" VaraVaa tVnm Hie Aatklik ajalllrmanl. . On Jhe lOtrV of July shore arf'ited It -the vil--.re of St. IW nearrSt: IVtcre nl he. Pali oi St Anthony, on the rprier1 Mississippi, the iint novel nd 'priiail JiKjiiog 'trv4 that .is.eyer appeared since Noah's ark waa evecu--cd.- Out Mdere are a ware thar there la tin lao " tfed atlementV several VwYianJ inhabitante a', a, big b latitude cf Hnti.h Noitli America, tnown as the 'Solkirk Settlement."- Cut off 'rom the commerce of the world, ihef Jreiy en lirely ,iipon their own resources, their .farms, tlioir fleia, and fishing- and hunting forviipport -buirig a community , o to apeak, ol Robinson Crusoe". ,' t . . Their crop .having failed the - two last ea "unvihry have been lorced to break out of the wild agsin and seek food in the market of the fjrent brawling world. Formerly their chief point of rontacl with commerce was at Toron lo; but now, owing to the' increase of .euppliea on the Upncr Mississippi and the abundance of fame and forage on that route, they trade at St Paul, the head of team&oat navigation on, the Miefitwippi river. Into St. faiil there came on the 10th of July, a caravan of one hundred and twenty rarts, in eiuglo 'file, wearily moving a long by moonlight. long after the head of tbe caravan had reached the village, in lengthened train of followera could bceeen moving over the undulating prairie, partly viaible and partly hid lf ii between Hie billowy ridgeaof the extended plain, crawling onward like eome huge serpent, the extreme rear being at ill invisible, and part ly hidden in the dimncra of diatance. They had travelled southward over the prai rie aix hundred miles, having been nineteen ttvyeon their way, through a region abounding in huffjloea ; encamping at nijfht in a tent a round which the carta were ranged in a circle to fence in the cattle. They wero hindered conridernlily in crossing aoine of the atreama, and in many plnces found a scarcity rf fuel, and even the dry excrement ot the buffalo, which they use for fuel. They oJten suffered fur the want of water, aa many of the smaller atreama were eo rtrongly impregnated with the excre ment of the buflalo aa tu be unwholesome. They brought along a large elk, a bear, and aome o liter animals which they had captured on their way, and many packagea of fura. They bad a very choice lot of bnffitlo robea, well dreaarrl, which they (old at St. Paul by the lot at $3 50 each. They had with them also an abundance ol vpecie, and waited a few daya at St. Paul for the arrival of a steamboat load of flour and gro ceries. The caravan waa made up of men and boys of all ages, kindreds, tongues and complex .loos, including a large proportion of Gumbos. Their dreaaea were aa various aa could be ima gined, being uniform in only a tingle article of apparul nil wore inoccasina. The carta were made wholly of .wood and hidca, the hubs being' covered with bandagea of green hide, drawn on w hile soft, and there shrinking until they be came nearly aa tight aa bands of iron. , Some of these odd two-wheeled vihiclce were drawn by little horse, and others by oxen, each animal, horse or ox, being greared in a harnesa of green hide. They are now; again, on their way back to the frozen wilds of the Norih, many of them probably never again to commune with the great world. Wisconsin Herald. ' An 1nci.nf.kt at tub Battle or Moimatv. line col. iiavta with nia command, wis hotly engaged with the enemy, expoeed to their direct fire,, a man in a long gray aurtoul sudden ly rode up, and dismounting,- placed himself in the middle of the street. There, in face of tbe enemy, amidel the thickest of their fire, he cool ly drew from a case suspended about hie person a apy-glass, with which, having adjusted it to proper focus, be proceeded to reconnoitre the "Je.xicHii battery. Having satisfied himself aa to the information he aonght, ha ehut up the flasp, returned it to ita esse, and approaching Col. Davis, said to him ; 'Hir, the enemy has .ut two pieces, and by making a detour to the right, you can take them in flank.' 'And who the d I are yooV 'I, air, am Major Mans field, of the Corps of Engineers ' All right! Come on, boye !' responded the Colonel. The battery was theu carried. At Alfa.iv Babisb, while execiaing his ait oion a dram-drinker last Sunday, chanced too- ocn bis ctibtoiner's mouth, whereupon he waa Mireatetied by a bystander with a complaint fur ,'tnifig a ruiuhole on the SabbaHi. SttiNo tub Clkhunt in Karnmt. A :otcii youn ludy, uo went out on a ma nmoiiial speculation to India, having beard a '."od deal id talk on the pa sea go, about muaqui- 'oeaand oi tho wouuda indicted by the probosv lis of that pcfetut hot dims tea, exclaimed in ter ror on seeing an elephant when ahe lauded in Madras, "hecl air, but there iaone of those mua- tuituee; look at h a proboscis 1" FrwsiY DcriNiTiON Not tar from Correct. Parawl A protection afainal the sun, used by .adiea made of cotton and w halt bone. Straf An article worn uutlar the boots by gentlemen niade ol ealrtkin. Kitc$ J-i:ht frames covered with paper and vnt into the air by boys with tatla attached to , Vr.r Uncial aw' Boy who do you belong ioV aaked geotlemsn the other day, aa he vcpped oiy board of steamboat, of a darkey listlessly Issning un (he guaida. 'I did belong tu Mas Wil'isms, ir, witwn 1 came aboard, but ha'a been in the cabin playin' poker wid de captain 'bore a u. bout; 1 don't kuorv who I do belong to now.' II A W K WOT tTU'lTr ; 1 ; ;;' rerosixTAsiA. ; : ' ' 'The foliowlnfc I'1 hows'rrre current' value of all 'enneytvania Bank Nvtrs,.. The moat implicit re liance may l pi nerd .upon it, aa it ia tvery.tt'uk iareTully compared with aiid corrected fiom Sick hall's Rf porter. .' '.''"' , '. Bank ia Philadelphia. Na. ...ica-riot, ' NOtKfl AT PAR. , , flank of NtMth Ameriia ... . . , , '.. Bank of the Northern I.iliertica . . pur ff par psr par par par par par par ; Commercial Bank of Prnn'a .. ... ,. .. farmers' and Mechanic a' Bank . Kensington H.ink . . Philadelphia Bank ... Schuylkill Bank ,, . .... Snulhwark Dank . Western Bunk Mechanics' Bank . manufacturers' A Mechanics' Bank Bank pf Penn Township , . , i tlkard Bank ...... Bunk of Commerce, late Moyamcnatng Bank of Pennsylvania , ., , .. . Country flank. Bank of Chester County Westchester Bsnk of Delaware County Chester par par psr par psr psr par pr psr psr Bank of flermantown ; Bank of Montgomery On. Ooytestown Bonk Rastorl Bank Uerrhantown Nnrrisiown ' Ditlcstown Elon par Farmers' Bank of Huiks Co llii.tol pr Brink of Northnmhcrlnml Northnmlierland par uolornnia llanK cv iTrirtjre ro.i;ilnmlia 1 par Farmers Bnnk of Lancaster LanciMei par Lancaster County Unnk Lancaster Bank Farmers' Bank of Reading Office of Bsnk of Pecn'a. Qflic do do Office ' do do Office do do Lancaster Lancaster far par Itcadins r f The r I olKd f do ni par llarrislm The. Laiiesiiler 'es lieading not tfastnn J issue n NOTE8 AT DISCOUNT. Hank of Ute United ."tte I'bilsdi-lphia S3 Winers' Bank of PotUville Potisville Bank of Iwistown ' Lewifct.iwn , 1) Bank nf Middlctown Middletown I '' Carlisle Bank Carlisle Exchange Bank ' PiitsLucg i Do . do , branch Of Hollnlsvsmirg i HsirifburR Bsnk llarricburg I Lehanon Bank Lebanon Merchants' 6t Manttf. Bank Pittsburg i Bunk of Pittsburg Pillsbuig West Branch B.mk Willianisiiorl 1 Wyoming Bank Wiikenlmrre It iSorthampton Bank Allentoisn Berks County Bank Reading Otlice of Bank of U. 8. Pittsburg fail. J Do do do Erie .do Do do do Nesr Briihtiin do Rank of Cbaiohersliurg , C'hsmhersburg Rhk of Oeltyshurg CSettysburg I Bank of 8uF(uehsnna Co. Monliowi , 1 Brie Bank Erie I J 1 Farmers' Drovers' Bank Wpynoshurg lai Franklin Bank Washington I J Honesdale Bank Honesd.ile I J Monongaheta Dank of B. Brownsville , H York Bank York 2 si N. B, The notea of those banks on which we omit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are not purchased by , the Philadelphia broker, with tbe exception of tboee which have a letter of reference. -BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia Bav. Ins. Philadelphia ; do do do do Droit, prop.) To wand a failed failed failed Philadelphia I.osn Co, Schuylkill 8av. Ins. Kensingiori 8av. Ins. A Perm Township Ssv. Ina. Manual Labor Bank ( T. W failed fowsmls Bank ' Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bank of Beaver Bsnk of Swatara . Bedford : Heaver Hanixburg Waahiugtou IlelUtuiile Pituhuig Pituburg Fsyelle co. Ureeucastle Harmony no sal . closed closed . fuiWd elused no ale . failed failed failed no ksIs Bank of Washington ; Centre Bank ' City Bank Farmers' At Metb'ca' Bsnk FsrmerN' St Mech'es' Bank FsrmersiAt Mech't-s' Bsnk Harmony Institute Huntingdon Bank Huntingdon no sale Itvrislowu oo sale Juniata Bank Lumbermen's Bsnk Warren Dundsff 'New Hope Milton M'eadville" Port Carbon CarfLde Montrose Uniootewn failed Northern Bsnk of Ps. no sale closed no sale closed failed cloaed failed New Hope Del. Bridge Co. Norihumb'd Union Cot Bk. North Western Bank of Pa. Office of Schuylkill Bauk Pa. Aar. St Msnuf. Bank Silver Lake Bank Union bank of Pena'a. - V'etoioieland Bank Ureeusbutg olosad Wilkesbarre Bridge Co, Wilki-abarrs no sale rrj" All notes punsiiting ta be on any I'enn-vl. vauia Bank not giveu in the ahovo lut, may lie set Jowo aa frauds. SEW JERSEY. Dank of New Biunawick Brunswick Bolvidena Medford . Penh Amboy ltrhWton failed 1 Bclvidere Bank Burlington .Co, Bank Commercial Bank ",' . P" , (siksd Cumberland Bank Farmers' Bank Mount Holly Farmers and Mechanics' Bk Kshwsy N. Btanswirk Farmers' and Mechanics' Hk Psrmers' snd Merchants' Bk Middfetowo Pu ) Franklin Bsnk of N.J. . Jersey Ci lIoloken Bkg St Giaamg Co nboken failed failed failed failed failed i failed i par lersey City Bank Jvraey City Mccbstiics Bank I'sttetiHin MaoufscUiurs' Bsnk Morris County Bsnk Monmouth Bk of N. J. Mechanics' Bsnk Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk Belleville MofTMtown Freeh.dd Newsik Trenton Jersey City Morris Csnal and Bkg Co Post Notes no ssle Newark Bkg St Ins Co ' New Hope Del Bridge Co N. J. MsbuUc and Bkg Co Newark 1 j faded failed i failed i LaiutierUville lioboken N J Prolecton tV Lombard bk Jersey City Orange Bank Orange Patenon Bsnk rsteison Peoples' Bank do rrmceion usna i rineutoa par Hale m Banking Co fedlesa psr Ststs Bank Newark i Stale Bsnk Ebxalthtown i State Bank Camden - par State Bank of Morris Mornstows) 1 Slate Bank Trenioo failed Halem and PhilaJ Msnuf Co Salon failed Suasea Bauk Newinn Trenton Banking Co Trenton par Union Bauk Dsvw j Wakhiogton Banking Co. HarkenaacW failed DEUWARC Bk of Wilm Sl Brandy wine Wilmington nk of Delaware ' Wilmington ' par par par par f' I' par I"' Bank Bank of timyiua Smyrna Do - branch Millord Farmers Bk of State of Del Dowi - Do ' brsnch Wilmington Do . brsnch . Georgetown Do . branch '., NswcasUe Union Bank .. Wilmington fry Under 6'a , " i . . : 00 On all banks narked thus (') there ei ther counterfeit or altered noUai of the various ds noiiunaiipus, in tirculaiioo. IQaOiasZ . . , si ... v ' yri I. ... f J1HE obcribsrhae i'usl re-Viva hts Ncv JL; S'linJ Goodi, to Which he invites his frien and customers to call and axarninft for thentsaJi M : His stock eertsistsin part f the following: . U 8tprrior Cloths, of all colors; Cs'simers of difle'. 'ent patterns, tntih and other 'Vesting t Ca- ' ' liuos, Lawns, Ginghams, Checks, Tick- " ' ins, arid aumtnet wesf of sll kinds ' and price.- ; 1so,'T.eg1ioin' and Palm leaf lists; Uinbretlsa and Parssols, from ?5 ' 1 '. rents opws-d j slso.t.roceiies, Queens- ' ' ' ware, .Hard ware, Cedsrware, ' Oils, Psint, Fish, Salt, Are.; Ac.; &c. and in fu-t, evetv article n0slly kept in a count f store, wliich wilt I sold very low. for Cash nr i n kind of trsde. JOHN DOOAR., Kunbury, May 18th, 1817. nUy ' '. More New Gooils ! THE last strlvsl- is st Ptlrdy's Hiote, MsrkH (Square, Vhere Will La found a handsome as aoriment of f PRINfl AND SUMMER OOODS, . of the Late:4 slid m ist approved siyk-a, consi'ling of Cloths, Canimrrs, ' Vealings, ' Summer Stuff, Moo, d--Isine, ' Lnvns, ' riiiihama, ('aliens, Muslins, Jesns, etc., Ac , &r.; also, a lull assortment of Orocerira, all of which will I sold lower than ever offered in tbls marke t. Call and examine for your tret. Sunbury, May IS It, 147. If 'our, Produce, and General Commis sion Merchants, No. IIG KaiTa's Wauar, BALTIMORE, OFFER tliiir services to the Merrhsnts sml Fanners nf the Suiii hanna Va'ley, for tbe sale of Flour, drain and Produce generslly, in the Bahim ve nisikel, ana from then tivn-ie se- iiUHinlsnce smmig purchasers and shippers, ran ssh-ly w .risnl sitlsfiirtnrv sales. Correspondents will, he rnnstsntly kept advised of the state of the mikeis, &c. K. fer to Mesas. Win. Wilson & 8ns. lsae ReynoMs di Son, I ,.. .... , u , SRsltimore. . Lnvii4.n &. Haumlers, f , Iteyimlds St Smith. J and Mcasrt. Tinulcy, CslJwell St Knglixh, Phils. May 15th, 1847. 2m SOIYIETHING NEW! THE Kybaeribers have the eacluniva light of vending J. M. THATCHER'S lot 'Illant Hot Air Cooking 7 inJbe canities of Northomlierland, Clumlns snd Schuylkill; and from the eneotiragemenl mat with already, they eipect to do a large business. . 'J'bis stove a conatrueied on an entiialy new principle, snd on the only principle that csn mak lioth a good wood and eoal alove. . Tbe inventor has over come all the difficulties that so frequently belong to other stove. - He hes . by his arrangement, con strue led s broiling (Ovea lit froast, where in hroilina, roasting, frying or hakiag anay be done, and all the smell thst srises Ihsiefiorn roust psas into the combustible chamber, and fa not at all thrown out into the room.,TD Besides this, there is an oven only two inches lees than the whole stxe of the stove, wherein baking or roasting may be done aa well aa it can be in the common brick oven. This oven is alwaya fit for ue when the stove is bented, ss the whole dreoghl of hot ail passes a round it constantly. " Public attention is particularly celled lo this stove. It can l seen at our Store and Tin Estab lishment in North Dsnville, at the sign of the Co lumbia Tin shop, and at the Foundry of Rohrbarh St Clement in Sunbury, where its particular quasi lies will be fully showo and eip'ained to any person wishing to r limine H. The subscribers continue to have on hand all kinds of parloi stoves, such ss rsdistors. cylinders, fancy and plsin, suitable for all who ansy favor us with a csll; also common sheet and Russia Iron, which can be mede in any desirable shspe; toge ther with a general assortment of tin snd japanned were, whole tie and retail.- Country anerchaota aie invited to call and ! amine oar stork, aa our work cannot be surpassed, and prices snodoerate. N. B. We cam aalcly recommend tbe above men tioned asTawe to persons who wish to emhark in gisad bosinesa. The patentee will sell either coun ty nr stale rights, ts suit purchasers, and on rea son ibl leims. He or his agrails may be found in Dauville, Pa. JrdL J. ARTE R. The undersigned, hsving seen in operation the bnt b al ho air cooking stove, invented and pa tented by J. M. Thairber, certify thst we believe. from the manner of its construction and operation, thst it is the best one ever oovsed lo the public The arrangement iaso complete and lbs eonetruclion so jodietoas, thsl there is a saving ol one bslf lbs fuel snd lime, in doing any given amount of ecrvice, over other celebrated etoves. In short we recom ineut it in Reference to sll otliers, for tbe simple resson thst it emhrseee arvery h ranch of economy, Samuel Garrett, John W Garrett Dsvid Chat field, W F Kitch n. John M Siay, E Thompson, Smith Thomuson, J D Hshn, John Oaken, Hesikl- ah Besr, Elias F Coofier, Uea M Rkhrt, Daniel HutTinsn. Heury II Rissel, F H Carver, Daniel Drcishai-h, Joseph Ysnkiik, Brooks Epley. Danville, March 6, 1847. ly FARM H E subscriber offers for sale a cheap Farm, -- situate in Shsmokin township, Nerthumlsrr laod county, about eight miles from Sunbury, ly ing between the Centre turnpike snd Iri'h Valley, cootaii.ing 163 seies arid allowincea. Said fsrm is in a S'.d stats of culli'sti'in, with reasonably good buildings and excellent water near the door ; and at! kinds of fruit. Ac. JOHN FA RNS WORTH. Sunbarv, Fab. 80, 147. Clothing Establishment -f XPERATfONH ki Cwste esem to be the VV order of the dsy, at the Philadelphia Ward Robe, 106 Cheenut atrset, where every etirle in tbe line is kept, and void at astonishing low prices. eeatkraciiig , Cloaks, Bangupa, Ovav Back Coats, Short Sack Costs, Super r ranch Clotn Dress f rock Coats,; Pantaloon of. every grade and . atyle.any of which will besold either , - by the garment or dnaen, st pi- ,' , . . oas tbsl will justify ths . , most, reooemical in buyiaf. , : '.' , ' We adviae 1 wha wset good ' and ckasp Clo thing, to call si No. 108 Chasngi aiisei, ' PhiUd.lr his, Fab 6th, 164T Bm TO .W ATCl M AZIBH6 "It "io ' k tr a , ; Importer of Watcrres, Watch-Makers' 1 Torh hffd Wtitcfr1 Material, ! Wholcanld A slofnll. " ' "Nb: TIC, Iffrtrr rfrrtr. rHtl.ADf.t.TtltA; HAS ec-rtsitariy rin hartd a large Astiortrtient of Lunette, Pntent, and Plsln Olssa; 'Mln springs; Verf s,Disls,'vVaich" Hands, -and a com. plele tssortioenrof alt Toots and Materials Wotts inft to tbsrtrsdei with t large araartment vf Gold and Silver Lvver, Lepine, and Plain Watches ; all of Which be wilt gnsrontv losvll at ihetowesi New York prices, AllorJera from (he rinintry punctu ally rvecnted. ' : -j -t ' . N. B. Coontri' merchanta and others are invited te c .11 and vxaititne kis stock, at No. 146 Market street; r- : , Ph la.lelphia. Jsn.23, IS47. flm ' IE, No. 31 Worth Third stroef, - ' 1 'I fa tm citt a)oi-ri,V 1 PH ILA DD LYRI A. c. CM A C K K Y, AfcTioKCtn. TO COUNTRY STORE-KEEPERS, "7Vr3NINO SALES of "Hsrdwsie, Cutlery, i Haddbiry, Whips, Boots, -ntioea, 11 ata, Vaps, 'Ob'na, 'Pistors, Clothing, Wsfckes snd Fancy Ooods, 'At' Mickey's Auction Htore, 31 North Third street. Dear- the City notet The attention of Country "Mi rchants is invited The Uooils Will ha sold in 16ta to suit purchasers, And alt Goods offpted will be warranted equal to the repreakmUtions that may be made'of them. N.' U. A large assortment of floods at Private gale. Jan. IB. 1B17. ty MOUNT VERNON 05 Nonh 2d t, liet. Afr.h Knee sis.. Phi I ml e In h ia. 1TJRADY Sl PAItKKIt respectfully inform their JI friends and the public that they have taken the above named house, recently kept by J. S. Adams an I are piepared to accommodate caato tntrt in (be most Satisfactory 'manner aind at tea- wonahle pricer. 'Pheir table will be aupptied with tbe best vari ety hn market affords their parlors and sleeping apirtmenta will he m the' best order. The bouse hssheen thoroughly repaired and furnished with a view to the comfort ol travellers and strangers, Ifaving had several years erperience in ' the linshtesS, they hope ' to give gcneial earisfsetion and respectfully invite travellers and strsngereto give them a csli. ' BRADY Ac PARKER Philadelphia. J an nary 16, 1847. If CHEAP WATCHES. The Cheapest Gold and Silver Watches in rniisAiJisisi'HiA.., 1 OLD Levera, full Jewelled, .ler ' do. wo.-0-1 f45 00 13 oo Gold Ltlpines, Jewelled, . . 30 00 Silver do. do. . , v. I a no Silver Qusrtiers. fine aualiiv. .10 110 Gold Watches, plain, ,1610 Silver Hiectscles, . ' (I7S GnUirencita, ., . ,S 00 Gold Bracelets, " . 4 00 Also, on bsnd, a large assortment of Uold and Hair Bracelets, Bnger rings, breast pins, hoop ear rings, gold ns, silver spoons, sugsr longs, thim bles, gold nrck, curb and fob chains, guard keys snd jewellery of every description, at equally low prices. 11 I wsnt is a call to convince custo mers. All kinds of Wslches and Clocks repaired ami warranted to keep good time for one year ; old gold or ailvsr bought or taken in exchsnge. . , For sale, eight dsy and thirty hour brass clocks, at LEWIS LADOMUS' Watch, Work and Jewelleiy Store, No. 4131 Market street, above Eleventh, north aide, Pbila phia. . ' flTT I nave aome UolJ and oilvei licvers, atiit much cheaper than the above prices. . Fhitadelphia. Dee. 26. 1840. ly , rru Houssel'a filnnrrsal SHAVING CREAM. Small quantities given without Charge. M 114 CAemnf PHILADELPHIA. THI8 hew and splendid article, a Ms name'de 1 notes, is professed to be superior to any Sha ving Cream in toe United (Mateo ev burbpe. It is unaarpaaaid for besuty,' purity and fegrance, tho' somewhst ' eneisgous to Guerlsin's ' Ambrosial Cream and other similar compounds. . It far sur passes thsm sll by the emollient pasty consistency of its lather, which so softens the beard ss to render shaving plessant and easy. It further possessrs the sdvsntage over the imported article, in being freshly preptied.no skid being wanting in its man ufacture. E. RoussW having bsd many ytutrs' ei perience ha the eeMarated Lsboratory of Lsugur, Pere et FiU, now Rensud St coM of Psris. Besides being the best, it is the cheapest article for shaving t it is elegantly pat up in bote a, with splendid sleet engrsved Isbals. ' Price $3 per doaen, or X7 cents for a single hot, to shave one year. It ia also sold at ft 50 per lb. or IS) cents r ox., so thsl ganitemen esn base their boxes filled sl EUGENE R01S8EL8, Wholesale and Rstsil Perfumery and Mineral Wa ter Eeisbhshment, 1 14 Cheenut street, Dee 19, IMS... . PHILADELPHIA. New-Firm.. FTHE Unde?s:gnrd hereby gives notice, thst he U. hss sssneiated with himself, aa a partner In ths mercantile business, in his store adjoining Weaver's Tavern, in Sunbury, John Haas, and that the aaid store will hereafter be conducted an' tier the firm of Clement A Hans. The store at the South Wrat corner of Market Pqnare' will be conducted ss hereto fore, by the subscriber himself. to which ha respectfully invites his customers and frtemta. He also notifies sll those indebted lo him, to csll between this and the 1st of January next, and art tie their accounts. All kinds of produce will be taken on account, at easn prices. Hereafter no longer than four months crsdil wlllbegrvsn. IRA T. CLEMENT. Sunbury. Nov. 14. t "44 tf. p E8PEOTFULI.Y inform the poblie. thsl 'on Iks Mil Inst., bey entered Inie psrloerihi n the mercantile bwsineas. ai tbe stove recentl occupied by Ira T. C4emsnt,'adjoinret Weaver's Taaerw, in Banbury. They have lately received a new stock of goods,' which they wit! dispose of at the loweat prices. , , All kinda of prodare will 4e Ukea in exchange lor gnoos. - - . No longer tbia four months credit will bewiven ' , . IRA T, CLEMENT, JOHN HAAaV . . unhury, Nov. 14, 18tt tf. AUOMOIT tSTOItld.J 1 HG North, 3d third door above vi .: 'Market-Sttwty PHHADELPMIA. . , E 'EVERT EYEJilNG,'bf 4'fteiieal ss- jALI T.lile fhtpacnt of rorftun and Domestic HarJware, We' and Pocket Cutlery, Trunks, Lorka, 1 1 Lsictiws, Volls, sjsws. Saddlery, Whips, Boots,' Shoes, J!a'4,.Csps. Guns,, 'A ' Pistols, lrimmlrtss, Clolhtdg ! , .' and fancy 01. , . , ! The auenilon of city and country dealers It' In- vited,' The floods are frC.h, oJ will he Wsrranled qOal to the repTFserttsHons thai rtiat be rnade of them. ' BAYLISotBKOOKEK, Auctioti-m, ' ' ' ' ' No. 6 North Third at N. B. Purchsscia can have their Goods packed. Krveral iiivoicre of Ooods Lava bt en received to be o!ll at private sale! ' ' rwiaarfptira. D.-C. tath, I9l0.iy To, The' i.: O. of r. J. , W. ',jfc. 15. I). S T (1 K K S, Manufacturers 'of rrcrnium Odd.Ffil .... Iyw RegRlra, i , No. 194 Mnrkrt fHrftts PHILADELPHIA, First Clothing Store below Clh Street rfHE suhsrriheni having taksn'iha premium at L Franklin Institute, at the fast exhibition, for the best Regains, thsy Invite the attention of the order to their estabfishmenr, where they will find a splendid aasortmttritofP.es. and Encampment Re galia. -They also make to 'order 'for Ledges snd Encampments, ' Regalia,, Hashes, Costumes and Robes, snd furnish every thins: requisite for the convenience of new Lodgeeor Eixampmenta. t . J. W.STOKES, E- D.8TOKES. Pbilsdelphis,Dee. 19. 1848. 1 y EXTRAORDINARY DISCOVERY SBAPHCSS CAN VE CURED II -fTlOOPER-S ETKRIAL OIL A prompt snd Is'tmg remeity for Irnrsnaa, io for pajns and uiisrharge' or matter from tbe bitrs. Hundreds of cures in raes deemed Utterly hope les hsve firmly tahishrd ill aoperiority over eve ly former Medical disr'oVery. " This valuable Acoustic Medicine is a compound of four different Oila, one of which, the active snd principal ingiedient, is obtained from the bark of certsin species 'of WltHUT,' new snd effectus sgent in the Ctlre of Deafness. Persons who hsd been' desf for 10, 15 snd even 20 years, have ' been 'permenently cured by using this oil. In fact, so numerous and so emphatic have heen the testimonials In its favor, that the in ventor eteims for i the distinction of, an Infallible Remedy, in all cases when tbe Ear ia perfect in Its format! "n. For further particulars snd evidence of lis great value, aee printed sheets, in the hands of Agents. For tale in Sunbury, by J. W. FRILING. September '19th. IMOl-ty ' v . " lMhVlhHVlHiviMlt.t. ?f?4slTxliTfI?lTra UNRIVALLED AND UNEQUALLED In curing Colds, . Coughs, Astbma, TnBtlenu, Whoopihg-COUgh, and all Diseases of the biexst and lungs,' leading to Couaum'p ' lion composed of the concentrated ' . r 'virtues of the herbs Horehound, ' BobCsett, Blomlroot, and . , aeveral other . vcgi'ia- ... ' ", ,' Lie 'sub-lances.', Wsrranled. ''."'' rURE FROM ANY MINERAL' WHATEVER. rVHIS invaluable Medicine is the moat Speedy - and csilain rsmeily eversliscovered for the a bove complaints, as tboosshd who have Used it will testify. Tot asls, in Bunbary, by , i J. W. FRILINO. and in Northumbertsnd. by D. BRAUTIOAM, and at wholesale, in Philadelphia, by r. .i.K n & uo, ... ; Comer of Seeoad and Callowhill streeu. 8eptomber ltb, 1846. ly . ' . . v DENTISTRY, ' J AC OB ; rTpHANKFUL for the liberal encouragement H which he has received, woul I respectfully inform his friends and the citiaena of NorthumWr land county in general, that be has prepared him self with the beat Incorruptible Teeth, Uold Piste, Gold Foil, Ate, thst can be hsd in the city of Phi ladelphia ; and that he will endeavor, to the utmost of tus sbility, to render full satisfaction to all who may think proper lo engage his services, , He will he In Sunbury at tbe August court, where he will be prepared, at his residence, to insert Teeth on Oold Piste, or on Pivot, on ths latest and most s proved plans, snd attend In all tbe branches belong ing to DENTAL SURGERY. Ladies will he waited oa at their plaorsof resi dence, if desired. . His chsigee will be reasonable, and bia work warrauted. He will visit different parts of the eosaty, about once in three months. - Banbury, July Igth. 1848 6m '' - ' FOUNTAIN HOTEV sLIgtit Street, F11HE House hss undergone a thorough repsir. JL The proprietors solicit its former pslronsge. . Terms l 23 per day, WM. W. D1T, ARTHUR K FOGG,'. July 4, 1846. ly Proprietor. Keller afc Orcenongh, PATE1TT ATTOE.1TE73, efn I PW r-wl 4al Le aV-i VJ 1 T.MJXOj wAsiizwoTOwr.x). o. ; TTKRAW1N08 and Papers for the' Patent Of- liJf ice will be prepared by them, at their office, wpposue mo i stent tjmce. July. 4th, I84d. !y 4. -H If. TTKETER'S BPIRITS OF SOAP, fcr ax- Us trading Grease, Dry Paints, Varnish, lar, Was, 4c from ciolhiog af . any description, war. raniad not to iojuie aha doth er the aaoat delioaif colors. This Iutd hss ab been a sad with gnu succeaa io cases ol Buroa, BceMs. Tetter, Piaples en vh foe, Chapped btods, Bore lira, Rtems tiam. Hard or soft Coras. Ac,-1 Vrice, 8a eta. pet bottla. For sale al the store ef July II, 1816. H, MA6SER. Q(Vr ij- I . B. 133EB., A TTO R-N R Y 'AT L A W , ' i ,vl.'IUtTBOtT,PA !im..t rr : ' Business attended to , in lbs Counties ef Nor thumt eiland, Union, Lycoming snd Columbia... ' Refer tot '''' r-,-.I & A. FarooeT, i, !: 7t ,n y , Lowxa A Baaao, . , j . , Foxcas dt. Ssmneaass, VhilaJ. RivHoi.ru, McFaauab'd Co. J "' fisaaraojOoen A 'Co, r-l'" J - ''- Ao. 31 Korlh Four lk StretU vnrfer..Ae,3cr ..- , . chan tu JMH, -r-r Pit 1 1 n d e i p h i h, ft l sjona a rania.l KEEPS constantly on hand an extensive as .sorlment of sll kinds of Silk, Fur and Bea ver Hats, which he offers for ssle on the most res- sonahU- terras. Ilia Hats sre msde un ol the bt msjlerisls. snd in the most approved stvls. Per sona visiting the city will find it to their interest to rs Juv 11th.. 1846. Iv awAanr.D av tu a raAsaLiir isstiti'tx, 18iri. City Dnprrrrolype Eatatiliklimcnt. -Z2?,U?. OP Tin TaZI S3 (Lara Hmosa St Cotuss.) tfo. 100 Chetnut K, nxe Third, South tide, s?ZIIZ.AXEZ.PHZA. , ; K Ufal MATURES taken eqnslly hs well ln lou ItjI dy ss In clear w either. A dark aihVdreVe for a lady, and a black ' suit for a gentleman, ste (.refutable in Sitting for a pictu-e. ' No extra charge ia made for coloring,' and perfect likenesses ste tUTiTsntled. July 4th, 184ft. ly CHESNUT STREBT, :P II II. A DE L V II I A. rilHIS larpe snd commodious Hotel hss recently m. been fitted up wi'b entire new furni'ure. The subscribers therefore solicit the pstrooageof ths public, and trust that their experience in the business will cnsble them to give entire satisfac tion. Tsrms moderste. , IIAGLEY, McKENZIE St Co. . July 4th, 1846. ly D'SltTlSTPaT.'-. P E T E U n. 'M A S S E R, . , RF.CF.NTLY FROM PHILADELPHIA, RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens pf ttanbury snd vicinitv, that he has opened sn otlice st tbe residence of Henry Msser, in Market street, where he is prepared to exrcole sll kin-la of Dkhtai. XuaoxBT. Piste Work, Alc, on the lativt and matt approved plans. . , , . . , Having had some experience and instruction, tinder one of the most eminent snd successful Dea .lists in Philadelphia be believea that, ha will be able to give satisfaction to thone who may want his services. i ., , , Ladies will be wailed on at tbeir pi ace a of resi lience. , His chargea will be moderate, and bis "wotk wsrrsnted. .' Sunbury, Msrch 28th, 184o. ; , . To lsrhnjeiaj nf Dtiir ooOsOSa, . ,t . ,o. lil J'coWsNEW YORK. . HAVING estsbltsbed a Branch at No. 144 Chss nut at., Pbilsdetpbts, is now opening, and will be constantly receiving from, the New York Auc tions, sn extensive assortment of . ., , . FAXf OT t 8TAPZ.B DBT OOOD8. which will be sold at the lowest New York prices, at wholesale and Retail. ' A awing his slock will he sunnd a grud aSsortmenl of the following articles: eenets, Plsid, Hair Cold, l.sce, Btripe, Book, Swn-a and Tarlatan Muslins, Bishop and ' Linen Lawds, FatieV Cap Netts, Fsncy snd Bsll Ureases, Thresd Lsees, Applicstion Do rich Blsck Kilk Trimming Lace, Irish Linens, Linen Csmbrica, Linen Cambric Hdkfs.. Curtain Fringes, Cashmere d'Ecosse, Medsetine de Ijiise. Milk snd Cun Warp Ak'acCas, IjaWi CbHh, Gala Plaids, Frees b Merinoa, BUck ilks, GUivbs. 8i k Hose, Shawls, Crevsle, Ribbons. Embraiderit i. &c,ae. Cottntry Melchanta and others visitmg Philiilel- phia or New York to purchase, are respectfully in vi led to call and examine the etocka. - ' Nov.l, 1845. ly . , BELIEVE AN D LIVE. THOMSON'S Compoantl Sj-rtkp ofTar WimmI 1-aprna. TIE unprecedented success of this medicine, in the resteirstion of hearth, to those who, in dea- pair, hsd given tip all hopes, hss given It an exal ted reputation above all other remedies, furnishing evidence of its intrinsic Value and power.' es the on ly sgent which -can be relied vn ,fer the cuie of Pulmonary ' Consumptirtn, Brolichittia,. Asthma, Pain in the ride and Breast, Spitting of Blood, Whooping Cough, Croup, Jre. Attention ia requested lo the following A8TOTI. 1SHING CURE, bv TbomsotiS Compound Syrup or Tar and Wood a pi ha 1 1 ,' Philatlftphia, Afoy id, 1814. MR. THOMSON Dear Sir With grateful feelings I inform you of the astonishing effects ol your medicine, which bss literally raised me from a death-bed ! My dlaease. Pulmonary Con so m p. rfon, had reduced me so low thst my physician pro. no jnced my esse hopeless t Al this junction I be gan to o-eyour medicine, snd mirecutoae aa it may seem, it hss completely restored me to health, aUVi everything else bsd failed. Respectfully yours, WASHINGTON MACK. Charlotte' street, above Geotfte atreet. ' The dhderslgned. heipg personslly scqosinted with Washlngt0 Mack and hia auflwins, heir witness io the aatoniabing effl-da of Thomson's Coinpoend eiyrop of Tsr, aod tbe truth of the s bove statement. J OS. WIN N E R, 3 1 8 North Third atreet, DAVID Y10KER8, 42 Almond street, HUOH 1 M'GINLEY, 8. E. corner Tsmany snd Fourth streets. Prepared only by 8, P. 'Thomson.. N. E. cAnei of Mh snd Sitajce streets, Phi'.adetpma. ' - Agents. H. B.' Maaser, Bunbtvey D. fr.v.. snd Ir. Mscpheison, Hsrrisburg ( Jno. G. Druwn PoUswille ( Get. Earl, Heading ; Houstou de Ms a, Tewanda. Bradford county, Pa.- rrica 60 cedtt p.r bottle, or fa per doaon. w , . (XyBamrttsUimMaliani. . r hsradelohia. Jane 1645. le- e . i Cieorge rj7ureaver, aoini stsUrxiat . uuxp ciianmjbb. ' K Kortk Wttrr Sin, Mb Jelpki , IT IT Ac CoDStaotly an hand, a general assort a. menl of Cordage, Seine Twines. sV, via Tifi Ropek, yishiog Moose, White Ropes, Mam) La , 7'ow Unas 46f Carnal Oeaw. isiso, complete aaaortment of Seine Twines, cVc suck 4 Hemp tfend aod Uessiag Twine, Beat PataaU iiil Nat Twins, Cwttoa Shad. sad Harrwg Tsrhsa, bk 1'hrssvla, eta. Sua. Akva, Bed Cords, Plssigh Lines liallasa. Traces, Cwstoar sasl Ltna Carpal Chains dtc, all of wkkh he will dwfj ' reaaaaisbii teiaaa. -t Jt H ' Philsdelfhiak Novamhar 13, 111?, 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers