sap" it A N K S O T i: I. 1ST. 1EXS1 JLVAXI i. The fallowing list show the curr ul value nf nil Peim-y Ivmiia Hank Notes. The nm-1 implicit n liuice may be placed upon it, 11 u i cmti to? A can fully compared Willi ai ti c art 1 oil hum Hi k kill's Reporter. Hanks In riitl i.H f t.lila. Nam. TiOCA it Disc Inn. tn. i NOTES AT p is. Pank nf North Ameiicn Bank nt the Northern Liberties Cornmercinl Dank of Penn'n. . Fanners' ami Mechanics' Bm''i Kensington Hank 'liiladclphii Batik Mchnylkill Bank Siinthwark Bank Western Bank . .r , I" I""' . pal ; i p.r pjr i par , .;.r ! par par I pat ! p ,. I ri.. 1 Country Hanks. Punk of Chester County V. t-s.;i'fi ester 1) mk of Delaware County Hank nf (Jermaiitown Bank of Montgomery Cu. i'uyleslnw n Dunk Fusion Bunk Farmers' Hunk of Bucks to. Office of Buik of IVtm'a. Ollice do do Ollice do do OHice dr ilo Chester (il-liUfllitOwn JS LiirtaK' 11 l)oi lu. '.own t.uMon ll-t t 0 J I iiri! u'K'j l.:u igiir I llil'l 0 Kr.!ii'8 V. I'ti.n Alo J ii mil sue 11. . NOTES AT l)i'iir. t Bank of the I.' tilled Slate-,' Batik of Pcnn Township . tii anl Ltank . Manufacturers' tfc Mechanics' Mechanics' ltank Mivanienring Bank Titmk of Pennsylvania Miners' Bank of Tottsvillc Bank of Lewistow 11 Hank nfMiddlotnwn Ji til; of Nnriiiniuhcili'nd I 1 i.i Uaiik cV lludo co. Variisic Lank" LxcUini e ikai.k 1 'I.I 1 ralli h nf Far-.n-r:,' l'atik of I.ani-.i--t"r;ca-icr Coiintv Bank Fiumci:,' Hinkui KiuJint Hurri-buri: Bank L. meatier if in!; Lebanon Hunk Merchants' iV Mnnuf. Bunk B ink of Pittsburg West bun. i ll II. .nk Wyoming l!:itik Northampton Bank Hi iks ( 'outity Hunk llliie of Dank of V. S. ho do ilo Do t1 ilo Kensington Sv. Ins. A I'riiii Township Sav. Ins. nl ( :ii;uiilifrt liuifi Hank ol (jettyshurg Hank of Su.-quehuiwa Co. Erie Bank Fanners' uc Drovers' Dank Franklin Hank Honcsdulc Bnk Mononguhela Ltank of D. :,(. f-o I iu'.l) :)." '.'ii 7! icjnir 7a 10 2.r 25 12 liuuk Kiitisville l.l'WIhtolVIl Miililletown Nuttliumlierlan-l 'ollllllhltt arlile Pittsburg llullidaysbiirg Lancastci I anraster Kifiding U I'i 13 fi 5 la 13 10 MarriMliurg 10 a 15 (i 13 U It rn so 20 l.iuunister I.eliani'U I'itlahuii; 1'ilUbuig illiaiiispnrt 'i:ker..arlu A ilriitowii it, ailing I'lllsl'liri I. MO l'A lilil'.liloll i!u do Uint;li'r.ii (h llv.-l'Ui Monliose Kriu V'nynrslitirg uHliinnton lloiitsdale 10 HroiMiuville otk in 13 111 an : l& 6 13 Voik ltank N. Lt. The notes of thoce bunks 011 which we ;mit ijuolatioiiB, and substitute a dash ( ) arc not purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, wiih the exception of those which have a letter of n fcrcuce. UltOKEN BANK S. Philadelphia Sav. Ins. I'hilcdclj.hia Philadelphia Loan Co. do clonlkill Sav. Ins. do .Mai!'inl Lulmr Dunn ('I'. W Dyott, prop.) failed fail, d failed failed tailed no tale closed closed failed closed no rule failed failed fulled no sale i ow jnila II1111K Alleghany Hunk of Pa. Pai k of Heaver i of Suatnra ii.oik of Wushington Centre Hank City Hank Farmers' cV Meih'i's' Hank Farmers' iV MocuVa' Benk a'ariiicra' & Mech'ce' Hank Harmony Instituto Jluutinttdor, Uatik Juniata Hank Lumbermen's Unitk Northern Hank c.f Pu. New Hope Del. Hride t'li, Noithuniti'd '( 'iiion (.'ol. Ilk North Western Uaik of Pa. Othee ol Kchuylkill B mk Pu. Axr. it Munuf, Hank Silver Lake Hunk I nion Hank of 1'enn'a. Wv'KimoiL'luuil Hunk Wilki sbairc Hndiie Co. To wand a Heilford Heaver llairishurg Washington Itelltfonto PituUng Pittsburg Fayette co, Ciricncasl.e Huimonv Huritiiigilon 110 side l.eiviKuwi no sale arien Dull, lull' New Hope Milton Mrudtiile Port (bullion CurUslo ? lontiisi! L'niuntown : iislurj( ilki sb.irre failed no sale closed lio sali L'iost d laihd faihd closed failed closed nohule (J)- All notes purportiiiK to be on any Peiinsyl tamu Hunk lint (riven Ri the above li.-t, may be ct down an frauds. WAY JUItvr.Y. Hank of New Hiunswick Itrunswiek llelvideiu M.ilford Perth Auihoy liridgclnii Mount Holly liahwuy N. Hi 11. It. w ilk Middletowu Pi Jtisey f.'ily failed 1 par 1 pur I failed le.iled laded failed failed failed 2 faihd 1 par lit rvsJeiu Hsnk Huiliugiou C'o. Hank Ct'iuineiciul Hank CumU'ilaiiil Hank Furnii lh' Halik I'auiieia' and Mechanics' Ilk 1'uiim rs' and Michanio' lik f anners' mid Mi n lianu' Itk Fiaiikiil) ltank of N. J. llol'i km HkgAr, liiuxitig Co lloboken Jersey City Hank Jtisey City Miiiiauus Hank MaiiuUilur r.s' Hank Mi iris ('oii.nuny Hunk .Monmouth lik of .N.J. Mi 1 lianii s' Haiik Mechaiius' mid Mauuf. Hk Monis ('anal and Hag Co Post Nuns Newark llkp & Ins Co New Hope Del bridge Co .V. J. Muuutuc. and liki! Co J'liltl Ib'OII itelleville Morristown Frwhold Newaik T'retilon Jtibey City I'D b- Newaik l.emheilMille Hobtri.rn N J Pfoleclou cV Lombard hk .tcrny Ciiy I Irange Jt.oik Iran; 1'ait'i.ii Hunk PuUfsoii People.' Hank do Princeton Hank Pi'iirelnii Salem Hunkiin I 'o ;.J. 11, M ile Hunk Newaik ftilale Hank' J:ii ,lu ihtow 1 Male Hank ' .!('. -u Stale Haul "I Monis Mill i'.l mil Sute Hunk T ri itioi, Snlem und rhiluil Maiiuf Co Sulim Sussex Hinik Ni iv inn 1'ieiitoii Hhiiking V Tieiiti.ii Fninii Hunk Dmt r BsliiugU 11 lianking I'u. il in kenssck ii:i.iv Aiti- Pk of Wilm A Hrandy win 1 ii,ini!ton Mi p.r I 1 par I I oil'. 1 I... I. d ;i i :s faihd Hunk of Deluw an VS iluui gtoii .n Hunk of Sinyriu Nn yii a p ,,r Do I r inch M li;d par J'uilin r.' L'k of Stale of Di 1 Hn-l par Do br.iiul. i'iliiiuit.iu pur J'l branch livo get 11 Jur lo branih Newcisile ir I nion Hunk iluniitoii p u tXj- I'ndci 6's -dj- On all hanks ma'ked thua (') there el '.hci tounteiletl or al'ered liolis of (he vurtcua dt nniuintuons, 111 ,.ir'jii,ilou. A T T O II N E V AT L A W , Huniucss t,liended to ill I In' Counties of Nor' iliuii'l 1, Union. T. rtitning and Columbia. IlilVc Inl Tin, ilia Itttt-r V Co.. LlWMl li llBOW, IIaiit. Ci-mxhho A Hart, yd'.'iiliid. Rkisoijis, McFarlaji iV Co. Senuito, 'Sonii oV. Co., oueiU'i Tt-ltciV I5 a(li Illow. rPlie pu' lie will please olmerve llint no ltrnndie'li I'ills are (rennine, unless tho lio hna three la lirls upon it, (the tup, tlm aii'o nnd the bottom) .ill l oniiiinina a signature of my h mil wrilins, thus H. IIuaiiiiiktii, M. I'. These la. I el -aie engraved on t-leel, beiiutifully desinned, and ilotie at an eipetue of over f 2.11H0. Tin ri Cue it w ill be teert that the only tiling ti'cesstuy to pro- lire 1 1 if mi dii iue in its purity, is to ili-rive these I.ImH-. Kemetiiher tlie tor, the fide, nnd the bottom. 1 Tin f.-llowiiii; lespeelive jiersons aro duly auln-ri i it, nnd hoM j CEIiTICATES OF AGENCY, 1 For the tale of liruntlrrih's Ytgt tuhle Universal 1'iHs. 1 Kortlminlieilard countv : Milton M.irkey t'h iiiiheiliii. .unl'iiry II. V. Masser. M'Kwens ille liil indA. Meixi II. Notthuni! eihnnl Win. l'lirsUh. Iriorjii'lovvri F. Midlilici'r V Co. I Cnion ('.uiity: New lterhu J . liti HolVinnn. I Seliiisf-rove Ever and iMniure. Nliil.lh Imri; 1 Isioc Niniih. lieaveriown .1. F. liincaman. Adamshurc -11. iV. A. Smith. Mitlliiisbmi; Swope iV Lnird lla'tlrtoti Daniel I.otii. Free luiru (!. A; F. ('. Miner. (.-I'litrevilie Slitiley iV l.rnhiirt. 1,1'wi-huru Walls V (ireen. Coliiinlii.i eouniy : Danville E. U. Kevnolds iV Co. lterwiek Inhuman V li ttenhoiise, l.'ul tawisss ('. A. iV C. (5. Hrobts. MIootnshiirR John 1,'. Mover. Jeisi yTown Levi liisi I. Wa shinaton Koht. MrCny, Limestone -D. 1.. fSehmerk. (Ihserve that each Acent has an Engravul Cer tificate of Agency, f outlining a repres-ntation of 1 lilt MtUr, ill's M miifuclory at Sing Sing. anil lip 'li wh'-'h m ; till' 111 IK A..' 11 1. llnj i .i. I'hii id. ip! i.i, r.: i : , i t wen eiract copies of : m I'.r l -nmlrtth I'M ' No. K. Nor'1'. ih street, it. m;..niii:ni,M. d. .1 innary 1st . 11". FOP. S.LE. OU sale a small I'min, cont lininj; about one lumdied uml ten acres, more or le a, situate in I olio townsliip, .v.ntiutnl rrlaiol couut, about two noli s above Noitlminbeil md, on the mnin road b'a lini from that place to Danville, a.ljoining 1 11 1 11 s of John l.ehoii, Jesse ('. Ilortnii ulid others, now in the occupancy of Sauiuil Puyne. A Uml loity aires of said 1 1 ai t are clrand, und in good Hi lit,- olco'livalioii, on whirh there is 11 small bum orcctid. 'I he propi rly will be .sold mi ri atonable lei ins. For further paiticuhirs, prisons are request ed lo apply to the tuUeiilii r, II. U. MAssi'l, Aamt, Nov. 27th, 1811. tf Sunbuiy, Pa. CHP.T'SCLITE PCLir.H. A N article unequalled for cleaniut; 11 ml g.viut; a -1 - highly durable und most brilliant polish to sil ver, (iermtiu Silver, lirass. Copper, Hnllania ware, Tin, Stiel, Colli ry, and lor rcslorihg the lustre on varnished carriage, Ac. THV IT. Prepared mi l sold al wholesale and retail, by the Susquehanna Chrysolite Polish Company, Owegu, Tioga routitv, N. V. WM". FdKsY'ITI, Agent for Norihuui'd, II. li. MASM;i, Agnl lor ullbury. NovemU'r Stlth, IS II. WHOLESALE AND KETAIL HOdKtEL LEIts AM) STATION EK, No. t.'llOSIIllt StllM't, Lcluw lt!l, riiiladdpliia. T'EEP constantly on hand a genPral assort ment ol Hooks mid Stationary ; coinpnsing '1, Law, Mt'tlieul, 'l.ismcal. Miscellane ous and School Hooks, Day Hooks, all sizes. Led gers, do.. Family Hlblen, I'oikel Hibles, Wining Paiers, Wrapping Papers, Ac, Ac., which ihey nl fer at the lowest piices to Country Merchant's Pro fessional Hi nib men, Teachers, and ull others thut may favor ilii'in with their custom, Philadelphia, NoiftnUr 1:1, Ihll. ly. j:siii:iii('K, iianskll u5rs." WHOLESALE CRT GOODS STORE. No. Kit; l-'J Market Street, l'hila. (Itrlinv Uiflh Siiutltsitle ) A LWAVS keep on hund a full and general as JX. " rlmeiit of llo-iery, Lace, and Fancy (Jisods, Country Mcrchulits) are resieetfully request id to give tin 10 a call uml examine for tbein-elves. Philadelphia, November V 141. ly. iii:(i'iiA;s ct'iiiC" Maiittfacttirer Jind Importer of Sad dlery, Hardware, &lc. 1W1. fi Sniili 'l'ltird trrrf, fiiur dwirs bt btv Murkt t I'hiludi liihia. T' PEP const uitly on hand a large nnJ general sss.Hiin, I ouch Lamps, Carriage Hands, A lie Arms, Elipuc S rings. Patent Leather. oVc. Country Merchants and saddlers will le supplied at nil tunes on the most leasouable n ims. They will find it to (heir advantage to cull and examine his ttsMo 1 1 1 11 1 1 I., due purchasinc elsewhere. Pod .d. I, hi.i. Noiiiiit er 13, 1HI I. ly. 1i CVtUTiiX IViLisCIIANTS. r j ' 1 II. -mi . . 1, Agi 1.1 ut I yon c Harris, ji ' M.. in I 11 loi is. l a N w York, Philadelphia, 1!.. Itiin ami '.iila r large 1 ities, w 1 oso- Unix me highly laiiiui nib d .r j;eoi oi!i and durul ilill. lias 01 I und a lir-l rate .is.i'itin nt of II I'.S uml I Al'S, - in: n I. I. r Spr n a .le , wh eh v ill t e sold niy low. lot eiisl in s,pi rtei fi dil, at lb i.ilid i .'Myi s 'o , . o. 4(1, .Noiln 1 'iiid sire' I. u t I lie City i i ..!. I'liila.klhia, 1 I V X. I ff A( I1F.I1. Aiy t. N. 1'. t'ihil..r llalsii 1 1 it. virt'.V priinpl!) a ' I11 nit I lo I l e 1. 11. 1st j lice ;u rui it 1 1 a ; i:tvi 11 I .r l i ' V.'ii.'. I' .li i. I., Xoviiiiber in, 1SI1 - .ly Jtttllll I'liMltl'lll X .Sll. I ) Oi'PC'l II I.I.N intorms tin ir fin nds and - : i-'i.nlil 'i.i-i s i!e irrally ill il they still coll linn.' 10 t. . , rii die old kl.iml, Xo. 210 Noiih 3d -,rr. I I 1I1 i Id 1, all 1 iiil of V'. ''"CO ,v.M . AM' WOAl S. , V '. .. !. . u l, . -II n die 11. a coiiniiikl.iiiiij soil ii- is n ,1 1' ti'i ni, N. U. A t i'o i's -olii w be glial inteed 1, lid nil order:. ( ,111, 1 m lute. I lo. Pi, ip. X. '.1'tt.l.ei Id, lr 11 -ly. it:'! ii di:wj:i s, MAII13R, N . i 1 --. I.... 1 Si reef, riniadelpliia ul., it Siccnd. N" r ioiooiii,..!. ays .C, ull lumJ, which hi ..I!'. 1, In s.ik' on il.e lowo.-t leruia. Counnj Mi leh mi., .nf piiiiuWily to t Ul andjude lo. hi 1m. J'lulj lt Ijl.u, NoniM'r 13, jsil ly. SETS?.- CC1TCTEP, Wholosnlc and Retail Slioe, Iionnct, nnd l'nlm I-ettf Hat Warclinnsc. CG Aurli 2i nine, a ftw iluom utove .Irch, l'iiliiliiita, A I.O Trenks, Caipet lta(s and Vnlices, of ev. ,ry diM'iiption, u 11 of which he oiTeis for tale on the most reasonable terms. Philadelphia, November 1:1, 1841. 1y. JT vrK vV f NT" Unilirclla nnd Parasol Manufacturer. A';. 37 A'ooA "Ai rl ttrrrl, (n il dinirs It low the fit; Ihtil, Vhilurtilpliia. C10rNTK Merchants anil others are solicited J 1o rxaiiiitni his nusiotiociit In fine purchasing elsewhere Fhila;e! bin. NovrmU r 11. I -!!. ly. SlT.KIMi, (;(H)n ('(. No. I.'IS .Maikft Sti-fft, I'liiladilpliia. NV1TK the attention of (,iiuiitiv Merchants to their exleitsive a-soritiu lit ol Hritiih French uml American Diy Hoods, w hich they oiler for sale on the limit reiHonuhle ti rins. Philadelphia, Novetiiber El, lf-MLIy. 1' r'vT T"itTy V u li "h T '"s " Cliina, ( ilass and Liverpool Warelionso, A'o Hi-1 XdIi Third slrrtt, third d-ttr bttnw Vine utrat, l'luliiili Ihliin. w THERE tliev constaiitlv kn'p on hand a largp assortment of China, Olass Bid Liverpool Ware, which they will dispose of on the most iei suitable teinis. Plulsdelphia, November 13, 1 H 1 . l v. .Hit hai l (iiver A: Son, ROPE rrlAUERS & SlllV CHANDLERS. A'o. Ill Xttrli Wuttr Slrrtt, l'hi!adtliiiii. fl AYE constantly 011 hand, a gcneril assort H B mi nt of Cordage, Seine Twines, iVe., viz : I ai d Hopes, Fishing Hopes, While Hopes, Manil la Hopes, Tov Lines for Canal lt.iaN. Also, a complete if-'oitrnent of Si ine Twines, Ac. such as Hemp Shad anil Hi rri ri- Tw ine, 11 est Patent Oill Net Twine, Cotton Shad nnd llening Tw ice, Shoe 'ITireads, Are. Ac. Also, bed Cords, Plench Lines, Halters, Traces, Cotton and Linen Carpet Chains, Ac. all of w hich they w ill dispose of on ii.gsonuble temis. Philadelphia, November 1.1, 1141. ly. OF EXEHY DEsCKlPJ'io.V. NEW KNC LAND Oil. CUMl'ANY. No. U! North Water Street, l'liiia. Tt AXFFACITTiEI.s m.d dealers in Oils of It M every descripiion both for burnin and j iiiiiniilaeturiiic purposes, whii h will be sold much j lower than they can lie procured elsewhere, and wiiiianted in quality to 1 qual any in the city. Any oil sold by the company not proving as lepresented, may be returned without any expense to the pur chaser, and the money vull be n funded. Their slock now in stoic consists ol the following oils, viz : y 11,00(1 gallons Winter Bleached Spvim Oil, (500(1 do ih. do do do do do Colorless Oil, l.r,IO(l 10,1100 20.000 0000 15,000 Fail and Spring Sperm Oil inter Si-a Eh -phaut, do Pressed Whale Oil, Summer do do Common Whale Oil, do ri 200 Barrels superior StiaitH Oil, :ili(l do Cod Hank Oil, 50 do Neil's Foot Oil, 7! Casks Olive Oil, Tanner's ( Ills. (Xj'This Company has a number of Vessels en gnjed in the Cod Fisherv, mid Tanners may rely upon petiiog al all times Oil as pure as imported. Philadelphia, Nov. 13. lell. ly. G. V". & L. 3. TAYLC. OFFEK FOK SALE, ul the South East Cor lier of Fifth und M,.r;tt Mutts, Thiludil jimi Mens' Calf-skin Hoots, slilched warranted, do do do peuged tin do do do Wilier proof, double soles and double 'loners. do Call-skill do do do nailed anil uppers, do Heavy Water Leather Hoots, do do Neuls do do. tin High quarter Si,ms, Calf-skill, do do do Croikers do do Fine Monroes warranted do do do do do do do Kip do Calf do Course do do Shot a Finn do Ktti ilo tin do do do do .In Calf and Seal Skin Puni,s. do List Socks with und without soles. do Carpet ilo do ilo do Puleiil Warranted Water-proof Mine as ins. Lathes' do do do do Ladies' tanned India Hubler shoes. (clitic int'iis' do (Iver shoes. Willi every other description of boots and shoes. Fur Caps of every description. Travelling Trunks of every descripliun. Venetian Travelling Hags. Patent (iuni Elustic Shoe Hlucking. Bonnets of ull kinds, Palm Li at Hals. Philadelphia, Noteiuher 13. lsll. ly. No 51, A 01 III Sv oiul sli . t t, (tOHMI.H OFCOOMU's il.LIt ) Whcie they constantly keep on hand a genet il assoriineiit of cloths, cassimehes, vesting s, I;i7 a Kind t uruli 1 J urliiku ij a suptrmr quality, which liny oiler lo dispose of upon the 111,'st leaaouable ti rms. C10I N1KY MEKCHANTS and others will find 11 to linn uilviiiituge to cull and examine tl ir stock I s foie pun basing t l-cu licic. Pliil.i.t. Iphu. Nov. 6, I M 1 1 . 1 y LIST OF EOOKS, LHMteAillvH ' VNTHON'S Classical Diciioiiary; 1 eiiprnr's do.; Auiswoith's do ; Cobb's do.; English and lie iiisn do.; Ambon's Cusur; Alilhou's (irainnier; Aiiihi u'k Cieeio; Man's l.uMn lieudei; Ogilby 'ado.; Ambew'a Latin Lessons; D nm g, til's Lexicon; Fisk's Oreik Extreises; Duns's Legindei; (irneca M i,ir.i; Aihiiiis's Komuti Ai. Injuries; Ptnnock's (i Idsiiiith's England; do. (iitece; 1. yell's Eli incuts ol Oioh'gi; Mi. Lincoln's Hoiatit; Eleuieuts of il'itui.y; Hodge's Algebra; P01I1 i's Kliilolltal Hea ders; I'.in, rsoti's (ieogiahy and lli-loi; Oluey'k do.; Purii y ' do.; Sunt It's (iiuiiimer: Knl, h.un's tin.: Kay's Heaihrs; Cobl ' do.; Ci bb's Aiilbmeiick; Pike's lo ; Eilii rson's do.; Cobb's Spelling Hooks; Town's tin.; Cobb's Table Hooks; E angelical Fa mily Libiary; CtnlBge Bible.; Family do; Collater al do.; Small Hibles und 'I'eslanienls; Parkei'b En- ercises on Composition; Fruil of Ihe Spirit; Haxu r's's ;,si; Aiiiiruuii Hcvolulion; Marivutl's No Vi is; Mrs Phelps ell Cl.ctiilstrv; Hud; Catechism ,f American J.hws, l.eilt rsou Xuiural Magic; Che miiiy for Peginnrr-; Engbbh Exercisi s adapted to Alurmy lirauiiiMr; otquel to Comity a Spelling Hook; .Mnt ncan I'lasa llt.ok; Daboll s St lio..m:i tei's Assistaul, A great variety ot Plunk Hot ks, A c. j Ai,(,-utt 1X41, untiarclleled remedy for common Colds, oughs, Asthma, Influenza, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, and all diseases of ihe lirrs-l and Lungs, j lending lo consumption; composed of Ihe concen- j Irateil virtues of Hon hound, Bonset, Blood Hoot, , Liverwort and several other vegetable Kuhstnnres. Prepared ouly by J. M. Wisstow, Hochcstir, New Yotk. The innocence nnd universally admitted pectoral vitlues of the Herbs from which the Ilulnim vf Hnrthmmd is niade, are too grnerally known to re quire recommendation ; it is therefore only necessa ry to observe that this Medicine ronlaina the whole of their Medicinal properties, highly concentrated, ai d so happily combined with seveial oilier vege table subslances, as to render il Ihe most speedy, mild and certain reniuly, now in Use, f r the com plaints above mentioned. The Halsiini removes all itnflammntion nnd Sore ness of the Lungs, loosens tough visit! phlegm, en abling the patient lo expecloiate w nh case and free dom, nsMingcs cough, relieves nlhinutic and diffi cult respiration, heuls the injured parts, opens the pores, mid composes the disturbed nerves, and gives stti ngih lo the It nilei lungs, und thus proihues a S eedy and lasting cure. iMiiiATiTt'im isTHK riAir.vr rniMt: 1 Man. We ure not among 1I11I class of Edilois who for a ft w dollaia will, (at the expense of troth and ho nesty) "ciack up" an article and bring it into rapid sale; neither aie we willing to leinuiii silent, after buvini; (esied the utility of an iuq roveim nt or thf covety in scit nee or uit. Our readers will recollect we toid iheui we were nnwi II wiih a sore throat and violent cold mine few wetks ngo. Well, we pur chased two bottles nf WINSJ.OW'S BALSAM OF HOKEllorND, and so sudden was the cure, that we forgot wo ever had n cold. Those who j are alllictcd, may tiy il upon our recommendation. I. twist uH lilrgruph. r or f ale bv HEXHY YOXTIIEI.MEH, Suuhur;), JACOB IHtllillT, Aniiliuiiiiirliiiid. Also, ly Druggists cener .lly tltromjliiul the ! couiiiry. Qj- 1 nee, ml ctnts per Itullle. Aul'usI 11th. 1 S 1 1 . 1 v. SXlrClT I " ESPEC TFI. l.LY inform the citizens of Sun- bury nnd vicinity, that they hate t.ik'li the Shop luti ly occupied by W in, Duist, w here they will catry on the TAILORING BUSINESS, in all its vjiious brum In s. Uy sitiet nttiinioti and ic.isonuble chuiges, they expect lo met it n share of pti' lie patronauc. Sunbury, Sept. 4lh. 1 II. WHOLISALE f.IIOE, BONNET, Cup unit' I'ulm Ltuf I Inl Sorr, No. 10 Soi in 4 -in Ktii let. I llll.ADELPHIA, ArilEUE an eilil.sive a norlmeul of the above ' unit les are c ii.i lantly kept on hund, liir saK at the most reasonable ti inn.. May a 'J, 1S4 t. ly. SPANISH HIBES, TANNERS' OIL AND LEATHER. I). Kl UK PA THICK v'c SON. A'o. 21, Korth Third: hii I, (llllWll-t MAIIKKT AMI t II s t T SI It 1. 1. IS,) PHILADELPHIA. HAVE for sale large and excellent assoitnient oMiuiiinh Htdtx, I'ahm KipsfaiiHi-rt tUI, Ac, at the lowest inaikel prices, i for cush, ii exchange for Leather, or upon credit. Consignments of Leather received foi sde, 01 purchased nt the highest inaikel prices. (J j- Li ruber sloied free of t barge. April 17, 1811. ly. MADEIh'A W INE. First quality Mudiera Wine, for file low by Sept. 1, 1MI. H. B. M ASM' II, FOI.HTH IMJOOF HliAN DY. A g.tiuiiic article iilwuvs 011 hund ami for sale by Sept. I, 1811. H. B. MASSEK. HOLLAND OIN, Of the best quuhty always 011 hand and for sale by Sept. I, 184 I. H. B. M ASM H. LOAF AND LI MP S-l'OAK. Always on hand slid for sale by 1, lt-41. H. B. MASM'H. NEW OIJI.EA.XS M'OAK HOlE MO I.AsMIS, III the bisl quality always on hund ul il for sale by Sept. I, 1841. H. B. MASSER, BROWN Sl'OAR. tlf a gmsl quality . lor sale low by Sept. I, 1841. H. B.MAS.'ER. (ih'EEN AND BLACK TEAS. Of the best quality nlwnxson hund und for sale by Sept. 1, 1H4I. H. H. MASSER. COFFI E. Java, Rio and Lnyuua Collet', con stantly on hand and fur sale by Sept. I, 1811. H.H.MASMIH. SPERM OIL. Winter and Summer struintd S'H-nn Oil, of the I -est quuhty, ulways unhand and for ssle bv Sept 1, 1841. H. B. MASSER. STEEL. Cast and Blister Siet I. fr sale by Sept. I. 1641. H.B. MAssEK. IRISH SALMON. Ol the best quality, con- bluntly on hand and for tsule by Sept. 1, 1841. li. li. MAW1.II. l.lrohS. Ot all kinds and ul tho Lost quali ties, always on hund and tor sale by Sept. I, 1841. H. B. MASSER. M'HLNO &TEI.L. Ul vaiiuus sizes tut Eliplic Springs, for sale by Sert. 1, 1841. II. B. MASSER. LA ROE tJl'AR I tf BH5LES. For arc"al very reduced prices by Sept. 1, 18-11. H. IV MASSER. " BLANK BOOKS". Of all kind.", for sale by " 1, 1811. II. B. MASSER. BLANK DEEDS. HouiU, .Moiigages, Ac. lor sale by Sept. 1,1841. HH. MA8SER, JI SlTCEs' BLANKS. ior sole by Sept. 1, 1841. II. H. M ASsER, "CLOTHS, lirjtTHiak.Tiivibible (irccii,"&.t, for si le by Sept. l'. 184 I. II. It. M SSER, lr.sSlM E I! ES AX U SA T'JT.X ETTS For sate very low by Scpl.'l. 1811. IL II. MAssUR. "CARPE'ITNO. For sale cheap by Sepl. I, 1841. II. H. MASSER. BLANKETS. For sale cheap by Sepi. 1. 1841. H. It. MASSER. I'NBLEACIIED Ml sLIXs. For stle by Sept. 1, 1841. H. H. MASSER. "COTTON YARN AND COTToN LAPS Foi sale by Sept. I. 1841. H.B- MAssER. HEMP AND ( OITON T IXE For .ule by Sept. 1,1841. II. B. MAssEK. TU I Mi 1 1 X Es, ( OR lis AND ROPES. For sale I y Sept. I, 1641. If. H. M fSEH. I IMPORTANT TO 1 Ill C L'litlersigncd take pleasure in suhmitling lo the Mib'ic the following Hecommenilatioiis of Pratt's Cast Iron Smut Mill and drain Huller lo all dealers in Oiuin nnd manufnctois of Flour, be- lieving it to be superior to any thing of the kind ever oil, red to the public. All oiders addressed to ('nl.. I. M'Faddeii, Lewishurg, I 'nion county Penn sylvania. LHEXEEZEK SQITRE, JACKSON M FADDIN. f:itTiut:iTf:st Miiiilz'n Mill. Centre Co., March SO, 1841. J. M'Faiimn Sin: I cheerlully testify to the gootlne-s mill durability of Pratl's Cast Iron Smut Mill at rl (irnin Huller, an being a far superior arti cle for the cleaning of smut and all other impuritiis that I have ever seen, nnd I have leen engaged in the manufacture of Flour for a grcit many years, end have always tiicd to have the best apparatus for manufacturing that could he got, and do say thut the above machine is the hist apparatus 1 believe now in use. Jomi Moati. Ilhmmthurir, Dec. SC, IS 10. Col.. J. M'Faiiih Sin: In reply lo your favor, received a few dnys since, I have only to pay , that the fuel of my having introduced into rat h of the four mills that I ntn concerned in, one of Pratt's (Just Iron Smut Mills', is the U'st eideiice I can give you of their utility, Yours truly, Wm. M Ki.i.vt. Miltmt, March 17, It) 1 1. J. M'Faihiis Sm : I do hereby certify without any hesitation, that Piatt's Smut Mill and Orain Huller is the most perfect machine to cleanse grain ol smul snd ell other impeifectinns, that I have ever seen, antl I believe I have seen all the kinds that are now iisi'd in Pennsylvania, and I must say that there is nothing of the kind ever been invented that will Citne in competition with il. (iio. Eckkmt, Cm. J. M-Faiihin Sin: Durng the pasl 21 ye, its I hate been constantly engaged in maiiufac iimi,g flour, ami during the lust 13 years have In en the owner of a grist and flouting mill, and among ull the contrivances to remove impuritiis from grain I am decidedly ot the opinion that I rati s iron 111a- thine is superior 10 any with which I am acqti'iint- I eii, naviiig useu one 111 my 111111 iiwiu t-iguit-eii 1 months. Fn. nr. nit R Haas. I Yorkshire Mill, Dec, 1840. j I want in my flouring mill as good an apparatus I to prepare grain for flouring, as lUe best, and I want 110 heller tlnn Pratt's Cast Iron Smut Mill. It will I remove smul entirely 110 mistake. ! M. Ci.rsoJi, j Sunburn, December 22, 1810. Col. .1. M'Fahmm Sun I have in my mill one ; of Pratl's cast and wrought iron spiral Smul Mills and (train Huller, ami am coiilideut that in legmtl lo simplicity of construction, and durability of mate Mil, il is superior to nny I mil acquainted willi. 1 HlMir Mtssl 11. ; fr Cap Mill, Dec. 22, 1840. ' Cm.. J. M T'a 11 111 n Sib: I hate in iny flouring , . ill l mill one of Pratt's C.isl Iuni Spiral Smut Mills,! 1 and I nin decidedly of the opinion that it is the best i 11111 l ine t,i prepare gram for flouring that I am ac quainted w ith, und as such cheerfully ricommcml it ' to all who arc- engaged in the manufacture of flour I Jacob Liisinhim,. AtirriiitliuriT, March 2d, 1841. I Col.. J. M'Faiii is Sm : I take pleasure in say ing that Pint is Cast Iron Smut Mill is one or the best improvements ft.r the cleaning of grain of all kinds, that has yi I come uudi r my observation, and that I believe it fur superior to nny thing of ihe kind ever invented. You may Use my name in nny way you think propei. O. P. Dcncas. Union Mill, J in. 14, 1841. This is lo certily that I have had Piatt's Cust and wrought iron Smul Machine ami Oiain Hullrr in I use for better than 12 months, and find it In answer j evcrv purpose that it was intended lor. Smut can la' tuken out of wheal I believe eveiy p.tniil,' of ' it can tt taken out without lueuking the gram ol the wheat. John I'lamk. Anronshtntr, Milch 2:1, 1811. Col.. M'Famhn Sin : I huve been cnyaged in miiiiufacluring Sujieiiiiie Flour for many years, and have it this time one ol Prutl's Smut .Mills in each of my mills, nm! I ilohciiby rccomtm ml them as the most valuable improvement for cleaning wheat of smut and alt other impurities, that I am acquainted with. Jamis Dim ai. Col. M-Faiwik Sm: I have It-en engaged in the uianulat luiing of flour for 28 years, and most cheerfully recommend the above machine, as l eing by fir the In st ap annua for cleansing grain thut I have ever Used or seen. I Consider it an iiiilisieu slide article for any mill that ptetends to do any bu siutss. Jon FlsllLH. ,ljiirduct Milk, Dec. 24, 1840. Col.. J. M I-aiiiii Sin: Pratt's Cast Iron Smut Mill was introduced into my mill uliout three years since, and I Ulieve it is the li-r-t article of tin, I kind now in use. Il will not only remove smut ei.ierely, but is a most valuable apparatus to clean wheat and rye of any charucter, and prepare il for flouting. Benjamin Boone. Isichtmrg, Dec. 22, 1840. Col. J. M'Faiwi Sib: After h caicful and candid examination and trial of the machine, in re gard to construction, neatness and despatch in exe cution, economy in price, and power lo set in ope ration, I am fully convinced and satisfied, that ihe machine ubuve ulludcd to, is second to no one in Use. J. Mohiiow, Milhr and Flour Manufacturer. Ciilliiu Usa, December 25, 1810. Cm, J. M'Fahhi ?t Sih : Pratl's Cast and Wioui:ht Iron Spiral Smut Mill and (train Huller, I consider to be the best machine to remove smut and other impurities lo w Inch grain is subject, thut I have used, or with which I am acquainted, in re gud to durability ol material, simplicity ot construc tion, neatness and despatch in execution. Joseph Paxton. N. B. The above machines are manufactured ut the I.cwisburg Foundry, I'ninn county and at the Hloom.-Luig Foundry, Columbia county, Pa. Lewishurg, June ID, 1841. ATTENTION. J . ,N I l i: 1 J O V i: S , 1" ElCES'I'S the attention of his country frit nils V who are in want, lo his very large stock of 1 Carpetings, Oil Cloths, Mattings, Rugs, Bindings, Siau Hiids, Ac, tVc, that lie has just opuml, at his warehouses, No. 18 North 2d street, and No. 2 Church Allev, next door lo Christ Church, Phila delphia. ' July 81, 1811. ly. ski v-TiTi i' st 1 n7; ixh; uii acj: FOR SAW-MILI.S. Ht Benjamin N. Ciaiiwa. rPUE Subscribers having purchased tlw right for A , ii.lnig ami Hung the alusve valuable inven ! lion, fur XorthuinU'iland County, offer to dispose of the same lo persons who may desire lo purchase. The above inn ntion is now in teralioii al the saw mill of Mr. M'Cutl) near Sunbury, w here il can be inspected by owners of saw mills and all others interested. E. (.'OltlN. March 2 7. if. H VMl -l:,' (i0-liL!. WARRANTED ISrass Clocks, l or I.I Hollars QUA I. f r time to tiny Hold h CUk Te l J l,:rs for fXb, ioi tile by il B. MAM-PR. CUI Sf (llcil on flic I.nnpn, IS a very common complaint, and ran imtnedi" atnly be removed by Dr. Duncan's Expectorant Remedy. This tlispe produces much suffering and distress, and finally becomes alarming on ac count of its threatening severity. Physicians are sent for, and medicine irrescribe d, but to no effect, when they at once pronounce the lung" lo be en tirely gone, antl the cac hoieless; that the patient mu-t die of i:OXSUM PTION. In this lingering situntion hundreds me left under the mistaken idea of their disease ( 'lo be Consumption,' ) when it ia nothing more than a "Cold settled on the lungs," when Ihe patient is thus'ecletl until the lungs do actually become diseased. Why is il that so many (pronounced) hopeless casus have been re stored lo perfect health 1 The tenson is very plain and obvious. They commenced using Dr. Duti enn's Expectorant 'Remedy, and when the lungs were lint entinly gone. Ihey finally rec-overed. A fair trial of lliis Medicine will convince all of this fact. For sale al No. 19 North Eighth Street, Phila delphia. Piicejt per boitle. A fresh supply of this valuable Medicine has just been received, ulid ran always be obtained, at the store f HENRY YOXTHEIMER, May 7th, 1812. Aient. Hit Ins ot Health. f llHOsE who enjoy health, must ceilainly feel blessed when ihey compare them-elves to those siiU'en rs that have been afllicled for years with va line diseases which the human family arc all sub ject to be troubled with. Diseases present them selves in various forms anil from various circum stances, which in 'lie commencement may all he checked by Dr.O. P. Hatlich's Compound Strenglh ening ami Herman Aperient Pills, such as dys pepsia. Iivrr complaint, pain in the side, rheuma tism, general debility, Fetualu diseases, and all dis eases to wh eh humiin no nre is affected. Direc tions for Using these Medicines always accompany them. These Medicines can be takes wilh perlect safely by the most delicate female, as Ihey are mild in their operation, and pleasant in their effects. Piineipal Office for the 1'niled States, No. 19 j North Eighth street, Philatl Iphia. Also for sale at the store of I HENRY YOXTHEIMER, j April liOih, IS 12. Agent. Dr. IMim an's i:pei (ormit He nu'ily. Consumption run In' Citrvtl ! RS. MARY BOWERS, wife of Henry Bowers, wa- for a length of lime afflicted Willi a 'I'tiliiinttiirt t'omilmnt, which defied the limit d skill ol several emu flit physicians. She hearing of the "Expi cloranl Remedy," wai induced to give it a trial. Her svuipt' ins were those of I'hthi-ics Puhnotialis, or Pulmonary Consumption, ii.: a dry hacking cough, pnin in the breast uml side, impaired apM tile and great thirst, hectic fever and iiiuht sweats, with much debility and weak iitsss. .She is huppv in saying that after using three hollies of the Expectorant Remedy, she be gan to have hot es of a speedy recovery; her strength gradually increased until she had used three bottles mine, when she felt entirely restored, it now biiug eight months since, and no symptoms of tl e Complaint appearing. Philadelphia Office No. 19 North Eighth street, where Ihe above medicine cm always l-e obtained. Price f I per bottle. Also at ihe store of HENRY YOXTHEIMER, April 23.1, 1812. Aifnt. Iys'tsia. A A 7 II have frequently witnessed the ravages of ' this disease, and have heard and read of ma ny remedies, but fir oltener saw them fail than rc--tilt in success. Tin- w -iter, however, of the letter lo the audit of Dr. llarlicli's Compound Sliength eiiing and (ieimaii Aperimt Pills, has long been known lo us, and Ir in an invalid, as he is delinea ted, we now kr ow and meet hito daily as a hale hear'y mini. Though no advocate of nostrums of any kind, we cannot withhold a Holier- of what we considei the efficacies and virtues ol Harlich's Com pound Strengthening and Herman Aperient Pilla. the case before us is a living monument to boih. Spirit of the Times. For ourselves we cannot withhold a notice re specting the viilues of Dr. Harlich's celebrated me dicines ; We tK'lievc them to belong lo a very supe rior class. They are said to lie a very safe and ef remtdy, for many of the distressing diseases of the present day. A fair trial will convince the sceptical of their viitue. Sat. Citron. For sale al the store of HENRY YOXTHEIMER. Apiil lfith 1812. rnr. Colds, 4 on-; lis, ami Consumption, f IHESE universal complaints we find in almost 1 every family, alieiiiled with more or less seve rity, al the same lime regarded by some wiih very little attention, until ihey begin to assume serious character. Why are patients so neglectful of them selves, when they know that their h1fh is all in all! Are they not aware that it requires a much li nger time lo arre-t a disease when suffered to knit its threads upon the vitals t Will those who desire health take good advice, and always be provided with a few bottles of "Dr. Duncan's Expectorant lit nit dy," win retry they can immediately arrest the fjlul progress of Ciin-tuiiip ion, and not he compel led to spend year, in misery and pain, besides ma king an "Aiolhtcaru Shop" of their Homach ? This Modiciue is 0 Main in it t fleets, if used in due season, and always pr, Hlmes iclief in the most hope less cases, by its soothing and palliative effects. This is a consolation which many appreciate. Ollire and Wholesale Depot, No. 19 Noith Eighth st eel, Philadelphia. Price fl per bottle. For sale ut the store of HENRY YOXTHEIMER, April 9th, 1842. Agntt. Liter Complaint, Tch V'"'"' Ktundtiii?, cured the use of Dr. Har, licit s Compuuud Strttigthtiiing and Herman Aperient Villi. MRS. SARAH HOVER, wife of Willinn Boy. er, North Fourth Street atsive Callowhill, Philadelphia, entirely cured of Ihe alstre distressing disease. Her symptom were habitual coslivenes of the bowels, loin! loss of sppelile, excruciating pain in the', stomach and back, depression of spirits, eitntiic del i'ity, could not lie on her li lt ' bide without an aggravation of pain, with other ' v uipt'iuis indicating great deiangeiiient in lha Inn. nous ol ihe liver. Mrs. Hover was altendctl 1 by several ol the first physicians, but received but I little relief from their medicine at last a friend of ' nl In r procured a p.u kage of Dr Harlich's Strength : enii'g and Ocr nan Aperient Pdls, which, by ill use of one pat kage, induced her 10 continue with ihe medicine, whn-h rcsti'ted in effecting perinu. licnt cure, beyond Ihe piptvl.vion of her friends, Principal office for lliis medicine is at N'n. 19 North Eighth at reel, Phl.tdelpliis. Also for sale at the store of HENRY YOXTHEIMER, April V'd, 84i. Agent. TUUTII Wil l. VKV.MAl., Dr. Harlich's medicines are Jaily increasing in public favor, s.'kl waul Iroin any but a fair trial to establish then won h. U'e have a ronimuiiu atom III our columns to-il ty fiotn a person long afflicted, vtnu h is but one ot in-my vjuchrra for I In uieJi cmr ji.ul (J iKe Tuntt,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers