ME= PITTS '' . ti ., ' l ° 4il"''''''° P. ['.t 'r I.! ki• II 1 4 T U D Y POST UI 1 L. , - - ' FAT NE VS -4 ) JAB OFFICE, OMR ..; f , 'iiiii arid Wood Str(,ei., 4~., -: ft - ' 1 E .; a W i•'.IiNCY PRINTING I.ILL EIEAL , , CIRCUI.:11; I'2l P.RP. LEiu I.ld L., .i . ', -1 1_; 'l.i-!...i.);.: 1-tfore i'RENBAUHER & CO., _.,;, r? :1J :all lathientab!, AND 'GAItEItS, Youth - 2. and Children, 'lift Stre.:::, nenx PITTSBURGII, P.& t-r, tic Cr. it Fire and Water Protif Cement itoodntt. 132 BTREFT. ierit . .)oE - I.NG promptly and faith .. (.177 viurk. warnuted. I..itkr;+lll.:-. , .:.1 on hand. and far nale, with di copttly I.IIAMILT:'O:4 a CO., • lINES for (Jr.. f•riLLi,,g „... ,„; 1, LThe y als,, coutital• th • • • • Tooia. Ent II ith ;: . r and LT/Ili:1g litingorm. )a6:14,1 .. . r.... M , 't.'H(II.I2.PSOIV Si., CO., = :-.4.. I , AINTFR:-. , .., GLAZIERS AN D :••••.6IUN PAINT. ..• Pate Lt. very F.lll.uriur arlicle, Pi its- t,“..l,eaf un Lar..i and fur fur Pair:fur - a, Drug ,: hare a • ii; tiavu money I , y got :Lurfaly f; ASO f:-;:;, :;P S,CTACL,E:-;, C Ll.k/R'S PitIULCS• i:Vl)Riirq ETERS L. etrticle. ever i .:~~t,~,, r ~',[:.,~3P,~~ 4-;!. a. V_: LAN DL :S Fkdi.Ef, lIIIM !it.w ••41 w :it,. eet.t. t•y the . •. .1 e..:112 s: t tirth. • • • vt ,1 by 1'..11S if •rIICII, I 4,1:!. tiLn ..! ttot I . 4 he LOll ro i..•• . in L. /.10/ II , 5 • ,: re terntittod to sell ; 14, iif ell E.%1. L. ~n ./ H =OS .:;41L HA 4i . Ilud 2AHES , riitußSLY,t. i5..1,;71,..• 1 1 • ... 7,(Ahrr, , LJ ci I.Ur. • Lae .-3raar • ••‘:.. ui.dar t..(11 of ii.kvvortTii c 11N.)WNLEP., tNat I, givon ar. l4 a arr , CHEAPEN. • Li, C4j ray 1); aice Seafer.of aHd Measures. • ICE OF THE I:NDEF..,I6N ED, IFEIGHTS AND E A Si; le ES, he found bence , ...rtn Cherry alloy, IT px t ..en Thi r d K.. •,....1•L) L • . •It 11 l&ti OB.11:1 foi A. 4 N 4 - lIAVEN'S ElastieDSteol Pants just y o r:1: 1% . • a, sod L. r, the ,mr.onery ;t o rts, Nos. 6.1,:f..4 3,1 3Z.) 11.111 - k , t eltreet ''' FRANKLIN A L.AIANAC FUR 1859. and popular annual, formerly put .l.,i t Staalllton, attar a lapse of years, will .. Jr. v 1,0 s/sned. The cirehlatt• - .n. as formerly vialsi4 I- - y “Ixtheraaticlatt, taanford C. Hill, pr.pare for ita page each reading mat. an eatertainiam, and Instruct - ire magn.- 8.,• 'I-. the reliable astr , ta , ,utical calculations, a new uthle Wale. ,o..CLLCEitII method of drtlWlll , :111 , L1 lines, and, other ta,tturm of permsuont vultie witj bt,ok , sellexii u.uci other dealer! are roliclted le e ef pabilcatioa, m but GI, edition will be printed, rieru wiil be titled according to r•riority. WM. (.1. JWINBTON t 00., Printers, Stat:onera. and Weak rook Makers, street, Pittsburgh Je73 TI I WO DWELLING HOUSES FOR RENT, by 8. CUTELIKIIT SON, 51 Market street. i TAi CH- 00 bas.Rooliester Pearl Starch, ?„,3 gm/esti sag MEM H. QQUANB. '`9s"'. V.' 1 L EH. I' EA it, 11111111 prlute ci tgrb, \' ti 1 i'y EDE= ..:, "2 S P. aA R 1111111 ENZIE9 .14 1: E fig ' -'i . 1 I 11. rxtentiive INIEN=M=2I =MIEN 1111!EalL11111 EMMET H A ',IV t'ltt JOHNSON, LIAR IMELdiILi, S 1 1' A E =ME MEZ=!! \lasuuic kloll %Xi) SOAPS th . • Jle 1 ..t.itou, • • I -3., A ... __g PUBLISHED nAILY BY JAMES P. BARtt, AT THE uPOST BUILDINUS," U WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS; AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUAL MISCELLANEOUS. DAM' , ' CORN SEIELLER. riflllE PROPRIETORS OF TEIE N " thr , ugh ]Jr. Adam , . (tie• principal rutiztianical 4 . .aittis of th, drui,) nat:at, decd 17th IEiSR, for a nee and thaple tae tram -gut 'or cue .N, truly neat., c; aoJ pnriable, durability, utility and la ..; app ,, rniaio firnierdl trim, 0-rod t, the . 2,201,15, of th, Uajtvid Statcl at a very prn, We have no "Potent " for ode, but nein ri facture and tell the article at onr works. Owing to its r.n.r.plCt form la dedtto . 3•l goon to become an article of trOe in every l'i,rdsiare Merchants' .In,:lf The M-rhiitee are of two sizea, weighing only about as and 5 pound., and clay be steered w e poet, pillar, ur DA you would u coffee will. We add ub fibre. wilen it speaka fu , 3inilkar A 00 CLIMAX FAN I'l' IS THE CIIEWEST, SIMPLEST, SAIALLgST, Ch., , ; ;13 anr/ in the Irni!Pd Stales IT N •1' EBY ECIL Y .11.)A1' I i.:1) t.. t the wit,utt waute, awl i5i ... „, 1 0 . 1 oiao, but tllu4t i:r He. • to • Ir am.r.• I l'artuo,.. Muoutkuttater., cibitw 4,1 y! ar, invist.l II; c't al u, et-, u.d .r tLe tt' Lt2l titled 114.!tt ,11. lal di 0.--c.J J. T- N, 4 .. ut . AU ?'T MN TRA.DI4.I, 1658. T -'‘ PLE AND FAN C DHY GOODS, WiIuLEbALE It) IR L .. "-- • Cl. C=P , OF NEWEST STYLES StI4W3-S EVERY 'VARIETY. ' , IA COBOILGS, 'MUSLIN fiLAIN VEIN ALPACAS, GiNQUAMS. CL CAS:q.lfEß.t'atilz?, OATINRTS, VESTINGE. i• BLEA' D Al%ll 11110 'N GOODS With a complato Itheref g: Yd' B EtoIDERB Gutri. 111.1apt,2d wIRST CLASS TRADE. •r• •: lor W. G. CL - 11`1"11.Cli CO., 438 Market & 433 Merchant SR, PHIL A DELP ATLI ffiN=Mffl 0. 65 IFT STREE T itt/OFING CHEAP, DURABLE, FIRE AND WATER PROOF JOS E I.'l-1 HA RTMA N, (Recently Agent for LI. M. Warren S: C 0.,) MANEVA - TURER AND DEALER A.:1; 6 . r T , C 11,11 N T, GRAVEL ►iLA3TLC CEMENT, SAT 1' R.A.TED CANVAS ROOFING, 11' ;FING ZL•\TERIALS iC, Fi oad I , vl ul - B flail, 1 IttAburgh. I a J>9 / ~ i;ARD FROM ;.' , R. JAMES M. J:\ ft (la_ !dill el; . 1. J 1: N sleV YUR S LUNG INFIBM ALI Y —My con tie-Z.UvIl a,r the past ti;ht yews with the above I a:it:tune a, •s, Chief Physician, and a twelve )ear o' course of Steady devotion to the elnre of Pnlttgruary Clon- . gumption and its kindred dlseasse, together with my ch. rivalled opporte nitro; and ad vantav of patho:ukical reoearch —aided nut a little by a pertem system of Atui=l 1111aia tion—has enabled me to aarive at a decisive, direct and sno t- ssful course of treatment for the positive and radical cure of all diroases of the fl7rroal, 1,,0122, and Air-Pax:riga. By inhalation, the vapor and curative properties of medicines are directly redressed to the di:ogee! organs and the integr. meat Ido not ativi±e the use of Medical Inhalation of any. kind, to the exclusion of gene:rid treatment; and although I .onsidor It a useful adjuvant in the proper management of those fearful and often fatal di:o.nnee, yet 1 deem it very ne crssary that each pgitidDt should have :he benedt of both goner - al and local G - men:rent. Thu success of my treatment id the above diseases, and the high character of the Institu• troll over wlii.ll I nave so long had the honor to preside,are too well known to need any eulogy or comment from 1110. At tho gonna...lion of many pry.: lb sod I rufesffional friends, through whose plolienth.reruc aid the abut e chanty has boon ion.: and Jibe: ally supp tied, and of:, r due. consideration, I have concluded LAI make ouch :111,11ga/11:11L-4 124 Iqll bring tie b rents of my expereents end t:e..„;rnro.i. within the roach of all. :.Lid cot emi.icat myself, so h.:II:GAO:1,, to those only who entered the Infirmary or woo were able to visit me at my alio. I.l.laug therefore that the arrangement wiltgive entire satisfaction, both to my professional breth ren and the. public, I would respectfully announce in con- CheriOD, tl,,i. /can now be c. , agultedPerum. 2 4 or by ierler.on ail de=cals ax above, and that the medicines, the same an used in tire Institution, prepared to suit eath Individnal arse. in.h.d/eng Vapors, Hedtcr...l i,,,/uaa-s, cCr...., dc., will be forwarded by express to any part of the United States or the rouadas. tsaixe—My terms of treatment by letter are 114 follows. 0i7.: sld per month for each patient which will include mediclue sullicreat fur one munth's ilan; also, In haling Vapor, and an , Whaling Apparatus. 1': =rent ea 1 , 1 . .V.,: it,* Z, be paid to Express Agent on taxer It of the berg of ifedicine, and the balance $(1 Lt the expiration of the month, if the putt nt be cured or is entirely satisfied with the treatment. Patients, by giving a full history of their case, and their symptoms in full, can be treated an well by letter as by prreonal examination. Patients availing them ,lee, of Dr. Jarrett's treatment may rely upon immediate an I pormanout relief, to he fiefdom has to treat a case over thirty days Letters for advice promptly answerid. Fur farther particulars, addroea . J &MEC M. JAIIIIM, M. D.., No. 52'l Broadway, cur. Twelfth St., ii Y. P. N.—PLyeiriaaii and others vraitrag the city are re opectfully invited to call at the Infirmary, where many irtoresdiug C 114,4 can be witnessed, and where our ern pror,lapporatat for the inhalation of medicated vapor. con to I 8,, , 11 and inspected. JyWilim Sinnaier Lager neer. plih UNDERSIGNED BEGS LEAVE TO inform 1113 f , I , LICIS And the public in gentral, that hi to In the daily receipt of this delicious Boer, from the well knowti Brewery of J. N. ritraub, Allegheny City,. it having boen to Go the beat that wau unkuttfactared here tor matiy years, GLEA.II, TA2TEFUL and PURE. Give me a call and try it. JOHN an2 , l,ti At his old stand, ho. 28 Dlarnend. I - AMES MI LLING AR, 'MONONGAHELA iv PLANING 511 LL, would respectfully inform the public that he has rebuilt BiLICe the ft e, erid having enlarged his estublislnnunt, and filled it with the newest and most ap proled machin,-y, is new prepared to furnish flooring end planed boards, scrowl sawing and resawing, doors, sash and shutters, kiln dried, frames, mouldings, box making, ,ke. &nth Pittsburgh, Peptetubir 4, MT. 1.8.10 GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS. A. ZE'PAILLAWD, MERCHANT TAILOR, Corner of Fourth and Smithfield Streets, RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCES TEAT Itcs revs:rad his Spring Assortment of GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS, Of the uawest styles, beat quality and most elegant deacrip• tioud, which he is prepared to manufacture to order 111 the LATEST FASHIONS, And with inch a character of workmanship, as cannot fail to satisfy and please the most fastidious tastes, I myl9 WINDSOR SIIADES.—GoId bordered, plain and fancy. Also, ['hada Trimmings, &c., always on hand at And fur We clamp by J. H. MIMI% and 12 8L Gate exist. HOTELS & RESTAURANTS. MARKER HOUSE, BLAIRSVILLE, INDIANA COUNTY, PA., COL. ROBT. EVANS, Proprietor, HAVING PURCHASED THIS HOUSE, from itr former weli-known Pruprietcr, b D Mar tor, aud rofltted it, I hill it• d to rt,c, r, .11,1 urr .•urt..l t rt , .., 1J • ..• • u , i.' , lit I, with t,.10 C. GALLAGIiEII, Ajth SLree, _Vert L 1.77 to TH,• t.OIIA - 1. , nn' , ', I lIP. C•pthritill) rOr tl-IC, purpolea of a f mat Cr -0., r.--t,..17.....: ...:..1 5...100 1, and ch., {,r,iiriul or lav ing: u i n it , t 3 - - .rA alp riericu ILI ILL , busiouus a ill kiwi, con.< -.. thi ~n hnrol Eh.• In t.hat I.lld markota olTor I. Clio Srifleu, ilitt. , a - te. Sirs. etc; ~ f Lim Lest i...1 - 4,:ity. Hu .- ante all Lis ~ I ti inemla ,i,.1 tl.o public (J gi VI him a call ist'thu byrnitooultiro. jorkly 44 ,:','- , -. 1 Excelsior Restaurant, r-a" , 1.• ir .. ...1) Ar.:.,. 111 WOOD Sfreet, „-1:56-` Plirrillnltan, PL., ''''. '' LAIiE AND EASTERN FISH SOLD Whoiesale and Retell, at the lowest cash prices. Lingpup p: of Nel,,ns, Peaches, and Sweet Potatoes received II vi i -. Aka, Now York Prince's Bay Egg ilarbor. Shell idy eters, the meat ever brought to tins city. Every delicacy of the 13t0P01:1 constantly on hand, and served up in the meet palatable style. Don't forget the Excelsior Rea tanrant No. 11t Wood street seal SCOT r HOUSE a Corner Irwin Str•e2 and Duquesne %V ny, PiTTSIILIRGEI, PA. !3. I). MARKER, - - - PI2O?RtETO3, (Fortuerly of the "Ilariter flonse,"Shd.aville, Pa.) r 9 iii L St.101"1' HOUSE IS NOW CWI - PhETED AND OPEN 'OH GUEST'S. It is situated 13 a central part of the city, being convenient La all Railroad Depots sad litietinl , arttlaudinga. The Ilonsu wee built in 1650, with Ail modern improve tiacsite. and fitted np to hi/It:lnd style—the entire Pura itdte b uew—and will ir, every respect LW 0 lira t iILO3 Ruud. sTAELES a,o attached to the premises. tiel:ty COEVNUCOPLE RES - I'4U EtAlrf. Bv ELI YOUNO, FIFTH STIZZXT. Tho attention of Merchant, and others is directed to thin which has Loon roonitly &Led cu for the p - arposo of allording a SITBSTAN• Tit'', EATING 1101181/ IN A CENTI'..AL LOCATION; Gnintry folks attending tuarket are particularly invited to portainlng to au 'EATING EL:LOON will nisvays be found, of the frosheat the atsrtet hauLdo.. apZ,lvddriv Under Foster's l;•yy 314tInnal 'rneatr•, PITTS.I3IIWII, D. BAl{NAlill, - - - PROPRIEToR, 11-I.S FITTED UP IN A TASTEFUL and comfiirtableatylo, tL., large coutre store iu the t DIJ FELLOWS LIALL, Fifth etre. t, as a FllicT OLASS RETA.I.IItANT and EIALO..N. Daring Lad many years' experience in the business, he is prepared to supply the beat the market affords. Ills 13ar will I' formAlti...l at all times with the Lest Wines, Liquors and Ale., The outrnhco to the Saloon, is In the centre of the Da 1, and reirekimerits v.lll be furnished at all 'nuns, DAY and Nli3l.lT excepteiL) apikly WASHINGTON lIOUSE, ('OR_ PE/VIVA AVENUE 4- THIRD ST., t H. e. W. KANAGA. HOTEL, 17 S 1.11 T IN di '43 . TLE4, 7 YORMEELY U. S. tkrTEL, P ?TT il, Pi. J AiIES 8:513.a.r0.3, I "ropriotor. fIIIS HOUSE IS LOCATED ON THE rr corner of P:NN and WASIIINGTON fitreeW, between the CENTRAL AND WESTERN RAILROAD DEPOTS, and has undergone a thorough improvement, remodaled and furniahed with now furniture, thd is now the iaoet COItVD- Li , :ne Lintel Pitt:,bcrgh, far T.,-..,veler3 bx Railmad, East r.r has!ily 'CI:ANSION Lt AURENTZ PIiOPIIIIITOL No. .44 Liberty stlc4t, just bile the Pas4enge. Depot of The Pennsylvania 11.allruad, which makes the riniz.t ,or venibnt house in the city for paszong“ra a:ri ll:h.; 14 that road. The proprietor Laving, at cionaiderstde expense, fitted up, excellent !Styli', the MANSION HOUSE, would respe..t. ring solieit a share of iir.Ltic patrunsge. There is att.:died e splendid STAI3LB and az:on:sive WAGON YARD. antide actoru.inedistion to travelers e,:id ill!) I ardor ar,d Bar c.-El !e faradiasl with the beat the nearii,t rn eC,rd. fetliy ROOFS, JEW ICE CREAM SALOON, 1. 1- 4 AND LADIES' RESTAURANT, NO. 27i FIFTH STREET. Les 'Lased, and 9MA up several coulmodl• ru:tos. nearly uppoeau the Mzchange Bank. on Pilth on.ct, which are new open fur :he Snuover Season. La. and geatlemeu can always find an abundant eapudy of 1.:.V.1 4 V1 CONF.ECTION &ay, ra u • TS, ICE ClikAM, and all the refro.ihuinnts of the season. All reqaosted to mit the rooms, and test for •—a '1A10) W. si,,;lNLgti. Ltppincott, Sborteut P.S.rson, NO. 104 WOOO :STREET, NEAP. YIFTII. 1 , 0 4 1 AN UFA CT URERS OF TRUNKS, Va lices, Ent and Bonnet Boxes, Latliaa Trairelmst Trunks, Carpet Ita,ol, okc., keep constantly on hand a large stock. We are prepared to do a wholeaalo trade, and hat. hag fatititi.4 w turn out good stocii at minced prices, vv, ivo - old• Inv.tA 0 - 4.0 to call am! ,raivinp nor QC,•: , I La COMMERCIAL PRINTING l'()S11.:tt1, L".rcuted ILI the neatost manner, promptly and at CIIHAP LATE S, by an 4 Molex OP WO.D AND 711111 STRUM. TYPE METAL FOR SALE.- TYPE METAL FOR SALE Inquire at the MORNING POST JOB OPYICE. set BARR & MY ERS. BOOK RESTS—Made of Mahogany and well finished, for sale by W. 8. .I.IA -ti, jolt Stationer. LAWYER'S SEAL PAPERS Various gises and colors always on hand, at FOR SA LE OR EXCHANGE FOR CITY PROPEItTY.—Ono sieam engine with needful pumps and safety valves; cylindar 129 , 4 1 iu bore, 4 feet stroke, 40 hone power; ono Woodworth planing mill, with right to use, one circular saw mill; cue upright saw mill; one lath mill, with shafting, polloys, etc., epiders.torment ing the name; one two lined boiler, 22 fe 42 inches in diameter, all in good order ; also, 6 cy ' ere, 22 feet long, anti SO inchea in diameter. The shows w Ibe sold ac ii altogether or separately . to emit purchasers. Apply to JAMES G. EICHEY, 8,22 Beal &tuts and Bill Broker, 65 lilfth at. WANTED, $20,060.-TWENTY THOU SAND doll :rs of good Business Paper. Apply to JAMES 0. ItIOLIBY, se22 Real Estate and Bill Broker, 65 Fifth street FIVE tiIINDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS will purchase a Two &coy Frame Muse of 4 rooms, cellar, etc. Lot 20 feet front by 110 deep, situate in Alio gheny city st-2, IEESE.-200 boxes extra prime Cutting ve..„/ Cheese, Just received and for sale by ee22 HL•NRY H. OOLLINS. MACKEREL-25bbis No. 3 Large, just recebred. and ,for gale by se22 HENRY H. COLLINS. DONNETYEEVET.—Everyvariety of Bon net material, Silks, Ve'vete end Batimi, for tale at novl3 BORNtirS. AMERICAN WATCU FOR RELIABLE 'mut—These Justly celebrated Watches disclaims any part of foreign mechanism in movement or case, and possess all the qualities of the beat Swiss Watches. They are with Lever escapement, equal to the English, and in point of time and price, distance all competition. BEINKILfiN A MEYEAN, 114.1100818.--50 dati. reo'd and for sale by At =IR EiBUT H. OOLLMB. aL: P41 ,.. .5 U I JAMES' KATER, Proprietor. THE itaTiOrtilL SllOOlll, WASiIIDiGTON, U. (2. L'. v 2 ',UDC; OppUtlit4 tine Penna. R.atiroad Depot, LiAIiIIIeBURG, PA. CARD!', LIANDBILLS, C 'LuitED BILLS PAPER BOOKS FOR LAWYERS, PRINTING OF EVERY •DESCRIPTION, BARE ti IfIVERS, MORNING POST JOB OFFICE, The undt reigned hove a largo quantity of W.'S. RAVEN'S, Corner ?darker end E.noond ate. S CUTHBERT ac s SON. 61 Market street_ No. 42 Fifth street, near Wood, ee2Bl Agents for the celebrated Am , dean Watches. PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6. 1858, 1 k, The present crude bne twen tlt-14,Cted by thy subscriber per sunnily, and every Yiauu is warranted to ba - perfect in every panic:Jar and be sold at less priced than have ever been offered in this city, Flan now aai rec. and hand lanoti LI rent at $2, $3, $1 and $5 per !nor_ JOLIN LI. MELLOR, Wo,.d stieet, 4.13 Between Diamond Alloy 811 Fourth strati. STEIN WAY'S -;f77--7t' ,71 7 , :1.: r. 1 13. 4: PIANOS. ACHOICE LOT of the unequalled IitTEIN WA ti. i 'a New lost r,. • ved ; ortiongst thew a 'I [tree Strinitel Louts XI V, of 73/,' octaves, and superb workman hip. We =ltch this liasl nment a,.tainst n.ty gran' Piano in thin city for gran denz, vulu no and beauty ot Tbo ttle:tt way Plano 9 taro Ley.ifid all doubt the tuovt pto Gait "dire mud • anywhere, and att tt, t.. bocittuo tio•rinot pular inst. v=ents lu the 14 , 1,1'd They aro ful'y warranted by ate makers itud sitLecribera, an I will It • sold at N': w Vork foe (try protei For sale by II biLtl:ltirlt fifth st., agvut fur U ww ry's Plan.A. Also reeeivod, n tine I .1 of N urns and a:, nhatn's Piano,. se"; MILITARY GOODS. TIIE SUBSCIIII3Eitt; lIA F 51'.i:\'1 LY cu hand a cumplutc nux k SILK AND IS UNTINti Fi.9;;:4 f',% J ILI' AD DE .7. , SO N MAIt.ILET T. CHARLES LIVERY STABLES.— The undersigned has huught the lawie of the above uained gather with a yorth.- ui we eaten sive. trots:,. and Carriagna, Li,. n a Oreporty of James Nisi ileceastid. I u ail inlet to the stock before-rnoutioued„he has add:al a uunii,ei 01 PINE 1101thEli, 8UL311186 AND CA ItILIA..! which were form:lady exiiple)i,l at h 1 in Third, bah"' NVuoti as he his to the business, a t , the r-,tro:.oga a inch laia hitherto rocvived fret , priLliz is solicited JACOB GA.RDNEN., St. Charles Livery St idea. N. 5.—A ;IriAlit3o. uu.l au) 'lumber of CA.RILIAGR can always La prucured for Funeral& - ST 00 KIN (3 YAR N S ILE 88 rilnenye on hand, in.l (ter Nt eal4 %V Market oCreet. V a LO b LOUR.-40 bbis. choice j s t upe A rfir for sole y _4. A . . , (LA - 73,r Maxknt and Ifirst..ta. GENTS' SlioES AND OA rfe„ltS, PUFF, BLACKBERRY AND CHERRY Bh.ANDY, & , r ru.ficinal purpowA, a t JOB PRINTLNG.— Cards, Freight Bills, Circulars, Dray Receipts, Bill Heads, Labels, Itai.road j.te, Hills Lading, With every other doscriptl,u of Job Printing, executed with promptness and at fair prlc.e.i. J. R. veRLDIN, Printer and Itinde.r, my3l Wcxx; street, near bourth. TNDIA RUBBER CURDY COAIBS.—The _g beet article in 13143, lust received at the India Rubber ii;pot, 20 and 28 St. Clair street. my 22 LARD OIL. 60 barrets bxtra No. 1 Lard Oil, 20 •• No. 2 Lard Oil, on hand and for sale, by [tayl3] B. C. & J. H. SAWYER INDIA RUBBER CORKSCREWS; Pen Holders; Propelling Pencils; Pena; Inkstands; " Pocket, J. R. WELblisi, Bookseller and Stationer, aka) 63 Wood street. Portrth. 00 packages White Fish, almon, aid T:Lat., far sale by (myl7) IL H. COLLINS. I NO. D. Itt'CREARY'S COL'D P ROT.TING ti; IN w B—Sold by jmru7 J. K. WELDLN. CORN. -10 bags shelled Corn received and for sale by iie3l lIE 91t1! EL COLLINS COUNTRY BACON.—IOOO lbs. Country Bacon, Batas ; Shovalders and Sides, received end for sale by JAS. A. FETZER, reyrd OcUmer Market and Vint ate . lUCKWHEAT FLOOR.-20 sacks Buck wheat Flour, 60 lb sacks, Jost rewired and for sale by y McCANDLESS, ISEANS A 00., Corner Wood and Water streets. FLOUR. ---25 bbls. Superfine Flour received and for sale by MoOANDLEBB, MEANS L 00., fe2o Corner Wood and Water streota. _ EMIGRANT RIFLES.—A most desirable and chrop weapon, at SOWN d TETLEY'S, e•yl 1116 Weed strut*. LA_ D --Apilme article of No. 1 Lard, in barrels and kegs, Just received and for tale by McGANDLKBS, MEANS A Co., I Fad o , rner of Weed and Water stn-tie. HOUSE KEEPING ARTICLES. German S Iver Spoons; Silver Plated Spoons, (extra heavy ;) Sausage, Cutters; Table Cutlery; Ctuidle sucks: Snuffers; And many other housekeepers' articles, for sale at 5e.25 SOWN At TETLEY, No. 136 Wood at. 6LASS.-300 boxes assorted sizes Window Mask good country brand, tn . sale by my 6 USNSY 11 OOLLINH NEW MAP OF GU ft COUNT Y— Presen and prcepectivo--embracing the United States and Territories, the Canada+, New Brunswick, Nova Sootia and New Foundland; ale Mexico, Cuba, and the W. I. Islands., Central America and the Isthmus of Panama, all the New Discoveries In the Polar Regions by Dr. Kane and others, and all the Now Settlements, and even the Counties of Kan sas and Nebraska, each In Its proper position, all on the same snide, compiled from uovornment Surveys and other relia ble sourc.A. For rule by W. S. HAVEN, Stationer and Paper Dealer, au2B Corner of Market and Second eta. VOit SALE.-24 Acres of first-class Garden altuato seven ruil.l4 from the city. improve. moats good—lbo orchard, er.collout water, limestone and coal In great abundance. Will La cold low and on easy terms. Agply to JA111.51 8 C. BICtIEY, ee2o Real Estate and Bill Broker, No. 65 Fah street. BLOUSES FUR 13, 1. NT, BY S. CUTTIII3EA et 8)N, 51 Market otrcet. A =all two story brick honoo, fmr rectos, kitchen and cellar, on Bluff strict, Eighth ward, $ 3 . 00 per mouth, with approved security. A mail house to Spleue'e Court, $6,25 per mouth. A good dwelling hoture le complete oreer, eleven roosts, bath room, etc., situate on Second street. A house of ten rooms on Third stroot. A warehouse on Smithfield street. A largo store room on rourth street_ sett YAP.- S -200 boxes Roain Soap; 100 No.l Family soap; clommeal Olivo Soap; 26 " No. 1 Om. Palm Soap, in store and for sale by MILLEIt A 11.10KETSON, hol4 Nos. 221 and 223 Liberty street. QNIONS.-lu libis. Onions for eats by all MIX Y Er, Cala lit PIANOS AND MUSIC. SPLENDID NEW STOCK - r F - PIANOS AND MELODEONS skucTED Flu THE FALL TRADE FROM '11!;1 cELE 11 R AT •E D MANI PACT( 1 RTES CHICKUPuti ,ea, SON'S, HO'TOIFJ, !.AVER', C ; , A. U. JAL}; & CO., New York City W WARD & I BOWS, :ad W. P. I.;‘lliial-n)N, ) 4 .w; and oilier diatingolidied hat, 1 , ,r to ?Linkers; al of which will be nObt nr Mani: l3ctur , .CA prices, and warren tel. PIANOS TO PCZNT MT A S oortSICTUIJ Li i'.3.cLT 91 PLUM 101, filvoaii.3 ~:1:ll r:J BEEN Volunteer Compe.mies roartmin WITU ITU 'QUIPI.IINTI A 7 riefOltT AT MAN lifi'Ai;T EtthS' KUCES, L 0 P. NI A LI A I D II E 8 I A II .6 11 - : P. (‘ 4 8' C 11 E 4. ;' 8' 0 PeCT,`l.,li': A f 811yE 81'011E, A No. 17 FIFTH ST. I 03111,DRKI‘IS' 8110Fq HAWORTH /s 1312 ‘WNI.EE'S, iv the '.uktatund N'cr ante by EP A 11 (dal' RS oN. MEM r 1 ~ .IL. Double Acting Engine, of two oylinders of 42 inch stroke lfi inches in diameter—estimated at fifty horse power each, an independent cut-off attachel to each cylinder. Side valves with eccentric motion. One largo regulator with connections complete, and indicator attached, for time and revolution. Main driving wheel 12 feet in diameter, of cast iron, with Inserted t , eth. Jock guar running In connection with It Is of cast iron with cut teeth, feel in diameter, giving velocity to the jack shaft three to one of that of the en gines. Engines rests on iron beds 20 feet long, 2 feet high, weighing 9060 Ilia each. Mein shafting connected with the jack abaft 55 feet long, 6 inches in diameter, of wrought 'ler:nod:me iron with stands and coupling complete. Brass and babbett metal halal' ; 7 large diuma from 8 to 16 feet in die.%ieter fitted on the dials. The foundations that the en gines and main line of shafting rests on, aro of stone, and are fitted in such a manner that they can be moved with the engines. Six cylinder boilers, 30 feet long, 30 inches in diameter. Fronts, gratabars, pipes and connections for stem and water. Also, Faber water-gauge connected with each boiler. Boilers are arranged in two separate sets, coo !leered so that either or both MU be Used: one Set can al ways be kept in order. They are made of % inch Tennessee Iron. Iron fronts far bailers 23 f:et long and a feet high. Toe Lugine and Boilers are finished, in all their parts, in the boat workmanlike manner. They were built by E. L. Nerfolk, of Salem Massachusetts, at a cost of about $15,000. They were used by the Government for a few months, and proved to be superior to any in the Mississippi Valley. One-third to fan due 15th December, 1858; one-third 15th dune,lBss, and one-third 15th December, 1859—noteo to be catieactortly endorsed. The oat 3 WM ho positive and without reserve. ALSO: LIOILNE'B, G. B. LOCKE A 00., se2.s:dtoclo -Auctioneers and Real Estate Brokers. S 6 WORTH OF MUSIC FOR TWEN TY-FIVE CENTS-11th GENTLE ANNIE MELODIST.—This little work contains all the words and Music of the new and popular airs of the day. The selec tion has been made with groat care, giving only those songs which are good and popular . All the best songs of S. 0. Faster, are embraced la this collection. A large supply Just received, and for sale at the Music Store of eta@ JOfIN B. MELLOR, 81 Wood street. INTROITOED JULY, 1849. A. L. AROHALMBAULT , S Portable Steam Hoisting and Pumping Engine On Wheels, from 3to 30 home powar. Also, !dorm En glues and Saw Mill Driven, 3to 30 horse. Engines alwayo on hand. Mannfact.ory, 13th S. Ilamllton Street, iy£4o:3rndatr PHILADELPHIA. J. 81 H. PHILLIPS TO PRINTERS.—The subscriber has now on hand, and is daily receiving, from the manufac turers, o large assortment of Printer's Stock., R. W Potter's Printer's Cards, from No. 1 to', Satin China, Porcelain Satin Enamelled, and colored. Card 11,ards, In sheets ; McCreery's Celebrated colored Anka; CaXd Lay & Bros. " News Varnish mid Site; Pamphlet Cover Papers; Glazed and Plated Papers, red, green and yellow ; Steel Blue allied Papers, and a largo assortment plain Note, Better, Cap, and Fotio Post, bine and white. J. R. WNLDIN, inyll 63 Wood street, near Fourth. OAPS.- to 1001) lames &win Soap,. in 11).., 2 lb. and 3 lb, bars. 600 " No. 1 Palm Soaps, In lb-, 2 lb. and 8 lb. bars. 500 " Chemical Olive Soap, in ID. lumps. 200 " Olelne Oxide " " " 250 " German 200 " Castile " In 3 lb. bars. 60 " Pure Palm " in 1 121. " On hand and for sale by Jail B. C. A J. B. BAWYBR. F.y..:a - 3.~1 f_tfi MISCELLANEOUS. TIEPOI' FOR THE SALE OF COAL OIL, 132 South Second Street, PHELADELPHIA. Lubricating Oil for ail kinds of Machinery, Binnacle or Lamp Oil, is superior to the beat winter strain sperm for IT' '1..• 1. 'II k,11,1a I.A tf I'S, L&NTERNS, UEADLIGHTS, LC THOMAS' SUP Emu PATENT IMPROVED MU This !snip performs a perfect consumption of all smoke ecd tale!: ariaing from the ate of oil, in which other lamps ore luau I imperfect, thereby giving a much more brilliant i'cr sale wholesale and retail by sul22aid 11. BOURXATT, Sole 'Agent. LIF ALL FASHIONS . mocc.).ELD. cfc 410 c)., ATTERS, HAVE RECEIVED THE A XPell atylue of SILK HATS, CASH.ALICILE HATS, FR,E.NOH SOFT HATS. ALSO : TEE LATEST STYLES OF OAPS, Hen No. In Wood Street, Pittsburgh J. D. LEST, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Hollidaysburg, Blair County. Penn'a., WILL ATTEND TO ALL BUSINESS entrusted to Ms care, iu the counties of Blatr, Sour er-let, Huntingdon, Cambria, and Clearfield et39:m STRANGE RS AND VISITORS TO THIS PAIR —3ABII. AND DOOR FACTORY IN ALLl.uUlror.—Balldera, Contractors, or others wanting Aiit'!, Doors, Window Fr-me 4, Shutters or Monlill , gs, should call at the Oa:NTH, aL PLAN IN 0 MILLS, and examine our euper!or work and finish, ter with our present superior and fine w rklng machinery we are beyond competition, and' our prices are much below three producing an inferior ar tic!e. Call and examine for yourselvea. Jobbing, Repair ing,stc. pr, raptly attended to. J. k U. T. pIII.OE, Con iral Planing Mille, Water street, between kederal and floa t er. Al legb env City, Pa. se2B• V V- .( L lAM 'EATON, COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 216 South Front Street, Philadelphia, Agent for lieldsick A Co.'s Ohamp.sgnc ; Dutch 00. Am rtardam ; Liaveoa anti Ciartnan Cigars; Wines, Brau etc.. in Custom Clouse and in litoro. saYL•iy oVERNMENT ENGINES AND BOILERS AT AUCTION, uN THURSDAY, 14TH OF OCTOBER NEXT. WE will sell in the Navy Yard, at Mem phis, Ten ueesee, the ENGINES and BOILERS geed by the Government in the manufacture of rope. DESCRI !MON Will Ma leased at the same time, for 03 years, all the Rope Walk not heretofore disposed. THE BEST A N CHEAPEST VINEGAR Is ing at the most extenaive VIN. i m iNE art NUAR WAREHOUSE in the .nweensmornif West. This house now sup 4 411113E . 4...... plies, and has for the last ten • years, more than ono-half of the Plttsburgh grocers, and =,47 , u , ,z1v. 4 : , the same In every other city in which it has been introduced. A. BALLOU, 148 Water street, betwaen Yryilthfinlrl and Orlini. o 1)51 vaam Colored Printing Papery QHAWLS AND DRESS GOODS, OF every variety of style and quality, a large assortment and cheerer than they can by fund in the city. 0. RANSON LOVE, se2l No. 74.61arket street. DEAR IT IN MIND, that the East Lib erty Lots are offered at such prices, and on. such easy terms, as to make a home easily to be obtained. Bear it in mind, that they front on vidde streets, are of easy access by railroad, and are very dealrable locations for family residences. Bear it in mind, that the plan of the lota is to be seen at .1.12 61 MARKET STREET. OIL CLOTH CRASH-1500 yards of vari- ODA patterns and wldtlis, Just received from the Lao. Wry, for Bale wholesale or retail, by J. h EL PHILLIPS, mr Y.e. and 2 St. VJwir BLACK AND FANCY DRESS SILKS.-- A full enaortment, very cheap. Cl. RANSON LOVE, former) y Lose Brotherly No. Tit M.w.-ket Woes EVERY Economical Purchaser of Dress Goods, Shawls, Mantles, /cc.; also Domestic and Sta ple Goods, will find it to their advantage to call and exams our New Stock rf 1/all and Winter Dry Goods before pcumbu Ing elsewhere. 0. HANSON LOVE, seLB f c toady Love Urea., No, 74 Market et :kaIiAWLS! SHAWLS I—Wool, Chenille, Li Brocha, tc., both long and square, the very beet to the City, and at very low prices for math. C. HANSON LOVE, formerly Love Bros., nov:a No. 74 Market street. . _ DIQUE and DIARSEILLES, Fleeced, for making Banned. A large asaurtineut at deceit GEO. K. WHITE A 00'S QIIOULD you ask me, should you wonder, Whore to buy your Shoes and Galtera Crarrnna for your teat in springtime Boors with heels, and pretty BIIEMINS. Nice FELLNCIi SUPEKB.9 for the summer, Patent Leather, Glove-Hid Mocasins t Where to buy these cheap and good too ; 1 should answer, I would tell you, Go unto the PEOPLES' SHOE STORE, To the Peoples' ()hoop Shoe Store, To the Store of DIFWENBAINLEB, ap2.l No. 17 Fifth street. POTATOES. -50 bags for sale by ee2s HENRY H. COLLINS RIO COFFEE. —5OO bags good to choice lido Coffee, now binding and for gale by MILL= RICHETBO:I, eal4 N. .4 . 1.. „ „n SYRUP.- b bhda. Loverlnes Brat quality Syrup; 26 " 4 4 4 4 fo bbia. choice Golden Syrup, now landing and for sale by BUM RI; & 11101EBTSON, geld Nos; 221 and 223 Liberty street. ICVHALE OIL.-40 bbla. Bleached Winter VII Whale OA, Just received and for sale by MILL'S I RICKSTBON, saUi Nos 211 ago= Marti street. ~;fs. j;. t ; , ", THE. DAILY POST. [Prom the Little Pilgrim.l The Rook and the Bubble A tare, brown rock stood up in the Bea, The waves at its feet danced merrily : A bright little bubble came sailing by, And thus to the rock did it gayly cry— " Oh, bare, brown stone, make way for me, I'm the fairest thing in all the sea Pee my rainbow robe, and crown of light— See my glittering form, so airy and bright; O'er the waters blue I am floating away, To dance on the shore with the foam and spray Then let me pass for the waves are strong, And their rippling feet bear me fast along." But the great rock stood in the midst of the 13, , a, And looking down, said pleasantly— " Little friend, yon must go some other way I hays of moved this many a day: Billows have dashed and fierce winds blown, But my sturdy farm is net o'erthrown, Nothing can 6?,1r me in,air qr sea, Then how call I move, little bubble, for t^oel" Then the waveseall laughed In their voices 11Wt And,the sea birds looked frm their rocky seat At the foolish bubble, who loudly cried, While its round face glowed with angry pride, " Yon alga move for me, and you shall nut mock At what I say, you rough old ruck I Be still, rude birds—why stare yon en ? Stop laughing, waves, and let me go, For I am the queen of the ocean here, And this cruel stone cannot make me fear." Then dashing up with a scornful word, The bubble broke, and the rock never stirred. Then the sea birds whispered in their nests, To the little ones gathered 'neath their breasts— " Be not like the bubble, so headstrong and vain, By violence seeking your way to gain." The Austria Whenever an accident occurs, there are many persons ready to show how they could have done to prevent it,. though it were the saving of a city. Still, in the case of the Aus tria, any one may be pardoned for suggesting that the catastrophe, if brought about as is alleged, can hardly be regarded as other than the result of gross carelessness. The hold was being fumigated by means ot dipping a hot chain into tar. The chain was so very hot, that when dropped it set fire to the planking—there were no means to extinguish the flame—the tar blazed up and the vessel went. When a house burns on land, people can, in most cases, run into the street. At sea, they must trust themselves to the waves, that is if they can get out of the vessel. The idea of carrying red links of iron, or iron heated to an inflaming state, about the steerage, without having buckets of water at hand, or other means of quenching possible fire, strikes us as being about as prudent as smoking in a powder factory would be. A ship in so fearfully full of articles that will burn easilla that it should always be treate with the care due to the most perilous possibility of such disaster. The fact is, that as commerce enlarges, and vessels increase, the necessity becomes great% er to have discipline extended, not only to the passengers, but to the minutest detail- of the vessel. For every contingency on a ship there should be due preparations. There should be boats enough for all on board, and the captain and passengers sad crew should understand that in the event of taking suddenly to the boats, each person eould have a place, those who are iin one part of the vessel, to go to a certain boat, or equivalent arrangements. Discipline and pre caution are the vital principles of safety. Episcopal News During the past year, Bishop Potter, of Now York, has attended two hundred and fifteen services ; held one hundred and eighty-five confirmations, and preached one hundred and seventy-four sermons, besides various other sermons which were not strictly official.— There were confirmed three thousand nine hundred persons, wanting three, which was nearly seventeen hundred more than last year, and nearly twelve hundred more than had been confirmed in any one year for a long period, even when Bishop Wainwright had oollected together a number of persons for several years back. Fifteen persons were ad mitted to the Deaconate, ten deacons were or dained priests, and there were twenty-nine candidates for holy orders. Last year there were thirty:two candidates, and ten were re ceived during the year. There are now forty , six, twenty-nine instead of ton having been received during the year. Twenty%fonr cler gymen were received from other dioceses, five churches were consecrated, three corner stones were laid, and two clergymen were in stituted. It is understood that a proposition for the restoration of Bishop Onderdonk to the Epis copate will be made, in the Diocesan Conven« tion now in session. Bishop Potter is under stood to be in favor of the measure, which will have great weight with many of the cler ical and lay delegates. It is also said that the Rev. Dr. Hawks, who for many years past has occupied a position of antagonism to Bishop Onderdonk, is now in favor of his restoration. If this be true, there can be little doubt but that the action of the Con vention, recommending his restoration to full ecclesiastical functions, would be approved by the General Convention, which meets next year at Richmond. The Use of Coal--4 Curious Delusion The anthracite coal of Pennsylvania has been used for only thirty-one years, and yet the consumption amounts already to the enormous figures of 3,500,000 tons. The Philadelphia correspondent of the New York Tranine, relates the following most extraordi nary facts respecting the persecution which the first person suffered who brought the first sample of coal to Philadelphia. It is hardly credible: Thirty-one years ago, the first coal caup , Philadelphia—being ton wagon loads hauled over the mountains by (II eurge Shoemaker, of Pottsville. Very few could be induced to purchase it, and most of these were wholly unsuccessful in their attempts to make it burn. Every body considered it a mere stone. Mr. Shoemaker was denounced in all quarters as a cheat, and measures were taken to arrest him for swindling ; but he escaped arrest by leaving the city by a circuitous route. The most remarkable feature in this extra• ordinary speculation, was that Mr. Shoemaker himself, did not know how to make the coal burn. He was therefore unable to convince the public that it would ignite. Had he ex perimented at home, and brought with him a grate or stove, in which to kindle a successful fire, the exhibition would have no doubt hastened, full ten years the development of the coal business. lie returned home dis. gusted at the beligerent temper of our citizens, and heart sick at the ill success of his adven ture. His reputation as an honest man, was rescued, however, by an iron master in Dela_ ware county ) , into wlwee hands some of the MWM. t w ~, n ,_, repudiated mirwral fell. Hai tried the coal, caused it t.; freely, and wilth intense heat, and was s,, I ,lomed wi, ir, talyt he proclaimed the 1,1 e: .1, .i••• \ • , ;This led others to try, And .1k , ue.,./4.ded, the preju dice was , :unsuniption went on from this l.e:zit,tnPrz nntilir.lait year, reached the enormous . 1 ., r.! . ..-1:36,662 tons. :Ica, I•M VS. ItZpObitoo.ll/1•11/ The liarri , 4tlrz, Irnion says ;that it has al. ways apl,, , ,Tre,! -.'rong proof of want of eta bilitv am! Tile Republican and American Ted i !T., that they ,'Teould coalesce fur the poi , . • ;: t ii- , 41 - itc.df4l victory. Th.. 1,,n not more distinctly op t n , ter:, I L- '.l I canisin or Disunion ism, tna. , -In platf ,rms to those put ntioid:s and leaders. fottli i)V Rent.o,lo ti., gaily is at present eonstitut i. up. LT,- L Lvir upon one-half of the Confedera, ,)I the Constitution and State t , ~rr•oard 01 solemn corns pacts:, ' , lye re , Igli States. The Arneric.oi ; tv H ,1111.: to be actuated by the to prctiountbregard for Con -I(eT arid abiding It is a na- LThttitio:: LI r,-I.;;I::: L iTPLTFL., ive• 1•)•. - Lirvil e•rgetio leaders :-.3lints among its num her- •• .t. - iCtlps broad na tional the !term blicane are loon(' in have never been ;anything t•I- 0 0:1 , 1 rtiunslists. The only etfeet ot its Ho- must Le to array in deadly ltd , :o-ro IL, two 4reist sections of in cv-ry r:, vit.ii'FEl-, i. , ft; ‘.;-ii,i.; 4)!{ RP,NT. .4 ; /-71 two lot, .4 . yr ONLI MEM 24)K ;t• 4i4 MEMO b r I. I y k ~ Ni I I:r : I. !, 1 7 , o{,; err-tniiod,bath rout, c.,-;; • ; and coal hot:ma, I:- , •• ; ; ;;; UL pemoel and pa swrod, riot t. , .. , 1, ,1 nkre arrest variety of are, e te„el ob.; -oct file uffora a good opportunity tary . .. ,Anti plckiitot ratidenco. ?rico 141 W. ami t. ritin • IWO:lath:lg.! VAIL ); lA , : RES 1 I )1.7!'. CIE FOR SALE.— A twe , d•dry darn:rig b u,.. with lot of 96 feet trout on utia t . Fisk street, fruit and shad- Ildwe henna t 9 w. li net inged, i:h wield hello, parlor with marble ti•ustf 14,02 L, ilLreay rww, ka.aholl and pantry. tl -, e bed, bath reiali, u;.,• a hearths to tire plard•a aad pa , . a: !laud, ,vaid Cubes, two porticoes, Lir i re col er 6ve divisidns kitchen i rang , , /t c. immedi• poeseate d price.and terms call at our .4110 e. , r 60N, 0-2 ! 61 Market street. 1 4 .1 01:- i_rge lut: bf ground having a Sae Ir , r.' I Ft , lili.l.l.l.llgyiVelll: a 11a01.11111. Appy to 8.::8 s6o' l IL Y PA YMENTS, WILL ~ . 4t 11(1114, iII A d1:1030nY Ci • y. 7 ' ". NT A SON, :28, Al la etreot. & .4 *()P, - t THOUSAND Jaz ..ifiltlin• chhi Prit •11 , 4n , 1 '4:mbor Land, efttuttett in N..rther... I 4 44 , 1 •ntheru embracing the tlnost Or • t 14, 4,t , ..t.tht es - or .•tfored in this market, ELe they Are I <e.t. •y 11111$, Towne en... Vince of ltatho u emigrautt , cattoo, deocription and price of the land, with bruit 1 . - - ..riptim '6l' the conntiea in whic't they are I , •• ~/11 o had dt. application at our fEt-p, they u.ll n... t by t0t..1 to p...rsons Bonding la! tu their N 51.1.1 I l• .4. CO., ...trktf diug. No. 47 Fourth street. rpEl , DOLL:\ 1 1 .45.4 D, will seotire 13ui1.11 , .. • ••_ • 1 k-et. on Mt. Washington...••• u - e, :.• '.4l,luit. purchaser. Al. in linud., balance in ,tlit 1.(1; ''T.TtLiii ,7 llT k SON,' lilaricet street- • -keit 8 :4 1 , :11 , 1 attO a comfortable ci,i• Waiihingtuu Turnpike, [4 about a mil., Irvin J ;•rr • ••:r1i,•'501 . •1 on <may term!. In TI11.111:LtO I , oBBCheioli !e23 MIEN 32 AO: [...wit) I aw: ,11116 • ~t , oNLy : , Ti..)11, Y 1/WOl- f:to feet „ L ; . i,y 110 de•T to an Fit reio and three 11.111.EIRT ,t SON, klarkai ttrivet. rift I i S Zi+, .of iltieltuj, Building .Lots A 10r .. Li... 1 ;. .11; Iby 100 tuts;. t A wattori-- 1., r •i , ; ,••- LihArty. ;co—Frvux D. crule•—ou , • I..ut t:, !.,,,,,! 'ix years credit. rtv• 11 , -. :a at LL. , timtatt vtlice, 51 Market titrvet ft.l2. A-To T.; .2.1)E10.13.1NED RAVE t.„.„ . • • • under the style Y. C ..titRAVE et Co, ad deelers NeT. , thleenl till, 1 r?C‘,s.l, .it be; , A6l.lANcli AL L+-tit , No. 1.7 FALL& .„,; ' ;.., tn a largo and wall meit,Pteq Ladi,n' Fr.•Elch C , ll}jet,. nu/ La frog itu3kit, 2 •.,.! t h•• ‘ 4 ,: s tiN 6A,41 1.1.1- . 2; 1110 ti •II • 11,..r.Lei • L. In 10 • tiuupuwdor 4 htAXP3 ...AV..., canoes brawls , 100 hog 3 111 C.3rb rods, just lauding and for sale by 5e2.5 W,M. IL SMITII .i CO. TRICKS 1) TRAPS ---Pricelo u lats. Buy a copy and t;c:op neiltot water. For 8310 by t. J.F.NKINS C 0.,. Italr: al )Acct, Allegheny City. Q 0 A P POW D ER.-50 boxes Soap Powder 10 of oar nw - n suannfacturo, waxranted xnparJor to any offered for note to thin !narktd, ock bond and for Bala by fell 3.119V8E5. 25 BB up.r tin e Fikinr just received and far olle l I J A. FETZER, au VI C,auler aod Fir --t Du 1 , 1 )Y i W (NE S , for medicinal p 1. 1 1•+ .• t I gallda, at iIAWORT-11 6 ERoWNLER'E, e 5 tha Diamond. TO LF, I' A !-:t Ain , on Market street '25: 1 A W. AZZA M. F . OITN D R E'r A ir-4180 tons 'soft Win. dry gal" r , ti (ile4l H. li for Bala by mot ' me? 11. cOLLI.NI3, ~' _, 7 it , . , . • : 7,..:k, "-;:':;, : ,,Z 7 . ,f1:k.. - 1 , - , ' :,..,• * V.: 1.:- Y,.. 4...7,,'\ '..".., .. e'-',Z,,y/W. ~,,i...., ,-,....,4:el ,t.f...",!,,,--f,,,,,,, , ~,:-.`,...'X-...4,.-7,), ^-' ~,!,,-.-,.---- lic - , ~ ,3 ,11. :gr:-- ,-;.':i! ' 5 r i ."..' , % , " ,-, ',.•!,.! , = :-',. , r, ~..*...-7, 4 :- tip. :r.--,- -012,,i,,,,, ''...l‘B'4W-qriV:. "-t., t a r -,- ia%'.4 .. e.! r k..,....—r., , _. U.MBF,V, 306; MIIMIZEIM e rim of Aones and •-r,. and .1.)1.! cracker, , Lowe, stable and trurgli, and will be :',IIIINILT ft SON. •1 4 :,rrket street. 0N1) WANT- at.. I. 1,• running or t4. city, for 1' A zi >o, to ~LArt qzoot. • I, :,(1:1 desirous • haze two frame -but atreet,Law• uof ...tkr, a garden A- . wuplete order. rt , :t.. e ul t purchasers. 1.1.11 E 4T 6c SON, 1 narked streot. !!ouse of four . :r..ett, etc., pisto 1, the point of Mount itreet, will be NUN, lEMZEZI 11 110 u-, H. iil 4FIIT I EON, Markot etroet. U. 17 Scott tr t 111E1 r 0111.4. f)r $l7OO. 01 , y, for $l2OO. •i Pfgtt'P & 8024, t• 1 Market strait. 1.'01: SALE-A ,(„izt on Covington st., • traot to Cherry S. lliirt3EßT & SON, au4'lletieral Agents, fa Market street. CIi;'4,BERT 6. e3()/s4, 51 Market otreet nn%tioi,t of value to - _ '1: Fill itT & BON, 1 FA Mar Lia atreot. 1.: Liberty, near 1,0 tiold for votr-s' credit.. 1 , ;•.,ti , :•: - 2 se enN. 6 Ms 6•,t strout. 41. , / $.450, half in is Elk !tr•-• • I • ,•,•• Area. the eou t.l Nlfsikot at I=lll= J , 51, - .0L09 KEN, JA 11 F.?. SI.CL4JdICEY, J 14 , s s oosoßAvig. Wear. o, ,, ncts Calf 80, la, 4.1 p Baca, tialtrxe, 4,p hr.,gana, •• ENBACHER & CO EIIIM I ,I=I _._~ ;^~~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers