VOLUME XVI. PITTSBURG MORNINCi POST. Wed •;-.4 pl,lo',ed et`..7l/ n:orning C Sundays excepted B JAMES P. BA R, I% 'MI . :TORT •CORNET: ire WOOD' A. 111) PIVTIf STREETH, _ TERMS.—Five Dollars a yerir, payable strictly in advance x Dollars invariAbly requireiii if not paid within the year. .nr - Singh, copies, Two CE re—f. t :it the counter in no Office IE O d by the New,- KATES ADV ERTISING Thrial l'ttri , mlOne , t a I In ISok/3.. trim Lir:l - z. D a weak) weAk. I raper. IMIMEIM! Two insertions... Three insertions One week.......... Two weeks Three weeks One mouth T.wo months ' Three mouths.... Tour months ['ice months...... Eis months Nine month, One year ...., 1 00 1 75 . 3 (.0.1 1 50 uo ! 2 o', l , 200 5 00i 3 351 250 7 0 1, 1 4 651 3 50 ...., 0 00; 000 450 .... 10 001 6 65' 5 00; ~ .‘O. l 7 35' 5 fin , 12 001 s 601 0 001 7... 1 16 001 10 3 . 20 01, .0,! to .101 M==IMEMM=III I.I,,CLA , LF One !guar., 1.: th, iterriag,, n , ,tic, 50 n•n:n ; PITTSBURGH SATURDAY POST A 32 A 32 31 0173 1 :1 E aliAt r ONLY ONE DOLLIU IN CLUBS 01 TEN. Single Subscriptions, - - - par annum. CONTAINS ALL THE CURRENT NEWS OF THE DAY, Political, Literary, Agricultural, Cominta cial, Local, Telegraphic and lth , cellaneous. TriiB Paper being of the 12.1:::LST TTZT, and neatly prints on fine white paper, in lar, , clear typo, will be found by the Embscriber to give better nati,,fiwtion than any paper puoliehed in Pittsburgh. Those who wish to t:,ke s pa;.f.r from Pittsburgh, will find the SATURDAY POST ;I.lr, an , l invest:recut, Address, JAMES P. 8A.R.11, sepl.7 Editor and Proprietor. BUSINESS CARDS =M! BAER& SE 1 . Eat.§ s BOOK AN I) JOE OFFICE, POST E3'u'im..znivel - s, Corner of Fifth and Wood Streets, I'I'I"fSI3URGH. 911.1 E undersigned having made extensive 1 additions of the LATEST AN fi LtA,NDSOMEST STYLES OF TYE*, and improved Machinery, to the MORNING POoT JOB OFFICE, invite tit° iteution of Rail Road Officers Merchants., business U"", and the public generally, to their superior facilities fur execntim; a ith dispatch, on reasonable terms, all ItirldEi of I; AI if ,RoAD MILIRCANtiILE, ILEGA.L, AND EVERY ontEi: DEsciarnolNT OF PLAIN & FANCY PRINTING material being nearly 1,11 new, we can give Men ranee of the most couiplete a:Lilia:Aka, and solicit unleis • BeDES, PAMPHLETS, RAIL ROAD BILLS AND CARDS, BANK CHECKS, BLANK NOTES, LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, BILLS ;LADING, CIRCULARS, BUSINESS CARDS, PAPEIt BO KS. DEDAD , S, MORTOAGES, BuNDS, Ar * Particul.ir attelinon sviil ulo, la, paid to the printiud of Posters, ProLcraturaos, !cc. for Coo,orto, Exhiliitious 0101 Circuses. BAILII & MYERS. HUFFMAN, Ili lel Sr. CO. F'. - ;:fIWAE. Di ":.1 Ci AND COMMISSION M.i±:ItCLIANTS, DEALER!, in. PRODUCE, FLOUR. lIND WOOL. No. .1.1.1. SICOND STILMI7.I, PIrTJBULOIi,INNA t3prluger Harbe.ngh, J09,p1.1. E. ender, Bt.Lonie• i.'ittabunz.h; Beene Wyk'. Philadelphia " ', , jarret h Martin, R. 11. Painter. McCandlems, Meaum . Co., " ~ „ eut, 8 till tkl , . 11. Childs is Cu., " , c:e.,Lle, Stcrling & Co., Bagitley, Comgrave a Co., " 'imrd, 0 innure & Cu., A. A. Mason s Co., " &in Lid T. .Mu-A, G. W. Smith, Wheeling; • iVe‘trui & Ilratunu, 64 A.J. Whoclor, Bitnlicr, CincinnAO. ioci:ly The Peopie , r. !-itte, store. D. S. DIEFFENBA. , JHER & CO., Cheap Dual .I.ealerti in all tinge of Fashionable BOUTS, SINES AND GAITERS, For Gentlemen, Ladie Youths und Children, No. 17 Fifth Street, near Market, ocB Pll"i'SlistritGLl, PA DEE= PERRIN & JOHNSON, Propri..toi of Clolth, Patent Elastic Fire and Water Proof eCesuent Roofing. 133 TLIIRD STREET. ORDERS for nooriNu promptly and faith tally eXoi.l. toll, Will it': Hoofing maturial alwoyti on h:02.1, Au.l for male, with di roctioros tar ode. • 2ly DAAVES i r , Ilou•e, Si gn and oi-i.ainratai Painters ANT) GRALNERS, ill WOOL) STREET. Dealer:, in I,Viiite m;.l Zinc Paints. L,t, Window GluEB, tknd every artki , tut TAMES MIL L L:.•; : 1 / 4 10 NONGA E tJ YLANiNG MILL, wunli inforin the. putili, o that he hoe robuilt itince the tire, and having enlarged hi, eAablishtuettt, and filled it with the nAwest rind most ap proved machinery. IC 110 W pruparl'd to furnien Iloori ug nud planed hoar d, scrawl eat,in ;In I roil twine, I 10,,r5, each and tstinttors, kiln dried, fratiir. 1,1k4,111,11.101, I,l3kif,g. S..nth Pit isliurgh, September 7, ISili7. 00.10 GEOWJE BLETCHER, MANUFACTUREi 02 CELFERATIA, GOSSAMER VENTILATING WIG, ELASTIC SAND TC , .UPEES, And a;,r) .I....maription of ORNAHENTAL HAIR for Lad'. and Gantiernen. D 3 7o FOURTH atretA, ,nri Market, Pitta burgh, Pa. 0c.77.1y Joseph i Carrlregc , Lispoalitory; ITLIIT.F., no, ct—cryiu,; nu Gusi nose In his tpa , _iousproini4e , i,(tioW lately. ' 81341Tge.ti,)011 thi3 Pitt:4l , l.lEol tir,,,,usborg,,- Turnpike tiLtir the T•No anti, toetrCUl , t 1 ,141 LaVir.`ll-1,V11142, V7r!l,oCdt,ily invites the pubh, to tonpoot his CAS RIAG' ES, BUGGIES, Ac. And 11 , p..rticularly ..;61.1t1 ,, :i1e1l c 4.4 that one prit , only is meat. irourtoun ..:n busiz , zcz hini it place before his po.tror.3 tip. same choice collection of Oa rtages which, oo coons yvtirl past :t hen been his particular department to eel; nod most talouten E.ist,rn mite a 1.,. core of his now system i, oomplotn—the •-coo t„, r , ,,,, , ,ients will supply th. bait and row:: . .11C, (Vc in,fierato price, UnancunA , n..d •ctifi,,c, which thd manic for &lomat-log 110111,- of uuuuthe pric , of golds, to routs, ...Uzi ti 011 V. 1:1Ti: will sell• no ready money only, tit_inoch than the' adant sa,..earriages repaired lu tort C1 , 11111 ,, 7 ‘, -- Itn .1. qpatcb ..rasy 12de vr QT. CHARLES LIVERY STABLES.- The undersigned has bought the i efg ,„ • of the above named Stables, to- 4 . 113. ,_ gether with a portion of the extelet„t i , w6 . alrollilk sive stuck of ilorso.,t MO Carriages, late the property of James Mathews, deceased. to the stock before-mentioned, he has also added a number ot , ‘ l FINE HORSES, BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES, which were formerly employed ar. his Livery Stalin i Third, below Wood street. As he gives his personal after, Neu to the business, a ,mtimmuce o? the mitt-up:4;e which he has hitherto received &cif public is solicited. JACOB \IA RDN ER, St. Charles Livery Stables. N. }3.--A HEARSE and any number of CA MCI AG ES can slwoye be procured for Funerals. (1029 F .. of the beet snow - iota, in the ci • - ty-- - _ OR SALE—A Drug Store, located in one RYE FLODR.-1 5 .0 Barrels Rye F lour,just . of Pittsburgh, for roceivoti anti for eat by either a jobbing, retail or prescription husiues.i. Purctuis, , JAMES A. FETZER, ors will tied au advantge of r3T.L , occurr•DCB. For infornia. ' dee; 89 Warr street, • tion inquire of JOHN HAFT, Ja., No. 166, corner Sixth and Wood streets, keg rtrt.si-nrek R ESSE D HOU S.- Par YIP IN . . G REAT SEMI-ANNUAL FLANNELS—Red, White, linty, Green, AND cLut.. , txti OCT SALE OF DRY GOODS: Yellow, Plaid, etc. Ch -apvr. than the n Eine Dress Goods, at very low prices; eapest. e C. LIANSoN LOVE, I , SHAWLS, In great variety, at very Ipw prices; Formerly Love Brothers, ' W. 10LEti GOOD', a large stock, at very low prices; l ' ; ''' 14 "6'l' strawy 1 DOXi ES lIC GOODS, 1.11 immense stock, at very low prices, ACONET FLOUNCES AND NEEDLE— At the store a r WORK COLLARS,—A lar4e .-...ul tait.nt, and V, 71 44 - ..p. C. 'JANSON LOVE, -11.'''' A. A. MASON & CO r 9 S I O. :45 Filll.l STitEET, 021 f e , r i nt7 rr 1.--...,. Fi r m.. ti- TA Vq. , 4,f s s c u res[. i • 1 WE are now opening our second, and by i !'lr Cur theelle4ll?...4t ht-ock of Fall and Winter Drees GcKal 1, Shawls, dm., that Las ever been offered in thi3 a HANSON LOVE,E, Formerly Love Brothers, 74 Market et. ,BUFFALO SIIOES.—A splendid article oi Gents' and Ladies Buffalo Over Shoes. Also, Gents' - Calf giver Sho— yof . zit the People's Shoe Store, No. 17 Fifth lll. CLOTH. /Ftsks at ' 5_.2.1 s. 4H. ORASIL—Fer Stairs, a vari- Fl . (Till etreet, floor )1 orket:-st st P . nov2l DI FFENISAOMI SI CO. AN A RUB BE It CLOTII.I. ti-9f the best, I.IIAINEY TOPS,-200 Gothic Chimney and also aacoad quality, for sale t r and retain by ' Tor t kw We by EMMY EL OGILIZEIL ® •i t:;•01 1 w-11/1111 „t, • 4., ' t • 5 •-•1 • ' ••,• HOTELS & RESTATTRANTS. JONIN HOU:=E. WELLS °OVERLY, PROPRIETOR Corner of Market Street and Market Square, HARRISBURG, PA. /IRIS NEW AND ELEGANT HOTEL, ly erected by ths ! , lessrs. JONES in Ilarrisburg, ,havaig Lien Loused for a term or years by the under, eignod, tau takes this method of calling the attention of his former patrons, friends, and the traveling community, thereto. Having a front of one hundred and furty five fret on Use prvicipa/ street of tue, City, tad fifty-two fed front on Mar- Square, it cannot tail to prove attractive as well as in viting to stranger. The CHAMBERS are of fine size, well veutilated, and lizhUd with gm—a number with connecting doers—making them very desirable for familit.T. The 11ALLS are warmed throughout by heaters, and every modern improvement, In fact. has been added, that cony conduce to the safety, comfo,t and happiness of the guest/4. Visitor)] may, therefore, rest a.;stired that the " JONES II JUSE" has hseti mad. pert et ID all its appointments-- that each department has been plic..d to charge of Fain, amNcrn AND COMPETENT s--tlr Its every particular the system which has Won adopted by the Proprietor, will afford to those who may to,ke it their haute, RN great II do gree of comfort as may be obtained at any similar establish ment in the State. i 001 io 1 100 1 Gil I . 2. : 3 51 50 00 3 00 3 35 1 5() ;66! 650 q 0) t5O 5 35 0 (6) c, 65 1.2 00 10 00 ~.cure this desirable re-Olt, h^ bas furnished the Nadir. and Private Parlors, Chambers, Dining Room, &c., with en. tirely NEW FCENITUE.E: and also arranged within the building, a fine likatimt SALOON, Drinssma Room, HOT AND COLD BATHS, &O. The CULINARY DE:•ART?LENT AND DINING ROOM will receive the especial attention of the Proprietor, which, hn trusts, will he a enfliciunt guaranty,. that all tastes will be suited. !utu~•,, [cwt. a IT VNItY IL COLLIN 9 PUBLISHED DAILY BY JAMES P. BARR, AT THE «POST BUILDINGS," CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS; AT Fly.til DOLLARS PER ANNUM. • • - •. After returning his heartfelt than , e‘t to WS old friends and patrons, fur the generous patnentio no long extended to hint at the •• CoVialA noUesn," and :Lied to his fri - -nde and paircurt at the '• ~.Inlllll.l UutleE." Cape 'slaw', during the meason of 1855, ho revectfully Bolicith a continuance ut it at the (SOUSE" • Jag:, WELLS COVERLY. GALT 1101TSE LOUIS VI L E. Th understz , ed has again taken charge of the GALT Ito reduc , i to $2 00 p:r flay. fe2o:2w A. '1'1180013.,1.011.T0 ri • IVISHINGTON HOUSE, COR. PENN'A AVENUE 4 THIRD ST., WASHINGTON, D. C 1. F. I3EVERIDGE SCOTT HOUSE, Corner Irwin Street and Duquesne Way, PITT.I3UPAIII, FA B. D. MARKER, - - - RitOPRIETOR, (Formerly of the ...Nl:triter Rouge.," nhthSille, Pa.) Fdill E SCOTT HOUSE IS NOW COM- A. PLETED AND OPEN FOR GUESTS. It is liittutted la a central part of the city, being convenient La all Railroad Depots and steamboat Landings. The House woe built iu 1856, with all modern improve ments and tilted up in splendid style--the entire Furniture now—and will in every respect be u first class Hotel. Ftu , STABLES are attached to the premises. jelly H. W. KANAGA Ta soo T E 9 Opp°Bite the Permit. Railroad Depot, LLARRINBURG, PA. Dels WAiIt,iI3I2,NGTON RIOT'S FoßnhatLy C. t. HOTEL, PITTSBURGH, PA. J ES SHA.NNO i, Proprietor. THIS HOUSE IS LOCATED ON TUE re! P , NN and 15'ill-411NOToN Streets, between the t• VAAL AAU lik.mTS.l4.N RAILROAD DEPt/n, and hat, 11,1, g,lie a thorough improvement, remodeled and furuivneo with new furniture, and in now the moat COIIVE, moot Henri in eitt.iburgh, ter Travelers by Railroad, East et West. LayB:ly Ciu)itNUCOPILE fiy ELI YOUNG, I , ‘II'TH STREET. *-4:.,...7,Nr Tim attention of Merchauttl i ?;:,,,, and uthete is directed to theft' z TV•-• establitaLumut, which has been recently fitted cp for the purpose ui affording a SUItSfAN- I'lAI, EATIMI77,EIOUIikI IN A CE\TitAL LOCATION t.foun try folks aitendiug market are particularly invited to call. Everything pertaining to an EATING SALOON will itb.vays be found, of the trustiest the market affords. apt.9:lrittsv / Excelsior Restaurant, • No,. 111 WOOD Street, Prnsßutton, PA, WIIOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN LAKE AND FAS'i'ERN FI6II. &resit Philadelphia 4. Baltimore Oyoters, And WILD (JAMS, all in their proper 8Ut1.901.1. B. STELNILUCK, :I;A:they:lA Agent for the Philadelphai Oynter and Fish Co. AIiSION 110 USE, UEORGE 'AURENTZ, Pl-.ol'lllnTo.ll, No. .3.14 Liberty street, pita beside the ea eu or it,put 01 the reuutylvano% Railroad, which znakes it toe loo,t convenient betide in the city for },asaeligers arri ;lug I, that ruaLl. Tut, prupri*,t.,] having, nt eLnkettiw-lbli, aspeuae, fitted up, lu e...c , .11,mt style, the !tIANbIuN HOUSE, would respect -ole it a share 01 putlic patronage. Thore is attached zp.,:idal n.:ABLE and urteumve IVAti.J.N YARD, affura mg Loopl, ac.coloruod.ition t., travelers and toamstors. His i...,cM•r and Bar will be form:Med wit!. she brat the market c.in QT. CLAIR LIO'f.E..e.L., corner Penn :Inc! St. 1,) Clair 6treaa, itittnburgit, I'::.—The untlereigued,fdrmer. I, vi - iirown'ti Hetet, - .40 , 1118 taken tide large and cdmmo- LodA HOTEL, and havlng refitted it in magnificent [aryl°, would respectfully inv.', hie triands and the traveling tublic to glVe hall a Gail. Artiured, with the ountenieute f the 0 tune and Ilia long experience , in the tatHirtesa,_tic.„,,, th give entire .atistaCtion, tt ati lild charges moderato. feb'zfi .. Will. 0. CONNELLY. FURNIfuRE i t MILLII(EN & CO. have on hand, at th•A, • xtemitve CAtil N El and CHAIR NIANUFAC ..I, N... 64 n 001901.1 street, a oirge wmrtment itf Fancy i l• u uu Sul .11.1.11 e, w lurk they yin' sell lb per cent. lower than uni:unary rates. TerDe:, ovllk only. idecit7:y -AT 0 OD WELL' :S FURNITURE AND cusuth, lV hotecal, awl :u.L3it, embracing every s yle of Fut niture, in Rosewood, St 0,..0key mid Vial:tut, mttable for Parlorti, Uhauttni.n and Inning Routeil, cy tt, any in New York or Philadelphia, and ut lower prises. Every article made by Land, and warranted. EMMA-makers any plied with any .puntay of BUENITUREI mid CHAIRS, on reasonable terms. Hotels and Steamboata rum im lied at the shortest nothe. Warerumna, N or. 77 and 79 THIRD Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. 0c:22 kaIOEET CIDER.---4.1A15. Sweet Cider, for 1„) sale by JAMES A. FETZER, d0..4 89 Water street. rtaIaSTMAS N b.; W YE.II,'S GIFTS k . .) of every description EL rite Earley Dry Hoods liue.— Ph (All and the them. C. 11AISsg.N LOVE, dc-5 F:rinerly LOVE 74 Market St. IMU t (2 , 1. f LAli or !.; by 6 rur office lui u n) se, N i . n T,) e s o , n;r l ierit l e y .57 World street 00RT FOLIOS AND D - ESK. PADS fur sale A by W5l. G. JWINA`ON 00, 57 Woodstreet _ ()CURE. -50 barre s American and French, f,.r 9.aln by B. A. ..,., lINESToCK & 00 , FINE SILK SPONGE. Bleached Cupping Sponge. Soft Bathing Sponge Good Caul:lga Sponge. L.E3llNti'th, Corner `.la. ket street find Diatn,nd: DROPB.-300 lbs. just received and k..A'" for 13:116 y B. L. FALINESkOCK ••p Corner Wo.AI and Fourth .stroetq. rII.CEICAIOMETEItS—For sale by • w. G. JOHNSTON & CO., . Stationers, 67 Wood street VRESII LOBSTOILS.-1.0 4zen in cans, for Bala by ANDBSSON, nov24 No. 39 Wood street. A Lu barrels for sale by B. A. FAITNESTOCK A CO., Corner Wood and First streets. FILINU ht , ., fur Dress Trimmings. A hand• Amie usuoraueut ut reiinCed rates, ist Onvil )liN ES' '7l Market street "JURE ULM A. At .b. OIL, JO:iIiPLI YLikMING'S, Corner %I ....bet street and the aiarnond ENV ARRIVAL.- 20 boxes Oranges; 20 do Messina Lemons; 200 drums New Figs, just received sod for sale by Rh:Y.IIER & ANDERSON, No. 39 Wood street, Opposite St. Charles Hotel. jal9 L3TAHOLL-300 bxs. Rochester Pearl Starch tor site by .a 1.91 ' HENRY U. COLLINS. 00 V, 111--,,7S AVEN GS BAN , atobLE 1100 M, JONES' NEW. BUILDING OPEN DAILY, from 9 to 2 o'clock ; also, on Wetinesdav and Saturday evenings, from May Ist to November Ist, from 7 to 9 o'clocs; and frmn November Ist to `day Ist, from 8 to 8 o'clock. Deposits received of all sums not lees than ONe and a dividend of the profits declared twice a year iu June and December. Interest was declared at the rats of: six. per cent. per annum, on the first of December, 1855; also in June and December, 1856, and in June and December, 1857. Interest, if not drawn out, is placed to the credit of the depositor as principal, and bears the sang interest from the first days of June and December, compounding twice a year without troubling the depositor to call or even to present his pass book. At this tato, money will double In less than twelVe years, making in the aggregate EICPIT AND ONL-He11.2 PER CENT. A YEAR. Books containing the Charter, By-Laws, Rule- and Myn lations, furnished gratis, on application at the 0^.k , ,. Pre°ldent—GEOßGE AI, BREI • curs PILESIDE.N7B. Hopewell Hepburn, .43,11109 addle, Alexander Bradley, Robert Robb, William S. Lavely, Hill Bnrgwin, William J. Anderson. James W. Hallman, John G. Beekokn, Cherie. limo, Albert Culberteon, John B. Canfield, P. A. Madeira, John H. Mellor, J. Gardiner Cothu, Walter P. Marshall. Alonzo A. Carrier, Wilson Miller. David Campbell. A. M....P0110ck, M. D. Charles A. Colton," floury L. Ring-v . :alt, William Douglass, John M. Sawyer, Francis Felix, George it. Seldeu, George F. Gillmore, Alexander Tindle. Janice S. noon, Theaald Cnibetaetter, William S. Haven, George It. White, Secretary and Treasurer—CHAS. A. COLTON BANK OF lOWA. A. J. STEVENS & CO., COLLECTIONS MADE and prompb., , mitted. LANDS selected and locatel. Capitalists wishing to make investments in the West, can do so through this house. Correspondence solicited. I my2.l:Bm AUSTIN LOOlllB 'MOS. D. 1.00...41.9. A CISTIN LOOMIS & CO., Dealers in Promissory Notes,tilonds, Mortgage; tiud all Securities for Money. Money Loaned on Checks at short date; with collateral security. NOTES AND DRAFTS BrYIJEITIT AND SOLD. Persons desiring Loans can be accommodated on reasons blo terms, and capitalists can be furnished with good decuri tl•es at remunerative prices. AlBO, attend to the Sale, Renting and Loeeing of Ilea' I,J-state. Office, No. 92 FOURTH street, above P; ccd ika.. AUSTIN boomie, Notary Public. PROPRIETRESS 7 ,\T HOLMES & SONS, Bankers and Ex change Brokera, and Dealera in Notes, Drafts, Accept , Gold, Silver and Bank Notes. Exchange on the East ern and Western Cities constantly fur sale. Collections made in all the cities throughout Gip United States. Deposits received in par funds or current paper, No. 67 Market street, between Third and Fourth eta. Lja3o:ly 7 ill lIOMSS WOODS, Commercial Broker, and Dealer in Notes, Bonds, Stocks, Real Estate, %e., N 0.76 ?al/1 - th street, Pittsburgh, Pa. janb TOHN WOODS, BANKER AND EXCHANGE ey BRNICER, Dealer in Exchange, Commercial and Bank Notes. Stock bought,, , and sold on commisaion. Collection carefully attended to. Interest paid on Deposita. No. 57 JONES' NEW BUILDING, Fourth street. je3o REAL ESTATE AGENTS. CUTHBERT & SQN'S OFFICE, No. 51 hlarket street, for the sale and purchase of Real Estate, renting houses, attending to insurance and repairs, :Jl.,taining loans on bonds, mortgages, &c,; making convey ances, deeds, bonds, &c 4 writing letters and corresponding .-ith parties abroad, &c. oclB BELDEN SEYMOUR, Real Estate and Insurance Agent, CLEVELAND, O.IEO. REPTIttNCES.—Mesers. Hanna, Garret,ou & Co., Robert Parka, Eng.. Jythy WESTERN LANDS• ALEXANDER GARRETT, It T.A.L ESTATE AGENT, NO. 60 WATER STREET, CLEVELAND, OHIO, Has tor sale Lauds in Illinois, WidCOLlßill, Minnesota, tchigan and lowa. lie will exchange Lauds in Wisconsin, sc., for ?ittahcirgh manufactures, and also for city property. AA letters of inquiry answered gratis, by addressing me as shove. anlLly 12A_RiNIS in Exchange for City Property.- 1 1 .: A farm of 350 acres, on the Allegheny river, near li it tanning, 130 acres cleiired; dwelling house, barn and or chard; coal, limestone and iron ore. Also, a farm of 100 acres near the above. Also, a farm of 83 acres on Pine creek, 4 miles from Kittanning; 30 acres cleared ; two houses, and a saw mid in good running order; a first rate location for business. 250 acres of land at mouth of Red Bank creek; 40 acres cleared and in good order. Price low and terms ossy. V; ill be exchanged in whole or in part for city pro perty. S. CUTIIBEHT SUN, novlo 51 Market street. ONLY $750 FOR A TWO STORY Dwel ling House, of four rooms, with lot of ground ~0 feet trout on Monterey street, Allegheny city, by 110 deep to an ili y. Terms, $4OO in hand, balance at one, two and three years, . S. OUTIIBEItr & 60N, uov - 24 01 Market street. JI7OR RENT.—A large dwelling house, on ROBS street, at head of Fifth, with immediate posses- Also. two small 'louses in Splaue's Cuurt. S. cuirllat:wr & SON, 61 Market street. qoa $750 will be sold a new two story Frame House, with a good lot of grouud, iu Allegheny uty. 'Vim lot is 20 feet front, on Mouteray street, by 110 fe,f. to au alley. Terms easy. B. CUTHI3>•'RT & SC - ON, uovl4 51 Marko' street. LOUR TO FIVE DOLLARS PER ACRE for several small lots of laud, ten mile, from M ,unds yule Marshall county. Va., four miles from R. B. Station. and good timber.-" Price $4 to $5 per acre, on time, !nun 5 to 7 years, if decirod. Also, 700 acres of good land, 3 miles from Cameron Bta lou, B. & uhio R. R., for sale to suit purchasers, at from $7 to $lO Ler acre, and on easy terms. S. CUTHBERT & SON. novl4 51 Market street. UR REIN I.—A dwelling house on Third L' street. Also, one on Ross street, with immediate pes o, wion. o S. CUTHBERT SON, nod! 61 Market street. UDR SALE.—A Dwelling Rouse with a good Store itoi.)m, situate on Robtnsou street near Fed rm, Allegheny city. Price low and Lerma easy. fall S. CUTlll3Eiti & Sk/N, 61 Market Ht. 'UR SALE.—A comfortable dwelling hoube (frame) of hall and eight rooms, portico in Rout, with ~ lot of ground 78 feet front on South avenue, Alh.gheny, by *220 deep to Rebecca street, with fruit and shade trees, shrubbery, stable, &c., &c. Price $4,500. S. CUTfiRERT & SON, nov2 51 Market street. ERULIANTS' AND MANUFACTU RERS' BANK STOCK, or RAPER, will be take❑ at purr, either in whole or in part pay for several very desira ble locations for country residences, neap thelcity. One lot of 12 acres, one of 14, of 10 and 3 acres. Nor particulars call at our otlice. S. CIAHLSERT SON, oct27 61 Market iitroet. FLANIS' White, Yellow,Red and Plaid, of all grades, and at Lo Wllll. PRI.OIIB than they can be got for at any other es• tablisumerit in the city. 0. RANSON LOVE, formerly Love Brothere, 0ct.21 No. 24 Market ear ,et. ROUSES, LOTS AND FARMS.—We would invite the attention of .erlions who wish to purchiia IIOUSE, to the great f yariety of nausea, Farms and Build ing Lots we have for sale. We have now on hand Lots at $lOO, each, and at $2OO, $4OO. and upwards, awl cu very ,asy terms. Some iu payments averaging fouruxn cents a day I Howes and Lots, at from $7OO to $lO,OOO, in various locations in and adjacent to the two cities. Improved Farms from $lO to sso'f acre. Also, choice Farming Lauds at from $2 to Ve 't4 act , . Persons having mperty of any kind I to dispose of, will and it to their interest to give us it call. We also, attend to the Renting of 11011808, and Collection of sr.ts. S. CUTHBERT EON, • A` St •4 -..^1 BLACKBOARD CRAYONS—For sale by W. 0. JOILNSTON n,rl7 Stsii ,, nern 5' d `UPPLY YOURSELVES Willi SIIOES now, whilst you can buy them at such low rates, at the P.EOPLES 3/101. STORE. We will coutinuo to sell at great ly reduced prices for a short time longer. Small proftF and cash returns is our motto. All kids of Overshoes sold low fe6 DIYFENBACIINK & CO. QTEEL PENS. Gillot's; Pratt's ; Pdr ry's; Pkineae; Jenny Lind; Cooper; American Rnudes & Son's, and Haven's, lust received by W. S. HAVEN,O oct3o Corner 7dark.t and Second ate FOR RENT.- • The large warehouse, now occupied by W.ll. Smith k Co., Nca. 151 First and 1 2 Second streets S. . Enquire of PcIJUDY & CO.. Nos. 149 First and 12.) Second streets. QEASONABLE GOODS. Gentiercien's under garments; embracing silk, lambs' wool, heavy merino and cotton under-shirts; drawers, of thr best manufacture, and sold at very reduced rates. MORRISON'S OHLEBRATED SIIIRTS. A large lot of cravats, ties, pocket hdkfs., sates, &c., and all other articles in the line of Furnishing (loads, suitabfe lot the season, at nov3 UORNE'S, 77 Market street. WARRANTED TO SHELL TWENTY BUSHELS PER HOUR IN THE HANDS OF ONE MAN—the Corn Sheller now exhibiting .at No. 65 Filth street. Now, don't be excited if you have been humbugged, but give this machine a trial, and If it is an imposition, say so; but If thoroughly satisfied that it is the beat invention of the kind the ago has produced, then buy territory and make a fortune, and quit your croaking. Call and see. r.r tß:St.4.rtf DULL BUTTER.-3 bbls. fresh roll Butter just received, and for sale by do JAB. A. /Mai' rs Water stmt. PITTSBURGH, TUE-WAY. FEBRUARY 23. 1858 BANKS I/ . F 5 il , u.rth Stre,/ John U. ShoratJon:or, Grattan Murimy, 'eau M. Pennock, James D EePy, James fierdman, John S Cosgrave, 413.IISTEES. DESMOINEa, 10" IlLOR11)11 OF LIME.-50 casks for sale by I novlei R FAUN &O . 'A.RPETS AND OIL C 1.4 EMOV AL.—J. & H. PHILLIPS haw) removed to their new building, NOB 26 and 26 ST. CLAIR street, west side, between Pent street and the Bridge. J. a 11. PIIILILIPS, ANUFACTURERS OF FLOOR, FDRN3TURE,CARRIAUk. TABLE, AND TRANSPARENT & OPAQUE WfINDOW Siirt. l l6DE OH, CLOTH:. Of diffor , -at Colors. Al4ll, DEALERS IN OIL CLOTLIS WINDOW SIEIAD*B, Of every description. Dealers In INDI9 RUBBER GOODS, of all kinds. made under Goodyear's Patent; Agents ot the Boston and Now York Belting Companies, tot the sale of their INDIA RUB BER BELTING, HOSE and PACKING. LEATHER BELT to a of Eanteru manufacture, a superior quality; aLso, Lace tther and Rivets. Agents for the OHIO -FIRE—PROOF KINERAL PAINT: Dry mid Mixed Paints Varnishes, Turpentine, brushes, Ohms and Putty. IiQUSE AND irN PAINTING AND GLAZING. in all its branclies, ]f. ie in tlp, hest and shortest time. J. A 11. PIIILLIPS, N and 2 St. Clair street ; Manufactory at Phil on the Ohio river, three tulles below Pittsburgh CARPETS, OIL CLOTES, MATTING, &0., AT THE 1 ?ou et It Street Carpet St6re, 1 W 11. 31 J CALLUNI respectfully y invite the attention of their former customers and the public generally to their present stock, just selected for Spring sales, embracing the very latest styles of Foreign and Home Manufacture, consisting in part 01 Velvets and Brussels, Tapestry and Common Ingrain: also, Brussels, Damask, Twilled and Plain Stair CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS FROM 2 TO 2-1 BERT WIDE, hogs, Mats, Stair RIAA, Canton and Cocoa Matting; List, Yarn and Rag Carpets; Venitian Blinds; Painted, Buff and Green Holland Shades. - - - - It will give um pleaanre to allow goods to all who may be desirous of looLiug or purnhasing, and we are determiued to ,ffer inducements to any who may farm no with a call, at the old stud, No. Si FOURTH Street, near Wool. myl9:ly W D. Sr. 11. WCALLITII. BOOKS AND STATIONERY. R OBERT A. LOOMIS, (6.ucee&ior to B. T. C Morgan,) ravoNER AND DEALER IN BOOKS, PERIODICALS AND NEWSPAPERS, 40. 41 Fitth str,et, Pittsbm gh, Pa. Co -Partnership. THE undersigned have entered into Co- Partnership, ander tho dtyle of WILI. C. Johnston ihc Co. SAMUEL R. JORNISTON, JS., WILLIAM 0. JOIL4STON. Pittsburgh, September u, ISS7. E. R. JOILInTON, JR • WM. 0. JOHNLITOLI. Iv at. C. JOHNSTON CO., (~,!TATIONERS, Blank Book Manufacturers, i„,, and JOB PRINTERS, No. 57 Wood stroet, between Third nud Fourth, Pittsburgh, Pit. ee3o BLANK BOOKS, Journal+, Day Books, Ledgers, Cash Books, Invoice Books, .eck Books, Bill Books, Receipt Books. WM. G. JOLIN:i'fON do CO., 57 Wood street. For 0010 by d 029 `fpliAcCO AND SEGAitS. VI & D. RINEHART, VV . MANUFAUTUBM4 AND TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGARS ap3o:ly 2, PIANOS AND MUSIC. SUPERB GRAND PIANO, Fitual TUE FACTORY OF Steinway Sono, Ne H. KLEBEK & HBO. take pleaaarein an. ii.iunciug to the pubic unit they have just - • received a splendid full IiItAND PIANO, Rom the factory of Steinway & Soils, New , Y.irk, which for exquisite sweetness and volume of tone, tightness and elasticity of t.mcti, and a most tasteful and elo. gout exterwr is considered the FINEST tiItANIJ FIA_NO e‘ur litought, to this coy. The mechanism is a DOUBLE IIIe..PEATINt.4 ACTION, a pa ended iuveution of Steinway & Sons , which combines with the utmost promptnesa and `delicacy of touch a degree of durability but-rarely attained. VVe respecttally invite the public, one and all, whether pur chasers or nut, to call a.,d use ibis unrivailed instrument. 11. KLELitilt & BitO., No. 63 Fifth street, Solo Agents for Steinway x Sons. N. B.—A'so, just eceived a fresh lot of Numbs & Clark's dmB P ii 06 ! iirri FULL °BAND PIANOS I iri?'l- PARLOR GRAND PIANOS 11 AND NEW STYLE SQUARE PIANOS, foom the Manufactrry of LaIIOIiERLNG & SONS', LiumTON, ilLit received from the manufactory of Chickeriug & Sone', Bolton, the following drairable and elegant stock of their PIANO FORTES : ode Full seven Octave Grand Piano Forte, with superbly carved case. Price $BOO One Full tlUVoll octave Grand Piano Forte, elegant Rose wood case.- Price $7OO One New Parlor Grand neve❑ octave Piano, near , equal in power to a lull Giaod, and occupying only the room of au ordinary square Pwuo. Price $6OO Twu full carved Rosewood, Louis Xilith, seven octaves, with carved Desk and Feet wurk. Tro Rusewoud seven octave--Clilford style. Two ltusev..ood, carved mouldings, seven octave. Poor Rosewood, plain round corners, seven octave. Three Walnut, plain round front corners, seven octaves. Four 46 54 4 , 6 Pour Rosewood " " 6 %i Ail of the above are of their NEW SCALE, and with full iron frames, and their new l'aLoUt Action. These Instruments have been finished specially for the aubncriber, and will be warranted to purchasers. For sale at their reduced prices. JOll.l H. MELLOR, No. 81 Wool street, de Solo Agent for Chickering & Suns'. U S CI US I C'll- 1 3 01 belles and Beaux; 11, Red, N kite and Blue, 25c. Amin, of fltraw, witd brilliant variations—Grobe, 60c. Our baby, ballad by Frank Fray - ton, 25c. Come over the era Maiden with Ad," serer, :de, 25e. sf lie Wm.:mean, song and moron—undiellinlied with a I,,nintiful and upprep• iar, , vignette—very popular, 250. Those Pleas nut Days are Gone—La Traci:int, 25c. I ight of My Soul—beautiful serenade, 40c. Jenny Grey—G. IL Poulton, 25e. Gentle .lenny Gray—sung by Joseph Murphy—music by IL 11. Osborn, 25e. the Prairie Flower—very popular, Charity Spiut,er, 25c. Vareuvian i—Ddilworth 25c. "Tile Conti wen; inunrs"—neW and brilliant varietions— : v (111:irleti Grom No. 1 Yankee Lambe, 50c. No. 2 1.1 di Columbia, 50c. I See Her LAM i m) Nit ballad, 25e. Annie Bound in a smit - 10r manner, and in various styles of binding, Ir um $1 to $:3. 4 , 41- Music maile. post paid. OLIARL fr 1E BLUM te, 0 ',Old Established Piano Depot, 1.22 :118 Wood ,t^eet, second door above Fifth. alessri4. Charleg & Levivis Grebe, TEACHE'IS OF TUE „,„,z.„,, PIANO, VIOLIN, ORGAN AND SINGING, A ANCIENT AND MODERN LANGUAGES, As Greek, LEL in, German, French, and Spanish, ranght by CHAS. GREBE, Cand. Theol, tri3^ I;quire nt the principal Music Stores. o file24:3ln ,~~~ ~. ~ "~ / ~~ NORMAL CLASS. rrilE SECOND SESSION OF THE NOR MAL CLASS, at the IRON CITY COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, Cuder the direction of A. BURTT, Principal of the Fifth Ward Public Scholia, will commence On Itlonday Evening, February lat. The Class will meet on Monday and Thursday eveaings, and Saturda, mornings of each week. Tzaas $2 per Ession of Sixteen Lessons. a2B DRAW ING LESSONS, AT IRON CITY COMIERCIAL COLLEGI IN MECHANICAL, ATTILITECTURAL, By JOHN MF,RZ. 4 For further information - apply to Mr. F. W. JEN EINS, Principal of Iron City Commercial College, Pit burgh. novl4aemd. Mineral Water Depot. 4.-A-BUFFUIL C. BUFFUM & .CO., Manufacturers of u • sarsaparilla, htinentl Water, Pop, Bottled Ale an! Porter; also, Bottlers of Wainwright's celebrated Winterbar Ale. Warehouse, No. RIG Illarket street, Preraunnon, re. Orders filled and shipped to all porta Of the country hortest notice. annaritw WRAPPING PAPER-400 reams Crown, Medium, and Double Crowe, straw Wrapping Pa per, full count, Jot received and for ealo by de2 JAB. A. VIZIER, 89 Water street. DEALERS IN ALL HMOS 09 iVt 129 W00D STR EET AND CRAYON DRAWING, .fai a.. BITItHER, INSURANCE. MANUFACTURERS' INSURANCE CO., Office—No. 10 - Merchants' Exchange, PHILADELPHIA. CHARTER PERPETUAL-CAPITAL $500,000. WILL LNSUKE AGAINST ALL KINDS OF Fire 3 Marine, and Inland Risks. WM. A. RHODES, President OLIAS. WISE, Vice President. ALFRED WEEKS, Secretary. DIRECTOBB Wm. A. Rhodes, A. S. Lippincott, James P. Smith, Chas. J. Field, William Neal, Charles Wise, John P. Simons, J. Rinaldo Sauk, Thomas Bell, M. Richards Mnckle. a EP ESE N CE B: Judge Heath. E. D Jones, Esq., Cash. Cit. Bank, Jai. Millinger, Eeq., Messrs. Robinson A Co, Jamul Howard, Esq., " T. Kennedy, Jr., it Co, C. El. Paulson, Esq., " Wade, Hampton Sr, Co , J. S Lee, Esq., " Cunningham A Co. Pittsburgh Office, No. 96 Water street, feb22 EDW. G. BELL, Agent. EEICHANTS' INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Philadelphia. WM. V. PETTIT, President D. J. IPCANN, Secretary. Amount of Capital Stock paid in and invested-4200,000 00 Surplus 63,428 35 $263,428 35 Ins ices Cargo Risks on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers and tributaries. Insures against loss or damage by Fire, Also, against the Perils of the Sea and Inland Navigation and Transportation. DiasOTOSE Will. V. Pettit, J. C. Montgomery, John M. Pumroy, D. J. McCann, E. F. Witmer j Reno Bullion, B. L. Woolaton, John A. Marahall, Chas. B. Wright, John J. Patterson, Elwood T. Plumy. OPPICILBS: WILLIAM V. PETTIT, President E. F. WITMER, Vice President. D. J. MaCANN, Secretary. sivzsanozs: In Philadelphia': in Phi - We/pm:a? Bolger, Lamb & Co., Stebamitz, Justice & Co., Truitt, Bro. & Co., , Buck, Morgan & Stidfole, A. T. Lane & Co., i Pumroy, Caldwell & Co. PITTSBURGH OFFICE, Iklo. 97 WATER STREET. au7 R. W. POINDEXTER, Ai RELIANCE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PHILADELPHIA Office No. 70 Walnut Street CAPITAL $177,674-ABBETB $232,092-SEOLIBITT INVESTED. FIRE INSURANCE ON BUILDINGS, MERCHANDISE, FURNITURE, &c, in town or country. The Mutual principle, combined with the security of a Stock Capital, entitles the Insured to share in the prolific e! the Company, without liability for losses. The Script Certificates of this Company for profits are convertible, at par, into the Capital Stock of the. Company. CLEM TINGLEY, resident. B. M. HINCHMAN, Secretary. DEBSOTORS. Glens Tingley, George M. Stroud, William It. Thompson, John it. Worrell, Sanniel Bispham, Benjamin W. Tingley, George W.Carponter, Z. Lothrop, Robert Steen, IL L. Carson, Charles S. Wood, Robert Toland, Marshall Hill, Cornelius Stevenson, Jacob T. Bunting, Charles Leland, William Masser, Wm. M. Semple, PittOurgh. J. G. COFFLN, Agent, Corner Third and Wood streets. PHILADELPHIA FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 149 Chesnut Street, Opposite the thotom Hone. WILL MAKE ALL KINDS OF INSU RANCE, either Perpetual or Limited, on every description of Property or Merchandise, at reasonable rate° o; premium. ROBERT P. KING, President. M. W. BALDWIN, Vice President. DIBEOTOES. Charlee liayea, lg. R. Cope, E. B Engbah, Geiirge W. Brown, I'. B. Navery, Joseph S. Paul, U. Sheri:min, John Clayton, S. J. Sta f targee, E. Wilor. F. BLicrounrus, Secretary. J. U. COFFIN, .4 wait, Corner Third and Wood streets. NEPTUNE. INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PIELADELPIIIA, FRANKLIN BUILDINGS, 411 WALNUT STREET. Organized under the General Insurance Law, with a Cash Capital of $lOO,OOO, privileged to increase to $500,000. In sures against loss or damage by FIRE, JII.A.B.INE, INLAND N d VIGATION and TRANSPORTATION. OPEICLERS: a. 0. LAUGHLLIN, President. RICHT SHIELDS, V. Pres't GEORGE SCOTT, Secretary. DIRECTORS: LI. 0. Laughlin, D. Sherwood, D. Montgomery, W. 0. Stotesbury, R. M. Carlile, Richard Shields, R F. Shewell, 0. o,Butler, WillinruOsborne, Goorge Scott. TITS & CHAFFEY, Agents, Jol:y Office Lafayette Hall, entrance on Wood st. PITTSBURGII LIFE. FIRE AND MARINE - INSURANCE COMPANY, 00ELNEB OF WATER AND .51ARILET STREETS PITTSBURGH, PA. ROBERT GALWAY, President. ALEX. BRADLEY, Vice President. F. A. RualiAl3l, Secretary. AV-This Uompany makes emery iron:trance appertaining to or connected with LIFE RISKS. Also, against HULL AND CARGO IiJPRI3 on the Ohio Aad Mississippi Rivers and tributaries, and MAItINN It generally. And against Lees and Damage by Fire, and against the Perils of the eea and„lnland Navigation and Transportation. Policies issued at the lowest rates consistent with safety to all parties. DIRBOTORB. Robert Galway, Samuel M'Cluritan, Joseph P. Gazaam, M. D., John Scott, James Marshall, David Richey, James W. Hallman, , Charles Arbuthnot, Alexander Bradley, Juneph S. Leech, John Fullerton, N. F. Hart, David H. Chambers, Robert H. Hartley, William Carr, Jno. Mc'lill. a(12.15 CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANI OE PITT6BURGH. WlLt.tkhf DAGALEY, President. dAtillIDI. L. MARSHALL, Secretary. LiFT/CR: $.14 Water street, between Market and Wood streets Q•' Insures HULL AND CARGO RIBS, on the Chic Mississippi Rivers and tributaries. Insures against Loss or . Datnage by 111111 Also, against the Perils of the Sea and inland Navigation and Transportation. DIEBOTOIIB William 13ageley, Samuel James M. Cooper, James Park, Jr., M. Pennock, Springer Ilarbaugh, Capt. 'Samuel C. Young, John Caldwell. WEST BRANCH lUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, LOCK HAVEN, CLINTON COUNTY. CHARTERED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF PENNSYLVANIA Cush Capital $300,000 I / - temium N0te5...5132,343. iIHIS COMPANY WILL INSURE ON Buildings, Merchandise, Furniture, Ac, in town ca DIEBOT0118: Hon.Juo.J.Pearce, Hon. H. CL Harvey, Charles A. Majer, John B. Hall, Charles Crist, Peter Dickinson, r. T. Abrams, D .K. Jackman, W. White, Thomas Kitchen. LION. G. 0. HARVEY, President T. T. AaaAsis, Vice Preakient. Taos. KIIOEtr.I4, Secretary. HE PSEISNCES: H. Lloyd, i !Dr. J S. Crawford, A. A. Winegardner, John W. Maynard, A. Updegraff, L. A. Mackey, Lion. 8 Cameron, James Aimetrong, A. White, Thos. Bowman D.D, William Fearon, James Quiggle, Wm. Vanderbolt, Hon. Wm. Bigler, OFF.I.OB—NO. 85 FIFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH. de2l:tf J. A. LIPYKIIT, Agent. THE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE A. COMPANY, OF PIIILADELPNIA. Diascioas Charles W. Rancher, Thomas Hart, Tobias Wagner, Samuel Grant, Jacob R. Smith, Geo. W. Richards, Mordecai D. Lewis, Adolph' E. Rorie, David S. Browne; Mora ris Patterson. Cass. N. Baammta, President. Cass. G. Bescarit, Secretary. Continue to make insurance, perpetual or limited, on every description of property, in town and country, at rates as low as are consistent with security. The Company have reserved a large Contingent Fund, .2hich, with their capital and premiums, safely invested, af. ford ample protection to the assured. The Assets of the Company, on January let, 1861, as pub. fished agreeably to an Act of Assembly, were as follows, viz: Mortgage 4918,128 68 Real Estate 84,377 78 Temporary Loans.. 83,988 Ira Stocks 61,889 100a1. Cash, b.c 84,346 81-, Total $1.,E12,708 44k,2 Since their incorporation, a period of twenty-one years, they have paid upward of One billion Four Hundred Thou. sand Dollars,' °wee by fire, thereby affording evidence of the advantages of insurance, as well as the ability and disposition to meet with promptness all liabilities. J. GARDINER COFFIN, Agent, Office, northLesat cor. Wood and Third eta. Lippincott, Shorten & Pearson, NO. 104 WOOD STREET, NEAR FIFTH. MA . NET. ces, , Est ' a T n U d R B E , RS B9,,,Fe,TRUIes Traveling TrunkS, Carpet algi r &c., keep conatintls; on hand a ' , arse stock. We are prepared to do a wholesale trade, and hay! ing facilities to torn ont good stock at reduced prices, we would invite the trade to call and examirie our goods he• fore purchasing elsewhe. Si. %IWO LOTS OF GROUND on West Com, .11, mon, Allegheny, with a double frame dwelling home; for Bale, price $2400. Terme esay. B. O . I:ITHBEIVE A FON, 61 Market THE DAILY POST, TITESDAV MORNING HISTORIC tL INCIDENTS CONNECTED WJTH THE CAPTURE OP FORT 11UQUES:bE [cor:munel3.] The following letters give a full account of the taking illosiesSion of the remains of Fort Dn quesne: A LETTER FROM THE HON. COLONEL BOUQUET, TO Who. ALLEN, ESQ CHIEF JUSTIOE OF PENN SYLVANIA. "Foit Duquesne 25th November, 1758. “Dear Sir—l take, with great pleasure, this first opportunity of informing you of the.reduc ti on of this important place; pereuatled, that the success of his Majesty's arms on this side' will give you a groat satisfaction, and reward you for all the pains you have taken for the dif ficult supply of this army We marched from Loyal Hannon with twenty five hundred picked men, without tents or bag gage, and a light train Af .artilery, in the expecr tation of meeting the enemies,.and determining, by a battle, who should possess this country.— The distance is abOut fifty miles, which we marched in five days,.a great diligence oonsider ing the season—the uncertainty of the roads entirely unknown, and the difficulty of making them practicable far the'at:tillery. "The 23d we took ;post at twelve miles from 4nce, and halted the 54,h. for intelligence. In the evening our Indians reported that they had discOVered a very thick smoke from the fort, ex tending in the bottom along the Ohio. A few hours after, they sent word that the enemies had abandoned their.fort, after having burnt every- thing. "We marched this morning, and found the report true They have blown up and destroyed all their fortifications, houses, ovens and maga zines ; all their Indian goods were burnt in the stores, which seems to have been very consider able. "They seem to have been about four hundred men ; part have gone down the Ohio ; one hun dred by land, supposed to Presque-Isle, and two hundred with the Governor, M. de Lignery, to Venango, where, he told the Indians, he intended to stay this winter, with an intention to dislodge us in the spring. We would soon make him shift his quarters, had we only provisions, but we are scarcely able to maintain oureelves a few days here to'treat with the neighboringing Indi ans who are summoned to meet us. The destruc tion of the fort, the want of victuals, and the impossibility of being supplied in time, at this distance and season of the year, obliges us to go back and'leave a small detachment of two hun dred men only, by way of keeping possession of the ground. "This successful expedition can be of great service to the provinces, provided they will im prey% and support it. It is now the time to take vigorous measures to secure this conquest ; and unless Virginia and Pennsyluania can agree up-' on an immediate assistance, all our pains and ad vantages will be lost. "Au immediate supply of provisions, clothing aLd necessaries, should at any rate be eent up for the support of the troops; and measures taken for the formation of magazines on the frontiers, (Raystowu and Cumberland,) for the supply of an army to act early in the spring. "The succors and directions from England would be too late, and if the colonise do not ex , ert themselves to the utmost of their power, I am afraid they will have occasion to repent it. "It diau goods ought to be provided without , delay, with a Commissary, or proper person to dispose of them, either for trade or presents, as ' our new friends cannot remain long.unprovided, and would soon return to the French, were we to lit them be in cant. Some artificers are also greatly wanted, such as carpenters, smiths, ma sons, gun-smiths, and chiefly ehip-builders, &0., c. "A number of cows and bulls, mares and stal lions, garden seed, corn, &el. Every moment is precious, and the laud so rich, and the pastures so abundant that everything would thrive, and the garrison would boon be able to support itself. "Fish nets and hooks would likewise be of groat use for people reduced to salt meat; and some rioe, barley, &e., to prevent the scurvy among the men. "I enter into all these details with you, be• cause I think the safety of this post depends up on it, and in the plenty you are used to live, they would not so readily occur to you, as to us who are deficient of every necessary ofaife.— Could you diffuse into the Assembly the public spirit that directs ail your actions, I would be very easy about the consequences; but I know the disposition of the people in general, always iudolent and ready to fall asleep- on the smallest gleam of ease and quiet; you must rouse them, and make them sensible that this business is - but half done. We have acted our part, let you act yours. It is now in your power to enjoy in peace and quietness your lands and possessions, if you will only lay unt some money, which may save you ten times more, and the lives of thous ands of your poor inhabitants. "After God, the success of this expedition is entirely due to >the General, who by bringing ni , eut the treaty with the Indians at Easton, has struck the blow which has knocked the French on the head: in temporizing wisely to expect the effects of that treaty ; in securing all his posts, awl giving nothing to chance ; and not yielding to the urging instances fur taking Braddook's road, wince would have been our destruction.— In all those measures, I say, he has shown the g, eatest prudence, firmness and ability. No body is better informed of the numberless diffio uittes he bad to surmount, than I am, who had .:11 opportunity to see every step that was taken from the beginning, and every obstruction that was thrown in the way. 1 wish the nation may .ue as sensible of his service as he really de serves, and give him the only reward that can flatter him, toe pleasure of seeing them pleased an satisfied. "I expect the satisfaction to see you this win ter, and to talk more at large upon the subject. "I beg you will present my compliments to Nine. Allen, and believe me, with great truth, Lapt. Stark Starling. Samuel M. Kier John B. Dilivorih, Francis Sellers, William B. Hays. John shiptou t Waltor Bryant, .1102 "Your most obedient humble servant, . "HENRY BOUQUET:" A LETTER YRODI CAPTAIN HASLET TO THE REV. DR ALISON. " Fort Dugnettne, November 26,1768. R. D Sir—l have now the pleasure to write you from the ruins of the fort. On the 24th, at Light, we were informed by one of our Indian t.e , uts, that hb had discovered a cloud of smoke ab .v,) the place, and soon after another came in jib certain intelligence, that it was burnt and thandoned by the enemy. We were then sheet fifteen miles from it; a troop of horse was sent br ward immediately to extinguish the burning, and the' whole army followed:' We arrived at 6 o'clock last night, and found it in a greatmeas are destroyed. There are two forts, about. two hundred yards distant,the one built with immense labor, small, bit a great deal of very strong work collected into-very little room, and stands on the point of a narrow neck of land at the confluence of the two rivers. 'Tie square, and has two ray gabions at each corner, Bto. The other fort stands on .the bank of the Allegheny, in form of a parallelogram, but nothing so strong as thk other; several of the out works,are lately begul and still unfinished. There are, I think, thirty stacks of chimneys standing, the houses all burnt down. They sprung one mine, which rained one of their magazines, a prodigious quantity on old carriage iron, barrels of guns, about a cart load of scalping knives, - Btc They went off in mien haste that they could not make quite havoc of their works they intended.— We are told, by the Indians, that they lay the night before last at Beaver. Creek, forty miles down the Ohio from here. Whether they . buried their cannon in the river, or carried them down in their batteaux, we have not yet learned. A boy twelve years old, who has been their prisoner two years, who escaped on the 21 inst., tells us they carried a prodigious quantity of wood into the fort, that they had burnectfive of the prisdners they took at Major Grant's defeat, on the parade, and delivered others to the Indians, who were tomahawked on the spot.'. We have found num bers of dead bodies within a. quarter of a mile of the , fort,,unbaried, and so many montnnents of French humanity. . A! great manylndians, Mostly Delawares; are gathered on the Isldnd last night and this morning, todreat with the General, And we are making rafts to bring them over. Whether the General think of repairing the ruins, or lest- dear ,ir, lug any of the troops here, I have not yet heard. Mr. Beatty is appointed to preach a thanksglY log superiority of his Mojeety's arms. We left all our tents at Loyal Hannon, and every conve niency except a blanket and knapsack. You'll excuse the the errors of haste, and believe me to be, - Rev'd Sir, _;FEBRUARY .23 AN ANNODOTE O RAOHEL.--. About five years ago there was a wealthy Englishman in Paris, who became a great admirer of Mlle. Rachel. Re!had the habit of visiting her every day just before dinner time, to her, great annoyance.— Every day he came Mlle. Rachel would sit near her chimney, having near her a large pin-cush- . ion, when the Englishman oame, and while he was kissing her left hand, she would adroitly take from his cravat, with her right hand the valuable pin which held it in place. One day "she took possession of a valuable emerald, an other a large black pearl, another a serpent with ruby eyes, another a helmet with diamonds, an other a rare cameo, another day a valuable opal, another a negroe's head in onyx, another in tur quoise set in pearls, etc., etc., eto. Oee:day her servant came running in saying, 'Madame! Madame I here is the Englishman!" "Very well, show him in." "But, Madame, he has on a stock to-day." "Uhl then say I am not at home." Mlle Rachel kept the jewelry. A SINGULAR AND DANGEROUB 141AT013.-41/ New York paper we find the following statement' of a match between the celebrated Captain John Travis and Mr. Samuel A. Byda.tn, of New York : " Travis bete Sydam $l,OOO that he will fink boy who will stand at the distance of ten paces, and place an orange, not to exceed two and a half inches in,diameter, in each hand and upon his head, which he (Travis) will shoot from their respective localities. No object to intervene. If Travis fails to find the bay who will stand, or fails to hit the oranges in the three shots, or at any shot touches the boy, he loses the bet. The match to be shot in Louisville, June 16th, 1858." Travis has accomplished this feat before iu New Orleans, some three years ago. Winter be fore this he shot a match in New York with Mr. S. for $l,OOO and beat him easily. If he wins this, it will forever place him on the pinaole of fame as the first pistol shot in - the world.— &. Louis Leader. AMES PATTON, Jr., Federal street, Al legheny, Wholesale Urocer and Tea llealer;and Licensed Linnet Merchant.. healer iu clover and Timothy reed; thatter, Cheese, Lard, Bacon, Flour, Balt, Flab, Mx., and Coun try Produce generally. , nov23 JAMES PATTON, JR., Federal street, Allegheny, 111 uow receiving iu store the following, which he will lin at.the lowesttaan prices, viz:— 123 bbls. uew crop plantation tiolasses; 27 nhds. " •• Sugar; 80 bbls. Grocers Syrup; 10 bbls: prime roll butter ; Sue lbs. •' Feathers; 120 boxes •• Cheese ; 6110 Bacon Llama; • 40 half chests Young ilyson, Imperinl , tuul genuine Old Country Teal, with a general as sortloent of the beat and hugest stock of Family Uroceries to by had in the city,which is for sale for Cash—remember, PATTON% tel Federal street • •, ! ! • ty. SUGAR.- 20 bble. Baltimore Yellow lin§ar. 5 hhde. 'Leland 10 bbl. holned 10 " Lovering =wand " iteceived and for &Ale by JANES PAntlisl Jr, nuv23 * ALF? gAJKIY OILY ATTENTION, ALLEGHENY The suoscriber would call your attention to . hla swat of YAPILLY GiItA:EMUS bought, of Late, in New York, for CASH, which he will sell at ,uwor prices than any other house in the two cities, for Houle and NW the prices, at Currants, Cranberries, Figs, Iluugariau Cherries, Piqua, Citrun Orange*, ournons, ac ., sc., for sale at lowest tigureer for 0,11, by JA.O.E6 PATTON, Ja., deal Federal street, ALLEGIRINT Cur. A WORD TO TEA DRINKERS. TU PlitiLN T2CA 8T011.13, i'to...te Fifth street, has import:al into this market some of the knout grade* of _ GREEN AND BLACK TEAS, grown in the Celestial klnipire„ dune up in all the various teary packages which Chna€lee ingenuity can invent. It-fa a luxury and couifoit to drink them. Proprietors of steam beaoi and hotels, and private ItlMalta are invited to call. uct7 NUMBER 112. Your most obed't seret, "JOHN HASLET." If he hits the boy he ought to be hanged GROCER +'6, JANLItd. VAMONT, Ja, Federal etreet,l/etti . masowir KETCHUPS.- 10 duzi-u Slashroorn liotctim,.. 10 do English Walnut do. 'Li du Quarts Tomato do. 60 do Pint, do do. For dale. by AND.KtitiON. uur2.4 No 39 Wuod atmt,t, oppudito t. Clnuqed Hotol NOW US THE TIME MIL OCII?iG CHEAP CLOTHING. Z. L EISNER, oN THE CORNEIt or WOOD _slip FIFTH. Srli..EFlrd, late Davide Auctlou ham, le now sell; tug out ttia satire waalenalo stock at U jbT 1•1110,ES 808 CA6II ONLY. ile will sell line Bind. Petersham Over- coat that used to bolt at... Fine Black Petersham °vet coat Brown' Raglan iggerbnad Raglan Lambskin •• Blue Yllota Whitney ellots Beuruttin Buquituaux Seunet; Wine Wove Castarnete Brown Ctuth iitack Silk Cloth Super Fine Drees rrock Doti[* 41.5 wee /00,1 " 0,611 PHlltd, Vesta, and Yuri:ll3:lin, - ; uooda ac ;now and propor n rates. de:l3 Wheat, Bye and Corn Wanted, AT IRA PEARL STEAM WALL. ALLEGHENY CITY rtri H E SUBSCRIBERS HAVE TAKEN Lilo above establishment, acid aro glopared to, PAT THE t11157.11.5T 11.1.1[EXT 111 0.t511 TOIL 23,000 'BUSIIELS OF WHEAT. 10,t100 CUIL'. It is the Intention cf thu proprietors to oder I.IIIIA PAIRS tor any choise lota of White, or !cod Wheat. Thoy intend to uitiv..B very superior Family Flour, and aro willing to pay a preottuut toUufarn er, than shape of an extra price, to lA. ,ince him - to raise a choice Quality of 'is neat, artd.to brifig it to marXet in good order jyls:lyd&or LCOIIO.L.-20 bblf; on hand, and for sale by I del6l B L. V A 11:1-WiTo0li a co. JOURNALS, - LEDGERS, - DAY-BOOKS, emu BOOKS and DOUtiLTS, !or dale and made to order, by - W. S. HAVEN, nur2:o Corner Market-ond Second streets. Vaitf BLAOK.-5 bbls. just received and for sale by 0,91 . 13. L YAzINKhrOCK & CO. POTATOES. --b 7 barrels White Nathan neck Potatoes, arriving per steamer Lehigh, and for ffig.2AL r f.. ' 404444.1 . 04 CICI DOUBLE MEDIUM, Double Crown, Meal um next Crowe, Straw and itag Wrappiug Papers, tu: sale by W. S. RAVEN, Corner Marko. mr..11 Served street.: PP IANOS TO RENT.—Two elegant Rose ' wood ex octave PiaLLOS, will be rented to private s only. Apply co JOIN Li. MALLOd, Gl3 82 Wood street. EXTRACTS FOR FLAVORING.- 10 dozen Lemons. 10 do Vanilla. 10 do Rose, for aalo by REVUES G ANDERSIN, No.'SJ Wood at. Unir.wito Bt. d boes lioleL Q,TOCKCHOICEI-PRICES LOW 1-NEW WINTER GOODS.—JOSEPH ilottNE has Just return ed from the East, where he has purchased large additions to his already extensive stock; Trading directly with firm . CL-isS ImPourma 11.013 4 3Z1 and with• the MANU7SOII7/1.1131, for 0&8ll exclusively, he is enabled to offer We beet selection of Goods a: the lowest possible prices. We are now opening, for daily display, the Largest sad cheapest stock of DRESS TRIMMINGS, 134011, EMBROLDERTES, WINTER WOOLKS GOODS, RIBBONS, GLOVES, IiOSTRRY, Jan.. Ever before exhibited in Pittsburgh. Purchasers are lavit ed to examiner the goode,and learn the prices, at deft JL)S. HoltNE'd, 77 Market 'street. $6OO FOR, a two story frame&railing notlee and lot of gran ed 50 feel. by 100„ plasm nay eltzated on Mt. Waehiagten. Terms eau; - 3 : fel3 - S. curaataT & 50N, 51 Market t. 14COTICE TO BUTCHERS.-Large Meat 1.1 Cutters and Sausage Mora, of various also at Nu 47 Fifth street, Pittsburgh deal CCINNAMON'BAIIK.-4UU lba. just rea' and for gala by jda9.l B. L. HAFiIsiIiMUIE lk 00.1 .45,00 for $3,76 - 0, 00 " 4,60 ... b,OO " 6,75 ... 9,00 " 8,00 8,00 " 6,00 " 7,00 .. 8,00 " 5,00 7,00 " 4co 10,00 0,00 5,00 " 8,00 0,00 " 4,50 .. -1 0,00 " 7,00 600 4 , 00 0,00 " 4,50 -,.. Nth) " 0,00 .10,00 " 6,00 11:,00 " 7,00 " 13,00 145,00 " 11,00 V... T. KEN N EDY & 8110 .12.31a3 WLEtDRAP •
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