'iea of Msrssp Tills, and in fact eve y other me licine wh ch I m advertised or heaid recommeniled, Phy rians h id fdd and hope had flrnl ! Imapine. then, my jov. nhen (after sufTeriog for Twiwr-siv tanaa.) I found, bef.-re I hd fin sh d the first bolile. that the Panada h d wr.ig'.t a d.cidel change f r the belter. I am now a well mm. and have been cured by vnur Panaria i.l -ne. without the uae of any oi'ier medicine or p-eps stion wbarever ! ! Any person de-ir-na of nbluining funbei parti ctdaia can be gratified bv calling upon me t iry pl'Ceof bui"C", No. 126 N rth Thirteenth al., or at my rcsidi me, 491 l -e iet. JOHN K.BARCLAY. l'l.iladrlphia, April 27th, 1846, Certifieatea nf eue, in pamphlet form, may be had Orstia, at the nffu-es of the agent. This medicine is prepared and enl I by the proprietors, Rowaud A Walton, No. 376 Market slieel, Phil idelphia. ' . rW W Danenhower. No t Murray st, N Y. I ? J J W D inei.hower. No 1 O F Hall, Cin.O. S tt C T Jenkins, No 68 Canal sl, N Orleans. 13 N N Robinson, eorGav 4; Si.ralogs sis, Uali. Agenist H. MAS8ER. Sunbury. I. H. Rer, Milton; J. 8e.Hild, New Ber lin! Mr. Musser, Millheim; Sbarpe D. Lewi. Wilkehrre. lnM also by Druggists throughout tbe United Btstrs. O l. 9 1847. 2m. ifiy PHILADELPHIA Watche, Jewellry and Sil ver Ware, Guaranteed Mter fir the priee than at any other Store in Philadelphia, may be hud. Wholesale and Retail, at (Late MCIIOLAS IIU'RAY'S) No. 72 North 2d Ftrcct. above Arch, PHIL ABSLPHXA, WATCHES, alt kind-, fair, low and medium quilities, among which are. Gold Lev. ra. full jewell'd, fill to (100 Leplnra, do 25 to 40 Silver Levers. do 20 lo .10 - Lepi. es, da 12 to 18 tj iartirra, fine, 9 lo 10 luartier', imitation, ft JawKLLBV. Diamonds, (Sold Chains, Gold Pros w i h (iold and Nilver holders. Pencils Breast Pins,' Fioer ud Ear Ring", Bracelet., C i.neo of shell, coial and lava, with every nlhrr arlirle nf Jrwellry of the richest and most fashionable pat tern. Silvcb Vir Ple'ea, Foiki, Spoon, Cops, Ae nf S.and.rd Silver. I'latrd Wsas Cantor. Cake B ikei. Fns, Vase. Card Cases, mid other Rich Fancy GjJi in great variety. W holcsale Buyers will save money by railing here b. f re purchasing. (0- Keep thia adv( tti-ement, and c.ill ai No. 72 You will be aalisfied i be (!ood are re .illy chewier ai d better than are off.-red in the city. For ssle, low, a handsome pair nf Show Coses, suitable for a Jewsllry or Fanry dure. Apply above. Sepl 25lh, 1817 ly . Watches & Jewellerv. Full Jewtiltd Cold Lever $ fur $10, Yarrauttd JACOB LADOMTJS, So. 246, Market ttreet. PHILADELPHIA, U.AS conalantly on hand a large ssomoenl nf Gold and silver Watclna, at th folloisiog low prices Full Jewelled Go'd Levers, (40 00 Hilver d 20 00 Gold Lepines. full Jeweled, St) 01 Silver Lrpinea, 13 HO Silver (juailiris, 00 and 10 Cj Wilh large assortment nf Fias JkWgLLi.Rf, such ss ear ring, finger rings brevet pins, hrsre lets gold and silver ie.iiriU, gold chain. Ae also on band a c mipb-ts a.smtment Lunet .e, paieul and plain Watch glasses; M.iin Sprin, Verge. Dial and H.nds of every desrnpt'on ; end in f.rl, a coinple'e assoilmi-nt nt Wsle'nmake s' and Wstrh Material', to which he wi old cull the at tention of the country trade in gennal. Those ariything in tbe ahem line, would find il to their advantage lo ca I and ei i mine his slock U foie purchasing clsewbeie. JAt'OU I.ADUMU. No. 246 larke stnel, below 8th, Pbla.Vljihi. Srpt25, 1847. 6jn . Notlro lo St'hsol Tenclitrj. NOTIL'E Is hereby glvrTra)4UUieB,jud of 8hoi4 D rector of Lower August t.i-vn. ship will mi t al the public houe of Ueorge Con rad, on Satuiday lb tilth day of November, at 9 o'cbirk. A. M , for the examination Slid (election of Teacbei for lb Pubic Schools of .aid di'trirl. Trusteiaare required lo select their Tescher for t'laiuiuatiun, a. cording lo law, the s un day. JOHN 8.NYDBR, jr., Pies'i, Walts Srssct. Rrereury. Lower Aunl, tiept. 25, tr47 7l ILAX BBU. I be highest market prk aid for FUisred, al th atote of Aug. 21, 1847. JOHN BOGAR. tJToAVfErt net - y tr.e aoch, To l t'T -. .... i A Aug. tl, 1847. : ft. Mt'J". Tlie1 Gratul Purgative rott run enrea or Headache, (ii.blirte-w, ' Me.slrs Slt Rheum, Rheumatism, Pile. Ilea. I Born. Worm,! Cholera Morbus, Cmghs, Q i'n et, Whooping OmA Consumpliori. Fit, Liver, Oompl.i'til, ,F.risipia. Deaf e, I'l l iiiga nf 'he ttk'm, li"d. O nil, Orsvel, Nervous (Complaint', Dypp i, Seorvy,' ' Hmill Pot, Jrundice, Pains in the B p k,'T" ' " Inward Weakness, Palpil uum of Die Heart, IvMinwrn the Throat, Dropsy, Asihmi,' Fevera of sll kind', Female Complaint. Ann AVntiT or nrnr.. ntaatsr aitvo rmiM lerrniTti nt th eiooo. awn un ' STaVCTtON t.V T OHOASK INT l- niisTiov. Kspirb'nre hisp'nvetl thst nearly every Dia eitse irig'n'e from Impurities nf the Blood or de rangement uf the Digestive Oriiana; snd to secure Health, we must remove those oh trurltona or re. store the BI-nmI lo ii inttrrral slate. ' The sveisi. n io lAling need cine is must i ITera tmlly n moved hy Ci.u k vaa'a VrTAr. Pun- itih I'n.t.., bring rimpb ttjy envelopta" with a mating of pure whit Hugttr. (whirh is s di.lim-t from liie iulernal iligreilienl aa Mil shell Irom th.- kernel) m nv n Tssrt or wrpiri, Hut at- a ess ty swallieed s bit of ranlv. Moreover ther ncrViee nrjue.7e or gripe In tbe sligh'cet decree, but opeisle q tally mm all the die ease1 pans of th sva ein. iusiend of coufiuing them-etvea lo, ar.d racking any pariiculr region, Tbns. if l e I ,iver bo fferled, one in-liedieiit tvitl op raie on th 't pirt enl ir orgin, and, by e'esn-ing it of an Eiresa of Bile restore it to its natur d state. Another will npente mi Ibe B ii"d. and rem ve nil Impil ilie in ita circul t'oii ; whit.1 a third will rfirrloaMy eipil whatever impuritie. ni iy bavr he m discliared into the s'nm.ich. and I enco ihev stiiike T Til aooT or ntfl-, re move Impure Humors from Ihe body t op. n Ihe pore externally ami iu'ern-illy ; sepirat all fore gn and obi oiioua particles f.-u-n the chyle, so th .1 the blood may lie ihnrough'y pure lliu secu rng fee mid be.itihv a. lion to Ihe Heart, Lungs am! Livet ; and Iber.hy diev ar-Tnaa hkltii a rr.v suit all oTit. a mhoiiivi r i tun The ei tire Iru h of the above can be ee;ilnined by the truil uf a single h.n ; uri-l their virmea are positive and eerinin in re-or tig lleahh, thai Hie ,ropi:i lor bind, himself to rvturn themmey paid for them in all cases where they do not gie univ. rsl s iti. anion. Ilelnll liiro, 25 rt. per llox. P.incipd nfliee No ( H Ve.ey sl., N. Yo.k. Sold by JOHN YiM'NO. Sunbury, M . VrCAY. Northuml e land. rtemem'ar Dr. C. V Cliekener i the in ven'or of the Sugar Coaled Pi Is and tbt noth ng of the a rt waa ever 'neaid i f uniil he inlrodun d them in June, 184.1. Porch .aera h"u'd, ihereforu, alway. stk fir Clirkenei's ugir Coaled Pilla, and hike n i nthi rs, or they will lie ma le the victims oT a fraud. Sept. 1 h, 1 817 ly eow "its. works rifiiSc i if V Burnt, Scald, and all kinds of Inflamed Sore Cured. T V.MLEY'S UNIVERSAL OINTMENT, la the rml comp'e e Hum Antid iteever known. It i. slantlv. (and aa if by lagie) stops pain of the mo.t de.eiale Bnrna and Sc ild '. For old Soros, l)u sea. Cots Sprains, Ac, on man or ii he beat sppl cMiun thai can be made. Thumnda have tried and thoiissnds pr 'ie it, It is ihe mt -if. ct master uf pain ever discovered. All who use recommend it- Every family should be provi ded with it. None can tell ho soon some uf the family may need it. qJ- O' .serve each hoi of the genuine Ointment h ihr name ol S. Tni-sur writt. n on th ouuide label. To inutile this is forgery. Bo .tmen. Livery Men. Firuiei. and all who use Horse., will find this Ouilment the very best thin th. y cm u-e for Collar Calls. Srratehes, Kirk, Ac. Ac, on thi ir animal. Surely evrrv merciful man would keep hi animals as free fiom pain a possi ble. Toui.-y'- Univcrsl Ointment is all thai is re quired Trv it. HI PES OF INSECTS. For ihe sling or b le of poiMMion Insect. Tousey'a Oinlo ent is unri valed. Hniilr.iU have Ir e.l il an I found it good. PILES CCRED ! For tlie Piles, Tousey'a U niveissl O.u nient is one nf the best Remedies that can be p bed. All whu have tiled it foi the Tiles recommend it. OLD SORES CCRED. For old obstinate Sous, ihe.e is no'hing to Tousey'a Oint ment. A person in Msn'ius Ipid, for number of wars, soie leg that halite 1 the skill of Ilia doctor. Tuusey a Ointment w recommended by one nf the visiting physicians, (who knew il g'rat virtues.) and two hoire pr.iluced moie benefit th.m the lieul bad received from any and a I piaviu reme dies. I .el i.l i try it. BURNS AND SCALDS CURED. Thousand, of case nf Dun nd Scalds, in all parte of the country, hv Icon rur d by Tousey's I'ni rrl tiiiiiuienl. Crrtificates i nough could be Ii jd to 11 the whole of ibis slnet. VIOLENT BRUISES CURE"). Tcst:moni .'I en temimonisl", in favor uf T..uey's Omlment for curing Bruises, have la-en nlT red tho iri)iiie toi. Hundred in Syrarue w '., certify te its gteat merits in re!i ving Ibe pai i r f l,o moat severe Bruise All ierani should try it. SCALD HEAD CCP.GD. 8 .re. of cas nf Srld Head have ber-n ,-ureJ by Touey' Oint ment. Trv it it seb' jm fill. SALT RHEUM '.JURED. Of all the reme.i:ea ever discovered fr '.h-s mot dnigrreal-le complaint, Tousey'a Un-ve-t,! Ointment is the must eouiplelc. Il never w . k ,t ,wn t , M. CHAPPIU HANDS CN BE CURED. Touy' 'jnivrrsal OiHtm. rt wdl agvav cu.ethe wont r o.a of Chapped llaud, Sroiva uf p-roii Wil. sl At,, t, s S.HJE LlfS CURED For ihe cur of So e L ,ia. there was never any thing msdeeqnsl m To ir i ey's Oinlm.-i.t. It ia sure ie cure ihrm. Tiy it. i ia a scletuili? compound, warranted no' 1 1 con tain any piep .ration of Merru-y. QJ Piice 8 rents o-r hot. FT further par Irulars ciiiccruiiig ibis really vt'u.ble I l:ntuieiit, ihe -e rif.x r. d to Pamphlets lo bu h id grails, of reanv'able U ugts's Mid Men hauls itKOiiglnral the t.'o t d Hate. Pr. pared by ELLIOT A TOUsF.Y, Drugg a , Syiacu.'. For 'e by JOHN YOUNG, Sunburv, M. A. MrCAY, Nor.huuiutiland. Sept Mih, 1817. ty re w 'PUR nRICK HOUSE in Hunbuiv. ef the sab A arraher, now ncrnpiod by Mia Murria. Foe Itrni a. ply lo W. L, Dewart, E q . or lo myself. W. R. SMITH. Northuml eiland. Ort.iler 9, 1817 ll TO POl ibVlLLi: AND PHILADELPHIA. S)Klte0.S iravelting thi routs are l.entiy inh'nnd lhat they can procme I . o u g K els," by making application el the rfmel o Chsibjs Wesver, Sunbury. A-la, K.!P. Northumberland. July 3 1 et. Io47 -tf fiTBTFK' l lTn ;.. ' i . r ? kinds for aa'e, 15 rceut cb pe-, lh, ( ii . . . ""ttf"'! Ihe store e , jwfji, 1817. J.N T.OG4R. pajSARK. The svaftei noiei pid" tTr fl Bark, at thmviye of ",UiiU57, IU. 30IIXDOUAR ' CILENCE . O nasAnrui J r reosH ! ra ' ' ' fcrsjas saa IV iiav , 4-a wmi or tr ' nssTsoria at ansa movw, TUB CnroH) or eevarjajeriov sjaTR ARE YOU A MO I HER! Your darting rbildr' your idol and earthly J.v, is now perhaps confined lo her chamber by a dangerous cnkl h r pale cheeks, her thin shrunken finger, tell ibo hold di ease ha already gained upon her the soiiO'l nf bei sepulchral cough pieicea your eoul. YOUNG MAN. when just about to enler lire, disease abeds a heart crumbing blight over the for prospect nf the future your l.eetie cough and fee ble limb tell of yetir loss and hnet but you nen 1 nol dpir. There ia ball) which will heal lite wounded lungs, it ia S II Git ll A X.S AI.L-IIKAL1XG BALSAM." Mrs. ATTItGE, ihewifu of Wm. 1! ...-Mir.-, U.q. was given Up by Dr. Sewall of Wa imp, H i. It.w and McCleltan nf Philad-lnhin. lr. 1? h and Dr. Mott of New York. Her frien If af thought she must die. She hud every appearance nf being in consumption, end waa ao p'onuurr?! by her p'lviui inns Shermiti' Balsam wls iiv and it riirl her. Mr.. tlARRABR ,NTZ, of Butl's Vetrv. wai also cme.l of consumption by this 15 ilsin when all other remedies failed to give relief s'.e j re duced lo a skelelm. Dr. A. C. Cas'le, I) utist. 281 Bioidway, hsa witnessed il effect in veial c-e where no o'her medicine alfoiiled relief but the U iNnm nperalrd I ke chaim. Dr. C. also witnessed it woudeiful i ff ct in curi"g .Asthma, which il never faiU nf doing. Sptlling Blood, a'ar-. ming ii may be, Ueuectuatly currd by ihi Bal sam. It heal the raptured or wounded blood V(ses, and make tho long sound again. Rev. HENRY JONES, 1118 Eighth avenue... wa cured nf cough and catarrhal aff. r.tinna nt SO yers a atnling. The first dose gave him more ro I rf than al Ihe otbei medicine he had ever taken. Dr. L. J. B hU, 19 De'anry street, gave it lo si-ti'i-in-law who wa lah..ring under consumption, and to another snr-ly a fit rted with tint Asthma. In both ease, lis effects were immediate, soou le toring lh' m t eomf .riabte health. Mrs. LUt RETI WELLS, 95 Chrhtie mieet, uir. r. d bom Asihtn 42 ysar. Sbenn .n's HaU. earn relirved her nt nnce, snd he is eemphml-vely well, being rnibVil to subdue every attark hy t nmelv u-e nf thia medirine. Thia indeed i lh. great r. n.rdy for Coup, l.H lit,l. Spilling Blood. Liver ('on, plaints, and all the all etinni nf llio throat, and even Aslh ,na sud Consumption. Price 25 rents and ft per bottle. Dr. Sherman's C..ogh and Worm Lozenges, and Poor Man's Piaster "old .is above. Dr. Sherman' HW i al 1(lt Nassau st. N. Y. Agents, JOHN YOUNG. Sunbtirv. M A.M. CAY, Northumberland. September llib. 1847. ly ixljAirA flVtlE c'aildrn began to cry for Sherman' Le JL The noise wis nol ao loud st ttp time, but il ha kept increasing ever since, and no ha hrc.nme ao great lhat the mouth uf th lit one can scarce be alopped. Dr. Sherman symj tliisea with ihe little sulh rers, and v. rv much r. gre s. that any of them should be ditappoinrai Knowing the vast benefit which ha been r. re d upon the community by tbe introduction hi infallible WORM LOZBNOES, he ha entered into arrangement for en'arg.n meana of which be thinks b e Wlj be able lo supply the demand. And the ao) e paina and care will be taken, lhat these crlrhra teJ j 0 tenges be made as they have alway N-e jD der that tho-e who depend upon them, id a ' disapptiinied in their hopes. He knew yjBt- J. commenced the manufacture nf tbe W (rj get, that th-y would euperede Ihe u ,ertr other veimifuge, aslheLnenge ia .er. pleaiumt lo ihe taste, sfnedy in its i fleet, say t j-, M,af- and ihe qilnlitv icquired lo effect , verfitf'eure i. very small. These prop'rl.e. ir c J,00 wi the f .ct lhat they are sold f -r 25 e ,, At lh pi. ring them in the of tr j , . the land, haa not only caused , ,0 uk place uf every 4hcr vermifuge ,w u so rendeted Ihem popular U ;h , community. Dr. Blaerinan'a COUGH LO Z CNGES, cor-jnue to cure Cough,, ;U(i t;MIHim.,,:0B AMbmi. shortnee and i .itTic dHy 0f Breathing B8J rather d.ea ea of the L ung , with the .vine f.,ciiitir they ilul on their lirst intro,luCli.,n. ,le p4.,!o have now become pr ru.1-d hy sctu ileip. iience that on Ihe ncrc.i , f , u hf only to lep to eit ,,er lha DrV nflire, or on ct h Agents, and obtain a '.mi. of hi CtV, I,tei,4c wh;cb are ver coiivfI1if, , c,rry iu ,u )H.kt and to lake a few through the d .y. By pvrwjing thi routs', a ct.rei nficn erlocted in 21 hours, and the pali enl 8 'oout hi b'Jnin ss. So greal lh ce lebiite 0f j,, Lngrnge. lhat ihous inds ofp.-rsoua. wh'i have used tliem, nd become acqu '.M. d wiihk their rlT.ctr, will never be without them. MITRMAV.S POOH MAW'S PL A ST E H ha cured mor case of Kheumati pi,, , Bark, Side and C'bcst, Lumbago a(1j Weakness, ihan any applicaiiou lhat baa rv. , hc, . mv!e. A tlie cee',ty of the Pinter his ',t,cte -ed, hu. dre'da of unpiincipled ra-rals have '.tempted lo counter, feit it. and piim it oil" upon ibe community a- tha genuine, rrjj- Bewaie rf D cep'ion. fi Remeni her ihtlti irtirand genu ine Plaster is rpsad up on reddish paper made .vprePlv for ibe .m.t,.- i and in every ce ihe unsture nf Dr. hbuiman t P'li.t'd upon ine l ark . ,rihe PJaa'er, und ihe wholo seen eil hy iopy lug'.t. None others are Pbeief re f .re wleu yo wnnt a real gontl "Sh. rman' Man'a Pla-l- r. call at Ihe . ffii-e. in X...... g- i.uiue. r slieel . ar.l you w i not ha dtsappoii.r i, Rememher t'.m mimbrr, 100 N ,. .ti i. Kti..r . r . .. " all Dr. Sheir.,an' Lotenge ate a,d. Has Agent ... an, m,.. J tu,,n rMI .Ilkltlvn. H.neon, Wilhtai-burg; .vt R.,Ue.i A Co.. Borto... ,ud JOHN YOUNfi. 8bury. u . i ,, ,M',A M'JAV,!. Gv eat 'A vi r g ii i n s, AT AUCTION!! T,,b ""''"t j wilt dispose nf st auction, on . "'0' lb Hth of Aieat, t his , tore room, in buiib ,, r a e.g,B, aM.iMaJi 0f Voairini, in pent, of rj.OrW8, fRlNTS., DF.LAINS; I CAHMERS. whiutino. MLKS. f KATTLNETTS, teKEEflNGS. SATINS, A e, !' o a Ur sMi,aiul of Oaeerir, Qwe'irwrv, Tinn-nr de. I lairat Bargain will he oflsred, aa I am detsr , mined lo dtpoAof my vahole rock, wiiLoul r taive. Sal to eommence at 9 o'clock, A. M., on the day and at lh place staled, ami la be continued very Hatunlay until lh whole la disposed ef. Th condition of sal to be nisd knawo en lh dy of saks,' A rsasonsbU credit will b givt, J. If. PL'RDY, tr'utibury, Au.usi ?U, 1147. if. w .Id of
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers