Jirlil hit hore. A toon un he recovered his ton. aes, ha told Wise that lie he ha J done the dastardly act to strike an unarmed man one who had not . even a switch in his hand, from behind. ; that the thy ing of his home was a circumstance h could not prevent, and he was turning to apologise to him for it, when he received his cowardly M.tw. Mr. Wise replied that he had called him a cow. ard In the House, and he had now given, him a blow, and he might tuke both. A Mr. Sparks of Mississippi, who had observed Mr. Wise looking at Mr. Stanly in the way men tioned, and had todo up and endeavored to engage Mr. W. in conversation, with the view of drawing him off, now fearing a serious reconlre, remarked 1o both, that he hoped they would not carry the af. fair any further 'here. Mr. 8. said no he should not and rode on. Here it ended for the present, at least. Whclher any thing more will grow out 'of it, I am unable to say ; it is evident, however, that Mr. W, wishes to provoke a challenge, that he may dictate his condiiions. The blow given by him, was given with an instrument, and a force, -that indicated a determination to kill or seriously injure; and the first would have been the result had the ball struck two and a half or three incites lower, and it might have been the case but for the hat arresting in some degree the foice of the blow. I make no content upon the aflVir, but give the facta aa gentleman who had litem from the only eye witness of the whole, related them to me, with out "extenuating or setting down ought in malice," leaving every man to judge of them fitr himself, end, to censure whom he may think deserves his censure. It is rumored that Mr. Tyler has said he will not sign a Tariff Dill that shall impose a duty above 20 per cent. I can scarcely llievc it, but if ho has raid so, and intends to oppose any such U ill, it will be wiih the view of conciliating Messrs, Ritchie, Calhoun, &c. On this account it is proba- bin that the Army snd Navy Appropriation Dills w ill be laid over till the Tariff Mill is passed, and then, if the latter should be vetoed, Mr. Tyler must find money to py the Army and Navy 'where he can. A rupture in the Cabinet would surprise no ho dy here at any time ; and yet I do not look for any thing of the kind at present. OLIVER OLDSCHOOL. A Worm to the Skukstaht. This term in cludes all those who pass iln ir time within doors, embracing clerks and sudents. the majority of :.ie- hanics and professional men. with almost the en tire female pofiulation of all cities. These persons cannot possibly enjoy health with out using a vegetable purgative medicine, of suffi cient power to overcome that languor of ihe circu lation, and inactivity of the stomach and bowels, v hich must necessnnly result from want of ricrcise. Uramlreth's YtgeltMc Universal Villi leiiig a mild cathartic, and always acting harmoniously with the system, will lie found singularly effective in these cases; because they cleanse I ho blood f'om all impurities, remove every eause of pain or weak ness, and JCstorc the constitution to pcifcct health and vigor. X7" Purchase in Sunhury, of II. H. Miwr, and the agents puhli.-hcd in another part of this pa(ier. Astonlsliiu rati. Tklt. HARI.ICHS PILLS are rapidly super seding tlte ueof all other medicines if the iTiiTil advertized in ihe public prints. The wonder till cures they are daily performing in this vicinity, have created Kh a srrrcslion as to conlound tlie.r enemies, and elicit from the whole, community en thusiastic eommemlntiniis. No wonder who does not rejoice to Mtold the afflicted legaining their In tlih, as if ly nisic'l What laaart but feels glad that death is cheated of his prey at least for a tune, until olQ age shall smooth the dying llow. Thou sands and tens it thousands bless the day ihat thry la-came acquainted with tlte heating powers of Dr. Jl.irlirli's Compound Strengthening Tonic and I rcrman A pel lent YM.Ahliihula t-riiliml, Ohio, Mm 9. Vrinfipsl effire of the I'nited States, is at No. I 'J North Eighth street, Philadelphia. Western Depot, No. 4 I St. Clair at., Pittsburg. Pamphlets giving a full description of diseases generally, the manner af treating them, eVc , may lie obtained free of charge, bv asplying at the oili er, of agents. 1 1 E X R V Y OX T 1 1 E I M EK, May 14th, 1842. Agent. KV virtue of oralcr of the Orhan' Courts asf the counties of Noeimnhitland ami Cnkfli bia, the subscribers will off. r at public vendue, on Wfdnefciay the ISihday of June neil, at tlte Man sion House ii the late Jsaiics Campbell, dee'd., near Petersburg, in fShantotjii lowindtip, Xorthuruber land county, two tracts of valuable land, viz: One thereof situate in Shamokin township, ad joining lands of David Mc Williams, Ehsha U.irton, and Obadtah Campbell, containing 115 men. ainc or less, on which are ceecled a 1i?o and commodi one two story Frame House, with a cellar kitchen, fountain pump at the door, good orchard, a conve nient barn and other out houses, aud in a state of good cultivation. TUi aorty ison tlte Danville Turnpike, and within alstof lYuvthurg. The other tract is situate, in Roaring Oeci town ship, Columbia county, adjoining lanJs of Obadiah i'auipliell, John Thomas, Win. II. Say re and other, coirtaMting ity-4oui acres more or less, of which fifteen acres aie cleared. The fewaindor ia well timbered. A portion of the purchase money will he rcqui red down, and the balance may remain on reasoua tie raytncuia. OB ALMA II CAMPBELL, WILLIAM PERKLM. May 14. AJtmi. of James V-ampbett, dee'd. J. HAYLAND, JR. & CO. JSjhiIi and Tobacco Matiul'acturcrs, Ao. 1U .VorlA Walenrntr vf Ittu c and Third Streets. PHILADELPHIA. fVIIE undersigned have formed a Co partnership J- under the firm of J, MAY LAN D. J a. Ac Co.. h suceors to the late firm of J Utah .Muyland S Co., and will continue the Imsineka at theold eta Itjisliment, on tlieir owu aci'oniit. In addnion to their own close attention and ejerience f.sr many vrars, in the manufacture of their cefr brated hiuQ'-, Ve the long eupcrietice of llie senior itner of the bite linn, will also lie devoied to tlui liiterexl i.f the new concern and ss no rieilion and caie wi.l le spared to insure uit ir gomls, at all tunes of the ve ry heal quality, thry solicit a continuance of flie conriJsiue of the li.ekds and ru4sni-rs of the lata rm. THOMAti ADAMS. J. MAYI.A.M), Ja. Philadelphia, May Hlh, iti. y PRICE CURRENT. Corrected wmklyiiy Henry Yoxthcitner. WmiAT, ..... no Rrr, 60 Cork, ...... 40 Oats, ...... 30 Pobk, ...... 5 FLAisrKD, ... . 25 Ilt'TTSa, ..... 2 Bkkswav, .... s.r Tallow, .... 12 D111r.11 Aftlm, . . . 75 Do. Pcachks, . . 300 Flat, ... 8 HccsLto Flax, ... 10 Eons, ...... 6 WM. HEILMA1T & CO., (Jommissioti fc Forwarding Merchants, Foot of Willotp Strert Kail Rim,!, On THK nXLAWARR. TTAVIXO associated wiih them Joseph Darnet, A-lateof Enston, Pa., nspectfully inform their friends and the public generally, that they have ta. ken th it large and wel known store and wharf at font of Willow Street Kailroad, lately occupied by Jacob Martin, where they purpose doing a tieneral Commission and Forwarding Uusines, and from the hical advantaaea of the place being connected with all the public improvements that have their outlet in the city, they flatter themselves they will be able to do business to as gre it, if not greater ad vantage, and upon as reasonable terms as any other house, and they assure their friends that any con signments made to them sin II have their strict at tention, and no exertions spared to give entire satis faction. They are also prepared to receive and forward goods to any point on the Delaware and Lehigh livers, between Mauch Chunk, Easton and Phila delphia, via Delaware Division and Lehigh Can ds; also, to any point on the Juniata river, or North and West Blanches of the Suquehanna via Schuyl. kill aud L'nion, or tho Chesapeake aud Tide W.itei Canals. For the accommodation of Uoats coming or go ing via Schuylkill and Union Canals, a Steamboat wilt lirt kepi eipressly for towing boats from the Nchuvlklll around to the Delaware and back, which will enable merchants to have their pruduce deli vered 011 the Delaware, aud their goods sl.ippid at a saving of 5(1 to 75 ier cent. o the piic-ea fir hauling sciofs, with these mkitiitugrii they re spectfully solicit a share of patronnte. W. 1IEIL.MAN it CO. Williim Iftilman, William W. Keyscr, J Joseph Unmet. 3 Philad ,Mav U. 1H42 tv ROSE OI NTMBNT, roit ti:tti:h. KIMIWOItMS, !'IM-.K ON TIIK VWK, AMI Ol It I'll j t'l'TANKtlt'SI i:kl-m.vs fTj- The ftillitwiiij' crrti fieu'e rfcxcrilir one of Ike rstriMrdtmiry curt a ever effected ly any uijieatuiH. Prilaiii:ithia, February 10, IH:!8. IOR twenty yeais I was severely afllicled with - Tt-TTta on tint Face and Head: Ihe din-a.-e coinmeiicid when I was seventeen years old, and continued until the Full of ItMfj, varying 111 vio lence, but without ever dispearing. During mot of the lime, great part of my face was covered with the eiuplion, lrnuently aitended with vio'ent itch ing; my head swilcd si linns until it fellas if it wnuld durst the swelling was so great, that I cou'd scarcely get my hat 011. During the long peri. id tint I was tilllicted wiih the diseai-e, I useil a great many n plicatioii'i, (am. ng them several celebrated prep .r.itnui) us w . II as luking inwaid remedii s, imludiiig a number ol'lurttles of Sirnim't I'tiiwectt, Extract of SarmpnriUa, Ac, In fact, it would he impo-silile tit cnuinon'e all tlie tm-dicines I usi-l. 1 was ulso under the Care of two of ihe moi-t du tiiiguilied plir-icians of this city, hut without re ceiving nv ch U'liefit, and I despaired of ever being cured. In the fill of lHltfi, the disease ut the time being very violent, I commenced usiue the lime Uint nit ill, (prepared by Ysughaii A Davis.) In a f w applications the violent itching ceased, the swelling abated, the rUilioti U-gan to dUappi-ar, and before I had used ajar llie disease was rutirely cuied. It has now been nearly a yenr and a half since, aud there is not vestige of the disease re maining, except ihe scars from the deep iits formed by the disease. It is impossible for me to dccrile in a rrrliucate the severity of llie diseate and my stith-riug, but I will be pic ised to give a fuller ac count to any person wanting furiiter satistsetion, who will call on me. At the time I counuenceil using tlie Uie Okitineut I would have given bun d cda of do lais to ! rid of the disease. Since u iug it, I have recommnuled it to m-ht il fiersons. (among tU in my uiollier, w ho had lis; diea.-! bad ly oil 1m aim.) who wi re all cured bv it. JAMES UKKXELU No. 15ti, lli.ee St. rfj' The Kose Ointmeiil is jsepared by E. 1). Vauhan, S.u h East coiner of Tb.rd and Kare streets, I'luladilpliia, aud sold on atteucy in Sunbu ry.by II. II. MASSE It, MayJ4tlt. IftlS. .4.e;j. Koe Oiiilmciit, lor Teller. Al'HUOF OF ITS J'JTICACY. Fat liaiiriiia. May 3?lh, IH.'I'.t. rPIIIS is to certify tliat I was severely atMicted with Tetter in the hands and f.et for upwards uf forty years; the disease was attended generally with violent itching and swelling. I spplied to liuuilu1'4iycia4is, and used a great many sppli caiions without effecting a cure. About a year since, I applied the Kose Ointment, which entirely storied ike ilehing.atid few applications imme.ii alt ly cured llie disease, which there has been no return oC, although 1 had never lu-en rid of it at any time for forty years. IHC1IAKD NAVAI.E, Eleventh, below Spruce Street. The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. U. Ysuithan, Sjutlt East corner of Third and Kace Streets, I'luladelphia, and sold on agency in Sunhu ry. t.y H. U. MASSE K, May 14th. 1842. Aent. , MEDIC AlTAPTROBATION Of ike- UUS tl Ot.TMI..T,Jor TtlUr. ALTHOUtiH the superiority ot the prepaisinai ov-r all others is fully es'sblished, tho proprie tors take pleasure in laying before the public the following certificate from a resieciahle physician, a graduate of ihe University of Pennsylvania. Dr. (laugh, having found in this lemedy that relief l.r a ledmus aud di-agrceablc aHcction which the means within the range of his profession failed to allord, has not hesitated to give it his approbation, although the prejudices and interests of thai protoion aie opitoaed to secret Keinedies. FuiLAKr.t.rHiA, Sept. 19, lSHO. I was recently troubled witli a tetlious herpetic eruption, which eoveied nearly one u.le of my 'l.ojr, and el tended over the ear. Mr. aughan, p. o,ir tr ior of the Uose Ointment, obteiving my fare, insu led on my trying his preparation, of wh'cK he han ded me a iar. Although in common with the mem- tiers of my profession, 1 daoountru'iitr.e nd diav piuve ul the numer.aj 111h.tr uuu pa'nied upon he public by inoianl pr. leaders, I feel in jusitoe bound toeicept the Kie 4biitoi. nl fio'.n that c'ss of me tbciues. and to give it my ariprobation, as it entire ly turrd the eruption, although it b (1 resisted llie usu d applications. DAM. U A IHiH, M. D. OCj' Hie liose Ointnuiit is ftie.ured by E- I. Vaughan. South East confer of Third and H ice , SnerU. I'Ciladell lna, ai.J m Id on ii nev in tun- ' bitiv, l- Jl Jj. MASSKK. May 1 1th, Hft. A'-ent. ATTENTION SUNBUUY GREYS. YOU aro required to meet for parade in Market-square, Sun bury, at 8 o'clock A. M.of Satur day, the 28th day of May itist., in Summer tniifoim, each Member to lie provided with 11 rounds of blank caitridgc. fi By order of Captain Dew ait, -rV ' J. H. ZIMMERMAN, f4 Orderly Srrg't. May 1 fill. 1842. EAGLE Hs Uai 9 Corner of Third etud Vine Streets, WILLI.A.MSronT, FA. rilHE snbscrilwr resertfully announce to the Ml. public, that he bus opened a Hotel in the com modious bri.-U building situate on the. coiner of Third aud Pine streets, whete he will be happy to wail upon those who may favor him will, their company. The E:igle Hotel is large and conveni ent, and furnished in the best modem st.le. Ii is provided with a huge number of well aired and comfortable sleeping apartments rooms, private parlors, Ac. Persons visiting Willismsixirt on bu siness or pleasure, may rct as-orl that every ex ertion will be used to render their s.j.Ktrn at the Eagle Hotel" pleasant and agreeable. HisTsble will be supplied with the very b at the market af fords, and his bar with ihe choicest wines and otlier liquors chaises rcisonaMe. The Eagle Holt I possesses greater advantages in point of lisatinu than any other similar establishment in the borough, being situate in the husiuess purl of the town, and within a convenient distance of the t Jourt Mouse aud Wilhaiiisporl and Ehnira Rail R.i kJ I. pot. Sufficient Stabling provided, slid g shl and trusty ostler always in attendance. Alien live, accommodating ami lunie-t Servants have been empbned, and nothing bit mid me tint will add to tins com foil and accommodation of his guests. There will be n carriage always in attendance at the li.ist Landing to convey passengers to and Iroin ihe House, fric of charce. CHARLES UORROU S. May 14th, GO L I) ENS WAN Ao. til Aor th Third, uhore Arch Strut, PHILADELPHIA. AnriVMWVIIVI IONS IOU SJ.Vt.M V I'CHMIMI. pll ARLES WEISS, hue of the "White Swan." and "Mount Vernon House," respecllully 111 forms his friends and customers, that he has become Ihe proprietor of the abov well Luuwu Hot. I. Country Meichants will find the al'ovv Hotel a cential ItCatioii, and the best of faie. P.-rsiiS irj. veiling with private conveyance will liud a large yard aud gixid stabling foi horses, and the best of ostlers. Uo.uding J I per day. May U h, if. I'raiit-is 1. clittarl, OFFERS himself as a candidate for the ull'wes litgistcr Itccordrr, rind Clcik of the thyhiiiis" (Vinrf, at tlsf ensii ug general demon. Should the jwopte think him capable, no 111 gleet on his put shall pre vent the dutsss of said olliccs from being perforin ed at all limes. May 14th, 1842 7 0 Tin: rjj'.cToiis or on nii m- ni'Jll.AAIt COI'ATY. 'PllE suli-criher sesjiectlully uiforins the electors I of Nuitlnimlierlaiid county, that he will tie a candidate at the ensuing election, for the offices nf UigitUr, Recorder and Clerk of I he Orphans' ( 'our I. Having had considerable experience in public life, he lius s, if elected, he will Is' able to Jisehsrge the duties of said otl'ues to the entire satisfaction of tlie eommiiiiitv. FREDERICK LAZARUS. May 14th, 1x42. r7) ti h; KLKirri " ;of noriumheu- I.AXJ) COUNTV. r-4ll E SubscrilH-r resHctfully informs the Elec 1 lors of XiKihiimbiiland county, ihat he will bo eamlidate for the offices of Register, Recorder ond Ciitk of the Orphan' ( 'eiurt, at tlte ensuing general election. Shou'd In' le e leeled, he will eieil himself to render general satis faction, w hich his long 1 -rtciiee in the duties nf said nlltres, will enable him to do. May V. EDWARD OYSTER. to Tin: i:i.i::torsof aor ti- l UliF.KJ.A Alt co 1 TTY. rill E subscriber Umg irevailed 011 by hi 4 friends aL resiectfulv ii tonus llie public tbat he will t a candidate lor the office of C(.mmis.siom;r, at the ensuing general election. Ilo prouii-a?, it elected, to fultill the duties of said ullice, with rsie and fidelity. JOHN VOUNC., May 7th. 141. O Ash .Ra TJ) Ii n. J. W. li:Ala & I. T. Tlr.fTiis, RESPECTFULLY announce to tliB citiMMis of Sunbuiy, and its vicinity, that thry Mv this day entered into copaituei&hi',! in the Practice ot Medicine, in all ila various departments, and hope by this arrangement, p-inclual aiw nhn 4.. business, and moderate charge, to receive a lit-eial share ol public palionagi1. (Xj- Dr J. W. Peal leiideia his grat.l acknowl elgenienU for the very liberal patee-uaee tuwlofure received, and feelim- confident rturi the view ar rangement, (the firm, of Peal K Trite.-,) writ lie conducive to the comfort and wotfaxe t the pub lic, he most respectfully solicits csMliisManoo of tlieir coiifi.lerce. Sunhury, May 5lh, l4?. fm. IOU S.ilc, a Farnn containing about tso aen s, more or less, situate in Sltamokin tirwu.hip, Northumberland couury. about seven tnftea friran Sunhury, on Hie main road leading fn-m that place to Petrrsiturg and Sbaniolrintown, aijniiiirig lauds of Wan. Furrow, Abraham IClase, S.miu. l tioitsi r and Wm. Mart., on which there is a good large Hrsk House, with a well el never failing Water at the door, a large Hwru n good 'repair, a good Or chard, and good seat for a mill tr any kind ol water power. Nrnry art tlie land ia cleared and in good cultivation, twenty-five acies Of which is good meadow. The Tlairvi'.le and roilsvibe Kail 4Cosd runs through aai.l f Tin. It will he sold as the pro perty ol Wm. Waters, dre'd. Any person wish ing to purchase eao do well, as the t. rms are ic 1 s 'liable. Posses-ion and a flood title can lie gtsoit ill-Hi Spring. For faiilwr pmticula s, uii.u aie etioestid to apply to ibo widow, who lives on tl e T. nuses. or 10 tiodttev Wul.rsoi E. I-Snvi.ougli, Esq. ill Suiilury. titlDFKKY WATERS, :. WATER,, May V If. liVj, U uler.-, u,cl. NICHOLSON LAND roit sai.i:. . pursuance of a wilt ismcd by his Etecltency Dav d It. Porter, (Jovernor of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, to the undersigned, Com missioner 011 ttie part of ihe Commonwealth to set tle the estates of John Nicholson ft. Peter Rnynlon Ibeie will tie nlh-rrd nl Public Snlr, at the Court House in SUNHURY, on S ATI RDA Y. the Mth dsvof JI.'NE next, the billowing desciihed tracts ot Isud, siuinte 111 Northiimberl.ind c lint to wit : A tract of bind tiitnte 011 Money Hill, in Tor b t or Derry town-hip, Xorlhumlirrland eountv, near the line of Lycoming and Xoiltiomhrrtaiid county, adjo:ning Joseph tthlhreath, John (Jow.hn and olheis, containing 418 anes and allowanre, surveyed 011 a wanant to James Hepburn dated 4th March. U'J.1 A tract nf land situate on Lauict Ron, in Muri. cy township, Northumbeil ml r.uinlv. adjoitilug emit iuing ;!."i2 acres Sll ierches. surveyed on a warrant Ui Rol eit Mont gomery dated 21s- June, t?!JS. A tract of bind on Montour's lidife, itottlt of Xoilhumherland, nd, pining Andrew Epplo hlid others, coulsinnig 441 acres NO imvcIic, surveyed una warrant to David .lack son dated April, 1701. A tract of Inn. I on Montour's rtdce, near Nor thurithriltnd, a.ljoiuing Abr.mi Kin.ing. jr , con taming 4 10 act s. survrved on a w aiiaul to John Uarron dated S April. 179:. A tract of laud on M.ml ut's ridwie. a,lo irons Abm. Knitting A. John U.,non, contHimug 2'JI a cros (tl eieh.'s and allow inc., Muveyed nn a war rant to Win. Brn.!v dated Sfith Mai.h, 179:. A trict of Isn.l siiua'e in Point township, adj. lin ing Thomas O mkitts mid others routs ning 31)5 acres 40 s'iches and hllowauce, nirv. vr.l on a wanant to Charles C Trtit-hle, d.iied 20th April, 17j:. i A tract of laud situnte on Laurel Ron, in Muu ry township, adjoining Haima Mouigomery and ! olheis, cntitaining 40."i acres US p( rehes and nllow 111., surveyed nn n warrant to Aleialider Mont gomeiy dat.il Mist June, I7!M. A triK-t ot land situate 111 S'thuylkill county (late H-iks rniintv) on the w.iteis of Swst.ira, coiitainiini 405 cres I'.'U perches oud nlbiwatice surv. ye .1 oil n wirrant to Michael tiui.kle, dated 1st Oclolier. I7N1. 7''ie tifr kthihritt t,dd In the firmer Com. missionim mid the Hirrliitrrrs horioir neplietril In pin Ihe purelmct. niton 1 lie .uiI.h hnec tutu ca. ciitul, r, A cie.lii will I ginn, -ui.! leinis made known 011 the day of sale. JX. D NHAK CREICH. t 'omiiiis -.Koier. Comniissiouei'n Office, Hamstmrg, March i, ISi'J isr sj -t-L is 3 iiu - IM'li'EIIY ri.iiify nil More keepers and o'bers I I MIEKDOKF, on mv sec. tint, as 1 nm det. ro. toed mil to pay aov debt or d. tn 1 rnntraele. bv I im frmii this.biv JOHN OUERDORF. Mav 2.1. It 1 2. .I;m0 liloi Wh llatr. "WTOTIt'i; is hereby given ihat lh Register ot Xiwthumlieitand ci.un'y hast'iis day canted leilers of sdiiiinislraikKi iii in the estate i f Jac.ib Kbrk, late of Upper Mi1iihi.iv lowuh'p, lo Ihe sub-cntsT. All pe'imns having detn in.ls against the said estate are requested to pres. lit them for pavnient, and those indebleil arc desired lo dis charge their icsjiective dues forthwith. IIEXUY KI.OCK. Mav 7lh, 1I2. of Coal towm-htp. Diiulrl y.liuttirrtitiiii'N r.slalo. "TtJO TU'E is heirhy given thst litters of admin istralhxi have been granliHl to the suh'crihor, upon the estate of Daniel tniniermau, dee'd., 4te of Aui;tita township, NoitbuinU-rland c'immv. Persons 11 ib bicd to suid estate are reque led to make p.iyuuut on the 4ih day of June next, at the house cf the cVccaard, oikI ihoae wh ., have de mands aitaiuat the estate will render lll 'i.r accounts proia-rly atilln '.im-alod. SAMUEL VtEESKR '"'L3" ls ' - 1 '"''r- Takf .oliCtt. flHE public are hereby n.itilie I, that on the 2.1th 1. day of April, lr-12. the si it riiber purt hsscd St constable's ssle, tlie tollowi ,.t 8- (he property of William Crtilchley, o.. ti one Kirrel M.ire, one set of Harness, one lire;, ix teif, two cows, five menu ol (irim in the ground, one Clock, and one Bureau; and ihesaM William Ciutchley, sen. holds them as s loan. a A in no oilier way. WILLIAM CRUTCHI.EY, jun. Nnrthtimhcilsnd, April 30th, lr42. 3t. M 13 ItCl LINTS HOUSE, Ao. Aerth Thitd.otiineCidluichin St., I'HM.ADELI'IIIA. rill E sub enhers takes pleasure in acquainting -I their fiiemU and the public in treneral. tint they '..ave Itikeii the large and commodious Hotel, recently built bv the Messrs. If or, on Ihe same site oil'e ncriipitsl by the old establiahed Hotel known the Uu'.fa Hea.1, in Thir J stieet sbovo Callow Uill st. This ll.scl is (1ni-lr.d in the very bet possible liiaimer, si'd 1 t the hot UKili-riuls. lis lo. atmn is very ih-siiable.pariicuUrly Ut ciiitiy merchants ; the arr ui;emi nis lor heiitiug and vemilating each I nssn is kIi as to secuie any lempeinture. Th iMdroonisare all tight and wiry, all tuililshed in a neat 1y', as to iiiMtn e comfort. Tht l.ceeviog p.irhirs are a bo furnished in a su--rh sty le, tlie w indows are mi the French siyle. foiming an entrance lo n tisk-.my in front, tvhi.h unites a pleasant recess. I'mlioiilsr atlitniou has Ikvii giv.n to rhe tieda aud btddiug, which, with llie Ivriirture, are en'irety im?w. r rwu vis's' tipeucnce in his.4 1 tir.inrss, we l-Msl, iy tiri.i asi-idtirly lo busihjss, lo make tins house a UcirliU' st.vfiiu pl.e. Our t ilde wifi always l-e supplied with rhev.ry b.l our inaiset can iert ud. and mil bar writ the hot honors and w ines t.l the iii.-l aipitne.l hiands. S. There ere lit. I late slalilnti and carriage hou.es aitai-tw d 1.1 the hotel, attended by can-full and soUrhoMlcr. nnl oar charties Will lit- low, tu accordance watlt the present 1iad iiiim-s. KHUL'IZ ft DKUR. Philadelphia. Ail if,, 1k2. a1.,. rlc4l t'ttHiils'iliii", l.ilirnry, jtwiiNM. ik qy)j.un: i.nTiur-iivf:. f pll K l.ibroy is yublislte.l 011 a double rnvat M. be., siviK-M fsigea frmrlo e.-cb, on m-w tyi. and Tainted 111 Hie Is .1 sule..f hinH woik. File weilry liVtlrnal ol ii, lbs l.t-ttres will be -I'm. led as f.irrm rly on rte cover. Trice Tin-i lliii um yritr, it' -paid at, or re turned lo.-tlie frice. rrs -dollar if collected lw an agent of rhe office. tSulwiiptions r.-tmnience w ith 3iti8'.y, and -no subki-riptions ltrWe.it lor less th m a year, i.i lii r must be all post-paid. Pu.imasli r. ate slewed by l iw to forssard rub'sc ilioiis fiee. As sl.ttji-h is been a "very heavy 11. 111 of exia-use, v e ureutly re ipiest suh-c ibei' ulientiiHi to ibis. i'remiums As there um seme et a copies fir 130, 17. 1 H8H, and two of flie-e years' Library and the new year ure uffi rsd for Ten Dot. lars. At rhe mine rale lo old subM'rd'ers,vo wish to oo-npfte sets. I ij' ciiiliac-ripluiu re.eiv.d at this of! ice. I7l RH I' Rat,. S, d and Herring, fai, ard of fine ; fl ivor, iusiH'cted No. 1 in April, jncl received, and fiir sale at the new st.-re of JOHN CHAMBERLAIN. Mav 7 h. 142. lHtsultilinu f larliirr.hli. i f IIIE partiHtship herel. fore existing liertveeit the 1. suh cr. In rs. whs ib-solvHil by mint, ( consent, on the Slat of March last The pa.tnership books, and other evidence of debt due the Mariner, are plired in Ihe bands of Chiistian H.m er. Um , ,.) nunnurv, lor collection, who alone author iri-il in receive payment. The parin.rsh p commenced on Ibo first day of April. 1H40. HF.XKY YOXTHEIMER, MENRY DAWSON. April l!h. 1M2. v ul LJ 12 iitti T IIE subsciils-i int. on. a ih. nob le and his f, r lie r riistomer.. Ill I -iphotu; h Mr. II Diws ii has wiihdianu hnnse I fi.iiit his store, he still con tinues his bT)siiie as heiet'Tore, ami will endeavor to tive aalisf ictinn to those who will gio him ll.eir en nm. He is th mkful to the public f ir the large share of patronage eitended to him for the last twen ty vears. HENRY YOXTHEIMER. Sunhury. April 1 full. 1(?42. STUS QUE H ANNA HOTEL, CATTAWI33A, COLUMBIA CO- PEAXSYI.YAMA. fTlHE suhvcriber re-a?ctfully inlotms the public JL thdt he has purchased, aud now occupies ihe Lari;e irfkt Krlck and !' '"ksv Commodious iioSTavcrn Stand, W.ll known as the property, late of Theodore Wells, and formerly kept by Samuel A. Bndv. He is now prepared t,i accommodate 3II travellers and visiteis who nny favor him with a call, and will use i-vciy effort in his power to render eveiy cuiiveuieiiee and comfoit to his customers, while under his chsrje. His accommodations areemdo, and his rooms well furnished. His stables ex en-s-ive and in good condition. His Tahii: oud IUn will he supplod wiib the st thai the market can afford. Uy puncluBliiy and atientiiiii, he feels cin tid. nl that he wid meal the patronage of the public. CH ARLES HARTMAX. tatlawissa. Apiil 'Jth, If 1. LI1VIE ! lillVIE ! 7..IIVIE ! rilHH suS-cribris are (ireparnl to furnish furmers I. and rubers with any .juanlity of Lime of a very surierioi quality lor laud, or pVisteiing, at the fol lowing v.-rv re,!tieel prices, viz.: 8 cts. per bushel for I and Liine; 10 cts. fir rl.e tvt qualny of plai tering Lime, at the k ln. bcjnw ihe borough of Sun lairy. They will alsod- I've, at any place within the Usrough of Sunhury, I.inte for laml, at 10 cents per bnsli.l, and Lime f.r. plaislering at 12 cents per bushel. The subsur l.-era ItiveaUai on hand, a large qu utttiy ofl,ine. Itsiptility i g-.od, and their limestone is n0i eijuulh-d by any in the neigh borhood. sE.f; HOLTZ cV DERGSTRESER. Augusta. April 2d, 1S42. a rATtKAi ici:tii;iv, Suited lo our coimtittitions, and competent to cure 0 rvii ij curnhh dist une, will he Jound in WRIGHT'S 1M11.W VEGETABLE PILLS. Or the N'ok rit Ami-.kw.-am CoLt.r.ois ok I Ic.ai.tii. frlHEE ettraor.liiiaiy pills are compon-d of I plants winch grow sitfintanrously on our own soil and arc therefore hi Iter adapted to our cons' i lotions than uitdifincs concocted from foreign drnc however will ilnv iinv lit c.nisoiniled ; uiid ss the IX DUX YEAE i'AliLE PILLS are found d upon the piii ciple th.it the human body is in innh Mitijeet to Lut tile ditfetse, vir : corrupt hunnas, uud that said mejicilie elites this dirt-aso on lr.!u rut prineiplrs ly chonniup and purifying the hod; ; ll will Is- msiiifest Ihat if the constitution lwnolentit.lv cubau-ted a perservance in til. ir tier, acc.ftdinu to directum, is ubsolut.ly ceitain lo drive disease (rf every namo from ihe body. The Indian S'egi table l'iltt will be found one of the best, if not the very I -est medicine in ihe world f r cairying out tins grainl purifying prineipU, be cause they ex-l from the hotly all ni -mid and o ruit hauntrs (TMt csrsa or mscAse) in anyeny and nati-hai. manner ; and while they every day fire ease and pleasure, disease of every name is rapid y driven from ihe body. Tlte above named Indian Vegetable Pillu have been thr.e years before ihe Anieiiran pl.bl.c ; and we can now say without fear cf contra. Iirt ion, that of all tho viriniif medicines which have heretofore hi en ponil.ir not one has given such a peiinan. nt hold up.m (he tttr clions of tho peorde. Not only do all who use it invariably experience tehef, km! lecotuiuend it in the strongest teims, but It hss effected some olth.i murt sstonishilijj cures ivtr perfortucd ly undK-irrc. For sale In 11. ii. MASSERStiiiiHirv. Ad 2d. II2. mmr.itT c n:it & so, PaVEB MANUTAOTUatinS, l.tnuUartl Street, llaltimot e, UAYE constantly for sale. Pruning Paper of all styes and tfislrtu s. Cup Writing Pa per, ruled and ilain, tetter Paper, white and blue, ruled and plain, HaiMing Paper, line ami common, Euveloe Paper, do. do. ux-Jitmi, double ciown, fti.rn and ciirsied V-rrping Pafers, f Colored Medium and Royal l'aiers, -iiiuinct. liiinh'ts' aisl S'law ttox lloarda, Tiseoe Paper, and all art cl.n in Iwir Inn . which they will sail 011 accoraruodaMig torHis. H ghel price given f . r old raus. ROIIERT CARTER WV, M.v-h 10. 1 fii". E ti'ii . .--.I. iaITTI.LI - I mvjy uf form, i.iii.ii irf;r Ctl.VJ I S IS ' THE APRIL XUMi i". 1.. I 1 11 as of Davi.N lume; lU-bate ol tre tri- r, pott. .1 ii euc ul t'omioons, h Li. a!;e. In Id s Mi an . National Emunitt I.eii. isun l JiHirnal ..I Robert HaiMie. (Idiii -jri'-J.i My l.i.e and Tl'-iM's, bv Nlunml; Horrow'. S.i'f iiiol M Hi tivpsiis ol Spait,; Nir l".,lv aril So.bn; Daiii'! 4 I'i '.Biiiei:; The Eal, S!i ,r pe's I '. irae's I. otai Pa r'sh henis'er; 'Ihe Se.ji,a. of .-' .u'lerii li't-s ia. No. 2, Jack Minion, ihe t iiitird-mao. I 'In.p. 2 to '.I, Kohl's Skel.hes iif St. Peier'aj 1a -ier"s tilory ami Mluine a. I Tlimlaud, 1'eln.i Li eramn ; t'onsi C. r.tioiis upon Lulaii.l. The i). in1- t'i. Ht 1 r s s vii il st. 1v.-"rf 01 M . Js'iaril's Ni w Muiel ln-Wiin.il; M01.l1 al l e-l - rls; New Dis. covery in .Prinlnig; Thorvt .rld-ei-.: iHip'osemeiii iv 1'hitog-aphy; Ifiviuly tiom A h uii'f, JJr-ia tic Ul. iks. ' Obituary, I'oafry, mid TUiAY'V'tiny, Cj- 1le Mli;t'l Mild by Mea,rs. t arvdl A Co., ItW llio.ilnav. New A, and by ihe Pooh elleia lhroiu;houl the United Stale. Psii 1:. nr. Doll irs a year, iu advuitc. Sev.tu and a Itidf. ff i-oi, afuAii;e, Si sheets, bu.lur luO miles, t els. over Kill miles 4 :' cts. As Sia 4ollara is not a roiiv. nienl K'nuti snoe, vHslanl auliaaYikcr uill please sn d f.'i 111 .part; on reci,t ut' which the will lie . nt. i srofully wispp-il up, I , any Pual Office in the I'liiisvi Sib or U.iii.,:j Aii.e.t. .. E. I I 1 j i:li. A L'O . 1-7-.I f'Uetnut Jftttet, i'SUt!t!jAia. 1 j js ii.ii.Li.iij!jii..a nnroAEu insptctoh. "1APT. WM. II. KA8E. of Rush v township, Notlhumberlsnd county, offers himself as a candidal for tho office of Brig idc Inspector, at the ensuing eloc lion, lo be held in June next, He respect, fully solicits ihe support of his fellow ci tizens, and tiuats that his long e perieuca 1 in military maltera, will enable him lo discharge Ihe duties of siid office with enlue 'aiial'sclion Id the ncorle. March I9ih. 1 94 2. BRXQ AOS ZXTSTECTOB. 'T'HE timers rapidly approaching when lb Bri- gsde, composed of Ihe counties of Northumber land, Union and C.dumbii, will I called upon to rle. t a suitable person to fill Ihe office of Brigada Inspector. COL. J. McFADDEN. of Lntvislnrg, L'nion county, off. ra lumtetf ss candidate for said office. At the Colonel ha had eonsi.lorable experience in military affairs, be feel trersuaded that he is fully competent to discharge Ihe dut tiof (he office. April 2, 1312. BRIGADE XWSPEOTOrU " A fi an election will t-jke plica in June next, fjt the purpose of electing a Brigade Inspector, COL. DANIEL FOLLMER again rff.'is himself to his fellow citizen es a can diJate for thai office, and trusts, a h has thua far discharged fhs duties of said office with ajtifjctioii to the community, he tr.ay sk them for a continu ance of their favor. March 26t!i, 1842, BOLTON & OO. General Commission Blerrbantt Fur the Stu'e of FUur, Grain, Seed, ?., ft EsPECTFULLY inform their friends s4 1.. the Merchants generally, that Ihey have ta ken those large and commodious VVharvr, with tw l)ilis, nmth of Chesnut sU. tl, on the Uclswirq, together ith the st te No. 19 South Wharves whe in ihey avould be pirated to receive consign ments . f (Jrjin, Flo'-.r, Seil, Whiskey, Iron, See; . I. also well prepared to forward all kind ol Mi rchaudis-e bv the tMiovllrill and Union, or by ibe ( .' 1 .i-rijM.a'rte nn J I'ii'e Water Canals, aa tow boats are set t o.pii. 'y foi '.W purpose of towiug boata by either rov.te. Meichants will please iar particular to tend tlieir foods destined by either csnsl-', t.i No. l'J SoulU hurves, betv.teu Market aud Chesnut strsctn, oil the Delaware, with directions accompanying then which route ihey wish them to be shipped. (Tj- Plaster snd Salt for sale, at the lowest mar ket piier. bOLTOX& C'". March 19, it4-2. No. 19 South Wharves, WEAnS HOTEL, sjunourj, .Vurtltuir.bcrhjatt i.'otfityt leunt.vlvitJi'i. fiHE uUcriher, respicifully informs tlie publit Wl that he has remove. I lo t-li i t large Mid coinnio. dious Tavern Stand, at the corner of Market and Fawn streets, (sign of -the Unrkr) liMnierly occu pied by Jonas Weaver, and lately' y Daniel (jib son, where he is now prepared to accommodate a 'J w ho may favor him with a call. I) strict atten tion to business, and his utino-t endctvor to render satisfaction to all, he hopes to receire. a liberal aharv of public patronsire. CHARLES WEAVER. Suutmry, Match 12th, IS42. WHARTON'S HOTEL, Stiiibury, Xortliiiiitlsriiand Couut, PENNSYLVANIA. f I1HE subscrila-r rmpectfuUy iulorms ihe publi-:. p that he fi?a removed to tlmt large and coinni . dious Drick House, on Maiket square, opposite that t'ouit lliHi-c, (f.Hintrly kept bv Hiram PiieeJ wbeie he ii now prepared to accommodate, all vv!u may favor him with a cull, jjeing thankful foi past lavors, he hoies by slnct attention to business to leifive a hhrrnl sl.a'e of pnblic patronage, &C CH ARLE.S D. WHARTON. Sunl-uty. March i)th, 4842. ATIS & ElrsXEPJlDE, yi?ftii Oi iiKist), HAVHE-DE-GHACE, KD, AVE cmislaiilly 011 hand a general asaorj, un lit of likvcs, MEDICISF.S.VAIKTS. OILS, YAllMSRES. WJISDUW GLASS, DYE STl'FFS, 4-e., 4c, which they ollir for sale on llie uio-,t liberal terms, and at prices as lu-.v as thets: of Phi adelphia uii Daliinuire. Pellicular attention will -he given to rhe osiali. tics of such articbs as are selected or Manuf.ict'ju4 for sale, aa also to parking them for transport rtjon. Havre-de-Graee, Marih 5lh, IS 12. iiH. THE COTTAGE BIBLE rmMII.Y UXI'OSll'OK. (IS TWO VUfl'SH.) CONTAIMXli the Old and New Tesiamoiif. w-irb practic-al etcjiosiliivfis and explanatory notes, by Thome- Williams, Author ol "the Age of InhV d.lity," "Dictionary of all Religious Denomina. lions," cVe. I o wliich ere added thu' r. b rences And marginal readii,is of the Polvgloil Bible, togeihe with original notes aod selectiona fiuui Ua iter's Compreberisive riilde, and orher stun.lsrd works iulroduet'iry Sod concluding -remarks on each honfe of the n'd und itew Testuuicir mid a tluablechriv iiol. gical iuitex. The w hule carefully revised ai.d aduf ti il to the use of Sunday Sohfcsd-, Utble cbisses, and t'tiri-rlisns generally, tmltellishtd u-ifh .'(..; t und e'lgTi7i-ir.v,a)ilitcd by the Rev. William IV., um. ai d puldtUrd by Case, Tiffjiiy & Uutiiha::i; Hat-.i 1 1, Conn., J41. 1 I. is wcK: tits laen highly recommended bv t' a-eV ! 1 '.'. nn, among olhcr .iislinyuithcd divines . '. Svepheo Riiiiji gt.iii. p.a tor uf Ihe !c 'j -: : -'ipl 'iu.ch, brMiklyn. ! . W. t:. llrowidee, -jiastor if ihe Midlls lun. h I hitivh, New Vvirk. Rev. I..1111:.' V illcr A. AVvii.d.-r, Fief.-., sols in Priiieeinu I iieo it;ic I Sem nsrv. X. Jerra, Rev. (.'. P.'iiih, I'rcs iliui uf I'ennsy.vti. a t-'i lli'e, al ticitvsbing. R. v. I'. l Si ha. lb r, tpasier arf rLe Luthrrujj Chuiih, H trnJiorji, Pa (I' Cur sule ly II. It Mssser, A cent for iIm IVim-bore. Jan. yih 1S42. NV-hs!sHlc 1 Valcrs In Foreign Uritiii and A m e 1 i c au I r y ivx Js. Ao. 105 M'irktl Ueet. Philadelphia. C1tll Ti;V Mer. Lants, and others can be siiw ' plied at ull tiuii't wvjtb an e tensive assort, meiit uf the heat said meat teshiunableiCiaads uiioaj ihe 1.1. ii.t reasoneiiie lawi. 1'hil .delpbia, Koveniber It, J844. ly. Iiiijhu ters auJ lbialors in Foreign a,iil Jixnestic liajilware, Nv. 171 Noam Tail mi Sxaur, I'suj jj:hi.. "4"! riliSRE their fi tends and 1 uxtomera will alwAy lind lare and gnucr! a-orunent of Fateij j and ihnnsauc Haidwaie, which ihey will tell al Ala hiweat prices, J'h.uJelhia, Xnvtiuhcr 13, lJ41,. ly.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers