- T y 4 . VOLUME XVI. PITHR.IIIIO HORNING reST: ri ert.rj %vs ezeq;:S:;) 12Y 3A.P11118.P. aunt, z, ?nr rzonTiz.7.73:s-,-coartm 07 . 7i0:0 AND SUP= SID4S", E9.T.s: l .—Pivoilellars rs year, payablosltric 4 .l3 , in advErritlir - , Ddisrs re Trod if iict paid vithin czples, TITO CaN2-3--for sale at tha cvattcr t ')Cce ard b, t 3 IJ Nt"o.3 sATEs or ADVEP.TIBING. eal.." liars. , l D T. 7:1 - 1 , z 57=^:z.f. 0: Tr :,:2;, I tv.c.72:. r;r,e ...... '21:%) rc,a incerriamr,,. 0z..) week. TWO C7C.C119. ..... MN: WCZ,k3— ..... E.:olltals MISZ zoni—hz Fivo .. Nine .. Eat , Lz- 4 -5 caH, din, CZ: a. a per n0t1: , , ,, , iA ,c.n PITTSBURG SATURDAY POST .77 Tt-.7rif.gr . OP,Ti :MAAR E'ER IL.TYIS, TN CLUP.3 OP TL: atvgla guibz:37 - 1, - ; , ttzE;az, F 74 CONTAINS ALL T.: 1 7 - n' CURRENT NEWS GT '2 .111:i DAY, Pollitzal, Litort_ri, Commer Telea-n3pLlic and 1.1: lx,r Lein g a ti L.taaf.2.2 c3> z4tly !t . to ca _no p?...p-f;.:, cl,ar b 3 found by, On flat:to:7:1K:: to give bL.tbr rcatisfaotL.v. tlaz azy taper Folistlealu Pltts.hurb.. b tak , -3'n parzr from Pitt.tl,triEh, 'will kla EATT2I2- 1 ).51: POET s axfo and pro.t.ltao ioveEtmout. A,. P. 13A.R.R, Pco Un - Y g ft A F r 4 7a Y 4. -I v a, nr rn io . p 4.J - Pa .727 Ecrr." - D I - I,T C. , Corner of Fifth and Wood St! c , .ets, PITTS:6'6IZG THE undo: igned laving mado eztHisive, dd:it:lone a t'Lte i TEST hD HANDZOILEST STYLE P TYPE, and tv.._preved Moci , inory, to the 11ORNING POST ZOD OPPIC.7I, invite •-• ttention or Hc., it al OToer 6.leithantz, bneiiteoe ntga, and the publio gotiontly, to tbc,r rparkyr E eiiit far exec:V:l:lg with dh - q - •atoti, rezz:, , asb:e arms , all kindi of Et a!I , rifERCANTRIE ZED.217F.%11.S ors DENE.IPTION Ui PLAIN ee; FANCY Pal - TcriTtqn- Jii-Our mate:!:..l being lac..arly all 7: cam: git once of tho mos.; aompleto aitisfast:ou, sad eolic;t arth-r3 DOOM!, PAIZZLIT.L., ilArl, ?OAT) BLE-15 AND Cz_D7)s, DLNIZ ornmas, L.TfrirllD HAS, BILL Dria?, LADING, OLTIOULAhfi, 2 - 3USTITES3 CARDS,. PAT - 1- 7 11 DEKL2, ..1,•• Particular ettentior. will 1.25 i, La pall to tli•E• priutir.g et Posters, Prts.g=..m.s.t, Ec. for Octheeilii, E. - .l.,lbiqous and BUSINESS CARI)6 ° The 1 2eop4e"s St. GO .55.,a2:43. irg:ll tTh 7 FFENB A CHER & CO., Doel= tinds of raahleaable Priff r a, SHOES iND'AVMS, Geetlenaclu, T. 0 14 . Youtin cead Children, Eo. 17 Fifth Street, near alarElet, ecS PI7I:3ITURaII, G. ?tea 711.. aoamon R. e. JOENZC:r.7 JO= IVE I 9IIT Proprietom of Cliiide 3.12-astie Piro rtitcl Watc r CenaeD..t lac oikm.g.. 123 •.,:ii1.115 Ortn.DERS fOr ROOFING promptly and Lith.- fally ezect.t&l, end all oar irktiarre! t,l. lioeillig material olwa;, , s' on hand ; ono: with di. rertions tor JOS. P. rlArnLvt),l a, co" ENG-17 - M'EIVIS Comer of 1 7 :rst ar.d LiZgrty P.:1.47. - ageh, gursploß STEAM ENGINES f.); Grist Li mid • Mill?, Breweries, Painting Eaial.iiehrnenu, hlanulactorlas, Em., made to order. l'oey manufacture et their Celebrated Turning Lathes, Iron Planers, P.oring Wrought v. all Pdaes,e, 4. - C. &C. :a33 L=l SOMT El a PS a H 0 USE PAINTERS, ULA.ZI.EI: . ,-, AND ell-LINEII.9, N 0.13.5 d etre,t. 9I 1N PA NT TAG eafYOTIAC-1. with neateees end d..,,pArcd. Gide, Turpentine, Varnish, au Patunt. era, Ville 31ontaigne Zinck, a very F. qr-rior artiolo; tint:. dolphin - and Pittsburgh White Lead 411way3 cu hand slid fo: [tale. We are preparad t&grind Palnters, gala, or oilier., at elm test t- we liave a 2111 which grind= by einem Palate:a will save money by gL.t tir..3 their colors ground with us. Onrfaly_ _ 41: 1/ GOLD A. ND SILVER SPr:CTACLES, M.A.I.:IIE'ACT.URL!it'S HYDROMETERS er wt-4;biae, spirits, rite awl beat articl..o ovar La - Dag - Lt. co twin city. 'xti_LitalOYLUVEltel LND railar:=.l - z.8., oLging ie price from .1.3 to $3O coc., POC,KET COMP ,VF ES, N D SURVEYOR'S COMPASSEs, 1.. - fay3 cn hatid 3, E. SlLtiV‘% , , Praa.lz'a Opticias7, a?!. rein .5.:1-er.t. oPPositz Y.1150:210 Hall C. t 4, SAWYER-, i'-arCTACTI 7 I- - XFP LARD OIL, CAN DLES, PALM, TOILE f, Ea. , L 7 Woo 3 strer.t, istsburg JOl-1 -- 171 . EIBER lAN DYERS MiD SCOUBIAM ma-cr. 213 fdatrot, V-wr.rzz 1700 D Ali'D Sre=ys, PITTGEWRQH, PA. binds of Shawls, Dro.sses, Ribbons, and every dezcriptioD of Sirr. end V'colen Gocds oxecnted at shore notic.e, aid qn rozzonablo terme. Lap2L.2•L'm Office of Sealer of Weights anti Measures. THE OFFICE OF THE UNDERSIGNED, ELEALEB OF TaIGHTS AND 3.E.A.5.71 May he £•r=l henceforth, in Cherry alley, betstt.n Third and Fourth swots, where crderr may be left. =lard CJIARL A RAP.NETT. 1 j" S. HAVEN'S ELEtstio Steel Peas just V o mceivod, and trr a&e at. tha Stationery Store, Jc.sd Nor. El.. 33 and 95 Market street. THE FRANILUN ALMANAC FOR 1859. welanown and popular manual, formerly pub lished by Johnston A - Stockton, after. a lapse of years, will again sheerly be tamed. The elrenlations as formerly will be made by tao azi lfai ziathematiclaa, Sanford 0. Hill, Eig., who will also prepare for its pages ouch reading mat tar as will make it an entertaining and instructive maga zine. Besides the reliable astronomical calm:UW.lone, a new and ingenious table of tirae, an accurate mothOd of drawing meridian ibiet, and other matters of permanent value will be added. Orders of booksellers and other dealers are collated in advance of pub:l=ton, as but ono edition will be printed, and orders will be filled according to priority. - WM. G. JOHNSTON a GO., Pablithers, Printers, Stationers, and P.l.rlt Book Makers, f,7 Wood street, Pittsburgh. je22 CHEESE. -300 boxes good cutting fOeese received and for ealo by JY2B HENRY IL COLLINS. Q.TARCH.-250 bores Pearl Starch in siore and for sale by XerjARD OIL.-We ban commenced nmiau Botaring Lard Oflond will ba pleased to receive or a for lb. We will warrant it equal to any 011 in the inar het. We will MI barrcla relcrued when (leaked. B. a. J. IL SAWYER, Ilia. 47 Wood:drat. S.-1Q bbl. 3, Onions for saleby gamB.Qoiwi, • /tO 2C :0 2ED 1 0, 1 1 F O. 1 co 1 6 2 10 I 4 11+1 ) 6 61 tt F IL U.) 4Cw 35G 660 450 6.05 5C 7L5 G5O 800 6 8 el; I 12 B 5 10 00 asp per annrtre. LT. F. EMM2MI L Erq A IiORTGAGE , z, au, =BEE AND ROSIN SOAPS HENRY 11. COLLINS. ` .:'.l-'427I4A'S-.6:f4l4Y' g: ! ' I: ~,. ..,.. - , • :....... . 4> - '.,;- v : % i . v ..- .4 . , :, .:. . , - - i t - ~. -,L 4' ..-- .1 '.... " ir .:1 , .. _., 0 . nx i, ~,,...,..,_,,..„...„...„. f,.:, r. ..•. 1;. , , ::, ir. : , ..... . . ,...: . ~ , ..:i. -..., _ llz_, :1.,....: ii: - ' ,E-- I:, ';...- : , ..‘.:::i: - 4 -- J 7 ..; 'i - Mv . ...--iri -i-Ti - .if flt" 7,t • :it a .1i ..a:. , .. - y % "%It. , = - ... . ::-.. .:-..., ~. ~.. ...., .... - ..5 " - . a z.r.4. 1 _ = -,,, „ : „t . . li-• - t- '4.: .. 1 - ,... r.:. ... , :.i. -; it: .... ...., , S ~,.• ra 1 •:„,.: ...,..-, !..z. ! - ~. ', , ,i , ,-, 1 ? _ _ .-- _ .. _ •••... , •, , "-- - 1. 3 i.... . . _ _. --:: - • .- - —: g: :Et , ,- ir. '-'.. ''': 1;: . :," . ::' ;I - ''' I: 'ILI " it:. ,:....: . •., , 4, PUBLISHED DAILY BY JAMES P. BARR, AT 11111 ((POST BUILDINGS," CORNER OF WOOD AND LUTE STRURTS ; AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM, INSURANCE. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE MIER'S UNION INSURANCE COMPANY, At ATHENS, BRADSOP.D COUNTY, PA., Jan. 1, 1858, e 8 prc,ionted to the Stockholder; and made ont in compliance with the State Lam of New . York, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Ao. 511-1.7.1 - L2C7. Tho name of the Company ie tho FARMERS' UNION I 17• SURANCE COMPANY, located at Athona, Pa. Chartered Apia 13. IStn, ty the Legislature of Pennsylvania. Charter Perpetual. Cash Capital, which Is all paid up 2.Y1.CC0 CO Surplus in addition thereto Z.1:015.5 6 AFIBETE. Fiffl-forir Bonds and llorusagee, at sit and for= V cent. interest, amounting, in the acgregate t0...51a2,315 Which mortgagesare or calua• b!e and prode.otine real oaatei, ptinc;pally farms, recorded and fist hems, worth generally dont.T.s the amount and wore than mort • Thr in each now, and in no caw less than fifty 1,1 Cs,.7lt. more, mein:sive of farm haddin,-;x, And e‘i certified by te.e whole recorded, to the sat, torn al th , States of (do and Illinois. Nineteou nix RA coat. Bonds amply accrued. 47. , i3b inl Cain cn band and In Bank 11.44 f, 12 Cash hi panda of Agents, and in conr,:e of transiniision, eacurad by ballad With anr‘die2 . IS,: d 1 Ca Due cn loaii.s re-insured, dr t r,l Bills tccolvable, viz: pronilan.ly rotes payable at bank and to the mr.gany Interet (principally due Januar) 1, 38.58,) 1 IP 4d Safa and office F:utnre 3 alal '-1 , 2,45.5 61 Incoec nEs 72411 israc,nnt of Pruminats re:eiced drtring tho 3,tr j 8.5,•2:31. A m't IL ter.). t rotelvad durlrr7j the year 11,442, (J 3 A m'E receivEA from ell other sOCCC439 . . ..... 2 3so r.lO EEPENDITtrai:3. Exper.:,4 f.,r the year, Incleclibg reats, rein- Ire, t•, printing, advortkizg, taxes, end all otb: - I'r expenaia S ie,l2d Liridondl pad (luring the },kr 17 , 'AY) 1.1,1 Lo &:s lAlid , IV hi Cil ocetirrol prior to Docezober 31, IS'56, 7,G74 nd 1... - .,c..:,..9 pai, much occoluKi daring , . I 4 "un''..:a. n, t doe paid) Lc ea ir.curiud ,nd in adjr_tstrzent 9,n7 Crl r.rported, on wh . :b tau nctiwa br,s Irian takcq , ;:. reitzted, on ground of inftar attar fire, pru:.erty tran.F.,r red LK.furc, loot nut cJvt•rvi by thu y, "Ze Whole Arrii'o, tof ri=kd tei7en during [t,:• yuv...40,4:a0,602 00 Wholi , &mount of ria l z 4t date 4,6ti1,410 (0 P.ViNSYLVA:II2.., COL:V:I' CR BeAr,r ‘ o:l), el. O. N. B'nipraan, i'rp.lidant, and J. E. Canna:d, Secretary of Can Facalara' Von laHurance Company, I,ihK, nnvaralty duty swt-.1-n, dc,paGo arAl and cacti for ht., ~ elf Kiva, that L- aCo, - ..e;toinit Li a trran, bill and CGITC , Ct etatomeni of tha aff ;e at c.. - ...,noratioa, and that they aro tha tihave do t.-rited _ra tharooE. C, N. " Proq (to nt. J. E C.. N.PIEjD, SzcrEtarA. St.t.mcriLed and sworn thig 25t1t day 4 Juan. F-77, 18.58, H. C. BAIRD, Jued^c ..f the Paara. T. J. No. A 0 Water e.tri•ot. gE INSUP 1 41 L by Tith ntaf,ilaa-ca Instaranca Co PFIILADELPLIIA. ON BUiLDINOS, Liciri'gD Cu. Pq•OPY:TUAL, I..lnl,vutulruur., irC., IN TOWN O. QC , tlt.l'4l. Ofrice, Eo. 3CFi Vlrstintat. strocc. C'APITAL, 8117.7,1126 5.3.E.T.a, .1'.'.30.:1018.5 88. Invedtod as follows, viz.:— Mortgage on Improved City Fri - Tally, worth daubie au, e,, , ,tonst g;120,5)0 00 Penneylvar,ltt RWll'O . ll4l CO.'t Fur e ot. filar tigat;t: Lash, $30,0C,0 coot 25-f.OO CO All3gheny County 8 per cent.. Penn's IL IL. Loan. 16.0011 PenuQylvania Psialroad 00.'3 Stock 4,000 00 St!ick of the Ittliance 51rittg..1 Insurance (' 15,150 00 Block of County Fire Insurance Co 1,050 00 Zrrip of Sundry InsuranceCOMp.SElLAd 475 00 wAner r,2,711 60 PiooK. Account:,r.tcria.J..f. - torest, etc., . 3,=tr In Cash on hand sad fn Eaak . . ~,,,,,, , 16.043 0 $.Z.2,465 CLEM TINGLY', President. nr.Fszfoss. Clete l'ingieti, A PAMLOI ricphexi, Williem B. Thompson, linvid B. Brown, Willi Y,n;aer, Cornrlice Storonson, P.elejetain W. Tingley, John B. Worrell, Marshall 11111, 11. L. Carson, Z. LaLrep, Robert Tols:_•cl, Clerks Johts3u Nantir.g, Ca.n.01,3 Smith Byr: u. JOto:a B. Woodward, Wm. rat 3 B. M. Et N. , ief.retary. J. G.A.1LDP. , .1 . .! tor 3 NOT:1'1-0,n c,rne, i.lri ..r Wo'A MAO. g 1 .7 ji 1 1 if + it kJ I) di r Eli. rvl eh V. P:: - .T1:17:, of C!,pi:,l9toda paid to aL:a Go Encylku..+. ...... ................... . .... .t.2.e..1, 4:25 —.5 It ce caeg• - , Ohic and litic/ a [...A t/e/e_terh.A. c: uy riru, L the 1 , :/rIle Trea• rtet/..a. MMUS p i , n. r ... A • iht , .f r. P many, D. J. 1 , 11c.C,u, P. V.": 11!). Calt3ll, B. L. IVoc.lstol., L. VI .1 le-t, John J. .E.8. , L)(,) T. ) C7ilCDßis ';c11.1.1.A.14 PET';';;:, 1;.4s Ilcil.lt, Viy D. 3 M. - .1 - .;ANTN, .51 B;23RoRCS:,: In l'hiladelply: 1:72 _,- - : ilip,'... - : Hager, Lab t. Co., 1 'cri:: - . 1, - ..n.ii-7., Juit.!.co A Co., Truitt, Bro. d Co., licck, "..i...,70..a a eridA:l3, A. T. Lane 4 Co., Pa....un , y,C,1..ive.1: 6 Co. PITTSBUIIGIi OFF/CE,' iO. Cl ',V AXED. ST iz.EET. np9 R. W. h SI..N OF XTEiI, Agent. WEST BR A C MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, LOCK HA TEN, CLINTON COUNTY. CEARTARED LY THE OP PENNEITLVANIA. 0./4/1 Capital $3W,',C 4 3 P. - cni , t;ri 2'1,74e4,..5132,8.13. ripHIS COMPANY WILL INSURE ON Building!, Mercliandl2, Furniture, Sc, in town Or cunutry MENEM H0n..111 , - , . Hun. G. C. Citaries A. Mayer, 13. I.lll,Cliarles Dickinson, T. ...C. I D K. Jackta.,u, IW. White, Thomas HON. U. C. 11.5.HVEY, Precident T. T. A.5?...-.ll+, Fine PrINA,At. N,,crotary. LErtaLler:r.s.: Rr..runtl U. Lkyd, 1 iDr J. S. Crawford, L... , ... iVine..7.,..dntr,•John W. Ilnynnrd, A. Un..€ 6 ratT, L. A. Mack :'y, Lion. S Can,ron, James Armstrong, A. White, Thos. Bowman D.D, William Fenron, James Qtuggle, Wm. Yar.d,rbelt, Ron. Wm. Bigler, c,FiticE—NO. ez.FI&Pil STREET, PITTSBCFP.OII. de2l.:tf J. A. LIPPERT, Agont. THE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE DCiaiIF.L.NY, OP PHILADELPHIA. tuncror.s , —Charles W. Smucker, 'Thomas Hart, Tobias Wagner,Samuel Grant, Jacob It. Smith, Geo. W. Illeharde, Mordowi D. Lewis, Adolphi E. Rorie, David S. Brown% ilor• tin Fattorson. Cas.s. N. Bailors% Present. Cncs. G. Haumiztu, Secretary. Continue to make lasamacc.l.-orpetnal or limited, on every deocription of property, in town and country, at rates aa low ee eres' tout with security. The Company have rezerved a large Contingent Fund, # '..hichorith their capital and s afely invested, af. ford ample protection to the aesurod. The Alaste of the Company, oa January let, 1861, es pub lished agreeably to en Act of Aaembly, were as follows, viz: Mortgage $918,128 68 Baal Estate 84,377 78 Temporary Loam ' 639081 T Stocks. 81,889 a; Cole, 84,846 81 Ellice their incorporation, a period of twenty-one years, they have paid upward of One Million Fool Ilundred non. mad Deriersd owes by fire, thereby affording evidence of the advantagea of biatiretice, 89 well ea the ability and diapoeltion to nioat with promptness all liabilities. J. GARDINER OOPFIN, Agent, ()Mee, north-esat cur. Wood and Third al. WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY op pritTsßuitoa. CIRKt3I: DARBIE, t-reaitirmt; Y. M. GOT.IDO3 Ele:retary. 017103 No. 92 Water str3tt, (Span g Co'a Warehowe,) uy. stairs, Pittsburgh. Will inane against all r‘...1.9 of !RC 51ARIENEBISKI73. A Home Lastittr.Aon, managed by Di7e.ctnr, who aro cell !mown in the community, and who aro determined, by promptness and liberality, to maintain the character which they have assumed, as offering the be3t protc-2 , tion to thole who desire to be insmrod. ASSETS, OCTOBER 81st, 1857 Stock Accounts,— .................. B a ta ....! Ilegcetvable,....... Open Accounte,...... ...... ........... .. ..... —....—. Premium N0tea,...... Bills Disvyar.ted, Ltrascrroaki George W. Jackizn, Alex. Wm Knight, .ilo=ander. mulct, Wm. U. Smith, P. IL MOON. . Bsrietlrl'• Goorgo Dania, J. V.. Baler, James irleAnloy, Andrew Ackley, Nathaniel Halmos, , D. M. Lang, G. W. RickotsOn, -Dair24 11 T . 4 b 9 co u ntry : f or :.. LIFE. FIRE AND biIIEINE INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. 96 WATER STREET, PIVEMSBURGES, PA. ROBERT (JAI:WAY, Proalticui. Aux.. Ilaantns, Vico Proaldtat. F. A. Itrlalliß4, Sacrotary. Thin Company makes ezery Inkoaranaa ETp.E•rtaluilig or connected with LE HI RIEKE. Also, against DULL AND OARGO RISKS on the Ob and Mississippi River:3o.nd trihntarle. , . and MARINE TZTsr..!? gonorally. Ant against Loss and DAMEIp Lo Yire, anti E[l.{, , Z PariD of the Soa end Inland IC:wk.:ILL.. and Tr:_nqi, Paltriest Issr:od at the !owes: :ea.:: cen.,lttoltt With to ell par'dot. '.....: -,435 td nlr..V.Cror.2. Robert Galway, :i'amttel l'...."Clairltan, Jodeph P. Gaatam, 11. D., John rt.:.ot,t, James Marshall, T.,-.M I.iol—y, Jftmea W. tlailman, t.1'i,r1....i krbritlint.t, Alo^andur lirnill.y, J., , , , ,M S. I,i,eeh, John Fullerton. N. F. 11.7. it, Thlvtil ff. Chambars, Ruben li. liattley, William Ckirr, :0 , . :.x).11. c , 25 Eureka Insurance Company of Pennsylvania Dae Riroi—payub:o on Ce2,nl and secure I al proirod name.] $ Cash ih Pittsburgh Trait Compsiny PrEclitllll Notes Bills itechivhble la 2 shares Exchange Bank Litoc;c—c. , t 6,C)50 Oil itO do !Beeln-lei' Bank F!...tock--cua: ...... b IL. 08 ar..) do iron City Nana Stx.-a.—dao.lint paid. 7 &U) 0) 2 , 1 do Al`egheily Bank Stoaz— = do 5,0" 00 .. 13,26.) 31 DIRECTORB. J. 11. Phs-nberger,l a W. W. K. lAsv .lohn A. Cangliky,W. W. Mnrt!,,, C. W. Batc.bolar, I R. T. Le,cii,J, , it. D. Cochran, I Da 'id liceand::,,s, James J. Bennett, aeorge B. Seld,..a. Wm. J. Anderson, J. H. SHOSINL , .STWER, Pre.iJet.t. ROST. ffT.NNEY, Secretary. ra) s:lm _ CITIZENS' INSUgANICE COIIII,'ANY 21,153 OF PITTS it LI it CI WILT LOS BAGILEY, L. 11_4315MILT.L, tI , FI7CE: 94 'lrate.; rt.:i . e.:, &.<1:::::=11 lkcrk f as 2 r a 3 aredi SEEM t'JJ LF~lnsnrea HULL AND °AEU° 81511 P., On the Ohio and Atiasizaippi Rivers and tributalito. Intaaros against Loris or Damage by FIRR. Also, against tlia r4r115 c+r Cis lies. and lalar.d Navlgaticn Gad Treneportatlon. PHILADELPHIA FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 148 Choonut Street, Opp_lAito tho Onstotu MAKE ALL KINDS QF iic SU RANCE, or .L.l.7_ , :lrbd, on every description of Prcperty or Mbrchandiiio, et ti,fiscrfo.blo is.tea of premium. BOBERT P. if.TS4, Pregidont. • I. W. BILDW I ,1; Ire President. eI Cl'oll.. Charlea 'Joyce, E. I. Cope, E. B. EngHeti, a cor. B u W. Brown, P. B. Pavery, Jo_tel..ll S. Paul, C. 3h61153 t 1 JAI!, Clayton, S. J. Magorgee, E. v; ;!)r. P. BLACIL LNF., y. J. O. COFFIN, Agent, 4r 4 d. V0c.0.1 HOTELS & RESTAURANTS. SCOTT ()USE, Cornor Etrazt rputeala n ay, B. D. MARKER, - krco?nizport, (Formerly of the "Marker IL ,:ac," ftlairsTlll., Pa.) II E SCOTT HOUSE IS NOW COM- A. PLZT_Ej) ANTI OP:,..vX , ink ci.U.F,ST.S. It is situate.; la a central part of the city, ~L 111..; c,..riverimat Lhi~ u 1 r.zid bitcilmboat Laudina3. The aOlll6O wag built in 1'a.513, with all madeya P; preve ments, and fitted ap in aplmadla mylo—the entire Firrnitriro being now—and will in ovary rccpr-ct be a first class EioteL into. STABLES aro attach,/ to the premiacs. jel2y Vf..o UCOPiI alai:SW/9W RANI'. FAY ELI liCititiG, Saa,EL".7. The &ttontlini ciriferchants, ..draToa and others is directed to this'titS' c,ltabli , ihmont, which has t-ceu real:tatty fated • up for the purpose of anorii:a3 a SUBETAII.• TIAL EATING IiOUiE IN A CENTRAL LOCATION Country folks ettet.dlutt mar et are particularly - itivitf:d to MIL Everything pnrtairrais to ..n EATING RALOON wit] *ha t'in market affords. apt - 59:1yd4W ' • EXCI-IANGIi_A -1 HOTEL, Low - w . , Proprietor, cvn, .ara.:l end and .1',;1,2hi.v7,t-ny Neir the Dcpc.4 ViEri! NU' WTC,:q, PENN'A. I ABOVE lIOTZI, IS NOW IN COM. A order for tha r..cm.t.t.m Ot ri3iters. It is boat:. luca:e..l on th., banks of t:,e 'Youghiogheny rir&r, nod on!, bo o'ery day from the city by be ItAilroad. The room 3 are larg.), airy and well furnishcii,aud the co..1(1 be no plaamnter placo for a few weeks summer r,saionco tti country. A c.w latuiliei can aCCOMMO dro,d. Terms fly - Aerate. Addrb33 A. LOW 1: Y, uri*:rf West Newton, Pa. TilE NS.TioNAL SALOON, -caci.r -Tastes's New National Trieaire, PITTSBURGH, PA., D. BARNARD, - - - PROPRIETOR, HAS FITTED UP IN A TASTEFUL end comfortable style, t.:.0 large centre store in the ODD FHWAYS [CALL, Firth street, as a FIRST CLASS Itif.LITAURA.NT AND ''AI,UON'. Haqr.g he man; pears' exp, rience in the eusineas, he le prepared to supply the beet tee market affords. the Bur will be tarnished at all times with the beat WINES, L'QUORS AND AL29. The en trance to the Saloon, is iu tat, centre of the Hall, and re freshments will be furnished at all times, DAY and NIGIHT (Su,days at..-^epted.) WASHINGTOAi HOUSE, COR. PENN'A AVENUE 4. THIRD ST., A. F. BEVERIDGE H. W. KANAGA. U. S. HOT V4L, Upperito the Railroad Depot, IiAIIP.ISBILIG, L lien WASfI JGTOI UOT POIIiNcRRLY D. 8. HOTEL, PITTSBURGH, PA. JAMES SHANNON, Pr.)prietor. FrHIS HOUSE IS LOOATED ON THE V 1 corner of PENN mad WASHINGTON Streets, betwe,u the CENTRAL AND WESTERN RAILROAL DEPOTS, and has undergone a thorough improvement, ramodolud and furnished with new furniture, and is now ilia taost conve nient Hotel in Pittsburgh, for Travelers by Railroad, &Lit or West_ tnyB:ly MANSION HOUSE, GEORGE A URENTZ }Unarms ..No. 314 Liberty street, just beside the Passenger Depot of the Ponooylvania Railroad, which makes It the most convenient home In the city for passengers aril (ring by that road. MThe proprietor having, at oorisiderable expense, fitted up, In excellent style, the MANSION MOOSE, would respect fully solicit a share of public patronage. There attached a splendid STABLE and extensive WAGON YARD, afford ing ample accommodation to travelers and teamsters. Ills Larder and Bur will be furnished with the beet the market can afford. febhy S- 1 , 1 '2, 708 4 gik) ph Excelsior Restaurant, N.. 111 woopPct i,snatrere, i t FI., ' - vk a , a ie r WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN LA gE AND EASTERN FISH. The undersigned has just received from the Eastern mar ket, Reacted with great care, SMELT, HALIBUT, HADDOCK, FRESH COD FISH, EASTERN SUN FISH, SEVERAL VARLET:LES OF LAKE MB, New York Prince's Bay, Egg Island, .Egg Harbor, Shia Oysters• The nest ever Groug h ht to this city. Every delicacy of the Bowen served up at s EXCELSIOR RESTAURANT. arclyd S. STEINRUCii. $121,500 00 2,100 00 4,161 67 2to 00 QT. OLAIR HOTEL, corner Penn and St. Clair streets, Pittsburgh, Pa.—The undersigned, former ly of "Brown's Hotel," having taken this large and commo dious HOTEL, end having refitted it in magnificent style, would respectfully invite his friends and the traveling public) to give him a mil. Assured, with the convenience of the house and his long experience in the buldnas; &a,o n give entire satisfaction, end his charges moderato. fabla WM. O. CONNRESS'. 9,478 04 ..... 14,841 46 40,246 69. • 176,003 78 $317,641 78 Lippincott, Shorten Sr. Pq,zars on, NO. 104 WOOD 131:13ZET, NEAR HUE VrANUFACTURERS OF TRUNKS, Vae• In. lima, Bat and Bonnet Boxes, Ladies Traveling Trams, Carpet Dap, to .„ keep constantly tat baud a largo gook •pfe t itx, prepared to do a wholesale trade, and tua . lag f cUltlestp turn ont good stock at minced vibes; we Would I.llSite tha tea& I to OW and examine oar goods ba , teripsaisegaglst% 3 - 1358, .1 4 GU')/ PITTSBURGH. TU ES DA INSURANCE. PITTSBURGH OFFICE, NO. o WATER sr., NT122.11813.11 A_satta--May 1, I=l William Bagedey, ch....,:. Malt Strang, Samuel Rae, 6.1;onol M. Kie, - , Jamcs M. Oooper, John B. Dalwot da, .15.3—`11.3a Part.„lr.„ rrancla Sellers, Is.-.ac M. Ponn,,S., liginom 8. ilaye. Siiringer liiirbaugh, Jain, Shipton, Capt. Samuel O. Young, Ws:Mr Bryant, John Caliefoll. je22 WASHINGTON, O. i). BOOKS AND STATIONERY iI OBERT A. LOOMIS, (snr.,..c.sE,,r to B. T. C. i'forgan,) STATIONER AND DEALER IN ncy.).E.e, PERIODICALS AND NEWSPAPERS, No. 41 Fifth Faroe, PittEhTDßh, Pn. n0'2.6:1y co-paytraeTshlp. ritriE undorsigned have enterod into Co- Partrier2hip, under the rtyle of W. 0. Johno.tou Co, FiA.".II.TE t. ^ .1011NfATON, Jlt., WILLIAM 0. Jt):_ , :igioN, P:tt.. hut zb, geptomber C. 1567. TA I'lON iti•till: arc', P. L 3 at, IJO PiLrNTEllt!4, L 7 WcAri Third end Fourth. t• TOBACCO AND ,t.1i 1 ,(3-AR.; w Y•:. i . ) 37 v.: DA 60 15,V- d Cl :6•11.21 Cai.s.4r:q4t, J --Chwerrd, 1855 Board 'l`ru , .=tqa3-- - 2ftotilty ctf if 11161er3. 6.256,341 A J rf EJ,n ft() i V I N f.,1N761,17, h nd Coul4o.l,:n.try.tia-111:1 ira.nt c' I 1 13:1L..• n We.ting, Merk'lntle , Jp:M•iouno. Unlinnt.rc , .ll Lro.v, Doet•c: g tit M o !nny, Pcylltinni I . l.ontrArnhy, and 6 . 1 ucettary for the t . l r C2an, J A. AI, U.n , k-LCA , -7.l;ng nn , l 5 , .."1..1ce (.1 An on n t 4. A. 01 , . ECK U. A. lir:- Teach. 1i0.ur...E,p11,„ ALE COIVLEY, A. T. r`OLITI‘Pf - ,nncl 11, lIITTBON Prolux.,•)rs or PunclAushli...-Cacho carat premtalua ovw ill - ,oriviLttion for Lan Peu and Zia - AND eipT FOR Wt.5E, J. 0. PnEtTER, Pi of 11qth;7,,,t- do—icull course, tin , . 4n i ; tad, et, ter at,any tim e —1,.."!.5. Average t:me, 9 to Br•:rd at,dut 62,Zi) Eut!re $9O to $:O. (Iraluatea a-•^9te•l in rbtn‘r!n; o Bituattea. 9pc-cialens of Lin ti tVriting and tirrokra Ob 21 t tl•+. Address, F. my•LU Pit tel,orah, YuLii,yi 9'119. Safeay and Economy L7a LAVO. WRN LiY WILL YOU hU (A:MkIENE AND FLUID, whoa you re - , ;.:_t a ells .11,r and bet ter ligt,t. Pure Rome, co Ott, castle row ta , - , ;rail of Canbel Coal, p . r..Kluces the cheapeet, mos: briillAnt. steady, pluteatbt and sate portultie fight toyer otfere.l t the public, line. ne danger at explosion; brillitlut thee Son; and quito rs cheap; Lamps of the most simple t..a.1 easily manag e d cnu ctructieu. For tale by T. I). LL.CCEINSON, no. i 9 SmittilleLletrt,t. Be .:are of a COTIUtt ritit In thi. , market, made from Caintllwne, al sf:cn: It COOKING if BY GA A WORD TO THE LAD/ES. THE IIEATEIi 'IEOI IS APPROACH ING, 2..m1 t:,e anuLtv,u of the Levi p the frxt that COOKING', IRONING, ETC, CAI a Lo tioue with e,2talotlay, withutt heitt, with out stout, aud. with ti patch—?he 11r,, Ming always a nnsalent—by using rituN",',,FClVOta (3}a3 To which we rtrii - .E . cifolly tinit y attnutl.,n r.t - c , 73 SinithnAld n. A. JOH tigild & BR3. CS. County nod city ILlghts for AWRES' W 431111. CONFECTION', C uNYFICTION„ F../u N CTION, 0 0 ;) 14 '1: . 0 1.40T10N,C0N.Y1 . ! C T I 0 N CoNFN lON,C ONFLOT ON,•OI'.I , `NOTL ()N,G01.4 EECTI • c; N F U U 'C I a Sf - (.` Tho most pleanaut, sere and etk,. u 1 Worm Remedy now In use. Prepare,: and rot :11, by & 11,11" f, Cor. Wood luld Pittebrag . h, Pn , And p,ld Lv 1441 _ _ CA I,r.s Li V Ll.tlf. S 1 A S.— k, The undereigne.l has Lotigla tbs the aLc t - gether di p,rtion of ;hz, utoch. Hursealln'l late the property tit' Janlea Matte Fs, ;iecer.sed. In Ad d tion to the eteck has Glwadde.d a num bar of XTlr fl 15.011 , F.E.. , , I;u:K.4LE ; hriii whitit were terceeely et 11,3 Livery Bacbtn in 1:141, below Wood etrett. givr.. , ; lion to the bnainsw., n (..ontini , ,T, of wh±,fn be has hitherto relelv,A .1!...C.01.3 0 A ItIiNFP, Et. Oliftri...s Livery - ::.n N. O.—A lIRAIIST, and any itlwaya bn ar,cnrcd : r 1 r. r'4ILIFI Cl 4 .1..; I rl ICA 1, (.1 1 . , t 1 7 :1-!,:i.SIV.L; gamma-cured Ly ii. O. 4. J. it. cc retcires the prefer•,cuee over all other bird ever offered t...r family nee. Its advantages over utlor Faar..c‘ are:—lot. It to cheaper to use ; one pound being equal to three of e•dranon roain Soap. 2d. Half the time tau.l .44 to ashcan when this Soap he need in placo of other Sccar. ad. Luber to washing can be nearly th.z, clothes will require little if any rubbincr, thus their wear on th e wan h.h tni rd . 4th. Bailing the cloilei Ili eaceitsary when :hie 6oar, it 1.2.01, and hard o: equally as well as soft, bill. rrintercc, 7 , lactucaite, and otners, led it far superior to c.ther apci it 5cc , ..111) moves grease, tar, paint, printers' ink and dirt trom the hand°, leaving the akin soft, and free front chapping. To avoid the labor of rubbing the clothes, ano use us. 3 the wash-ha:id, the fdllowing directions eheutd Ls Ld!owtd: Fcr the washing of eight or ten of a 11:m3y, tate ono pound of fieap, cat it into sad in en . gallon of hot water; put the clothof into a Lai" containing about ten 61144,1160 f wsy water; punt at toe Soap, and stir thoroughly. Le: tiara e.. , ak twenty to thirty minutes, wring out, and rm. is , A;:11.1 Iran r:, , 1 water twice. A very dirty wri=t-band, or scum ' or grease spots, may require a slight runicir.7, otherwi,e the clothes will C 0113,3 out clean and while, nuthetit rubbing c.r boiling. Cold water may bo used in place het, ten airing about double time in soaking. liGl• Observe our name ore each tar. For sale, in any quantity, at our warebrame, No. 47 Wood street, and at our works, cptwaite the {toned /10:60, P 6131, aylvanta avenue. B. 0. t J, 11. BA IV KKR, al)2/ 14u. a 7 Wood street. BUCKWIIEAT FLOUB..-20 eacks Buck wheat Floc:, 60 th 9tiAr-9, juat rt,coi,od and for sale by bIcOANDLESS, 3116;ANS k CO., fe2o Cortez Wood ttud Water etroot& PROPRIETRE 89 bbia. Superfine Flour received and for sale by BROANDLESS, HEANB& CO., fen Cantor Wood and Water atroots. INT RIFLES.—A most desirable F.YIGR.4 aud weapon, at 13OWN TETLEY'S:, n al Nn. Wor:(1 .LARI).—A rime artielo of No. 1 Lard, in barn I.! and kegs, Just rocelvod and for Bale by IkfcCANDLI 4 26:I I , MEANS & CO., fa 2.3 Corner of Wood and Wider tdrotda. ...QPICES.— L 7 25 be.,..1 Pimento; led ~ G rafn Pepper, Piet received and fnr =de Ly NILLLha' . EICKETEON. ;I ri 5 '7,7 , 5. S'll and 2.D Liberty 5t.,,c4.. ESP ARRIVALS.—We taro taking into !tore, (129 Wood stre6t,) an iIIIDIEWAD stock of line Paper for jobbing purposes; 11190, Letter, Cap and Note; Envelopes In great variety; Manilla Papers., of ev , ..ry elms, and as cheap as they call be bought in the Elvt, whore we offer wholeeele or retail, Tory low for Colds. ap2. Jl , lO. M. PliitKINS a CO T AKE FlSll.—White Fish, Trout, Salmon, ILA and Pickerel constantly on hand.a fall stock to supply the wholesale trade, by (myel IL COLLINS. ORINGES.-300 bzs. sweet, just received and for sale by ItElniEF. A ANDEREGN, No. 39 Wood street, myl7 Oppc:elte the St. Charles BROOMS. -100 doe. Extra Corn Brooms on hand and for sale by alp 2 D. C. E.: J. H. SAWER. DUSTER TRlMMiNtiS—Drab. and Gray Duster Binding and TaasaL t . Just epmed at ap23 JOE. 11.011.Ne0, 77 Market stri7e. .NEW STEEL SPRING SKIRTS—Of the moat graceful shapes, on hwidi ss E.ORNE'S, my 3 77 Market street, EE 1) SWEET POTATOES.-20 bßrrele Bond Swett Potatm.l,. received cnd for sate by JAMES A. FETZER, arZO - Canter 11.'4,1 Sad Ant etreett. - 1110ICKLES.-6 bbls. Cucumber Pickles, re] -ft. ceivad and for este by JAMES A. 'FETZER, fe.3) Corner Market and First greets. 1111 ERFIIMERY.—Lubin'e, Bazin's, Wright's, Glenn's and Earrison's Extracts for the handkerchief, constantly on hand at JO3. fiLE.MING'B, Jet Corner Dimond and Market at. RICE AND RICE FLOUR; Corn Starch; Silver 61033 Starch ; neacea Farina; B:*.or's CE=a, and Drama; Bra lx Cocoa Shell, Beaked and for gala at WiTIBAIILICESESSED CANDLES,- 500 , boxes ilydraullo Pressed Mould Candles, made mimeo& for Mum= use, on hand and for sale by__ la 8014 J. 8. UNIX& -; K...7,,:f '- 1 - ": 13,, '" 1,- -'re' T %: 7. i';: ; ;: :, ...::'::' , •E:"..:. - :`::.:.':,' il ~ . :..:,Ai4t.:Vr •:•.•:1:..i.'::-..':;:i7;:::,4...j..:::';;',4c.;....:Fate,,i53::,,..it',i4r....'::-.':'.•:...'.1..:,-f.:::::;.-!:,..j,:. ',;.'......,...:15•:t5":,,...5.C.7.1.7%'.::',.1:::-..::!.:.;:,; 7 :;:q:,:::'.....!......:.!.3....::..".:::::P.-',;.;-,;;;F:';'..J::::::.:.?'7-j.g•;,•'ig'.-;:,::,......r:.:":::.c.,;...';'........ -,..•:':'.:-.'':•;:l.Pik..'.,'::,'A'..',Lii:f.,..';' ~,,...:.,.:...,..: .... ,.:.....114,7t,T.9:;:....:.-::..,,,:;- : „ .. E,.;:,. ......,:i . . ,: i 5 fj. , 1 . t.. , ::! .... , - ... r ... ,--, .;:ji - : .. ..,: L,,..-..'" . 1-... : !- - . : n . ,-,..- • .. .. , ....._..... - .... . V. I^, • w er,„? 0 1111 7: C. 7 .T. - JDA.:' , ' , ), ~_q rk.t iln =- JAYNES' TEA STORE, Fifth stmt. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. CI CUTHBERT & SON'S OFFICE, No. 51 kj c , Market street, for the sale and purchase of Real Estate, renting houses, attending to insurance and repaire, obtaining loans on bonds, mortgages, ac,; making convey ancee, deeds, bonds, Au.; writing letters and corresponding 711th parties abroad, 3c oeiB BELDEN SEYMOUR, Real Estate and Insurance Agent, CLEVELAND, OHIO. C. 7.5 e r . GarrrAtlon a Co., I vli:y ,Ir__ fl ..,1.3',,ii LEN '‘.l‘4 ;r:4 A.B.RET.z, .F." - 7 'll.l:iT, NO. :t0 TVATM-1. iST.F.ZET, LA ND, nlfiO, Min Wincondn, tlt Lands WiWtit.Gi.., t_.fir,ad aL=o f•Jr city yirci...rty. A ; , ," . . _ FOR SALE OR. RENT. GF (.1,---'flirce run of stonoc3 and the corn and. cob , (Lll•,rcliing pitt ,, Lurgh, 0.,1,1 cal vbry bi 21, CUTIIBKIt C SON, ! €l7 61 ..:ark.at stro,A . 1 A \VRE:`:CE COUNTY BON i); - ; 1/.r Airl • - u ED, in exclut., 70 for ianl. ap22 St),N, 51 l',D.rket. A STE AA I MILL LI eompleto running th•r, hoar:, f:r a.l- by S. CC1A16a..V.9.' W &Sri. E N LANDS of goAl. quaiiEy, ‘, y V exit:, for to C.:LT*I'III3EI2T 01 iF IAMILY RESIDENCE FO SALE-.A. property of liC foot. front G.,vlngtou et , La.rrot.c.,,villo, by 10 ~ n Wu:thing:en .itrout to Cherry hrick Dwelling 110L130 of 7 well arr,,nrdbitn r !urckt, WWI of Vifltr a:J./pi:alp, !stable an./ (7,rd house, ketch a ranzu, etc. The roorna are newly pained and p chute and fruit trees, grape arbor, greet. variety of flow. TA, t 31," ph" -1 p ling fence. Tho above di:3rd a good pp.. , rtanity to buy a c mplete and pkisaLt rEildeLcc, l'ulce low, and terms accommodating. f 3. lITIIBEP.T A . ON, Real Hatate and lli.neral Agents, j. , 15 51 Market strc.et. ill - 111E SIZE of the cheap Building Lots Lr =ate by S. CUTHBERT Lt. b'ON is 3a by 100 feA. Loot tau—Near the railroad station, East Liberty. 4 , ,:275 to $.lOO each. Tor n3—tao Lurth in h' 1; remainder at Mix y(-attl,redit. The Plan can be seen at the Real E.4tato other, 51 Mur!-;et btf,t. jil!.. 11) T iToi Mi I), that the zty iota are oth.reci at Pleb prices, and ou sucu esuy terms, u, to make a horns easily to Le ~biaii]ed. . . . 13 , :tr t in mind, that thy front on wide iitro,ta, are nf easy ny railroad, and are voiy de..iirAtile locations for family residences it iu wind, that the plan of the to Le seen at jet?, 11 MARI{ 11T Slltelt,lT. VOR. SALE.—SEVENTY THOUSAND _Pr ACRES of choke Prairie and Timber Land, situated la .:;,,t,aora io=a and 6cut'.. •?u uuesota, enil.racin g the lineat let .t farmia, T lands lu this morhet, as they Ere located conveniently to TLC/US and lines of PumpLl,As t,onta,lin g information of value to ~.bill ; ranta and c.talo g r,cs kcation, description and price of the land, with a brio! . (Josef Iption of the counties in which th-y are located, can he h:d on application at our Mace, and they will be Bent tree by mail to persons sending nn their address. WILLIAM PP./17.1E1i L. CO., my:Cgtf Joao? handful!, No. 07 Fourth street. FrEN DOLLARS IN HAND, will e ecijra Buildin g Lot of 2.5x100 fest on "4t. Washington.— sloo—slo in hand, remainds: to snit purchaser. Al ao, a tut of 601.100 fut.: fo: t250-- , Zsts in hand, balance Iu a t iit pt‘rcisiser,',. aF.11 , 2 SUN, J e23 "Ft ,Mark. , t etreot. p ACRES of Land and a comfortalle mass, ma.a.tte near the Wacliington Turr.pil;o, wt aliz,nt 3 mils; from Jones' Ferry. will be cold on easy terms. Immediate posaassion. e. CMTH.Blita tt je23 ' 61 Nlartzt atccot. A LOT OF 0 POET r•: in East Liberty, near the ilahrnall ICC) feet will be cold for cua-foarth in hanik,realaindjtat six years' credit. S. clkp IIL i. 12 S: BON. GENTLEMEN'S LILESS GOODS. _ MERCHANT TAILOR, Carnes. of Fourth end Snit tlktlold Streets, T ESPECTFULLY A.NNOUICCES THAT ho has received hie Sprio Assort:noLt of GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS, Of the not styles, beat quality add illoat elegant dmcrip tion6, which le.n is prepared to mantifcture to order is the LATEST FASHIONC., Lail with 4u,if a cifarfitier of %..ockat... - ollii:), cannot fail to stzciii—ty and ph%.a9e the mci9t fitvictioni tagtoa, Ny 1 9 DISSOLUTION OF I : ',I;;TiVERSIIIP. Tho Elm of EAWORTLI BY.OWNLEI:I on the ad of (F.6.lolvcd mutnal co-neat, by th withdrnsi,! o f jHuij fr,m the nhn^e 6 te. Th.! accounts of the 1.40 firm will he eettled by Lii , W01:1:11 Y Biitil"r YUStt. jEfrO FIA.IVOitTii, in v. - ithlrarttillg from the firm, kindly thanha hit, former pdtrong an,: Air, th, patron, o. the li , te firm, for the very patronage he lin•i rc ceived, and would kindly re.2.oet.ii,nd them co 11.6.19tA8T1i A .6EO'4 N LI, 1.4 they are determined to 801 l et low figures, haring a vary largo :tasortm , nt of OG.EAP ORLYJERLBS, WINEI and LIQUORS on bu0,.1. 4-111"- UTID LIAWOiLTif and JAMBS BROWNLF.EI lr,e tale da'y usgocieted together, and will coat:lane oa the heeineee At the OLD f.TaND, corner of Dhmnand and Dia mond alley, under the etTle of UAWORTII & BROWNI,tE, where they hone tlreeetre that patronage ao liberalf given to the old firm, as they are denzrafaed to sell OH klAtqat than any otaer Store in the city. my. 1.3 YRUPS..— br,rrelo "OlicVo" Guidon Syrup; i 5 do " reana." Fir. 24 Quality .yrup; Joid rocoiTed and for eal9 by ELLER RIOTIETEON, Ncs. nzl and 223 Libarty stre::t NEB. FABRICS IN DRESS GOODS.-- A. A. MASON A CO., Aq7c., NO. 25 Filth &root, Ar€ , opening rich Dross Silks, Bere,ca CTe',„ Paris Aad a splendid !election of Pi?ii.lNG SHAWLS. (apt QEED SWEET POTATOES.-15 barrels Seed Sweet Potatoes for sale cheap to close consign wont by JAS. A. FETZER, ap23 Corner Market and Ftrat streets. fIOMPOUND SYRUPS OF PUOSPuATES, ` 1 4,0 OR CHEMICAL FOOD—This preparation is not In tended es a popular i emedy, but is respectfully submitted to the Medical PacoDy as a nutritive tonic, well suited to supply the waste of elementary matter during the prog,reis of chronic cases, particularly in Dyspepsia and Consump. Lion. This preparation is pleasant to the eye, agreeable to the taste, and greatful to the stomach, And does net naus• eato by protracted use. Sold wholecalerand retail by Je22 UOUNTRY BACON.-1000 lbs. Country Eaton, just recoired and for aale to? ")ROOM CORN.--3 tone first quality reo'd and fcr F&e 9 kar6l HENRY U. MAINS. F ANCY FRENOLI BASK 1. - aa—A nice ncsortrnent Plat opened, 110P.N.W3 . Tny9 77 Market sqre+t. ivyNDOW GLASS.—An assortment of Country Olatc, aasurtod Elthea, for bale by WM. IL S%IITII CO., Eur 29 119 Second, t.nd 147 Era streeta. -- WINDSOR SITADES.—GoId bordered, plain and fancy. Aldo, shade Trltamings, always on hand at and for axle cheap by IL PanuPs, cy26 26 and 28 St. Clair etreot. INDIA RIBBER HUSE.—From inch to 10 Inches In diameter. A large supply Drat received at the India Rubber Depot of J. a IL paaaaPs, my 29 26 and 23 St. Clair vtreet. WI:OA, PAPERS.—WaII Papers of all P. 4 " 4 9 for sale at rodaood vicar, by W. P. MARSHALL ,t co., rny2l Woad atrort. - ff,,;iNGLISH. GLASS INKSTANDS—Out 42. A and prcaitA, with Gina and Bronze Topa. jol4 W. S. HAVEN, Stationer. MAPS OF THE DIFFERENT STATES— lowa, Ohio, Penncylranla, Nebraska and Kansas, Missouri, Kentucky and Tennesee, Virg'nla, etc, for Bale ty J. B. WELDIN, Bookseller and Etatioaer, fel9 Na e 3 Wood street, near fourth. 1 BAL LAVENDER FLOWERS, for oale by B. L. FAELNESTOCH k CO., J 612 No. 00 car. Wood and Fourth atraotv. DRIBIPEACHES-12 sacke choice bright dry Peaches received anti for eats by CIIEESE.-200 boxes W. 225 " English Dairy Cheese, for gab by . 1ja221 JEWRY IL COLTRIB. DRY APPLES.-50 bags; 160 bbls. Dry Apples, for eale by je22 HENRY 11. COLLINS. et RUIN APPLES.-20 bbl 2. for sale by IL.T"; apT _ HEM' u. commis AN TOOTH., PASTE, prepare , under pie oripan of Dr. Hallfhan s 8 ir Dela bride by JO 8b Os HSfl E 1 .111irkut stroct.t JELiU JOSEIPH FLEMINg.. Corner Diamond and Market stro4 JAMES A. FEUZER, Garner Market and JAB. A. FEThr.tt, Corner Itarkot and First sta. i:: . .: -. .: - ...- , 24 . ,::;:::':::....i . .', , .'' ..,' 4'l '- 1'A'.1: . . i)..', , 'i .. , , .,: - .'i.::i: 7 ,i,r:.':.. , .';i.:7. - ,.:'.:- . ..,..'-.',:'-r.:;4l' . V.ttlik . ':: ':.:.t.'.:'.7''':.:11..'.:..,..:z.;4.i!iii',','•V.1'k,1Pt: PIANOS AND MUSIC. TRH BALINCE OF MY SPIN STOOK PIANO FORTES, ItROM THE MANITRA.OFORY OF CIIICKERING & SON'S, BO iTd3NI, Congistiug of SIXTEEN of their new EGYQ Octave and iii and a atilt' Octave Pianos; barefoot boon rewired, and ivy/ :a.13 , fur erroadnatiou at tire wareroorao of the sob• ecriter. calcKE:ll77: S: SONS' PIANO FORMES are not furnished by t:: eat t 3 any ether bons° in this city, and all orders must to the subscriber. JOHN H. 14 ELT OR, No. 91 Wood street, e,io agent for Chickering & Bons' Pianos, hrPittsbnreh and Wo3tern Pennsylvania. t N.,„ c... 3 FULL GRAND prA.Nots, 6 _ _ PARLOR GRAND PTA NOS 1 ! A ND NEW STYLE SQUARE PIANOS, a c- loom the Manufactrry of CHICK:BRING k BONS', 13o,rozi,just receiv•Rl from the manufactory of Chlckering a Foos', Boston, the following desirablo and elegant stock o thdr PLINO FORTES : Oa, even octave Grand Piano Forte, with superbly C4llltril case. Price 41 $ BOO One Pull seven nature Grand Piano Forte, elegant Itome• rood case. Price C ne bew Parlor Grand coven octave Piano, nearly equal .•, 0 , /wer to a fall Grand, and occupying only the of an ordinary square Piano. Price poo SQUARE PIANOS! Two full carved Rosewood, Louis XlVth, seven octaves, v. curved Desk cad F;i3t. wort Tao P.ose,waid seven octave,--Clifford style. o Rosewood. carved mouldings, seven octave. Fuse liosewcod, plain round corners, seven octavo. Three Walnut, plain - nand front corners, seven octavos. Four .. o 61/ Four Rosewood " Si SI it All of the above are of their NEW SOALE, and with full iron frames, and their new Patent Action. These Inairenients have been finished apt.r , ,ially for the subscriber, end will be warranted to purchasers. For sale t'.:e!:• prlcc-e e 011.7 11. MELI4OR, No. 81 Wood street, ,1.17 Sole Agent for Chickering k Sons', ALDERMEN. CHARLES W. LEWIS, ALDERMAN, And Ex-Officio Justaco of the Peace, OFFICE ON THE CORNER OF WYLIE AND FIFTH STREETki. All imetneee connected with this o4?ra will be attended to with promptueeo. Cenveymmee of all kinds done with legal accuracy—Jucli" , ...a L 001.1.1, Mortgagee, Bonds, Powers of At torney, ao. Mica to Real Estate examined. To the members of the liar he tenders his services as Com missioner to take Depositions to be read in the several Courts of this :stnt., and elsewhere. His offl.ce Is one of the main Polito Stitivna of the city, and consequently his facalitle3 In ex,..cnting luiinesa of that kind are very desirable. I felthly AlderiummPil °fate. JAMES S. LIGON ALDERMAN, EX- Oe:1010 JBETIOE OF THE PEACE, AND POLICE MitGii , TIIAT.II--Ofllee, No. 69 Grant street, nearly oppo site the Court House, Pittsburgh, Pa. Depositions, Acknow ledgments and Pronates taken; the Records examined, Deeds, floods,Mortgages, Wills, Leases, Articles of Agree• ment, and of Partnership, Letters of Attorney, eto., eie., drawn up at short notice; Marriages Solensni64 aid all business in the line of his official duties, promptly attended to. siv t a,- Okilee hours, from 7% k. rs, tet I.P, tt., and from 2 to 6 P. ap&ly ERG S GOING WEST, who desire to purchase good farming lands, are informed that we N se have for sale 632 acres of land in Boone county, lowa. Also 644 acres of laud in Franklin county. trill be sold on easy terms by L. OUTIIBERT A SON, myls 51 Market street. rIIGARS t CIGARS have received this day a large lot of genninekaported Eiarana cigars, of the old and well known .• L.enoca " brand. Those wishing a box of good cigars sl.ould call and exensinemy stook before ~rrabusn~;:s"ecboe JoB_ Li.11,1 1 / 1 131-- ~.4.RET Li 23 cases N. Johnston lc Bons Zdedoo Claret Wine; 10 6 ' " 6 . St Julien Claret Wine tk) C. C. Et. Julien Claret Wine, in store and for sale by MILLER, & ICKETSON; n‘7l3 _Nos. 222 and 223 Llbdrty 'treat. el/ifs...aide AL OLIVE SOAP.-1000 bcixes Chemical Olive astvo Soap, an hand rod for aale by e 7 B. C. h J. ft. SAWYER. ACON.-10 casks Country Bacon Shoul t.,7? and Rams, Just received and for mils by JAS A. BETS, my 36 o.7.m a nr mnrkrt and 'Finn eveete.. 1 - 1;a:1 , 210.-2 cases Manila Indigo, just re l._ c,irod end for sale by laylB MILLER lc ItICKETSON. TIMED APPLES.--60 bush. Bright Dried Grplel jnct received sad for sale by PDXUES. - I. have just received a large lot nureri, r Fatting Spanit 8, of every sine and price. Those wishing a g,nd ankh, i this line, ahonld call and t.tamine y eti.cic before purchasing elsewhere. JOS. FLEMLNG, awl.) Clor - nni: Diamond and Market streot. re RE 811 N UTS.- 11: 10 bales Bordeatm Almonds; 2 " Papor Sholl " EO bags Filberts; " Cream 6 n.a ; 30 " Fccan 200• bus. Ground " 6000 Cocoa " Just received and for eels by REYMER & ANDERSON, Na. 39 Wood street, Jo:3 Oppusit-s ohs St. Charles Hotel. TOOKINGS, GLOVES, MITTS, ETC.- Suitable f;,.r. the apprcaching hot seasoa on hand by JOS. UOItNE. 77 Market street. 8.-500 boxes 8.110, 9x12 and 10x12, :o by (art t Lai:VEX EL. COLLINS. juß PRINTIING.- Cardß, Freight Bills, Circulars, Dray Receipts, 11111 Heads, Labels, Bab road +Receipts, Bills Lading, With every other description of Job Printing, executed with promptness and at fair prices. J. E. WELDIN, Printer and Bind,r, Wood street, near Fourth. 12 ACRES of ohoiao 'land, with good im provemonta, near the city, for solo on easy terms by d. 00111 BERT k BON, jolo 61 market street. 30 '3 ACRES of Farming Land, near 1; mon I own. Pa., for sale at $l3 per acre. 431 S. OU CIIBERT & SON, 51 Market st. O ALLS 1 BALLS! BA LLB I—A large as- N s of Poot, Solid and Bat Balla, jut received and fir sde, wholaaate and retail, at the India Rubber 26 and 28 St. Clair street, my2i) J. k H. PHILLIPS. . - ... 1 A1`;',6! FANS! !—Palm Fans by the case, ' dozen, or single. at Eastern prlcos,with other varieties of Fancy Pane, for sale at HORNE'S, JeB 77 Market street. riENTRAL BANK OF PENNSYLVA NIA.—Notice is hereby given that the CENTRAL BANE Oil PENNSYLVANIA, at Hollidaysburg, will be opon for Val3ia33B on WEDNESDAY, the 16th Jo 7 JOSEPH BROWEEt, Cashier. LARD OIL.- ' barrels Eatra No. 1 Lard Oil; " No. 2 Lard Oil, on band and for Bala, by Linyl2.l B. 0. J. 11. SAWYER. TAVA COFFEE.—Jut received a lot of etrietly pare Old Oovernment Java Coffee. Also, La gnyra and Rio Oottee, at JAYNES' TM. STOE-E, a 8 Pifth street. DARE BLACKBERRY AND CHERRY h BRANDY, for medicinal purposes,cat HAWORTH & BROWNLEE'B, ies in the Diamond. I,IOOK RESTS—Made of Mahogany and woll finished, for cabs by W. S. HAVEN, Jel4 Stationer. DELL AND COLLECTION BOOKS—A largo sesortnient &male on hand or made to order. S. ses - zN, ja4 Coiner Market and, Second arreeta. T AWYER'S SEAL PAPERS Various sizos and color; alwayo on hand. at W. B. HAVEN% jel4 Corner Market and Second at& A FARM of 238, acres, near Economy, for Eislo by S. CUTHBERT h BON J.YI7 61 Market area., FREMIH LEMONS.-20 just reictived and for sale by BRUM. a ANDERSON, J 9 29 N 0.89 Woodshed.' CIERISIA_N DRAWING PAPER—In ro]] for Engravers, for ado WILDE% Wend street, am Fourrtle 0...0 M BANDS, Port Polios,` , Dosk Pads, , LII Bankers Cases, Port Mantes, and Pocket Books, for sale by_ _ . W. S. RAVEN'S, It spit) Corner arket and Second streets., UltiNY 0 S.-400 large three bushels 6. , ...nny Backe, new and in good order, for sale by JAS. A. WITZEB, rordi) Corner Pint ond link/4 atneta. riAESTNI37B.-5 . barrels Italian, received thia day, and for sale by ANDIANINN, No. 28 Wood street, Opposite tit. Charles /Iota; - OB - Notice. J AS. A. PETZFIR, G^Tr. , r Mooret end SPrand xt 3 NUMBER 251, MISCELLANEOUS. MILITARY GOODS. ral SUBSCRIBERS HAVE CONSTANT. LY on hand a complete etock of MILITARY GOODS COIFETSIEiG IN PART 0? PLUM!, SWORDS, SASHES, TAESELJ, Volunteer Commpanlem 1127.r;311r.D WITH ?GIL AT SaOST HOPI= ELLE{ 4!: :11) BUNTING FLAGS MADE' To ORDER: 3NO. B. AVS'AJDOE.II it, SON. 95 MARKET STREET fAIIL FOINEBTOCH., Neo 7'4 'Wood siyeet, If?lttsburgia, T_TAS JUST RECEIVED DIRECT FROM um :mg rdt ND— 'ALDRON G ."157iTZ (1/.12/11 qpi Huffy U talih? . 00E'_'? HOES; PATENT A.NO(..I3EMON.A.N V.11Z.; S'rfa3s'r4 Traps. very superior Drawer Loclito, very auparior ann Loom:, Tinned and Enflame:lml Sante Yang, Basting SpoonE, Brma Dandiest - P:11a, Brass Coclta,limm Stair Dods, BIIICO9 and Bits, Measuring Tape; Suporic.: Walter% Curry 'Carat. Ton..x.f., Coil, nth, Tons-nee, Stretch :Ind Mau: , a variety of other g'Je, all of vrill ho sold at Ino'l , orals term.. api.3 !AMES MILL I:SG.LR, MONONGAHELA, PLAei'iNG MILL, would respectfully inform the pnldia that he has rebuilt since the tire, and having enlarged his establishment, and dlled it with the newest and most ap proved machinery, if; now prepared to tarnish flooring and planed boards, srrowl sawiag and resawing, doors, sash and shutters, kiln dried, frames, monidiags, box making, &o. South Pittsburgh, Septenabor eel° GENTS' SHOES A,ND ()MITERS. L A s• I A CHEAP * PEOPLE'S SHOE STOII2, No. 17 FITTH JR. CUUILDII.ENH' SHOES fell WINDOW GLASS.-5000 yards from 2 to 6 inch inch diameter, for sale by mr29 11. IL COLLINS. BANS.-25 WA& white Beans for sale by JAS. A. FETZER., Corner First and Market sta. E LA RUE NOTE PAPER AND E vv,tonsi—R o m by - J. R. WVLDIN LANDS IN VIRGINIA, lowa and Texas, for cute by CITITI a A BEIIT & SUN, myL3 far'rat treet. RURBEIR CURRY COMBS.—fhe J.L. beet article in use, just received at the India Rubber Depot, 26 and 28 St. Clair street. ny22 PRINTED BILL BOOKS-Assorted sizes at W. S. HAVEN'S my 24 Stationary Warohotuta. - TEXAS, TEXAS.-540 acres of good farm. ins land in Hays county, mar Austin, Texas. Prairie and timber land, $3 per acre, for sale by myll S. CUTHBERT & SON, bl Market et. (IL CLOTH CRASH-1500 yards of vari %Jr ow; patterns and widths, fast received from the fac tory, for sale wholesale or retail, by TUST RECEIVED A SUPERIOR LOT of Double and Single Barreled Guns, for sale low by 021112WIUGELT & YOUNG, No. 80 Wood street. my27:mo VOR BALE.—One-third bf aenluable pre per"..y, baying a front of 130 feet on Wood airoot by 00 deep on ;-,'.- 1 1Etla street. B. CUTHBERT BON, my2l 51 Market Street. V—EVP2IACRES.—A Lot of Ground of 7 a count-7 naidince. lair has us - plume for lay2l : ' per,,_ GLASS. -300 boxes assorted sizes Window Glass, good country brand, 13r Eala by .- myB - EMMY 0. COLLINS. DROOrtIS.-50 doz. rco'd and for sale by mrza HENRY H. COLLINS. -- VISH.--500 packages White Fish, Salmon, .11: and Trout., for Bala by (mylf/) 11. ti. COLLINS. QO. D. M'CREAR COL'D PRINTING} IN 9-3 old by Nart24l J. S. WELDIN. C°".-10 bags shelled Corn meived and for sale by LK: Mil.lll,Y H. COLLINS. 11011 N "TRY 73ACON.-1000 lbs. Country b i3=oa, e y ?AS, A. FETZER, ra vi'l Corner Market and First VW 75 Cli EON. 80014.6-011 all the ±auks and Brokers at . W. 8. 'RAVEN, mr'lA Printer a. gi Stationer. Q.AIJAD OIL.--10 baskets pure, just reed 1„, and for aule by .ili..Y.'riiiit .1. ANDMI.SON, my 4 No. :9 Wood street. T AWRENC,E, COLIEisr & CO.'S- DOUBLE CARDS.-Bcld by inr4.l J. IL IVELDIN. OR N.-200 bush. primo white Corn, for eui vile by (.r.271 tinNal? H. COLLINS. TO LET.—A commo,diou.3 three etory Frame Bonne, with Brick lUmement--sitnatcd on Bedford etroet—to rent, by MILLER RICIIBTBOtis mr2s Nce. 221 and 223 Liberty area. 11(ItUTTEE.--3 bbls. fresh roll, for sale by mrla MOLLY IL COLLINB. 01 . 1 HEA P WALL PAPER.—A new eupply of new patterns for tale by w. P. I , LAJ3,BI3ALT., h M I 87 Weodetreet. TARCH-100 bx?.. McClung & Campbell's Extra Starch, fir sale by t , Extra VT. IL smir - H & CO. s7so' A two story frame house, of four a rooms, sitaat3 in South Pittsburgh, near the Bridge. Lsrge lot of ground, fruit trees, itc. Pay ments easy. For sale at the kcal I:alateofsce of S. OUTEIBERT h SON, 61 Market street. J. THOMPSON & CO.—Have just tp . received and for rale, a large lot of Engßah Venitlan Red, Rochelle Ochre, , Vermont Ochre, French Zinc, American Zinc, White Lead, and Whitibg, at alO 1,76 Third etre 'LOUR -50 bbl®. Superfine Flour just re coked and for eale by JAS. A. E.ETZER, jye Corner STaTket and First !streets. QTAR CANDLES.-1000 boxes Extra Quality Adamantine St..-r 4 Candles, on hand and for sale by tie7l B. 0. it J. II: SAWYEt, LARD OIL.—No. 1 and No. 2 Lard Oil comitaally on hand and for mtlo by ja7 B. C. .t J. H. SAWYER. DUKE MADEIRA AND CLARET JIL. WINES, by the bottle or gallon, at, BROWN LEE'S, 05 n the s mond. DUILDING LOTS-12 Lots, each 7 0 feet front by.loo deep, situate in - l East Liberty, near the Ralleoad Depot. Prices item $275 to s4oo—terma,one•fourth in hand, balance at 6 years credit. Call and see the plan: rn'2B 8. cuTllnllT & EON. 61 Market at. l'ESTEßS.—Borders and circles tor -Tea ton, fo- gala by (royal W. P. mansuaLL ez 00. HOMINY. -6 bblo. Flint Hominy for sale by JAS. A. Piazza, inyl2 Corner 'Market and lifras sts. TORPEDOES. -500,000 No. 1, just reed and for silo REIMER w ANDIMBON, DES N 0.39 Wood street. 1V - IRE WORKS FOR FOURTH OF JUL' . ic —Fire Works and Fire Didloeaa neataitaptexed by H. Y. Meld, Pyrotechnist, for nal° by ILI.IYUER k ANDUBSON, No. 39 Wood street, jeB Opposite the St:Chutes HotoL FAYETTE COUNTY it'Oß S . —302 acres in Wharton township, 4.0 unOer fence with log house, etc., good springs, coed and limestone roue half tho farm is line timber land, and about 100 acres us nicadow. The soil is good, well adapted for a stock or grain farm, ant state at 1% miles from Royale Springs, 9 mites from Union town, and 15 from Oorinellsvills, will be sold at a low pries, or exchange.d for approved Western lands. inB 1. CUTHBERT 2r. RO'l 61 Afarbet st. 1D • JAMAICA RUM AND HO' a GIN, by the bottle or gallon. at 11A1Y0IITH BROWN -L=l, in the Dtaracmd QIIN lIMBRELLAS.—SiIk arvi Gingham 111%.7 firm Umbrellas, superior to 2ams ols, for ale at Twa rate 3, atLgattlVß, 77 Market street JeB Th E IGNS.—Arcaitzotural and Decoraildro JL/ tta - s paw:t in Oak, Marble and fr design eeoo4 prepared by payall ang VT. P. L.d.A.BRITATAL oo:- SERMON PAPER on hand, or made to or der, by Wig: G. JOHNSTON do Ws' bred. Itircod n u, PAINTINGS.—Landsc, and' 1 ; 1 quo% in all colors, for Rise 3 , -.l6 l .rfixt OAS W. P. Biaskegagi_ lIPAIMETTES, BUTTONS, nimeEs, ETC, MO GRIFFIN'S P. la A I J. & H. PHILLIPS J. St H. PHILLIPS, 24 and 28 St. Clair stn .se
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers