TERMS OF TUT " AMCIUCAft." .w, 111 D. MASSEH, . , ) Pshiiiiiiiii '., JOSEPH EI9ELY. . S Paos airroa. , Z t'jfc '9. Bailor. r,..v; OJJc U.Cemlrt AUty. tn,t rear of Jlf. Mat , , . .. ttr't Start. .... , kS .,.. THE" AMERICAN" la published1 every Satur day 'at' TWO 'DOLLARS per annum to b paid half yearly in advance. N paper diecontln. tued till Ati. arrearage are paid. No subscription received for a less period than tit oxti. All eommnnicatione or letters on ebnainee relating loth office, to inanre attention, auat ba POST, PA1P. i ; . : . ; PETER LAZARUS, SVIIDVUY, TVorthnmberlnnl Clonnty, 1ESPECTEUI.LY informs bit fii nds an.l , the public in neral, that be haa taken the Jrtck Stand, former'y occopied by Ge.irge Prince ' a a public hone, (t of the State House, and opposite the Court II ose.) where he is prepared tn 'accommodsto his fiiomls, and all ether who may ' favor him with their ru tm, in the beat manner. ' In short, no exertion nor expense will be pv red to render hi hjue ia every wy worthy of puldic paironagf, Punhurv. April 4ih, IMfl 6m DAU JLN ILL) UJ iLO- AMERICAN. AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL: ' Absolute acquiescence in the decision of the majority, the vital principle of Republic, from which there ia no appeal bat to force, the Vital principle and Immediate parent of despotism. Jtrrsaaoa. py Manner & Elnety. 8uniury Northumberland Co. Pa. Saturday, Oct 10, 1846. bl. T Wo. 3 Whole Wo, 815 WB. B. FASTER. The Democratic Courier, published at John town, give the following account of tome of the men appointed by Wm. B. Foster, agreeably to the bargain and tale, by which he proenred lie Pertloaa Passage rttia Great Vtra. The Great Wratern on her laat trip to New York encountered the pale of the 19th, and ti I atained eome damage. The atorm waa a terri- lie one, and the passengers, 126 in number, wr re Can democrat, vote for a man who erkmaly alarmed. ttclrgioue wrvice. nomination. appoint officer that can't make out a common account T Can they support a man who trade hi office for political favors? , The .Collector and npcrlntensleat. CoMrrrMT Orrimn. We have recently were cakpbtxnos and oii.-or.ojif utl the "CHEAP STOKE" iVo, 41 Strawberry Phllndelplila. OUR Suire reni uu.l o her eiun-rs lein very liBht. we are ei.sM.d I,, a II ..ui CAKPfiT. : 111 lC LOTH li.i'liiiBli tfnd rt'lsfl. ai the lowest prices) In the city, and tmyers will find it treat y to their advent rc to rail and examine the ' targe assortment we nlT.-r ihl season, of Hen ul if ul Imperial 3 .N V n.ul.e H.rrte.fine Ingrain VcjMPETJXGS Fiua and Medium d. T . Twill. J and plain V. tiilinn j tngeihrfr with h lire k of OIL-nLtVPffst from t feel l 2 feet will". xry chenp.t.if rn.'m. hulls Ao al, Mtl"iK.,ri r ioiha, Kug. Cot ,n nd Ut "-anjie, , &c, with a aMid a Ifenrlinent ilflncam T..tp tn f.o.ii to fiO Cnt, id Stair and FaxUi (rM frum X I to 60 eta. H)r!l(t: BROTHS K. tO. 'iH.f'trah'iM'rry A t, mte &n !brve tThe trtit. ire SPC.nJI Vhrlt. Viftadililiia. 1"I'rh Slt. 1840. 3m. TO TUK CIVILIZED WORI-D1V ' fT U, i'Al.Mlil!. Aieircw Newpprr V Agni t, iKt'y tmrfted anrl mp.iwered, by the i ruprietoi of nio-l of the teA newxpir of all the ritt.- and ninci;'l 'own in the U. S. and Hanad, l. nc i aulwcrip Kma and mh'eni-e. Client, and to ( receijii far them, resjiectfully n. tific the u'..lic, that lie i prepared t. eaecuM rdttiaYrvn'i nil jf TVs rvilt'd WorW. em- 1n.c'iig Inlivi lu iU, Fi'mn, Socieiie. '-CluS. Ke. Hlini liKin tni!iii..n, c, at hi several cifll--e in ih ritien riiMatlellria, Bsliimore, New Vork and i)otim,iil tel.eie oinmunUaiion and inquiriii, 'pt paid, may he d ree'.d. AMcm V. It. PALMER, Philjdeli-hi. N. W. corner Third Mud Clenu lr et Ualiiin re, 8. E- corner B.I tnnnre and I'alverl rtieel ; New York, Tribune Uuil.lings itppnaiu City Hall ; Uorton, ail Hrate at. A no other t riu or per n are in any man tier conne.-Uid wi'h the auhactibcr, in tho American Picwi-pjiier Agenev, all letteis and cinimuiiieaiiiina lor him. i-hould tie'can-fully dir.cted a' elkive, and to no other r.u. Tl.i fca hecoma ne- tMty. in aVw xa kvorl rfi.bk a. and put the pub lic ou their ffauiA ug.innl ad pretended A cent-. Y. IL PALMER, American NewP'r Agent. Editor th'O'inbout ihe United 8t .u a for whom V. U. Palmer ia Ag.-nt, will pim .e the advantage Jf all em.cen.ed. I.v i.ld ahiug the a'-ive. L'SJltMC XOTICC V. U. P dmcr i the only authoriaed Ag.nl fr 'I '.-raacaT c," iu ritaof PbiUdelpbia, New t orV, I), mi. mi ai d llJliiuiore, ol w:.icn iun lien by given. ' March 14, 184L x an n e it i i n c k k V. TRUNK MAKER, So. I AO Cliennut Street, rzixx.ABEx.rnxA. ,. . , WHEKE all UiimU of lel er trunk, valiseaand ir(Ht Isfis, of evety style and paiiem aie inaniif ciire l. iu the h.t manlier and fruui the beat rn'eruU. and a.i'd at the .eir Je. performed during- the existence of the etorni, and the sacrament waa administered to some GO person. After the danger waa over, l- iter of thtnka o the Captain and other officer .of the ship waa drawn up, and the eutn of 3X) waa raised fe nrcacnt to tlu officer and crew, had glorioue illiistratinn of the propriety of rf wh;cl) C.'ptain'wai aa'kcd lo accept 30. adopting the pnlicy.'which has gxiverned Wm B. Poster Jr. in bis appointment. , Tie he re Carded only the amount of the service which he applicants could render him in forcing him self upon the psrty, aa;tho rnminee,- withmit any regard totompetency. The e fleet of this is to Vende'i the offices which such persona fill A fund was aluo started for the support of , the widow and children of those who perUh a sea, to be called the Creat Western Fund, A correspondent of the Tribune has a long account of the danger, from rhrch we make the following gtract? ' 1 ' It was wonderful te see hew a few short boars only .inicutcs,-thoy receive the etnolfttrrent. clBnccd ,hJ condilion ,nd Mmgn of all on board. The grades and distinctions incident lo so large a cowifany, varyrrtg tn social position. citixens of a I mot all couvtries, and sjrofesstng white they are incapaciatcd to dtf charge the dtrtira. ,,Vegive the following ae egamplee. ftecenflw, the . worthy and efficient xAttk in th CoMectnr'a tiffice at :liia plac, was confined to hia room for several days. . The Collector himself, buinjf'eTiiirely uncjiialified to perform the dntyet'mtVing out a clearance, waa com pellet to resort to tho assistance of 4he hrta in theaveral ware he.BBe, who were necess Rated to make out their own. How lonj will Hie people have to endure thia faverftiem, by which thrvare robbed to reward those who have no otlrr laim iiwn ttreir bonrrty, thkn fawning attachment to the dispensers of official favors 1 A "ain; TreS'jerrftte?haen,l of the Portage Rjiil 'Road is probably one of the most illiterate functionaries on the. , Improvement. He, be' ing unable to make out a common voucher, has to depend upon the aid of such as he can call to his assistance. . Many of every batch ol vouch er which he hat ecnt to Harriaburg, aRer the diCerent payment he made on the) road thia summer, have bee rettrrhed la oeinp; meorrect Me waa compelled to entrust the arrangement of hi laat mnnth'a account to hi instructor, Wm. S rjentlenian these lact for the purpose or eliciting puwic at- under Mf ,h.,,ered t!,e parte of the ahip at tention to the Improvemenla, who have, from . . i solin'er atruck XWe captain necessity, to entrust their bnsiness to others. on fca whi;e ,iojing on (he poop, and the who, if they think proper, can mantle mattera j,ow Ujethet with Ihe sea, canio) in a way to benefit thcmselve at the expense him over the lee quarter, and he wa only eared of the people. ' 1 Kir fiiM ni-ltinrrft. . ( - After Ihia sea had naFsieil over. w- kiund the Tun Povrenor Isrr-afEBawE --P.ttomac, w...r Mmi m ,he pump,; u,e wiudap- the Wafhingt jn correspondent of tht. BiltirrK.re rd (o u B ,(t,e ind he hjpt ,iule but atill blowing aetorm.' All the httchea, ex- ceDt thoee made use of for paeainir into the en- r . . the a loon, drenching the bertha on tho larboard aide, driving out their affrighted occupants, while it smashed by it weight the glass over the main cabin, and thus forced it way below. ' This waa period of intense emotion. 1 was sitting in the upper saloon, striving to protect some ladies from injury. So violent were the shocks of the vessel, although firmly braced, it wsa with difficulty we could prevent rturselvea I mm being hurled from otir aeats, and dashed with such violence against a part of the vessel, a to endanger life or limb. Many received so vere contusion and bruise, notwithatanding all their efforts. ' ' ' " . , , . , , " Twaa an anxious hour. My eye wandered over the different group in the saloon t resting -one while on father pissing from one to ano ther of hi family, ami cheering with kind word an intereating group nf daughters; then on yrmng wife, folded to the bosom of her hus band without a syllable being uttered, but the action spoke volumes, and again upon mother whose children hsd been left in America, as she clasped her hand as if in secret prayer, while PBicia or ADvr.RTimjf a. equar I insertion, ' ' 0 60 1 do . de . . . . 0 75 I do do . v 1 " Every subseqaant inserlii.h,' 0 tft Yearlv Advertisements I one column, f 35 t half column, 1 9, three squares, Iwo aquarea, f U t one square, 5.' Half-yearly I on column, f!8 I hair column, 1X three square, p twoaquares, $it one square, $3 60. ' . Advertisements left without direction aa lo tha length of time tliey are lo be published, will be continued until ordered out, and charged aecord Ingly. . . .-. (Sixteen lines or les mak squsre. diflerent creeds, in tire presence of so imminent her husband and hrr father gathered around, danger, were alihoat instantly vnerged into one ! in( a eemed bowed down to earth in one com comWton emotion of awe, aa we etood rige'fher j mon feeling of tender solicitude for those who In the court the great leveller, Ieath. With tuioht so soon iiecome helpless orphans. this intetrse feeling which bound us together aa one, tame also another of an vppoeite and repel ling character. Kvery heart wet deeply occu pied with its individotl griefaand memories, aa ffnot another shared tbeferiJ. IIosho, with its hived ones, and a thousand cherished hopes and joya. rose fresh to the view, and with power like the storm, awept over the tniTfA.atid left it. liketfcecei,tempest-toatand tronWed. ,8re,, skid ipentleman to me, no one converge no one Veada all are engaged, each with hie own thoughts; and if my wife and children were here, I confess tny feelings would e w the rnoet dirtreeaiteg character.' 'BwV ' L thy aufler in your ioaa.' , 'Vfry true; yet it ia only a question of time, and, whether aooner r later, God'a wrll be done.' At noon, alorm and e raging in all ita fury, sea atill breakmir over the eh in. 4 heavy at Campbell, and lo t very competent Urfeoard pad o mahed it n, John Bra wV. ' We mention (j i?fWg ,h .pnbe,.,, breakingtfte It was an awful hour. The most thought tee among ti cowered in their arcret heart before a danger which none but a fool ore brute would have mocked, and all therefore accepted the in vrtttion to meet m the cabin for prsyer. The Position of Osw. Taylor. The New Orleans Courier enteneine rrave The late tarthiiae)ie la the th of Kw rap. ... a The following ancount of thi Earthquake and the effects produced by it in the city of Pi ia extracted from a pamphlet on the suH'Ct, written by M. Pilla, profetsor of Ge6logyih the Universally of Piss ; The day (the 11th nf August) opened at Pi aa.aeretie and tranquir, like thoae which had prereetled it At noon, I was, as usual in the Museum of Natural History of the University, and in the htll of mineralogy, where I wa oc cupied in classing the minerals. In thia hall are several windows looking toward the plain on ih aide of the sea, and ove r the interior" of the city. I felt aufToctting heat, accompanied by an inexpressibly painful sensation, I attri buted this phenomenon to the air of Pisa, which ia heavy for my constitution, and which made me say several times tn the keeper of the Muse am, 'The air of Pisa ia on Bre to day.' Never prophecy was more suddenly realised. At a few Inintites before one, I wis alone in the hair The atmosphere was perfectly calm, when I began to hear sound which came rapidly from the sea coast. '' The impression 1 felt, waa like that nf boisterous wind advancing towards the city, but reflecting on the inipoavibility of such a phenomenon occurring so suddenly in the midst of the preceding calm, I began to fear some accident. I cannot belter describe this noire than in a line of our divine poet; , V frocatto if un tuon p!en di tpavento , Dante lit. 'My suspicions were soon verified. The noise kept ek'vancirr?, with ever increasing force, and Church of Si. Michael ia ruined, but without Injury to any person, lift had happened On next day, at the earn hour, there Would hsve been many I i'vea lost., A Cro fell from the dome. The Campo Santo ulTered some alight injury. TheCampan le (Leaning Tower) ia unhurt. It lemtina lo be discovered by exam ination whether lis inclination ha uecumu . -t. - . i ' 4 an greater. Finally, there i not a building in ri aa which ha not been more or les damaged anu cracked;' Letter from Leghorn and Florence describd the earthquake to have been still more terribh' in those cities and the surrounding country. At Volterra a fliate prison was thrown down, bury fug several prisoner under ita ruine. Siment the account from Florence sty that from thirty to forty persons had perished in that neighbor- hood, and more than a hundred were wounded. I i . l.ii i ... . m- ar.nrehrnsiona aa to the character of the next "'"-'y ' .iu. w ..... newa lo be received from Gen. Taylor' army, vibration succeeded a violent agitation in a ho It devotee a tonrr article to the subject, in which rixontal direction, accompained by a bornbl nWt (a set nrominentlv forth. and that ra that rumbling; accustomed lo these phenomena the Mexicansof Ihe States of Tamwlipaa, New which n"1 "re y country, (M. Pilla ia fv Roahuila. and oerhaoa even Zaeateeea. NapoH'") "ftw ever, n!J tnolioi., wit! r-npose to' the advance of the American ar- " of Ihe window which opened qo my of invasion the most vigorous . resistance, the garden of Ihe neighboring house, and there Independent of the regular tronpa under the I waa witness of one of the moat terrible specie command of Ampudia in Montcfy or it vicinity, cle which are ever offeied lo the eye of man it.. ir nitii enrniiniee from nt here re. The houses about were shaken in a dreadful SIILU; KIIT'S I'A'I'KVr flll IS Machine h.a n.w lii te.hsd by more I i..n ikiriv famitie u this nciehb.att.sMi, and baa given entire .ntUfetion ' I ia so siiaple in it C4.strucliu, that it cai.irol et out of rdrr. ' H cniilaliia no iron m l, siul no .piingsor rolt.rslo v. i out of repair. Ii wdl d. lice a much wtsh iiiii, with lMi than hall the wear and tear of an) of the hie invent i.ui, and wh it i uf ari ater in.r. Iai.rr.it coMs hut lil la over half a much a other wattling iuc,..nis.. . i... ..,,.-.'t ' The Mi'hs. riU-r ha the eirlUMve nhl fr Nor. thumherlatwl. Union. LvcmiinK. Columhia. Lu tu'rne and Clinton Counties. ' Price f ile inn. cbmf6. H. U.MASEIL - 1 The follow ion eeilifieal.- fioma few of Ihoae Whu have thi'te iujt:liiis in uae. Sunt'tiiy, Aug. 94, l4t. .' We, the uWriSei. certify that we have now iu ue, in our fsmilka, "Sliugeit'a i stent Wash ing Mschineand do not btrittte )lna that U U aninstixeell. nl iuveuti.ai. Thai, .in Washing, it will av m.ire than one hall the Usual labor, That It il.in 4 require mute than one third ihe usual quantity of so p aud water Jind ibat there ia n. rul.l4ng, and eHi qoily. H weai Ing or lesrina -- I hH it knot k olT ne bullous, and that the finMt eloiKea. such as Collsi.. Urea. luck. frills. Arr.. mi lie wiulwd in a ve.V short lime ! Without Ihe lesat u.juiv, end in fact wiik.mi any Patriot, thus speak of the Itte l eitx u Connell: ' , . . Now that General McConnell ia dead and gone, people begin to remeniWr that there were hri.-lit snot in hia character. . I knew him long ago in Alabama, and while he waa in Uongreea and some nf the newspapera and letier-wriiera were handling him , roughly, be ' would oftun como In me, on account of our old axqaetctenc' iu, perhapa, and with teara in hi eye beg of me lo intercede in hi behalf, and try te gel the ditnra and letter-writera fordaid to let him a- lone. Ho would sty that he akea it, not tor his own take, but for the sake of hi excellent wife and children. On these occaaion I more than once told him that he knew a well aahe could be told, Am be could put a atop to the a buae he comolained of. He would reply. 'I know it. I know it ; you ' would have me atop drinking end frolicking, ami thut up this wajk ing grocery! But I can't do it, . I have tried many times, and it is impoMlble. 1 can't atop but inut go on. I once aakud him what he ex pe'cteil hi would be ! lie replied aerioua tf..r ha waa ober that he knew not. ' Hi rtttarfco nut lea determined nor per ha pa less effective, ' The tancheroe w(It rise en masse at soon ae their tire'-eidra are invaded. So long aa the A- manner, the trees in the garden, bv t'oeir mo tions, announced Ihe violent agitation of the at- ninepheie , these mi lions joined to those of the hall in which I win, gave me a vertigo, which inerican army wa etalionid upon the banks off compelled me to support myself by the window the RioGrsnde, they Imik no part in the con trnVerey, inasmuch aa on this side of that line the country ia very Uiinly settled, and on this account p" issceat'd no favorable 'rrilly ing point of Jelfnce; but in p'roportioti aa Gen. Taylor pn netratet into Mie interior, where ihe towns, vil lages; haniieta and rancloe become more nuuie frame. The agitation continued, evidently in a horizontal direction, going and coming, but with extreme violence. Iu this horrible situa tion the plastering begin to fall from Ihe ceilinir, the cries which trose from lh neigh boring houses augmented the horror of tbe seen it. There was one moment when I thought gine room, were natterea (town, ana we sy- lighls partially coveted. The weather contin ued the "same until midnight, at which time it lulled for half an hour. , ...... The loir cwvey to the reader aorne idea of - . .W" i w ihe elate of the htp and effect of thv atorm on Sunday at noon. . . It effect on luoae below cao beat be given in ihe word of gentleman who remained Ihe greater pari of the Hut) ta Ihe cabin,." i 1.. ? i iw , To convey an idea of the appearance of all iruuud ia out of my power. ' In lie word of Sheridan, 'the t em peal roamed ia all the terror of ita glory.', The atmosphere wa surcharged with a thick spray, rendering look lar out to seaward impossible, . T he wind howled, roared aod bellowed, like the contrtanl multeringa of a thunder cloud. , Huge waves, of Iremeiidon height and volume, rose in mad displty around the ahip, threatening every moment to break o ver u amidships and crush the vessel. Sea af ter aea striking us with terrific noise, ctused the gallant ahip to atop for an inttant, tremble and rinis and more deeply populated, it w II b more the city would be swallowed up.- Then, impel easy for the Mexieene lo organ ite a system of led by an instinctive feeling, I mounted Ihe defence in which they may a'vtil ihen.w lves of window teat in order lo jump into the garden. wife, he Mid. M. good Chri.ti. od would a every f ffom hef ,tern.ti rro go to Heaven. He hoped hi children would i but aa for himself, he could only aay thit at one period uf hi hfu he waa for thirteen months a aincere exhorter in the Church, and if the God above did not look back lo that period of hia life with favorable eye, and aave him, why then J he would be lorf, for he could do nothing now appaient wear and tea', hte-r. We therefore-) inward leaving himeelf it wa too late! : Poor ciieeifully reeoiiiineud it lu our friend and l the lAibiic, a a most uaviul and lrt.r savin marnine, CHARLKS W.HtOINa, - A. JOKIIAN. UHrt. WEAVER. r CMa PLB 8ANT8, " ' ' fitOEON MAKKLE, Hon. OBO. U. WELKER, HKNJ. HENDRICKS, . . . ClUEON LE18ENRINO. tltaa' Ilortt, (fomnrly Tremonl House, No. 116 Chesnut stieet,) Philadelphia, tptember 1st. 1844. ' " i.. 8hueerrs PsUel Wasbiog Machine in say houe upwards of eight months, and do not bestial to lay that I deem it one of tbe moM use. lul and valuable lahor-aing machioee ever inveo .i i t.rnu.rl krnt two wemenr continually oe- cupied ia waahiug. wh. now do aa moth ia Iwo davTa they then did ia on week. 1 bar ia no .... in auhine. and it require not mon .l. .h..A !ka usual anantilV of soap. I base ati BMBxe-,aais a - . . . had a oamber ef ether mina ia aay famdy, bet thia ia ae decidedly eperio lo every thing else, , ao4 W UiUe habbj lo get out of lepau. UJal 1 wW Bo da wilhoqt on. . they herb t.,irm Ikss SIS OM Wr. " jrt The higheel price wU hi iaa lor Plat reed. svore ot given wr r uatiSKR. Mac pencq tahea! Ussrit IttroaiiaTio?!. The Engliab bushel uf wheat weigh 70 pound 8 bualiel, equal to 5G0 pounds, being quarter of a ton weight. 0 bushtla American whwt, or CO pound to the bushel, equal to the Lngln-h quarter. 1 lie English aack of flour weigh VWO pounds, and 7 sack 10G0 pounda, equal to 10 American barrels. Tbe bushel ol fine Liverpool aalt weigha 56 pounda j the sack containa 4 bushel 224 pounda.. Tea sacks mak ton weigh', 2,340 pounda ; the bushel of ground alum aalt weigha 64 pound, the each eontainaS bnabela, equal to 224 pounda ttn aack mtk a ton, To bring English tterling money to dollar and cent double the pence, lh answer I cent. Am Immbm EaTATT.. A Quaker family na mad Cbaae, residing in Yarmouth, Ms., claim to ba tb hair of tha Towoley eeUt. ia Eng. land, which is valued at 52,000,000 potiad tterling. every possible ad vantage of their position. They will carry on against us a guerilla warfare, and to ted the truth,' the nature of the country up on the route which General Taylor ha selected lor advancing upon Montery givea thetn, howe ver tmatl miy be their numbers, great Jvtn lge over our troop. '"At tho distance of thirty or forty inilea from the Hio Grande, by the upper rotite that is, a little this aide of Cerralvo--commerice lhat chain of niountaina which traverse a portion but remnant of reflection held ma back, and by degreea the ground became tranquil : 'Aseooa as ihe shock waaover,! went out o the Aitiseum anu tound tne atreeta niieu wtin IHfopie, who wore in their countenance tho traces of tho terror t which they bad Buffered. Every where reigned thit silence of which, Taci- tu speaks, which seizes the people when agita ted by a CHiiiiion feeling, ,. , '. 'Aft- r having assured myself of the safely of the persons w ho are most dear to me, my of the State btC-hihuthut,' Coahuila'tnd New first th.jughtwea for the Ctmpanile de Pite, ling and lurching, tossed to and Iru ; again would ahe gather fresh atrength, and with her wheela half hid ia the wild waters, again and again receive '.be thundering blow of an ele ment lhat seemed armed (or our destruction. The sail on ih ysrd. strongly ecured by rope and gaskets, were blown from their furl nd streamed out to leeward in ribbon. " But all thia wa nothing. About 1 P. M , while moat ol ua wera aeated in agonising suspense in tha lower csbio, holding fast to the table and settees, a sea atruck the vessel, and a tremen dmie crash waa heard on deck. . Instantly the cabin wa darkened, and torrentaof walercame pouring down upon ua through the akylight. Scarcely had lha water reached tha floor, whea all in the ctbin and tlala rooma prang to their feet, and imuStaaeoutly, a if by con cert, Ihe ladie uttered a ecreeut of agony, to ferful, and o despairing, lb ound of it will never b forgotten and Heaven grant lhat such a wail of anguish may never again ba heard by me. Several fainted other clasped Iheir haul in muU despair, while many called aloud upon their Creator. Tb crash lo which tha writer allude wa caused by tha tearing up of the Unche and that wood work on the quarter deck. These were burled with violence againal lh skylights I by the tame which broka lis window af i t 7 J leori. which terminatee in the neighborhood pf Saltillon. Tlie route which Gen. Taylor ia pur suing skirt thing the font of Ihese mountains, One may readily conceive v. hut advtn'.tgea these rancheros will ponesa knowing aa ihey do an intimately every loctlity, all tha defiloa and retreats which the face ol the country pre tents for preparing ainbubcudc and for harrta sing dtily our tnaipa. We do not wMito'sty lhat tl Americans will not triumph over all ihe difficulties of their route ; but we are "persuaded that they will not succeed save by great sacrifice. Nov if Gen. Taylor liae set forth, a all the accouula from thii Il!o Grande aeein in represent, with a in- cle column of only five or eix thousand men, we (the leaning tower) t ran to see how it waa. What wa my eurprise to see it standing ad firm. What a spectacle it must have - preseni le d in that fcuriul moment ! . People who had an opp irtuuity tu observo it, during tha shuck, tell me that its balancing waa a terrible thing In behold. Hit before examining tha effoctaof the earihquvke, let us ace what waa it direo lion and its duration. 'The first motion of the earth wa manifestly Vibratory ; then ramu a violent unuuiatory mo- lion, wh ch lttd till the end of the shock, ex cept a alight leesening of Ihe action toward tha middle nl it, which linuhej by on duubla vio lent. The horizontal directum must have been the savin: of Pisa. I observed it in lha moal Waoes or Labor From an instructive ar ticle on the subjeel of agricultural labor in dif ferent countries, it wages, and the compara tive condition of the 1 borer in the London Mark La" Ex pre, we condense the following fscts: In our eslimste wo ntve canea m. ehillingaterling 22 cents, though it value is , trifle less ; and comparison though instituted ith the English labnr.'can be easily made with those of thi country. In England the average rate of agricultural wage for an able man with a family, is 0 shil lings or SI 98. per week. From thi is deduc ted cottage rental 35 cent per week, leaving1 $1 63 per week, to provide himself with- they necessaries of life. In France, a laborer in the same situation receives 81 04 per week; in Prussia, 60 centa ; in Germany $1 02 per week, in Holland and Belgium, $1 20 ; in Italy and the Austrian States, 01 15. It will be remem-! bered lhat these average are those of the eora-v mon laborer ahepherda, carmen and mecha-.. nica receiving rather more. The food which, the wagea named above will purchase ia tUe several countries, ia stated in tbe Express . follow: In England the laborer can obtain for his lft cent or hi Week's wges, either 30 lbs. oC bread, or 11 J lbs. nf meat, 71 lbs. of btrtter, 12 y lbs. of -cheese, or 174 lba. of potatoes. In France, with hia 104 cent he eta buy. cither 46 lbs. of bread, 13 lbs. of meat, or 25 tx lbs. of potatoes. In Prussia, with his 66 cent per week the' laborer can buy either 36 lbs. of bread. 16 lbs. mett.or frjlbs or butter. In Germany with. 102 cents he obtains either 43 lbs. olbretd, 18 lb, of meat. III lbs. of butter, 24 Ibf. of cheese or 54 1'iart of beer. In Holland and Belgium, 120 centa will buy either 58 lbs. ol breaJ, 22 lb of beef, or 400 lb of potaloe. i . ' In Italy and Austrian States, the laborer. with hi 115 cents, can by either 50 lb, of bread, 22 lbs. of beef, 6 lbs. of butter 8 lbs. of cheese, or 16S lb of potatoes. Thi table is interesting, a showing nnt on ly tha price of labor in the countries named but aim the price ofbread, meat, butter, cheese. &e. It is true, the bread is stated by the pound instead of grain by the bushel ,' but aa tbe flour of a bushel of Wheat, say 40 lbs. will make from 63 to 65 lb, of bread, an estimate may easily be made of the quantity uf wheat or flour a man in ny of the conntriea named would receive for a week's work. t The laborer in this coun try, who receive hi bushel ol wheat a dty, or other article in proportion, will readily con ceive the meagre fare, and alender ehanc of 'laying by anything,' which must attend the foreign agricultural laborer. In all these eour Irie it will be seen the value of provisions i at least a great as here, and in some instance much greater. It is only by the comparison uch authentic statements enable them to m'tke, Ihtt the free laborer the ftrmera or mechanic, of thia country, can fully appreciate the advantages of their position. doubt very much if he will ucceed in reaching dUlincJ imnner postible. If the vertical shock Monterey with two third of this number j and should Ihts prove true, then Ihe seigo and ctp lure orihtl city which is pretty well fortified nol only by it artillery, but by its natural poai lion, and which is besides garrisoned by fivo or six thousaud men, troops uf the line and nation al mil.lieappear to us not a littl problemati cal. bad the same intensity, the rfTecta of Ike di ler would have been much more deplorable, 'A to the duration of tha oscillation, count ing from the moment when the distant rumbling wa heard, I think it fitxu tweuty-fiv ta thirty second. Some person reduce it to twelve or fifteen secoud but these dale it only from the moment when the shock wis most sensibly fell It is true that the upper route i prcfertble lo If the inhabitants ui the country visited by the the other on ceounl of water, wood and forage, earthquake are queatiwied as to the duration ol which are to be found on almost any part of it, ihe gitaiion they all anawer, half a uiinute, and of which our Iroops have the utmost need, mora ur las. .. m t .... ' ' especially in tha season of extreme heatj but , 'It wt lobe dreaded thai lh phenomenon apart from these advantages, which by no mesne WuUy m cesM with the Ural shock. , Two mo. outweigh it difficullir and danger; tha two Xwan were afterwards tell distinctly, but of a lower route on from Matamora direct, anu lnor, kind. A great pari ol tbe popui. lha other from Camargo, uniting at Linares, )CMrd lh night following in tha squarea and thence leading to Monterey by the way of ,j -lrtet, ovrpoweied with the nd new Caiderryie would hav been much more sure, which wa constantly brought in from neigh- boiing place. A doubl headed child ia exhibiting in New York. What splendid whig politician, lh little fellow wil! rttke. The disaster th city of Pisa ba uf!ered ar tligbt in compariaon with what they might have been. No on perished. Tbe roof of lha Aaai'vtL or a STtaaiaAT. On Tuesday morning latt a veritable Steamboat arrived at the port of Reading, from Philadelphia, via tha 'raging cana wl." She left th city at 7 o'clock on Monday morning, retched Pottstown etrly the same evening, and the next morning start ed for Reading, where the arrived safe and sound, after an expedition passage, freighted with the President and Manager of the Schuyl kill Navigation Company, who came to examine) the work along the line of the canal to thi place. She is called "The Phusnix," bt an en gine of 20 bora power, ia provided with the Ericcaon propellers, and carriea 00 tons bur then. She waa built for tho iraneportation of fieighL Her paseage wa delayed eoneiderably by the difficulty of getting through lha bridges which ar entirely loo low for such craft ; bug we ara lold they are ahortly to be altered to thej required height Wilh thi defect obviateJ. the Captain estimated lhat ha could eawly mak 5 milettn hour in th etna!, and 0 betweeo Una dam Tbe boal cloared this porton her reni'ia voyage to the city, oo Thursday morning, will, cargo of grain and produce Heading Gas, Au 9, IMS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers