VOLUME XVI. PITTSBEIRGiI ii(RNING POST. cry S. P. ELL 01 .. t;),)nor, pnyablos d if not paid •s—for RATES OF ADVERTISING Or.7ll;;Jriii:C...- - Two lusertiona 7 Three inset tious 1 00: One week.l 7" Two week). :; 001 200 1 6.1 i 100 Throi) ........ ... 4 1 ,1 0:".) 2 0 0 ; I .2 )`-' One mouth 11 'A I .1 35 2 501 150 Two month» 7 )10 4BS 350 235 niontll4 i A 001 6 00. 4 50 , 3 00 , latmt.ll2 10 001 051 a 00. 3 35. Vivo 1 11 00 1 7 35. .) .7.0. 3 051 mouth.) 12 00, h ti 03) 4 00. Nina month.. 0 0 1 11) 35, 800 5 351 000 .. 20 00 13 351 10 00 ti tiFtl tort lin, or 11)1 , , it ..»))0 01 Pl`tloll l . l 01/0 square, par ‘l.ll F.., oarir.iiiVe 0: th,. p.:411.1,1 Marria.r, , 50 . CL ptto .LL llc 1, I Inc' and Di tho in Large ;i .•0 betty ourgh. to take 'lntl' n tat. BUSINESS CARDS. pv , :tfh , cf. every ! SurLltry: ezeept,t tit E•'. El Akt CtaiNlM WOOD Pura Erratrn, TFIRM.S.—live Dollars a y..c, payable strictly in advance. Dolha, invariably req:lired if not paid within the year. copies, Two CENTs—for ~ t the coc ater ie he oche., ILIA by the New- , BoT.I. IT ?„, I, ally a ¶ „.e., •,. PITTSBEGH SATURDAY POST M.t.wmoTEa WE EELL ONLY ONE DOLL I, tEI Hi% / IN CLUBS OF TEN. Single Subscriptions, - per annum. CONTAINS ALL THE CURRENT NEWS OF TUC DAY, Political, Literary, Agricultural, Couuner vial, Local, Telegraphic Radlais cut. This Paper being of the LAMiEST SIZE, Said neatly printc on fine white paper, in large, clear typo, will be found by the =inscriber to gi:e better sati,fin•.tion than ouy paper pnolimbed iu Pittsburgh. • 'those who wish to take a paper 1 - “,1) Pittsburgh, will boil the SATUItItAY Mtn` B safe and profitable iurestuniut. Address, Jja. S P. BARR, sepl7 Pilitor and Proprietor. • 1 1L r. ueu.E. Eli tit ill & 161 YEEAS' BOOK AND JOB OFFICE, POST BUILDINGS, Corner of Fifth and Wood Streets, PrrESBURGII -ThE undersigned having made extensirt additions of the LATEST AND HANDSOMEST STILE: , OF TYPE, and improved Machinery, to the MORNING POL:I* JOB OFFICE, invite illo aviation of Itoil Road Officers Merchants, business In.", and the public generally, to their euporior facilities for executing with dispatch, on I'OIIAR/11:ale tams, all kinds of RAIL a OAD, MERCANTILE, LEGAL, AND EVERY OTIIER DESCRIPTION OF PLAIN & FANCY PRINTING .I.lTec•Onr material being twarly all mew, we can ,re LlStil lntuce of tho must complete satisfaction, and solicit orders for BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, RAIL ROAD BILLS AND CARDS, BANK CLUCKS, BLANK NOTES, LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, 131 LLS CIRC U LAB.? , B USITX-ESS CARDS, PA PER ROOKS, DEEDS, MORTGAGES, BONDS, dtc 4Zr- Particular uttenth,u will ilea be paid to the printin,r Of Posters, l'rugramtn,s, Sce. for Concerts, Exhibitions and Circuses. BARR & MYERS. IiCIFFIVIAA, 21,PC:a ISERW & CO. ILIVANDIVG AND COMMISSION 2fIz;I:WIIANTS, DEALERS IY PRODUCE, FLOUR AND WOOL. No. 1.1.1- SECOND S . ifti:l;T, rraiNA. Springer Harbaligh, PiLLAzirgit hoota, & Wyb., it. H. Palmer, iiarrirt RoCandleAs,:ileati9 & Co., " ;lent, Stintoo lc Co.. H. Childs & Co., Mtorling & Co. , Liagaloy, Cod rave & Co., " uiLmoro Co., " A. A. & Cu. Edwtirci T. Mott, i. W. Smith, ‘ , ...,J. re Graham, J. SVi o o'ier, The Peopfie'N store. S. DIEFFENBA.',AITER &CO., Civ.zip Ca 9ll it. +t:l ~f Fashiormble BOOT 6, SIIOLS li'il) GAITERS, For (ion thauen, V‘..atith and OuiWren, No. 17 Fifth :;:rcet, 'hear lifer et, PIT Bliktri 0.. 7. PERILIN•A ................3. A. JOH:IRON PER it & JOHNSON, pr„pt ii.ntent ILlastie Vire and Witter Proof L eenielici 1:3:3 STILE.E.T. ORDERS for iLUOF 1 N = prk ;n1 aly and laitla hilly 0:accut4..1. 7 11 , I:cmtitig matu,isl (.I: hal.'., .1111 i ior miiq Witil di tioue tut I:00. n:,1224 DA IV 4 C Lk; , !louse, 74ga and Ornamental Prtinterc AND DRAINERS, 1 WOOD Dealer,. in Leal and /Ain!, l'aints. blue... Gh.l every r g ~AAIES 1 , 111,LLNU.1.11.,, AONONUALIELA PL 111 LL. ‘t...ti I tlully inform the ho Lou rebuilt eliue, the life, uud having itillitrgeil lua tilled it wit, Ow I.l,Vee4C urd ntodt in none 111',piti . , 1 to tiirat.th 11l vring mod IparVine; Illld 108 le (1001,i, Hall! i;i111 Limiting, kr. islitettib,r 7, [delo 'I FORGEiitiiTCHF,Iz., - 31 U A T It OF ST - 4 o2LEMIATEI: GOSSAMER VENTILATING WIG. ELASTiO BAND TOUPEES, And evory clo.ieription of A ENTA I, HAIRfor Lad:, tool Ueutlernoli. fa = 713 FOURTfi I, L urgh, Pa 0c7:1 y kealt SCyle Hats. C- Nti ACCORD . 64 Z) 131 `,V001.) lIAVE just, received the FALL STYLE OF ticat'm llican llnth; Get We, duff Hats ; Buy's Soft flats; ;,11,,y'm F S :ur Unpa j C , liHrou'n 1 . 111/1 ) Nan; Ltioiwg jO2fT.pii Vzt uccrringc..l.l.cpccitory. OiSEPI.I WHITE, t o n.eas in hihapac,utp prounee,, (now Lately , enlarged, ) on the Pittsburgh and Greeedburg Turnpike, near the Two ',lilt, Run, between Pittsburgh and cc- , pectfully hAites the public to inspect his sto.ck of CAll it EAU I.lUttal.E6 c.c. And tic particularly inform,: g.ntlulueu puechaurc, that bus pri, only to made. Fourteen yaare' expecieno, lu I 'Lie bo.shiv , a on bi+s him to place before patruus the riages which, so Malty year. 4 past it ha,„ Leta hi, particul titpurfinent to select, from the 01.111J11,1 atm mo.t tslentt,i IlAstern tiomutiouurers. Ttle of his uto, uystem is carnpleta—tly , economy of hi 9 4n-4.u:en:eta, will supply tin boat and moat fashionable :nun Lit e of !L.Jura:, price::. Unencumbered by those ilk.l7y ex, enies, uhich the mania for decorating tv.i.v,,d .1 business lass hen e ed uj,uu the pricy of goads, (owing to lar4o rents, .Io6El'llfillE will cell, .13 , 1 ready money only, at much less than the usual prices. la w earriagea repaired in the best Ina neer with 11,apti.lci, :nay 12dini QT. CHARLES LIVERY STABLES.— The undersigned hae bought the lease ..e, / - ,a, of the above named Stables, to getber with a portion of the exten •7 t 1 Hive stock of lieries and Carriages, bile the property of Jamea Mathews, deceased. In addition to the stock bolero-went ioned, be has a!so added a number of FINE HORSES, BUGUIES AND CARRIAGES, which were formerly employed at hie Livery Stables in Third, below Weed SirCei.. As his personal atten tion to the budiu,s, a ontino.:nce .1 . the patronage Which he lute hitherto received public is solicited. • JACOB GARDN ER, St- Charles Livery Stables. N.B.—A USEARsk., acid ;shy 1,111131,er of CARRIAGES eau always be procured for Furwrol, 4029 . - - FOR SALE—A Drug Store, lo , :ated in ono of the beat gitnAtionti in Ow city of Pitt..burvh, tbr rrt,cription ltuftine:+4. Purchttl either ajobbing, rottAil or era will flud uu advantgo of Faro o•-c.nrr Oco. or inform.:. Mau inquire of JOHN HA VP, .Lc., N 0.1613, corner Sist.ti and Wood orecttn, frfl Pktuttrgh. RESSED ?or 5,40, VIJANNELS—Red, White, Gray, Green, I_ Yellow, Plaid, etc. Cl raper than the.cacapeat. C. RANSON LOVE. 'Formerly ',ova lirotherß, ,14 !V ,, 74 Vol, vir..Pt AcoNET F'LO(JNCES AND NEEDLE ft, WORK CULLAniz.—A largo a.ssortnaput, and very LIANEUN LOVE * . 1 1 • . _ ...,.._ t , ... : . . i . ....,. ..--.' .0 . •f..- i . 1 , • I .:, •,, . f. t, ;1. t g! r- •• ~.- , v 4 • , , : 4.; . , • • • . :1 . . , 4 4 Y 11 N „ -14 -s •TA t.:'• . . ~...... . .. . , ,•,-. _... 111 . 4 .- A. -_,.1 .s. F :, , 7: .•.: tropii. / 4„..,;,},,,./ fr..L.it s' , HOTELS & RESTAURANTS WELLS COVER Y, Paopßisiroa. Corner of Market Street and Market Square, HARRISBURG, PA. HIS NEW AND ELEGANT HOTEL, reeewly erected by the Niessra. JONES in Harrisburg, pa., having been leased for a term of yeara by the under signed, he takes this method of calling the attention of his briar patrons, friends, and the traveling &own:anty, thereto. Ilavaig a front of on handed ttml forty s fire feet on ?he vincipal Bred if Me city, and fifty-icy° feet front on Afar t;:e,; Spare, it cauntit tail to attrattlio azi WOll 03 iu citiuo Lo tltranuero. 1 ( 1 2 6u 3 UU 4 R. 6 6 0 Ju 9 Oi O 4 10 (Hi The CHAMBER: , aro 01 tin, size, well ventilated, and liehted with gay—a lilnabtr with nogleeeting; dot7rs—maltirm theist very desirable for famine:l. The HALLS one warmed throughout by heaters, and every modern iteptt•ot meat., in fact, has been added, that may conduce to the safety, condo. t arid happiness of the guests. .• Visitors tin‘reforo, re=t 11.3.31 d that tho JONES II UdE" has be y,. Mad- lwrlect in all itB that each dcpartment Inn' been plac• d m charge of EXPg- RIENCED ,!LND C 03047 ENT PER4+I , I3-1.1.41. In every particular tin Hyateni which has bend adopted by the Proprietor, will afford to thmte who may make it their home, as great a de go, of court , at may I c ulILlit104:1 at any tilintiat establith [tient in the State. T. ..“..c.lre furnhh , ql tho Public and ['mat o Parlors, Clot:nb,rs, Dining Room, .4c., aitli on• 0,1) FUIt , iITURE; and also arranged within the building, a fine BAlol , ,it SALOON, UriTEL SALuUN, Int.L.SINO KuuNl, Hu? AND I oI.D BATLIS, The CULIe,ARY DECARTMENT AND DININGtiiOOI will receive the especial atteettou el the Proprietor, which, ho tru,te, will be a Hattielent gaarantee that all tatttes will la. matted. A ft, r returning his heartfelt thanks to his old friends and patrons. for the penorone pat rv•nage no long t'Xtataltat to him at the " (2,VERLS Ironer," and also to his fri •tkds and patrons at the •'t aLUSIRIC MU:4E," Cape Island, during th- t hietison of IF9S, lits respectfully sol.c.ta a ColltilltilLlCe 01 it . at the • •.lON HOUSE " jag: WELLS , COVElti S. (OR. PENN A AVENUE 4• THIRD ST,, 1. F. I3EVERIDGE tiaruer Irwin Street anti Duquesne IVEty, i;. O. MARKER, - - - PROPRIETOR, (Formerly of the "Marker lieuse," Blairsville, Pa.) Tl 3 E SCOTT HOUSE IS NOW COM PLETED AND OPEN FUR GUESTS. It is situated in a central part of the city, being conveniont to all Railroad Depots and Steam boat Landings. The House was built in Ma, with all modern improve inente and fitted up in splendid style—tho entire Furniture being now—and wid is every reapect be it Met class Hotel. Fine STABLES are attached to the premises. 1 jel24 H. W. KANAGA. U. S. HOTEL, UOINE roREERLY U. 8. HOTEL, PITTSBURGH, PA. 2ratiEs SHANNON, Proprietor. THIS HOUSE IS LOCATED ON THE cornet of P.,biN and WASUINGTON :quote, between the CENTRAL.AN D WESTditN RAILROAD DE PlYrB, and him undurgoue a thorough improvement, remodeled and turuished with now furniture, and is now the most convo. Mont Hotel in Pittsburgh, for Travelers by Railroad, East or West. . zky-fs:l4 CORA EICOPILE E.C.ESTAURANT: By ELI YOUNU, FIFTU The attention of Alewellauts and others is directed to which has boon renew ly up ler the purpose et affording a SUBS rAN TIAL LATI.NIi:r,iIOUS. IN A (JENTitAL LOOATIoN Oeuntry folks attending - market are particularly invited to call. Everything pertaining to an EATING SALOON win always be found, of the freshest the market affords.. ) Excelsior iteataurant, -24<- `1 Ao,. 111 wuui, strut, iraainmau, WHOLIioALE ANL .01:A1,1,Ii. IN LAKE' AND l'ltilattelplilit It Baltimore Oysters ' And WILD OAMLI, all in their proper aea.un. S. STBINIIiiOII, Agent for tit,Philad , Sti , nai Upatur and Pink ANSION HOUSE, GEORGE AURENTZ, PROPRISTOit, No. 11.14 Liberty street, just beside the rsoisehger Depot of the Pennsylvania Railroad, winch makes It the /1/062, convenient !louse in the city for passengers arri - slug by tact read. it, proprietor htaVt..6, tit considelabie o.lperine L:ttod up, miceilein style, the MANtokhli LitJUSE, would respecf,- ' solicit a shore of public patronage. There is attached "pioeinl and exte..sive WACION YARD, afford. inaple a..rinhafilthill.,ll to tiaTdiers :And teamsters. Ills cut liar will be lurni:ll-1 with the Lost the market anon,.. febl:y HOTEL, co ner Penn and SL. Clair streeLi, l.ltsburgli, l'a.—The undersigned, former brown token this large nod cumtno ...,u; thl2 EL, awl Navin,; rent Led it in uir.gnificeuc style, ces:.hctfully ins Ilte trieink and tie traveling 1 , 12.1A1C Lu ,ice bun Is cull. .looidied. with the con;oaiviv, of the louse Im.l his lung ei.p..imnito in one behinfos, t give sad his charges moderate. WM. C. CONNELLY. AiLLLIKEN UU. ua hand, at la, Men CAIIi:N.L.I awl GilAilt Fur iture, winch they Hill null 15 per cent. iowei tnau ,u.ilunriary ruum. TOrrile, lltiAl only. dec27:y WUODWELL'S FURNITURE AND v v whoik,,4l. and Retail, embracing every yle Ern ffiture, in Ramey. end, , c;.allogarry mai Walnut, mitable tor Parlors, Chambers and Dining Rooms, equal to .) u New Yore: or ell lluielpillr., and at lower far,* Every ,raid,- made by hand, and warranted. Cabintmiak.era sup meo wal, airy quantity of FUIt,N ITEM.: and CBAIHS, ou o.11:0,1e terms. flotek and Stearnboata at the murmit uuthe. Wareroonee, flos. 77 and 771 street, C5i) , ..i01n..:11, Pet. 0C22 11111 u/ 1,.....i W EE'r CI DE R.-4 bids. Sweet Oi , ler, for mla by J AM Eo A. FETZEIt, d 024 Si) Water Btreat. .1 I I RISTM. AS and ANEWY EAP,'S UlFis V.,/ of °very description in Chu Fancy. Dri Goode, line.— alai tat. them. C. IIArN3ON LOVE, dada S..ralerly LOVE IEtOTHEIts, 74 Market St. 1.1(.; [LAI; E—L or office use to convenient Lu., form, for ral by W JULI.:NSTON lk CO., deH fr 7 Word r,troot. FOLIOS AND DESK PADS for sale a by WM. G. J.,lllsliTON & CO., dry b 7 WO^Ni ,troet. IiRE.--50 barre s American and French, ( ; l 'erby H. A. N te.: 4 14 tex co. SINE 6.11,1 i SPONGE. Bleached Cupping 6p,,ngo. Soft Rattling Sponge. Sponge At JOBlll , ll FLEMING'S, uovl.l Cornur Ma!kot screut and Diamond. GUN DROPS.-300 lbs. just received and for sale vy B. L. FARM:SAW& & CO., uus:lo COCIWT Woud and Fourth ptreete. iI~CUi.D 4i. CO Tliliko.l(nlicildl6—For sale by w. G. JOIINSTONI & CO., tiovl7 Stutiouere. 57 Wdod etreet iißsrEtts.-10 dozeni in cans, _u for Rata by REY.MER & ANpklaSON, A LUM. -5U barrels for sale by 13. A. FAIINt',STOCK A CO., FRINGES, for Dress Trimmings. A handsome assortment at reduced rates, at pYE FLOUR.-20 Barrels Rye Flour, just and t)r sale by JAMES A. FETZER, (led 89 Water start. ijalltE OLIVE OIL, - At Sl JOSEPH FLEXING'S, n v - 1.+3 C.,ewer Nlatlrot ctrf.e.! 4.11 d the ni o momd - GMEAT SE 1-ANNUAL AND CLOSING OUT SALE. OF NIX , ;03D84 Fine Dress Good -3, at very low prices; SG AWLS, In great variety ; at very low pl iree; 117. - JOLEN GOO' , ', a large stock, ta very low prico:i; ItONIESII.O GOOD:, as iMIIIOIII3, nteclt, nt very low priceP, At the ature of A. A. MASON elt. NO. 25 FICTII STi:EET, 2e - 1 T EW ARRIVAL.- 20 boxes Oranges; 20 do Messina ; 200 drums New Figs. just received and fur sato by IIEYMER .!L ANDERSON, No. 29 Wood street, Opposite St. Charles Hotel. TARCIL-300 bxs. Rochester Pearl Starch k..,7 for sale by 1119 . 1 ._ HENRY IL COLLINS. DOUBLE MEDIUM, Double Crown, Aledi um and Crown, Straw and Rag Wrapping Papera, fur by - W. S. iIAVEN, 1.18 Corner Martet and Seennd streets moriav a. coLurm. PIANOS TO RENT.—Two elegant Rose wood 6% octaVe Piatics, will be rented to private tam -4,i11y. Apply to JOHN 11. MELLOR, - f.• 13 82 Wood mtr...l. ! L CLOTH CR A SH..___F ! , r Stai•—., a vari t. ••tv at r'!'liSri JNDIA RUBBER C LOTIIIN 0- —Of the best, aad also sOOO id quality, for dale caticilasalo sad retail by PUBLISHED DAILY BY JAMES P. BARR, AT THE "POST DITILDING‘ : ;.' (AJMER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS; AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM. joNE E. IVISiIINGTOIt4 HOUSE, WASHINGTON, D. 0 SCOI7 HOUSE, PITTSBURGH, A Opposite the Penna.. ilaitroad Depot, HARRISBURG, PA. [jab EASTERN PlBll FUR,Ntr RE mithfield street, it-large t.t.sortinont of Fanc;, Corner Wood and First streets EP OIL L H. E N 46' S BAN OPEN DAILY, from 9 to 2 o'clock ; also, on Weduesda% and Saturday evenings., from May Ist to November lot, from 7 to 9 Velma; and from November Ist to 'day let, from 6 to 8 o'clock. Depodts received of all sumo not L.ea than One DOLLAR, and a dividend of the profits declared twice a year, in June and December. Interest was declared at the rate of nix per cant. per annum, ou the first of December, 1856; also in June and December, 1856, and in June and December, 1857. Internet, if not drawn out, is placed to the credit of the depositor as principal, and bears gie same intereit from the first days of dime and December, cleaporinding twice a ycor without troubling the depositor to call or even to present his pass book. At this late, money will double in less then twelve yours, making in the aggregate slater PEA CENT. A TEAL Books containing the Charter, By-Laws, Rules and Rivrif. Wiens, furnished gratis, on application at the ord.-, President--GEORGE ALBRis VlOl/ PAZSIDIMN. Hopewell Hepburn, John U. Shoeubeif,i, James Steidle, N. Grattan Murphy, Alexander Bradley, Isaac M. Pfoinix-1., Robert Robb, James D William 8. basely, James 11,rtinian, Hill Burgwin, John 8 Cosgrave, TRUSTEE 3. William J. Andorso a. James W. ILiiiltrtn, John G. Backofea, Charles Keno, Aloert Culbertson, P A. Madeira, John B. Canfield, 3ohn ii. 51..e110r, 3. Gardiner Colt a, Walter l'. Marshal.. Alonzo A. Carrier, Wilson David Campbell. A. M. If.dlocii, M. D. Charles A. Colton, Licury L. Ring - wait. William Douglass, John M. Sawyer, Francis Felix., George S. Bohlen, George F. Gillmore, Alexander Tindl, James S. Hoon, Theol,ald Unil V,rltt William S. Haven, George R. White, Serr,lary cavi Treazurr - r--- , 211:V. A. COLTON • •if BANK OF lOWA. A. J. STEVENS & DES3IOIN ES, (AO LLE no N S MADE and prom p • - N • _,/ Mitted. LANDS Eelected and locate;. Capittilieta wishing to makednvestments in the West, can do co througli this house. Correspondence solicited. juir2l:tiin AUSTIN LOOMIS TUOS. LoO4IN. AUSTIN LOOMIS & CO., healers in Promissory Notes,jl3onde, islortgagea, and ell Secniiitica Lir Money. Money Loaned ou (Mocha at short dates, with collateral security. NOTES AND DRAFTS BoUGHT AND SOIJ). PROPRIETRESB Portions desiring Loans can be accommodated on remionA ble terms. and capitalists can be furnished with good R.,cori tie at remunerative prices. AlBO, attend to the 'Sate, Renting aLI lA,sing of !teal E,:tato. Office, No. 92 FOURTH street, above Wood. * - a. AUSTIN LOOMV, Notary Public. nil. 9.1 - - LIOLMES & SONS, Bankers and Ex . change Brokers, and Dealers in Notes, Drafts, Accept :y.7,as, Gold, Silver and Bank Notes. Exchange on the Ea-ti e:it and Western Cities constantly for sale. Collections mad° in all the cities throughout the United States. Deposits received in par funds or current paper, No. 87 Market street, between Third and Fourth et.. Lja39*.ly HOMAS WOODS, Commercial Broker, and Dealer in Notes, Bonds, Stocks, Beal Estate, &c., N 0.7 V...orth street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Jane , :a-01.IN WOODS, BANKER AND EXCIIANG E t." MINE-81, Dealer in Exchange, Commercial and Bank ti,,teo. Stock bought and sold ou commission. Collections carefully attended to. Interest paid on Deposits. No. 67 JONES' NEW BUILDING, Fourth street. je3o REAL ESTATE. AGENTS. JAMES C. RICHEY, KEIL ESTATE. BROKER, Pio. 65 FIFTH STREET. PITTSBURG n. Bought HOUSES, and LOTS, aold MILLS, 01:1 r if cow r u j,m,,,,, Warrau ts bought, eold Ronda and and locao, - .1. LIY3 Neg9ti31.,•,1 :tspeeial attention given La enb dlroiuing Farms and dill of thorn. Tornth reazonablo, (I,cl eaihw CU'rIIBERT & SON'S OFFICE, No. 51 Market street, for the sale and purchase of 11.4231 l,tate, renting houses, attending to insurance and repairs, damning loans on bonds, mortgages, etc,; making convey ances, deeds, bonds, &c.; writing letters and correspouoing ,vith parties abroad, Ere. oclS Lieal Estate and Insurance Agent, CLEVELAND, OHIO. ILEY3ILENCSB.—MeSPre. Hamm, Garretson & Co., Robert ?,.rke, Faq. Jyll:y WESTERN LANDS. ALEXANDER GARRETT, ESTATE AGENT, NO. 50 WATER STitENT, CLEVELAND, 01110, 'lrv, - for sale Lauds in Illinois, Wisconsin, Minn,nota, ichigau and lowa. lie will a “ha ugo Lands in WiscunEdo, vr., for I.'ittaburgh nianufacturcs,and also for city prop-rty. lett.vrs of inquiry auswerei gratis, by addressing nis us annly 01110 TOWNSHIP PitUPERTY FOR tiALE.-3: - WENTY-tilX ACIt Bi of 11,rat claatt Gard ot, Loads, situated on the .:11legiteuy and New Brighton , lacadawised road, about five mile. frorn Ailegliony city— t,t, acres cleared, bah uco good timer. Will Le sold .r.c a bargain, and kuvunded bauk pantar taken, if :Ippi,ed for _uuu at JANI Eg C. R1(7111/A"c, Real Estate broker, tis Fifths ' tr, ot. LIARDEN FARM FOR SALE.—A Garden . Earin fur sale, containing Twenty-four Acres of First '..se Garden Land; well improved, good buildings, tine Or b ird. excellent Water; Coal and Limestone in abundance, -:rotated in Robinson township, seven miles from the city. Will be sold ut a great bargain. Apply to JAAIr.S C. RICHi:I7, .1.47 Heal Estate Broker, No. 05 Filth X tr , et. VORTii. FAYETTE TOWNSHIP LAND OUR dA LE.—Ono Hundred and Fifteen Acres 01 Filet i_kasa Laud, for Wheat growing; about Ninety Acs. a Meal ed, ralauce good timber; comfortable fai m •mproveruenta ; large diehard; eicelieut Water; G:al end Limestone; Forty-uve Acres in grave, will be aold low and on easy terns•s. Apply to J A AES C. RICH E der7 Real Estate Brok ,, r, 65 Filth street. WARMSin Exchange for City Property.-- WARMS a_ A farm of 350 acres, on the Allegheny river, near .itintening, 130 acres cleared; dwelling house, barn and or. chard; cotd, limestone and iron ore. Also, a term of Inn ..3 - 1,14 near the above. Also, a farm 01 b 3 nel , 3 00 Pipe creek, 4 miles from Kittanning; 30 acreil cleared; taco houses, and a saw cold in good running order; a first rats locatlon for business. =acres of laud at mouth of Red Bank creek; -10 acres cleared and in g-od order. Price low and terms ai.y." Will be exchanged in whole or in part fur city pro- S. CUTHBERT & SON, novlo oLlilarket street. lINLY MO FOR A TWO STORY Dwel ling, House, of four rooms, with lot of ground al feet flout on 51outerey street, Allegheny city, by 110 deep to an e Terms, $4lO in hand, balance at one, two and three yea'a, 6. CUTHBERT & 60N, nov24 61 Market street. FOR RENT.—A large dwelling house, on Ross street, at head of Fifth, with immediate roqies alol7. Alec,. two Eituall houses in Splune's Court._ S. CUTLIBERT 21. SON, nov2l 51 Market iitre,-t. LOR $750 will be sold a new two story Fratuo Elouso, With a good lot of ground, in Allegheny The lot is 20 feet trout, on Mouturoy street, by 110 trot to au alley. Terms easy. FOUR TO FIVE DOLLARS. PER ACRE for several small lots of land, ten miles from M ,muds villo Marshall county. Va., four miles from It. Station, Bich and good timber. Price $4 to $5 per acre, on time, from 5 to 7 years, it desired. Also, 700 acres of good land, 3 miles from Cameron Sea lion, It. & Ohio IL It., for sale to suit rucettitsors, at from $7 to alu k .or acre, ani on easy terms : .s. , No. 39 Woo 4 street S. CUTUBS.RT & SON. uovl4 61 Market street. REN f.—A dwelling house on Third street. Altio,uue on lie.s&stroet, wipt immediate poe. S. CUTELSERT A SON, nov7 0.1. Market etreet. FOR SALE.—A Dwelling - house with a good Store {loom, situate on ltunitisiu etretd Dear Fed rid, Allegheny city. Price low and terat3 fall S. OUTEIBEIty k &AN, btAturket at. -VOR SALE.—A comfortable 4welling house (frame) of hall and eight rooms, poltico in front. with a lot of ground 78 feet front on South avenue, Allegheny, by 20 deop to itelSexa street, with fruit and shade trees, shrubbery, stable, &c., &c. Price $4,600.1 S. CIIIIIPERT & SON, nov2 l Market street. MERCELANTS' AND gANUFACTU RERS' BANK STOCK, or PAPER, will be taken at par, either in whole or in part pay fur several very desira ble locations for-country residences, Licari the , city. One lot of 12 acres, one of 14, of 10 and 3 acres. For particulars call at our office. S. CUTIIIiERT k SON, oct27 51 Market .troet. FLANNELS.- White, Yellow, Red and Plaid, of. all grades, and at LOWER PRICES than they can be get for at any other ca. tabliehment in the city. 0. HANSON LOVE, formerly ;Love Brothers, cet2l No. 24 viarket street. II 0 U SES, LOTS AND FARMS.—We would invite the attention of pena.itts who wish to purchatti A HOUSE, to the great variety of HounO, Farms and Build log Lots ws hUve for sale. We have now on hand Lots at $lOO, each, aucLat ADD, ac it mpu - ur..1 , 4 hod on vegy easy terms. Some iu paymputs uversgulg fourteen couta'a dayl ,Ilonies;and Lute, at froth t7OO to $lO,OOO, in variMis locations iu and adjacent to the two cities. Improved Farms t.t Item $lO to $5O V afire. Also, choice Pumice, Lands ut ti um Z,•2 to $5 l acre. Persons having property of any kind to d> pose of, will find it to their interest to give us a calL We also, attend to the Renting of Rouses, and Collection of PAM& 8. CUTHBERT It BON, - 161r.,4....• daboareft. PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY‘ FEBRUARY 20. 1858 BANKS. M. 65 11,...:.;•th Street, MIDDLE ROOM, JONES' NEW BUILDING BELDEN SEVIJOUIt, 8. CUTHBERT ct SON, Si Market street. "ARPETS AND OIL C .OTHS. EAIOVAL.—J. & LI. PfIILLI,PS have A) removed to their now building, Nos. 26 and 28 ST. CLAIR street, west ride, between Pent: stmt and the Bridge. J. 11. PHILLIPS, M ANUFAOTURERS FLOoR, FURNITURE,CARRIAGE, TABLE, AND TRANSPARENT a OPAQUE WNIVE7OOW SHAPE ORL CLOTLI!. ! Of differ , nt Colon+ A! H ! , ,I.EFL - L! 1.11 - 01.1gLOTIN WINDOW` ov description. beak:, in INDIA RUBBER GOODS, of all Kula, wade tintor Goodyear's Patent; Agents el the Boston and New Belting Comnanies, for the sale of Choir INDIA RUB BER BELTING, lIOSE and P Al'E I NG. LEATHEit BELT ;is 3 of Eastern unninficturn, n supurior quality; also, Lace l-i-Whur and Rivets. Agents. fir the 01110 FIRE—PRoOE vAugi. Dry and Mixed Paints, Varnishes, WT9. Turpentine, Brushei; GI and Dotty. HOUSE AND PAINTING AND GLAZING, in all its branches. ;;• to in the host and .thortd,t. time. 111.'20:4 J. n U. PLIILLIPS, f.? , ;re , N 1..1 St. Ctnit trirrot ; Mannfoctory Ft Phil . ~ t; the Ohio threo ie Ie below Pittdborgh CAUPETS, OIL CL!;TAS, MATiJNG, etc., A T" TILE .F..otartria street Carpel Store. W D. & H. M'CALLUM respectfully ;I V invite thu att,ntiou of their former custonicrs Enid the put,lic gcnersily to their present sruck, just selected f..r Spring sales, OM braciug the very latest styles of Forsigu and I Manufacture, souii ding in part of Velvets and Itrussids,. Tapestry and COILIMOLI Ingrain: also. Bru,sols, Dunutik, Twilled and Blain Stair CARPETS OIL CLOTHS It'l4JM 2 TU 24 FEBT WIDE, nags, Mats, Stair Reds, Castor, and Cocoa Matting; List, am and Rag Carpets; Venittati Minds; Painted, Buff and (treen Rolland Shades. It will give UN pleaaate to show goods to all who may be dvairoaa of looking or paudlasing, and we are determined to :uducemeuts to any who may favor no with a call, at Ca, old stand, Yv. 87 FOURTH Sti'oet, u•r:+r Woo.). W I). & it. VOA 1.1,1311. BOOKS AND STATIONERY ROBERT A. LOOMIS, (Soccessor to I. T. U Morgun,) ,j'AnioNER AND DEALER IN BOOKS, PERIODWALb AND NEW,SVAPEILS t s , Fifth stroet, Pittabuti;ll, pft. Co-Partnership. rrilE undersigned have entered into Co ll. l'Artoorlhip, uudrr th().3t,yll, of Wm. 0. Juhustou Jr. Co. . 11 El. It. JOHNSTON, JR., % I!A A M C. JOB' „?STLIN. I`i ttntnn ..=(.l,tutuba 1b37. ti 4 It.J. , IISSTON; 311 W'l. U. JOUNEITUAt XV 31. C. JOEINSTON CO., 'PATIUNEES, Blank Book Manufacturerei, 0 slid JOB I'BJ.NTeIIiS, No. 57 Wood street, between Third and Fourth, Pittsburgh, It. se3o 114 LANK BOOKS, • Journal+, Day Bookii, Ledgers, Cash Books, Invoice Books, .en 1:3001:0, Bill Books, Iteo 'lit Books. For sale by Wll. JOLINeTON & CO., ilc29 57 Wood street. TOBACCO - AND SEGARS. _..". • & RINEHART, ALANuei.yruNicus AND DIALInt iN ALL KINDS Of TOBACCO, SNUFF AND clitiAht. opaudy _No Lev WOOD :STREET PIANOS AND, MUSIC s uPERB (RANI) PIANO, leinin T h is' FACTORS' i Steinway S; Sons, 'New York. ii. K L,F..13E1t & JIRO. take ple:sureiu an. nottlicing to the pubtic [Lae they have just r,eiriveil a splendid full UttA.ND r I.ula the factory of nteiuway & t,lllB, Nt.w ' ' , York, which for exquisite aweetneos and vuluute ul tune, ightue and elas.ccity of and a 111U3t, tasteful and td, ~ x lariar is considered tic,, Li PLANO ..er lizooght to this city. The is a DOUBLE DE 'EA I LNU ACTION, a pa entail iiivenriou of nteioway Sous , which CiAutiloos with the utinuar promptuuss and oohcacy of touch a degree of durability but rarely attained. laspoutfully iuvite We pulite, one and all, wi,uther pur cluLers or uw, to call aod nee aius unrivieled iustrumeat. H. liLlitif,lt Nu. 13Itti street, bole Agents fur Stuiuway & buns. N. I.l.—A.se, just eceired a Oust/ lot of N mins & Clark's decd & CU.'S I.2 , IPItUVhI) ME , IibBUNS. The Oldest Establish. meta in the United States, and the largest Fp,.-`e t -:. -7 - in the World. Between 19,000 and 2u,uou of these lustrun.orrd has boon finished, and nie now in use. The latest improvement tu our Melodeons, the IA VIDE') SWELL, secured to us by Letters Putout, May, 18th. By means of this swell Solo l'ilzsage.s may 1.,: played with the full power 01 the In4truineut, whilerthe acounipunitnent is soft and subdued. iierenitor, all Mello. 61,114 made 1 , 5 US will be turuisued with this attachment ; is ITLIOUT EXTBA CLIAlitiE. Extract from the Cum. Advet Clear, July 27th•) Cu., could realize a handsome fortune divuelug at lights to other niahufacturers to u3O their Le.u , improvement, but as they piefer to make it a featme 1., [heir ihstrunienta, it can ouly be übtaieed uy purchasing ”.0 trtlClr tiftiCLUlTueS EY led awl prices are I? P CA61.16: F. , 111' uoLtivd Mulodeuu, exLeudie b , kohl C to C $45 00 :•. or and-a.tridl octalre " " Cto F 60 0u r,e uctavo Lelodeou, if. " h to F 75 LW I ,ru uctdve, dub,. reed, " " Fto F 130 00 IN PIANO CASE r ~e octave molude.ln, exteuding lrom E to Y $lOO U 0 OLtliVOUtit.C., F to 140 00 Eive .ctave, double reed, '• Fto F; 150 00 organ Molodeou (tor churches) live octavo, 8 stols, uctuve pu.lak, lour met, u. reede 350 GO tile auto of ourVi'JLICULId may be hm.: to all :uo nucipal eaten a..ti towti4 of the United 6tatel, and the _latiathut. A PRIN.:I . : (1)., Buti.ou, and "7 Fulton strtut, New York. 11,3 Wood etreot, eecouJ than above Fifth, ,1,1; - .Ilauutaairr-ra A4eht., Fitteburgh. - PIAA ti - 4 yg -- g - t FULL t_III.AND g-, 6 1 k:f11 PARLOR GRAND PIANOS ! 1 Alsi.ll NEW STYLE SQUARE PIANOS, Ibtau the Ilanufactrry of U UfUKbIIINU & SUNS', tun. leceived (rum the manufactory of Uhickering the full,,wing tit:Arable and elegant stock of their 1.1. A A , , FOItTE6 ono Full soven c.ctuve Grand Piano Forte, with superbly carved case. Pike $BOO ono Full seven netat'e Grand Piano Porto, elegant RUSIe wood Cane. Price 4700 o e New i'arldr Grand seven octave Piano ; near; equal in power to a full tirarni, and occupying only the ruin. of an ordinary square Plano. Price $OOO SQUARE PI A NOS I Tw o full curved ItoSeYiutra, 1,011111 XI Vih, seven untuv., ,carved beak and Feet. work. 'lwo itosev,ood, curved mouldings, seveu octave. Four husewoutl, Oulu round rumen, seven octave. Turns Walnut, plaiLi round front corners, seven octaves. Four " " " 4it 654 ill Four &Atwood " 1.1 44 " CI °in ill of the above are of their NEW SCALE, uud with fall i! . ott framed, and their uew Putout Action. these IrahranientA have been finished specially fat tho suberiber, and will be warranted to purchasors. For sale et their reduced prices: JOU, 11. 51ELLult, No. SI Wood street, del7 Solo Agent for Chickoriffg t Sons'. Messzei. Cliaiqes za, Lewis Grebe, TEACJI:ItS OF TliE t PIANO, VIOLIN, ‘14.. V GROAN AND SINGING, ANCIENT AND MODERN LANCLIACES, AB Greek, La in, German, French, and Sktuteh, Taught by CHAS. GEItBE, Cited. Theol. Enquire at the principal Slmic Stores. , [de/A.3E11-n VRESII PEACHES.-5u doz. in 2 lb. cans, just received and for sale by REYAIER & ANDERSON, deli No. 39 Wood street. 2,IILLEIt'S celebrated Cough Syrup, a never failing cure :or Coughs, Influenza, etc., only uc JOS. FLEMING'S, Corner Market etree and Diatuoud. 6 tn. 5, u kinds, at 4617, f Jos. FLEMING'S, 11 , 15 U , rn,r Market street and Duunund. SUNDRIES. 91 sacks Ear Corn; 76 do Buckwh , mi Flour; 50 barrels jupernue and Extra Flour; 75 du Prime Apples (thrTereut varieties); in store and for wile by UUF'FMAN, Are.REERY & CO., de'23 114 Second street. CHERRY PECTORAL.-20 gross for sale by B. A. PAIINESTOCK & CO., Wholesale Agents, Corner Wood sad First streets 11_ 4 1 66 S.—Five barrels' for sale' by jj nov2l HENRY L. COLLINS LIRENCII BRANDY . , Holland Gin, Scotch and Irish Whisky, Por; Sherry and Madeira Wines alms sumo fine old Reconomy Whisky, instore and for sal; by the gallon, by IIAWORTii, BRO. g IBLOWNLEE, del9 Corner of the Diamond and" Diamond alloy r RAPPING PAPER-400 reams Crown, Medium, and Double Crowe, Strbw Wrapping Pa per, full count, just recFieed and for saleby . (1:9 'JAB. A PET 'Ea, 84 Water street. A LCOHOL.-20 bbls on hand, and for sale XII klelsl B ABNESTOCK CO. JOURNALS, LEDGERS, DAY-BOOKS, CABLI BOOKS and DOCKETS, for ialo - and _made to w. HAVEN, Corner Market arid &Nomad streets: oro , r, by nov2o VORA' BLAOK.-5 bbla. just received and r r sal , . by 'deg] B. L. IrAtINL'SrOCIE & CO. DSTATUES.-57 barrels White Nesban- L Ewa Potatow, arising per steamer Lehigh, and for UnstihiA.l. 1'02.571131 , A 00. INSURANCE MERCHANTS' INSURANCE COAPANI, Of Philadelphia. WM. V. PETTIT, President D. J. WCANN, Secretary. Amount of Capital Stock paid in and invested...s2oo,ooo Cu Surplus 63,428 31, V 263,428 35 1.71 H ire! Cargo Risks on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers end tributaries. Insures against loss or damage by Fire, Also, against the Perils of the Sea and inlaid] Navigation and Transportation. Dcas T 013.13: Wm. V. Pettit, 3. O. Montgomery, John M. l'ouiroy, J. McCann, E. F. Witmer, Roue Gunton, L. Wooleton, John A. Marshall, Chase. B. Wt igut, John J. Pattorson, Elwood T. Pugoy. JP pl CH ; IVILLiAI , I V. PETTIT. Pre.sidelu. E. F. WITMER, Vier. Presitluni.. D. J. MCCANN, Secretary. BAIFEASINOSS: J'hilude/phia I : b/ Pni/r,tripida : Seiger, Lamb & Co., Stuinmitz, J Truitt, 8r0..t Co., .Buck, Morgan '. T. Lane & Cu., I Putnrcy, Caldwell `6.- Co. PITTSIsURCiII OFFICE, NO. 07 WATER LiTREET. au7 R. W. POIN DEXTER, al RELIANCE MUTUAL INSURANCE CO:APAI`,I V. OF PHILADELPHIA. °Mee No. 70 Walnut Street C&LIT&L sl77,674—AsszT2 $232,09Z--hzcwhi It , VX,TED. 3" IRE INSURANCE ON BUILDINGS, 3111.11CHANDISE, UIiaNITURE, &c., iu towu or country, The Mutual principle, combined with the security of is Stuck Capital, entitles the Insured to share in the protite of the Company, without liability for losses. The Script Certilicatos of this Company for profits are convertible, tit par, into the Capital Stock of the Compauy. CLEM TINGLEY, resident. B. M. iIiNCII Al AN, Secretary. DIE.EO2OIIB. lieorge M. Stroud, John it. Worrell, lienjamin W. Tingley, Z. Lothrop, Li. L. Carson, Robert 'Pulsed, Cornelius Stevenson, Charles Leland, Wnt IL Semple Pittsburgh. J. G. CUFrfN, .gent, o.ruer Third anu Wood streeti. PHILADELPHIA FIRE AND LIFE Clem Tingley, William R. Thompson; Samuel Elspham, George W. Carpenter, Robert Steen, Charles S. Wood, Marshall Jacob T. limiting, William :Rustier, IiNSURANCE COMPANY, No. 149 Chennut SiLreet, upp.initu the CUMULI" Jimmie. VVILL MAKE ALL KINDS 0E IiVSU- ItANCE, either Perpetual or Limited, ou every (.I.moriptioh of Property or Merchantline, at reaaonablo rut , a of premium. ROBERT P. RING, Pre.ident. M. W. 13ALDVI1N, Vice President. DIBIOTOILi. Charles IlayeA E. it. Cope, E. 13 Euglish, George W. Brown, P. B. Pavery, Juseph S. Paul, O. Shun:mai, John Clayton, S. J. Ilagergee, E. Wilor. F. BLAIJSZU2LNE, Secrutary. J. G. COFFIN, Agent, Jy4:ly Corner Third and Wovd tirreets NEPTUNE INS Ult./INCE COMPANY, OF PHILADELPIIIA, FRANKLIN BUILDINuS, 414 WALNUT STREET. Organized under the Oenerul insurance Law, wan a 1ia.,11 ut SIOO,UOO, privileged to increase to SODO,UUO. ugainst lime or damage by FIRE, MARINE, IN LAND iv A VIAIATION and TRANSPORTATION. OP MFRS: .U. LAUGHLIN, President. RICHT SHIELDS, V. Prat. GEL/RUE SCUTT, Secretary. DIRECTORS: C Laughlin, D. Sherwood, D. Montgomery, W. C. Stotesbury, It. Si. Carlini, iLicaard Shields, it F. showell, 0. C. Butler, William OS [Junto, ii surge Scott. TITE & CHAFFEY, Agents, Office Lafayotte Halt, uutrauce uu Wuuti st PITTSBURQII Ediebl. FLEE A.ND MA E IaVA.VURANCE C PANY, Ouisivisit WATER AND NI A filiET 6TIIELTH PITTSI3URGII, .i.:0111:13.T GALWAY, Fruaith.t.,:. ALM BRADLEY, Vice Preotlent. iP. A. RINEHART, Secretary. iJouipany uankc. 6pportaining to or cunuocted with LLE.E. ti. 181113. Also, against HULL AND CARGO ou tai Ohio and Mississippi Rivers and tribntariss, and MARINE RISES guuerally. And against Loss and Damage by sire, and against the Perils of the Sea and Inland Navigation and Transportation. Policies issued at the lowest rates consistent with safety to all parties. DIMICTOIttI. Robert Galway, Samuel M'Olurkan, Joseph P. Gazzam, M. D., John Scott, Junius Marehall, David Richey, James W. liailman, Charles Arbuthnot, Alexander Bradley, Joseph 8. Leech, John 6'ullerton, N. F. Hart, David 11. Chamber; Robert H. Hartley, William Garr, Jac.. Ithr ,ill. mat. CITIZENS' INSURANC'E L'OMPANit OF PITTSBURGH. WILLI Ar'd BAGALEY, President. JAMUEL L. MARSHELL, 6ccretary. •JF.i7CE: 94 Water street, between Market and if oat streets Insures HULL AND CARGO ItlBKil, on the Ohio Mississippi Rivers and tributaries. Insures against Loss or Damage by FIRE. Ilso, against the Perils of the boo and Inland Navigation and 'Craneportatiou. DIRIIOTOREI William Bagaley, ()apt. Mark 6tQl"ling, Samuel Rea, Samuel M. Kier, James M. Cooper, John S. Dilworth. James Park., Jr., Francis Sellers, Isaac M. Pennock, William B. Hays. Springer Harbacigh. John Shipton, Capt.. Samne.l C. .i. oung, Waiter Bryant, John Caldwell. ja22 WEST BILANCH MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, LOCK HAVEN CL INTO N COUN T t:HAI}TI:ItED BY THE LEGISLATURE Or PENNSYLVANIA (441/ Capital... ...... gauu,ut,o tremium tILLIS COMPANY WILL INSURE ON Buildings, Merchandise, Furniture, &c., in town country. DIE SOT 013,8: 1 ion. J no. J. Pearce,' Ilou. G. C. liar Ye) , Charles A. Mast, .1 din B. Will,Charles Cast., I Peter Dickinson, I 'l. T. Abrams, DK. Jackman, W. White, Thomas Kitchen. LION. G. 0. HARVEY, President. T. T. &nz.v., Vice President. TBOE. KITCHEN, Becretary. REFERENCES: Samuel H. Lloyd, A. A. Winegardncr, John W. Nlaynard, L. A. Mackey, lieu. ti Cameron, A White, Thos. Bowman 11.1), J Ames Quiggle, Wm. Variderbelt, OFFICE—SO. 115 Kam STBEET, de2l:tf J. A. LI vVILE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PHILADELPYLIA. insaroas--Charles W. Rancher, Thomaetart, Tot,lee Wagner, Samuel Grant, Jacob R. Smith, Geo. W. hicharde, Morilflnfki D. Lewia, Adolphi E. Boric, David S. Browne, Mor ro eatterson. Cais. N. BASIONJED, Free'dant. Cas. G. MOTORED, Secretary. o,,atinne to make insurance, perpetual or limited, on ev3r3.- de9cription of property, in town and country, at rates as lea rte are consistent with adcnrity. fee Company have reserved a large Contingent Frain, laich, with their capital and premiums, safely invested, nl. - rd ample protection to the assured. Dm Assets of the Company, on January Ist, 1861, a pat, 113 , :ed agreeably to an Act of Assembly, were as follows, viz: .‘lortgaga $018,128 68 itoal Estate 84,377 78 temporary Loans.. 83 986 17 Stocks 61 ,889 00 Cash, fro . 64,346 81 Total $1,212,708 44 • Since their incorporation, a period of twenty-one yea% they have paid upward of dne Million Four ilundred Thoc. sand Dollars,l oases by fire, thereby affording evidence of the advantages of insurance, as well as the ability and disposition to meet with promptness all liabilities. J. GARDINER COFFIN, Agent, Office, north-east cor. Wood and Third sta. OTICE TO FARMERS.- TURESHING MACLUNES.—We have 10 more 01 the improved Railroad Powers and Threshers, with Separa tors, ready fur delivery, at our shop. With these machines any farmer, with three hands and two horses, can thresh 175 bushels of wheat per day, or double that quantity of ads, in the most perfect order, and warranted in every res pect. Price $l6O, at the Seed and Agricultural Store, 47 Fifth street, Pittsburgh, Pa novlo JAMES WARDROP. MAVEN'S Commercial and Albatros Pens Just received and for sale at the Static) erg Wale house of W. d RAVEN, ja24 Corner Market and Second streets. For Salle. AGOOD DOUBLE MEDIUM HAND PRESS, suitable for a country office, will lw sold. Apply at the office of the "Morning Poet." BARR & MYERS, Post Bufldiou• jal.3:6tdegatw TRISII MOSS.--I 0 bble. on hand, and for 4. sale by I WI H. t.. VA FIN EiVNICK * 00. OTASII.--20 casks, first sorts, for sale by faX) R A PA FIN IiATOCK h 00 PPL.E S.-50 bbls. Russets, for sale by sal us. ti CO THE immense stock of Goods at A. A. MA SON ,k CO.'S, is now selling off at Amadeu, daily. To day and tomorrow, December 11th and 12th, will be sold, 200 littawlir, 60 pos. Merinoes, Paramettas; Alpacas; Cash merev, DeLainti; 2tc.; 200 Silk and Velvet Bonnets, latest styles; 1000 yds Silks, Millinery Goods, Embroideries, Laces, etc., etc. Bal a at 10 o'clock, A. X% dell E.' TV LYND; anetioneer. f'iLOVES,-1000 lbs. on hand, and for eale 114'741 n V - 4:;" 1 "Or g . M. rIPOINIATOES, in Cans-10 mum just reo'd A =ld far etall by ( HIINISY EL ju st THE DAILY POST. SATURDAY MnRNINU HISTORIC al. 4 NCIDENI TS CONNECTED W rrII TI T C A PTURE OF FORT DUQUESAE. It is now a hundred years, lacking a few months, since the capture of Old Fort Du- quesne, and the battle on Grant's Hill, where the Court House now stands. The following article, giving the most prop - Anent particus tars of an important event in history which occurred in our own city, we extract from the Olden Times, a magazine published some ten years ago in our city, and edited by Neville B. Craig Esq. We presume very few of our readers have ever seen the article, and it will be a matter of useful as w:11 as interesting history to all and especially to the young. It is from the pen of Mr. Craig himself, than whom, no man in the country is better ac quainted with the events which relate to the early history of our city, tind the country which surrounds it. The sketch follows : In the preceeding, o't a,t r of the Olden Times it was stated hat the w b. tween Great Britain find France had beet. it r.r , uuate and disgrace ful on the part of the fut rner power, during the years 1755, 1755 and 1757 The campaign of 1757 closed, leaving the ittle'ri of Great Britain in North Aueiriea in a mere gloomy situation hen at any former period. By the capture of Fell William Henry, on Lake George, in Now York, by the Marquis de Muntce.lm, the French obtained complete possession of that lake and Champlain, which afford the eishst passsage into C tuella, or from that province into the British colonies. By the destruction of Oswego they had obtained control of the Great Lakes, and by their possession of Fort Duquesne they main tained their esoentlency over the Western Indi ans, and held control of all the country west of tie Allegheny mountains. Under the circum stances it was natural enough for Lord Chester field to say, '4 never yet saw so dreadful a time." In J uno, 1757, at the very time when that no bleman was writing in so desponding a tone, the great man from whom our city derived its name, wit . placed at the head of the ministry, and a very short time showed that in him were com bined in an extraordinary manner qualities sel dom united in one person. His talent for action seemed even to eclipse those displayed in debate, and in directing the vast and complicated move ments of war, extending on both elements, over every quarter of the world, ho evinced a vigor o mind, a clearness of judgment, and a decis si in of character, surpassing tho expectations, even of those who had long been accustomed to admire the firOall:ViS aubm he hail exhibited in his political cuurse. His plans partaking of the proud character of his own mind, and the ex alted opinion he entertained of his countrymen, were always grand, and the means he employed fur their execution never failed to be adequate to the object. Possessing without limitation the puuliceonfidenee,he commanded all the resources of the nation, awl drew liberally from the pub Le. puree ; but the money was always faithfully al plied in the public service. Too great in his spirit, too sublime in his views, to become the in-trument of faction when placed at the head of the nation, he regarded only the interests of the nation, and overlooking the country or the party welch had given birth to merit, he searched only f,,r merit, and employed it wherever it could be found. 'Se have (teethed it proper to give this notice of that great roan, William Pitt, Bud of Chat ham, from whom our oily derived its name, al though it does nit come within the strict limits which we have prescribed for our publication. When that great man assumed the control of public affairs in Great Britain, Earl Londown Commander-in-ebief in America. The fol- Iniving notice of him, from Graham's History of North America, prdves bin to have been an un lit agent in the hands of th • new Premier: •. If it had been id ~ f the British Min iraers to render the guarolaii care of the parent State ridiculous, and ito supremacy odious to the colonists, they could hardly have selected a titter instrument for the achievement of the sin i-ter purpose than Lord Londown. Devoid of geaius, either civil or military ; always hurried, and hurrying others, yet making little progress in the despatch of business; hasty to project and threaten, bat mutable, indecisive, and lan guid in pursuit and action; negligent of even tne semblance of public virtue ; impotent against the enemy whom lie has sent to destroy; tortni dable only to the spirit and liberty of the peo ple whom he was commissioned to defend ; he excited alternately the disgust, the apprehen -dens, and the contemptuous amazement of the eal3nisui. .11.318 like St. Goorge on a sign,' said a Philadelphian to Dr. Franklin, 'always on horseback, but never advancing '" lu February, 1728, Lord Londown was super se led, and Gen Abercrombie appointed in his plain, Mr. Pitt is reported to have assigned as a reason for removing the Earl, "Mat he could nrver learn what Ice was doing." leurable Buscaweu arrived early in the spring of 1756, :it Halifax, with a formidable fleet and Jima twelve thousand British troops, under the e miniaud of General Amherst. On board this fleet, (we may mention in passing,) cam,e Arthur tit. Clair, who afterwards became a citizen of an adjoining county, and who was subsequently imeh distinguished by his talents, services and un , fortunes. General Abercrombie had they uu ler his command the most powerful army ever b fare seen in the new world. His whole I:Minl tier', comprehending troops of every description; were computed by Mr. Belsham at fifty thousand' non, of whom about twenty thousand were pro ; l i vim:jai:l. The plan of the campaign of 1758 em braced three expeditions. Two of these come not within the scope of our work; we shall, there fire, barely mention, that the first was against Louisburg, in the island of Cape Breton. The direction of this expedition was entrusted to General Amherst, with fourteen thousand men, with a fleet of twenty ships of the line, and thirty frigates It proved completely successful. The second expeditieu was against Ticonderoga and Crown Point, and was undertaken by Gene ral Abercrombie himself, with sixteen thousand It prayed unsuccessful, but afterwards a detachment of three thousand men from the same under Colonel Bradstreet, took possession , of Fort Frontegnac, where Kingston, in Uoper C inada, now stands, with sixty pieces of cannon, a large number of small arms, provisions, mili tary stores and goods to a very large amount; eine armed vessels, mounting from eight to eighteen guns each, also fell into the hands of the English. Having destroyed the fort, the vessels, and snob stores as could not be brought away, Colonel Bradstreet recrossed the lake and rejoined the army. Dr. J S. Craw Jul d, A. epdegralf, James Aimatrong, William FULIEULI, Hon. Wm. Bigler, IP'.ER r, Agent The success of Colonel Bradstreet is supposed to have contributed materially to the fortunate result of the expedition, which was directed tg iinst Fort Duquesne, by cutting off the com• munication between Qaebec and the Ohio river oy intercepting supples intended for the latter place. Tho third expedition, that one which comes within the scope of our publication, was against Fort Duquesne. This was committed to Gene ral Forbes, with an army of near nine thousand menoconsisting of British regulars, and provin cials from Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina and the lower counties, now Del aware. General Forbes marched from Philadelphia about the middle ef July, 1758, to join Colonel B iuquot at Raystown, now Bedford. Groat, probably unavoidable delays, were experienced, in making the necessary arrangements for ad• vancing from the latter place, and it was not until the month of September, that the Virginia provincials under Col. George Washington were ordered from Fort Cumberland to Raystown. [TO BE CONTINUED A CONJUGAL INCIDENT.- Lola Monteziells the following anecdote of Dumas : 'He married a broker's daughter without wit, good,sense, beauty, or even a apptless character, merely to pay a large debt he owed her father. Enuring tho room suddenly one day ho caught a min in the very act of kissing his wife. " Good Heavens," was his only remark, "and without being obliged tor To the Editor of the Boston Courier : —The re cently published volume, entitled "A History of the Republic of the United States as traced in the Writings of Alexander Hamilton and his Cotem poraries," has given rise to stone comments on the claim preferred by its author, John C. Ham ilton, to the composition by Colonel Hamilton of many of Washington's letters. These comments seem to have mistaken the gruuud taken by the author, who has confined himself to a quotation of Washington's letter to Congress, stating that his letters were " drawn by his aids and secreta ry," Washington thus publicly avowing the fact, claimed in this work, of Hamilton.'s instrumen tality and that of the other members of his staff. FEBRUARY 20 The subject admits of wide and large discnsiion. For the present, we eonfiue ourselves to the pub lication of the view talon by P. gentleman fully conversant with the matter. This gentleman is the son of au officer of the Massachusetts line, an has iu his possessioiL muocrous letters of Wa-bington. His position 1-..wyer is among the most eminent in this country ; his character commands universal respect; a:1 a reit 01 Eir and a man of taste, we know flOt his superior; and ho is distinguished for that calm wisdom which rare ly errs. We may add that he was during their lives, the intimate friend of Judge Bushrod Wash ington, of Chief Justice Marshall and of Daniel Webster, and it does no injustice to the estimate of either of those eminent personages to say, that he is equally with either of them au orna ment to .to our country. This gentleman observes Doubtless the trawr of the letters was prescrib cd or directed by Washington. If there is any thing in the manner of describing them, as being written '' under the signature of Washington," or "in his benalf," er " fur him," that implies the contrary of this, the description must so far be admitted t .. - oeeous ; but it implies nothing to the contrary, a-, the primal authority, control and lead of Washington, in regard to the funda mental purport or h?ftring of every letter signed by Washington, is the very thread of connection of the history. But whist cannot be admitted is that the in Loner in which the leading thought or purpose is expressed in these letters is that of Washington, nor consequently the incidental qualifications which make that thought what it is and tr , ,,t hiug else, nor the collateral matters by which the purpose is explained, justified or en forced. These were not Washington's and were Hamilton's. No man who is familiar with Gen eral Washington's style can possibly entertain the opinion that these ,etters were his composition, nor can any man who is familiar with the style of Hamilton entertain doubt that they were . throughout the composition of Hamilton. They contain the leading thought or purpose of Wash ington, expressed and enforced by Hamilton in his own words and manner, with all the incidents, whether of emphasis, or qualification, or corrob oration, that in the judgment of Hamilton would best exhibit. or present the leading and controll ing intention of Washington. All this results from both the internal evidence and from the po sition of Hamilton in General Washington's mil itary family, which was not that of scribe or copyist, but was " principal and 4 most confiden tial," and who satisfied the desideratum which %V tshington himself deseribed as absolutely ne. cessary to him, by being a person "that can think For me as well as execute orders." To what extent this was done by Hamilton, beyond the mere leading thought or purpose, or even the occasional suggestion of that thought, cannot be defined with any more certainty in his c.ise than in that of a Secretary of War to the Chief Executiie of a nation ; but in connecting the public, biography of such an officer with the progress of the revolution, there seems to be even less danger to the Commander-in-Chief, in making a special attribution to " the principal and most confidential aid " of the letters which remain of his inditing ; than iu the cases in which the letters, orders or proclamations of a Presi dent are attributed in point of authorship to the Secretary of State, by whom they are counter signed. The language used in this respect by the son of General Hamilton, was intended, no d ,übt, to assert General Hamilton's authorship, not to exclude the direction, suggestion, super vision or control of Washington ; and unless he had adopted in the case of every letter some formal periphrasis which would have deformed the page, it is not easy to perceive what other toothed could nave been used, that would not Lsce ohlterated the agency of Hamilton, and drawn the reader's attention exclusively to the signer of the letters. It is very clear, certainly, that the author has subjected himself to a criti cism which, by some other language, he might h ive avoided without impairing the importance of General Hamilton's agency; but for the most pert, such criticism will not proceed from those who were the uniform friends a d admirers of Washington, but from the eulogists of those who were the cotemporary friends of neither Wash ington nor Hamilton, and who were willing to aliuw the praise of the one only when it obscured the praise of the other. Those are not the true frisnds of Washington, who will not discriminate between those great qualites in which he was un surpassed, and perhaps unequalled, by any man of any age, and thane qaalities which his mod esty disclaimed,' and the affectation of which would have impaired the unity as well as the grandeur of his character. [Frew the ItichtnJud Whig, F,,brintry The New York Express h ue done for the claim eet up by General 11 sord'or his father of having written Waihingteu's Farell Ad-. dress. That piper say that Chief Jnati e Jay, several years betero his death, which occurred in 1.29, publish° f a letter in which he stated that Washington, after having written the Farewell Ad tress, enclosed it to Hamilton for perusal and correction, with a request that it might be shown t , him (Jay ;) that they zifterward.4 met and read it over together, when they Cagle to the c mclueion that it was all right and ought not to be altored ; that it was sent back to Washington Ao , hout the alteration of a word, and that it w is published exactly as it was when read by Hamilton and himself, and as it now is. So this ridiculous pretension is tiiktn,:oil at once and forever. It seems strange to us that the son and biographer of so great a man as Hamilton un doubtedly was, could not be contented to let his false rest upon its own bottom, but that in dress ing his father up in a suit which nature never designed him to wear, ho should have run the risk of inclining the world to doubt even the lwrit which was undoubtedly hie In the latter part of Washington's administration he was bit terly assailed by the minions of party, and one of the charges alleged against him was that he w is a none of wax in tt e hands of Hamilton. No man who knew anytning.of Washington at that day believed one word of the slander No in in was ever lees wider influence—no man ever possessed a more uric inquerable will—no man ever manifested a more unalterable resolution when he believed himself to be in the right. That man never breathed that would helve dared to approach Washington with the vievi of con verting him into a catspaw to serve his own purposes Naturally of strong passions, as all great natures like his must of necessity be, ho habitually kept them under the completest Buh -1 jection to his reason. When they did escape his control, however, as was sometimes the case, but very rarely, they made all tremble who beheld the explosion. Mr. Jefferson describes it as terrific beyond description. It may be set down as abso lutely certain that neither Alexander Hamilton nor anyoody else would ever presume very far upon the good nature of a man so sagacious, so dignified and so little disposed to countenance impertinent intermeddling. The party writers of the day, however, for their own purposes, represented Washington as entirely in leading -tringe to Hamilton It was their cue to place him before the world as an ignoramus, and hence they maintained that ho could not even write a letter, but that Hamilton wrote all his letters for him. It is strange that the son of Hamilton— ;hat man whom above all others he loved and trusted—should think it due to the fame of his father to revive these infamous calumnies of Washington's bitterest enemies. We feel assu red that were Hamilton, alive, and were such au attempt to be made it would excite his liveliest It is oar opinion not only that Washington wrote every line of the Farewell Address, but that no other man who ever lived could have written it. It is Washington all over. It is a cast of his mind in an imperishable material. It is the portriit of moral man drawn by his own hand. Full of wisdom, full of knowledge of man, full of knowledge of his countryinep, full Of knowledge of himself, it is one of those unique productions which not only hays , no existi4 NUMBER 110. [Frow the Breton Currier, January 80, Washington and Hamilton.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers