BUSINESS CARDS. A.II,LrEL c. WINGARD, ATTORNEY AT &AM!? • 4-41 r. °Fries, No. 68 GRANT 'Amt., tiet.r.o.ri nd lYiamond alley. apti 1 ------ Xiq.Es A. LO - NY RIE, Att-:)racy a: Law, ity cMci) Fourth 6t.rec.t. ritt%lyargh, bc•L .. t`sZ int,il.l.llt.ld raid Chort7 alloy : docllay - _ Ly i AIIL, Surgeon Dentist, successor to 0. 11'• nithuc. No. 144 6hiithileld utruCt. • f_ ..stir onlcoliour6 8 to 1 o'clock, had ftura I to 5 o'clock. -, tbbl. :V SCOTT, Dentist, Fourth street, five doors .! west of Market. vOrtice boure from R o'clock . A. M. to o'clock P. Y. Soc2Cky ' erl SCIIOONMAKER, Manufacturer of ibt White Lead, Itsyl Lead, Zinc, Paint, Litharge, Putty, &v. Wheless c dealer in Oile., Paints, Varnishes, Turpentine, kc-, Nb. 24, Stood street, Pittsburgh. my 22 jOSEPII. FLE sneeessor to L. Wil cox & Co. ' corner of Market street and the Diamond, keerm!cotistantiy on hand a full assortment of DRUGS, MED ICINES, MEDICINE CI1l:8TE , , PERFUMERY, and all arti cles Pertaining to his business.. 4 , 4••Pbysiciaits' Prescriptions caretally compounded at all hourti. je9:y 14 CIIADWICIi, dealer in Kentuckyf TOBACCO, RAGS and PAPER, No. 149 Wood -'--1 7‘.‘a . street, below Sixth, Pittsburgh. Enfathly 44fr The highest inarl:et p . ..,e, in cash, paid for Rags. _... _ 17A1.7.61 P. MARSHALL JOSEPii E. trt:01103 WP. MARSIIALL & Cu., Importers and • dealera in Frond! 211.1 Am....rican PAPER !LANG. INGS, No. 87 Wood edreet, Pittsburgh. Sir rto o agmits for th••colebrated marinfictures of M4sdrii. Delicivlrt & Co., Paris. ang7 np's \ITU CAMPBELL €t. SAMUEL POI, U LOCK Ravel asseciatrA together uk.ler the style of ofarBELL POLLOCK, fur ate trituwction of a general Variety and Dry Cools bmluesB, and the manufacture of and Waved Lino Gilt Mouldings. mhl9 lISTM.I3I E.O.iiticT J. ANDifisc:: PPEYNTER & ANDERSON, (successors to ji_t Joshua Rhode; h C 0.,) wholosalo dec.lers in FORETON FRUITS, N UT,S, SPICES. CONFECTIONARY, SUGARS, &c., No. 89 Wad Btroi;t, opposite. Gni St. Charles Uotel, Pitta burgh. ap2 J.J. 611LESPII: A. FINSBINI. J. GILLEspIE A CJ.,., Lookitrg lass 'Manufacturers, P . 1 anti dealers in Lootrin,; Plate Glass, Fin. graAngs, Combs and Fancy Goods, No. Wood street, Pitts. burgh. On hand and made to order, Gilt Pier a. Zdantle Glasses, Mahogany. Rosewood, Walnut and Gilt Et . Ines, or Mould ing, of every- description. Cr-1 teittaboat Cabins. ..c orated and Gilt. iItOTTLERS.—JouN :)GDEN & Co., Bottlers, ,U No. 187 First street, v.ould roipectftilly inform the pub- Zia that they bare comitantiy , n hand n large Supply SARSAPARILLA, MINERAL `TEA, ALE and POriTER, of the boat quality. The attention of fatuillee 13 pa. ticularlydirected to the fact that they bottle WAINIIIGIIT ALE in it4puret:t 3tate. PhySiciana recommend it to familio on account of its whole some, and at , matheninn , )'!;•bann oct! J. Y;2. I.2.TTLE, MERCHANT TAILOR (Dr. Iris NA'' 1-kth`t,, cc , 7110 c, 1.1.1•2:1v Ti W. irlitia, ARcuiTE,"r, REMOVED tfii from polar o f 14fth and Wool try AIR STREET, In Phillips' nu.. ,ntidin , „;—",ntinnes to pluton, Plans a , t Speailleations of, and to Suoerintend the Erection of eicry description of Enildiuge. dot:1-1v: aP. RE YMER, • GAS FITTER, STEAM FITTER, AND PLU B E R Also, manufacturea to order TUBULAR f, thaipitale, Prisona, S4c. ' at No. ^-}I T,iIRD STREET, ap,3o:ly botween Wood and Market, Pittsburgh, Pa. APULTON, BELL . AND BRAS r FOUNDER. No. i 0 SLOJNL , -.true-t, Pittsburgh, Po., fa prepared to furnieb to order 00.11014, bTEO "MOAT, FACTORY AND tiELIEIi, Of all sizes, front 10 to 19,0` , 0 Ihr. 011.13.1g.3ELL8 made to order. CO iC,135 of all dizee, for Etearabo uta alNliit. AL WATER PIIMP;, C , ',T;NTle,:l RA I '; and every variety of Brays Cadtiogp flunthea iu the u , ..atosr maliner. BABBIT'S ANTIATIRITION METAL; ULTyli'S PA TENT METALLIC PACTIIEU, fur Stemn Y u;;in,a. s:l7 l e l OUGIIRIDGE &, MAXWELL, t.t„iIAUFACTITE.Pas.s 01 , . I ooldrag-Glasses, Picture Pramca, and Brushes; And Dealors in Cloolsz, Bonse Furnishing Goods: Lc. ‘'..,... Ac. Plo. IliC V.loutz 4 - Arf!..eq., above iV.lft,ll., PlTlF,:nman, PA.. 1!•:h3:1y1 • itilwhlschine c.,r 1. EDUCATIO2-; Ai, Vincent'g Conege akral Sfelzailiary, IIIIIDER THE GAIL.: OF TEE BENEDICTIM. eATHERS, Near Latrobe, Wet, catitit Pa. N TIIE COLLEG: TAIGIII TUE CLEILIat L.o nru ion_. ,La the SENIINAi.,., . Lthetorics, Philosooh). ,tel too higher erudition 1, , ,,. 1riary 4rr 11., , 4 . 131 to t. Priesthood. The terms for Board aol Lathe, .sr , y-Lr, paid semi•annually, etrici iy I titrman and French ;Ina "Oa r orev.ha. , and lug masic,.ortu no extra ,111sigt.i,v.x.; cptlngsowe ra en. pensation for the use of nruept.. t o rn, vet ., charges. Nor particulars apply to the ler Cl r t , i tilt , Curlew The Collegiate y ear i.eitin-r on thv let of Soptratl_arr. tax tade on the iid ei Jul) 'itio•.th., St. Francis Arad(Any fox Bo3s, UNDER THE CARE or 07:it..11:: Lorci to, Cambria. Cctitrht , P. pU I S INsTiTuTioN, AI'URALL) .Ittliaud 11tItti, rtil dueeNientli that can h deAred lustitu.ton It is located in 010 1.11 , 1-t healthy and nictu r entitle portion the ,illeglionies, eistant tour itiilei from Creston StAtitql, Lil direct mail route between Philadelphia awl Pit burgh. The choiaetie year cutnineucmg the first Monday in Septembe, will close the 11th of July following. ,The Terms for Board, including a thorough English Seim, CHM Course, are $lOO per annam. The Olasslc and Modern Languages form an extra ;barge of $lO per annum. Washing and use of Bottling $lO. ;For further particubtra apply to dot superior et the Aca demy. Refereticaa can be mad., to too Rt. h'v. Pr. OVC.:INuI, ap3O:lyd&w Improvemeni in Book 3indittc.ln • THE UNDERSIG E 1) HAVING obtainud Letters Patent for Improvement in 8008 BINDING, is prepared to furnnth the attachment to Bo.: km now in use, or to apply the same to nun' Books. Orders toi which are respectfully solicited ut WELDIN F ROWAN D' Book Bindery and Blank Book Manufactory, oorner of THIRD and 4V , Y 01.) Steeets. The above improvement onumist4: Fir:it—tit . s I.lenilp Spring clasping the back of the Book in such is manner to prevent the leaves from sagging when the Boot is stand ing in a vertical position. Second—The carriage consists of Metalie Grooves, on which are inserted Rollers, which will effectually prevent the Books f , wearing or chafing in pla cing the same in Its resting place. Je2:tf A 7 1. iiOWAND, PATENT CANDLE STICKS, A Cheap and Excellent article For Kitchen and Chamber Use. °ALL AND SEE THEM AT TIIE IRON Ihad CITY STORE and nl5 raeacruse of T. CEAIi7 & THE LAST CIiAN6E IN FIGURES.- Bonnet RP bona, worth 75 couta, at ti.;-: 1...:.r yard. do .1 , do 62 1 / 2 at 50 do do do do 50 at 37' do do du do )7;. at '2.5 do ..7(1:i EP!! LIORNE, 77 `.1.0 1 4...t atrutd.. WE WILL SELL inlet tile pro, , 4ont time un commonly cheap b.)ILCA:iII. ki: awl enii I no our titock. .;. if ect2O Forui,4l:• 74 :41,1z,t MISSES' AND CHILDRESS' Uurn, Over and Ean.lotV elle,D. at the eopl e Star , 17 Path ntrovt, new M1.r1 , ,t Jae Retrench ANOTHER CRASII-IN PRICES tug (let.rmin yt !. ,•.ell our ,cock. '' t } : , . art, Tight," Nc:t have ru,d , gt•ncrtd nwts•y— ItEDUCED TUI %NTH; ST , C' To still lower prices 4g' Now is the tirie to buy when th.e a-s,,rtla,nt le unbroken, and the Pric,, Put DuW❑: Down!: oet2A - JOB. HORNY,. 77 Market strc,.. DWELLING HOUSES FOR SALE 0 EASY TE11518: Grant street—Phree three story 11017±.24, arrene , d each with back buildings. Third street—A three story house, large and convenient. Logan street—A dwelling house, of 7 rooms. Fulton street—Two three story dwelling lionsea. South avenue—A two story brick boats of 8 rooms, i h large lot of g round, stable, carriage house, kc. Robinson street—A twl story brick house. Franklin street—A goal house of 8 rooms. Carson street—A two story haute, and two lota at g round. Penn street—Three lar k , dwellin 4 Minersville—A bunts and , u , , acre of g round—b,sides many others in Alle g lieuy, Soutb Pittsbur g h, kc. de'29 8. CUP/111hr di. SON, 51 Market rt:oet. NEW BEDFORD SPERM C kNDLES.- 2 1) boxes a , ort-d um. 4'., We and SIPA ill C.andie. on baud and and for by Jell JIME.-200 barrels fresh Lifi - 4,f0r.4.310 by .A de73 If IL COLLINS. SIDAPS..-- 1000 boxer Rosin :Map. In lb.. 2 lb mi 3 3 lb, b-irs. 500 No. 1 Palm enap , , in M., 2 lb. (11,1 8 %. bars 500 " Chemical Olive Soap, iu lb. lnraps 200 " Oleino OxFic e '250 " gnrsnsn 200 " Cootilo 00 " i'nre Palm On hand and for bale by jar! NEW CROP.— --- 300 dram 4 fresh Bmyrua Firs: 10 butts ~ Datt.l4 ; bOO boxes Nfelaga Raisins, la .1 received abet k r vae by REYMEP. A ANDERSON, den 39 Word et., opposite St. Charlem hotel. FANCY BLACK DRESS SILKS. A Itrge tt.J. , ortrunot, Nlbleh we ere clotilug out VERY ORLU' FOR CASH. C. BA.NSON LOUR, Formerly Love Brothers, j a y No. 71 Market street. *IVIENS T- O - A - Lt e Buffalo and Ours Overshoes at DIFVENBACEIEII & CO.T, 3119 No, 17 Fifth street, _ . W I E FLOUR . 5 bb , s fresh g, , ttou,.? Rse Flour, just iTkeived aba for sale by JAMES A. FETZER, Joni B9 Water street 1100arAg11..-16 oasls on hard and for sire „IL by [4' 16) B. L. BATINTSTOCIIi & 00. NO. 5' ST. CIL.A/Le STILE h'/, A ":;!}11 ,, . H 1.3 , f1 • - -rtur N tlrY ITI'FENBACLIE.'. 4i. C• ~ Eitetr , encti!! 13- C. & J. H. i±'ANYYER • in 3lb to 1 th. " fi. C. 3 J. n. SAWYER FORWARDING AND COMMISSION JAiE§ coLLiris Foiwarding and Commission Merchants, 1T.0P111170119 OP TIM Colllna' Pittsburgh, Meadville a Jalrle CANAL LINES. Nos. 114 AND 115 WATIIP. STREET, PITTBIIIIRGEI, PA 12.01 DES, HAGEN tt. VORWARDING AND CIOMISIISSION rIEELCFIANTS, Nc. 30 STCALIORE ST., CINCINNATI, O. Dylrd UI2NRY 11. COLLINS, Forwarding and ilornini,tion Merchant, awl wholesale dealer in FISH, iiurrEn, and PliOLltiel.; generally, No. .16 Wood street, marfl G aOCERS. 1 . 4. ii. SMITH JOS. P. JELUNTER w,i. 53117111 tlf. CO., Lit° fianttr,] WHOLESALE Grocers and Commission:3 erchonts, No. 122 Second and 151 Front Streets, PITTSBTJRGII, PA. ICE2EEMI MALcoLli Lacii JOSEPH S. LEECH & Nos. '242 and 214 Liberty st - eet, PITTSBURGH, PA., GROCE as, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, DEALELKS IN FLOUR AND BACON, TIN PLATE AND TONERS' STOCK, AND PITTSBURGH 111ANUFACTI RES. ItIVALPIIN ta. Co., GENERAL COMMISSION FORWARDING MERCHANTS, Levee and Washington 21.1 , 0 WYANDOTTE CITY, KANSAS TERRITORY RIISIVENC.C9.—Joseph 8. Leech & Co, an Pittsburgh sierehant4 generally. DAVID ACCANDLESS WILLIAM MEANS H. A. ODEFEM :IPC4NDILESS, MEANS 4. CO., 6GCC1T.5808.9 TO WICK 6II'OANDLE9B,3 WHOLESILE GROCERS, DEALEI , D IF IRON, NAILS, GLASS, COTTON YARNS, A. 4 1, i'ITTSBUIIO El MANUY ACV:MEI:I GIIINEELALLY C,oruer of Wood slid Water streets, COSGRANE 41. CO., VC / 0 L SALE G_RO C E IS and 20 Wood street. 5: ly PITTSBURGH . . . ,r - RICK ET SON, Wholesale Oro .:est c, L,' , ! m ? of BEAN DIES, WINES and SEGAii.S, :.t.r l 174, eon,r of Irvin and Liberty streets, Pitts fitrizb iron, Nails, Cotton Yarns, he , constantly on hand. 1)-20 I=l 11=!111 - - . .11'Ca_a4iftess, Si. CO., (Succeagorn to Wick & AlTandleag,) 117 - 110LESALE GROCERS, and Dealers in IRON, NAILS, GLASS, COTTON YARNS, and Pitts. burgh SLu ulacturca gaucrally, curnar of ViotNi and Water trzetn. WINES AND LIQUORS Er L.L" Fl. Fl. KBSiNEDY. E . :IEVLIIN & KENNEDY, Wholesale Wine y And Liquor Merchants and. Rectifying Distillers, No. 85 6mithu , U street, Pittsbcrglt, Pa„ ap3:iy 110NEGGER & IMPORT or d German Winec ctnd Liquora, Wc.- • • Itlfr AG N ;ku., F.treet, between 6th and 7th ate., PIT7SBURGII, PA. uitJ. , 3. da^ • GLASSWARE 1:7111ESIM S. M'KEE & CO., 'iNIZFACii:URERS 01; ~ ? hr) !Zee's Peaansylvania Glass. L s L!. ZES OF WINDOW (LASS-- _,l:* D re.lgth, Crown tint" .hut 1:11.14, autl .:are; Wino Pornd• and Ainerni 'rdiegrupliicoud Lightning Rod Insinntor, r:econd, betwaeu Wood and Market, PITTSBULGIi, PA b ut xhcrtdwpencc, trunk the ateuru boat Landing, and f: tun Muuou4. St. Charles uud City Hotels. .ul Ult. L. Ii.LNOWAIT I:RIANG, ROBERTSON & CO., Mauu of Cie, Prr•eited Plain Flint GLASSWARE, I 7 W0c..1 corner of Front, Pittsburgh. t.2F .ail other kind. of mid Window 7thirket price- apll:dly -- • • • •• EDLIE & U LAM, Successors to Mulvany bedlia, maiinfactar.rB,-.1 Cut, Moulded and Min Flint and Fui. , .•) Colored OLAN.SWARM, and dealers in all kinda of Window time, FlaskE,l.9 and Bottles. Ware hoime cornor of and Water etroeta, Pittangh. mta:dly GREAT AUCTION SALE, of Dry Goode, at A. A. Mason k Co'e, No. 25 Fifth street. ;100,000 worth of goode of every description wil, be imme diately sold off at auction, and at retail at auction prices. AUCTION SALES EVERY D Y, From 10 to 12 and 2 to 4 o'clock. Domestic Goods, Uousekeeping Goods, Cloths,Cassimeres, Setinett=., Veatings, Flannel+, Mnslins, Checks, Tweeds, Jeans, /cc., /cc. ELIZABETIIAN.—A new Decorative Wall Paper, Elizabethan design, Just received, and for sale by W. P. 31ARSHALL it 00.. 47 A PYLES.- bbbi. extra flee Itarnix) and Belleflowor, 88 " Vandiver, 100 Itussett Apples, ittst reed and for male by JAS. A. 1 , ETZ ER, 89 Water street. FLOUR. WO tibia choice litra Superfine; 50 " •' Superfine Flour, Just received and for Bale by JANIRS A. BETZEH, delis ID Water street e r aSKET, Binders, Straw, Bonnet, and Fuller's Board, for sale by W S. HAVEN, No-3. 31, 33 and 35, Corner Market and Second street, T -) YE WOODS.--300 bbls. for sale by del7 B. A. FAHNESTOOK Li CO. - VOTICE TO FARMERS AND MILLERS. Cornshellrrs, for hand or p..w,r, that will shell and clean 2000 bushels per day in the most perfect manner— warranted in ovary respect—at the Seed 'Store, 47 Fifth et. S;;ttsbnrgh. fdec.3l J A NIES WARDROP. LASS.-200 SS.-200 boxes Window Glass, for sale (noel"'g ENE Y ft. OOtLINK. IN K.STANDS. —A large variety for sale at WM G. JOisiNSTON dc9 Stationery Warehouse, 57 Wood et. VLOOR 01. L CLOT_ „- L: Of our own ant eastern manufacture—all widths, and cut to snit any size of rooms or halls—at the Oil Cloth Ware roomti, No. 26 and 28 St. Clair streot. oct!M GREEN APPLES.- '2O bbl-. green apples, just received and for sale by ”ct2o JAB. A. FIGTZEB., 89 Water street. CIOPPERAS-100 bblß. for Bale by B. A. r 4 73-4 zepf-wq-c ..f+ DAIN T BRUSHES, assorted sizes ; 300 doz ja. on hand and for Hair by B L FAHNESTOOIC do CO., Surcmaors to Fleming I~YE FLOUR-20 bbls. in store and for Cl.lO by HENRY H. COLLINS. TAkW—in kegs—for sale by IT ENNA' 1.3. (.701.1.1v S. "OGG S.-3 bbls. Eggs, this day, reo'd and 'Jr stirs t r (b TIENRY E. ,:I'ALTVP" CIIIEESE.-500 boxes prime, for sale by I" HEITi£;I R. COLLINS. QWEET POT ATOES.— Z ' 40 baEli.Svm - A Potatet36, Just received and far sale 00197 A.B. A P VS R. 9a Watar st*ert piuBLACKME TEAS—Excellent Oolong CAM pp Th.; the !Inept impot-ted 76c and $l. We me determined nut to advance the pike of our TEAS ns long w. We haves oodud on hand, therniUre, wake up housekeeper' , and buy your Yeas , & PATTON'S, ar asi Next uoor to the Druaggista, in the Diamond _ . 11 LACK AND FANCY DRESS SILKS. 8 A full amortment, very cheap. C. ffANSON LOVE, forrnezly Love BrotherB, tal N. 74 larket eavet BUENA VISTA.—For Sale.—A two story frame Ileum, of four rooms and kitchen, paled fence In front, a bake oven, Etc. Lot 20 feet front on Monterey ..t. iu. Buena Vista„ extension of Allegheny city, by lit) lw deep, to an allity .' S. CUTIIBERT A SON, doo4 61 Market street. WALL PAPER! WALL PAPER! Cheap Gervod last week, 10,000 rolls of Wall Paper, t 801 at 12A to 20 cents per roll. W. P. 51AILSRA.LL A 00., No. 67 Wood Area.. TIIIRTEENTII LIST of ApPlicotions for Tavern Ito-Licenses, bled to the Clerk's Office, in al h_gheny county, up to date. J. L. liege:in, tavern, Third Ward, Pittaburgh. "deta:St T. A. ROWLEY. (Uri. EVERY Economical Purchaser of Dress Goods, Shawls, Bientles, dz.; also Domestic and Fta ple Goods, will find it to their advantage to call and exam i ocr New Stock rt Poll and Winter Dry Goods before purchas leg elsewhere. 0. UANSON LOVE, ...1.5 Pormarly Love Byloe., Na. 74 'Market s• M9LASSES.— 25 Barrels New Orleans; " Baltimore Syrup, for sae by WU. H. SMITH k O. AGREAT ARGAIN.=-For sale, a Com fortable two story brick Dwelling. Rouge, with two Lots of Amond, sitruito on Carson street, South Pittsburg, g2 E t MI .tanco from tho N B. .. 11 6% PAUZlLufses Josseu 8. Luc PITTSBURGII, P, 0. W. CIOSHTSON, Pittsbnrgh BEEE=I MEM MORGAN 110112./1:01; W. G. McCARTNEY, Auctioneer J. k H. PHILLIPS 4 - 46 , 1; uNurn STATES MAILS. POST OE ICE DEPARTMENT, February 1, 18513. pROPOSALS for conveying the mails of the United States, from July 1,1818, to -in e 30,1560, on the f Alowiog i,nte.i in turt St.ito of PE,SNSV aNIA, will be roe , lied at th , rolltittet Office of this dep ,, rto‘ent until 3, P. March 31 next, t., be decided by April 24 following; 8619 Or m Conneautvibe, by Orcs.dngellie and Idenboro' to Watorfoid, 30 mica and back, twice a week. Lew, C nneautvillo on Monday and Wednesday, at 7 A. M. Arrive et Waterford by 8 P. M. Leave Waterford Tnevday and Thursday at 7 A. si„ Arrive at C..nneantvllie by 8 P. U. 8520 From Hanover, by Littleatovin and Monocacyville, Md., to Eniudit.tburgla, 22 miles and back, three times a week. Leave Hanover Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 1 P si; Arrive at Eininittsburgh by 6 P. M. Leave Eremittsburgh Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day at 4 A. M. Arrive at Hanover by 9 a. al. 35:1 From Brookville. by Richardsville, Mary An nville, , Intiftier'sCornir's, Beach devote, and Bear Creek's Mills, to Hideaway, 35 miles and back, once a week. Leave Brookville Saturday at 7 A. al. Arrive at Ridgeway by 6 P. at. Leave Ridgeway Friday at 7 A. M. Arrive at Brookville bs 6 P at. 3522 From Marietta. by Silver Spring and ltempflel l. to Lancaster, l'2l miles and baekolatly, except Sunday Leave Marietta ditily, except Sunday, at 1 P. M. Are ive at Lancaster by 6 P. M. Leave Lancaster daily, except Sunday, at 8 A. M. Arrive at Marietta by 12 at. .3.523 From Lancaster, by Willow Street, Rawlins Ville, and Bethesda, to McCall's Ferry, 18 miles and back, twice a week. Leave Lancaster Monday and Thursday at 7 A. ie. Arrive at McCull's Ferry by 12 at. Leave Madaii's Ferry Monday and Thursday at .c r M. Arrive at . Lancaster by 7 P. M. 3624 From Lancaster, by Greenland and Sondersburg, to Paradise, 9 miles and back, six times a week. Leave Lancaster daily, except Sunday, at 3 P. M. Arrive at Paradise by 6 P. M. Leave Paradise daily, except Sunday, at 7 A. at. Arrive at Lancaster by 10 A. M. From Beaver, by Parkinson and Service, to Frankfort Springs, 20 miles and back, twice a week. Leave Beaver Tuesday and Thursday at 8 A. at. Arrive at Frankfort Sprints by 3 P. M. Leave Frankfurt Springs Monday and v , :edne,stlay at 8 A. m. Arrive at Beaver by 3 P. M. 3526 From Evituabargh, by Shermariville, to Linesville, 8 miles anal back, three times a week. Leave Evansbu:git Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at Hi A. U. Arrive at Linesville by 12 at. Leave Lineaville Monday, We lnAsday and Friday at 2 P Arrive at Evansburgh by 4 P. M. 3527 From flollidaysburgh, by Frankstown and Canoe Creek, to Williamsburgli, 12 miles and back, six times a week. Leave ilcilidaysburgh daily, ,xcept Sunday, at 2% P. tit.. on arrival western mail. Arrive at Williamsburgli by 6% P. m. Leave gh daily, except Sunday, at 7 A. M. Arrive at liollidarburgh by n A. at. Proposals to emlraco the Yellow Springs office are invited. 3528 From Orcutt Creek to Chemuug, N. Y., 4% miles and back, twice a week. heave Orcutt Creek Tuesday and Saturday at 9 A Si. Arrive at Ohemung by 10% A. at. Leave Chemung Tuesday and Saturday at 11 A. Si. Arrive at Orcutt Creek by 12% p.m. From to Tallinausvillo, 5 miles and back. twice a week. Leave Starucca Tuesday and Saturday at 1 P. m. Arrive at Tallmanw,ide by 2% P. M. Leave Tallmansville Tuesday and Saturday at 10!...: A. 51 Arrive at ,Starucca in time to connect with the mail from Susquehanna Depot—say at 12 at. NOTES. Proposals must be guarantied by two responsible persons, certified to as such b, a postmaster or judge of a court of record. No pay will be made for trips not performed, and for each of such omi,sion not satistactoiily explained three times the pay of the trip may be oeducted. eor arrival 9 so far be hind time as to break C' , IIEIeXiOCI with depending mails, and not sufficiently excused, one-fourth of the compensation the trip is subject to forfeiture- Fines will be imposed, un less the delinquency be satisfintortly explained. for negb-ct lug to take the rasa from or into u pest othce; for suffering it to be injured, destroyed, r .bbed, or lost: and for refusing, otter demand, to convey the mail as frequently as tb,e con tractor tuns, or is concerned in running, vehicles -- 'on the route. The Postmaster General may annul the contract 6.r disobeying the poet rtllee laws or instructians of the depart flout. ile, nitty alter the schedule, and also order an In crease of service by allowing therefor a pro rata increase on the contract pay. Ile may also curtail or d , scontinne the service in whole or in pert, at pro rota decrease of pay, al lowing one mouth's extra compensatios on the amount of service di5p1 , 71,..C1 with. Fide should be sddressed to the o Second Assistant Pee master General," superscribed "Pro posals fur mail service, State of For forms of proposals, kc., and other information, see this advertisemet.t in pamphlet form, and also the gen eral advertdsement of routes in the Sta:e, dated Pith Joan ary, 1856, at the principal' post offices. AARON V. BROWN, Postmaster General. G'reat Chance to Mitlie Money. TUE BEST AND MOST CERTAIN SPECU LATION OF TILE TIMES—ONLY ONE boLI.A.IL PER SHARE —Forty thousand dollars w-ortit of valuable Real Jewelry, Silver and silver Plated Ware, with a great variety of Fancy and Staple Goods; to be disposal of in forty thou sand shares. at one dollar per -hare, es follows :—Upoti the paynient 1.1 d 4. r, I will 5.,116 Ite payer a numbered re ceipt- which will entitle him to one share In the above 611 id sided property. When the shares shall have been sold, the sharioeolders sh.ill be notified of the fact, byroad, or thrum!: the newspapers, and a meeting!' of the Shareholders se :it then be held iti the city of Phiirdelphia, and the whoh• -a 1110 property disposed ut or distributed among them: ill sorb way as shall be determined upon by them; each Shareleild ee shall tie entitled LEI stio Cott', 11. Committee to be selected by the Shareholders at said meeting, to conduct or superin tend the disposition of the property, according to the direc tions of the Shareholders, and 1 will then deliver the pro perty to such person or persona as the Shareholders may appoint to receive the same. The Real Estate consists of one three st,..ry brick dwelling house and lot, valued at $2.50t1, and two three story brick dwelling houses and lots valued at flOO e-ch, in the city of i hiladelphia, clear of all incline brance, and title indisputable; the ether property consists of the whole stock and fixtures of one of the largest Watch and Jewelry Stores in the city of Philadelphia, now, and tor a long time past kept by the subscriber. The stock consist ing of very fine Gehl and Silver Hunting Case Lever Watch es very fine Gold and Silver Patent Lever, Repine and other Watches, Gold Chains, Pencils, Seals, Lockets, Ear Rings, Brooches, Bracelets, Diamond and other Rings and Pine, Studs, Sleeve Buttons, key., re., Gold. Silver mid Steel Spe, - bides, Gold i•-nit Silver Thimbles, Silver and Silver Plated Ware, consisting of Tea Sets, Castors, Cake Baskets, Cups, Spoons, Knives, Forks, itc., &c. Also, French Clocks, Music Boxes, Accordeons, and a great variety of other goods. The above is not oue of those schemes which aro devised to er tntp the• unwary, but is and will be a fair sale of the entire property belonging to the subscriber, persons are positively assured the stock has not been purchased for the purpose of deception, and to palm off Common Gilt and Plated Jewelry, for nee Gold, nonesuch will be distributed, the most respect able persons are given as references, to those disposed to pm chase shares. All orders by Mail enclosing the money will be promptly attended to, and receipts forwarded to the ad dress ,f the sender, by return mail. Any person sending ten dollars at one time,shall receive eleven separate receipts. in as many separate names if Maired. M. In writing for shares, please write the name of the Post Office, to which you wish the answer directed. This is the greatest chance of getting a large amount of valuable property, for a small sum, as rtes ever before been offered to the public. Send ou your orders, as shares are selling rapid ly, and it is confidently expected the distribution will soon be made. Articles allotted to persona at a distance, will be sent to hem at their expense. Agents wanted in every tcwn and village. All con. municiAtious be addressed to L. R. BROOM ALL, No. 60 South Second street, above Chesnut, Philadelphia %IWO LOTS, o❑ Federal street, Allegheny city, for sale by B. CUTHBERT h SON, deb 51 Market street. PIQUE and MARSEILLES, Fleeced, for making Bevgne. A large assortment at dens GEO. R. WHITT: 4- CO'S RICE.—Six tierces prime Rice, just receiv MILLER. RICKETBON, and fur by rovl2 No. 221 and 223 Liberty street. C lIEES E--tiO boxes prime Western Deserve iriP*2l , Wll !L 8AI!T8 44 Cn KENNEDY' MEDICAL DISCOVERY.- 10 dozen ou band and for ,ale by 1.-nrlN 13 L. 1/ AliNE'paTt WM' 'O. RICH VELVET TRIMMINGS, AT REDUCED PRICE' A choice aß..;rtment on and for sale at covl3. ()RN Eta'. 77 Market strw t. INDI A RUBBER INKSTANDS- Another lot of those alr•tight INKS, Just received and for,;mle by W. F. RAVEN, °ea° Corner Me,rket and 9‘cond vireota. DRESSED lIOGS.-14 Dressed Hogs f,r Nola by IIINRY 11. COW/NS GENTLEMEN'S UNDER GARMENTS- Wool, Silk, Merino and ieavy Cotton Under 9hirt9 and Drawers--a fresh supply received .•-• HORNE'S, dol9 7 Market street. VINE Cents per Pound Reduction in the r Price of BRADLEY'S YARNS.—VVholeeale Buyers and Peddlars will be furnished with BRADLE‘ 'S THREE-PLY KNITTING YARNS at a reduction of Five Cents per pound, by the bundle, after this date, For Cash, and Cash only. JOe. HORNE, 77 Market street, Agent for the Matinfactrirsr DUKE RYE WHISKY, Old French Brandy and Port Wine, for medicinal perposea, at neytEg JOS. PLEMTNfrP. - -- WOOLLEY'S SALVE for sale wholeslae and retail at the Drugstore of JOLLN DAFT, JA, dell] Corner of Woo i and Sixth eti.. PittSbriral LESLIE'S MAGAZINE, FOR JANUARY. EMERSON and PUTNAM. for January. A ;cod at.ortment of Christmas Booka, Amanda, 84., tx., ree.olv• d and for nale at ROBERT A. LI3O.IIIS'S .41 Fifth street.. Post Buildings. tixs RGchester Pcarl Starch N... 3 for mle l y !.J02.31 HENRY EL COLLINS. FRUITS for Christmas and New' Year.-- Beet Layer Raigins; choice new Flcs, In drum!, and pa per laze -4, only 18%,.. iL., at El A wnRTEI., BRO. & BR PANLEIVi. a the Diatunnd. :p ow TO MAKE HOME HAPPY.—Tho time for making PRESENT? Ls near at hand. Hal - ce glad the heart of yoar wife, rhild or friend, by preseutilw them with a pair of EIGAV SHOES or GAITERS, from the well known People's Shoo Store. Ciente'. Lahlies', Boys and Children's ware of every description at PRICES GREATLY 10KDIJOED. DIFFNBAOILIOI & 00., CIDER. ---5 bble. Sweet Cider, for salejOly deg LiKNSY COLLINS DUTTEIL-3 boxes prime roll, received end for rate by ffc-31 1 .3.LN11.Y 11. OOLLINB. COPPERAS. -10 bble on hand and for sale by NMI F L VAILNESTOOK & CO REEF BLADDERS WANTED.—The high ouut price paid for Beef BLadf.,..rm, at B L. FAIINESTOCK & CO'S, Corner Wood and Fourth otreelte. WINES AND LIQUORS.—The best qual ity of Brandy, Wine, Gin, Joiaiiic.l Spinni, Oki Bye Whisky, Irish and tictair t h Whisky, London Varier, Brown Stout, Ohamrzne Wino, on hand and for tale by I JAMES PATTON, Jr., MCI AllsabnaY Olr. CLEVELAND & PI TSBURGH RAILROAD, PITTSBURGH, COLUMBUS AND CINCINNATI RAILROAD ; LINE, THE CLEVELAND AND PilUSßUlllifi RAILROAD COMPANY, AND THE, PITTS ii-' i,,,i,. ..2 • :.L.Nlif . r, ,i) C:. ,CI .. :NATI Rail, , :AD C011,6,NY, having made arrangement with the PITTS,- EURtill, F l'. .st .11 ..r. AND CH ICA.HA RAILROAD CoNIPANY, for the j,.int use of their .10:.oad between Pittsburgh and Itoclie,ter, ,iis rut, ~, eir Trains daily, (Sunday A exceptel,) tie lialows, commencing MON DAY, January 25th, 1858: I LrA' E. LEA VE. / ARRIVE. I ARRIVE, I ARRIVS. Cinciur,ati E; - „pi 0,46 Pitbit,Lri,:s., ti .u 0 A. At. "lenbenville, 9,45 A. n. Columbus,s:23 P.U.'Cincrti 10:00 P.ll. Cleveland & J. Mail •' 6.4., ~ ~ 10:45 ••1 WheePg 12:10 PAS Cleveland, 31.5 "'Chicago, •—•.. Wheeling. Cincinnati Expressl '' 2:35 P. st I Ili 5:49 P. ta. I " 7:24 " Columbus, 1:50 A.miCincili 8:00 A.ll ~teub. Accom'tiou - -Lod '• Wellsville, 6:44 •• i Stenb'ville 7:50 p.Oll The 6:00 A 51. /Loa 2:35 i'. M. Lam., run through to Columbus without c h ange o f care, making direct connections for Dayton, Indianapolis, CU/Ml/Ad, I.ollBVille, Cairo, andz. , t. 1... Lis. The 6:45 A. M. Train • t ps at all e t.•.tiuns, and courbcte at *. ayard with train on Tuecarawas Branch fur New Philadel phia, and all ',Mute on that it ,-o. At Lludsim ,tits the U. 1. Sr. C. It. It. fur Cuyahoga all and Akron. At Cleveland with Cleveland and Toledo Ratiroa•l for Toledo, Detroit, Chico en; and at Chicago with all railroads leading to the North ,ve-t. AM. with Lake Shore Railroad for Erie, Dunkirk, au ll do, Niagara Falls, and Canada. The 6:45 A. M. and 2:35 P. 51. 'Trains atop at all stations on lite River Line, and connect at Wheeling with the Baltimore and unio Railroad fur Cumberanu, Harper's Ferry, BLIILID.IOT-, and Washington City. At Belleair with the Cant. al Ohio Uailroad for Zanesville, Circleville, Lancaster, Wilmington, etc. The 4P. M. Steu , ,enville Acc,ininodation stops at all Way-otations. , RETURNING Tr.....1.N, from Cincinnati arnve in Pittsburgh, en iollows : That leaving Cincinnati at P. M. run.; through without change of care, and arrives at Pittsburgh 7:50 A. M. This train on Saturday evt niug rune directly through to Pittsburgh, and passengers can leave for Philadelphia via Pennsylva nia Railroad t n Sunday everrittg at 10 P. M. That leaving Cincinnati at ti.uo A .M. arrives in Pittsburgh at 6:50 P.M. T :e above 'trains will .:op on .Ignql of the Station Agent, at any Station between Pittsburgh and Rochester, to take up patarenge re going to :u .y p••in: on or beyond the lin- of [We Road. Trains will also stop to leave passengers coming from this Broad to any etation between Rochester an i Pittsburgh. Passengers desirit•g - to go to Chicago, or ',Mute beyotoi Chicago via Cleveland, mutt ask for Tickets via Cleveland. Passengers deei, mg to go tio CJIUMbIItI, Cincinnati, or St. 1....mi5, or points beyond Culandins via Steubenville, must ask for Tickets via Steubenville. .41-&- Baggage checked through to all principal p,ints, and transferred free of charge. Fur Tickets and ail ❑ uu di appa r to lti. /RUE t' &RR iN, at th, Ticket Oilier-, Pt nn Street Depot. F. R. MYR ha, General Ticket Agent. C. AP. it. It.. Cleveland. JAMBS FARMER, Scp't, C. &eR. It , Cleveland 1. A. 11171GliiN,O.N, arenerat Ticket Agent, P. O. & C It. R., Columbus. is W. W. W. BAGLEY, Superiuterdent, P. C. & C. It. R., CA)1.1111d/114. No. 17 Fifth street, near MarieL 174 k;4*.,- va.4, STEUBENVILLE. . „ . j.ji.iLLi:LOA.OO ,O, I[ll,llo .-tf11) Ni 0 T The Pittsb'h, Ft. Wayne A', Chicago RAILROAD COMPANY, WITH ITS AMPLE ROLLING STUCK and rquipmeut,aud its through conuections,is pre pared to transport Ya.66ciw.uni and rreight from PHILA. DELPIA and Prrl'SßUlffiH to CILICAIs , J, ST. LOUIS, IN DIANAPOLIS, CiNUiN NATI, ant: all places Vi est and South west, with a great degree of regularity' and expedition. The fact tnat this itoad lona. , a direct and consolidated line between Pittsburgh and Chicago, is a srifilcient guar antee that its Trains will make good time, and connections with Trains on other PASSENGFIt Tii.AINS LEA\E• Pict burgh. C. mtline. I Ft. Wayne. 11. S. 31ni1, . 5:30 A.::1. I 2:00 P.M I 9:ou P. M. Expresa •1:15 P. M. 1.0:115 P.M 5:45 A. M. 1.3.F.A.011 CHICAGO—U. b. Mau at 5:30 A. M.; Ex, rebs at 2:OU P. M. • .• - . ne.Aott CINCINNATI—II. S. Mail at 8:53 P. M.; Express 7:00 A.. di. AU Trains make close connections at Crwtline for Colum bus, Cincinnati, Indianapolis and St. Louis; also at Fort Wayne with Trains ouLash and Western Railroad for Lafayette, Central Illinois and St. Lords ; also, at Forest with Trains on the Al. It. & L. E. it. It. E. ET U KNING. From Chicago. IF t Wayne. Crestline. I Arr.Pttsb'g U.S. P. +1.5: 5:30 A.M. 11:4..6 P.ll. I 0.10 P. M.. Express, rUO .s.S.I I 2.:UU, P. M. 11.):U5 P. Al. i 7r2.5 A M These Trains wake close counucttouti with Truame fur Phil. adelphia, Baltimore and Now York. Trains from St-Louie, Indianapolis, Cincinnati and Colum bus make elude connection:, at Uri:sumo with all returning Triune. At Fort Way ue, Twine from St. Louie. Central Mi nnie, Lafayette, and intermediate places, connect with above Trains. At Forest, cu:liluctions are made with Traind to and from Cincinnati, Springfield and Dayton. ACCOMMODATION T...AlNS—L•rave New Brighton for Allegheny at 7:UO A. 57... and 1Y:30 P. M. Leave Allegheny for New Brighton at 0:45 and 4:30 P. To accommodate way travel, P--snenger Cars will be at tached to Freight Traine; leaving Pittabragli at 8:45 A. 51..; Creetline for Alliance, at 6:65 A. Si.; Alliance for Creotime, at 6:30 A. M. and Alliance for Paten:train at 7:45 A. Si. BAGGAUE CLIECKLD and no charge for handling. Fur Tickote and further information apply to A. T. Jt )11N. SUN, Agent, at the ureat Westc.m itediroad Urtice, on the corner, at the Monongahela 1101:11143, Pittsburgh, i , r te Geo. Parkin, easseuger:itation, Penn Street, between Wayne and Canal; B. F. PATRIC'S:, No. 00 Dearborn street, oppo eite the Tremont Lions., Chicago, or to the Agents at the Stations on the line. TO COMMENCE ON MONDAY, J...unary 25th, and col 3 61PM until further notice. J. J. HOUS'T'ON, Gnu. 2isas'r. and Fr't. Ag't D. W. Piaar. Agent, Chicago. JOB. H. 'AI. 'ouperintewieut. PITTSBUitGIi CONNELLSVILLE _-~ la _t il EU THE Pittsburgh and Uouaellsville Railroad Is now °lone• for the transportation of passengers and freight to and f um Pittsburgh and Connellsville, connecting with the PentsY l vania Central Railroad at Btu - that's Station. Arrangements have also btleLt made with the Pennsylvania Central Railroad, by which through freight to Philadelphia anti Baltimore will be carried from points on the Pittsburgh and Connellsvilie Railroad, by car loads, on favorable terms RUNNING oF TRAINS.--On and after Monday, etl: of October, the Passeugm Trains will be run daily, except buudays, as follows: 'JAIL IRA bad., Passouger Station of the PULE:* itzmia Railroad, at rittsolirgh, at 75th o'clock, a. arriving at, Conuellsville at Ittaiu A EXP:LESti , leaving Pittsburg', at 4i2ti 0, mid 11.,4it Comiellsville at 5:2,02. M. It BTU it:, N • r RAIN will leave Councils. Otte at 6 o'clock, A. M. connecting With the Johnstown Accommothithm Traiu, be Pen ueylvania Railroad winch arrivea at Pittsburgh at II M. MAIL TRAIN, lescing,Connef sville at 2.00 P. hl., rod connects with the !limo. iii Accommodation Train, on Cie eennsylvania Railroad, whtrL amt..", in Pittston gh at tblo P. M. • Mail Train rtonnectq at Count with Hunting Ilalrs Coaches l'r Unr,nrown. Frostburg, Cumberland, tt c. Also at West Newton with coacher for ,11.nnt Pleasant, Somerset, Berlin, Sau,:patch,ll7l , i Cumberland Tickets can be had trout Twit., Agent at Ulu Pennsylvania Railroad Passenger Ders.t. de:3o li. tiLACIiSTONE Bupsrinteudeut. NEW IVESI'ERN EtOUTIE, TO CINCINNATI, LOUISVILLE and ST. LOUIS VIA PITTSBURGH., FT. WAYNE and CHICAGO CINCINNATI, LIA3h LTUN A DAYTON RAI LROA DS, VIA: DELAWARE CUT-OFF tk_. Di:lance only 32 inileJ INUsburylt to Cincinnati THIS LINE is composed of Roads of the lirst.Class, and a located through a beautiful ail,l highly cultivated portion of the State. Direct connection is made at Cincinnati with the Ohio and Misids:iippi Railroad, (the tracks of the C. 11. D. b. 0. 6t Si. Roads, being connected, far Louisvilio, Evansville, Metaphis, Natchez, :it. Louie, Cairo, Vicksburg, New Orleans. Connection made ut St. Louis with the Pacific Rath. ud and Missouri Raver Packets, for KANSAS AND NEBRASKA, And all points Wes,. Also connects at Cincinnati with Kentucky Central R. lt., for Lexington, Danville, Frankfort and all points in Central Kentucky. Trains leave Penn street Station as follows : Through to Cincinnati with .30 3 A. M. • but one change of care, ar riving at 0:46 P. Al. Express Passenger Train. at :ls p . riving in Crestline at lo:05 • A • A. M., Cin. 8:00 P. It. ta. BAGGAGE CHECKED THRCUCHI.SIO. Fare as Low as any other Route. For all information, and Through Tickets, apply at the Ticket °dice, corner s.lunJngahel , House, or at Penn street Station. 4 1 -4 - Pssieugr,rs desirous of going this route will ask for Tickets via Delaware Cut-Off. J. 11. MuOlLi, Supt. P. Ft. W. C. tl. It, DA-Y'L 111cLaltEN, Supt. C. 11. Si D. 8.. uur2f3 . _ THE CHEMICAL OLIVE ERASIVE SOAP, manufactured by B. C. & J. .I. ;;eiwyer, re. receives the preference over all other kinds ever offer d for family use. Its advantages over other soaps are:—let It is cheaper to use, one pound being equal to three of common rosin Soap. 21. Half the time need only be occupied in washing when this Soap is used in place of other Soap. 3d. Lab r in washing can be nearly d amassed with, as the clothes wiil require little If any rubbing, thus avoiding their wear on the wash-board. 4th. Polling the clothes is unnecessary when this Soap Is used, and hard or salt water answers equally as well as Foft. 6th. Printers, Machinists, Painters and others, find it far sup .rior to other Soaps. It speedily re moves grease, tar, paint, printers ink and dirt from the hands, leaving the skin soft, and free from chapping. To avoid the labor o 1 rubbing the clothes, and the use of the trd, the following directions should be followed : For the washing of eight or ten of a family, take one pound of Soap, mst, it into shaving', and dissolve in one gallon of hot water; put tau clothes into a tub containing about ten gallons of warn water; pour in the dies:dyed Soap, and stir thoroughly. Let ti ens soak twenty to thirty minutes, wring out, and rinse In warm water once, cold water twice. A very dirty wristband, or seam, or grease spots, may require a slight ruubing, but otherwise the clothes will come out clean and white, without rubbing or boiling. Cold water may be need in place of hot, requiring about double time in soaking. Oa - Observe our name on each bar. For sale, in any quantity, at our warehouse, No. 47 Woad street, and at our works ; opposite the Hound House, Penn sylvania B. 0. & J H. SAWYER, ja2l No. 47 Wood street. EMBROIDERIES.—Our excellent stock of French Embroideries, and the low prices at which they are marked, offers rare inducements to ladies wishing to parch... the latest styles. pOTATO ES.- 123 bus. Neahannock Potst es; 60 do , 10t:ss-m k'otat , ,s, ju-t and for aao J.t M.F;;! A. YETZNIt, Ibl9 st•—••• ,-- VOR RII' I ,NT.—A two-atory Dwelling House (Gothictyle), pleasantly eituat,.l on alt Washin.i.too ; „ contains Bove; rooms 'ell arranged, carriage bons- stable, and spring o good, soft water, convenient. 'Vet, $lOO per 3 Mr. Also, can Ihe had with die above, if desired, a Green louse and Fite Acres of I,.nd in ;mod state of cultivation, two acres of !which are in strawberries of choice quality; the remainder is covered with 2:ur,,ery Trees of all kinds, reedy for clip gardener iu get into a profitable biminess. The strawberry-plants and trees y,ill be sold on accommo dating terms, and a lease of the boo's and grounds can be iad for a term of years. Apply to Ja 21 9. OUTH.Giiitt .i. 3.1 N, 61 Market street D UFF AN. for ---- - -- • for sale at FLEMING'S Book-Keeping, W. S. HAVEN'S, Stationery Warehouae, Corner Marker and Second efreeta._ ()NTHE CONEMAUGLI R.. sale a Valuable Farm in West' orelazd county, 2% miles from Blairsville, on the North Western Railroad, 12u acres of choice land, 90 acres in cultivation, a young orchard of 10 acres, 30 acres of exmllent timber, a new dwelling house of CS rooms—price, $7OO. Terms easy. Real estate in the city will be taken in part pay. Ja27 B. Mil BERT 8 SON, Si Market street. OFFEE.-150 bags prime Rio, for sale by ja22 H. :sMITH .4 CO. .lITTER.-3 bbls. fresh roll, for sale by IMO W. FL MUTH Is 00. 185 S. Winter Arrangement 183 8 ON AND AFTER MONDAY, JAN. 18Ta. PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD TIII9 BASF MAIL TRAIN loaves the Paaaenger 'iou every morning, (except Sunday,) at 8:O5 o'clock, Pittabt—gh time, arriving in Philadelphia at 11.•50 P.M. 'I7IIE EXPRESS TRAIN leaven the Station every evening at 9:60 o'clock. Stopping only at Greclebnrg, Latrobe, Johns town, Willmore, Gallitzin, Altoona, &c., connecting at liar risburg with the Train direct fur Baltimore. and arriving in Philadelphia or Baltimore at o'clock, P. El 0 A 10 . JOtsEPII lIORN E. 77 NTnrket att EAILEOADS. '6EVEN 'A:KAHN:IS. ACCOMMODATION TRAINS: THE JOLINSToWN ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves dally (except Sunday,) at 3:30 o'clock, P. M. ztopplug at all stations, and running as fai as Conemaugh. FIRST ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Turtle Creek Bridge leaves daily, (except Sunday,) at 10:40, A. M. • SECOND ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Tufts Creek, Leaves daily, (except Sunday,) at 4.20 P. m. THIRD ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Turtle Creek, leaves daily, (except Sunday,) at 6:20, P. M. RETURNING TRAINS arrive in Pittsburgh as tollows : Express, 1:45, P. M.; Mail, 5.00 A. MA Johnstown Accomm> dation, 11:00 A. iIL; First Turtle Creek Accommodation, 6:50, A. M., Second Accommodation, 12:40, I'. ki.; Third Accom modation, 6:10, P. M. Trains for Blairsville and Indiana, connect at Blairavile Intersection with mail train East, Express train West, and the Johnstown accomodation train East and West. PITTSBURGH AND CONNELLSVELLE TRAINS, Stopping at all Stations on the eittsbargh and Com:silk villa Road, leave daily, (Sunday excepted,) as follows: f' MAIL TRAIN, 7.00 A. M. EXPRESS TRAIN, 4.21 P.M. RETURNING TRAINS from Pittsburgh and ;..'onnelLsville Road, arrive at Pittsburgh, 11.014 A. M. and &10 P. M. The traveling public will find it greatly to their in terest, in going East or West, to travel by the Pennsylvania Railroad, as the accommodations now catered cannot be sur- passed on any other route. As the Road is ballasted with stone, and is entirely free from dust, we can promise saints, speed and comfort to all who may favor this Road with their patronage. —.EARL .....$1.3,50 I To Baltimore 10,00 ,` Lancaster To Harrisburg, $7.45. to New York.— " YLflndelph Baggage checked to all Mations on the Pennsylvania itaß road, and to Philadelphia, Baltimore and New York. Passengers purchasing tickets in care, will be charged ten cents in addition to the Station rates, except from Stations where the Company has no Agent. NOTICE.—in cane of Wee, the Company will hold them selves responsible for personal baggage only, and for en amount not exceeding $lOO. N. B.—The Excelsior Omnibus Line has been employed convey Passengers and Baggage to and from the Depot, at a charge not to exceed 25 cents for each passenger and bag gage. .Vor tickets apply to J. STEWAI3.T, Agent, At the P. IL It. Passenger Station, on Liberty and Grant streets. TliE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. , THE GREAT CEuNTRAL RDUTE,connecting 4 r -c. ‘" . " the Atlantic Cities with Western, North-western and Suutlewesteru States by a continuous Railway direct. This Road also connects at PittSburgh with Daily Line of Steamers to all ports un the Western Rivers, and at Cleve land and Sandusky with steamers to all ports on the North western Lakes; making the most Dructin, CiIEAPEST anc set teat t aoutz by which FREIO HT can be forwarded to and from the Gass? Wx.52. :Rates between Philadelphia : riIIST CLASS.— Bouts, Shoes, lists and Caps, Rooks, Pry Ooods,(in boxes, bales and trunks,) b0.31,,,21L1 bales) Feathers, FM, ' Cc. SECOND CLASS—Domestic Sheeting, Shirt ing and 'licking (in original bales), Drugs (in cask-3j, Hardware, Leather(iu rolls or boxes), Wool, and Sheep Pelts, Eastward, Ac.., &c. THIRD CLASS.—Anvils, Steel, Chains (in casks), Hemp, Bacon and Pork, Salted (loose or in sacks), Tobacco, macular turgid, (except Digs , s ur cut,) ac. FOURTH. CLASS—Coffee, Fish, Bacon, Beef and Pork, (in casks or boxes Eastward,) Liird and Lard Oil, Nails, Sods Ash, Her man Clay, Tar, Pitch, Rosin, AT., Ac. F LOUlt—sl,oo bbl. until further notio GRAIN in car bads, 45 cte. fi 100 lbs. until further i, COPTON—S2.I)I bale, not exceeding 600 fl)s. weight, cut...! further notice. In shipping Goode front any point East of Ph phis, be particular to mark packages Penno:ww", iiatirocut." All Goods consigned to tho Agents of this Ron,. at Philadelphia or Pittsburgh, , rill be forwarded without WOl - 111101 A Co., Memphis, Te.uo.; it. F. SUBS CO., St. Lewis; t'. G. U'ltiley & Co., Evansville, lad.; Dumesuil, Bell A Co., and Carter A Jewett, Louisville, liy.; it. C. Meldruru, Madison, Ind ; IL W. Brown A Co., mull Irwin G• Co., Cincinnati; N. W. Graham A Co., Zantkville, ;.Mio; Leech A Co., No. ;14 Kith) street, Boston; Leech & Cu., No. 2 Aatur lionee, New York; No.l William street, and No. 3 Battery Place, New York; E. J. Sneeder, Philadelphia. Magraw L Koons. Baltimore; D. A. Stewart, Pittsburgh. U. IL 1101JSTON, General Freight Agent. H. J. LOA' IiAEHT, myl Superintendent, Altoona, le. STEA :71 , 1E RS 1S 5 7 Chicago, Milsvankie and Lake Superior Line Pleasure Route to Lake Superior. SPLENDID STEAMER LADY ELGIN IN CONNEC TION WITH PITTSBURGH, FORT WAYNE AND CHICAGO RAILROAD. Steamer LADY ELGIN, E. U. TOMPKINS, Commander. LEAVAS CHICAGO, LEAVEH Alll-WAIIIIII, Monday July 13. Monday July 13 Saturday " 25.1 Saturday .. Thursday Aug. 6. Thursday... Tuesday " 18. Tuesday.... Monday " 31. 10nday..... Saturday 4 , ipt. 12 Saturday.., Saturday.... “ 26. Saturday.., LTAVES Mamoru° ' LEAVNII SUPERIOR, Itzrontii, Tuesday July 14. Wednesday. July 13 Sunday " 26. Monday... Friday Aug. 7. Satturciay. Wednesday " 19. Thursday, Tuesday Sept. 1. Wednesday Sept. 2 Sunday " 13. Monday " 14 Sunday " 27. Monday ........... .... .. " 2a Steamer LADY ELGIN will connect at Superior with thr steamer JAMES CARSON, for Middletow,l, Du Leeth, 0rn.. , - ta, Wahbegau and Fond du Lac, affording passengers auipl, time to view the beautiful scenery of the St. Loulo river, with its many romantic and fascinating Islands. The LADY ELGIN also connects with steamers for Bli chanan, Burlington, Encampment Island, Beaver Bay, Sax on, Hiawatha and Grand Portage, all flourishing towns on the north shore of Minnesota. N. B.—After October let, the ELGIN will conform tx. tit' same order of time as nearly as weather will permit. For further information apply at the Ticket Offices of th, Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railway Compan:, where Tickets can be obtained to Superior City and all inter mediate points on the Lakes. A. T. SPENCER & CO., Agents, Boot of State street, Chicago, Illinoiv. LA IVERP 00 L PUILADELPIIIA A N NEW YORK SCREW STEAMSHIP LINE. The splendid Steamships forming the above Line will sail from From New York vs follows: OITY OF BALTIIIORE......Cdpt. Leitch ..... ....Jan. 7 t KAN,IAROO " Jeffrey Feb. 4th CITY OP WASHINGTON.. " Wylie Dec'r Halt CITY OF BAETImoa " Leltaly And every alternate Thursday. From Liverpool Every alternate Wednesday. Fare From New York—Cabin $75. Third Class $2O Pare from Liverpool—Cabin $lO5, 515, and $76. Third Class $46. EXTURN TICKETS available for Six Months by any Steamer of the Line. Cabin, sl4o—Third Claw $7O Persons about proceeding to Europe, or wishing to send for their friends from the old country, can purchase Tickets , •an obtain all information by applying to J. G. Dalt:y . l3 way, N. Y SABEL k CORTIS, 177 Broadway, Now York, Or JOHN THWIPSON, CO Liberty st., Pittsburgh. Passage Certificates by First-OmA Sailing Packets. bet ween New York and Liverpool. Also, Sight Drafts sold by the above. 001 MONEY MONEY 'A—PRICES MARK ED DOWN. -Great reduction in the price .of Embroideries We have gone carefully over our handsome stock or FRENCH-WORKED COLLARS, UNDER SLEEVES, MUSLIN BANDS. etc.. etc. A n d ft rid the prices to snit the •"Haid Times." The Ladies may rely on getting bargains at oct27 110itYk."9, 77 Market street. DRINTED FRENCH. MEILINOES, for G 2 and 75 cents, worth V. on $1,25, the best amrtrnent to the city. C. lIANEON LOVE, (t - ninarly Cote Brothere). No 74 Market str,,t. CHIMNEY TOPS.-100 Gothic Chimney Tops. of various beautiful pattern.s, for sale by ace/ fllnatY U. °OWNS. OIL CLOTHCIAO THING—Of all kinds, black and yellow, fir &do at the India [tubber Depot and 23 At Clair street. [de9l J. it H. paiLnit• S. WEST INDIA PRESERVES. —lO dozen assorted, just received and for Bale by RHYMER &, ANDIEBJ3ON, 4.Q Nn. 89 WOOTi irtra.l4 I TEL LIES;-50 dozen Currant, Blaekbery Oranku, Quince, Peach, and Grape Jellies, for Bale by ItEYMER. & ANDERSON, ' so wood street, oppr,lte St. Char!.2 117tal- MANGAINESE.-5000 lbs. for sale by BAIINKSTOCH a(v. - dal Owner cf Wood add Rod droefta DooToß HOOFLAND'S CELEBRA.LED G.E13.14.A.P1 It: UTTERS, Ytt sv La. C. H. JACKSON, Paruefra, Pi., Will effectually cure LIVES. COUPLAINT, DYthi'EPSLA JAUNDICE, CIS.B.J. MC GB NtlitYOUS DEBILITY', DISEASES OF THE KIDNEYS, Aild ad Disearsi a m singiji-ont a disordered reindeer to weds, finch as Oonstma Goo, Inward Piles, I?allnees, or Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, • Nauseam Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructa tatione, Sinking, or Flattering at the Paul the Ste mach, ,swimming of the Head, Hurried and Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating sensations when in a lying posture, bunuess of Visi,e, Dote or Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain In the Head, Deficiency 01 Perspiration, Yel lowness of the Skin and Limbs, Pain n the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, .to., Sudden Flushes of Heat burn ing in the Flesh, Constant imaginings of Evil, and great Depression of SPIES% d. In attributing such valuable properties to this remedy, no nun er unwarrantable assertion is mada,lint is simply stated a fact; proven undeniably and conclusively by the extract. Amery cures, and benefits derived from its use, under the di ruction of its illustrious originator, Dr. Hootland, among ell classes of European society, and from the immense mass of testimony, from all parts of the American continent, aeon mulahal during the last ten years, in the hands of the pres ent proprietor. The prevalence of diseases to which the German Bitters are adapted, it is with sorrow we say it, is al. most universal, indeed there is scarcely a family thronghoat the whole extent of our country in which there cannot be toiled among its members that peculiar sallow and languid appearance denoting a diseased Liver, or an emaciated and muttering Dyspeptic. Then of what immense impurtauee`to this class of invalid that a certain and reliable remedy should be. placed 4\ itil I their reach; one in which no 'uaueful or injurious drug Cu tore into its composition ; a remedy on which the patient can sly with the utmost confidence and certainty, and be assured trom actual and tangible proofs that the article he La using really possesses the virito a attributed to it. Such a remedy as "1100FLAND'S GERMAN BPitTERS." Thousands o dullars have been expended iu its manufacture and diffusion throughout all parts of this continent, and the proprietor feels the greatest satisfaction in stating that there is no state county, or even village, whore the Nedicine has been Introduced,, that there cannot be found numbers willing testify to its virtues. It is used constantly in th.c practice of a large unmoor the most prominent Physicians in the country, whn have also added their written testimony in evidence of its great virtues. In C 91.1011161011, then, see would respectfully ask ul all those afflicted with any el the above dieeosee to give the Bitters a trial, and rest tissured it will never be regretted. in proof of the statements above made, all are invited to read attentively the Almanac published annually by the pro prietor, fur Farmers and Faireitee, cOnialyoug a great num ber of useful receipts, in addition to the testimony in favor of the Bitters, from the most prominent and well known In: dividnals in all parte of the Union. All Agents for the Bit ters are authorized to distribute the Almanac gratuitously. Principal Office and Manufactory, so Arch street, Philadel phia, Pa. For sale wholesale by Druggists In all the principal cities, end at retail by Apothecaries and Storekeepers in every town In the United States and Canada, and by p. L. reIiNESTUCIi. si CO. and Dr. Crlo. H. BIASES., Pittsburgh. iNE=I Ut all thee:save the giciit, tint canna :wrings from neglect of Nature's LaW3 IT 114' N 1:" • WWREN A CURE IS GUARANTEE]) IN alt stages of SECRET DISEASES, Self-Abuse, Ner- I vous Dariliey, Strictures tileeta, °ravel, Diabries, Diseases ut the lielueya and Blo4der, Mercurial Itimuatatistu, Scro tum, Patna in the Bon en and Ankles, Dhieases of the Lungs, Throat, Nose and Eyes, Ulcers upon the Bony or Lambe, Can cers, Dropsy, Epileptic Fits, St. Vita's Dance, and all diseases arising Irons a clutangenieut of the Sexual Organs, such as UnIVOLth trembling, lona cu . memory, loss of power, general weakness, dimness of vision with peculiar spots appearing before the eyes, loss of sight, wakefulness, dyspepsia, liver diseases, eruptiens upon the lace, pain in the back and head, female irregularities and all improper discharges free: both assts. It matters not front what cause the disease origins. ted, 111"trer lung standing or obstinate the case, recovery Ls certain, and in a shorter time than a permanent cure can be effected by any other treatment, even after the disease hse baffled the skill of eminent physicians and resisted ad the r means 01 cure. The medicines are pleasant without odor, causing no sickness and tree from mercury or balsam. Dur ing twenty years of practice, 1 have rescued from the Jaws of death many thousands, who, in the last stages of the above mentioned diseases had been given up to die by then physicians, which warrants me in promising to the afflicted, who may place themselves under my care, a perfect and most speedy cure. Secret diseases are the grea-est enemies to health, as they are the first cause of Consumption, Scro fula and many other diseases, and should be a terror to the human family. As a permanent cure is scarcely ever effect ed, a majority of the cases falling into the hands of incom petent persons, who not only Mil to cure the diseases but ruin the constitution, tllltug the system with mercury, which, with the disease, hastens the sufferer into a rapid Consumption. But should the disease and the treatment not cause death speedily, and the victim marries, tho disease in entailed upon the children, who are born with feeble constitutions, and the current of life corrupted by a virus which betrays itself in Scrofula, Teeter, Ulcers, Eruptions and other affec tions of the skin, eyes, throat and lungs, entailing upon them a brief xistence of suffering and consigning them to au early grave. nentsLir MiliBkl is another formidable enemy to health, fu; nothing else in the dread catalogue u buniae Shames catlffed no destructive a drain upon the system, drawing its thou eands of victims through u few years of suffering down to au untimely grove. It destroys the nervous system, rapidly wastes away the energies ,it We, Criatias mental derangement, prevents WE proper develn puenut of the system, disqualitted :ur marring;, o. catty, Lnnue,e, and all earthly happiness, shad 'vales the suderer wi etched in body and mind, predis pored to Cousumptlon dud a train et evils more to be :1 roared than death itself. With the tallest Ctailliturtria IM ourn the unfortunate victims ut sell-Abuse that a permanent alid speedy cure can be elf.-tied, and with the abandonment of ruinous practices iny patient+ can be teetered to robust, vigorous health. Tee afflicted are cautioned an.gainni t tire UV! Medi clues, fur there are so many ingenious [Mania in the columns of the public prints to catch arid rub the unwary sufferers that millions have their constitutions ruined by the vile compounds et quack doctors, or the ()guilty poisonous no, trums vended as "Patent Medicines." .1 have carefully ana lysed many of these called L'atcut Medicines and bud that nearly all of them contain Wrrusivi, Sublimate, which is one of the etrougest preparations 01 mercury and a deadly poison, which instead of curing tho disease disables the sys tem for life. ittsburg is DOc. f 100 fas. 75c. 109 0) 103 17,5 60c. 160 tue Three-fourtna of the patent nue:Tama now in use are put up by unprincipled and ignprant persons, who do nut under• stand even the alphabet of the 111..caeria nu:du:nom," are equal ly ac destitute of any knowledge in the human system, mug one object only in view, cud that to melte money regard less of consequences. irregularities and all 'diseases of males and females treated ou pruicipies established by twenty years of practice, and sanctioned by thousands of the most remarkable cures. Medicines, with full directions, sent to any part of the United States or (3:math:a, by patients communicating their symptoms by letter. Business correspondence strictly con. tldential. lddres .1. M. D., Ottlce No. 1131 Filbert street, (Old No, loll,) beiow Twolull, Fliiladelphia. 11*P34 1 1+irii tir*4 Private and Confidential Medical Advice! T TILE BUFFALO PRIVATE llOSPl- TAL—Established fur the cure of Syphilis, Seminal Wealtneas and the Secret Infirmities of Youth and Maturity, by Dr. AMOS it SON, iluffalo, N. Y. Office corner of Lail, and Quay streets, (up stairs) ALMOST tiOIENTIFIC INVENTION. An instrunfunt for the cure of Genital Debility, or NUcttli • nal EmissionS, more properly known as Seminal Weakne.,:,, dc. Can be permanently cured in from fifteen to tw.ucy daye, by the use of thh, instrument, when need conjointly with medicines. YOUNG MEN TAKE PAIITICITLAR NOTICE. 18 5 7 Dr. AMOS .5t SON take pleasure In announcing that they have invented a most important instrument tor the cure e. the above diseases. It has been subjected to a test by au most eminent physicians iu London. Paris, Philadelphia .itar New York; it has been declared the only useful instrLineri ever yet invented, for the cure of Seminal Weakness,or 503 disease of the genital oriane, caused by the secret bAbin ot youth. Dr. AMOS & SOn, In order to satisfy the most skeptics. as to the merits of their instrument, pledge themselves 1111/1 in any instance where they may prove unsatisfactory aft, fair trial, the money will be refunded by returning the strument in good order. Persons wishing the above useful Instrument will °beer, that the price, with the accompanying directions, secure:: packed and sent by express, is ton dollars. NEW REMEDIES AND QUICK CURES. Dr. AMOS A SON may be consulted from eight o'clock it the morning until uiae at right, in every atage and aymp tom of the Venortal Disease, tionorrhma, Gloats, ..9alcondar:, Symptoms, Seminal Weakness, impotence and Strictures the Urethra, etc., with inviolt.ble secrecy. The trestmen. they adopt to tae reen.t of upward of thirty years' extensivt and successful priscucti in Lotion. The moat iuveterat• aura of Venereal Da,easea er:idlistvd in eight or nine d and canoe of a. alight nature to two or thr.o days, at EL mot.- crate 01DE31150. The cure effected without confinement ci hindrance from businead; also, nodes and pains in the tivue. , and limbo, effectually erad'cat.•d. A OURS WARRANTED. Dr. ANtO3 & SUN have devoted their attention exclusive ly to this peculiar class of maladies, and the relief they have consequently been enabled to render to their fellowcreatur , is fully testified and greattully acknowledged by cancel,. cent patients and others daily arriving in town from all parts of the country, for the express purpose only of consulter ens while their exertions have been crowned with the most a,g nal advantages; yet from what they have experiencesli r. inquiring into the causes of these infectious complaint (from their most condition to that of the most dau gereus and inveterated) they have always entertained th possibility of their prevention and removal ; and likewise in. variably found that the most horrible and mangnant fcrim, of disease could almost always be traced to one of Vie fol• lowing causes :—lgncrance, neglect, or the ill effects of nt, skitfnl and improper treatment; therefore, Dr. Atlun & SON have encceered in discovering, in rue selcction of their remedies, a safe, effectual, and cautions course; otnitLin;.; all combination of remedies which bear an equivocal character. as well as those whine premamre or injudicious application might be productive of bad consequences in the hands of private individuals. In short, the lautlibl, end of their re medics is the I,..sening o f a great mass of human misery Ly the atleniation, relief and prevention of those grievous af flictions that are in re the secret fee of lila, and which. while they so extremely surround us, call aloud for our skin and interference for their extermination. COD:ilia INVALIDS. Per - sous in any part of the world may bo encceesf , .:ll .. . treated by forwardinga a correct detail of their cast, with remittance for medicines, Se. Addrees Dr. AMOS corner Hain and Quay istreet, Buffalo. N. Y. ly ITOVES, STOVES, STOVES. The " Tropic ^ Cook score, the beet improved, as c the heaviest of the size Dow' mad., Parlor and Chamber Stove. The "Ida," conceded by ti wbe have it to be the most hateleome and Or nnm Iron City Stove Warchom, :0 In 1%7.1 ,bu r,.Tb. C3ll at tho T. J. C't.klG k Co str,t YEP' Cii iiatßY PECTORAL AN; CATE:LAI:TIC FILLS gru-o3 each n baud wr ta' uovldi IL 1.. FAUN 1.6;700:a CO. rrgas.-30 half uhests Young liybon: - A portal, Uurapovid , -r, trovek Tear. w ntoro ruO for exit, JA3fl- PA'IION, Jr., Alh•ytteuy City. QIIAWLS! SHAWLS!—Lout, Uhenille, orocha, dc., both lung and rinurn , thr vmy boat in 0.., city. and at very low prior.. fur C. HANSON Lt.)VE, fultuerly L ve Bros., u0v2.1 N. 74 Market etn•et. E&NELOPES. Buff, Blue, and W hito Laid, Adlie.filve, Cluttk 1.u,v,1 dud I'diliruout Pap, do.; extra thick Credo du.; Legal du.; Note du.; cif sizes; for sale by w. S. II \ YEN, octl3o Corner lturhet and Sooond eta. LANK ACCOUN'r BOOKS.—A largo fitosli of ecory di...teliption, In atom and for sal° by W. 8. lIAVEN, Oonarr of Market and Bocaud streut, CIDER. -10 Barrels Sweet Cider, for ria:J by JAMES A. FETZER, dec7 rti) Wrttur taro& d ig : TYN'S N. AND B. LINIMENT.—Ten grov on hand .nd for malo by a, 1, pktonsmorra 00. r_tiEDICA MEDICAL. CELEBI: ATED ERAI I F U t LLVi W LS li'vers• cdr eZms b=r3 They are not recom mended as Univers2. Cure-gills, but simply fc what their name pur • orts The VERMIFUGF I 6 . 1 Xpelling Worms fron the human system, ha, 11 so been administers with the most satisfactory 7csults to various animals .3lbject to Worms The LIVER PILLS ) for the cure Of LIVER COM m.AINT, all BILIOUS DE ' ANGEME'NTS 7 SICK HEAD- CHE F &C. Purchasers will please H particular to ask lc-7 McLane's Cele-- . - )1 - ated VERMIFUGE al-.(1 repareci .. —e. ,e--:, c y .-r-t- I i-i. t 3.,,,,,, C; 2 , ' -----'''-----__ft--,'-'" FROPRIE - 1•0,s, Pitt—;- vcilL. 3 • iia and take 1 tiire are various ,crpreparations now Y the pur- t T porting to C'¢',v erraifug , . I,lld .diver (.thers- - in comparison with Dr. McLANE's, are ‘vorthiess. 'The GENUINE McLane's 7ermifuge and Liver Pills can now be had at respectable Drug c;t-c-q-cs. '.OI;EMING BRO'S, i•OD ST" PITTSBURGH, P. - 'LANE'S VERMIFUGE AND LIVER lV PILLS.-75 grow on hand and for &the by B. L. FAHNESTOCK & CO. Corner Wood and Fourth straeta. j)RIVATE DISEASES.-DR. BROWN'S ..a. MEDICAL and SURGICAL Offices, ,r , ,,,...... ho. 50 SMITHFIELD Street, Pitts- „ el A burgh, Pa. DR. BROWN is an old citizen of Pitts- s i• i i'1,i...''... , W,. 2 / . burgh, and has been in practice for the ~., -,.'-.'"--' . • hot twenty-five yes.: s. fits business has rq,...4 , ..' , . . 5 .ff,7.4/ been confined mostly to Private and Bur• 0 - l,il'( weal Diseases. CITIZENS AND STRANGERS ..k: _,, 0 In need of a medical friend, should not Y-,..,...1p fall to find out the sure place of relief. '''',..- The Doctor is a regular graduate, and his experience In the treatment of a certain class of disease,, Is a sure guarantee to the sufferers of obtaining permanei .. relk• f, by the use of his remedies and following his advice. DR. BROWN'S REMEDIES never fail to cure the worst farm of Venereal Diseases--el! Impurities and Scrofulous Affections. Also, all disease arising from e hereditary taint, which manifests Itself in the form of a tett-r, psoriasis, and a great many forms of elci:.. dieemen, the origin of which the patient is entirely ignorant To persons so afflicted, Dr. B. offers 1/01,0E1 of a sure au speedy. roxrrery. SEMINAL WEAKNESS. Dr. Brown's remedies for this alarming trouble, broug! : on often by that solitary habit of sensual gratification wick ti the young and weak-minded often give way to,(to their ow 4 destruction,) are the only reliable remedies known in thin country—they aro safe, and make a spemly restoration health. RIIET.IIIATIE. Dr. Brown's remedies never fail to cure this painful dl,. ease in a few days—ho will warrant a cure. He also treats Pile; (Beet, Oonorrhcea, Stricture, Urethral Discharges, le male Weakness, Monthly Suppressions, Diseases of the Joints, Fistula in Ano, Nervous Affections. Pain In the Back and Kidneys, Irritation of the Bladder, together with all diseases of an impure origin. A letter describing the symptoms, coutiining a ru, db meted to DR. BROWN, No. 60 Smithfield street, Pittathargi,, Pa., will be immediately answered. Medicine sent to any address, safely packed and secure from observation. Office and Private Rooms, No. 60 Smithfield street, fitti• burgh, Pa. my2s IT IS NOT A DYE. Mrs. S. A. Allen's World's Hair Restorer. RAY JIAIRED, BALD, or persons with I,_A diseases of hair, or scalp, read the fullowingandjudge, of the articles: Mrs. S. A',• ALLEN'S ZYLOBALS.A.IIII/111, Or WORLD'S; HAIR DRESSING, is eq.,J,i UM to use with the RESTORER, and is the best Bair Dreseing for old or young extant, being often efficacious in cares of hair fall ing, &c. ' without the Restorer.. REV. 11. V. EEGAN, Editor Guide to holiness. "We can testify to Its effects," &c. PRESIDENT J. 11. EATON, L. L D., Murfreesboro', Tenn. "Notwithstanding irregular use, the tailing off of hair ceased, and my gray locks restored to original color," &c. REV. S. B. MORLEY, Attleboro', Massachusetts. "it hes changed the " (town of Glory," belonging to old men, to the original hue of youth," tcc. REV. M. TILAOILER, (60 years of age,) Pitcher, Ohettango county New York. "My hair is now restored; it is nothing like a dye," &c. REV. D. T. WOOD. Middletown, New York. "My own hair, and that of another of my family, has greatly thicken ed, where almost bald," ttc. REV. JAMES McKEE, New York city, recommends it, &o REV. W. PuitTEUn, Stanwich, Conn. .` it has met my most sanguine expectations, &c. REV. J. F. GRISWOLD, vikshington, N. B. "It is really efficacions in restoring the hair," /ex. REV. G. ill. SPRATT, Lewisburgh, Pennsylvania. "We _ can and do cheerfully recommend it," ac. REV. J. P. TUSTIN, Charlestown, South Ceso " The white hair has become obviated," i&c. itEV. AMO3 BLANCIIARD, Meriden, N. 11. "We think very highly of your preparation," &c. ELEV. B. C. SMITH, Prattsbnrgh, N. Y. I was surprised to find my hair turn as when I was young," am. REY 0 :H. CLINE., Lewiston, Pennsylvania. Ithas stop ped my hair falling and caused a new growth." REV. A. PRLNK, Chatanque county, Now York. "I am idled and recommend it." REV. D. MORRIS, Cross River, New York. "it is the beat preparation extant." REV. WILLIAM CU VIER, P.ditor Mother's Magaxixe,New York. "Recommends it." rr - We might swell this list, but if not convinced, TRY IT. We export these preparations to Europe oven, and they supersedingiall others there as well as In the United states. It does not sou or stain. Bold by a 1 the principal whole eale and retail merchants in the Uttite,l ntatee, Cuba, or ('Wade. DEPOT 355 BROOM. STREET, N. Y., where address all letters and inquiries. 437 Some dealers try to sell articles instead of this, ca which they make more profit. Write to Donut for circulan, terms, and information. Genuine is signed, Mts.& .d.. Alien written in ink. Beware of counterfeits. sep3:e-o-d3indkw WS. ALLIN'S HAIR RESTORER.-A barge supply always on hand and fur sato by novl6 R L. li'AILNESTOCK & CO. SAIL. FAHNESTOCK, No. 74 Wood street, Pittsburgh, [JAS JUST RECEIVED DIRECT FROM ENGLAND WALDRONJ & GRIFFIN'S COIN AA GRAIN SCYTHE, CORN HOES; PATENT AN COMMON ANVILS; STEEL Traps, very aciperier Drawer Locke,. very superior Gun Locks, Tinned and Ennamelled Sauce Pane, Basting Spc:.i.s, Brass Candlesticks, Brass Cocka, Brans Stith floss, Brac , s and Bits, Measuring Tapee, Superior Waiters, Curry Combs, Tescm, Coil, Path, Tongue', Stretch and BreAst Chains, with a variety of other goods, all of which will be eeld at mud crate terms. apl3 (AIL CLOTHS FOR TIIE FALL TRADE. NJ We have on hand, and ars daily receiving addltteue thereto from our own and other m anufactories, a large a:A , ,K of Floor Furniture, Carriage Tr - Warning, Table Cover, Tra: se parent, Green and Buff, and all kinds of Oil Cloth, used ior liouseihruishing and other purposes. Also, Transpa: ut Window Shade's, of dry and oil fluish—gold bordered and other styles, and Window Shade Trimmings. Merchants and others will dud it to their advantago to ex amine our stock and prices before making their purea''asos elsewhere. .T. li. 2d and 2S fit. Clair en e.t. 151 E —2OO bbb3. for sale by las lIENEY 11. COLLINS SODA.-1000 poundB ou baud sitet Cu ego by iI o t=EBTOOK I co., 41412 So Musing Au. 'llO r / 03NITINS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers