UNBURY AMERICAN. AND SIIAMOKIX .10UKNAL. price or Ami:nTisi I square I insertion, . fn fit) 1 do S do . . .0 7!i 1 do 3 flo - - - I 00 Every subsequent itv-erlicn, 0 51 Yearly Advertisements, (wifh the privilege ol nlterahon) one column $25 ( half column, $18, three squares, f 1? two squnrcs, f 9 ; one Fquire, It. .Tl.t AVSf.'lf, Editor. orriCE IS M iH K KT iTKrST, SAR Di.r.n. THE" AMFiUOAN" UpWisTicd every Satur. day at TWO DOLLARS per annum lobe paid half ye.irly in advance. No paptt discontin Util till all arrearages aits paid. .N' subscription received for a less period than ix month. All communications or Idler on uisines- relating to the olfivo, to injure attciition, niui bo rosr PAID. - ! Without the rrivileee uf alteration a liberal divcount will be made. Advertisements lett without direction as to the lenifth of time the are to be published, will lo Absolute acquiescence in the decisions of the msjoii'y, the vital principle of Kepiibltfa, from which there i no nppinl but to force, the vital principle and iminedia e pi-cnt of ileip .timn. .Inn.iiso. continued until ordered out, and chargod accord ing Iv. Cj'Si-teen lines make t square. lly Mnnor & i:irly. ftiinbiiry, .t'ortliumbcrlaml Co. Saturday, May ISVI. Vol. II.o. WXII, Trims or Tin. " iMr.nicix.'' HE.NHV D. MASTER, Publuuku asd JOsEl'II E18?ELY. $ pRoraiKToas. Seminaries of Angel. t aerm uwn. TWe acrptic wonders thus myriad mh 'I hat roll through the immensity of space, Were forme l-and while lie thinks of this tmtil earth Is tiouliled, lest the infinity of worlds Were made for thai alone. Know, then, the truth : Those rnuntle spheres, ''the poetry of Heaven," Were m.d.' flit tribes unnunihered save by him, Whose fi.t gave them birth, and each apart I but a temporary school to train The immortal soul for Hi aven. Love divine Wills and intends his creatures for thnt home, No they co-operate with Him in willing. And thus received hi. hUwing; for mankind, I free to choose or n.K. and as the choice, tSo is the lot of cuch. Who then can gaze On this delightful nursery of anijels. Our beautiiitis earth, with all its lovely forms No lovely, that the merely natural eye Drinks i)i iMijTit with (taring and not feci Joy ou th it tie is ecut hi re as to sellout, To learn the way to Heaven ! As for ine, I've learned to look on man with better thoughts, ince I have known this truth ; and while I mourn O'er hi inf. itu.tion arid despair Of his domocracy, knowing K to be false; And while I grieve at the daik drapery, hanging Hctiveeii his spiritual und natural being, II v which his inward senses are fast locked ; el do I know bis march henceforth is onward, IVot as the petty politician thinks. Amidst the sudden ruin ofthe system In which lie lives; but in agudu d jtfogresg From natural science up to hjm ituui iiul-t, Kveri to angelic Urighlive.. I litis our eaith, With every o(ler laiili thiough boundless space, Will be the birthplace of angelic choirs. Their schools and finiiar'ups. Would ihat uu'ii Might even now lielieve it, and put oft Their evil nvs as fins against high Heaven, Then would liu-ir eye be oiien, and the truth tiush on their hearts; then would the worlJ appear j uiigni as ine miu oy sun, anu uuuer k lau w.ixild stand shadowless. Tlic Hour of DrtlU. Leaves have their time to fall, And flowers to wither at the north wind's breath, A lol stars to set but all, Thou bast all seasons for thine own, oh 1 Death. lsy is for mortal care, I've for p.la.l meeting iouoJ the joyous hearth, JVigh-t for the di.eai of rloep, tlie voice of jwa-vcr. 13 ut all fur ibee, thou Ukij;l(icst of the ear.lj. M'e linow when moons shall wane, hen summer birds liom far shall cro-s the sea, hen autimui's Ii-hc hal t'nge iliegolileii gruin liirt vlioil'.u!l tcacJh M w hen lo toik forilvee'! Thou art where billows foam, Thou ari where music melts -upon the sir; Thou art around us in our eac.t-ful hutucj AuJ thi! uoild vails usfjiih and ttiuaj iuI theie. Leaves have their time to fH, And flower to wmImt kl the north wiiiil's breath, And stars to set but all, Tluiii lia.sl all M-asoUs lothuie own, oh ! 1.V t'h. V01 tin' l.tiily's (iuzrttc 1 UK UKS-K OF ST. CKCII.E. TKVXXI.AItU KliOM T1IK FJlXJUia. There liv-ed., iaithe yew: JKW, in the little villape of Majoruila., a Spanish muleloer and n t crossed her path. In the centra of the soldiers young girl, whoso station in Jite was not more ! walked Francisco; bis liead erect, and his arms elevated than his, heieing a servant in an inn, crossed over his chest. Ini.ella recognized called the Joldeu Fountain. These two young ; her loi er. Breathless her hair dislu yeJU.d pco..le bad boon children together, and when , shu threw bersJfupiui Uer knees hefore the they reached what ia called in England the , Krriichmcn, who halted, moved, at the sight of years ot discretion, had loved, told eac'i oll'er ' such deep despair. the love, aud the day ou which our story ,oh , midlllli p.trijon rrallcisco cri0,l tl,0 commences the vows of eternal fidelity bad . fetching her Uads supplicatingly passed between them. The time .was fixed ' iuWar.ls the condeuMied ; -i am more Ui.fortu for the nnptiaU IulUe.uican tiuie, Napoleon a)atc tmu fi.Uihy. Violence alone made, me had sen! 0 French army icto Hyuix, AkLaugh f)iti1,M.!.S- favorably received at ffir-t. il wasnutjoi.g : Then seci'g the file rnoviii- fuivard, hl.U it .met with resistance, TJie uiululoer, Fran- ril.h,, ,vr ,ovt!j wmmg hw Ixaly ,e..-c wasaiot lhe ludU;) miu in defcndene00f , w itlin Upf ew.UlllMsj olieword of par- his country. -a iwii.i did liiizcKti ent-cat her don, Francisco ! OIK say tlt you feel nei- Jov.er J.at to leave her. )et;jirn',ncd to nej&rw lllof lttlrei ,lor 811jjer-, ! ins duly to Ids coe-,ltry, FrwiciaO) .was ;ue)c- 'i'he guerilla looked at her w itli sorrow, orablc W hen the .iayf separation arived, j (Neither hatred nor anger, he replied, draw iindtl.vegueiiiltt w.cnt to pay Lis last vwit to ( jrr ff0II1 ,j8 bosom thp white rose of .St, IVxile. inuclla, he foiiAid her uyan her kuees before a i'herc is thy rose, lnizclla. It js laded ; hke jiltle ijttdoniia. He knelt ai her side, and, thy virtue: it ia withered, lil;e my heait. iil'ter uttering a short uraycr, huuded her a j ow, added he to the .suMiens, do your duty, v. Iii'.c urliliciul rose. Vive rFspague !' 'Arise !' said he. Tui is the rose of St. ; of llw 1(lc , t lc bttr.rt bed of Francisco we Cecile. Tlie Bishop of Barcelona gave it l' are ignorant. As to the ofliccr, ho recovered iiy mother the day ofJieir marriage. Keep it )roa llis woumiS) ulj , tu,rl U.J0 ul., ;. in remembrance of tho jioor uiuletecr; it will cuunls Wehave;ust related, gaiw;d the epau t)rnj happiness to us both.' Jctto ofa cajitain of cavalry al the second siege Wiih these word the young Spaniard tore j yt- jjurHgot;ta .OWj ilo bitterly reproaches liiiwelflrom the apartment. Oppressed with j lmsi,t fur what he calls the follies of his ihe weight of her grief, she fell ujion her knees, ; y0lll, ; ajid it is from his o wn lips we heard his pressing against her breast the sacred ciubioui 1 gt0ry. of their love ; and when Francisco turned his j head, to take a laat k, he saw the afflicted j An old lady living on the line of a rail road tirl already praying for Lis re-luru. j ju Michigan, lost her pigs and cuttle, by their After the siege of Saragossa, the bands of being run over- She demuuded payment of the guerillas scattered through the mountains, were ' directors for the loss of her piojierty ; this they broke.u up, Fxaucisco took the road to Majorada, I refused to make. In revenge, she grca.-ed the and arriv.d the 'Jd October, 1'sOl, at tho linage track fur ome dIai-ee, which at once put h of Alcovciidas. It was late w hen he reached end toall locomotion, Hiid it was only by a free the inn, at which fatigue coinpelunl him to hull use of sand 011 the raila that tho tram could for the night. When he cuteed the 'posadu,' he louud it occupied by two oilicers of French dragoons, wIkj, with their legs aVetchtd upon the chairs, were bilentlv nuwsuifr their pipes. The guerilla frowned, as he recognized the de. tinted uniluriB, arid carefully wrapping h!;i::ol.'" "p ill his cloak, took a scat at the further end of (lie Mont. The youngest of tlic tw o officers laid hid pipe upon tins tabic. Here we nreat Inst, said ho, in Spain, which our university dreams clothed in so much po etry. Well, well, 1 must confess tho women nre beautiful.' 'Yes,' replied tlic other, 'lint you will confess that you have been deceived in them. Jt is hard that a roue, u it li so much skill as you possess, should he compelled to capitulate he fore the virtue of the servant ofa Spanish inn.' The guerilla, became more attentive. 'Not so, my friend,' said the one who had commenced the conversation, 'the fortress was well defended, hut it w as it, and not 1, that ca pitulated. However, iiikjii my honor, thai ser vant should have been entitled Uihe crown of white roses at Mnjorda.' The glass tluU Francisco hold, rracked le twci.ii his fingers. Ho stretched hisliand over the table next to him, and taking up a knife carefully examined its point. 'Have you a proof ol your victory 1' asked the oilier dragoon, A proof muttered Francisco, between tiis teeth. I The ofliccr turned his bead towards the I guerilla ; vvl.cn he saw his pale and disorder- : ed face, his flashing eyes and trembling lips', J he hesitated a moment. It seemed tol.im that ; the presence of Fraiicisco forhodod ill. ! 'Here it is,' said he, at lc.'igtii, drawing from j the lull's of his clonk a white row. j Francisco, with n single bound, looped llu: I space which separated him from the table of I the two .orlicers, and with a .threatening look, am f yes tla.-liing lire, stood iwfore tliem, That rose is uijno ',' lie cried, in a voice of thunder, 'mine, the betrothed ot Ini.ella.' With these words, he seized his rival by the thrjnt, and buried the knife in his hnnU k'for..' the wj!essof JJiis scene liad time to stay Lis arm. j When he was arre;1ed1ie made no resistance and was conducted to Madrid for trial. Heing i interrogated by Joseph flonaparte, wh'jse fore head had just been encircled with the thorny j crown of Ferdinand, that l'rinee saw with re j gret that J.e slumld Jj ohiiged to order the death of Francisco. Not w ishing to give puh j licity to the matter, for he really jiitied the jHHir ' youth, he cumjuajided that the cAec.utioii JvLuulJ ! privately take pl.ieu the liillowing morning, ; w ilhiu .the fitelosuie ot'llie jalace. Sni o'clock had jut slrucli. A yotiijg girl, ; w ho seemed esLiiUhled with fatigue anil anxie I ly, trersed Madrid IViHii the Convent of San ; I.oren.o to the gates of Duen Ketiro. The of j ticer of the guard, when he saw the distracted j air of the poor girl, was moved wi-tii compassion, I (id bad not the heart to forbid her entrance 'into the palace, fiut scarcely had she taken twenty steps in court, when a tile of grenadiers I proceed. She continued this daily tor a -hort i time, when the directors were glad to compro- j miso th affair by paying her the amount ot 1 damu.?es cluimed. lie who contends with a tfihrmti.uJ woman, will always in the en , co.'iic o'l btcmj bet. TtUi;rpji. Klnqnriit Eltrstti The following is the very eloquent ronrlu-imi of Mr. Mtrhall's sM'ech, delivered before the Con gressional Total Abstinence Society, February 25th, Sr, if there bo within this ball an individual mnn who thinks that his vast dignity and im portance would bo lowered, the laurels which tic has heretofore won be tarnished, his glowing and all conquering popularity at home be les sened, by an net designed to redeem any por tion of his colleagues of fellow men from ruin and shame, all I can say is, that he and I put a j ,rtte of hot cakes, and dips it up a curt load at very different estimate upon the matter. 1 j a choveltoll. os Hist hi you please. Ho cuts should say, sir, that the act was not only the right and left a path some six rods wide through inst benevolent, but, in the present state ofo- j the hill, and then takes a new swath. He is pinion, the most politic, the most popular, (look- J locomotive, and advances by hia own steam ing down at Mr. Wise, who sat jut t under the power, whenever the earth has receded before clerk's stand, Mr. M. added with a smile,) the j him, grades and stakes down for himself, and very u ifiwl thing heeverdid in his life. only requires one man to tend shovel and ano- Think not. sir, (t-a.d Mr. M., still regarding ther to look after ihe tiro and engine, though ilr. W. with great earnestness,) think not that one or two others are generally employed to I (eel myself in a rediculoiis situation, and like smooth the track belorc him, &c, besides) tend- i he fox in t.'ie (able, w ish to divide il with o- j thers by converting deformity into Iil-Iiioh. N'rt so, by my honor as a gentleman, not so. I was not what I v a.-i represented to be. 1 had and 1 hav shown that 1 had full power over myself. Hut the pledge I have taken lenders mo serine i gravel. If he comes to a stone weighing some ferexer from a fate inevitably following habits four or live tons, betakes him up more careful like mine a fate more terrible than death, ly and lays bun out the other bide of his path. That pledge, though confine d to myself alone, j All this is efleclud by uu immense shovel with and with reference to it only tiled upon me, j a sliding bottom, the end of an immense and my mind, my heart, my bialy, I would not ex- i complicated arm, worked by much injeuious change for all earth holds of brightest and of umchuicrv. best. Yo, no, sir, let the banner ol tiiia tern- The inentir is now dead; the company perimee cause go back ward or go forward let 1 spent thirty thoiis ind dollars upon the inven the world be rescued from its degrading und 1 tnni before the first machine was made, and ruinous bondage to alcohol or not I tor one i much more afterward. The patent (which is sbuli never, never repent whnt I have done. I j now secured throughout Furope,) is now pro have often said this, and I feci it every moment . bably w orth a million of dollars- An 'Fxca of my exigence, walking or sleepmg. Sir, 1 ! vator' complete costs about S'ti.'W, ond will would not change the physical sensations the toeie sense of animal being which belongs In man who totally re-strains fioin nil that .can in tofcicale liis brain or derange his nervous struc ture the ela.-licity with which lie buuiidafioni his couch in the morning the sweet repose it yields him at night the feeling with which he drinks in through bU clear eyu the beauty and the grandeur of surrounding nature; I say, : tiuiml curiosity to Kv.-k over, and stc this iiiodein sir, I would n. exchange my conscious being, i Hejd, ol j, l:,b,.r. fc-uch a chance for as a strictly temperate man the sense of renur , those interested in Geology has rarely b. eti o' vateil youth the g!d play, with which my frded. Fort Gr.a.11 was entirely a mani:e de pulses m.w beat healthful music the bounding ' jn.e.aiid nearly every variety ol'uek lias been vivacity with which Hi lite blood courses its ,,y li(C excavation-iacludii-g large eu!tiiig way through every fibre of my frame 1 ,llass,.s fro, Vi ec.lse.-ter, Connecticut, and re- Uie couimuniou high which my healthful ear j (-Hr t,lliro j1:,ta,lt. (.'nder fifty feet ulW.id and wes now hold with all the gr.rge.ais uui- !,,,, are folla boulders and pebbles which verse of God-the splendors of the '"r"i"S. j n,,, have been subjected to the action of waves the soilness of the evening sky-the bloom, the ..... clirr(,IlU imn,rU A not thousands of beauty, the verdure of the earth, the music uf the air and wau-rs w tto all the grend associa tions of external nature, reopened to the fine avenues of sense no sir, though poverty dog ged me though scorn poinled its slow finger ut me as 1 passed though want and des-.tituUoii, Ui;d every elcuent of cusllily misery, sjtve oiily crime, met my waking eye from day to day; nut lltr the brightest mid noblest wreath that ever cucirclud a stutesuiun's brow not, if some nugel coiiiuiissioiied by heaven, or some demon ralA.ercirt fresh tioiu hell, lo test the resisting strength of v irtuous resolutions, should tempt ! vet leiniimelh much land to be poss ssed ' A me back, with all the honors which a voclJ can ! moug other c.ces which had come under the no. bestow ; not for a" that lime and all that earth i ice of he agents ofthe Society, he relat-d can give, would I cast from me this precousithe lollowiug in.'ident a;' having occurred with pledge ofa liberated mind, this talisman ugainat ; ' 1 ""'1 witnessed by one ofthe leii;ptution, and plunge again iuto the d ingers " Msionaries. In a inierable hovel of and terrors which o-ce beset my path. So help h"u.e vv Inch he entered te found a loan lying ne heaven, sir, as I would spurn beneath my '. dead With come of tha family c.viiA aU.ut him. feet, all the gills the universe coulj ulcr, and ' "In the t;iue r.-mi with the corpse a coup'e were Jive and d.e ss I am, w but ir. being married Ue bridegroom wearing the j clothes which the dead k.an just cast oil', 011J Matuimonv and Hi.ckw. We copy the fol- e. ery (lung v as going on very meiriiy, asihough low ing from the Grange ('I enn.) Gatherer : We are pained to learu that o-.i Thur-sday . . .. . evening lu.-t, a most horrible transaction took iiliico 11; this county, nine or ten miles from thu ', , , , , - , , . , . . Lila.ce. which resulted 111 the death ol David ' Jarnegan, Em,, and the wounding o! several other persons. Thcncral lU vi-c Wi I slate as we beard them. It appears that a Mr. -Mor- gaUha.larrang.Hlaiuatrm.on.alelo1e.nc..tVMth a oaugu.. o. iuu urease-.., mu; nu it.u am uffricuds was accomplished on XiiursJay; the parties haviugrepaiitd to a house iu the neigh borhoud where the marriage ceremony was le gally performed. Upon learning tho fact of the elopement., Jamegiui became vejy iudignunt ami deteriiiiued j go iu pursuit. Takiug a few friends, be soon rcuchc.d the house w here tlie marriage .arty was assembled. Vu learu that he forced the door and entered, when an attack coinmenced, in which ihe deceased teccived ! ordinary btRincn, ou Lioard the .North Carolina suudry wuuuds, whvJi wroiluceij his death early i bus invented a gun carriage ol much iinMrtaiice yealerday uioriiiiig. Some others were wound- i The invention consists hi an apparatus, by td, among them Mr. J. F. Muuiiious, who vve which a gun can bo pointed iu iui oblique ui vnderfttaud i terijuly, if ut diiigeiuly inju- reel mo, v. ithoutmovieg ihe carriage, aud w ith red. With tii.i dectased we were weil uc- ; the utmo.-t case a 12 pumder only ic.iuiru.g qua inted Jle was a wealthy planter, an I ps- sessed many fine oints of character. Uu ua tuiit ly in. is much regretted by his numerous Mulid The New Vol k Tribune gives the tnunc ol "The Yankee Ceologist" to the ingenius ami very useful machine which it dem'ibes in tho annexed urticle. We paid a flying visit on Sain -day lant V 'Otis's Steam Fx ia vat or,' in Uroolilyn, where it is at work digging down the known us 'Tort Green,' and tilling tip the t-hallow inlet and quagmire entitled 'the SVallabout,' or mi much of it as lies shove the old road to Flushing. The ,'ieoLijrist" is surely a grut ciuioi.it y. Jle walks ri'ht into n mouiitaiii us though it w ere a nig the carts, which approach to be tilled on one rail-truck ami go ell' loaded by another. If he comes to a stone weighing only a leu or such a matter, the (ieulogii-t'inakcs no bones' of it, but pitches it into the carl like a peck of dig and load 1,H0 eubii- yards of earth per da v equal to the labor of lot men care- nothing for cold or heat, or rain or fair weather, but goes ahead arid uiiuds its own business through all. The excavator is about a mile from th? Ful ton Ferry (wnere carriages arc abundant,) and . we r,.ClMIUlwn, those who hvve leisure and r years, and thus have been worn round and smooth as lap stones. I'retty extensive Geolo gical Cabinets may be made 110 here with hard ly a touch ofthe hummer. Who will neglect the opportunity to see a machine which is to work a revlution in Railroad, Cans, and al! r.ten::ivo excavation- whatever 1 A Wkdtcukd Sce.n:. Tlie Kev. Mr. Phelps preached a sermon in one of thechurchesof Bos ton en Sunday forenoon last, in tehaifof lktoii City Mii-rionury Sucii'ty, from the text, 'There ,t was a jovul time. .Vuf (JuiUtc. i ",' :." nM Fx'iitr.wi: fcn-u:uii uy ticLss. Ihe i:i.,in-.sii r 'r. leiMiieh irivcs an account of the , . ,, ., ... . . ,-v ! sickness of Mr. Paul Couck, a preacher ot .New- . . , , , , .. 1 ,, 1 burviiort, w bodied 111 March last. He had been . unl, a sev.-ift chronic rheumatistii for uJ .,a ,,,,. , ,., j.i,,,,,.,,; j ,lM,,ri,, to (J,C ,lo,!VIll., iu Ut,t. la,,:!) tl ulr(. t!lC ,,.al r,U.f ,, 1,;, , , r4J- 8o:iir! iarfailCt'S he l..-ed t'jrtuie. lii some instances he u.-ej t;x tea spiMtis full per day. In October, 1-I5, he too!; to his chamhjr. 1 " feet square, ot ivi.i. h ):e Lis not, in a rvhiary instance, crossed t!u t lire.-held, til! cariuJto his long liouu1. At the liiuOuf his decease, it was tht &(Hh year of his close confinement; ami since l'J",' he , has been totally blind. I MPt TAivr l.wt.M'iov Henry Cliicket-ton i one man each side li is highly sjioken of by tr.uny oi'our inilitaiy ana navai uciu.c.eu, u. .1 we tru-t the government w ill bestow some at- 'iiition upjn the lnvciii. m anJ uututcr. ,orl Seen til nil Ills Woik, A TALK MOM TIIU WWIIA. tn that beautilid part ot lierihany winch bor ders on the Khine, there is a noble ca-tle, which as yon travel on the wueteru banks of the river, you i-ce lifting its ancient tower- on the oppo site side, above the grove of trees nboijt as olJ as itsulf. About lorly years ajo, there lived in ' that castle a nobleman, w hom we cull Huron . The Uaroti had only one son, who was not only a comli.it to his father, but a blessing to all who lived on his lather's land. It happened on a certain occasion, that this young man being from home, tin -canto a j f rend, gnntlefiwn M see ine nar'i. .-vs siK.n asthe gentlem-.n came into the ca:;l!e, he be- j ganlo talk of his Heavenly Father, in terms j that chilled the old man's blood ; on which the baron reproved him, saying, 'Are you nut afraid of ofending God who teigns above, by speaking in such a manner !' The gentleman said lhat he knew nothing about God, for he had nev er seen him. The baron did not notice at this limn what the gentleman faid, but the next morning took him about his little castle and grounds, and took occasion first to show hi in a very beautiful picture that hung on the wall. The gentleman admired the picture very much and said. "Whoeverdiew this picture, knows very well how to use bis pencil.' '.My son drew this picture,' said the baron. 'Then yon r. son is a very clever man,' replied the gentleman. The bnron went, with his visitor into the gar- d.'ii and showed him nimy Uauliful flowers ' and plantalioiis of foir.-t tre.-s. 'Who has Ihe ordering of this garden asked Ihe gentleman. My son,' replied the baron ; 'he knows every plant, I may say, from the cedar of Lebanon to the hysop 011 tho wall.' 'Indeed,' sat.l the gentleman, 'I shall think very highly of him s-xiti.' Theburon then took him into the village and showed him a small, neat cottage, where his son had established a school, and where he caused all young children w ho had lost their parents lo be received and nourished nt his own expense. Tho children ill the housri looked so innocent and fo l.sppy, that thu gentleman was very pinch pleat-ed, aud when be returned to the castle, he said to the baron, whit a happy man you pre to have so good a smi ' How iIj yo i f.no'v 1 baveso l'o. 'H.VBIIce 1 luivo I'll Jiiswor'r. u (. on : anil i know : -s dime a i hu liiu.-t be g.Hxl and clever, if !.- ; you have tho Weil me.' But you have never seen him 'Xo, but 1 know him very well hcoausc 1 jn.ii'p of him by his works.' 'True,' replied the baron, 'and this is the way Ijudce ofthe character ot our heaveidy Father. I know from llis works that He is a being of infinite wi.tdjm, and power, and goodness. The Frenchman felt the force ofthe reproof, and was careful not to offend the good baron any more by his remarks. AVou't lotte Tavriit)- DolUi-f. Some WHjfgi.di students at Yale College, a few years since, were regal inff themselves one evening at the 'Tontine,' when an old firmer from the country entered their room (taking it for the bar room,) aud inquired if he could ob- tain lodging there. Ihe young chaps uniiwli- atelv answered him in the affirmative, inviting him to take a glass- of punch. The old fellow was a shrewd Yankee, saw lhat he was to be made the butt of their jest, but quietly laying off his hit and telling a worthless dog he had to lie under the chair, he took a gljs ot the proffered beverage. Tlie students anxiously in quired af..cr Ihe (..-tilth ofthe old man's wife and children, and tlie farmer with affected simplici ty, gave them the wh.rie pedigree, with Burner oiis anecdotes regarding his farm stock. &.c, &c. 'Do yixi helokg to the church 1 asked one of the wigs. 'Ves, the Ixird be praised, and sjs-d my fa 'Uer betore me.' Well, I oppose you wou'd not leLI a he,' replied the t-tu lent. 'Not for the world,' ailded tie former. 'Now what will you t ike :'..r tliat dog f pjnit-in- oLs farmer's cur, who was wot vvoith his ui-i:ht in Jersey mud. 1 would not take twenty d liars for that dog. Tweity dollars! wi;y tie is not wortli, twen ty cents.' W eil 1 assure you 1 wousi not Ke twenty dollars for him.' Camie, my friend, said tb -i student, who with his companions ws bent on having - , fuu with the uld man, 'now you say you won't tell a lie for the world, let me see if you will not do it twtriKy tU-iais.' l'll give juu twenty dollars for your dog.' tlii u.k.' it,' replied the farmer. Vou will not ! Here, let us ifthis won't tempt you to tell a lie,' added Ihe student, pro- liucing a -. .:: .-T.-V. d l'ir, troiu wliuU , Uc commei.ceJ count iijt r.ui..e.o...i t....l ;- !'s uvii de tubli-. The fanner was 6itt!n,i by the table wiih bis hal in hia hand, apparently un concerned. There,' added ll.o student, thero are twenty dollar all in silver, I will give you that for -your dog.' The old farmer quietly raised bis hat to tha edge of the table, and then aa quick aa thought rcrapid all. the money into it excepl one :half .l,.-i. ,1 ;... !.. ,i .. .. j uuuni, di uu; E.UIUU louv c wintllliii;- 4 wtiii w I lake your twenty dollars'! Nineteen and a half is as mutli as the deg ia worth ho ia your pr perty!' A tremendous laugh from bis fellow studei.ta howed the Would be wag, that he was cum p)otcv Mono up,' and thatho ntied notW. )c)p )rom tmtt qimrtfr . eo j,e sfH)j naturtdty uckuwie,ged himeelf beat insisted on theo! 1aUir.,r ilau. and thev uaited Cl B f - I in great glee the student retaining hia doj which he keeps to this day, aa a lesson to hi.it never to atlempt to play tricks ot) men ohltr than himself, and especially to be careful tka he tries to wheedle a Yankee farmer. Uncle Sam. SoMrriiiNO New. Another u for India rubber, lias been devised at the itxiuth. Ninety, three bales of cotton, stored in bogs of this r. ticle, were floated down the Toiubigbce t.j Alabama, to Mobile, ai-J arrived in a perfectly safe condition. The bales weighed five or si? hundred pound;; each, i 1 drew only thruek)4 a half inches of water. Novkl Cixjck. A Frenclimsn nur.eii IJa, bies, at Clnllon, has invented a seit-w.nidiiig clock. The weight is raised whenever l!u hour is struck. The Yankees must look out sharp, or the people cn the other s:Je of the big : pon,i wi" n'-'ar t!,e Vm in inventing and constructicg labor-saving machine. A MoNtVENTTO William Pkn.1. A numr ber of members of the Society of Friends con template creating a monumeiitto William 1'eni) on the site ofthe old Elm Tree, in Kensington. They have, as we are informed made a projx Mtum to purchase a lot of ground in the local w ty named, havinga front on Beach street of 70 feet, end il is probable that they may sreuro ft, on fair terms from the present owners. Should they succeed in their negotiations, they w iij 1 cause a monument to be erected which shall be j two bun : red feet high, with a square base of 1 i'rry :' -i''., a::J w.ih a flight of steps on the lti ' S..I-.- te'.A.ve fr-nxi O.a ta lo ti.e top. liie 111 - .1.1:'. i!-:;.:br ;s a riaisev i; t'.y one, and vye hoc 4 It-. Danlifcrs sliouhl be tiioroughiy ac (juainled with the business aiiiJ carei uf a faintly. TJicse aie amonp; the lirst olijecfs of vvoman's creation; ought to he among ha first brandies o lier education. They should loam neatness, economy, industry and sobf ety. These will constitute their orua inenti. Ko vermillion will be iiecessa ry lo give color or expression to (Iia countenance ; no artificial supports U oive shape or torture to tle bojy, JVa turo will appear in ail lier loveliness u( proportion, of lieauty; and modesty, iitmllccted gentleness of manner, will render them a una tuc in the hildLca au4 ,;;,, ,,,, d nrn.imrnl, trv th,. ait j room and parlor. Uow enviably j ,ie piirents of such a daughter ! How I ovey tlie t!agliler herself! Jlow hai j py tje husband of such a U iKH Tillies , lirtppy the childreu of such a mother I i 1 hey shall rise up and call her blessed. and tier memory shall live. The influence of the female charac ter cannot be estimated. It is decisjva wl'ilve character of the other sex, f i her character be pure and elevateJ, and without reproach, such will be the char acter ofthe other sex. Tliere ii iio man u:h a monster that he would dar. to be vicious in the presence ofa virtu. ; ons woman, lier cti ituc'ver is a biiu l j I aiTiiinst even the i1...:Ij:: -:' ; . ! V. very thin;, dot u:lie oi serial, da ; pends on (eniale charucicr. As Uuugh ! ftrs and sister, they djcide the charv acti-r of llie fan.ily. As wive, they : ciiiphiiticaHy derio.i (he characters of i ilwir husbands and 1'ieir condition also. ; It has been uiiiiu;iinoy said, that tht, husband may ask the wife whether ho ' may be respected. He certainly niusj i10uire a i.- - ui,eli.P .e lnav t,8 pn.st-? Tons Hiid happy. As mother?, ,lf; v',Iu(.iJc tie character of tlieir chiU 4ft;n re has constituted them llif oar v guardians mid instructors of their c njdi en, and clothed tlic.H wiih sympa, (ucs suited to this important trust. I - j Hlab both Shim.-" Why, it's good lo g4 ; druuk once m a while," sud a ruminur, "for 4 cUans a fellow out.' , " i liat s a tact, 11 aees. repiic.1 a u astnngtn; i.tan ; '-it c!..i,s h:.i.i '.il e! h. nrc, hoise lnofv and friends."
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers