PRICK CURRENT. Corrected meekly by Henry Yoxlheimer. Whkat, . . . . PS Rm, 60 Con, ...... 4) 0ts, ...... 55 Puns, ... A Ftatsititn, ... . 112 HrTTitn, la Knox, . . . . . Q DuKswit, 25 Taiiow, ... 10 Fti, ... 8 IlKCKLKTI FtA, 10 Dm mi Applhs, fiO Do. PrACHIC, 150 A 1ILLE?VA1TTED, i a new sctlli ment, w here he can obtain ftO tirrrn ! lailtl, and othrr advantage, il nher mill inductions. Enquire of Sunhury, Juno 24, 1945. HUGH BELLAS. ofirc to Creditors. rPHE Orphan' Couil of Nuithumheiland coun- ty, having appointed the tuh-criher Auditor, to distribute I lie balance in the hands of Elisha Kiine anil John Shi e, Executors of Philip straw, late of Augusta township, in said comity, dee'd , to niul among the creditors ami elhcis entitled to re. ceivc rut of suid balance, il e said Aud lor hprp. hy gitps no ice, that he will attend mi Saturday, the I9ih day of July next, at tho house of Charles Weaver, in Sunbury, nt 10 o'clock, A. M. of sard t'av, for milking said dtstr. billion, whrn mid wl.e e all persons inipn sit d ate requested to present their ! usppclivc cl .-lima: 1 K I KK LAZAlM'S. j Sunbury, June 23lh. 1845 It. Auilitor. i I S hereby given, that I have putchasfd tit Con- ' stable sale, na the irintriv of Joseph Davis, of! Point tow rsh p, Il e following proper v, Wnlm s-j t'nv, June 18th, t 2 hogs, 5 small 2 ri.vta I, 1 1 1 ulI', 8 stiff p, 2 s Is hiiiitira, I j liivr, I'niamlp c'oik, I I lirrnu, flax in the ground I hm'tp or hrs, the u(;Iiii'e.1 h If if com in the lirouiid f.mie ol hs, oiip hull of 4 linen nf oa'a in the ground more oi less. All of which I have loan id In raid Davi--, during mv pleisuip, i f which ihe oldie will tnke i nlic- . V.1. 11. WAPLES. June 28ih. 1815.- :)t. TERMS REDUCED. rpvT.iVQ";y ?-r ) AGUE KM I A' GALLERY of Patent Vremi. urn Colored likenem. and Photographic Depot ; No. ISfiChcsniit Street, Philadelphia. No. 251 llrnadwav, New York ; IVo. 75 Court Stnel, En-ton ; No. 130 Chcsiiut S'reet. Pliil.v dclpha ; rialtiinore Miril, Ha'tiumre ; I way, Saratoga Spr ni: ; No. fill Canal Siirel. New-Orleans; Main Street Newport, R. I. And Main Street, Du lloquc, Iowa. CMjNSTlTlITlNO the oldest and mot Exb-n. ' Rive Est.ihli hinenl of tlie kind in (hp W ml I, mid containing more than a THOUSAND POIl TRAITS. Pint fnrinrj those of some of the iiiokI distinguished iiiitt viil u :i Is, in the I'uitt-d Stales. Admittance free. This K-tah!ihment hivinr? Irn awanhd ihp AMtil, Emir Eirxt Premium, nd two "It shrtt Hiiiuir' nt thp Exhihitinra t l!o'on, New Voik and t'hiladt'li hin, ri'aperlivply, for liPi-t I'irtuip-i and A a'ulus, ia thus otllei.illy fualnined in the posi tion of fiiperiority heri tnf ro univpradfV assigned it liy the pnh ie, bb "'( in the World." Juno 28th. 1815 Itie "Siisrar foal id Pills." Keuiard of Merit Certificate of our Invention. Nkw York, June IGth, 1844. CE, ihp ui th'inignp.l, npvc r ;iw or heard o' "uipir t-onteil I Ills, unlil lr. li. ueiiji- tiiin Smith in iiiul.iclnit d and rxh hiied lloni to ua hout a yen ninre. Ismix IJiMioirii, M. I).. 8B Liberty t. 1! is it in n it L'n, 110 UroiilwRV and Id Asoii limine. IIotlAt'F. EVKKETT, 1 ) 11 l!R'-t, 1)0 HlJuH nSt. Joiih I'uvnir.K, fl7 Hudson at. ' T.est fomp few m.iy lip diCPiVfd hy ignorant fjuiLks, wp pn' I i-h tin- following!; and none hut Unp'inripli'i) de.ilrrs II r .iiiiieii..iiri' any nnili lion of tins inv du tide m. J c iih. Patkit Orric. Received thi 17ih diy of June, 1841. Irom Ilr. (i. Uenjnmin Sioiih, tin- fee of f 30, pnyalilc i n hin applieoioa for a parent for a I'. II "(Joalnl wiilj bugir." H. L. Ellwiiiitii, f'.oiuiii oner ol l'ateiits. Aa t!iese Pills are pieprpj l.y an f iliiPitid p'iy aician, ihey havr an advantage r o piep ua tiona fo mnrh i:dvp; MmiI, re a iirnieiitly di- linen aned from all oliieta hy their virtues, uaule ftom their preiilmr pli-Haantnea-i. 03 C : A I J I ION. Aa a miserable imitation h-a heen inaile, ly ll.e iiiinie ol '-Sug ir CiMted IMI," it iiecm.ry to h' tiure ihai Du. O lit.NJ Smith's (iiiia'uip ia on i v. ry hnx. 1'iire 25 lenls. Piii c imI Oll'ii e, 1VJ (Jippiiwii h at. N w York. ' S-'olJ hy JOHN W. KIMI.INW. Suohun,. j VM. FOHsYTIlE, y.rlhum'd. Htinhnrv. J ne 31-!, 14 5, ' JVurUiuntlx rlund futility, n.i. Jnihe Orphans' Court of urd County ut April Tr ot A. li. 1815. ON motion of II. It. Maestr, Ei). The conn grunt a rule on the hen nd legal reprised, i tntivra of Joiili llorher, Si nr., late of tile borough of funl ury. dee'd,. hivii jj issin- n'Vin clul.lren, to ! n il I John Uiteher, Ji., (.'a h irn.e, ma ro d to Onen ' T. Iloln-rta, Ma giret, momd to Win Fisher, Ma- t ry Umher, Julia Aim Uucher, Ueliomh, married to John Morrison, and (ieoigx Diuhe , tu ira and ; ilia'ri' utiea of John Umlier, Sinr.. Lite of ihe bo. roiiuh ol Sunliury, i f said r.ninly, ilec'd. To ap pea i in our mit O.phain.' ('ourt to he h. Id for aaul county , t ) t t on the 4lh d;.y of Auuti-l A. L). 18 15, and aere t Ol if! use the pslaie of the mid Iohn Liuil.rr, ciir, dic'd,or ahow raue whv the a.ime should tiol he ao d. (Jellified Irom the rrcords nf our and Orphin' Couit, at l-Miiihiirv, this 22d dnv of M iv A. 1. 1811. EU AliD OYSI EIl. rik. O C. Sunhurv, May 31-1, 1815. 6l Rurtlitimlu-rluiHl 1 utility, nn. ; The 1'onimoiiwi'iihli nf J', nns Ivarna, l i Har.ih McOee, t'aiheiine MctSee, Nancy ilu'y, Nancy Troxel, inleimairied with jucoli Troxel, Uather. j ine Kinslry, ('u-ey Mcdee and Main aes Mc-(ji-p, heirs and legatees of Manus McCJee, dee'd , and all other persona intended. Uar iriao. YOU are hetehy pltid and commanded to ap pear before our Judgei of the Orphans' Court, at Sunhury, the 4th day of August, to show rauae if any you have, why the aJmini-trution account of Barnard Mctioe, eippuior of Manus MrCJee, I lie of Chilisquaque township, dee'd., shoulJ not he re viewed, reverted and coriettcd, agreeably to an or. tier made in our said court. Witnfss the Honoialle Joseph B. Anthony, Esq. President of our said court, the 27th day nf May, A. U. 1615. EDWARD OYnTFK, May 81. 1815. ft Cl'k O. C. Li3T" 1TC ALL PEUSONa iniirhted to 11. il. Master, on book account, or otherwise, are requested to rail and settle without delay tSuubury.May 17, 1815. II. I). MASSE R. Sheriff's Sales. KY virtue of Pertain writ of venditioni expr nns issued nut nf the Court of Common I'leaa of Northumberland County to me directed, will he exposed In puMio sale, at the Court House in the Porough of Stitihury, on Monday the 1 4th day of July next, at 1 o'clock, P. M., tho follow iog described property to wit: A certain trnct of lam situate In Coal township, Northumberland county, survpyed on warrant granted to Michael Kroll, e.mininliig 250 acres moie or less, adjoining lands snrveyed in the n nines. Frederick Cmimr, Matthias Zimmernan, lleroard II uhley and others; about 8 acres of which are cleared. A 1.50 The equal undivided thicc-fourth parts, (the whole into four equal parts to he divided.) of three certain contiguous tiart of land, situate in Coal township nforesjid i ono thrriof survpye.l on warrant granted to John Nicholas Uailey ; one o iher thereof mrveyed on a warrant to Ppter .Snss, man, and the other therpof aorveyrd on a w irrant granted to I'etpr Maurer, adjoining landt surveyed in the names of B irnard Hnhley, John ('owden, Bio jamin F. Young and others, containing in Ihe whole 542 acre moie or less, about 50 acres of which are cleaied ; whereon are prpcled a 1 j s'ory log house, a loj biro, nn orehaid, Ac, now in the occupoxy of Michael Kerslelter. ALSO The equal undivided nnp-f nirth part, (the whole Into four equal parts to he divided,) of a certain tra-t or piece of I md. situate in t. al town ship aforpsaid, coutniuiug 2tH) acres or there diniits, (being part of a I 'rger tract surveved in the ntci p of Daniel Reps, called "Springfield.") a'ont 40 ens of which are cleared ; w hereon arc rrep'pil a two story log house, a log barn, an orchard, fci, ! now in the oreopancy of David Thompson. ! ALSO The equal undivided one-fourtli .nrt nf 1 a certain trict of land, situnp in to.d to uip n- i forrsaid, coutining 21)0 neres or thereabout", (bp. j ing part of a larger trnct surveyed in the nanie of i Danb l I'ees, c illrd "Spriiigfield,") nhoul 40 acres j of which are cleared; whereon sie erected a two j story log house a lo barn, nn orcha'd, eve.. n..w in Ihe occupancy of David Thompson, subject to a nior'B'ipe to John C Ilovd. j ALSO The equ I umliiidpd onpf urh pari,, of n certain trad ol bin I, situate in Coal I p. afore- ' said, called -'Stone Ilei ge," survi ved in the nan e ! ol William Tomlinsini, containing 245 acres, oi j thereabouts; about 6(1 acres of which nrpplcarrd J i wlnieoii ate i re le t a two story log house, a log barn, a spring hou-etnd a luge on-hard, now in I the ucctipanev of John Thompson, Senr. I ALSO The equal undivided one. fourth j rut, I of a cpr'nin Itnct of hind, siltMte in Coil township i aforps aid, called 'Sione Ilenge,' surveyed in the ; name of William Toitdirs n, cont iining 215 nctps I or thrreal out-', about fid acr.s of wbidi are clear- j eJ ; win icon ore erected a two story log houp, a j prlog h ni-e nn.l a largo orchnid, now in the oc ! cupancy of John Thorn, son, sr., subject ru a mort- i gai;p to John C. Boyd. j ALSO A ci rain Irnet of land, situate in Coal In u-hip af oiPsaid, adj iuing find- now, or l.ile J of Diddle, Company A: others, cont iinii g Ki6a-1 ens moie or Ie--', a'out 12 anes of which are j cleired; whi r on are precltil a two story log h u-p I and a log sluhle, subject to perlaill mortgages. ALStJ A certain tract or piece ol I mil, situate I in Coal town-hip aforesaid, adjoining lands of '.he Asylum Co., Diddle ci Co., Sirnh Rces &, others, containing 1012 acres, 43 perches and al'ow.mce, morn or less, (I ping pails of ihrep contiguous tracts ofhind, surveyed in the names of Widiam Piich nrj, tleo cp t "ol.1r.iin ct Andrew Shuher.) about one acre of which is cleared ; whereon aie eree'ed a log hou-'c arid nn excellent saw-mill, on the main branch of Shainokiii creik, which p.lses through said land. ALSO Two certain tr iris of land, sifna'e in Coal lounhij) ofoiesaid, adjoining lards nf Tom linson, Yariiall, Mervine, Melchotr Smith eV others Conl.iitiitig together 127 acres, 66 perch' sand al lowance, more or less, being the sime tr ipts of land which sm surveyed in pnrsu nice of two w irr.nls, cr.inled to Pet r Zeigi nfoos, dated llje 10th and 2lst davs of December, 1820, re-pective- ALSO A certain tract of land, situate in Coal township aforesaid, in joining lands of .Meli hoir Smith vV others, pouiuining twenty one scris, Lit perches mid a'low nice, more or less. ALSO The equal undivided four-l welf'h p.i'l. (ihe whole into 12 eqinl parts to be div ided.) of 31 Contiguous tracts of situate in Linle M.iho noy &. Coal to.vnshipsuforp. aid ; one thereof sui veypd on warrntil, gr.itiipj to Willinn Cook, coiit.nniiig 417 acres, 140 perc! i-s more or Ie-, ad joining biiidi sutveyt'd in the i, nines i f Jereini ih j Jackson, William tlray iV others J one oilier there- ; of, surveyed on a ws'rinl granted to i.liam Wilson, containing 3!):l acres 101 petches more or less, adjoining lands surveyed ill the il imes of Jacob Shaitell. John Cook rVoibers; ono otker ; thereof, suiveyed on a warrant granted to Thomas . in, C Mail, log 412 acre-, 45 perches and nl- i I iwance, niorf or le-s. a'j lining hinds surveyed in ! the mimes of H .muel Scott. Jeremiah Jackson and others; one ether thereof, surveved in pursti mc - i f a wariant In Thorn as (liant, contain ng 418. i cres, 80 perches and allowntce, adjoinii g binds j sniveled in ihe u.mes of Thomas K -e-e Thomis II iiiiilton e others ; one other then of. surveyed : on a warmnl to Thotnis lirese, containing 4M:i a cres, 42 i rehea and allowance, more or le, ad j uniii4 lands sui veveil in the names of Th mias Hamilon.T (irant (V o'hi'is 1 one o'her ll ereof, surveyed on a wi runt to J. r. in sh J.icksou, ron li ning 315 acres, 50 perchii and ullowaoce, mo e or less, a j ni'iig I mils last aforesaid, town I T;nuua lb pso, Tlinnias (liatit and others; one other theieof, stirveye.l on a warrant to Al xi' d ir : Hunter, enniaiuin i 420 a.res, 25 perr'irs, moe or ' h s. adioiniiig I mils in the name of T. Oram, Chr ttopher DonkleN ropr and ot'iers ; one ot' ur thereof, sutv-ved on a wairanl to John t'nw. den, e 'ntaiuing 403 acres, 137 icrches more or lers, adj lining lands survee.l in the names of V. ill am C. Dunklehciger and others; one other tin r of, j survi ved on a warrinl hi Wiliiatn (iiay, cont ,in- ing 3'J'J aires. 2 1 perchi s n re oris., adj lining lands surveved in ihe names of Ji renruh Jackson, Jc'in Cowden and oiheis ; one other theieof, si;r. veved on a warranl to Thomas (iran1, louluming 410 acres, 37 perches mo e or h ss, adjuiniug lands suiviy d in itie names of . . ; one oilier tin reof, survi ved on a Warrant to Surnu el Scoti, contrtiiiing 3'i acrei 5 perc'n s and all snce, ailjoiuing land survi ved in Ihe names of W'ltbam Hamilton, Thoni is Reese - others; one other thereof, sutveyi d on a wa r iut to Jacob Kriylit, conutiiirg 188 ucn fi'J perches more or less, sd- joining lands suiveyed III thtf names of Esther ('lamer, (iodfrey Wateis and others ; one oilier thereof, surveyed on a warrant to William C. Black, containing 121 acre 68 iierchea and allnwai ce, adjoining laud surveyed in the names of Kiehl, Hunter, Martin and others; one other theieof, Fur. veved in the name of John Doyer, containing 116 acres 144 perches more or less, adjoining lands ui veyed in Ihe names of John U, Price, Michael Kroll and other ; one other thereof, surveved in tha name of Charles Deriug, containing 05 acre i)7 erches more or less, adjoining lind surveyed iu the names of Hunter, Waters, Kiehl and others; one other thereof, surveyed in the nam of Alexan der Jordan, containing 121 terra 150 perches more or leas, adjoining lands surveyed in Ihe names of Grant, Martin, Sfiarlell ck others; one other there, of sui veved ia the name of tJeorge V. Kiehl, con. laming 1 12 acres 137 prrclua moie or less, adjoin, ing lands surveyed in the names of Hunter, UUik St otiicit ; one other theieof, surveyed in the panic V. ? .'. Ill ,0 II ll,H II II . of John O. Martin, containing 100 acres moro or less, adjoining lands surveyed In tho names of Orant Dogar At Kiehl i one other thereof, surveyed in iho name of John (I. Martin, Containing 174 acrca 142 perches more or less, adjoining lands smveyed in tho names of Himmrlreich, Yoxiheimer it othcra t one other thrreof, surveyed In the namo of George Prince, containing 117 acres 80 perches more or less, adjoining lands surveyed in the names of Zei glpr, (Jrant, Cowden & Dai ley t one other thereof, surveyed in the name of John D. Pricp, containing 118 acicj 24 perches more or has, adjoining lands surveyed in iho names of Bog ir, (front and others ; one other ihoreof, surveyed in the name of John D. Price, containing 24 seres 41 pe ches more or less adjoining lands snrveypd in the nnmps of Ynxthei mer, Shissler and others; one other thereof, sur veyed in the name nf Godfrey Waters, containing 120 acres more or !ess, adjoining lands suiveyed in the names of Diight. Hunter and others ; one other thereof, surveyed in the name of Henry YoX'heitner. containing 00 acres 70 perches more or less, Bib joining lands surveyed in the names of Grant, Yox iheimer and others j one othpr thereof, survpypd in the name of Henry Yuxtheimer, containing 173 acres 5(5 pi rein s moro or less, adjoining lands stir, veyed in iho names of Reed, Martin, Cowden and others ; one other theieof. surveyed in the name of Isaac Ziegler, containing 125 acres 51 perches more or Ie, adjoining lands sorvpyed in Ihe namea of J Grant, Price and D.iilrv ; one oil pr thereof, survey. id in the name of Jacob lLllcr, confining ?13 as ' crcs 108 perches more or less, adjoining Boyd, j Kramer, Maurer and Himmelieich ; one oihei ! thereof, surveyed in the namn of Henry Himmel- I reich, containing 458 acres 40 perches more or Ics. ailjoiuing Boy I, Wilson. Maurer an I others ; one , other thereof, surveved in tho name of llenrv shiss h r, containing 150 serea more or Iiss, ndjoiuing Jordan, Reed, Yoxtheimer nnd others ; one other ther"nf, survpypd in thp name of John Boyd, pun. lainiitg 44 1 nctes 12 etches more, or less, udj lin ing lands survpypd in the name of Frederick Cia rner, Peter Maurer and ot'.o-s ; and the oth' r thete. of, patented to J ienh Wullis. cont iininn 123 acres mor'or loss, adjoining Inin's survi yed in the names i of Huiitni In icb, YoxMiiem' r and othprs. j ALSO A ccriniii trnct of land, situate in ('oil j township ufo-esaid, survpyi d in pursuance of a ' wnrranl pranted In J icob W eis, jr. ihited the 3 1 ,! day of Scptembi r, 1828. containing 5 acres more or j less, adj imrig lands surveyed in the namo ol Ed- j ward (J. Mnikley nn.l othir. j AT.St) S much ns is eiluMed in C.inl town- ship, Norlhnmberhn l ci tititv, of eleven contiguous : tracts of hind ; one tin reof. stirv.-vul in the unoip .' of William Boyd, containing 1 10 aces 9 1 fic chi s more or less; one other thereof surveyed iu the nao-c of John II Stout, cont lining 430 acres more or les; one o'her thereof surveyed in the name nf John ('. Boyd, emit lining 372 acres 110 pirclrs in ire or less; one o'her thereof surveyed in the i mnw of John C Boyd, cont aioint H!I0 acres more j or Ic-s ; one othrt thereof, surveyed in the n me of i Samuel Morgan, containing 4 15 acres 1 15 pen he- ! mon or lese ; ono other thereof survevul in the I name of John C Boyd, containing 413 acres fi I perches more or less ; one other thereof surveyed in the name of Hester Scott, containing 121 ;irrcs 70 perches more or li s 1 one other thereof survey d in the name of Harm ah M Boyd, cont i ning 427 neres 110 pi rchi-a more or less; one other thereof sin vey id iu the name of William Boyd, Containing 458 ictes 157 perches more or leas ; one oihei thereof surveyed in the nnmi' of Eliri S, Bovtl. con t iinirig 443 acrea I perch more or less, nnd the o ther thereof surveyed in the name of William Boyd, containing 357 acres 128 perches more or lcs. ALSO So much n isstuated in Conl township Northumberland counlv, f tbe equal undtvi ed one fourth part nf 1 55 pins of 226 parts of thiito' ti ' contiguous tracts ol land, surveyed on wair-ui's for ! 400 acres each, dated the lOth d.iy of May, IVMt.t, i gran'cd to William Elliot, (ieorge Aahtotl, Caleb Lownes John Y. ting, John Wt.ilcmnn. Joseph Jordan, Richard Ttlni, Iohn Warner.;el Rep., William Poller, William Mill, r, Peter Deh iveu ! and William Powel; .which said tracts of hind are by the nliM'iul return- of survey compute I to cor.- ', Win 5340 acres 120 perches sod alt ovimce. j Seized, lal.en iu execution, nnd to bo sold as the : property of Burd Palteron. j ALSO The one undivided 5th part ofa cP-tim tract of land situate in Augusta loutish p, Noi thunihprlatvl county, containing 2b0 acrp', more or les--, adjouiii'g lands of Augustus Hoey, Kocln r and otheis, about 100 acres of which is cleared ; whereon arc eree'ed a trnme house, an old log barn, an orchard. iVc. Scizid, inki n in execution, nnd to be sold as the propeny of Jonrithun Fuim.iti. ALSO .Ml the di femlaiu's interest (supposed to be the undivided tn iety) of and in n certain tract of land Htuate iu Co d tow nship, Northum berland county, surveyed on a warrant t i Thomas Hamilton, containing four bun 'red and Iwi Ivo acies uio.e or le.-s, nbout twelve acres of which are c'eired; whereon are erected a small log hetie nnd a log stah'e. Sa d tract of land is 1 ounded by lands sot veved in the nano s of John, Smii uel t'lnrk, John Brady, John ('arson and oil ers. Seized, tnkin in exfeu ion, and to he sold as the propeity ol Mjiks E. Eckert. AI.sO A certiinttact of md situate in An-Cll-tl toivi ship, .Vorthuin'oerland eounlv, udj lilt ing iiimls of now Lew i- Dewurt, Chrisli in S,issli i" beiis, I iiuU of Mrs. ShulV-r, J ihn (Mark, jr., and otheis, confining two biiu.lred and filly uens more or li'fS, a'ooui one hundred and niinty live acres ,.f which are cb ari d ; when on aie c.eeted a loo story log house, a stone tenant house (rough can1) and a large bank boll. Seiz-d.l iketi in execution, and to be solJ as the prop rty of Adam Sliis-ler. AL'O A reit.iin Iraet or pice of land siJunte in Shamokm lnwnhip, N nihninli i! in I c. unty, coelaii ing I riv eijiht acres uud nine pereln s, ad joining l-itids nf John Evi rl. George Arnold, Jacob Klnze, John Horn utiJ ollu'u, u'ooul 38 sens of which is clear d. Seis.'d, lakeii iu execution, and to be ,dd ai the projteriy nf Willi .m Maitz. ALSO The undivided 5th part ofa c r'a'm I t of ground, silt) lie in the borough of Sin. htm , N r. huinhi rl iinl roun'y, I cing ihe W estern h i.t j ,rt of lot No, 120, us m 'iki d in Ihe gem ral p'i ,.f said town, bounded on the iu lit by Deal.iirv sheet, on the inti li by an iil ey, on the ne-t by lot No. I to, mi l on tho east by the oi'ncr part of lot No. 13'J ; on which are tr.-ct d a two story b irk dweding house, to which U attached a sione f.iieh. en, wiih a shed loot. There me also some I'm it tree, nod a Ing stable on sstd premises. Seized, liikeu in execn ion, hi d to be sol 1 a.s the property ol Samuel Dmckemillcr. FELIX M ACKER, Sheriff. pheiifl" Ollice, Sunbury, May 31st, 1845. $ Notice "JVOTICE ishcriby given to the heirs and legal J-' representatives uf Henry Antes, did a-ed, lh:l by virtue of a writ of Puitnioii issued out of the Orphan dmrl of NorlhuiuierUnd couniy, tn ifie directed, un inquest will be held al ths- late n-sidence j ol did deceased, in Ihe hcrough nf Northuinher I laud, Northumlierlaud county, on Friday the 18th j day of July next, ut 10 o'eliM-k, A. M., for the pur I pose of making partition of or to value and op praise the real estate of said deceased, at which time liid place you may at end il'vou think i foper. FELIX MAl'KER, Slurrf. f ISmihury, May 81, lfc45. $ Ci LIST OF JURORS OF Northumberland County, for August Term, A. I). 1845. (ai'nud Jurors. Tiriu. Abraham Kissinger, Delati'ttre. Win. McWilliams, Christian Gosh, t-nr., John N. Oyster, Georgo Musleller. Lewis Andrew Kersliner, jr. Wilton. Leonard Beidelm tn, Jonathan Adam. Chillifrpinyw.hthn McWilliams. James F. Murray, Oporge W. Fries. Benjamin Tmxcl. Point. 1) inipl Pur-p. tftirlhumtierlttnif.deHTtK' A o!ey, .Vififtury Samuel Gobin, Benjamin Robins, Gcmga Young. Augusta. Nathaniel Lytic, James Campbell. Shomokin. John fass. Upper Mamnif,. Gideon Sbndlp. htwrr Mihnnnt.( l,riti in Albert, Peter Reil.. Jackson. George Deppin. Traverse .furors. Tttrbuf. George Kn'z. lhlnwnre Joseph Hytieurson, J unes Evert, ' Georgo C. McKee. j Lewi. M ij ir Sweeney. j Milton. Georce Kohler, John Prick, Ji ff rson Landers, Lewis 11. Evune, James Miller, John . U,r.. ChiVinquaijue. Hugh McGI 'Oghlln, Li vi ! Kitipu, AI'pii SboPinaker, Fleming Nes'oii. j Point. Wm Ijemnti. IsWthitottitrnnd William Wenik. , Sunlmrij. M.nk Scti.b nn. ' August a (Thatles Eekman, S.muel Shi .fi Coope., Jieob Hoover. Gmrge Reefer, P, ,r Reitz, John Kremer, of Deiks, Simon Snvder, J is. Ross. . S!iamokin.-.U n Kisemnn. Jo!n Dunkh beraer. Ktfh. William Clark, William Vas ine, Wil. liam Meiler, j' , Fred, r ek Weaver, John C.iliij.bill. Cord Ji reminh Zimmerman. Upper Mnlitmny. Michael Rei'z Isnrer Mtdionot Solomon B ichmm. George Emticb, snr , Michael Emrich John Telmpp. I. ttlc Mnhnony. John Pif. r, William U ikrr. Jiitkton. Peier Kloi'k, (ieorge Ilei nsr, .loruia Bnliiier, Solomon Dres.-h i, Michi. I Wolf, John Wentzcl. Pel 5! tiTuror. Turhul. John M. Hoi.sel, Em cll Eshhiuch, John l.e dy. Ilr.'mritri'. J bn Nieelv, Mel ry Header, j'., Henry DielTeiiderfer, William Hood, .rovs. Willi nn Pitckmnti. M'llnn. William Sirme. ChiHistjuiiipie. losej h K ine. Point John Paul. Northumberland. Conrad Winck. jr. Sunburn B"n.imin Hendriiks. tialeoii M. nks. (ieoige .iioinerm .in. Thorn is Ivnhins. Augusta. Danii I Z.iitmm, Ihinii I Zimmer- mm. Sfmmokin. Jo-eph Kiimrin, Solomon Hum mel. Cusner Aduns, Augustn. Jluev. John 1 ' u n - ! l;eoen;-r, son of I L iny , Pinl.p Keller, Robeil ! t'nmphell, j'. I Coid. W illi on Geailnirt, Stephen Bitlenlieu i der. S ,,imoii Wary. I Uppir Mahouoy, -(Seorge Shadle, G'eorp j Heiiu, John S on k. Ijorir .Vo.'moro.. Peter Kocher, George Em- lich. jr., Peier Bitl r. J.iclt.ton. Jacob BrosilM, f-aac l!ei". q - h cV n z a. ar 7& a. v i a n a s . ri"IIE Sl BSCRIBER has h.enr pointed njenl. I for (be sale .f COM! D MEYER'S CEL. EHItXTEl) PR EMH'M ROSE WOOD PI ANOS, nt this place. These Pianos hnvc a plain, massive and beautiful exteiior fmi h, and, for depth nnd sweetness of lorn', and cleg nice nf w orkman ship, nre not surpa-sed hv any in the Fuiitd States. The billowing is a rccommcud.tiimi from C a it l Dif.ts, a cehbiatod pprfoirncr, ami himself a man u fact liter l A V A tl I. HATlin had thp plea-nip of Irving the exce' b ill I'l ino Fortes inaiifactured by Mr, Meyer, and theli-t exhdii'ioii ofihe Fr iiklm In stitutp, I feel il due lo the true merit of the maker lo declare that ibes in-trumiits ate ipiite i qua1, and in some re.-prcls even superior, n nil the Pi mm Fortes, 1 saw nt the capitals nf Emope, and luting a sojourn of two years at Pari". These Pnitios will bo mi il nt the manufacturer' lowest Phibiib IphiA prices, if not some'liiug I ivver. Persons are ieque-ted to call nud examine for .hi mselvps, nl the re-i lence of the -iih-criher. Sunbury. Mav 'DLV R- MASSE R. 7iii.iiijvnt i Toil's nam:. VALUAI1LK FAlkM V O It S A L E. I BY VHM'l'E of 'be powei vested in tin-, by the will of the la'p Thomis tJitANr. decM., will be sold nl ptthlc silo on Wi due-day, tl e 23d t day ot July next, al the M msion Hons... mi ni the I pn inisesol Ihe M an-i hi Farm if the Irrte T. oitm I Grant, dee'd., in A ngtist i township, Northuinber- lund cotl'lly, Pa., sim ile i n the ea-l si 'e nt 1'ie Ki. ' vi r Su-qiiehiiuna, i quidistai.t, nnd about a nn'e I Irom the Uorouuhs ol Sunbury sml Norihuii-'o. i , ! lind, all thai valiisblo e-t hp. late the Van sim! Farm of sa tl Thoruss (irani, dee'd., ad'.ii'.mjj (he firm of Simuel llont. r on the south, I .nd ol I'ho. ' in .s Robin on the i-sl, o:hi r land ot ihe Into Tim- mas Grnnt on the north, and th.n Su-quehunna Ki" I r on ih west, entraining, t. e ber, two humlie l i nod twenty sit acres sml seveitiy perpties. more or less, of which ah nil two '.uindnd and f.ft.-en acie. ' n-e c'eiudan l about ,,cf bun !- J and !lcn acrci ' nre fust rale llhw 1 otto n laud. ! 'I he iuiproveir.enis consis. ofa tvvn story dou' Ie : firm house, 4tJ feel fiotit by 30 led in di-pili, with Irame beck biuldii g ..11 1 fiume ki'ilon, nnd stone , link bouse hid ovi n attic he I, in. I u pump mnl We'l of i xceib III water in the kiU'hin, u Sione': ' nioko house, a li ge bank turn, Ut l.oy done. 1 2d d . frame, HO i t long by 36 fit in d til, a 2 i sto V wagon hutise, wi h iana'y ib ve and corn ' ciih nt nched, a f nine curii ign .no! gratiaiv. ! and a large I J b ru ami stulde, will a ni w und improved ct.lcr press, with hu -e'.td rool nvtr the sine. An I ALSO i two s'ory biiek dwi I'ir g house, eon j tiiuiiij it I'oiil In t and in ihpih 17 bet. Id met rs, and biii k two stoiy kitchen, 20 f 1 1 in Ir. n: '. by I t feci, 6 itiihts in pth. Thue nre upon ' ihe prcnii two apple ouoards in excellent o'der. ! '. ofthe mol valuable fruit, one con gmin about ; ; cil I and ihe other t'oul nine sens. i ' This Farm is one of tbe most valuable and pro. : j duc'ive in the State, in in (be highest slate nf oil- j 1 limion, sod loraifd iu the head uf district,' ' which, for suhihnty of ilim .to und pictuierqie j I sc. in ry, is iuisiirpa-si d. It is silUHte on the pool J I of the Shamokin dain al tlie rs-lein tcrminati n of i i the Nonhumla rl iinl lliidge, It irnxiuiity lo the i thriving h.irotigh of Suiibuiy nnd Noithimiheil tnd, ! and the probaloliiy that tho hi Is contain Valuable bodies ol Iron Ore, and its adiu rattle locuimi in the I heart ofthe Iron und Coal renins nf I'euusy Ivan.i, to whiih itieie is a heavy and increasing eiuir.i ' lion, give tins property an additional value, and ( render ii well woithy nf the attention of cap.ul- tsts anu luriue s. k'j- Tcrinsaude n on tho day of sale. KENDKIiTON SMITH. Adin'r., Ac, ol Thoinsa Grsul.dic'd. buuluty, May 10, 1815, 8t. To tlio li'ucttirs of iS'ortljunibcrlanJ Couniy. A T the solicitation of a number of my friends in dtll'eroiit parts ofthe county. 1 have consented to he a candid oe for the ofliee of rnOTHOIMOTAIlY. Sliou'd I be so foitun ate ns to ho elected, t pledge myself to discharge the duties of the office with promptness nnd fidelity. I AMES UEAKD. MeEwpnsvillo, June 21st, 1815. To the J'.luctors of iN'ortliumbcrlatnJ County. TfEINfj soi:rtted by ni my of my friends, I jgjS have consented tn uller myself as a candidaie t-r the ollice of T r c unrcr of Nnrthtimberl ml county. Should yon see pro per In elect me. I pi. dge mysi If to perform the duties of said ollice with fidelity. W ILLIAM G CLICK. Sunbury. May 3 1 si, 18.15. To 1 1 to I'lloclorj of IVortliuiiibcilaiiiJ ( 'oiinty. T iho Solic l ilion nf a number of person', in diir lent paits of the county, I have Consented to be a candidate for Ihp ollii p of ti: u.i sr it : n of Northiim'.ieiland r -un y. I nerd hardly assure my fell tw-ritiz-m, that if I am elected, I will pit. deavor to diseli irgo the duties of the office faiiliful ly and impartially. .IESsR m. SIMPSON. Sunbury, May 17th, ISI5 To tlio '".Ici:tors of Aorllinmbci land County. rPlll' si.l's -rtber, from tlip encouragenipnt recei. veil Irom t.t uumi-rous friends, hereby oiler hints, Il m a ciudidate for the ollice uf 'i'REASUREIl of No thuml rlnrid conti'y, for which hn solicits 'he soil asos of his If I ivv-citizens. Should he I e'ecieil, he vv iil lllllil the iluti 'S nf the ollice with lid.lov. FRANCIS BLC1IER. Siiiilnny, M-iy I?lh. Is 15. To tlu; doctors of .Northiiinbcrlaml Counlv. pi'.l.l l)r CI l IZnNS: I would respectfully oiler nivs. If to your consideration, a a caiidi d.ilii lor the nllice nf i'ho Tiio.'o . : i. S'leu'd I be elected, it will be my plcasuie. ns we'l ns duty, to at li-1 ii I to the bus in ss of the ollice with fi letity und punctuality. WM. J. MARTIN. S.inborv, May 17; h Ht5. To tliu Electors of Aorlhuinberlmid ( 'nlllltV. lEI.I.OW CITIZENS. I have tern induced ' to iifl'i r ruv se.f as a c uidid.te foi ihe ollice of i'l ;t Doiiotary, At the ein-i ioa eledion Should I fortunately he rot ted, I here v promise, faidil'uby and hnparti il ly to discharge thei'u'ies of sa d ollice. JoII.V FAKNSWORTIL Sunbury, Mnv 10, 1 S 15. To tin; Eleciors of Northumberland Count v. jTELLOW CITIZENS. 1 hereby clTer my L self .is a candid ite, fir ihe oliicc of REGISTER AtJD HECOXHJEH. I can only proini-e. should I lie forliinale enough lo be re-eleeed, to ili-eh irg.) ihe duties of said ollice with tidi hiy Mid impar'i ii'v. EDWARD OYSlElt. Surihurv. May 10, H45. To ihe Electors of Northumberland ( 'otlllt v. ILLLiiW CITIZENS. At the solicitai.n of 1 a iitunhiriit my Ii tends, I have consented to be a candidate for the ollice of HEGISTETt AND liECOKDEn. I proiuiai' ihe eit r. ns ofthe county, that if I nm elected. I will endeavor to discharge the. duties of the t llice f.iiihfullv und imp irn elv. WILLIAM M. GRAY. Sunbury, April 10th. IS-15. To ihe Electors of Northumberland ( "otllltV. jVELLiUV CITIZENS: As I have been e t ly eneotiisged by my friends, I solicit, your suj pint lor the ollice of S II K It I !' 1 Shoid l you confir this ollice ipon nie, I shall er deavoi !o dis'chaige the dtit es lln ieof witli lidc- h'y. THOMAS ,. BILI.INGION. Sunbin v, Apiil HUb. ', -45. To the Eloi'lors c( Northumberland ( 'utility. Ill I.NIJ s 'ti d I V mv nttineroiis fiionds iu Ihe ibl'. r. rt s en 'ns ot ihe p. untv, I h ive consen led lo oil. r nivse'.fin yom consideration as a can ' loi thu olliee of COMIrTISSIOXJEIt. I Sh .,u!d 1 be elecie I I pledge myself to fulfil ihe I duli.snf the ollice wiih ft. h Inv and rmput ahtv. PETER YANDLING. Aumisti, May 8 1st, 1S15. To the Electors of Northumberland County. ILLI.OW (.'I I IZ EN'S Having been rnceu U tnui d by mv friends, to olVi r myself a a candi date for the nllice i f COUNTY COITStlESIONER. I ru-pi ciiudv sobcit your support. Should you see proper to center the olli.-p upon me, I will en iliiiv.o todi-ihuge the du irs iheteof with fidt hty and impjrlia ity. SEI!SMAN HAI PT. Sunbury. Apiil hlili, tvl5. To the Electors of Northumberland ( 'oiinty : I7EI LOW t I I'lZEN's : I beg leave to i.tlei 1 I invsi if as a e.nJulatv, at ll.e ensuing election, fir ihe oif.ce of j 4 osuitj C'oittnilMNlonrr. j Si.i.utd I U' n f otuin'e as to be elected, I pli die inv-eif ( 1 i!;.i hu.e,,i the ni.t.ts ol ll.e ollice w.tU 1 101.1t 'ne.. in. 1 li.!il tv. CHARLES WEAVER. ; Sunbury, Apiil ii h, ! iu:i.r rui: I 15 c jj; i n n c r s . fill IE subscriber would respectfully infoim the I. Cutens of Sunbury and the public eerxT.illy, that ll.ev h ive puichuvcd ihe shop of Mr, Willi. .ni llo, v, r, in Maikel stin t, one door wed ot itic P, d Ollice, vvtn ie they will continue tho ill all its Lr.iOfhes. The public niav iipecl llieir work d l.e iu the luted si vie. They ho, e, by suit I htieiitio.-i lo bu-llii . to lueiit a hare of public patiooage, ll j' Coifm made to Older 011 the shotted uo'ics, and country produce taken 111 exchange tor ( H A S. i. ,V HEN It Y C. MARTIN , bui.buiy, Msy IVtb, 115. If. HAAS'S HOTEL, " 3U1TB1TP, 7. Nor I liu in be r tun d County I'UNNSYIsVANlA. HENRV HAAS ij F.SPECTFL'LLY informs his friends nnd tlv fit public in general, that he has taken the ll'ik stand, in the Uorough of Sunbury, lately ncctmie hv John Hauas a public house, (west of the Hta House, and nearly opposite tho Court Hou-e,j where h is prepared lo accommodate his fiirtul , nud all others who may favor him with their Cus tom, in the best possible manner. His EAR shall sparkle with the choicest of I.i ai otis. und his TAULE shnll ha well sunptie f with tho veiy lipsl Ihe markets nlTord. In short, n , pains nor expi'lleo will be spired to render I t-t house in every way worthy of public pntronig-. A lil erat sh ire of rii-tom is there forp a ihcitcd. Sunbury, April 12th, H I5. r!m vx:-::itgtcit hctei , V l fide of Main St., in ihr Hum' of ?2n: taj :ror an LYCOMING CorNTY, PA. FMIIE snlscribrr would trspectfully inforni I -1 L old f iends and the travelling pril l c, that ' has recently taken nnu fulled up, in a supon ,r liunnpr. this spacious brick edifice, siiin of CSNCCAI. VArillNCTOW, where be is prepared lo nccomrtodn'e trave'l rs hi ! visitors in the very t est and pleasirg sfvl-. II house is situated in the most pleasant nod cent' I part nf die borough, convcnii'iit to business, 111 il is large and the rooms liry. Thmkftilfor the li'ieral support while kee ing tbe old Money Unlet ami thu American Hotel, in ibis borough, for the past three ypers, he respect fully solicit a continu inep nf the same. THEODORE WELLS, Money, April 12lh, 1"?45. if N. R. The Hnrrisbutg, Northumberland, Pom vide, Danville, Willi un- oil. Lock Haven nn I Pcllcloiite Stages uirtve at and depart from this Home daily. ''. WELLH. A. 11. M A liS H A EE, WIIOLESALt! & RETAIL tn I'tishionibfr, Superior and M' divirt 1'nnrtj and Staple Dry (iouds. No. Is Chfsntit st.. between b'oveutli and Eighth streets, I Ii 1 1 a tie I Ii i a, IS now in leeular receipt of New Stylp S Iks, Mou-ebt. i!c laities, Lawna, Organdies, Jacone s, (iniihauis, U'iri-gcs. Mti'ijues, Enliatis, I'al. irine-, Ciimbric--, Chintes, IJombaztties, Alpacas nm o ther seasonable Dress (ioods ; nlso, Sh-mh. Scai;, Vi its Embroideries, Hosiery, Lnces, Gloves, Lin en, C.inibric Haiikf-1. and Iri-h Linetis; Calicoes ,.t 12 J its. a yard, Mus'iius, nnd ober cheap Good-'. Strangers w ill find it p oiictiiarly to their iritie-l to cull, as the goods nre nil warranted, ami I'jC luuest cash price invaiiably named first. Philad.lphia, April 2fijhl.V 2m. c m o v a 1 . DU. JOHN V. IM'.AE. RESPECTFULLY inform the ci- tXi7"' Stinbu y Mid : t.,n. v, ui KfiJ Ie b,i removed to t .e link ll.i in. 1 Ma ket sired, :. n.iei Iv o,--u, i.i i; II- ij 11 ri I ;,!,! o k-. e ,.; :' 1 .r r'v o. Ci .d by Ml.ii 1 iV !.,;'.. .1 1 ,..vv . . i'.l T ' iiient, w !n f e be wrli I e 1: .1 j-y tj ! vne tlit. Ine- nt hi. j r. ler--ioit. Suuluiy. M.neli 20;h Itl5. J..JjjJi w-lTlsrsJ, J DYISTUFTS. TAINTS, . TjllE si.i,,cnl'ci kei ps constantly for 10" n 'or I. I'.io-i reasonable terms, an assortment tl Me 1. vines, Dnii!, Dyeslulls, I'uiu's, ( UI.s, Yi,rnisbe-. Ve lleing largely rintagcd in oriiidinj such nr n b i I as (iii cer Mustard mid Peni er. be has thi m tor sale ofa superior quality, Is low ihe market puce. He would mention that he has a Palei l M clnm' woike.l by steam power, wlrch enables him to s II Pi TTt of the v rry best quality for HJ cents a !b. in liladdirs, Hiid 3 cents in Hulk. Ile Coltt'kli lilly asaeits liut Lis pricisate am !i as lo give sa i-lactioii to those who lit iv Invor bun with a call. J. W. W. CORDON. No. I."i2 W'p-t Pratt St., ltnlton. re, opposite liai- liui. re and Ohio R id Road Di pot, N. U. No ch nge tiudii for diliveiing GooJs in any part i f the city. March S1I1, lfd.Y Ifit Ifi'o'o t & ""S "Ii oc MAKING. rjlME stibsciiher. late of ihe tirm nf D. ck - li e 1. no-, x 011 '.I re-peeiiully inform his old cust. n n ir mid the public generally, that he now i ccupif tl.e ne building wed of Henry llnupt's T.i b hop, und opposite (Seore lirighi'a Ding St. .re, i.i M irket drei I, Sunbury, wl.fie he iule .d to cwi.y OI1 hi loillier husilie- of HOOT v?c SHOE M.Il(i. ill nil i s vaii. Us I ranches. He wid If ptrptre l do a I kind i f work iu his line nt the dieitcs? ! -lice, 1 nd in Ihe most durable in-mrer. He is I'm V ful for fornn r patinungi', nnd by strict ulleinMo..- bu-inefs and ren-oniiblo chargefl, will endeavor 1 i!e.-eiv a CJUtiuuaiice of it. JOSEPH I1ECK. Sonhury. Feb. 22', lt-i5, t!m 'I 11 E sub.-cribrr have received, su I nn- n -f oj eniog a spin. did assortment ot' ike fo.bjw.oi g Kids Saxony, Wi'ion anJ Velvet Carpeting "f llrusse's and Imperial 3 ply d I CAR Extra stqeifine ai d fine Ingrains drj PE I' Engii.ih shidul V lVima!t Venetian do f IN(i Air.eiic.'lll twilled and tig'd do J Engh-h Dnikti'.eit and Wonhn Floor Cb th Siir and Pas.agc Hocking l'mhos-el Piano urol Table Coven London Chenille and Tnf'e I Rug Door Matt of rveiv dei ripnon. ALso A tatge and xn n-ive i sso-ihk t of Floor t ,'l Cla'hs, Irom one tn eight yard, w ide, cut to f t 1 ' ry ileseii) tioo of rooiiw or pis-ai. Abo, low iieed !i gisiii ('aipcliiig ftom dl ,'' 62 cent per vimr, lnKetln r with a Uige 011.! c .1. .i sive s oriintot of goods uuall ki 1 1 byc.i -v inerchanU. The above goo.1 wdl be sok wkolen: or rv-v"'! St the lowed ii'.mkct prices, Coun;r iu vlmo ' sudo'beis sie psruciilii ly invited !j .-all u:i I .v - j mine our slock N f.iie inukiug the a ai'lrctioor - CLAKKSilN. RICH Ml LLIlrVN, Successors to Joseph Itlackwond, No. Ill Cas:-u' e iruer ol Fr-nAiin I'l.n . Philad. l, !!!!!. Vj 22 '. IS15. 11 I I!, of a suprrtor qoalily, cm iov cr .i J ; llu Luna Kiln ol lloury .--i. luiy. My 17, l4-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers