a" , For 'he Sunbury Americ(an,v '-V ' ' To rr; v." - . " - 1 I;, ' l"l .. t V i The dpre frieml meet but tn part, Tn rend the tendrila eflbe heart, '' 'That hind lhem to each cither. " ' Obey wo mint fate's tern differ, . , Hit mandate forth we need not flee, t, , , W must our fee ling tmolher. Put though. we part, in memory' cell 'J'hnu ever Halt in. fondness dwelt,, , And thcte, shall liveTorever.' " ' '' And though I in the busy whirl 1 ' Ol wnildly traffic mix, tweet girl, 1 can forget thee tipver. ,.. I " "D. OK THS Isr.K." Sonbtiry, Oct. Hth, inn. The Fashions!! Lady's Prayer, ' . r.Y w. Fct.cn "G've ii5 this day our daily bread,' V And pies ami cakes beside, it To load the ttomnrli, pain the head, - , And choke the Vital tide ; And if loo snori n friend decay, Or Hie in agony , Weil talk of 'Cod's myiterious way," , And lay it all to thee.' ' 'jive up, to please o morbid taste. '. , -; In spite of pain and death; Consumption strings around the waist, Almost to stop the breath ; Then, if infirmity attend , , . Our (tinted progeny, In visitation to our sin, ' VWM lay it all to thee. ' Give U9 big bustle in the rear, (We ask it not :n fun,) . , A thing for corn field crow to fear, And hen to most upon.. And if we hent the hip and spine, What matter should it be T . When sickness follows we can whine, . And lay it all to thee. Give ua good houses, latge and tall, To look the rabins down, Anil servant dodging at our call, And shaking at our frown. . . The poor, however worthy tbey, Weil treat right scornfully ' The six pence pay communion day, And settle up with thee. We do disdain to toil and sweat, Like girls of vulgar brood ; Of labor give us not a bit, Kor physic, not for food. And it' for want of exerciso, ' Wc lack the stamina Of those we trample and despise, We'll lay it all to luoe. If any curse we have forgot, That on a votary, Fashion rets fall withhold it not, Hut end it grievously. And if too hard to mill stone light For frail humanity, Weil never blame ourselves a mite, but luy it all to thee. Yes, give us eolTee, wine and tea, Ami hot things introduce, The stomach's warm bath thrice a day, To wenkeu and i educe, AuO if, defying nature' law, Dyspeptie we must be ' We srnrn to search for human cause, L'ut lay T. all to the, The two circulation the Nervou and tb Sanguineous. Fa i kioiish a so I't-cuij turrit or Pui-vrtR. No Ices than four of the five printer employ el in the ultkti of the New Orleans Daily Na lionnl, have served their country on aea and luu J. The National nays: On w an actor iu thu glorious battle of i'aiu Alto, ktesaca de la I'alma, Monterey, (,herc he loft an eye,) Vera Cruz and Cvrro (ordu; another was Willi Dlaiicliard at the slur m;ii of Al julcrey's hftighi, stid afterwards sha re J in the flury of Scott's victories before rea :'iin Jalapi ; another served a year in Mexico, ur Uuclu Sun, but a few fights anions the rob lii-r binila v.ero all that the fortune of war gave him ; and the fourth whs a Midshipman in our 0 ii Navy, and a tailing master and Lieut, in Unit of Texas. One has resided in France, ir-at Britain ami the Ci rinun Stutes another lived some) year- in Mexico another has seen i!m wall of Canton, towering pagodas, and hun i til the wa niter on Ilia corn-t uf Oiegon and another baa b(M ii upon tli cloud capppd Cor. 'I'lleriia of South Auierics, among the ruins of i-itrtlujiiakes of ('ariecas, and touched the tassel-t-d banner which I'l.arru )iit inarched into Pe ri itU ; and uuimijf them, the l-'reneh, (Jerinan .in J Spaniali lari.Misges ru spoken; but the , f.-nin ol itiH hIioIh U, they are all Taylor men 1 i T. V)m) won't say that tha printer 'ate -line.' At a body, they are talented but nolle- i ii.-iiiu ; v ild wiiiinut, of euuree, being wise; ud b"iu very erratic iii tlieir difcpoitiona,artt ny, of neceity; poir. I'ori.THtr. A correspondent of Pouglikeep. ot Ttiu'raph, hnd 'M tiHK, the past aeasun, up : v-uteu.Ur lA, :t,G2 tgx, aud (IU chickens, i'lm iiianugemunt Cuiioii.ts, iu a warm dry shel r lor winter; feediuj with oat soaked twelve w iir m warm wtUri oud a free supply of burut ' Inn ahellu, powdered fine. The chicken ate 'I with a mictiir of two pails of oats and oik jI grouuil Ui uittl. . ' , nAX-p. '$ o?r.E ,1 TV . 'I'fcJS$YliVAJ.'I,ir' The following. b-M shows the current value of H 1 Vnnsylvanin Batik Note. Th twost Implicit re l.ance may I dnrd upon it, a it I every mrrk tan-fully compared with at d corrected from Dick nc.ll' Importer.., , , ; , Rniskta In riillndclphln. ' 1 i , I. ,..!, . J)p, 'iniii . uirrjiTlflt Phimk. ' i per . pur par k par , par . p.ir eir par far pur par pr ' .- pi ll" par NOTES' AT PAR. (liik of Notih Amorim Rank of the nrttiern f.i'eTtie , ('ommrrrinl Unnk of Penn'a . Furmeis' and Mec hanirs' Hunk "ii Kensington It ink r,ildelihm nink ' Srhuvlkill flank Sonthwark Hink . . Western Itnnk Meclianic!! IJm.k - , ' MniifartnTPnt' .V Mivhsrtice' n.ink flank of fVnn Toiii-hip , Hirr.l rtaek Bunk of Cnnimorre, 1 to Mnymrnsint Bank of Pe'in lvii'i C'onniry TlniiltA. ' Bank of Chenler t'omuv Hank of Delnwnre County nnk of l termiintm!! Hank of Miiiitiiotnery (Jo. Doylestown Bnl, Pssion Itatik Farniprw' Bank of Buck eo. Bank of Nnrtliiinleiiinil Westchester Chester Ocrmantown Nnrrisiown 1) lyledtowu Etslon Bristol. pr par pnr par pur par pur Northumberland par I'oliiml'ia Bnik A tiriile en.Ciiliinibia isr par Farmers Bmk of l.aiiennter f,tricivlci Lancaster ('mir.ty Bink f.incnster Hunk Fnrnipie' Bank of treading (Mlice of Bunk of Perm's. Olfice do do Office do do nifice dn ' do Lineaster pir Laneister pi Iv-mling , ps, IIarrisluiig" The-e Lnnenster I offices Iceiiling Jilo not E.isfnn J iKsne n. : NOTES AT, "ink of tho Coilpil Mutes' n i son un t. Philadelphia . Potiaville Lewistown Middletown Carlisle Pitlstiurg lliilliiavslurg MarriKhurg Lebanon Pittsburg Pills'. in Willinmeport Wilkesharia Alleulown 23 J J 2 i i i i i i if Minera' Bank nf PtMiKvillc Bank of Irf'tvintown Bank of Middlitown Carlisle Bank ICxrhange Bank Io do branch of Harripbure; Bank l.clianon Banks'. Merchants' ft Mnnuf Bank Bank of Pittsburg West Biancb B ink Wyoming Bank Northampton Unnk Berk County Bank Ollice of Bank of 1 1. 8. ' Do do do Do : do . do i lltmk of Chaiuhersliiirg Bunk of (Jottybhurg Har.k of ISuquehnna (?o. Erie Bank Farmers' ft )rover' Bunk Franklin Bank Honenlale Bnk Mononifaliela Bunk of B. Vork Bank heading PittstKirg failed Erie do IVew Briublon do i 'hamltershurg (irttysburg Mc.ntriwe 1 Erie lj,il Waynesburg, jij Washington l Honembdo I J Brownsville I J Yoik lal N. B, 1 be note of those banks on which we omit quotations, and substitute dash ( ) are not purchaxpd by the Philadelphia brokers, with the exception or (hose which have a letter of reference. BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Philadelphia failed Philadelphia Loan Co. do failed Schuylkill Sav. Ins. do failed Keiitiinptuij ISav. Ins. A Penn Township tSav.ns, da do Dyott, prop.) failed Townnda ' Bedford no sale Beaver closed Hsnisburg .closed Washington failed Hill.f.ilite closed Pittkhuig no sale Pittsburg failed Fayette co. failed (rcencastle failed Harmony no sale Huntingdon no sale l,eiiowii no sale Warien failed DuiiilafT no sale New Hope rloecd Milton no sale Meadsille closed Port Curhon Carlisle failed .Muriliose closed Ciiiontown failed (areeiisdufg cl(li.ed Wilkesbarre nossle fowamla Bnnk Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bank of Beaver U ink of Swatnra Bank of Washington Centre Hank City Bank Farmers' & Merh'cs' Bank Farmers' & Meeh'cs' Bank Fanners' V Mecb'cs' Bank Hannony Insiittttc Huntingdon Bank Juniata Bank Lumliermeu's Bunk Northern Bank of Pa. New Hope Del. Uiidce t'o. Northumh'd Cnion !ol. Bk. North Western Baik of Pa. Office of Scbulkill Bank Pa. Art. 6l Mnnuf. Bank Silver Lake Bank Union Dank of Penn'a. Wextmnieland Bank Wilkesbarre Bridge Co. fTj All notes puritortiug to he no any Pennsyl vania Bank not giten in tiie above lut, may b ( Jown as rrauuK. ew ji:iisi:y. Bank of New Brunswick Brunswick failed i par par Uelvideie Bank Belvidere Burlington Co. Bank Medford Commercial Bank Perth Amboy Unnilxrl.wid Bank llrljfeion Farmers' Bnk Mount Holly Farmers' and Mechanic)-' Bk Bahway farmers' and Mechanics' Kk N. Biunswick failed Farmers' and Men-bants" Bk Midillctown Pt. 1 Franklin Bank of N. J. Jersey City failed failed failed failed failed 4 failed HolioLi n Ukg & Ciaztlil Co Iloboken Jersey City Bank Jersey (My McchanuV liatik Manufncturers' Bank Morris County Bank Monmouth Bk of ft. J. Mechanics' Bank Mechanics' and Mnnuf. Bk Morris Canal and Bkg Co Pot Nolea Newark lakx cV Ins Co New Hope l)el limine Co latleisoii Belbvillc MornsUiwn Freehold Newaik Trenton Jersey City Newark par DO sale i i falle.1 faded . 4 failed 4 par par LainberUtills N. J. Munufie. and 12kg Co llohoki-li N J Proleclon V Lonibuid t-a. Jersey City t Iruiiue 11 ana I 'range I'slermin Bank ' ' ' p4l-rson Peoples' Bank do Piiiueion Bank 1 Priueeion Salem Banking Co S ilent hlate Bank lSewark ' Slate Bank EluatieUilowu Slate Bank ' . ' Cam. leu State Bank of Morris Morn-town i par . 4 failed faded 4 par i faded f i r par . V par par r ar jr par MiNte Bank Treiuon Mslem and Philad Munuf Co Suit-in Suaaei Bank Nswion TrentiNi Banking Co Trenttin I'uinll Bank Dover WasbiiigUui Bsnkilig ("o. liackenaack Bk of W'ilm & Braudywiinj WilnungUm Bank of Delaware Wilniuiglon Bank of Sinyrus Hmyiua Do Uaiieh Mllloid Fanners' Bk of Stale of Del Dover Do brunch Wilmington Do blanch Geoigeluwa , Do branch Newosstla Union Bank Wilmington (TV 1 'nd-r 5' rj'UiisU I'suLs iii.o krd thus () Ibers ara u ibei lOuoitTit-ii ,.( u.'ieied iiiites ol (La vaious ! nouiiiistious, in circulaiiou. The only lennwn Mciliti lht et the tame time purges puriici tnj ilrenglhtna (he lyiteja. f. V- Lo'box. July ,7, iMt. DR. LE ROY'S Pill art a new metliVine which has just apieired,and la fast taking tlm places of nil other, of the ssmsi class. . These piJU are composed of many kncredienls. bill the two principal one are SarspanU and Wild Cher ry, o untied that they act together ; the one, tbr.mgh im a.liniitnre with other nib-titns, pu rifying ind purgim, while the other ia s'renctheli ing the system. Thus thaso pilU are at the mm' time tonic and openinn ; desiilerainm- long and eagerly ntiiht f r by medical men, bill never be fore dicov.red. In t-ther wnrd ihey do the work of two medicines, and do it much better than any , two we know of; for Ihey remove nnibintt fnm the sys'em but the impurities so that while ihey purge ibry sireog'ben; and, hence they cause no dchihlntton, and are follow, d by no re-netin. . Dr. Le Hoy's pills have a wonderful influence on the t.liHxi i they nor only punfv. without weakening: it, lu 4ley remove all trxioua panicles from the ebyle Iw l'oic it is c.inverird into fliril. and thus make im pure hl.od an otter impos-ihiliiy. A there ia no dchiliintion, vo t'.irie is no nuei or ;ickoess t tendiog Ibe opriati.ins of litis most excellent of me dicines, which never (.trains or tortures the diges tive 'unctions, but cau-e them lo work in a er. foctly' iialur-tl manner ; sod lu nco peisont Inking them do not hecomo pile and' eui rialed, but Ibe contrary ; for while it is the properly of the Marsa panlla, nmled as it i with other ingredients, to icmove all that is foreicn and impure, it is equally Ibe property of the Wild Cherry to retain ail ib. t is liiloinl und sound; and bene.n a ruliu-t sta'e of beal h is Ibe certain result of their united ojiera lions rj j- Prn-e 25 emits per BOX, . , Ageuu for Le Kov's Vdls, .,, r, .. i i J. W. FBIMNfi, . JOHN YOU MS. S80"'?' M. A. Mct:.Y, Norihiiniberl'd. August Slst, I Si7. ly , . . , , WILL II E I'Fu LISH E D L" V A s"l UNO TON, , dc, Ol TNF. SrVRIlll OF it:C HHT k'O OKS OP TIIR uxrrrci s iwtf.s niaMin i:it. A I hit Jy Junrmil of florrriimntl, Isgitlutlee ami General AVir. 1HE SCBSCRIHEK l-S NOW ENABLED to announce the completion of his arrnng s. merits for the establishment of a well-ornanis-il and independent Journal of News nt the Seat of the (Ifiiersl (ioverment. The lending features of tho Coiled Stiles Pp. porter will be thu following: i I. Early intplligenee of the Movemen's of the various Depnitmente, in reference lo domestic af fairs and M the foretcn reUiion of the enuniry, will be (liven with scrupulous fidelity. Possess ion peculiar facilities for obtaining information, the Repoiter" will be enabled frequently t'l comr municsie, exchi-ivelv, inlelligenc of the most ims portapt character. . , ' ' ; II. Theveibalim Reports of ibe Proreedinirs and Debates of the United Stnips Senate, blchtbe proprietor ia hound to furnish daily to thai bmly, in accordance with the letms of the c. ntr irt made at the close of las! session of Congress, The ar tancements now mide will at once fully seeuie Id the Senate of the United States an authentic ami complete record of its debates; and lo the people, in a greatly rnlatged i'f gree, the l enelU of the rx p. rieiice, ascily, aud statesmanship of thai bo.ly to which they hava ever looked with solicitous and resieclful leanrd. . . . III. The Proceedings and Debft'csin the House of Representatives will slso be cien with fullness, impart islity and the utmost promptitude. Each dix'a record will le completely mule up, and ap pear in ihe RepfHtei" nelt morning. . ; .. IV. A Synoptical View of the Proceediuga and Debate of all the State Legislatures will he Yegti lirly given. Mcmhc'S of Con'gri ss, and all classes of ri aileis, will thus be kept fu'ly and systi mali cally informed of doinesiie legislation in all sec Hons of the United States. V. Early Intelligence of a'l important move men'a in the L gislalore of Crest Iiri'ain Snd Frsuce will le conimuuictted by eveiy steamer fjom Europe, throuuh reporters in London and Parts, wl'o pisess peculi .r fn iliiies f t obtaining liifot nation. . VI. Thetieneial News of the Day will be given in a condensed form, with industry and attention. VII. Reports of Arguments before the Sopicme ti'ouil nf ibe U. S. This ilepaittnent wilt he so conduced as to make die Ri potter" in Iisiens4 hie lo every lawyer in Ihe country. Such is a biief view if what Ihe "Uuited Stata Repoiter" is designed to lie. All the plans and r raogt iinms have been well maluied, arid the luqie is confi lentlv cheiisheil, thai tbn "United States K. p. iter ' will prove itself a-i energetic, industrious, itignified aud peifeclly indep' ndent jooin.il. It will have no patty views no political bias. The pfopiielot, by the teinis of bis contract ih Ihe Seu tte of the 7. S is hound lo ih cnndi'i in that "the paper shall cont iin no political discussions except the debates." It w.ll be the viliicle nf news not tl e organ of sny set of opinions The grand aim of the subscriber is lo establish at the )-. t of (iovernmei t a faithful and promt repoiter of a'l .sorts of intelligence a respoasthle agent, on w horn the politician, the business man. the manufacturer, ihe mechanic, and every one interested in the af fsits of Congress snd the f Snvc rtimeut, may rely at all times with iinptiiU fonlide'ice. . , It is t vlievsj that the esiahlishmi-nt of such a rtii ible j 'Utnal of uilel igetueou lrms which place it within the leach of Ilia grest masses ii the peo ple, at the commeuce'iienl f wh it p-omises lo be a most interesting and eventful peij m in ihe history of ("oiigii s-ional proceedings, will ba regarded with fsvor by all classes of the community ; and having ihos staled bis obj.cls. Ihe suhsciiber rt spectfully robc ts a libeial and grner, us support trout the t'lil. ghlei.eJ puld'C ef the United Hisles JMES A.HOUSi'ON. Stenographer to the Senate of the U. 8 The "Cnii.il Stairs U. porter" will I s printe.1 on a large and hanilsoiue sheet, and issued every mor ninn, except Muu.lsys, at ihe rate of six dollars er annum ; single, copies, two rents. , , In rotintc'ion with Ihe daily paper, there will be issued from the same establishment, THE MIKHOK Of COSGHES. The pnlili.-. lion will contain exrlusiva'y Ibe re ports of the piorei dings and debates of Ihe Con gress of ihe Uni'aJ Stales. will be issue, I semi weekly, in an elegant quatto firm, throughout Ibe session of C. ingress, and wilt bs furnished to sub scribi is at lb rate if two d llsrs fur thu loug sea smn and one dollar for ibe short session. m be lieved li it this great national wotk will be doeuted mdispvfisil'la in the lihrary of every public insti'u. lion, politicisn aud ptofe-sionsl man throughout the country ; and that it will l regarded by the great ina-s of ibe 4ople as kjie very best pohticl ten- IkioV fur their vwo iustructiuu and that of their children. . IMP OH TA ST .Ib'KOUXCEMEST. Throughout lbs seasb na of Congress, Exlias will lie issued from ihe omce of ilia "United Slates Uepoilsr," conlainiug th report of such debate a may poases particularly exciting interest. All subscriptions aud communications tn he post paid, addressed -J. A-HOUSTON, (mind States Reporter, Washington, D,C." August Mih, Ie4?. tc 0 pinions or- fi f it "i;iSsf T Tnucnrs nnut tegetjble tilw, . . Finm the Crtrn'ci Vemocrat. , , "llfRrOUlTS NrttA-r VrorTttata Pin.-'n.ee , celeliVsled Pdls, so universally used and aj-, rnjred, hsvo liecrtme to 1 e considered almost as ne. cessnty In families as water or fuel. ' In fact, iha principle upon which lhi medicine has eslaW'sbed t its reputation pnrpntiijn now pretty geneially . acknowledged to I e the niily tiue one, by which, health majr be p ea- rvetl, or restored when lihpairtd. . Wright's PilU are now a tiniversal favorile, , , From the PhUadrljihtri Rilurdny j'veninf Ppsf. Wiiioht's lama VtoitTiat.a Piils, are at' taining gnat . hlnitv in New Engti-nd, aa will a ntbe' paitsof the United Allies! Th attempt of prrnns lo defraud the public bv the ( tie of spurious aiticles meets, wjth general reprobation. Di, Wright is an indi falicable business man. and shows an array of cure by the metlecine which warrant confidence In Ihe virtue of hi Indian Vegetable Pills. ' ' ' . From the rhUiitrlphia Spirit of Ihe Timn. ' Wamnr'a lantsu Vioitsmi.r Pitta, Peo pie are pretty well sa'l fiej by this time thst calo mel, and the other' thousand and one mineral pre pata'iali of the ,h"ps, are bttfr adapted, as a gens erur rule, io li rather than t'rtre the pallenl ; as t mut er of course, vegetable medicines are therefme in great request. .There are nviny humbug how eve, among the latter,' and we would ailvi-e all those wh'i have the e regard for their health, to tty YTr'zhl' ti,tian Vrrtnhle Piti nf f,e Kurth American Co'trgr of Ihnllh, as they are Ibe pre paration of one in tmstely cqiituted with the healing art. .. ., From the tln'tim Day Tim'. Wjitniir's In nt a VrosTSLX Puts. Of all th public advertised medicines ef tha day. we know of none that we ran more safely recommend for the "ills that flesh is heir to." than the Pills that are sold nt.lhe depot of the Noith Amniiean Col lege rif Health. No I'Jf Tremonl strppt. Boston. Sevpial instances we know of w here they are ned in families with the highest s tisficlion; snd no 1 nser ago thnn yesteidsy, we h. ard an eminenl phvsiiisti or this city lecommend them in high lerms, The foil wing highly respectable stoiekeepers hive lieen duly ai'-omted ag nts for the sale of Wrir-hl't Indian Yegrliihte I'ilU, In Northumbcrs I nd rniiuty : Henry Masser, Sunbnry. E. ft J. KaufTitisn, Augusta township. Nsti-nel lleib. Little M thonoy. William Deppen, Jackson. BciifvillH Holsbne, Uper Mahonny. John (!. Renn, Up; er Mahonny. Samuel John, Shnmokintow n. For.jlhe, Wit-on & Co.. Northumberland. E. L. Piper, Walsnuburg. Irland ft Hayi ea. McEensvilte. James Pcel. Potlsgrove. Win. Seolt, Rushvdle. Hartmsn Knrpble, Elysburg P. O. Am -a T. Betsset, Turbutsville. (id on Ship, Upper Msh.inny. Rhodes ft Farrow, Snydristown. John King, Farmersville. tsi!ns C. Co. 4. Martin's Cre. k. J. De Young. Hieksville. Alirsbam Stirrer. Richmond. Samuel Tsj lor, Slalefor I. John II. Vincent, Chilieqnaqne. Wm. Heinen ck Btftther, Milton. Iliwilti sr Cocari,arKTs. The puMic are cautioned against ihe many spurious medicines, which in order tn deceive, arc etllej bv names si milar lo Wricht'e tulinn Vegrtuble PHI.' , , The safest course is lo putcha-e of the regular agent only, who are gentlemen thai may be re lied on. rfj Office" dcvo'el exclusive'; to the afe' of Wi;ItiHT'S INDIAN VEGB TABLE PILLS, of the Noith American College of Health. No. 28 (Srecnwich Street, New York; No. 19S Tremonl Street. Boston; and PRINCIPAL OFFICE No. lfi'J Rcr STr.T, Phila.Ulphla. ' June I2thrl47.-il3y. - ' . b io k s o n & cj o .T No. 8Q Market Street, five doors below v Thin, South hide, .. PHILADELPHIA, Imporlrrs) &, Vliol.'ale DeulcrN la WATCHES. Watch (ila ses and Materials Jesrelrv of all descriptions, qualities ami s'yles, ccmpjising all the articles connecte-l with the Trade, Cl.ks. Di(s,n Jf Snn'a Britanni i, German Silver and Sil ver-Plated Wares. Sheffield and Birminghsm Plated Fancy Articles. Rodger ft Son's and Wosti nhlin's Cutlery, Ra- tors. Sc SHors. Erasers, iH-.k Knies, Ac, Nory H andled Table Cutlery, of the fin at, medium and common qnalilie. A large sssoilmenl nf Gold Pen. I'enfiK-sl Siectselrs. Pspter Mat-he and Japanned Tray, various shapes and qualities, at re-tured rates Gold Watch Caaes, Dials and Silver-Ware, of all descriptions, manufactured lo order. DICKSON & CO., having recently removed into the large aud commodious warehouse formerly occupied by Messrs. R. Asam-asT & Sons, and more recently by Asshvhst 4 RsmsoTOS, beg leave to inloriu Watch Dealers, Country Merchant and other, that ihey design having at all timea a targe s -soil mi ni ol Goods, of their own importa tion, which tbey are determined to sell at the lowest rsles. I , j,:-'',-.. . Cj Every attention will be paid in the Packing of Goods, and in the execution of Oid ra, the qui li lies sudpiicts will be fully guarantied against all competition. Philadelphia. Jnal9th47. If . Firi.1 1'reiniiiin Writing Ink. No 87 North Third Street, PIIILADELPIHA. ROM Dr. Hare, the celebrated Pmfe-eor of Chemistry in Ihe University of Penn'a. , ThlUd. IptlM, I let. II, 113. "Dear Sir Having liied your Ink, I will thank you lo scud me another bottle, ss I find it to be excellent., I em yours, truly, " Roar. Ilaat." Fiom Dr. Locke, of Cincinnati, distinguished f r hia numerom scieuiiflc reseatcbea. 'Medical College of Ohio, Cit cinuati, January 17, IAv4. Iltrvieg paeJ Mr, Hover's Writing .Ink, I sin satislie.l Ibst it is Ihe text which has ever come lo my knowledge, snd especially it trfl!cnt for Ihe use nf Si eel Vem, and will' not eorrvd ibsin, even in long use. .' ! ' Jogs J.ocsi, Prof, of Chrmistnr, (VER'S ADAMANTINE CEMENT, From a well known scientific gentleman." M Philadelphia, KeK t7. 184. ' Mr. Jo-ph E. Horer Si i A Ua of your Cc rninl, and avoie practical fes of its suieiioiily, ha indureil me to leconaieud it lo others as sn invnlusblo ailicle for mending China. Glass, or Cabinet War. , Caateaai-i. Moarir, , , . Anal) tic Chemist." For rale al lb Manufactory, Whvlestle tud Re tail. No. M7 Nohth Tmibd Stmkt, upmaite Cherty slrsvt, PhUsJelpbia, by t JOSEPH K. HOVER, . May ii, IK 17. j30 ly Msiiufattuiti. THE Hnbserlbetsshave' the exe'usive right of vending J. M. THATCHER'S Hot matt Wot- Air CmUIng In flii e. urtt'e of Nniihghiberlati f, CTdiimlii snd Schuylkill; and from the encouragement met with alresdythey expect in do a large bii'sincss.. This stiive is coiistrncrd on tin entitely new principle, and on th only p:inc:ple that c m make both a good wood and coal stove. ,Tbe inventor has over, come all thq difficult :r ilm sj fiequeully belong to other stoves', .He has, by his arrangement, con stttictcl a hioiling (Xj-Oien III front, whero in broiling, roasting, frying or baking msy be done, and all the smell that arises tbstefrom must pass into the combustible chamber, and is not at thrown mil into the room T3 Berde this, there i an oven only two inches less than the whole siae of Ihe stove, wherein baking or roasting may lie done a wel) it can I in th common brick oven. This oven is alwavs fit for u-a when the stove is healed, as the whole draught of hoi air passes a round it constantly. ., ' Public attention is particularly called to this stove. It can.be s en at our Store and Tin Estah. bailment in North Danville, al the sign of the Co lumbia Tin shop, und si the Foundry of Rohrbarh ft Clement in Sunbury, where its particular quali ties will be fully shown andexp'ained lo any nron wishing to n iiniue it The subserilH-rs continue to have on hand all kinds fiarlot stoves. such as radiators, cy lenders, fancy and plain, suitable for all who may favor ua with a call ; also common sheet and Russia Iron, which can be mule in any desirable shape; toge. ther with a general asnrtmenl of tin and jiptnned warp, wholesale and letail. Countiy merchants are invited lo call and examine our s'ock. as our work cannot be surpas-ed, and pi ices modoeraie. N . B. We can safely recommend the above men tioned stove to persona who wis'i lo emh trk in a good business. The patentee will sell either coun ty or slate rights, to suit purc'issera, and on rea son abb' let ma. He or his ngilits tmv be found in Danville, Pa. J. fk J. AK PER. The undersigned, baVing seen in operation the hot hiasi hot air cooking stove, invented and pa tented by J. M. Thaicher, cirlify that we believe, from the mariner of its con"ttucii n and opera ion, that it is the best one ever tillered to the public. The airaugemeitt is so complete and the construction so judicious, that there is saving ol one half the fuel and time, in doing any given amount of rvice, over other celebrated stoves. In short we renin ntetit it in ptefcrence lo all others, for ibe simple reason ibat it embraces evi ry branch of economy. Samuel (iarreit, John W (Sarrett. David Chats field, W F Knch n. John M Giav, E Thompson, Smilli Thompson, J D Hahn, John Oskes. Hi siki- j ah Bear, Eliaa F Cooper, Gen M Kich-rt, Daniel I Huffman, Henry H Kissel, F H Caiver, Daniel Dreishach, Jo-eph Vanknk, Brooks Epley. Danville. March 6, 1817. ly s THK subscriber oilers for sale a cheap -Psjm, -- situate in Shatnokin township, Northumber land county, about eight miles from Sunbury, ly ing between ihe Centre turnnike and Iri-h Valley, Containing 162 acres snd allowances. Said firm is in a good state of cultivation, with res sons, My good liuildipgs and excellent water near ihe door ; and all kinds of fruit. eVe." ' - ' ' ' JOHN FARNS WORTH. Sunbury. Feb. 20, 1817. CI-r7.TJCTl6lT STOPaS, .io...'U .lSl'tli .Third street, (n r. r'thk i itt hotvi.. ' I H IL ADELPHI A, C. C. M A C K K Y, AtcrtoNEKB. TO COUNTRY STORE-KEEPER. B7",Vr;NING SALES of Hsrdwnte. Cullety, "j Ssddlery, Whips. Boots, p-Iiim-s, Hats, Caps, Guns, Pistols, Clothing, ' Watches and Fancy Goods, At Maekey's Auction Store, 31 North Third street, near the City Hotel. ' The attention of Country Mrrehanta is invited. The Goons will be s Id in lota to suit pu'ch i-crs, and all Good otli-red will lie wa'ran'ed i qtial to the represent iliona that may lie made of thern. N. B. A large assortment of Goods al Private Sale. Jan. 1. 1847 ly IVIOUNT VERNON 5 Norlh 2d Ht., tel. Arch At Race stu., 1 Ii i I a l e I p Ii i a . BRADY ft PAKKEK respectfully inform their friends and the public Ibat ihry have taken tha above named house, recently kepi by J. S. Adams, and are piepared tn accommodate custo mer in ihe most satisfactory manner and al rea sonable pricef. Their table will be supplied with the best vari ety he market a Hinds their parlors and sleeping eptrtmems will be in Ihe best order. The house bss been thoroughly repaired and furnished with a view lo the comfort nf travellers snd strangers. Hsving had several years experience in the business, they hope lo giss gonsial ew'isfsction, end respectfully invite fsvellers snd strsngers lo give them call. IIKADY A PARKER. Philadelphia. January 16, 1847. tf fry iuoussrl's mnftcrs.il SHAVING CREAlVr. Small ijuantities piven without I'liargc. .11 114 Chemul St., PHILADELPHIA. f jpiIIS new and spVmlid article, a- its name de I notes, is pr.ifessp, i w superior to sny ha ving Cream in the United Stales or Europe. It ia unsurp'ss d for beauty, purity and f-agrance, tho somewhat analagou to Gu- rlain's Ambrosial (-ream and other similar compound. Il far sur passes them all by the em I ient pasty consistency nf its lather, which so (often the heard as lo render shaving pleasant, snd easy. Il further possesses the sd vantage over tha imported article, in being freshly pn p nr. I, no skill being wanting ill its man U fact ui e. E.Roussel having hid many years ex pcriuice in Ibe celebrated Laboratory of Laugur, Pere el Fits, now Reuaiid 6c co., of Paris. Besiite Uing ibe best, it is lite chesHst aiticle for shaving ; it is eleg intlv put up in boxes, with demlid sleet engrsvej labels. ' Prb-e f 3 r doxen. or S7J cents for a single box, lo shave one year. It ia also sold at f I 60 r lb. or ltj pints per o., so ihst gentlemen ran have their boxes filled st EUGENE ROt SSEIS. Wholesale and Retail Perfumery and Mineral Wa ter Establishment, 114 Chesnut Street, Dec 19, 1818. PHILADELPHIA. FOUNTAIN HOTEL, , Light Street, IH E House ha ua.letgotie thorough repair, . The roprieiof solicit lis former paUouag. . Term l S3 per dsy. WM. W. DIX. AKTHl'K L. FOUG, July 4, 1646. ly l'ioprteton.1 TOUNIIV A T 4 Ii' AW, ' I BUIiBURV. I A. ,... Business sttemled to in the-Countie of Ndr IhutPberland, Union. I.veoming and CoiumWia. P. cV A. RnroiiitT, T-s-'" Lowsn ft Unntiv, . . .j , Somsns Ssjoimsisa, . Vfiltto. - Rxrtrotna, McF.ntssjt & Ctv , ,j SpRRivn, Goon cV Co., J X AUCTION STQllli, No. 0, North 3tJ st.,. tljjrd tdoor, aboyc " .-vv- .Mrkt Slreel- -- -PniLADBLPHIA. s (C ALE EVEKY EVENING, t.f a general J i& sortment of Foreign and Domestic Hardware. Table nml Poi kel Cutlery, Trunks L'tek, Latchets, Bolts, Saw,, Saddlery, Whips, Bonis, Mioes, n's. Caps,' Guns, ; PistoU, Trimiuiugs, Clothing , ' and Fancy O.aids. ' The attention nf city and country dealers Js' in vited. The Goods are fresh, and will he warrantee equal to the representations thst msy he made of thnn. BAYLIS Jt BROOKE It, Auetinnem, , , No 6 North Third st. N. B. Purchaseis can have their Good packed. I ,,,, 1(ivi,e j-everai liivuirrsol lioods nave bten received to be Philadelphia, Dec 10th, 181C ly '. , ' . To. The I. o. r o. r. , J. W. & I V. 1). S T O K K S, Manufacturers of 1'rcmitim 0hl Fcl- ' lows' Ivet?:t I'm, ' No. 194 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA, r Firsl Clothing Store below blh Street. THE soHsrtilssrs having taken ihe premium at Franklin Institute, al ihe last exhibition, for tha hest llegalia, lliev invtin the attention of .the order to iheir establishment, wbee they w.ll find a splendid assortment nf P. G. and Encampment Re galia. They also make Ij order foe Lodges and Encampment. Kega'ia. hashes, Oo.fnme nml Robes, and furnish every thing remiisita for tho convenience of new Lodges or Enrainpmenia., J. W. sTOK E, i E- D. ST i IKES. ; Philadelphia, Dec. 1!, 184(1. ly sDElTTISTPaTe V V. T K It 11. MASS K It, RECENTLY FROM PHILADELPHIA, F.SPECTFULLY inlorm. the eitixena of Suut'urv anil vicinitv, lhal he Iihs ope nni an cilice at tile rejidetire of Ilemy Mas-ef, iu Maiket street, wh, re he is prcpniril le en cute all kinds of Distil Svsnssv. Plate Work, dec , on thu latest and most approved plans. Having had some experience snd instruction, unilrr one of ihe most eminent and successful Den lis's in Philaib Iphia, he heli, vps thnt he will ,e able In give satisfaction to tliose who may want bis services Ladies will ba waited on at their place of resi lience. His charges will be modeiate, and his wotk warranted. Sunbury, March ?8th, ISlfi. To INireliaaer r DR3T. OOODS. . 1 3 1 Pearl t., N E W YO UK. Tl AVING establi-hed a Branch at No. 144 Chefc' nut St., Philadelphia, is now iK-ning. arid will he constantly receiving from the New York Abc lions, an extensive assnrtmenl of FANCY It STAPIsE DRY GOODS, which will le sold si the lowest New York pi ices, at wholesale aud IL tail. Among h s spick will he found a good assortment of the following articles: J seconds, Plsid, Hair Cord, Lace, Stripe, R.Nik, Swis and Tsrlatan Muslins, Bish p and Linen Lawns, Fsncy Cap Nells, Fancy and Ball Presses, 'I'hresd Laces, Application D ., rich B ack Silk 'Primming Lace, Irish Linen. Linen ('ambries. Linen Cambric Hilkfs.,Cuttain Fringes, Cashmere d'Ecosse, Mousebne de I .sine. fMlk and t'otlon Warp Alpsccas, (Ju -en's t'lolh, Gala Plaids, French Meiinos, Itl.ck Silks, (iloves. Si k Hose, Shawls, Crsva's, lfillon-. Emluonleri-s. Ac, Ac. C-ouulrV Meidiante aud others visiting Philailel. phia or New Yoik to purchase, are respectfully ia vited to call aud examine Ibe st-xzks. Nov. I, w45. ly t iTi:iV i k Yk "anT) i. i v e . THOMSON'S onuoiind Sj rn or Tar V. Wood Aapllia. riHE luspreeednnted success of this medicine, in A. the? restorslion of health, to those who, in des pair, had given up all hopes, has given it an exals led reputation !nve all other remedies, furnishing evidence of its intrinsic va'uend power, as the on ly agent which ran le refied us for the cure of Pulmonary Consumption. Bronchiltts, Asthma, Psin in ihe side and Brest, Spitting of Blood, Whooping Cough, tJeiHip, Ac. Attention is letjuested lo the following A8TO.V. SSHINU CURE, bv Thomson' Compound Syrup of Tar and WoimI N spina ! ! PkilatMphia, May Sr, 1844. MR. THOMSON Dear Sir Wnh grateful feelings I inform you nf Ihe astonishing effects of your meslieine, which has literally isist d ma front adeaih-bed ! My disease. Pulmonary Consuinp lion, had reduced me so low that my physician pro no. meed my case hoeless Al this junction I be ll sn to u-eyour medicine, snd miraculous as it msy seem, il has completely restored me to health, a flee everything else had l'aile,l. Kewpectfullv vours, WASHING PON M ACK. Cliatlotle street, slsave Geotga street. The iimlersigned, U'ing persous'lv acquainted with Washington Mack and hi sutVrin;. bear wilnrs to ihe astonishing elb'cls of 'I'hotnson's Compound tsyrup of Tar, and Ibe truth of lit a latve atstemenl. JOS. WINNER, 318 North TbirJ street, , DAVID VICKEKS, 4 Almond su-ct. ,..., IIL'tiH M'GINLEY, S. E. corner famany snd Fourlh snivels. Prepared iH.ly by S. P. Thomson, N, E. coiner of 6lh slid t,,rucn streeU, Phi'sds pbl. , Agents. II. U. Masser. Sunbtjiy ; ). (irose, snd Ik. Mcbeison, Harriatmrg Jns. U. Urown, Colisville tie, i. E-,rl, IteHlutg ; Housiuii, ,L Mas en, Towsnda, Bradord cuuuly, I 'a. Prioe oU eeuW nr bottle, or f. pr doseo. .. , .-, dJr Itrware imiialiiuu. , i . j Philaileinhis, June SSih. It45. If . . , . (acorjrc f. Weaver, r ri Borr MAsrB v sun chandler. .Vo. ia North Wutrr Street, PhiUuietyhi. , IfllAti cuiMtanily on hand, a geueral asaortp M. M tueul of Cindsge, Seine Twines, &e-, vix ; i ar il Rupee, Fishing Ropes, While Ropes, Mauil la Rojies, Tow lanes for Canal Boats, Also, g complete aaortmeiit uf N,-iue 'I'wines, Ac, such aa Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Beal Patent Gill Net 'I' wine, Cotton Sbud and lleriing Twife, Shoe Threada, otc,4c. Ako, Bed Cords, t'ltagk l-inea, HalU)rs,Tracua, Collou aud Luicu Ca(pi- (plains, Ac, all of whith he will dapoaeof on teaiaouable leiuw. . , Phihdi l hi, Novvoibei 13, le.i. ly" A T .'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers