! ivewla Legislature. ...... BntK. Tn enareVftnvM of" S3 memoes; 'of Wh.Si 'he following are those elected at the late elec tion f - ' ' ' ' . J "' I. Philadelphia city Eenj ' Metthiaa, Whig; II Philadelphia county Thomas S. Foraythe, iMmncrat gain, ; ? -: " ' " X SmtjurUnna, Wayne and Wyoming Fis. I!. Sfrerder, lem. ' ' - i . , XIII Lutvrne and Columbia Valentine Beat, Dem !. , t ' ' ' '" XV. Union, Mifflin htiiI Jimiara Net Middle wand, Whig. ' - . X Vt Cumbetlana' ami Perry Robert C. Ster reft, DenV . , ; . ... I XVIII Adam and( Franklin Win, R. Sad. i dler. WbV '. . i.'-. XIX. Hertford, Blair and Huntingdon A Ifxan Uer King, Whig. ' ' XX Armstrong, Cambria, Clearfield and In diaua William F. Johnson, Whig. XXIV. Allegheny and Butler Geo. Darsie, WhiK ' '' " :'' XXV. Mercer and Beaver, D. Senkey, wh'f ' XXVI Crawford and Venango James Porter Brawley, Pern. ' " ' "' ' ' '' ''" lllHSB Or RKfRKENTATIVC. , Pl.ilad. l.ihie city. Thomas C Stee!,f G.o. tl. Ilart.t S.,I.hjioii W. Roberta, f J no. H Diehl.f R. Suiilli.f !,.'. - : . Philadelphia ennntr. Thome 8. Fernon, Thornae Dily, Abraham Olwino, T. K. Fmlrt t. r, V.I.m 8 Hallowed, John K. Laughlm, R-'ward Venzenl. ' ' " ' . Ailiima. William MfSliwryf Alle-jrhcriy. Lewi N.tble.f Christian Snivo ly.t Marshal Schwartxwakler.t Hr-nry lArgef Armstrong. Lewie Brenneman. B -aver. John Allieon.f Jnhn Sharp f B-Hfori!. James Kirk, Joainh Miller. H,.rk John C. My ere, John Long, S. Fegej ly, Henry (i. Stealer. Rradlord Francie Smith. A. Watilce. 1 0ick J. W. Ijonu, P. Dloorn, Edward Ni chnljoit. ; ;- -;' Roller Jacib Zingler. Cmhrin. John Keen. C.nr and Clearfield. John Meek, George Wilier-. CIeBier. Henry S. Evans, Thoa. K. Buil.f G Hire Ladley.f ' . ' Columbia. Stewart Pierce. Crawford. S. O. Kei. k, B K. Kerr. ' "'' Cumberland. Jacob Lefever, Abraham Lam- brtnn. " Dmpttin. Jamea Fnx.t T. Gratz ' Delaware. Sketchier Morton.;' , Erie O. J. Ball. William Sanborn.f Fiyolio. William Roberta, W. Rprick. Franklin. Wm. Bnker.f Samuel SeiberLf : Gi-eene. John fJordon. Huntingdon and Blair. David Blair, f L l?reilhentha.l.t , , Indiana. Vill!am K,. McKnipM t J lT -rfin, Clarion and Venanga John Kcat. ly. Willium Perry." ... Jiiniala and Union. Samiicl Wcirich.t John McMinn f ' . Lnnc&ster. Abraham Shelley, J. Stuhh. T. Jacubs.t JuMeph C. Dickinson, f David EjIisI man t 1 it Lebanon, Dnvid Grittinper.f , letiigh and Carbon, Peter Bowman, Samuel Mtrx. . ... Luzerne. Samuel M.GofT, S. Benedict. I.VC'-niinp, Clinton, Potter and Sullivan. William I'. Pjcker, Tiiuothy Ivea. Mercer. Robert B'ack.f Wm. Ieech t Mifflm Hugh McGee. Montgomery. Benjainia Hill, Benjamin IJal luwell, David Evana. Northampton and Monroe. B. S. Sohoon over, Cliarle A. Luckenbach, Joseph Laubacb. NjrthuniberUud. George A. Frick. ytty. John Soude. Sohtiylkill. George Boyrr, Alexander M. Ley bum f Soiiieri"! John Stiilzmann. f Susquehanna and Wyoming . Samuel Tag Crt, Kobo.'t Little. Tioa. Nathaniel Elliott. Warren, McKran and Klk. Alonzo F. Wii- . Washington. Thotnaa Wataon, J. Curt. .' Wayne and Pike. Poj Bualmel. W eat more I and .John Faueold, llarriaon P. Jaird, Julia MrCuliuch. York. Thoniat Grove, David Williama, Geo. F.Carl. Whija marked tliui (f) THE AlVIERICAN. StUunlnf, IMobtr SO, 147." ' I U. .f -.WK IC H. tU Me ' (! ana i hat tMtttt, rnmer of&l nnd Chrtnut Wrree, VUlnitrlfUtla, mt At ttfie .Ml. IBtl .Mih tltrrrt. Jtr yrk, 8. K. Vomer Ilal lhnr mud titfrrrt era.',' HaHlmnrt, oitd.M 16 Mule Utrrtl, Vos'on U muthwlttd to act " 1tnt,and rcrftfH tor all mnnif due thU Htct tor mhrrlplln or advertlflnf. E. IV. CARR, corner of Third and Dock Strrrtt, Swn finilifhtf't. oppmite Mrrehanl$' Erchurift, Philndrfphia, ia oho autkoritrdlo ocl a our Agent. FOR PRESIDENT, , , Ucii. ZACII 111V TAYI.OIt. Dcmocrnllc Cenlrnl Taylor Com ' ' ttilttee Hon. John C. "Rurher. of Panphin county ' Hon. John M Una.!, of Pbiladrlphia city Hon. Richard Vauz do , do v . Robert Alh-n, Eq. di do Andrew Miller,' Eq Philadelphia county Samuel D Patteraaik F.q MoMa-nmcry county Frankhn Vanznnt. Eq. liucka county Joapph J. Lewia Eq t'huter county Dr. William Gray. Delaware county i' ' Henry W. Smith, Eq Berka county , . Hon Ellia Lewia, Lnncaater county Charlrt W. Hg-ina. Eq. Northumbeiland co. Hon. John Snyder. Union emmty Col. .lamea Durntide, Centra county Robert J Fuller, Etq. York county Oliver V'aton. jr Esq Lycoming county (Sen J K Morehead. Allegheny county t'ol. Ira-I Painter, Westmoreland comity . Thomaa J Power, F.iq F"aver county Hon Edward Hen ick Bradford county Hendrick B WriRht. Eq Luterne cnnt.ty Francia W. Huahea. F.m Schuylkill county Jamce L. Glliia, Eq Elk county .lamea Peacock. Eq. of Dauphin county Hon. William Dock do Gen. Simon Cameron do , Benjamin Parke, Eq. do den Chrittian Snilcr do Philip Doufherty, F.iq. do O. Barrett. F.rq. do FraociaC Carton, Eq. . do .lumen Brady, l.sq. do Edward A. Lealey, Eq i do - Subirf li the FkM. - ,Ltsi , Wm J LtnTi.a.VThe name pt thia gajllnt Ninr aoldiet we fintt ameng tpe liat of v.4de,-twif, In tba lat negf meet. In tlactiea) of IfoliM del lleyfo tbe ot Wf temttrr, under the command of Maj Gen. Worth, of the lit diviniorty he tana wounded, aliebtly, aqd on the 13th, during the attack on Cbapultepee and the city of Mexico, under the command of Maj Gen. Pillow, of tbe 3d division, be received another wtfund ' Lieut. 'Martin, we are proud to aay, ia of thia place. On tbe firM indication of hnttiUtie V'wi the VniVed Statea and Meiico, be ihowetl hit willina iiein to yield hia aervicea to the government, by uaiug every effort to raiae a company for the purpose of going to Mexico. Not being successful in this, he determined to go himaell; and through the influence of friends, he waa favored, with a Lieotenant'e rommission in tbe Voltigeur Regiment. Hia noble conduct tbua fnr fully meets tbe expectations of the ma r.y warm friends he left behind ; and, if indomi table energy and undaunted courage, as exhibited by Lieut. Martrn, in marching to the scene of ac tion after being once. wounded, ii a recommenda tion to the Commander-in-Chief for promotion, he, with the many other patriotic spirits who spilt theii blootf in defence of their country's ho nor, will be favorably considered by that officer. Hia wounds, we sincerely hope,' will not prove so serious as l diabla him from tbe further dis charge of his duties'.' '' ' "Wntf'a 2itnt.it, one of the noblest end ore- vest soldiers in tbe army, accompanied Lieut. Martin from this place to the seat of war. ' His name h not mentioned in the list of killed, woun ded, and .tising. and we therefore conclude that he came off" scott free. . He, no doubt, with his Heicnleen strength, "let slip the dogs of war" upon th Meiicana with aymd effect. I Willi SuAE-rce, we are sorry to learn, re ceiveil a severe wound in the engagement ol the 6th. Tbia noble hearted yourg mau, on lakinc leave of his friends, told them "that he intended representing Sunbury in Mexico." lie baa done it nobly, and bas reflected botb honor upon bim aelf and his place of nativity. . That he has be h&ved with that characteristic bravery which die- tinguithes Ameiican aoldiers from all others, we feel confident.. Joh B. Taici. it is now ascertained to a cer tjinty, ia dead He wan engaged in tbe seige of V ra Cri;r, and. if we mistake not, in the bat tle of Cerro Gordo. His friends expected much from him, and, their fondest anticipations would have been fully realised, had not the climate, and tbe exposure to which he was subjected, under of war.' ' It is Such as to make the pulse of every American heart beat with becoming pride. The force employed by the Ainericana in taking the city of Mexico, with a population of nearly 200, 000 inhabitants, and atrongly fortified by an ar my of . 20 or 30,000 men, Gen. Shielde says, did not much exceed 6,000 soldiers. . The triumph of our army, with such odds against it, must ex cite (be admiration of our friends across the At lantic. It ia an achievement .that will be refer red to in after ages with pleasure. While the shouts of victory, however, are going up through' 07 A Mexican Aeeovet On paper the Mexican! have achieved wonders tinea the com mencement of hen till ties tetweeti the two reur ttiea. With all their reverses from tbe battlo of Palo Alto op 1e) the taking o the Capital, accor ding to tbe despa'che s of thsir leaders, tbey have come out of every contest with additional honor. We cartaUdyican have no objection to this, if it selves aa a consolation to a poor infutuated and deluded people who have met with defeat in all their etrugglee. The following n tract from a letter of a Mexican, giving an account of tbe en trance of a portion of our army into tbe city, and their ultimate end, may be read with inte- teat, although it differs materially vith the true facte of the case : 'On tbe afternoon of Tuesday a column of IS00 Americans proceeded to occupy the Palace, the doorofvihiih waa opened by a cannon abot; when they reached the Square, tbey planted the American Sag in the centre, crying, Long Ltvt tht Nfrth f Death to Mexico.' At this junc ture, there appeared a tr.an on horseback, wbo hat not yet been known, wbo answered them, dit j'0rcif., ytu , thrusting his sword through the body of tbe leader wbo commanded the American column; wbert,' immediately, all the people of the suburbs made their appearance, armed with pistols," cane knives,' stones, Sir., and charged With such fury that there did not re main one of the 1500 Americanat and tbe four piecee they were bringing with them were ta ken away by the populace. ' A courier was in stantly sent to Santa Anna for bim to come to their assistance; and it is said as a fact that the Mexican army entered Mexico, end to this mo ment we do not know tbe result." Yee few evrw a4 Carnal Comtnleeimee. V V F CoMTBiai'Tina lirosn, General Scott has imposed a contribution on the corporation of nke city nf Mexico, of 130,000, payable in three weeka, instalments of (SO, 000. K7- Thx War Nkws Our readere will re quire no apoloey for devoting so much of our pa per to the glorious news received from the seat minec. his constitution and produced an early death. : His loss is to be mourned. Of Jonn P Lada, Wm. Mabti, CxattriAN Mabtin, Adbabaw Hilxman, David Wkiscb. Rcnjami Smith, and Fbahcis Bowks, we heve heaid nothing They have, however, doubtless taken aa active part the past stiuggles of our army, and will, return to the bosom ol their friends with the consciousness of having done their duty CT7" In Ttntsia a proclamation has been issued, commanding all civil functionaries wbo possess a fortune, to state by what meant they have acqui red it. A law of thia kind, some of our cot em no taries think might be of benefit to thie country. List or Killcd ad Worsmsn. The New Or lesns Delte of the 15th instant enntaina a list of the killed and wounded and missing, on the A merican side, in the several engagements in and beiore the city of Mexico, from the 8th to the 13th ofSeptember, inclusive. The following is the recapitulation : " Killed 1 Worth's Division HO 7 ' 27 2. Twiecs' Division 33 164 1 10 1 Pillow's Division, 21 111 : ' 10 4. Quitman's Division, 41 ' 587- ' - ; Adam, Allegheny, 4423 Armstrong, 2I3C Beaver, 2')3I Bedford. 2439 Berks, S08S Blair, 1231 Bral lord, 3039 Bucks, 4695 Butler, . 1931 Cambria, 1139 Centre, 2177 ' .Chester, . 4614 Clarion, 1607 Clear 6.1 J, . 867 Clinton, Qti Colombia, 891 i Crawford, liW Cumberland, 2867. Carbon, "86 Dauphin, 1H72 Delaware, HSI Erie, , 1728 Elk, 192 Fayette 2SI1 Ftanklin, 2762 Greene,' 1014 Huntingdon, 1641 Indiana, 1413 Jefferson, 709 Juniata, 089 Lancaster, 4031 Lebanon, 1000 Lehigh, 2581 Luzerne, 3296 Lycoming, 17 1 McKean, 313 Mercer, 2617 Mifflin 1131 Monroe, . 1418 Montgomery, .3141 Northampton, 2962 Northumberland, 1971 Perry, 1728 Philadelphia city 3918 Philadelphia co , 12692 Wounded. Missing V 1916 5763 1318 2203 2205 3357 1851 2320 ' 4.111 1860 74 1782 3)52 631 582 693 1509 1694 3559 484 2790 1719 2586 93 2113 3219 8S0 2012 2052 454 973 6711 2149 2239 2017 1528 253 2SI6 12S9 347 3723 5359 1231 1106 6512 7603 7923 2971 2522 949 1954 3110 2513 1713 est 2C04 ..: -- " Tt'tsDAf , OcC Gaj. There are fair sties nf Wheat 33 a $1 40 for good Southern and Penna. re SI 48 a $1 30 for prime white. Rye ia 83c. Corn, yellow, 79 a 60c. Oatt, old Pi 48c; Southern 45. Wmiskkt Salet at 30c in Ibis. 4824 2386 3161 1942 5077 1930 8860 2194 2089 1426 3G86 1225 New Yoax Elxctioi The New York election comes off on Monday, the 1st of Novem ber next. There is a rupture in the renk ef the out this land, many a heatt-string may burst with , , , ' ' . 1 democracy, which may serve to defeat tbe party grief for tbe loss of some di-ar Iriend We present, on our first page, to the reader, a graphic description of events, fmm the resump tion of hostilities to the taking of the city by our victorious army. It is from the correnpondi-nt of the N. O. Delta, and will be read with deep in terest. 1'roM Tex At Late advice from Texas state that a rising of the Mexicans between the Rio 'rande and Grarl Taylor's rear was appra h'-ndvi by Gen. Lwu, wbo ba I aent to tbe Go vernment fur r. jnipueaients. The general iy that the populavwi teme to be organizing rapidly into guerilla bars!, well armed, as tbey ire chiefly raiiuheros, wb.ve proaioiity to, and 'ii intercourse with the Americans bas made Iih'ii familiar with the riC, aoii expert in its te, they may justly be reckoned tbe most i.innidalile aod dangerous portion of tiie Mexican Imputation. if not healed before the election. S -parata con ventions have been held by the two diviaiona of the paity. The Young dt-mocracy held theirs at Ileikimer, and it was expected that the llou D, Wilnr.ot, tbe author of . the celebrated proviso, would be present, A meeting was betd in lh city of New Voik, to confirm the nominations of & Caiai Navigation. The navigation of 'he ' Old Hunkers." made at Sytacase, and if the the Susquehanna division of tbe canal will be re- report ol the New York Herald be correct, ad turned, it is believed, by the lit of November, miiabte confusion prevailed. While we lament Five or six weeks will then Mil! be had fnr trans- this division in our ranke in the Empire Slate, porlation beiore the seaton closes. Uur mer chants, in consequence of the damage done to the canal, have been laboring under great difficulties, to get their goods home. Cy Tbakkshivino. In connection with the governors of eight other Slates, the Executive of this State has designated the 25th of Novenr br next, aa the day of annual Thanksgiving. 07" Tut axxT LauitLATttk Partiea in tbe next Legislature of this slate, will stand as ltd lows: ' Whigs; . ' - -19 . 5i3 Senate Huuse Democrats 14 65 54 79 34 Democratic majority on joint ballot, . 23 07" Aiiis pa CAtie. Gov. Shunk has appnin ted George Prince, Esq., of Harrisburg, formerly of this place, one of bis Aids-de camp, with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. We congratulate our old friend npon bis good lurk, and shall be ever mindful of the honorable title which has been attached to bis name. The Colonel, how ever, is welt ewjre thst Titles of honor add DJt to hia worth, Wbo is an honor to bia title." C7 It is said that tbe Secretary of the Trea sury, at tbe commencement of the next setsioo of Congress, inUods atking for a loan of 20,000,. 000 of dollars. PeiasviVAftia PaiNvsaa It is a curious faet Mit tbr'-e fourtut of the papeit in Northern Illi- lit, Iowa aud Wisconsin, are publikhej by na ees of Pennsylvania. . The State papers of both i iwa and Wisconsin, both papers at Galena, two I Sonihport, also at Quinry, Fulton, Rock I iud, PeoiU, Rnckford, and other places io Mi tis; also at Turlington, Bloomington, Iowa Ci y, Davenport, Dubuque, &c, in Iowa; and tt vfAd son, Milwaukie, Green Bay, Giant county leruld, Racina, Ae , in Wisconsin; and tbe pj-:-r at Copper Harbor, Lake Superior, ate, or ily were, owned end couducted by natives of I'ennsylvama we cannot help noticing the laughable scenes pre sented at the meeting.' Here la a specimen : 'Mr. Brady Fellow citizens 'Bah you said that before. : Give ns e variation; saf fel low sinners' (Langhter) Fellow citizens, if there are any gentlemen in the room ; A'a there aint.' I say if there are any gentlemen fn tbe room who desire to - occupy this rostrum in pre ference to me,' I shall he most happy to surren der it to them. (Cries of 'No, no;' Go on.' Yes, yea.' ". '..': -r y 07" MooaaaTioN or oia Abt! The con lin t of our army, on its entiance into the city of Meaicn isspokrnof in very flatterng terms by some of the resident foreigners there. A French man, writing to a friend at Vera Crux, remarks that "all the foreigners, including those imbued in other respects with prejudice against the A mericans, ogre in the one point, that the A meriean army haa not done one hundredth part of the iejuiy it dad a right to do, and which Eu ropean armies would have done ia similar cil eumstances " . i C7"Thb Rani and Filx "Mustang,'' the able correspondent of the New Oilcans Delta thus speaks of the ooble besriug of the rank and fie of the American army, during ita operations before the city of Mexico. Tbe thankt of a giateful people will not be withheld from sol diets so "good and true": -During the operations of the army before the city, we have had cause to notice with especial pride tbe conduct of tbe rank and file of tbe army. Innumerable have been the ina'.aacea of gallant bearing and o4ty valor, of patriotic impulses and noble deds. Net that style of patriotism usu ally to abundant about electiou tunes aod Fourth of July crlebratious, but patiiotism and eVvotiaa worthy tbe eoldieieof Ibe American aimy wor thy the aont of tbe lend ol tbe free and borne of the brave. It was at a time when their hearty co operation with the officers waa needed at a time wben dratb was being dealt in their midst 47 Total, 239 1338 Killed, rounded and missing in the four divi sions of Gen'le Worth, Twiggs, Pillow and Quit man,- 1623. ' ' Tub National Libbbtv Convbrtio.i closed its labora at Buffalo, New York, on Thursday night. after making tbe following numinationa. . For President, John P. Hale, of New Hampshiie. For Vice President, Lester King, of Ohio. Mr. Hale received 103 votes, and Garrett Smith 47, the contest tot the Presidential nomination being be tween thee two. Tati-or Mbitimo m Onto A popular meet ing in Portsmouth, O., on the 2d instant, nomi nated tteneral Taylor for the Presidency. The nomination was made onanimously and with en thusiasm. Tbe Portsmouth Clipper seys : The meeting wss unusually large, and comio- aed of citizens without distinction ot party- The proceedings were transacted with great unanimi ty, and tbe people aeemed cheerfully disposed to reward the soldier of three wars, and the victor of some of the hardest fought battles recorded on the pages of history, with the highest honors in their gift. Tbia ia as it should be; mankind ought to reward their nenefartors. He who has staked his life in the hour of dsnger, in the da- fence of bis country's honor, ought to receive the highest rewaidsof thst country. Tbe election of General Zachary Taylor to tbe next Presidency will not only give assurance that the people ere still wermly attached to their country, and love its defenders, hut it disproves the assertion too frequently made by the enemies of free govern meuts, that "Republics are always ungrateful." Pike, 671 142 Potter, 530 183 Schuylkill, - 3720 2833 Somerset, 913 SI62 Sullivan, 317 ' 130 Susquehanna, 2.352 1463 Tioga,"' : 1750 972 Union, " 1479 2463 Venango, 1326 802 Washington, 3551 3335. Warren, ' 849 659 Wavne, 1291 - . 696 Westmoreland, ' 4523 2337 Wyoming, 819 653 York, 4007 3103 116 113 128 138 t - li9. 138 Majority. 17,977 303 1178 103 2406 THH NEW-VOBK SCIENTIFIC AMERICAS - TJlttDYEAR. This popular Scientific and Mechanics! Jo (wliich be alreaJf attained Ibe largest circu of any w eklyi Bt.er of the kind in the world, commenre its THIUD VOLUME on 8ati Sept. 25 h. ' '., ; Ech' number of Tbe Scientific Americai tsine from FIVE to SEVEN ORIGINAL CIIANICAL ENtiltA V'l.NGS ; a e.t.lo, AMEIUCAN PATENTS, aa iuued from tt tent Office each e k ; not ices of the progi ah new MECHANICAL end SCIENTIFI ventions; ins'ructions in tbe vsiioas'ARTi TRADES, with ENGRAVINGS; curious LOSOPHICAL end CHEMICAL experio ihelsiest RAIL ROAD IN TELLIOENC EUROPE AND AMERICA ; ell the di MECHANICAL MOVEMENTS puWi.hr ter.ee, end illuatrsied wi h more iban a '. DRED ENGRAVINGS, Ac. Ac. Ii ia in fact a paper that ME KITS the patt ..fall MECHANICS and MANUFACTUI tbrooghi-ot the UNITED SPATES, an J . le in the hands of EVERY ONE that fe intercut in the advancement of Mechanical an eniific improvements io this Country. It is pul.tuhed in QUARTO FORV, co enily adapted to BINDING, and furnish C.-un ry So' scrihers et the LOW PKK TWO DOLLARS A YEAR ONE DOl IN ADVANCE and the temain.ter in Six M Addrce, Ml'NN A CO .PuMi.l 128 Fulton St., New POST PAID. .. . To mosa wnnii Pccrr ATiane Tifu Tt nrca on aubbavatb Diakasss. This clss dividual ia very numerous Tl.ry are tho w.rk in an unhe .It' y atmosphere. Prin em, men in fef her storm, soneeut'rra. biker, lead msniif icturer. are a'l more r nhj -c' t.ae icrO d ngt iheir ireni;th of c nt lu sot o ly method to prevent, i the occainat a medxine which abstracts from the eirculal dtdelerius bumuro, and axpel ih m hy the It Tonic in 4iiy firm ate injurious, it thev on nfTihe evil dav to make it more fat il. The Brandrelh' P.l!a wilt inaure h- atlili, henu. take all impure matters nut of the l lmxl a b ly ia not weakened but Blrengthened by operati'in, for ih.ae valuable Pill do nut fin ih. y nsture, end are not np(0 ed, bat b nize with her. 8..ld at D'. Bbsrrbeth'h offi-e, U51 B war, at 23 ceuU per U x. . .. ' utyPurchaee of II. Master. 8unbury. oi genta puhlwheJ in another part of ihia pep eHBevaBT H5HMvaBsBBifgts"BSieM JHJ H HI K B, On Saturday last, by Christian Bower. Mr Dakixl Nbidio to Miss Shah Rb both of Upper Angiitis township. Fan trk Rio GaAxpr. By an arrival at New Oi leant, Malirnoras dates to the C9tb ult. have been received. The "Flag" of the 2nd inst , ays that a letter baa been received by the com mandant at Matamoros from Gen. Taylor, in which be announces that be will leave Monterey for Matamoras about the 1st of November, and make the latter city bis head quarters. Several cases of yellow fever are reported in the city. There were rumors that Gen. Urrea was a bout'lo make a descent upon tbe lower Rio Grande by the way of Victoria, at the head of 12.000. This nnmber is doubtless an exaggera tion, hut that tbe whole line of the Rio Grande ia very inadequately guarded, we have not a doubt. Reinforcements must be sent there. 07" Kkkdam..' in one ot bis letters, statea that tbe miscreant Riley, who commanded tbe deser tere wbo were taken by Gens. Twiggs and Shields at Cburubusco, escaped punishment of death, ha' viig proved vSat he deserted before the war. He has ivea sentenced, however, to he severely whipped, te be branded aa well, and to wear a ball aud chain and walk front of tbe army during i.. .. .. WWW, . , , .... , , . , . , unsparingly, ana ei e wm wnen u irieu me 07" Tax VotTiNBua RicmsBiar-It it said hearts o( the bravest of the brave. These noble that the Veltigear Regiment was tbe first inside soldiers are worthy of some reward Jrom the the weiktaad eaatleof Chepultepvc, ia the great country, and I sincerely hope those designated by baitle of the 1 Jth instant. Tbeir flag was plan- their olTicers will receive as tbey are justly ea ted on the inside of the bettW.enta, ten minutes I tjid, com minions in tbe army in accordance beiore any other. he te get of Ccpjfen " Cxn. Scott'b Foacee Tbe Union tbinka that without counting Can. Pierce'a detachment, re inforcements destined to join Gea. Scott cea scarcely fall short of ) 6,000 ttoope ; and this, too, indepndent.of the two new regiments which hsve just been called into service. The whole column in tbe field wben collected together end tbit operation waa rapidly advancing to its full maturity will give him from 20 000 to 30,- 000 and nearer the last number tban tbe firat, and perhaps even exceeding it. Thr Cost or tub Msxicab Ca'aig The Richmond Republican sums up at follows the losses of our troops in tbe varioua bat tire In Mexico; Palo Alto and Reaaca, 400. killed' and wounded Monterey, 500 do. do Buena Vista, 600 do do Cerro Goido, 500 do. do Cburu btifco, 1000 do. Co Mexico, and neighborhood, 1C00 do. do Total, 4800. One third of this number probably covert tbe killed. The losses in skirmishes end from ticknett, will probably number as many as tbose in the field. Tata Bavoaav ad tux Bieta- Wherever our soldiers prick tbeir way with the bayonet they take tbe bible with them; if tbey practice via lence they preach peace, a they are balf right at least. Tbe firat A PPr published in Mexico, after ou-:y took potsee-' :H the city, annourv t on tbe followl'J Zdij there woul) ,j f reaching by the TUW Mr. Ma cartby, of iWtpiecopal persuation. A fouut of type, a printing press, and a preacher have fol lowed oar army in ita march, and wherever it haa stopped, the Press ami the Fulpit have tee et f 4 t Se AMrrtx! An officer, writing to the Watb ington Union, urges that it sijould use its influ ence to get Congress to enact a stringent law a gainst the maltreatment of wagoners and soldiers in the army. Flogging, clubbing and gagging are practised by some of them. This treatment for the men wbo heve won Cburubusco, Confre res and Chapultepee ! It Congress do not inquire into euch aa abose and provide an effectual re medy, the government will never deserve to re ceive tbe aid of a single additional volunteer. Gen. Pr.amraa F. Smith Tbe last accounts- from Mexico, represents that valuable officer ae enjoying, in the Palace of Gen. Lombardini, some of tbe good things of this life, instead of sleeping, aa was reported, iu the arms of death. A let' ter from hitn to hit friends in New Orleans, sayt: "For breakfast he has nothing at all to eat but chickens, steaks of beef and mutton, biscuit or rolltmade of the finest flour, and as to drink, it ia impossible for bim to get any thing but fresh milk,, or fragrant tea, colfec or chocolate. At dinner time his sufferings u intolerable. Roast turkeys, huge joints of savory roast beef and mut ton, fish from tbe adjoining lakes, wild fowl of every description, every variety of tbe tropical fruits of the country, together with some Toksy or Champague wine." J'" baIti.viuub market. OJteeefth Baitihobs Ausbicab, Oct 33. GRAIN Tbe salet of best red Wbeate are making to-day at J3S 130 cents, with an occa sional sale or a choice parcel at a cent or two higher. Salet of family flour white wheat to day at 140 cts., which is a slight decline. ' Salea of Md. Corn, both white and yellow, are snaking to day at 63a70 cente. New Coin it tel ling at 30a60 centt per bushel, according to dry ness gales of MJ. Rye at 83eS3 ctt. Salet of Oatt t 38a40 cents. ' WHISKEY We quote hhds. at 30 cU , ud bblt at 30J31 eta. " Good Intent Fire CUsmpan A STATED MEETING ofiheCompa lie held on Mon.l iy eveiiinf next, el T at the Court House. Punctual attendaoc quired. HENRY DONNE Oct 30. 1847. See' 'WuMlilngtuia Tire Conipan THE memlrs of the " Wshingt..n Fir piny" sra requotid to meet st the House. .n Mi.ndv evenine, Nov. 1, s clock, precisely. Punctual alten.lsnee U re.) Oi't 30. MJII 61. J. ANCE'SRARSAPARILI. VEtiET OH BLOOD PILLS. FIFTY PILLS IN A BOX the Cheap bent M'd eine in exUtenre .' FOR PUUIFYINO THE ULOOt iemviiig l.il, correctiliB diso'dera of the alom wh and bweK comvene, dyi epii, swimmina; in the head. if. I'erns of a full hnhi whoaie tu'j ct t' Heiidache, Uiddinett, L $intu, aod r.nging in ih tVure, aiiin f gnat a 8 w ot blood to the head, ahulJ i be wilSoul ihem, as minv daneeroi ymptoma will be entirely carried ir hv tbeir immediate u. READ THR FtLLOWIG WONDE C VRE OF J) YSl'ErSIA ! Thia ia to certify H al my wife was afflict the Dysp.- via for twelve yer-, and tried t venied nmlirine and Thom-onian, but rffrt-l ; and mvlf attacked with blindness, head otherwise effected from btid drinking, I waa apprehensive of ti'; end e ing HANCE'S SAhSAPARILIA PILI adveitied. I went and eH a box f them, to my as'onib.pent ffi-cted a cure of me wife b..th as yet, and I do ibink them w ivat Ufore the public o- I Albemrle street, nee I For ale l y SETH 8. H ANCE. in8 B ai ol corner i;nanee aim rim wr, end bv GEROR BRIOHT. Su.ibu ' I). URAU TIGAM, Noithum Oct. 30. 1847 SIX YEARS EXPI'RIKNCB HAS PH THAT FOIt THE CUKE OF CO COLDS. CONSUMPTIONS, AST AM ' i rif vfbliod Pat and Opprt$ion of tht there i$ nothing eiual to NANCE'S VOVND SYRUP OF HOREHOVSD. Thl me-ucine bas now lea in use for ei during which time there haa Ivsen a en mnd n rt. and its popularity instead of ik bss been always on the increase. During thie lime many new aaedieio . sprung up Um the cure of the above eoa ome of which larted anlv a few months, en not ae 1 ng but HANCB'8 8YKLP ha. gone ua g lining favor with ell claeareof until it haa now become identified by mat """rEOULAR FAMILY MEDICIN : To thoee whe hsve never used lha Co Syrup nf Hoiehound, thia no'ioe i particu reeled to, se io those wha bavo once exu iie peeutiorly hppy eflTi'eU, any pravse of i trxnl.1 ho saperflu.Hia, PRICE 60 Canta pet bott'e, ot bottW I ror ule hy SETH S. HANCE, I0S U at and ornir ot 1'hsrte At l'U ia., Bs' aud by GEOIttiE BRIO II lSuot u D. BRAUllOAM, N unburn CtX. 83, 1817. :
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers