.ilJW I TERMS or THE " AMIiltlCAeS." WNEUffi AMEMItDAIf . and SHAMOKIN Journal. ; JL U. MASHER, JOSEPH EISKI.Y. Pceus. ana S PRomiBToa. Absolute acquiescence in the decisions of the majority, the vital principle of Republic, Xtom which there is no appeal but to force, the itl principle and immediate parent of despotism.-Jirraaaoa. Sunbury, Ifortliumbcrland Co. Pa. Saturday, Oct. 34, l4G. Vol. T Xo. ft Whole Xo, 317 T. g. .njSSKB, Editor. VlTiCtin CmtrTJfch ' tht rear aft. .Mat $(r'i fit ore. ' THE" AMUttfCA"N,,ii.'Jibiiad '' 9tat dsy at TWO DOLLARS per anni'm M be paid half yearly in advance. No pap.tr discontin ued till all arrearages are paid. No subscription received for a less period )hn ait month. All communication or Mlera o. business relating in the office, to insure attention, must be POST PAID. REMOVAL JOHN. II. PUHDV, Jt ESl'EUTr'L'LLY informs bin fiicnds ami customers, that he hia removed hi sto.k of go.rls to the Stune House, on Maikcl square, foim. erly occupied 1 Mr. Win. Dcwart, win re he vti',1 b happy to re hi old customer and the puS lie generally, tm as good terms, and at as low ri tes as can he had e'sewhe-e. A lar aoriment of liroceri, IVy ISonds, en I Qucenswaie, cmisiaiit'y on hand. June 27ih.JSI6. if. Till i niui Nliccl-lron Ware MANUFACTORY. SSLINSOKOVS) PBHK'A. riMK snl'scriler re pi'CttuHy infi.rma ihe public M. lb a he h is r mimem-ed the manufacture of Tin nml Short-Iron Ware, in all its v.iiiuns branches, at Melmsiirove. Hi ware ia mil mi y made i f ihe best macrials. but i put tia her in a sulis'aniial ami wmkinanlike mn ner, iliHeiins. in (hi n aieel fioin much nf ihe w...c a ild, w: ieh is made up in a buiy for that purp i,e An xcellenl a-srmetit will he kepi no hand at all tin a, which will be a Id on the ni si reason iMe term. AX DREW S WLX1.1CUT. S.li .sBr .iv... M.v IH'h. Illi if. Lime ! Limo ! ! JCH1T 3. SH3FIA1T, ! tf ERPECTFl'LLY inforns hi- f i.nd, that he hn cnmnuT.cod Ihe business of l.ime I 'Hurtling, i n thefnm le n w nccni. He has j i ow on h:n'l a quantity of Lime for -ale, and will i alw-nys ciu'e.v..r n ; nointfi dute iIum.- who may fit or hini wild iheir ru. on At.nm-t.. April I I'h. I fin A CARD. j to mi'. riviLizi;i worlp'.! , TU. PALMER. Hie Ame.-eni Ncwpspr . Arci , dii y - u horiiod iind ,mpowend, by . the proprietor ol mo t of the best i.ew.p.ipsrs of' 1,11 the nth i on J principal 'owna in the V. . ad Cannda, to rci-ive nulf'p iona and adtv'ie. j meiita, and to e ve rereipta fir tin m, rerp-eciriilly , i,. t'.fiea ihe i-uMie. (tint tie iir. pareJ tunecinc ideia fr m hII pan of ihe Civil 7. -.1 World, fin b.nc nn Imlivi.lu .1. FiiiiK. S.icieiieii, (;in'. ! iling Room, Coipoiati-'iia. Ac, at hi ei tal olli era in ihe ritiea ..f Piiilad, 1,hia, Uihimme, New York and Boston, and wlie e e mmnnira inna and iminri.', poM paid, rnitv le d recul. Add-ea V. 1!. PALMER, Pbihideiphia. X. W. conrer Thir.l and L'heMiu' aln- ; Ualum re. S. E corner Oil lnmve and t'Mlvcrt itierli' ; New Y.nk, Tiihune JJud.linRoppiitP "ny Hall; o,t.m, SO S.ate i. A noolhrr person or pen T, are in nt-.y nian- ' connerted with ihe eul-a.nlMi, in me J ni.Ticaii ln AM) OUT). Ym out of cash, and so of course, I've pocket room to let ; I'm out of patience, just because I'm never out of debt. Besides, I'm dreadfully in Live, And more than half in doubt Which is the greater evil, that Of being in or out. I'm deeply in my tailor' book, Rut I don't mind a dun ; And if I wasn't out of funils I'd pay him out of fun. He always pave me "fits," he said, But Heaven bless his eyes! 'Twould put him in a fit ! guess, He'd be in sm-h surprise. I'm out at elbows, in distress, Ah I mine's a sorry tale! I'm out of favor, out of sorts, But thin I'm out of jail. My landlord says my time is out, And thinks i'd better "skin " I'm such an "out-and-outer," he Wmi't have me in his inn. I'm out of office, but in hopes To (jet put in some day; If I don't run for something soon, I'll have to run away. I'm out of spirits ; and I'm out Of more than I can think; I'm out of temper; hang the per.! I'm out I'm oi t or is ! A Divovfrv The MesirB. Steven have Transplanting Prnlt Trees In Autnnm. Although it is a prevailing custom with the public to art fruit and ornamental tree in the spring1, yet rxporienre prove that autumn is in many cases preferable lor transplanting decidu ous trpc. At this season the cultivator ran more conveniently select and romnve trees to a distance. Autumnal Irar.splAntin; ilmuid bit performed as tmon as the frost checks the prowth of Ihfl trees. Tim soil is then mellow end easi ly pulverized it becomes well settled about the root, and the trees commence erowine vith out interruption in the sprinp, and are not so liab' to be injured by drought. If the anil is a heavy clay, or the subsoil such as to hold Ihe water about the root during wint-r, then it would be better to sot them in th Fprintr. NV'hen it is not practicable for the froit-prower to transplant his trees in autumn, be can pi rpsrp the p round, select the trees, and 'lay thorn in by the heels,' which is to dip a trench, into which the roots are placed and covered, the trunks inclining on anple of fifteen nr twenty depree towards the csrtli. This nmdo may be adopted with success upon some tender va. rieties, ns I hey may then bo easily protected by covrinp them with straw, or everpreen bnoplis. I fhall now make a few remarks on the mm nrr of settinp treet as success in rearmp de penda more upon this than upon the time of set linp. The preliminary arrinpement should be, unless the soil is extremely fertile, to prcpnre j a lot of compost, such as two parts muck and one I part animnt manure well rotted, or some sub 1 stance containinp a larpe share of decomposed vegetable. The holes should then be lup suf ficiently larpe to receive the roots, end leave a space of at least six inches beynni the extremi ties. The compost should be thoroughly incor porated with the soil into w hich the trees are G K.i. Worth A few weeks since we al luded, in peneral terms, to the position of this distinguished officer in the army of the United LuTKMrERAPtrtg or Great Men - The biog rapher of some of the most distinguished liter ary characters of this and other countries pro states. It was unnecessary lor u to specify j sent lamentoble i xamples of the direful effects his nnme. No one could mistake that Mower- j of aleohidic liipinrs on the intellect. The) nation inp plume' which had been so unfortunately al injury thus sustained may ho considered in a missing in the battles of the 8th and Oth of i two fold point ol viex, that i, in the first place May die ill-starred events which bad produ- I from the pirtial incapacity for mental labors red hia absence from the fit-Id the ardent anxi- ' w hich is then hv nroduced. and secondly, the . hM. ivtpinlinrr .!re roots in thoir natural position. been experimenting for several week pit in , CBrefuiIy hrinffing the fine aoil in contact improving the speed of steamboats by m.idels. j . fjbre on the Can I at IWd. nlnwn. It was sodden- j IXm.jjflr MVP) .. jntMenlliH ol the dea'h. Mlly dicovertsl a few days apo, that by can- ! tom ,r8n,)lHI,,jnpt Brjw fronl hollows leli inp a vacuum on the bottom of the boat, the j mmg ,he ro,a by , cireeBi and rapid iniMieot speed would be nearly double. This object can ; B,10elg in ,he flh.. ,. . T. be obtained by repulatinp air tubes on the hot- I . r.l - 1 Tl... ,li..n.-A.u im inimtPlinl ner connecieu iui inn -o.., , . , I.iie Cask A verv inu!ar instsnco ! New-pper Ap'iicv. all letieis ami coiiiTTiuiiica ion. j .,rVPS propelling boats try fleam is y i . ' - , . i :'. ' u ...i i ,....f.,iu, .l.r r'nl aUe. mid ' . . . . a i itircpard for necuniarv matters is telateil uf ior uiiii, M...U..I - - - - ;,,i,u- it in tftonr!H mat a sieamooaif ety which he telt to re-appear upon the theatre of the war, to elintc its honors, to lead the van the strong assurance which hi character gave tia that he wanted nothing but opportunity to distinguish himself in the service of his country. If (here was one officer in the aimy for whose noble p-illantry anil generous ardor any man would be sa'e in pledging his life, that officer was Gen. Worth. And nobly has he justified this confidence, and redeemed those decl.irat inns. Gen. Taylor, with the noble sympathy which ?o highly graces the snluier, pave Worth the o;ipOilnnity which be burnt to enjoy. Me per mitted him In lead the van at Monterey ; and he has truly distinguished himself, a much by his riisctetion as by bis chivalry. Duo would have supposed that Gen. Worth would have been hurried by the strong motives which actuated him, to 'pluck dimmer at the cannon's mouth,' and ru.lt into the host of tat tle, without any regirJ to consequences. Hut such was not the case. Gen. Worth reco'ect- ed bow much dctwmled upon hia coolness how many lives were at fluke ho-v miny brave men might be sacrificed hy too much impetuosi ty on the pirt of their leader. The motM bril liant achievement of the day w as bi; but it ii difficult to soy whether we are to admire nvji.t bis aidnr tir his cmluess the callnntry he dis played, or the forbearance which he exerted to wards his men. At all events, hu has added new laurels to hi blow ; aud ho completely hud his character attracted the admiration of the world, ami his peculiar condition had so much won the sympathies of bis comrades, Ihat bis triumph ia sufficient 1o rlinaTin even envy it self. Wuthing ton t'ni'm. , . .1, tia uiiHiirv. ii in .no. to no other person. i m-i iiciim ... - ( ....i,. ... iJer to avoid mis ..k s. and put the pub- : can be built winch will run ,5o or 40 miles per .. .. .. - I :.. . -Il woiAn.lsiil 4iAlit. : L.tita M,m,,,ra'b V. i. TALMEIt, I" V -hMt. cM ! n .l.rpeinpr..por.i,. M .he size ,f .. l ,;-.n , w.iir Acnil. . .1 ii Y I inrrreiratiiin and the t lencal duties wliKb he " 1 . ' . . - i.. j - .. V. ..l.ln.l in Ilia I 'en. - KJitor- tlvo.,Rhe. il.e nUe.l H,. Ir wot. , Manc .ew .., .,..-..-.-... ..... .. , ....... a .lli ia i i ilv in a(ti -i v. f ... L tmann Vrtvt Aitrlr Ann A hrSnv . 1. I ii liner i ts w i"'1"' ; pir i jmic ih-i - m j n i. L.....11 .11 s.niiarl li n i I .urn. ' ..1 i' in. u,l.f'ih.rl,l inouiit lies tl. mi his rnh.iv. went to Ihe auth.il. , merciai, She is indeed t!ie wonder of the worlil , i nn.;. .miPA.. inn soil n f.nrted them To i -Mil l'.,D. 1,. AO ll hosm. soil with "" (.' i , ij-'iiij; 91 ti i. -" - - 1 ' -- ,f ,11 eoi.rerued.l.v i-n'-l s'uee T-e a-ove. l EtI.K TH T:. V. U.P.ilmen.lhe ... I.. ...,h..r.,...i a ni I'.i il.e !iiii t rui- -.," in -c cm "I Phdidetii. New Yoik, ; U.Jon si d flaliieior.-, ef w teli pub ic n.viee is ( hereby ,.ve, March U. Il6. ! TRUNK B1AKER, So. 10 C licHimt Street, riIXI.AOBI.PHXA. fllKK " l',"U "''le", er trunk., valrsraand ra"-t I'SBS "f cveiy e'vle " fU'ein air tnsnuf ctu-e.l. in "lie l t inaoner antlfr.im the nesl tiu'fiiaU. and s. ld st the I ixesl r le. Ph'li.Mp' i. Juiv lth. tSI.V Iv. rpllUS M.H-liine h.a now b-n e-le.l by nnwe 1 It, so itiin v fHinilw-K in lh' ncis,hhorfc"fiu. and Ins piven entire .tr.i. noii. Ii is simple ill ll istriiclien. ll.at it cannot gel'Mit of order. Ii eciiii n. ii. iron i m l, si'd m -piiniisof roll, rs lo f rl o. l of ir,ir. I' w-U do tiee ss much wash inc. with ics than liall l'ie vnar and "ear of am of a clcreynian of Pittsburg, one ol The mmit elo. ! iment und uieful pastor of the city, flw eala This devoted clergyman feel. im. iIihi Im piinld muinort his fami'v on an a- premature innrtiility of men whose mental ex ertions tnipht otherwise have greatly benrfit. ted their county. Bvron and Hums form prom inent examples. Prior, according to his biog raphy, was not free from the charge of intem perance. Dr. King state that Pope hastened Irs end by drinking spirits. Pope remarks that Parnell 'was a great follower of drams, and strangely open and scandalous in hia debauche ries,' all are agreed, that he became a sot, end finished his existence.' Dryden in bis youth ful days, w as conr-picuoiH for sobriety ; 'but for the Inst ten years ol his life, observes Dennis, be was mueh acquainted with Addison, and drank with htm even more thin he ever used to do, probably so tar as to hasten his end.' 'Cow- loy'file.ilh,' remarks Pope, 'was occasioned by a mean aei i lent while, his great friend, Doan Pratt, was on a visit with him at Chertsey. They had been together to 8ee a neighbor of Cowley's who, according to the fashionofthe times, made them too welcome. They did not set out cm their walk home, till it was too late, and had drank so deep, they lay out in the fields all nighl. This pave Cowley the fever and carried him ol?. The immortal Shakepeare al so fell a victim to the same direful habit rniCEwor Anvr.nTmxG. I square I insertion, . f9 60 1 do t de . . . 0 75 1 do 2 d. . . . I Uit E!ry subsequent insertion, 0 1' Yearly Advertisement i nna column, fBo ; ha'f column, $ IS, three squares, I3 two squares, W J one square, $Ti. Half-yearly one column, $18 ; half column,! I t three squares, f 8 ; two squares, 5; one equate, $-1 60. Advertisements loft without directions a to the length of timo they are to he published, will he, continued until ordered out, and charged accord j ingly. . - fji'S'ixteen lines or. lea make a square. Grout. Get angry jaw like the evil oner if you please-, and then come to youraelf-and be a man. But we beg of you, n'on't be grouty and have the sulks for a week at a time. IP there is a despicable wretch on God's footstool,, it is one of your sulky devil, who will not give.. you a civil answer for a month after you hava displeased him. I la is worse than a brute. Tread on a dog's tail and he will snap at you at once the next moment he forge's il and w at loving as ever. Tread on the toes of a hu. man hog and he will walk away to treat you.. like an outcast for a twelve-month perhaps. Talk as you may gainst a quick temper, th possessor is an angel in comparison to tke per. - son we have described. lie lets fly st once all he has to aay and that i the end of it. Tirn minutes after, if you call upon bim he extemiir bis hand and exclaims 'What a fool I was to get ngry !' and is as kind ana aociable as ever. The grouty cur eiy nothing, tfrits his teeth, and, perhaps, for years msy silently be workinp against your interest tie goes mincing alomr as stiff at a poker and every opportunity he gets, unseen, he wil' spit tobacco juice on your coat, or maim the .reea ou your preinises-Forf-land Tribune. Siiukspeare, Dayton, and D.?n Johnson, har1 a merry meeting, and it seemed drank too har'. for Shakpere drvd of a fever ther conlrac'! Diary rf the Htx. John W'aid, M. .4, ' rnr of Stra'ftn J upnn-Avnn. rrtlurr it. They refused to comply with hi request. Tun clergyman, however, determin ed to follow the command of bin n. aster not to lay up bis trasure on earth, annually cmi'Ts. bote a large o ti m of his salary tier benevo lent purpwes. It is very elJom that a clergy- An increase is frequently called fur. her guards 75 feet wide. Her cylinder isM inches, and 12 feet ftroke, giving the er.gine L"(I0 horfts power. To convey an idea other leviathan Fize, her immense power, her period arrangements above and below, her rich and I u in.Miiii.A iIia Av.niicitA tncti. anfl nAaf- crwuiT minim', - - - - i ... , , , - i J 1 n..M 1. ... n t. tfi rnilnr liia satarv l TTItPltE tl Li,..L of lent er trunk., valrsraanu , ...J, ,u .1r..ln,pr.l ami hir Into. ; """ " "e1- ' U, - - in rn ui-i , himii . j - . ria-t baa, f veiv "vle and faiiein aie . r , .. ...,.. . m J.-. ' rions comioriB, ruiirny unii'-i nui ut.inMi,.i It is confidently expected that her speed w ill ! Ai.bi ts.-A cxtre fr yseriMro.-The fol be preatertl.au ihat of nV other vessel that ' ing is a tran.lati.mnfa recipe for the cure ol ever floated. With less than twentv inches of ' this complaint, which was published by the steam she Vsed every boat iki the Hudson. I physicians or Spain in the ax-Jtt uf MatJful wi;h creat ease. AH fear of explosion-on board during 111. of the Newton will lie groundless, as hi-Hm- 'Prepares draught of Albnmcn, y taking mense cylinder is so constructed as to require j the whitrsof forty egg r more, and slier more steam than her boiler con pons.bly gene. ' whipping them weii.aweeten me s.iui", sc ate. !.. I .i.. i,,i-..iii ,s. :n. wtlil l eei's-er ".n.rior. , I It East RE I'm M), I lit; iiiitiimsiiic io.ihh , tsi.re.ii cots bin III le oit baSt as much as oilier i u that 'two men belonging to Nantucket dis- i yuantitiri of this repeatedly, inusmuch as lo '""E mstl'iiir. ,-overed on the shoresof that Uland, a few days ; fill his stomach administering clysters ot lire ,l in.U-rl.nd IVi'm. L.co,,e. i ,rt-. Lu- ' ,iuce, after an uimsually low ebb tide, a ck, me aa oltcn a poasftre. The pt.cnt iuu.t erme and Clinion couiiiies. Prh-e of single mi- l(ie ,Pt showing itself a little above the sur- j maintain a total abstinence from Unit ot any ;effi. K. H. M ASKlt. 1 ,uce 0f water, btchlbey fourd, on extri- kind. In a few huurj alter Ihe paina w ill ab.h: Z b ; diet ' :.c; V.; "J r ' catmg n from its M. I. contain t5(KK, Spani.H ' and in w enty -four hours U.e dn will dis- is.inl.niy, AMa. 51. ; Dollart. It is ihonpht to be a rf the car- appear, it rt ta not, win ce buco ro u-,sFpiai Wr. the subsenhir. cerlily Hint we have now i , . - . ' Ill U-C, 111 our l."ll, "i-oinsefv f Jirni , n.u- (Vl.. Dim-as Lieut. Col. Duncan, -of Ihe battalion ot'artiliery as et Palo Alie and Uesaca de Is Palms, signalized hmiM'it for bis br.i very at tiia tiattle of Monterey. Col. Duncan is known not to be very fasiiilioti in his dress rather negligent in matters of the toilet and tins ltd to a tatlier ludicrous error at the inter view orpatley between Generals Taylor and Aiipudia, at which many of the i.lliccrs of both armies wne present, and Lieut. Col Duncan by tin' invila'ion of Gen. Taylor, lie was un shaven ; wore a shocking had palmetto hat, and seemed to have much more -ol ihe "I diias- I d pi. ase' i t at the Texan ranger than he Imd of nil officer of high ra .k among the legn lnrs. As he entered the audience-chamber with his usual air I'c&.inir'rm, the Mexican of ficers seemed hi have been mddeiily and simnl laneously operated on by an electrifying ma chine. They would l.Kik at Duncan and whis per to one another, and then look and whisper again. At length Don Jose Man .v-grili, a busy little Mark Meddle of a fallow, one of Anipudia's Aids, who spoke I'nglisii pis-ing well, stepped up lo one of Gen. Taylor s staff, anil puinling to l.ient. Cut. Duncan, begged to V in'ormed 'if it wai not Can. Walker!' V.. 'Nor Hive .' Xn" N r VcCuilochr TlENsmrT ArniiLD. Henedict Amold, the traitor, origmil'y resided at Xew TUven, and 'did biii.iess,' rt seems s merifiant, par fx ctllencr, r.i all sorts of crmrnndties, by the ad vertiements below, inierted by bim m the Com.ecticut Journal, the firs? number of which anneared in April, 17."o; ihe sheet was ten and n rjinrtcr inches in 1-nglh, and fifteen and a half w ide contaiuinj lour pages of two co lurnns ech. Heneliet Arnold fants to buy a nnniber of large, geiiie'l, Pit .Horse, pork, oats, and hay, ai.d b'.s to sell ch-iice cotton and salt, by quan t tv r retail, an ntlo'T gravis 11 usual. Dated New ll .veii, J.n.ai. I7'.' ces.ary, with.. maHtionnf the best double J f, , T(,,,n ,. fined r.g.r. Let the patient irnk tog .J... - ..C .Arvr..l..l1w mil linilie ll II In go of a brig wTecked at that place more than ie Mrfcbine. Biiu ioi olbt-ate situ hmi t ; nttcen years a pn , most .xc ll.i.i i.ive,, i ... Vbrf hi Wa-i hii ; pjMSJ wp TH tun M.t Cannon. Jt Will in-rr-- iviti vt j , r Thai il flocsn 4 require more than one thinl the The great gun, lately cast al Alger rutin- j Ti twuat quantity ef soap ami wiiirt n.i mat mere , jrVi an(j described w Hie t'ost, was nreu peat the draught as usual. The addition of a few drops of Orange flow er water is highly beneficial and this general anrance that ihepallanl Dun can was not a Texan. no how,1' he breathed freer, and Te1ornd to hi peneral and comrade, officers to whom be in an nnder-tonc connnuni- cated this gratifying in format ton. To account for the trepidation which ttv pre. sence nf the brave Duncan occasioned, it is ne cesarv to state that General Ampudia his re. frills, Ac, may he washe.1 a ve y sh.Kt tune jts. in wci'lit, were thrown variiais distances, j with energy until finished without the feast u jui and in ftct wiih. .ut any ,ri.nrii.n , ,i,e chari;e, elevation, and length iHireni wrar and tear, wlialevrr. e therefor.- " .... . . 1M. , JL.(Uw rseominend it .. oi-fr,m,l, and M the , of fuse Used. I U a charge of -'0 poMllds jruMtc, as a oo a-fet and lib it saving machine. uf powder, !5t ioconde fuse, at an clt'vatioii of j COmpleta VH.K.!'..:ASvV'Hl:i,N8, 2i degrees a fchell was thrown-21 miles, and j fcy .ub.cri t'HS. WKAVF.K. buri.-d t!e. p in the erth at Rquantum. A ri- t:ilS Pl.fi SAXTet, iCoclieisli.it was tried with I ten eeends fuse, 5ilSKS5Sa "w Kim. p wlM Bh" 7 PT""U in it i-"V J HENURICKM, s'lell. U dashed through and over the water at an awful rate, and exploded at a distance ot a- Tmk CnitiMitRiMic! or Tin Aon. Th Cutirtitr rfei I'.tati Ciii, commenting Upm the power which material interests now txer CI.' over the p diey ol nation, thus discourses; "Cuaimerce is now the true) measure of na tionrl pdicy, and it is thii which diplomatists oucV.t to tudy in 1 must recent statistical re- tarns (i'itonuts and exports, end not in the dus ty records of ettperanuated treaties. There have occurred in this particu'ar within the last thre centuries najnge which philosophy imy well take note. The l?tli century was inored by sennr.ient, the lth by calculation, the !!) h by interest in. the first the world waa govern i-d by the heart, in the second by the mitui, and in the last by the pnok.'l The antithesis of the closing paragraph is brilliant, and it comes rrearvr to reality Kflu truth than is vs-ial for brilliant antithesis. DllMIVlMIHllW k lloMI.Y WfTB Yilll can't get along in ihe world w ,tti a homely wife. She'll i-periil hall hi'T t'.ne in looking hi the giiss, and turn and 1 w ist, ant, brush arid fix till she gvts completely vex'd v th her ow n ng- i linm, eivl then sin; U right ofl' and spank the baby. Sli.-'ll ti rr !, nl. ..kik! with herself, and . I uri. lli:,1 I ... ce.veo posu.ve .ii.-.r.......... - - ,hal. e fvlln wtiy nft; te always fretting Ihe first nnimrt.in.ty wmcii miy r"-". , . . . ctic TEiHAru iato be extended the Terms are, M a man flt.ierm.neu ... .e j h l(J ,, irt, , ,he neighb.jrhor.d. A o.l then vlie must have so mtnv fintTer riPCS j . .l ,r . i ii ii . in oiorocivr, ami iti , , . wofk imnie(Utely, aa.l prosecute il The capital stock V rixr.o Chaf. A few days ago, (saya an exchanf paper) a gtntlrman (') came into our aanctim. took offhishat, picked up a piece of man'scrip'. and commenced reading very cloael. We reached over and took a letter out of hi-bat, unfolded and commenced reading it. He'' busy that be did not discover bow we vsfte paying in his own coin, until we askci aim what it was hia correspondent wa writing to him about a woman Why, look here, squire," aay he, "you sure ly are not reading my private letters V "Certainly, sir," aaid we; "you are readins our private manuscripts." Ha wai plagued btgged ua not to mention his name, promised to do no mote, and we) quit even. CoMEcKn r..itr.i. The Midd'etown, N.' J. paper contains toe marriage of Master DividV Turner, of Palermo, aged tcventern, to Misi Alinira Praw n, of Liberty, aged fourteen, aftcc. a courtship of te years. Pat at tiik Post Oirrru. The foV.6wwJ; colloquy actually took phce at an Eaem Post (Office : IVt. I say, Mr. Purt-Maatcr, U there any litter for rne! P. M Who sre you, my pnnd f .r! Pat. I'm myself, thst's who l urn. P. M. Well, but wdai is your name sir'. Pit. O nivermind the name. P. M I must have your narne, air. Pat. What do yon waul with the name! P. M Sj that 1 can fir.d your letter, if there is one. Tat. Well, Mary Burns, thin, it you must have it. V. M No sir, there is none I ir Mary Burns. Pat. Is thero no other way to get iu Ultra except through this pane ol glass 1 P. M. No ,ir. Pat Welt for you there isn't. I'd tache yu better ma.mers than to insi-t upon a giiitlcmau's name, hut you didn't git it aftbur all, eo Pin a ven. with you. Ma J fcw (,, ..,-., rvtroir. arotvnd the south side of his life, regardless of the rules of the ususge ol ' Lak, Krie. Arv.nSement. are m.k.nS to un- w.r. Dunc.n ws Uten U nne of Ihe b'le.j .) j thai the f.uust do h ucli as collets Urea, Inrk., . noon. ShtH, Yi inches n .V. O. IKiln. ption. tJlL'WOX LEISBXKIXd. llsaa's IloTSt, (f .riu-rly Tremont ILmse, No. 1 its (Jh.s.iut atieet,) Philadelphia, September 2 !, 1844. i have used Bhogert's Patent asbinj Machine in rnv houne upward of eight months, and do not hesiiaie to ay that I deem it one of ihe mo,t use lul and valuable labor-aaving machines ever inven. ' I formerly kept twe women continually oc cupied in washiug. who now do aa much in two j ' .k ,tl in one week. I beta la no mm, or tear in washing, and requires not mors JrTn one-third lbs uaual qu.nlily of ao.p. I have bad a number of oiher maehinea in my family, bu. this is s decidedly .uperior to ' h," e,a' w liitl. liable to gel out of ispa.r, ih.l I would not without on. if they should ff.R fiX pceihey ai.soWfor. - DAMEt HERR. bout two miles in the water, throwing the fiag mailt several hundred yards in every direction. Next week the gun will be tried with higher charges of powder. The regular service charge is 25 pounds, which, at a due elevation, w.ll project th shell somewhere 8 and 4 miles. Thus far all the previous calculation of the power of the gun have been verified by the experiments. The firing was under lb direc tion ot Col. Bomford, the inventor of this tre mendous formidable species of ordnance, in tended for hirbor defenee. Boston I'ott vf Thursday f the company ia 8170.000. $S3,000 i the whole AaaoMi tn Rain Any otto may satisfy amount required toconstiuct and put the line in I ,im-pU of the presence- ef ammonia in rm hy operation. Tbi ura I to be raises ,in ply adding a little sulpliurtc mtinalrc aci.l to a quantity of rain waler, ami by pvaporatinu this nearly lo dryness i) a porcelnin basin. I he ammonia remain iu the residue, iu combination with the ac.d employed, aud may be detected eillit-r y the addnun nl a little chlori.re ol plantinmn, or more simply by a liti'.o, powdered Iff ne, which separatee ihe ammonia, and fhu renders aensible ft peculiar pnngenl smell. the hand with Tsin water, ioddTerent from that pro duced y puVe distilled water, and lo which the KiTHta PrasoKAL A snotron waa made by a member ol the Legislature ofa Western State, lt lay a tax on horse, cow, asses, and other domestic animals. A member moved to atnke out the word ssse. or amend the resolution by inserting the word "quadruped" after animals, t 1 1 M;AUfr jarws-ait Al lr All I V e.se neer... si The .eolation perceived en moisteiAng on the mover, the rt.Jutions, oJthe, Ass-or- ...... ..v.,..,, rrm ,hk, oik members of the Iluute. irm rinraa' is villi; rlv scored, ia also due APATtorOu Maim. A company of eirhonate of ammonia ctm'tained in the twelve persona took tea at ti e house of one of forTOerfcja', Organic Chemistry their friends in New Bedford last weea, tne aggregate age of ten of whom amounted to se ven hundred and eighty nine years, a follows: f years and 3 months, 88 ye ara and. 3 "7'tlf '4 years II mon'lii, L 70 , . .... . ' II, M III 'Gin me a i. e;y fbarmin' Sal ;' '.over said to a blue eyJ (! I iban't." ybe, "you laty elf, Seat up your "Hap," and blp yourlf! rar-jvwels, tlouncis and tiatilch feathers so much all fired expensive, flaring finery, to make her mk any way nics at all, that no rea sonable men can atand it. Tnu glaring colors ltd fianby tires patterns recently brought intu market, were gotten up especially tor the benefit of ugly women, to fraw the nitentueiof ftieti from their ace lo tlnrr roe.',,. Wo never ace one of those gaudy dresses m the streets without involuntarily shuilderiu'r and leelinp n T-ncontrolable sppre- henslon of meeting one of Shakspesre'e "shri. veiled shrews," or a "made u?" figure, orna meuted with one class eye, a stray tooth, and a tongue hung (sn a pivot to illustrate perpetual i ... . r I . . motion. Never marry an ugiy w.ie univs y are a universal genius, or bavo a large capital for it v.hi havn'l got the pewter" you will have to b-j painter jeweller, rol in printer ap-J fur belw muter general, and get little but squulls aud icrflica.. for your puna in other Word. as Samuel Veller says, you will be in pertret ruf-cgory, i"iiicn, A paper Sown east tells of a negro w ho pro. posed to write a book on natural History, Ha commenced as Follow: Man isde first animal in de creation he spring up !iUe sparrow-grass nop Buom no m.. grass, and dies like a jackass. Yiotmoia pfTTt:R- 'Shall 1 help you to tlu butter?' said a landlady to ou of her guests. Don't trooble yeursell',' was the reply.'the but ter is plenty strong enough to help itself.' Li tines grew on people it begins in co'.- webs and i nds in iron chains. The more bus -nexs a man has, the mote he is able to accom plish ; lor he learns to economise time. A Good Rinri a axd an KxckiXent Answkk. The follow ing Riddle i attributed to Mr M- cauly, the essayist : Cut off my head and amgular I am ; Cut oiTmy tail and plural I appear; CotofTbofhmybeadand tail, and atrange to tell Althoogh my middle' left, there' nothing there I What is my head, cut off? A ounding ea What is my tail, cut off A roaring river, Within w hose eddying deeps I peaceful play, A parent of aolt sounds, though mute forever. A correspondent oithe Boston Advertiser fur nithea the follow ing answer : F.codt I'vegurssent it! 'TiaaCoo; Cut off bis head, he's veiy o : Cut etT bis tail yeu have a Co, A.nd that is "plural." all men knew, Cut off his head aud tail, you leave A middle nothing (0,, you periv. M'bat ia bi head? A sounding C. Wbat is bistail t The river D. And where is the Epicure but ctiet Old Zourid. "I know the cod proitaeti moit sweet Sovnd '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers