~~~~~Ly~ z,-~ ,4A1%/11JE1., V. WI).'IA.N.II T T011.1,‘ 111511111= I. 4- 0) , ilt :`• I' I ): 01311:ell I Ri `.; •' 711 rd I .)12 •.-1y IMEMBE • !,14,:1) Sk,N.YVT, of '-lurio t 'teen' SC I LOON )1 .Ak t littics t ri^uLc k.l •il7, r• !r...1, t . No. 21, :'.t IS I*, i F t 1-111! =ME P. t•• L.a ~.z,.•••• 11012 - OtrOt,„ ~li.ll 1, `-`; • • Ai.rir.6a • 1' 1.12.'t I De,lit,tll, 't .1 '1 1 't) .v.• !- LI :..1• . 1 the n; t,,, 11,w ij a.n.l Or)Auti M , oi 111111., ?d[LIP ICKY:ALt. ................ . .. .... . `• ...t.L7 .... ~ .51, 1 .1.', . 0 t VI NI E li &. ,N. Nil HIS() ''. \:, (~ u ccessor4 r' , ) J, • ~ itn o ,l,. & C 4,.,) , iJ.,.= , Li. , '!l',. , •!:, 4 ,:• Filt ".('? • r Ni.TT;'S, N UTz , , SPICLI-, 0 ' , N .. ,..A.."I:I'YNA',Y. ST:q.',lt. 'co. n W.vel ti . ..i...•. • •; r.t..it f. t‘ , .. '. 1.in.,1! , , ',.t.t`l, L . :. wargh .I,*l I. J. :11 .. e0.,.,A-- Pg. aidtioAlern in 1., , , 11:1,; 471/Vilir;ci, COl]lt , 3 ' bnr,,rll. 4 du band :11111 111,•,. I trt I I ,v,ry - tb ". _ I:3OI , TLERs. NO. FIE II• ' 1) :1,1 !fe that OW):/3.ttl 3 • if AATV.'"A ' and r , ) :11 CI: , • •.td 111,-ct ChAt thoy Phyrdcil , n4 11 . 1,111rt111,111 Joon, .V. E A 7 1 ." r I A I ) (Dr. ,j W. K .. 1 1.111'; ri i'•1211 In Phillip,' i. 1:, tnti 'A ULTON, LI, 1N k.l la pt ill 1,41 tUR11:011, t'pr •f 511.NER.11, naL UL. liAEIiIAN Pr'ENT ;' 1(' ri it i] 6_ m 111 c.ic Ani 13 ti • ;t T. ac 1 ~.~..~'~''_ii tatce,et cr_r / titlf 1.• I %1,1, Voi i,nll it tr., St. r,;( El ri (It, ‘`. t :I , co , NI DRY ; 00D -1::::;11 IN ri;l,l "gel N )'1 i i • 113, 1 . 1/ 1111 h 111Wer nrrl.•,. 14 11/ 1 ' •,• • htl.. P P E I/AS . I (MA \• ; WV\ ), 7 do .1[ FI. , P.N ”cri:u 77 :' , 1,11.0.t. ntr,ed. R lull NGS, AT IVZ.DIJCEO o!' I . - A choirvalA ',Mil It 114 !. , 101 /1 ‘PNE'' it I)EP. rave (`, non Cmi~•r viii DrilM , ll4-ft +tippt) 110 R '- dul9 7 N 1,111.1•1 VIVE Cents pr.r Reduction t! Prici of BRADI,i'iN".•' VAR., Pc Mini, will iiiiAL)',,E'CS 1.1 NITTIN,:I Y A 1 1 .! , ••L ,• ,• rwr I.N Ow loi,“11,., C,ll. :,.10.1 II •aNI:. , 1“¢l Sv nu 1,, Ow 11,1,r ,L• 1• F:N.I R(_) II) E I ES.- -Our I , Wk I. .I.t.d-nt tih Ow), art. utftri.t.l. in„ , T. rct ,14•• th.• I ,t-nt ONEY ! NIIIV-IV INA T 44' (irmtit rcduut ," i.. i',.• I, ' !lace gnu , . h,,-; I , llEr‘Cil Wi t s ItiCE(I LE In ES, NUH gar •:. Aol tit t •'• : 0,1 oct27 11' TR'. 't7. 77 ti I ANC\ BLACK '.KE;"): 7 ; rII,KS, 1:10 4 ,• CI.LEAI' CASH W E L 'A'a. tit 1,.., no ,:t2O El) i,,r r~~:u~~~~Ir I:~~.~:.. Ft 1r (2. , W, pL A); A v.\ I 11! han C. Ii A ! , I tto.t.lt EV ER E iv 1i tz.re.,zu•frr .;! ; • • pio thnni., will 13,1 it “ t.t..!r .1,:III nnd our New ...t...e1; ; ; , ,I, trig ro wel; I. chall AIA ! A.V; ! itrvcht., Ac., t,ottl • city. and nt r , -ry 1./ , t" - IL A z2,—,; D E tt,,,i RSEI F,;-4 1“ liii b; Ru in- ti It si <NYS B ONNET V El. V I vory variety Bun 1!. 131 , }1)i.01.1) A:.1)1,F.S 2.) -iurt•-il•ii,• 1 • • e ilLtll4 for L hal S Al' . 2 lb. ,11- 1,09 • Ni• I Fuld in lb., 2lb ti '• Clean in 11). 2 , 01 . '' i t i.-•• • • :kr Pun. Palm hat ,1 and for t:ale Ly jail N EW ‘CROP.--- 2.10 drum, tient, u yrnu Figx; In ttu:tn Dates 50n lwz a Pdadit.ga Ralston, In,' ~,,d I i REY:dint A ANDEItti.)N 3t Wutpd oppoolt4 6t. Charkm ENBEIERMI 1111113:11 .41 .... , \ •11.r.ractii rer MERE Tl;rlo•.it r t• 1 , 111.1. 1.. ,~ a:~ •, rp. 6 !aiF "L'.'i~ - riiij MEE . 0111.11 1 , ' l , od 41.1,0 t, MIEME 1 II 1 1 =MEE :t ' . lir ii34).- I I s 1 . 1:1"!:-; :•66.• 71 kN- , ON -•;• ' 11 :, , -4 ~,,•r,t , • I • -' '%, r' ^ IMRE lIIINIEII iu :> ID. b..~- It. J II dASSllist Gki OCERS STIIIiTEk 3a CO. & lin at , r, %P L - lc; 8 A 1, E ic...cit-. arid Commission Merchants, <••. Second arid 1 5 1 Froin: Strceta ;1, v., iOsitT,Pll S, , ktod 94-1 LH)erti i'L 1 l'A 1.:,1":1ell L E.k.. E. z:,-7.: tlax td 4 A. M. Air ve .t laue , ser by A. 0. 1 in M . -elevate. It) txtclusrlsvilltt, Mar) Au nvi Be, Shaffner's Corner's, Beach Bottom, mild Bear Creek's Mills, to Ridgeway. 35 miles and bark ~ uce a week. L Ul! 11 M 1 N Leave Brookville Satii I v nt7 A , A rrive at Ridgeway by t. r. 0. Le-sr' Itid;:eway Friday al 7 A. M. 4 v ; LU AIERCH Arrive at Broot, lt,t e. 31. 7 3 5 25 Fiont Al:try-Go,. by Sitter spring, 1 , 1 , 1ilotit•I,I. 7.0 I..cv ye 2nd WA-..6lttn.gton Ave int, 1 ti,,lC.futer, 02, 1 . /. , except Sunday ~ ,,a r e Nlsrtetta !tally. except Sunda), at. l r. M. SA: tyi!'iTh , VsANSA6 Ari ive at Laneterter by SP. M. Li‘LiCtistf - r dail) extept A. M. ae rlittscargd dert nattm nem, p,ll:ydA , ! A rrivc at slatietta by 15 at. 355.1 From Laneastrr, by Wilk, a Street, 1{.10,V17114 vine, and - .... A. COVVIN it,thes , l3, to McCall% Ferry. 18 miles and back, ' twice a week. • Leave LaElell9ter Mond ivand Thursday at 7 a. xi. Arr'Vt. at Alcerill's Ferry by 12 M. Lear, 51eCall'S Ferry Monday and Thursday at 2 P Arrivu ut L:lnFa.sLer by 7 P. It. Frem I.,mcaster, by Greenland and Souderaburz. to Paradise, 9 Miles and back, six times a week. Leave Lancaster dad), except Sunday, at 3 P. M. Arrive lit Par4dise by 6 r. m. Parailitle daily, except Sunday, at 7 A. tg. AN ?ClI L , BIE,i GENERALLY, Arrive at Lancaster by 10 A. M. 3525 From Seaver. Parkinson and Service, to Frankfort Spriintn, 2u iuiles and back, twice a week. ITTSF,I7II.GII, PA. Leave Beaver 'Tuesday and Thursday at 8 a. I Arrive at Fratnkfort Springs by 3 P. M. . . ••• t •: :1) A 6i l 4 , A C Et 'll'4' UtE_,E.'SS 10 V. 113. k /1 L E E it 0C E S 9 3,2. 4 EiON, NAILS. G coTTuN 1 A Rti , plTTqltUil liU Cl,rki% ~f ~,•d 'N . ti lel atreeta (I_:OSGRALVE & co., L. ;«+' Frank4rt Springa Mond .3 - and ‘"odnesday at 8 s.n. VV I I I S A : 1 11)' G (1 t Arrivc, Beav,r by 3P. M. • • 36.26 From Evausburgb, by Shormauville, to Lina3villo, 8 IN :Alia 20 Wood street mile,' and back, thro, , time; a week. Laave Evanablv gt, Mond , y, W,Anesday and Friday, ' 10 A. M. Arrive at Unveillle by 12 M. , 7rt to ic. Pittelairgh ' . l.reaste LiMANIiIV M:l*ll9.y, W ,, :11,,tty awl Friday at .!: Whole:7111e Grin 2 P M. srters el 1111.AN: J 11 . :8, \VEXES and SEGAIte., Arrive at Evansbnrgh by 4 P. M. ' 17 • cer of Ire le tottl Liberty streote, Pitta i 3527 From 11Mlidayeburgb, by F'rankitown an l Cause i••• 1, • Vat es. hand. Creek, to Wilhamsburigh, 12 miles and back, 6ls times a week. Leave fleilidayaburgh acept Sunday, at 21 •.; P. If.. on arrival of western mail. Arrive at Williamsburgh by 6% P. M. Loaxe Wiltiane , bn Litt , iy, cx' pt Sunday, at 7 A. at. :have at fittlli tay,burgh by 11 A. M. Propu,tebt to em' race the 11•41sw Opt lags office are invited. 3928 From Orcutt Creek to Cbemung, N. Y., 4% miles and torch, twice a work. Lotive plentt Creek Tuesday and Saturday at 9 e. m. Art Iv,' to ettemum; by 10% A. M. Leave Cos.:sing Tuesday and Saturday at 11 A. M. Arrive at Orcutt Crock by 12% P. M. 529 From Starneca to Callmansville. 5 miles and duck, ~... ;: '.: , ..:11.kt...E.%... .... ...,. tL'.:l.lll hir..ANS . 11. t. U , P . YIN IL" .t.aftilll a eNS .. 7ilea:bs & Cf'o., (5ue,..,...,N TO Rick .k. XVClttn.lless,) v,.'..r..r 1 i 0 i. ESA. L.. 1: i ; 1.114_,1 h; 11,S, and I 4 31 11er:I in '' lit oN, NAIL:.:;'.• %.-,:-, (.:, }Tit 'lsi v Alc , :S,;,ncl HUH. ' ~-,...1, t1 , ,,, , 1f v•ll:rt. , • : •:::;' % ~...- 1 1,., of W,-.1 :old Water ulyB 1 u'i)i - ',. ' A: .\. .:-;1)1N!_; AND COMMISSION ks ' . P. .ti e; 4 r.P.., 'Li" rsi tj. !rl - ',;: :, 7•' ifi . .:; a P:1 I. 4,3llllii:iSioll :`•viercliall#:.„ Acandvllle. 141 i STREHT, PITTSISITBS: PA' ,\ .~a t tits COM11111t)N , • ! . r. ii~S3 aßi 'i'. 4. \is ti. t„)),1_ • Ird lEMMEI=I9 t ti," D 1-tS i N N I \V ID iletgil,! m r. 11,11, Pl,tllit•C-. ;: A ta =A iI! e. .+4 Li a Lilt IR+ =TEEM Bei., ocr. - :,, , , , yat;th Ebati 7 Lti U.l S IMINIIMEM ( : I ii\. SS \ k i .1 . 1 i !_, 11J' Mil IM=ll ANI) ()I r.:C (ITIN 7s l y -- ••.',?.3ari!•l -:521.t,11 , E! ,-',l)"!l.Vfl.oTv,- 111111111M11111 iii 1. CLoTiN IVIStio4.4 I=llllllll (J . , L." 13,40r1 find •1, th• awivr kho It. .6% , 11 . 1 36LT, ; 1•I:tlity; V..•• i)/11 , ) FIRE-r 1; PAINT Pry olul Vuriti-uu , „ I;lasm and Putty. ••i i..•:7•41\ I",i, AND i4I.AZI",;(j, J. a H. f'IIII...LIP.S, 111;1114 s •T" E. C.44.11T 144 1 . 4 . 1, 11,111E11n( L TV tri I /Lyto lolloti CLrIITIS, MATTING, &c., 12EMM - .'atat vitt Street Carpet Sto . • ` 4 I. a il. 'AI'CILI,U.s.rI respectfully •th., ,att•ntins ~ f their tuner eudt.eliere ,h 4 the 'white their pres,llt stuck, Sprint • v , ry latest et) le s 01 Ferelty, mei Home Mituufactlife, nonei.titig; iu Dart ,31 Velvet,: Titp,try 1.: , 1 C,Ii:11‘131 111;:flain I-termii :I , el i-ttiir cLovis Fhom 2 TO 24 I , :e7ET WIDE, Mau:, Skiir iiods, Canton aud Cocoa List, Vol LI sad Keg Carpete , Veuitittu Paiute:!, Butt ise'l teieu . . . IL 4ivt. ;:d pielt,ure to sh o w .nods Lo a;i v,Lat 111.1 . ) teBitouto of I rk ing or poreintBiug. and We itre determined to otier ilalutemet,t- t • ai;:t tt Ito may favor tat wilt: II call, rt ltit• old 87 FOUL'TLI Street, near Wood. W 11. WCA „41 cLoTti (:LoT INU —Of all kinds, "4„„ i•i„ck and at tIo• I , al. !(121) lot•r D' d : , .le6 I J. 5. H. I'IIILLI 011, CLOTIIS FOR IIkE FALL TRA )1".. We have ,an howl and ore daily I,Teiving thereto from our tr. :I /ilAll 1.111. r utahusc.torie, 7,7 Floor Vii• - ttitirt . Carnage Ti• timid rig. Tattle Craver, Tr, • ••atent, Ott- att•i huff anti ail klulin 4 Oil Cloth, utiteti riumrefitruialudtg. ether httr i rdriee. TrftElMi,i Virlll,loW Shad-o. ttf day au 1 olt tinkh—gold herder —I .; •i usher ntylol, and W•uilow Nl...reliant , anti et ecru will ti Lill it VI their ...opine our Btuck and priciei befit:, making their pe, itirtewhet e. J. it li. P 1111.1,11 , nolt 25 and 28 St. Clair r't••i t LI LOUR... CLuTIII7,--- tf t,or t.•; on I f rendts ur 1.; slit--al the Oil Cloth r—taleturd St. '2:dir street. J. I'S. F EN T[JR E. _ LLI I ; 1 4: N CO. have on hand., at ,!. and CLIAI It MAN • -,.. -c7.••t, a larg.• aw.,rnueut uI ha , C) :! V:111 ~.II if) per ceUt. I, u. , ,!.•!1 . 1.11 • ka..411 orly. %VT 0131) E L!, ' FURNITURE AN I , v GI; W1301 , ,n!e end It t i , embriscilw. 1,,T Dino 1,1 .I, IIIIILnLaW :Ind 11 all.ut, fk.r , n;111 1 / 1 11 1 1lig, itourvs, equal t, , IIL 1 1 1 •Lrn • L.. 1 . n 11,141. N:sury ti. 1.;• . . Clibilit-tnakt . : , Slll ,- I'l' L; 1,1 1 . 011A.111.:S, i• hiLLL , 1e nail :11, , n1111. ;•artlinlied at the 714 TllllO, Str,—;, i'•• htiproveilavni in Book itiuditig. I) EEsIGN r:1) 11AVING ‘ , ...1: ‘ 1,,JJ NJ, j. j.tbu'llittout 1.0 11, ku j. -• I ~ . .1i ,4111 , ()Hen, !t. - • W ELDEN t 111) Jr: ‘110,11 . 1 . • 1.1 ^L'InR!).:7,I‘V,II,I, , rlut•10 eirgt—iii 3 • 10,4 L,1.1.114t.; t 6.. 1,1„,•1. the Gook 11 Intirl i,revtint 0,,• from gagging wh. n the Book ; „-"iii ol , Second—The carriage c o n i l eig • whit la tire in-iertnii it. all orw , which wu.a, • • 031h' prevent the Book,. fa ian weiwing n chafing in :fit!! the cice• ui no feiitintZ pi ecr. A. H. it:AVANT), AND CHI LDRENS' Gum, Over su.l sm,,teis, cheap, at the Peoples' `hoe Store, Nit 17 Netth iitreet., nem Merkel. fn.!) DIEFEINBACHER A Oir NZ-.l:' CA LF, Buffalo and Gum Overshoes • et DIFFENBACEIER A CO.'S., No, 17 Fifth street. OW 4,PPY Th tide f ' , l : O tnakin - e PRESENTS is near at. banal — . Mak! glad the heart ef vonr wife, child or friend, by prelontiec. them with a pair of new SIWEE or GAITERS, from the w. li. known Propie's rlhcx Store. Clean' Laidiee, Buys um! Oteititrec's war,. et ^very (10 , 41", iption at PRICES GREATLY ItrI.DUC DIFFENBACILKR & CO., lA N 0.17 Fifth sti - Det, near Market - - REAT AITTION SALE, of Dry Good*, A A M. A .,. A C.'s, Nu 25 Fifth street. i 5100,001 *-70: tit .1 1 ;,,,41,± of every description wil, be loin s IA if at auction, And at retail at auction prices. AUCU'r' LE') EVtIRY DAY, From 10 to 12 and 2 to 4 o'clock. tan,,tic lioustittuotting Goods, Cloths, Cassitner, Satinett.., Venting 4, Chocks, Juana, !At., dee:. t; 0 1510CARTNEY, Auctioneer UTTER. -3 bble. fresh roll, for Bale by 'Ate W. H. faIITH • 01,) ;WS. IL iIIINTEci 'a N, ~!,2" :.n' IMI, M 1 !, 31 - EANS 4 1 1 CO., H /NM ().1 Si .11! r:1.1! 11. 1'1111,1.1.1' t%t 11111= =MEI MEE M ISCELLAN EOU S. UNITED STITES MILS. o:rFfeE DEPARTMENT, rt-brnary 1. 1858. 1.).1(01'O:7;ALS for or nveying the mails of the States, from July I Stio, th,• ronti, in t h Si.:lo , Of PIONSYLV it the riietraet officio of this depitritim ut , t ‘l4rcli 31 ucxt, t bu docliled by April '2l 3:1 C,1111.•int1n , ,,, by Crosrungville and Edanboi.,' t. , Waterford. 30 and back, twice a 1,.. ivy C. - II !).•:113tV1110 on Monday and Weolinday, at 7 \ v .41 t\B P M t • W itcrfard Tuc4day and Tinurealay at 7 A. M.; at itio.utv.ile tv SP. nnu Hanover, by Id , tl..qd , u and Monocacyviilc, }id.. Entrad ',burgh, and back, three t)inc• n wock. d'u,•,da), dhur.day and Saturday, nt I •• ho 11 P. Al. V.lolll , lt4tail glk iw iuy, Tlllll - 9,1.1) . nmi !`111111" twice a week. Lei.ve Starucut Tuesday and Saturday at I P. 51. A rriro at Thll'lllll9', i I.y P. M. Leioe Tuesday an Saturday at 101-_ A. 51 Arrive at St arucca in time to connect with the mail trim Sum - 1110room Depot—say at 12 M. NOTES. Priipisals mils; be guarantied by two responsible persons. certified to as such b: a postmaster or judge of a coart of record. No pay will he mado for trip, not performed, and for each of such omissions not atticettatcnily explained three timu; the pay of the trip linty lio -. i t - dn.:RA. For arrivals so far be hind time a; to break connexion with depending mails. Mel i. , t fdlriC'entl!, eXCic.,.l. one-f..lit'th 4. , f the compensation ler the rcip t-, sulj It to fin tenure. Flues will be ifinputied, uu li s -, tlic del in.ineticy l• - sicistiirtorily explained, for negli ct log to take the Jr itl I. .on or int, ii p at iflice; for suffering it n! lie itjnrd.il , straw , d : r lilsal. or lst: and for refusing, Ater dc.iiiiti: to 0,,,,-y the mail as frequently as the con tract, 1 tic ....r et i enccroe 1 In running, velii - les on the rout - Ihe Po-cm/ester iiimend may annul the contract f r 1,, ,, • - itlr 11, 1....0... I:1, ..0., ,, . r kil.itrtl.l;(.lB of the deport tie rt. it' iitii alt., - IF,- Sche.h . .l.,, ;klid alai order an in ere,. of service b) 06.0.0..., ttielef , r It pro rata increase on th - con i raci pay. lie May ..60 curtail or dhiCC.I/tintle the 8 , 1, ice in witch• or in part, at pro rats decrease of pay, al lowing otie month', ~II - , I .oinp,r, ftio i on the enEete t of eery et. f 1 el fe.e, I I wit. , file whorl-. 1 be addressed to the '• Scianol As - is taut l'os toaster U encfaids-l ' -- super cribed •• Pit poidls for Mail nerVif 0., ht:stey,l '-,..--..- _," For„. 1 , ruin of pip-eta:ls. ttel. itfid other iniormation. see qill thi,,l, , -,,,,,„• ofiii 1,1.L41.1,16L furor, 111,41 zilii.... the get, er .11 :t.tv-, t ..,,, ~L .. ~ , . .i.. t! ' ai . i , :' , lii. e, th•ted loth J,,,,ki. eir:,, ISoti, .t.L it. - !.r.l,C.inti p:. orrieei. - ~-...... AAIi : N V. BROWN, Postmaster Cameral. t.; . ,;r4e.fral Ztlat4.e 1 1 1191 Pe. AND NI 6ST cEit,r.NIN SPEC!. LATE , ..F ES--ON Ll' ONE .Ll./111. PrAt :•11.11 - t tho..tud duliArs w-rti. .11 .I<wriry, to id to forty i•--, .• 1.4 r, I w ...rt.! ;-t .r 1111111).•rt•: c, , i; I, J,lnu +l.i.,ne in the u.i.wtJve notj 4i it V 1 ,14 •1 lnut.rrty. When tru• ntotit 111,V 1 , 6011104 d. .it ,'•, f q c:, thrutu_ t• .c• L'inr. "hal i 6, rr I.t•'•/ it. t110ii:01 ttm w hot, u ~r ..mung thoin ; itl ter ItI.LIk tip., I , 'i Committee to G0,.u1,-.1,1i b. !litiArt•ll , tHttt 10 it/Millet or mina nu t, m .4 Lit prop., ty, ac•Atrditig to the ,inrc tt.,,,,t the Sini,l.g4d,•r.. ~,id I st.ml then deliver the •.'titarettold,rB tipp. , ,,t t.. 11t.L.t.t111.1 LLr 4:511,1•. It, st LlStiftt! 1.1,F1,11....t., 111 thr,t! •1 ,intt ...turd $'2..'1 , t0, And t,it,airyJ.trlllug lIOLISItti ItLlti lots ttti 111. 111 IPit I) t .11 immti ,trul il.,liqpilutlAu; Chi ;,: .prrty con•ii,t4 t 1 11,[ticret um: , ti , o largest and ,i,•vit.iry `taros iu the •it) Dow, . lisp taco , h.- Mork con-i-I it, V 14' line Gal-; `lit:, I 11..r.ttlutg Lvvor ‘5,1••11- tin, Gold vet' I Lever. I,pin, and 011 e -r W , ad, Locket,, Ear King". Broaelies. Bracelets. Diamond and altar kings and :studs, tae , Nola, .Silver aml !Aced Spe, melts, Gobi ni!ti whin, rildNer atel rlther PI de: Ware, consisting ut Ten dots.liask•its, Spo. ms, Li elv, Se Etc. Aiso, Freon la Clerks, M nee Aecccle es coe, 1 , 11 . !a great eariety a niter .!ands. suave is not one of Elbe., schemes which are devised to ete trap the unwary. but ;tad will he a fair sale of the entire property beionging to the sabsiiriber, pm sons are positivt ly assured the stock has tint been purchased for the parpos,• doception, ii, to palm stiCiallnion Gilt and Plated Jeweity, for Ilse ()old, none such will be distributed, the most reelect able persons are gi roe a., role, unces, to those disposed to par chase shares. All orders by Nlail encicsing the money will be promptly attendod to, ami receipts forwarded tee the ad dress A the sender, by return mail. Any person sending ten dollars at one ti sit& I :Let:Mei:eleven separate receipts, is as many separate Minted if desired. g-A„,ln writing for shares, please write the name of the Post tithes, to which yen wish the answer directed. This is the greatest chance of getting a large aluouut of valuable properly, for , +Urn. a, Ir ti ever before been offered the pu 6l ic. Retel on your milers, tis shares aro sidling rapid ly, and it is confidently expected the distribution will soon be made. Artie] 1010( taii to p.•r~ous et a Sietaw , •, Htll be soul to thorn of their ex pi 11H, . . *A, Agents wuutoti ill every town aud village. AU con Ennukatiout, mult be add reseed to L. R. BRUOMALL, No. nu South Sccoud street, abort, Chesnut, UtifIiBERT & SON, 51 Market street 10„ attend to the male and ton,hale Estate, rent lug Ilinseir, and collection of ['etas, insurance and repaint loans. making conveyances, deeds, hunth, etc., wrktiug le,ter, and cur, with Inn - tons abco,nl A .1 baninrsi nttt Udell 1.1. , promptly, anti in ritrkt confidence El Market street, Pittsburgh. t (Awns of inquiry must al ways enclose a p 'stage stamp tit pay return • HOUSES FOR RENT-- By S. CUTUBERT & SON, 51 Market At. comfor4abie two story dwelling house on Ross a rest, at head of Pifti, - 4pi r month. A two story dwelling, un Duquesne street—slo per mouth. A touveuie.it dwelling house on Logan street—slso per year. A three story Mies, of nom rooms, on Third street, at Ple per year. A duel ling him, of Min rooms and kitchen, with large lot of ground, ou 11:gh strem, MJunt Washington, $lOO per year. Two :urge warehouses on Third street, near Market. Two small houses in Spiaue's Court, near Fith street, $6,25 per month. A two story frame 11011 St of four rooms, ou Careen Street, South Pittsburgh, at per mouth. A large brick house with garden, fruit trees, etc , In Alb. ghony city—s3oo per year. A store loom on Third street—sl2o per rear. A dwelling house on Third street, near Market. A war ehouse on Market street, No. 24, A dwelling house on Wylie street—s2oo per year. A large shop on Third street can be had for two years. 4 'More and rent, , corner Market and Third streets, D WELLING HOUSES FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS:— Grant street—Three three story: houses, well arranged . each with back buildings. Third street—A three story house, large and convealeut Logan street—. 4 dwelling house of 7 rooms. Fultou street—Two three story dwelling houses. South avenue—A two story brck lease of 8 rooms, with large lot of ground, stable, carriage house, tie. Rubinson street—A two story brick Louse. Franklin street—A good house of 8 rooms. Carson street—.A two story house, and two lots of ground. Penn street—Three large dwelling houses. Minersville—A house and one sire of ground—liesiilee ninny others in Allegheny, South Pittsburgh, &r. de _:9 S. CUTHBERT & SON, 51 Market street. FOR RENT.—A two-story Dwelling House A_ (Gothic style), pleasantly situated on Mt. Washington contains seven rooms rr ell arranged. carriage house stable, and spring of good, soft water, convenient. Rent, $lOO per Also, can la bed with the above, if desired. a Green House and Fire Acres of Land in good date of cultivation, two acres of which nre in strawberries of choice quality; the remainder is covered with :\ ursiry Trees of all kinds, ready hr the gardener is get into a profitable business. drawler, y-idsals sod roed wed be sold on accumem. dating terms, and ti lease of the house and grounds can be ; tad or n term of years. Apply to ja 21 S. Cur 1111E1tT & 51 Market street. A URI;AT BARGAIN.—For sale, a com fortable two story brick Dwelling Mese, with two lets of groend, situate on Carsekt street, South Pandang, short disboice from the Manonvah.la Fledge. .555 a ,"'it!ri-E , f , t - ",!.7 A ,:fs.t. Nfarkof 5! TWO LOTS, on Federal street, Allegheny city, for sale by S. CUTHBERT A SON, deli 51 Market street. N H TUE CONE3IAUG RIVER.—Fcr sale a Valuable Farm iu Westmoreland county, 2 1 ,.: miles from Blairsville, on the North Western Railroad, l'S; acres of choice laud, 90 acres; in cultivation, a young orchard of 10 acree, .30 acres of ox:ellent timber. it new dwelling house of 6 rooms—price, $7OO. Terms easy. Real estate in the city will be taken in part pay. Ja27 S. CUTHBERT A SON, 51 Market Street. UENA VISTA.—For Sale.—A two story frame house, of four r,orns and kitchen, paled fence In front, a bake even, Ac. Lot lea front on Monterey st. in Buena Vista, extension of Allegheny city, by 110 feet deep, to an alloy. S. CUTHBERT & HON, deol $1 Market street. INES AND LIQUORS.—The best qual ity of Brandy, Wine, Gin, Jamaica Spirits, Old Rye Whisky, Irish and Scotch WliLiky, London Boner, Brown Stout, Marlyn/pas Wino, on nand and tor alio U 3 PATTON, Jr., novlt 411114064 OW. ;I_,EV El, AN D & Pll TSBURGH RAILROAD, a 7 2 ._ PiTTSBURGII. COLUMBUS THE CLEVEL. A.N 1) AND PITTSBURG!" RAILROAD OOMPANY, AND THE PITTS "L N IB , . •CI N:.‘, ATI RAIL. WAD COMPANY, having tuado arranguluout with the PITTS— FV. 11 Ai Ai, A). , _ll. Ato RAILROAD COMPANY, for the ,t-int use of their limn' between Pittsburgh Ito Ire ter, r Iheir Tr,,m4doili. (Snadaya excepted,) au follows, commencing MONDAY, January 25th, 1.848: LEAVE. i ARP.IVE. I AP.11.14E. i Asatvg. Cincinnati Exptee. Pittitburgii, ft ove A. hi. -teolteuville, 9:45 A. hi.• Columbus, 5:20 P.M. Cincrti 10:00 P.M. Clt veiand a. i , ,i , ~ 6.45 " I ~ 10:45 " 1 WheePg 1:2:10 P.. 11 CleVelLitla, &Lb " Chicago, —.— Wheeling, Cincinnati Ethrtim-i ' 2:34 P. It I 5:49 P.M. I " 7:2,4 " Columbus, L5O A.m Cinci'ti 8:, m 00 A. 9toub. Accoin'tion ' - 4:00 " Wellsville, 6:44 '' I Steob'ville 7:50 P.. 11 The 6:00 A. 11: and 2:34 P. .il Train i run through to Columbus without change of cars, making direct connections for Utlton, I t1 , 1141111p011:1, CI Ile i h 1.111, t A 41.0:1110, Cairo, and st. &nib. ilia 6:40 A. :deiraiit ;trite at all statione, and connects at itayard with train on Tnscarawas Branch for New Philadel• phia, and all ',time on that It„ I. At Llwition with the C. Z. &C. R. It. for Cuyahoga Falk and Akron. At Cleveland with Cleveland anti l'oiedu irallioad for Toledo, Detroit, Chic.tgo; and at Chicago with all railroads leading to the North wert Alto. it :th Lai, Sti.,r. , I-till:owl for Erie, Dunkirk, Buffalo ' Niagara galls, and Canada. The ti,45 A. M. and 2..34 P.. 11. Trains crop at all Stations on the River Line, and connect at Wheeling with the Baltimore and duo Railroad for Cumberland, liarper'e Ferry, Battu:um ~ and Washington City. At Bellealr with the Central Ohio tlailruad for Zanesville, Circleville, I,auctister, Wilmington, t ...,:.. 1 he 4 P. M. Oceuuenv illy Accommodation stops at all Way-Stations. At:11;10*Na TP-AINS iron' Cincinnati arrive in l'ittsburgli, re 10110 WA : 'that leaving einCilltl2o.l at 4:=o P. M. rune through without change of cars, and arrives at Pittsburgh 7:60 A. M. This train on Saturday evening rune throctl) through to Fittebur.tti, and paesengere can leave for Phi I iLdtlphla via I.',..allleoyiV:le Ilia 1.01A11,131.1 On Sunday evening uL 10 P. M. That teavirg Cincinnati iit ti.uo A M. arrives lu Pittsburgh at 8:50 P.M. Tart above Trains wit' mLup on signal 01 the Station Agent, at any Station between Pittsburgh and Rochester, to take up passengers going to at.) point on or beyond the Lint) of tin !toad. Traub will also stop to leave passengers coming from this Itroad to any ctatten bet IVVOLI ROClllaiter and Pittsburgh. Paesengent desiring to go to Chicago. ~,- points beyond Chicago via Cleveland, Atha ask for 7tiC.k.d..l via Cleveland. Pa..eager, de-ming, to go to Columous, UILICIIIII4ItI, or St. Louis, or points beyond Columbus via Steubenville, cowl ask fur 'l' ickets vin Steubeiani , e. f:fer Baggage checked through to all principal points, and transferred free of charge. .For Tickets and all itilorination, apply to likillltll.6 PARKIN, at the Ticket Office, Penn Street Depot. F. lt. NI iEItS, General Ticket Agent, C. ic P. It. It., Cleveland. JAMES FARMER, Sap't, C. &P R. R., Cleveland I. A. IitiTCLIINSUS, tleuertil Ticket Agent, P. C. & C It. R., Columbus ja."lii W. W. 11 %GLHY, Superintendent, P. C. & C. H. R., Columbus. RAILROAD NOTICE. The Pittsb'h, Ft. Wayne f& Chicago RAILROAD COMPANY, WITH ITS AMPLE ROLLING STOCK and equipment, and its through counectious,is pre pared to transport Passeng , irs and weight from PHILA. DELPLA and PITTSBUIRJ LI to CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, IN DIANAPOLIS, CI NCI N N A TI, and all places West and South west, with a great degree of regularity and expedition. The fact that this Road toms a direct and consolidated line between Pittsburgh and CiliCligU, is a autlicient guar• antee that its Trains will make good time, and connections with Trains on other Road. PASSENGER TRAINS, LEAVE • - - - Pittsburgh.' Ft. Wayne. U. S. Mail, 5:30 A. M. I 5 :00 P.M 0:0., I'. 51. Express, '2:15 P. M. 10:05 P.M 5:45 A. M. BEACH CHICAtIV—U. .. Mau at 5:35 . 4 Express at 2.1./0 P. M. liIIAC/ICINCINNATI—U. 5. Mail at 0:53 P. 51.; Express 7:00 A. M. AU Trains utak° close connections at Grestline for Colum bus, Cincinnati, Indianapolis arid St. Louis; also, at Fort Wayne with Trains on . Wabash and Western Railroad for Lafayette, Central Illinois and St. Louis ; also, at Forest with Trains on the M. It. et L. E. It. it. RETURNING. - - - From Chicago. I Ft. Wayne. Crestline. I Arr.Pttsb'g 1.1,5. Ma11,.-..8,45 P.M. I 5:30 A. M. .12:55 P.M I . 9 .10 P. 51. Express, n,OO A... 1.1 LOU . P. M. 1u:05 P. M. 7:2.5 A5l These Trains make CLUCK, connections with Trains for Phil adelphia, Baltimore and New York. Trains from St. Louis, Indianapolis, Cincinnati and Colum bus make close connections at Urestline with all returning Trains. At Fort Wayne, Trains from St. Louis. Central 1.111- twit., Lafayette, and intermediate places, connect with above Trains. At Forest, connections are made with Trains to and from Cincinnati, Springfield and Dayton. AiXIOSISIODATION TitAlNS—Leave New Brighton for Allegheny, at 7:00 A. ...and 1*.:30 P. M. Leave Allegheny for New iiiighton at 9:45 awl 4:30 P. 51. To accunimodate way travel,. Passenger Cars will be at niched to Freight Trains; leaving Pittsburgh at 8:45 A. 51d Crestline for Alliance, at 5:55 A. M.; Alliance fur Crestime, at 6:30 A. , - .'ild and Alliance for Pittrititlrgh at 7:45 A. M. BAtIGAtiE Cll.Bloli. ED Tilitiltitiii, and no charge fur handling. For Tickets and further inforri,adon apply to A. T. J' II IN SON, Agent, at the Great Western Railroad Office, directly on the corner, at the Monongahela House, Pittsburgh, ur to Geo. Parkin, Passeugertitation, Penn Street, between Wayne and Cauad; It. F. PATRICK No. 80 Dvarborn street, oppo site the Trumunt Ilnusc, Chicago, cr to the Agents at the Stations on the line. TO UOJIMENOE oN !,101,DAY, January 25th, and con time until further notice. J, J. HOUSTON, o,', Paser. and Fr't. Ag't. W. IsOR . R3, Peid'r. Agent, Chicago. ja26 11. 1 0itE, Superintendent. 1111PSBURAiii& CONNELLSVILLE -Fglazga as ANL E 3 OAD. Tax Pittstrurgh and Conaoli4villo Rail road le now fur the transportation of paesongcrs and freight to and I out Pittsburgh and Connell:Mini. connecting with the Peunayl vania Central Railroad At Itrinton's Station. Arrangements Lae e also been made with the Pennsylvania Contra) Railroad, by which through freight to Philadelphia •ttol Baltimore • Had from points on the Pittsburgh and Councilsa Ole .-tr . I ott, on itiVOTHNO I', its IttINN!NO iF TRAl,,,S.—tin And atter Monday, nth i \t!li Le run daily, exi,`,./t IW lOW'S : AM TRA t leas, Pa,acnger Station co' in. Perumylvant.‘ i:ailro?ol. Si Pit L.5, , 1NZ,11 al 7:00 o'clock, s arriving at Conaelisviiio At l'_;:eu A M. EX PRESS PASsii:Nbi TRAI leaving Pittsburgh at 4:20 o'clock, L . M., not Counclinville at 5:20 al itErir%NuNci.—EXPliESS TRAIN will leave Connwllrr villa at tS o'clock, A. M., connecting with the Johnstown Accommodation Train the Pennsylvania Railroad which arrives ut Pit talinrab I i 11 M. . . MAII, TRAIN, 4,010 Rt '2:00 P. M., ~,„i ct,ntlectm with thv 'rnsin, Pn. l'orltinylvnili. ,rrlv4. tu PlLL:;Unrgil at 6.10 p. Triti 11 'ollllcf Ce With ithilt lilt', 14111'8 c hop fl,r Jut , ql 11. Vrovtbarg, Cutubt•rland, Ala. at W NtiWttill a i,l ~,clll4 Ihr 'Mount PltaLatht, ; , hrhorArt, Harlin, Sandpatch, nud Onlborland. Ticket, can bo had from Tiek.a Agola. Ltiii Pennayl‘ an in Railroad l'ammengor Dip it. do:i0 11. ki,Ac!iri INI Suraalht.ndtoo N vi - Es - s'caN kuaturrE, To CINCINNATI, LOUISVILLE R.nd ST. LOUIS VIA PITT:A:WWII, IT. WAYS E aud CIIICA11,) AND CI NCI NN AT!, HAM- LION gt. YTUN I I ). VIA. VELA\VAIU CUT-OFF ttA. Din may 399 mites from IN.C.'stfuryll L.. anciututh FrlllS LINE '1 , 4 ,ouip,,,e,t of Roads of the First Class, aud located through a beautiful and highly cultivated portion of the State. Direct connection is made at Cincinnati with the Ohio and 'Mississippi Badtread, (the trucks of the C. It. Ai D. At 0. /4 Nl. Roads, Wing connected, for Louisville, Evansville, Memphis, Natchez, St. Louis, Vicksburg, New Orleans. Connection made at St.. Luifie with the Pacific Italic...ad and I.ll6souri River Packute, fur KANSAS AND NEBRASKA, And all points Woe.. Also at Cincinnati with Kentucky Central R. IL, far Lexmgton, Danville, Frankfort and all points in Central Kentucky. Trains leave Peuu street Station as follows : 3.30 T u h t r , ngh to Cincinnati o cinnatiwit r h one c hag fcurs, S . riving at 8:48 P. M. - Express Passenger Train, ar 2: 15 P. M. riving in Crestline at 10:05 A. M., Cin. 8:00 P. M. ea. BAGGAGE CHECKED TIIROUGLI. Fare as Low as any other Route. For all information, and Through Tickets, apply at the Ticket Mee, corner :ilonongaliela House, or at Penn street Station. ./c - Psssengers desirous of going this route will ask for Tickets via Delaware Cut-Off. J. 11. 510t/13F., Supt. P. IL W. & 0. it. it, DAN'L McLAREN, Supt. C. 11. & D. R. it. nor 26 ITENNEDY' MEDICAL DISCOVERY.- 10 dozeu on hand mad for solo by FAIINIOSTOOE en. oaks on hand and for sale by 1d.16! B. L FAHNKSTOCH k CO COPPERAS. -10 bbls on hand and for sale by [dt.ls! B. L. it AHNESTOOII d CO 10t EEF BLADDERS WANTED.—The high oust prioo paid for Beef Blade - a, at B L. NAHNESTOCE & CO'S, nov3o Corner Wood and Fourth streets. D YE WOODS.-300 bbls. for sale by tlel7 B. W A F 4 UN EBTOOK ._ 4 ANGANESE.-5000 lbs. for sale by hI. B. A. 'MI MI :STOOK di CO., 0:-..,.., :.4 W,wl ort•I Yi..t. era*, CIOPPERAS —lOO bbls. for sale by PAINT' BRUSHES, assorted sizes; 300 IA on hand and for sale by B FAIiNESTOCK A CO.. tAnor-o , v-e. to ineming A YER'SCHERRY PECTORAL AND la. CATHARTIC PILLS.-20 gross each on hand for sale t,y fuovifil B. 1 FAUN &STOCK k Co. ALLEN'S N. AND B. LINIMENT.—Ten gross on hand and for sa by ! L'All , :le!,erw:74 . A on CIIININEI"rOPS.-100 tiothie Chimney Tope, of variona boautiful pottoroa, for aml 13 by oce R V )I,LIN p _____ YE FLOUR-20 bbls. in store and for sale by id 02.51 lIIINRY 11. CoLLINS. I2l.RD—in kegs—for sale by 4 nov7 ![K K.U. COLLINS. I[4EGGS.-3 bbls. Eggs. this day, rec'd and 'll4. 4 , sr omb , i.. 1.1.1 V.; ITFSaY. LT. , 1. - :1 LInY. CIIEESE.-500 boxes prima, for sale by Ja4 irgNl2tY IL COLLINS. TI RESSED HOGS.-14 Dressed Hogs fur 1 . 5 ~ 23 e by Oat! lIVNE.Y EL 0.)1.1.1N5. IIUTTER.-3 boxes prime roll, received LI ass 'bi- .41, , by 16-31 uI4NRY H. COLLINS , QTARCH.-200 hxs Rochester Pearl Starch for said by Pie:4Bl 4.I4NRY 11. Ck - N..;,1N5.. LASS.-2 0 0 boxes Window Glass, for sale 4p I no• 17 ' €:t.:4 ii 1 . H. ("4-ILLINS. I DIET-200 barrot •esL_ time, for sale by de23 [JANUS IL COLLINS. —2OO bbls. for sale by jai HE U. coLLiNe. DERE RYE WHISKY, Old French Brandy .0.. and Port :Vine, for medicinal parposea, at az,cl,B JOA. STOVES, STOVES, STOVES. The "Tropic " Cook Stove, the best improved, as well as the heaviest of that:llz. now made. Parlor and Chamber Stove. The Ida," conceded by all who have seen it to be the most hamlsome and cirminienial Stove In Pittebnrgb. Call at the I rmi City Stave Warehouse , T. J. CRAIG it CO., Nu, 131 Wood lams. AND CINCINNATI RAILROAD LINE, VIA STEUBENVJLLE RAILEOADS. Winter Arrangement. 1858 UN AND AFTER. MONDAY, JAN. 18Ta. PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD SEVEN DAILY TRAINS THE FAST MAIL TRAIN leaves the Passenger lion every morning, (except bunday,) at 8:05 o'clock, Pittßb,.gh time, arriving in Philadelphia at 11:50 P.M. THE EXPRESS TIi.AIN leaves tue Station every evening at 9:60 o'clock. Stopping only at Greensburg, Latrobe, Johns town, Willmore, tiallltun, Altoona, scc., connecting at Har risburg with the Train direct for Baltimore. and arriving in Philadelphia or Baltimore at 1:00 o'clock, P. M. ACCOMMODATION TRAINS: TILE JOIINSTOWN ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves daily (except Sunday,) at 3:30 o'clock, P. M. stopping at all stations, and running as far as Conemaugh. FIRST ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Turtle Creek Bridge leaves daily, (except Sunday,) at 10:40, A. M. SECOND ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Turtle Crook, Leaves daily, (except Sunday,) at 4.20 P. St. TIURD ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Turtle Creek, leaves daily, (except Sunday,) at Cali, P. M. RETURNING TRAINS arrive In Pittsburgh as follows : Express, 1:43, P. M 4 Mail, 5.00 A. M 4 Johnstown Accommo dation, 11:00 A. M.; First Turtle Creek Accommodation, 8:50, A. M.; Second Accommodation, 12:40, P. M ; Third Accom modation, er.lo, P. M. Trains for Blairsville and Indiana, connect at Blairsvile Intersection with mail train East, Express train West, and the Johnstown aocomodation train East and West. PITTSBURGH AND CONNELLSVLLLE TRAINS, stopping at all Stations on the Pittsburgh and Connell!. vine Road, leave daily, (Sunday excepted,) as follows : MAIL TRAIN, 7.00 A. M. EXPRESS TRAIN, 4.21) P. M. RETURNING TRAINS from Pittsburgh and Connellsville Road, arrive at Pittsburgh, ILOOIA. M. and 6:10 P. M. The traveling public will find it gratly to their in terest, in going East or West, to travel by the Penney .vania Railroad, as the accommodations now offered cannot be eur paased on any other route. As the Road Is ballasted with atone, and is entirely free ttona dust, we can premise safety, speed and comfort to all who may favor this Road with their —TARE : ro New York. $13,001 To Baltimore. " Phi ta&lpti • 10,00 " Lancaster. To Harrisburg, $7.46. . . Baggage checked to all Stations on the Pennsylvania Rail road, and to Philadelphia, Baltimore and New York. Passengers purchasing tickets m care, will be charged ten cents iu addition to the Station rates, except from Stations whore the Company has no Agent. Ni.Y.PWE.—In case of loss, the Company will hold them solves responsible for personal baggage only, and fur an MMUnnt not exceeding $lOO. Y. B.—The Excelsior Omnibus Line has been employed to convey Passengers and Baggage to and from the Depot, at a charge not to exceed 2b cents for each passenger and bag gage. _ _ . For tickets apply to J. STEWART, Agent, At the P. R. R. Passenger Station, on Liberty and Grant street!, THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. .„ 5 . 4 TILEGREAT CENTRALROUTE,connecting 4 , 5 iithe Atlantic Cities with Western, Nurth-westerb and South-western States by a continuous Railway direct. This Road also connects at Pittsburgh with Daily Lino 01 iiteamern to all ports ou the 'Western Rivers, and at Cleve land and Sandusky with steamers to all ports on the in ill western Lakes; making the most DIRSOT, 0115APE,7 iiud &ELIA 1:1-6 1131.11 Y by which FREW lIT can be forwarded to and from the GRIST WEST. Hates between Philadelphia & FIRST CLASS.— Boots, Shoes, lists and' Caps, Books, Dry Goods, (iu boxes, bales and trunks,) Drugs, (in boXes,and bales) I I:feathers, Furs, ac. ,!;.)Vit CLASS--Domemtic Sheeting, Shirt-1 ing and licking (kr, original bales), Drugs (in casks), ilardware, Leather (in rolls or boxes), Wool, sad Sheep Eastward, Ac., dc. CLASS.—Anvils, Steel, Chains (in casks), Hemp, Bacon and Pork, Salted (louse or in sacks), Tobacco, mar/urea I tared, (except Cigars or cut,) Ae. , Ac. FOURTH CLASS--Cuffee, Fish, Bacon, Beef and Pork, (in casks or boxes Eastward,) Lard and Lard Cil, Nails,Soda Ash, Cer n/au Clay, Tar, Pitch, Rusin, &c., Ac. FLOOR—SI,OO 1)1 bbl. until further untie, CltAlN Iu car I,a l , 15 cm. 11 100 the. until further nut e. COTTLIN—S2 IA hale, not exceeding 100 the. weight, uticii further notice. In shippiug Goode from auy point East of l'uilet.!ob phia, be particular to mark package "Ina Perirt.ty/riinui Railroad." All Goods coualgued to the Agents of this Road at Philailalphia ur Pittaburgli, will be forwarded. without FIII10)11 Aants---Banis, Wormley & CO. Memphis, Teen ; It. F. StlB9 A Co., St. Louis; P. G. & Co., EVUIU3V 1 ud.; Durneenil, Bell A Co., and Carter & Jewett, bunisv; lie, tiy.; It. C. Meldrnm, Madison, hid ; 11. W. Brown A Co., Irwin & Co., Cincinnati; N. W. Graham & Co., Zanesville, olio; Leech & Co., No. 54 Kilby street, Boston; Leech & Co., Nu. '2 Astor House, Now lurk; No.l William street, and No. S Battery Place, New York , K. J. Sneeder, Philadelphia; \lagraw A Koons. Briltimore; 1). A. Stewart, Pittsburgh. li. HOUSTON, General Freight Agent. H. J. LOMBAEHT, Superintendent, Altoona, Pa. enyl pOTATOES.- 120 bus. Neshannock Potatoes, 60 do Peach Blossom Pdtatoes, Jut received, 11111 i for sae by JA,11.121. A. FETZER, 10 Waft.? afro-of. RYE FLOUR.- 15 bbls fresh ground Rye Flour, just received and for sale by JAMES A. FETZER, janl 89 Water street. GREEN A PYLES.- 20 bbls. green apples, Just received and for sale by oct2o JAS. A. FETZER., 89 Water street. QWE ET POTATOES.- to 40 bush. Sweet Potatoesjust received and for sale ',yid . JAB. L HIMINR., 09 Wittsw street. APPLES.- 29 bble. extra fine Rambo and Belleflower, " Vandiver, 100 " Ruesett Apples, just reed and for sale by JAS. A. FETZER, 89 Water etreet. F LOUR. 100 bus. choice Extra Superfine, 50 " • Superfine FlClllr ' just received JAMES A. FETZER. 80 Water street and for gale by drlB BLANK ACCOUNT BOOKS.—A large stock of every description, in store and for sale by W. 8. HAVEN, oct2B Corner of Market and Second streets CIDER. -10 Barrels Sweet Cider, for sale by JAM .8 A..FETZER, dec7 88 Water street. INDIA RUBBER INKSTANDS- Another lot of those airtight INKS, Just received end for sale by W. 8. HAVEN. wan Corner Market and Second a treete. DUFF AND FLEMING'S Book-Keeping, for sale at W. S. HAVEN'S, Stationery Warehouse, 102$ Corner Market and Second streeis. ENVELOPES.—Buff, Blue and White Laid, Adhesive, Cloth Lined and Parchment Paper du.; extra thick Cream Laid do.; Legal do.; Note do.; all sizes; for sale by W. S. H IVEN, oct3o Corner Market and Second sta. GASKET, Binders, Straw, Bonnet, and Fuller's Board, for sale by W. B. HAVEN, Noe. 31, 33 and 3.5, nov3o Corner Market and Second streets. TEAS. -30 lullf chests Young ilyson, Im portal, Gunpowder, Black Teas, in atom and for sale by JAMES PATTON Jr N EST INDIA PRESERVES. —lO dozen imorted, just received and for sale by REYMER t ANDERSON, dvsi I,T& j (EL LIES.-50 dozen Currant, Blackbery tp Orange, Quince, Peach, and Grape Janie% for sale by REYA.M.R It ANDERSON, BO Wnod otre.et. opponite St. Charlaa lintel D ICE.—Six tierces prime Rice, just receiv xt ed and for auk by MILLER RICEEThON, roTI2 Noe. 221 and 223 Liberty street. CIIEESE-60 boxes prime Western Reserve far gale by (+let W! IL SMITH. Jr (14) ELIZABETHAN.—A new Decorative wall Paper, Elizabethan design, Just received, and for sale W. P. bIARSRALL 8 CO.. A? Virnevl WALL PAPERI WALL PAPER! Cheap! —Received last week, 10,000 roll!, of Wall Paper, to e-AI at 1234 to 90 cents per roll. W. P. MARSHALL 8 CO.. 9t:102.4 No. ST Wood at.re.t. MOLASSES.— ..OM 25 barrels New Orleans; 2A " Baltimore Syrup, for sale by dell Fitt. ti. SMITH & C.). fIOFFE E.-150 hags prime Rio, for sale by 1 ..e i.. , 2 WM. R. sNIITH & Co. IN N DS.--A large variety for sale at WM G. JONNSTON 11" dtationary Warehouse, 67 Wood et FLOUR. -25 bills. Superfine Flour received and for flak, by NIWASTUILEBB, tdEANS A 00., fe2o Corner Wood and Water streets. WOOLLEY'S SALVE for sale wholeelae and retail at the Drug Store of JOHN HAW, JR., Corner of Wood and Sixth eta.„ Pittaburoh 1 4 -I RII - I — TS for Christmas and Now Year.— A: Best Layer Raisins; choice new figs, in drams aud pa per boxes, only 1et0.31 tb., at HAWORTH., BRO. k RRIWNLEIVB, in the Diamond. fIINNAAION BARK. lOO lbs. just redid 4.0 and far tuda by ideui f/AELN.WOOK * 00 . DOCTOR 1100FLAND'S CELEBRA k, PssFeran DIVER WAI PLALSI W T L , II D en F ec tiPtIF iI ti Y IA nx' JAIINDICE, Ciui s N 013.,, ,ri N l Eit in V 2 o :fr Uli am D . El3 du LLl .,d 7 w , DISEASES OF THE KIDNEYS, And aliD- I :ew Llver er t " " Such as n 3. nwarPfis Fullness, orthe lla4tyoeStalich Nausea , Heartburn, Disgustf r fullness the r ta Lations, Sinking, or Fluttering at the Pit of the Sto- mach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and Dltlicur Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Surtocatil g sensations when in a lying posture, Dimness of Vi3i Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Putt in the Head, Deficiency of Perspiratien, Yel lowness of the Skin and Limbs, Pain n the Side, Back, Chest, Lists, ats, Sudden Flushes of Heat burn ing in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil, and great Depression of In attributing such valuable properties to this remedy, of rash or unwarrantable assertion is naade,.but is simply etai..4 a fact; proven undeniably and conclusively by the esti dimity cures, ./.16. ,krivua. nee, under the rection of its illustrious originator, Dr. Hoofland, among all classes of European society, and from the immense mass ut testimony, from all parts of the American continent, accu mulated during the last ten years, in the hands et the pres ent proprietor. The prevalence of diseases to which tnc Gentian Bitters are adapted, it is with sorrow weeny it, is at must universal; indeed there is scarcely a family througnoal the whole extent of our country in which there cannot be found among its members that peculiar sallow and languid appearance denoting a diseased Liver, or an emaciated and muttering Dyspeptic. 'limn of what immense importance to this class of thvalld that a certain and reliable remedy should be placed witht their reach; one in which no baneful or injurious drug on tars into its composition • a remedy en which the patient can rely with the utmost confidence and certainty, and be assured from actual and tangible proofs that the article he is using really possesses the virtues attributed to it. Such a remedy es .1100FLANIYS GERMAN BITTERS." Thousands o dollars have been expended in its manufacture and diflusion throughout all parts of this continent, and the proprietor feels the greatest satisfaction in stating that there is no state county, or even village, where the Llodicine has been introduced, that there cannot be found numbers willing testify to its virtues. It is used constantly in the practice of a large number 0, the most prominent Physicians in the country, who have also added their written testimony in evidence of its great virtues. In conclusion, then, we would respectfully ask ut all those afflicted with any of the above diseases to give the Bitters a trial, and rest assured it will never be regretted. In proof of the statements above made, all ere invited to read attentively the Almanac published annually by the pro- prietor, for Farmers and Families, containing a great num ber of useful receipts, in addition to the testimony in favor of the Bitters, from the most prominent and well known in dividuals in all parts of the Union. All Agents for the Bit ters are authorized to distribute the Almanac gratuitously. Principal Office and Manufactory, 96 Arch street, Philadel piths, Pa. For sale wholesale by Druggists in all the principal and at retail by Apothecaries and storekeepers in every town In the United States and Canada, and by B. L. FAII.NESIoCK & GO. and Dr. tiEU. 11. ELE YSFit, Pittsourz;h. Jyl:Llydsw Ut all diseases aka great. Bra cause Springs trout neglect of Nature's laws SUFIPTEIIe NOT I WIIEN A CURE IS IiUARANTEED IN all stages of 6.htiliST DISEAS Eh, Sell-Abuse, Ner vous Debility, Stricture., (Beets, Uravel, Diabries, Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder, Mercurial Rheumatism, hero fula, Pains in the Bones and Ankles, Diseases of the Lungs, Throat, Nose aud Eyes, Ulcers upon the Bodyor Limbs, Can cers, Dropsy, Epileptic Fits, St. Vita's Dance, tuail all diseases arising from a dertuagetheut of the Sexual Organs, such an nervous trembling, loss of memory, loss 01 power, general weakness, dimness of vi,iou with peculiar spots appearing before tile eyes, loss of sight, wakefulness, dyepepeia, liver diseases, eruptions upon the Caen, pain in the back and head, female irregularities and all improper discharges from both sexes. it matters not from what cause the disease origina ted, however long standing or obstinate the case, recovery is certain, and iu a shorter time than a permanent cure can be effected by tray other treatment, even after the disease hair baffled the skill of eminent physicians and resisted ail tee means of cure. The medicines are pleasant without odor, causing nu sickness and tree from mercury or balsam. Dar ing twenty years of practice, I have rescued from the jaws of death many thousands, who, in the last stages of the above mentioned diseases had been given up to die by their physicians, which warrants me in promising to the afflicted, who may place themselves under my care, a perfect and most speedy care. Secret diseases are the greatest enemies to health, as they are the first cause of Consumption, hero . tale, and many other diseases, and should be a terror to the human family. As a permanent cure is scarcely over effect ed, a majority of the cases falling into the hands of lucent { potent persons, who not only tail to cure the diseases but rain the constitution, tilling the system with mercury, 1 which, with the disease, hastens the sufferer into a rapid • Consumption. lint should the disease and the treatment cot cause death speedily, and the victim marries, the disease is entailed j upon the children, who tire born with feeble constitutions, and the current of life corrupted by a virus which betrays itself in Scrofula, Totter, Ulcers, Eruptions and other art,- Lions of the akin, eyes, throat aud lungs, entailing them a brief a iistonce of suffering and coustgning them to an early grave. SELF AisUhE Is soother forruolablo enemy to health Mt nothing in the dread catalogue of human diseases entrees so destructive a drain upon the system, drawing its thou • sands of victims through a few years of encoring down to an unLimeiy grave. It destroys the nervous system, rapidly wastes away the energies of life, causes mental derangement, prevents the proper development of the system, disqualifies for marriage, society, business, and all earthly happint as. and leaves the sufferer wretched in body and mind, predis posed tu Consumption Anti II train of evils more to be dreaded than death itself. With the fullest confidence I tee sure the unfortunate victims of Self-Abuse that a permanent and speedy cure can be entsited, and with the abandonment of ruinous practices my patients can be restored to robust, vigorous health. Time afflicted are cautioned against the nee f Patent clues, for there Sr, so many ingenious snares in the columns of the public prints to catch and rob the unwary sufferers that millions have their constitutions ruined by the iri s compounds of quack doctors, or the equally poisonous Ittsburgki. 90c. /1 100 I 7bc. i Ittu 17,e, 135 c. thA boe. li/Cr 11.4 trunis wended as -Patent Medicine-a." 1 leave carefully ;am lysed man) of these called Patent Medicines wd find that nearly alt of them contain C,Trusive &IL-inate, which in ono of the strinigent preparations oi mercury and a de:, Lily pinion, which instead at curing the fists - ado dinithies the s), tem fur life Three-fourths of the patent uostrumF new Illie are put up by unprincipled and ignorant pere,ulib, w ito du ,t ;inner stand even the alphabet of the nur,' , rut me-dikkt, and are Lapin'. ly as destitute of any knowledge w the human system, hav ing one object only iu view, and that to make money regard less of cousequencea. Irregularities and all disown:a of nudes and females treated on principles established by twenty years of practice, arai WiLICLIULed by thowninds of the must realm liable cures. Medicines, with full directious, sent to any part of the United States or Commit., by patient, communicating their symptoms by letter. Business correspondence strictly un fideutial. Address J. SUM'AIIeiItVILLE, M. D., Office No. 1131 Filbert street, (old No. 1090 below Twelfth, Philarlelphis. Ici'':;ikAik - f•air4+4_ll l Me‘tkXl*Zitiji Private and Confidential Medical Advice 1 Al THE BUFFALO PRIVATE HOSPl- TAL—Established fur the cure of Syphilis ' Somalia We,kness and the Secret Infirmities of Youth audMatunty, by Dr. ANIOB & SON, Buffalo, N. I'. Office corner of Alain aud Quay atrisetn,(upritairti.) Au instrument for the cure of Genital Debility, or Nor t at nal Emissions, more properly known as Seminal Weaknt.ss, &c. Can be permanently cured in from fifteen to twvoty days, by the use of this instrument, when used conjointly with medicine& YOUNG MEN TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. AMOS At SON take Pleasure in announcing that they have invented a most important instrument for the cure ‘.,1 the above diseases., It has been subjected to a test by th, most eminent phySicians in London. Paris, Philadelphia and New York; it has been declared the only useful instrument ever yet invented, for the cure of Seminal Weakness,or any disease of the genital organs, caused by the secret habits of youth. Dr. AMOS & SON, in order to satisfy the most skeptica, as to the merits of their instrument, pledge themselves the In any instance where they may prove unsatisfactory aftei fair trial, the money will be refunded by returning the In strument in good order. Persons wishing the above useful Instrument will °beery. that the price, with the accompanying directions, secnrel • packed and sent by express, is ten dollars. NEW REMEDLES ANu CUBES. Dr. AMOS & SON may be consulted from eight o'clock icy the morning until nine at night, in every stage and sytup tom of the Venereal Disease, Gonorrhoea, &Wets, Secondary Symptoms, Seminal Weakness, Impotence and dtrictnrej us the Urethra, etc., with inviolable secretly. The treatment they adopt is the result of upward uf thirty years' extensive and successful practice iu Loudon. The most inveteree• cases of Venereal Diseases eradiated in eight or nine days. and cases of a slight nature in two or three days, at a mod erate expense. The cure effected without confinement ur hindrance from business', also, nodes and pains in the In,aet and limbs, effectually eradicated. A ()ERE WARRANTED. Dr. AMOS lt SON have devoted their attention exclusive ly to this peculiar class of maladies, and the relief they Lave consequently been enabled to render to their fellow creature is fully testified and groatfully acknowledged by convales cent patients and others daily arriving in town from all cart. , of the country, for the express purpose only or c;,useltat:oes while their exertions have bean crowned with the most e•g• nal advantages; yet from what they have experienced inquiring into the causes of these infections complaint (from their most simple condition to that of the moat genius and inveterated) they have always entertained the possibility of their prevention and removal, and likewise in variably found that the must horrible and mangnant forme of disease could almost always be traced to one of the 10,- lowing causes :—lgnorance, neglect, or the 11l effects of un skilful and improper treatment; therefore, Dr. AMOS SON have 1112CCOCUOli in discovering, in the selection of their remedies, a safe, effectual, and cautious course; omitting all combination of remedies which bear an equivocal character as well as those whose premature or injudicious applicati,n might be productive of bad consequences in the hand, e! private individuals. In short, the laudibl. , end of their re medies Is the lessening of a great mass of human misery by the atleubation, relief and prevention of those grievous 41- tlictiuns that are in re Iffy the secret ft-e ut life, and which, while they so extremely surround us, call Rhin,' fur our skill and interference for their extermination COUNTRY INVALIDS. Allegheny City Persona in any part of the world may be encceeemll2.. treated by forwarding a correct detail of their case, with t. remittance fur inedicinee, &e. Addrees Dr. AMOS zION, e.,rner Mnin and Quay atreenn Buq.lu. N. Y. j 1 TARRA_NT'S SELTZER APERIENT.- Another supply ~1 this valuable medicine just revel,. J JJ. Corner Diamond and Market ntreet. ed by fel 8 HAIR DYES.— Batchelor's, Uhristadora's, Wunda' awl Water'i Hair Dyes an hand and fur aale ERFUMERY—Of descriptions and prices, can be had at FLEMINt, 8, fel6 Corner Diamond and Marke. Nt:e. t. pAt-usiaN TOOTH PASTE, prepared under tfte snix , rviwion of Dr. iluilihen, Surgeon Den [lst, for sale try J 9.. FLEMING, ANOTIIER supply of Low & Sun's superior London Toilet SV.IO reeiV , ll If ,ChV, by JOE. Fl Corner Diainend and :darker Ktrece. THORN'S EXTRACT OF COPAII3A AND A SARSAPMILLi..A.—AmetLier supply of this eelebt , ,ted English remedy, Just received by JOB FLEMING, fe9 Corner Diamond and Market street. MINERAL WATERS.—BIue Lick, Bcd ford and Congreps Watera conatantly on hand at JOSEPH FLEMINWS, fr 9 Corner Diamond and Markat etnet. SIRE'S Ferrated Tinot. Bark an Elixir of Bark, on hand and for sale by 4•741 v. L :;v!2-477:PR" jJOGS.—Dressed Hogs, jnst received and for Bala by JAMES A. 'FETZER, , b , 14 69 Wet.? ZORPEDOES.-100,000 No. 1, just receiN ed and for Well lA.E9 Raja A AloiiT SUIENTIEIO INVENTION REYMER dr. ANDERSON, No. 89 Wood smolt MEDICAL. ~. Ll. 1E: ft:: A T i.l V E It . M 1 v TT ( LM 4 .17 F-4 Two set the 5.4.-It 411.4 They are not recorri mended as Univers:: Cure-alls, but simply Ic ~ 11.1 t their nartie pur 44. •,(vrt . VERMIFUGF, ft cape►ling Worms tron., human system, hii• 11 S 0 been administk:reL: ..vith the most satisfacton :-:•cults to various animal! subject to Worms, The LIVER PILLS ) ior the cure of LIVER COM PLAINT, all BILIOUS DE ANGEMENTS, SICK HEAD ,A( liE, &C. Purchasers will please • particular to ask fcif (T. t .tvic.uane s C 1( % FIPANFUGE • ti? 11 it I if If II ii - 1 • raKt, clfi as there are various , C,lcr preparations now the public, pur to I'c Verr,c).:ilu2r,e MIES )rt liig rl T L: av er I'lll6. 111 comparison , ith 11)r. McLANE's, arc Worthies fliCI t".;:;:i\iriiNE, Nic Lane's ',Tec , iliiiicre and Liver call now be had at Drug c,pecLalitt_ (- ;TL 1.. - IT,•71:1 - ..:;i3 BR 0' 8, PITT-;BURGII, PE 11 ) 4.,, - "FA,I 'LANE'S VERNIEFUGE AND LIVER PILLS —75 Froem on band and , for sale by B. L. FAHNESTOCK & CO. Corner Wood and Fourth !treat& 111)RIVATE DISEASES.-DR. BROWN'S ~ I ED ICA L and SURGICAL Offices, 4l7! No. 50 SMITHFIELD Street, Pitts gh, Pa. DR. BROWN IA an old citizen of Pitts- i pi;.4. burgh, and has been in practice for the 411 - 4,t 1,,t. twenty-five years business has• been confined mostly to Private and Sur. , gical Diseases. ; CITIZENS AND STRANGERS in need of a medical friend, should not t gc 11 tall to find out the sure place of relief. • 'TV- The Doctor hi a regular graduate, and ??., his experience in the treatment of a certain class of discos in. is a sure guarantee to the sufferers of obtaintng permanent relief, by the nee of his remedies and following his advice. DR. BROWN'S REMEDIES never fail to core the worst form of Venereal Diseases—e 1 Impurities and Scrofulous Affections. Also, all diseasi arising from a hereditary taint, whichruanifests itself in th., form of a Letter, psoriasis, and a great many forms of ski.. diseases, the origin of which the patient is entirely ignorant To persons so afflicted, Dr. B. offers hopes of a mire arid speedy recovery. SEMINAL WEAKNESS Dr. Brown'i remedies for this alarming trouble, brought on otten by [hat solitary habit of sensual gratification which the young and weak-minded often give way to, (to their ow e destruction,) are the only reliable remedies known in this country—they are safe, and make a speedy restoration to health. RELEUXLANISII Dr. Brown's remedies never fail to cure this painful dis• ease in a few daye—he will warrant a cure. flu also treuis Piles, Cheat, Gonorrhoea, Stricture s Urethral Discharges, male Weakness, Monthly Suppressions, Diseases of th.• Joints, Fistula in Ano, Nervous Affections, Pain in the Buck and Kidneys, Irritation of the Bladder, together with all diseas. ea of an impure origin. A letter describing the symptoms, containing a rte., dt rected to DR. BROWN, No. 50 Smithfield street, Pa., will be immediately answered. Medicine sent to any address, safely packed and secure from obszt ration. Office and Private Rooms, No. 60 Smithfield street, Pltiz• burgh, Pa. my' 5 IT IS NOT A DICE. Mrs. S. A. Allen's World's Hair Restorer. (II RAY HAIRED, BALD, or porBoris with VI diseases of hair, or scalp, read the following and Judge of the articles: Mrs. S. A. ALLEN'S zieLoßALsaircum, Or WORLD'S HAIR DRESSING, Id essential to use with the RESTORER, and is the beat Hair bre:zing for old or young extant, being often efficacious in cad. of hair fall ing, itc. without the Restorer. REV. H.. V. DEGAN, Editor Guide to Holiness. "We can testify to ita effects," to. PRESIDENT J. 11. EATON, L. L. D., Murfreesboro', Term. "Notwithstanding irregular use, the tailing off of hair ceased, and my gray locks restored to original color," dm. (REV. 8. B. MORLEY, Attleboro', Massachusetts. "it has changed the "Crown of Glory," belonging to old men, to the original hue of youth," he. REV. M. TIIACELER, (60 years of age,) Pitcher, Chenango county New York. "My hair is now restored it to nothing like a dye," itc. REV. D. T. WOOD. Middletown, Now York. " Jy own hair, and that of another of my faintly, hue greatly thicken• where alMOst bald," &c. REV. JAMES McKEE, New York city, recommends It, Ae REV. W. PURTEUS, Stanwich, Conn. "ft has met my most sanguine expectations, &c. REV. J. F. GRISWOLD, 11 ashington, N. 11. "It is really efficacious in restoring the hair," &c. REV. O. M. SPRATT, Lewisburg'', Pennsylvania. "We CAI 3 and do cheerfully recommend it," An. REV. J. P. TUSTIN, Charlestown, South Carolina. " The white hair has become obviated," dm. REV. AMOS BLANCIIARD, Meriden, N. H. "We think very highly of your preparation," &c. REV. B. C. SMITH, Prattabtirgh, N. Y. " I was surprised to find my hair turn as when I was young," ftc. REV. C CLLNii, Lewiston, Pennsylvania. " Ithas stop. pad my hair falling and caused a now growth;" REV A. PRINK, Chatanque county, Nev. York. "I eat .tisiied and recommend it." iiklY D. .2101t8.Iti, Cross Itivcr, New York. "It is the beet preparation extant." WILLIAM. CULTEII, Editor Motlin'. Alagazir.e, New York. "Itocommenda it." !iTo -- We might swell this list, but if not convinced, TRY We export thee° preparations to Europe oven, and they ,re enpere(xlingoll ethers there ea well ma in the United 'Suttee. =gin . _ it does not sail or stain. Bold by all the principal whou.- .ale and retail merchants in the United dtat., Cuba, (r Canada. DEPOT 355 BROOM STREET, N. I'., where addreas all letters and inquiries. Xiir Sento dealers try to sell articles instead of this, on which they make more profit. Write to Depot fur circular, and information. Genuine is signed, Mrs. 8. A. Allen written in ink. Beware of counterfeits. [ scpZhe-osl3 nuts w Nllf,S.argedauLppLiyEN,;,,Sy,ll.,,Ahloßod and (or salt, Ly nuvl6 B. L. SA.l.mxzi . rocit & co. SUM FAHNESTOCK, No, 74 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Li AS JUST RECEIVED DIRECT FROM ENGLAIN L WA LDRO.N & GRI FF I N'S CORA DAD GRAIN SCITIIE, CORN 110 ES ; PATENT AN It CO3IMON ANVILS; STEEL Traps, very superior Drawer Locks, very superior onn Locke, Tinned and Enniunelled Sauce Pans, Pasting Spoons, Brass Candlesticks, Brass Cocks; Brass Stair lauds, Braces and Litt, Measuring Tapes, Superior Waiters, Curry Comb., 'Peaces, Coil, Filth, Tongue*, Stretch and Bre.ist Chains, v. ith a variety of other goods, all of which will tat sold at [ii,"l - terms. 5,13 SKIRTS( SKIRTS 1 1 Bishop's Shirts; 4444414.1 Hooped Skirts; Holmes' flowed Skirts; Misses' 0 , r4led skirts; Ladies' Corked and Quiltial Skirts, whits and colurel ; now Euppty Juet opened, at JOS. Holt N E'S, 77 Market rtreet WINTER. GLOVES.—A full supply of Cloth, silk and Merino, of various else., at low psi 77 Marl 4.4 ritn.et. ColtiN Sil.ELLE.H.S.—Smitiee Patent, lir - rangud for baud, Loren or steam power, 'am rant,' la v mipect, and will shell from :'0 to 40 li4lads of rot u prr Lour. Will Lo mold low by nov3o WiIN.BY IL COLLINS. I. • . nrcparcd I 4 , L . 7,- CI EN uurr.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers