VOLUME XVI, PirrsatittGli - MOIrAtiNG POST. Printed and i E.141,...' .1 : :%: - .7ri. r......r.,...wg ~....r...i .j.i fain ted. I 1 , .: 'a JA rl lt:S P. HA Ittz, , I I" T .. .. , ike?.... , 0. 1.t , .. ...1...f. , 1!. Ur VW:JD &1.0 ‘.I 7 t. ellidleo, Tr.; 2.1;: , •.... :, ~, ._,,/, •...yebt....,:.... ~ .., ad soon.; Z CI 4.•• .1 IL w-f-Ai..) :•-•0111 , .-.1 .i 41,4 pelt e 'LI-, al, jit•ir. Z- . 4;" •-`, (41.! - ~1„:,..1 Tc.; , , 12.1.: , —fin ~ •• A . . i hal . I, llltOr lii Is .5. T ,s• •• r A. l . i T Ilan , l 'lrri-fr ! ;..r.l' hrl iril 1 .!" Ir..E. t , lily i tt LL .z . ~! , V... ! 6z• f.. I ,0,,• -_ 1,0 1.15.. , 1 - .as"erti , .os. I ',0i.,........1..,._ ... . ..1 7t. i'nree 11,etr ti..;., . , 1 0 . ,1.... .... V.. ~ . . 1 100 tine a.:.. . ; I *, r., to) .., V. , --,...5. .... ....1 •A 1... , :: t:t.l I Le . 1 ,;.. 75 '1.:.L... ~ ,,Le....... ..I 40, 1 u..' :4 o , I •:• 100 1 1 I. i ; ,:- . 1 •I nn .tn ... -..: :.' ...: Cu . 4..•:.; eA ~,, ,. .ii.e.. . ... o .....). f oe, 4 011 . ,.. n!J :.; on 1-, ra !"- , ' , !1.- , AS -• .- 4 ,./ CI.. 1,. ut..: I, o.n ~ ~,i 4 [!:.1 r14..1 re....atL. ill ‘'.., 'i "..i.., ' f. i.. , .,i ::. o._ ! i6O Els mzutz,s L 2 uu 0 0.) 1 C. 00i 4 ....' I.: L.e Mtn(' ne...L.il.e 1 ...:', OO 'A.' Z:.:., S Ced h ..;.1 i• !Ai tie,: ye.... , 1 .................I 1:..3 en 13 :f...1 to 0.. t: ..,:,1 t' tio Eluding Curd, tlt iia,--e Cr less, per tatume ....... . ... le un Ci......•ralli,;:q_E. AZ kLIZSCLZ: One square, por annnin, ; exciutlve 01 the pay0ff,)....... 'it 00 ktarriage noth-ea. fe4 - i.edith ;1/....1th netkes,U.,..' , cente pa r r - s3ußufispatißDAy POST A 111.111111101`11.1 WEEKLY. 0A .I ONE. DOL?.,Aft PER YEAR, IN CLUES opt TEN. _ ttlingic Subas.rifiteunis, - - - ;5:1 per aciatiret. CONTAINS. ALL THE CURIE-NT NEWS CY TEE DkV, P...litil, Litorary, Agridultural, Continuer c1....1, 1 .1.:.).7.a1, TelegmpLic toad Miscellaneous. This Paper being of the LUTIST Eli, and neatly prints co hoe whits paper, in Loge, clear typo, will be found by the subs:TINT to gIC3 better satisfaction than any paper pcblightsi in Pittsbur&h. Thaw who wish La take a vapor form Pittsburgh, will find 1. 1. o ATLI - RDA Y POST. a 4.47.13 and profitable investment. Address, JAMES I'. 13AF-R, ospi7 Eiln.r and Pro rioter. -- • .1 1.4. P. Lioasis. - - - - - - - 4.0. a. &TIES FE ill it o.' & .Ni lii: EEt S 1 ROOK AND JOE OFFICE, Par3'.L" ZitiLTl - 1. - ,IINT. Corner of Fifth and Wood Streets, PITTSBI J It (I H. ripliE undersigned haying made extensive .I._ additions of the LATEST AND HAZIDL , OMEST STYLE 11 TYPE, and inipr,:v...-1 ilachinsty, to the 11.013.N1Nt) POST 2,11 (FFiCE, invite t" ' ttzmtiou of Evil Road @dicer kterehants, tradioees k.C.''., and the public gezerally, to their 14,F...ri0t feciliti , s Sol' eZO.;utlus %nth !ii3patCh, 00 re,e.onal.le errite, ...hi kinds of Et Alk. N If. P. t) AI) , It; 1 1 .-:Et CANTk 11, r. LEGAL, AND EV1:11Y , ri'LLER DE2CP.IPTION OF PLAIN & FANCY PRINTING .44i - Our male[-41 bein g nearly ell new, we corn ai: - .3 :lam iin:.e of the most eamplete satisfaction, and cobalt orders or 2: 1 33.5., PA2APIILET:LI. RAIL ROAD BILLS AND OAP.DS, 1.2:Nil EMEL'ES, BLANK NOTES, 1.1" iElt I.I.L'ADS, BILL HEADS, rriLL9 LADING, OTECULAIIS, BUSINESS CA-TIDS, PAPER .BOOK B, DEEDS, hIORTGAGES, BONDS, ce, .0 Particular 41tentlon will also he paid to the printing, Gi Poster, Pr ogr.:-.mniee, Or. 1.,r Concerts, Exhibitn:ra end Lircninz. BA RR L . MYERS. BUSINESS CARDS. l'he fleople'l{ Mane; Store. D. S. DIEFFENBA(JELER &CO., , linaq. , Cash Doctors in all kinds of Praidnuable BOOTS / SHOES AND GAITEItS, r.or Gentlinneu . , Ladles, Youths and Children, tlo. 17 'Fifth Street, scar Market, 0.., PITTSBIJRGII, r.s.. 1 ti :.10.E.i.v . ...... ........ V. Li. JOHN. !1•511.. ........... —S. A. J ell:ie.:a PERRIN & JOIINSON, Proprietors of Childs & Co.'s ralsut - 111.n.stic Prre mutt Watar L'roof Cermetst !tootling. 133 THIRD STRY&T. i -' Lt,DEES for ROOFING promptly and faith -449 wily execnted, and all our work warranted. Itc.ming material always on baud, and for sale, with di rections for owe aevelly JOB. fe. ttAattwrori &., Cu., LNIGINEERS AND ItIACIEUNISI'S, (Luber of Putt oral 1.1.1.,:fty stre4f, Piltatna - gh, Pa. QUPERIOR STEAM ENGINES fur Grist ..:.1 end Saw Mills ' Breweries Pritatag F.stablistitueuts, N!suel....t.(riee, 4(r,., rand. to order. They also continue the u...outhtture ef . their Celebrated Machinists' Tools, such as Turning Lathcs, Iron Plemers, But mg and Drilling nachine. ,, , n. Also, Wrought Iron Shrilling, with Pulleys, Hangers. .&c. &c. ' JaStlyd /...:1 re.e.Y.25,01i . .1104.3.111 tliOUPtO3l .. 8.. 0 }MULE.. JOHN TIIOIIIPSON & CO., HOUSE PAINTERS, GLAZIERS AND OBAINERS, No. 125 Third street. SIGN PAINT ING L.lt.ented with neatness and despatch. Mixed Paints, C. 14 Turpentine, Varnish, Japan and En g lish Patent Dry• .le, Ville Montaigne Zinck, a very superior article; PhDs ri,..:ph... end Pittsburgh White Lead always on hand and for tale. We are prepared to grind colors for Painters, Drug gi.t.,, or others, at the. shortest notice, Hs we have a Mill wnkli grind,' by steam Painters will cave money by 'get tl..-,..; their colors ground with ua. Imrs:ly ...s.- ---.,......•,-_-__E.,- GOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES, T .n..4.IIUFACTURER'S PHA() Ea s. HYDROMETERS c: welching spirits, the, chc,ipast and artick.4 ovor l.•agLc to this city. AND ttOMETLBS, Mrytua in pric, Cron, 1,6 to VW PrICKET AND S COMPASSES, G fo. 2 4 11 AV. '6, cipti;:ia;;, 5i Afth &rect. Uppobite liatiordo ItalL U ft VEYOR' O. it'. 414. . i 3. SAWTER, 31 LARI) uIL, CAN_DLES, PALM, TOILE I', AN I) ROSIN SOAPS Flo. 417 wool set act, Ptitnburgh, Pa DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSIIIP.- The firm or 11AWORTH BRO. A BROWNLEE was, un the 3d of May, 1863, dissolved by mutual ceasaut, by the withdrawal of aEIII3 HAWORTH frr...m the above firm. The =cants of-the late firm Fill to t4t.iled by HAWORTH BROWNLEE. Ala- JEER! HA WORM, trug front the above tiro; kindly thanks tds former patroai and also the palauriii Le the late firin,•for the very liberui patronage he has re. ,iced, and would kindly recommend than to his HAWORTS k aIIOWNLitIE, as they are determined to sell et low timarcw, having a very largo aysortment of I:Hi9SY uIIOCEILLE63, WINEti and LIQUOttB on loon!. J HQ HAWuttni. /Eir - DAVID HAWORTH and JAHNS BROWNLEE Lave this day associated together, and will continue en the LaStUOSS at the OLD IiTAND, corner of Diamend and Ina- Lieg.' alley, tinder the style of HAWORTH s BROWNLRE, .iiera they hope to receive that pan - onage so liberal' given to the uld firm, ns they are determined to sell CHRA.YE.e. than any other Store in the city. (Mee of Semler of Weights and leaoures. THE OFFICE OF THE UNDERSIUNED, SEALER 03 WEIGHTS AND MEASURES, Leap be found henceforth, in Cherry alley, be tv.e•en Third and Muth streets, where orders may LE !EA. OBAIiLFA DA NET T. AVS. HAVEN'S Elastic Steel Pens just . received, and for solo at the Stationery ;Store, a • Nos. at, 33 und 35 Market street. riIHE FRANKLIN ALMANAC FOR 1859. A —This well-known and popular annual, formerly pnb irthed by Johnston a Stockton' after a lapse of years, will ~io shortly be issued. The circulations as formerly will I CI wads by La, skillful mathematician, Sanford 0. Hill, who will also prepare for its pages such reading mat• ter ue will make it an entertaining and instructive maga- Line. Besides the reliable astronomical calculations, a new and Ingenious tabnlde c o t f t e im me aaute acsc o u f ra p te e rmmetnhod to value d l r u a e w w in i g u.erldla , added. Orders of book.sollers and other dealers are solicited is ,ivaaeo of publication, as but one edition will be printed, ed triers will be tilled W.G n . JOEL to rioTrOiN. .t CO., ,Mblera Printers, Stationers, and Blank Book nakers, u 7 Wood street, Pittsburgh. Je22 TWO DWELLING HOUSES FOR RENT, I. by S. CUTHBERT & EON, 51 Market etzeot. QTAKCJI--300 bze. ' # ester Pearl Stara, k.,7 Ems aLa try strt.l HEM EL =an. .., ..0-- . . ~ : .. . • ''... ..-- . . .- ' I ,:, -Er -:. - ' " " . . ~•!'. .-4 , - I L ''.; 1 : •-•-• . 4 . ..... ... ~ ~., ..... • PUBLISHED DAILY BY JAMES P. BARR., AT THE "POST BUILDINGS," OORNER. Oil WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS : AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM; MISCELLANEOUS. ADAMS , CORN •IHE PROPRIETORS OF THE " Pirrs- BURGE( NOVELTY WORDS" having, through Mr. Adam,, (the principal mothanical genius of this firm,) ob tained letters patent, dated 17th August. 1853, for a new and dimple instilment for 811E1,L140 CORN, truly neat, consp.ct and portable, combining durability, utility and cleanness; a necAsisary apparidage to every LA-riser's barn, is now ofsi3rtsi to the people of the Coital States at a very low price. We have no " PHteut Rights" for sale, but manufacture and sell the article at our works. Owing to its compact form it is destined coon to become an article of trade in every Hardware Merchants' shelf 'tie Machines are of two sizes, weighing only about 35 and 60 pounds, and may be secured to a post; pillar, or door, as you would a coffee mill. We add no more, when seen, it speaks for itself. eell.Smdsw LIVINGSTON, COPALAND A CO CLIMAX IT IS THE CHEAPEST, SIMPLEST, SMALLEST, Will (Mall 'Twice as Fast as any in the United Slates IT N PERFECTLY ADAPTED 1., the Cloining of all See,lo, ftorn the(4dd , stutt'ledt D. the Inrwed , , wituont want., nal 1. r• only tueuty luebyd wide, but must Le 8.0 , lo by appry,inte I. Fdnuyre, Munn facturyrs, Me• eltunna ant yn•tyl..nly vide, are invlttnl lu :ivy its pl.ell,ttl w‘, hiug, nt the dt,re under the :7.L Charles fluty! Pitteburgli. del: :1 undAw—CJ AUTUMN TRADE; 1858. STAPLE AND FANCY DRY - GOODS, AT NV LIULESA LE OF NEWEST STYLES. SHAWLS IN EVERY VARIETY. M AEI NuS, COBUROS, MUSLIN DELAIN VELViTS, SILKS, ALPACAS, GINtiIiAMS. CL:SPES, CASSIMEBERES, SATINETS, VESTINGS. FLANNELS, HUNTS, BLKA'D A,ND 'DROVE! (300121.3 withecomplaoththa EMBROIDIERfS, Alta utto-s- Fay It.a of (loutto adapted to A FIRST CLASS TRADE. Ali whict. 4.a.re.1 away W. G C t rt"ir c & CO., 438 Market & 433 Merchant ate., I'HIL A D EL PH I .4. N - Gfp 11 0 'l' 11_ R' )OFING CHEAP, DURABLE, FIRE AND WATER PROOF .141SEPH HARTIiIAN, Recently Agent fur H. M. Warren C 0.,) Al AN tl MA - ell It ELI AND DEALER .•: T , CE 1,1,E T G h AV - E IMASTIC CEMENT, SATURATED CANVAS ROOFING, ROOFING MATERIALS in.„(iiil(2.l, No 65 P 1 Pl'l 2.1:11E::.T. opposite Odd F.,1 owe !tall. Pittabargh. Pa. All FROM DR. JAMES irl. JAB.- LEII, (A "rii .; NEw Volta Luzio INFIBM V —My connect:on for the {salt ch:lit yea, 'alai the above 1 D,tallt.lU 11, as Chief ihysiciem,aud a twelve year e' course of steady devotion to the Cure of Pulmuear, Con sumption end its kindred diseascp, together with my nu rivalled opnortaulUes and advantage of mithologMal research —aided not a little by a perfect system of Medical Inlarla tion-13as enabled me to satire at a decisive, direct and ettr , ceasfal course of treatment for the positive and radical cure of all dimases of the Throat, Longs, and Air-Pax:ages. By Inhalation, the vapor and curative properties of medicines are directly adressed to the diseased organs and the integu ment Ido not advise the nee of Medical Inhalation of any kind, to the excluelim of general treatment and although I consider it a useful adjuvant in the proper management of those fearful and often fatal diseases, yet I deem it very no. cessary that each patient should have the benefit of both Sewed and local treatment. The success of my treatment to the above diseaoes, and the high character of the Institu. , Lieu over whieh I have so long had the honor to preaide,are I teo well known to need any eulogy or comment from ma At the solicitation of nom> , private and professional friends, through whose philanthropic aid the above charity has been long and liberally supported, and after duo cousideratiou, I have concluded to make such arrsugemenLi ne will bring the b. neat,' of my experiment, and treatment within the reach of all. and rot confine myself, as heretofore, to those only who entered the Infirmary. or who were able to visit me at my ofilce Hoping therefore that the arrangement will give entire satisfaction, I,th to my professional breth reu and the public, I would respectfully announce In con elusion, that 1 can now be consaftedpersonally or by fetter.on all CHSOS6I39 as above, sod that the medicines, the same as used in the Institution, prepared to snit each individual case.. Inhaling Vapors, Medical Inhalers, ctn., dn., will be forwarded by express to any part of the United States or the Canada,. 'reams—My terms of treatment by letter are as follows, viz: $l2 per mouth for each patient which will limit:h, medicine sutßciout for ono mouth's nee; also, Is haling Vapor, and au inhaling Apparatus. PA yment as fol. lows: $6 to be paid to Express Agent on rece ut of the box of Medicine, and the balance $6 at the expiration of the month, if the pall. ut bo cared or is entirely satisfied with the treatment. Patients, by giving a full history of their case, and their symptoms in full, can be treated as well by letter as by personal examination. Patients availing them selves of Dr. Jarrett's treatment may rely upon immediate au I permanent relief, as he seldom has to treat a uses over thirty days. Letters for advice promptly answered. Fur further particulars, address JAMES hi. JARRETT, M. D.. No. 82) Broadway, cur. Twelfth et., N Y. P. S.—Physicians and others visiting the city are re epscttully invited to call at the lutlrmary, where many interesting C...1.1e1 can be witnessed, and where our im3 prayed apparatus for the inhalation of medicated vapors cam be seen and inspected. jy3o:6rta Summer Lager Beer. r I.IE UNDERSIGNED BEGS LEAVE TO inform hid friends and the public in general, that bo Is in the daily receipt of this delicions Boer, from the well known Brewery of J. N. Straub, Allegheny City, It having boon pronounced to be the beet that was manufactured here for many ye.rs, CLEAR, TASTEFUL and PURE. Give me a call and try It. JOHN ROTH, ap24:tf At Ills old stand, No, 28 Diamond. JAIAES MILLINGAR, MONONGAHELA PLANING MILL, would respectfully inform the public. &hat he has rebuilt since the fire, and having enlarged his establishment, and filled it with the newest and most air proved machinery, is now prepared to furnish flooring tied planed boards, acrowl sawing and resawbag, doors, sash and shutters, kiln dried, frames, mouldings, box making, Lc. South Pittsburgh, &pterabor 7, 1557. [set° GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS. A. MS'PALILLAND, MERCHANT TAILOR, • Oorner of Fourth and Smithfield Streets, RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCES THAT iLE , Las received his Spring Aasortment of GENTLEMER'S DRESS GOODS, Of the ueweat atyles, best quality and moat elegant deacrip• tions, which he is prepared to manufacture to order in the LATEST FASHIONS, And with inch a character of workrimnship,!aa cannot fail —‘tiafy and plesae the meet fastidious tastes, finylii --- WINDSOR SIIADES.—GoId bordered, plaid and fancy. Also Edindo Trimmings, Sc., always uu hand bLaud fur alb rileap by J. a a. PIIILLIPS, sa2 aand 28 fit HOTELS Sr RESTAURANTS; SUE 7 LI R. BLAIRSVILLE, INDIANA COUNTY, PA., COL. ROBT. EVANS, Proprietor, HAVING PURCHASED-TIIIS HOUSE, from it 3 former welt-Ittown Propri3tor, 13 D Mar k 6 r , ratted It, I am 11.. w inevtrt,l tt, rec.ivo ab.l vi, , ,bus. Till . 1,1.11/ r ter..l•ti pc tLligi M. It Ai it) pro 14.1. with th.: ~!m., n y •., tit!, • GIL It EV A:‘ ' V111.1_1A)1 tIALI,AOIIER, PRuivat"i.Jß, Thf Loud t. h o v., I•uht for tho yttrl,..aed of h lrLet C',113 utraut rapt tai L./, e 4 ei the pr.priet.r hat, iug tuatty yearn exporleace fu taro Ve kr•hp Cortilthutil , uu hah.l thy) twat that the 'nati-qt. utfort. Wa Witwd, Liquors and Aka, aro of the heat quality. Ile Wftl.ll/1 1611 bl,l old trlaida awl the public gou.rally to glvo him a call at the Symptldata. Excelsior Restaurant, No. 111 WOOD Street, t.t.,_•;:- Pr:TOW:TP.OB, PA., AKE:.AND EASTERN FISII SOLD Wholoeialit and 104:11, at the luweat cash prices. Lora, supplies of Melons, Peaches, and Sweet Potatoes received daily. Also, Now York Prince's Bay Egg flarbor, Shell Oysters, the finest ever brought to this city. Every delicacy of the season constantly on hand, and served up in the most palatable style. Don't forget the Excelsior Res taurant, No. 111 Wood street. se4 Corner IveyLte Strout and Duquesne Way, FAN B. D. MARKER, • - - PROPRIETOR, (formerly of tho "Harker Rouse," Blairsville, I'a.) H E SCOTT HOUSE IS NOW COM PLETED AND OPEN FOR GUESTS. It is Situatod In a central part of the city, being convenient to all ll:inroad Dept.ts and Steamboat Landings. The Eldrise was built In ISIS, with all nicelein Improve ments, and fitted up in splendid stylo—tha main, Furniture being uew—aud will in every respect 1313 a fir3t clash Had. line STAELFS are attached to the pretnis,,a. juLty COR.NUCOPLE it EST AILTIRANT. BY ELI YOUNG, FIFTH STREET. The attention itd Merchants and others is dlrOcted to this establishnumt, which has been recently Autni up far the parposo of afturding a SUBSTAN TIM.. EATING I.lOUBkl IN A OENTRAL LOOATION! Country folks attending market are particularly invited to: OW. Everything pertaining to au EATING. SALOON will Glwuye be found, of the freshest the market affords..• ap29lYti/cw J. T• GOODIN, Agent TLIE NATIONAL SALOON, Under *foster's N•vy National Theatre, PITTSBUIttiII, D. BARNARD, - - • PROPIIIETCIit, IiAS FITTED UP IN A TASTEFUL sad comfortable styla, the large centre store Nate ultit FELLOWS'AaLL, Fifth street, as a FIRST CLASS RESTAURAN'I` and SALOuN. flaying had many years' experiatC.6 in the lnraeGa, he Is prepared to supply the best the untrket affords. Ilia Bar will be farniebed at all ;knee with the hest lVlnee, Liquors and Aka The entrance to the deloon,is In the centre of the hall, and refreehmeute will be furuldhed at all times, BAY and NILILIT (Sundays excepted.) apl4:ly WASHINGTON HOUSE, CUR. PENN'A AVENUE sT., Q. F. I:EVLittlitiE W ASEIHNGTON RIOT lE." 1., FORMERLY U. H. HOTEL, PITTSBUR(I J'A JAMES SkiAISZION, Propribtor. 11 1 1118 HOUSE IS LOCATED ON THE corner of Pt.:NN and WASHLNUTUN Streete, irotwoeu Lha CIEINT ILA L A N I) WESTERN RAILROAD DEPOTE, and has nadorgunu a thorough improvement, remodeled and furnished wtth now furniture, and is now the most convo niout Hotel In Pittsburgh, for TruNolortl Ly Railroad, East or Wm. luvftly S'l' REET.- MANSION LEO U SE, UEOPUE A OREN TZ, PEO7IitrINA No. 'd-14 Liberty street, just bealde the Passenger Depot of The Pennsylvania Railroad, winch mates it the nioet convenient house in the city fur pasae.4ola •luy by that road. The proprietor having, at considerable expense, fitted up, lu excellent style, the MANSION - HOUSE, would respect fully solicit a share of public patronage. There is enacted xplundid STABLE and ostensive WAGON YARD, afford. lug ample accotomodation to travelers end teamaters. lils Larder rind Bar will be furnished with the beet the niark, , t febLy ROOFS, MARKER HOUSE,' co: liposweu P k ft (kyr t tn . ... 'PL:L.: JAMES IiATER, Proprietor. SCOTT HOUSE, PITTSBURGH. PA. ASIIIINGTON, D. LI 11. W. KANAGA U. Sc 110 T E L uppealt• the tl'emiale. RAtlroad LIAIIIIISBORO, PA. Li NEW GOODS. 1555, NEW GOOD Al.' J. BUSH'S, G 5 Market St., Second Dour 'rota Corner of 1 , 61 a th. Tilt; UNDERSIGNED WILL ciPEN UN Sluniley, Septenibir 131—, lii, well Hein:tad lit+ L u' tte st)ies Cioak Trltutulliga, bounot itJuteoit, Howe, end Ruches, a touiplute issertment of Embroideries, Col are, Puns Edgings, Children's Robe's, \Valeta and Cape, iiherand Shawls and Woolen Cloake for Children, Iloar.ery, Gloves, 0 413 utlets, Alexander Teuven'l kid loch C,')reets, Shapes, Expanelou Skirts, and Sandals, (new otylea.) Shetlaut Wool. gentile Wounded, Perpen Paper, Pattsrus, Embroidered Slippers; Putt rue for Embroideries drawn, and Ambrolderies worked a short notice. Fancy lead-Dresses made to order. I thank the bulks for their kind patronage, and hope they will give me their cotton for the future, as I will al. ways do my beet to sell ahem the goods cheap. Ladies, call and examine the noveltiea at J. BUSH'S, tlf. Market et., 24:1 door from fourth. IMPORTANT TO FAMILIES. A SUBSTITUTE FOR POTASH. CONCENTRATED LYE. FOR MAKING SOAP WITHOUT LIME, with little at no trouble, and trifling expease. The cheapest and most convenient article over discovered for the purpose. ONE POUND BOX will mato NINE POUNDS of ELEGANT HARD SOAP and several gallons of soft, or one barrel of the latter Every family can make all the soap, both hard and soft they nee, from their ordinary kitchen grease, and this Lye nothing else is required. PRINTERS and others naing STRONG LYE will lied the "Concentrated " by f,r the OUEAPBST AND MOST EFFECTIVE AILTIOLIiI &bey can possibly rue. A dingle trial will conviura any one of its great utility and value. For auto by all DatiI:MISTS owl OftOCERS In 'ha iountry. Beware of counterfeits, as the SUCC.B3 of our article has excitod tho cupidity of imitators who, where're! found, will ha hold strictly accountable for infringements on our Paten:. Maitufactureil only by the Pennulvania Salt Manufactn• ring Company, of Pittsburgh, Pa, who manufacture the EXTRA SUPERFINE SNOW WHITE TABLE DAIRY AND PORK PACKER'S SALT, Warranted perfected pure, and the ONLY REALLY PURE SALT u the United States. Also, Caustic Soda for soap makers, Reduced Soda Ash, Bleaching Powder, hiliuganeee, Muriatic Acid, Soda Lab Sal soda, Bleaching Liquor, Nitric Acid, Aquafortin, Sods Sala.ratcut, aa:27:l dbloroform 11,1 NEW ICE CREAM SALOON AND LADIES' RESTAURANT, NO. 27i FIFTH STREET. The subscriber has Eased, and fitted cip several commodl• ons seems, nearly opposite the Exchange Bank, on Fifth street, which are now open for the Summer Beason. La. dies and gentlemen can always find au abundant supply of FRESH OONFROTTOICILBY FBI:ICS, TOE °BEAM WATER TORS, and all the relreshruente of the 118880/1. • Ali erereaped. , fully requested to visit the rooms, and teat-for tbemarfirea. (141101 IiteGINISIY. Lippincott, Shorten SE, Parson, NO. 104 WOOD STRUT, NELMI FIFTH. MANUFACTURERS OF TRUNKS; Va- Boos, Eat and Bonnet Boxes, Ladles Trareling Trunks, Carpet Bags, Lc.,-keep militantly can hand a ‘iirge stock. We are prepared to do a wholesale-trade, and hat ing facilities. to turn oat good stock at rednoed pricoe, we woad isniwtbr.trildelci all and examine our goals be ftropaidiaidag eiserstok 10,11, PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5. 1858 PIANOS AND MELODEONS f•Ed.xc FLU )1t Ttik,4 11111 , 1: FR \I ; CELE 13 It AT E D M .1 N i PAC "I 1.A1't..;, L.O A. It. UAL!: el }..w .4urgh ih‘at re 'tut • t.lty ...) 1% `ILL 3 f RuNIS, and %V. P. 1.%.t0n, and other doiLluguishod Makers; all or which will 1,1 sul ! at natinfacturer'4 pilaw, and Wtirraut.,,,j. The proaant stuck has been selected by the subscriber per sunnily, and every Piano is 14 arrautkti to be perfect in every particular and will be sold at lass prison than have ever been offered In this city, Niue new an] tocan4Alaud Pianos to rout at $2, $3, $1 and $5 per mot. tn. JOak H. MELLOR, SI SVo:A.I atreot, ‘ 4 ,44;;;:tit•l I LI NW A I" S • 4: PIANOS AcLIOICE LOT of the unequalled BTELNWAYtik SON'S, New York Pianos, Ink re ceived; amonglit thdm a Three Stringel Louis XIV, of octavos, cud eui*rb workmanahip. We match this inet,ument against any Grant Piano iu thin city fur gran deur, volume and beauty of tune. The Steinway PiaLlUd are beyond all doubt the most perfect ones mad• anywhere, and are dvatined to become the moat t,, polar inetimneute in the world. They are folly warranted by the tuakore and toe subscribers, and will ha sold at New Yrrk fac'ory pricey Fur sale by 11. KLAIBER BR.), No. 53 Fifth et., Sole agent for iteinw eye Alen received, a tine lot of Nunue di cud ale Dunham's Flamm. se27 THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE CON rA NT LY un hand a c.ompleto h . i MIA AND I-1,18 MADE, To ‘.lcl,Eit JNC). B. ftI'PADDENi a. SO toy la 4)6 MAltlillr DRIVATE DISEASES.-- DR. t:ccu A lltilDlCALami SITROIO Ofile-.1, No., tO 33t1TBYI lcLI) dv t , Putt,. hal gti, Pa. BISOWN ‘,1,1 e1t.1,14 Largh, and has bss , a In procticu fur [ha last twenty-fie, years. Me buelneee hi.er t+)6lleonfinud PfiNiito Lcwi ficr.4l , gical Dinsaaes. O.I.TIMIS AND STRANGIaIIa !r jcs , la uoed of a medical &lend, should u...t tail to find oat the sure phini of relief. Thu Doctor le a regular graduate, and olperirmuctin t h e treatment of a carlain class of ahlt9le lii 0 ditto glailiklabo to tho buffer& of obtaintng tho WO of bia remedies and following liLi &Iv v., DR. BROWN'S I'LLJY Klnlu6dn 1 inpurftros and Scrofulous Affections. Also, all Mae arming tram a liared.W4ry taint, with:l manifests 1t cli is tilt form of a lettar, psoritirda and a groat maw/bra:is of slit alw.ases, the ut !gin of which the patient to entirely ir.ouraut To persona so aftliotrqi, Dr. E. odors Lopes of n shro and spordy 10001,1.511. Lt. brown's rtanodles for tbla alarming trouble), oltan by that solitary habit of selarflal gradlicatloo tho young and weak-rulndod nftnn givo way to, (t., :hair o r} dastruction r ) aro tho only bnowo In !Lb coal/try—Choy are safe, and tnth a a •pxdy health. br. Brown's ratuudloa ',over tall to ours this palltfel wi ease in a /no tlairs—Le will Warrant a onto. Bo alai trt,ti Piles, Oloot, tlonerrh, Etrletru - o, Urethral Inaciong.., ft Malt, Wbakne4ll, Monthly Suppruestous, Diseasett u i cl,. Joints, Vistula in Anu, Norvuus Affections, Pain lu the Back and Kidneys, Irritation of ttio Bladder, tegather al: distiasea of an IlLiptir6 A letter doauribiug the symptoms, oeutaioing arse, recto/ to Lit. BROWN, Nu. 60 Suilthaold street, l'lttsbacrt. Pa., will ho inanodiately answered. Modicino suet to au' address, safely packed and Comm.(' from ototervation. 0111 en and Pi Eva:a Itootal, Nu. 60 ittuitlitleltl street, Pitt. burgh, Pa. auk P. (111.AH.LES LIVERY STABLE S.-- 10 The audersignod has bought the 1.31th0 L . , of the eLeve nausea Btalttes, to r ether with, uurtiou of the o.tten-.. isve stuck of EHorses and Carriagea, • late the property of Janieq LiDithowa, deFeatied. lii addition to the atixit . haUre-I: 4 7ntiCined„lie has &Igo added u number of fiNE IlOuUi6 t, 131.1UG1 EIS ANI) CAltitlALl wi,ll were funderly employed at tils Livery Stables du Third, below Wood street. As ho gives ILLY pursoual atten tion to the bUtlillui3.l 7 a continuauce of the patrouage which he has hitharh., received frcn public is solicited. JACOB GARDNIM, Bt. Charles Livery Stables. N. B.—A HEARSE and any number of shays he procured fur ittuorale det) Si° C KIN U YARNS- Always ou 'laud, and fur sale et add 77 Market street. VLO LOUR.—=IO bbls. choice e t u i A y r7ta etl rn m eforsale by j Corner Market and First sta. ONIONS. -10 bbls. Onions for sale by --. el ENTS' SIIOES AND U ALTERS. ki _ PURE BLACKBERRY AND CHERRY BRANDY, for medicinal purposes, at EIAWORTII d. BROWN LEE'S, Jet in the Diamond. JOB PRIN'rIMI. Cards, Freight Bills, Circulate, Dray Receipts, 13111 fieds, Labels, Railroad Receipts, Bills Lading, With every other description of Job Printing, executed with promptness end at fair prices. J. R. SVELDIN, Printer and Bind, r, mytil Wood street, near Pk•erth. INDIA RUBBER CURRY COMBS.- -The best article in WM, Just re,elved at the luau. ttubb.•r Depot, 28 and 28 St. Clair street. my t. 2 J. It H. PHILLIPS. LARD OIL. (.0 barrels Extra No. I Lard Oil; 25 No. 2 Lard Oil, on hand and for sale, by [mylll] B. C. & J. li. SAWYER. - - PIANOS AND MUSIC SPLENDID NEW STOCK - 0 1+ - StiN':•;, BOSTON, PIANOS TO ILEIN T ila twoen Dlatu,.ud Alley euel Fourth strut t MILITARY GOOD, NI I 1. 1 T A It I' (I () () I) CONSISTING LN PAST OT PLUMES, Eili'L 4.D8 lIMITIE Voluutaar Companics WITLI PULL N 0.4 1 -1113111113 AT eLiutt Vnf Gal to curd the worst form of Vt,uetre.tl EMIN AL W Itlll9 CILILTIiqd AT MANUFACTURERS' PRICES, L 0 P. M A fl A I D E e. 8 1 A II 8 II P. 0 II 8' 0 II E A P . 8' O PEOPLE'S U A SHOE STOItE, A I Nu. 17 PI VTII wr. I T 1 CHILDRENS' 91101:2 I Jul I BROOMS. -50 doz. reo'd and for sale by =GI lIENBY H COLLINS. FISH. -500 packages White Fish, Salmon, and Trout, for gala by (my2l) 11. H. COLLINS. INO. D. M'CREARY'S COL'D PRINTING [Ni' B--Sold by f mr24) J. It. WELDIN. GIORN.-10 hags shelled Corn received and for Gala by OW HENRY 11. COLLINS COUNTRY BACON.-1.000 lb®. Country Shouldera and Bide;raz:e.lved and for aXa by JAS. A. FETZER, cnalF OanuaT Marken and First .4.. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR.-21) szuake gunk. wheat floor, 60 tb goad, Jost received and for dole by mccA_N - DiNSB, MILLIS A CO., tau Cartier Wood and Water stretta. FLOUR. -25 bble. Superfine Flour root - lived nuJ for dub, by ItaIiNDLESS, REAM d CO., Ludo Oar= Wood and Water stro.t.a. VRIGRANT RIFLES.—A most desirable .1:4 and cheap waapou, oL BOWN a TIITLSY'S, mat Nn l Ward rimrt. L ARll—Aprime article of No. 1 Lard, in barrels and keo, Just received and for sale by AIoOANDLEES, &LOANS & CO., la& Corner of Wood and Water streutm HOUSE KEEPING ARTICLES.— ekinlum Silver Spoems; Silver Plated Spoons, (extra heavy ;) Sausage Cutters; Table Cutlery; Candle Sticks; Snuffers; And many other housekeepers' articles, for sale at sa2s DOWN 3 TNTI,BY, No. 1213 Wood id.. LASS.-300 boxeß matted sizes Window aisso, good country brand, tar sale bi vaiti HIM IL (k)LLINS. PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT A GRIST MlLL—Three run of stones and all this machinery completo, corn and cob cracker, kc., all iii good order, with a dwelling holm, ghillie and two iota of ground, eituuto iu South Plttebnrgh, and will be dolt! uu vory oaay *enrol by 8, CIITIII3EST St 60N, i ell 51 'stnrl. LLI LEAM MILL in oouiplote running or ,t. r, CUeto ,o• it, r ..alp ray '? ap34 al >lar ket etc eet - - ()P TUE CITY.--Perrons desirous out of the city, can pos has. two frame d,elliae, h , ',lees pivaeautly situate! nu !'brit et etr , et,latt, rem:utak., catch 110:1.1,1contaius 6 rooms ..ud ~111 r. u garden ul butts, `,'were and rdirubbcry. All L. cotripl. to o rder Vs Le sold toptlier, or any trately to snit puretatte.aci. Apt ly tv CUTIISERT ant, 61 Marked street. ONLY $750 for a Dwelling house of four ruotue large hut of ground. fruit trood, ate., pleas. autly situated iu eitLatturgli, on the ',taut of Nlouut WaPtiiugteu, immediatly opposite Smithfield street, will be eold un easy terms, by S. CUTEMERT 6t ituN, 1113 61 Market street. T - 0 LET five Dwelling Houses. 8. CUTHBERT h SON, ftc6 61 31arkot street 1400 K AT TIIE 110 USES.—No. 17 Scott street, house of 7 rooms. Price, $lBOO. Nu. 60 ,ltlanou street, house of 7 rooms, for $l7OO. No. 31 Clark street, near Carpenter'H alloy, for $l2OO. Yur sale by S. CUTHBERT & BON, .13 Ii Ilarkst ■trnst FAMILY RESIDENCE FOR SALE-A vt.luatde property of 150 feet front ou Covington et., I..iwrenceville, by 100 deep on Washingkm street to Oherry alley, Brick Dwelling House of 7 rooms well arrauged,batii room, porch, well of water and pump, stable and coal house, kitch‘m range, etc. The rooms are newly painted and pa pered, shade and fruit trees, grape arbor, great variety of flowers, etc.; good p ling fence. The above offers a good opportunity to buy a c mplete and plessa_t residence Price low, and terms accommodating. B. A NON, Reel Estate and General Agents, 51 Market street. VALUA BLE RESIDENCE FOR SALE.- YY two story brick dwelling house, with lot of 96 fret front ou Cliii street, by 156 deep to Flak otroet, fruit and shade trees, grape arbor, flower gardens, Sc., Ac., The Louse is well arranged, with wide halls, parlor nob marble ruantl4, dining room, library room, kitchen au -I pantry, live bed chambers, bath room, hag store heaths to fire plane and patent iron fines, ward robes, two porticore, large cel.ar io Hite divisions ' kitchen range, Ac. Immedi• ate poss.:salon can be had. For price and terms call at our 1410 R RENT. ---A large lot of ground having a tine trout au 'runnel street and Punuaylvan'a avenue. Apply to S. CU rll BERT A SON, bIPA ULE7CTIt:, $6OO IN EASY PAYMENTS, WILL buy u uedt. two story bouee In Allegheny 1 , 1 fT , ,> i 1,1 übe, I_ 4 lOR SALE.— SEVENTY TIIOUSAND I.‘ ACRES of oho(e Prairie and Timber Land, situated to if erthern loss and Southern :Minnesota, 131111.1110:.ng the lot of farming Lando ev,r offered ILI this market, as they are located conveniently to 3_lllls, Towns and lines of Itoilrond. Patuplilets containing information of ). sine to em(grants and cataloguer giving location, description and price of the laud, with a brief description of the oountlea in wil is they are Ls_ated, can Lb hod LAI application st one ' , thy.) and they still he by Mall to persons mewling nn their addre)).l. WILLIAM PEAZLER & 00 , my:tl3l . Jouoe' Building, No. 67 Fourth street. TEN DOLLARS IN LIANI), will secure a Building Lut ut '..)&x.100 feet ou Mt. Washington..-- Pt 4.11/0-$lO it, hand, reinabialit to rust pnrchaaer. Al s Lot of 61.1);100 feet for $21.0--$25 in baud, balance in pay.nehts to snit purchatur. S. CUTHBERT a tt+Ml, 61 Market stre+.t. fit^ H'YO ESE 1 ACRES of Land an a oOmfortallo kLaaa, aitai;to liesr the Waaningtuu Darnpilie, ut uuout 8 tolled from Jonee Ferry, will be sold on natty term+. Immedlitte noaananlon. S. OUTI.II.IERT rr.tßj, ALOT OF ()HOUND in East Liberty, near the Railroad arintiuu 80 by LUO toot will bu arid lid $2.7 lu build, remainder at nix yearn' credit. d. OUTLIBER'r & EON. 51 Market Street. 3 ) ACRES of Land for $450, half in and the balance in Lam year, situate in llk ounuty, Pa., nee 1 CC/art/Ville; ease cleared. 'rho 8011 in good, and timbal of brat quality, for sale by ~yzo 8. CUTILBECRT alk dON, 61 Market at. ONLY $750 FOR A TWO STORY Dwel ling House, of four rooms, with lot of ground 20 feet herd. on Monterey street, Allegheny city, by 110 deep to an alley. Teruo, $4OO iu baud, balance at ono, two end three years, 8. CTOTLIBLIRT A dON, •c0r2.4 61 Market street riga.; SIZE of the cheap Building Lots for Bah) by S. CUTHBERT it SO4 Ia 30 by 100 tout. Locattun—Near the railroad station, East Liberty. Price—From $275 to $4OO each. Terms--Ono4earth In hand; remainder at six years credit. The Plan can Go seen at the Real Estate °thee, 51 Market street. [jol2. DRY , li.PP us i LE d S i . d --s fur O w bble b y: bright thy Ap ____,_, aila ILIANIL V LI is.ILLIN.t HERRING -3U bide. lierrtng received and for sale by j oed I HENRY U. COLLINS. OhN APPLES.-15 bble. ohoice Apple received and fur sale by a,5 .."' LtENRY IL COLLINS. DEAN S.-20 bbls. small White Beans, just received and for sate by 11XNRY H. ooLuris. fiIIMUTEIY SEED.-10 bags reo'd and for A sale by (i; 3 l HENRY H. COLLINS. NEW WALL PAPERS CHEAP.—StiII they come. W. P. MARSHALL & CO, eta 87 Wood atmet., JOSEPH HORNE'S, (tit x is()N11- CUTLIBEICT SON, 61 Market Atreet NEW GOODS FOR SPRING SALES.---' We aro daily reckiviug from oar own and Eastern factories, additions to our stock, which 'consists in part of ilour Oil Clothe, Carriage 011 Clothe, Furniture 011 Clothe, Table Oil Cloth., Crash Oil Cloths, Transparent Oil Cloths, Transparent Window Shades, Buff Hoßanda, and Shade Trimmings lierchanta, Housekeepers, and others, requiring any goods is our lino, are invited to call and examine the stock, and Judge for thernsolrea in regard to the quality and priced. J. a H. PHILLIPS, Noe. gi and 23 St. Clair street. QIIAD-10 bbls. No. 1 Baltimore Shad,just received and for sale by IttcOANDLESS, MEANS CO., e 22 Corner Wood and Water streets. HERRING -10 bbls. No. 1. Potomac He ring, Just received and for sale by McOANDLES,S, 31.RANS & CO., 6/2 Oirner Wood and Wator streets. WESTERN LANDS of good quality, fcr sale or exchange fur Real Estate In the city. iipia S. CUTHBERT & SON, 61 Market et. DRIED APPLES.-150 bus. choice Dry Apples, received and for sale, by JAB. A. FETZER, apB Corner Market and First moots. PINE APPLES.-500 received this day and for sale by REIMER A ANDERSON, No. 89 Weed street, 04nosite Bt. Charles Hotel. GASKET BOARDS—For Packing Joints, sold by WM. G. JOIINSTON dc CO., myl7 P.m' . Nelms, 67 Wood street. I - ANSEL-150 pkgs. White Fish, Trout, ..rSal mon, etc. tap7l HENRY EL COLLINS. ___ IME.-100 barrels fresh Lime just rec.' by I=Bl ligNaY H. 001.1 INS. PAPER WAREHOUSE.—JNO. M. PER KLNS tt. CO., No. 128 Wood street, have the largext aa sortment of all kinds of Papers ever in this market, such an Book and Printing Papers; Rag and Straw Wrapping; Latter; Manilla Paper of all sizes; Cap; Book and Box Boards; Note; Hocalope4 Tissue'' Bonnet Boards and Olszed Papers; Hardware Paper,etc. filch we will sell at manufacturer. prices. 1921 INDIA RUBBER CURRY COMBS—AIso a L•rge assortment of Dreastug Tuck and Lung Combs fult tectivoJ ut the India Rubber Doix)t of J. IL PHILLIPS, .11 24 *DJ 28 et. Cazir stiwt. H ARPER'S MAGAZINE, Jost, rth:eived and fur tittle, at NEW BEDFORD SPERM CANDLES.— uo boxes assorted ailed, 4's, 5 . a and &a, Sperm Candles on band and and for gale by B. 0. d J. IL SAWYER. GUM, BUFFALO, CALF AND CLOTH OVERSHOES, offered low, at "The Peoples' Shoe Store," No. 17 Fifth street, near Market. fen DIVWENBACIIER .1/41300, VI:FETAL° SHOES.—A splendid article of Gents' and tulles Buffalo Over Shoes. Alg, Gents' I Over Shoes, at the People's Shoe Store, No. IT Fifth Street, near Market. nov2l DIIINTED FRENCH MERINOES, for G 2 and 76 cout3, forth $1 sad $1,25, the test assortment to the city. 0. HANSON LOVB, (formerly Love Brothers) ; N 0.74 Markel street. WE WILL SELL from the present time nu commonly cheap YOBOABEL Please call and exam ne oar stock. 0. HANSON LOVE, oct2o formerly Lora Bros., No. 74 Market et. JAVA COFFEE.—Just received a lot of strictly pure Old Government Java Ootree. ALI; La. guyra and GM (Wee, at JANNEY not BMA SO Ititittstreet. " N 61 illarke,L .crvet S CUTHBERT A Soli, 51. Market greet (.1 Mai . ket atri,t rOR AIICIUBT LOO'SIIB% Poet Building DISTFXBACHER A GO DEPOT FOR THE SALE OF COAL OIL, 134 South Second Street, Lubricating 011 fur nil buila of Mallinery, Qluuacle or Loup ,It, in H.i r wilor t.. qp• Vi 111 tor tilwrui for r :1!1 klfidi of Lit tiTERNS, HEADLIGHTS, Li! !TOMAS , SUP httIOR PATENT IMPROVED LAMP Thal lamp 1.-rfornis a perf ot con 4umptlon of all smoke and auwtt m bong from the flea of oil, in which other lamps aro loutiil imperfect, thereby giving a much morn brilliant . a.tlo wh..lesale and retail by ItUUREIALI, Sole-Agent. a 012.2_zi 1 FALL FASHIONS. sec ITATTERS, HAVE RECEIVED THE nty!. , 4 of - BILK HATS, CAni)IRRE HATS, FRENCH SOFT HATS ALliO : THE LATEST STYLES OF CAPS, sols No. 1.:31 Woud Street, Pittsburgh J. D. LEET, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Hollidaysbirg, Blair County, Penn'a., WILL ATTEND TO ALL BUSINESS untrumted to Lin care, in the coantioa of Blair, BULL en,ot, Huntingdon, C•antala. and Clrarliold aa9:em To STRANUERS AND VISITORS TO VIM FAIR —SASU AND DOOR FACTORY IN AL LEG UN:IN V.—Builders, Contractors, or others wanting ?us , , Doors. Window Frames, Shutters or Mouldings, should call at the CANTRAL PLANING MILLS, and examine our superior work and finish, fur with our present superior and fine w. rking machinery we aro beyond competition, and our prices ara much below these producing an inferior ar ticle. Call and examine for yourselves. Jobbing, Repair ingot&pn mptly attended, tu. J. A U. T. PRICE, Con fee Planing 31111 a, Water street, between Federal and Beaver. Allegheny City, Pa. ee2B WILL lAM H. YEATON, COM RHSSION MERCIMANT, No. 216 South Front Street, Philadelphia, Agent ter h Co.'s Champagne; Dutch Co Am sterdam Gill: Havana and Jarman Cigure ; Wines, Bran dies, etc., in Custom House and in &ore (3r( /V 1-.; I N ENGINE,; AND _BOILERS Al' AUCTION, ON THURSDAY, 14TH OF OCTOBER NEXT. WE will sell in the Navy Yard, at Mem phis, Tenue.see, the ENGINES and BOILERS need by the Government in the manufacture of rope. DESCRIPTION Double Acting Engine, of two cylinders of 42 inch stroke 18 inches in diameter—estimated at fifty horse power each, with an Independent cut-off attached to each cylinder. Side valves with eccentric motion. One large regulator with connections complus, and indicater attached, fat tlme and revolution. Ilialn driving wheel 12 feet in diameter, of cast iron, with inserted t:eth. Jack gear running in connection wits it is of cast iron with cut teeth, feel in diameter, giving velocity to the jack shaft three to one of that of the en gines. Engimi-i rest on iron beds 20 feet long, 2 feet high, weighing 9000 Ins each. Main shafting connected with the jack shs ft 55 feet long, 6 inches In diameter, of wrought Tennessee lien with stands and coupling complete. Brasi and bald,. it metal D. - , vas; 7 large drums from 8 to 16 feet in din :serer utted en the olia'ts. 'rho foundations that the en .ines and main line of shafting rests on, are of atone, and sie fitted iu inich a manner that they can he moved with the engines. Six c) tinder boilers, 30 feet lung, 30 inches In diameter. Flouts, grate-bars, pipes and connections for steam and water. Aida, Faber water-gangs connected with each boiler. beders are arranged in two separate sets, con neeied so that either or both can Do used. one set can al- ways be in order. They ere made of % Inch TOTIIIOB3OO I rim fronts fur boilers 23 fact lung and 6 feet high. The Engin.. and BOiloie ale finished, in all their parts, in Use best workmanlike manner. They were built by E. io Norfolk, of Selena, Maseachuaetts at a coat of about $16,000. They were used by the Government for a few months, and proved to be superior to any In the Mississippi Valley. tin..-third to fall doe 16th Deccixtber, 1&58; one-thlrd 15th June 1859, and onedbird 15th December, 1869—notes to be a.tiafactorily endoruwL The sal • Will ho pa3itiva *lid without restirve. WIII to leaned at the eaUlb time, fur :n yarn, 01l the Rope Walk not heretofore disposed. d. B. lAJOJKE Auctioneers and Real Estate Brokers. i532.5:dtth..10 14 11RST INTROLTUED JULY, 1849.- A. t.. ARO HAII/BA CLT'S Portable Steam Hoisting anti Pumping Engine (...o Wilt,.la, tram 3to 30 horse powur. Also, Patty En gloua and daw Mill Drlvura,tl to SU horse. Engines always uu hood. Manufactory, 15th S. Hamilton Street, i vattauutbw PIIILADELPHIA. t./ WORTH OF MUSIC FOR- TWEN= TY-FIVE CENTS—THE GENTLE ANNIE 111ELODIST.—This little work coutains all the words and Music of the new and popular atra of the day. The seleo• tin a has beau made with gram care, giving only those songs which are good and popular. All the beat songs of 8. 0. Feater, are embraced in thi3 collection. A large supply Just received, and for sale at the Maio Store of unlo 10111 , 1 11. MBl,Lolt, 81 Wood stroot. THE BENT AN D VV . W •••• CLINA.PEST VINEGAR 19 ifg r =xl to g at the most extensive VIN. k qAp: DUE. WAIiEIIOUSE in the 4". tifsipsasr* , . Weld. house - now sup tigitmligf,-414 plies, and has for the last ten yeara, more than 'one-half of the Pittsburgh grocers, and • the Hanle in every other city in which it has been introduced. A. BALLOU, 146 Water street, betweso sadchtioid and Grout it u 5 a vdrw 910 - - - P RINTIIRS.—Tho subscriber has now on h Ind, and is daily receiving, from the manufae• turera, a large assortment of Printer's Stock. B. W Potter's Printer's Cards, from No. 1 to 7, Satin China, Porcelain Satin Enamelled, and colored. tti Card Beards, in sheets ; McCreery's Celebrated colored inks ; ,i " Card Lay & Bros. News " Varnish and Size ; Colored Printing Papers; Pamphlet Cover Papers; Glazed and Plated Papers, red, green and yellow ; Steel Blue Glazed Papers, and a large assortment plain Note, Setter, Cap, and Polio Poet, blue and white. J. B. WELDIN, 63 Wood street, near Yonrth. myll QO,l PS 1000 boxes Roam Soap, in lb., 2 lb. and 3 lb, ban. 600 " No. 1 Palm Soaps, in ib., 21b. and 3m. ban. 600 " Chemical Olive Soap, in M. Itimpa 200 " Oleine Oxide " 250 " German 200 " Castile 60 " Pare Palm On hand and for gale by Jall QIIAWLS AND DRESS GOODS, OF eery variety of style and quality, a large assortment and cheater than they cm be found in the city. O. HANNON LOVE, seal No. 74 Market street. EAR ITT IN&IND, that the East Lib erty Loth are oitered at such prices, and on such easy terms, as to make a home easily to be obtained. Bear It In mind, that they front on er'de streets, are of easy erC63B by railroad, and are very desirable locations for family reaidenc. , s. Bear it In mind, that the plan of the lotse to be seen at Jell 61 MARKET STREET. • OIL CLOTH CRASH--1500 yards of vari ous patterns and widths, Just received from the fac• tory, for eale wholesale or retail, by PHILLIPS, my 22 28 and 2A Ft. ClLiir ety•vt. BL . ACK AND FANCY DRESS SILKS.- A MI assortment, very cheap. O. llaiNt 4 ON LOVE, formerly Love Broil sera, octal No. fa Market street E ----VERY Economical Purohaser of Dress Goods, Shawls, Mintlee, kc.; also Domestic and Sta ple Goode, will find It to their advantage to call and °semi onr New Stock rf Ball and Winter Dry Goodebeforeptwchas lag elsewhere. 0. ILINSON LOVE, cab B',; marly Love Bros.. No, 74 Market at. H AWLS' SHAWLS I—Wool, Chenille, [troche, lc., both long and square, the very beet in the city, and at very low prices for cash. 0. HANEON LOVE, formerly Love Erne., N 0.74 Market street. DIQUE and MARSEILLES, Fleeced, for making Baaquee. A large aitkatment at dec./ GEO. It. WRITE A 00'8 SHOULD you ask me, should you wonder, Where to buy your Shoes and Gaiters t Gamuts for your feet in springtime, Boors with heels, and pretty Busxms. Nice Paraten SLIPPERS for the' summer, Patent leather, Glove-Hid liocasine Where to buy these cheap and good too ; I should answer, I would tell you, , Go unto the PEOPLES' SHOE STORE. To the Peoples' Cheap Shoe Store, To the Storo of DIFFENBACHEft„ ap2l No. 17 Fifth street. DOTATOES.-50 bags for sale by .325 lIENBX IL OOLLINB RIO COFFEE. —5OO bags good to ohoic Rio Coffee, now landing and tor Bala by AUJAIR & RIOKET.BOI 4 I, 1014 Noo. 221 and 223 Liberty street. SYRUP.- 6 lihda. Levering 's first quuiity Syrup; •416. 25 " ho Ws. choice Uolden Syrup, now landing and for NULL= £ SIOSETSON, Noe; 221 and 223 Liberty street. WHALE 01L.-40 bble. Bleached Winter Whale Oil, Jaen received and for sale by o BILLBII A ItIOSIRSON, rel 4 Noa. 2l endut23 Liberty street. I 111 LEAD-300 Pigs, for Bale by ce4 REMY U. C1M44.148. THE LP A I LIT POST. PHILADELPHIA No much Ilitcrt-ci t 8 Liken tu the thrilling bal. loon asoeilhlCl: Ann Lad 'David Hama , than We re- producg cnuoh I tt tot venture, together with some relialde facts not before, given. > The "startling story of the frightful ascent of two small children ckme I iu a balloon, has natu rallyß ex its i some incrledulity, which in turn, has been increased by the rather diverse ac counts given of the event. But the return to our city of the Itronaut Mr. S. M. Brooks, en, ables us to gi as authentic confirmation and true version of thu thriliing narrative. This gentleman kit,hy nfullma u 3 substantially as follows He w as to have iiseelided from the Fair Grounds at Centralia on Friloyl the 17th inst , but find ing himself tiewell, eccepted the offer of another seronaut, Mr. Wilson,' who volunteered to take his place in the balloon Mr. Wilson effected a beautiful ascent, at half-past 5 in • the after noon, floated westward and then southeastward, rising two and a half! miles, and at about half past six, P. M. dcseMaded sixteen miles south eastward of starting point. He was caught by a tree about forty-tiveroris front the farmhouse of Mr. Benjamin Harvey. The spot is two miles and a half froth Rome, Jefferson county, Mr. Harvey and his family, Red others gathered and disentangled the air ship. They then pulled th e car to the ground and some boys held the ropes as the voyagehit alighted, and while he was drawn off in converseti::e with the inquisi tive people, UP balloon was " towed" to the house, and Mr. Harvey prepared to have some sport by rising the 'length of the rope, to be pulled down. Provi:g too heavy to rise, he stepped out aid put in his three children --lied of three years, a girl of. eight, and a Still older girl, At Iles point Mr Wilson called out to those held mg the epee In he rti n end hold fast. But the three cb:l le: w roe beery, and the eldest wits tekce ibis t through the un tratenriee: the i pers,i, at the e.dde, the bal loon smei •L.ly nod !very -wiftiv ticr , t up! The anchor :!reet is mean teuce„but tore it away, while a c. f f hoeror burst fr m the agonized group. Teo Ml:lien screamed with horror, and the pitc - m - epprel, Pull me down father I" as it i: stem le rc tq te:aier end fainter, render ed the parcel-. and aeie ! el present, for the time perfectly frame: 1: wee n o w half past seven o'clock, 1:-. -11.•ne (14,71 c, cud the bal loon was soon 1)..1':,k,1 A ppried of more intense wretched:seas to :he tat ental heart can scarcely he imagierd As there was 1 .iit. 1, the bad gone almost directly lie disappearance in a southeasterly cat, :le. tem the men end boys rill., ii pet tit Tour the country and search the wv„ie, it expeetation that the victims would !se:newt:ere de-send and be subjected to dreteei'ee •,r of starving undis oovered. , It was about th---e • eieek on iturday morn ing, that dirt lenatin Aiche on, living on Moore'e prairie, about eight miles from Mount Vernon, got up, he se'ye, „lid went out upon his porch to see the Blazing!' star "—the oomet. An im mense spectre rising fr.,m a tree, about twenty yards distamt, rettirr appalled him, and he re entered the 'house eria :raked his family. Oh his coming it egrel, avr piteous voice °aired to him fro - ,z , the Fuectrv., "Crete here and lot us dawn ar &Lost fn ze I " fir. Atohi ,cd 3 pedily , perc:.!.! :he ase,riehing nature of the care, mustered~heip, cut away some of the tree, end t he il:ce io safety to the ground! The little boy sett lifted rut, end when placed upon his neat, instantly f r :eiraral yards, then turned and far ail:et:ism ,e,etempla,ted the balloon with apparently intense cariosity. The little girl told their borrows and adventurer with MI almost broken Ler:, to these people who strangely indeed. Lad not beard of the disas ter. tt . ‘il " In 3 lb. h.rt. " ta ID. " B. 0. a J. H. SAWYER NUMBER 305, ~.m Lc t LQr, bt I isa ul ti LP , ry, ulna at. A messenger ;Lrric,:d at Mr. Harvey's, eight teen miles distant, et 2 P M. with the trans-, porting tidings, that the children were safe— We will leave it to our reader's heart to suggest the joy which the iniclig,:tics caused. It Was late in the aft. rn,old when the little ones arrived and were clasped once more in the embrace of their parents. The happy resultl was retnived in Centralia, and announced cu Sunday morning In the churches amid eestaeles of joy. The children wee brought there,ou Monday, and welcomed with the tiring of o , *.tilOU and a general jubilee. Photographrtrait , , were taken of them, by William B. Maths4re, artist'at Centralia, and a variety of presents was made to them.— The girl is named Martha Ann, and her little brother, David lawn: She &aye that he soon cried himself to sleep, an(l that she cried till she slept a little and then aw .I.eried in the tree. Mr. Brooten aflir4 that the balloon must have descended about 11 d'clook on Friday night, and hence had remayned' in the tree till its discov., ery, through the kindness of the "blazing star" and the astronomical; wakefulness of Mr. Atchi- son. Mr. Brooks has tie protogrophio portraits of the juvenile adveo tu,rcrs, which we suppose may soon be seen by all the curious at the Bt. Louis Museum NOTICE.—THEI UNDERSIGNED HAVE. this day formed 4 Go-Partnership under the style au t firm of 6icCILOSPO4Y, coseßa.vm It CO., as dealers in Coal, in the cities of Pittsburgh and New Orleans. ..,,, NAM OILL2ANS 0011:i, 108 GIL&VIEB EintEZT. " fc.. 1 JOHN McOLOSELY; JAMES hfcCI.OSKEY, JuHN 8. COSORAVIL . [item I, or rzu ch, ISoB—seg2:lm . ACHANCE FOR ALL.-Glo to No. 17 Fifth street, nu.' ',1•11f your shoes from a large and well selected stock. , . Ladies' Wear. ! Gout's Wear. French Morocco "tool., French Calf Bcg is, Kip Congress Bouts, 1 Klp Boots, Mor. " " i thaf Gaiters, La th!g Gaiters, 1 Klp Brogana, Buskins and SlippaS. Hoary Rerdember, at the People's Shoe Store. se2s DIFFIiNBACEIEII & CO. PiEW MAP OF (.JR. COUNTRY—Present and proapeetivo--nmbracing the United States and Territorion, the Canadad raw Brunswick, Nova Bootie and New FOUliditillii; Lid „XiCO, Cuba, nod tall W. I. Island% Central America and therlathiona of. Panama, all the Now Discoveries in the Polar AtegmLe by Dr. Kano and others, and all the New Settlements, ~ nd even the Counties of Kane sax and Nehreaka, each Oita proper position, all on the Banco .tale, compiled from (ioiernment Surveys and other relia ble sources. Per sale byl H. S. HAVEN; Stationer and Paper Dealer, Corner of Market and Second eta. FOR SAL E. —24 Acres of firet-elass Garden Lind, situate seven mil-a Lem the city, 'lmprove ments good—tine er,lia:4l, excellent water, limestone and coal In great abundance. Will be sold low and on easy terms. Agply to JAMES C. BICKBEY, ee2o Real EstatA and.Bilt Broker, No. 65 fifth street. 11008E3 FUR t, 2,NT, BY S. CEITTRBER A 81N, 61 Altu-I.4et htlc6t. A small two story bat bonao, of f. or rooms, kitchen and cellar, on Bluff str. , bt, blghth ward, $9OO pc: month, with approved etcurlty. A small Mynas in fiplabee emsrt, $6,25 per month., A good dwelling boos; le CAuple:o olavez rooinv, bath room, etc., situate o Second street. A hones of ton rix.ros on Third street A warehouse on Smithfield street. A large store roma on illonrth street, SOAP.- I 200 boxea Rosin 80 , 3 p; joo No.l Fa oily soap; 200 " Olive Soap; 25 " N 4. 1 Ohl. Palm Boapiia store and , RIOKETEION, Noe. 221 and 228 Liberty street. MIDIEJ QUN PRI ES.— I A 7 350 bags Rio Coffee: "25 pockets Jaya tic,: 50 bbla. N. C. Tat ; " No. 3 Mackerel; 10 kits No.l tdo; 5 bbls. No.l do; 100 half chp_stsTea; 60 ‘• Mid. do; 10 " " GOnpowder do ; 100 bozea Tob ,varicras brands - . 100 kegs Bi Cub a, Just landing and for gala by 8825 SRL 11. SMITH I CO. RICKS AND, TRAPS—Price 10 (writs: Buy a copy and keep out of hat water.. For ariloyy E. 6.1. JENKINS & CO, 1 Depot, AllegbeiasiEltY• QOAP POWDER.--50 boxea Soap powder A-7 Of•our own mann4ctaro, warranted superior to any dined for sale in this uiarket, on hand and for sale by • ten B. CL a J. H. SAVIMIL GP. BB LS. superfine Flour jto3t received and 400 for sale by JAB. V ETZEB ' anl2 Cornet Marko* surd ITlrst. DUBE PORT ;WINE, for medicinal put' Pons, )4 the bottle or gallon at fIaWOBVIB.SOMITIES , n the Dia/m a& TO LET—A Store Room on Maraket street ordliAra A. I mET ----- Jui-480 tons sofaoun , dry Meta, km gab by (sal) S. ChAratd,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers