SPECIAL NOTICES. EXTENSIO.N OF' STAY. DRS. C. M. FITCH 4- J. W. SYKES, Will coudnue tact , at tiPPOSITE ST. ('LAIR HuTEL, TILL APRIL FIRST, 14 Where they may Le consultel (Sun' daysexcepti.d,) for CONSU . • 1.11t.0:•; Of:MIS and .4.1.. unctad with, ;,n , I Alt Y DI,. DRS. 1-112 C: that thou c,inco 4 too varn Of the EXCEED. t•h* ;r PIiENIk;N All (Mir, Ilourtt--10 A. 111. to 4 I'. .1 4 .- V. •RvvS =MEM •It oli)9:2onorp, ‘4 - 0, l• • ', it I• 0, UP."' C. I J. \S K E ,tn•et, rittaburr:h. Ea- iLEAT el .-, 1.) . 1 ~• A Nlerchnn t, may,— Niarch I*.' The 13.tte-s v gt:leral , arlsrArti,l, a_ I Llert • Witllhnnd y ouC, nur,TuN reipectiV.:le Cirmer of LIN r. linty " Stursormus., Ky., MAE ch IS —Dora :;ir: I won form you that I have h,, a atu rc u„i f. r Dyspepsia, 11.1 a very aggr-vat d 4 mv.lor .tdeh Baparilla and yttrium other r.nLocliei, without otitatiming relief From the fay..r of HoollAnd German Bitters, I wm indu fed to try thrum, 'muff 1 te , w f•ta with 'demure, that tfironmtf, if .• eau health then L. hmis , , done to yff, rl pint, 1111 , 1 Cl.l4.`er commend the Bitter, t an afflict , I with that terri ,Iff Repeetto 1 . •,. yours To Fr. C M..lrick+on SCV PIE I•u 11 4. ?j•-• '1 —.4 1'; tI P. 41.1.•)1,F. LIST Modiciae crt.itiog ranch ,t•r Aza.in; iaV.Liide a, Dr. FOIM'S IN VI , i ~L LI V i..li .iI•nIEDY. It givi, 511 Ch quick r•.•Ii••f as tzi c MIVILICO 1.110 Viddelt of rc•eivia, ber.l.llt it`ra.,•it a••• oin ~ t 7.0 .• t.d,rn tic do not know of a • •ri, it has bey a lii1;.•,1 ith.,io Gc eut, and in all C , 1111,1 , t (iry is ala.it.,l Is It has •.I u., wide ptyiliti ity does what it i•• t I 11. It i, C./I1,0,1110) larging its circlo 111 it beAling on its wino and boy to t 110.• rt•• t MO eii th, 1 . , in Li ,er COM pini t Jaundice, Dysiten•ii.t, • g•o•••ral ;I•,bi ity. '• , 12 ltntlsw pirr4l..uitu IA Fe, FIRE h N ti A :rtt n 1111 y Itith, ItisS. Dry, DEN ',I .of Ilirect, r 4 tiliri Comp tny t tu4 da,, •cl , ir ~ 41 i ^r” 1 nut of the profit. of tie ni ,, ntti., 0: YOUR Iv.LLA 00 1 01 Bhare, 1 / 4 /111101l.irr to Cae s' u. 555. itt17.1.11 F. No le President. (}r._ Kers Of the Coinpvily 1 . r eri,tilig Britt over 11d Allegheny river, eq. ilecitet, A .11% TWO DOLLARS A Oil the old stii_ k el the Company in which dividnl,da are 'irk le, which k illollr,bt able k, stockhohleci, th.er tew it rep , e-eu Naive. forthwith. reii.seree. PittstiorKli. iirivr..• Ist, 14 s c 0„, 1:112r, —1 1 N.', I" " ).N T! - IE ..f ), . 1,1.1 to .0 C.) J 41/11 , y, -1)15S, It, • 4 ; -1:1 • t; II WI Ll.l A'4 t EILICO , • „ • I', (3.,tip LiA arm , partl.l,,, (1.'25 ) BY 0 : -!! BRS .•i 11i E., A. BM ! rt..) .ry :411ta, AN 1-:1,i1;"1:10 - •nt, Ml\ 401/ ' cor-1 tha ..',acttpa:.t, for cr,1111,1 a lin , ig , ar, the M011011),71110iit try; I, w Al'••4ll , •hy ,aun ty, VLtlha hold ott L'ia , 111 ii ).,; DA V. , lar a le: , 1135 i, at 3 oak, JMIN *L'lil fal :1 ttllta NTTSEUR:ra J':TE:,';',"3, WORKS. , No L. D t 5 V. I.IcCULLOUGH ISAAC JON E JON ES, SOY) RHIL9 0? *.; f?, Li, SPRING, PL(P.ii AN;) SPRINCi A '.. Corner iLae, I:L - 1 St PIr.r.SBUTIO P ISAAC JONL D. EL a 1) C i 9. =l=l ROGEK•3' 1 , 1? - 1:.);!; , ".. D PATENT STNEL euLrl vyvoq eoRN. Rosa AND FIL.ST SCILECTS, JAMES ER, Forwarding and Couinissioli Merchant Flour, Grain, Bacon, Lard, liutter, Seel:, Dried Fruit and Produc , generally, Corner of !II arne t and Flrgt Prrnoit ?A. REFER To— Francis G. Boil y, EK% , Dilworth, S. Cuthbert & Son. lieyd k. Ott, llniskel, Swearingen, S. Ilredy, Co!., ,4 flank. l,e , t 114,1., Mangle A Co., George W Paxton JOHI N 0 0 Eit E. A. ED , C01)1 MISSIO N ERC TIAN T, PIG METAL. AND 3LOOMS, No. 27 W., ,o • PA ALEXIIii)Ett .i11:-,i1Elt, BACON ) Li:lL'!" AND PRO b R_3 Ll, F y - Sttrct! MEM .stlllE"i i A.; Uf ACTU i: i:Il , , L 4 Li r C.9logne Sp:irßis and, a•'ttNea 4)IR, tio , . 167 .1 Seound .-treot. 4 , ,,10:1vd24711, ?._4 1241 U O:4TOC IMPORTER A:, DEALER IN F 1( R 1 0 1 a 1 N M i HAiil) i-ittE. No. :4 Wood 'street, between :lir:Anon , allay and Fourth ctrcet, PITT'SBU.qGII, PA. Tam subscribe,' is now opening e. well Aeli,ted I❑.• cut of foreign and domestic Uariware,all ne, - ,...ed will 10 told ou as good terms as any other house iu this city. IL W Xll always keep on baud a general as,ortnient of tiARDWAKE. OUTLE.ItY, CA/LPENTI4:IIB' TWLS, &c., 'l' which he respectfully iavites the attention of I -chnsini SAMUEL FAIINEti..COCI.i.. 1-14:filDWA. it E. FAHNESFUCK, No. 74 WOOli Aroot, rittAburgh ha. on h.AA a largo STOCK OF HARDWARE, Which lu will sell vary low for Ca3lE. to addition to hi tocka, Elntos, fictive, and Vorici, and 5p. ,,, t/d, and a larg aLtiortnaent of .;arposstor's 'fos.ls, he tow rootovis.l a largo so; ply of Sun,u4t. Cu h r., and Ilffo' e ; uol; 01,4, Tungneo uud Pokers; 'and Ensionoled c(29 Proolorvinst Kettles. GOLD AND 11.v1:Ii. aP :CTACLES, AT rtiAINUFAC'ICUIR.EIt'S l'tt ICES II V LI Et U\E ETI•:Its, or weighing' spin i t 4 thtt urn. LrQuglit to [ILO .:ity, itAiel\lETZ,c-, varying in price Crum jti Le Vitt ouch. POCKET COMPASSES, AND SURVEYOR'S COMPASSEF, alwayli 011 hand nt E 'S. “ptinian. 58 P4fth be 23 kinit L. C. I.I.E.PI3URN, AT CORN F.ll' . Ar A JD OON VE YA Ne I=l NEW TEA STORE, '.221 1 trtl strecl, 151.4 T ,0(11TU INJ FACTORY J 0 I-1 A N 11. EW S . (La.te of tae Pekin Tel Store,) R ESPE CT 1. \* I -\." io.lti Fl IS 01,Z op-t,, , d ttt the above ~t,t,,•1. GREEA I.oillo Itll,4lCli. TEAS ; ALSO, COFFEE AND SUCARE, q 4 THE BEST Blt k'N , s Os:ill price, It ,••• ••• i ' ••I • • • ,• • i oN. t, & T. GROUTT, importers f . Gin, Win, A.c, r, .11,1 Kyw Whisky, Peoch aro! Apple Brandy; u 15,, Ii EUTI I ERS AND DISTILI,ERS. coruer of MITHFELD 'll,l FRONT kltrocts, Pitipburetl. OAIB.-200 bus. to arrive by railroad, thi s Shy, /1111 for sale by Li ARV 11 0)1.11 , . ERNS.-15 Mts. just ree'd and for sale I y 11, 1,20 II'o:NRY U CoLLINS. ULL BUT R. —2 bbls. this day ree'd L and 11.411 bait by ifeaki tiENki.Y 11. OOLLINti. No. 101 Penn street. !'n'TSlit: I OH, PA ERIE RE= MIMI= ~~ "~~ rth MC AL AFFAIRS. The Pardon of filtewait. Tho news that Munroe Stewart had been pardoned f TVOS received by telegraph on Monday evening, and announced in the daily papers of Tuesday. The in , tekigence, as it was not unexpected, created scarcely any exritoment, yet many persons who were anxious (3 Stewart went up to the jail yesterday morning, ear,ellog to see him released and carried off in tri, uoil.h. But this desire was not to be gratified imme onvoly. Athough a special messenger arrived from Ilarrisburgh at five o'clock on Tuesday morning, bearing a free pardon from Governor Packer, for the murder of George Wilson, yet there is still another indictment pending against him for the killing of Elizabeth 11I'Masters. What disposition will be made of this indictment, we cannot say. It has been sup : rosed .hat a wille proxequi will be entered; but if it were, th,, Judo might refuse to grant it. In that Stewart would be obliged to remain in jail I.is, trial until next term. If this should be r , sult, a change of venue alight be necessary, as it would he diflimit to find twelve men in Allegheny c , onty who have not expressed eu opinion Re to the guilt or innocence of Stewart. The matter lutist rest a, al nr „,„..., oath S a turday at al'. events ; %%lull BUttle w ir r „l,. ly 1,0 taken in the matter. We w '•r 1 , ,e pardori : PENNSYLNANIA, Hr: , 1❑ :,,,, ~,,,,, ,0,1 by thu authority of t h e Coutution trott!th tti Pcnn•ylt'anla. It'. F. p.tett,r, flovernt,r of said Coremonwealth, ,„ „tt t ,t wt. out titte_:e pruseritit shall Goma, sende greeting Wnereas, at a Court ..tf Oyer and TerMiner held in and f tr the county of Allegheny, at the city of Pius. burgh, ou the 11th day ut July, A. D. 185 f, a certain henry File, a ourtsin Munroe Stewart and a certain Charlotte Jones, were convicted of murder in the first degree, for killing one George Wilson, and were on the 25th of July, A. D, 1557, severally sentenced by the t.aid Ct,urt of Oyer and Terminer to be hanged by the neck until dead. And wherea., under warrants issued on the 14th day of December, 1857, by my predecessor in office, James Pollock, the said Henry File and the said Chari.)ttu June, were severally, on Friday, the 13th of February, instant, executed. And whereas, subsequent to said conviction, the raid Berry Fifa and Charlotte Jones did each confess that they were guilty of the crime for which they were convicted and sentenced to death, but did see orally most solemnly assert that he, the said Munroe Stewart, was entirely innocent of the said crime of murder, and that they were the perpetrators thereof, which asseveration was most persistently made by them in the most seltuan manner at the time of their execution. And whereas, petition= nuttier, usly signed by citi zens of the State of Ohio, have been presented to me, representing that the petitioners were well acquainted with the said Munroe Stewart, that previous ti, the itileged commission of the murder aforesaid, his general eharacer was good. And whereas, letters and petitions signed by say ,.rat thousand citizens of Allegheny county and else wheim have been addressed to me, praying for the pardan r,f M mroe Stewart. And wherea, after a careful examination of the ease, I enttrta in serious and grave doubts of the guilt of the said Munroe Stewart of the crime whereof he is convicted as aforesaid, and ho is hereby fully par• cloned u.ecordingly. Given under my hand and the great seal of the State at Harrisburg, this 22d day of February, in the yi ar of our t ISSB, and of the Commonwealb ha eighty 6ac2t,Ll. By THE UoVF.RNOR. W. J 7. HEIBTER, Secretary of the Commonwealth. De perate Attempt to Cu, a Woman's Throat. On Friday, of last week, a colored woman went to the house of Mr. Norris, a barber, who lives in Gar. risen alley. cutting herself Etiza Brown. She stated that she had been visiting some friends in Wellsville named Wilkinson. She had been stopping with Mr. Norris. On Monday he received a letter from Mrs. ‘Vilkinhon,who charged the girl with being extremely intimate with her husband. Mr. Norris questioned the girl, who confessed that her name was Louisa Williams, and that Mrs. W.'s story was true. Mr. Norris told her she must leave his house, to which site 7issanted. She was preparing to leave, when Mr. Wilkinson, in company with another man, came into the r)om. They tallied for some time together, and the other man stepped into the next room, leaving Wilkinson and the girl together. On returning, it was found that Wilkinson bad drawn a razor and cut her with it across tha face and throat several times, when site caught hold of it and broke the blade. Wilkiritten, although several persons were in the house, succeeded in making his escape, hut was pur ,,ued down Penn street and caught. Ile was taken 12ef..re Alderman Donaldson, loudly asserting his in, itocettee. An information was made against him for assault and battery with intent to kill, on which he was t outwitted ta jail until Saturday. By that time itt3 minus of the injuries received by the girl will be heewn, When ,rre.ted and taken jell a cowhide up , .n his person. It is believed that be in- Lol. d to welp rho girl, but that she s,id something whirs exro,...era•ed him, and he resolved to kill her. Taero are five wounds on her head; one of them ex. I , lltk Iron) oar to ear, but the windpipe is not in jore,i another is on the right cheek, another on her tongue, and two on her lips. The wounds were properly dressed. They aro not necessarily fatal. ,honzh they may terminate fatally from the fact that she woe in a •' critical situation" when the attack ono, made. She states that Wilkinson is her uncle, elout!y desiring to screen him, but her brother denies this fact, and stye he is merely an acquaint- ‘Vestern Penns) Ivania Hospital On last Saturday, the 20th inat., the following bill passed the Senate. It is an act granting certain pri,ilegos to the Western Pennsylvania Hospital, for the purpose of conducting water into the build. trigs : SECTION L Be it enacted, foe., That the Western Pennsylvania hospital be and is hereby authorized and empowered, by and with consent of the Councils of the city of Pittsburgh, to convoy by pipes and con duits from the upper reservoir of said city, a sufficient supply of water for the uses of said hospital; that toll t'oecr is hereby conferred on said Western Penn Sylvania hospital, and its officers and agent 4, to enter upon private property, or upon any street, lane or alley o. said city district, for the purpose of ascer taining the test location for said pip-s and conduits, iney i.e essential to curry into effect the purposes ot' this act, and alp, to lay down and maintain in re pair said pipes and conduits; Provided, That before entering upon pi ivatie property it shall be the duty of the Court of Quarter Sessions in and for Alle i gheay county, on the application of either the said Western Pennsylvania Hospital, or any person deem , ing himself to have suffered, or likely to sustain any iaulage from the works hereby authorized, to ap point three disinterested citizens, to whom the guile non shall be referred, the report of whom, or a ma jority thereof, after confirmation by said Court, shall he Goal and conclusive; And provided further, That ii,e "Fri unt of sail award shall be first duly paid, or .secured to be paid, by said Western Pennsylvania Hospital. Sec. 2. That no openinga, attachments or connec tion, with the pipes and conduits laid down by said Wesiern Pennsylvania hospital, shall be permitted ' or bloused, unless the consent of the managers of paid il..spiuil, and also the consent of the City Coun cils, shall be first had and obtained. That any vie lotion of the provisions of this section shall subject the party effendi. g to fine and imprisonment, at the , iiiscretion of the Court of Quarter Sessions in and for Allegheny county. The Lost Daughter. We have received from the publishers, Messrs. T. B. Peterson it Co., Philadelphia, an advance copy of a new navel by Mrs. Caroline Leo Ilentz. We have eat yet had leimre to examine the work, but we ex tract the following opinion from the "Dollar News paper :" "As a successful writer of Sketches, Mrs. Mentz is la our "pinion unequalled in this country, and her continuous stores are marked by all the characteris tics that proclaim the true novelist—a natural and ably developed plot, great powers of imagination and construction, purity of feeling, and evident earnest ness of purpose on the part of the author, without which the reader cannot feel interested in any story, while she possesses also the artistic skill which caus es the interest of the reader to increase as the tale proceeds, to the end of the lust chapter. All who have read "Linda," and "Rena, or the Snow Bird," will readily neknowledso thisj while the "Banished ton," and "Love after Marriage," attest to her excel lence as a sketch writer. Every ono feels, while reading her tales, that the writer herself must pos sess the virtue, and patriotism, arid religious senti ment she excludes, and we knew many who had no p.rson al acquaintance with the author who esteem• • I her as a dear friend. Mrs. Rentz combined pow- Lr of delineation and grace of style . in a remarkable decree, and was a close observer of human nature, c that all her characters seem as natural as life, .chile, she always had a moral in her writings, which eunffiends thew to tha fireside of every family in the teed :is pr ,, titab!e and pleasant reading. We corn- I ',end to her many furcuer admirers those posthumous naltiou of her last novellutter, and we are suro they will be eagerly enquired fur by all. Singular.—On last Sunday alteration a little girl named Mary Tubbs, aged about nine years, accom panied her mother to the Chnreh of St. Bridget, on Centre avenue, in the Seventh Ward. On way home the girl stopped at the house of Charles Reis, a short distance from the church. While there she was lucked up in a room and kept there for some time, for some alleged misconduct. She was a good deal alarmed when release I, and immediately left the house, sines which time her parents have heard nothing of her. They reside on Locust street, near ation, in the Eighth Ward. Art topai a Watchman.—On Monday evening a watchman named Luchen was attacked at the Point, while tsking a prisoner to the watch house, and badly beaten. I.le.had arrested ono of a party, and his coturad,s, numbering about a dozen, deter mined to rescue him. A watchman named Williams also had his mace taken away, and a third guardian of the night sought safety in flight. The attacking party succeeded in rescuing their friend. Warrants have been is-ued for the arrest of those who aro known. Lf.t.—Copt. Pratt would feel much obliged to the individual who picked up hie gold spectacles yester sky Looming. rho Captain lust illetn on Monday night, returning at a lace hour frnat Councils. We hope be may get them again. Horrid Attempt to Murder a Child Yesterday morning a most singular affair took place at tke residence of James T. King, on Cherry alley, near Sixth street. Mrs. King, who has been in feeble health for some time past, had employed an old woman named Wintorburn, aho keeps a candy stand in the market,and is partially deranged, to assist about the house.. Mrs. King was sitting at the fire when she asked Mrs. W. to hand her a bottle of cam phor which was near her. She did so, and sitting down, took on her lap a tiaughnir of Mrs. King, about four years old. She 'was playing with the little girl, when Mrs. K. heard a scream from her, and looking aronnd, discovered the old woman in the act of cutting the child's throat with a raz ,r. Mrs. K., who is very weak, sprang upon the old woman, who immediately dropped the child, and grappling with the mother, soon threw her on to the door. She tried to strangle her, and after quieting her screams for help, drew the razor With a design of cutting her throat. Mrs. King, nerved to desperation, seized ,he razor in her hand and held on to it until her finger , were cut to the bone. She made one mere convulei effort, and finally got the maniac down and took th razor from her. She then called to the little girl whose life the old woman had just attempted, and told her to call for assi.tance. The child obeyed, and her screams soon Imaight the neighbors to the spot, and the old TV tollon Wll, secured. There is no daub: that Mrs. Winterburu age laboring under a paroxysm of insanity at the time. About a week since she imagined that a cup of tea which Mrs. King offered her was poisoned. She denies - having made an at tack upon the child. The wounds of Mrs. King are not dangerous, though the shock to her debilitated system may have a serious effect. The wound of the child is not dangerous, but it may he sometime before either mother or child recovers. The old woman was fully committed for trial on a charge of assault and battery with intent to kill. Sale of Storks.—Tho followinz etocka were sold last evening at the Commercial Sales Rooms, No. 04, Fifth street, by P. M. Davis, Auctioneer 52 shares Bunk of Bitreburgh 10 " Citizens' 8unk...... 3 do do .30 " Iron City Bank 4 Allegheny Batik.... 17 " do do 10 " dd do Worth Contending For.—Captain David Campbell, Captain of the Duquesne Greys, has presented the members of that company with an elegant and costly gold medal. This medal is to be drilled for annually by the members of the company, to be awarded to the best drilled member. Captain Campbell designed to have it in readiness last Septemb: r, but it was not completed in time. It will be drilled fur next May. A Musical Treat.—Tn•morrow evening Mr. Do ham, assisted by a number of his pupils, and sev eral distinguished artiste and amateurs, gives a musical soiree at Lafayette Hall. Mr. Deham has a fine reputation as a teacher of music, and we advise all who are fond of listening to a choice musical per formance to visit Lafayette Hall to-morrow evening. Another Fire.—On Monday a fire took place in Sewickley, which entirely consumed a large cabinet shop belonging to Mr. M'Laugblin. One end of it was occupied by Mr. Blackstock, a wagon maker, who lost a part of his tools. Mr. J. B. S. Ward lost everything, and had no insurance. We believe the building was not insured. Fire.—A new house, which is being built by Mr. Wilson M'Candless' in Bsgaley's lane, Allegheny city, caught fire between the ceiling and second floor, on Monday, and was considerably damaged before it was discovered and extinguished. The house was not yet finished. The origin of the fire ie nut known, but it was supposed to bo accidental. Resigned.—R. N. Avery, Esq., has recently' re signed his office as County Superintendent of Schools in Beaver county. He has given much satisfaction is this capacity, but his duties as Superintendent of the First Ward Public School occupy his attention so completely as to render a resignation of the former position absolutely necessary. Dr. Hunt's Troupe.—A vaudeville troupe, consist ing of some twenty performers, under the direction of D:. H. D. Hunt will be in our city nest Monday, and give a series of musical and dramatic ontertaio. meats. We will announce the date of their first per formance in a day or two. Mayor'B Office.—At Mayor Weaver's levee yester day morning there were only five common cases, all ~ f whom were discharged upon payment of their ilasonic.—A charter has just been granted fur a &laconic Lodge in Allegheny. It is to be styled MT:inley Lodge, No. 315." We understand that Professor J. T. Wame:ink in r,-_,ndB repeating his soiree musicale, fJr the benefit of l'ascavant's Infirmary. Date and place aro riot yet u n unomd Boy's Raglans and Sack (,'ants.—dents. Frock and Sack Over-coats, Raglans &c , and a full Stock of Winter Gloves, Gauntlets, Mufflers, Scarfs and Shawl , t.tr Men and Buy's, still on hand at Carnaghan's Fed eral Street, Allegheny. Cash Buyers will iind the ,rices un induceme.it. Low'; BROWN WINDSOR Sinn, COLGATE'S PALM SUAP, GLENN'S WHITE WINDSOR SOAP, And a variety of Soaps, both plain and fancy, f.,r. CHARLES 11. SUPER'S DRUG STORE, Corner of POEM and St. Clair street THE SUCCESS WHICH ATTEND tho use IR. .1 HOSTETTER'S HELIER VIED STONIA , Li BITTERS evinc, at once its virtues iu al cases of devility and disease of the Stomach. Certificataa almost without number have been published. attesting' its .almost ruirsculuus p - over in remov ing those painful and fea, fa; .lileases. And at this time it name idle to do more that' call at' OD to the great rem, :1y of the age, lu ordor to awaken public att.ution to its ex ce:lence. It le the only preparetion of tho lii iol that is r. In all caeca, and it is th•:rof ire worthy of the conntler aiioil of the afflicted. The BirtElti are pleaeatit to the taste, agreeable in their effects, and altogether valualde as a tonic or remedy for Indigestion. For wile by droggietg and ,h,Oerd geuerally, everywhere lITYSTETTES. SMITH, Manufactur , rA and Proptlrrnrq. au I by E2G—lcl . , • ;.-- ' A47 `' , '' 12"11: t i ,": ,I VIA t:t.' ,7 't "V 4 ''' tY 5 1 :,..,, , t ,, -mil* I , t 1 - ,, , ,,.... ) •, „,...... „4 ,, 4 = - 2 ; I r, VA Z I ' l .44. '' ' :-' ( ' ,1 1 '''' '. '''‹ 7 A, 4 ' 4. ..L.gx , )—, 1.1 0 w.. , ""• 4' — 1 , ""11 4, 'l4 &, x 1 i v•, - t 'k t :i' *. -r• g -.. E. .121 Y";.'i , .4' .' , ' , t,A. 4 ,-. z f1i ) .,...L- .! , Ait 4 L., e ~... v - , , -,,,7—u ~, I) i ----; - - . -,.t4 m (,) ' 1- - s.• if. ir `2_ tit , , Zi . .,I**".? ' i 10; 4 ,i'&•- i fi. 5 r i :' I.' <3 `44., 2 0 ' 4 •--' - 2 'y As.. .H . "' 1: , lI.P Pg s: ' . -- 1-::-V' - ' ' el• - "`•:!'''''- ' 7 ,,,, tr -'eP ... 4 1 '-. 1 -'1:. ,s , . , ; ;.7.7 7A,.... . -- '''oAtilt,__,,,,,,_ . •l'ss'-,,_- , ._:IN-• , 0 "'l 77: ....1 ATTRACTION! 1858. ATTRACTION i I 1858. The immense stock of Silks. Shawls, and Fiue Drees floods, also a complete selection of Furnishing Goods, and a large and varied line of Domestics, have again been reduced in price, at the store of A. A. MASON k CO., £BB No. 25 Fifth street. g` F OR desirable oiuntry resi dence, two miles from the city. A two story dwelling house on Rosa street. A two story house on Duquesne street. A three story house on Third street. A three story house on Wylie street. Two small houses in Splane's court. fed OUTIIB 61 Market at. RYE FLOUR.-30 sacks ju,t, received and for ale by fol7] III:NI-IV IL COLLINS. DRY APPLES.-50 bush. Dry Apples fur sale by [toll] HENRY 11. COLLINS. T'GGS-3 bbls., thi9 da,v, received and for 13.1.3 by ' tIF'PV 11 enl r.,14% lg - XPANSIO.N. A lot of now Expansion Skirts. Jost opon-d at fe 5 JOS. liOttNE'S, 77 Marks t street. EGGS. -5 bbls. Eggs just received and fur 641 e by AIcCANDLESS ' MEANS h , ft.2o Corner Wood and Wa•er streot.. WHITE BEANS.-10 bags small white Beaus, received and for trlle by McCA.,DLESS, MEANS At 01., fe2o Corner Wo id and Water iitreiiits. REASE.—White Grease for Wagons, Om nibuses, Carts, Drava, Carriages, etc_ in barrels and key.. for 'ale t`T ;d al bIrt , NHV it C'•li INS CONCENTRATED LYE.-50 cases just re ceived and for sale by B L. FATINESTOCIL /e Co., Corn.-r of Fourth Dud W CMd str,t. WOOD'S HAIR it! , ;STORATIVE groan on band and for nalo by B. L. FA TIN ESTOCK k CO., fa'22 Cona•r of Fonrth and Wood Ktn , eta. WIIITE WAX.-3 eases just rec'd and for sale by B. L. FA afs ESTOCK .t CO , fe22 C.,rnar of Knttb and Woo' xtreets. BARRY'S TRICONIEROUS. —3 gross on nd acd fur sale by B. L. PAIINESTOCK. k Corner of Fourth and Wood 6trcete PRECIP CARE. IRON.-150 lbs. on hand and for sale by B L. FAIINESTOCK. A, co., fet Corner of Fourth and Wood str, LYON'S KATIIAIRON.-3 gross on hand and for sal° by B. L. FAI.INb;STOCK & CO., fen Corner of Fourth and Wood streets. ARNISIIES—A complete assortment just v received and for ode by B. L. PALINESTOOK k. Corner of Wood aziii Fourth street& :i.OAKti OF TRADI AitlJ EIRCILA NTS' EXCHANGE,. MOVE ' , IP: Ai TS OP OCEAN STEADIERS SHIPH 1.140 E 100 DAYS. Canada Ito-ttoo.&c Liverpool Feb 10 tlahawlat N,, , .. York Havana and N. ti..... Fob. 12 Atlantic .. New York Liverpool Feb. 13 Edinburg New York Glitagow. Feb. 13 Arabia New York I iverpool Feb. *l7 City or Baltimore. New York Liverpool, Feb..lB 'tar of the Woit..New York Aspinwall Feb. 20 Niagara Itoeton Liverpool Feb. 24 Indian Portland Liverpool Feb. 27 Hornasia New York Hamburg , Ma rc h 1 City of Washt'o... New York Liverpool March 4 Northern l.ight....New York t4pinwall Marsh 9 SHIP 3 LEAVK POP. 1 Whin ' iverpool Portland Jan. 27 ( ity of Haittroore..Liverpool New York Jan. 27 Niagara Liverpool Be , ton ..Jan. 30 Battle Li%erpool New York Feb. 3 .Arago Ilarre New York Feb. 9 City of AVaalit'n... I iverp. , ol Niw Y0rk...... ......... Feb. In Anglo Saxon Liverpool Portland. kc. Feb. 10 (i I totgow .. ...... ....GialSgt 1,,. New York Feb. lo liatninoni, Hamburg New York \larch 1 O. Irefully Reported by - , I1),EPII SNOWDEN, Surrintendent of =MI FLOUR.—The market continues firm but very active.— Salem 220 bble., viz : From first hantli7 30 bbls. superfine, from .epot at $3,75. From store: 106 bbls., extra at $4,50 GR WO hush., Red Wheat from wagon at 70.„ 175 bush. Rye from tlr3t hands: at 50e 100 bush. Corn from depot at 47.: 200 bush. do from store at 50c; 383 bush. Oats from bepo, at 29c. per bushel. MOLA.SSES....SaIes 50 bbls. N. 0. at 30e.; terms cash. 1..t1G5...8a1e 150 d. z at 11 lAC.. per dozen. COFFRH...BaIs 50 bags Rio from iimat hands at 11c. for lb. from.: fir.t. hnl BUTrELL.SaIog lotai lbs. inferiHr pack d at Sc Per Steamer Atigin &until LIiVERPoOL COTTON NIA It NN T, February 9 —The sales of Cot t., tor the bud throe days have been 27 000 bales, including 0,000 t,, ereidat. vs. and 2,000 for exp , rt. All qualities have ad vow ced !,,o, the market.closing tit in.- Th e Manchester inivices are favorable. 1111EADITUFFS —`6'.easrs. Richardson, Spence &. Co., qnote boar Mill anti the quet Minna twinned ; Western Canal 20s ad; Ohio 255427 s ehilimielphia and Baltimore 22a 6d(4‘23a Wheat deru,reil 44 9M4s6a 7d per choice lots; White 7a@7s thi and 7e 7d to trhe beet. Corn is dull ; the qutationa aro bare ly maintaified. Yellow :ttle ; White 35a PRnVLSIoN MARE en.—Beef is quiet. Pork dull lit 5.1 a. led lteccita is also chill. Lard Is inactive. Tallow is firm at 02s PRODUrE \I +s SET. --Sagan; axe quiet and steady. Coffee is quiet. Rica ia Mactive.- Put and Pearl ashes dull, and quo ta i,rl4 baralr maintain e d; 31c. <A., is asked for both. Phil ad. IphiA hark tie. NAVAL STuRES Strattly et 484_, , ..1.3. 3d. Spirits Tllr• p,atiaa firm ut C 6.1. CINCINNATI, February 2.l—Flour firm, and nnchanged.— Whisky 17!...c, and idea t.y. hogs unchanged; the whole number received during the week is 6000 head. Provision, firmer, and prices tending upward; there was not much done: bulk meats are rather higher. but the sales are small, holders are very firm. NI Pork is held a $15,50, and Lard at 9 , ,.4c, but the-e is are nominal. Money is easier owl plenty. F. xChalltrt'S 13.,•e firm; there Is a better demand f r Now York, Boston and Philadel; his at 1. id cent. pre mium: &minion, at y y nn - 1,., premium, and few Orleans at 1 1 , ; premium fIAILY SALES Al' Nu. 54 FlE'r.ll ST., At the new Commereial dales litmus, Nu. 64, Fifth Strout, every we-+ day, are held yublic sales of goods in all nn ty, Rutted fur the ttede au d consumers, from a large st.wk whirls is csmstautly repleu ishtal with fresh consign tom. Id, that must be Mused iorthaitr. AT iu O'CLOCIi, A. M., tiry and homy articles, comprising nearly everything needed tithe line fur persona.. and family use; table cut ,try; hay.twaro; clothing; bouts and shoes; ladies ware, AT 2 P. M., k;tt hen turuiture, new and second-hand; I-ids an ; l`l2 , Ulllt Ohiuv ware; -,•0; cooisitigi A r 7 1.1 • 1: I P. PE RIOR PIANO FORTE, HOUSE- PuLD AND HITCIIcN FURNITURE AT AUCTION. —on Tit U AY MORN lA4I, February 2. 5 th. at 10 o'clock. at the dixt , llllV; house of , rof Thompson, s Row.) 54 ibei ty stro-t, iil be Bold, • , rie un ,osont-, woll ton ed Piano e: rt.-, molt, uy Chickoriag; a qtiontity of good quality lion•&io'il avid q lichen Falai u.o, etc, among which Eve Mahogany Tt lee, Book Casa, Mahogany and walnut iiro-al,z, Bureaux.. Spring Peat Divan, What Not, Ex• itiasion Tam., Walnut and Cherry Bedsteads, Walout and ..I:Illegally Washstands, priug Il.i•rrt.sses. Parlor and CI tam Lrr l 'al . Puls, Fluor Matting, Cha.rs, Li, Ling Glasses, Ch [no 0::1 , and Qationsware, Fire Irons. arc , Bit,hen Furuitur Itonger..t. n , ytc P. ti. DAVIS, Aucto doter. EREM PTORY SA LE OF CIGARS, BRANDY, LTC., Fill Le add on FRIDAY A , TER- Febreary 20th, at 2 o'ciot k, at the Comma,,,i Rooms, Ni' II pilth strie., for no. taii.t r whom It may coil ;am, 10,hun deported a nd hair Bititl,ish Cigars, assorted brands; Low's Mom,: ..L(_;IA.L. ._,_ ' 1 -.. .., ,-, .., Pre.nd,lnt. Vr R. WILLI AM r, k ,,, l ' t ,, t2 _it, Treasurer. ri SNOIVDN'N Ar`4!-1fh.,2 Fth ruar y . 17, Al All UICIihY, V. P., DAVID M'CANDLESS, 'X. W. \t U 'N) SAIL TO A It It I V I PI TTSUURGH MARKET the Merchants' Exchange Pirrsauroa, February 23, 1858 MEAL.. A small tot of of Cora meal sold 60c. per bush Foreign Markets. AUCTION SALES. • vcp IsfriCit,; warullun; cl , Jch,s; ; ,t•Lt, ; t Chputl. Itvuk ! itp.i-ry...1•:. P M. Auot s 4 boxel chvwing Tobacco; 2 caaks Cougua..: P M. DAVIS. Alictiourcq. REMOV AL Pimlaud & Pittsburgh Railroad, AS 1) Tll E Pittsburgh, Columbus & Cincinnati R!.I,III,ROAD, ;lAN AND AFTER FRIDAY, FEBRUARY nth, 1.635, the Freight hudao•s ul these roads, In the (211 . 1" nibuituu, be transacted ht !he r,E AND COMMODIOUS DEPOT, ON PENN STEELP, AlloVE WAYNE, ADJOINING ruz PINNRYLVA.NIA CANAL . . aftection of Men:Lunn, Martufacturei and intuppers I • I,llvit , d to ihe iinpu for I ,cilities atterd• d oy three Auntie, FUR tiPEED, SAFKIA, AND LoW KATES, And for the prompt tranirbortat ion of Freights, by iN 11 ,s• to Utti itA IL WA V' tJUNN menoNe, ' runt PittAhurgh Toledo, Detroit, Chicavo, en- Dayton, InthanetetiKeinciunatt. Lour:will° and L ; and ell the Wetditin, North•uesodn, and ttonth-weet , n States. fiught id ,ent tu m st ~f thy ab re plaers Lt the name •iii d in which it id I,ud d dd this 1.),1"..t. ILIRLA/kid (EVEN TO ALL IMPORTANT P , INTS F r ConlAr tufutattg,n, uppy to t , J011:1' P. GLA3:3, Agent iII"fENTIOA I FittliklitS I! THE GREAT ECLIPSE SEED DRILL AND BROAD C•l6l' SOWER is now on exhibition,. c N 9. 56 Market street. Pittsburgh. This if, a new improve. Ti, ent and far exceeds arty machine of th • kind ever uttered iii th e agriculturi d. It works on an entirely new principle ,lld so o, any kind of ~,.all ritlt•de withtort ilizers at any de• s re t width, with a regularity and event) , to never before at tained by seed so..ero, and can lie worked by a b o y lar ge •acough t•i drive a horse. Tito machine is au simple that any e Orkinlial into Mistrust it, aril at a price that will defy onipettirou. state and County Itig;.ts or Hifi& EitillinErl for at& ja2kl:lm J. it. Pri,priet,r „L i)ENTINU.-1. will attend to the renting, t, payingof'TFLlA-3, and collecting of I;eu to. ppl) to JAMItS J. ItiCIJEY, V P•fti• AYRES' WO ICH C 41NPECTION, C u NFECTIUN, Co • ECTION.CON F F,CTIoN,Cuti C lON, CON FE T I U N C UNF4 , t)T I oN.Cu .NFECT U - :;,C4)NF N U T I u N,CONF COT 1 ON NFi.:CTI The must pleasant, sate and etleutuat Vv'orru Remedy now In use. Prepared and sold, wholenale and remil, by ANCILLL IIArT, Cur. Wood and .-I.lth a e., l'itt_sbargh, And sold bt. 1821 fIIIEAP 1306 TS AND SIIOES- Now is the time to buy BOOTS AND SHOES AT GREATLY REDUCED PR AT ThE CHEAP CASH tiToliE OP J. H. 1101i.LAND. felti No GS ptty ,, et. two door, from Fifth. 1 K. WHITE & CO., having complet ed their annual inv,utory,aud redu - ed the coat price et their g0...a15. will tell their p.esent stock at a farther reduction of pri..ea VARIECIATED SOAP.-25 boxes Varie gated Soap received, and Le wile cheap, by JAMES A. FETZER, ft-lo Corner Market and First streets. ITLEMP SEED, bap for cal , by H. 1. FAIINESTOCK & CO., doe -2 rner d clistb stri.ptr UCKWLIEAT FLOUR-40 sacks prime article, for Rale by 1 4, 28 1 Ti EN RV II COL.IINB _,FRY GOODS 1 ;:.N: GOODS 1!—All the limmense stock of s.o• s • • , .vbi, Marinoes, Paramat ta,, choice A) 1 Marinoes, Pe:l9as Dia ,sals: rich, all wool,. aoroid..rie.., T r i mm i ng . ; flo,iery, Gents' gurw,hota •,ad a large stOCk of Do mestic Goods. bolting at toe etc. er A. A. Mason s Co!a, No. '45 Fifth street. at tallward cl prices, as the whole stock must be immediately chased cut. dell ONIONS. -7 sacks Onion -4, just received and for sale by JAS. A. FETZER, fc3 89 Water btrott. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. 76 sacks choice Buckwheat Flour, for sale I.y JAMBS A. FRTZER. fel° Corner Market and First streets. WINDOW CI - 1, 1 3.TA1N PAPERS—GIazed N V .„, IZU „7 -- --------,_ •v T and Unglazed, GI -een and new patterns of flgurcd K E NEDY'S MEDICAL OVERY. =twins at wholesale and, retail, for sale by —2 gross on hand and for sale by W. Y. MARSIIALL it CO., B. L FAHNESTOOK & CO., I fe22 B7 Wood street. Corner Wood an ! Fourth streets rev. (10N11NG.—New Wall Papers, at cheap BUTTER. -1 barrel fresh Roll received and %) Priced' do be dole by far sae by gab] HERBY H. OOLLINS. 622 W. P. iti-4o°" HARDY & M'GREW, Steamboat and Gen eral Agents, Coruer,of First and Ferry streets. The suit maintained a few days ninee as pending In the St. Louis D S. District Court betwe• n tlu iiwner of the Steam er White Bluff; and the (iwuet , ..2 he George Albra, has been decided, The decision int Ir.t. [lin in.at sustain half the loss, as they were both to blame. The Cincinnati Gazette of Ni-nd items ISA IA LI IMOK.LeY, 11 The river continues to fall steadd , opposite this psrt,with about 6 1 6 feet, la-go, in th- channel Itence to Louisville. Too formed within the past forty, iuht hours, was floating down the river yesterday; hat it Is of such a character as to be no impediment to navigation. The heavy ice from above has not yet arrived, but is looked for to day. The La Crosse, J. W. Hai'man LetOuh, New York, Prima Dona. Jumes Wood. Bay State, and Diamond, are ready to leave for Pittsburgh, so soon as the weather moderate. JAMES IiAItDINEIt For Nashville. The fine steamer QUAKER cur. Captain McDAmsts--Clerk, SAMUEL COOLET—WiII leave for the above, and all Intermediate ports, on TUESDAY EVENING. For freight-or passage, apply on IL,.ard. fel RIVER NEWS. l'OttT OF PlT'l'SBUttlill 3 vgizt 6 INJhr.S WATZA IN THE CHA niNIEL ARRI VP') Steamer Col. Bayard, Peebles, El. iyabotti. • Telegraph, Woodward, Brownsvil le " lenzerue, Jacobs, Brownsville DEPARTED. " Col. Rayard, Peebles, Elizabeth " Telegraph, Woodward, Browneiyille " Linerue, Jacobs, Itrownieville STEAM BOATS NASHVILLE. For Nashville The splendid now light draught steamer PG. LAN D,Capt. R. aBACKY, will leave for thu above and Menne& .te ports us SATURDAY, th 28tli inst., at 4 o'clock P. M. For freight or pasaage apply ou board. For Nashville. The flue passenger steamer CLIFTON, will -•-!'" leave for the above and all Intermediate ports, on WEDNESDAY, at 10 A. IL For freight or passage apply ou boa-d, or to del° FLACK, BARNES & CO., Agents. rtli 1E 3IP HIS . • For Memphis and New Orleans. The flue paotenger steamer ALMA, Capt RODINtioN, will leave fur the above and all in - die termediate ports, on SATURDAY, at 4 M For freight or passage apply on board, or to W.l FLACK, BARNES & CO., A LCCiitli. ZALNESVKILLE. For Marlette and Zanesville. The steamer EMMA GRAHAM, Capt. Mob. ROE AERIE, will leave for the above and all intermediate porta on every TUES i) Y, at 4 o'clock, P. M. For freight or passage apply uu hoard ST. LOUIS. For St. Louis The light draught, fast running puitieugt•E • packet lOWA, N! uotur., Meeter. will loave tor the above and all sntcrmstdmtr port; ou SAT UItDAV, the bth just., at 4 o'clock P. M. For freight or passage, having superior i•Geoilitolati•Alm, apply on beard, or to IIA It KEW, Agouti'', 154 Curlier First and Ferry streets. DAGUERREAN GALLERIES AMBROTYPES- A BEAUTIFUL AND DURABLE FIC1121:b: WARRANTED, CAN 1 3E RAD AS LOW AS AT ANY NIELST CLASS ESTABLISHMENT IN THE COUNTRY, AT WALL'S, P urn stteot WALL'S PICTURE GALLERY. wm. C. WALL HAS TAKEN THE third Boor of Jones' New Building, adjoining tie. alechanics' Bank, Fourth street, for an AMBRAITY Pr: A PHOTOGRAPHIC GALLERY; and having hued up tn, room in a style unsurpassed, invites his friends and th. ptv. he to visit his establishment. life Reception Room, he has no hea tattoo in saying, ho• not its superior anywhere, fur size, beauty of thruitine ace appointments generally; and hi, operating Rooms, ich on the same flour, are entered immediately through IL In his operating Rooms, the most improved combined aide and sky lights give a tucitity for taking a limshed Pic ture, in the least possible time, that he thinks cannot fail t. make his establishment the resort of all persons of taste. Wall's experience an au Artist, is a guarantee to his patrons that none but good Pictures will L. permitted 0, leave his premises. The public, and the Ladies especially, mire united to view his rooms, and examine specimens. fe6.l w (JIM ALT ATlltAUlloiN AT IVO. GO MARIEJLT ST., Where cau be soon the largest eolleetieu et AfiIIOTIPL Pilaf SPECIMENS, EVER EXHIBITED IN CITY NIESOLLS wishing Pictures of theusseivss ur are invited to call and examine before seiting eleewLere, cc WE WARRANT P 107' UR Ed Superior to any that can be obtained Wl34t of the moo R. M. CARGO & CO., photographers and And brotypist NEW YORK GALLERY, SUNBEAM GALLERY, S. W. cor. of Market street and Diamond, Pittaboren PRICES TO 81IIT ALL. myl9:o-Ap WYKES' GALLERY OF' ART, TO. 60 MARKET STREET.—PICTURES takeu at this Gallery by a new and improved procesd, 4iving the natural color of the hair, eyed, dread and complex ion. They are acknowledg.d by all who have examinee them to be farlfliperior to any pictures eve. exhibited In thi, city. Citizens and strangers are invited to call and examin., large collections of specimens. 1118 thillery being on the iecond floor, ie easy of access. N. B.—Pictures of Children taken In two ticonds, at No 60 Market street. ruy27•tf is NELSON'S AMBROTYPES. PRICES REDUCED. GALLERY CORNER OF THIRD AND NIARKET STREETI.., Entrance Un Third street. Citizens and Strangers desiring ANIBROTYPES, exoeu ti itk Lilo highest degree of artistic beauty and perfection, can be accommodated at short notice by calling at. NELSON'S WELL KNOWN GALLERY, THIRD STREET. :"Tices One Dollar and upward. ap29:ly2d OGS'ilS' NW DAGUERREAN AND AMBROTYPE SAT AND SIDE-LIGHT Q= A L L E R Y, 'MTH STREET, NEARLY OPPOSITE THE POST-OMOY PICTURES tAktfil in all the various atylea, In at n thor, and warranted to please, at reasonable rates. Sick or deceased persons taken at their ap2iklydew—is O C•LEIGH BELLS, SLEIGH. 81 L;Lt4, RLEIGH BELLS. 'So are &raving out our stock at cost, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR.-20 sacks Buck - wheat Flour, 00 ib sacks, just received and for sal SIcOANDLEbS, MEIN'S h CU., Corner Wood awl -Water etreets 1.4 1 1J0UR.-60 lib's. choice extra superfine Flour, Just recuivA and for sale by JAS. A. FETZER, f tO Corner Market anti First streets )ICKLES.-6 Wale. Cucumber Pickles, re ceived and for sale by JAMF A. FETZER, e2O Corner Market and First streets. .10GRail roaSd.7-sand f D or re aa s , s e e b d y Hog i s iE tO vit a y rr i i i ve co by ti H. MOLASSES.-70 bbls. 6t. James S. M. Molasses, in . siore and for sale by MILLER h RICKETSON, teal Nos 221 and 2 Liberty street WRAPPING PAPER.-10,000 bundles crown, Medium, Double Crown and Double Me. ilium, rag and straw Wrapping; just received ;and fur vale iry JOHN M. PM ltfilNa.' & O , Wholesale Paper W arehouse, 128 Wood at. MANILLA PAPERS.—We are taking into store five tone of Manilla Papere,' of Eastern munufactun4, of every size and thickness, which we will sell JOUN M. PERKINS Rs W , feb= Wholesale Paper Warehouse, 128 Wood at LACKBOARD CRAYON.-500 gross Just recet ved from the manufacturers, which w. , will swill to the trade • at eastern prices. JOHN M. PERKINSI c Cli., 14 holesale Paper Warehous-, 128, Wood et. ALARGF, assortment of Men's Buffalo and Arti; Over-hoes. Also, Ladies' Buffalo and Ar. tic Overshoes, and Gums of every size and style just closing ont at gr. atly reds Iced prices for cash, at Jo PH EL BORLAND'S, ir.E. Market, second door from Fifth street. SLEIGIILN SLEIGHING.—If you want to enjoy a gt q.gi sleigh ride, the first thing is to have your feet war.m. an d the next to keep them warm, and the way to do thrt is to get a pair of Buffalo or Artic Overshoes at the Chearaash 8 tore of JOS, If. B')HLAND tell) No ESA Tarket, second door trom Fifth A: re..t. SANFORD'Si`NVKIORATUR.-3 gross on Land awl for sat by B. L FAUN ESTOCK s C , Corner of Fourth and Wed r.trvt td. TIIE BEST FiIENCII CORSETS.- For Coo Doiltu and Twenty. Fi ao Centd. _ JOS. HMO; F, 77 Mark.vt street. wtains the fellowing Mootte, MaBtor E. S. %4'YISES, Artist No. 78 Fourth atreat, 411t1 E. 8. WYTiES, Artist SOWN Q. TETLEY. NO. 136 WOOD STREET A t SEMEN I S PITTSBURGH THEATRE. MIS KIMBERLY LIIBB2/11 AND 21.11-NAGSRES9 .1 G lIANLEY ..BTAOB MANA EP. .50c. Private Pell, large $t 04 .25c. Private Box, email__ 5 at. --. , Box Third 11..1 15c. I Colored Box 25c. PriTate Box, $l. I Colored Gallery 15c. Doors nat ii!4 'clock. Porformtmc ,to commance at 7 Box tAllco, for xalo of Ticketi,opon from 10 to 3 o'clock. Fifth night of tho brilliant and artistic Comedian, JOHN E. OWENS, On which occaeion he will appear In his justly celebrated character of John Unit, in the grout American Comedy of tap- S ELF WEDNESDAY EVENING, Feb 24th, the performance will commence with Mrs, Bateman's American Comedy entitled SELF, Mr John Unit Mrs. Radius._ Mfen Kimberly. Mr Apes Dnn o by To conclude with the laughable Farce, lD 1 act. HD till. A lONJUOAL LESSOS. 11t. t-upon Lullaby Nlr John Owens 51r6 Lail la I ullaby Mn.. VIM Deering. In n•tienroal, B Greta r rama, entitled , LIFE OF AN A CTRESS. . The Beautiful Collection of Pa' stings, iNcLuDiNci TIIE EASTERN SLAVE MARKET, e:,EDPATRA, DEATH OF LEANDER, MA the tainolin CIRCASSIAN MODEL OF BEAUTY, Are new en Free Exhibition at the TONTINE HOUSE, No 93 Third street. Call end tine them. iY l7 _ GEO. BCH:NECK, Proprietor. JOHN W. M'CARTHY, HILL POSTER: wIL L ATTEND 'I 0 THE POSTING and ItISTRII-11JTIN t of all kinds of L .POlt CONCERTO tiECTUItEB, EXHIBITION ti, ho All communications either by mail, telegraph, or other wiso--directml to ti:•• office of the Morning Post, will recd - 'r prompt. Attention av 7 .3Li~zl'i i j UARiJ- ItlJhirtii:Sih, C. J. 110/MAN, JOHN WRIGHT Humphreys, Hoffman & Wright, F 1 , 0 LI b."l-' ACTORS, PROs) 91t;L it NU GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 7a Nt/ItTli WHARVES AND 155 NORTH WATER ST., Ahuve Viue rk:rt, E Elt T O Conrad, rti,,tuption & Co., Philadelphia. Thompson, Clark Young, Slier, Price & Co., Caleb Cope h Cu., "' tlarcroft, Beaver & Cu , Canby, Neville .t Hughes, E. M. Lewis, Cushier F. and M. Bank, i.e. U. Mitchell, Cashier Merch's Rank. " Aoiris L. llallowell At Nict:utcheou & Collins, Alin M. 4cm:tad) , & Co , lt3lguel h Pickett, Mathews & 00., Mayaville ' Hy. & Price, Madison, Ind W. li. Langtey & Sous, tiallipolis, Ohio. rence h Mathias, Louisville, Ohio. D ltailuelt h Cincinnati, Ohio W. doinies & Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Cosgrove & 00., u .v i b: 1 y• TERRA COTTA OR STONE WATER PIPES, From two ro diX inch calibre. ?ItICES from 12 to 30 Centa per Foot A 1..511-IWeii EST KR PhARI, S ARCH Wow. Sale Wholesale at ftlanufactur•rs Prices by .11,2Niiitti U. COLLINS, FORWARDING AND C; OM:MISSION NI ERCKANT, CI? 42.1i.5.EL, BUTTEH, SEEDS., FISH, ANL MUDIJOIL 4.IENEI3.ALLY No. 25 WOOL) STILE:ET, PITTSBUELOIL. 1)6 WOOD, 310011111EALD 41. CO., MA.NIIeACTURERS OP .kterican Galvanized, Best Refined lEMEMI C0243101\ 1 SHEET IRON, Agout ur Wu sale r W. DBW2JS3 Woont? CELEBRATED cif!' PAD MI RUSSIA SUET 1110 N. —ALSO— ALI/ AN i CoRRUGATED IRON, for Ruutng ; i ikqh E.ti, NAILS, dud 111/OP IRON. house, No. 134 F trot st., Pittoburgh. EIL FOR ALV ALNIZING will be promptl, ALL •Litlekl Lu at p e au2o Burton & Perkins, AUCTION AND CONINIESSION .MERCHANTS, Nu. wl FOURTLI STKEET LOUISVILLE, BY., Consignments of any and every ,kscripti ;u of _Nlorcti., Itly Goods shut to us for . dtLeutieli to ~ay, and rowitt/tuces Im ut-thetely made. Teattkl•,. fikvore we aulielt a can rico. 0."4 3111 CHARLES %i. LEOls, ALDERMAN, And Lx•Officio Justice of the Peace, OFFICE ON TIIE CORNER OF WYLIE A D FTII STREETS. connected wan tins care will be att uded to w• promptw-ei (JAI voyancel of all kauda done with legal aracy--,,,t as L.e..18, Mortgage. 4, Bondi, Powers of AL- I,' 'Tiffs to ltral tai (LILO eXatni the inetnbers of the Bar ho ieuttero hid services as Com tuts .100er to take Deposittuth, to be read lu the severnl Courts .J this state, anti elsos here. Ms office is one of the main roth.o ft.:tattoos of the city, and musequently his facilities in ext...uttog Luauessof thst kuul are very desirable. Ilelu:1 y W. W. WALLACE'S STEAM MARBLE WORKS. MARBLE MANTELS:, A Large and Beautiful Stook always on Hand And Made to Order. OWNERS OF PROPERTY, CONTRAC -10R•i AND LfrIlE..S., aro invited to call and exam• int- ~ar snuck. of MARBLES, us we are persuaded that but L.w persons in the community are aware of the low prices t ohicn we are selling MA \ TELS, A good, plain, Marble Mantel costs but little, if any, more than a good WoOd Man t J, wnikt it is always neat, Is as ornament to a room, and a Wood Mantel) is nut liable to take fire. 110. , JM TABLETS AND URAVE STONES al wave on hand. I , '), , iISTANDS AND FURNITURE TOPS, AND Vit. •sINU ,TON IS In,do to order by machinery. Marble of all klede sold low .0 the trade. ~ .ur stock is toe largest in the West, is manufactured by Mat Inuory and wdl 64 , 30id at the lowest price,. W. W. WALLACE, NC d. 319, 321 and 323 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Plaster, Cement and 'Grindstones. P.I.ATEtt PARIS, fur Stucco Work, etc. cloi r, fir li,dterua, Firo Walls, ctn. GRIND- Ti N Eti, all sizes ant bent quality, for Nat - more and M at 319 Lit.erty sir d, l'ittatairgh, P.. 12:lin W. W. WALLACE. _ _ REMOVAL. - IRERHAVE'S HOLLAND BITTERS.- wo have rete..Ned the manufactory of Bcerhave's Holland !litters, to Nu. 37 Wood street—the house now occupied by J 011.4 Moorhead., Eau. the lirst of April, our office will be oe the second BENJ. PAGE, Ja. Sc CO. Lcollo . bbls. 76 and 96 per cent ik - lr sale by 11. A. KALINE.I3TOCK a CO., Corner of First and Wood streets. I ....I rs'i WILL buy .new frame Dwelling I- , House of four roorpo and Kitchen. Paling , rent, Rase ,even, etc. The lot OM a trout of 23 feet on .\ terey !drool, Allegheny, by 110 feet deep to an alley. T‘, 0.5 f pAYElletit very easy. The house ia new And le good .v r. Vor &Me by 8. OIiTtiBEIIT h dON, la 61 Market nine.. _ RED: WILLITE r AND BLUE.-500 boxes T o pa' Variegated doap, assorted colors, in ID, 3.4 lb. an,s on band end for tsale by 11 O. A J Ei..BAWYIiH A.CliEll ,NUTTER.-600 lbs. solid pack wived and for dale by Ti JAS. A. 1'13121;11,89 Wood street. E M 0 1T A L JAMES A. FETZER Forwarding and Commission Mercham vox SZlx BILE 07 FLOUR, GRAIN, AND A ,LL RIAD3 OF PRODUCE Bus removed from 69 Water street, to the Uorocr of Mar!set and Flit streets, -200 kegs New Crastle, fur sale by Is. A. FtIiNEF')CS A CO. IF YOU . WANT YOUR OLD) HIDE TO Oft,DER, CALL AT CELEzTEHT. A brilliant at.surtuicut of SEASONABLE P.I.IME GOODS on Lund tat CILESTER'S OuTLLIC HALL, Ovraur of Wood street and Ditoaond 0.4*- V'y'” Study to Please. Jaw If \ DIA RUBBER BELTING.—A large dt,,ck, all eizt.a, 2, 3 and 4 ply thick, at the ludic Rub ber :'4•pot, 2tl and 24 Ph. Clair mtreet ja3o A.l;, CORN —l3O t , acks Ear Curu, justre u d for e:.40 by 3.9.8. A. FETZER, 89 Water dt t. rvIUSTREDUC E TH.E STOOK .—ln oxclet t reduce our stock beiore the opening of the Spring Trutt., we will continue to Bell at the EXTREMELY LOW Pft.tOrie mu-Goats are now marked at. de.:3o JOS. 114}KNIg. 77 MOOkat street. POTATOES. --392 sacks Neehexuaook Po tatoes, arriving on the - etzamer R. P. SaaN and for sale JAS. A. FETZER, Corner Market and First etre( ts. 0011 N.--64 sacks car Corn for sale by dela JAIL A. Virafifi, 89 Water at i, eat, Mr. John E. Owens .8. C. Dubois Tarnbull PHILADELPHIA PT7T&BDEOJJ P 4 THING J. 4 IL piriLLips MEDIC&L. ONZ,V 0= BOTTLE _pp_ DR. SANFORD'S INVIGORATOR, Ts REQUIRED TO CURE ANY ONE troubled with Liver Complaints, unless the most dex perato of ciei,s, when the sscond bottle vi 1, with Mete single failure, ro.toro the patient to health and •igor. Wa wish to call the attention of all to these facts, that the In vigorator is compounded by a ph% siclan who has used it tq his practice for the poet twenty years with a success await credulous, and that it is eutizsly vegetable, being composed wholly of gams. Some Idea of the strength of these game may be forme 4 when It is known one bottle of the Invigorator contains as much strength as one hundred doses of Calomel without way of Its deleterious effects. We know there is nothing now before the Atnorican putt. tic, prepared with such skill hy a scientific man, particularly for diseases of the Liver, os Dr. fianford's Invigorator, or Liver Remedy. It has ottoi,,ed a reputation socond to uo other article in the world, simply because it rest on its own merit. To convince oil by tral that it is all its proprietors claim it to be, if any of our readers are suffering from such diseases as are described in Dr, cauford'a advertisement, we know of know remody that will so surely cure them as the Invigorator. The Invigorator cures dick Headache. Take one or two teaspoonful)) at each attack and it will soon disappear. For an overloaded stomach, or when food rises or sours, takethe Invigorator after eating, and it will not prove disagreeable or oppress,ve. For lieattbuin, Palpitation, or Difficult Breathing, tako a tea poonfid once or twice daily. For 1.0516 oi Appetite, Languor or L stleadtiesa, the medicine Is invaln atilt). It will restore the appetite and make the food digt et well. Nightmare, take is teaspoonful on retiring, and the demons of dream-land will all bo fairies. After eating a hearty dinner, take a dose of Invigorator and it will relieve all oppression or fullness ) Invigorator Ina Liver Remo dy of unequaled virtue, acting directly on that organ, cut lug Dyspepsia, Jann lire, Billions Attacks, Dysentery, Piles, Worms, mid all Female obstructions, for whirl it has no eqaal. We know there is nothing now before the American pub lic prepared with such skill by a scientific mss, particular ly for diseases of the Liver, as r. d.,nford'a Invigorator, or Liver Remedy. It has attained a reputation second to no other article in the v.or d, simply because it mason ita own merit. To convince all by trial that It Ii all its proprietors claim it to be, if any of oar readers are suffering from arch diseases as are described in Dr. Sanfzrd's advertisement, we know of no leruedy that will so surely cure them as the Invigorator. There has lately been brought Cu our notice a medicine that seems to poesess wenderful, curative and healing pro perties in diseases of the Liver, Stomach and Digestive Or gans. It came to us with to many testimonials in ita favor that we havetnoted its effects is ..51,1130 of the worst Cases 01 continual dibdity, caused by doraugo, liver, and in every instance the effect was to relieve orgive a permanent cure, Dr. Sanford's Invigorator, Ur. Liver itemecly is what we re fer to. We always have 1.),. en credulous about cures by pat. eat medicines, but we are COON Ince(' that this medicine for family use, is not overrated by the host of recommentlatie , .. .t has. Our advice is, for all troubled with Indigestion, bility or Bowel Complaint, to get a bottle and try it; our word for it, relief will be experienced. BLINSINOt3 TO Tlllt INVALID, 'A.IIO use O. Sanford's Invlgor • for it will relieve thorn of their pains as soon as it Is taken into their stomach. Pain and misery cannot exist whert, the Invigorator 1. used, tot It will as surely drive them away, so daylight will banish darkness, of this there can b no doubt to tit so aho try it, for it carries conviction with every dose talker'. Auotla,,r evidence, la the thousands at certificates from those who use it or have been cured by It, Try ono bottle, it it does not benefit, then we are mistaken. PRICE 0:i 7: DOLL...P. PEI/ soma. SANFORD CO.&Proprirtoro, 34 Broadway, New York For mal6 by G Ff. ITEVSER, 140 Wood utreet, Pittsburgb Jal:Scud/m:2p '1: TEE GREATEST .-1 -- , t.:::_ir 7.1 - -,i ,-,) 7' 11 7 .- : . ;..,..,- Ve - -, `', '":/ mscoliTEßY 1. i OF THE AGE , • .11/1 R ;,.d 11 . ENNE uua r pasture DY, of Roxbury, ha ds s disco v• cures Every kind of Humor, ifLoM THE WORST SCROFULA DOWN TO A oumsiON PLMPLR. Ile has tried it inover eh-ven lic.ndrod cases, and never failed except in two nines, (both thin:leer humor.) fie has now in his possession over One hundred certificates of its value, all within twenty miles of BFAItLLI. Two bottles are warranted to cure a nursing sore month. One to three bottles will cure the worst kind of Pimpled, oa the faro. Two or three betties will clear the spasm of biles. Two bottles are war rented to curs thr worst canker In the mouth or stomach. Three to five bottles are warranted to curs the worst kind of Erysipelas.. Out to two bottle:, :Ire warrf.ntod to curb all humor in the eyes. Two bhttlos aro warraut,kl to cure running of the cars and blotched among the ha,lr: Four to elr. bettlea are wiirrunted to curc , corrupt dud running ult-erm. Out, l'ottlo will ctirc ormition Clf thv akin. Two or for o bottles aro wit, rantuil to curo tho worst kind of ringworm. Two or threo bottlta ar iVolrruntv,i to oare the mod dee porato caoc of Thrlr_• to foul to,L , 10, or war: aat, d to our. e!ilt•Rhenm Five to eight bottled win cure the were, CAM) of scrofula. benefit le alwari experieucsd trim the tint bottle, and a perfect cure is warranted when the aboverlaantity le taken. ROXBUILY, MESS Dana M&DADI,—The reputation of the sledical Inscotery, in curing all kind of Inuutwo, I. oo wull notablisticd by the ElLltiflill3ollB voice, of all who havc ever mind it, that I need not ray anything on the ultioct, as the moot skilful physi cians and the moot careful D, uggisto in the conutry aro un unbound in its Iu premeuting the Medical Discovery to your notice, I do it with a lull knowledge of the curative power. in relieving all, and curing moat of those dieemea in which yon are on fortunately so liable. That moat excruciating disease to an affectionate mother. NURSING SORE MOUTH, Is cured as if by a miracle; your own temper is restored ivy natural sweetuees, and your babe from short and fretful naps to calm and sweet slumbers; and the Medical Discover ry bc4,oll.lt!d a fountain of blemins. to your husband and hoast bold. I❑ the men, advanced SLitgei of CANKER It e.t. ❑ds t, the Stomach, causing. DYSPEPSIA, which Id uuthing bra cankcr u; than to the LI totAti nus mud KIDNEYS, ur, , atiug a oinking, golly fo.ilng, and au India - arena> Waikato tin careo of your taiuil!. Your stomach hi RAW AND INFLAMED, roar food dietrers If you, and ,uti can only take certain kinds, and even of that your system does not got half the nourishment it contains as the ncrimonous fluid of the canker eats it up; then your complexion' loses its bloom and be• comes sallow or greenish, and your beet day Is gone. For want of nourishment your .yutern becomes 100 and flabby, and the fibres of your body become relaxed. Then follow a train of diseases which the Medical Discovery is peculiarly adapted to _ _ _ CURE; Palpitation of the heart, pain in the aide, weakness of the spine and small of the back, pain of the hip Joint when yen retire, Irregularity of the Guwele, sod ale., that moat excrn dating of disomei, the _ PILES HOW many thorusamis of poor women aro suilerims from this amuse and pining away a miserable life, and their next door neighbor does not know the cause. 1 wish to Impress oe your mind that good old proverb, " An ounce of proven. tiou is better than a Lamm! of-,cur.-." In the MEDICAL DISCOVERY you have both the preventative and the cure, with thla great and good quality, chat It will o ve r, tinder any el roninstanc.s, do you any injury. N. change of diet ever uec..4l.ary--tat the beat you can gut and enough of it. Nast:Twit, Pole net—Adults en, , table spoonful per day— Children over ten yeues dessert spoontul--Children frond live to eight years, tea sixsintul. All no directions can be appli• cable i to all couatitutiooa . take sufficient to operate on the bowchi twice a day. Yonra truly, DONALD KENNEDY. Price $l,OO per b..ttb, For 841.3 by or. (•F'...). a. KEYRKIL, etreLt, Itittsburzb, pl.daw A RETIRED PIitiS:CIAN" - dies,7s YEARS OF AGE, whose sands of life have nearly ron out, discovered, while in the East IL a certain corn for Consquiption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, and ilegii,ali Debility The remedy was discovered by him when hill only child, a daughter, wan given qp to die. Ile had heard touch of the wonderful restorative and healing qualities of preparations made from the East India Ileuip, and the thought occurred to him that he might make a remedy for his child. Ho studied hard and succeeded in realizing his wishes. 1118 child was cured, and is now alive and well. Ile ban deco ...itnintatered the - wonderful remedy to thousands ,t sidlerera in all parts of the world, and he has never failed in making them corn. piaciy healthy and happy. Wishing to do as Lunch good as possible, he will send to such of his afflicted fellow-beings as request it., this t • ipe, with full and explicit direction for making it up, ano successfully using it. He requires each applicant to inclose Mtn ono shilling—three cents to be re turned as postage on the recipe, and the remainder to be Applied to the pay - Mont of this sAvertisemuut. Address, DR 11. JAMES, No to (it at, street, Jnosey City, N. J. CAUTLOY-1 have uu ~/.I•ie-low with, rr.3.31 to send nit rec pe, en ha, hove :01 v., t.,,,,1 i,,..23,1,,,_4, BOWM A _ 1: 0951pouND Hill cure Bleeding of the Lungs . Cousin:option For sine by And lo!dt w GP)). H. KEYS R, Pit3'lbl:ugh, J. P. Rl.lnfiNn rlity D'hSPEPsI4 4ND FITS. DR. TRACY DELORINIE, the great curer of CONBUMP 4 IION, t,as f•r PeVe.ral ye•tre eo badly Abeted by Dyspepsia that for u part t f the time he wee confined to hie bet •i o was eventually cured by a pro• ticription furnished by a youn, clair.toyant air!. This pre' ecription, given by a tner•- etold 'xi Ito a state of trace, has cured everyLasly who has taken it, never having failed once. It is equally as sure itt c-ass aof Yrra as of DYETIPSL%. The lugredients mayfund In any drug store I will tend this valuable pre , cript ion to any person on the receipt of one etatnp t, pay postaztt Atidfc , ot DR. TIIAPY Gaccu cotes OP CO2NUMPTION, York Post ^Moe. foM:lm—la „.....0... 7 ,7 7"..'' - :- . ..- -- N \ , t il 1 ~....- , ise- ~- -Z .;:- . ., -- -.f.'-A., 1. :yam, /v< .f - .- - ',l- N 1 4 1.; f 4, il 4 -1:4Fi .. .-' ‘ ` . :; i '' -'' I Q 4wl ', ..• -, i_ ' 4 -'- -: - -,.. tE t- 2 1 - 77,;.; - a - ?. = . - .; ; -: :- :j - tzirtt - ~/,' _ 'l ~L__ V.; 4-7 f - ff '2" : 151 44 . '' re : -0 ,44 . ‘, .... ~z - --. ....4- 5.3 ',.., : . , t - NI tiRB LE ! MARBLE! 1 JOELIA 67/g I Cal R G 0 HAS A BEAUTIFUL SELECTION OF MONUMENTS, GitiVE STONES, Enclosures, Posts, „tr., 83,c. Tho public are rovectfully invitod to examine our mock. Prices low, and work warranted. 7y 1 343 121 NO. 834 I,IBEMY STRUT. _ _ UronchitlA, .lattima, Inflammation of the Lungs, Influanaa, .2.roup,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers