ef$P& THK WOUMt AT At'FTIOM. The world for sale hang out tho sign, Cull every traveller here to w ; Who'll buy this brave estate nf mine, Ami set my weary spirit free, Tis going! yes, I nieiinto fling The bauble from my foul away ; I'll fell it, whatso'er it bring ; The worlJ at auction here to-day ! It is a glorious thing to see, Ah ! it has cheated me so sore ! It is not what it teems to be ! For sale ! It shall be mine no more. Come turn it o'er and view it well ; I would not have you purchase dear 'Tis going ! going ! I must soil ! M ho bids ? who'll buy the splendid tear ? Hero's wealth, in glittering heaps of gold ; Who bids ? but let me tell you fair, A baser lot was never sold Who'll buy the heavy heaps of care? And here, spread out in broad domain, A goodly landscape all may trace ; Hall, cottage, tree, field, hill, and plain Who'll buy himself a burying place ' Here's love, the dreamy potent spell That beauty flings around the heart ; I know its power, alas ! tcsa well ; 'Tis going! Love and I rntit part ! Must part what can I more with love ? All over th enchanter's reign ; Who'll buy the plumeless, dying love, A breath of bliss a storm ol pain? And friendship rarest gem of earth Who'er hath found the jewel his ? Frail, f ckle, false, and little worth Who bids for friendship as it is? 'Tis going! going! Hear the call ; Once, twice and thrice ! 'tis very low ! 'Twas once my hope, my stay, my all Kut iiow the broken staff must go ! Fame ! hold the brilliant meteor high How dazzling every gilded name ! Ye millions now's the time to buy ; How much for fame ; how much for famt ! Hear how it thunders ! would you stand On high Olympus, fur renowned ? Now purchase, ami a world command ! And be with a world's curses crow ned ! weet star of hope ! with ray to shine In every sad foreboding breast. Pave this desponding one of mine Who bids for man's last friend and bi st ? Ah' were not mine a bankrupt life ! This treasure should my soul sustain, I! nt hope and I arc now at strife, IV or never may unite again. Ambition, fashion, tliow, and pude, I part from all forever now ; Giief, in an overwhelming tide, Has taught my haughty pride to bow. T.y Heath ! stern sheriff all bereft, I weep, yet humbly kiss the rod ; The best of all I still have loft My Faith, my liible, and my Cod. African Aristocracy. One of the greatest stretches of African aris tocracy 'on record,' id that, perhaps, 'to which we listened yesterday. Two negroes met near ly opposite (he St. Charles, who, it appeared, hud been ppendiiij; the Rummer North that in, they travelled with their respective master. 'Why, Sampson, how is you !' said one. 'Well, li well, tank you,' said the other. 'You'd Ucu to the North, has you ?' said Jef ferson. 'lVjiict cuiiiM Iiome,'6aid Sampson. 'Aint de free niters mighty mean V said Jeflersofl. 'Oh course, dey if,' said Simpson, 'but dat comes of dere hubin no master.' Certainly,' fa id Jt llcrson, 'dey's laborin un der de abolition of intelligence. But whar did you stop when you was Norf, Samp.' 'Why, f.iC in Jef,' said Sampson, 'I spent mod ot my time at de Wirinny Springs.' 'Vim did, (lid you !' said Jefferson. Wal, i reckon I did,' said Sampson. Dunn you isn't ciety for die nigg,' raid Jef ferson. '1'i been mong dc reclusives at Sara toga myself. W'e dance de Polka dere. I reck ons Wirginna break-downs enn't shine. Cio on by nigga ! font lock hea, when you meet a color ed gem'man wnt drinks tie Congress water, you pissos him by wid silent tlispect dal'ttall.' And saying this Jcftt-rsnn'e round eye dilated and his thick lip swelled at the idea of being accofcttd (idd conversed v. i I It in the public street by a negro who hud never mixed in mure tatJi (unable society than he considered be iniut have met wdh at il.e Virginia springs, who never had drunk Congress water, and who waa utterly ignorant of ll.a Polka ! .V. O. i'ic. Tin k ii i w't make a GE.vri.rMAN. To eminent inoiiibeis of the Irish bar, Messrs. IXiyleaud Vclvertoii, quarrelled some years a go, so violent!', liiut from words they came to blows. Doyle, lite more powerful man (at the tints-it least,) knocked hiaadversary twice down, cxrluiming with vehemence, 'you scoundrel' 'I'll niuke you ln.lcivc yourself like a geulleman. 'Jo which Vtlvtr'.oii, ruing, answered with e o, iul indignation, 'No sir, never J I defy you, I ik-iy you ! lu can't do it !' A retired son of St. Crispin, who bud amas sed considerable vieallh, used to put the letters V. U. 8. and ('. after his name ; he Iransluted .l.eui thus ; "lira Rate Shoemaker and Cob- "Ji'l. I.L L.J. LIST. rr.s.vsvi.vAxii. The f .Rowing list shows (he current valito of all enusylvaiiia Bunk Notts. The most implicit re Inner in iv It placed upon it. as (I is every week arcfully compared with ai.d corrected bom Likk ni'll's Roporitr. Hunk In Philadelphia. , . Pur. tsr I.oriTIo,. 1hiiiii N O T E H A V P A It. Bank of N'or'h Ameiiea . , pnr Hank of the Northern Liberties , , par Commercial Itiink of Penn'a. . , par Farmers' nnd Mechanics' H ink . par Kensington Hank . . par Philadelphia Hank . par Schuylkill Hank . . . par Smithwark llntik . . . pr Western Hunk . . par Mechanics' Rank . . pnr Mauuf.ictur. rs' A- Mechanics' flank pnr Country Itaiili. rtank of Chester ('oiint Hank of IVhwtre (!ounty Bank of (I'mtantown flank of Montijoiiiery Uo. Poylestown Hunk Kaslon I!nk Kamii-rs" Hank f Itticks co. OTu e of H ink of i'i i.n'a. Offica do do Olliro ilo do Office d. do Westchester Chester ttermnntown JVorrisonti Dovhvtown I'hsIoo par par par par par par par Thee offices In not ltritol Harrisbmg' shmg- ts'er ' I IIR f I I.altcns'er Keailii 1. imoii J issue n NOTK8 AT nis:o i;.n T. ftik of the foiled Stutes think of IVrin Township tri'ar.l Itink . Movaniensiritj It mk Itank of !'euns Ivaiii t Miners' Hank .if I'otlsville Hank of 1 i-t" it Hank.f Mid.lletown Hank of MMribonthetliimi I'hil ad. Iphia 31a32 lur l i par l Polisville I.ewttown .Miil.lleiown .rthuiiibei'aiid par ('olmnbia H ink & Ilridge cn. (Columbia par I 1 1 par I' " pa, 1 pi( 1 I 1 If Ii1 (!arlile Hank Carlisle Cxehange Hank Il.t d . branch of Farmers' H mk of l.an.-H!ei Lancaster County H ink Piiruiers' Hank ol Heading !!arrishur! Hank Ltrieas'er Hani, Lebulton Haul. Merchants' At Manuf. Dank' Hunk of Pittsburg West Hianeh U ,nk Wyoming Hank Northampton Hunk Herks Ootttitv Hank Offitce of Haiik of I J. S. Hi do do Ho do do Kcnsineioii Nav. Ins. A Peon Township Sav. Ins. Hunk of t'liainl ersburg Bank of Gettysburg Uauk of Stt-quchanna t'o. Erie Unr.k Frrner' it Drovers' Hunk Kiai-.klin Hunk llones.lal.- IWnk " MoiKinaliela Hank of 1! V'ork Hank PiKsbutp llnlliditvsburg ' Laucaste( Lmicihl. r R. ailing Harri-btirg Lancaster Lebanon Pittsburg Pittsbutg V'illiatnsport Wilkesbarie A llenlow n ifeadiug Pittsburg f,.i:.d do r.rie New Hriihton lo do Clnmbersburg Gettysburg Monlrosu El iu aynesburg W asliinatoii Hnnesil.ile llro.s nsville Yoik N. H. The notes of those banks on which we unit quotation, and substitute a da-h ( ) are not purchased by tbu Pbiliub Ipbia brokers, with the exception of those which have a letter old ler. nee. II II (I K 1) K BANKS, Philadelphia Smv. Ins. J'hilail.-lj.hia PhilatU'lphiq Loan -'o. .In Schuylkill hav. Ins. do Manual Labor Hans (T. V Hvott, prop.) failed failed filled failed I'owanda Hank I owamta He.ll'iiid 110 sale Heaver closed llarri:.burg closed W usliititou full, d lielbfonlu cbis.'d Fitt-li'itg no i-nle I'lti.-I urn l.iiled Payi-ltc co. faded I in ( in a, t e failed I i uriiiony no sale Huntingdon no sale Low Unity ii no sale Alleghany Hank of Pa. 15 o k ol Heater It mk ol Swalara Hank tif Mi'ahington Centre Hank City H.iuk Furmeri.' A: Me. h'cs' Ii-.nk Fanners' & Mech'cs' Hank Farmers' eV Meeh'ce' Hank Hariuonv ItiBiiltitt) Huntingdon Hank Juniata Hank Lumbermen's Hank Northern Hank of Pa. New Hope lb I. Uriilpe Co, Northuinb'd Union Col. Hk North Western Hank of Pa. Office of Schuylkill Hank Pa. Apr. & Manuf. Hank Silver Lake Hank Union Hank of Penn'a. Wcstmoielaud Hank Warren Duiid.itr New Hope Milton Mcadvillo Port Caibon ( 'arlislu Monti. .se I 'nioiitown Grtenslurg Wilkesl.arre faded no snle el.i-e no sale closed failed i closetl failed closed no sale Wilkesbarre Hridge Co. fXj" All notes purporting to be on any I'liiin-yl-vania Hank not given in (he above li.-t, may be wt lown as frauds. ya ji:i:m:v. Dank of New Uiunsn ick Uelvideie Hank Uurlington Co. Hank 3omnicrcial Hank Cumberland Hank Farmers' U..nk Farmers' and Mechanics' Hk Farmers' and Mechanics' Hk Farmers' odd Mer. bants' l!k Franklin Hank of N. J. Hruns'.vick Ilelvidere Medlord Perth Amhny Hridaptnn Mount ILdly Kill, w ay N. Hiuuswiik MldJIel.OMl Pi, Jer-iy City failed i par par i failed 2 failed lad. d failed failed 'failed i failed i par no sab Hohoken Ukg& (irazing Co II. .h ken lersiy City Hank Jt rsey Cily Patterson IMIeiilie Motristuwri Freehold Netv.nk Trenton Jersey City Mechanics' Hank Manufactur. rs' Hank Morris County Hank Monmouth Hk of N. J. Mechanics' Hank Mechanics' and Manuf. Hk Morris Canal and likg Co Pot N'otea Newark Hkg cV Ins Co New Hope Del Bridge Co N. J. Manufac. and Ukg Co Newark Lainf.eii, title lloluikeii i i failed laded 1 f.iletJ 4 N J Protect. in & Lombard I k Jersey Cily Orange Hank Orange Palerson Hank l'jter ,.n Peoples' Hank do Piinceton Hank Prineeton Salem Hanking Co S .U in Suie Hank Ne.vaik Stale Hank l.livalsihtowu State Hank I'atiideii State li.itik of Morris Moru.-ioin Slate Hunk Ti. i.li.u Salem and Philad Manuf Co Salein Sussex Hank Newton Trenton Hanking Cu Tiei.ton Unit,n Hank Dnter Washington Hanking Co, Huckensack HI(ofWilm4 Urandy wint; Wilmington Hank of Delaware Wilmington Hank of Smyrna Smyrna Do branch Mdiord Farmers' Uk S(ale of Del' Dovn Do branch Wilmington Do branch Geoigetown Do brauctt Newcastle Union Hank Wilmington (TV Undei fi's iar par i i par . i failed fulled J pur i failed par par par par par par pur par par QjOu all banks marked thus () there arecu ther ceunterfril or altered nates of the vjr,ou da neininaiiona, iu cuculalioo. I'1. 1.1 ' . iiun'..ii.ii.u . I. ii J It A . Ii N OT i: mt i 'jb .'( . - X'.'-1 LUJi'-ii. WISTAIt'N mi,siii nv wiLti ciiisrky, A rompniiKil rtnlsnmln PreparnMnii fram AVIItl Clinrj- llnrk mwl Tar, 'I fie lif.il remedy known lo the world for the eure of cough, cold, ait lima, croup, hlreding nf the lungs, whooping cough, bronchitis, mflw entn, ehnrtnem if breath, pnin and weakness in the firea.it or side, liver rnwfdiihit, and the first sajres if CONSUMPTION. We will ml assert that thin U A I.N AM will cure Consumpiinn in ist irvir form, but it has enrol ninny after all other means of relief had been tried in vain. And why not ! It seems that the W1I.I) CHFKItV wns destined by IS'ntute to be our I'A N At'l'.A fur the rmaeina diseases of this c Id U tilude. Let not the th-spa'tring invalid hsle bis nvney and louse TIMR, to him stall important, in xcr!mrnling with the trashy no'trums of the il iv, luit use at cure a mtdirtne thst will cure, if i rure be p s il.le-a m. d.ci r that science approves. ....I ... r . : i. ... t i that U alirtus relieve: 'There if nn surli thins as fail," in the history of this wonderful UAI.XAM. Evidence the niot convinci. p eve.lei c.' that no one can ibnibl, fully etahti he t'lia fart. For the s ike of brevity we se eet Hie fo owing f.orn t!iouinils. Iaac I'la't, Esq., VJditor of the Pokoepnte E iale. one tf the in. si influential journals in t!ie sta'e of New Yoik, st ttis undei the authority of his own nntue, th it a young lady, n rel ttive of his, of erv delicate roiistiiutiiiu, nm attacked in Feb. 1M2. with feere cold, v hieh immediatelv nroduced pit I 1 ''nK ' f blond, ennph, fever, mid other dancerous and ! i al.irmieg symptoms. Thr on;h medicnl iteatmen' ..nil c ue she p uttally rec .ver. J ilunni summer. Hot on ihe return of winter she was tilt irked more ! violently (linn at fust, she became scare.lv nble to j wn'k and j t'enl'l. it w:th couch, chills and fever every day, and appealed to be eoing rapii'ly with ! consutnp i .(i ; at tlii- lime, when thfre w a- n sign j of iinpro, tn..nl, Mr. Piatt procured a l-o'tle f WisrAti's Htt.sM or Wn.n 'kkiit. which she took, and it srco.inply restored her. Mie g it a se- i Mini, nun iiriirr 11 v - 11-111 mkiii -hi- nii n--."'n u 1 d...( i . r :. .... t...tr ..k. - . . l i C I I til tit. I.., Iii pre I ret hf iill.'i, n In. h be Ins enj .veil to Ihe pie- '. .- t.i ii.. '. , u r m-iii i inn-, it uoiu u,i- enuitii 1 1 m tii.mi .1. til lier i.ir- 3 J mer di-i1 M r. P a'l savs "the cure c me under my ew n ob eivulion anil I canii"t be mist iken as to tl.C lads." ' EXTRACT OF A J.E l TEll FUOMA I'OST j MA. S 77.7.', DATED j Pr.i nncKK. Wash in a ion co., Maine, Apr. 211, 1 S 1 1-1. M I'. IS A C 1'1'TTS. Dear Sir : At the re qu.asl nl many of my Iricn.U in this place and vicl t.i'y ibo re aiTlieled widt ( onstt i.ptton and liver ! rnrrip'ain's, I lake th lit er v of askii g you 'o an I ponit some one in tb eouri'y a" asrnt tose'l Wis j r it's H 1 1. tM of Wi ( ti ("iii hut, and to s.-nd hi n a few dozen, as there is none of it for snle will in j 200 miles from (his I have no doubt that it would I toe I with a ready sab- if it were where il eou'd le piocuri'.l without loo much itpense nnd delav. My wile was nil. -eked about sii m nlhs since with what the pbysiptan tailed the ftr-l s'npr of c.nnmpi loii a comi.hiint vi ry prevalent in this s cion ol I'l.nntry. vert Sid III August ! Having seen tho H.ilsam ad- CT- fiOO MII.ES FROM ZICXIE, wT0 I t i. k the pa us lo send (here for a l-oit'e ol it, which she took, and w hich helped her so much thai I sent for t.vo bottles more, whith flic has a'si (a ken, mid he now says she has not fell so well lor rix years a she does al ill's lime. All those tho have ioquiied of lite ar d as eituiie d what cflecl Ihr Ualsani4i nl, are Hf.xii.us to hate ouie I r sa'e in tin- Vicintiv, which is the o.it-e nf mv wrilii g you. I'lci-c ii.lorui me by utu il ol tii .il win th. r you . oiiclude (o send i-u.no, and il so to whom, in order ;li4l it may be known where i( can be bad, I am with re -peel vours, etc. P. G. FAHNSW OIITII, P. M. The wh.de Country is fast learning t Ii.it I u ineili cine no ph sieiai. no p'ep artiiioii of any kind tvb'tievir cauiqna! Um. Wisrilt's Halsix tip Wi i. o I'll mi ii r. i TitriiY voii:iiS'i i. d itr. W Tsav (Mr., Oneida Co.. ., V. Sept. lft, 1 S 13. l'eai S r I owe it in the afflicted to inform y. u ih.it in January -l I was t.ltaik.d by a veiy no lent cold, caused by Winking ill the water, which settled on mv luinjs. It v. as accompanied by a ve ry si eie pain in mv br. ost and stilt s, nnd ids i a I i t'isties-.irg c. ugh. 1 bad in a'teinbinee a'l the 1 1 si I o.ec'ic.l aid in our village; but aft. r exhausting .ill ! ''"''r I 10 " nv ''ir.v pronouni ed my .Ii eae a comihm(.ii t'oxhi'MrTioN, and liny one and al! gure me up In tlie. After much persuasion I pot tho too. nl nf in v physician lo use ihe Uii.sm or Win. Cii.mrt r. pared by I'll. Wisi-b. I pur. chased of the Agent in our place one bottle, before using half of which I I epan to gain strength, and it w;.s very evident my rough was much belter and my M niiitouia in every whv inn. r vine. I have I. i i , , . i. . tliree boitbs, hii.I tun rrstnrnl Iu jitrftct . - I. . i r tiititlh. Ibis re-ull is al.ne owing ( the u-e ..fi UK. WISTAIl'S BALAAM OF WILD CHER- i ? . i .1 .. i r i lt ; and I lake (his method of g'Ving yu lh in f . . . It, ,- l ,. "i ill.,. i -II, .n..j w '.iT ..'il iiiv ii. I't til . iii.iiijti I owe yi-u. and ptidy that others timilaily afllicted may know w here in Hpp.y lor teller. Very (udv yours, JAMES K VGE. Mn. Palm m Drujgisl, under d ite of Wat. rville, j Sept. 2llh, lHl:l, writes; 'i he slat, ineni given you by Mr. James Sage is well known to be tine t.y this whulc comiuuriittt. j l r.rtiinly was a m-l ri niatka' le cure. The sale ' of the HaUam is veiy pood, and its success in cures uuiy llaiterii.s'. Vouis n s clfu'lv. j D. D. PALMER. , THK MOST "llKM AltKAIUiK ' crm: lovKi. iJi:coini:i). I II ii.ii.iNHM n, N. J , April 20, 181). On or tdiout the I3tb day of Oetobei, 1811, I si-' taken wi'h a violent puiti in Ihe side I car (he liver, whu h (oiiiiiioed lor about five days, and wi.s fol- lnAcd ly th.e breaking of an n'c. r, or alsicss, in i wardlv, wlnc'i relieved the pnin a little, bl.t citu-ed ' (lie to throw up a great quantity of olfensite utaiter and als. i much blood. loing greatly alumni, I ibis, I applied lo a physi. ian, bul be ssid be ill .11,:' t I he could .1 i I'Ut li'llo for nie excep' g e me s..ne Mercury I'tlh, wheh I n-ltiM'd to take, Ii cling ' saiisfied (bat they c. uld do me no good ; many o ! ih.-r r.m. dies were then procured by n.y wife i n I i fi ienils, t ul none did lov any pood a. d the .'is ; charge of bloo I and conupti still cont.i.u. d ev. ry ' leel cure. She is now able (o aileud to her Ionise ' f w davs. and at last I ccomo to if.-i sive thai I 1 hold d.ni. s as ususl. ( AHUI L JONS FON. cou'd atarecly breaihe I w..s uls.i seized wilh a vi olent cough, which at times candid me to rsise mill h moie blood than I bad done la-fore and my disease continued in this w ay, still crowing worse, until Fibrunrv, when al! hope of my rec. very was given up, and my tiieeda all thought I would die ul a (jALiorixo Cuasi' tu-Ho. At this moment, when my life wusappuren ly drawing near its close, I beard of DR. V UTAH'S II A L 8 A M OF WILD CHELItY, and got a bottle which be T.IKVB mb ismiiuTrn ; and by the ue of only three b . tiles of this med cine, all my pain were removed my cough and spiting of blood and cor ruption entirely stopped, and in a few weeks my health was so far restored aa to enable me to work si my Hade, (whith is a carpenter,) and up lo this tune 1 have enjoyed good health. THOMAS COZENS, (ii.n rrTra Covmtt, N. J , aa. Pvra. nally came U Lre me, the mbscribrr, one of u uBjjjajj.iii ra the tnstice of the I'eace In and for the sad coun ty, Thomas Coieos, and heiag dt4y a(Tirmed ac cording to law, suiih the above statement is in all thimrs true. Affirmed bi fore me, on the 20ili of ApriJ, 1843. J Clkmknt.J 1. 5 Such is tho unprecedented success of this UAL SAM, "NATURE'S FAT0R1TE PRESCRIPTION," a prescription corigerij d to our wants, as it is pie psicd from cheniinl cxttart from suhtnces which the author of n.iMim has placed in our own hind fir wise purpose, lhat rimntf who kn,.w nothing of tho ntoile nf its (irepnr ition are endenvorirtB to reap pecuniary benefit by selliop. an B'ticle sintil tr in name, or in appear ittce, or by repri'entinri tin ir own tra-h as siiierinr to this U AI.HAM, or by pnt ting upamixttnn nnd a lemnly nsseveriting that it is imp irie.l fr im a foreien country, which i not the case. All these ileceptive arts goto show thxt V'itaii' IIai.m i known to the world to be "THE Mi EAT HEM EI) V." and tht to , "y '" "'." this in name, or pur- I port to be like it in sul'stBiice. fj"j Helieve not the cuniiinplv wroucht fabrica- tl ,ns in I lako on'y the original and genuine Wnnn'i lltt.viM nr Wd.n Chvthit. no OTHnn CAtr be jcike it. Ad.lres-i all nr.lrrs to ISAAC HU l"l"S, No. 32 Ann t., New V.ok. Agents, JOHN W. FIMLI.NG. Sunf.un, 1). Hit All I'lttAM. IWrthumhciland, J. K. MOVKK. Hh,nmhnz, i. WAGGONSELLEIt, Srf.ns-nrnvc, nrtnwN a. ukeasv, Mffmviiie. Feb. 22d, 1815 ly FIl'TY l)OI.T,AUS WWW VIM) ! CANTRELL'fl Celebrated I'antily jedtt itteM 7"ILL not cure every thii p. but still rent tin uuequatleil in tlinr several .! parlments bv verv thing ever offered t i the public, who have volunt.irv came forward sin! offered tninier ins ami hitihly respectable ttstim niials of their tupi ri. r i (lie iev. ('imtrcll's Compound Medicated Syrup if Sm- , . , . f .l I ft'" U'l f tO, .'1 .11 l-V.I-M, I'tJIUT , III., ,111 lll- t III! ' , ' . ,. . .. - !,. w . coilnln, I bronic I'hen.n ittsin, bliromc ivil- , i i . 1. . .-.i wi l o Ii. a ot .lo I .tiit.1. (-.iiti.l.nrw i.r 1! e Sum. ni:if n 1 Disia-es artinc from the abuse of Merru y, Vc ui. surpassed by any thing in the nia ket, cointit. nmu all tbe virtues re.-idenl ill t'le Sar-nii irill . with a modern m-.bcan.erit. oulv Int. ly brought out bv the most resort-table medical outhoritu s. Price, 50 cents per b. tile. CmilriU's .i;tli-D:,sirptic V'.u-dcr, for the re lief and permam nt cine ol that in. t t'islrehs;iig complaint, Ily-pcpsia. ill nil its forms and s'ag.'s. It is tiulv a mosi valu hie reinidy. S.il.l in bottles at 2."i nd fill c.nls each. ('untriU'i .lue Mixture and Tunic Mrdira inrnta, stands at lb.) bead of the IM unr.va I. d by 'ny, or all the innumerable medicin s in u-e ihioiig'iniit the length mid bread 11 of the hn d, fr Ihe cure of Kks ..nd Ar.cn in all its stages, mid fruin all its cousequetii es. I!e-i.lent- in Fever and Ague districts should I never be without it. The suhsc it er will forfeit EIFI'Y DOLLAI58 where bis medicine tails to peiform a dire in ihe I most nbstiii.ne ca-e. S Id Wbo esde ai d Ketail bv CALEH CUES. KO.V at bis Dru4 Warehou-e, No. fi North Third MrtM-t, I'hiliideli'hia ; also, bv the ngularlv ap foil, led agent, SE I II W. KOHEKTS, Wbolesa e l)iuggii, Nil. 51 Water Sire, t. Mobile. I'tepar.-il ot:lv bv Ihe Subscriber, corner of CAR PEN' IT.lt and SECONH Str.ets, belo.v Cl,riti an. Philaib lphia, where it is also retailed. Unserve, none aie genuine w iihn.it the sigi a'ure ,f JOHN A. C'ANTKELL. C'aiitri'H'H tcuo !tllturo, or Tonic 3Icili aiiirnta. For the eure f nil lilioitx ajftclions, if taken ac Cunling tu diriclions. It is a deter tailing remedy which no family ! ought ti Lo without, c.-piiiatly in low m.r!..y I com. tries. A this medicine is j ut lip under Ihe proprie tor's immediate inspection on the mos( scientific principles, hemp Pur. ly Vegetable, nnd having tried its t fficat y on thousands, for upwards of 12 y. ars, and lo bis know ledge when taken strietlv ac cording to ihifclions, there ha not h.en one fa lore. Under such crciinManrrs I recommend it lo the public, adding a ccrtilicati in support of my a-ser-Hon. I, I. hn Hum-, do ceitifv that 1 was in the ship I'oli.icco I I. nt nf Pbil.idel, I it, (,'i.pt. Held, in June, 1X27, bound in I ivero.nd , look (he fever and ague sod hod iu .ivn(-.i I .ome l ine mid. i (he doctor's I amis. w. i( l oin thc.e 1 1 Pa'tiin are, lay in the Iiifirin.iry fur four or five weeks from thence to I'bilad. Iphin ; was six months under Dr. Coats; fi om thence lo New Yrk went to li e Hospital, lemuiued ih. r.- ab.'Ut four wicks without any relief tiled every thing without uny benefit, lui no tiuin, i.Tiiiiiiu in x uiiiitT.) n . . i; u i.iia- . . , , , , , , , . ii i c..c... ii.. ..... . r ...o. ....., mi.. Ulir linin n-riiii, I vt t'l.t ii llin st.'i'-, .'nil .11. 1, , . . . , , . , . , r, '"T 1 w"" mc' ""'T -ile.jf hi mixture nnd us. d it a. Cording to directions. Il made i -er- , . , , . . . ,, , .... i on . uir, ii.i I iinr m. tm.i um irm ujiii .1111 r, I do with confidence recommend it to the public. JOHN BURNS, .MolW att'tl S n; ol Sai Nitpai Ilia. riiilad. Iphia, Aj.ril 10t!i, Is 11. Mr. Joii! A. C th.l( , Dear Sir; Having be. n afflicted for upward- of two years with ulceration nf the throat, de-troyiog ihe whole of die soft p .late, then through Ihe upper part . f my mouth iu'n my nose, from which sett-r at pieces of hoi e came cut, which pariial'y de.tioy e.l mv speech, throuuh a kind Providi n. e nnd your Medicnted Syrup of S.irsapnill i, I am now ielored lo pei . c( he dlh, ami my sight, which was so much mi) air. d, is as strong as w hen a boy. I thought ii a duly I owed to you and those simi larly affect, d, to make it public. Yuuts, R. spec'fullv, S A. Nil' EL KIRK, Corner of Tenth and L'oaies Strct ls. I, f! a'ail Jnf.tton, No. 6 Reckless Street, do cer I fv thai my wife, Jane, was afllicted lor Iwo years with Rhciiin-i i-on. and si la-t n entirely di-al led, s.i lhai she was obliged to be confined to hi .1 , hear ing f C'ant ellV Melieaicd Syiup of Sats ipurilla, or Alili Scorbutic Syrtiji, I pr.suie I four hot lbs, which completely removed all her pain-, and still- i lies from h. r bmhs ; two in. re buttles niude a per- Plnludt Iphia, Jan. 2 2d. IHlt. tXj" De-criptive I'aniphltta may be had of the agents. (Oralis.) J. W. I'KU.INli, Sunbuiy, Nov. 9, 1841. ly .Igenl. ah ii ii v at "r o c a p, WIIOLESAT-B & RETAIL HAT & CAP MA.UFACTUUL'US, South Cat! corner of Market and 4th .. l'lilludcliltla, VITJIERE 'hey always keep on hand an exlen- sive jss.irtment uf HATS li CA I'S of every description, got up in Ihe best and most approved style. Peisons dcrirous uf purchasing superior sni des on the most lenmialde terms, will tind h lo their advantage to call before making purchases elsewhere. Philadelphia, Oct. 8lh, 1841. ly OAKIiEY'S THE valuab'e prnpenies nf Oakley's Depnra live Syrup of Harsnparilln, as a purifier of the blond, is so well known to the public generally, that it is unnecessary to ocrnpy much space in set ling forth the advantages to be derived from its use j wherever the medicine has once been intro duced, it takes precedence 0er all otbetss eveiy one that has taken it, have derived so sisnal bene ficial results from it, that it is recommended by (hem with the ti'mnst confidence. Physicians of the highest standing in the profession, prescribe it In pft'icnM under their care containing nothint di-bterious. but tiring composed ot the m et mild, yet efficacious vegetable malerit.N, it is off-red with confidence, as (he cheapes( and mnt efficient pu rifier nf ihe blood now known. The use of a few bottles, rsccinlly iu the spring months, will be at tended with a most decided improvement in the ge neral stremjlh of the system, eradicating any seed-, of disease that may have been genenit. d. besides giving health and vigor to the body. For the cure of Scrofula or Kings Evil, Kheumatism. Tetter, Pimples or eiup(ion of the Skin, While Swelling. FiHula, Chronic Cough Asthma, Ac. The nu merous certificates in Ihe possession of the subscri ber and his agents, from pbvsicii.ns and others, Hre sufficient to convince (he most skeptical of its su periority over all preparations of Sarsip trilla. j Hi ild wbntciatn and retail, by the proprietor, ; GEOHGE W. OAKLEY, North 5lh street. Ilea. ! .ling, Hoiks Coanty, and to tin bad of the following j pelsoits ! ( Xiirthumlirrlnnd Vniintu. II. TI. Mass, 1 Sonbury ; lieUnd i M.xel, McEuenstillc ; I) : Kramer. Milton. I hi I'nitm County. J. G.arhnrt, Sclim-groves A. Guteliiis, Miffiinhurg. r Columbia County. R. W. Mct'ay, Wash I ington. R.B.ling. March 14, H I X Mn. rt.tK.trT: I leli.ve it the nty of every one to do w hoever in their pow er I te, fur I be b' tie. ; I l!t of their f. llow inio, and having had pn-i ive I ptoof in mv own family, of the wonderful properties ; of your Depurative Syrup of Svsapirilh, I m si i Coiiseicnliotily recommend it to ihe alMieted. We i bad the mf.rtune to ,ie two of our children, by ' the br.aking r ut of ulcerous s.-re t'.at roveinl the ! f.iee.hcTid and i.etk, although we h id some id tl;e I i. lost M'ientifiC iihysieians to atend th- m t.nd ha I ' tti.dall the known tetiiedies. including Swaim's ' ; p,IIin,;, n, without avail. Another ol mv rhil.lr. t. was alia, ket in the same manlier, I er face aid neck n completely covend; the d sib oge was so olTei.sife, Dial tlie disease nt such a he gbt, ih.it we d. suiin d ol her life. Seeing the wonderful cllccts of vour Depi.raiive Syiup ol S ,rsaiari.l i, we weie iiidiic. d to make trial of it, a the last res rt ; it ae'ed like a charm ; (he u'rr rs commenced b. aling tminediately, a few bottles entirely rc-toreiUo-r to her beaMh, which she In.sei joyed uini.ten uptclly ever since. As a purifier of the blued, I verily be lieve it has lint its eipial. JOHN MOVER. Tail .r. Walnut street, near Fourth, Reading. Pouglar-sville, Arril 19th, l :t. Mn. OtKi.r.r : My son Eilmund Leaf, bad (he scrolVIa in (he most ilreiidlul and distressing man lier for three years, timing wh'ch time he was de prived of the u?e of his limbs, hi-' be ..I and neck were covered wilh ulcer. We tri. d nil the differ en( rem. dii s, l ot to no t ffi ct, until rccomin' nde.l by Dr. Johnson of Nonistown. and :d.-o Dr. Isaac Hiestei, of Reading, lo use your Depuralitv Syrup of S.irsaparilla, of w hich I obtained srvt ial hollies, the use nf which drove the di-eae eulin ly out of his system, the sore heiled up, and the child was rest, ncd to pertect health, which be has enjoyed uiiiiiteriuple.lly ever since, to the astonishment of many peisons who seen him .In ing his affliction. 1 have thought il my duty, and send you this certi ficate that others who have a like efliiciion in (be f.niily iiiny know where lo obtain s.i valuable a medicine. Yours truly, AMELIA D. LEAF. Sept. Ifi, ln ly To Country .TU'i'chanlM. Hoots, Shoos, llonnets, Leghorn ami Palm Leaf Hals. J. W. vV Ii. Ii. TAYLOIi, nl the S. 7. conur of Miirhi t and Filth Sts., PHILADELPHIA, fFFER for sa'e ail tilensite i assortment of the 'almte ail ul s, all of w hieh ihey sell at uimsi. al ly low piicrs, and p iMicul nly invite the attention of biiM-is vi-.nii,g the ciiv, to all t xainiitati m ol' dieir Vim k. (i. W. cV L. H. TAYLOR. Philadelphia, May So. 18-11. ly 4 oiiiitci It ltt'i t' D 33 AT II BI.OV7. rPhe puMic will please observe thai uo Krjudie th Pilis are genuine, unless the box has three li- U-ls upon it, (the to, the side and the bottom) J t'sch containing a far-simile signature of my hand- ' writing, thus U. HatKnaiTH, M. D. These la. ' I cl-.aie engraved on steel, beautifully designed, , and done al an expense of over 2,000. Tbt rt fote it will 1k seen that ihe only thing nne-sary to pro- ' cure ihe medicine in its purity, is to observe these lulu Is. Remember the lop, ihe side, and the Kvtnm. The billowing (especlive persons arc duly aulh. ri zed, and hold CJCRTiriCATES CF AGENCY For the sale of Ilrandrcth's Vegetable Universal Tills. Norlliuii beiland rountv : Milton Mackey A i t -hainheiliu. Sunbury H. H. Masser. M'Ewens- lie Iieluidck Meix.-ll. Norihuml cilaud Win, Forsyth, tieoraeto'wn .1. Al J. Walls. : I'uion t'.unty; New Berlin Ilogwr & Win. ler. Selinsgrove f.'.'orge (iuudiuru. Middle- ; burg I.4ac Smith. Heaveiiawn David Ilubler. Adamsburg Win, J. May. Mililuisbuig Nieiisch ' At Ray. Ila tleton Daniel Long. Freeburg j (J. A: I', C. Mover. Lewisburg Walls & tireen. t'olumbia coi.niy : Danville E. H. Rcyiiohls, tV Co. Berwick .-human .V E.deuh.ius. l'a' lawissa l". (j. Urobls. Ulooinshurg John R. 1 Mover. Jeisey Town Levi His. I. Washington 1 Robl. Mi t-'ay. Limestone Hiilb-! h M-jN "icli. ' Observe I ha I each Ageul ha an Eugrav.d Ut r- tificate of Agency, rontniiiing a repr. s. ntuiiott ot Hr HRANDRETH's Manufactory at Sing Sing, and upon which will also be n'eu exact copies of ihe tit iv lubiis now used upon the licanditth J'i1 Itojces. Philadelphia, office No. H, North 8th street. U. BHANDRETH.M.D June 24th, 1843. city fchmTthk vi'ci fox, AND PRIVATE SALES ROOMS, Nos. '-M. and al Acrth Third .Struct, Near t li e City Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. CO. MACKEY, Auctioneer, respectfully in- vilea the attention of persona desirous of pur chasing Furniture, lo bia extensive Sulci Rooms, (loih public und Piivate,) for every description of Household Furniture, where tan tie obtained at all times, a large assortment of fashionable and well manufactured Cabinet Furniture, Beds, Mattresses, Ac, at very reduced prices, for ch. 07 Salee by Auction, twice a week. May 2Vtu, lt43. ly HOSE OINTMENT for ti:tti:u. RINGWORMS, riMPI.M ON THR fAr fi, AND OTIir fl'TANKOfS) l:llt'HIIH. fXj" 77ir folhm'inir eertificn'e describe one of Ihe must extraordinary etirri ever effected ly any application. Pi!tT.Anr.tritt., February in, 1839. IOR twrnly years I was severely afflicted with -'- Tr.TTr.n on the Face and Head: the disease commenced when I wis seventeen years old, and r.iritinued until th! Fall of lH'lfi, varying in vio lenre, but without ever disappearing. During most nf Ihe time, great pari in my f.iee was covered with the eruplion, frequently aitcnded with violent iteh ing; my had sw.ir.l al times until il fellas if it Would burst the swel'in i wa. so gieat. that I couM scarcely set niv hat r.n. During the long period that I was a thirled wi'h the disease, I nseil a great many a plications, (nrnons them s.'vernl celebrated prepatntmn-) as w. II as taking inward remedies, irelniling a nnmbi r nfbillles of Siruim'i Paiiacril, Extract of SarstipuriHa, Ac, In fact, it woitkl he impossible to eiiiuneiatr all the medicines I used. I waa also under the care of two of ihe most dis tinguished physicians of this city, hut without re ceiving much benefit, and I despaired of ever being cored. In the fall of lS:tfl, the disease at Ihe time being very violent, I r.imumcetl using (he Hose Ointment, (prepared bv Vauehan At Davis.) In a fi -w applications (be violent itching ceased, the swelling; abated, the i rti lion began to disappear, nnd before I had used ajar ihe di-ei.se was entirely cured. It has now been nearly a y.ar and a hiif since, and there is riot a veiige of Ihe disease re maining, except the scats frmri the derp pits formed by the !i-.cne. It is impossible for me to deserii e. in a certificate the severity of the disease and my suffering, but I will be pleased to give a fuller t.c coi.nt to any person wanting further satisfaction, who will call on me. At the time I co iuiu'iicej using the R se Ointment I would have given hnn .beds nf do bus to bo rid of the disease. Since u sing it. I have recommended it to several persons, (among them my mother, who had the disease bad ly on her arm,) who wi re a I cored bv it. JMI'.S DI'RN ELL, Wo. l.Mi, Race St. C The Rose Ointment i prepared bv E. H. Vatijhnn, S,.a h East corner nf Third and Race sire, t-, Philad. Iphia, and sold on nirenev in Sonhti rv. bv II. 11. MASSER, ' May 14th. IU 1.1. Agent, SSomc (ititmeot, (or 'Seller. ,t rnouE of v.s j'.iricAcv. lit 1 1 n 1 1 ch i a. May 27th, IH.I'.(. T'HH i" to certify ti at I was severely alll.cie.l wilh Tetlt r in the hands nnd f et for upwards of forty yearn ; the disease w as atiended c nerally with violent itehing and stvelhug. I nppl ed to J i iiiober of pbysici ns, and used a great many appli ctioi.s without libeling a cure. Abotii a v ar since, I nppl e.l the Rose Ointment, which enlir.ly stopped the itching, and a few apphe iti .n- iiiiiiii-.li-ntely cured the disease, which Ihere has been no return of, although I bad never been rid of it at any lime for forty years. RICH Ab'l) SAVAt.E, l.h tenth, bt li.w Sjiiuee Street. Cj" The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. H. Ynuuhan, S mill Fs.-t corner of Third ami Race Streets, Philadelphia, nnd sold on ageurv in Sunbu. ry. bv H. H. MASTER, Mnv 14th. HII. ,tw,(, i F&EPXCAI. ArPHOBATIOW ! Of the HOSi: (l.TMi:.T,Jr T' ttir. I.TIItH'till the superiority of the prtpaiuiii-n i i over till . libera is fully established, the pr.ipnu j tors lake pi. asure in laying before ihe public the ; lobitviii(i certificate from a respectable physician, ; a graduate nf the I'nitersity of Peiiusy tvania. Dr. . Haiigb, having found in this irme.ly thai relief f r , a tedious and di-ngreeabb- allbi'tinn which ihe means I within the range nf his profession failed to atl'ord, i has not hesitated to give il his '.pptobati..n, although ihe prejudicea and inn rests uf that profession aie ' . pposcd to secret IJeiiie.l'es. PiriLAiiKi.rui, Sept. 19, 1 s:ift. I was recently troubled w illi a tedious h.-rpelic eiupiion. which cme.ed ncarlv one si.lu ofiny f.re, nnd extended over the ear. Mr. Yaughan, proprn -loi of the Rose ( hutment, obseiving my fuee, mt letl nu my trying bis preparation, of which he han ded me a jar. Although in common with the men hers of my profession, I discountenance slid di.-a;i-prove ol ihe numerous nostrum palmed upon the public by btiniant pretenders, 1 feel in justice bound tocxivpl the Rose Oiiittiunt hum that c'a-s uf me d ciiies. and to give it mv approbation, as it entire ly eured the eruption, ahhoiign it h al resisted ihe usual n plu aiioi.s. DAN L. HA I t.H, M. D. fj" The Rose Ointmei t is ptepared by E. H. Yauuhan, South East corner of Third and Race Sticcls, Ptniadivphia, and sold on ag. ncv in Sun. bu y, by H. B. MASSER, May 14 th, 1l:l. Agmt. BAGLlf Corner of 'Third and in Struts, WILLIAMSrORT, PA. flHE subiicrdier respect fully announces to the A public, that he b is oned a Hotel in the com modious brick building situate on the corner of Third and Pine streets, where he will be happy to wail upon those who may favor him with their eoiii). any. The Eagle Hotel is large and c .nieni ent, nnd ftina-bed ir, ihe la- t modem sttle. I is provided Willi a huge niiitiher t.f well aired and roiiif. M.ible slei ping ap.irtmet (-, rooms, privat.i pallors, Ar. Persons vn.iting ilhainsport on hn siru ssnr plea-ure, may re-( ss nr. d that every ex. eriton will le used lo render iheir sojourn at t lie "Eagle Hotel" pleas ml and agreeable. HisTaMe will lie supplied wilh the very lu st the market nf fords, and his bar wilh ihe choicest wines and olhi r Inju.irs (barges re .souable. The Eagle IIoi. possesses greater advantages in point ..f location than any other stiniliirislabhshriieiit in ihe borough, hi ing situate in the business part of ihe lown, and w ithin a convenient distance of the Court H mse and Williamspnrl and Elmira Had Road lb pot. Sullicient Stabling provided, and good and dusty ottlors always in Hliend.in.e. Attentive, accommodating and hone-( Servants hate la-en cnifdoted, and dot! ing lift und, aie that will add to Ihe toii.loit and actomuiodaiion of. his goe-ts. There will be a carriage always in adendanre at the Boat Landing to convey passengers to and front the House, bee of charge. CHARLES BORROWS. Miv 14ih. 13-12. if Xi ti liiH'l i Vf aYt'i' A: Son ROrS MAKERS & SHIP CIIANOLEKS. A'o. 1:4 .Yi,rA Water Street. Thihide'phiu. JB AVE constantly on hand, a general assort mtL menl of Cordage, Seine Tw ines, Ac, vix i isrd Ropes, Fishing Ropes, White Ropes, Manil la Kopes, Tow Lines for Canal Boals. Also, a complete assodment of Seine Twines, Ac. such as Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Besl Patent (till Net Tw ine, Cotton Shad and lien ing Twine, Shoe Threads, &c. Ae. Also, Bed Cords, Plough Lines, Halters, Traces, Cotton and Linen Carpet Chains, Ac. all of which they will dispose of on reasonable teims. Philadelphia, November 13,1042. ly. si'EU fNoTliuoi ) cu No. 13S Market Street, Philadelphia. fNYITE the attention of Country Merchants to their extensive assortment of British French and American Dry (iooda, w hich Ihey offer for sale on (he most ressoiiable terms. Philadelphia, November 13, 1642. ly. 0
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers