VOLUME XVI_ PI'TTS-ST:3.E;:I 7_I(IRNING POST. !. c•-.; ( IS:11 fAYS - .„ 1 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE" i FARMER'S UNION INSURANCE COMPANY, TR1.::‘,..z.--4.::-,;:"Dn.n,... y.,-..r, payable strictly in advance, OIT D...t12n izY.1,1%->'.:cy rograrad II net pai d witliia the year. ! At AfigEslS, P.II.S.DFORD COUNTY, PA., Jan. 1, 1858, as .. - .7-. .•••..p . ,•. , c , ;?;.es, N - u Csrra•—for sa'e at the counter in : pres:nted to the Stockholdera, and made oct in compliince • s..ze. by the N e ven P.er. with the State Lava of Nov York. Ohio, ludiana,lllinoiry&o. 67.3.1101r5t. The name of the Company is the FARMERS' VINTON IN .RATES OP ADYERTISI.:••.I(I. SURANCE COl.l PANY, located at Athens, Pa. Chartered 1fc.2 . ,. 11-?- • -; '''i T' ''''':' , :j Cre , ecilin r;" *2 -' 1 , April 13. 180, by the begiilatare of Pennsylvania. Charter ,a sne.:in tsluzi .L.ent . ..4. I p 2 7 0 2 t. , Perpetual. E . t) . Coale Capital, which 19 all paid up ..... __ ' - Surplus in addition thereto... J A nf. , E-3 P. 113AfIll, Kra. 0• , 7300 I mp r f pr H Emarr., !ME! OT.a MMNEM=I 1 751 3 001 . *.-coa I o 10 co COiii 12 CY, Ce, One v , colL. Two wec-kz I'hre3 weeks One r l`wo mou:'%2 r...rtentlz?, rocs a,: tee: etas r. 67 c , ar.le ...... sir 11::c. cr Lc Cns Vi 7.47 e, r.zr an. zr - . PITTS - Q"')C- 1- ',SATURRY °O ST la. . TifeirdillOTH WEEZILL GY , Y (DNS DOLL i=f ;;'Elt YEAR, IN CLITEB TL'J Subcarl , pt.lorat, per r...3:41 - 2.11r,,,, CONTAINS ALL THE CURRENT NEWS OP TED DA7, Literary, AE,Ticultuml, Tele b —raphio and lfisceitanadan. Mill Parer twins of the 'LliVll.2:2 tau, and n.r..tly prince on fine white paper, in large, clear typo, will be :band by the enb3criber to give better e.aisfaction than any paper rathilulied in Pittabnrgh. Three rho wish to table a pc.;:er fre:m 11U.sbirgh, will find I tiv SATURDAY POST a azife and pro - .tahla incest:meat. JAriri..l2 P. I: A.11.R, eepl7 Editor and Pro rioter. MEER & AYERS' BOOK AND JOB OFFICE, POST Corner of Fifth and Wood Streets, PITTSBURGH. liL undersiomed having made extensive ade,tion3 of the LATF-ST AND HANDLTALEST STYLE P TYPE, and ice_ rued f‘lachinury, to the MORIN:ISO POST JOB OITIOE, Invite tL itentfen of Rail Bowl Officer Eforchatal, hasinesß ani the pubtic geut.ra:ly, to their uperior ditp:lfcii, en tc.az,onf.Lle erma, a.. 11 kinds :f g k i. E. r, , rif C f:VE _EL E, LEG , AND EYNFT °TIM; DESCRIPTION OF PLAIN FANCY PRINTING 41Z-Gar duW, we cai gi e a.s ,- ,11- o.ace of att.. eztaife.ction, and • solicit ordrs BOOZE, P.L..17:',.;1.L.E.T.5, RAIL ) 8T.1.1.9 AND CARDS, PAYE . MUCKS, BLINK NOTES, • LYTER .11EADS, BILL ELE3I)S, BILLS L A-DIN G. °IBC CUES , ...IIISL. - ESS CARDS ; PAPER BOCKS, DEEDS, MORTGAGES, BONDS, .;a'r Particul:ar t.:tegnon CiE, t. , 3 paid to the printing cePoater2, Prer-,nitof,a, kc. for CCZOOrtt, Erldbitiona and Cireat.=. B.51:11 t IfZELS. - RUSINESS CARDS .TFie People's Shoe Store. D. S. DIEFtEL4B2:,'JiIER & CO., Chen'? Dealora in all Linda of Faationsble 8091 1 6, saoEs ria Gluons, Tor Gentlemen, Ladies, Yaufas and Child:ea, 3.7 Ft h Strait, near ilicarket, cr..B PITTSBURGH, PA J. Er. maz er J 08.3 IEOI , II JOUSEC PERYIN JOHNSON, Proprietors of Childs Fr Co.'s Patent Elastic. Fire and Water w roof Czanent. Reefing,. 133 f ELIO STREET. • ft h RDItIRS for ROOFING promptly and faith vs., fully sant, cd, and all our worlr. trarrantn:i. Booting material alwa7r, on hand, and for bale, wi,th di racdons for ties. JOS. F. SAYALTON a. CO., ENGINEEnS AND NACILISESTS, Comex of Fire. dr.:2 Likrty end; P 2 burgh, lI,PERIOP, STEAM ENGINES for Grist kJrnd daw Mills, Brew.ries, Printing Establishments, idar.nfactories, ac., mhdo to order. They also continue the maurtractrso of their C.ekbrated Hschinisra' Tools, such WI Trzniug Lathes, trim Pinnere, Suring and blachines, Aiso;Wrougat Iron d'..i.eitting, with ?alloys, ilnugorP, &o. ga ja2..lyd Zs - C ".'' S. 0111,1301.; E=l ..stanai TEIC.ILPSOT: & LIIOUSE PAINTERS, GL".Z.IERS AND ,LL. • altal:LF.2, : , :o.1:;5 Third street- F•lo.ti ad:scum-a wina t 3aimeh.. eu i dwpatca. Ifized l Paints, Oita Turpentine, Varnish. . - tapdr, Lad English Patent Dry. ere, Yalu Slanting - do Ztacli. a very superior article delp l Ms and ritninargh Whin/Lead always on hand'and for sale. We are prepa:ad to grind =lora for Painter-.,, Drug gl t 9, or'othora, at the shortest notice, ea wel:lava a which triads by bt.21.11:1 Paduters will saro money by gob Mug thcir cdlora ground with U 2.. Emr.s,ly GOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES, XT DIA:surACTUR.EIVS PRICES. HYDROMETERS or spiritz, the ct,....spest and boat articlea ever tiroc.,7ii: to Lille cliy. .irs..b.r.mo.q.u - s.a= AND laaomzrzr.E, varying in pric from $6 :o s.ao each. POCKET CQMPASSES, SURVEYOR'S COMPASSES, lwayd On Land at G. E. 6.11.1.Wii, ac,.E.:;aZ Opt::-i::71, ES IVEII :;stet. ae26 Mcsouin Gal!. C. 3. i 5. SAWHER, .7.:j.-N7..A77, OY LARD OIL, CANDLES, PALM, TOILE AND ROSIN SOAPS N 0.47 Wood street., Pittsburgh, Pa JOHN EIBER & CO., MCI DIE AND.SCOUHERS, 2STO. fi3 Stre).3:3l.:, IFTRZCI WOOD LIZIS•XY 6Taizrs., All kinds of Shawls, Dresses, Ribbons, and ovary description of &it and Woolen G0X.1.9 executed at thort notice, and on reasonelle terina tap23:Bm 'OI ice of Sealer of Vielglats and Measures. THE OFFICE OF THE UNDERSIGNED, SEALER OF WEIGHTS AND ILEAZVE Xay bo found h.encercrth, in Cherry ar.-eY, botw.:,n Third =4 Fourth arbete, what) 0z.14;73 m.ay be left. snrl3.-tf 011ARLFS BAR:CT:TT. S. HAVEN'S Elastic Steel Pens jut V • received, and Enr este at the Statioaery Store, jaV3 Noe. 31, S 3 and 55 3farket street. THE FRANKLIN ALMANAO FOR 1859. ....This well-known and popular annual , formerly pub iisbed by Johr.ston t Stockton, after a lapse of years, will again sbor.ly be issued. The circulation es formerly will be made by ;As killfel inatheniatician, Sanford Cl. MB, Bag, who will also prepare for ita pages such reading mat ter as will make it an enter raining and instructive maga zine. Besides tbo reliable estronoinical calculations, a new and ingenious table of time, an accurate method of drawing meridian lines, and oiler matters of permanent value will bra added. _ Orders of book .sellers and other dealers are solicited in advance of publication, as, but one Ldition will be, printed, and orders will be filled according IM to prior NSD ity. `WM I3:1 Pubithers t Printer!, Stationer, ar.t: Dank Boot Makers 67 Wood tglreet, Pittabargit. Jort HEESE.--EOO bores gocd cutting Cheese C received and for ease by "0 - . E. J 926 YRY 11. COLLINS STARCII.-2 50 bores Pearl Starch in stop and ibr sale by E. 025 ARD OIL.,—We have commenced mann lAWaring Laz'a Oil, and ICU be pleased to receive or Or it. We will warrant it nal to any Oil in the mar het.. We will 11l barrels when (retired. - B. 0. 4r, H. BARTEL% - - Zro. 07 Worei .—IU 'obis. Onions f"artil_o_lia__ EUDIBICTL j ..: yam. 3 150 1 0' S 6 2OD 1 3 10J .53 1 1 '1 3 GC & 50 .50 2OD 300 66J o CrO! 1; 03j 660 fi fr.!.c,61 6 5+J 3 ! 9 o' , o C. 4, 2 60 2 65 4 N 5 35 0 00 flt ; cv-o. MEE= !!EEMII ~ -- PiTT36URCI4, PA. F.F.NBY IL COLLINS. ii 31 ; , ::,, „,, . e , „l * . ~,.?,.,.p.,:.:.,.t_r5t".,...4::,17iiicz1.,,,,,,e. - '' - ::•FM: ~zT,I- 1 ,7i:.;.±:."- --t 1f.., i '::, . ., , .r.',,war,,,,,,i; • • r • ..! ' . .: . . . . X i 4 e . ... . . , ....4- W . " • • •‘• • •-' ..-Z• , * - 4 t` 1 •• • • I t • t .: - . ... 0 , -,. t 5, : 4 i ;a t ' .: I :. , . ' I,C; `,..4. • r , i c;. , '2.'•`• .• "Z 3 „...= ,i.• i: . 1 •. , - . ' • ' . 6 2 '.: . . v ,_ _ .. .. ... ; 1 , .: . • . ... . • ••,.. , ~ A .... ~. . p kr , ..,,,,, , 2 $1,,,, ? 4 ''''3,' Ak ', ....I • frAibt." . 4 . ...... , , ..„, ..,,,, .„.., ~ . PUBLISHED DAILY BY JAMES P. BARR, AT THE "POST BUILDDTGS," CORNER OP WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS; AT BTVE DOLLARS FEB ANNUM: INSURANCE. Assn's. Fla;-'oar Bonds and liortgages, at six and seven "ft cent. interest, amounting in the aggregate t0...5152,316 Go Which mortgages are or valua ble and prodictive real notate, yrlncipal:y farms, retarded and rot Henry worth genefally double the amount and morelhAti. trncrt• gsged for ja .".:.ICh Cass, and in no troe.i•`e3 than fifty (TILL. ruo-s, ~.ocia-ire of farm beelinc, cod or certified by t'ee 'rtoconlers, =cam e recorded, to tan and tors of tb. • States of f..i!o and Nineteen els I`, cent_ Bonds amply secured 47,606 00 astli on hand and in Bank. 6,4,40 12 Cash in hands of Agents, and in COW'S° of tranami.edce , secured by bonds u'ith sureties . Bus on loss , s re-insured, ex.._ ..... Bills receivable, vie: pronalsse , y otea payable at bank and to the Company .... . . Inseref,t actraed, (principally due Januar) .............. ....... Safe and office ristures and Furni- Ellri! MM!MS=II drnotint of Preai s received daring the ;-ear Arn't interest received during the year Left received from all other Noumea... LS-YENDITISU9, Empenaes for the year, inctnthat; commitokoon, eslaries, rentl, rein. surance, printing, adTarti2ing, taxes, and all other expensta .....$ 10:159 56 Dividends paid during th., year__ 1:,(1e0 00 Losszs paid, which 0. - xnrrod prior to December 31, 1858 La , sos pal, which occurred during the year 45,5/31 14 $9.3,435 Si Lie! 11.1175.9. LcK.es adjtritrA and not duo (. - ince tail) Z 111,Z.00 99 Lc,: fie incurred and in prcceis of atUnstmon' Loves reported,cn which no actku has been taken Las a ret3l3tel, 0,1 ground ot incur• once after fire, pro;erty transfer red before lo3c, pro;:perti lost not covered by the Folly, kc._ 12,100 (x) o 39,407 99 Whole anion t of r;sks taken during the year. 50,420,592 flu Wl2ola amount of rist: nt date :PAT.& OF PEYNSYLVARIA, , q,UNTY OP BRADFORD, St C.N. Bhiptaan, President, and J. E. Canfield, Secretary of the Farmera' Cnion Inmrance Company, being sevlnsr.lly duly sworn, depon , and say. and each for till mif says, that the foregoing is a trn" , , fall and orrect statement of the affairs cf mid corporation, and that they are the above de ezribed o , l , cors thereof C. N. S'IPMAN, President. J. E OANRIETC, _ • - .. - . Subs.-nbel az,d evi,ru bef a• me, [Lid Mch day of Jann ari, IBM, li. C. BAII,D, Justice at the Pe:lca. IT J. HUNTER, 0 gent, No. 5..0 Wat. , -r gt:eet, l'ittabarg. 14 ICE SUR A NUE, BY TaE r.ettzuce rriutua.2 Itesturance Co. OF PHILADELPHIA ON BUILDINGS, LIMITED O. PEB.PZTUAL, =FLORAS- Dlat, FCSHITCOS, CO., IN TOWN OP. OuiTNTItT. °Mem, igo. 302 We.-liittt street,. aLPITAL, 61770:2G g 5311,460 ca. Investod as follows, viz : Piret Mortgage on Improved City Property, worth douoie :no banonnt $120,200 00 n:e.sylvnaia e:•d Co.'s 8 per cent. Jr [gage Loan, $.20,0.. , 0 n_ • '25,500 00 Allegheny County 01,er c. flu Pecr.'s it. it. Lost:. 10.000 00 l'eunsylvaLis 4,000 00 Stock of the keliance Alutual Insurance Co 19,160 00 Stock of Count:: kir, lusur.nce ..... 1,050 00 Scrip of Sundry Insurance Companies 473 00 111 s Iteceivu le, bneiness paper 62,711 60 Book Accounts, skcre.Pd interest, etc. 3,336 19 °nah on hand and in Bank 16,043 20 s2s' 2,485 trd CLEM' TLNGLEY, President. Cl,:m William R. Thompaor., Dalid S Rrowa, Caruellus Stevenson, John IL Worrell, R. L. Carson, Robert Tole.u., Johuton, Charier F.. Wood. James S. Woodward, rar3 B. ' J. GAR. mr3 North-east cor, , r. IP 11' n 1 ) i - li! Pftti P4 ll! bOilrilA J PLaltadelpia. Wm. V. PETTIT, .Pre.f.cir.l.: D. J. IPC.A.N:I, Seordzry. Alacant cf Capital Etoct, paid in and in rcated—Voo,ooo 00 harptto 63,128 ;i5 paa,42B C,reo u , : the Kolzitsippi auk: 11,7, :AL I , y.n or damage by rirn, Alex, o t ;,;:•-: t 1,2 of 1. Trav,p;..: .. L-3.1 , U. MEE= _ . W. V. Pc.t.t, j. C. Mov.i.;. - ,—;. , r..2. , :cy, J , .hr. M. Pnrctr .7, P. J. McC .:.c, f F. Witme , .. Bate Uhl tlor, , 13.. i... 1.41'0c,:e1,..2, :ir :. 11_1. A. i.bralle.ll, Cha.e. B. Wright, JohnJ3n J. 8...ttzra..: , :, h-.-.ot: T. Puv3y. W.T.Li,T.1...M . PY.ETIT, Pr ezilesu E. F. WITZII.IIt, T r we L. J. itici.LNN, SrretE f. nr,ransno..ta: lin Phucdel.phia: StVinzdtz, Justice a Co., Rack, Morgan A Stldfole, Pumroy, Caldwell A. Co. NO. i 7 WATER ETILEET. W. POINDEXTER, Agent. /is PAiladelp7rid: Beiger, 03, Bro. A. T.LanekG PITTSBLTA LI OFFICE, Bpo WEST BFIANCH MUM, INSURANCE COMPANY. LOCH HAVEN, CLLYTON COUNTY. CHARTERED ET THE LEGISLATURE OP PENNSYLVANIA am Prnniton N0tt5...5132,343. THIS COHPANY WILL INSURE ON Buildings, Merchandise., Furnituro, ac., in town or count;; Mid= 116 n. J no. J. Pearce, 'Hon. G. C. Rev:ay, I Cherlee A. Mayor, Joha D. Ilan, ;Charlca Crist, Penr Dickinaoa, T. T. Atranc,,.., ID h. Jackman, IW. White, Thomas hitcher,. HON. G. C. LGHCLY, President. T. T. Ass.s.i‘r.s, Pmaident. EOB. fiecretary. aErts.l:4o2s: . _ thuncet IL Lloyd, j Dr. J. S. Crawford, A. A. Wine - b araner,, John W. Maynard,' A. Updegran; L. A. ,lack ey, Hun. S Cameron, James Armstrong, A. Whiti, Thai. Bowman D.D, William rearon, James Quiggle, Wm. Vanderbilt, Hon. Win. Bigler, 011IC11,- . —NO. 65 FIFTH STREET, Pirrsucraza. de2.13( J. A. LIPPERT, Agent. rep-1;Al FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE .IL COMPANY, OF PITTLADELPIii.A. Limn-mons—Charles W. lisucker, Thomas EMI, Tobias Wagner, Samuel (rant, Jacob It. Smith, Goo. W. Itichr.rds, Mordecal D. Lewis, Adoiphi lt. Boris, David S. Brownc, !dor. rim Patterson. C - 52.2. N. Band, President. Co-ta. G. Bsetca. , ..„ Secretary. Continue to make insurance., perpetual or limited, on every description of property, in toe's and country, at rates as low Ll 3 are consistent v.ith. security. The Company have reserved a large Contingent Pan „Ihicb, vitt!. their copital and promiuz..e., safely Invested, at ford ample protection to the raured. The . 4 ...m0te of the Company, on January Ist, 18S1, as petb• lithed 4,- - re.eably to sn Act of Assembly, were as follows, viz: Mortgage $91.8,128 68 Real ........................ 84,377 TemporaryLoanss3,9:.s al Stocks. 61,859-03 84,348 V. 412,70 44.15 EL - .ce their incorporatkz, a period of Meaty-one years, they have paid opward of One Million Pots Hundred Thou. sand Dofars,l oteies by Pao, thereby affording evidence of the advantozes of incr..rance, ae r. ell as tho ability end dirpoedon to rare: with prczaptneas all liabilities. J. GARDENER 0 , 0/711i, Agent, ()face. north-v Lat mr. Wood and Third sta. WESTERN INSURNCE OF PITTSBURGH. azaaeL- rnident; P. M. Gouuots, Secretary 0111= No. Sri Water street, (Sparr i g /lc 005 We.rehocusa i ) up stairs, Pittsburgh. Will insure against kin cf 7.1211Th18 lITSIT S. A Boma Institution, aged by 111:ect , r• who are v. ell bp known in the community, f-na Who ure det.,IIIWOd, promptness' cad liberality, to maiutain the : hal-actor w hich they haVe assrully4 as offering the best protection to there who desire to bo insured. ASSETS, OCTOBER 31st, 15:57 Stock ...... ..... ...... Office ...... r. Premium Notfr.,- .......... .......... Bills Disecanted, ........... George Dazs'o3,. J. Vt. 2lltler. Jas :drAtilay, Andrew Ackley, Nathaniel Holmes, D. IL Long, 'lllclietaon, 12A - CU . el the I , try for sale SP le win Ms Ill: a 00, 4 200,000 00 . 53,485:51 $263,486 61 1q,761 dil 7,838 61 1 16 46 $ 8.5,231 3 3 . 11,442 01 . 2,480 GO f,69,153 3.5 4,8131,440 00 fia.mnel Hispham, Robert Steen, William Musser. Benjamin W. Tingley, Marshall Hill, Z. Lothrop, Cbarlee Leland, Jacob T. Bunting, Sihisb Bowen, Wm. H. Semple, Pitta&g . H CEIMAN, secretary. DINE • COFFIN, Agent, ei.‘r Third and Wood streets. 00.MPANY V-2, 6 0 0 0 0 .. 2,160 00 _ 4,161 67 _ 240 00 - 9,478 04 .. 14,641 45 . 40,246 69 IZe;003 98 $817,641 78 v- 3 ,DvilM 3 D. NV .ocorge —*ja cksOtt Alex.= . u~ m der smi li . tralak th, Pi Jd. (*DON, - , . , ffiMMN INSURANCE. PITTSBURGH LIFE. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. NO. 96 WATER STREET, PITTSBURGEt, PA. ' ROBERT GALWAY, President ASX:L. BRADLEY, Vico Prosidout. B. A. Amain, Secretary. This Company =lkea exery insurance appertaining to or connected with LIFE BIERS. Also, against HULL AND CARGO RISKS on the Ohio and Bilaalasippi Rivera and tributaries, and MARINE RISKS goaerally. And against Loss and Damage by Fire, and against tist Perils of the Sea and Inland Navigation and Transportation. Policies bunted at the lowest rates consistent with safety to all parties. T•obert Galway, Samuel M'Clurkan, J os eph P. Qc»R , M.D., John Scott, James Maxshall, David Richey, JRICIPZ W. Ilailmon, Charles Arbuthnot, Alexander Bradley, Joseph S. Locoh, John Fullerton, N. F. Hart, David Oharalsra, Robert H. Hartley, V7llBran Carr, Jno. se2s Eureka Insurance Company of Pennsylvania. FIDE, NO. 99 WATER ST., PITTSBURGH. ASSOtII...III.Oy 1, 1858 Stuck, Due slllo—payable on demand and secnrod by two approved names $ 76,890 00 Cash in Pittsburgh Trust Company 62,280 37 Premium Notes. --.. 62 903 80 Mils Iteceivable 15,999 el 1:22 511a.res Bricha riga Bank Stock--cost....- 0,950 00 99 do Mocha-Ica' Bank Stock—coat.... 6,490 63 300 do Iron Gay Bank Stick—amonnt paid. 7.000 00 200 do AlCeghony Bank Stock— do do 6,000 00 Book Account 13,25) 34 DIFtECTORS J. IL Fhoenberger,G. W. OM% M W. IL m I ick, lsnun M. Pennock, John A. Csnghey, W. W. Martin, 0. W. Batchelor, It. T. Leech, Jr., It. D. Cochran, David McCandless, Jacovs J. Bennett, George B. Belden Wm. J. Anderson, J. H. 2, ROUT. VINNEY, Secretary. CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH. IN - LLLIAM BAGALEY, Pre, den:. BAIIIIRL L. IHATISILEIL, Secretary. 0 F.FICE: Q 4 Water street, between Market and Tfeod erees SW' Insurea HULL AND CARGO LEES, on tLe Ohio and Itliadssip.pi Rivers and tsibutariaa Insures against Lose or Damage by _TERM Also, against the Peril of the Boa and inland Navigatima end Transpertation. D - 'ICOTOLV4 William Ragsley, Capt. !Sark St4rilt,g, Samuel Rea, Samuel M. Filer, James M. Carder, John S. Dihedral, James Park, Jr., Francis Sullen, Juan• M. Pennock. William B. Hays. Springer Harbanak, Jahn Shipton, Capt. Samuel 0. young, Walter Bryant, John Caldwell. .1.22 PHILADELPHIA FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, 149 Chesnut Street, Opp :site the Custom House. 74 TILL MAKE ALL KINDS OF INSU HANCE, either Perpetual or Limited, on every description of Property or Merchandise, at reasonable rates of premium ROBERT P. KING, Prealdent. M. W. BALDWIN, Vice President. DMICTOB.I. Charlea Hayes, E. 8.. Cope, E. B Engliah, George W. Brown, P. D. Savory - , Jeceph S. Pans, C. Sherman, John Clayton, S. J. !Sazargee, E. Wile:. F. Itucaztraza, Secretary. J. G. COP IN, Agent, .Iy4:ly Corner Third and Wood atreata HOTELS & RESTAURANTS. SCOTT HOUSE, Corner Irwin Street and Duquesne Way, PITTSBURGH, PA. B. D. MARKER, - - - PROPRIETOR, (Formerly of the "Marker House," Blairsville, Pa.) rfp H E SCOTT HOUSE IS NOW COM PL.ETM) AND OPEN FOR GUESTS. It is situated in a central part of the city, being conveuient to all P.A (road Depots and Steamboat Landings. The House was built in IW, with all modern improve raentp., and fitted up in splendid style—the entire Furniture being new—end will in every respect be a lint class LioteL lino STABLES are attached to the premises. I . Jel'ky COI NUCIDPI/0 gLIESTAUELAN BY ELI YOUNG, FIFTH STESZT.T. The attention of Merchants and others is directed to thls` l / 4 . eqatilieliment, which hen been recently fitted up for the perpose of affording a SUBSTAN TIAL EATING HOUSE IN A Cif...NU:AL LOCATION! Country folks attending market are particularly invited to call. Everything pertaining to an EATING SALOON will always be found, of the freshest the market affords. apfiftivd.tw EXCHANGE HOTEL, A. LOWRY, Proprietor, Corner Main :tree and Youghiogheny River, Near the Rat 7.road Depot WEST NEWTON, PENN'A. BE ABOVE HOTEL IS NOW IN COM. PLETE order for the reception of visitors. It is beau. t.fallo located on the banks of the Youghiogheny river, and ~ be reached every day from the city by the Connellaville ...ailroad.. The room i are hirgn, airy and welt furnlehed,aud t could be uo pleasanter place for a few weeks summer residence in th country. A few tamities can by Imcenni.,- ,iated. Terms moderate. Address A. LOWRY, my2s:lf West Newton, P.l. THE NATION AL SALOON, Under rorter'a Now National Inicistre, rITISBUP.:3II, PA., D. BARNARD, - - - PROPRIETOR, AS FITTED UP IN A TASTEFUL and comfortable style, tee tarp contra store in the ODD YELLOWS HALL. Filth street, as a FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT AND oALOON. liaTin , had many years' exp. ciente in the DII/3111t8.8, he is prepared to cupply the best the market affords. His Bar will be furnished at all times with the best WINKS, LIQUORS AND ALES. The en trance to the Saloon, is In tips centre of the Hall, and re freshments will be furnished at all times, DAY and NltillT (Sundays excepted. apl4oly WASHINGTON HOUSE, COP.. PENN'A AVENUE 4 THIRD ST., WASIIINGTON, D. O. A. F. BEVERIDGE PROPRIFTItE SB. H. W. KANAGA. Ej o So HOTEL, Oppoolto ths Perms. Railroad Depot, li 4 RTUBBVII.G, PA. Dels W96EIINGTOIi DICDTEU.., FORMERLY 11. B. EI()TEL, PITTSBURGH, PA. • lAMB SEANNOi, __Proprietor. T'"HOUSE IS LOCATED ON THE corner orP EMI and WASHINGTON Btreeta, between the CENTRAL AND WESTERN RAILROAD DEPOTS, and has undergone a thorough improvement, remodeled and furnished with new furniture, and is now the most conve nient Hotel in Pittsburgh, for Traveler by Railroad, Rain or West. nryB:ly MANSION HOUSE, GEORGE AURENTZ Paerateroa .No. 344 Liberty street, just beside the - Pasaenger Depot of the Pennsylvania Railroad, which makes it the most convenient house in the city for passengers arri ving by. that med. UThe proprietor having, at considerable ezponse, fitted up, In excellent style, the IIiANSION HOUdE, would respect fully - solicit a share,of public patronsze. There Is attached a splendid BTAI3LE and' extensive WAGON YARD, afford ing ample accommodation to travelers and teamsters. MB Larder and Bar will be furnished with the best the market can afford. febhy "&c,elsior Restaurant, 4 .` Kg= I*. iii wOli on r uan, Pa, WHOLLSILLE AND 11.1.1.A1L DEALSIL IN JAKE AND ]TIER. The endersi l leed has.inst received from the Eastern mar ket, selected with great care, SMELT, HALIBUT, HADDOCK, MESH OOD BUHL, EASTERN BUN 'FISH, SETZPALL VABIETIM OF LASS FISH, New York Prince's Bay, Egg Inland, Egg Harbor, Shell Oystere. The finest ever brought to this city. Every delicAcy of th mason served up at the EXCELSIOR RESTAURANT. eFlyd B. finIMIUGEL QT. CLAIR HOTEL, corner Penn and St. to Clair streets, Pittsburgh, Pa.—The undersigned, formes , ly of Brown's Hotel," having taken thia large and commo dious HOTEL, and having refitted it in magnificent style, would respec'dnlly invite his friends and the traveling public to give him a call. Assnroci, with - the convenience of the house and his long experience in thalusiness, n give entire satsfactlon, and his charges moderate. d COMMLY. Lippincott, Shorten & Poarson, NO. 104 WOOD t3ZEMET, Nl] Erna AIANUFACTURERS OF MONKS, Va. Bees, gat awl Bonnet Boxed, Ladled Traveling Vuuks,llarDal Lags, no., keep "oonstantly tet hand a large stock. We are:: propaxed to do a W holesale trade, and be* le fo licilhlCS: to .terrn out gaud stock st reduced.pricas, we would invite the trade to call and utamlue our gouda b tagipalldlelteg gigaMM PITTSBURGH. SATUB DAY, JULY 31. 1858. $258,341 15 a.O.EN'BERGEIt, President my6:lm BOOKS AND STATIONERY ROBERT A. LOOMIS, (sucz,mor to B. T. a Morzar,) STATIONER AND DNA LER IN FOOLS, PEMODIOALS . _ AND NEWSPAPI:I:9, No. 4.1 Fifth ntroet, pa. T • Co-PartneroltalP. HE undersigned have entered into Co- Partnership, untl , er the style of Wm. C. Johnston k Co. SAMUEL It. JOHNFTON, WILLIAM G. JOE ASTON. Pittsburgh, Soptembor 1, 1857. el. E. JOIrtfiTON, .1-11 VIA. O. JolniaTO.' REV li.. G. JOHNSTON - - QTATIONERS, Blank Book '2l.anufacturers, io and JOB PRINTERS, No. 57 Wood atreot, between Third and Fourth, Pittsburgh, Pa. nal) TOBACCO AND SEGA.RS. 11; D. RINE.IIART, VY ClAlitlAol'riEZ..s ANL TOBACCO. SNUFF AZ,D CIGARS. U 4/ • CUL—, 2:lic.tal Co!lege, ..agh, Pa.—Chartered, 1855. Board of 12 Trustees—Faculty of 14 Teachers. DXI BrODILNT. A2TE3DMEI, J.kNua.n.v, 1858. Pang Nen Prepared for Adua1 .6 . 41 of the, Clututing RoAA INSTRUOTION GIVEN IN SINGLE IL and Double•Stitry, BOOkareping. as card In every do. pa.rtment of Br.aluees. Commercl.l, Arithmetic. Itapi‘l Bun nees Writing, Mercantile Gouespoudenca, C.mmercial Law, D , Le c tin g Counterfeit Money, Political hconomy, Elocution, moFraphy, and a , l other sunp,cts for the thor en- h educ ktion of a pr ctical busincst. man. 0. 911ITII. A. M , Prufs.:or of lio..dc.J.l.eaping end BCleuCt3 of ACCOnntl. J. A. NEYDRICK and H. A. HUTSON, Angd:lnt Teach er, of Iknk Keeping. LEX. COWLEY, A. T. Dlt...;:liETT, and H. A. fIUTEON, Professors of Penman:hip—twelve first premiums over all competition for best Pen and Ink Writing, .fier 61511 007 PUB. IiNGII,I7:D -461113., J. C. PORTER, Prof of nutheniat.cs. Terra. ceo -Full ceurse, time o.nlimited, enter et any Cute —s3s. ...9c . orage time, Bto 12 trcel:;. Beard atont $2,59. Entire cost, $BO to s'7o. Groitint-s arsisted in obtaining a situation. E.).,ciruens of unequalled Writing and circulars s, of free. Address, F. W. JRNEINS, mr2o Pittsburgh, Safety and Economy ha Might. WilY WILL YOU BURN CAMPLIENE AN FLUID, alien you caa ' tt ch?tper and Let kr light. Fore fierottene Oil, made fern thy, ',.71.1 of Can i.ol ()Dal, pm:lac:ea the cheapeat, most br Inset, ,tettcly, Weaaant and sate portable light ever °tiered to the public, and co danger of explosion; more briliant than gnu; and quite as citoap; Lamps of the moat Bint;tle and entity atanatied unit en-lotion. It'or Bale by T. D. 110DIIINSON, ta. Beware of a counterfeit alre - ei in the market, made from Camohene, w,th a little 00 al ~ 1 to -iceu; it It, 2,7:1y COOKING BY GAS. A WORD TO THE LADIES. rIHE HEATED TERM IS APPROACH ING, oad we call the attontiOu of the Lades to tLo fact that COOKING, IRONING, ETC., Can be done with economy, without op.l , reisi...e heat, wi ch. oat eoot, and with despatch—the fire being always ready in c. moment—by tieing ainagrave , o Gas t,ooking Stove, To which we recpectfally iacita you uttent—n, nt No. 75 Smithfield ctiect. S. A. 30H.N'8ON BRO. ta. County and City Right] for Bain JOULES" WO an CONFECTION , C UNFEOTION. NFNCTION,CON • ECTION,CONF • OTION, WYE C TION,CONI'ILC T ION,C ONNECT I ON,CO NNE . O . I:I ON t CONV ECT I 0 N,CONNECT ON CONFECTION . The moat pleasant, sato mad effectual Worm Remedy now In use. Prepared and Bold, wholearde end retail, by ANGELL, Cur. Wood and Slat.l.l ctn., L'itta'oargb, And field by Drvaiitatn QT. CIIAFLkS The tuaderai,,,-med Lea bought toe le:::,_ of the above named .tablen, f' m gether with a portion of the give stock of Iloraeuano Carriages, Into the property of J write Ma:hews, deceezed. lu ,:dchdon to the etock befure-mentioucd, be bee nice added a number of FINE 110itSES, BUGKAIES A:, T.) CARRIAGES, which were formerly employed ut his Livery otablee in Third, below Wood stroct. Al. he given his pers,ual btteri don to the lineiner.s, a continuance of he has hitherto received frog pn:4l. t:cd. 371:;,,i; 0 AiiDN t. Livery StaMA. N. B.—A HEARSE and any namoor CAI;II.I.AG can alwayc be procured for Bunei,:, FTIHE CIIEMIC AL SOAP, manufactured by J. re rocuiVoS the preference over cdl other rinds ever otnrtd family use. Its advantages over other coupe ara:--lot. It i 3 cteapor to use, one pound being equal to tlirrp of . - Olualou room Soap. 2d. Rail the time need on:y b.- Occupied in washing when thin Soup in used la place et other 5.c.p. lid. L. LL,r in washing can be nearly d9sp , msed ,ull, as the clothes will require little if tiny rubbiwz, ilium :,,voidim; their wear on the wash board. 4th. Boiling ;no ci thee uuneceaeary when this Soap to need, and 113. rd or Water oinswere equally EIS well ee soft. sth. Prltlt , ,re, Marmnists. Puintord and others, had it far superior to other Soapa. It spessdily re moves grease, tar, point, printers' rvh and dirt from the hands, leaving the akin soft, and free irolli chapping. To avoid the labor at rubbing the clothes, and toe use of the wash-board, the following directiLtis should be followed : For the washing of eight or tan of a family, take one pound of Soap, cut it into ShaVii.gx, and thseolvo in one gallon of hot water; put the clothes into a tub cout.doit,g about ten gallons of warm water ; pour in thd dteo. dyed Soap, and stir thoroughly. Let them soul; twenty to thirty minutes, wring out, and rinse in Whim water once, cold water twice. A very dirty wrist-band, or seam, or .grease SpOrd, may require a slight rubbing, but otherwise the clothes will come out clean and whim, without rubbing or boiling. Cold water may be used in place of hot, requiring about double time in soaking. ••-••••• - •• - - - - . J' , 9•- Observe our aurae on each bar. ror sale, In any quantity, at oar Nvz.r.ho - ...52, No. 47 Wood street, huti,at our works, opv.mit, the Ituund llon3e, Peu a- Ivania avenue. D. 0. & J 11. tiAW YOll, av2l. /No. 47 Wood street. UCKIVIIEAT FLOUR.-:-20 sacks Buck * wheat Fluar, GO lb zhekw, Jan rmo!ved and for sale lioC A N feL,') Ck , rno: Wood alAl W•tbr greets. 14 1 L0U8..-25 bbla. Superfine Flour received and for sale by 'AIcCANDLAISS, kiEANSb 00., lea earner Wood and Water etreeta. EMIGRANT RIFLES.—A most duirable and cheap wt..apca, at BO WN C TE:TLK Y 'B, 1 7•ln IR. , Vlrrd LARD. -A prime article of No. 1 Lard, in barrebs and kegs, just r.r...,;:fred and fur sale by McCANDLESS, MEANS CO., 1023 C-rner of Wood and Water atreeta. SPIC ES.- 25 bags Pimento; 100 " Grain Pepper. Jrect roceived and for Eala by MILLER R RIC;ik;TFON. mr23 7.7 ,, t 71! or I.V r rK .11,0 . NEW ARRIVALS.—We are taking into store, (123 Wood street,) au bomens, stock - of line Paper forjobLing purposes; also, Letter. ~ap and Note ; Ftwoclopes In groat variety; Manilla Papers of ev-ry sire, and as cheap as they can be bought in the East, where we offer wholesale or retail, very low for Car.h. apt JNO. M. L'EIIE.INS St 00 JAKE FlSH.—White Fish, Trout, Salmon, and Pickerel constan , ly on hand, a full stock lo Ripply wholesale trade. by (rayB ll LULNRY H. COLLINS. ®RANGES. --300 bas. sweet, just received and for sale by BETME'It ANDEP.SON, No. ZW Wo,d street, myl7 Opp Alto the St. Charles Hotel. laßoomB.-100 doz. Extra Corn Brooms A on band and for sale by p 2 B. C. E J H. SAWYER. DUSTER TRIMItINIIS—Drab and Gray Duster Binding and 'Liaola, jam opened at ap23 JOE. IIOILNE•8, 77 Market etrret. NEW STEEL SPRING SKIRTS—Of the most graceful shapes, on hand at HORNE'S, myB 77 Market street.. QEED SWEET POTATOES.-20 barrels Bead Swftt. Potatoes, received sod for Kilo by JO: V 3 l PETZ-UP. Ova Err ilarta4 and litrat scrota. IICKLES.-6 bbls. Cucumber Piokles, re calved and for gob) by JAMES A. BETZBE, fe2o Corner Market end First =sots. DERFIIMER Y. —Lubin's, Bazin's, A. Wright's, Glenn's and liarrizon's Extraeta for the handkerchief, constantly on hAnd at JOB. FLEMING'S, je2 Corner Diankond and Starket at. RICE AND RICE FLOUR; Corn Starch; Sayer Oloas Starch ; Hocker'a Farina; 13ahafa Cocoa ana Brcrza; Fresh Cocoa Shall Received and for salo at RMS. STORE, 84 , Fifth etritet. - c &JEDCANDLES.- . -flOCCbcties gydrimilio Premed Mould Candles, =de 6174154 for Eastmez vs% on bad Bud add by 0.6 J. far U. SAWS& ~~ F=- s s. "q` ~,... _. . ,1:3 WOOD STREET No. 79 Srail.hliol.l street ,Tet,V1,5.A.5,ttc4;1111111351,111,7-3.'r,iri.., .P.....f."54471:47,1,3prrfr W4r.,-"AM: 4 10.t.t, , • , • , - - - ." - Sth:tt .~'. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. CIITLIBERT & SON'S OFFICE, No. 51 0),, Market street, for the sale and purchase of Real Estate, renting bonzes, attending telinenrance and repair, obtaining loans on bonds, mortgages, &c.; making convey ances, deeds, bonds, &az, •aritiug letters and corresponding with parties abroad, &c. oclB BELDEN SEYMOUR, Real Estate and Insurance Agent, CLEVELAND, OHIO. Rem.raa ca. —Monts. Hanes, Garrets= eg Co., Robert Part.. Esq. Y11:7 ViESTL'IIII La.wDs. ALEXANDER GARRETT, REAL ESTATE AGENT, NO. .50 WATER STREET, crkEyF.T. AND, 01/10, Hun for sala Lands in Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan and Jaws. is will pp change Lands in Wisconsin, ac., for Pittsbnrgh mannfactujes, and aLso for city property. AU letters of inquiry answered gratis, by addrc.ssing me as PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT. AGRIST 1411LL4--Three run of stones and all tho machino4 domplete, corn and cob cracker, 4kc.„ all in good order, with a dwelling house, stable and two lots of ground, situate in South l'ittAnrgh,and will bo sold on very easy torm9 by 8, CUM-Mt:lt e l sOz; , el? 51 market street. LAWRENCE COUNTY BONDS WANT ED, i❑ exchanga for :and. an 22 S. OtritißEßT .;t SON. 51. Market at , t t STEAM MILL in complete running or ci,r, va.la houne, nee r the city, for cal. by S. 4,Ur131:1:f.P.T ft SON, ap2,4 hi DlArket !Arent ESTERN LANDS of good v'v sale or exchange for Real &Aare in the city 8. CUTILBMAT tt: SON, 51 Vo,rket FAMILY RESIDENCE FOR SALE-A valuable property of 1.50 feet front on Covington st Lawrenceville. by 100 deep on Washtrigvni etroet to Cherry alley, Brick Dwelling Deane of 7 roc.rint well arrangei,bata room, porch, well of water and pump, stable awl coal bowie, kitch-in range, etc. The room,' are ceir!y painted and pw pored, shade and fruit trees, grape arbor, groat variety of flowers, etc.; good p ling fence.. The above offuri ii good opportunity to buy a c mplete end plc:isnot residence, Price low, end terms accommodating. it. , lITHBERT Ar. SON, Real BALLO and Gel:oral Agents, 51 Market street. SIZE of the cheap Building Leto ti for sale by S. CUTIII3atT & Sul is 3.3 by 100 feel. Location—Neur the railroal station, East Liberty. Price—From $275 to SOO each. Terms—One fourth in hand; remainder at six years credit. The Plan can be seen ut the Leal Estate Ullire, 51. Market street.. [Jell DEAR IT IN MIND, that th© East Lib criy Lots are offered at such prices, and on such cony terns, an to make a hutna easily to be obtained. Bear it in min ', ttati they front on wide street!, aro of easy access by railruid, and are very desirable locations for family reaidenccs Bear it in mind, that the plan of the lute le to be seen at Jel2 51 PA R NT SFR E -1 ;7 1 011 SALE.-SEVENTY THOUSAND ACR.L . B of choi a Prairie and Timber Land, situated in. Ncrthern ia. a and Southern Minnesota, embracing the 11 oest lot ,f farming lands ever cffored in this market, as they are located conveniently to Mills, Towns and lines 01 Railroad. Pani k hieto containing information of value to emigrants and catalogues giving location, description and price of the land, with a brief description of the counties in which they are located, can be had au application at our othce, and they will be see , t free by mail LI o.rsous sending us their address. 'WILLIAM FRAZIER ,ft CO., my:liftf Jones' Budding, No. 67 Fourth street. TEN DOLLARS IN HAND, will sectire a Building, lot of 25x100 feet on 51t. Wto,hington.— Price, sloo—slo in hand, remainder to suit purchaser. AI co, a Lot of E,0x.100 feet for $2.50—515 in hand, Oalanne in payments to suit purcli.tder. curigro , iiT S,)N, je23 51 Mark.d ,treet. 1.2 ACRES of Land and a oomf:rtalle limo:, situate near the Washir.4ton Tr.rnpito, ut ahem 3 mile, from Jones' Ferry, will be bz,id on easy terms. Immediate possemion. tl. CUTHBERT & nON, Se 23 6i 31,rket stroot. ALOT OF GROUND in East Liberty, near' th. Railro.d 9tatiou 30 by 100 feet will be Bold for ;1:;5, onelfoarth in band, remainder at six pars' crodit. b. CU.1:11151: & BON. 01 Market street. GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS. FAILLAND, MERCHANT TAILOR, Corner of Fourth and Smithfield Streets), RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCES THAT he has received his Sprag Asiortn.ect of GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS, Of the newest styles, hest quality a. - id most elegant deecrip tams, which he is prepares to mannfl , tars to order in the LATEST FASHIONS, And with such a character of work manthip, as canue.t fail sstisfi ens pleene tae most faiti liens tastes, rny i 9 ISSOLUTION OF PARr.vl.l[l.l.l P.- he firm of PAWOIII7II HEW & 111tOWNL.:El oa 0.,0 11 of May, 1559, dissolN ad by mutna! co n•rit, by the wandru,al of JUJU HAWOItr,I fr.m the above 13-m, The accounts of the late lirm will be settled by HAWORTH 1311.0VVNLEE. Jinru IlAWORTI:1, In withdrawing from the aliove firm, kindly thanks hie former patron~ end also patrons o. the late firm. for the very liberal patronage he hoe re ....elved, and would kindly recominind them to his successors, iIAWOUTH 4 lI3O'.,NLEfI, an they are determined to eel' t low figurec, having a very Isere assortment of CHEAP ROCEJii 8, wiLN ES and Ll.QUi)ilfi on hand. _ _ 4S4— DAVID HAWORTH and JASITS DP.OWITLF.I2. hare this day associated together, and will continue on the OUtlillel39 at the OLD STAND, corner of Diumand ands-Dia mond alley, under the style of HAW )RTH BROWN LEE, where they hove t)receive that patronage e libsrall given to the old firm, a') they are determined to sell CHEAPER than any other Store in the city. my 13 QYRUPB.- 100 barrels "Choice" Golden Syrup; 15 do " t'eiina." First Quality Syrup; Jost received and for sale by MILLER di 1310KETSON, jet \G3. 221 and 223 Liberty etre. t ItTEW FABRICS IN DRESS GOODS.- A. A. MASON A CO., ... , cy!., NO. '25 Fi:th now opening rich Dresu bilks, Buragen Pari.i And a roletvlid ea, rtion of ??RING SIIANVLS. (apt €2,!EED SWEET POTATOES.-15 barrels C. 9 Soed Sweet Potatoes for sale cheap to con Sign JAB. A. FETZER, Corner Market and First streets 00INIPOUND SYRUPS or PLIOSPIiATES, ca.,.. t 01lialICAL FOOD—This preparation is not in ter icd A a popular emedy, but is respectfully submitted to the .`le•lical Faculty as a nutritive tonic, well suited to •,upoly waste of elementary matter during the progre3s of clarr-,io cases, psrticnlarly in Dyspepsia and Consump tion. TtAs preparation is pleasant to the eye, agreeable to the taste; and greattul to the stomach, and does not naus eate by protracted use. Bold wholeaale and retail by J09l:1'11 FLEMING, Je22 5 Corner Diamond and Market street. COONTRY BACON.-1000 lbs. Country Bacon, Just re rived and for Bale b+ JAMES A. nTZEB., niy4. Corner Market and VirstAeta ROOM CORN -3 tons first quality reed ,1 end frr rrnrE' ITENRY IT CO LlNti. FANCY FRENCLI BASKETS.—A nice assortment just opened, HORNS'', my 3 77 M'irlzot arrcet. VIINDOW GLASS.—An assortment of Country Glean, assorted sines, for sale by Wh.l. H. surra a Co., tae2.s US Second, and 147 eirst streets. WINDSOR SHADES.—GoId bordered, plain and fancy. Also, shade Trimmings, !c., always on hand at and for sale cheap by J. it H. PHILLIPS, my 29 28 and 28 St. Clair street. INDIA RUBBER HOSE.—From inch to At, 10 inches in diameter. A large (amply Juat received at the India Rubber Depot of J. 8 H. PIIILLIPS, my2O 2.6 end 23 St. Clair etreet. Wi:LL PAPERS.—Wary Papers of all Muds for sale at reduced prices, by gAILSILALL 4 CO., tern I, 4 I NGLISEI GLASS INKSTANDS-Cut j 5 !A and preased, with Glass and Bronze Tops. jel4 W. S HAVEN. Stationer. MAPS OF THE DIFFERENT STATES— lowa, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Nebraska and Kansaa, ISiL3ouri, Kentucky and Tenneaes, Virg nia, etc, for rale by J. Et. WELDLY, Bookseller and &atone; inl.9 No. 68 Wood street. rear Fonrth. 1 BALE LAVENDER FLOWERS, for sale by B. L. FAHNESTOCK a CO., jel2 No. 60 cor. Wood and rourth abraoto. DRIED PEACHES-12 eacksohoiee bright dry Peaches received End for sale by JAS. A. PETZXJ3, Corner Market and Pint ciz. CIHRESE.,-200 boxes W. R.; 225 " English Dairy Cheese, for r Jan BENNY H. DOWNS. DRY APPLES.-50 bags; 150 bbls. HENRY AppIes, for sale by - - - ENEL OOLISNS. f i REEN APPLES.-20 bbls. for sale by 8 - MEOW H. Ont ti ARTS L - •I TR 'PASTE; prepared molarthosrapertiston of Dr. M illihrtl, 13 Don 6 for gab by it/a. G. THE BALANCE OF MY SPRING STOCK _IAN® FORTES, Cone - luting of SLXTEEN of their new Seven Octave and Six and a aalf Octave Pianos; have just been received, and now ready for cr ,, rolnation at the wareroonts of the sub- CIECIKERING k SONS' PIANOFORTES are not tarnished by them to any other house in this city, and all orders 'Aunt be directed to the subscriber. I' N 0 S ! r 619 4 FULL GRAND PIANOS I g PARLOR GRAND PIANOS 1! AND NEW STYLE SQUARE PIANOS, loom the Manufactrry of is SONS' BO4TON, Jost received from the manufactory of Chfokering :one, Boston, tho following desirable and elegant stock o their PIANO FORTES gull eleven octavo Grand Piano Forte, with superbly .$BOO carved case. Price One Full seven octave Grand Piano Forte, elegant Rose wood case. Price $7OO Ore Now or for Grand coven octave Piano, nearly equal iu power to a full Grand, and occupying only the room of an ordinary square Piano. Price $ 6OO SQUARE PIANOS I Two full carved Rosewood, Louis XIIIth, seven octaves, wi,h carved Desk and Feet work. T,o Rosewood seven octave—Clifford style. :'wo Rosewood. caned mouldings, seven octave. l'our Rosewood, plain round corners, seven octave. Three Walnut, plain round front corners, seven octaves. Four 41 it a E a ti 61 Four Rosewood " ti it •60 a it All of the above are of their NEW SCALE, and with full iron frames, and their now Patent Action. These Instruments have been finished specially for 'the subsoriber, and will be warranted to purchasers. For sale at their reduced prices. JOHN H. MELLOR, No. 81 Wood street, Sole Agent for Chickering 1 Sons'. CHARLES W. LE IS, ALDERMAN, OFFICE ON THE CORNER OF WYLIE AND FIFTH. STIWITB. All businnss connected with this office will be attended to with promptue.l:. Conveyances of all lands done with legal accnracy—,uc:l Leeds, 7-forts - ages, Ilouda, Powers of At- turney, Ac. to Koll F.stato rzamined. To the moult era of the liar he tenders his services as Com misdoner to take Depositions to be road in the several Courts ~1 this State, and elsewhere. His Wilco is one of the main Aire dtations of the city, and consequently his facilities In bueinewi of that kind aro very desirable. I felfrly Atidernnan's Office. JAMES S. 1100 N, ALDERMAN, EX OFFICIO JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, AND POLICE MAGISTRATE—Office, No. 69 Grant street, nearly oppo c o the Court house, Pittsburgh, Pa. Depositions, Acknow- I.'d,.;mente and Prooates taken; the Records examined, 1),...15, Bonds, Mortgages , Wills. Leases, Articles of Agree ]. tent, and of Partnership, Letters of Attorney, etc., etc., drawn op at short notice; Marriages Solemnized, and all be..Auess in the line of hie official dates, promptly attended to. ‘...nA— Office hours, from 7;4 &. x. to 1 P. x.„ and from 2 G P r,r. spB:ly :PERSONS GOING WEST, who desire to .1 - 1 purchase good farming lands, are informed that we Lave for sale 1132 acres of land In Boone county, lowa. Also ell acres of land In Franklin county, will be sold on easy terms by 8. CUTHBERT & 80N, myls 61 Market street. CIGARS 1 CIGARS I—l have - received this kt_i. day a large lot of genuitta imported Havana cigara, of the old and well known " Seneca" brand. Thom wishing a boz of good cigars should call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhore. JOS. PLYMTNG, Jet Corner Diamond and Market at. pLARET WINE.- 'kJ 2) cages N.Johnsten Ac Sons Mediae Claret Wine; 10 • " St Julien Claret Wine 60 0. C. St. Julien Claret Wine, in store and for ttdo by /MILLER .2 131.01{..ETSON, mylS Noe. 212 and 223 Liberty street. JELIU aAwoßrEi. Gi Indic.;, PIANOS AND MUSIC. - OF - FROM THE AUNTIFACTORY OF CIIICKERING & SON'S, BOSTON, Notice JOHN H. MILLOR, No. 81 Wood street, Solo Agent for Chickering Boa Pianos, for Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania. ALDERMEN. And Lx-Officio Justice of the Peace, EMIO AL OLIVE SOAP.-1000 boxes n../ Chemical Olive Eliesive Soap, on hand ,nd for sale by 1,7 0.. t TT. SAWYER. 11)11ACON.-10 casks Country Bacon Shoul dors, Wes and Hams, just received and for eats by JAS A. RETZIIII, Clamor ?dulcet and Innrf orbreets. TNDIOU.-2 oases Manilla Indigo, just re coivod and for Bale by mylB MILLER & RICHETVN. DRIED APPLES.-50 bush. Bright Dried fipples just received and for sale by JAB. A. FETZER, Ocrncx Mwiret and Second eta. Q PONGES.—I have just received a large lot Superior Batting Sponges, of every else and prize. Those wishing a good article in this line, should call and , xamiac y star§ before purchasing elsewhere. JOL. FLEMING, Career Diamond and Market street. 111 1 RES11 NUTS.- 10 bales Bordeaux Almonds; 2 " Paper Shell " 50 b‘szs Filberts; 30 " Cream Nuts; 33 " Pucan " 2000 bus. Ground " b6OO Cocoa " Just received and for .w. 1.3 by REYINIER & ANDERSON, No. 89 Wood street, , Opposite she St. Charles Hotel. QTOCKINGS, GLOVES, MITTS, ETC. Saitablo for tho approaching hot season on baud by jog JOB. HORNE, 77 Market ttroet. LASS.-500 boxes Bxlo, 9x12 and 10x12 7 1., .R 4% Ev (qct L killik:RY CUILLINS. TOB PRINTING.- Qp Cards, Freight Bills, Circulars, bray Receipts, Bill Heads., Labels, Railroad Receipts, Bah} Lading,., _ Nish Every other description of Job Printing, executed with promptness mad at fair prices. I J. R. WELDIN, Printer and Bin&r, mySl Wood street, neer Fourth. • 1 6) ACRES of choice land, with good im pruvements, near the city, for sale on easy terms by 0. OIMIELORT h BON, job() 6l =abet street. UILDING LOTS, on six years' credit, for .3alo by S. CUTHBERT k SON, t elo 5l Market etreet. QALLS BALLS! BALLI3I—A large as sortment of Foot, &did and Bat Balls, lust received and fir sale, wholesale and retail, at the India Rubber Depot. 28 and St. Clair street, J. & IL PHILLIPS. A-NS! FANS! I—Palm Fans by the case, ..1.2 dozen, or single. at Suter° prices,with other varieties cf Fancy Fans, for sale at HORNE'S, jeB 77 Market street. CIENTRAL BANK OF PENNSYLVA -4,j NlA.—Notice is hereby given that the CENTRAL RANK OW PENNSYLVANIA, at Hollidaysburg, will be upon for business on WEDNESDAY, the 16th inst. je7 JOSEPH BROWER, Cashier. ..1 4 ARD OIL. 50 barrels Extra No. 1 Lard Oil; 25 " No. 2 Lard Oft, on baud and for sale, by [myl3 . l B. O. .t J. H. SAWYER. AVA COFFEE.—Just received a lot of v." utrictly pare old Govezontbat Java Coffee. nine, La e.sayra and Edo Coffee, at JAYNE/3' TEA STORE, je 5 83 Binh street. 101 PURE BLACKBERRY AND CHERRY BRANDY, for medicinal purposes, at HAWORTH & BROWNIEE'B, Jas in the Diamond. INOK. RESTS—Made of Mahogany and well finished, for sale by W. B. HAVEN, 014 Stationer. DILL AND COLLECTION BOOKS-A large assortment alwa3e on hand, or made to order. W. S. HAVEN, Corner Market and Second etreeta. LAWYEIVS SEAL PAPERS Various _La (Ism and colors always on hand, at W. S. HAVEN' Corner Market and Second eta. NOW IS THE TIME TO Be HOOTS AND SHOES, Cheap for lleah, at the well known Store of JOSEPH IL BORLAND, j€ 42 98 Market et., mond door from PM. II S, Port Folios,. esk Pads, 'Sorban Oases, Part Ronal* and PooketHooks, ter We by W. S. HAVEN'S, api9 Corner Market and Second streets. NIINNY OKS.-300 large three bushe Gt.ony 8444 raw and bz good cader.far sale by JAB. A. Fes, myo) ()crier Tint and Moticatstretti CIAESTNUTS.-6 barrels Italian, received %a. this Any, and for saleal lm amxassoi , No. : goggr4 ,34 sag= NUMBER 249;) MISCELLANEOUS. MILITARY GOODS. . THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE CONSTANT LY on hand a complete stock MILITARY GOODS COMMIXING IN Ph OF PLUMES, EIWOBDS, BASHES, TASSELS, Volunteor Gompanlea I A IQ, • . . I 4 Q . SILK Aii'D BUNTING FLAGS fiLADEI TO ORDER. JNO. B. XL , D'ADDEN t SON. 95 MARKET STRE E T. SAML. HEINESTOCK, No. 141 Wood street, Pittsburgh, TTAS JUST RECEIVED DIRECT FROM ENGLAND WALDRON & GRIFFIN'S CORN AID GINN SUM CORN ROES; PATENT AND COMMON ANVILS; STEEL Trap; very superior Drawer Locks, very superior Gus Locs, Tinned and Ennamelled Sauce Pans, Basting Spoon; Brew Candlesticks, Brass Cocks, Brass Stair Rods, Braces and Bits, Measuring Tape; Superior Waiter; Curti , Combs, Tome; Coil, Piftb, Tongues Stretchand Breast Chains, with a variety of other goods, ad of which will be Bold at mod. (vete terms. spa 0 .1 AMES MILL GAR, MONONGAHELA t..Y PLANING MILL, would respectfully inform the public that be has rebuilt since the fire, and having enlarged Ilia establishment, and filled it with the n sweat and moat ap proved machinery, Is now prepared to furnish flooring and planed boards, acrowl moving and resawing, doom, sash and shutters, kiln dried, frames, mouldings, box making, &c, South Pittsburgh, September 7, 1357. eel° GENTS' SHOES A.ND GAITERS. I. 0 A II D E I A F P. 0 CIRDA.P € PEOPLES SHOE STORE, No. 17 FIFTH ST OBILDRENS' 811033 1 jel. 1 INDOW GLASS.--5000 yards from 2 to U inch inch diameter, for sale by U. H. oomttis. EAR'S.-25 bhls. white Beans for sale Ty JAS. A. FETZER, 27 Corner First and fitarket atm _ . E LA RUE NOTE PAPER AND E v prop RR -14.1,1 I,v rr v2ll J. R. 14141. PM ANDS IN VIRGINIA, lowa and Texas, for esae by OUTHELBST Gc SON, neyl3 61 Morket treet. INDIA RUBBER CURRY COMBS.—The best article in use, Just received at the India Babbor Depot, 26 and 28 St. Clair street. pRINTED BILL BOOKS—Assorted sizes at "W. S. HAVEN'S my 24 Stationary Warehouse. TE"s' TEXAS.--540 acres of good farm. ing land in Haya county, near Amain, Tern& Prairie and timber land, $3 per acre, for salo by myll S. COVIBERT & BON, id Market et. OIL CLOTH CRASH-1500 yard& of vari ous patterns and widths, just received horn the fao tory, ter sale wholesale or retail, by J. & 11. PriTLIZPO, 28 and 28 At. Clair etisivt TUST RECEIVED A SUPERIOR . L 0 of Double and Single Barreled Guns, for sale low_by CARTWRIGHT & YOUNG, m • :me No. 86 Wood atraet. I POR SALE.—One-third of a valuable pro- AL . party, having a front of 130 f2et on Wood street by 60 deep on girth street. S. OUTSBERT & SON, my2l , 51 Market street. caEVEN ACRES.—A Lot of Ground of 7 aeree, in Collins township, (morning aide,) suitable for a count' rmidenco. For sale by my2l 8. CIITUBEIIT a SON, 61 Markefet. GLASS. -300 boxes assorted sizes Window Glare, good country brand, t,r sale by myo tiIITNRI IL COLLINS. ROOMR.-50 doz. reo'd and for sale by nuM. lIKNICY H. I:KOLLIN/3 10811.-500 packages White Fish i .Sahnon, Iv and Trout, for sale by (my 27) 11. H. COLLINS. TNO. D. biI'CREAR Y'S COL'D PRINTING IN' S—Sold by imr24l J. IL WELDIN. ORN.-10 bags shelled Corn received' and for sale by Ile3l iIif.NRY EV COLLIN 8 . CIOUNTRY BACON.-1000 Ib4. Country 4.,/ flew", Hams, Shoulders and Bides, received and for sale by JAB. A. FETZER, mvig O❑rner Market and ;gist stir ••'CK BOOKS—On ail the Banks and tj Brokers of W. E. RAVEN, nom; Printer a.ai Stationer. kr.AALAD 0114.-10 baskets pure, just reo'd QP and for sale by liEY NI nit A—NDBRSON, my 4 No. F 9 Wood street. LAWRENCE, COIIEN & CO.'S DOUBLE ENAMELED VISITING CARDS.—SoId by in y24 J. It. WIILDIN. CORN. -200 bush. prime white Corn, for woby (apzr) ENIL Y IL COLLINS. TO LET.—A coramodioas three [Amy Frame EOUSCS with Brick Basement—situated on Bedford street—to rent, by AHLLBIt & BIOBJITSON, mr2s Nos. 22.1 and 223 Liberty street. UTTER.-3 bbla. fresh roll, for sale by mrlB fiENTIY IT COLLINS. (IIIEAP WALL PAPER.—A new supply Ta.,s7 of new patterns for sale by w. P. M AUSIIALL g GO., m 1 87 Wcodetreet. KISS ME SWEETLY.—The latest - and most dejchais parfame, dist Wed from the well. know Tulip Flower. A large supply received thia day by JOS. SLE3IINGi co 3 Corner Diamond and Market st. WRIGH T'S RIGHT'S FAN GIPANNI o.ll.—Fot preserving' and boat:allying the hair, constantly on hand at JOS. FUMING, oT Cle , r , or VPrumil oral Merkertit. QTAR CANDLES.-1000 boxes • Eitra kJ' Quality Adamantine Bars , B. on hand and for by B. C. &J. U. SAWYER. k) IGARS, CIUARS.-30,000 genuine Us -..vana Cigars of the "Seneca," "Conchita," "Co vette," and " tre Actor " brands jest received by JOS. 111.EIIING, Je7 Corner Diamond and Market et. IjA_RD OIL.—No. 1 and No. 2 Lard Oil constantly on hand and for solo by jo7 : B • OF JAN,uOA ebowises ESSENCE GOGNII.--ra gT0133 received this day. and for Bala roesp at JOB. FLEMING, J Corner Diamond and .",larket et. CHNE OK' 8 PUIZIONIC 8 IKUP-A 40 , large supply of this excellent remedy for corigha and colds joat received by je2 Corner Diamond and'Market at. ILUBE MADEIRA AND 'CLARET ; WINES, by the bottlo or gallon, at, LLIWOATET. BROWN=FIB, , I n the Diorama. DIIILDING LOTS-12 Lots, each 30. feet front by 100 deep, situate in 7 Faat Liberty, near tits RaileoadDepot. Prices frona'al6 to '.,i-11X)--ternis,one•fernsth in band, balance ate yearti credit. Call and see the plan. mv2,B 8. CUTIIDELLT E SON. 51 Maxket at. TESTERS.--Borderg and airelea'- for Tea torn for fa3e by I trrEll W. P. MARSHALL h. CO. rWOMINY.-6 bbl: Flint Hominy - for sale by JAB. A. VOTZER, myl2 Corner Zitarket tualript ripOUBDOES.---.500,000 No. 1, just ree'd IL and for sale RHYMER &AP DL e 8 No. 88 Wood street. IRE WaRKS.FOR PaI:MTH OF L . -Mire Works and Piro Balloons manufactured by IL P. Diehl, Pyrotechnist, for sale by BlYallll Lb ANDERSON, No. 89 Wood street, jeB ' Opposite the St. Charles VAYET2E COUNTY FARM FOR S ' • At: --soa acres in Wharton township, 40 ureler fence with log house, etc., good erprings, coal and limestone ; one-half the farm to fuse timber land, and about 100 acres in tueadow. The soil is good, well adapted for a stock or grain farm, sit' nate at I% miles from Fayette Springe, 9 miles from Union town, and 15 from Cannellaville, will be sold at a low prim' or exchanged for approved Weatern lands. 3 J6 B 8. CUTHBERT at 801, bi Harlot at. TIIREJAMATOA RIIpI D . S O i al!~N+ GIN, by the bottle or gallon. at • • y ours . RAWORTIr QUN 'IINEBRELLAS.---Silk and Gingham Sun:i t mbrellas, superior to Psnuaq , w rage, 77 Market s treet. J 5B DEGNS,—Arabitao and DaoOratiire for d e sjgro panuellag, Marble and tresomi prepereasySt ..kIASSIEALL a (4). ERMO'. *ER on band, or made to or Q der, by WAL Q. JOIINSTON ,a mylT Stationer* ST Wood (:) 11"---3111' pt in tar R. mon, tor Vire ftanb mAi llar3oo2 r KPAULPTTEIT, BUTTONS, PRINGES, ETC., PTO. P. Dt A I E J. & H. PHILLIPS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers