_ - VOLUME XVI. PIrfSBUILGII MORNING POST. Printed and 7.t,ll,si ei every morning dee:days ebee).teL lisp JAB - I/LIS P. BA kt.IL, fr. The 1,31.7.5 , .;fiti-2 Gatifl77 07 WOOD !lb 7.7711 sratars, I g y, 7 , trutlars t, yuar, paytiLl 13 ati la advance b to,a/talay rtgaited if not pni.l tho year. copies, :ho counter in W.lict u 6.1 Ly the 1+1 , 14s Boys. LAY::: OF ADVERTISING. 11)(2,i/12%11..11 I In /1 - 1.4 I "•la isfckri week, apr. One lica.n - thal 50 Two Insertions-- ... I .... 76 Thee insertions.-:..1 Oil 1 00 1 'in 60 I'x° .; 00 2, u 0 160 1 w 76 ' Threc, weeks .... A th) Sus 2On 1 100 One raCaltit ..... G.: 355 6o i 1 6 Iwo ruc 611)0 - 00 4 tf, 66 u 5 150 Throe rercr.C.ta ..... Lk. , l d tiu, 4 60 1 8 00, CO Roaran,nth; ot, ' 5 Ou 2.n 4 60 WiTa tc.Ohtlis 11 in; 7 'or. to J or. 660 him months ou aDv u ut) 400 660 Nino mouths__ 16 116. 10 an e w u 37.. 900 One yea- .... 20 00 la Flo 10 00 oOn 12 00 Banding Card, six lines or less, per aanoni 10 1.10 21.31.:01.t.213 LY PLits96l; S One square, per annum, (exclusive of the paper s ) 21 00 Marriage notices 50 cents ;Death notices, 25 conts PITTSBURGH SATURDAY POST A HAIFIIIOTH WEEKLY, ONLY ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR , IN CLUBS OF TEN. glisiglo Subsist-I,oloms, - - - 9x per 111111.7113.t1i0 CONTAINS ALL THE CURRENT NEWS or THE DAY, I'4:Utica), Literary, Agricultural, Commer Local, Telegraphic and Mlacellanooris. This Paper being of the Limozfr arDt, and neatly print. on dna - white papar, in large, clearlype, will be found Ly the subscriber to give better satisfaction than any paper published In Pittel.nrgh. Those who with to take a paper from Pittsburgh, will find t he SATURDAY POST a safe and profitable Investment. Address,Artill6 P. BARR, supl.7 Editor and Prorrietor. .5111. P. Wall. ZD. A. tf VASS -11 it It It k iIIYEI.SI BOOK AND JOB OFFICE, POST Corner of Fifth and Wood Streets, PITTSBII R(111. THE nndersignetl having made extensive 1 additions of the. LATEST AND HANDSOMEST STYLE P TYPE, and improved Machinery, to the MORNING POST JOB OFFICE, invite eh , 3 ttoutiou of Rail Road ORrer Eterehante, Lush:less man, and the public genecally, to tlo'tr uperi.,r facilities for executing with dispatch, on rc:,su6es.bir arms, all kinds of aitn E., r.-1 o IEO , iB)tCANT/LE, LEGAL, AND BYBICY °TILER DESCRIPTION OF PLAIN FANCY PRINTING .4i-Our mate - if:A being nearly nil new, we can give (issu ance c-I the mos: complete satisfaction, and solicit orders Or -- BOOKS, PA.M.PHLETS, XJ IL ROAD BILLS AND CARDS, DANK 4 :3IELOIS,- BLANK NOTES, Li 'I7ER HEADS, BILL HEADS, BILLS LADING, CIROULARS, BUSINESS CARDS, PAPER BOOKS, DEEDS, MORTGAGES, BOICDS, Ar. .OT Particular attention will also bo paid to the printing Of Porters, Progr9intnts, Sc. for Concerts, Exhibitions and IJircusei. BARR t MYERS. BUSINESS CARDS. P'eople's shoe Store. D. S. DIEFFENBA.CTIER & CO., Cheap Cash Dealuis to all kinds of Fashionable BOOTS, SHOES AND GAI'PEILS, For Gentlemen, Ladies, Ycinthe and Children, Ho. 1T Fifth Street, near Market, ocS PITTSBURGH, PA. 4. 0. D 8R1t1 .........-....J0071505 8 5. JOELN7OB PERRIN at JOHNSON, Proprietors of Chflds it Co.'s Patent Elastic Fire and Water Proof Cement Ileolltag. 133 THIRD STREET. ORDERS for ROOFING promptly and faith fully eiecuted, and all our work warranted. Roofing material always on hand, and for 1.413.0, with di ractioas for rise. soptly JOS. F. 11A.TrEILT01.4 d. 00., ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, Cbrr.er of Fir:: and. Liberty sired:, Pittsburg;, Pa. faUPERIOR STEAM ENGINES for Grist 6,.1 and Saw Mills, Breweries, Printing Establishments, Manufactories, At., made to order. They also continue the manufacture of - their Cielebiatid Machinists' Tool,, such us Turning Lathes, Iron Planers, Baring and Drilling - Machini s, ire- Alao, Wrought .11 - 671 Shafting, with Pulleys, Hangars he. he, 1.3.1 yd hum THOYHON .10518? filditESON R. 0. 4.1., JOHN TIIOIIPSON SI, CO., HOUSE PAINTERS, GLAZIERS AN I) GRALNIERS, N 0.135 Third street. SIGN PAINT ING executed with neatness and despatch. Mixed Paint., Oils, Turpentine, Varnish, Japan and English Patera Dry ers, Ville Mcmtaigno Runk, a very snporior article; Phila delphia and Pittsburgh W Lite Leal always on hand and for isle. We are prepared co grind colors for Painters, Drug gists, or others, at the shortest =lOO, es we have a Mill which grinds by stne.m Painters will save money by get nag their colors ground with us. _ _ Mil GOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES, AT .211A.NIL7FACT (TREWS vititnice• II YD ROM E TER 3 or weighing ophita, tha h ...I beat articles aver ta.A.zht to thin city. THERMOMETIIIii.n AND I.IA H.OAI ET tat a, raxyl g lA,- f. Id $..11) loot n. 1 - iiCEET CIYNIPASSES, AND SURVEYOR'S COMPASHEF, lweya on LIMO ht G. Copti:ina, IJV 3:rtct. re 33 4.pasita hlaaoulu ILAIL U. C. Si. J. M. SAWYER, peaascr ca crra o LARD OIL, CANDLES, PALM, TOILET, Ho. 47 Wood atrcei, Pittaburgh, Ps DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.— The firm of HAWORTH BRO. A BROWNLER was, on the lid of May, 1858, dissolved by mutual coasabt, by the withdrawal of JEHII HAWORTH from the above firm. The aocounta of the Late Ilan will L. ee Lh,d by HA Ivoitra BROWNLEE. JEEIV IIAWORTii, iu a ithl.-axing tram tha above finch kindly thanks Ida former patron.: and als.) the patrons of the late firm, for the or libeled patroa-igu he him re ceiTM, and would kindly recommend them to US successors, HAWORTH lc BROWNLEE, as they are det.,rmined to sold -fit low figures, having a very large assortment of 11111;AY uRGOBIITFIR, WINES and LIQUORS on band. JkliU Jar DAVID IIAWOIMII and JAMES BROWNLEE have this dayassociated together, and will continue on the Cosiness at the OLD STAND, corner of lhaunind end Dia mond alley, under the style of HAWORTH A BItOWNLEk, where they hood- to receive that patronage ea Ilberall, given to the old find, us they are determined to sell OffigAPER than any other Store in the city. Office of Sealer of Weights and Measures. rftff.E OFFICE OF THE UNDERSIGNED, BEALEE OP TFLTGEITS AND ItaCASaagS, Hay be found henfortit, in Cherry alley, be t*cen Third and lionrthatreets, white orders 'nay be Left._ mr13.11 GMA IMES veinisTT. t t h .lo o B S ta ta tio e n l ,,r P y e s n w s r j e, ust W 4, S received, V iat E ?f l l: S Esstc " le2B Nos. 31.83 and 36 Market street. THE FRANKLIN ALMANAC FOR 1859. —This wellknown and popular annual, formerly pub. Liehed by.Johnstan Stockton r after a lapse of years, will again shortly be issued. Tho circulation+ us formerly will be made by toe skillful mathematician, Sanford 0. Hill, Beg, who will also prepare for its pages such reading mat ter as will make it an entertaining and instructive maga eine. Besides the reliable astronomical calculations, a new and ingenious table of time, an accurate method of drawing meridian' lines, and other matters of permanent value will Le added. Orders of boak-sellers and other dealers are. solicited In idvanca of publication, as but one edition will be printed, ..od orders will be filed according to priority. WM. G. JOHNSTON & 00., enbiGhors, Printers, Stationers, and Blank Book Makers, 67 Wood street, Pittsburgh. • .14324 IWO DWELLING HOUSES FOR RENT, 1, by S. MIME= & )30N, Idarket street. TAROII-400 has. Rochester P 43111 - Starch, far! ale by OA HENRY & =UM - " t ...„ • Ti / k v , . • „ .„ '' 4 .• AND ROSIN SOAPS •_ PUBLISHED DAILY BY JAMES P. BAHR, AT THE "POST BUILDINGS," OOHNEit OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS; AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM: MISCELLANEOUS. ADAMS' CORN SHELLER. THE PROPRINTORS OF THE " PITTS BURaII NOVELTY WORKS" having, through Mr. Adam., (the principal mechanical genius of the firm,) ob tained letters patent, dated 17th August, MS, for a new and simple instrument for SHELLING CORN; truly neat, compact and portable, combining durability, utility and cleannets; a necessary appendage to every binnerla barn, is now offered to the people of the Gaited Ste tea at a very low price We have uo "Patent Rights" for sale, but manufacture and soli the article at our works. Owing to its compact form it is destined noon to become an article of trade In every Hardware Merchants' shelf The Machines are of two sizes, weighing °illy ahont 35 and 60 pounds, and may be secured to u post, pillar, or door, as you would a coffee mill. We add no more, when actin, it speaks for itself. sell:Stu/ate LIVINGSTON, CIiiPEILAND & 00 CLIMAX FAN. IT IS THE CIIEIPEST, SIMPLES'P, SMILLEST, Will Chaff Twice as Fast as any in the United Stales IT IS PERFECTLY ADAPTED to the Cleaning of all Seeds, flora the smallest to the krgcat,•wittiont ornate, ouly twenty inches wide, bet most be o.oc to - be appreciate I. .Farniero, Manufacturers, Me I chanica and o.uryt'ody else. aro invited to sec Its practical working, at the stela under the St. Charles Hoed, Pittsburgh. sult:lmdsw—r..l J. T• Lii)ODIN, Agent. AUTUMN TRADE; 1858. STAPLE AND FANCY DRY" GOODS, AT W LIU LE SAL E 37 3Fit. M .... ..' eCEir GI CI _ICI 130 , OE NEWEST STYLES SHAWLS llii EVERY VARIETY. MARINwi, COBURGS, MUSLIN DBLAINES. VEIN 818, SILKS, ALPACAS, GINGLIAMS. CLOTUS, i'AFSIMERERES, SATINETS, VESTINGS. FLANNRLS. PRINTS, BLEA'D AND BROWN OOODS With a complete line of EMBROIDERIES, styl,s of Goods adopted to A FIRST CLASS TRADE. All .1 which rare offered for F 4 00, cheap. W. G. CHITTICK & CO., 438 Market & 433 Merchant St;., PHIL A DELPHIA w“-w 0 N O. GS PI P' 'l' It 1441 T ROOFING CHEAP, DURABLE, FIRE AND WATER PROOF JOSIEPH HARTM AN, Recently Agent fur H. M. Warren C 0.,) MANUUA AND DEALER \V A.;Et N • FELT, CEM E N G 1.1 AVE I, ELA.9 fit; CENIENI', SATURATED CAJ VAS ROOFIN(;, 11041FINO 11.1TERIALS Ia...OFFICE, N. 65 Gylpoßito Odd Ft-I Jkfel J)9 FROM DR. JAMES M. JA R- A c i 01 , "flip; NEW Voitti LW , I I NFIItM . ~ , ki !it ,l .l , ) ANY --M .i. y ..nect;.on I.r the pea w right yol Itt Ith th.. ( above Inatitutta tit 0a Chief illy Sittia 11, and a twelve yews' coarse of steady de;otion t, the Cure of !Minim/ow v Or•ta scimptima and its kindred diseases, together with any lin. rivalled OppOrtlitlitird and advantage of patholiogical ti,.....,ri1i —aided not a little by a perfect system of Medic,/ inier.'a tion—haa enabled me to attriVb it a decisive, direct and ato m-saint course of treatment for the positive and radical core of all dbieasea of the Throat, Lunge, and Air- Potsaggs thy Inhalation, the vapor and curative properties of medicines are directly adreeeed to the oi..eased organs and the integu ment Ido not advise the use el Medical Inhalation of any kind, to the exclusion of general treattrunt, and although I consider it a useful adjuvant in the proper management of those fearful and often fatal diseases, yet I deem It Very ne cessary that each patient should have the benent of both general and local treatment. Tina success of toy treatment la the above diseases, and the high character of the in.tit ir non over whiai I have so lung had the boner to preitid-,etie too well known totteed Soy eulogy or comment riot me. At the Hulieltation of Litany privdte and profirisioeal &limos, through V/Ilusr , philuathiopic did the above charity lit, livou long and liberally supported, and after duo cutieitieratiow, I lii.ve concluded to :duke Mill iarrditgetnew Id out will bring the to e.‘tio+ of lay urpvr:rnowtd and treatment Within the litat.ll Or all, Mid out confine mys , lf, es heretofore, to those only who entered the Infirmary, or who were able to Aloft un at my O'Dea. Booing therefore that the arraugethent will give entire satisfaction, both to my protessional breth ren and the public, I would respectfully announce in con clusion, that I can now Le cansuLtedpersrmally or by Letter.on all diseases us above, and that the medicines, the same 1.1.4 used in the Institution ' prepared to salt each individual case. inhaling Vapors, Medical Maier:, tee., dr., will be forwarded by express to any part of the United States or the t'anadaa. name—My terms of treatment by letter are as follows. viz : sl'2 per mouth for each patient which will Include tuedlitue sollicieut for one mouth's nee: also, In haling Vapor, and an Inhaling Apparatus. Pi yment as fol lows: $0 to be paid to Express Agent on race, ?st of the box of Medicine, and the balance $6 at the expiration of the month, if the pail_ nt be cured or Ls entirely satisfied with the treatment. Patients, by giving a full history of their case, and their symptoms In full, can Go treated rot well by letter as by personal examination. Patients availing them selves of Dr. Jiu - rett's treatment may rely upon immediate a m I permanent relief. as he seldom hail to treat a man over thirty days. betters for advice promptly answort.d. Fur further particulars, address JAM:EiI M. d Aii.E.ETT. M. D.. NO. h2d Broadway, cur. Twelfth tit., N. Y. P. B.—Phyaiclaus and others visitidg the city aro re sp,ctfaLly invited local at the Infirmary, where many interesting C89(.9 can be witnessed, and where onr tnt prayed apparatus fur the inhandion of medicated vapor can be seen and inspectud. Jy3o:l3m Summer Lager Beer. rVIIR UNDERSIGNED BEGS LEAVE TO inform his friends and the priblic in gauural, that he Is in the daily receipt of this delicious Deer, from the well known Brewery of J. N. Straub, Allegheny City, It having been pronounced to be the beat that was manufactured bore for many years, CLEAR, TA.ITEFOL and PLUM (live me a call and try It. JOHN ROTH, ap24:ff At his old stand, 40.118 Diamond. JAMES MILLINGAR, MONONGAHELA PLANING 51ILL, would respectfully inform tho public that ho has rebuilt since the tire, and having enlarged hie establishment, and filled it with tho newest and most ap proved Machinery, is now prepared to furnish flooring and planed boards, scrawl sewing and resawing, doors, !lash end abutters, kiln dried, frames, moulding!, box making, /cc. south Pittsburgh, September 7, 1857. se 10 GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS. A. BITABLAND. MERCHANT TAILOR, Corner of Fourth ortdStnithitekd Street', RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCES THAT he has received his Spring Assortment of GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS, • Of the newest styles, best quality and laced elegant deicrip dons, which he is prepared to manufacture to order in the LATEST FASHIONS, And with such a character of workmanship, as cannot fail to shady and please the most fastidlons tastes, jmyl9 NDSOR SHADES.—GeId bordered, and fancy. Also, atm& Trimmings, Am., alwfiya_oaltand it and for salo cheap by EL PHILLIPS, ara 26 and 89 dt. Mgr stmt. HOTELS & RESTAURANTS BLAIRSVILLE, INDIANA COUNTY, PA., • COL. ROBT. EVANS, Proprietor, HAVING PURCHASED THIS HOUSE, from Its former well-known Proprietor, MAr kor,Art ; and refitted it. I an, prepar,l to u... ~• w'rkthmotioto vt.ltnrtl. 'rum r00t,., or.. Inig„, itak.l I II :I/I ,:hl/10,/ A 1:..1/ I 0.1 •t) • I Ito, 140'1 I ~, • • Ct•II WWI 'Oll .1 pr.,. IVI !). ~ ' tI4tILLI COLA A:l,, ./.1) Pi priolor. WI L A.M . C. CALLA (lIIER, PROPRIETot, 'rh+• bona II 1101 N, Lullt MI/Oda/ /3 . for the porpoles of a Firet tio , eiCallraut au./ Saluto .. 4, and the propriutur has• lug nad wavy years exp .rieneu in the busluesa will keep of.ustantly uu hand the Lust that the markets °Lloyd. ilia Wines, liquors and Aloe, are of the bust quality. lie Wants all We old irietols and the public generally to give him a call at the Flynn:Kish/in. if 1312:1y - Excelsior Restaurant, No. 111 WOOD Street, PlYri32 [Ma 11, PL., lAKE AND EASTERN FISH SOLD Wholesale and Retail, at the lowest cash prices. Large supplied of Meloos, Peaches, and Sweet Potatoes recalled daily. sl.-lso, New York Prince's Bay Egg Harbor, Shell Oystervtliernest ever brought to this city. Every delicacy of the eientiti constantly ou haod, and served up to the most palatando style. Dou't forgot the Exceleiur Res taurant, No. 111 Wood street. set Corner Irwin Stredst and Duquesne Way, B. D. MARKER, - (Formerly of the "Marker House," Blairsville, Pa.) TH E sewn HOUSE IS NOW COM PLETED AND OPEN FUR GUESTS. It is actuated lu a central part of the city, beteg convohluat to all Railroad Depots and Steamboat Landings. The was built in latie, with all modern Improve ments, and fitted up In splendid style--the make Furniture being new—and will In every respect he a Mat class 1100. Vice STABLES are attallind to the premises. I Je12.., BY ELI YOUNG, FIFTH STEM . 1402E0 Tho attention of Alorchanis and others is directed to this 114 establishment, which has boon roceptly fitted . 4 .. up for the purpose of affording a SIJIISTAN. ' TIAL EATING LIOUSIC IN A CENTRAL LOOATION! Oonutry folks attending market are particularly Invited to call. Nverything pertaining to an RATING SALOON will always be found, of the freshest the market affords. aptriklydAw THE NATIONAL SALOON, Under Fosters New National Theatre, D. BARNARD, - - - PROPRIETOR, HAS FITTED UP IN A TASTEFUL and conaortahle style, the largo centre store In the ODD FELLOWS HALL, Fifth strait, LLII a FIRST CLASS HESTAQUANT and 84LOoN. flaying had many years' experience in the Latin:tea, he la prepared to 'apply the bee; the market affords. lila liar will le, furnished at, all times with the best Wines, Liquors and Ales Thu entrance to the daluon, is in the centre of the Hull, and refreshments will be furnished at all +times, DAY and ql(311 . 1' (Sunday■ excepted.) WASHINGTON HOUSE, PENINA AVENUE.* THIRD ST., A. F. ISEVEftIDGE W. KANAGA. g. 14 0' T E 14 WASHINGTON 110TEI., YORAIIIRLY U. S. HOTEL, PITTSBURGiII, z PA. JLI 2S' SRAI4IIOIq, Propriutor. rrilliS HOUSE IS LOCATED ON 'PRE corner of Pi NN and WASHINGTON Stroots, botweou Cho CENTRAL AND WESTERN RAILItuAIi nliptYrs, awl had uudorgouo a thorough unprovornout, reWutl6l.if and inruiabod with now furuituro, and 113 1.101,0 Chu IµObt cunve ulaut hotel in Pittaburgla, for Travolore by Railroad, East or Weot. rurS:ly MANSION HOUSE, GEORGE AU RIZ Paoraurrou _No. 344 Liberty Street, Just beside the Patmenger Depot of the Pennsylvania Railroad, whiclt makes It the Mehl convenient house in the city fur passengers arri• via); by that read. The proprietor having, pt cansideruble expellee, fitted up, In excethibt style, the MANSION LIOUSE, would reapuet- R,IIT solicit ulbwo of public patronage. 'there la tatatiiell a Nplellalit 2`.1..12.LL: and extant - hive WAGON YARD, eh. 4.1. 1,4; lcuplo acCouunialiitiou w td.:PClOfu and teamsters. tide Lo: and Bar will bo to: hluvi a :Lb to., iaiat the Lour kot cal, athod. ROOFS, NEW GOODS. IS:SS. NEW GOOD 4. A 'l' J. 1t IT Sll ' ti, Na 65 m. 351 ~a Second floor from tbn.r IburiJi. TUE UNDERSIUNED WILL OPEN ON r ldto, hie Well s.lltaCtod etu , k ur yl , l su I•Cvlid sad tile. k Tr - nand. ga, bonnet ttil•Luae, Ilasx..l a Lk bil I{ll , llH, L 1 ounplete taa..rtzusat of Embrailan ktieoup,,, Paris Edginga, Chilitren'a Rohe'e, Waiste and Caps, Shetlauti Bhawiti and Woolen Cionts far Chihhen, Hosiery, Olovve, Alusendei N. 'Valuated it hi 'doves, Fleuch Goreete, Shapes, Expansion ►sets, and Bussele, (wow my Ina.) Bhetian I Weal, liephin Wounded, Perpen Paper, Patt,rns, Erabruh.lerati dilppord; Putt rile for Eint roidei ieS drawn, and Embroideries lvurko.l at ahurt notice. Fancy I.loaDreneos wade to order. 1 thank the Ladke for their kind patronage, and hope they will give me their enstuto for the future, an 1 will al ways du iny Uoat to bull Shona the goods cheap. Ladles, call and esamlno the novelties at J. BUSHT,, ImlErana ft, Market et., lid door from !Fourth. MFORTANT TO FAMILIES. FOR POTASH. CONCENTRATED LYE. F OR MAKING SOAP WITHOUT LIME, with Utile or no trouble, and trifling expense. The cheapest and moat convenient article ever illeccrvered for the parpoae. ONE POUND BOX will make NINE POUNDS of ELEGANT HARD SOAP and several gallons of soft, or ono barrel of the latter Every family eau make all the leap, both hard and soft they use, from their ordinary kltcheu grease, and this Lye nothing siva is required. FRUITER, and others using STRONG EYE will had the "Concentrated " by far the they can possibly use. A aiuglo trial will convince any one of ita great utility and value. For sada by all DRUGGISTS and aitoofuts to the con.,try. Beware of conuterfelta, as the auccesi of our article has excited the cupidity of imitators who, wherase, found, will he held strictly accountable for infringement,' on our Patent. Manufactured ord.) , by the Pennsylvania Salt Manufactu ring Company, of Pittsburgh, Pa., who manufacture the EXTRA SUPERFINE SNOW WHITE TABLE DAIRY AND PORK PACKER'S SALT, Warranted perfected pure, and the .ONLY REALLY PURE SALT in the United States. Abna, Caustic soda for soap makers, Reduced soda Aah, Bleaching Powder, Manganese, Mariatic Acid, Soda Ash, N EW ICE CREAM SALOON, AND LAVES' RESTAURANT, NO. 271 s,.FIFTH STREET. The sulrxrper has Rased, and a Ited up several commodi ous rostnA nearly opposite the Rectutogo Bank, on filth greet, wWch are now open' for the Bummer Beason. lA. dies and gentlemen can always dud an abundantsapply of FRESH CONFEMIONABY MILTS, lOU ORRAM, WATRR TORS, and all the idreshmentsof the season. All are respectfully ropeorad to Halt the rooms, end test for themselves. . 1 1.101 Y. SIeGINLIY. Lippincott, Shorten Pearson, • • 'N0..104 WOOD STREET, NEAR kurrn. AANIIIFACTURERS OF TRUNKS, Va ures, Set and Bonnet Boxes, ladles 'Travail* Trunk, Carpet Ratim . /to, keep constantly_t.n_hand a large stock: We ere . prepaied to do a wholeaule trade, and lat tug - facilites I.s`turn out good stook at reduced price', we would invite the trade to cell and azamine our goods bw tutljacidattea gatitdra MARKER HOUSE, sVIaPOSIIVIS Ftft .ST,tel, Next Dom to !Az Ptltzturgh Theatre JAMES HATER, Proprietor. SCOTT HOUSE, PITTBIIUROII, PA CORNUCOPEE RESTA Wit ANT. PITTSBURGH, Pa WAS/MIL:TON, i). U Oppozita Elie Penna. Railroad Depot, HAHRIBISURU, PA. A SUBSTITUTE CIIE.APILST AND MOST EFFECTIVE ARTICLE Sal Soda, Bleaching Liquor, Nitric Acid, Agnafortla, Soda Salerains, ce27:lwil Chloroform PITTSBURGH, MOND.&Y, OCTOBER 4, 1858. PI &NOS AND Mt;LODEONS sELFcrEi) pot< THE /11 i. T 110):: CELEB It AT ED MAN OFAt; T 0 ltlEs BOSTON, ! RAVE 1 , B.te .N & C 1., r..u.1 A. 1.4 GALE & CO., Nvw Yut lt Uty W. 4.1 WARD & PROIVN, and W. pl E4lGitauN , Bustuu, and utlinr diAtinguirdiuti Pram, Fur to glakutm; all of which will hn multi at nianufacturnr'd pricna, wirrauttvt 'rhn pruutdit att.,cir has boon unlected 4 the anbarribnr per aerially, and every Piano in warranted la bu Kellett lu twiny particular and wildbe sold ut lean prlcati tha/i have ever lawn offered In this clty; Fine new mil roconJ baud Patiaoa to font 14 $2, $3, $1 and $5 per mouth. JOHN 11. 1111g1.1.011.81 lljocd etzent, sol 3 Between DtateNad,All.y 411 fourth sucet. • ' 4 77:7: 1 - : ': STEINWAY'S • -;.! PIANO'S. Aunolc, E of Ole t,uuequalled BTEINWA4 SON'I, New V.ork Piauoa, lustru. calved ; amoupt thorn a Viral) Stringtli Lonis XIV, of ue,.aves, and superb workmanship, 5Va match this last umunt against any limn t Piuu , . id (Ilia city Mr watt dour, 'column mid btaiuty ot roue. Thar:day/ay l'innua am beyond all doubt tho wort pie feel ours 11:11.1P111.3yWIlurc, wwl arc. destined tai become themust popular lust, iituenta la the world. They are tally warranted by the uptkora and ti.e subscribers, and will be auk' at New Y..rk hietwy pill el Fur ails by li. KLBllltitt lOW , Nu. a 9 Path at., agent lui their way's Alec aceived, a title let el and ulna Dunham's Pianos. at'2.7 PROPRIETOR, MILITARY GOOD;-3. TUE SUBSCRIBERS II A YE; CONSTANT LY ou baud a complete M 1 1 T A Y (14, () () I) S-; BW(III.DS /1.111.1111.11 ED WITII ruU IQU/PDlitiTS SHORT N . ') TICI BILK END BUNTING" kLAGA MADE TO 01IDER aplkly pv ID RIVATE DI SEAS ES.-011. hito WN 'F J. MEDIOAL end 011E13102LLOft1es, u ."- No., 60 831PPLIPIELD Street, Pitt!, ~Vrr' -I , i burgh, Pa. -x-i .‘,..- - i„....' .. ....- DE. DEO INN Is an old citizen of Pitts. , FF411,'1,./fiti burgh, Ind has been in practice for We s ,X , i,i' e . ,.AHiT, last twenty floe years. We business Ilea 1 2 %.,W been confined meetly to Private and Sat- ,' - : • - gical Dieeases. IT ~ CITIZENS AND 4 ' el'',.• writhiGiat .. . F i 4.... . ~.4 . „.-: ~ ~.. , . In need of a medical frfend; should not „,, , ,Va - ,, .7- , , i ~ tai to find out the aura place of m il s f.,,', ~,,71,-, The Doctor le a regular graduate, iu ii.i — 3 - t-i ,, - 7 . fa d oxikalqueo la the treatmentof ace tableland of Al :Cale, to a aura grtfircutNi to tlio sufferere of obtaintug permauA., raid; by the U2O of his remedies cud fdlicoshig 1.i.., iet, ic.. DM BROWN'S fte.,ifi'DlED I' KoPai CELE 88 never fall to care the worst forizi of 41:aortal Itlea and Scrufaloca Affoctioux, MD.), It ,11-34.3 , a to - talus from a hera,lftary taint, wliltb aauff64ts havif 1,4 tht form of a totter, vaorlaald l afid a groat taaf* forfa4 of oath Muottaoa, the coigiu of which tin patleat f44l.lclntly igiforasf TO parson/3 ao afritctoff, •a t -4 1, inira 9 „a 'woody rooovory. h MINAL IV SLAKE MS. Dr. Brown's romailloti rot [Lad altu - nring Lroribio, brimgiti on often by that scAltkry habit of sonsual grattlitatlinn L the young sod weak-rolududoavn givo wny to,(to tt,4, dostrnction,) are the culy rot:lo4l,i it florin its thb country—they aro oaf., and wake m .Imtutly ibatvratlon tioalthZ Dr. Brown's raniadiaa clover fall to coca this poluftil at. atumiss a few days—ha will warrant a care. lie alao tr. , 4ts Plitiat,Cionorrhoin, kStrlotßrq Urabral.iltaohalgw, Ba meld W&kIItall, Monthly Sappraa.slows, Dieeawe in. Johan, Itlituln In Ana, Narvone Affectiotia, Pain lu the Bu.B and ididnoya, Irritation of ilia Bladder, turother Ith nG disansea of an linpare A letter cleigarcullig the eycaptoLub, rected to Ult. BROWN, No. GO Sratttaloid Pa_, will be immediately answoroti. Medi: too taldswai, safely parked and seem° :cunt obae., - vati.,h Otte,' qutl P:lv4l.e lioonni, N. Lu ilittithael I 1.3,4 A, rite burgh, Na. a. 09 . __. . . . gr. OVARIES LIVERY 8'1,1111 1 1 , ]-;.- - The auilerulgravi law botight the latioo ; --, 7 ....;-•„ vL , jAof the tiLuvo ti..1.11..n1 &tibiae, to --"lfitAi.l,?.' f` gather with a portion of the a . Leo 1....,e.A . h ... .... 44 ' elvo stock et Ituraen and Litii rtogaa, * ls-41' -•-... ince the property cif Jnflo . 4l slritio , cl6, dveur.....: to culditit i. to the stock lietora-rountiottell,,he tlilL dim° EAidt,i a non, t. 4,( Id YIN IS Illili.e.L:!, ILLILIeI I 1f... AND biArtitLiiii3N:t-i, which wore formerly employed at his LI vary Stablaa iii Third, bolos: Wood etoet. Ae h„ givea hie pi:radial littuili Lido to the 611:111108d, a contiououca uf the pitrouitga which he has [Athol cu t ottuiroil kola public to aellaite4l. J AOOl3 CIARDN Ht. Obarloa LlVnry Htatti f ., N. 11.—A lIKAICHI7 and any munLar OAHU! RS can ►Nays Iro pc,curad for Flaunt - vela oCKIN U YARNS— Always on hand, and for salo at wait 77 Market street V6LOUR.-40 hide. choice superfine for salo by J AN. A. FETZER, $ Oonier Market and Vint eta. 4 )NIONS.-10 bbls. Onions for ?ale 11? ENTS' SHOES A N OA ITERS, a PEOPLE'S PURE BLAOKBEARY AND CHERRN I. BRANDY, for medicinal prapoHna, at HAWORTH A BROWNLEE'S, e 6 in the Diamond. JOB PRINTINU.- Cozad, Freight Bills, Circulars, Dray Receipts, Bill Heads, Labels, Railroad Receipts, Bills Lading, With every other description of Job Printing, executed with promptness and at fair prima. J. It WRLDIN, Printer and liindi.r, Wood street, near Fourth. INDIA RUBBER CURRY COMBS.--The best article in nee, Just received at the India Rubber lhapot, 26 and 28 St. °lair street. toi22 L ARD OIL . bet barrels Extra No. I Lard Oil; 25 .. No. 2 Lard 011, on band and for sale by ~ [ ai ylSj B. aaJ. U. SAWYER. packages . White Fish, Salmon, and Trout, for sato by (my2l) H. Lt. COLLINS. j NO. D. h!POREARY I ACOL'D PRINTING u 1N KB—bold by Irar24l J. IL WELDIN. C08.N.-10 bags shelled Corn received and for wile by (pal EIHNIti H. COLLINS gOtligTRY BACION.-1000 lbs. Country Bsoan, Hama, Sbotadara and Sides, received and for py JA$. A. F.ETZILII, UVF2 Oarnar idartst anti First its. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR-20 sacks Buck wheat-LP Maur, 60 Ih Wicks, Just received and for sale hicOANDLI23,III6I.S.NB .t CO., °Grua' 'Wood and Water etreGta. 1 1 4 I L LOU-25 bbla. Superfine Flour received 1 and for sale by LESE, Irtfil&NS et 00., 4220 Carnes Wood and Water strouta. EMIGRANT RIFLES.—A most doairablo and ehaap weapon, at SOWN a TETLEY'S, k+7l Ain Ma Wood um... 4 LARD.—A prime article of No. 1 Lard, in barrels and k.ega, just received and for sale by McGANDLESS, MIAMI a 00., 1143 ' Garner ofWood and Water atreeta. HOUSE -KEEPING ARTICLES.— German Silver Spoons; Silve.r Plated Spoons, (extra heavy Sausage Cutters; Table Oatlerri Candle Sticks; Snuffers • And many other 6tmakeepere *Able; for sale at stab ' BOWN a TEELBY, NO. 186 Wood at. GLASS.--300 boxes assorted sizes Wind6* kJI alas, good country brand, for gab) by ILO HEW FL 0W4413. PIANOS AND MUSIC SPLENDID NEW STOCK -0 N - CHICKEN% & SOWS, PIANOS T 0 ail N'T ONSIEITINO . P.4.10' b. PLUM krii kIASUIL9 TASSELS, Volunteer Compi!t.tat:r, Jilt). U. ftil , VADillitltt solo. 95 lICARKET ETlikitirf 11E119 UM ATISIT AT MANUFACTURERS' PRICES JOSEPH HORNE'S, 0 II E A P 8110E1 STORE, No. 17 FIVIII 1T CUILDBENS'BHUE9 jel 1t0,01115.-50 dos. reo'd and for sale by Laita HENRY U. HOLLINS PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT. AGRIST MlLL—Three run of stones and all the machinery complete, corn and cob cracker, dm., An., all lu good order, with a dwelling house, stable and two loth of ground, situate In South Pittsburgh, and will I, sold en very Lasy terms by S. OUTIIIIF.ILP SON, .17 of Nil.rk..t it .11V RE NUE (JOU N'l'Y BUN US W ANT 1...4, la., in ox tat. 4e for laud. ups.r.! S. UUTII iil4:it'r A lt.)N, GI Nlark.t st A sTEAm MILL in complete running or r, wttl dwolllug Idoulso, etc., twos tbo city, for H. CUTHBERT ,dt SON, 51 Murket street. OUT OF TUE ClTY.—Persons desirous residin4 out of the city, can purchase two triune dueling holit4oB pleamantly situated on Chesnut struct,Law reticeillle, each house contains 6 rigium and cellar, a garden of fruits, flowers and shrubbery. All in complete order Wti-1 he sold together, or sup.trately to suit 11111Tha , 101"8. AKA) to s. curasEirr & SON, one 61 Marked street. ONLY $750 for a Dwelling house of four rooms, a largo Lot of ground, fruit trees, ote., pleas• tmtly situated la South Pittsburgh, on Cho point of Mount Washington, imuexihttly opposite Smithfield strefit, will be sold on easy terms, by S. OUTWART & BON, I yl3 ti Msriret strud. ►'Q LET five Dwelling Houses. S. CUTHBERT A SON, LOOK Al''lllNl 11011SE8.—.No. 17 Scott ntrout, house of 7 1 - 001 - 11/3. Prico, $lBOO. NO. 66 Marotu ntroM, Moats of 7 rooms, fur $l7OO. No. 31 Clark stroot, uom Corpouter's alloy, for $l2OO. Nor solo by S. CUTHBERT & SON, •ii 61 Stoker stro•L VAMILY RESIDENCE FOR SALE-A valuable property of 150 foot front on Covington et., Lawrenceville, by hal deep on Washington street to Cherry alley, brick Dwelling House of 7 rooms well arranged,batil room, porch, well of water aud pump, stable and coal house, kitchen range, etc. The rooms are newly painted and pa pered, shade and fruit trees, grape arbor, great variety of Flutters, etc.; good p flag fence. The above utters a good opportunity to buy a c mpleto and pleasant residence. Price low, and ternts acommodating. 8. I'UTLIBERT A PON, Real Estate and (levier& Agents, 51 Market street. VALUABLE RESIDENCE FOR SALE.- A two story brick dwelling home, with lot of 911 feet front on 011 f street, by 1511 deep to Yiek street, frail and shade trees, grape arbor, flower gardens, dc., Ac., The Mime is well arranged, with wide belle, parlor with marble inantl,, dining room, library room, kitchen and pastry, five led chambers, bath room, flag stone hearths to fire places 'and patent Iron tines, ward robes, two porticoes, large cellar in five divisions, kitchen range, Ac. Immedi• ate posussion can be had. For price and terms call at our office. CUTIII3EIa A fiON, nc2 61 Market street. IJOR RENT.—A large lot of ground having a flue front on Tunnel street and Penusylvaula avenue. Apply to 14Y4ULETTE8, SIN EASY PAYMENTS, WILL 600 buy a neat two story house In Allegheny 11U LT , NB, BRING E, 1.4 1 01 t SALE.- SEVENTY THOUSAND ACRES of choi , e Prairie and Timber Loud, situated iu Northern Joe a and Southern Minnesota, embracing the naest lot of farming binds ever offered in this market, us they ore lactated conveniently to Mills, Towns and lines of Railroad. Pamphlets containing Information of value to emigrants and catalogues giving location, description sod price of the land, with a brief description of the colludes in which they are located, can ha had on application at our Mitre, and they will be sent free by mail to persons Rending us their address. WILLIAM FRAZIER, CO., iny:dttf Jones' Building, No. 67 Fourth ,treet. ill'o, lITO. rfill4N DOLLARS IN lIAND, will secure a Building Lut of 2.5x100 feet ou Mt. Waahington.— Yi Ice, In 'laud, rannduder to suit purchaser. Al so, a Lot of 50x100 feet for $250—525 fu hand, balance la pa y Welk ct) suit purchaser. d, OUTfIBtizUT & HUN, Jew 61 Mark. 4 ntrert G,) AURES of Laud and a comfortal lu situate near the Weahington Turnpike, mt about 3 nillem froth Jones' Berry, Will be mold on owl) t.•ru,e. lenniediate'pogammeion. 6. OUTUDERT R BUN, Je23 61 312:Lrket titreet. ALOT OF ()ROUND in East Liborty, Dear the Railroad Mallon 80 by 100 feet will be Kula Co. morluarth iuMand, remainder at Biz yaara' credit. 8. CUTHBERT .t SON. 81 Market 4treet. in 32 -- f ACRES' of . Lund for $450, half rianl ati - dli/VE.AIAfIe. in oue year, situate in talk conuty, Pa., neat Centreville; 25 acres cleared. The soil is goad, and limber of Dast quality, for sale by Jy2o Y.. CUTILIIHRT k SON, 51 Market at. ONLY $756 FOR A TWO STORY Dwol ky liug Rouse, of four rooms, with lot of ground 20 feet front on Monterey street, Allegheny city, by 110 deep to au alley. Teruo, $4.00 In baud, balance at one, two and three pans, B. OUTHJRT Ar. SON, stovat 51 .Market street. riliLIE SIZE of the cheap Building Lots for male by B. 013T11 BERT k BON le 30 by 100 feet. Lucatiou—Neer the railroad etatiou, PAM 'Alberti. Price—From 1276 to 1100 each. 'forum—ono fourth in hand ; rouniluder a six yearn credit. 'rho Phu can bo soon at tho Real Eaton, Office, 61 Market stroot. LA E FIS 11-2 W) packages arriving and tor eutlo I,y ( HENRY Li. COLLINS. DRY APPLE:3.-50 tibls. bright Dry Ap , pia, received and ler auto, by ap3 111011.1 Y Lk/LIJNS. ORN APPLES,-15 libls. ottoicti App o. 1,0,,ir0a and fur dale by HENRYap EL COLLINS. lIEANS.-20 bbls. small White Beans, just jut received awl for salo by HENRY IL OOLLINS. rrIMOTiiY SEED.-1U bags ree'd and ter solo by (ad) LIENLar H. QOLLIN6. EW WALL PAPERS CIIEAP.—StiII they COllll3. W. P. MARSHALL & NEW 0001)S FOR SPRING SALES.- Wo ore doily lecedwitnt front our OWL uud Eadt,i factories, ieldltione to our etu.C, whteh coreslate lo pint of eld,,r 011 Clothe, Carri(Agi, 011 Clothe, [furniture 011 Clothe, Table Oil Clothe, Oraeb Oil Clothe, TrtialliparOLl t 011 Clothe, Pianeparent Window Eihodee, Bud Liollauds, end Shade Triunnlnge Merchants, tlonsekoopere, and abets, requiring any goodm In ~.or Idle, are invited to call and examine the stock, and Judge for theineelvea In regard to the quality and priora. J. & H. PHILLIPS, rurldi Noe. 2d and 28 St. Clair etroet. cl HAD-10 bbls. No. 1 Baltimore Shad,just 10 rut... Aced and fur sale by AIcOANDLESS, MEANS h UO., Ju22 Corner Wood and Water streets. A I E fi lIERRINCI-10 bbls. No. 1 Potomac Her ring, Jut received and for Bale by McCANDLESS, MEANS & CO., Jn22 Corner Wood and Water atreeta. WESTERN LANDS of good quality, far at or exchange for Real Itstate in the city. sp2:l 8. OOTIIIIEMT it SON, 61 Market at. DRIED APPLES.-150 bus. choice Pry Apples, received and for sale, by JAS. A. FETUS, apB Corner Market and &that streets. PINE APPLES.--500 reothved ihis day and for gale by REITISIER & ANDERSON, No. 89 Wood 'street, IBM Opboallo St. Oliarlea !Jute. ASKET BOARDS—For Packing Joints, sold by WM. O. JOHNSTON 4 00., myl7 Papar Deafen,. 67 Weed droot. FISH. -150 pkgs. White Fish, Trout, Sal mon, otc. 1E4)71 EENItY 11. COLLINS. L IME.- by PAPER WAREHOUSE.-JNO. M. PER HINB /I CO., No. 128 Wood street, have the largest as surtment of all kinds of Papera ever lu this market, such as Book and Printing Papers; Rag and Straw Wrapping; Letter, Manilla Paper of all sizes; Cap; Book and Box Boards; Note; Su velopex Tisane; Bonnet Boards; and Glazed Papers; Hardware Paper,,kc. Which we will sell at manufacturers prices. Jrli J. A H. PHILLIPS NDIA RUBBER CURRY COMBS—AIso, A a large assortment of Dressing Tuck and Long Combo, Just received at the India Rubber Dopot of J. A IL PHILLIPS, ell 'JS wad 2A t t, (Pair stmt. HARPER'S MAGAZINE, FOR AUGUST. NEW BEDFORD SPERM CANDLES.- 20 bow assorted afsea, fi's and 6's, sperm Candles on hand and and tbr Bale by Jail B. 0. J. H. &MYER. GUM, BUFFALO, CALF AND CLOTH OVERSHOES, offered low, at "The Peoples' Shoe Stara," N 0.17 - Fifth street, near Market. falS DINVENBAOHER &WO. pUFFALO SHOES.—A splendid article of Gentd and Ladles Buffalo Over Shoes. Alec., Gents' Oar; Over Shoes, at the People's Shoe Store, No. 17 nth istree,t, near Market. nov2l ' ' 011/IENOAOIIIIII k 00. PRINTED FRENCH ISIERINOES, for 62 and 75 mita,. mirth $1 and $425, amortment in the WE WILL SELL from the pi - 8e.14 time un commonly cheap FOR CIABII: Please call slid exam e our stock. • ' O. "HANSON LOVA oct2o Formerly Love Bros., lig. 74 Market 4. J AVA COFFEE.-r-Just :Twelve& - -a hit of. V strictly pare Old Goverumeni Java Coffee. Also, Ls. gayra and MO Coffee, at JAYNES' TEA BTOILE, dig 8 ltifttl meet. S. CUTHBERT A SON, CUTHBERT a SON, 61 Marktt etrout -100 barrels fresh Lime just reo'd (=S( IMMIX IL OOLILN&. Jnat received and fur aale, at L 005116% Post Braiding (formerly Lore Brothers), No. 74' lirirkel street. DEPOT FOR THE SALE OF COAL OIL, 732 south Sooond Street, - - - Lubrhsiting Oil for all hiadi of Machinery, Binnade or Limp Oil, 14 9 upbrit,t . L the brat winter utrnin itiklrtil for luri,unn. in all kinds of TIIOMAS' SUPERIOR PATENT IMPROVED LAMP This lamp performs a perft.ct coneumptlon of all amok.* and smell arising from the use of oil, In which other lamps are found Imperfect, thereby giving a much more brilliant flame. For sale wholesale and retail by aci.l2:2:nd H. BOUREAU, Sole-Agent. 4F4ILL FASIIIONS.A istaear:::o7E{.3o).-sc co., U A T-TE RS, HAVE RECEIVED TILE Full Ntyl, , e of SILK HATS, OAS IMERE HATS, FRENCH SOlor HATS. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Hollidaysburg, Blair County. Penn'a., WILL ATTEND TO ALL BUSINESS entrusted to lila care, in the countlea of Blair, Born ernef, Cumbria, anti Clearfield. aelnikin 61 Market strert STRANUERS AND VISITORS TO Tab: FAIR—SASH AND DOOR FAOTORY IN ALLEGLIEN Y.—Builders, Contractors, or others wanting Stia , i, Doors, Window Fr.mies, Shuttors or Mouldings, should call at the OEN MAL PLANING MILLS, and examine our superior work and finish, fur with our present superior and flue w rking machinery we are beyon'a competition, anti our prices are much below these producing an Inferior ar ticle. Call and examine for yourselves. Jobbing, Repair ing,etc. pr.utptly attended to. J. & R. T. PRIOR, Con mil Planing Mille, Water street, between Yoderal and Beaver. Allegheny City. Pe. kiee2.B WILLIAM 11. YEATON, commISSION MERCHANT, No. 216 South Front Street, Philadelphia, Agent for Hob:trick it Co.'s Champagne; Dutch Co. Am. stordam Gin; Havana and German Cigars; Wines, Bran dies, etc., in Custom House and in Store. so2l:ly* FRENCLI LESSONS, Il so MONS. A PHONSE DANSE, Professor at the W. stet unsylvsuia University and the Pittsburgh High School, s now ready to resume his lessons In the FRENCH LANGUAGN, for private papils or in classes. Apply for terms, at Pennsylvania avenue, No. lOd, or at 11. Kleber's Music Store, 63 kali street. [an2S:lm sew GOVERNMENT ENGINES AND BOILERS 51 Mark t, fltreet ON THURSDAY, 14TH OF OCTOBER NEXT WE will sell in the Navy Yard, at Mom piths, Tenne.bee, the ENGINES and BOILERS need by the Government in the manufacture of rope. Double Acting Engine, of two cylinders of 42 inch stroke 15 inches in diameter—estimated at fifty horse power each, with an independent cut-off attached to each cylinder. Side valves with eccentric motion. One large regulator with con., c Limas complete, and indicator attached, for time and revolution. Main driving wheel 12 feet in diameter, of cant iron, with inserted teeth. Jack gear running in connection witu it is of cast iron with cut tooth, feel in diameter, giving vnlocity to the jack shaft three to one of that of the en gines. Engines rests on iron beds 20 feet long, 2 feet high, weighing 9000 Ms each. Main shafting connected with the jack shaft 55 feet long, 6 inches in diameter, of wrought Tecmessee iron with stands and coupling complete. Bras , and babbett metal boxes; 7 largs drums from 8 to 16 feetin diaonder fitted on the chartap , The foundations that the en• ginea and main line 01 shafting rests on, are of stone, and are fitted in such a manner that they can be moved with the engines 81x cylinder boilers, 30 feet long, 80 inches to diameter. Fronts, grate-bars, pipes and connections for steam and water. Also, Yaber water-gauge connected with each boiler. Boilers are arranged In two separate sets, con meted so that either or both can be used: one set can al ways be kept iu order. They are made of Inch Tennessee hon. Iron floats for boilers t feet long and 6 feet high. The Engine and Boilers are finished, in all their parts, in the best workmanlike manner. 'They were built by E. L. Norfolk, of Salem, Massachusetts, at a coat of about $16,000. They were used by the ; Government for a few months, and proved to be superior to any In the Mississippi Valley. Ono-third to fall doe 16th December, 1868; one-third 16th J nue, 1819, and one-third 16th December, 1869—notes to bo kiatinfactorlly endorsed. The sale will be positive and without reeerve. ALSO: Will lak leased at the same time, for ^S years, all the Rope Walk riot heretofore disposed. . _ se.l.s:dtoclo Auctioneers and Real Estate Brokers. INTROrUCED JULY, 1849.-- , 'c ' A. L AIt.OIIAIIII3AULT , S Portable Steankiloiating and Pumping Engine thl Whoolo, from.l to 8t) horse potwor. Alec, Form En sinus 111141 [1:111 Mill Drivoro,3 to 30 horso. Engines always ou hood. Monufactury, 16 th 8. Hamilton Strict, I PIIILADELPMA. $l5 WORTII OF MUSIC FOR TWEN TY-HIVE CENTS—TILE EIHNTI.III ANNIE MELODIST.—This little work contains all the words and Mush) of the now and popular aira of the day. The selec tion has been made with groat care, giving only those songs which aro good and popular. All the best songs of S. 0. Foster, are embraced In Oh collection. A large supply Just received, and for sale at the Music Store of ,131 uI 8 JOHN H. mea,Lon, 81 Wood street. Til E BEST AND VINECI Alt Is Heil. in g: at the mot axteusive V.(N .- uviNE,Ag , '""'" , I . •Flio,E• •-• I ' , WINET;:!: "laquacetre Woct. lii bowie new cup .4 3 ;o:ccr.-.t.n.: , pileand had far the last ten LuAt.l4so . .:e ytArs, .11101:0 th a n one-hall O. the l'lttaburo grocere, and the .ainc , In every uthor city in which i bee been Introduced. 87 Wood Iltroot.. auLtlidaw TO PRINTEKS.—'rho subscribor has, now on hand, and is daily receiving, from the raanufrus turers, a large assortment of Printer's Pluck, , IL W Potter's Printer's Cards, from No. 1 to 7, Satin ' China, Porcelain Satin Enamelled, and colored. yard Beards, In sheets; klcOreery's Celebrated colored Inks; " third Lay & Bros. " News Vandal/ and Size; Colored Printing Papers ; Pamphlet Oover Papers ; Glazed and Plated Papers, red, green and yellow ; Steel Blue Glazed Papers, and a largo assortment plain Note, Setter, Oap, and Foil. Post, blue and white. J. R. WIILDIN, 63 Wood street, near Fourth. Q 0 A P S woo box. Raffia Soap, In lb, 2 lb. and 3 lb, ban. 500 " No. 1 Pnlm Beam in IL 2 lb. and 3 lb. bare 500 " Chumlnsl 0:Ive Soap, in lb. lumps. 200 " Olelne Oxide II 260 " German t• 200 " Candle " In 8 ID. bye. 60 " Pura Palm " In 1 lb. . 1 On hand and for enle by Jail B. 0. k J. IL SAWYER. BEAR . IT IN MIND, that the East Lib erty Lots are offered at such prices, and on such easy terms, as make a home easily to be obtained. Bear it in mind, that they front on wide Areas, are of easy access by railroad, and are very deatrable locations for family residences. ' Bear it in mind, that the plan of the lots is to be seen at Jell 61 ISAILKET STILEET. OIL CLOTH CRASH—ISOO yards of vari ous patterns and widths, Jut received from the fate tory, for sale wholesale or retail, by J. h 11. PHILLIPS, my 22 26 and 28 Stet , * drost BLACK AND FANCY DRESS SILKS.- A full sesortment, very cheap. 0. ELS-NEON LOVE, formerly Love Bretbore r N 0.74 Unticat street LIVERS Economical Purchaser of !Dress 'Elocids, Shawls, leantles, to.; also Don:Cadiz and Sta ple Goods, will find It to their advantage to call and eland oar New Stock ri Pall and Winter Dry Goods before &mains lug elsewhere. 0, HANSON LOVE, soli , V marls' Lore Urns, No. 74 Market st, Q HAW LS 1 SHAWLS I—Wool, Chenille, Brochs, kc., both long and square, ths 'err beat In the eity, and at very low prima for cash. 0. 114.N80N LOVE, formerly Love Bros., novtfl No. 74 Market street. DIQIJE and MARSEILLES, Fleeced, for I. making Basques. A large assortment at deed GEO. U. WHITE t OOl3 k) HOULD you ask me, should you wonder, Where to buy your Shoes and Gaiters? Gums for your feet in springtime, Boars with heels, and pretty B17111:1118. Nice HIMUCH SLUTIIIIII for the summer, Patent Leather, Glove-Kid Incasing Where to buy these cheap and good too; I should answer, I would tell you, Go unto the PEOPLES' SHOE STOHE. To the Peoples' Cheap Shoe Store, To the Store of DIPPENPACIHEII, sp2l No. 17 fifth street, POTATOES. -50 bags for sale by 0825 ITENRY U. COLLINS RIO COFFEE. —5OO bagB good to diGiCB Rio Coffee, now landing and to aide by MILLER & RIGKETBOt4 6.314 Nos. 221 and 228 Liberty street. SYRUP.- 6 Lovering'e first quality Byrop; 25 fid i 4 111 44 II 53 bble. choice Golden Syrup, now landing and for mile by 5111LE1£ k RIOKETSON, sett Noe; 221 awl 223 Liberty street. WHALE 01L.-40 bble. 'BleachedWinter Wbalo Oil. just mcalved and for sale by LAMPS, LANTERNS, TIEADLIGHTS, IC THE LATEST STYLES OF CAPS, Ito. 131 Wood Street, Pittsburgh J. D. LEET, AT AUCTION, DESCRIPTION O. lI.LOOKE & CO., A. BALLOU, 146 Water street, hetwoen Smithfield and Otani HILL= A 310KsirsoN, Dios. 2ZI *id .43 Liberty street. THE -- 0 A.l 1. ' i posT. PHILADELPHIA I BEAUTIFULt NSWEIis A pupil of the Abbe t . Bicord gave th lellowieg ext!eerdinary answers : " What is gratitude ? " Gratitude is the memory of the heart." "14 1 hat is hope? " Hope is tne blossom of happiness." , " What is the difference between hope and desire ?" 1 . " Desire is I tree in leaf, hope is area in flower, and enjyment is a tree in fruit." "What is eternity?" " A day without yesterday er to-morrow—a line that has loci, end." " What is titre V' " A tine twit has two ends—a path which begins iu the odaillo and ends in the tomb 1". DIDN ' T SEE Ir.--A glint time since, -a young man living in 0 densburg, whose name we shall call George, teak to' drinking rather more than usual, and soma of his friends endeavored to ottie him. One dam after he had been drinking sev eral times, the got him in a room, and com menced ccnversing about delirium trernepa,direot ing all their rearks to him, and telling what io fearful snakes nd rats were tilways seen by the victims of this iorrible disease. When the con versation waxed high r,r this terrible theme, one of the cumber sfelped out of the room, and from a trap la Melt wait at hand, let a largo rat into the room. None of his friends appear ed to sae it ; hut the 6 yout.g Mali who was to be the victim seized a eilai- end hurled it at the rat, smashing the affair in the operation. Another chair shared lii . a Caine fete, when his friends seized him, road with terror depicted iu their faces, demanded to know what Was the matter. " Why il n't you Eee that—big rat V said he. pointing tattoo Sllimal, which, atter the man ner of rats was making its way around the room, close to the wall ) They all Can it, iit ..11 roplied that , t I hey did not see it—" there wog no ra t." "Blot tt - ] a is'" said he, se another chair went to pieces in roa inhitectual attempt to crush the rat. At this moment they again seized him, and after a tarrili:,:struggle, they threw him down on the floor, Red, with lemur in all their faces, yelled " Charley ! i Tin for .1, !" Charley stared for door, when George de sired to be infirmiTd -VT ell in was up." " Up !" saidlthey, •• iii y, yi e have the delir ium tremens !"1 Charley °petted the door to go out, when George raised him•elf cu hie elbow, and said, "Charley, there are you going ?" " Going for doctor" " Going for ci doctor ! rejoined George ;" "for what ?" " For what t" repeated Charley, have the delirium tremens !" " The delirium tremens—have I ?" repeated George. " Holw do you know I have the deliri um tremens 1" ti " Easy enough, ' says Charley ; " you've com menced seeing Ote." "Seeing rats !" eaid Ge.s.F,e, in a sort of MllB - way ; "seeing rate Think von must be miew taken, Charley." " Mietakeri" said Charley. " Yes, mieyaheo," rejoined George, " rain't the man—r hdeen't seen no rat The boys let s34. , rize, up atte - e that, and from that day to this to tca,. , ,hed a glass of li. quo-, and hasn't seen no rats. TENDER Coast:it:nob Jim H , cut West, tel's a good yarn about a " shuil.brsrk I,Fwyer." His client was up On two t.icad Li.Fageq, "frivolous charges," as shell4bark designated them (forging a note of hand and stet ling a horse), On run ning his eye, rover the jury, ho didn't like their looks, so he ;prepared eat affidavit for continu ance, setting (rib the absence, in Alabama, of a principal wit ea. He road it in a whisper to the prisonor, who, shaking his head, said, " Squire, I can't swear to that or dokymint." " Why 7" "Anse, hit haint true" Old shell inflated, and !exploded loud fuoluzh to ho hoard throughout the room. What! forge a note, an' steal a hobs, an' can't swear to a lie ! D—n such infernal fools!" and he left the conscious one to his fate. LEN May.'• ; -- . Out in Fayette county, of this State, near a small town, called Plumsock, lives a Dutchman known as Lon May. Len loves good living, and has always hosts of visitors, Not long etude Dr. P., and 11 reverend gent, from the banks of the Youghiogheny, visited the hos pitable inane on of the Dutchman. Len under took to show the patty host to eat squirrel pot pie, and spread butter on their bread: _ He was very severe ion th;,,o who spread their bread as we do in this city, where the article is 46 cents, and rink at that. During tla, meal Lett raid, •• Butter ish de beet Hug in the - World." "Oh! no,!' Paid the Rev Mr. Hughes "What ieh better," asked Leo. " God's Grae,e," totid the pavern. " Yaw, y l aw," E 3.1•1 Lou, •‘ good' grease ieh very goot, nut butt.; ,ea tonith better." " WatertniMous! Hero they are—fine, large, ripe watormillions— iwo for a fip apiece," sung out an enteiprising (;„untryrrion in front of our window. "Two for a fip apiece," drawled uncle Fossil, as he selected eight metiono. " C leap cnough sartirtly," and he pas ze I ilp a half dollar. " All 1 " F'll i the countryman, as he pocketed the coin ot,d drove off. " Two for a fit, aplor,o," soliloquised old Fos sil, wondering hov, 11:e eight Ineloue at that rate, could absorb the half dollar Somebody who nnoto,to kv w what he is talk ing about, has bsen a.liv: , red of the following : —What loupe c‘it t,,vo in merely infatua tion. Love is a pink.i or low growth. Those who think they havo •• on suing a pair of pretty lips, a siventog hr.g , m, and two comely shaped anelon, will wake up lit no vary distant morning, and find another foot---by turning the mirror. "Pat, do,you love country'!" "Yes,,yer honor." " What's the best thiug about ould Ireland Pat?" The whisky, yer honor." "Ah, 1 see. Pat, with all her faults, ye love her scat" A very 91,, , 1e , t si.at her very modeet daughter, a', pretty pouug tiamBol, out one morn ing for' soda articles. Among the many, eh* informed aelerk in one of the etorea, that her mother we l nted three yards, of cloth, " for pri mative, triangular, appendages for her infant. Simple honesty, the, naked truth, pare virtue, and a strai ht up and dowli way of dating with the world, have Et 9 much adVantago over vices, tricks and,stratanems, nu a &ion trotting horse has over a pacing pony, or maker, that, goes a mile or two fke the mischief, and is done for the rest of his journey. i , . A friend of ours, was congratulating himself upon having !wetly taken a very pleasant trip. Upon incirliry, tie found that he had tripped and fell into n.lonng lady's lap. ~, • . A manearing of another who' 'was a hundred years old, aid contemptuously: " PshaWl what a great tus about nothing! Why, if my grand father wa living, he would be a hundred and fif tyll years od." , . A writer in one of the Wistern papers thinks the accideints which Lire continually taking place on the Id l isaissippi, are solely attributable to " slings."' In his opinion no boiler will go "on a bust " 011 the engineer sets the example. " Well !I. have lost my law-suit I " exclaimed i . a lady , w 4 th a sigh: " 0 mamma, how glad I am," sal 'her child, " that you have lost it ; for it tormented yon awfully'." " A b/rrowed horse, and your own spars, make eh rt miles," is a Danish rendering of ,rather universal practice. Why is! a man who makes additions to false ru mors like one who ti'o confidence in all that is told him ? Because he re-lies an all he hilars. Au Irish writer, speaking of a laly's thebackh eyes, says: They were in mourning. far murders they had committed ENG. 131. CARR. SODA.----101) kegs, just recoiled and for awls by akial u.L. Yd adr&Mca 00, NUMBER 304 t, V Till fIiGS• " why, you
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers