, M. Eotm, A a, number of fona jve been named candidal Tot Brigadier General, p'mR tie- fe Wornmerid Capt, JACOB HUM MEL, of Union county, for that bflice. '" We think wtan for that office ehotild h ren 'aome ser vice, and at the Captain eerved three yeara in tha Lit mt, aa a captain of a company at Marcu Hook and other plaoes and will, tree an enemy or . 'J?1 J!,h.!,;i.?nl?Jf,,?" Mrepidityt we tkink lie if juat ,lbe man 2,V Brigadier General, ' ' Corrected nirtk'x by Henry Matter. '-it- 'I of R, i ' Oen, Oat. M'1 " ' ' BcTtaa,' Knea, " " I Pom,-,-',"! Ft.tisere.. . - ( BtaaWit, V 1 i 'Tiitoar,'"-- ' Fit. llecct.tir Fi,' Daiau A'cls, t V r 40 -I m 8 5 112 3ft 18 8 ) 10 . , 7 iVotico. AM. person, indebted in the auheriher, for woo carding and fulling during last year, at David v Jlauck'a est abl ah ment in l.-wer A ugusta townak ip, . are hereby requeued to call on him ,t the store ef , Jr X. Clement, in Siinbu-y, and pay up( on or he , fore the 3 at day ef October next AM unettld c c-tunt, afier tb.it dale, Will bo plao d into the band of a justice, for collection. . . 1 ; C TJWARI.fS MKVTZ. fSonhury, Sep. Ulh. 4847,--at TO TIIfi 6ICK A!VI-ArFLlCTCI. let SWAYNE'S (COMPOUND SYRUP OF WTLtV CHERRY We n oytirtetiv male that Dr. SwtraVe Cnmpetind Syrap of Wild 3hecryTrae been extensively yis.fl tn tle United ' rJtates Tor mora than ten year (hat ia hoM-Seial ' 4ffeel have born tented by thotisanri- Tnaf it IaAiALT RKiiRTt a IfscawT Cnv,1 and that hundred Individuals. gradm.1 y sinking un der the insidious attack of death's fell emievfry, PviMoaanv CoasieTVTi, have been restored to health, happinese and friend, tiy fta tiae, and are new Imue: Iwimouien of tho euratiw fewer of thie aiMXDT. Avotur lv.vri.ir anaroann to Hcalt. Knit tiii aorr ytixikaiai. wr Evta arcnanm ! - ' ." Da.W4t!it TVarRir ! fr1 eiHid Vy a armw 'otdy owe to rutTerinff hamanhV, to arkriowledge ' n,y grateful thanka for the wondetfiil flbc' of ymtr ' lompound Syrup of Wild t.'hrrry tin ' me, after euflering month after month with th meat afRiet. rng of all diaeaaia, Cniiniml'nn. ' Th Hmt aymp. toma arere of a ery heavy coM arhieh ettkd on ny longa, which giadaaRy rew worae, with pro ' fa night aweata, a hiking coturh, apinfng htond, with grrat d.'hiliiy. My cotittitutii-n eeettird Tro. e down, and nerou atMem very much impair l -1 went to Philadelphia, i ttettrd thciaa 1y I hyaiciana of the higheat alandinei ut received no lnefi whatever fr!rh them, hnt gradoafly grew worae. until oy phyaiciaoa, aa well myaelf, gave up all hnp'-aof larowiry, nd I fait lie om ho ia aliout Mo pine through the Valley of the Shadow of Dethv A' thin "awful junrturw I heard of your OompofMl Syrup of Wild Cherry, of which 1 pur chjaacd ail hot lire, which I am happy to ray entire ly earrd me, and I am now enjoying h. tier hoafth than I ever have h.f,.re in my lift. Phytic'iaiia who whmnaed my caae are highly ivcommonding it in eimilar ra-ea,' and I wUh ymt to make thia pablie,' ao that all may know -where 'W fitbeure a vemnly t oaire which wilt reach ihelr dneaae be tira -t unprring with the many Pqaifk nnrtfniar with which nVa country ia flooded. My reMdenra ia at ib Arm atteot, where I ahould l happy to -tiavel the-above- atibataiiti ifrd tv a peraonal inter ,iow.! ill .-. - I . ALBERT A. ROS8, j,-,-. -i ;t Wholeaale and retail Dealer in cigarM, .--1 .i i -! ...I i 45 Ann alreet, N. Y. ' (CT Be not deceied by the many apurlnua and .avnrttdeaa preparaiionrf of Wild Cherry, onhernl into ttotiea b iannran pr.tend.-re, but aea thai the .eignalure of Dr. 8wayaa ia on each bottle, which ia tbeonly guarantee acainat hnxwition. . .:- . . Pteparrd onty by Dr. 8WAYNE. N W. cor- firrof Eighth and R etreet, Philefhdpltia. and for ale bv reapectable Dtugaiata in nejrly all the firincipal towna in the United Ktatea. . . Only Agfnu in Sunbury, a 'a . . , ' ' 1 ' HENRY MA8SRR.4 ."2 ' VK O P 7 OEORfJE. URIfJHT. f , Dai J. A., Voorv, Danville . T. Sf Mck'y A Son, Mdtim; "M. D. V JWelta! Muncr; C. A. ( Wyatt, 1-ev.ietmtg; Daia &. Schnure. vlinagiow; John C. Rean, Line Mountain P. O. . . . i I' hi lad i Ipl.ia, au72m. fT.-ly . V a J u'a b c F a r lii ' 'FOE. -SALE. - "V7ILI lie ofTered at public aale, on tha priml ee, oti Tueaday the SStb day of September . ait, all that Valuable Farm, lata the eaiate of Ja cob Keller,, dee'd , eituate in Shainoki) townahip. Notthumberland rounty, adjoining land of Am T. John, Henry Moll. J ..on Richarda, and other, -containing one hundred and aeventy four aerea, atrict anaaau'a, lying within half a mile of the Dan ville turnpike and Si mi 're from P!Mville, here on, are evctej a good two atory .dwelling hou.ie, hop, barn, good atabling and ouil'uildinga. and food A-uWir worka. About 100 acrea uf aaij fatra ate cleared and in a good atale if rultiatin ; about ai aeira of which are exa-ll. nt meadow. The e are about 300 faring apple tree (prinripally aweei.) together with a great many evtert cherry, I'lurq. and pear, treea on aaid farm, There is luui-tain at tt door, brought from a never failing apring. The uncharcd laud ia ncll ael wi ll thri ving yopog tiiubrr. , , ttele to commnca at 10 oVloek on aa d day, where doe atteudanca will ba givea aud term of fata made known, by PHILIP KEI.LI'.R, . DAMRI. KELLER, . SOLOMON KELLER. Augoat, Slat, 1847. 3t ... Etecoiora. G re a t B a r z a i n s, VAT AUCTION!! THE pnder-igned will diepnee rf at anction, on SatorJa U a,tn f Auguet, at hi etore room in Sonburj, an el-gant aaaorimant -of : , - -pniittuir, t part, of CLOTHS.' ! PRINTS, ' DKLAINS, tlAftaiMER. SHIBTINOH. WLKB, . wATTIRETTS. HEETINfi8, 8ATIN.dcc. lao a large aaaorintent of Crtartn, QiiaenaUMarr, ywew .- .?- . Oreat Uargaina will be aftarad, aa art deter nine u drapoae ef aay wkoU aioch, without re- jjrii. . . ... ! i- (.aoa i t 8aU ( eoaamatica) at 0 o'clock, A. M.', oil the day and at aba place aatad, and te be eentinuad every Batetday endl the whole ia dieyoaed af. ' I Tie aeeditioaa af aa te be ovada known ea tha day ofaalai- A raaaaaabla credit will be giveay J. Hi PL'KDeV'1 franbury, Augqit Slat, 1847. if. - - ' ' HANCE'S. 8AFAIAR1LLA na BLOOD r fILLli, rMFTY, iL tlTA $p.X Tha Cheipral nd beef Med;r.inln akMence! Ever paraoay who ia -eiihjrct to 'Bilioua Fever, ahould purify their blood and ayatem by - - uing,a boa -of .the - r , SAflSAPAMLLA OS tlVDOfi plltL$ f . Pcraona afflicted wiih Cnetiveneaa. abnuld Iry tha Haact'a 8ARSAPARII.LA.oi BIX)OD TILLS! Young ladiea and. gentlemen troubled with Pirn pica on the Face, ahould try the SAR&tPARlLLA, OR BLOOD PlLLS ! Singing in the Kara relieved by the Htvct'r 8AR8APAR!LLA,orPLO0D PILLS! Heailacha and Giddtnaoa cored liv uaing the . . SARSAPAHILLA, OR MOOD PILlS! , . Drow.-inea and General Debility, cured hv the . HASca'a SARSAPARlLLA.or BLOOD PILLS! Dypeptiacan be cured by naing the -t . S.tnSAPARlLlA OR B LOOti PILLS' (J-Pereona who ha ve taken Ciiniderhle portion of mercury, and in eoneequence have pain in tha honca, ahould nee freelv ihe Hiitra'a 8AR8APARILLA. or BLOOD PILL! Persona In' want of a P'ilf that fa Pweif YrgeJnhle, and i warranted not ennfarn a pnrli elt of JIrrcMry, ahould pe the . '8ARHPARlLLA.or BLOOD PILLS!1 TT THE GENUINE FOR SA LE BYJJ) 8E Tlf X. IIA.N'CE.JOU Baltimore ab and corner of Chrnlea and Pratt rtreeta, Ratlimore, and by OE0ROE BRIfJHT.Sunbury. . D.URAUT1UAM, Northumbrian.!. U?i47'jJ- 1 HANCE'8 COM POtTND RY RtlPOF HO RE '! HtUND FOR THE OVRE OF ' 3efrr, CaM, Coniimpfim, Spitting nf Khmd, Fain in th -Mite and Btimf, Bromhith, .- - Vrwrp,: Atthmn: and ' all Hltrntm rrf-' ' '' ii v.i itr fmm a dieordered tinttH ' fllie lungt nr nrftrctfrttnlrt. i-"' ' TAKE TIME It Y THE FOKEI.OCIf, I awieee of advice which ia ruitahle to all pennon and alicable to all purpneea thoogh there i no instance iai wfcich lhi piece of advice i more valu able, Than prrrt who have a emgh or cViM, for if they nrjjWl hat mav appear to (bean very trilling i.1 IS THE BEGLVmiW.. it maylna.lfo Tmflamraation of. Luuge.-artd finally Consumption? To tl who hje a coogh, we wou'il ay, peectne h ittbi of :'. f - ' : .- J HA NCR'S COMPOUND SYR VP OF y - -. HOREHOUND. - , -' X The medicine ia pteasaatt te Ukc, and R may cave yon yeare of eorTermg " l Price S Centa war battle or aix bottlea f.M 2 50. . Prepave.1 and eold by SETH 8. HANCE, 108 Baltimore at, anilconwr nTCharlea A Pratt eta. and by GEORGE BRIGHT, Sunbury, r D.BRAUTIGAM,NortbumbefUnd. Sept. u.'taty. SILBNC3ES T" 'TtlT ' . naainrp , , ,' . ... topsa, ! Tes " .' '.. , ' iraaa ia a- kb,' tb w'oaa; of. Tea'.,' ',' , j t , aTaoia aaa area anp, . . u'" nh ju riiraa ' coat.'xrTiN .'i'at ' 1 IT a aocwiinv Mini..' , " ' - "A BE VOtT A MOTHER! Your darling child. xSL'your idtd and earthly joy, ,l nw pethapa confiord to her chamber by a Jangeroua cold t tile rhocka, her thin' shrunken linger a, tell llie n. riWaee haa alreadv entnoil unon bd the aound of hf acpalchral cough pietcea your sou I. YOONG, MAN, whoa. juat. ah.mt to enter life, di'aeaaa aheda a heart r.ruhing blight, over le f..ir prospect of the fotare your hectic couth and fee- -Me hmbe taftl of your teas and hnpn, hut yoe need pot despair. . I arra u a balm ahcb 9d heal the wvMmL4 hr8lt,' VHii&6Wl f iMrc A.TTREB, tha wife of Wm . If. Atlree, Ewj, was given up bv Dr. Sewall of, Wathingtna, Dia. Roe and McCMIan of Philadelphia. Dr. R and Dr. MoH of New York. Her Trienda all thought ahe rnt die. 8ha had every appearance nf being in consumption, and o prnnoiineed by her hyai-ine Sherman' Balaam wti given and it cored her. Mr. GARRABRANTZ, of Bull' Feiry, was ali cuied of conaumption by' thia Balaam when all other remedies, failed to give relief ahe waa re duced to a 'akelrt m. Dr. A. V. Caatle, Dfntixt. ttti Broadway, baa witnessed itaeffeeta in aevoial eace wliere no other annlrine afTorded relief nut the Balaam operated like a charm. Dr. C: also witnessed ita wimiirftit eflVeta in curing Aathina, which it never fail of doing. Spitting lllon I, alar ming aa it nay be, U effectually cured by I his Hal anm It hrala t be ruptured : or wounded UooJ vraele,and taiikaa the lungs sound again. Ita. HENRY JONES. 108 Eiuhlh avenue, wis cured of cough- and catarrhal aflrctiona nt 50 yeu rin!i g ,'l'be firat doe nave him more re-' lief than all the oibef mrdicjne be hd rvr taken. Dr. L. J. Seals, 19 Detaney tieet, gave it to a iti r-inlaw- bo arsaltbnnng' under censbmpiion, and to anorhdr soivty affl rt. 3 with lh;Athoia. In both rases, ita effect were immedia'e, aooo re storing th' m to romf nb'e health. Mrs. LCCRETIA WELLS, 95 Chii.tie ane.-t. ulT rrd from Aathina 42 yar. Sheimin 's Bal am relieved ber at once, and abe la comparatively well, being enabled to aubdue every attuk t-y a timely ate of thia medicine. This indeed ia the great rtnirdy f.-r Cyugba. (Jolda, Spitting BtoiHl, Liver' Complsint. and all the aft rtion of die throat, and even Asthma and Conumpiion."' ' Price 55 cenla and f I per buttle. , , ' . ' Dr. Sherman's Cough and Worm Loiengea, and Poor Man' Plaster old as above, , . , , ' Dr. Sherman'a t fflee U at 100 Naraau at. N. Y. ' " Agcnu, JtHN YOUNG. 8unhurv. ' . M A. M.-C A Y, NottbuinberUnd. September 1 1th. 1817 ly ' ' DR. 8MIl ir (SJteaa Coin.) "IMPROVED INDIAN V EG ETA RLE PILLS." ...... VRE d'lily effcciing aoine ef tbe moat aatonUh illg tuJ wonderful cur. -a (hat have e vet been kiutMUif.iu. toiiacqoeiice ( aLUh tl4y hates.." become a ahining maik against which all th ar rowa of duutppoiuud hope, envy, and uachariiA blenraa are lovetled without disttiiction. "Tha town and coun'ry are alike fillt4 with their prai. The palace and the poor bodae alike echo with their sir. toe. In climates, undot al temperature, they still tetain their woiulerful powrra, and exert tin m unalurcd by age or sUustinn. I bey aia simple m their prepiiiotta, mild in their sciimis. thoiouiih in ail their operation, ami unrivalled in their re sults. Tbey sn i-biln'Ut, snti-dspetie, and ; snli.merruri .W and ih.-y are jH-uhirlv beneficial in the falbaaing roinplaiu'at f sol aud ague. yel low and bilii.ua fascia, dyapep4a, rmap, liver coin plint, aick. headacha, jiundie, aalhma, dropsy, spleen, p ilea, colic, obstructions, heartburn, furred tengua and foul atomscfa, nauaea, diarrhota, cuativa neaa, loaa af appat ita, sallow complesiuoa, oda, and in all cssee of t-.rpor of tba bowil where a cathartic oi an aperient ia nerdad.. - v., 1 N. B. - No Sugar Coated Pille can be geooine, nleas aver box haa on It tha aignaluve of O. BENJ'N SMITH, M.D. - - ' st v. ' rJjrCAirriON-Aa 8 Imiaerabla Imitation haa been made, by tha nanys of 8ogar Hosied Pill," it la naeessary to be aura that Da. O Baa. Hsjrra'e ignetuva ia on every boa.' Pikse 98 rent.- " - ' Prlnetpst Office;- ITS Greenwich at New York. ' ' BuWby JOHN W.TRILING. Huntniry.' . WM. rORYTHE. forthum'tp ' Brat 4, U47. I SIX f HAti Aiso 'T'HE children hegn to'ctyfbf 8hefmtj' to-. nge. The' name waa not ao loud at that time, but i haa kept increasing ever lirre. and flow ha became so great that the mpuih'a nf tha Hula onea can scaroe be atopped. Dr. Sharaaan svalpa. thisea with, tha litila auff- rataj and etry nuch re are a that any. of them ahould be (tNaappointed. Knowing the vast benefit which, haa been confer red upon the cpmmunity by the introduction -of hie infallible , ,., ;; , ., , j; . i V70RM liOaBNOBS, , ha haa entered into arrangements for enlarging hia Manufactory, by mesne of which be think he will beablelo supply the demand.- .'And thasame pain and care will he taken, thai these celebrated Ln avnga be made aa they hive atwaya been. In or der that thw who depend upon them, may not h disappointed in their hope. He knew when ha commenced the nimuferure nf the Wbrjn Loaa. gn, that lh-y would auitetaede the use -of every other vermifuge, a the L"r.enge ia wry pleasant to the tai,f, tpredif in iU rfjecta. aa well aa tertain, aodtbajualilv: rcquirad io effect. 4, perfect cure, ia verfrnall.v Tbeaf r.prriiea ifi cnanetinn wiih Ihe f .ct thai they are sol.) f .r 2ft cinta per box, thus pi wing (hem ia the teach of ibo rooret man in the Jaud. haa not only cnued thei to take ike place of every othaa vermifuge ever efTored, -but aU so tendered them popular q the community COUaU LOZENGES, k continue to cure Cougl. CWa, Consumption, Asthma, ehnrtnexsand difficulty of Breathing, and other disra-es nf the Lunga, with the aame facility they did on thuir fuel iulrotlueiion. and the peopln have now bocoine perauaded by actu. I ei pa tience, that on the accra-ion of a flight cold, they have only to step to either, the Dr's. ifTice, or one of the Agents, nd obtain a. box of hi Cough Ja-nepgi-a, which a ro very convenient to carry in the pocket, and to lake a few through lh. d y. Bv purauing thia'cOtiVae a eurela'nf.eh eftected in 3 hour, and the patient ahout bia bJ'irv ss. So great i the ce lebrity of the L'-ifngee. that thnuands nf persons who have uaeJ them, and become aequ.iinied wiih their .fn.Lt-, will never tat Without them. . SIII.HUAVS IfOOSUAN'l PLASTBB ho cu;rd mota ensea of HheuiraJisnt, Pin in the Back, Side' and Chest, Lumbago and VVsakness, than any application that ba aver boen made.- As tho celebrity of the Pl.ister has incie.vej, hundreds of unprincipled rsicals have attempted to countnr feif it, and palm it off upon Ibe community aa tbe genuine. (y Beware of Deception. Hem. ni Uut that the true and genuine Plaaler ia spread up on redJish paper mado cxpresoly for the putpoee, and in every cae tba signature of Dr. Sbeiroan i p tut. i upon the back of th Plus et, and thf whole secured by Copy Righu, Nona others ar g.-nuine. Theicf.ro wf-en joq want a real good Sherman's Poor Man's Plter, call at the ollicn, 106 Nassau atreet, ar.dyoo will not be disappointed. ,. i . Remembat Jh. number, 106 Na-sau at., nhe.e all Dr. Sherman'a Loxenvea aresvld. . Ill Agent are Mra. Haya, 139 Fulton street. Ur-Mklvn ; Hiurij; WiUiaaiobora ( and'ReJ.lliijt "A") Co., Boauin, , .- and JOHN VOIING, Sunbuty. ; ,,,,M.'A JkfcCiY.NotthuuilMiibnd. September Hlh, 1847. ' ' '' "its ivo iiiiH V itTisis' Vtj Barnt, Scmtdt, and all kind fif tnjlamrd Snrct Cured. TOIWEY'S ITNIVERSAL OINTMENT, V the most complete Bum Ahii.loteever known. 1 1, inatanlly, (and aa if by Magie) atop paiua if ihe mo'rt desperate Burns end 8cald-. Fir olj 8. -Tea, Binisea. Cut, grains, Ac, on man or lieaal.jt'i the beat application' thai can he n.aJe. , Thmisjiuls have tried and thniisslida prjie it. ' tt is the nvM-l pufict master of psin ever discovered. All Who use recommend it. Evwry family should be provi ded with it. None can loll how soin some of the family msy need it. ' " ' " " " ' " a "" ' . G3 Olwrve each box of he genuine Ointment baa ihe name of 8. Torsi T wrilU n on the outside Iab4. To imittte this is forgery, .' . , , Boatmen. Liv. ry Men, Furmers. and rdf. who ue Horses, will fiiid this O-iilment the very lt thins they can u for Collar G ills, Si ralrhci, Kicks, Ac. AcM on their aiiimals. ' Surely rverv merciful ruu would keep bi snimata aa free from pain aa post ble. Tuuary'a L'uiverial Ointment is all th a is re quired. ' Try it. ........ BITES OF IXSRCTS. Pot the sting or Vie of poihonous Insects, Toilsey's Oinlirent is unii vslled. Hundreds have e.1 It an I f.aiitd )t goml. PII JSS CURED ! For a PHca.'Teuav'e U -niversal Otnmont "ia one tf the best L'emediaVibal csn be a4ied. All who have tried it foi the Piles recommend it. ? vi . v. : i r . OLD SORES CURED. .- F. olj tltmatr Son s, there ia sMtiliing esjual to Toussy's Oint otent. . ,A parsan in Man ius had, fn a numlsj of yasra, a sore leg that larHe I the skill ivf tbe doclort. J'ouaey'a Ointment W reo-.mmemle.l by na of (he visiting pnyvieiana, (wboknew itg rat virtue.) and two Uxea iwoducrd mwe benefit tiinn ihe pa tient had irceived from any and all previous teme -diea. . Lei all try it. .v., . i, t .if -. , ULK.N8 AM) SOALUS CURED. Thousand of . rasra of Burna and Scalds, in all parts of the country, have beeef curd by Toneey'a Universal 4 lil.lnieiit. Certificate v-nougb eould he had to fill the whole of'tbia abrer. ' i : i ' , ' 't , VIOLENI' BRUISES CURED, Test.moni vlsou loatimoDialH, iuj lav. t.f Touary'a Oiotmenl for curing Biuirs. have bran off. red ihe propiiav t'. ' HuQihetls in ayraeaee wdl certify loila g.eat merits in reM ving tba pain of th aiost severe Bruise All pereina should Iry it .: . MCALIt HEAD CURED. Roes of cases of Sca'd Jle-aJ havn been cured by l ou-ev's Oint ment. Try it it M-lil.au f , : .' ',. -. .i 8AI.T RHEUM CURED.- Ofa'1 Ihe remedr ever discovered f-rjU no. dis lureeaJ U eomplainl. Touaey'a. Uoiver.al Oititnient is the most complete. Il nevef known .i fail. ' ' -- CHAPPED HANDS HN BE CURED. Touaey'a Universal tliutui.a t will awsys cure the worn rjMS of Clisppt-d Ilaudv .Scoica of prrsens will st ile this.. , . . . SOKE LIPS CURED, For lb cure of Sore Llpt, there wsa n. v.ii uv thing made equal to Too ey ' Uinlmei.t. (l is sura to cuie Ibem. Tiy it. . 1 li ia a kciamitic compound, warranted noi to con tain any preparation of Msrcury. qj Piice S6 cent per box, 4 Fur furthi r psriiculsr e.Hiceruing llii leslly valuable Diiil.i.eiit, the public ae tefos rid to Pampliltf, tq Ihi. had gialis, of respectable D uggis's aud Menhsuls irough..ut the L'uikd Stite. Pi.paraJ by ELLIOT A. TOt'SEY, Druggis s, Syrseus". Fora'ehy , . , , , , , . JtHIN YOUNG, tiuuhury, .- i M. A. MrCAY, Nxribumbeiland. Sept Uih, 1817. ly eow ; VVantccl Ininiudiately, A SMART, eetise Lad. aboot 18 yean of ge. to aiund sVte,.s One that ttnderatanda both English and .German weuld b preferred. . Apply a( the Cheap Slure, vaalaud nf Market Street. -. , v . v .. w.' v . t W. H, THOMPSON. ; Wuubury. klept. 4th. 1847-lt i.. s1 -i . Wanted. V ; A BOY. betweari thaagea of 14 and 16, lo I a employed in -a, private family, le whom good wages will ba given. Innuiia s.uot, at Aug. 14, 1847. 7t ' THIS OFFICE. T-i(al)lrrnlTertaI PIII-, The eny known Medicine- that at the thme time tPvet furijiit and ttrengthen the tyfem , - t. ,! Looa. July 7, 1840, DR. LE ROY'S Pill are new medicine which haa joat appeared, and ia fat taking tha place of l others of the sarra class. The.e pill, are composed of many, ingredienia. hut the two principal onea are rWeapsriils and Wild Cher ry, so untied lhat they art together he one, thrnugti le admixture with other subtarraa, pu rifying and purging,, while the. other is trenmhen. ing iba svstem. Thus lh pills era at Ihe asm- riice tonic and opening; ad.aideratnm long and osgerly sought for by medical men, but never be fore diacov.red. ; , other words they do tii work of two medieioes, . and do il much betu r ibm ny two wo know of j for they remove nothing from the ays em but the Impurities i so tbit whilfl ihe purge they atreogthen ; and hence they, carwe no d.l'ilitstion, and are fnllowrd by no re-actinn, - Dr. Le R.ty's pills have a wonderful influf nre on ibn blood ; they not only parifv withnul weakening it, hut theyt retmtve all I ."sioii part idea (Vnni Ihe ehyle bcfoie it is convened into fluid, and thus make iin. puie blood an utter impce ihjlity. Aa ibam ia no dcbilitnliiin, o Iheie is no nausea or .sirkneas at tending Ihe operations of thia most excellent of me-di- ine, which never lr,iins .r tortures the diges tive fuiii lions, but cau ea them lo wik in a per. feetly nntural manner j and hence pe.son. Inking tbein lo 'mil become pale and enfcixted, but the contrary ( for while it is Ihe property of ihs Nat... .,irilla, united a il i with other ingredients, to remove all lhat is foreign and imiiure, il is equtlly Ibe properly of the Wild Cherry lo rvtsin ail ihal is natural and sound; and hence a tobiM sla'e of h. alih is tho certain reull of their united openi lions Qy Price 28 cents per BOA". Agent for Le Rov'a !'ii, ' " ' " JtMlN VOUvt.:on,,u- ' M. A. McCAY, NoiihiiinlierlM. August Slat, 18i7. 1v WILL BE PUB1.I8HED IN WASHINGTON, ; - , ' D.C...V , f on Tttx Kcvavin or nac rxT, so one or thk UITi: STATIC IiEPOUTKH. A Daily Jmtrnat of Vcirrrnmtnt, Is:xlatlce and (Jenettit AVtr. ' ' THE SUBSCRIBER IS NOW ENABLED to announce the completion of hi nrrnug -. menu for the eslablihmeot of a well.organisrd and in.h-pend.-nt Journal of Now at tho Seat' of the General Goverment. Tho lendina fentnrea of the U.iilc.l Stiles Re porter will be th-1 following ; ' I. Early intellig. nro of the Movements of the var'oua l)rplments, in n f.-renre lo domestic af fair and lo the foreign relations of tbe eoun'ry. wHI be given with 'senifmlotia fidelity. Pi-ssra-a-ing peculiar fa. ilttie for ohiatnlns informsllorl. the 'Reporter' will he enabled frequently to com moi.irate, oxc'u-ivrh', iaiallignrve.pf tfie tnoal iin poriHPt (haisrier. . . , . . ix II. 'The vcrhattm l.elxvrtsnf ihe Proeredina and 'Debetee of the Dotted SM'ea Weiiirte, vihiehhe proj.rtetor la nouna to furnish d u'v to that Ni-ty. in Nocordanre Willi the te.ma nf the rvn'ret made at tha close of last sea-uon of Gnngre. The sr tar.geiirerita now mte will at nnee fully secure to the Senate of the United States en authentic and complete record of its rk-hatet end lo Ihe pe.pb, in a gtestly enlarged .legrve, the henefli of the ex periet.ee, aigaaity,'aad latrsmanship nf lhat ho ly to which i hey have ever looked with aulii itotia and reieelfol teud.--- !.- III The Pruecedinra and D"Kein the llou-e nf Rrpreoentativea will also he stven vtlih fulli.SHS, imparttetity and the ulmea prt.mptiindn. F.ach d ij's record will be completely mane op. and ap pear in theReyortev? next fnoraina. ' IV. A Synoptical View of the Proepeding and Dobatvwof all the Statu Legialalure will he regu larly given. Mrmbera of Holier.-, and ll elas-.iv of r,1era, will tOua be kept folly and syu-rmti-cslly kiif.irnird of domestic IcgiaUlion in all a.-e liotisof Ibe ltniled Stulea. V. Early Intelligence of all imporant move events in the . Legislators of Ureal B.pain and Franca wi'd be eommuuic tied by every steamer fioni Euroie, through reporters in London arid Psria, who p anes poculiir fiiilnU-s f. obtjining tnt.rmMi.4t. ... i ... i . ... ' VI. Tho General Neva of the Day will be given in a eon.lenoed form, with indniry and atieiiln.n. VIL Reports of Arenmenu before tbe Kupieme Court of ' the I), et. . This flepsitmev.1.- will (e so eoodurli'd as In make ihe Reporter'' in-lrspvnsa ble lo every lawyer In tba reaiitiy. Much ia a brief rew of what Ihe MUuiled States Repniter" ieoVaicned tibe, AU tba plan and ar ranganienta have been Well matured, anafxho h. ia confidently chetiahed. that tho "United Stsles Refiorter" will prove itself an energetio. industrious, dlgniQud ami pe.leelly indep-ndent jouin.k l will have no party views no political but. The propiietor, by the term of bis rontrxri vi h tlx Senate of ibe U. 8., is hound lo the fnn.lijin lhat the paper ahall contain- -no political iliacuasirma except the dubale.". It will be die Vibirle of news not the or an of any ael of nDt.ma. Th grand niin of the aobsc.tiher i to rslabliah at th seat of Government a fulthful ami prm I repoiter of all son a of lntelli(ii'cea iw-ponsihle anenl, nr whom the politician, tha business man. tha mvuufjelu'er, the Mteehaniev and every one interested in the ef fails of CiiPBr.'aa and th Gomment, oa.iy rely at all limea with implicit confidence. . : f I is theva.l th it lh esiablishtnetil af such a rill .ble j -urnal of iirtelligenuron lema whleh pi see tt within tha reach of tho great mnssa . f Iba peo. pie, at the eumnaeneHicnt of wh ! (Kotoine i b most ii.teres.ins and eventful p ri , Id the hi.torv ef longrvaional proceeding', w II ba 'tegUibd wiih favor by all el"aea of the euminot.ny t and having ihua staled hi t.bjertv. the rubacih'-r r---h- lfully htiie t ttbarul and cmer. us support trout tbe eulightaoed i-obbe-of ihe liniie-l Sisu. . J ME A. HOUSTON. - -- Htenographer to Ihe ten4le of the U. 8. Tbe "United Stages R. portei'1 w ill l e prime I f n a large and handsome sh.-et. and iucd ev.-ry mor ning, except Sundays, al the rate nf six dollar-, per annum eing'e topi.', to cent. ' In runtirciion with the d..i1t paper, there will be issued from Ihe aincrtihlUhinent, ' THE MIRROR OF COSUliESS. . The puhliiibtion will contain exeluxive y tbe re ports of the proceeding and debate of Ihe Con gress of the Uui'pJ States (I will be 1-sued semi weekly, io an aWgaut quaito f-rttv, thiouabout the ei in, of Ceng'Caa, and will Im fund-lp j lo sub. acrrheia at tba rate if two d dtira Ka the l.tug ses sion and one dollar for iba short tessioii. It i be. lirmad thnt tbi gteal nations! weik'wiN he deama.1 indwiirnsibla in tha library of every public inalutt lb, politician and protoMioiial man tbroughoat the country t nd that it aa iU be r. garJsd by tba great nti of the op!e as the very best polities! text book for their own inatraetion aud that of lltcir childrea. v .. : :t . v.. : IMPORTANT JSS0VNCBUENT. Throughout Aia ieai n c f Cong'e,' Extra will be iued fr us the olftee pf the "United Stalra Iteporlsr," eo.italntng tha'reporla nf auch dvbalea aa may poaaea particularly idling iuiatrct. All aubaciiplion apd comBiiMietioria to be poat paid, eJdrcs.cd , ; ,J. A. HOUSTON. I uited Statee Reporter, V.hiegon, D,C." Aujjat 14th, lbll.tac " . Indiaii Vegetable Panacea. " V'r'KOTULA. -. Mr.asna. RovrAan A- WAtTetr. Geiila: Feel ing deepfy gra'teful for tbe rttrautdinary rute performed upn ma by your Dr. Ptilleri's Indian Vegetable Peoeeea, I cheerfully furnish you with a short hiatoty of my care. ..'. A hunt seven years ago, (hn only eleven years old, 5 I waa attacked with Scrofula, w hich inrreas ed in its ravages till my ih-oal waa filt.d with ul cers ! tha hone of my m-rk IsiJ bate! my palate de-troyed. and a larg pie.- of n of the nirat honea curi.-d awav. My h"d vria at-n so nwh dKeuaed that In drinking, the Ira or eoffe would frequently prrnv put nf my ear .' A miei of some thing tvhieh the Doci. rs call- d a tumor Came from my no a. I wn under tho e.re of phy:rian of the high et distinction in thie riiv, and at ritie tim pro. nnunced cured, and by request Hltehdrd a madiC.al Ir tine, where my e -, tog- the' wi'h th nielb.Hl of eure. m eipbtined to Ihe s'lident. Tha lec turer eaid,-Yott are nmv wet', but if the diMtae h.iulil letn n, you rannot live lot g, aa it would soon de-troy your nindpi: e.''- " 5 . I did not believe mys,lf cored al the time, aa I had pinch distre-s in my bend, and other disagree ab'e f. clings, and i.ft.r a time the u err re opened , lu Jau iaiy, 1815. my mother called with me 0-pt-n Dr. Mutter tor alviee. He a i-l I waa a very tick (firl, and i was doubtful whether ever Would B.t well; if ever, it would hri a long while. The Ui-e.ao g'ew so much worse, that Ihe physiclvn who th.-n ati. nde.1 rn, .id h.i could see ray wind pip. ! My f tie nl. was swollen, highly tnfliim.d, and very piinful, anil the Dr. said ulceration waa inevitable ! I , . 1 I n in thia copdi'ion In Janniry list, tabm I comioenc.il taking y ur "Dn t'tLi.sa 1mima VKRriiai.a l'.mr..." The inflimnlioi. wnssoon r.mov.-d. nnd the dreadful u'eeiati.-n in the face prevent' d! I am now noli! I have no ulcers! no pain, or any ili-nar.ri.i l- seiiiuilmn io my hcsil, and now le-1 OiHt I ruud. I r-hsll be h.tppy to give any furiher ii f iim i'i hi to the sfilicted who will ukr the trouble to call upon mo at inv f .thet's b.iue, West Sprue. between Beai'll and Willow a r.eU, opposite Hpsokm iti's f.clory. siam-d .CHRISTIANA SANDS. Citt or Pitii4iiri.rniA, as. Thia se.emh day of April, A. D. ,1M6, before the nberiber, Mavor of Ihe subl city, p rsonnlly apt-eoe.l C'hririiaja 8tU, wholjn du'v swort., .1. pos- and save, lh .t t'n f .cis s t forth i.i the foreitoirig stl'nlsvil sic strictly true in every pmli rul.r. In lelimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and fixed the corporate eil of tbe ssi.l city, on the duv and y.ir !ef -re written, f.. H JOHN 8WIFT, Mayor. We hereby certify, th-'t ihe ahove et .tements of our daughter are true, in ev--rv particular. WILLIAM SANDS, MARY HANDS; Pliiladelnhia, Apul 7th, 1S4G. " t.Vnificute tf cures, in pamphlet form, may be bail lirnlis, at Ihe nlli. es of the agenta. ' 'I't is medicine is prepsred and sold by the I ropri. toi, Rowsud &. Walton, No. 370 Mtkct stievt, l'hil.id.-lpl ia. ., . , "'. ' - . rW W Danenhow. t. N-i t Mnrrayat. N V. 2 n J J W Diuel.hower. No I OF Hall. I ? S i t VT t.-nkin, No 8 Canal at, N Orli 3 X N Robinson, cor (5v 4 Saratoga sti - j J W D-ioetihower. No 1 OF Hall, Cin.O. lean. sta. Ball. Aaeut.r' . H. MAiSSEH. Sunbury. I H. R.ser, Milton; J. Seebol.l, New Ber lin: : Mr. Mnsser, Millhu in ; Sharpe D. Lewis, V tlkeslisire. ' Kil alao by llrugtst tbronahnut thn United Mi;.te. Auc. 7. I8t7.-Sm. y Jacob liunfzN llttl. i NOTICE ia hereby given, that Utters of ad ministration have been granted tetheeub-aeri'-erort the estate uf . I seo1. Kur.tr, 1st of Augua la township, .lec'd. All pirjons indel-te.l t-t said esltie r having d-yitaniU a2.int the same, are rr qucsieil to rail on 'the til-.-ri'.. r f.r settlement, with-ut delay. PETER fNYDER. : Augusta, AOJ. 7, lH47ttt Adra'i. TO POTISV1LLE AND PHILADELPHIA. PERSON'S travelin g tin loule are hereby inlorncd that lin y cau procu a -through iickei," by uiakiug sppli.-utuui al tlie Hotel of Chailes W'eav.-t, Sunbuiv , A. E. KAPP. ; Nnnbumherland, July 3M, 1847 if ;,' Tit, the KUxturs of 'orthumberland County :-, , ( . I BELLOW CITIZEN'S At the rquevt of my fiiend, I uff-r uiy elf aa a rardidata for tbe otfl e of , , ... , ' C'ounly Cnntmlaslonr " Should you behevd me wuithy if your- confl den.'e, and t'ut.lei (,hi ulUce upon me, I shall spare no txertiun to givtj g.-niral aatisfvciion. JACOB HOFFA. Upper Mjhonoy, July 17, 1847. To the Electors of iVortfoimberland 1 County: V KEING solicited by many of my fiiendv. I have consented to offer myself aa a Volun teer candidate for the office of ' T ii n a s r it e it pf Northumberland county. Should you aea pro. p. r lo elect nie, I pl. de mselfio perform the .luti. uf .aid office with fi.Miiy. HENRY WEIE. , , Sunbury. June 19 h. I8I7. PROIrl PIEXICO! , I.; .. i j&SI 9Un IIRY . SIcr.iY, of ma utrou'i or ioittiuniaerlaiJ, sue reuor to llsiil.-l Ht juliusnt, respectfully Int.wnis the publie, ihst, ulihoegh G.n. Scot. srmv hastak n J4l .p1, f.iuio'us for Ks pro. diKtion ol Jalap, she fct.li hi.i ei.ounh nf the article lo suj ply ihe waiita of her cutioera, besidra every nihil vj.ieiy of .Iruu and medicine vaually found in an apothecary ehop. Ijmg purchased lb r .. a. . . si.Ka i inr. ueautiKam, ti.- h-i oei'ea a new r t ihlislHi.ent.- bIoi.h.1 o pi.Hit.i h s vld stxh I, and tru s, by ttriet aitet.iioii to buKinesa, tj merit the ptt'onago of the a-iui'v an I piit.lie. ran will enntsr ly k.ep nil liau l every arloly of Drug'', I'ninU. Spieey, I'slenl Medicines, die., Ih.ti usually found in a .dog aloia, which ahe Will dlpoe ol at resaoiisbfh pru-es. .. ' . . ' I'hytician and other, tioru a ditoca, supplied at whoWsale priuva. Noilburul-eilaud, May 22. 1847. 2in. ILAX SEED.T-'I'ha highest tnsiket pike paid for Flaxseed, al the etui of Aug. 21.1847. J0HNBO0AR. IV. . : : . r . . . IL1A0 1 til, no.! bli ly it, aK, tor em ly Aug. 21. 1847. C. 8. UIHIAK. VXHirB LEAD, in keg, and Peine of all a kind for aale, IS ei Cent. ch pr than avar before eol.l at Banbury, l tha ator of July 81, 1847. JOHN BOOAP. "SVaTiRI '! higtitst nisiSit jufca jsiTti 11 Bark, at Ihe etui of . " M.it.h.27, 1817. JOHN BOGAR- ' OPINIONS OF TIIR PIIUSS, r - arnritr .. .. WRIGHT'S lMHiN VEGETABLE ni-LS, Ftm the Camden Democrat. VUfttOH i'SNntAi VAeTAat.a Pttta.-Tbe-e relebraied Pills, it enivertally ud nnd ad mired, have become te t ennaidered almost aa na cesary in families a water or fuel. In f .el. the principle npon which thia medicine ba eatabl ah. J its reputation purgation -it now pretty gene. all acknowledged to be the only tine one, by whic'i hextth may be preserved, or restored when iinpi..d. Wright' Pill erenow a nnivnrs-il ftvorit.-. From the Phitadetph'ui Saturdiy Ermintf Pol. Wntoa-r'e lanita VroxTieLB Pitts, are at taining a real c-l.-brity in New England, aa well a. other puts of the United State. Thn attempt nf persons to d. fraud tha ptihlie by the a.la of spurious sttt. las meets with general reprobation. D . Wright is an ind finable business man, aud a'ios an array nf cures by the tnerfecine which warrant confidence in tbe virtues of hi Indian Vegetable Pitts. :, ,. -. . ..1 . Ftoh the Philadelphia Spirit nftht T.mre. Waisar'a Niiiav Vro.TAata Pttt. rl'eo ple are pretty well sa'bfiej by tVis t me thatc-tln-mel, and th other thousand and one mineral pre paraiiona of the shoi, are la tier adapted, a a gori trl rule, to kill rather than cure Ihe patient; aa a mot'er of eoore, vegetable medicines aretherefoia in greal request. There are many hnmhusa how. ever, among the latter, aad we would advr-e alt those a ho hsve the less! regard f r their henl h. t iry Wright't Indian Vegetable TilU of the North. American Colrge of Health, aa they are the pre paration of one in imstoly acquainted with its healing art. From the Potnn Dn;l T:m'. Wainm a Ivntav Vr.oar.aiK Ptit Of s'l the puhliri advertised meiliciti" ef 'lis Any. n know of none that so rati in. no a 4v i- i .-h io-n-1 for the "d'a that flesh is heir I. ' tli-.n ih- V I s Hut are old nt the depot ef the N-'l!i A'n--,rii (' I Icao of Health, No. 198 Ttenunt attent, B.'aii.r, Several inelanre we know of where tU.y are uirvl in families with the hiubest s-tn-f .ctiioi ; un.l no 1 ni;er ego than yesletday, we h. ard an e ..inent physician of thia city recommond them in high terms. The foil wing highly rcppectable storekeeper hive been duly apt-omted acnis for the sulo of Vriht't Indian Vegetable I'illt, iii Noilhumli.'M i-.nd county : . -. Henry Mscr, Sunbury, , E. fc J. Kauffman, Auausta township. Samuel Herb, Little Mahnnny. William Deppen, Jae.kaon. J Beneville Holahue, Upper Muhouoy. John ft. Renn. Upper Mahonoy. Samuel John. Sliamokintown. Forxtthe, Wilson & Co., NotthumhetlanJ. E. L. Piper, Watsouburg. Irland & Haynra, McEwcnsviUo. Jami-a Peed, Pollagrovc. Wm. G Scott. Ruahvillo. Hartmm Knojblo, Elyaburg P. O. Amoa T. Beissel. Turhutsville. Gid.-on Shade!, Ifp(er Mahonoy. Rhode & Farrow, Snydiaton n. ' John Kiiitf. Farmersy llv. ' Sila C. Cook. Miiiin' Ciovk. J. Do Young. Hiekaviilo, ' Abraham Sherer. Richmond. Samuel Taylor, bUtsforl, ...... 1 . Johu IL Yiucent, Chilisqunque. Wm. Heinen A Biother, Milton. Bxwaaa n I'orwTr.arsiTa. The public are cautioned against the muny apurioua medicinos, which in order to deceive, are exiled by nainea si milar to Wricht'e Indian Vegetable Pills). 'lhe s.ifesl eourae it to puichssc of the rrgul ir as- nta only, who ar gentlemen that mvy be re tted on. . -.- ; .,11.. Q V tllTieea drvo'e.l rxcluive.'y lo the ride of WRIGHT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS, of the North American Ootlego of Health. No. 28? Groenwich Street, New York ; No. 198 Treniunt Street. Boston-, and PRINCIPAL OFFICE, No. 169 Rack Sthf.it, Philadelphia. Jnne 12th. 1847. s!9y. ' DICKSON & CO., No. bO Market Street, five doors below Third, South sitle, PHILADELPHIA, Importers & Wholesale Healer la WATCHES. Watch Glii-se ami Mlerils. . Jeaelty of all deciiplion, quhuoj and a'yles, compjiin; all tbe articles connoctej with the Trade, Ckas. Diison 4 Son'a Brilannia, GermJti Si! vet and Silver- V Idled Warea. Sheffield and Birmit.gb im Plated Fancy Article. Rodger & Son' and .Woslenholm's Cutlery, Ra zor, asetaeore, Erasera, De-k Knttes, Ac, Ivory Handled Table Coilery , 81 iba fin- at. maViuiu and eoinmon qualities. A laige useortraent of Guld Pen. Perifocal Spectacle. Papier Mache aitd Japanned Trays, vanou abapee and qtlulitiea, at re tured rates. Gold Watch Cases, Dials and Rilver.Ware, of all deaeritriinna, 'manufactured lo order. . DICK-SON Jt CO having recently removed into the largo and commodious waiahouae formerly occupied by Mesm. R. ArHHras r 9t Soaa, nnd more recently bv AsaitrnsT Sr RivtiaoToa, big leave to iiJ.om Watch Deulars Country Merchant and others, that they des gn having at all times a large a-aorlment of Goods, of their on importa tion, which they are determined to tell al Ihe lowest rate a. r;3 Every attention w'.ll be paid to the Pacemg iifOo.il., and in theca.cuiion ol Old. ra, the iqu iii ti. a andpiie. will be fully guraulieJ eaiiisl all competition. ' Philadtdphia. June 19'h, I847- la : rirl lri'iiiini U'riliiiS" Bnke No. 7 North Tl.irJ Street,' rillLADELt'lllA. SROM Dr. Hare, iba celebratad Profs aor of CUuiikUJ in 'be University of Penn'a. ' l'bi!d. lphl.t, Oct. 11.1843. -Dear Sir Havina iiie.l your Ink, I will thai k you to send o.a anoiliar buttle, I fiud H l ! exolhnt. .1 am ""r. ,u, i;ar. Hana." From Dr. Locke, of Cincinnati, diauuguuhed fa lua t.uuierooa vcientil'ic researche. "Medtral Coilcg of Ouio. Ciocni all, Jinuvy IT, 1844. Having ilerd Mr. Hovei's Writing Ink, I am tilil that It ia the let whkh ha ever com to mv knoUlutaud aapeeiady il ia tclltnt for Ihe u , ltttl Pens, and wtli'nU eurn dc them, even in loi.g use. Joita l.ocaa. IW. ofChem.alrv. ' HOVER'S ADAMANTINE CEMENT. Fro.u a wall ku..n scientific gentleman- Philadelphia, Feb. 2'. 181C. Mr. Joa ph E. llovet-it t A ua of your I'e m.t.t. knd some practical teite of ita eupeitot.ty, haa induced tne to reco asnd it l olhera s an invsluahla aiUcle for imuid.pg China. tHaa. vt Cabiovl W.re. Cre m Mokvit. Analytic ChemlaJV For sale al tbe Manufactory, Wholeeal" god Ra ted. No. 81 Meer Ta Ktar.T, oppoeita ClHiij eiretf, PhdaiWIphia, tj ' K.V ...rrir. iiovE.R.. . - jeO iy MaiiufaciUfri.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers