NALL DRY GOODS HANSON LOVE'S, No. 74 Market Street, TV, LEN FODRIII STREET AND ME DIAMOND, PITTSBURGH, PA. I(_,N OF THE ORIGINAL BEE ILIVE subscriber has just returned frog, Philadelphia, New tiostan, and 90E00 Or the lianufacturing towaa in the ts e.'. ant Stritcs, ao as to get a portion of our DOMES- , •Jt - ip'.3. direct trura the manufacturers, and bey° one ti; in reokicing them in that way. Our stock of FOR :, 0 4, 0119 has urrer te, fl so complete. DRE GOODS: • Rica DRESS SI.R4 in Plain lilact: and Figured. - RICH DRESS SiLES, Plaid, Strii.i and Brzcade 1 RICH SILK ROBES. Black and RICA ALL' WOOL MOUS DR LNit , RICH P.OBE MOUS DR LAINS. . fidCl3 OOTTON AND WOOL MOUE DE LAINS. FRENCH AIERINOS COBUR GS, The Isrv.i.otz. ih the city, anti TER GOODS FOR THE PRICE FOUND IN ANY OTIIEV. HOUSE WEST OF Tkir: MOUNTAIisi:•I =MEM AT AUCTION f.()LTGIIT OE QUANTITIES AT LOW PRICES, AND Rai. GE DE-SOLD 101 A FENti '.LL ADVANi.T ON EASTERN COST AWLS . ' AND CLOAKS, tof entlrel - , Loy: d,ii:ZUA, the s H A \V L A L ALd LLlaly tt. VELTIES IN SHAWL?, AND CLOAKS vif,r varizA a atoct of cs sasivl,z3 and OLOAES. NEEDLE WORK : COLLARS, SETS AND SLEEVES, OUNCINGS, EDGINGS, MOURNING GOODS : Ditre3 GOODS, SHAWLS, CRAPE VEILS, COLLAR°, GLOVES, AND % . I.RY . OTHER. ARTICLE IN THE LINE MOURNING GOODS iMP.STIC AND STAPLE GOODS BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED MIIS'LINS, Cf;iNG?, cnEcaF , GLi; lld 1 , PniNe: . =, CASSIMERES, CLOTHS, An.t .vary other article usually opt In a ELL ASSORTED STOCK OF DRY GOODS cmoy J 3 U r.bove goo i 3 have beet., bought from the A I.I.CTURERS and AT AUCTION FOR NET CASH', • ._re ,-cabled to gall them as LOW AS THEY CAN BE ii.,3LLASED IN MANY OF THE WHOLESALE HOUSES tln short, we never have been able to 14.N0 sad attractive a stock to our numerous cue :, ftaLl the public generally. YEW GO.")DS RECEIVED DAILY. •11..0. 114N5031 LOVE, kortherly Young, Str,vsason is Love, Hnd I ova Brothers, N. 74 MAPKBI' STRIZFT, PITTSBUBGII. PA I._ : .1.17 CARRIAGES RitER,GE 33kfUEJFACTORT AND ',P.,,STERN REPOSITORY JOSEPH WiliTE 1 AS JUST RECEIVED AT HIS RE POSITORY, sltrinted near the Two Mile L:te7.c.n v titta urgh and Lawrenceville, a - a and genctal a=-.sortrnent of Carriages, Buggies, tln • ch.:. Flia anaugemrnta are ,och that ha is constantly ILA new end accand-hend vehicles, and the public may always findinc a,cad stocl on hand. lie also man ...:-cures to order, on short notice, - CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, d pertaining to the buaineha. With eighteen yearn ezperience 1n thia hnsinaiß, and hia well.huown „ ;tizta7,, he flatten; ^ivaeli that he otTera great inducemvuta The o,3teblislilneut located ou the route of the Es , Oruniblys Line of CoachLs, placing the door every minut.+4. ael.o:dsw C. WEST & CO., iS: '•`}.a . CARRIAGES, LIICIGLEg, SUMUES AND SLERIUS Pratt stroct, PITTSBURGH, PA. air Al] work warranted to to tho bestLmatortaLl and aLnannhip. myl2.l.yab ------- 1.01)ls. received, and for sale by ii ~3Gu-3 ,‘ orl HBNFY EL COLLINS I I AWLS, CLOAKS, FItEN C H MERINOS, 1 • Dallies, Poil de Chavrea ' Black ..: Silk:,Silk:,Needle Work and Domestics, the largeat , uo have ever had at :.ny tine time , . C. MANSON LOVE. 74 Market _/' %IR-WALL PAPERS ON EXHIBI TUN, at 137 bi,utital Paper Hanging's, ,:1 kinds aad pric&3, t.) which the attention of stranger. LiEzen. incited. W. P. 3LLRSIIII.i. & CO. IrEEVET AND (MOTH CLOAKS—Just ',calved this day by Expraas, swatter lot of ,Volvet C.oth Cloaks. C. HANSON LOVE, 74 Market strect. j 4 ,. LANK BOOKS.—Every description of Llauk Beaks vv band or mode to order, at short notice WM. JOUNSTA it CO., 11.1;Luk Slanntaetorere, 57 Wood et. PRINTING OF ALL KINDS EXE -0 CI.IT ED trAitly, at -eWborll.t notice, by G. JO.U.7•STON .4 CO., r Printera and Stationers, 57 Wood et. r Ii ATTENTION OF MEN OF MOD kIitATE SLEAICS is called to the offer for tale o of tLe most eligible BUILDING LOTS, L S,coud Word, Allegheny City. The prices are suited t., hint times, and time will be given to enit all purchasers. farticalara, inquire of ALEXANDER LIAYS, Surveyor, Cor. East Common and Water street, Allegheny City. E\V FUR 11AT AND CAP STORE, 1. 1 4 No. td Wood sU•eat, nett door to S. McCharkates ane opposite the Excelsior Eating House. A. DONNELEIT has a complete assortmentot Furs, Bata, ape, etc. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Pure cleaned and alter to the neves4 fashion, and at the shortest notice. Good .u.l tasteful work warranted, aa.Mr. Donnetelt received a t.iploma and the first prize at the Provincial Exhibition, j.nada; and has worked in the largest cities in the world— L.ndon, Paris, Berlin, Ainviterdina, Warsaw, Hamburg, cw York and Montreal. As a practical Vai.irntiut, h. se. Itc.ta the patronage of the public of Pittsburgh. Pare, ~,red, Gloves, Cloaks and Plush Cape made to order. ..2Ge Cash paid for Fcr3. ee29 a 1 A.BEN: ET MAKERS & UPHOLSTERERS comeeNioN--Caziprising tb' rudiments and prin .. . of Cabinet Making and Upholstery, with the art or ~- - rtg applicable to Cabinet work, the art of dyeing and ..,,d,g Wood, Ivory, Bono, Tortoise Shell, etc., directions Japaning and Varnishing, to make French to prepare the bast Glues, Cements and Compoel - „_, and a (lumbar of receipts useful to workmen getter - ,llustrated, by J. Stokes, for sale by LUKE LOOMIS, Povt Building, 41 Fifth street . WEL DIN, • )0 3tILLER, bTATiONEit, - PRINTER 4 EsINDEB No. 63 W VoIIHTLI AND PlrlEi, II Eicaati J. & H. PRICE'S ENTRAL PLANING MILL, waTEn. STRUET, ALLEM:IEIH Y, 4, RE now in fall operation, with Fay & improved machinery for the manufacturing of Bash eme3, Doom, :Shutters and 24.mtldinga. Builders and Cou ld ,zt.m4 will hod it to their advantage to call and ascertain r anl97lydbv L' SI3fP~ON . 0. H. BIPPEY. WE HAVE THIS DAY ASSOCIATED together id the practi,..o of the Law, ander the dm of rI3.I.PdON & ILIPPEY Office, No. 94 Fourth Street. E. SIMPKiN, 0. H. BIPPEY. I:, OPENED—A full tito:ik of Fine and collars, Shaker undoraiirts and drawers, ehirte and drawers, Bilk shims and drawers for in:a. u Derior article of Bak vests for Ladies, pantalets, rt C. 74 and stets for children• Biwa Laid Soya at • EI.OBNIV, 77 Market street. We published yesterday a communication signed by a number of our citizens, inviting President Tag gart to a public dinner. Wo regret to say that for various reasons set forth below, Mr. Taggart has been obliged to do• line the invitation. We repubr lish the letter of invitation, and append the reply : Dinner to President Taggart. Pritanottoe, September 3 , 1, Hol. D. Tsca.taz—Sir:—Your friends west of the moon• tains bid you welcome to this the workshop of Penney' canto; and we avail. ourselves of this, your first visit as " President of the State Agricultural Society," to tender you a public entertainment at such time during your sojourn as may best comport with your leisure. We are well aware of the arduous duty in which you are engaged; but no person can be insensible to the many ad vantages that will be derived from the knowledge and seal and industry you brin; to bear on this important branch of wealth to our sreat and growing Commonwyalth; and to you, sir. we feel, as citizens of Pennsylvania should ever feel, that yon have done mach to uphold the character and standing of the farming interests and Ho industry of our people. Trusting you will find it convenient to accept the hospi talities of our people in a public manner, We are your fellow.citizeio, W. J. Morrison, James MIL WU anal - ale, Jonas R. .M'Clidock, W. M. Edgar, W. A. Stokes, Parallel M'Kel y, 8.. H. Kerr, George Fortune, Alex. M'Kee, ( Rocks). Andrew 31.'Ke.e, J_lfu M. Irwin, K. Bill Patters.m, J. K. Moo heoi, R. Biddle Roberts, William Culp, P. C. Shannon, James Patton, Jr., C. H. Paulson, R. B. Caroalmo, William Bazaley, Robert fflorrow, (Rom.). Lee A. Beckham, Alexander Bunter, It. B. Simpson, M. D, L. B. Patterson, James Floyd, William Coleman, John Young, Jr., James L. Graham, P. II Hunker, Daniel Wearts, William Dilworth, Jr Matthew Harbison, W. H. Whitney, William Perkins, J. P. Barr, A. C. Murdoch. M D , W. IL Smith, Kph. Jones, John M'D. Crosson, Inegers, George W. Irwin, W. Wilkins, H. A. Weaver, Wilseu Thos. hi. Marshall. t3Exrimatz.v...—l am both surprised and gratified that I have been able to win from you so decided a mark of your approbation. I am the more gratified, because it is prof fered by the citisens of Pittsburgh and.its vicinity, for whom generally, and for you especially, gentlemen, I entertain an admiration and regard which I have not hesitated to express on all occnaiona. The tarneat real you have manifested, and the efficient services yon have rendered to the Institution which I am proud to represent, entitle you to the gratitude of every friend of the Society to Pennsylvania. Our cheering sue,. ceas is much more attributable to the energy old public spirit of the people of Allegheny county, than to the will lag, but comparatively feeble, efforts of my (Minable coad jutors and nivselL Eminently a city of workers, Pittsburgh has Riven additional evidence of her skill, her enterprise, and the greatness of her resources Never before has there been witnessed In Pennsylvania so wonderful a dipplay of the products et as mechanical and manufacturing industry—never before so commendable a d6pasitiou among the people to foster, by their patronage and good•natured approval, a worthy and beniticent cause. I am sorry to decline your hospitable and generous offer. I shall be compelled to teturu home at tha e,arlleat poslible moment. INSERTINGS, ETC EENTUOKY JEANS, SATINETTS LOCAL AFFAIRS. The Weather.—The following is the range of the thermometer and barometer, as kept by . George E. Shaw, optician, Fifth street, yesterday : rgisnacifErEs. 9 A. M ....... . 12 M. ............. 6 P. M liarometer,'29 1-20 President Taggart Declines. MONONGIBELA llouiE, October 2, 18:18 With as..trtratrev of the highest regard, 1 remain, very truly, your friend, DAVID TAUGA RT. To lion. H. A. Weaver, Win. Wilkins, It. 11. Kerr, Jonas It. M'Cliutock, IV. J. Morrison, \V A. Stokes, Thos. M. Mar. shall, Jnv. P. Barr, J K. Moorhead, R. Biddle Roberta, P. C. Shannon, Samuel yl'Kelvy, Wilson M'Candiesa, ono others. 7hc Pork.—At last we are to have a park in our city, a small ono though it be. The nuisance known as the Second Street Market is to ha removed, and the ground devoted to public purposes. The heirs of James O'Hara, who originally released the ground to the city for the purposes of a market, have now released it for the purposes of a public park, and the City Councils, at their last meeting, passed an ordi. nattee granting it for this purpose. The Board of Directors of the Park will consist of the Mayor of the city, for the time being, and the members of Council of the Second Ward. The ground Is to he enclosed and handsomely ornamented with trees, shrubbery, fountains, statuary, &c., at private ex pense, the city furnishing the water for the fountains free of charge. We understand that it is the inten tion of the liberal minded citizens who have initi ated this improvement to proceed this fall with the work of enclosing and beautifying the ground. The city is to be at n: expense in the matter. Mr. Roberta, the Tragedian.—This talented actor made his first appearance this season at Porter's Pittsburgh Theatre last evening, and was warmly greeted by many of his admirers. Mr.' R. is a gen. tlernan of rare histrionic merit, and his acting is a relief the doll commonplaces we are too often obliged to endure. Ilia personation of the " crook back'd tyrant" last evening was the best we have seen since the lamented Booth. This evening he appears as Richelieu. We copy the following opin ion from the New York Leader, of September 25th : "Mr. Roberts has completely upset our first im press;oris by his rendering of Richelieu on Wednes. day evening. We have not seen a better Richelieu (or years—never seen more than one man upon the American stage who could excel it. Every point was made correctly and without an effort; the elocution was a model, and the character of the wily, but earn est old Cardinal has scarcely ever been better made up or sustained than by Mr. Roberts. Ile lilts him self at once by the performance into the first rank of American actors." Cold Rolled Shafting.—We have more than once adverted to the superiority of the shafting manufac tured by Jones d Lauth, of the American Iron Works, under the ',dont of Mr. Lauth. We learn incidentally that this shafting ie now used exclu sively by Hoe & Co., press manufacturers, of New York, who have tested , it and found its good qual ities, and its superiority over hammered and turned shafting. The shafting manufactured by this firm is compressed to the required size, and is said to be more than double the strength of ordinary turned shafting. Its great advantage, however, is the re,. duced price at which it can be furnished. Meyers. J. & L. will eopply it at the rate of six cents per pound for any size, while that usually sold , : brings ten to twenty cents, the former being fully equal in appearance and finish. This popular firm have filled many orders for this valuable invention, and are daily receiving more. Karl Fe,rffirs Formes and the troupe accompanying him a eve been well received in Cincinnati, but on last Wednesday evening stportion of the Orchestra " got under a cloud." They per formed in Smith L Dixon's Hall, where a portion of the scenery belonging to the Marsh Jun:miles yet re mainod. The Commercial says " During the per formance, by the orchestra, of the Cricket Polka, on Wednesday evening, one of the trap-doors, through which the fairies come and go, gave way under tho more solid proportions of the Formes Troupe, and, amid shouts of laughter from the audience, the ket tle drums and several of the performers made a most " effective disappearance," throwing the orchestra in to some confusion, and for the moment startling the Cricket into silence. The interruption, however, was but momentary, though more than once before the piece was concluded we detected an undue play of features in some of the staid orchestra. Faster's National Theatre.—This very beautiful Theatre has been doing a tremendous business during the past week, which we do not wonder at, when we consider the attraction nightly presented, and the appearance of the house, which we claim is the most beautiful in Am , rioa—iu fact it is a perfect Bijou— comfortable to the audience, and perfect in all its stage appointments, splendid scenery, .tc. In addi tion to the talented company of the Theatre, em• bracing, as it does, many of the best professionals of the country, we are to have Julia Dean Rayne, that very popular and highly talented artiste, who will make her first appearance as Julia, in the " Hunch back," on to morrow evening. Court of Quarter Nessioile.—The October term of this Court convened yesterday morning at ten o'clock. The names of the grand and traverse jurors were called, and Judge M'Clure charged both of them zoncerning their duties, and the former retired to their room. In the meantime, the Court listened to :he evidence in two surety of the peace cases, La both of which the prosecutors were ordered to pay the costs. No bills being found by the grand jury on which the Court could proceed, it was adjourned until this morning at ten o'clock. . Sespeaded.—Mayor Weaver has susponded a night watchman named Harbison, who struck John Patch with his mace after he was arrested on Saturday night. It seems that, seeing Baird take hold of Patch, he imagined he was endeavoring to rescue him from officers Dougherty and Maxwell. Captured.—Wo noticed some two weeks since that the store of James Bryan, on the Middletown road, had been entered and robbed of a considerable quan tity of goods. Three men were arrested yesterday and looked up in the Allegheny watch house, charged with the burglary. They will have a hearing to day. R. 11. Kerr, Esq., of Roes township, received the first premium at the State Fair for a fast pacing family mare. Coulter & Mentzer, House, Sign and Ornamental Painters and Grainer& Orders left at their shop on Fourth street, near Market, Burke's Buildings, will be promptly attended. *Bra Camaghan's advertisement of men and boys' clothing will interest many. Hie manufacture of clothing has grown in popularity, from its neatness of style and durability: Buyers will find his prices favorable. Boicinan & Co:—My wife was troubled with cough and pain in the breast for five years—the last two of which she was very low indeed. I procured some of your Compound, and after she had taken it for about five weeks she was able to do all our house work, which she had not previously done for four years. We cheerfully, and unasked, recommend your Com pound to all who aro suffering under that terrible disease—Consumption. 1/9IIISTILL/4 4 July, Me. In San. In shade . 85° 64 0 - .104° 80° 75° J Alma SOUTHISELASD. MART S. Boirtagatuutro Young Ments Demooratto Club, At a meeting of the Young Men's Democratic Club, held on Monday evening, the following per. sons wore appointed as Collecting Committees In the districts designated. PLITIMMEL First Ward—James M. Bailey, 0. Murphy. Second , Ward—Thoe. 0. Devitt, Robt. Zrwin. Third Ward—John C. Devlin, John Kelly. Fourth Ward—Dr, G. H. Keyser, S. 0. rooter. Fifth Ward—Wm. Dunn, H. N. Spee:. Sixth Ward—Thomas M'Cabe, Win. B. Kelly. Seventh Ward—James M. Irwin, Zeal. Turner. eighth Ward—John B. Larkin. Gewge Deary Ninth Ward—John Kearns, Alfred Boyle. ALLYG !TENT. First Ward—Manua O'Di.uw,ll, Daniel Geyer. &mind Ward—Jas. J. Bireeuey, Wm. Anderson Third Ward—John Swan, Charles Donald. Fourth Ward—Abraham Hays, Joseph Fisher. BOROUGH& Lawrenceville—J. O. N. M'eartity, Ormkud Hart. Booth Pittsburgh—P. Geobegan, JohuP...Murray. Binutugham—John Murray, Henry (him. M'fiemport—Dr Huey, P. A. Sherry. Pitt township—M. ?d'Closkey, H. Beaumont. All funds collected should be paid over to the Treasurer of the Club, Dr. George H. Keyser. Country Rome. —Mrs. If. Evans, of Waterloo, Venango county, was severely injured, last week, by being thrown out of a buggy which was backed over a steep bank while she, in company with her child and a neigh bor, was riding to church. Mr. J. W. Lacy, a lumber merchant from north western Pennsylvania, a few days since had his car pet bag stolen in ew York, containing railroad stock, certificates of deposit, cheeks OD various banks, silver watch with gold chain attached, gold bracelets, brooches, earrings and other valuables to the amount of $16,000. He recovered the valuables with the exception of the papers, which the thieves destroyed. He will loose about $4,000. The thieves, three in number, were caught. On Wednesday of last week, two sons of Mr. Dewitt, of Williamsport, were accidentally shot while out hunting. It seems that a double barreled gun exploded in the hands of a comrade, while he was putting caps on. One of the boys was seriously, if not fatally injured, in the region of the lungs, while the contents of the other barrel penetrated the shoulder of the other brother. Ohio Faire.—The animal fair of Stark county for 18.58, will be held in Massillon, on the sth, 6.11 Lod 7th of October. A good time Is anticipated, as the Massillon people are making groat preparations for the occasion. Tho annual Fair for Mahoning county will come off on the sth, 6th and 7th cf October. They ex. peat a large turn out, and a fine display of stock and agricultural products. The fair at Salem last week was a very creditable one, in point of numbers attending, and the stock, vegetables and mechanical productions would do credit to any place. City Mortality.—Dr. Murdoch, Physician to the Board of Health, reports 30 deaths for the two weeks ending September 28th. Of those, 17 were males and 13 females; 29 whito and 1 colored. 17 of these were children, under ten years of ago. Bank Stock, and Railroad and County Bonds, as enumerated in advertisement under auction bead, will he sold this evening at 7i o'clock, by P. M. Davis, in the second floor sales room, No. b 4 Fifth street. a Pr , xsideat Taggart left the city for hie home in he Eastern part of the State, on Sunday ovaning. Charles F. Spang and Family, of this city, are now in Paris. DURING THE SUMMER THAT HAS JUST PASS ED AWAY, thousands of sufferers from dysentery and dlarrhma have been relieved by the use of HOSTET TER'S BITTERS, a medicine which is evitle-Aly destined to maintain a permanent place in the public estimation Billions diarrhcea Is ono of those diseases which baffles the skill of the physician. Th. medicine they administer to act upon the bowels never seems t t reach the source of the evil. The difficulty is to get a reeuelv that will reach all the digestive organs, sat give them simultaneously a rush of vigor, to rid themselves of this disease. This pro blem is solved by the EITTIRS, which never LIN to conquer the most stubborn cases. It Is only fair to say. that during the ionion Just closed, this rovtlicitte has ac wend more curse than any other ever presented to the public, and dur „leg the fall, with that terrifir scourge, the fever .ad ague, Is so prevalent, the Bivmxua will e .dio fresh fame. isle by dr uggit.h. and dealers generally, e ;errs here and by BOSTIITTER A. SMELT, Manufacturers and Proprietors, IS Water and ES Yrr.ot strvtets J. M. OLIN'S CIMNBITATED STOMACH kIIT TERS—Try chow, nud autiafy yoarnulvom that thy they aft, receramended to be. The proprietor data not preload to say that they will cure all the diseases flesh is heir to, but leaved them to test their own merits, and the constantly increasing demand fur them to antlicieut proof that they are all they are recommended to be, and far su perior to any preparation of the kind riiw in the market. Their use is always attended with the roust benet vial roe sults in eased of Dyspepsia, lons of appetite, weak noes of the atm:ascii, indigestion, etc. it removes all morbid matter from the stomach, assists digestion, and imparts a healthy one to the whole system. Be sure ant call for J. :11 Celebrated iltomach 'littera, and bet, that the article 4nr• chased bears the name of J. Lll.olin, as manufacturer. For aulo by J. '3l. OLIN, uatd propriotor and mv.rictfacturer No. 267 I.'brita atreet, I'lltAburgb., Nn, and by dudgi4l.4t, and Iv dcQlPre EAU LO2TRALE, OR [LAIR RESTORATIVE OF JIJ LES Il A UEL —Thiel article, computaid of vegeta ble anb.tances, has rapidly acquired a world-wide celebrity fur lie wouderfal qualitiet of beautifying and Inv gore lag 'the flair, at tile barna time obviating baldness and dandruff. It is ❑ow in CULUGIOII time as an ludiepeuelble article .1 the toilet. Sold by B. L. PAHNESTOOK & CO., No. 60, corner fourth cud Wood streots, Druggists generally, and at the Labc ratory of Jules Hanel & Co., N 0.704 Chesnut sheet, P111111.1.1011a. otea4 JOSEPH MEYER, MANUFACTURER OF Fancy & Plain Furniture gt Chairs Wareroonis, 424 Penn street, ABOVE THF. CANAL BRIDGE, 4 - 41" In aiduiuu to the Furniture bunino3n, I algu tinvole atteattat to UNDERTAKINti. lio:trte, and Cart fagea or u l.h.d (r . 2 / z / 4 < C-1-) Iron City Commercial College, ilttsourgh, Pa.—Chartered, 1866. 800 STUDENTS ATTENDING, JENUART,II3I ,I3 . Now the largest and most thorough Commercial School of the United States. Young Men Prepared for Actual India of the Counting Rom. J C. SMITH, A. M, Professor of Book-Keeping and 3CMICB of Accounts. A. T. DOUTUETT, Teacher of Arithmetic and Commercial Calculation, - J. A. 11.15YDRICK and T. 0. JENKINS Teachers of Book- Kee AL ping. EX COIVLEY, and W. A. MILLER, Professors of Pen manship. Single and Double Entry Book-Keeping, as used in every department of Business. Commercial, Arithmetic, Rapid Business Writing, Detecting Clouriterfeit Money, Mercantile Correspondence, Commercial Law, ate taught, and all other cubjects necessary for the success and thorough education of a practical business man. TWELVE PREMIUMS, Drawn all the premiums in Pittsburgh for the past three years, also in Eastern and Wedeln Cities, for best Writing, .1357" AND NOT von ENGRAVED WORE, IMPORTANT INFORM ATION. Students enter at any time—No vacation—Time unlimited —Review at pleasure—Gradriates.asilsted In obtaining sit uations—Tnition for Fail Commercial Course, s3s—Average time 8 to 12 weeks—Board, $2,50 per week—Stationery, $0 —Entire cost, $BO to $7O. Aar Ministers' sons received at halt price. Par Card--Clrcular—Specimens of Business and Orna mental Writing—inclose two stamps, and address P. W. JENKINS, aus Pittsburgh. Pennsylvania ONE AND A-HALF ACRES OF UR° UN D pleaaantly situate on Mt. Washington, with Cottage Dwelling Howe, Stable, Well, Fruit Trees, Grape Vices, Strawberries, good fence, etc. The house contains a hall, four rooms and a kitchen. $2OO worth of Strawberries wore sold from this place last season. For price and terms, call at the real estate °Moo of S. CUTEIBNRT SON, 61 Market street. NEW WALL PAPERS AT ELEVE pence per roll, for sale by W. P. Keil/aunt .A co DIME PALM SOAP—I have just receiv ed a large enpply of fine Palm Soap, from Hall's cele brated manufactory. Also, a large lot of Mtwara and Low Son's finely flavored Honey Soaps, constantly on hand at 308. PLEIdINO?B, aid Corner Diamond and Market it. ERMAN HARDWARE & CUTLERY, 4 imported and for sale at low figures, by sea:ly W. A. A V. ILABBURG, Baltimore, Md. BAATH. MULLER'S OFILEBRATED SPARKLING HOOK and MOSKI,LIi WINES, im ported and tor sale by • W. A. aF. MARBURG, Bole Agents, Baltimore, Md. WOOLEN DYER WANTED—In a Fac tory near the city. Constant employment and good wages, to a competent man. Apply to ocl B. CUTELBERT A SON, 61 Market et. FARMS FOR SALE AT THE REAL State office, 61 Market street, by S. CUTHBERT it SON. N'ESHANNOCK POTATOES-50 sacks received and for sale by , 1 HENRY H. COLLINS. VARMS, DWELLING RUSES, BUILD j: ING LOTS—SoId or leased at the Real Notate Office S. CUTHBERT .4 SON, 51 Market street. ONLY $6OO for a stable and building lot 24 feet front, on Logan street, by 100 deep to Oarpen ter' lloy. Fur rain by B. CUTHBE Marke t RT & BON, eeds 51 street. GLASS. -200 boxes Bxlo, for sale by Ur teas HENRY a 0041M18, 'PITTSBURGH HOARD OV TRADE ARLO FLOUR...The 9%1,8 to-day reach SOW tibia. from store, at the following rams, via: t. 537 for rupertine; iii,606 , b,112 fur extra do., and $0.,0u Mr extra family . Oats euld (rem store at a,V...12 If ads from ecalen a. I'l 1., ill 14. t. PTAItCEI a..lei 7,1 . see I rail Hal. It Kt ti[ iftentitic., and 76 trdt. li.d at et: \Yid 60 Ltda. rectified at ift , f,tatdror VINEGAR...ReguIar nalea Button's tocity and country at Lc. TA gallon ; tt all other urarket.4 PaILiDELPIIII, October 4.—Fl ,ur bold firmly, but the de• mind limited; 1200 Ghia anperfine sold al $5,00@5,62%, and 300 bhla extra nt $13@6,25. Rye Flour and Corn Meal 60ld at $4,25 Wheat COMIII Co, ward slowly, but the demand for it is limited; 01100 bush anld at $1,25@1,30 or red, mud $1,40 for white; 1000 bush choice Kentucky cold at $1,45. Rye commauda 80( . 135c. Corn doll; 0000 bush mixed Weston.' Bold at Ole, and Boma Pennsylvania at NO,. oats: 6000 bush Boul harp kohl at 44@40c. 1u Groceries there is nu change; 1000 bags Rio Coffee sold at 11l4'@12c Provisions quiet. Wtishy ull ut 2.1®244. htw Yoak, October 4.—Cotton firm; ',ut) 1)4116H sold; the stock Li limited. Flour is Davy; baleu Ouuu bble; South ern $5,40@6,70. Withal has d,clired; sales 33,000 bush; red 51,1641,21. Core . sales 64,000 bush. Beef dull at $l2(Es $14,26. Prime Pork heavy at $14,75@i6,00. Linseed Oil steady at 74(D15a. Whisky dull at 23. ugur buoyant, and advanced u. bales at 7(44,8c. Freights on blow to Liverpool dal; on Linda 3l:itgi4A. • . - - - _ ... , _ 1i...c1i. laltiud, 64%; lacroeso and rdilwauki., 4 1 4; Michigan Southern, 23; New York Central, 81.:,%; Reading, 47X; Mis, aouri sixes, 85; Michigan Central, 52;i,; Erie, 1.4 , ,,;; Cleve land and Toledo', 30%; Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati 90; Pacific Mail Company, 5 1 % Lacrosse Land tirants, 255,(, Ur. HENRY CIL AY and a Ina of di.tiugniatitd colemporaries in tho Lluit,d 8tut,...1 Se, at, , and &ado PITTSBURGH . , !'A nirT2:llly—lo COMMF,Rei A I ErEitCHANTS' EXCVATIOU 2iwgiltrst. Whf. 11. EMITH rias Pre:Maas. EDWARD UREGG, 2 IBA! All DICKEY, Ist. Trehuurcr. N. HOLMES, Jo S.iperintenizne. ri:,;'WDFN (busntittee of Arbi'ralion for d Jz'fl ISAIAH DICKEY, V. P., C. H. PAULSON, JAMES (3ARDINER, DAVID CAMPBELL. AUSTIN LOO MIS. SteKe of Water Four feet six inches waiter In tho auluuol PITTStSURGII RIARKIC,T Reported Exprets/y for the Daily Honing Rat PITTEILICC2.6fi, October 4, 1864 CuN.. “t i. ; BIJOU 1t,4 flAaw Cti ba baxatt W. H. at 7 !tjtatbc. MACK Hit EL.. Salta 15 ttbla at h•lf bltk \ t' 01 1 1:lig..Salett 1t Haat, at 12'. c. POTATOES—SaIa:I lot) ,alt Neatakaa-tlts stare at \ Philadelphia Market. New York Market Flew York Stook Market New Y. tts. rctubor 4 —Stocks I , regular; Chicago and of Representatives have given the strongest testimony of the benefits which they durive.l from the of WILSON' , - HEADACHE PILLS. Such testimony al thie I. entitled to grave consideration. This invaluable rem,,ly is prepared and sold by B. L. FAIINESTOCK S CO., Wh01..-ale Drug. glair, awl proprietors of B. L. FAIINESTOCK'n VERMI. FIIGE. No. 60, corner of We. I 411 d Fourth titrt,ts, Pitts burgh, Pa. See advertisement ou third page of this day's paper. IL T. KENNEDY W. S. KENNEDY. PEARL STEAM Mill, ALLEGHENY CITY, R. T. KENNET W Si. 13110 WHEAT, RYE, AND O.)ILN I•UL~I`;IAf)6D BLOUIt, thilLN MEA I , AND tiONIEN Y, HANUFAORIRIth AND DELI VERid N PITTzkBURUII AND ALLFIGHENY WRNIS CAUI ON IIEkA VERY tiu7:lydaw AUCTION SALES n i AILY SALES AT NO. fi4 FIFTH ST., y At the new Commercial :littler; 'owns, No. EA, Pitt street, every week day, are hold publi. silos of ,roods in all variety, suited ter the trade sad armament, from a Mt v. stock which is constantly replenished with c,..asign• merits, that must be closed forthwith. AT 10 O'CLOtJK, A. M., Dry Goods and fancy articles, comprising nearly every tlitug needed iu the lino for personal and family use; table cut lery ; hardware; clothing; boots and shoes; ladles ware, AT 2 o'olooll, P. M., Household and kitchen furniture, new and :inroad-band; beds and bedding; carpets; elegant true atone than, ,-are: stoves; cooking utensils; groceries, Sc. AT 7 O'CLOCE, P. it., Fancy articles; watches; cloclm ; Jewetry ; [ware. clients; gnus; clothing; dry goods; Loots and atop . stationery, ae. L.. 81 P M. DAVIS. Ao L. TOBACCO AND CIGARS AT AUCTION. --Ou WEDNESDAY IfIOitNING, Oct. 6th, at H u 'oock at Salle] ROOMS, No. EA Filth street, will bo sold for at,etint of whom it may concern, eighteen thousand German and Domestic Cigars; four boxes bN Plug Tobacco; one keg Twist Tobacco. Sale peremptory. 004 P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. - - 2 ,4aTUCKS AND BONDS, AT AUCTION. - to On TUESDAY EVENING, Oc'ober sth, at 7 o'clock at the Conunerc al Sales lumus. 1.4 Pah street, wilt Le 85 shares Exchange Bank of Pittsburgh. 18 do Citizens' Bank of Pittsburgh, 2 Coupon, 7 70 cent.. Mortgage Conetraction Bons, Pitsebarg Pt. Wayne and Chicago Railroad Co. $lOOO ea, 4 six per cent Coupon Bonds county of Batter, Pa , $lOOO each. P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. F ALL STYLES oli GENTLEMEN'S Bz, BOYS' CLOTHING Now EIEADT, Al Cll ENTER'S 01.1 TH 1 0 if A LL, Br j) Oa oer .treet ati,l biutnoLiti Alloy L OuK OUT FOR PICKPOUKRTS. • Go aud schauge your MoNEY FOR 8110E8 PEOPLIs'S CLI ILA P E STORE, No. 17 Fifth street, near Moak ta" Coats', Ladlaa', Misses' and Childrena' wear. American Watches. APPLETON, TRACY gf. CO., W A E 1-A R S T 1I ( :1 F A M I N MASS., S LEVER A w N A U A E s C TUH superior watches are made by the a!d of new and original machinery, expressly designed to secure, with a low pile a HIM BUB3TANELL, DIDIASILI and UNIVOOCLY KELT/113LX [line keeper. The movements are new In construction, and are pronounced by the highest anthorities to be faultless in principle and quality, and have been proved by the most exacting test, to be reliable and unfailing in action. These watches are manufactured entire from the crude materials, In a single establishment, by connected and uniform pro- ceases, the manufaot.ory being organized upon the same sys tem that has been adopted in the p'ulaction of the tin, quailed American fire-arms, which enables us to produce a movement at one half the price of any foreign movement of the same quality; and we guarantee the perfect perform ance, feir ten years, of every watch manufactured by us. All foreign watches are made by band, lbs American watches being the only ones mad' by machinery upon a uniform system throughout. Nearly all hand made watches are defective, and are continually gutting out of otthr. In many parts of the country it I. impossitle to find good watch, and watch repairing is always uncertain, and expensive. The introduction of American watches disputes of this difficulty, and country merchants, as well as watch dealers, can keep watches as part, of their miscel laneous stock, and thus supply their customers with a new staple, which may be used as any other article, without mystery or humbug. Sold by the trade generally, and by 11.03131N8 & APPLETON, Otmeral Agents, oc2:3tudaw:3p 15 Maiden Lane, New York. A. H. C. BROCKEN, No. 22 CUff Street, New York, idANUFACTUB.BR OF GLASS SYRINGES, HODEOP AT 111 C VIALS, GRADUATED MEASURES, NURSING BOTTLES, ETC. Glaze Ware for Chemists, Drnggists, Perfamera, Photo grsobets, eto. Green Glaas Ware by the package. A liber al discount made to the trade. Ord'ere from Country Drag• gizta and Dealers solicited. Price Lifit3 seat on applies- Gan. r 35:8m WHOLESALE PAPER WAREHOUSE. —The attention of dealers in Paper, Is Invited to our large'y increased stock of Writing Papers of all sizes and qualitlei, and et low prices. WM. El JOHNSTON .k CO., 67 Wood street. JOINED BLONDS.-2000 dozen in White, Black, and Magpie, fresh from the looms of Great Britaio, and for eats cheap, at HORNE'S, me2,l 77 MarkAt street. DLEASE CALL and see our all wool Plaids at 31% cents; doable width ditto, 87% cents, and the cheapest lot of French Harlow in the city, at 82% cents—ell Colors. 0. HANSON LOVE, se% 74 Market street.;77 1N ACRES OF GOOD LAND, 300 FRUIT T- 0 tress, a well of good water, dwelling hone. of e'ght rooms, lactate at one mho below McKeesport, and near to B.ahlroad Etatidn, for sale on easy terms by sol 4 B. 017THIMIT & SON, 61 Market it. BURNING FLUID—A superior article of Burning Enid constantlyOSEPH on hand and for s "40 , ato by J PLEM.L. ee24 Corner Diamond and Market street. 15 ACRES of choice land, a large dwelling ti house, fruit trees, meadow, good water, de., for SQSOO, (or sale by S. CUTHBERT at SON, sad 51 Market street. AGOOD house and lot on Webster etreetfi WOO. For gale. by 8. CUTHBERT .4 HON, 6625 51 Harker street. OATS. -100 bus. this day received, by sag DENBY H. COLLINS DOTATOES.-100 bapfor sale by eeBo EMMY IL OOLLUTB (30113PLYINH WITH THE URGENT REQUEST OB HUN RS. C. M. PITCH AND J. W. SYKES Have concluded to remain PERMANENTLY IN PITTSBURGH, And may bo consulted at their office, No. 191 Venn street, t 3 T. CLAM HOTEL, Daily, except iinudaja, G,r 001•13[11i'ri0N, BRONOIIITII3and ALL THE, COUPLANTS, complicated with, or causing pulmonary disanee, including Catarrh, Heart Disease, Affections of the Liver, Dyspepsia, Gastritis, Femak Complaints, 4e. • DES /HOU a SYKES woull !State that their treatment of ex usumption is based upon the fact that the disease exists Intl s ber..-1. and system at large, both before and during its development in the lungs, and they therefore employ Mechan ical, fly gieulc and Medical remedies to purify the bloodand strengthen the system. With these, they use MEDIOAL IN HALATIONB, which they value highly, but only as Rdlick lives, (having no aar drive effects when used alone,) and Inva lids are earnestly cautioned against wasting the precious time of curability on any treatment based upon the plausi ble, but false Idea that the "seat of the disease can be reached In a direct manner by Inhalation," for, as before stated, the soil of the tiiie.ise is in the !,101,1 I its effects only la the mot'.,..;Av for c,a.multat.-o. A will ,1111,§.4 wl,4lititg, to Actuallt 11, my24lollow Tlll9 ARTIFICIAL LIGII'I'NING Ti!AT FLASHES through ilia Atlantic Cahle, bears INSi I edßuiblfince to the lightning of heaven, than Chistadoru's Hair Dye bear,. to the natural coloring matter of black and brown hair. ttuick es a dash It darkens the grey, red ur sandy fibres of the head, the lips, and the chin to au ebony hue,, while it lends a healthy Matra to them. It contains no caus tic, and ten minutes, once in six ur eight weeks, Is all the time required fur its application. Bold everywhere, and up plied by all hair dressers. OHISTADORO, Nu' B Astor House, New Yoik. CI H. KHYSELt, OPPICE OF THE • PITTSBUItIiII AND BOSTON MINING COMPANY, Pittabargh, September 11th, 1868. {U ... NOT ICE —The Stockholders of the Pittebtirgb and Beaton MiairiA Company We hereby notified that a apeciel meeting will be held at the office of the Company, in the city of t'ittsbnrgli, on WEDNESDAY, the Bth day of October, at 3 o'c.loalc, C. M., to contider the object of organ izing MI additional company, with a view to a more rapid ,velopmetit of their extensive mining territory. By order of the Board of Directors, THOMAS M. HOWE, Secretary. Cvtrticn—Tull INTF,B.tteT 00UPoNis of the Bou.'s of Lawrence County, issued to the PITTS BURGH AND NIUE RAILROAD COMPANY, due July, NOS. will be paid at the office of W. H. WILLIAMS & 00., Pittsburgh, Pa. The change in place of payment is made In consequence of the failure of the Ohio Life Insurance and Trust Ocmpany, Now York, where the Ompone are Payable Dti order of THE COMMISSIONERS. Tomo, Cathartic, and Anti-Dyspeptic B. L. FAHNESTOCK & CO., No. GO corner of Wood and Fourth Streets, FriHESE PILLS HAVE NOW, TO A limited extent, been before the public in this section of the country for a period of over twenty years, end from the het of their out beim; mure geuerally known through out the length and breadth of the land, it might, perhaps, be infermithat they are lacking in bOlllO of the great ankh- Dale of a family nudism, or that there are other Pills their superior, ale.; hilt such, however, is Dot ,the case, their sup ply from a wont of disposition or ability, on the part of the original proprietor, (Dr. Wilson,) was always limited to such an extent as at times to render it difficult to fill home orders, but with even this disadvantage wherever used they have never failed to call fo th the strongest testimony in their favor—testimony in many instances unsolicited—not gotten up expressly for publicity—but freely proffered to the in ventor as expressions of gratitude for the great benefits de. rIvA free the use of these truly wonderful Pills, In proof of which we subjoin the following:— We, the subscribers,Ministers of the Goepel, and members of tuts Pittsburgh Annual Confereac of the Methodist Ephe coped Church, having each and all of us, during the peat few years, had frequent opportunities of learning and trying the character of Dr. R. A. Wilson's Tonic, Cathartic, and Anti-Dyspeptic Pilbs, are prepared to, and now state with pleasure, in this communication, that w' know them to be an excellent medicine, and, as such, recommend their use to our friends and acquaintances, not only as a specific for dick-Headache and byepepsta for which they are recom mended, but as u safe family remedy among children, and for the prevention and removal of Bilious attacks, etc. Iteve. Jim. 0, Sansom, Wm D. Lemon, Jno. L. Williams, Thos. Baker, Francis IL Read, Harvey Bradshaw, Wesley Smith, Mesas Tichnell, A. Jackson, Cornelius Jackson, W. Browning, Hosea McCall, E. Hays, B. F. Sedwlck, G. Martin, Thos. McGrath, J. M. Heger, Wm. Smith, N. Callender, 8. H. Brockunier, 0. D. Battle, John WOOL, Wm. Tipton, O. Dudgeon, John Murray, 8. B. Dunlop, Dr. J. J. Jamiscr. From the Corresponding Conference of the Methodist Protestant Church, signing the earned Rove. Geo. Brown, GOO. Hughes, Joel Dolby, Jr., Z. Ragan, Jet. Browning, Wm. Boas. Robt . Simonton, Jno. Clark, Jas. al. Piper, John Burns, Daniel G. Cotton, John Beatty. My experience is not as extensive as the expression in the above certificate; but as far as my opportunity of testing We virtues of Dr. Wilson's Pills has occurred, I cheerfully endorse the sentiment of their superior value. WILLIAM REEVES. From the Bev. 1. S. Hubbard, Ohio, Oct 27, 1839. Dn. Witsoa:-1 feel myeelf a thousand times obliged to you. I have fur some years been afflicted with the dyepep tliti and, from the good effects already produced by year pills in my case, I am perenaded that the continued use of them will finally effect a thorough cure; I therefore, wish you to send me four boxes by the bearer of this, and oblige yours, etc. ISRAEL . SHARP.' Extract of a letter from Col. Camp, an elderly gentleman of Virginia, who has rained a numerous family, of some medical reading, and much experience in the use of medicine. I do most earnestly hope that you will adopt some plan to supply us with your most excellent Anti-Dyspeptic Pill. 1 have been in the LBW of using it myself, and in my Land ly, from the time you first brought them into use in our neighborhood, and upon all occasions have found them to answer the purpose for which they were administered My wife has b_on very much afflicted with sick headache, and, by using one-half of on of the pills, has uniformly found relief. I think it superfluous to enumerate the different complaints for which I have administered these pills. Suf fice it to say that, sa far as the numerous complaints set out In the wrapper have fallen under my notice, the pill has had the desired effect in removing the same; and so far as my self have been concerned, I can say that they :-save the bowels in bettor order than the use of any other cathartic ,at I have need, I mu, sir, your friend and well-wisher, JAMBS M. CAMP. DIFFENBACHER A CO SPECIAL NOTICES. PERMAN ENT OFFICE. RIMS OF THEIR PATIENTS, MEDICAL. DR. R. A. WILSON'S PILLS PREPARED AND SOLD BY WH , MALE DRUGGISTS, A ') PROPRIETuII UH B. L. FAHNt..nTOCK'S VERMIFUOE, PfiNN'A DR. CULVERWELL'S RADICAL RE GENERATOR, the sovereign remedy for sprrmator rhoea or seminal weakness, eexual debility, impotency, in• v,.lnntary omissions, piles &c., in both sexes, the result o early indiscretion, incapacitating the man for business, sod. sty and (nntrimony. Pur sale by Hunt & Miner, Masonic Hall, 6th street Pittsburgh. Call for a gratis pamphlet giving particulars, or adthess Box 4116, Pest Office, New York O'ty. oc6mdsw:l3p DAGUERREAN GALLERIES AM B R O T Y P BS.—These beautiful and durable pictures on glass; in all their perfection and loveliness, singly or in groups, may be obtained at WALL'S, Jones' Building, Fourth street. [octlw R. M. CARGO & CO., Photographers and Ambrotyplsts, NEW YORK GALLERY, No. 21 PM street, and SUNBEAM GALLERY, S. W. cur. of Market street awl Diamond. Plttcburgb PRIORS TO SUIT ALL. myl9ttf-3p AMBROTYPES— ' A BEAUTIFUL AND DURABLE Karma WARRANTED, OAN BE HAD AS LOW AS AT ANY IeIBST CLASS ESTABLISHMENT N THE COUNTRY, AT ROGERS' NEW DAGUERREAN AND AMBROTYI'k SKY AND SID.II-LIGHT GALLERY , fl PH BTRIAZT,NELMILY OPPOBITM THE POET-011FIO1 SS_ PICTURES taken lu all the various style!, in MI) Weather, and warranted to please, at reasonable rates. in. Blek or deceased parsons taken at their residence. siaclydscr-is Removed to 21 Filth Street. riARGO it 00.'8 PHOTOGRAPHIC AND AIIIIIIOIITE 0.31,L8UY has been removed from TO Foarth street, to No. 21 Fifth street, near Market. These rooms having been built especially for the purpose, with three large lights, are not surpassed in the city for comfort, convenience and excellence in arrangement. else Our old friends and patrons ; end those wishing an• parlor likenesses, are invited to eall. pit ,„ Reception Room and Specimens on the ground floor. ap7 STEAMBOATS. P.f.101 of:1-1 t A-Kt! For Marlette and Zanesville. The steamer EEMALi Gll4 PAD, Capt. Mon: j soy Aflla, will leave for the above and all ~lntermediate ports on every TUESDAY, at 4 o'clock, P. M. for freight or pump apid,y on board, PRINTING, JOB, AND ALL KINDS OP WR&PPING 9 Warehouse, No. 27 Wood Street, PITTSBURGH, PA tret„.. Raga bought at market prices REMOVAL. JOHN MOORHEAD has removed to No. 74 Water street, below Market Agent at Pittsburgh WALL'S, Vow - th street J. & GRO UT T, 1.311.011.1148 OP BRANDIES, GINS, WINES, ETC., DEALER'S IN PINE OLD MONONGAHELA RYE WHISKY, NACU AND APPLE BRANDY. ALSO, RECTIFIERS AN D DISTILLERS, Corner of Smithfield and Front Streete, apl4) PITTSBURGH, PA. S. B. & C. P, MARKLE, MANIIIAOTUREIRB OP JOHN MOORHEAD, COMMISSION MERCHANT, /OH THI HALT Ok PEG METAL'D BLOOMS, NO. 74 WATER STREET, BELOW 51A1tECET, PITTSBURGB, PA PITTSBURGH STEEL WORKS. ==M=IIIEUBMI=MM i dgM=MMI JONES, BOYD & CO rukauTrorztroons or CAST STEEL. ALSO, SPRING, PLOW AND A. B. STEEI„ SPRINGS AND AXLES. Corner noes and First Strouto, 'y2s PITTSBURGLI, PA lIOORHkAD & CO., MANUFACTURER OF American, Plain & Corrugated, GALVANIZED SHEET IRON, For Roofing, Guttering, Spouting, ate. AGENTS FOR WOOD'S PATENT MITATION RUSSIA SHEET IRON. Warehonias, No. 136 First stseot, 13113=01 .11. ROGERS & CO. , krANUFAOTTIMBRS OF ROGERIP IMPROVED PATENT STEEL CULTIVATOR TEETH, COILNIRR ROSS AND FIRST STREETS, L. C. 11131PBUILN. ferrOHNEV AT LAW AND CIONVNYANOVIII 0/11WI WITH H. HIPHDIIIIII. Mo. Ca Vonirth ttr.iftt JAMES A. FETZER, Forwarding and Commission Merchant, FOB VII SALE Or onr, Grain, Bacon, Lard, Butter, Seeds, Dried Fruit and Produce generally, Gornor of !Market and First streets. PITTSBURGH, PA. 11.11`111 TO—ftrancie G. Beiluy, Par., William Dilworth, Br., . Cuthbert & Son; Pittsburgh; Boyd & Ott, netsltoll & wearingen, B. Brady, Cash. M. & M. Bank. List & Mangle & Co., George \V. Anderson, Donlo Paxton &Co Wheeling. E. P. MIDDLETON !ti. Dna, IMPORTSRB O' WINES, BRANDIES, &C., ALSO WILLEM IN FINE OLD WHISKYS, NO. 5, NORTH FRONT STREET, PHILADELPHIA GO ALIVD SEE GEORGE P. WERTZ'S First Premium Blind Factory, OURNRIt THIRD AND MARKET ST'S., PITTSIBIRAIR. 9nosE WISHING TO FURNISH THEIR House with VNNITIAN BLINDS, of the most exqui site and elaborate finish, will fled it to their interests to give me a cell before purchasing elsewhere. work is got lip by the best mechanics (nut apprentices.) Every atleniteu is given to the wants of customers. Prices low. All work ixrazrantad. No. 72 TIP RI) dtroot, Plttalnirgit. I myklyis DAVID H. WILLIAMS, ell VIL ENGINEER AND CONTRACTOR k o l FOR TILE ERECTION OF GAS WORKS, for from live corners and upwards, and for Heating Buildings, public or private, by Steam, Hut Water or Furnaced. rayA:l7l3 PITTOBUIC.O PA. 11.1111 CHCOCIi, M'CREERT( & CO. (80001890 U TO 1111/151A11, s.l'earasra B 4.10.0 FORWARDING AND COMMISSION mmonerrre., Wholesale Dealers in Produce, Plour and Wool, No. lid Socond street, Pittsburgh, Pa. dpriuger tierbaugh, Joseph E. 13:Idol, lit. LIMN Pittsburgh; Penton Bros., 11. Clads Co., •• Coruell h Conroy, Baltimore Bagaley, Cuagrave tCo , •' Garret ,It Martin,Philadelphia kloCandlens, Menne & (Jo., James, Kent.,liantee Co. " G. W. Smith, & Co., Weaver k Graham, Geo. ii &L. Hord, I..Huclimati Keene, Sterliug k Co., '• A. B. Fenton k Bros., Yard, Gilmore k Cu., •• m vBliti WILLIAM CLAYTON & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL iiquoit MERCHANTS, NO. 87 DIAMOND ALLEY, Near Wood street, ,per Always un hand, Blackberry, Cherry, and Cognac Brandies, Old Monongahela and Rectified Whisky, of the so bast grant,. fiatitytteP.: WILLIAM BAGALEY, WHOLESALE GROCER Nos. IS and 20 Wood Street, PITTSBURGH. sl. DOSCH. H. M.c 0 E E & 00 . MERCHANT TAILORS, Dealers In Ready Made Clothing and Gentlemen's Furnish lug Goods, corner of Fedoi , d 't...m..0 Market Square Allo gheny jel2:ly jy23: tf W. H. tdoeisE NI kRRLE 1 MARBLE! JOMA 6411 1 C.111ZG0 HAS A BEAUTIFUL SELECTION OP MONUMENTS, GRAVE STONES, Enclosures, Posts, &C., The public are respectfully In Bed to am:amine our stock . Prima low and work warranted vltrv-•-is Tan Oh 1.114N1124 OTBICIRT. DOINT BOX FAOTORY.- - EMILIA 41, GUTEINDOELF Manufacture to order, BOXES suitable for Soap and Candles, Hardware and Variety Gond.% eto., etc. SA. Orders rretnptly OBed ROBXII? DLLI.LL4 OBERT DALZELL & CO., Wholesale 1.11,0 Grocers, Commission and Forwarding Merchants and Dealers in Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures, No. 251 LlburtVatroal. Pittabnrah. Pe. unr2.47. SAMUEL FAIINESTOCK; IMPORTER AND DEALER IN Foreign and Domestic Hardware, No. 74 Wood Street, Pittsburgh. the eubscriber has received, In additlou to his fall stock of liardware, a very heavy stock of Meat and Sausage Cut ters and Staffers, and a very large stock of Sleigh Belle, loose and on strings, of a mach superior. quality to that usually sold in the market, all of which will be sold on the lowest terms. (5827) BAHL. PAHNBSTOCK. CALUTWRIGMET & YOUNG, (Stsocestors to John Chrtsoright,) IVIAoNITFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS f Pocket and Table Cutlery, Burgicol and end Den tal Instruments, Guns, Pistols, Fishing 'ankle, etc., No. be Wood street. They give special attention the manufactar. lag of Trusses, Supporters, etc. Jobbing and Repairing ith punctuality and despatch. ELIA"! FURNITURE FOR CASH. A fall assortment o Pittsburgh manufactured FURNITURE, embracing BUREAUX, BOOK CAbIIS, WARD ROBES, And every article needed in a well furnished dwelling, as well as a spledid assortment of OFFICE FURNITURE, Constantly on hand and made to order. As the only terms on which business is done atthls establishment fit for OA SC. ?vices are made accordingly. Persons to want of anything in the above line, would be advantaged by calling at PACRINER k IRWIN'S, No. 103 Smithfield street, below filth. J. D. Facomiza, Joni IC Imm. SUGARS.- 100 bblß Baltimore "IL" 50 1 . u 114 A . ), 80 '" Powdered - ~ , 80 " Loverhig's Granulated ; Jost received and for sole by ItHYMBH A ANCLIIBON, t 3 No. 89 Wood street, se27 Opposite the St. Charles Hotel TO LET.—That Store Room, on the corner of Wood and Vest streets, occupied by Robert J.Oar son, as a liquor store. Possession given en the tlrstof Octo. bar. Inquire of IL IL RYAN, sitlatim No. ta Vifth street. CIHESTER'S GOT HIC HALL CLOTHING NJ STOII3 and Merchant Tailoring Establishment, corner of Wood street and Diamond Alley. We have now on bond. one of the moat dasirble assortments of Piece Goode, em broiling everything that is new in the ahape of Over-Cc at ings, Veatings or Pantaloon Stuffs and many new fabricator Inisineao snits. These will be made np in the teat manner at much lower prices than the Game golsda can he oLtained ebewheare. A cal! ig solicited. aef9 PITTSIIIIRGH, PA PITTHBURCA H. P PITTSBURGH, PA .>JAIIIeS I. 73IIZADINO ITT SB UR Git T ...... M. Davis. raleas op ADAIIBBTOtir Dios Circle and Barque:ie.:Mc /faintly Circle... Colored Boxes 60c Colored G& , Tickets to Privet° Boxes-760 Whole 807 Procconium Dozes 4? Sole Lessee and Manager,— l=iege Director THIN EVENING, flctober 6th, RICHELIEU: or, TilG CONBJ Cardinal Richelieu ... Popular Dance... Overture.... Fancy Dance.. To conclude with, PAI:vITERE as. FIAT Deere open at 7 o'clock. Curtain rises open from 1.0 to S o'clock. FOSTER'S NEW NATIONAL '.l J C. FOHTK.II ~141..liger. IJ. PROCTOW GREAT IikVELT'. D Eq Ili ,PIAN A PLAI Til IS nVI iil iO, Lict.,L,,{ sth, 1858, will to anted, THE LIFE nit I , RUNKAhIt . Ed. Middleton ......11r. Foirei Wm. Dawton .Mr. Maginly Mary ..... Mfg 9 4. Graham. , After which, a mlacell anemia Et tuoilan euttlitainmentg by THE ORIGINAL HU fiKE'S MI.SIB7IIXLS. conclude with the national drama of THE RATTLE OF DUNKER HILL: ori Tin &BM DAY OF eftEEDOM. The Manager resperttully announces that „he has entered Into an engagement, for a limited number df night; with the celebrated American actress, JULIA. I:I.AN HAIM. Dne notice will be ;ilveu of the first appears nce this tingtdshed artiste . JOHN W. iII'CARTHY, BILL, CIRCULAR INN* CARD DiNtriblotor and Poser, 1 TTERITZOH, Pd. Will promptly tt.1,.,.1 t.. the Distributing and Postin of RILLS, CIIICULAIi.,4, 11.l1t1J AND PILOORARIXES, For liallckwle, Amusements, Sales, E to. All orders, either by mail, tolograt.h, or literals°, sent to tht, the Daily lhow'rig Foot, ail be faithfully attended to. Pa - kag.,s ft, - garde •by the Mama Rapt - tan Pompatty be promptly .114 . 1),Cd al zeT•tr liut to 41:fictibuO. SEWINt F MACHINES. WO AND $:10 iik)UFtiii, LOCH ETITOII SEWING IAC;IIiNESI Are now on Exhibition. at ,the EHOSIERY STO Rt 0 F i i‘l.H. DALY, i 1 NO. 20 in.7"ria . STRET, Th,,, m..hi",,, ar” ~..'Llii led to he the bail in market for family Uns, Illiikittl. 6.7 ~,,tie double thread stitch, which will m.t. rip . vein if every fo - irth F.titch t.. , [ cat. It is tha , only low pre ol double thread Machine in inarket. Orders will bo recboed and promptly tilled by i M. DAL, Agent, hi A F ft); xtreot, ou the corner of Ai rtot alley, Plttsoargb, Pa. tho carne ni of Fifth•&treat 01 Ow nitaio In hnsinesa 1 jylEnly Jscd- NOTIC!i: I),k LY, ;el Ilarkel alley, 1:-) S o 111 E (I R Ei; A T SUPERIORITY OF saNGER'S ititACHINE.; ,'l.•tbinw and Shoo Mannfao , I T-iaurorg and Coach I. ,ovin &,11.1 t,r, i utiy a"...tnowleged. Ovc.c tarts, Makors, Lat.; 10,, a light, rounaol. and Idgilly of diantatal machi (doing it 4 ork t.qo dly with Cho lame machines,) and moot kee,me a tov r..•• f. i t,.1101, r.tAu Ar- A full ,iipid ) th- 111: , r. Nl.letd4o4 fur sale at New York priet,. by 6 fit t IV, 32 ,ptrk ot street, .119:1y Penn's. W., a . . ELLIOTT, , y L .1 ;1.t , , ,, 4 4, 't Er - '4 LI -.-,_!..... p,_, 1. , , ,,.. . ",. Q• , .W ._ .. t 1 . ..,-,..„, , : r. ; ' ,40 . ' ' ,47s .' l ' t . :Ff?Ari.:,7t: '••' 4l'3 :' -', ' -,-. ' 24 ' -1 ...": ' . 1 ' 1 ,t '''., kt" . *,P„ t . l Gv I -AVN. t... % V '.tt.nilli. • .•,,,, ~ ~.1 ~..," _ .. -2=--47M11'•!...----6`.-- ii ---,- T till; first place iu public estimation is IktiW A. jeHlAy twcurrie-Li to the o'. ROITIM It BAKER MA. CHINE, for family Sewiiiii, for the foll4wing rammer-- tit. It t MORE SIMPLE t.nd RASLL 4 . ! KEPT IN 01111331. hen any other machine 2d. It makes a ream WhiCil will i. 4.1 RIP or though every third Mitch is C 32. 3d 'lt news from two oriibrav spool,t nil thus all trouble of winding thread avoided, while IA t 1211319 Machine can be stirphsl, at plesour,, by a mere chainge of spools, to all varlet CB of work. •Ithi The same Machluo runs thread and apaol cottoU, with equal facility. 6thi The seam i 3 33 elastic 04 the ra t ist elastio fabric, SO that it Is tree from all LIABILITY to BABAIC, In WAES. INO, otherwise. 11th. The stitch made by this Nlach;e is more BEAUTI FUL than any other made, either by •Ind or machine OPINIONS OF THE ILE'S& Grover & Baker's is the beat—:Ame „Agriculturist. To of which tie Tribune slys, a on.—{li.Y.Trilinno. It Is all that It claims ti tre.—{N. Y. dependent. It finishes its own work ; othecs do ot.---ffipme Journal. We give it the preference Amer. aptist. It n oda only to be 8.-en to ho n precinted.—{Phreno: Journal. Adapted fur woolens, lima or cotton.—[Amer. Medical Monthly. 'Ladies' Wriatht We like Grover it Bak. z's " Which le tie best?" tl ...ler at Batt i er, —lN.Y.DiErpatch. Superior to all others --IN. Her ry. We have no hesitation to r, commanding lt.—{N. Y. Ex. press. It requires no reapooli,g.—TN. Y. Evartgeliat. For family non they are enriralo.l.4N. Y. Daily News. They new a seam that v.ill not rip —4 . N. Y. Cornier. It performs nobly and ..rp, alti , nnity — O N. Y. fliaminer. Remarkable for the elatitirity of eetttn.—[Police Gazette. Well a d a pted t o aU ki o da or Innilyisewinz.--IN. Y. Obs. The most blo-sad itJ tow 101 l of m ern times.,-;Meth, Magazine. Beat adapted for rarnily d. Y. Day Book_ We do not hesitate ta recommend Y. Chronicle. It eewe strongly and does net i I ,,—;Pfo Illustrated. The prince of inc , ntions Prot. Charrchman. It is woman'e boat friend.-vi il. Y. W. Nowa. And two hundred more [c.f . i.: , ZIC(I9. I To Clergymen a.ittl'Bencv le-at Societies. The GROTE:R.4 BAKER. Q.IIIVING 11ACTinNE CO. wit/ tell, for the pr.:. nt. to Clorffyinon and. Benevolent Booleties their superior machine at -half on.,l theEL • netOTT retell price; , t, No. 21 Fifth street. rrHE CIIEIIiICAL OLIVE ERASIVE SOAP, manafactured by B. FL Sawyer, re receives the preference over all other • inda ever offered for family cue. Its advantages er{,es other Soups as, :---Ist. It Is cheaper to nee. one pcsandl'Mao g egrual to t oof common romp Soap. 2d. Idyl t} need only be occupied in washing when this Soaplifused in place of o er Soap. tkl. Labor in washing can be nearly dispensed with, as the clothes will require little if auy nabbing, thus avoiding their wear on the wash-board. 4th. Soiling the clothes Ia unnecessary when this Soap is need, and hard or salt water answers equally as well ae soft. sth. Printers; Mvsbiniste, Fainters and others, find fif,jar superior to otherlSoaps. It speedily re moves grease, ea, paint, printers' ink and dirt from the hands, leaving the skin soft, and Erse from chapping, To avoid the labor of rubbin Vie elothee, and the use of the wash-board, the following directiods should be followed: Far the washing of eight or ten of a family, take one pound, of Soap, cut it Into shavings;l and one gallon of hot water; pat the clothes into a tub contain rig about ten gallons of warm water; lOur in the dissolved Soap, and stir thoroughly. Let them ;Oak. twenty to thirty _minutes, wring out, and rinse in w r rm water once, cold water twice. A very dirty wrist-band, or seam, or grease spots, may require a slight rubbing, but otherwise the clothes Will coma out clean and whitip, without rubbing or boiling. Cold water may be used in place of hot, requiring about double time in soaking. lap- Observe our name on each bm"- For dale, in any qriantity, at our wiWehomse, No. 47 Wood street, and et our works, opt:mita the hound House, Penn. eylvunla avenue. Si. C. A 3, Hi SAWYM., eci !'tio. 47 Wood street. - VIVI; LOTS OF GROUNT) EACH. CO TAMING oco acre, for sale.Pr i l:e $2OO each . . Terms, in hand, balance in one, two and three Team elitist° at lour mike front the city S. 0UT131311133.T BON, tele IlArkat street OAP OIL CLOTH.—On mablitt, imitation NI./ of tlak, and Bilk. A few pia* on hand, for sale low 28 and 28 °lair area, PIIILLIPS. fIOOPERS WAI3TED-42 , _good coopers 3 wanted to tv.k 02 tight wor.i. icvira et JA.MES A. FZTEEM, se2l Corner Martatt and rolifth grezta. nlO FIRE PROOF MINERAL PAI T. 5 toile; of inffarcat a lore ealand and far sale at • 28 an 28 St. OLtlr street, H. PH:ILLUS. 'DAILY'S PATENT QURTAIN JUIP TIFItES for sale, whole.alo an'd retail, at 26 and 28 EL Clair street 1 ! J. PEOILOS. INSEED OIL-6 ,bble. an. 2 JATRE. ...26a. 46.00. rMMTII HEATRE. Stage .Director A U 11' I N E S.- 9 S 04 n i ~ ,or sale by_ :y gown,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers