IMPORTAST PROOFS. CJthe efficacy of Dr. Harlich't Ctlelmhd Midi cines. ' The following certificate was pnt by Mr. K B. f tinman, tigciit at Cincinnati!, Ohio. Thciecan le nu mistake in it, Mthe panics irre w U known. Mr. Eitkicl R.gdon, of Andiron t!wii-li;p, Hamilton county, Ohio, wan srvcial days troubled with hill-ill affections, acidity of the l. .notch, iit lended with the usual symptom of dyspe sin, and having made trial of various medicine without finding relief, was cured by the shove mcdicim . Attest, E.RIUDON. Cincinnati, June 30lh, 1840. VET LATER. Mr. Vance, of Washing on wounly, wiic as follows Dear Sir Dr. llailuh's pitisare perlorniing some of the moat wondciful tuics in thia vicinity ever heard of. They were aulroituc il here about six months ago, by one nf my neighbors, who bought a half dozen puckrtges from the Pittsbung office. I om aware of four ca.s in this place whore complete cures hive been per formed, one of severe rheumatism, two of dyspepsia, uil one of a most checking nd aggravatid ner vous complaint, often or twelve years standing I send on enclosed five dollars; plcare to lb w nl pill for that amount by the bourn-, William Ward, Attest JOHN VANCE. July 27, 1810. N. U. The above certificates, compared with the xrjy many already received, certainly must con vince ihoso similarly afflicted, that they can yet be Terevicl ny the Use ot these invaluable nu ihciiim. Principal rflicc, No. 10, North Eighth street Philadelphia. For sale by HENRY VOX TI1E1M ER. October 24, 1810. Aml. DYSPEPSIA ! DYSPEPSIA ! Thit troublesome and peacc-destioying i!isi-iirc i hous.ilids and tens of thousand fuller fnmi that conniion distressing complaint. Dixpejmin is frequently citifid by overloid'iig or distending ihe vtomni'li by excessive tniing or drii.kmg imliji m; ili'e nml acrid substances taken into Hie st unacii. or from long continued constipation of the bowls, a sj b'Ml -iry life, fear, gr:ef, anxiety, a copious draft uf Cold water, drastic purgative medicine, 'y si ti lery , nitsciuringes, intermittent unJ spas n idt.: '- cti-nj of the stomach and bowls, irregular in als, .tato hours, and too fietjuetil uso of sinluous liij'iors. The syinptotm of dispepsia may be ilrsi ribed ns - want of appetite, or an un'iatt.ral or oru t.itis one, nausea and sometimes bilwui vnaititnj. siub Jr.ii pnd transient distensioijs i,f tbo stotnat.n nl i r eating, aiid and putrescnt eru. taliot s, water hiash, Vain in the region of the stomach, e. stiven t-s, p.d 3 t 't' 'i of the heart, dizzincM) and dt.ntie-s ol ihe ight, disturbed rest, tremors, menial Jispoinl. i:cv. llatulency, spasms, nervous irnlibibty, (hi i e s, saUowness of complexion, great i ppre-i-am alter waling, languor and general debility, sick lu..d a lie, Ac. CURE At the head of a!l tema.'irs stain's 31 hlich's CovpouNn Si iiknui iikm m; Tonic i'D (iuoiiji Apfehiext 1'lLts, which tot ly upm tho peiisti.ltic motion of the L.tes ims, thoieby producing regularity of the bowls, ol ti e fume ii:nc improving tho functions of ti debilitat ed o gins, thus invigorating and residing ibo di etivo nrgiins to a healthy action. Tins rm dic-ne sc d in f. iU in producing relief. Full and explicitc directions nc-i m,nny i In above medii inc. Likewise a pamphlet which di ner b 8 diseases, the manner of trpiit,ng, vS, c IViuciple cilice for tho l.'nited Stiles, No. 111. North EIGHTH STREET, J'hfladclplita. ' HENitli VOX1J1EI.MER. Otlohcr 21 , IS 10. Azuit. FEMALES. WHO are troubled r.iih sick headache, pain in Ahe Ride, breast, anJ bin k, loss of appetite, flatulen cy, lownesa of spirits, palpitation of the heait, lainl iii; or gidiliucss, bickue.-a at the stomach, bibons tU'eetiiois, tig'.itness at the chest, nausea, vomiting, le.ii'e in tho htoiunch, flushings oihtitt, m.d chilli lioss, dtspus' 3 uf the nerves, mid erg ins . f dige.-ti, n, Ac. iXC, tin si' win) tnav be thus tllic'i'. slioi. Id in t neglect lo pr .cure l)r. ILirl.ct'i f', :ij,ii,ind ti.rcii. tienmg lomr una ittrman Ape, whieh uro warranted lo give hum, J: Thousands do wo almost dailv behold, wim e coim- i t. n.iiices and p ile emaciated cheeks bear eccular witness to sickncs and alllii'ttoii. Coui I tho e persons be srmidid to use this invaluable riu'.li- ine, they vould coon find their we..k un.l eel ilita- tid frames ftrtnghteneu, their ii iuds coinp.fced. ' and all p.iir. and distress driven from Ihe systrui vhen (ho lody will again n new i's lost vigor, aud ut cm a new life," and death for a while lie dt 1 lived of its prey. What h, at but f. els to (eliol,l tl eir lu ar ri latives aud dear fi tends, sna'ched s if by magic, from that fatal diet oyer Dtuth ye who are laboring under disiase let not another tiny or night pass without procurii g this uikdicine, as it will in a majority of eases fleet a permanant cure. P.cnieniLer dilays are dang'ruuii ; and if -Ujiaio ia nejjlec;cJ, its r..vag s will doubly in Principle Office for the l.'nited States. No. 19, NORTH EIGHTH stieet, whete rcccomu en djtiors of liundivi'a of pirsons in .y be seen, nli ol which have been cuied or luullfid by the medicine. IIENRV October 24, 1840. A-'Cnt. SICKS ESS. pre litany rersir.s that we tl..ilv I il, .!!, whose count' iiHiiei'H and frail limbs I'ei.o.e lilll.c Man which we find has piim ij..lly oiig inu d Gum i.eulecl of lemailii s at the cumin, ncenient uf K.iknem. At first the paib 1. 1 cm::; I , in- uf Lite on ti.e stomach ul endt j w .tli rt!;Hti.iuititen S'lc-i lit) iicgltcts to loci r. pri j ei in -.'.i ine ; at It n h he complains of pa. ii in iho side tinl ciu.-i h wi.h s ur truetjti, lis; his upj.etue I u-oinn ii', " ict troubli'. ome, his ti .ra.-sid, mid a l ihiiiji uround him upper net in then pn.per . t.ition. lie Biid i.elttts hiuib, If, when in all pi.ibal il.iv tht. may at tenth be no fa.-t aiati.l. that no meu.sjl aid will replace him again. At the fust uttatk of ickn.-s Uurt sli. uid be ' no time lost" in procuring Or liuilch's ui'irutMi sTi.i.orH- 1.1118 AI'IKILNT iILL9, !l l.'Ullll'i' i. icly ie- tuuves bite fioin the st.'inach, ubvi..tu co.-tiveinss. remove disorders in ihe head' invigorate the niihd, Mier.gtlnri the body, itnpri v i:.e in. mury, und eu livcii the iinati,.a ion ; thua ri storing' ll.c hilv again to its j roper function-. 1'rinciple OUUe, No. ly, NORTH EKHITJI street, Philadelphia. HENRY VOXTEEIMIiR. October 21, IS 10. .j,,,,, TO THE .IFFLICTEji. TUfMai.' .. i. ... n: .: e. iii.-u ut mc buii lint; 110111 TllllullB OKnSCS imlilei.t 111 the l uman family, wtiuhl do well t,( i procure Vr. liurlich i I -.inp iinil Strinilienint; und Herman Aperient Pills, which na so pn . eminently rtceoiiimendeil fur Dyspepsia, later Complaints, Mrs in the side, bin It and bie.-st, Nerv.ous A Hi i lions, llead-Aehe, aid all I he .). ousts ui the t-'tuiiiK-h and Li owls. PbUij.hletfc umy le oUuimiJ gratis, whidi contain full a, d eipheit'e ' nations for using. 'J'l.e reader is u d rred X set. rat Very intiresii'ig cert ficuti s ul' emeu in tlii i"'(er, which may be rel.ed up. n, as they urr t..ken 'nn tiia original. For Bale at No. 10, NOR i ll tUUHTH Philadelphia. HENKV YOXJIIEIMER. Osobet li, 1840 Agent. TraiiMMrla tion Line TO II A I.TIMORB. (VIA -I I II K WTH CAKAL.) IVorcWtc fool of Chemut Strecln the Pcnw 'i'mnia Canal. A UOAT b ' the wharf of the subsi riber eve ty mori i. g lit H Vloi k, running through to Ualti uinre in ih'ri! i-'ut. Consignments ol produce, iron, Ac., will ie, i i n de-p,ieh by this line, which has not hitlu rto been equalled by any other. Rate of freight us low a.i by any other regular Kelerenres : JOHN W DROWN', n i fi i.' x, it i -1) i urr.'UV v ., w rii t vintri Balltinore. J.& A. II. II ERR. Ooods. iinemlid lor Pit'shiire. or anv imint on tin- Pcnnsvlv ,i,in Canals, will lo shipped wi liout delay on their i.nivnl ut Harrisburg, us thi-s eon. ncct with the North Aineriran line of Poituhle Emits to Titlnl ur.' d.iilv, and with the Suqut Imn i' Packet Line to Northumberland, illimnsport, Wiikcsburic, and ell inti rmediate O El) RUE W. LAYNO. Danism g Si pt. 9, 18 10. IN o st tc n( hi a tli the iriteslin d eairil may lie compared t i u liver wihise wateis How over Hie ad- njI Jo tMij I, ,tii, tlnoiigli the naturoorart in id.', ah I iinpiines their qtl ilitie-; and to kei p up the coiiipan-oo i f tlie river, so lon us it iuuh on Hinoiitbly the ch:u;licln are kep' puro ul:d heiillln j but if by mini' catre tlie coure oi the liver issliip pei', Iheo liie w -t'-r n tlie eniods is n- lung, r pure, t'tit toon bivomct stagri- nt. Tlu r' is but cne law of rireulati oi 1,1 r:aiu e. When them is a stipci .ibiiiiiiaiii'i el' I'liuiorial ihiiil (serocity) in ihe intcs t nal tub s, .iii, eo. Ii.ei i s -lakes pi ne, il (1 ws back into the cs-e!s, and infibraUs itt-clf in to the eircii'atioo. To est..bli.-h t!m fiee fi urse of the river, we mutt icn.ove the ol stiuetions which stop its fie. i iur-e. i nd tho e ol its tr butary stie nn. Willi the b. dy, foil ,w iho sanu? llatuial princi al ; r m.ive, ly that valuable purgative niid.c ne llrmi icth.r I'nivrrm VcsrtiMc Pilh, which are an i f. f. ctunl asist in e uf nature, the super a! undaiice of humors in tin- intestine innal. liv i r everii.g in this practice, the w ays of tho circul il.on will then be leMored to ihe fell exercise of their ti.-tur il func liot.?, and a st ile ol health will be fnm!v establi.-h ed Ri member, never siilli i a diop o blooj to be taken fioin yen' Eva llm l.iiin.ns as olf. n and as Ion? as ihey aro deet ni ra.ed, or us liii us J'01' are ' k Dr. Uraiidiclh's'lihce in Pliila h Inhin. is ,.i V., 8, NOR I'll EHill I H etieet, win re his pill-cuu be had nt 25 ecu s pi . box, with full dineiions. C.T' '"l' it-cut in Sunl ury, is II. 11. Ma-ser Efijr. Sunbuty, (pl, J, 110.' j I'c!i!ifIt;ic i".lciy. I THE fopowiug are th- duly appointed averts in j their respp.tue c.iiiiittes, fir tlie sale uUirunJrcili's tesirtuOte I iinw&at Pitts. t la, d county : Milton Maekey A: Cli.imbe.liii. ! ury II. 11. M.isser. M'Enei s ville (.'ed.l s, (liven A WJln, (Jeoigetown V. Midhng.'r A. (.'o. I'nion eoui.ty : I.ewishurg Wall A (ied les. A Uecklv. New lieilin John .M. I'eul. r. Siiinsgrove Evie A Co. Mid (ili'hnrg I .' Smith. I.ycuining c. limy : Williamsp.,r' John Smith Newberry M. & .1. (J. Pun-ton. Munrv W. A. IViriean. Jersey Shoic Jann s II. Unburn. ('oluiiibia county : Danville T. A E. li. Rev nobis. Cnltaw issa C. A. Drol ls. 11. rwick Shii- man Ac Kittcuhoui-r. lllouinsburg-J,.hn 11. M eye Sunbury, Sept. 'J, 1840. MOUE POSITIVE )()(, E Of the efficacy of Dr. Harlich't Cumpouml Strengthening and Herman Aperient '... A L L to ii r.:r, Jan. 8, IS1 To Dr ll..r!ich's Agent ir: I wi-h to Mate for tlie benefit of tho e who may Ic i lllieted, that Dr. lliiiLieu's Pills have rmi el. cured n.e of Dys pepsia, of wh.ih I have b. tn' atll cu'd fir mi'iiv .if I'll,!,. )"" 1 llP,'!l kitn's, tlie A pi itent Stiei yh a relief. . eniufr. and I am constr lined lo s iy, to. y n't- ti"1 t?c; Vi iy, an ' act upon the svstein mild v. 1 u! Vt r' 1 lieciiiaby. I f und the Tonic pills to Miu'eki n ihe i ireulution ui.d cau;;e a d. teinu. ati.m I '" l'iC surface, aed to M eiitheii the v.e .k . t in .cli Ul"' U' 'eaM' Us p,.wei-. 1 he Apenei i p s : ri. (h. b. st ealharll. on u-td. I .mi toi.l'idenl all Dy- peptics would do wc I to make immediate Ir ill and lu r. Iicvc.l. Any one cm call at my house and be KJli-fud of the above ;.t j e sure. DAVID R. POPE. N. 15. The rrglmil certificate mav be seen ar tin i dice of the Spir.t of the Tun. a.'" l,t je at No. 19, NYrth Eighth strut. IIENRV i'OX I'll ELMER, October 21, la-la. .Jgent. LIV Ell COM PL. II ST. THIS discus.- js diei v. red lya fixid i blu-i.-pain in ihe r'jht si. e tin, er ihe sh.ui nln, u'leiuhd with lua', un. a-iness i.b,iu( Ihe pit i f the si iin.u h; tin re is in ihe rihl side i.l-o a ii.-li nu.ei ; the p -lii .-it fifes his a; petite, and If coiner tick Ji d trou:. ed widi vouiiing. The t.'iiguo biennis niu.di n'.d 1 l..ik, tho cm.nt u.iin-0 cl ang4 lo a ale m crr. ii cob.r, i.r i!l.,.t l.l.i tSo ; i!!kle. wi'h j u.. dice,'uuhy ul ... ..thing, ie,t, aiienil-.e with a dry tlilJifuliy of layin.- on ti.e hit able, the b dy i ec to. v, ' I;, nu .'jj ;y tit. d,?l.a (. le liiihatis ii.ta . no l.i r if a in. ie uieus iniuie, which In all pn-habili'y is tar levend tie p,.wer it huiiiin Kilt. Dr. ch I u il S.'m -7.-fin';- Tunic mid Uuiimii Aj-rritut P.n, i, u ki il ul ihe c nun- i.o i::e. 1 of this iii, i,Se, will i be. k it, ar.l by c n uiun g tlie use of il.e in, ih. i. e a tew wiiks, a pe.fiet cure will Ic jtif nneil. Thousands i all t. sidy ( l ill s Ci il.fu ui s i I 'many pi -rums i. ay daily !e s ti oi mc cine cv el uih meili -me, by apply ing at ihe Mulii'al Oiiiee, ly NUKlil Eltill I'll aire l, 1'hila hi, hi i. IIENKV YOXI'IILIMER. I Muter 2!, I 10. A ,ent MOPE COSCLI S1VE PUouPs, Of the efficacy of Dr. ILirtich's eeUlrultd M.d. riot . Dun Sm: I was nulii-ied with a I ili,,in and thi use to a ve y u! .rmii g d,gi. w,, lilt 111.. 1. .....I ..I.;. .1. . . .-. . ., ... , ' J ..... v.,,..., n iiii.ueni.y tiiec:s a re- hxed condition, v z : gi.'dim ss in H e In ad, viol ni 1 tremors, chilliniss, wi h a fixed pain in the liglu I kide. cnmi.leiion lad, mid losijveiies-; iudc,.l I was i l a most n ise-able e.iiidin,... 1 had tried , many remedies, but found tin permanent iel ol un. ! id I had pu cha e l Dr. Darin!,' rnmpoun l i uti-tngtliiniHg unit Herman aptrirnl Pills, which J fr m their supi liur vntues, I w .ic coiup'eo ly cine 1, an. i am in ie to purue my employ n.enr, rue Irani p.i.i and disiase. (sign.'.!) JtHlNPOl.ES. Dated Ac nia, Ohio June 7 , I s 10. Princph-Dlliie for the I'tii'ed Sste, No. 1!) North E.OMTll sl'R EE V, I'bilad, I, bi i. . . HENHV VOX THE IMF It VAi.,:icr lit, IfJ.l,). Agtnt. TKVTJi VILL I'KWAIL. Dr. Ilailiih. nd.ui,e, ufl. i( C!eihlllg j pubac favor, and wan, ,,, liu, , fM , establish the,, ww, ,. He have .,,., at.on u ou, eoluiMi. to-dsy from . p,.rk0n lo ,wjr,ed which i l u . ns i of m.iiy voucher. fut tlli .j,. vmu. Spirit vf the fin. a. UKAlIAtt'S iTIAUAZlAi:, lllll THE Iulion' ami CScntlcmen's World of I.Krriiture untl FsinIiIoii. (77i Cathcl and the Gentleman $ United.) ANEW Volume, under the abnre tiile, of the we I pstablitdiid suil fa-bi n.iblu -, l ho riiibidelphia Casket in conjunc ion with ti c Oen leinau's Magazine, which lin-t been cveiy where pronounced the most icnd.ible and popular of the day, will be opened on tho First of J .nuary, 181 1, w idi an nrrav of Con tibutors sciincd by the union of talent and fame, which no peiiodicnl in the coun try can boast or pretend to riva'. The Decrmbir number will, however, bo n spximen of the new volume. Tho Vilume will be opened with a m w and beautiful type, the finest white paper, ami with the first of a scries of cinbillis.imeiits unsurp. used by any which have yet speared in any Magazine, The style uf il g niec, ihe beauty and finish ol these illustrations, and the exu n-ive improvements wh th will be made in its lynngraphic .1 appearance, ami above all, the lone of its l.teia y department, by the bril iant airay i f contributors, whose arucica have enriched the pages of each number, will give it char acter, second to no Magazine in the Union. The cl aracier of the srt e'es which shall appear in its pages, will be upinlly removed from a sick'y s. nii uieiit.dity, an. I I r. i in an all', i t.itioti i f morality, but wh Ic n tine ileliiii ati in of human i.ntu e in every vuiiilv of p.i-si..n is aimed tit no, lung shall be found in is piges to cuusu a b.uJi uj un the eh.ik ol the most pure. The I lenity character will bu mlli ii Bl'y guar . ntei d ly the uf boh Mag 7. n. s ti;u utiiie.l, f..r yeur p ,s'. Wrileis i f ihe lirM rank have been regular Cmitiibutors to tin ir pages, and the 'ales and kct. lies pub tshi'il in tin In l.avr t-n wid Iv cop. id ..lid, and the li.m a- d imb -pen-di lit tone i f the ciiiieis i s, upon ilie cut lent liti ia of llm d iy. has In en i veiy whe e ajiptovul and loniin i did. Tlie !i t of coiinibui r ; i s the names ol rno-t of the piim ipd wii ers in Auivr.c, wiih a ri spect.tbli' Milliter uf English au hors. Tlie itirii s uf well known nautical papers, enli t'cd Ciuizing in the Win,'' h,,ve had a ain, uii' iiu.ille.i by any n ri s ublishnl in i.ny .Magazine for ye us. '1'he aulh,.r pr. ini cs to oj.ui the lii.-t of a new si ii a el Tales ol the S, a, and Irom ,i- known abiluiis a-' a depicter of e.i fCi ne.j ui:d life, much may berile.l upon trotil him in in ii taming the popularity of the Maj;.)Z lie Papers tnav be ixpec ed during the vi luine, i.l o fnmi h,- H,ilh r i. the w. II known .illicit s, cm .tied "'I'ln! of Hid Irnn-iili-- 'I'lie author of "Sy riao Letters," w ill i,s i Ici.d bis powerlnl nod grateful pin, ti sist.iin and increas'; ihe r J lit ithm of tlie worl. The valuable aid i f ti.e nu lmr of "I.t av -s f om u I. .wyei's I'orl Polio," I. tis lio bieu sicu e l, and we may expect soinelhitij sii I u oie thrilling Irom ihe c ip.ic.ous st ris whii li a long life in the pn fivsion lu ena bled him to amass. An occ. s o ;r.l Chit-t'iiut whh ' Jemmy Slioit." and "( livir Oldfc.l.iw," is ids ptotiiise.l ; wi h a v ai ii ty . I chnice articles ill pri se verse, lio.ii Van, us writers ol ceh ion tiibu ors to 'In- 1 roiiniieiit .M.iu. .itu s ol hie com - tty. The cl t is ul in Ii M. g iincs continue their eiv cis in tb r the i ew arrangement. With tuch an airay uf la'e, t a M.ig.izi'.c ot nu ivalicd a t.uc t.ons, may safely be promuid the Cuming volu.i.e. PASHIONS AND ENORAVINCi.S. In compliance w i tlx the almost un iiiioiu wish of our Kubsi iil cis, wo sh.ill tho insiimg vol ume I'urnikh Ihcin wiih a beauti.ulai.d cornet plate of p.ishioi s .Monthly, a feature, it is In I evul, that w ll neither l e unwelcome nor uup i ul ir. Tin P. shion plat, s shall be draw n Irom orgnml tle-igns t mill I'. ma and London, und imy ulwua l .! pended upon as the prevailing style in Phil .dclphii and New Voik.for the m..n h in which th. v are is sued. Time of public. .tii:). The wml, will be publish ed on the lirsi of ihe month in ev-ry i,uai ,ir of the L'uinri. 'Ihe most dhtai.t subscriber will conse quently receive it oti that day, a well a llu se who reside in 1 i 1 1 ..el lp!:i . In all the principal c ties, am n s h iv e been estiiMish, d, to whom the Maga zine is for v;.rdid, prior lo ihu lime of is-u n it, so that t v til v be ilehvi ici! to ri.-i.lei.l -ub tMlnr by the lii it of the iiiei.tb. Tmi.m :'' D.,.'ii,s pi r annum. Or two copies ; i arly I. r live do Ian, invariably in i lva e, , P"sl aid. No new si bscribei wi h lit the money, or the name ut a r. sponsible ageiil. Po, the uc. omnio l.itioii 1 1 tho.-e w ho m tv wi-h losub st nbe. lor either ut the f illownig Phil ulelphi i perio dicals, this liberal prposd j, made: Five dull .is currmt money, life' uf post age, wo ill f iwa d (ir. hiin's Mag z.n. end (inley's Lady's Eo. k, f..i one year. AJduss p...-t paid, l.llo. R. (JRAIiAM. South ',.-t comer if Chi aunt . Ti.ii d .-t . Ph In. 'ILv ElioUiii- .roi:aiSt:tn. THE largest and u o, leaiilifol iiewsj.aper in tin w. r d 1 iii,er by 1'iliy s pi .re in. hes I li.m any oll.i r i.ewspa, ei n ihe 1'iuteJ Sia es. Published S.itunliys, al l,o ,;iSiii stieet, New Vurk. li ice three tl.dl.ira a yiui ivoeupiis for live Jul la h. Cj" '' he proptii'lo-s nf this inainmo'li slnet the Oreat Wi stern" i.ui. iig the iiewsp iper have the 1 1.-. sine of s rea. ling ln-fuc thu inulii g public a we W!y couiaiuiin; a urealer u iu mil and variety of usefol and inn r sung mis cell iiy, is to be found in any similar publica tion in tie w o: Id. i.uni'i tuf l!io pajer contains as lane an on. t i f tea ling t r ,,s i-i f,.imd in v luuu s of i rdu r.iy i'u. d. ciui i, w hii h cost i2 ami uioie Inn is e, man , d in -i Vul.ini J's IYIuiii- bustr Eanciol'.', li. story nl.u u, whieh a t f:t tiilinm and ill I. r i'l ree Do!,rs u For :5 two copies will '., 1. 1 . v iiih. I uue yiur, ui one copy t. o t c m. S:t!iv toe nl I t- li.o i ofoiii i i i u .l j tos'.i i Ins, l!ie Dr. t: er J.-iiathau hs lien P.M. A lit lii) and IN .'ze, amply 1 1 !'re, has be, n so much in n asi d, tint much HI ore t a:i the tamer ijti.iiioy ,,f t',,. Ilio -t int. :i sung litna uie ol Ilie d y is embiiii-i .1 in us inn,, use cap.s ty. S. hetioiis fr-m ah il e ni.t pr.itliiuenl and ctltbri.ttd wrters of lie day nss st III swi I inj ilscon ent ; and whatever is new, lieh, or lire, is iiiii'd.ati !y ir aiisf. ried to .l ci luuiiis. A I ihe cuiitnbiitii'iis to pi rioiiicaia nf Aineric.ui wuteis i f ri pule a pear in its p.iiv; a id ihe issues uf til fiueign ris ne la . I umler c nti binioi s, as soon at reci ne I in this country, iol'e uusii llautous mi il Ellcrary Dipirinuu', .he cl. sest ut iiun n is p .id; und .11 ll tin sell etioi s and origiuti c.ii.ti li u ln ,s, stri.t e.i o H di vol, , to urod all ih ,t in iv touih cpoii the opinions ul any pariy in ulun Jr p lilies. Ex.eiianee haviiu t. 'iglit u.ih.t we had innk- ! til out u ii Ii .i otir-elve , in wli ch a. I s..r s ul i people d. . i,;bt, to f dow, the l!i. tin r Jonathan shall ci utinue, as it begun, 1 1 b, n K,id, gent e, wei. hiy, light, giave, ineriv,ser;oiis, witiy.smoo b," darhiiig, int. res ng, iispind, aid inc.iiiji irable iiewspa4r. IiMu.l le a Mup. ndus minor when In all Iho w. rid w ll rt.iun r. . I. It shall con tain the iii,,st I uiiful i f Novel-, ;,,m mee and Stories fur l oth wim Fairy T...- lor lovcra of ti e iiiarvt II m Eeg. u,N l0r antimiar.e. Panui-ii:ide.-i for wit mm Nuts and rai-ins fir short- wind. J read. is-S, reiiades for inu-ical lovi r Soii- l.eU for Ladies Stiiiiiiiuni r old bachelors 1 1- tiatics for politician and Lectures, n, ,umt, Criti cis'iis, Epigrnis. Ac.. Ac, Ac, fur all world. Letters should be add rsseil lo WILSON A COMPANY, FutliAt't of tht " Urother Jonathan" S, V. T2ZZ3 CULTIVATOR, A Consolidation nfHurln Cultivator und the Ct tie&ve Farmtr. WILLIS O A t LORD AND LU1HSR TVCKtn, tlllTOHS. Ii OKit't1ii or Vol. H, lor IS 11. rMlE Cultivator was established to impiovo and elevate the Agriculture of the country ; to give a proper tone to tlie morals anil mind of the Far mer; to show him the dignity and iinpmtauce of his profession ; to store his mind with useful know ledge, and convince linn that while all (lapses aie and mu-t be moie or less dependant on each other, he alone of the whole can make any near approach to independence. If then) is one thing moie than another, which in this country gives a man superi ority ovei his fellow nun, it is knowledge ; and this knowledge, knewledge which is as essential to the surcecs of the fanner as to other men, it is the dc-ign of the Cubivator to aid in importing. Qj' 1 be volume tor li10, is filled entirely with Ongiiwl Commuiiinilums.vmhtaeuvi articles from ab.. ut Utill Cotrcspuiidi ids, from aim at eveiy stale in Ihe t.uioii. If an incriasc t f subscription beyond any prece dent in the hist 'ry nl Ag.ieiiltunil Journal.-, it the almost urianiini m voice of the public pics in our f.ivoi, il the multitude uf piivate yi t llatiertng tc tiinouiuls we have received, ml Jed to a circulation amounting the first yi ar to Twf MTt-Two 'I'iiou s.v.N li , may be adinittid a evidence, then we. have in it t iibiindiint reason to be gratified with ti e siiece.-a which has rttcniltd the I uion uf the C'tiliivator mid the (iet,e se Famnr. No expen.-e Ii s I cen . r Will be spare.) to render the Cultivator vvoril y f the palioliago it has receive I. In the number, Variety unJ excellence of ii Iluntralions, it is williuut a rival al home, or abroad, the last vol ume being euilell.shed with nearly One Hundred Eng. livings, illustrating tho improved hrudsol 11 ,i iiit, Cable, Sluep, Swioe, Eiiildings, Iinpleineiils, Ov-.. in.iku g the Cultivator, all things considered, it is bt lieved, tlie Cheapest Agricultural Papi r ever publis id in this or any otlnr country. Term One Dnilar per annum Six copies for ,;")-tin- money to le leini ted in advance. Ir e ut p, s ag commission el -0 per cent, will heal- iowtd lo Agents who obtain "o or nine subscri bers, and o per cent, to those who obtain Kit) or inure. All subcr pt.ens lo commence Willi a vol ume. Postm a ti rs and gentlemen dis,-o ed to lend lluir iiilliieine lo aid the c.uneuf Agi ii ul.ure, are re spec l,.lh r- ipjcttcd lo act i.sagenis. Address JES&E UL'EI. 04 Ct. Ftililxheis of the Cultivator, Altitun, S. Y. BOSTON NOTION,. THE I.AUHE&TJXD CHEAPEST SE WS- PAP Ell IS THE WORLD. fjDE spirit of the age is utilitarian. Improve 1. nn n I is st imped upon the lace of every thing. All the useful oris are progressing with imp mallei e.i rap'dity, and the A rl i f Printii g is coming in I. r it -t lull fharc if the commo i improvement. Detenu tl not to be outdone in any thing that per tains to hii profession, where there is a lair cbatx-c for exivtiuti und entcrprize, the undeisigncd has de teimiiud up, ,n a sheet tw ice the size of the lio-li-n Weekly Timer, (and H to lake the place uf that paper,) and vv II contain e ght columns moie mailer lb in the llroihrr Jonathan. 'Ph. she.t wiil be call, d the liOSTON NOTION, and it is determined that it shall sustain a cognomen so full of meaning, and so interwoven with the estab lish d char icti rot our Yankee city. It will le tho I. ah fi isr NiiWsrari.H is the Wo h lii with no exeepiion and will be piinted on a sheet ihir'y si ven by lifiy-two inches. Il will be filled entirely with r'ading matter, and will contain Thnc Thnu situl Eight llui.drtd and Eigh'y Eight square inches, ot Tw en'y-Scvi n square ft of of print ill lii e tyje! mid a number will eontiin more read ing than an o.ilinsry book of Three Hundred panes. These dimensions Will triable the publisher lo diaw largily upon the most popular periodiea's ol the day, both American and I oreign ; and as the si lectioi.8 will be made with grea' care, it is ! liev el this paper w, II bo a weln.iue Notion to every family, llesldisa full synopsis ol the current new . r i. .i . .. . l l: i" i . i. . i. . . . . i .ue u . . i us pueu.-ut-.i in un' Dustolt ir.liv I !.) 't wli c mam Poetry, Populir 'l'ales, I lua'.rial (. r.'.icis.r.s, l'.,.ice and olhei (,'ourt Ki port-. Hun oiuiis Articles, cVc. Ac. Tl. e wh .lc wo Id of Li t rature will Ic ransacked to I. II it. Fnmi the s uily of the philosopher down to the police courts, through all n gions of reusi ii, poeiiy, romance, wit, und the ample leeord of folly, we shall glean fioin ihe pa.-t und the present und fioin all na ions, to piesei.t us leasing und useful a combination i.f reeotded thought l.lid elllrelit hii toiy, us the woild cm iltpp'y o' iudustiy p oduce. Ibis is uur "Uos ion NoruiN." This great amount of wisdom and fun of vvii and pl.t'osophy of novelties an J antiquities we are able to oiler, weekly for six ckvi per copy, eidy nix cents! and we can da it because of the faedi i sufoiir press m:d t llice, ai d the connection of daily and weekly publications. For tiihek hol l. his wc can sill a tear's volume, i quid in quantity uf matter, with every varitty .Vso, to Pil.y-two Vol ume i f Novel.-, such us 'are issued from the pr. si if tin day. Fifty-two largo Vo'uiiie far Thro Do bus! Effected all by improved m chin, iy, und by a deiirmiiialion thai we will l ot 1 c i utJ. lie i:j enti-ipri.i und usefu'mss. 'PERMS: Three Dollars a year, always in advance no orders, no matter from what source, will he alt i. did to uuli'r aic mpai.ied with the CASH. Siutjle coj its six cents each. Po t Ma leis or i thers reinittng 'IVnitv Do'- lais sha 1 have Eight e. pie urn to mill peisuii and pleis as ihey in iv de.-inat.'. (iEORl.E KOHERTS, Publisher. C corse Lajsifr, PORWAI.DINO AND COMMISSION MER t'il l.'l', Cm si r S( in et Wharf, Haiiiusiii iio, P pn pare I to receive (J. o.!s and Pioduce ut the i..w w . -ill. .ii.e, which Irs arrangement wiil en.i lle In. it lo fuiward with il, spa ch to Phiiadt Iplna, l'ltt-l ur', illiamsp.irt, W i!ki sbane, Coluihbi.i, L..ii.'a-ier. i.r any oilier point on iho l'i nnsy Ivania j and Union Canals, und the Pi niisy Ivania and liar- i risluiig and l.aiic.ot.r lail road. ' Coo ls from Philadelphia for Harris! u'C. Carlisle. t hainh rs'.nug, iVc. cVc, foiwuidcd with care uud ; expcilitioii Coal, Plam i h, Salt und Fisii, constantly for a'0- Sept. 'y. ECt'iiiovul. DIXIK-UI N D E It Y. Till! uiidi ri.igue.1 hive (he gratification of in lorniii g ihe public, ihut iiotviilistamling u.ev Wire so uiifortunule a to have their bindciy burnt dow n, I in March la, they have oixncd a very exteri.sivo I one, in LiHU.-t stieet, in the ntw building diiecilv ' upp isite Oieiiii' Hotel, und aie picpund lo extcuto j ..ii n ,1...;- t. :.i. a " . .. . on ..& mi inn, inn: vtuu uespaicii, anu in a su peiior style. The r l.'UI.I.Nti APPARATUS and oilier Maihinery uro new, uud of the first order and latest in provtniuits ; and they f,, u conli pence in tin ir faeilitit for giving satisfac tion lo all who may favor tlieui wiih their oiJei. Uanks, County Dllices. Merchant, Mechanic and others, can be supplied with LtLAN'K UOOK3 ui i very tiet ripnon, wtucli ir iieatiu and dura . npi,o.i, vviiieu ir neutiiiss and durj I be equal In any laJ,. l,s ,ie -,,,.,. l!ICKoK 4 (,A-ViLNE. Slil lit i , Sej.t. y, Ollliv, Will Stales. JIAIUil SOMETHING NBWI1I THE t'BIArESr AND B EST FAMILY M:HSP A P E 11 ROW rUBLlMIKIl. Only 91 tu per Annum t rpiIE OCEAN AND WEEKLY CLIPPER, one of the best and cheapest newspapers in this country, containing all the choice Reading Matter of the six daily papi rs, including the "CLIP PER'S LOCI," la pubhshcj every Saturday, at 1 50 per milium. GO The "OCEAN" H umrcr the editorial charge of Jon H. Hewitt and Joti Wills, Esqrs., the former well known as iditor, proprietor, or princi pal contributor to every literary publication issui d in this city for the last fifteen yeais; and the latter, long a contributor to various periodical.', but more publicly known since his connection with tho "D ai. timoiie Curi'F.n." Tho extraordinary success whiih has attended the establishment of the Haiti mo.e Clipper, now numbering a larger list of sub- I cribe-i than any oiher newspaper ivcr published in Maryland the dully applications for a weekly paper, to send, by mail, to couiiliy subscribers and the many facilities, possessed ly the under signed, for this undertaking, have indue, d them to spare no expense in getting up a paper which can not fii) to bo a welcome visitur into every man's family. Ii is pinted nn entire new type and fine white paper, ami will compare, for beauty of wo'kman sh p and excellence of leading matter, with any periodical now publ shed in the United Stales. 'Peiims : For Mail Suhsctibeis, $ 1 50 per an num, in current money, forwarded (free of expense) to II. c publishers. PostHiastt rs disposed to act as Agents for the Ocean, will receive five copbs weekly, per an num, for live dollars. Pavment alw.iv to be made in advance. Addrcig "UL'LL A. T LITTLE, Printers, Ualt more, Md. tSTOAisiii; i( itr.ixi:. FOlit THOUSAND NEW SEUSCRIBERS IN TWO MON HIS ! !! Wiies we fust purchased the olJ and well ! known establ shment of t'.c auii t;iy iik iuu I'osl, we sla'cd li nt tho pa er cuculated so w idely a mong the hteady, reading purtion of ihe l.'nited States, that we entered Upon our I. bors with full confidi tic of the futuie. Our success has since been beyond our most sanguine expectation, as our weekly r. c.ipts overbalance those of any Coteinpo lary apt r. Our lot has continued to sw ell up, with unexampled rapidity, and we Inve the conli ih lice, that at the i resent rate of increase, wc shall i be enabled in a few months to bojst of more than j 3.1,01)0 subscribers ! When we corn neuccd our j lull, rs, we announced distinctly , that the tone of the paper should be decidedly moral, and that nothing j shou d be admitted into our columns, which the j most f is'.idious father Could disapprove of. and de tenu ned that as an approved r atntly P., per, it should not contain a paragraph, with the spirit of which a parent would not wish to have a daughter familiar, and we therefore, with this view, aunoun ctd that no llieatiii'al notices shuuld appear in our columns, and that we should he opposed to thctres as things calculated to injure the healthy action of an hi tics! mind, as creative of exhibitions demo ralizing in tendency, and fearfully perntcious in fact. There were not wanting blusterers, who made a great parade of oppusi;ion. and Croakers, who predicted our speedy ilownfa'l, but we thrt w ourselves upon the r-obcr, rational and experienced portion of the pe,,p!o of the Ciiilul Stale for sup putt, and we have been nobly sus'aiucd. Wo thought and expressed the opinion, that hovviver cureless many might be upon this subject, that few, even if they did not entirely disapprove ut such cnte:taininents, cared a! out having the gross detail forever paraded I cfore the eyes of their children, nn. 1 the' siikciiing and nauseating eulopyufall kinds of characters made familiar to their niiud.r. We d.-termined also, th.v while the paper con tinued under our centre), il ..!;ould be strictly neu tral in politics, mid ihat as nevs nn.! literary jour nalists we had nolh tig to do wn!: ihe uiailii ; this ileti rmu alien has been strictly and rigidly adht-ed tn, mid while we shall continue to give our reiders such public document as may be deemed of inte r. st to id!, and such a I istory of the progress nf politic d events, a.- arc sliictly in keeping with our duty, and the character of the p., p. r, we shall stu-i-i n!y ami thoroughly ovoid any contamination of par.iz ui p.d.tics. The paper i-s now rintej in a new and beauti ful ty e, has received the praise of many editors of t iste, as 'the handsomest sheet in ihe Union.' Our efforts have been directed to the combining of beauty and simplie ty with utility und ta-lc. The Post is printed on a flout white paper, ren dering it neat and durable tor filing. In addition to ilusj i Iforls t.iw..rl perliet on in the department, i.n I ext. mo ol our pa per, no luboi, und no cost been spared in the tie velopement of intellectual strength. The present variety ol inleiesting tales, original, Irom foreign and domestic magazines, together with the valua ble contribution of cur own circle of literary friends will continue to give interest lo tho paper, while everything important and worthy of note that nappens in the Old World or the New, shall be collected und collated for the taste of out rea ders. Tlie Ladies' Detriment shall ulwuys be choice and si hct, and shall receive strict attention, while mch things as may inteiest our juvenile readers. tnd that impoitant and large class vf our readers, the Fa mi r w ill not bo overlook d. In order to gri.tify. as much as ossible, the l.iudible desiie of our country readers, a portion of our attention will be dev. ted to the clleeti. n and diffusion of such News, Memoranda, 'Fables, Fac's, Hints, us may seem impoilai.t to agriculturist, and the pop ul. lion re.-i.lent without the conliues of our great cities The state nf the niirkct and the Hue ua tiouK in (tie prices, will be regulaily and what is of more inoineiit, c .riectly given. We have ever been opposej to the constant blusli r and made by soiiih editors, about the excellence of ilnir upers, and have resolved Ihat the Saturd y Evening Post, shall be conduct- t J, as to spiuk lor tl.-elf. Our reii'ci will alwaya find in its column the eailiest and mc.-t authentic information, r well as the most choice and riiteitaiuing literary matter. We hive totally discarded the system ol filling the piper wiih quack adveitisemei.ts, but pnfer giving our re der from wick to week, enterlaiirng nad iug matter. And wo f.el assuieJ that we khall be no loser thereby, as but few readers cjie about havinc a nu er filled Willi des. rloti ..... ..f .1 .-B 1 1 lihcd Willi dcseriplioii of these pounds. iiauseiiiiu j coin- The Saturday Evening Pus', will be fumuhej ior r . per annum in adv..iuf, , iec,y .reu years f, r fo. To those who wish lo sultribo for I lulaui'lpliia Maganne, we will furnish a copy of the Philadelphia Ca-kct. and two coi.ies of the Post fur one year for $5 free of postage and di- count. No New Subscrilier receive J without iho .Money. 'Po those who wish lo ub-crihe. we would say, that tho safe.-t plan i to enclose the money in a letter and direct to u. Most postmaster will frank their It tiers if relating lo nothing but the busines of the office, and all postmaster who will be kind enough so lodo, we shall lie pleased to ac knowledge a agent. Address 'iEOKGE It. GRAHAM A CO. No 36 Caitei ' Alley, Philadelphia. I th is wax w on Lu. the largest, cheapest, ihsdsom. est, jisl) most comphehessiye m:vspapeh is the usited STATES. EDITED DT PARK REMJAMIN AND ErtS SAH0I5T. WITH multiplied resources for rendering tlie New Would more valuable than ever as a compendious newspaper and repository of elegant literature, we enter upon thcsicond volume (folio) on the S4th of October, di cased in a beautiful garb uf ;ic io ttipe, cast expressly for the purpose. It will therefoio be a fating time to commence new subscriptions, as well as lor the renewal of those which may then expire. During iho first year of tho distance of the New World, it lias acquired a ruputaiion and circulation superior to any weekly paper in the country ; and has furnished to its subscriln rs, during that period, (besides a 1 the current news of i hp day, domestic ond foreign) new ond valuable works liy Talfourd, D'Israell, Thomas Moore, Mim Mitford, Mrs. Jameson, C. Diekens, Ainswoitb, Knowl.-s liulwer, Mairyat, and otheis woiks, which in Lon don could not be purchaseJ for fifty times the amount of the subset iption price of the New Woild. In adJition lo works of interest by thca. eminent authors, it has contained the cream of tin periodical literature of tlie day, ua well as origina ai tides from the pens of some of the most popula writers of America, among whom wo may meutio Misa Sedgwick, Jrville Dewey, Professor Lnngfc low, tho author ui "Yankee Notions, Siinun Street, tVc. Vr. In po iticks we shall, as hitherto, maintuin a armed neutrality. Our columns as heretofore w be unobjectionable in a moral oint of view. I criticism we shall, in justice to the public, mania, a perfict independence, even though we incur tl veiigencc of all the dunces- We shall, in concl sion, earnestly stiive to render our sheet not on worthy of ihe unparalleled lavour it has ciperianc, hut ul a continually extending circulation. Wh we con'.inue lo furui.-h with all possible prumtitu the most attractive liter -ture of the day, wc sin as our means enlarge, afford that compensation native authors, which may induce them to m the New World tho me, limn for priscnting to public their best produ lions. Our excellent L. don correspondent wdl be continued, and due tentioti will be paid to the comercial, agricultu and news departments of out paper. A QVAIITO ED1T10S Of s'xtecn I.nge pngrs was commenced on the si. nf June Inst, in ouler to meet the wishes of la number of subscribers, by giving them its licli u varied contents in a suitable form for binding. T we have done without having enhanced the pr so that new sub.-cribeis, and otheis on the relic of pn vious subscriptions, can take their choice tw ei ri the. (ju ut,) and Folio form. But a I sets of the luarlo, f om No I, now iimain band in tho ollice, and wc shall therefore, not ai le long to supp'y them. TERMS: Thiikk Dollars a year in dvai for cilher cdiiioti ; or Five Dollaii for two coi In rdl cases letters must be tree, or post paid they will remain dcid in the post-office. (Ij- All Po-tin.ntC's who will act fur u arc authorized Agen's, and may retain 23 per cent the sub-ciij tion piice, ($:!.) for commissions, j milled in New-York or Eastern nney ; or 50 c on each, if in notes of other solvent bai.ks, w l may be al a discount here. (Zj Editor and Pul lisln is who desire the tinuuiice of an exchange, will please copy the a' three or more limes, or otherwise notice tlieconti ond lend us a marked paper. Letters rela ive to the editorial department i be addicssed lo Park Uesjamix & Er:s Saru Editors: those relative to the buisness dc meiit, to J. WINCHESTER, Publi.-h, No. 30 Ann street. EI A Z A ii 1) ' S UNITED STATES COMMERCIAL STATISTICAL KEOISTER. Coniaiiiii,L-l inner is, tacts ami otln r useful inclination, ilh live of the hisloiy und resource of ihe Ami I nion, and of e ,ch Stale; cuibraeii g commjer, ni.iuulaclurcs-, agriiu'tuie, inlimul iinprotemen banks, currency, fioames, educulion, itc. vVc. L ted by Samuel Hazard. Publi bed every Wcd iesday, ot 79 Dock stre. The price lo subscriber is .r per uiiinim, p.iyab on the first of Januaiy of each year. No subscri tion received fur less 'than a year. Subscribers o of the principal cities to pay in advance. r ic o i i: v t ir )s Ol' THE JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MLK S. CIETi", AND RURAL ECONOMIST. I'UITI D II r Mil H0 B. SMITH. THIS Journal was established bv the Amerie Silk Society, for the purpose of diffusing pr.utic information on the ii'Ltihe or silk in Ihe Unit' Siaies. Il has now bei n published one yt ur, ai may be consiJcied a work of standard character. The first year's publication, coinpiisiug the fit volume, eoutaines a mass of valuable inlomistio and it will be the o' jecl of the editor to nial the secoi'd equal in all rcspcts, if not supenoi, the first. The important fact is now csta' hslu d b yond any question, that the people oi the Uniti Slates can make and better ihu any other nation upon earth. It ha been provi by uniinpeacliable testimony, that ll-.c tntiie cu ul" producing silk ready for ma: ki t, does notexci. TWO HOLLARS AXD TWlNTf-MVl CESTS PI i-oixii, and its lowest value i rut s hollars a ri rr i cents; also, thai uxt acre of ground plan ed in inorus muliicaulis, will produce the fust ye. tho tret ate p'anted, loi H I v-i n.u r I'oi u kilk, leaving a clear profit to the producer of o IIL' Ml it Ell ami liumt hollars! li has lrj 'ocf proved thai the childi, u and fi males of Ri,y f.rmer f uiily can. with the greate t possible ease, produt from liliy to a hundred i. und of ilk I without any cost whuti ver to the expenses ul th firm the tncs are planted; mid, Hi. the whole amount oi silk will lie so much alearg.ii s iy from f 223 lo f 130. With these facts we sul m.t toan intell gent people welhei ii is not a grea and important object for them o introduce the cu! Jure of silk in every far.ue' family in the Unior 'Po i liable all our tanners to make silk, the 'Jo fa tl er Tin Ami kica Silk Sociktt' was est ib lisiic.!; ii contain kiin practical directions frci i. TIVATIMJ THE TRIES, rtl III (l ,.,d HEARINO SI LI. worms, heevi.mi. the kilk, and preparing it to maikel, e. beside ull olhn information that cai bo r- qiined lo emdiUi nnv i,t ron to enter mion ih. business, eiiher ou a large or small scalo. Etcry uil uf hi c untry, into wll se hand this pape, may lull, will bed ing a patriot and phi!anihropii , work ly inducing his friend and iitighbuui to en ter their names upon the list of iilcnbcr. '1 he Journal of ihe American Society i published monthly, in pan. pl.U t form ; each number con'airis Unity two octavo pages, piinted on new type aud handsome paper, wi h a printed Colored cover. 1 ERM : Two dollars a Vrar. or six roiii.-a t... ten dollai, always lo he paid before the work i sent. All suUcriptions lo bein with the first num ber of the year, aud in no case will the woik beent lo any subscriber longer than it shall hv paid for. CrNiw si s.eaiaiBi, who take tha foul .n.l second volume, will he chitgej only Thres Dot- ears ior mo io year,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers