TRICE CURRENT. Corrected weekly hy Henry Yoxlheimer, Wmat, Kri, Cork, Oats, Pouk, FiAnritn, . Bcttrii, Bikswax, TaLLOW, Duiku Appli, 11 AC H El, Flax, Hkcklch FtAZ, 60 40 . 25 6 100 14 25 12J 75 200 fl 10 TRUTH WILL PREVAIL. -Dr. Harlicii' medicine are daily increasing; in public favor, and want from any but a fair (rial to establish their worth. We have a communication in our columns to-day from a person long awicted, which is hut one of many vouchers fur this medi cine. Spirit of the Times, an IS hereby given to the creditors of Albert Am merman, to appear in tho Court of Common l'lras of Northumberland county, on the first day ( next term, and show cause, if any they have, vhy the proceeds of the sale of his real estate, sold y Henry Gossler, Esq., sheiifl'of Nor humlerl,ind :ounty, should not be applied t J the p iy incut of the udgmenl of Mary Dunham. SAMUEL D.JORDAN, March 8 J, 1841. Proth'y. LIST OF CAUSES FT It trial in the Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland County, to he held at Sun jry, the first Monday of Apiil, 1S4 1, ling the 5th. iseph Trego hrist & Nesbit eorgc Laurence amcr Koush 'm. Henderson S.imo sgle, ad'm of Filbert .im'th of Penn'a. arough of Milton idiirr for 13adger ugh Bellas ndrew Tinbrook, lin Hagentum et al. itzel et Kcbcr noma Perry ory Weeks vs. Martin A. Slock, vs. Jackson Nesbit, vs. R. If. Hammond, vs. Salomon Mcnga, vs. Homy Uiown, vs. Shipman 6V Greenough vs. John Filbeit, vs. Martin Wcarrr, ct al., vs. Jacob Wheelund, vs. Hugh Delias, vs. Lewis Dewait, vs. Daniel Frymire et nl., vs. Alexander Elstcn etal vs. John Vincent, vs. Frederick Bauchman, vs. Byerlv & Haas, lomon DunklcLerger vs. Piter ot Wetzel, nry Ma?er vs. Jacob Scosholtz, 'm. A. Lloyd inry H. Burr Uhony M'Donough . C. Livincston Lyon & Co. lomon Mcnga arles W. Richards m. Shipman W. Johnson vs. John Youngman, v.j. John B. Boyd, vs. John Filzpatrick, vs. John Meek ley, vs. IIi!gh Bella?, vs. George Oyster, vs. John D. Cowdcn, v--. (iustavus Ross et al., vs. Richard Rcnshaw et al. 'maket, Dunn & Co. vs. John Smith, nrad Raver lathan Purscl :harl Fullmer in D. Cowdcn arlrs L. Barnes )b Dcctz ob Houscl vs. David IN ice, vs. Goss & Hilcman, vs. William Hans, vs. Richards Sc Kitchen, vs. John Caul, vs. Patrick Hampsry, vs. John Gray. SAMUEL D. JORDAN. Prothonotary'a Office, 5 Proth'y. iunbuty, March 1, 1841.5 Dissolution or Partnership 'IE undersigned having dissolved partnership, wish to give notice to those indebted in the old i is to make payment soon, as no longer indul o, :e will be given. For settlement, cull at the m ndry, as the books will remain yet anhilo in the n Js of tho late firm for settlement. nfill)T DrUDD A PIT JACOB ROHRBACH, F eh, 27. 3t DANIEL ROHRBACH. S U N I) U R Y GEORGE ROHRBACH & BROTHERS 'T7ISII to infirm their Customers and the pub V li opnorullv. ibnt ihev brive enrtril an F!n lue, and are enabled to do a more extensive lusi ess than heretofore, and are ready to all inds of catlings commonly cast at Foundry s, viz. STOVES, HOLLOW-WARE, PLOUGHS and PLOUGH CASTINGS f all descriptions, which they will dispose of as heap as they can be bought elsewhere. Old Iron nd Country produce will bo taken in xchange for aslings. GEORGE ROHRBACH, JACOI1 ROHRBACH, Feb. 27. WILLIAM ROHRBACH. George Ilornbtrgcr't Estate, ITOTICE is hereby given, that the Register of the county of Northumberland, lis tbis day .ranted letters testamentary to the subscriber, upon he estate of George Hoitibcrgcr, of Coal township, ii the s lid county. All persons having demands or daiins against the said decedent, are requested to nuke known the s.ime to them without delay. GEORGE LONG, THOMAS HENMNGER, Feb. 22 Ct. Adm's. VTTENTION MERCHANTS, &c. E. P. Sc J. H. FXIZCK, WHOLESALE GROCERS, FOHWADING &. rilOIIUCE tOMMISKION MKUIIANTS, No. 297, Market street, five dutirs above Seventh, PHILADELPHIA, fFFER for sale, at the lowist mtikct prices, a geueial assortment of Teas, Cuffiet, Sugnrs, Molasses, Wines, Lioaors, Spices, Tobacco, ire. Cuuntut Puoui'CE received and sold on cuiniiiik- sion. Merchants, Hotel keepers, and others, Mill find it to their advantage to rail and examine our ttock. before rurcha-inir elsewhere, Mer.hantii wishirg their goods collected in this city, by h aving an order, will have them iirompt'y forwarded, by the most expeditious lines. eii wis r. thick, ions u. thick. Feb. 6, 1841. ly. Application FOR AN INCORPORATION. rpiIE members of the " GOOD INTENT FIRE JL COMPANY" of Sunbury, in purkuance of an orJer of the Court of Common Pleas of Northum- beilai.d County, hereby give notice, that they have made application to the said court to be incorporated agreeably to the piovuions of the act of Assembly upon the subject, having exhibiiej to the said court an instrument of writing, specifying the object, ar ticles, conditions, name and style of the said associ ation, which has teen approved of by the said court and filed with the protuonotary tlureol; and tbat charter of incorporation will be granted to the mid company, at II next term of said court, to be ho! den al Sunbuty.oH the first Monday of April next. unlet suthcieiil reason I shown to tne contrary. WM. L. DEWART, Hunburv, Feb. 6. 1811 3t. Pres't. Daniel Knse's I&tnte. - TNJOTICE is hereby Riven, that lettera of admin j-' istralion on the estate of Daniel Kase, la'e of Rush township, Northumberland county, dec d., have lieen granted by the Register of said county to the subscriber. All those Indobted to the above et tate will make paymonr, and those having claims will present their accounts on the 30th and 31st March, 1841, at the late residence of deceased. PETER KASE. Jan. 23. 6w 83. Adm'r. T h in a s 11 u s s c 1 1 , No. 8G8, Baltimore 8th. kt, A few doors west of Howard st. BALTIMORE. WHOLESALE DEALER in Comb, But tons, German and Fancy Goods, and Im porter of Patent and Shoe Threads, Spool Cotton, Suspenders, Tapes, and almost every description of Small Articles. Country Merchants and Dealers in general, are respectfully invited to call and exa mine for themselves. Jan. 30. ly CjlXLIXGIIAM & JKSSOI. Importers and Dealers in Foreign Hardware, Corner of rratt and Light sis., BALTIMORE. COUNTRY" MERCHANTS, nnd others, ate respectfully invited to call and examine their Stock of Goods. Jan 30. ly A FEW Cnpios of The Virion Choral Harm moni," consisting of Sacnd Muse, with Ger man and English lines to each tune. By H. C. Eyer. For sale by January 30. II. B. MASTER, Jim ID H I P T. A CLOSE DECK 111) FLAT, about 47 feet long, and Jl feet wide, wuli an iron pin in the stern block, went adrift from the premises of the subscriber, near Sunbnry. A reasona ble reward will be given to anyone taking it up, and notifying the subscri ber at Sunburv. 'HENRY MASSER, Jan. 23, 1810. NOTICE TS hereby given, that interest will be charged by - tho subscriber, on all accounts for lime, that have been standing longer than six months, and that hereafter this rule will be strictly adhered to. All persons indebted, are requested to call and settle their accounts. SEASHOLTZ cV BE RGSTRESSE R. Sunhury, Jan. 23, 1811. tf. LAST 1TCTICJE. ERSONS indebted to the late (inn of H. B. Musser & Co., are ugain requested to call end settle, before their accounts arc placed in the hands of a magistrate for collection. II. B. MASSER, Jan. 1(1, 1811. H. MASSER. EL3Z2:uri: Iu the Xtelinlnon Court of Plraa for the State of Pennsylvania. STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA: L. S. Dacfhin Coisti, ss. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. vs. The persons claiming ti tle to, or interest in the se veral tracts of land set forth in tho BiP, whereof the following is an ab stract. -D ill to perpetuate tes timony. AT a term of the '-Nicholson Court of Pleas for tho State of Pennsylvania," convened in the Borough of Harrisburg, Pa., Jan. 20, A. D. 1311, in pursuance of an act entitled "An act to sc:tlo the estates of John Nicholson and Peter Baynton," passed April lClh, A. D. 1840. Upon the petition presented ond filed in our court by Robert Orr, John Dungan and William Primrose Esq , Com missioners appointed as provided in the act afore said representing "that wheieas it appears from the records in the office of the Sccretniy of the Land Office in Pennsylvania, that William P. Brady ap plied for, and took out of the Land Ollice aforesaid, fifteen wairants, all bearing date Nov. 13, 1793, in the name of John Dieady, Thomas Hamilton, W il liam P. Breody, John Uoyd, W 111 am llson, Uen- jamm F. loung, William Gray, William look, u , John Cowdcn, Bernard Hubley, I Immas Giant, Alexander Hunter, Samuel Scott. James Hepburn, John Carson ; and also the five ( dlow ing warrants, all I earing date March 14, 1794, in the name of I honias Reese, 1 homas Grant, Sam uel Scott, Thomas Hamilton, Jeremiah Jackson, for four hundred acres each, adjoining each other in their programme order, leturned in Northumberland County, as Cf embed and Bit for; h in the ceitilicatcs annexed to said petition, numbered 12,181 ; and whereas it appears by a receipt in the cilice of the Secretary of the Land Office, aforesaid, dated June 1 791, a certificate whereof is also to sa d pe'iuon annexed, that William P. Biady paid into the Land Office aforesaid A'200 in specie, lor sa d twenty tracts, amounting in all to 8000 acres, together with 10 nfiice fees; and whereas it alo appears by tho certificates of the said William P, Brady, legally en cut' d and acknon leded, bearing date August 13, 18:18. the fume wheieof ia annexed to the pennon, that the twenty warrants ob ve men tioned were all paid by the said William P. Bradv, as the agent of, and fur the use and benefit of John Nicholson, Esq., for the sole use and bei elit of said Nicholson, and was paid for with money placed in his bands for that purpose, although from the books in said Lund Office, it appears that said Wd iam P. Urady received credit lor tl;e purchabe money of said warrants. 1 be petitioners funber represent, lb it the said William P. Brat'y, the win, en which the petitioners have for proof of the ficU ttalcd in the above bill, is now very aged and infirm, the petition ers therefore pray the Court that u rule may be granted before kbid Court to tuko the testimony of the taiJ William P. Biady, now of the county of Indiana, and state of Pennsylvania, touching the aforesaid twenty tracts of land, on due notice there of to all persons interested, that Ibe same w.ll be entered of record in said court at Hariiiaburg, and perpetuated agreeably to the direction of tho Con stitution of this Commonwealth, and the acts of Assemly in such case inudo ai d provided, und to m , ke such further rules and orders heriiri ss to the Court shall seem just and proper, &e. Hereupon, January 21), 184 I. the foreaoinc pe tition being read in oxn, and the residence of the peisou interested in the lands therein men tioned not tieiug known, the l;uuil order and direct that a lulebc enured to all panii or p.roin inte rested in said lands, to shew cause before this court to be held at llairisbuig on the second Moiul.iy of April next, why the testimony shall not then and there be perpetuated as applied for in said petition, and the court further order that a copy of the said rule and order be published in one daily newspaper In the city of Philadelphia, one day in taeh week, for six weeks successively, ard once a week for the same period in a weekly newspaper printed in Nor thumberland County, (where Ibe land lies,) prior to the aaid second Monday in Apiil i ext. Witness the Hon. Joseph U. Anthony, Judge of our stiJ Court at the borough f Harribuig, this twentieth day of January, A. D. one thou sand eight hundred and forty-one. Jan. 30 0- II. C. H1CKOK, Clerk. GUM ELASTIC Shoes, a large assort ment. Sperm Oil, best quality Books, of all description Silks, black and coloured. Stair Carpeting. Cotton Carpet. Carpet Chain, of all color. Saddlery, gcnetal asiortment. ' ' Eliplic Springs. Coach Lamps, Carriage Bands, Bras Joints, Bras Dashers. Patent Leather. Just received and for sale at the store of II. B. MASSER, November 14, 1810. tf "HTRESII Cranberries, just received and for sale B ' by M. 15. MASSEU. November 11, IS 10. tf INFOli M ATI ON WANTED. ANY person having nny infnrmation concerning Bryan Shcchy, a native of Ireland, aged from 19 to 25, of fino complexion, will confer a lavor by informing his brother, Rodger Shcchy, by letter directed to Harrisburg. Pa. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. NEW ENGLAND OIL COMPANY. No. 29 North Water. Street, 1'hila. ANUFACTURERS and dealers in Oils of every description both fr binning and maiiulacluring purposes, wlurn will be sold much lower than they can be procured c'sewhrrc, and warranted in quality to equal any in the city. Any oil sold by the company not proving as lepresciited, may be returned without nny expense to the pur chaser, and the money will le refunded. Their stock now in store consists of the follow ing oils, vi. : 30,000 gallons Winter Bleached Spcim Oil, cooo do do Culotlcfs Oil, do Fall and Sprins Sperm Oil, do Winter Sea Elephant, do do Pressed Whale Oil, do Summer do do do do Common Whale Oil, 15,000 10.000 20.000 6000 15,000 200 Barrels superior Straits Oi1, 300 do Cod Bank Oil, 60 do Nca's Foot O.I, 75 CVks Oiive Oil, banner's Oils. (XjThis Company hn a number of Vessels" en gigej in tho Cod Fishery, and Tanrier-i may rely upon cet'ing nt all t.mcs Oil as pure ns imported. Philadelphia, Nov. ?, 1S40. ly. Ztteittioit. rjHE special attention of buyers from the south JL and west, and for the state trade, is respectful ly invited to the following assortment of C (JODS, which the subscriber will dispose of at suih prices as will amply repay his friends for railing t,nd ex amining his slock. To CASH puichasers, at the present lime, extraordinary inducements will be of fered. 200 pieces heavy voriegaled Spanish molting. 500 pieces Canton matting, assorted 4-4, 5-4 and C-4 white, checked and flowered. 1000 hearth rngs, a beautiful assoitment of Wil Ion, Brussels, Tufted, Turkey, and Hemp rugs. 200 pieces woolen, worsted, cotton, hemp, in grain, Venetian and block Carpeting. An elegant variety of Wilton, liiusscls, Scotch and English, Venetian, Damask, &c. rVc. 1000 dozen men und boys caps, comprising a gtcut variety of Fur, Seal. Nutria, Muskrat, and Coney, Hair, Seulelte and Clolh Crips. 100 dozen Al'icarit Mats, assoitcd 100 do Manilla do do do 50 do Sheep-skin do do do 30 bales French Djskeis, competing every de scription. 500 pair Venetian Blind:;, aVd figures and colors. 3000 patent do do do 1000 nests Cabas or SatchcU, ass'd, embossed leather, straw and oil cloth. 5000 duzeii Combs, assorted tortoise shell, Bra zilian do horn, ivory, brass and wood. cuiprUiug a large assortment of etery variety. 3000 dozen Whips assorted wagon, gig, car riage, sulky, planter, drocrsor Tiding, of gut, lea ther ami thread, with German silver, gilt, ivory and bone mournings. 1000 dozen painted pails, Wilson's brand. 1000 nests ccilar Tubs aid Buckets; also, Churns, Piggins, Water Cam, &c. The alioM1 together with an extensive assortment of fancy goods, Bnt'ani i and German silver ware, feather Mid I ristle Brushes, Looking Glasses, Ma hogany and Gdt Flames, of every size and descrip tion, are manufactured, imported, and sihc:cd ex pressly foi the southern, western and stare irade. J. SIDNEY JONES, No 13 Noith2J street, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, November 7, 1840. ly. G. V. & L. 3. T-TLCS,. FOR SALE, at the South East Cor ner of Fifth und Market Sheets, Philadel phia Mens' Calf-skin Boot, stitched warranted, do do do pegged do do do do water proof, double soles and douh'e uppers, do Call-skin do do and uppers, do Heavy Water Leather Boole, do do Neats do do. do High quarter Shoe. Calf-skin do do da Croekers do do nailed do Fine Monroes warranted do do do do do do K p do do do do do 1 do C II do Course do do Shoe Fino do Kip do do do Calf and Seal Skin Pumps, L st Socks with ami without solos. do Carpet do do do do Patent WarrantcJ Water-proof Moccasins, Ladies' do do do do Ladies' tanned India Rulher shoes. (ientlemcns do Ovirihoes. Wiih every other desc iplion of boots and shoe::. Fur Caps i f cvt ry description. Travell ng Trunks of every description Venetian Travelling Bags. Patent Gum Elastic Shoe Blacking. Bonnets of all kinds, l'ulm Leal Hats. I'liiliJeli-tiia.Natcinbcr 7, 1840. ly .llicliaci Wraver V Hon, ROFE MAKERS & SHIP CHANDLERS. Ao. 13 North Water Street, Philadelphia. AVE constantly on hand, a general asjort merit of Cordage, Seine Tw mes, cc , vi : 1 ur d Ropes, lulling Ropes, White Ropes, Maml la Ropes, Tosv Lines for Canal Boats. Also, i complcto Hssortinent of S, me Twines, c, such a I letup Shad and ILrring Twine, Best Patent Gill Net Twine, Cotton Hiad nd Hening Twine, Shoo 1 hreadH, &C oxe. Also, Bed Coids. Plough Lines, Halters, Traces, Cotton and Linen Csrpel Chain 4rc. all of which they will dispose ol on reasonable icim. t'tulanVphi, Novcmbei 7, 1840. ci v t Auction AND COMMISSION STORE, Kumbcr 29 JWA Third Street, Philadelphia. IJUm.IO SALES of Dry Goods, Hardware and Cutlery, Books, Stationary, Clothing, Boots, Shoe and Hals, and in short almost every description of good, are held at this establishment every evening. Good aro also old tit private sae during the day at the average auction prices. Store keeper and trader will find it to their advunlage by attending the soles. C.C. MACK BY, Auctioneer. Philadelphia, November 7, 1810. PETEIl DEWEES, LAST IVXAICER, No. 71 Callowhill Street, Philadelphia, C Three dons above Second. J HOE Findings always kept on hand, which he "Hers for rale on the lowe-t terms. Country Meichintsnrc particularly to call uu.l judge for themselves. Philadelphia, November 7, 1810. 1 v. OLIVER N. THACIIEK, Ai;t. MANUFACTURER OF HATS, CAFS, &.C. No. 40 North Thin! iSlrcct, l'hila. C Oiposile the City Hot el. J OATS, Cap and Ladies' Furs, of every de scription, manufactured nt very low pi iocs, and Country Merchant supjlied nt shoit notice. Philadelphia, November 7, 1810. ly. LOWER 6c UAIIRON, Importers ami Dealers in Forcii and Domestic Il.trdwarc, No. 171 Nonrrt Tiunn Stulkt, rtiiiAnr.triii. "TI1 EKE tin ir fiiends and customers will always find a lame and genernl a-sonuient of Foreig.i and Domrstic Hardware, which they will si II at the lowe-t prices. Pluledelphi.1, November 7, 1810. Iy. J. W. SWAIN, Umbrella and Parasol Manufacturer. .Yd. 37 AW4 Tltiril strrrt, tiro doors below the City Hotel, Philadelphia. COUNTIJY Merchants ond others are solicited to examine his assoitment before purchasing elsewhere. Phila 'elphia, Novcnilur 7, 1810. Iy Jacui) rrisiusilli & Son- ESPECTFL'LLY informs their fricno? ond acquaintances pencrally th it they sti I col - liiuni to keep ol the old stand. No. 213 North 3d strei t. l'hila. !i Ipbi.i, all kin.U of TOltACCO SSL I F AM) SEfiARS. Which they will sell on the accommodating and icis n ihlc terms. N. B. All eood so;d will be guaranteed, and i,ll orders preimpt'y attended to. Philadelphia, November 7, 1610. ly. Wholesale and Retail Shoe, Eounet, nnd Palm Leaf Hat Warehouse. Ao. G6 !'orth 'id street, a few ilnors above .li.'t, Phitidtl'hia. A LSO Trnnkn, Caipet Bags and Valice. of cv J ery desciiption, nil of which he olfers for sale on tho most teas itiablc terms. Philadelj liia, November 7, 1810. ly T . 6c A . R O V O U I T ' N China, Class and Liverpool Warehouse. Ao 164 North Third street, third duor btluw Vine street, Philaitelnhia. "linjERn they constantly kiep on hnn.l a larse assortment of China, Glass and Liverpool W ore, which they will di.-poso of on the most rei- sonable terms. Philadelphia, NovrmlTr 7, 1810. THEOPILUS CULP. Manufacturer and Importer of Sad- tllerv, 1 1 ard ware, Scc. .Vo. 5 flout h Third street, fjur tluors below Market I hilatli tpluw EEP constantly onlur.d a large and grnernl Os,ortment l oach Lamps. Curriiee Baiids, Axle Arms, Kiiptic Si rinas, Pattnt Leather. Arc. Country Merchants and saddlers will be supplied nt all tune on the most reasonable term. '1 bey will find it to their advantage to call and examine his assortment before purchasing elsewhere. Philadelphia, November 7, 1B10. ly. REYNOLDS, McFARLAND & CO Wholesale Dealers in Fuieitrti Eritish and American Drv Hoods. Ao 10: Market street, PhUadi 'phia. COl'NTRY Merchant'', and f ibers can be sup p'ied at all time.i with nil extinsivc a-s .it nn'iit of the best and most I'.i."!,ioii..IiIl' (.iooj.-i upon the most reasonable ti mi-. Pwiladelpbia, November 7, 1 S 10. ly. J. S. 2ED.?., Wholesale Variety and Ti'iinmin' Store No. 44. North Fourth near Arch st., Philudilphia. "VI THERE Country Menhan'.s and other can be supplii d, at ill times, with a large nssnrtmt nt of llosii ry. Gloves, Merino, Cotton, ami Woolen Sbuts and Drawers, Spool C, t'on. Paiet.t 'I hieiid, ('otion CoIiIh, IUiMoiis, Tapis, lliiidnig-i, Hock-' ond Lyes, Pins, &e. And a general a:i ty ('f Use ful articles, which he ollVrstur sale at the lowei pi ices. Phihdc phia, Nuvemlirr 7, 1S10. ly. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKsEL LERs AND STATIONERS, Xo. 12'J Chcsniit Street, LcUav -1th, lMiilaJelihia. ET'EEP constantly on hand a genen.l ossoit- mi nt nf Books nnd Stationary ; comprising '1 lieulogirnl, Law, Medical, Classical, Miscellane ous and School Books, Day Books, all s i'-s. Led gers, do., Familv Bible, Pocket B.b'es, Wiituiii Papers, Wrajping Papers, &c. Ac, w hich they oi ler at the lowest p ices to Couuiry Merchant's Pns fessional fienileuu n, Teuchers, and all othcra that may favor them with their custom. Philadelphia, November 7, 1810. ly. HXHKU1CK, HANSKMs 6c COS. wrioirsALn dhy good3 stohsj. X'o. lliti l.-i Market Street, Thila. (Hi low Fif'h Smthside ) ALWAYS keep on hand a full ond general as. icrtu.ent of Hosiery, Lace, and Fancy Goods, Country M rchan'a aro rcspec fully reqi estcd to givx t!i in a cull and examine f ir tin m elvi s. Philadelphia, Nuvendicr 7, 1S10. ly. Sl'KilLNU, GOOD 6c CO. No. 13S Market Street, Philadelphia. 5NVITE the attention nf Country Merchant to their txU'iisivw assortment ol Britbh Frei.rh and American Dry Good,wbicit ihey ctlii for tile on the m.itt reasonshle tcim. Philad' lphi, November 7, ISIO. ly, SHAMOICIN COAL. r a very superior quality, can bo had at any tunc, by atmlic ition to the subscriber!!, in lots 10 sun purcttlfMei. J hey keep large, egg, broken, and fine coal, fit for burning lime. J. II. PL'HDY & Co. Sunhury, Sept. CO. tf. fillOCVMV.S. f,csh supply of Oroceiics just received and fr s ite bv HKMiV YO.YTHIMER. Sept. 12. 1840. tf. ijIffl'OltS. A fresh ru ply of Brandy, Gin, Poit, Lisbon, Tei erill'-, Madeira and Sherry Wines, just received and fr snl by 1 1 E . It Y YO.YTHIMEn. Sept. 12. IS 10. tf. TH '..V., A new ossori merit of 7-4, 7-8 ar.d 3-4 yard wide Mtisl n, just reei ivrd end for nlc hy I1ENKY YOXTHIMEK. Sept. 12. 1 si 0 tr. t,J,ICfnN. A new assurtmei.t of Culicocs just received und for ale by 1IENKY YOYTHIMER. 12, 1810 tf. I ItthV. A good assortment of Bur Icon.just received and for sole bv HENKY YOXTHIMEK. Sept. 12, IS 10. if. S.H,T. 2.10 barrel and saiks of Salt, just received und for sale bv HENRY YOXTHIMER. Sept. 12, 1810. tf. t'Lftl i-S'. A general ossortincnt of Cloths and Casiincie., constant v on h ind ot the store of IIENK'Y YOXTHIMEK. Srjf. 12, IS 10 if. 11 ;.? T, it IT, fWJ.'.V ond nil other k'lid of (ii.iiii und Seeds wi l be t iken at the high-c-t fric s ill cxchaiK-e for goo 's nt the store nf I1E.NKY YOXTHIMEK. sept. 1! IS 10 f. MACKEKEL- A few batrciB of M..ckercl for sa'c at i low pr-cc by Sept. 12, 1S10. It. B, MASSER, IRISH SALMON. Ot the best quabty. con stantly on hand and for sale bv Sept. 12.'j 10. ll' II. MASSER. MADEIRA WINE. Fimt quality Madiera Wine, for s'do low by Sept. 12, 1810. II. B. MASSER, FOURTH PROOF BRANDY. A article alwsv n lund and for sale by genu II.. Sept. 12, 1810. H. B. MASSER. HOLLAND GIN, Of the best quality ulways on hind and for sale ly Sept. I Kit). II. B. MASSER. LOAF ANU H.'MP SUGAR. Always hand and for site by 18, 1S40. II. B MASSER. lilislDN !YRI I' MOLASSES. Ol a supc rior quality, for sale by S, pi- 12, lS lO. II. B. MASSER, N E OK HeXn ,M7i A R ilOUs E MO LAES. Of tho best quality always on hand ard for sate bv Sept. 12, 1810. 11. B. MASSER, BROWN "SUGAR. Of ii'good quality, for sale low by Sept. 12, 1810. H. B.MAS.-ER. lVflIXJRS-Orail kinds and of the Let quail tie., always on hand aud for sale by Sept. 12,H10. H. B. MASSER. f;REENAN D B LACK TEASOT'tiio best quality alw vs on hand und for sale by Sept. 12, IS 10. H. . M ASSER. Ct)FFi,-E. Java, Km ond I.auira Coll'ee, con stantly on hand and for sale bv Sept. 12. 1810. H". B. MASSER. srEli.M OIL. Winter ai d Summer struincd Sperm Oil, of the lest quality, ulways on hand und for sale by Sept 12, IS 10. It. B, MASSER. STEEL. Cast ami Bli.-lcr Steel, for sale by Kept. 12, IS10. JL B. MASSER. SPRING STEEL" Of va.iuus sizes lor Eliptic Sj ring, for sale by SV.-i.12.lSlO. H. B. MASSER. n7liElii'ARil) BIllLES. For sale al very rjduced prices by Si'( 12 181(1. II. B. MASTER. BLANK BO(JK. oTuli kinds", for saie by Sept. 12, 110. II. B. MASSEII. ULAN KT)EET)s'.' lloiuis. Afoiigiiues, Ac. for sa'c by Sept. 12, 1810. ILB MASSER, J IS flCEs BLANKS. tor sTe bv Sept. 12, isio. II. B. M ASSER. CLOTliS, Blue, Black. Invisible urien, Sic, for scle by p. 1. 1810. H. 15. M SSER. CAsSlMERES i.lo very low by Sept. 12. 1810. AN D SAT 1 IN LT IS. For II. B. MASSER. CARPETING. For sale cheap by Sept. 12, 1840. H. B. .MASSER. BLANKETS For sale cheap by Sept. 12. 1810. II. F-. MASSER. " 1 N BLEACHED Ml SLlNs ForTlleTiy Sept. 12. lslti. H. B. MASSER. CtJUr'i'tXNVAR.V"AN"i i CoIToNTaPs For sale by Sept 12. 1810. II. B- MASSER. IIE.MP AN D COTTON TWINE. For sale by Sept. 12, 181(f II. I!. MASSER. "foWlNli LINEsTCOKDS AND ROPES.-- For sale by Sept. 12. 1810. II. B. MASSER. ESTATE O r EL1ASCRE WEKrCEC D. ,1 O I U'L is herel y given that letter of admin 1st r it m Ml up.m the t.-t.:to of said deee tc have been gr inted 'ott.esu scnbeis, by the Kigis'er of Noriliuiu! e land coui.ty. All p ron 'laving j demands ng dust t ii.1 e-la'e, wi I pietent them, pio- peily MUtbentic.ileil to either of the subsctibers at , their lesideiice in Augusta lowiishij HENRY BREWER. ABRAHAM BREW ER, November 1 1, 1 840. Gt Adlllil Jonatlian 85. AValeiV ltntc. "JVOTICE is hereby given, that letters of ailmin ' istralion de bonis ii.m upon the esta c of Jo nathan It. Waters, late of Shainokiu township, Nor thumberland con .ty. dee'd., have this day bet 11 granted by the Register of sui I county to the sub scribers. All per-ons bav ng iLims or demands a gainst the s,id de, edent, are rtqaesled to make known the same to them, w ithout delay, VA1.EN PINE K I. ASE, ELEANOR WATERS. Shamokin, Nov, 7. Ot. AJm's, e. J HEM I Ml VAST INK'S filiate. TTOTICE i hereby g ven thi-t the Register of vjj (l. County i i Nor'l.urn'-erlauil, has thUd ty giunted U tlei ti ktann n'aiy to the suhtct'ibei upuii the estate of Jeirmiuh Yadine, of Rush t..wusbip, in tho said county. All ( erson having denisnd or rlyi.i j i gaimt the sa d dceidcnt are requested to i!;:kt) kuciw the same to them without delav. r.LlZAliETM VASI1.NE.5 w . . THOMAS R. VASTINE.S WILLI AM LEGH017, Toint. November 2, 18t0.-f.yr, . LU'IJ!illBi!HlW"' 1311 ADY'S HOTEL n.ixriXLj:, (OMMsiii ;ouatv, 1'einiB) 1 vrthila. THE SUBRCKIBER icpectfully informs tbn public, that he his removed from the town of Cutiawina to Danville, and tint he hits purcluej in that place, the. Large and Commodious URICK HfltSK, AT TIIR Conwiill OP Milt ASH MAtlKST TI1:ET,1, C Opposite the Cuurt-llotisc,J Which he his fined up bv the erection of ADDITIONAL BUILDINGS, nn 1 ,L a.,;iisii: n , .', Ulil.,11. II ir III Ljltt I r- l&'ainnicaf rf 7'ravc!le's cid Visitcip, ..:.... fc'P.I III TVM r.-.L. T...t - He is nowprepaied to accnminodale all vihotivy favor him with a call, and he wool, I state t'.at n -thing in hi power shall be left t:moi", 'o render hi customer comfortable and happy while und 'r hi care. His nccommodalions are iiir.ple, and his rooms furnished in modern style, and the proprietor L d. termiiitd that his cibd lislimrnt shall m-tiriu arid keep up iv ill) the growing reputation and iuipoitancct of ibe tow n in which it is loctcd. His Tadlk wi l bo supplied with every luxury of the season, and the best und choicest variety the, market can afford. His Bah will be stored m Ii all the best articles that can be furnished by our citit.i, and the whole will be such as to givo faetion to every one. Well knowing that on rn'ighlcncd public wilt olwax judge for ihem-elves, be feels confident tha they will favor him w,th their p.ttronge. SAMUEL A. BRADY. DunvMIe, Jan. 30. lErichant' oUtc. T o ii eetmg of the Meiehauls of llie borough nf Sunhury, on the Gih iiist., ti.c following was unanimously adrptcj: Wb' n ns no un.f rra rule exists among tlic mer chant of ills place, in regard to thu charge of inte rest on book !.'( oun'S, theiefore Rewired, 'J'bat intcre-t will be charged on all accounts that have been stindmg longpr than fix months, and that hereafter all accounts in our b' oks will be balanced every year, and that interest will be charged on all bal.uices thai avcra-c rnoio loan six months standing. llisolied. That tho subscribers will strictly od hcic to the above lule, and that notice of the sama be given in the newspiper of thin place. HENRY YOXTHEIMER, JOHN YOUNG, JOHN BOOAR, 11. B. MASsER, BEN J. HENDRICKS, Jan. 23, Cm. JACOB l.'HAWN. ES hereby given to all whom it may concern that I have purchiseJ at Cons'uhle's Sale, in Au gusta township, Noitbuml erl.ind county, . Own Mantle Cluck, which was sold as the properly of James Farnswoith, and that I have loaned the samo to the taid James during mv pleasuif. FU RM AN FARNS WORTH. Attgu-ti, Di e. 23, 1840. IJ'OR Christmas .ind New Yeai's Gift. Bulld,HRolaM. Zinc in sheets. For sale by II. B. MASSER. December 21, 1810. ITS1 GCOES. UST KecttveU Meiino, Broche, and Chenilla ShawU. Sea Otter, Seal and Seah tto Cap. A large assortment of Dark Chintzes. Ficnch and English Mcrinocs, Arc. For salo at .he siore of H. B. MASSER, November 7, 1810. NEW GOODS. UST KhCElV ED a new and splendid assort- 9J nient of Calicoes, Muslin", cVc. lor sale at the stoic of HENRY YOXTHIMER, October:)!, IS40. tf. F the latest manufacture, cor sling in part of a great v.uiey of Cl 'tl.s, Cas.sime.cs, Salti litlts, Alertnocs, Flunnels Mouselin do LailiCS, Just received and for tie at tho store of HENRY VOX I HEIMER. Octolier3l, 1S50. tf. lroccr:c. JUST RECEIVED a Urge and penenl aver ment of Gicceiies licoiors Ac For sile ur tre sioio ..f HENliY VOXTHEiMtK. Ocu ber 31, 1840. tf- DRUGS. A I NTS. -r.d De Mulls, a fr..h received an I lor s ' ;,r i' -i ro P Slip' of I'.'St li I N RY VfXTSi t.r October 31, Is-H). I. A MILLER & PARKSR MAY hear of a good situation, tiiiy utiles Iroiu Sunhury, in a new settlement, wliera ha woubl obtain ii long lease of a smull Giist Mill, and have a Farm adjoining, by irquirirg of THE PRINTER. October 10;h, 1810, Ct t'O THE COMMUNITY. THE success which twis attended the Use cf Dr. lhirlich's Herman Aperient pud Compound slrcntrtJieniiig Tonic P1I.1, is duly jisfoi.i-hing. It I is 1.0 vain boast to say this medicine has proved by j its happy ill, ets in the rure ol a vaiiity cf disease I to which the human frame is lii1 In. to lie vas lv so. perior to the many prep iraiious hi fo.e tho piibl c. Many of tl.rse piep nations are compounded by 1:1 dtviiluals w ho ur, positive y iciioranl of the myste ries of 1 hi; l.u 1 an si stem, an, I mere prlen,hrs 0 medical knowbdge. Dr. Ilarlieli, however, j cel, I j looted among tho German ficuby us a man of tha ingrieti sett nunc annnim r.t--, ami equally iltstin guisbed throughout Eeropo, us a successful medical practitiom r, piiit tin st ol ll.e yi ars ol a useful lii"i in the uqnisition of such knowledge u nu,rht prova beni ficial to his fellow cieatur, s. In ihe pii which he invented, and which bear his name, the pub.ic are assund of an oiiiclc that posse j cs more than oulinury virtue. From the acknowledged talei.t of this inventor, n, thing less than a good article, could be eipected; anil the eiperience of many year has ull'onlod demoiistration of the virtue of his medicine. In Gunu.iv and other parts of Eu rope, its r putation is c. t.dilished. In litis c.iuntr into which it has but been recently introduced, !t i rapidly gaining the most substantial reputation. Tho nuiin ious eerl ticates of con s of the most ubstioa di.c 1. s effected by the Use of Harlich's Pills, which the propriiti.r is tonstantly receiving, it roof of llio fact. Day after day be receive new testimonial of their et'.icjcy, and week week increases t!:n demand for ibem. Thii is not mere assertion; jr.. l.uiiH'ialile certificates are open for the Inspection of the public, and the doubts of uny whi are. skeptical, can to lemoved by them at ths ulhceof the pr, prietor, W'e take the ll'trty, then, of su?ees'ing to every family, that they make uo of Dr. iUrliih's Pill. Let Hum keep a supply com-lantly on hand, la be u d when occasion deuunJ. and they wiil receive tha most unequivocal proof if utility. Mcdicui Vejiaer. Piincipal rffire for the United Slates, No. 19 N'o-th Eighth sueel, Phila.!elihia. Western Dpit, No. 41, tel. Clair afreet, P.tls bWPh. .HENRY YOXTHEIMER, Octolei 3J, 110. .igent. no
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers