t . -, From the Vocalist. The Farmer Titrwt Idler, , " ? Mr father was a farmer Rood, fy, With corn and beef in plenty: I mowed, end hoed, anil held Iht plow, And longed for oacarvltw efity.' ' ' For 1 h.id quite a martial linn, Ami scorned the lowing cuttle; , . , I burned to wear a uniform, , ' Hear drums and tea a battle , . , t . .If.. , t . I I ( My birth day came : my father urged, , , Put stoutly I resisted;, t...r , . My sister wept ! my mother prayed: - ' But off! went and 'listed., Tlmy marched mo on through wet and dry, To tunea more loud than chnrminr, But lugging knapsack, box, and gun, Was harder work than farming. We mot tli foe the cannon roared, The crimson tide was flowing, TIip frightful death-groans tilled my ears, I wished that t wui mowing. I lot my lee the foe came on, They had me in their clutches; starved in prison till the peace, Then hobbled home on crutcliel. I, title Women. i a little previous stono what splendor meet! the eyes 1 in a little lump of sugar how much of sweetx.eisi lies .'a in a little woman love crow and multiplies; Vou recollect the proverb ays a wvrJ unto tht wire. ' ""'' pepper corn is very small, but seasons every dii.ner More than other condiments, although lis sprin kled thinner; Just so a little woman is, if love will let you wir. her , There's not a joy in all the woild you will not find within her. And as within the little rose yon find the riv-hett dyes, And in little gtain of gold much price and val jo lies, As from a little balsam much odor doth arise , So in a little woman there's taste of paradise. The sky lark and the nightingale, though small and light of wing, Yet warble sweater in the grove than all the birds that sing ; And so a little woman, though a very little thing, it tweeter far than sugar, and flowers that blos som in spring. A Naur A mi. All anagram in the dissolution Ml uny word or sentence into it elements, and ;hen making some other word or sentence rroin tl appear applicable to persona or thinps named mi such original word or sentence. There are word of this description, which exhibit coinci dences which are truly astonishing- and almost incredible, until proved by examination, at the sitrnt? t'me Brding very peculiar fund of a nnisement. The following are selected lYtsm the best transposition, extracted from abundant sour- t'M ; v . Encyclopedia, Atironomer?, Democrttticnl, (Jallantriee Harpsichord, John Galo Junes lawyers Misanthrope Monarch Punishment Penitentiary Radical Reform Revolution Soldiers Telegraphs William A nice cold py. Moon etarer?, Comic trade, All great sina, Do rich sharps, See John in Goal, Sly ware Spare him not March on Nine thumps Nay I repent it, Rare mad frolic To love ruin Ijo, I dress Great helpr 1 am Will 'We are Tit Saints.' Most of our readers have probably heard the story of the founder of 'onneclicut, who, in order to furnish them-.-elves a justification for diepofsereing the Indi m of the toil they hid et their hearts upon, met in solemn council and pawed the following resolutions: 1 Resolved, That God's heritage belongs to ilio Saint. i Resolved, That this is God's heritage. 3 Resolved, That tee ore the Suintt. 1'iuii i;r Rfm ntvtnt. A mild-tempered old gentleman wus going down his cellar-stairs with a lump and an old brown Pitcher, on a (rusty evening, and his feet slipping from the lirst mop, he was precipitated to the bottom ! Ilia wife a nice old lady, hearing tits noise, ran to the cellar door, and called out Why, husband ! have you broke the pitch er !' '.o 1 liiint, love, replied the old man, 'but I'll be darn'd if I don't do it now!' snd imme diately 6mubl;cd the pitcher against the cellar wall. . ' "' An attorney, about to finish a bill of cost?, was requested by hi client, a baker. Ho iuuk it us light it pursiblti.' Ah!' replied the at luiuey, 'that' what you may say to your fore man, but lliul' not I ho nay 1 make my bread.' A (i'ooii Trick. A French gentleman, tiav elliur in his cubriolet, tiom I'ane to Culsir, wa u;i.'oted Ly man walking aloiijf the road, who berjod the favor of him to put his great Coat, which he found very heavy, into hi carrtre, '' 'With all my heart,' mid the gentleman; 'but if we should not he travelling: to tht same place how will you yet your coat?' Monsieur,' said the man, with great gravity, 7 i Ullit in itt' , -mum. t.-.i .S'J L. M-.!.m. It A S KX O T IS L I 6 T. The following list shows the owrretit value of all 'ennsvivania Bank N.rree. The timet implicit re liance miy l placed upon it, "H is tbtry cek sir fully c miparcd with scd corrected from Uiik nell's Kcporicr. .: ltaitkfl lit riiHadcIplila. . Namii. ... , Locatiobv ' , pH,t;An, NOTES AT PAR. ' rlrmk of North America . ' ' , Bank of the Northern Mhertirs Commereinl Hank of PonnV" . Farirem mul Vtochfinics Tturik '. Keiixhiirioii rt.mk ' . . PhiladetphK Hank' ' ' ' . Srhnvlkill Ha.k '. , . . ,' . Snuthwark' Bank ' .' ' Western Punk . ' Vterhaiiics' l?nnk Mnniifactiircrs' cV Mechinic' Ojnk ftntik of Penn Township . . .'Ji-ar.l Itik . . nik of Commerce, Inlc Moyamrrwing Hank of "cnnsylvanta b . ' . par par pal r,r i par par I par j par par pat par par pir pir par Hank of Theater County itank of Delaware Coimiy lUnk of (lermantown Bank of Montcomery Co. DoytcKtown Bank P.anton Batik Weatchealer f'hester Oerinnntown Nor ris'own Diiylestimn Rnston 1 ,nr par par par p:.r par Farmers' Bank of Bucks ro TW-tol par Bank of Northumberland Northumberland par I oliimhta Hank cV ttridrje co.t "olumhia Farmer ttink of l.ancaslei l.nneistoi par par p.r pit par Thee officea lo not l,aiH'aer Comity B;mk l.anens'er Bmk Farmers" Bank nf Reading DlTiee of B ulk or Penii'a. Oiric - ' do do Office id.1 .Sfio Office . do do - . Lancaster I.ancister llarriiihurg ' Lancaster I I!eiliiig . fi Ca(oi J mane n. DI8CCCNT. NOTES AT lank of the Uuiled States . Miners' Bank of Pottsvillv Bank nf Lcwistown Bnnk of Middlotown Carlisle Bank Rxehange Bank Do do branch of Matrishnrg Bank Lebanon Bank Merchants' At Msntif. Bank Bank of Pittsburg . Weal Bmnrh B ink Wyoming Bank Northampton Bmk Berk County Bank Oilier of Bank of U. S. Do do - - do Do do . . do Bank of Chamherydiirg Bank of Gettysburg Bunk of Sii-qUf lianna Co, Erie Bank Farmer' A Drovers' Bunk Franklin Bank rloiimdole Bjnk Monongahela Bank of B. Vork Bank . .. Phila.hlphia 21 Pntmvilln f Iwitown ) Middletown Jul CarHsle ? Pittshurff j Ifollidiivshurg i Hrrilmrx 2 Lelmnon ( Piitnliurg J Pitts'.'UiB , $ Vfiliamporl 1 Wi'kcl.a.ie li Allenloivn Reading PlttalKirg fuihd Erin do New Brighton di Chamhrrchuig I tiellyahurg J Montrose 1 l'.ri IJalj Wayneahurg nj Washiuetixi I llouesdlo li Brownsville i Voik 21 N. B. 1 he notes of those hank on which we omit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are not purchased by the IMiiUdciphia brokers, wilh the exception of those which have a letter of reference. UROK EN BANKS. Philadelphia Kav. Ins. Philaih l hia failed Philadelphia Loan Co. do failed SehuvlkillHav.li,. do filled Keiikington Sav. Ins. A da Penn Township Sav. Ins. do Manual Labor Bank (1'. W Dyott, prop.) Towanda Bank Towandu Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bedford Bank of Beater Beaver IJsnk of Swatara '' Hariisburg Bank of Washington Washington Centre liai.k Bell' fonto City liffk IMt-dmig Farmera' & Mrh'ca' Bunk rmlirg Farmer' & Mech'c' Bai:k Fayette o. Farmers' At MeehVs' Bank (,'recneastle Harmony Institute Harmony Hutrlicrilor. Bank Huntingdon Juniata Bank l.rwiiowii Lumliermeu' Bunk Warren failed no sale closed cli'M'll fui led I'linwd no rate failed filled failed lio sale no sale no sale faded no sale closed no wile climed failed closed filled elided Northern Bank of Pa. DundH , New Hoie Del. Bridge t'o. New Hope Northumb'd Union Col. Bk. Mition Noilh Wctern Bank of Pa. Mea.ltille Office of Hrhuvlkill Bank Purl CrUui Pa. Acr.dc Manuf. Bank Carlisle Silver Lake Bank Monttoe Ciiion Bank of Penn'. Iiiioiilowii estmoieland Bank IJieeuslurg Wilkesbnrre Biidge (u. W ilkeali.irre no sain Cj" All notes puriorlinK to I on any Pennsyl vania Bank not given hi the above lUt, may he et lown as frauds, ' kew ji:hsi:v. OatikofNew Bmnswick Belvideie Bank Burlington Co. Bank Joinoiercial Bank 'Juinlierland Bank Farmera' Bwnk Briinrwiek Belvidere Medford . Perth Am'.ioy Bridi;elon fail d 1 pn Mount Holly Farmers' end MechariitV Bk Kaliway 1 Farmers' and MeeJianica' lik N. iiuniik fjil.ni Farmer and Merehnuu' Bk MidJletotvn Pt. J Franklin Bank of N. ). Jer-y City failed llolioken Bkuck Crazing Co Hohoken failed Jersey City Bink Jerm-y City failed Mechanics' Bank Patterton filled Manufacturer' Batik Belleville failed Morris County Bank Morrmtown Monmouth Bk of N. J. Fiechold failed Michanic' Bank Newaik J Mechanic and Manuf. Ilk Trenton pur Morn t anal and llkg ,o' Jersey t-ily Poet Notes no sale Newark Blig eV Ins t'o " Newaik New lioie Del Briilce Co Iinheiuville N. J. Msnufac. and Bkg t'o Hoboken , fliled lulled j failed 4 N J I'rolecton & Lomhard bk Jersey t'iiy Orange Uunk Orannu l'aiorwin Bank Paterson ' People' Bank do Piineetou Bank I'riiieelou , rtalcm Hanking Co ' jU'iii s'Ut Bsiik Newurk j J ritale Bauk . . L'luutx thlowu par par 1 ' P" I failo.1 hilled i par i faded par par par par par par par par par blat Bank Cmdeu Slaty Hank of Morri ". Morrislown Stat Uunk 1 reiilou Salem and Philud Manuf t'o rialem 8iniex Bank Newlou Tienton Bankiug Co Tienton I'nion Bank Dover Wathiugtou Banking Co. llackenaack UCIaAYVAUK. - lik of Wilm it, Brandy biihi Wilmington . Dank of Delaware Wihmiiglon Bauk uf Hinyrna rtiuyina Do blanch Mili.nd Farmers' Bk of Mtair of Del Dovel Do braueh Wilmington Do biaueh (ieiKgetowa Do blauth Newcsstle Cniou Bank Wilmington (T j I'ndrr 6's a j" Oil H bank Inaiked thus () there are f i liter cojulw fait or lierrd uotts of the various d uoutiustiou, tu ciiculaiiou, . i'i.j.'ii. m i-i ui- i i ujii.isfjui I'KNNSVIA'ANIA HOUSE,. THR nilciibr,1te ofth Unlort Hot. I, Mun cy, Fa ,' respectfully informs (ha oid and nu merous customers of the VV I'ennft fvanln ltdnse. J ami the pohlie aeneraliv, that be haa leased the Tavrrn Stand of J.ihn flhfti1e, In 1inillo, where ut l "prepared ti tntertain trsrlHr,'iiid. per anna iiiiifff the Ihwn, In the i r licet sty !C 1'he crittnruodjtion will he sueh as a well cohilrtrted public houe hoilld (Ttrd, and ni elfirt wilt he epared tit render sitM.t tnn. In every respect,' lo a'l wh- n et call.. 'I'he cifiren of I.condn( county ate invited 10 put up With thii undersigi.fd hrn they visit Dinvdle. ' ' ,i : ' HE.MiY WBAVfiR. Dand le. Ma 9, 1 st4B. DElfTlSTPsT. V' 1M5TKII . MASS K 11, RCCF.NTI.Y FROM rillLADELrillA, RR-rEt'TFi;i.IA' informs Ihn citiaena of Muohury and vicinity, thai he has opened an cltiee at llie re-hleire of lleiuy Man-er, in Market street, whem he is prep nd to exreuin all kinds of kln ls of thu lulest Pk hi. hoi nr. I'l iio ork, A.C., on ' and no-t apprrd pinna. Hiving had some eipericnce and instruction, timlrr i ne of the mnl eminent and suefesul Den 'is Sin Phila.l-Iliii. hi belli ve that ho will he nb'e to give atilciion to thore whii may waul his services ' Lnd c will be wailed on al their pi area of rwi dene. Ilis eharuea will be moderate, and his wo k warranted, ' " ' i Sunbury, M.ireh SStlv. 1H4C. WHITE SWAIT HOTEL j Ra K Sl KDKT, I'llll Al'l l.l'IIIA. fi - isv j. riu r.us. , rPII18 location is cnnvi nieol fir Bus nets men A- vitt'tina llm eitv. Kverv niiim ia taken tl se eure the coiufirt of 1'iivellcis. . ! Mrch 7. 18 tfi. ly lieniovnl.'' LDXl. D. T. TB.ITES, V. nt'si'Pfrri t I v i..r.... ,i,-:. t'r 'lis of Sunbtiry ami vicinity, 'bat be h4 rein vnd hi trs'ib-nce ti the lir'ek Hoii-e hi M uket s'r.-il. one door e t of the Red Lion Hotel, where, ihinkful for pvl fa 'ors, he hopes t receive a commit ition of the liber al patrounge nhich l'.J beietofore't-en eilen.b d lo him. Feb 88, I84G. fim MONTOUll ITOIT'SK, 1.ATK UKADY'R 'IIOTKIi, . Opposite the Vonrt mr, r DANVILLE, rENN'Ai TDK Hut-criler, who airrd for se ven I years in lha miriBeenient of the a bove Hotel, latelv ki t by Mi. S. A. Bra- Wdv. b f leavo lo inf -rm the tiavellins puh'ie, that be haa taken the eitablii-hment on bis own account, on the first nf January, tt4fi. The House has, of late, undeigone many impor tant alterations, ami the prrs. nl conductor prnmi-'es to leave nothing undone to m ke it a comforlaMe snd agreeable, as well a a cheap and aceomuvida ling Mopping ptnee for rtnmacrs ho may v'nit our flourishing villace. Ne pains nor ripens will be spared to fill the table and the bar with the lie-t the iniikrt attird, and with lie- d. termination to de. vo'e his entire ersnnl attention to the comfort of ihoe who mav make hi houe their temporary a bode, and aided by active, cs'rful and obliging ser van's, he hopes lo liive geo-ral satirfaction, snd re ceive a lilwral share of ru-tom. Qfj" Large and c.immodimis STABLES are at tnehed to the es'abl khuieiit. which ure attended by careful and obligilij bo tier. (ilDRON M. SHOOP. January S'lh. ltfi. tf " EVANS "& rWATSON, No. f Sin-iii Tn i it n Si hh:t, ())li.ilr tin Phil'iililjihit Kxrhimgr, MaonUelure anlk'pcor- m-iainiy on mum. m- - jJtsortnient of llirir I stem im- lroeil niiBmsniier r i li 1 1" S A KI'.S w l,ieh ate it'jiil W ' ifjs rotisinmed as to ret nl ret r ,- ...iT ,,7 manner t ilouti mi it , S'lM-inu Blrieilv.Arr nroof, and that ih-y will resist jUc fie of m l uiMiug in 'l e ! world. Th outside ease of lb Snfes are made of j boiler iron, tint inside ce of sifpttone, ami be- ! l ween lh nl esse and Inner rase i a apace of I soma 3 inches thick, and is rilled in with iiiile-l'ur- j lilde m ileii.it, so as In make it an iiuponnl.iliiy l.i , ever In. in any ot lha eonvnia inside of IbU t'liml. . I Theoe S..ttfo r-al matuleis we are p rj ared ; Bod d.i rhnllens the w.ld In produce any arilele ; in Ihe t-hape ol Book rt.ile ihal will vtand as inuib ; heat, hinl ne hold noiseUis ready al all tiuna ti : have ihem fa ily le-lej bv public bonfire, should a- nv i f our ronipetitor ferl dipod lo try Ibein. We U rout, ime I , nianofnriu and keen c m- Malilly i Hi hand, a Un e bihI tt m al aMirlinenl itf our l'iemiu'0 Ait liulit Fire Proof rtafe. i f which I we have a large ipiiinlity in u-e, aril in every In I t-tance. they have givrn enl re iilistar'ion lo Ihe ! puieher of whielt we will refer the public lo a I few gent'eiiien who have ihem in ne, j N. A O. Tavlor, mvlh 3d .: A. Viight j V N-p'iew, Vine hi wharf ( Alexandei Caror, Con i v. yaort r, corner of Fitlwil nnd Hill s'. John M For ), in noilh :d..; Mvtrs llu-h, 20 n u ll 3d j si.; Bsitev & lliothcr, I3M M.tkel .1.; James M. ; I'aul, 1 I oulli 4th i.l.; lr David J.yne, H .ouili i 3d st.; Matthew T. Miller, 2ll south 3d !.; and we coiittl name komr llin e vr lour nui urt a inns ! li b wi ie in n s rv. Ni-w we invi e ih attention : of tiie puldie, ajol paniiul.tly those i.i wit-.t of Fne Prool S.tee, In call at our store b. fore pinch j sing t Newhe-e, and we think we can sitisfy them ; thai they will (jet a l elui end cheaper t iliele al ' our rlore thau 0' ) otlur ei dd sbnieiil in the coy. W e sin, oiiUi,io- io, inanufn lui.rl and t'n . i ti c I'ris-. , it. ado in such a m inner as 1 1 n- wet" Li'ili purio-rs; IL-isliug Machin., Fne Proof Doors, w ,ih our Own in'iiini'a lure of Jn( ks on Ihem, with D. Evans's Pal. nt heyhn'e rove sltarhid to ihe same; plain und nrnumriital Iron , Railing, Ac N. B Wr keep roulanily on hand Nrue I oilinent of our Patent Slate Lined Rehiei t'ls, 1 Water Fllteusud C , , r-;and we have also on ' Land several -eeond hand Fire lr -of Chest taken in richauge for ours, which we will dirpoe of al veiy li.w prices. Philadelphi, January 84ih. It(l. ly Hi: AT. I hebigru:lji7-iiivrn h,r Wheat, al tb aline of 11. MASSE It. A new supply of Romi Ointment jusi received. . Nor. 8th, IH45. 1AR IRON Just leceived and for sale, cheap forrah,by HENRY MASSE R. Hunbuiy, Kept. SO, I K-t.". TU PE K IO K Port wlneT'Msderi audTwhoo wiuea. Also superior Brandy and Cm, Lemon Syiup. Also s few bailels of Blcs Fih, for sale by IIENKY MASSE R. feunbury, July 19th, 1845. ""t'l'.s U...I.J j ATTOIl N CY AT liAW, suirBtrav, pa. Business attendrd'to im lha Counties of Nor ihuint nrlaud, Union. Lycoming and Columbia. Hrfrr toi t . 1 P. A. A. KovoenT, ,, , , . , Low en V Uarmoii, Bomshs A Sannoa ais, , . RtttroLns, McPabind A; Co, Sraainanoon cV Io . r,,. WE0LS3ALE RETAIL li A'l' t. r A n tr i iT." lui: V an, li.,.,.,, ,..n,h o ., , r i t A. n T, t M ' , . - H TUB vuh.'crd rrs respectfully call the slten timiof ll.rn- H'lida anil dn.lcrs to lhei large and wi ll hss, r'ed sl ck of lla'a and Cite ofiv-ry oi soMi linn, wi n 'iiMpteil I r the a. r'ne lr.i', lie ii a mule tf ite Ici m iicnd ond tiv tlie hni ft- i peru-nc. .1 w.hmeir, it.ey reel cmti-lCnt lo Kive i.n versil aitsr.u:lin to nil lu rimy Uvcii them wilh I l'i'Ulhey i.ff.r l sell a. I aa Ihmis. in llieri.y. , ; , UAKlflUMI.A Ul.irti.. roii.i.ni.nn. Jmmi, a. ipio i HERK'S HOTEL, IIAItRlSlirtUi, P.4. f T BnO b ave to inform the pnld'e that I have left X Philadelphia, and am n w lorMed in flani- bute, ihe seat of the Eiecnlive and Stale G.tvrrn nveut of Pennsvlvani, wheie I now occupy the srcifions Hotel, recently kept by Mr.' Matthew WiNon. ' This simciona buiMimr. bavinir been rnrne'y pi inned arid rreeli d for a llniej nf the fust rl-n., la not aiirna-seil il equn lei I, I'v any Srrmlnr esinlf lihlimeiil in Peiinsvlvania ) and having tindcgone a thorough renovation. Ihe parlor, rooms and eliamln ss nrr novv titled Bp in a style that Com- ; bines ekiiiice with re.mf.t ami convenience.1 i Mv TABLB is pledged to Ve supplied with the i beM fate the Maikets run pro luci t the rh-rees nl i Ihe smie fms being as imiderate as any of the be-t i ret nl iled nstnl lishmeni elsewbe-e. In sboit. no j exeilioiia sh-ill bn spirrd "it mv ptrt, or on the p rl of every ineinl er nl my hoiiathtrld. to make il what i it houlil be. in K' e Cnpil d of ene nf the moat pnp ' uIimm snd in'erenting Siatc- pf the L'ninn. j With these promisrK, iierominodaiinns and fuci , litir a, and the t.it t lhat t' e Hotel is m st eligibly ! mliritfil, I wi h confidence, rr.oal respertfiilly gul; , eil the pa'Mtiagc of lha 1'uldic. D NIEL HERU. Ltlc of llerr's Hotel, CI.eMllll St., I'hilad. Harri bnrg. Nov. Si. 11 ". To PuiTlinKCr! T SE GOODS. ll). ,n. 141 Wa.NKW iOKK. ho- A -A l.l nl si.. Philailelpbta, i now openiiiB. and i I be rons'iiiitly rteeiving ftom the Niw York Auc- lion. n eitc.iij.ive aorlmrnt of ., .... . j FAWTCY & STAPIiB DRY GOOD3. which will tc sold t the lowest New York pr'ce al wholesale and R tail. Among h ttoek w ill le found a good ar-oitment of ihe followii g artieles: JC(yiiiH( Plaid, Hair Cold, Late, Hiri. Book, Swi-s and Taila'an Muslins. Bih p and Linen Ltwn. Fancy Cap Nell, Fancy and Ball t)ree. Thread l.aecs. Application 1) ,., rich B ark Si k Trimming Lace, Irinh Linens, Linen Cambric. Linen tamlirtc ildkf'Cuitain Fr'nces, Cn-hrneie d'Keiis-e, Mnusebuo de I. nine. Mik and t'oll-m Warp Alpaeraa, Ijo i.'s Cloth, Cat Plaids. French Meiinos, 1)1 uk filks, CI ve. Hi k llnae, h'hawl. Ciava'i, Uiliton', Kmhroiderits, Are., eVe. j Counlry Meichanls nnd others vi-iting Philadel phia or New York lo pnreh.ie, ate respcctlully in vited 10 rail and rxnmiUH Ihe t-tixks. Nov. I. IM5. lv - ii "k T,Yk" v k Tx i ri7iTIT. THOEISON'S C oniiioiiml Si i ii uf Tur &1toud Aiiiillitt. f 1111 K nnpreerib nted mece-s of lhi medicine, in 1. Ihe re-iorntion of heahh, to those who, in de pair, had turn up all hopes, has riven it an m1 led ri-puution a 'five all olhei remedies, fori.i-hine evitlenceof its inlrinic v'un I power, as the on ly seenl which can U relied up- n dr the cure of Pulmonary Consumption, Bronehiit:s, Asthma. Pain in the -ide and Bn a-I, t-j.itling of B'uod, 'Vhonping tl.-uch. Croup, Ac Anention is niueled lo the following ASTON. JWHINtJ CI'RR.h Tbomsoi' Compound Hwup of Tar and Wood Nsplha ! ! rhilatlrlphia, Miry 3if, 144. Mil. TMOMfON Dear ir Vnh Br.teful feelings I inform you tf the astonishing eifects of your me.'ieine, w hich has literilly raits- tl me from de.ub-he I ! My diea-r, Pulnioniry Con-urnp. lion, li.nl redncetl me m .,w that my hys'rian pro. roam ed mv c;im hopelem 1 Al this junction I be- nan lo ti e v ur medtcine, and miractil ma as il may rein, it has completely reotril me t betHh, sftei i very thing i li-e had failed. Kepeeifiitlv yonr. WAMII.VCTON MACK. j (vhailotte alteit, above (ieoige street. 1 The undersii;neil, being persona'lv acipiamlrd 1 with Wa-liint tl Mtk and hi sufletinjs, heir w.nrs to Ihe a-loi i-hine rfltrl nf Thomson's To,i,.,,iriI r-'yniji ol 1t, and Ihe Irnlh of Ihe . , I ,ve Klateinenl. 1 i .IDS. WINK. 3I North Tl ir.l street, ' ! DVID VltKKHS,4a Alm.mil etrerl. Iirtill M tilNLKY, ts. K. Conor 'I'.msny Kiel P. urlh s'lteN. Prepan d only by S P, Thomson, N.' U. eolnci i f .)lh ami Spruce ulrei l, PI I'n.le'phia. ' AgetiN. II. B. Mr, riiinbiiry ; l. f.tosa, , and Dr Maepheison, la,-iiilurg ; Jn . (i. Brown, P.iltkvi le ; tie... Kir), IV ding : Houton A V t- 1 pllwllli,. Brjd.W rountv, Pa. i n. r hot lie. or fft 0 t ib-ren.' Price 60 cent j I fjj- Harare of nil imitation. , Philadelphia, J.ine tTit. tr-45. ly elji a ij a;'ab"i a P I A N O S, ri-iiiK m; list, id nr. it has i.,o -ppoite.i saem, ' I fori'eaaU.ft DNKAD MGYKH'8 t KI. LBIIATL'D I'RCMIDM U'lE V.001) PI- ANOM, Bt this place - These Pitnn bsvr a plain. mntwivs un I U0.1iful e1te4i.tr 61. i-h, and. fur depth and sweetness o lone, and rlrgance of workman. j ship, are not sjrpa-st J bv any in ihe Cuiud Slate. I I'l'f following is a reeominetidsiion fiom Ciai Dif.t, 4 relebiatej peifo'nier, and himsilf a man. Ul.icluier ; A C A It I. Haviro had the plea-uie of Irving lb excel lent Piano Forlva inanlaeiurvd by Mr. Meyer, and rxhibl'rd at ihe last rihihitioit of lha Fr-nklin In stitute, I feel it due to the true merit of ihe maker to Prelate lhat these instruments are quite equal' and in some respects even iirior, le all the Pi ano Fortes, I saw at ihe rapital of Euiope, snd during a sojourn of two year Bt Pari. ' These Pianoa will be told at ihe manufacturer's lowest Philadelphia prices, if not something lower. Persons are requested to call and examine for themselves, at the residence of the suhsrriher. Sunhury. May 17. 1845. H.JI1MASSE R. LIMKTof a soparior quality, rsn now l had althe Lime Kiln of Henry Master, in Sun bury. May 17, 1949. iLMlu.-iDic avticlrw. 1 Buitstirn's Vaanreqa-acmfi curt for worms tuft, snd very plrn,t lo lake. , 5. i'B;oV i:tt.. whirh remove fJrca? of eU kind, Dry PaiBle. Tar. Varni.h end Wax, from carpets or from clothing, without injuring the color nr the cloth. t 3. Ln!nn Ftt Prra the best thing known for killing flies and muquirs. 4. A ceilain Destroyer of Rata, Mice, Reaches and Ants, and another of Bid Bui - . r. - e. " ... u.. eminc lof s ur stoniseh, lletirl 4ilr end VVU..U1I.T nBwho h.a.i.n.ml ! ,f,tr'ce' f"9' h8 d'"tred thoenre, Dm, brerev't Oerk Oimtmiv fui ihe Pd, Ik has never fniled to cure. : 7, lltnios' Xm" Was. '? l, . liiiSMOsns laiiKLiBic lax. without s rival. n t e, Ftna ; ,hc n.ij. i,,, (or tldrrn and f.,r w.-men. it Is yrHKnnt ),, ( ,0( uCK', Vistrsaie AsTiaiunrv Pins. 1 1. Cva K nottl K r W t ....u..r P..TE j f.ir ll..rileas. Boots, Set. keeps put I he water, 12. Puna M'a KmcseTtikaivn PLtaiaa. '. 13. Jtcaaos' DiaaunocA Mnrtit, wbiih ' be'ng very violent, I conimen-ed uainc ihe lirut j cures 11,0 worst Diarrhcca in a few hours. I Ointmnit, (prepared bv Vauhan A Davis.) In , It J if k.on's Dir.THt MiiTi-Rv, a ccr - f w " plieationa the violent itching ceased, the j lain ami fpei-dy rure for Dysentcay and Summer swelling aha'ed, the ru .ti. in bejan to disappear, .Complaint. . . ... . . .. 1 "d before I hoi used ajar ihe dieae was entirely j . The nl-ovo valuable nrtieles are Id wholesale ', euieik ll has now l-en nearly a yIRr and a half , and rolail, bv L. C. (Jl'NN, Ao. I South l flh , since, and there is not a veiiir,. of the d ea-e r. ttrect. l'hiliulclnhia wheie Slor. kei i,er ami o- mainiric. except the se.ua from the deep oil formed I ihers wi I be -uoi icd with nor African Cayenne f Pt pi er, Arnica Flowers, Drugs, Paint-, Oil. Cla and Varnivbes 1 Ihe lowest r ri a. 'I'rrms m Iv ' rakh. Qj'Cul.out the adveilL-iment, ami bring i t wilh you Phil. ilih b a. Julv 1 0 tl,. 1815. lr. i nr.ITR AT1VI! SYHII. flHE vnluab'e proicr:ir of Oakle' Depute I liveSviunof H.iranpa'illn, ne a purifier of ihe blood, is so wrll known ti the pul.be generally. that it i uni-eccssiiy to occupy moehpaeeiii et 1'i.g f.rih the advantape In be derived from i's use; wherever th mrdirine has once len iutr.v duced, it takes preredenre over all others : rrety onell at has taken it, have di rivisl so rinal b ne feial results from it, that il is recommended by ibem wiih ihe n rnoat ronfnlenee. Phy-ieiaus of the liichcst stan line in the pr.ifesSnn, prescribe it l.i pa'ient-! under tl'cir care ; c .ntaining nothing i!t I. lerioii". bul b. ing rnmjnwil of ihe in t mild, vet t tTiricious vepi-tah!e rn.iteriaN.il N offi red i'h cnnfidenee. bs the cheapest and most efficient ,u rifier of ibe blood now known. The use of a few bottles, rsperial'y in the spring mouths, will he at tend' d with a moat decided improvement in the ge neral strength oflhe sysiem, eradicating any kceiN of diseae that may have been generatfd. besides giving health and vigor to Ihe body. For the cure nf Scrofula or Kings l'v'il, Rheumatism, Teller, Pimples or riuptions of the Skin, While Swelling, Fn-liila, Chronic Cough Asth.na, Ac. The nu merous certifira'es in ihe poetinn of the sutaerl I er and his agents, from phyaician and oibers, tire sufTielenl to cony'nee the most skeptical of its su periority over all preparations of 8 im-iparilla. Wold whole-ale and retail, hy the proprietor, CEOIJCE V. OAKLEY, North Mh Mre.l. Boa ding, Berks County, and to he lii.l of the following pel soi is : In Northumberland County li, B. Vvs-ier, Siinhury ; Ireland oV Miiel, MeEvcnvi!!e ; I) Krausi r, Milton. Jn l'ninn Cnunly. J. Oenrh trt, Svliii'groves A (iiitt lius. Mifniuburg. In Cuhtmhia County. R. W. McCay, Wauli inglon. Reading. March 11, H it. Ma. Oiaity: I Iwlieve it Ihe uty of every one to do wbt.teverin iheir power I ie, fur ihe b ne. fit nf their lellow man, and having had po-i ive proof in my own family, of the wonderful prertii of your Depuraliv Syrup of Sa.sap irilla, I m si cons ientiou-ly recommend il lo the affiicled. We had the mit-fortune to lose two of our children, by the breaking out of ulcerous s ires that covered the face, bead and. neck, although we had some of tht most scientific physicians lo attend tin m end had tiied all the known lenifu'.ies, including Swaim's Panacea, without avail. Another of my children was attacked in ihe samo manner, her face snd neck wss completely covered; the discharge was so offensive, and lb disease al such s height, lhat nr despaired nf her life. Seeing the wonderful ellecis of your Depuraiiv Syiup ( S n-apariil.i, we weir induced to make trial of il. a the last resort ; it acted like a cl.arm; the g leers commenced healing immediately, a few bottles entiirly restored her lo her health, which she h.ri j yed iiiiuileiiupledly ver silica. A a purifier of the blond, I verity tie litve it b not its equal, JtlllN MOYER. Tailor, Walnut lrf I, near I'uuiih, Reading. Douglassville, April 19lh, IM3. Mb. Oaki si : My son Ei'mund Leaf, bsd the srrolnla in the most drradlul end di-ltra-sng man lier for ihrt e year, dining wh'ch lime he w is de pined of ihe use of bis liiiiL. bi be d and rtck weie eot red with ulcers. Ws libd all ih dilT- r. enl ren.edira, I ait In no fT.rt, until recommended i t y Dr. Johnson of Nonl-lown, and also Dr. Isaac Ilieslel, of Reading, lo use your Dcpuralivc Syrup of Sarsapi.rilla, of which I oLlained srvelal Ivoilles. the use of which d'ive ll-.r di-ra-e rntirtlv out of h'S s)siem, the sore healed up, snd Ihe child was restored lo pet feel health, which he has enjoved uninterruptedly ry. r since, lo the at nishmi nl of ' many persona who seen him du ing hs atlbclion. ; I have Ihouuht It my du'y, and send y.-u ihisreili fieale that oll.es who have like atllietion in ihe ' family limy know uhur lo obtain so vtluahle s 1 medieine. Your truly. ,. AMELIA D. LEAF. I Sept. IB. 1843. I y , "ash it y fc i: 6 a r, WIIOLESAIB &. nSTAIXs HAT & CAP iMAM FACTUKKRS, VoufA Eutt enrn-r nf Market and 4A .. Philadelphia, " If 11 ERE ibey always keep on hand an eilen eivn iMhirtmi nl ef HATS (J CA I'S ol every di srription, got uu in Ihe l?st and most ani.roied I le. Prisons derirouael puretvning mpetior arii- . ch on ihe nnw lessor al le terms, will find it lo j their advanlsge lo rail bilur msking purchase 1 rise where. j Pt ilsJ. Iphia. Oct. 6th, M44. ly criT rriiMTt'iiii auction, AND PBIVATD SALES ROOiaS, Nos. '0 and ai iNorth Thiol iStrcet, ; ....Ketf the City llotsl, ' PHILADELPHIA. ' , 3 CC. MACKEY, Auctioneer, re-pectfuPy in- viles ihe gileutioo of iejons desirous of pur chasing Furniture, to hie ritensive Sale Kiiom, (both putdie and Private,) for every description of Household Furniture, where can be obtained at all timet, a lare sssortmenl of fashionable and well manufactured Cahiurt Furniture, Bed, Maltiassca, Sit., al very reduced prices, for ch. Or Sales by Auction, twics week. . . May 37th, IS4I. ly ROSE OINTMENT . ron TiMTJnn, niNoWoHMariMfLM on tub tack, and onim " ' fTTANEOVSJ tSRI rTtO"!. OT) 7He fnl.'nwinf certiftcn'e riesrrihet one xftht nut rxtraurd'tHury curti ever effected by an a'pliaUinn. PsiiT.AiiKt.rnia, February If). 18HS. IOR twenty yrar I was eevfrely afllicled with Trmtn en the Face ami Hcedi the diseaw eommrnced wbert I was seventeen years nld, end continued until the Fall of 1836, varying In vio. lenre, hut without ever d iapearina:. During nrwt of the lime, great ),rl of my f..ce was covered whh the eruption, frequently attended with violeirf itrh ing t my henl awelled m times until it Mt a if it j Would burst lhewelliiu was no g'eil, that I cmilJ j 'careily get mv hat on. During 't.n loiig perio.l ; thnt T wnsaffiieted w I'll the di-enae, I useil a greit I many n plir'ntbrns (mnnc tbem -vival ccle'irntrd t-repatHtton) n w, II tkins inward rnmediea, inrludinea number ofh.ililes of Sna!m't I'anacra, V.xlracl of t-tirtopnrHhi, Ac, In fact, it would be tinpo-Bibte to cpnrpeia'e all t'ie nie lieines T used. I wna nlo nnder the nre of vo of the mot dis- Itsohins ihe leither.nnd 1 'Irign'bed pSviei ms of thii ci'y, but with ml re 1 ceiving moeh lienelit, and I deapaired nf ever being ""'''" " e fd! of 8;) t the dmea-e i.t the tima ' ''J 'n" lfsse. It i imi"ssil,e for me to desent e ilia crtifieaie the severity of ihe disease and mv aiilh ring, but I will I pie Ki d to give a fuller ac count to any per-on wanting further satisfaction, who will e..ll on me. At the time I ro-nmnneed using Ihe R. se Ointment I would have given hum iheiN of do lots to be ri.l of the dise.iso. Smec it ing it. I have recommended it to evenl per-ii9, (atomic them my mother, who had the disesso bad ly ofi her a-m.) who wi re a I cured bv it. . J AMK.S DCKNELL, No. l.ltl, flare St. Xj- The Hose Ointment is pt. pared by E. 11. Yaujhan, So-h East comer of Third and Rare flier Is, Philndi lpbia, and tolj on atrenev in Simhu ry. by H. B. MAS3ER, May 14th. 1SI3. Asrnt. I'osc CtintEBJPJst, for TcHtr. a t'Roor or its r.Ft'ic.wY. I'ainnnrm., May 27l!i, I8.1'.l. PIUS i to certify ll at I was severely alll eie! w ith Tetter in the hands mid f el for upwards of forty years ; the disease was atieuded generally wilh vio'ont itching and swelling. I applied to 4 iiiimht rof physicians, and usvd a great many appli ca ions w ithout elfi'i iing a cure. A Lout a y. ar since, I applied ti e Rose Ointment, which entirely stopped the itch'n.and a few applications immedi ately cured ihe disease, which there has heen no return of, although I had never been rid of il at any lime f,r forty year. RICHARD SAVAt.E, Eleventh, below Spruce Street. The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. 11. Yauuhan, S mth East comer of Third and Race Streets, Philadelphia, and Bold on agencv in Sunhu ly Ly H. B. M ASSE R, May Mth. 1PI3. Agful. MEDICAI. ArrKOCATIOIT Of the ROSE OITMi:.T,Jhr Ti ltrr. LTHOl.'fill ihe superiority of ihe prejtaiati n "A over nil others is fully es aldi-linl, the pMprir lors liike pli asure ui laying before ihn public the following certificate from a re.-peclable physician, a graduate of the ('iiiveraily of Pennsylvania. Dr. I! inch, having found in ibis 'emedy that telief f ,r a li dious and di-greealle alTe. tion which the means within the range of his profes-ion f tiled tJ affiud, has not hesitated to give ii his appoiLjii .n, Hbhough 1 ihe ptejudiees and interests of thai profession ate 1 ppoeed to secret Remedies. Pmilaiiklpuis, Sept. 19, H:tn. ' . I wa recently troubled with a tedious hernetic i erupti.'n, whii h rocrd nearly one si e of mv face, riJ elteiided over the car. Mr. Van jhan. luoprL j tol of Ihe Rose I lintinent, ohserving nil fu r, iiish 1 led on my t.ying his preparation, of whien he han i tied me a jar. Although in common with die me -li bera of my profession, I iliseouu'ena u e nil I di.-ns, prove ol the numerous host ru mi p alined upon the pol lie Ly i-jnoianl pr. tender-, 1 f,-e in jus iceh-'U id lo t iii pi the Rose 'iiiiuieiii fium thai e -s of me d eines. and to give it my approbation, a il entire, ly Hired the eruption, 'ilihoiigli 11 hid resisted t!ie u-u.il spplualions. . DAM. HAI lill, M. 1). Cj" The Rose Ointment i prepared hy Is. B. ! Vaughan, South Eal con rr of Third a d R ice I !lrreta, Pnilade'pliia, and sold on aginrv in Sim I burv. Ly 11. B. MASSE It. ' May 14th, 1813. Aifrnl. ! ei'oui.tcrrvltcrs' j DEATH BLOW. I rPhe pul lie will pl-ase observe thai no Brandreth '. -a Pill are genuine, unless ihe hoi haa three li , heU uptm if, (the top, Ihe ante and the bottom) ' eneh containing a fic-similc aijiiature of my hind writing, thus B. BsAviiBiTii, M. D. Tbesai la. bel aie engraved on steel, l-eantifolly designed, and done at anetpense of over f 2.000. Therefore it will he seen that the only thing neeesaary lo pro . cure ihe medicine in iis purity, is to observe these Isttels. Remember the lop, ihe side, snd the bottom. 1 The following respective persons are duly autht-ri-: led, and hold CERTIFICATES OF AGENCY For the sale of Urandrrth't I'eifrlaldt I'nivcrmt nils. North umber lai d county : Milton M.ickcy V Ch imheilin. Sunliury II. B. Masser. .M"Ewns ville Ireland ti Men. II Nurthum' rilaud Wm. Forsyth, Ceorurtowii-J. & J. Walls. I'nion Corny; Nw Berlin Bogar & Win ter. Selinsgrose (leorge (uiidium. Middle burg lease Smith. BeBVermwn David Dul ler. Aibimsburg Win. J. May. Milflinburg Meiwch & Ray. HaitlelonDiiuel Long. Freeburg tS. A F. C Mover. Lewishurg Wall A (iieen. Columbia county : Danville E. B. Remolds A: Co. Berwick Shumn A R tteu house. Cat lawissa C. G. Brobta. liloomsburg John R. Mover. Jeney Town Levi Uiarl. Washington Robt. McCay. Lime.-tii.e Ball-' M:'t'tch. tlhrt-rve that each Agent ha an Engrav.d Cer tificate of Agency, containing a repreannlation of ir BRANDKETH'S Manufactory al King Sing, and upon whieh w ill a'sti b seen eiact ropir of ihe new Inbeii now used upon tht llrandnth fill Rtuce. Philadelphia, office No. H. North Pth street. B. BRANDRETH, M. D, June 34th IM43. . Gcargv J. W'vnvv KOFE rOAJZEIl &. SUIT CHANDLER. A'e. J 3 sVir.'A Water Sireci, I'Uiludctphia, 'A0 conniaiilly ou baud, a geueral assort. sm ut of Cordag. Seine Twmea, Ac, vill 1 rd Rope. Fishing Roe, White Roes, Manil Is Rofiea, l ow Line for Canal Uoala. Also, S complete assorlmettt of Seme Twines, Ac, such a Hemp IShad and Hertiug Tine,Be J'alent Udl Net Twine, Cotlou Shad and Herring Twice, Shoe Thrusil. Atv Ac Also, Bed t'ord. Plough Lines, Hlter,Trce. CoUoa and Liueu CarH:l Cham, Ac-, all of which he will dispose of on itAsonable teims. Philadelphia, November 13, 104.. ly.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers