r---,--: ' ~;;;.. "','''''''',.-...--'•„-.. . •. = ~ , .. - , _ .. ..4 VOLUME X.VI. VINIEIMie, ......1-1-2,3 - SigneieWoo=l:2S23lBol2FlL" TTS•3I7N..fiN 3101 1 ;1i 1 .7L04 POSE , ..-.., ~..,,,,,,: 1-3•71.• in , r;a:•:: (Stmis:4 t::c. ...:-.: ..111111.LIS' P. 84.215., • :czr:47.17,::.• (4.lsr:no, or "7: , ..11 d'... - 711.72 Gra 7. 6 `., :'...."..-6.Thr.‘ 7 2,.:111.1::: :,.. -.r, ^.:,:, - elsl6,tr.t.tly In ady a -.c is; -.; D , :',.1-2 i.1.7:..rnb1y regall :::. if r.oSpai.l within t.l.lo:ye4r. C.:`.. • ir,.10 C0P:.23, '.l - 17'J C:i7.7.'S--fgr rale attho co me if. ts. G'...'2.:. ..:•1'•; th.. , 1i..,":."., GOY?. R1'21:3 01' ADVER.TISING. ''''' . -•, ..- 1 -,....,,1nt* - 2,....-*; ?mite arxt a! in Tl'; , i '''lG ?ale*: wed to,ek. I pap , -r Cue ir.r. , ....V..cr, ..-..1 60 , 1 ~.......„ 1 'iv," rzser...s3 - 61-.......! Tr,:.........i... .. .7.1...., ir:....‘re...,., _... 1 1 oc.i 1 1 . .......... Ono trent - ... -... 1 75.. -._... r. .,, TWO Wea."A......... .. 3C3 200 I£o 10 . 75 'lll3 we-ku -. 4GO 285 2 0.:.. 1 •.. 100 ti-70 ras. , Oao month ..- .... ~.. SCO S '35 259 1:7 1 5 ..t: - Ly .. ...... .. 7 .13 465 3 CC, 2. 35 250 Therarzen.the. ..... ....I D CO; 6 COi 4£o 3GO 3 00 !Cra eons:. 110 6Th 6 551 5 C....; 3 55: 450 iriv6 GArra:.'2...+..... ...... .1 11 001 7 361 651 : C:, 660 2 - 7 . 1, .. 1,7 -..1: 112 CO 666 600 4 1_ , .., 6La 151:^...:, - ..r. , 01.A.1.3..... .... 16 Cu! 10 351 oal f., .r.l 9 .X.) et , J S 4, ..... .... ...... 2.'.) •.:Gi .1.) 33 1) 66i s ~.,, ‘..: ~ 1"-- - e,f , z .......11 - C. ,i".- Ifnen or : - ,r..3, pyr canc.r.a.....1 .._ 1...‘ l, pplrklo rvir7), to; , yhttr., , y 774l nnom pu-ri• (Sunda:is ) T: J 511.15' P. 81.2.1 L, REPORT OF TLIE CONDITION OF THE Eftttiv: ("r— o• •••s- • ••• aHn 711.7.1 FARMER'S UNION INSURANCE COMPANY, , At ATITEIVS, BEADFOIiIi COUNTY, PA., Jan. 1, 1858, as presented to the Steckholderi, and made out in eamplisnco with the State Laws of :leg York, Ohio, Indinna i lllinois,ke. ars'rxxray. The name of the Company is the FARMERS' UNION IN SURANCE COM PAN Y, located at Athens, Pa. Chartered April 13.1853, by tha Legillatnre of Pennsylvania. Charter PerpetuaL Cash Capital, whizh 1, all paid up finrpius in addition thereto...... Cry par aria aot!rr. , .. PITTSBURGH SATURDAY POST A I.ll.k.nliffeiTa" . %? - 711.1EIECILH. ONLY ONN BOLLIH ?EH ¶EIII 9 IN GLUES OF TEN. Etiagle. Subscrlptiosis, - - per tan,u„,..,, CONTAINS ALL THE CURRENT NEWS OP 1 DAY, Pnlitic...l, tWO 00 ----$ 253,485 6/ cinl, Tel:GI:op - ale and :Tii;callaneonk.. POE TEE ILE 1857. Thin Papa balms of tit:, LI.S.Ci/5S BM; and neatly printe , ...meant of Proadano roceived during the oa f.r.o white paper, in larg; clear type, : . 111 bo found I.ys 85,231 33 the enbe:-" - ibar to give Letter e.i:i:lflctiod. don any I,ap,r iun't intoriv.t received during the year._......... 11,442 07, Am't received from all other sourev.9 '2.,4-SU 00 panliz.hed in Pittsburgh. Isnose who wL. , h tai:. t7C,In will fin,l g lac. S)....TURDAY E cafe •nr,ci invermsat. Addrivi, .7.11.31 31.53 P. BARB, .E. , 4lt , ir end Pro GI. P. th.r..a- B E V7l AAB OVRICR LA.z.v• Corner of Fifttr, and Tiood Streets, PITTSBURGH_ g M unticTsigr_ed.aving, nmde eytensive 1 additions of the LATEST ANDECANDSOMEST STYLE P TYPE, and improved liljtllinbr7, to the MORNING POST JOB OFFICII, invite ttention of Rail Road °Tear Mirebautii, basin= mid the public generally, to their uperior faellitiss for czeortlr z di etch, o e reasznable arms, all kinds of C A E, LEGAL, AND EV4.11: 0Ta.32. Dsto.c2:-.aproN PLAIN FANCY PRINTING .4-14 - - Oar rinit.Lf.-,11)..qng nearly all new, we! can give twee of moe; czniphtt.3 crdert BOOK, PACJEt7.LETS, F All RO.O BIM 9 AND CARDS, BANS IaECES, BLANK NOTES, LH' TER HEADS, BILL HEADS, BILLS LADING, CIRCULARS, BUSINESS CARDS, PATER BODES, DvEIS. HORT.GAGES., BONDS, Ac. .IM°.• raiticular .th.rteation rill al= be paid to the printing Poo.ora, Progrmii:noo, 4c. for Concerto, Bzaiihitions and Circvam. • BABB E 3MMS. BUSINESS CARDS Tize Peoole's Shoe Store. D. S. DIEFFENBACFrn, &CO., Cheap Cash Dealers in au kinds of Fashionable BOOTS, StIOES AND GAITERS, For Gentlemen, ledle„9,' Yontb.3 and anildron, Lie. 17 Firth Street, near Market, PITTSBIIEGE, PA 7. G. rzaarm /01137503...-....—....8. d. JOEISZTS r. PERRIN JOHNSON, Proptiators of Childs 4; Co.'s ratant Faastie Fire and Water Proof _Cement Roofing - . it a.e.M8.1) STBEE - T. nyRDERS for 11.00FING pronlycly and faith- LP exocLted, and all on: work s - arrante.d. Bootng material always on hand, and fcr r•-.0.e, with di rahtiOLlS for uw. .32p;:ly Jos. P. 3 &ILTo r co., ENGIMIE Eas A7i MAC aIfiEFTS corrieT cif..First and Lf.b..7f.y st-te.14 , , Pi&rbtr.g/h, Po. QIIPERIOR STEAM ENGINES for Grist mod . Eaw 1151123, Breweries Printing Establishments, l! , ..tanufactories, to., made to order. They also continue the manufacture of their CAA - rat:A Machinists' Tools, such as Tarring Lathes, Iron Planers, Boring an cl.bri!ling Nischlne6, Az. Also, Wrought Iron Shafting, with Pulleys, Hungers ja?.:ly4l Jo? 4110me50N... - .......=21- - 32 Tfiata.sos. a. C. 3017.11/ TEIO22PSOrd e.;. HOUSE PAINTERS, GLAZIERS ANL) N 0.1.35 Third street. $ltlN iAi /NG executed with neatnei-3 deAputch. Mixed raii•!A. Oils Turpentine, Varnish, Japan Engliah Patent Dry ers, Villa 3101:1taig,123 a very superior cati;.lo; dolphin and Dittocurgb WhiteLcnd always Cra hand and sale. We aro prepared to grind cobra for Pah:Liars, Dm,- gists, or others, at the eliortect, notice, na w hove a which grlnulo by steam Palutcra will Savo money I.: gei ilug the:: ccior3 ground with C 5. tmrtly • - GOLD AND SILVER SP2OTACLES, AT 'Ma UF T URI.] WS PRIG E. HYDROMETEI3.3 we ich_in- opirini, the chtzpect and test a.rtioles ever brought to ale city. THERMOHETZ.I:3 AND BAROMETERA vtrying prlcv from $d each. POMP COMPASSES, AND !!):3 . E 'LOA'S CO MP A SS.E S, iccuye er, I,,tuc. , at G. E. 9/LUX'S, 6EI Plfth 3. 031.. . w: ft ° ~.I.A-741..)112,11 C. g_k_WYER, X.1.:Nr3e.C7:77,1's C 7 LARD OIL, CANDLES, PALM, TOILE I', AND ROSIN SOAPS 7 Wood street, Pittsb - argte, Pa. JOHN FIBER & CO FANCY DYERS AfiD SCOURERS, INT.o. - EES - broert, =Tam Woo at Lazar/ arrAnrrs, PITTSBURGH. PA. All kinds of Shawls, Drosses, Ribbons, and every deacriptlon of SAL: and Woolen Co.A3 emecnted at short notine, and on reaaonabla thrum. Lap.2B:3m Odes of gealar of Weights and AlLeasares. TEE OFFICE OF THE UNDERSIGNED, v• 47 FP OF WEIGHTS' 4JV7I MEASZCES, May he foandllenwforth, in Cherry alley, betc,Lun Third and Fourth street!, a - bcq orrery =ay be left. mrLIIS - CHARLES BAPNETT. S. HA.V2N'S Elastic Steel Pens just If • recaived i and far site at the Stationery Store, tioa. 31.33 and 3511arket street rSHE FRANKLIN ALMANAC FOR 1859. —This well-known and popular annual, formerly pub lished by Johnston / Stecbton, after a lapse of, years, will agala ahorily be issued. The caxmlations as formerly will Le =do by,,Lie 131:111fal inattemetininn, Sanford C. Hill, Eaq., wbo will also prepare far its pages anon reading mat• ter as will =he jt an entertaining and instructive maga- Be-3ides the reliable astronomical calculations, a new and ingenious table of time, an accurate method of drawing meridian lines, end other natters of permanent value will be added. Orders of book , sal:ero and othcr de.liere are solicited fa advance of publication, as but oae Ldition will be printed, and orders will be &led according to priority, WIT. G. JOELNBTON CO., Publi.bere, Printers, Stationers, and Illnnk Book Makers, 57-Wood street, Pittsburgh.. je= CHEESE. -400 boxes good cutting Cheese received and far alle by jy2B • HENRY' H. OOLLIN QTARCH.-250 bores Pearl Starch in store and for Bala by W 926 ILARD have commenced mania far.tun- Lard Oil, and will be 'plonlied to receive or dere for it. We will warrant it eegqnate any OH in the mar set. We will fin barrels re sod wlterrd=lred. B. O. 0. 1 .4/Bll," r~it: • , Nerd lON 15.-10 b . "lans for b p sal EMIT A UWW-41 3. SZ., c2at =EOM eaY a~~ Luan.inta. Losses adjanvd and not doe (since pall) $ 12,50 i) 69 Lome! incurred and in process of adjustment 9 2.07 GO Lasso reported, ea which no action has been taken 5,200 00 '1 IoOEC*B restated, on ground 01 insur ance after fire, property trans:or- • red before loos, property los: not covcred by the Policy, /m- 12,100 00/ /$ 39,407 99 )Vlrhole amen tor rlits taken doting the year 1,429,562 00 iVr - hole amount of risk at date 4,861,4-10 00 CP PLINSTINA`:II.. COceT OF Baal:way, et. C. N Shipman, ['readout, and .1 B. Can ...aid, Secretary of the Farmers' nice lugurance Company, teing severally dc'y d '.pore and ssy, vac."' for hi' self says, that the furegeisg. to a tran, f.:11 and orrect statement of the nnirs of nod corporation, and that they are the above de. tcribed o' Cer3 thereof: - C. N. 8 ”LPHAN, President. .1. I: CAN P r lEl D, - ;Secreiary. Eut , scribed s-al Era.ffl bef - r( me, this 25th day of Jana. cry, 1.1. C. BARD, Justice of the Peace. T. J. I.IUNTBP., agent, apl7:ly Z:o. 90 W.der street, Pittsburgh. Of Prailie.de,Lgrialm. WM. V. PETITZ, D. 3.4'CANY, Sevecry. Ana.rant ci apttal Stack paid In and inv:i.,ited....VXo,ooo 00 Sur , , - ,lna 63,428 35 $263,488 2.5 lann . cs Car , cd Elf.k.: on tha Oltio and Riven nud tributarit.ka. Irlyarui Kgalcst!o•ig or danitgo by the Lb..) and Inland Trou,7or catitn. 231 , 22.3NC29: if: P;A:.. - ile2i , :::.,V: in Phild‘ , ..4. - 10L2 : n.dge:, 1..am1.... , , Go., 1 iik , lnmint, Juatice ,1,. C,,., fr..,:t., Lru. ,r, C ~, C Buck, Ilargan it Ettdfolo, A. '...- . Loo d , . 5.;,., i Pn:nroy, Caldwell t Co. 1•11.`T:SBUIttill OFFICE, 0.97:i WAT.EII STREET. hp 9 _ IL W. POINainCTEE, Agont. - • MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, LOCK HAVEN, CLANTON COUNTY. CIIAETER.ED Erf Tar. Le.f.IISLATIIIIC OP PZ:I3SYLVA.3Id. Ciath Prernunt N0!tt.—5152,343. THIS COMPANY WILL INSURE ON Merchandis, Furniture, in town or countu. DI:1901098: Kva.Jec.,l.Pearce,ltion. G. C. Ilarcoy,lCharlas i 'Mayer, ic lin B. (Charles Crist, Peter Dickinson, V. T. Lbrania, K. Jackman, W. White, Thomaa Kitchen. KON. G. C. LLA.RVET, Pr - caldera. 7. 7. A.v-i'rs, Vica President. EC.d. E.l 11;11.E11, decretary. '?o,rosel H. Lloyd, 1 !Dr. J. B. Crawford, L. A. Wlnf•gardner, John W. Haynord, L. Opdegraff, L. A. Haetey, 1 Hon. S Cameron, James Armstrong, A. White, - Thea. Bowman D.D, William Fearon, James Qniggle, Wm. Vanderbeli., Hos. Wm. Bigler, - OSFICE—NO. C 3 FIFTH BTREBT, Parssurza. de2l:tf J. A. LIPPERT, Agent. FRA_LNIC.LII - 4 FIRE INSURANCE St Cour2.l(i, GB Pll.l' 1.1" - ......' , Trea.3--Charles W. tar.cker, Thomas Hart, Tobias V,lagner, dance! Grant, Jacob B. Smith, Gm. W. itichards, llordocrO D. Lewis, Ade Bcrh , , David S. Browne,. for. rie Fatter on. Czt...3. N. Itawdzza, Dread mt. Cents. 0. BascL;ta, ht,cretar:. Coutinr.o to descripaon of property, in. Lowo and country, at rates as low c are cone x.eut wale ecurity. The Company have a largo Contthgent Fend„ with their capital pre - raintr,s, safely invoatacl, af. ford ample. I.) the a.,,,furt-d. Th, kbiett of thu Company, ca January Ist, 13.51, as pttb ar_hod of v ere as follows, viz: x ','.'18,1.48 68 itczl Estatk, .......... .................. 54,877 78 ........... ........... 83,t182 17 stoeQ3 61,829 07 C4e...14, ft- ..,... 64,846 81 Since their lucorporatian, a period of twentpone years, they have paid upward of Ono Mill ou Four Hundrod Then- Doliars,l °sate by axa, thereby affording ettienco of the advautagea oiliararance, al hell as the ability and diapoeition to meet with promptueas all J. GARDINER COFFIN, Agent, Oritae. er..r. Wood and Third sta. WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY OF FITTSL URG . rcstder.t; P. M.Gellne9. Secretary. Omar No. 9 - 2 tatter stro,t, (Spaag arehouse,) up :stairs, Pittsburgh. Will insure agalnat all !rinds cf .1..4.2.11i4 RISES. A Horne institution, • maaagod by Di:ect - r , who aro well known in the communi ty , aad who aro dot , rmined, by promptness and liberality, to maintain the •haracter which they have assumed, as offering the best r,•rot-_,:tf : , a to nage who desireto be insured. ASSETS, OCTOBER alet, Stock Billa Receivable,- Mice Furniture,.....- Open Accounts,- ..... Premium ...... Rills Discounted, . George Dsrela, J. 1,- Lutler. ianael NirArley, And.rewAeasy, Natborrfri )101EF.B, AM - WM - C. W. - Ilicl - kascrt, 4 77.1 Lt/-a;itY H. COLLINS B , . .8 •n• • I 1 for Nam a '-' .: •- - -.-;:“ .:2 ? . .. r 1 ; ;:- --; ' : '" 4: .i"."' - tV. F .;:' '''''''''''-:-\'!"-l-,:X'V'z,..r.,-r!. •!-'4,''-'.,'' ,"''; ~ --1 , .17:5,•:-.4,4444tZIitii-'; ,e , :1. ..; < 7. - I 'f , e ' 'ClX ( ' - j 4-..p , :...;', r" , " . i.e: -.•,.., .s. -- ";4%...0.4' , — . E:c7gaz; '" , ”." 4F,L,1r n i..- 8,- -- . .?„ '- i :.. Fl7Nonf,, , :*: ,; : 14. ~,,•• . ,--,,, .. -2,...:,•;7-',...1V3,• .., ti•;:` , .V: ,,-- -5 ' ' ,- =' -4,,,,-7 • 21 -. F , ',`• S . 4 ' 4 VARizA? - %MI: v- y-. • -...f`lA-.;'`''LTVAA'`V•-• f • 0 4 * - -- - - - ,- -- , - 4 -- ,, ,.. 45 .---1...;;2,_;1L:"L; t ' g,tf . 34_ --- - ...,.,---- -, ' , - --, --ea , r.--- - - , -..-: ..- - •-7 , p-- .--• _- ,_,.,., _ 3 -..,..„, , sue-:._-_,_-•-• - .. , :,.'....-.1.-_,,,:::. - -a- --, ---' :. - ' 11 t' 3 . •-•„: - _ 111 .. . .1; t • , 4 „ 1 I .41* , •c. ,•••.= - • 4 .4 44 b 4 4..• • PUBLISHED DAILY BY JAMES P. BARR, AT THE "POST BUILDINGS," CORNER OF WOOD A.ND FIFTH STREETS; AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM: INSURANCE. ABBY:el. Fifiy-fonr Bondi end Mortgagee, at 812 and seven `f cent. interost, amounting in the aggregate t0...5132,315 00 Which mortgaged ore or valua ble and productive real estate, principally farraa, recorded and firt liens, worth generally doable the amc - ant and more than mart. gaged f r in each vale, and in nu cede I , ss than fifty cent. more, ea clusive cf farm buildings, and en cartilled by the Recorders. wse:e recorded, to the and tors 4 th • States of Ohio and Illinois. Alz cent. Bonds amply eecared 47,665 00 Carl on hand and in Bank 6 . 449 12 Cash in hands of Agents, and to course of transmission, &cared by bonds with sureties . 19,761 50 Dna on 1G5.3.?3 re-insurcd, Ac 7,336 51 Bills rocaivable, viz: promisso , rotes payable at bank and to the Company ....... ........ Interest accrued, (principally due January 1,1958,)_ 1 79 411 Safe and office natures and Parai Cure .... ISPM!TVIINS. EZIICILitti fur the year, in.:lac:mg Conll2)l3Si,llß, eftlaries, rents, rolt- eurancs, printing, advert6ln4, taxes, and all other expo/Lae:l.--$ 19,1P0 ea Dividendsp,:cl during the year 17,u0U 00 Losses paid, which oc,arred prior to December SI, 185 e 7,C74 CB pal occurred during the ; 4e,661 64 IRE /NS UR [INCE, BY a al: nellarace Matauzi Kaismrance Co. OF PHILADELPHIA -OS BUILDLNOS, LIMITED 011 PIMPETUAL, MEROII,9II Diaß, F URN , tO., IN TOWN Ott COUNTRY. Office, 10. 2.06 Walnut street. CAPITAL, 0117,920..........48,5E75, 09921,465 O. Invested as follows, viz.:— First Mortgage on Improved City Property, worth d 00513 (Le amount $120,200 00 reansylTania Ili:Mead Co.'s 0 per etq.. Mortgage Irmo, ;.:30,0 , ,0 cost 25,500 00 Allegheny County S per cont. Pe an'a IL It. Loan. 10.000 00 Pe•nusyl anilruad Cu.', 4,000 00 Stock of the Reliance Mutual Insaranc„, Cu 19,150 00 Stock of County Fire Insuranco Co 1,02) 00 Scrip of Sundry inaurance Companies 476 00 rills Itecelva le, buslneas papr 62,711 60 Boric Accounta, accrued interest, etc 3,836 19 Cash on hand and In Bank 16,013 20 $2.52,4e6 89 CLEM TINGLEY, President. D1114. - 97.201:-9. Clem Tingley, : Samuel Bispham, William R. Thompson, Robert Steen, luvid 6 Brown, William Sinsaer, Cornelius Stevenson, Benjamin W. Tingley, John R. Worrell, Mural:all Hill, EL L. Carson, Z. Lothrop, Robert Toland, Charles Leland, 'otes Johnson, Jacob T. Bunting, Charles S. Wood, Sonith Bowen, James 8. Woodward, Wm. I. Semple, Pittab'g mr3 B. . EINCHITAY, Secretary. J. GAB.Drilt• , COFFIN, Agent, mr3 North-east corner Third and Wood streets. INSUILiNti CO` PA . P D. L. J-d:n J. C. ...I....rat.,;(,:aery, Jatn 2i. Pamroy, E. F. Winne:, Jvi...7 A. Max:312511, Chan. U. Elwocki P - inli+y. Fl i. 2.5 FI:TLIT, Pic!. J're,tirit. 1, J. WEST BRANCH DLLECTIVaB It. Miler, Jr, L Geerge W. Jackeon, Alex. Speer, Wm. Snlght, Aleciander nal*, Wm. H. Smith, itL GOADON, LIFE. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. 96 WATER STREET, PITTSBURGH., P. ROBBLIIT GALWAY, President. AUX. BRADLZI, Vice President. F. A. RIERHAIT, Secretary. WThis (km:wary makes Emery incttrance appertaining to or oonnocted with LIVE RISKS. 200,000 00 . 53,185;51 Aago, against HULL AND CARGO RISKS on the Ohio and Miedecippi Rivers and tribntarlca, and MARINE RISKS generally. And against Lose and Datcaga by Fire, and agalzat the Perils of the Sea and Inland Navigation and Transportation. Policies issued at the lowest ratan oontdetent with safety to all parties. $163,485 61 Eureka Insurance Company of Pennsylvania. OFFICE, NO. 99 WATER ST., PITTSBURGH Stack, Due 111lls—payable. on demand and secured by two approved names $ 76,890 00 Cash in Pittsburgh Trust Company 62,280 37 Premium Notes. 62 993 80 Bills Receivable..—.....--- 16,986 01 122 shares Exchange Bank Stock—cost ' 0,a50 00 99 do Mecha- ice Bank Stock—cost...... 6,490 63 COO do Iron City Bank Stock—amount paid. 7,600 00 200 do Allegheny Bank Stock— do do 5,0C0 GO Book Accounts 13,264 34 it'll lea 35 J. U. .iIORNBRROER, Proaideut ROBT. PINNEY, Secretary. nlys:lln CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPA_NV OF PITTSBURGH. WILLIAM BAGALEY, Prezideut. SAMIINL L. ALABSELF.LL, Secretary. 0,17L;B: 94 Water street, bdussai Market end Fib :d :Inds AEr Intrares HITLL AND 0A.P.00 RISKS, on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivera and tributaries. Insures against Loss or Damage by PULE. Also, against the Perihi of the Sea and inland Nal:gr.:len and Transportation. „90,4.3.5 53 PHILADELPHIA FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 149 Chesnut Street, Opp 3site the Custom House. TILL MAKE ALL KINDS OF INSII RANOS, either Perpetual or Limited, on ()eery description of Property or Merchandise, at reasonable rates of premium. HOTELS & RESTAURANTS Corner Irwin Street e.nd Dnqueeno Way, B. D. MARKER, - - - PROPRIETOR, (Forroarty of the "Marker Muse," Blairsville, Pa.) THE SCOTT HOUSE IS NOW COM PLETED AND OPEN FOR. GUESTS. It is sitnated In a central part of the city, being convenient to all Tie'tread Depots and Steamboat Landings. The House was built in 1855, with all modern improve ments, and fitted up in splendid style—the entire Furniture being new—and will in every respect be a first class HoteL Fine STABLER are attached to the premises. Jolly CORNIIICOPILM RESTAURANT. By ELI YOUNG, Emu .Sykry.y. The attention of Merchants and others is directed to thiA , Z,;(4, ovrablialtmont, which has been rewntly limed )+A op far the parpose of affording a SUBSTAN. TLA_L BATE% HOUSE IN A CENTRAL LOOATION! Country folks attending market are particularly invited to rnlL Everything pertaining to an EATING /SALOON will always be found, of the freshest the market affords. op'2B:lydAir EXCHANGE HOTEL, A. LOWELIY, Proprietor, Cbrner Main etrver and Youghiogheny River, Near the RaCeocut Depot WEST NEWTON, PENN'S. THE ABOVE HOTEL IS NOW IN COM. PLIITE order for the reception of visitors. It is bean t,follo located on the bardis of the Youghiogheny river, and cdr: be reached every day from the city by the ComaeHaynie itailroad. The rooms are largo, airy and well furniatted,and the coald be no pleasanter place for a few weeks summer residence in Lb, country - . A few mnsillas can be accommo dated. Tema moderate. Address A. LOWIIY, my2s:tf Went Newton, Pa. THE NATIONAL SALOON, Undo: Voster'z New Natiouall Tneatre, PITTSBURGH, PA, D, BARNARD, - - - PROPRIETOR, HAS FITTED UP IN A TASTEFUL and comfortable style, tee largo centre store la the Obit FELLOWS HALL. Firth street, as a MST CLASS BIiSTAURANT AND rALOON. Having had many years' exp+rience In the business, he is prepared to supply the best tuo market affords. His Bar will be furnished at all times with the best WETES, LIQUORS AND ALES. The (=- trance to the Saloon, iS in the centre of the Hall, and re freshments will be furnished at all times, DAY and NIGHT (SoLdays exceptrxL) aplkly WABLIINGTOh HOUSE, COR. PENN 'A AVENUE 4- THIRD ST., WASHINGTON, D. C. A. F. BEVERIDGE PROPRISTRE 88. H. W. KANAGA. gr. is 4 0 T E 9 Oppoalte tho Penna. Railroad Depot, HARRISBURG, PA. [jel6 IiVASHINGTON HOTEL, PORMEB.LY 11. H. HOTEL, PITTSBURGH, PA. JAB :138 SHANNON, Proprietor. pars HOUSE IS LOCATED ON - THE A. corner of P hNN and WASHINGTON Streets, between the CENTRAL AND WESTERN HAILMOAD DEPOTS, and has undergone a thorough Improvement, remodeled and furnished with new furniture, and is now the most conve nient Hotel in Pittsburgh, for Travelers by Railroad, East or West. — mykly VIA.NSION HOUSE, GEORGE AIIRENTZ PRoPB=IIIB a. 344 Liberty street, Just beside the ?ec..sEttg_e' DepOt the Pennsylvania Railroad, which makes It the mast °caveat:ma house in the city for peasangers arri ving by that road. The proprietor having, at oonsiderable expanse, fitted up, ID excellent style, the MANSION HOUSE, would respect t'nUy solicit a share of public patronage. There is attached a splendid STABLN, and extensive WAGON YARD, afford- . Mg ample accommodation to travelers end teamsters. His Larder and Bar will be furnished with the beet the market can allard. febly $1.212,70 94/;3 6. Excelsior Restaurant, • No. 111 WOOD &rod, Pirmstrsea, PA, WHOLDEAL.E AND RETAIL DEALER IN ;ATP AND The undersigned has jest received Irma the Eastern mar ket, selected with great care, MELT, ELALIBITT, HADDOCK, FRESH OOD FISH, EASTERN SUN FISH, SEVERAL ve.turams OF TARR FISH, hew York Prince's BIS 7, Egg island, Egg Harbor, Shell Oysters. The flues: ever brought to this city. Every delicacy of the legson served up at tile F.X0F.L.91.011 RESTAURANT. apilyd p. STIUNEMOIC. $121,600 00 2,160 00 4,161 67 240 00 QT. GLAIR HOTEL, corner Penn and St. Clair greets, Pittsburgh, Pa.—The tmdersdgned, former ly of "Brown's Hotel," having taken this large and comma. diona HOTEL, and having refitted it in magnificent style, wonld respectfully Invite his hiends and the traveling public to give hire A wall Assured, with the convenience of the house and his long experience In the business, ita,es n eve entire satigfirm., and his charges moderate. fob= WM. C. CONNAUL _ 9,478 04 14,841 48 40,2411 59 - 125,003 78 $317 1 811 78 Lippincott, Shorten & Psarson, NO. 104 WOOD MEW, NEAR MTH. AANUFAOTURERS OF TRUNKS, Vap. -bow, Eat - awl Itotatet Boxes,, Wks Trerelku; TrUnkitt? 4311 4X 4 Ea43b, Aw4. - keep-'occletautly tzt Mad a largo. stock. --Ire-ora44atea t ustlat do a wholesale track; dud tem; tog mit gaol stock at reduced prices; We would Witte the taste to Call and many our goods be. foispendsming aLeaßita, Os* ===2 INSURANCE PITTSBURGH Drszicroas. Robert Galway, Samuel ll'alurtian, Joseph P. Gazaam, M. D, John Scott, James Marshall, David Richey, James W. Hallman, Charles Arbuthnot, Alexander Bradley, Joseph S. Leech, John Fullerton, N. F. Hart, David H. Cha.mberx, Robert H. Hartley, William Carr. J no. M All. ee2t. Assets.-May 1, 1858. DIRECTORS J. 11. Shoenberger, W. K. Maack, John A. Csnghoy, C. W. Batchelor, R. D. °ccliran, Joules J. Bennett, Wm. J. Anderson, I 0. W. Cale, has° M. Pell Dock, W. W. Martin, X. I'. Leech, Jr., David MeOaadlua, Eitiorge S. Seldon. D 111110 1 .011.5. William Bagaloy, Capt. Mark Starling, Raman] Rea, Emanuel M. filer t James M. Cooper, John B. Dilworta, James Park, Jr., Francis Sellers, Isaac IL Pennock, William B. Hays. bpringer Uarbac-h, John Shipton, Capt. Sanmal 0. bung, Walter Bryant, John Caldwell. a?" ROBERT P. BING, President. M. W. BALDWIN, Vice President. DISIICTOIIB. Charles Hayes, E. B. Cope, B. B English, George W. Brown, P. B. Slivery, Joseph 8. Paul, 0. Sherman, John Clayton, 8. J. Magargeo, E. Wllor. P. Btaemiturzs, Secretary. J. e. 00YFIN, Agent, Cromer Third and Wood etreote SCOTT HOUSE, PPITSBIJItEM, PA BA TERN FISLI. PITTSBURGH, MONDAY, AUGUST 2. 18 58 ROBERT A. LOOMIS, (Sacconaor to B. T. C Morasa,) STATIONER AND DEALLE IN BOOKS, PERIODIOALS Co-Partnerslap. THE undersigned have entered into Co- Partnerahip, wider the style. of Wm G. Johnston ,t Co. 8.0:111,1, R. JOHNSTON, JR., WILLIAM G. JOHNSTON. Pittebnrgh, Septtanlr IM7. & & J0E124.710N, IS sr.!. O. .70=61"0.1. W5l. a. JOLINSTON a co., QTA'rIONERS, Blank Book :I..^..nufacturen, 10 and JOB PRINTERS, No. 57 Wood otroot., between Third and Fourth, PiMibor, , ,b, Po. e3O vcr & D. RINEHART, $266,841 16 Board of 12 Trastoos—Faoalty of Id Teachero 300 SrUD.NT3 Arm:treat% JL1517.57.11, 18(8. Young Men Prepared for Actual Dutits °Jae Counting Born NSTRUCTI 0 N GIVEN IN SINGLE and Doublo-Rutry, Boolt-aoping, as used in every de partment of Business. Commercial, Aritttn,tic. licpi II; nese Writing, Mercantile Correspondence, Commercial Detecting Counterfeit Money, Politic4l l.:cc,nomy, Elect, Awn, Phonography, and a l l other stihkir.•ts ner , :ossry :or the nor ouch eduo 'don of a practical business man. 0. SMITH, A. M, Prcfei,7)c of lissk.lieeping and Science of Accounts. J. A. 116YDRICH and H. A. liursox, Assistant Teach erd of Book Keeping. ALEX COWLEY, it. T. DOLTYLiETT, and IL A. 1.11:1TBON, Profassora of Penmaiabip--twelve ilret premiums over all competition for beat Pen and In riling, AW . AND NOT FOR ENGZAVRD WORE, J. C PURTER, Prof of Mathematics. Toils, Ler—hullcollne, lima at any ttmo Average time, 8 to 12 wcek, Board about 12,20. Entire coot, $6O to 1 . 30. Graduate , 3 uliii.tel in obtaining ritmition. eiwzimons of untAt,iled wri , mg , and circulars ant free. Addreoc, B'. W. JElsi my2o PitttimrrM. Pool Safety anti Eeenotyay 1,24 - lall. WHY WILL YOU BUP.f.i. 7 AND FLUID, wnon you can g t a MI6 .per. rad Let ter light. Pure I:Kerosene hi.made t:oal the gas e: (Joni, produces the chew r est, Enoi , . brllliant, steady, O:Dn.-ant and safe portable light tye - : offered to :he public, and no danger of explosion ; more briliant thsa Res; and quite as ,heap; Lamps of the romt sire fle :ad eiai y mace t 1 con- F-Irticdon. For sale by T. D. E. ti Lfulifill7SON, No. T'..) imithfield street. BOWIIII3 Of a conater'ri , air, 1:01111 o.llllDhelle, tii a iitt'e Cal COOKING B Y GAS. A WORD TO THE, LAD.I.I2:,'S. frHE HEATED TEE.I4 APPIWACH- A ING, and we c:,11 tuo the lA:4th uto Lao tact that COOKING:, IRONING, Erill„ Can be done with economy, withoat op ~ V 3nl, t , heat. w; •h• nut Boot, and with despatch—the tiro roln. alwaye yiu a moment—by naing To which we respectfully invite your attent . ....a, at No. 75 31ulthfield street. 8. A. .10.11. r.: 111-:i). County end City Itichts for w: , ). apl.2:lln C AkTPRIEW Wt322.7fil ONFECTtION , C oNFECTI - .ON, fi 0 NINCTIO'NCON FTO N . ; 0 N 11 0TT - 17 - 17 — , --- 00Nifr! 0 TION, CIiNVE T lON,CONPNOT lUNCV N rl T 1 O N CON 1r c I 0 N,UONF.6OI' 1 0N CoNF CTI . The most pleasant, cafe and erre,tual Wynn Remedy Low in use. Propar.xl and sold, wholesale and reLall, by AItiGELL & HAFT, Cor. Wood and disth a s., Plttihargh, Pa , And sold by Drogylota 1n23. QT. CHARLES .LIVERY STABLES.- The undersigned lino bought the lease is of the above named I.3tables, to rrv.. gather with a portion of the eston kaLAC sive stock of Horses and Carriages, Into the property of James Mathews, deceased. In addition to the stock before-mentioned, ho has oleo added a number of FINE HORSES, BUGGIES Add CARMAGES, which were formerly employed at Lis LiNery Stables in Third, below Wood street. As he dyed his pereonal =ten don to the business, a continuance of the p-tronage which he has hitherto received frcrf, pablic in solicited. JACOB GARDNER, Bt. Charles Livery :)table;. IL—A FLEARSE and any enr..lbcr of 0411.111.A.U11.6 can alwe.qa be procured for "graneralic deg. rEIHE CHEMICAL OLIVE ERASIV-iW j SOAP, manufactured by B. B. S J. a. Eawyor, receives the preference over all other hinds ever offered for family two. Its advantages over other Soaps are :—lst. It is cheaper to use, one pound being equal to three of common rosin Soap. Z.i. Ralf the time need only be occapied in washing when this Soap is used in place of other Seco. ill Labor in washing can be nearly dispensed with, as the clothes will require little if any robbing, thus avoiding their wear on the wash-board. 4th. Lolling the clothes is unnecessary shoo this Soap le used, aud hard or edit water answers equally as well as soft. 6111. Printers, Machinists, Painters and others, find it far superior to other Soaps. It speedily re moves grease, tar, paint, printers' ink and dirt from the hands, leaving the akin soft, and free from chapping. To avoid the labor of rubbing the clothes, and the use of the wash-board, the following directions should be followed : leer the washing of eight or ton of a Lunity, take oue pound of Soap, cut it into she.viags, and dissolve in one gallon of hot water; put the clothes into a tub containing about ten gallows of warm water; pour In the thseolv,e Soap, and stir thoroughly. Let them soak twenty to thirty minutes, wring out, std rinse in warm water once, cold water twice. A very dirty wrist-band, or seam, or grease sp.-ts, may require a alight rubbing, but otherwise the clothes will come out clean and white, without rubbing or boiling. Cold water may be need in place of hot, requiring about double time in soaking. W, Observe our name on each bur. For sale, in any quantity, at our warehonam, No. 47 Wood street, and of our worse, opponite the 11,unti Honao, Penn. a3lvania avenue. B. C. t J B. SAWYEit, ap2lNo. 47 Wood street. _ _ BUCKWHE A'r FLOUR.-20 saks Buck wheat Flour, 6 , 0 tb sack, just roMve4 and for sale by trIcOANDLIISS, V 47,3 & CO., fe2U Corner Wood and Water Btreeta. QLOUIC--2, bbls. Superfine Flour received and for sad° by idnCAt'ibLESS, E CANS 4 ea, fad Corner Wood .Ind Watt): street]. EMIGRANT RIFLES.—A most desirable and cheap weapon, at .I.IOWN 4 TETLEY'S, wvl I.^o 1 - ARD.-A prime article of No. 1 Lard, in .4 barrels and kap, Just received and for sale by 4eOANDLE.i..9., MEANS AI CO., Ja23 Cetnez of Wired and Water rtreets. *;ts b - , ti Pimento; 100 Grain Pepper, Inat recelvcd and for cal° by MILLRit, h. RIC lilariON. es ,9 12. 1.1t,,ev ,trert. NEW ARRIVALS.—We are taking into store, (123 Wood otreet,) an Lumens: stock of Coe Paper for Jobbing purposes ; also, Letter, , :ep and Nov , ; Envelopes in great variety; Manilla Paiterf, of ov ry RiZE, and as cheap as they con be bought In the Eaat, where we offer wholesale ur retail, very low for Caih. _apt JNO. cI. PE:iIITNfi fs CO. lAKE FlSH.—White Fish, Trout, Salmon, and Pickerel constantly on hand, a full stock to supply t wholeasde trade, by [ inyo I 13.1sINELY H. CoLLINS. ORANGES. --300 bxe. swoet, just, received and fur &do by REYIIIER & ANDFIRSON, No. 89 Wood street. my 17 Opposite the St. Chartea Hotel. DRooms.-100 doz. Extra Cornßrooms on hand and for sale by alp 2 B. C. d J 11. SAWYER DUSTER TRDIAILViIS—Drab and Gray Dneter Binding and TameLq, jtat oponod at apti JOS. BORN E'S, 77 alarkat street. E W STEEL SPRING SK.LiTS---Of the most p-acofni shspes, on hand at HORNE'S, myB 77 Mar!ot atroot. QEED SWEET POTATOES.-20 barrels Seed Sweet Potatoes, received and far rase by Jl:tin A. PEITZIM., arm CICTUS: Martf t Fire. atrect, PICKLES. -6 bbls. Cucumber Pickles, re , oelyed and for Bala by JASIES A. kTZEIt, 1.320 Connor Market and First streets. 101, ERFIIMER Y. —Lubin's, 13azin's, Wright's, Glenn's and Liarriaon'e .traats for the handkerchief, conetant4 on hand at RICE AND RICE FLOUR; emu Starch; Ulcer Glces Starch ; Hecker's Farina; Baker's Cocoa and Bream; Fresh Cocoa Shell Itaattittd istid far We at Byrnix laynnause Premed Mould Candles. trade wody 63[ CUIO I on band and far sale by /X. Oda J. EL SAMNA BOOKS 4ND STATIONERY AND NEWSPAPE;LS, No. 41 Fifth stroet., Pitt TOBACCO AND SEGARS. 111.21 L 7,1 GIT TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGARS iza WOOD STREET - Co.b_ Coßege,, Pa.—Chartered, 1353. rtinegravero omo lUuoking Stove JO3. PLEILLNG'3, Corner Diamond and Mute. st. JAYNES' TE STORE, 88 Fifth etrect. lE=I CUTIIBERT & SON'S OFFICE, No. 51 Market strect, for the sale and purchase of Real Estate, renting houses, attending to insurance and repairs, obtaining loans on bonds, mortgagee, Sc,; making convey deeds, bonds, &c..; writing letters and corresponding with parties abroad, ac. or 18 BELDEN SEYMOUR, Real Estate and Insurance Agent, CLEVELAND, OHIO. Itmatzsaza.—Nossru. )fauna, Garretlon .4 Co., Bubort Porks. Esq. iyll:7 THESTED.N LANDS. ALEXANDER GARRETT, REAL ESTATE AGENT, NO. 50 WATER STREET, CLEVELAND, OHIO, Rai for Eal-e Lands in Illinois, Wieconam, Irlinneaota, Michigan and lowa. Ile will exchange 14,11de in Wi.consiu, Ac., for Pitisturgh manufactures, and alno for city property. All letters of inqairy answered gratis, by addressing me as stare, 0011:17 DISIZTAS 13 E.lll - i7 09 PRUPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT. A GRIST MlLL—Threw run of atones and Is all the machinery complete, corn and cob cracker, tto., all in good order, with a dwelilug house, stable anti two lots of ground, situate in South Pittthatgh, and will be eeld on very easy tenni by 8. 0(1211.11K112 C SOS, 817 fit Alitket strcot. LAWRENCE COUNTY BONDS WANT ED, in exchange ter land. N.= H . oi3lLii:LliT MN. 51 Ninvket. sc. ASTEAM MILL in compisto running or d,r, with d wohing hozno, etc., near thu city, for S. UU LLT 8 ,, g, 111Arirk street. WES'IERN LAND of goad qat3Oity, fps calo or exchango for (ea! ltsta:o In thv City 0 22 S. ClirlißEßT & SON, 61 eosrke4 FAMILY RESIDENCE FOR SALE-A valuablo property of 1.)0 foe: front on Covington ct , I.,,crencovillo. by LOU do-p on Washington atreat to Cherry alley, lirick Dwethug Home of 7 rooms well arrauge , l,bato room, porch, well of water auc pump, stable and coal houso, kitch , u range, etc The rooms are newly painted and pa pered, shade and fruit trooa, grape arbor, great variety of flowers, etc.; good p ling fence. The abed offers a good opportunity to bay a c motet° and pleasa❑t residence. Price low, and terms accommodating. S. 71:11BEIIT Et PON, Real Estate and (lotoral Agents, 51 Marker street. rirliE SIZE of the cheap Building Lots far sale by S. CUTIIfitERT ee,l is 3J by 100 feet. Lot - mien—Near the railrom st,tiom East Liberty. Price—From ;1.'400 each. Terns—One fourth iu band ; remainder at six years rrejlt. The Plea can be soon at ;Le Real Estate Wilco, 51 Market ctrect LieLl BEAR IT IN MIND, that the East Lib euy Lots are offered at such prices, and on each easy terms, as to make a home easily to be obtained. Bear It in mini , ;bat thy free: on wide streAs, are of aey uccuse by tailr,ad, end ore very desirable locuttonJ for C~rilily residence Bear It in raibd, that the plan of th,h , t, f to Le seen at Jel2 n K 1 1 01 t SALE. --SEVENTY 1110 U -n +A.l%i AC11.1:3 ,f eko3 e Prairie and Timber Land, situated is N.rtaern Io a and th , uthern Mi • 11880ta, the /11.103 t lot f tztrinirir , Yer MY red lo this krt, as thi,y aro located conveniently to Mills, Town., nod lines of l'ain„ideco containing iniormaidon of value to Mgrant, and c , .tnlo4ucs giving location, description and price or the land, with a brie! desortpti,n of the countieri in they are I , aated-, can hod on application at our ellco, and they will be se- t free by mail to pz-rsone Bonding ea their address. WILMA:2i A ZEirit & CO., my:Cal Jones' b 7 Fourth ttreet. tu the market, mode .1 t., t.a7;ly E!'ir DOLLARS IN lIAI.\:D, will see,cre a IC Building' Lot of 251:109 fe..,t, on Price, sl.oo—slo in hand, rproninder to :lint prirclimeen - Al to, a Lot of Zoxloo feet for vr50—z..25 in hand, tmiat.e.43 in pay menta to eait par;.thazer. C itT k zto.v, je23 iil G) ACRES of Land and a coml . . rtalnlo 11 , nat, aftnite near the WaAtingtou Tarnp.la, rt about 3 min, from Jcuea' Ferry, wail le e.oid t!zsay terms. ro andinto poaaesalou. e. Ja23 31%rtet nrcnt. A LOT OF GROUND in mast Liberty, nar xx, the Rufiroad station 30' by 166 fret gill bo ...old for L:2.78 7 onrAcutv..--t4-iu brlhfly rertrf.l.w.7.orlq-Echt-yr..wa , cradiff,l " e. curiEsEliT & SON. Thr.LQ 61 Markat street. GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS. Corner of Fourth and Smith fi eld Streetn, R ESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCES THAT he has received his Spring Assortment of GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS, Of the newest styles, boat quality acd most el gant dn.lcrip• am* which he is prepared to manufacture to order is the LATEST FASHIONS, And with such a chat aster of worlimsndd;‘, to sltiefy and pleuce the most favi DISSO:,UTION OF PAR,TNERSIII P.- be firm of I?AWORTH BRO. & was, oh the 3d of May. laa, diesolvcd by mutual co seat, by ch.: withdrawal of JEHU HA , VORTH fr.m the above fl - m. The aecontita of the late firm will be settled by HAWORTH IIItoWNLER. .12ar• TEEM HAVVORTII, in withdrawing from the above firm, kindly thanks Ith former patrons and also the patrons u, the Late firm, for the very liberal ratronage ho has re calved, and would kindly recommend them to hie st.cesiera, HAIVORTFI & BROWNLELI, as :hey are determined to sell et low Santee, having a vary large assortment of CiIEAP catQCEILLES, WIVE and 14QC.ItiliS on band. ..IZir• DAVID HAWORTH and JAMOS DHOW have this day asmciated together, and will coroinne on the tiasiness at the OLD STAND, corner of Diamaud end Dia• mood alley, under the style of HAW:Yr:T[I G 11.11.0Viiisi 1514, where they hope ta receive that patronage so liberal) given to the old firm, al they are determined to sell 011EASFiti than any other Store in the city. myl3 - - - - YRETS. - L./ 100 barrels "Ohoico " Golden Syrup; 15 do .‘ eenna." First Quality :prep; Just recWved and for side by RICKETSON, Nos. 221 and 228 1,16.4rty street, NEW FABRICS IN DRESS GOODS.- A. A. 11.A•lON ct CO., .kets , NO. 25 Fifth Strut, :re now opening rich Dreas Bilks, Berages, Gr;. Indies, Paris Brilliants, And a splendid aolection of SPRING SBA VVLS. (apl GIEED SWEET POTATOES.-15 barrels Send Sweet Potatoes for dale chow to close consign mane JAS. A. FETZER, ap23 Corner Market and First streets. PIOMPOUND SYRUPS OF PIiOSPLLATES, .4_5 Olt CEIEMIC.AL FOOD—This preparation is not tri ton-Jed •e a popular emedy, but is respectfully submitted to the licdieal Faculty as a nutritive tonic, well suited to supply Lk. waste of elementary matter during the program of cia: ~ .ic cases, particularly In Dyspepsia and Consump• Van This preparation is pleasant t - i the eye, agreeable to the taste, and greatful to the stomach, and does not nuns. cute by protracted use. Bold wholesale and letail by JOSEPLI FLEMING, j 022 Corner Diamond and Maria street. LCIOUNTRY BACON.-1000 lbe. Country Aj, Bacon, jnst received and for sale br . JAMES A. I"tiZEIL, ray; Corner Marker and That atreetA ( ROOM CORN.-3 tons first quality reed nil fry vit. I v 11 , 73 , E ITFATItY TT. CO. 1,1-,:v9. FANCY FRENCH nice neeortnient just opened, FfORNE' 9 , myB 77 .1-furpt street. WINDOW GLASS.—An assortment of Country Case, haaorted BiZtA, for Rule by 1,17.11. IL SMITH b CO., rar26 118 Second. and 117 ;first straete. - - - mrlpl?..S and fan Oli. Sc7fIA.DAJ.ES. bordered,ahadUYlTrdi ,n aluaya on Land at and for sale clomp by .1. a If. PIIIILIPS, e1y2.9 26 and 28 st. Clair stroat. - 11 A RUBBER HOSE.—From i inch to rnal A 0 inches la diarnotar. A large supply just ro.m.ivod tzs.t. la li.o.bbor Depot of g: H. PHILLIPS, — tay 29 26 and 23 bt. Clair Street. ______ _ - _ UTIALL PAPERS.—WaiI Papers of ea Vti i.:•!.1:02 for male at reduced pricas, by W. P. .11..u•,.su.ALL a co., mrn rt. 11 4 1 NGLISH GLASS INKSTANDS-Cut JJ 'A and pressed, with Glass and Bronze Topa. Jel4 W. 8. HAVEN, Stationer. M.. PS OF THE DIFFERENT STATES-- lowa, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Nebraska and Kansas, hiesonri, Kentucky and Teatime, Virg nia, etc, for bole by J. E. WELDIN, Bookseller and &at:loner, telo No. 63 Wood street, neat Vcorth. 1 BALE LAVENDER FLOWERS, for sale J. by B. L. BARNESTOCK & CO, jel2 . No. 60 our. Wood and Fourth strßetv. DRIED PEACHES-12 saokschoioe- bright dry Postbus received and for sale by .113 V-JAB. A. PETZ.B . Corner Market and km ntat CHEESE. --200 boxes W. R.; 225 4 ' English Dairy Cheee fa Sale by rie22l PENBY H. OOLLTNS. DRY APPLES.--50 bags r ; je22 1.60 bbler ags . ry gy p a ple.s ol lo uv r gar rREEN APPLES.-20 bblß. for Bale by •-• • Efirgnv 11. crol.mais Lt. • . II QT .N: • prepared nada tee owerviiiinn of Dr. EinWhen, Surgeon Den 14 for Ms to' .108. N• 111 REAL ESTATE AGENTS IL s' aLAND, MERCHANT TAILOR, JE.EIU HAWOItT.LE PIANOS AND MUSIC. THE DUCE OF MY SPRING STOCK PIANO FORTES, FROM TEE MANUFACTORY OF CHICKERING & SON'S, BO .TOlll. Coastiting of SIXTEEN of their nsw Seven Octave and Six and a 3alf Octave Pianos; haVe just boon received, and new ready for examination at the warerooras of the sub-, scriber. CRIOKERING & SONS' PIANO FORTES aro not furnished by them to any other house in this city, and all orders must to directed to the eubecriber. JOHN H. MELT OR, No. 81 Wood street, Sole Agent for Chiekering & Bone' Pianos, for Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania. P I S! ( , 70 , ;44t , aiti i 2 4-- VVIFULL GRAND PIANOS! r 3 PARthR GRAND PLANOSII AND NEW STYLE SQUARE PIANOS, born the Mannfactrry of OITICITERING & SONS', BusToN, Just received from the manufactory of Oldokering ez. Sons' Boston, the following desirable and elegant stock o their PIANO FORTES One Fall seven octave Grand Piano Forte, with superbly carved case. Price $BOO Ono Fall seven octave Grand Piano Forte, elegant Rose wood case. Price ..$7OO Coe New Parlor Grand seven octave Plano, nearly equal in power to a full Graud, end occupying only the room of an ordinary square Piano. Pr kie $6OO SQUARE PIANOS! Two full carved Rosewood, Louis %Pith, seven octaves, with carved Desk and Feet work. T vo Rosewood seven octave—Clifford style. Two Rosewood, carved mouldings, seven octave. Four Rosewood, plain round corners, seven octave. Three Walnut, plain round front corners, seven octaves. Four e .1 il It 64 B IA Four Rosewood " " 4: a 617 a 4. All of the above are of their NEW SCALE, and with full iron frames, and their new Patent Action. • .... Those lustrnmonts have been finished specially for the subscriber, and will bo warranted to pnrchaser.i. For said at their redtmd prieco. JOllla H. M1i1..1.01t, No. 81 Wood street, Sole Agent for Chicknriug Sons'. ALDERMEN. 0111111 Ei ry Vlr c :.4 .9 ALDERMIN ; And Li-Officio ,Itstwe of the Peace, OFFICE O THE CORNER OF WYi,IE IFTII STIINETS. All bush..., ....L::ectecl w:th tide ("glee will bo att.nded to with pronly C ',Sell kinds done with legal accuracy—, .4 .+l , rrgages, Ponds, Powers cf To the men! JVZ d of f_he Dm- ho tcuacrc his services as COM- E lia,iDn or to take 1;01.06:Loos to be - read in the several Courts t this State, uu.l elswh'ere. Rio office is one of tho main I al:cs Sta.:o::n of the city, and consequently his facilities In ,zocutio.¢ hu rntss of that kind are very desirable. I felO:ly Aidenzimmls OtEce. TAMES B. 1100 N, ALDERMAN, EL 431 oFpicao JUSTICE. OP TU PEACE, AND POLICE AtllefitATL'—Offlce. No. 69 Uraut street, nearly oppo to the Court Rouse, ilitaburgh, Pa. Depositions, Acknow .,siguiento and Prodsies taken; the Records examine*, Deeds, NoUdl, Ilortgages, Wills. Leases, Articles of Agree. a...ut. and of Partnership , Letters of Attorney, eta., oto., draw up lit short notice; klarriages Bolemair.ed; nod all hand..;ess in tho line of his odlcial duties, promptly attended • °lice hours, from 731:, t. u. to 1 P. ts., and from 2 0 P. 31: apB:ly "DEIISONS GOING WEST, who desire to ittA porchivci good farming lands, are Informed that we L ' ate lisle 032 cocoa of lend in Boone county, lows. Also &Pierces of land in Franklin county, Will be mild on easy terms cy. 4. curiaulaT. &BO; rloyls 51 Market street. ' rIIGARS 1 CIGARS I—l have _received tide • day a Mtge lot of gonnine imported Mavana - cfgars; of toe old and well known - Seneca" brand. Those wlshing a txan of good ciga're 8 hoald call and examine my stook before purchasing elsowheie. JOS. FLEMING, 3.2 Corner Diamond and Market at. f . . LARET WINE.- Si caws N. Johnston Sons Ando° Claret Wine; 10 " St Julien Claret Wine 60 " C. C. St. Jalien Claret Wine, In store and for tale by ZEILLLEIt k ILICKSTSON, myl3 Nos. 222 end 223 Liberty rtreet. fr:IILEIVEICAL OLIVE SOAP:I000' boxes Chemical Olive E. alive Soap, on hand cud for sale by Fi 0..4 .1, 11. SAWN HR. D'ACON.-10 casks Country Bacon Shoal ,;;,o dors, &dee and Harris, Just received and for dale by JAS. A. FETZER, tar 26 Corner 'Mutat end Him etrosta. NDI 0.-2 eases Manilla Indigo, just re g. ceivad and for sale by tnylB YaLLER & BIOKETSON. APPLES.--50 bush. Bright Dried A..., Apples Jos: received and for sale by JAS. A. FETZER, Oorcer Marirst gad Second sta. QPONGES. —I have just received a large lot Buns: for Batting 'Sponges, of every, one and, price. Thcs, wishing a god article in this line, should call and ?..xstinue ~y ctoclt befora purchasingelae , :vherc.- JOE. BLBrillasgl, my is Grimm Dlamcmd and Market street. F It.V.H NUTS.-- 10 bales Bordeara Almonds; 2 " Paper Shell " E 0 bega Filberts; 30 " Cream :hits ; 30 " Pccen 2000 bus. Ground " 5000 Cocoa " Just received and for RZYMEIR k ANDEBSON, No. 89 Wood street, je9 Opposite she Bt. Charles Gael. Q s. TOUKINGS, GLOVES, MITTS, 'ETC. Statablo bn• the appri;anhing hot Beason on band by Jr 3 JOB. ttoniTE, 77 Market street. LASS.-500 boxes Balo, 9x12 and 103E12 fer rd,lo t.v fowl. tiNNFIT EL OOLLINTI. J - 01.1 PRINTING, Cards, Freight BUls, Circulars, .t.ray Receipts, Bill Heads, labels Railroad Receipts, Bills Lading, With every other dowriptlon of Job Printing, executed with promptness end at fair prices. J. It. WELDIII, Printer and Bind,r, Wood street, near Fourth. ACRES of ohoioe land, with good ita provemmta, near the city, for ealo on easy terms by d.OUTHEIBB.T d 801 , f, 61 toarltPt UILDING LOTS, on six years' credit, for sale by 8. CUTIIIIkaT a SUN, I elo M Iferltet. street. DALLS! BALLS! BALLSI—A largi3 as- Bortnent of Foot, Solid and Bat Balla, Just rzeolved, and fir Bale, wholoaa.o nal retail, at the India dubber Depot. 26 and 24 St. Clair street, ray 29 • J. t IL PHILLIPS. VA.NB 1 FANS I !—Palm Fans by the case, If dozen, or aingto at Kaatern piiceeorith other varieties of Fancy Neap, to: rale at HORNE'S, jeB 77 MarkfAstreet. riENTRAL B.' • ~,.VIRAL .ANK OF PENNSYLVA- I,J lA.—Notice is hereby given that the CENTRAL OP Pit.diNSYLVANIA, st Hollidayebnrg, will be open for business on WEDNESDAY, theleth hat. }o7 JOSEPH BROW. U.„ Cashier. .I .4 ARD Cm barrels Idare. No. 1 Lard Oil; 2.5 " No. 2 Lard Oil, on hand and for-sale, [aiyl3] B. O. St:j. H. SAWYER, TAVA COPFEE.—Jw4t received a lot of Et,4 strictly pine Old 4.k)veimment Java Coffee. Lu guyra and Bic Co',iL at JA.YiiiS6' TEL BT u, • • _l4 38 TM stri.et. - DITRE BLAOKBERRY AND CHERRY BRANDY, for medicinal purposes, at HAWOLITH & BILOWNLEE',2, fes in the Diamond. ROOK RESTS—Made of Mahfgany and ,1..1) well fl4l.Thed, for bale by W. S. HAVEN, YOU Stationer. ]ILL AND COLLECTION BOOKS--A laro ae.sortmant edwa3 s'ori hand, or mode to order. W. 8. HAVEN. Corner Market and &road atreeta. : LAWYER'S SEAL PAPERS Various nizes asrl caters always on _hand, W. B. 13,1988 ,, 9; Corner Market and Second eta. NOW IS THE TIME TO BITY SOOTS AND SHOES, Cheap for Cash. at the well known store of 88 Starket It, second door from FM. graUM BANDS, Port Folios, Desk: :rafts, A...A Bankers Llms, Port Motodes, and Pocket Books, for aala by W. S.' JUMPS; • • apl9 Corner Market and Second streets. GUNN SACKS.-300 large three bushele seam Eisele, LOW and:in good order, for sale by 'AUL -A. FEEE=II,. owner First end Market sta(kata. nAESTNUT baxrplaji*ia l ik rtigo4 • ILI ado dsh and for Kalb by • Win= & ANDZEteriNi I - No. 89 Wood strut, 3:41 , 4 0504t0 tn. Chock' not el? -0Y Notloo. 30211P$ aZARLAND# _ _ - - ~. NUMBER Ms MISCELLANEOUS. MILITARY GOODS. THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE CONSTANT -IL LY on hand a complete stock ol MILITARY GOODS OONSISIEENG 01 PART OP PLUMB, ; I MIMS, SWORDS, BABRES, ; TASSELS, Volunteer Comparkleo turimsfiem 7111:1 atm. zpurptraws AT SHOUT ROSIOL SLL IttiD BIIINITING FLAGS MADE 'i'o OEDEDI't JnO. B. DIL , FADDEZ dr, SOS. 95 31ARILET 81`1041E'r. SAMIL. FAIENESTOCK, ;ado. 74 Wood street, Pittsburgh, T_ - irAs JUST RECEIVED DIRECT FROM $ ENGLAND— NNALDRON & GRIFFIN'S' OTIHULNE CORN AND GRAIN &Y , • CORN HOES ; PATENT AND 0 0 3 LHONANVILS; ETTAL Trans, very superior Drawer Locks, very :trier Gus Locks, Tinned and Danamelled Sauce Pans, P Moons, Brass Candlesticks, Brass Oonts, Braga Stair Ilods,Bracesand .Bite, Measuring Tapes, Superior Walton, Curry amble,' Teaces, Coil, fifth, Tongues!, Stretchand Breast Chablis, with' a variety of other goods, all of which will be sold et med.' orate terns. _ app, AMES MILLINGAR, MONONGAHELA PL aNDIG MILL, would respectfully inform the public that ho has rebuilt since the fire, and Imiting enlarged his establishment, and filled it with the newest and most e.p. eraved machinery, is now prepared to furnish nearing and planed boards, b r ,Towl sawing and resawing, doors, sash and :hinters, kiln dried, frames, mouldings, box making, .to: South Pittsburgh, September 7,1857. WIT GENTS' SHOES AND GAITERS. c Er E A P P. -Ii A I B a CHEAP. G PEOPLE'S SHOE STORE, No. 17 Ems CBILDPO3NB' 8R0E,3 WIN26Oi W ohinch Set.et,ftOrOOameybr a y ds from 2 H. H. COLLINS. `ll EANS.-25 bbls. white Beane for sale by JAB. A. FETZER, Corner First and Market eta E LA RUO NOTE PAPER AND Et ve,rof eci _go Trlv2i I J it. IVIVI TTN. , . LANDS IN VIIttIINIA, lowa and . Texas, for sale by S. CUTHBERT ;$ SON, m yl3 51 Alarket treet. TNDIA RUBBER , CURRIC COMBS.—The. best article in use, fun receivEd at the India Rubber Depot. 25 and 28 Bt. Clair atri_et. my 22 PRINTED BILL BOOKS—Assorted sizes at Wi S. HAVEN'S my2.l Stationary Warehouse, Exas, TEXAS.-540 acmes of good farm. ing land in Hoye comity, naar Austin, Texii. Prairfo and timber land, .5..3 per acre, far solo by myll B. CUTHBERT it SUN, 81 Market st. . OIL CLOTH CRASH—ISOO yards of .var/- one rattorne and widths, fact received from tha fac tory, for aide vitolesale or retail, by _ _ JUST RECEIVED A 'SUPERIOR LOT of Double nod Singlo Ba:relod Gons;fer solo Ids% by OALUIVIIIGHT & YOUNQ. _ (.'OR SALE.---One-third of a valuable pro : perty, saving a trout of 130 Pet on Wood street by 60 deep on fltith street. S. CUTO.SHILT & SON, my2l •-• 61 Market street. ACRES.—A Lot of Ground.of 7 amvss . , In Collins township, (morning aide,) suitable for a countiry For sale by m 3 ,21 B. CUTLIBEIiT h tiON, 61 Market d2,LASS.-300 boxes assorted sizes Window Glans, good country brand, fr sale. by 111 ,9 6 IiENBY U. COLIJNEL IDROU.M.S.--50 doz. reo'd and for sale bY ILP auSl. "fir.titsY 11. COLLINS. WlBll.-400 packages Whits Fish, Salmon, and Trout, for aalo by (my 27) IL H. 007 , 7 , 7N8. _TN°. D. AI'OREAR 'I'S COL'D PRINTING ea IN B—Sold by ime24i J. B. WELDIN. RN.--1.0 bags shelled Corn received and ihr salo Fy (J 3i lISVRY FI. COLLTNB. VOUN TRY BACQN.-1000 lbs. Country Nia Bacon, Hams, Shoulders and Sides, received and for paid by JAB. A. RAVZidli; •ovl'l Corns; Mart Ruh Pirat de fl HECK BOOK S—On all the Banke and w. e. HAVEN, Printer a id Stationer. 2!MI;1 OIL.-10 basketa pare, just reo'd and for sale by ANDERSON, my 4 Ict No. ;9 Wood street: AWRENCE, COVEN & COT'S DOUBLE ENAMELED V.I.6ITLNG CAILDS.—BoId by my 24 J. B. _ - ORN.-200 bueh. prime white Corn, 'for sale by (Hp 27) FIENSY IL COLLINS. FPO LET.—A. commodious three story Frazzle , House, with Brick Basomeut--situatai on Bedford' btn..43t—to rent, by , MILER A; 11.10BITBON," mr2s Noo. 221 and 223 14berty,etroei,. 3111IITTER.-3 bbls. fresh roll, for sale b e y mrl3 ligNilY OOLVifil. 1 - 11.1EAP WALL PAPER.—A new supply of now patterns for solo by W. P. MARSBALL & CO., ST Weal:Axed. KISS ME SWEETLY.---The latest' and moEt delicious perfume, ed from the well. know Tulip Flower. A largo eupply recolved this day by JO3. irL.E.MING,. Jog Corner Diamond andlifarket WRIGIIPS Fit ANGIPAN NI Olit.--Fok preaerving and beautifling the hair, oonatantly,9n sod at JOS. FLEMING, 07 f',-r".--,- Ell-rr,rd 4.-' 4 49ticket at 'TAIL ,QTA. CA NDLES.-1000, boxes :RatrE; L 7 Qtuiliq Adamantine Eitar.,,Candlea, on hand and for gale by iJen fl. AD. L J.: if. SAWYER; CiG ARS CIGARS.—=:3O 000 genuine Ha vane Cigars of tho "Seneca," " onehits,7 ,".Co qoette," and " tro Actos" brand4ingt received by JOS. FLEMING, le7 Corner Diamond and Market st. LARD OIL.—No. 1 and No. 2 Laid Oil oonßtautiy on band and for sale by ju7 B. C. 6: J. EL SAWY.EB 111Q ROWN'S ESSENCE OF JAMATOA GING&B.--6 wogs received this day, and for wk Fooap at JCS. FDRIIINGi, ' 1 62 Corner Dlamoud and %arket eIINECK'S PULMOINIC SYIWP—d large supply of thin remedy for cough* and colds just received by JOS. FLEMING, /e 2 Corner Diamond and Market at DIIRE MADEIRA AND CLARET WINES, by the bottle or gallon, at, lIANVOJI.T.II & BROWN lam Lo,n.d. UILDING LOTS-12 Lots, each 30 feet front by 100 deep, Ilita2to in'East Liberty, near the Ralleoad Depot. Prices from s2'O to 3400—ternaa,one•icarth In band, balatice at 8 years credit. Call and we the plan. e_ CUTiiiiil/IT k :ON, fillitatteS at. ESTERS.-=Borders en. tiro ea or es. ton. fed •n?n by rm;Fl y iq P. MARSHALL k CO. HOMINY—.-6- bbls. Flint Hominy for sale by JAS. A. FETZELR,- Enl2 Corner Market wad Sint att. rIaRREDOES.--500,000 No. 1, just' Tad j. and :or ado RffiltEll .^: ANDSILSON; jeB_ No. E 9 Wood fared. .11 7 1, - EiTtrali FOit FOll2lll OF iTUri. ire Worke end Fire Balloons manufactaredby H. . Diehl, Pyrotechnist, for sale by r.illirnaft Z.- ANDMISONi . 'No. Z") Wood street, - . JeB Opposite the St. Chsrlos Ha t T'AYET E COUNTY FARM FOR SALE. —BO2 acres in Wharton township, 40 rtm'erfarme. with log house, etc., good springs, coal and limmtone ; ontetlf the farm is flue timb r land, and about 100 acres in meadow. The soil is gond, well adapted for a stock or grainlarm, nate at 1 miles from Fayette brings, 9 miles from Union town and 15 from Connelloville, wilf be sold at a low.pTicep or eichangedfor approved Western lands. JeB it. CUTHBE£O. 80:;, 51 Market 4. - IDURE JAMAICA RUM AND HOLLAND GIN,, by the bottle or gallon. at •—• HAWORTH 13110W/MEras lob in the Man ton& IUN UDIBRE LLAS.--Silk- and Gingham: @ma Umbrellas, superior to Parasol?, for sale at 4t07 wratzeott • lt, ORNE'r32 Jeff 77 Mitkttetreet. w ESIGNS.--Aratitletaral and -Daebrative for designs painieling in Oak, Mar' ble and Ounce .repared by imyall W. P. MARSHALL , A r QERMON PAPER on, hand, or mai' IL7 dexebY Va. 461. JOHNSTO' =YI 7 - • • Ststiceers.' la ....Lax. -47 _~~~,~. ter' ~.~~.~~' ~~~ EPAULETTZS, BUTTONS, TAINGES, ETC., ETC. J. & H. PUTT.T,rps J.. 2 11. PHILLIPB, '213 and IN Et- ClAfr shmot
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers