VOLUME XVI. PITTSBURGH POST. ever; morn.fnr ( Sundays entepted By JAMES P. BAUR, NORTH-NCIWT CO!MIZt: WC , OD AND PIFTII BTP.Sia?., TERMS.—Five Dollars a year, payable strictly in advance. Dollars invariably required it not paid within the year. 4til-Sirwie copies, Two CONlC—foi . ,ale at the connter in Ofikt, and by tho New•:; Boye RATES OF ADVERTIS a ay. l a 77Lric ), ;:l a r w itn; ;, , TIM Lui as. I L One iusertton._ Two insertions., Three insertions One week....... .... Two weeks Three weeks Ono month Two months 7 00 Three months 9 00 Pour months 10 00 Fivo ....... 11 00 nee,rhe 12 00 Nine ....... 16 00 One yee.r 20 00 Bmit; , tis: Okra, nix lines or ;o, (0, 761 1 001 1 "5 3 00 00 6 00 tT PLE Ono Piquv.rt , , por an nnm, torninqive Marriage notice:, 50 cants ; Des PITTSBURGH SATURDAY POST A 31. A aIMOTH WEEKLY. ONLY ONE DOLLAR eER YEAR, IN CLUBS OF TEN. Single Subscriptions, - - - IDUI per annum. CONTAINS ALL THE CURRENT NEWS OP THE DAY, Political, Literary, Agricultural, Commer Mal, Local, Telegraphic and Miscellaneous. Mild Paper being of the Leanest SIZE, and neatly prints on fine white paper, in large, clear type, will be found by the subscriber to give better satisfa.lion than any paper pntilighed in Pittsbnrgh. Those who WWI to take a paper from Pittsburgh, will find the SATURDAY POST a safe and profitable investment. Addrrea, JAMES P. BARR, Maio end Proprietor. BUSINESS CARDS. JAB. P. 1341[11 B&W/a Az. MYERS' BOOK AND JOB OFFICE, POST BUILDINGS, Corner of Fifth and Wood Streets, PITTSBURGH. THE undersigned having made extensive additions of the LATEST AND HANDSOMEST STYLES OP TYPE, and improved Machinery, to the MORNING POST JOB OFFICE, invite Div I.tention of Rail Road (Hikers Merchants. business ul'a, and the public generally, to their superior facilities fur executing, with dispatch, on roasonable terms, all kinds of RAIL EI'OAD, ME Et CA NT LE , LEGAL, • AND EVERY OTHER DESCRIPTION OF PLAIN & FANCY PRINTING 41/rOur material being nearly all new, we can give assu rance of the most complete satisfaction, and solicit orders BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, RAIL ROAD BILLS AND CARDS, BANK CHECKS, BLANK NOTES, LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, "BILLS .LADING, CIRCULARS, BUSINESS CARDS, PA PER ROOKS, DEEDS, MORTGAGES, BONDS, Particular attention will also ho paid to the priutitic cf Posters, 2rograiumes, &c. fur Concerts, Extdbitious ewd Circuses. BARR & MYERS. HUFFMAN, M'CUEEftTi & CO. FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, EIMMEEM PRODUCE, FLOUR AND WOOL. NO. 113 SECOND STF.S.IT, PITTSBURGH, Prune. REFERENCES: Springer !Turban gh, Joseph E. Elder ' St. Louie ; ; Boone Wyle, Philadelphia; Palmer, " Garret /c Martin, McCandleee, Means & Co., " Janice, Kent, Santee S. Co. " H. Childs & Co., " Keene, Sterling & Co., " Bagaley, Cos,,Tsave & Co., " Yard, Gilmore & Co., " A. A. Mason & Co., Edward T. Mott, CS 0. W. Smith, ‘N heeling; Weaver & Graham, J. Wheeler, Banker, Cincinnati The People's Shoo)Store. D. S. DIEFFENBA , AIER &CO., Cheap (710111 llenlnrn in all k win of Faiillionable BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS, For Gentlumon, Imdieu, Youths and Children, No. 17 Flllll Street, near Market, ocB --PITTSBURGH, PA MEI= PERRIN & JOHNSON, Proprietors of Childs & Co.'s Patent Elastic Fire and Water Proof ,Cement 133 THIRD STREET. ORDERS fur ROOFI NU promptly and faith fully exoeuted, and all our work warranted. :tooling watorial always on hand, :aid for sale, with di r«tione tut' use. iltl y DAWE & CLULEY, Elou•e, Sign and Ornamental Painters AND ;'GRAINERS, Dealers in White Lead and Zinc Paints. Aid.), Oils, Varni Puny, Paints, Niiindow and ()very artick used in On• tradi , inli2o:ly2tl JJAMESMONONGAIIELA PLANING MILL, woul , l respectfully inform tho public twit ho has robe& since the lire, and having enlarged his establishment, and tilled it with tho rilwest and need ap proved nutehinery, is now prepared to furnish flooring and planed boar.:s, scrowl sawint., and rostwin4, doors, cash and shutt«rK, kiln dried, frames, mauldi box. malting, km. South Pittsburgh, September 7, 1857. [melt) G EORGE BLETCHER, MANUFACTURER .0P w arI.POE.ARED GOSSAMER VENTILATING WIG, ELASTIC BAND TOUPEES, And overy description of OItNANIENTAL HAIR for Ladle. and Gentlemen. 5956.76 FOURTEf strmd, betwomi Wood and Market, Pitt burgh, Pa. oc7:ly Eerat style ROLES. Mc OLrll & CO., RA- 131 WOOD STREET, HAVE just received the FALL STYLE OF Gent's Drests Hats; Gent's Soft Hate; Boy's Solt Hats; Boy's Fancy Caps; Children's fancy Hats; T..tdles' Riding flats Joseph Witits'o Ga.rrin.ige Repository. TOSEPLI now carrying on basis it puss in his spacious premises, (now lately enlarged,) on the Pittsburgh and Urrensburg V.«..r 4 : 7 Tanipiko, scar the I.` - ,vo ;file ltuu, between Pittsburgh and Lawreuqevine, respectfully invites the public toiuspect his mock of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, Ice. And he particularly intm.:, gentlemen ...,,,rauers, that one price only is made. Fourteen years' experience in the business enables him to place before his patrons din 1141110 choice collection of Car• rlr.ges which, en many years past it has been his particular department to select, from the various sod most talented Eastern manufacturers. The 511.14.:C3d of his new system is complete—the icouonly of his arrangements will supply the best and most fashionable tuanufacturea ut moderate prices. Unencumbered by those heavy espouses, which the mama for decorating houses et business has heaped upon the price of goods; (owing to large rents, JO;iErli WtLITI will sell, on ready money only, at ranch lees than the usual prices. nia.Carriages repaired in the beet manner with detputch Mayl2dsei Q.T. CHARLES LIVERY STABLES._ The undersigned has bought the lease A of the above named Stables, to- Cy" gether with a portion of the exten sive stock of Horses and Carriages, late the property of James Mathews, deceased. In addition to the stock before mentioned, ho has also added a number of BINE 'HORSES, BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES, which were formerly employed at his Livery Stables in Third, below Wood street. As he gives his personal atten: thee to the business, a continuance of the patronage which he has hitherto received free public is solicited. JACOB GARDNER, St. Charles Livery Stables. N. B.—A IIEA.RSE and any number of CARRIAGES can alVrays be procured for Funerals. deal FOR SALE—A Drug'Store, located in one of the beet situation 4 iu the city of Pittsburgh, for either a jobbing, retail or proscription busines4. Purchm era will find an adrantge of rare arcurr. ore. For Mama. JOHN HAFT, JR. NO. 166, corner Sixth and Wood streets, p!ttstanth tion inquire of KESSED IiOGS.- Bar tale by FLANNELS—Red, White, Gray, Green, Yellow, Plaid, etc. Cheaper than the c3eapebt. C. HANSUN LOVE, Formerly Love Brathere, No. 74 Marti. .true ,PLQUNO,ES AND NEEDLE ti co LLAt: s.—A largo 1138 ortment, and very chuup. 0. fiANSON LOVE, ingt forrouil la3re &Oa, No, TA klarkal dreat. Once a , In 14'1;4 tue,k. kaT.e7• 1 00 I a 0 2 35, 3 00! .., 00 2 65 3 35 4 65 6 00, 6 65 7 35 8 00 10 351 13 35 1 5,0 2 00 250 3 50 4 6)1 GU 50 00 8 00 50 00 10M. 1 00 1 9 350 3 00 4 50 G 50 0 0 0 00 12 00 10 00 the pitper„) 7.r. 00 notices, 2Z cent,. i% IMEEDM! IM=l 144 WOOD STI?EET. I , IWORD 4 CO HENRY TT. OOLLINS PUBLISHED DAILY BY JAMES P. BARR, AT THE "POST BUILDINGS," CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS; AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM. HOTELS & RESTAURANTS JONES HOUSE. WELLS C OVERL Y, Paoprasroß,, Corner of Markel Street and Market Square, HARRISBURG, PA. fIPHIS NEW AND ELEGANT HOTEL, reot•ndy erected by the Messrs. JONES in Llarrisbur!g, pa., having been leased for a term of years by the under signed, he takes this method of calling the attention of his former patrons, friends, and the traveling community, thereto. Having a front of one hundred and forty five feet on the principal street of the city, and fifty-two feel front on Mar ket Square, It cannot fail to prove attractive as well as In viting to strangers. The CHAMBERS are of flue Ow, well ventilated, and lighted with gas—a number with connecting doors--making them very desirable for families. The HALLS are warmed throughout by heaters, and every modern improvement, in fact, has been added, that may conduce to the safety, comfort and happiness of the guests. - Visitors may, therefore, rest aasured that the "JONES HOUSE" has beet, made perf•ct in all ita appointments— that each wpartment has been placed in charge of RIX& RIENCED AND COMPETENT PEasoNti—that in every particular th• system which hue Won adopted by the Proprietor, will afford to those who nuiy make it their home, as great a de gree of comfort as may be obtained at any similar establish ment in the State. To secure thii desirable result, he has furnished the Public and Private Parlors, Chambers, Dining Room, &c., with en. tirely NEW FURNITURE; and also arranged within the building, a fine ftstinza SALoos, (ASTER SALOON, DIMMING ROOM, HOT AND COLD BATHS, &a. The CULINARY DEPARTMENT AND DINING ROOM will receive the especial attention of the Proprietor, which, he truete, will be a sufficient guarantee that all tastes will be suited. After returning hie heartfelt thanks to his old friends and patrons, for the generous patronage eulong extended to him at the " COVERLT House.," and also to his friends and patrons at the "cotusnue HOUSE," Cape Island, during the season of 1855, he respectfully solicits a continuance of it at the "JONES LIOUSE " j a 9: WASHINGTON HOUSE, C 01?. PENNA AVENUE 4- THIRD ST., WASHINGTON, D. C F. BEVERIDGE SCOT T HOUSE, L Corner Irwin Street and Duquesne Way, PITTSBURGLI, PA B. I). MARKER, (Formerly of the "Marker House," Blairsville, Pa.) HE SCOTT HOUSE IS NOW COM PLETED AND OPEN FOR GUESTS. It is situated iu a central part of the city, being convenient 0 all Railroad Depots and Steamboat Landings. The House was built in 1856, with all modern Improve ments, and fitted up in splendid style—the entire Furniture being new—and will in every respect be a first class HoteL Fine STABLES are attached to the premises. 1.Je12:5 H. W. KANAGA. U. S. HOTEL , Opposite the Penna. Railroad Depot, HARRISBURG, PA. lielb WASHINGTON HOTEL, FORMERLY 11. S. HOTEL, PITTSBURGH, PA. JAMES SHANNON, Proprietor. rillES HOUSE IS LOCATED ON THE IL corner of P ~.NN and WASHINGTON Streets, between the CENTRAL AND WESTERN RAILROAD DEPOTS, and has undergone a thorough improvement, remodeled and furnished with new furniture, and ie now the most conve• nient Hotel in Pittsburgh, for Travelers by Railroad, East myt:ly CORNUCOPI& RESTAURANT. BY ELI YOUNG, FIFTH STREET. The attention of Merchants • and others ie directed to this • R entithlintiment, which has been recently fitted' - up for the purpone of affording a SUBSVAN- TiAL EATING.T.BOUSE IN A CENTRAL LOCATION Country folks attending market are particularly Invited to call. Everything pertaining to an EATING -SALOON always Le found, of the freshest the market affords. ap:Milythiw Excelsior Restaurant, W s,,, i o ) No, 111 WOOD Strut, PITTSBURGH, PA., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN LAKE AND EASTERN FISU. Fresh Philadelphia & Baltimore Oyatere, And WILD CIAALEI, all in their proper aeason. • S. STEJ.NRUCH, ap4:dswly] Agent for the Philadelphai Oyster and Fish Go U l , l ANSION 110 USE, GEORGE AUREN TZ, ,LVA. PROYBUTOa, Nu. 344 Liberty street, just beside the Passenger Depot of the Pennsylvania Railroad, which makes it the ino.t convenient house in the city for passengers arri ving by that road. The proprietor having, at considerable expense, fitted up, m excellent style, the MANSION HOUSE, would respect tally solicit a share of public patronage. There is attached a splendid STABLE and extensive WAGON YARD, afford ing ample accommodation to travelers anti teamsters. His Larder end liar will ho furnished with the best the market can aflord. febl:y QT. CLAIR lIOTEL, corner Penn and St. Clair streets, Pitt:shut gh, Pa.—The undersigned, former. ly of "Browns Hotel," caving taken tide large and COMELIO - HOTEL, and having refitted it in magnificent style, wonld respectfully invite his friends and the traveling public to give him a call. Assured, with the COLlVollitillGtl of the souse and his long experience In the business, u giVe entire satisfaction, sad his charges moderate. fgb • 32 WM. C. CONNELLY. FURNIT URA; A MILLIKEN & CO. have on hand, at then iixtensive CAIIINET and CHAIR MAN UFAO. I'WLi,.No. tit withheld street, a large assortment of Fancy cud Plain Fin ,iture, which they will Hell 15 per cent. lower than customary rates. Terms, cash only. Ldec27:y W 0 OD WELL'S FURNITURE: AND CHAIRS, Wholesale and Retail, embracing every s yte of Fin niture, in Rosewood, filishogany and ;IValnut, suitable for Parlors, Chambers and Dining Itoon , H, equal to i:iy iu New York or Philadelphia, and at lower prices. Every article made by hand, and warranted. OMM:it-makers sup plied with any quantity of FURNITURE and CHAIRS, on reasonable terms. Hotels and Steamboats turuislied at the shortest Warerooms, Nos. 77 and 79 THIRD street, ldt taburish, Pa. 0c22 lit'EE'r CIDER.-4 bbls. Sweet Cider, for sale by JAMES A. FETZER, de t 4 89 Water street. CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAII'S GIFTS 4t every description lu the Fancy Dry Gun& line.— l'ttare cull and ceo them. C. 11ANLION LOVE, d 025 4 , ,,rurerly LOVE BROTIIERS, 74 Market St. MUCILAGE—Fur office use, in convenient (lam, for cub by WA. 0. JOIINSTON It CO., 110 67 Wood street. DORT FOLIOS ANL) DESK PADS for sale k by W 5.1.. G. JOHNSTON & CO., d4:9 57 Wood b met. barre's American and French, O far sale by H. A. VA Fl NESTOOS k CO. FINE SILK SPONUE. Bleached Cuppimg,,Sponge. Soft Bathing Sponge. Good Carriage Sponge. At JOSEPH FLEMING'S, nurtt Corner Market street and Diamond. GUM DROPS.--300 lbs. just-received and for Hale I , y B. L. FALINESTOCK & CO., nov3o Corner Wood and Fourth streets. 1111ERMOMETERS—For sale by w. G. JOIOSTON & CO., novl7 Stationers, 67 Wood street L'RESII LOBSTERS.-1.0 dozen in cane, for sala by IIEYMER A ANDERSON, nov24 No. 39 Wood street. A LUM. -50 barrels for sale by B. A. FAHNESTOCK .4 CO., novlB Corner Wood and First streets. j'RINGES, for Dress Trimmings. A handsome assortment at reduced tutus, at novll LIORNE&. 77 Market street. R - YE FLOUR.-20 Barrels Rye Flour, just received, and for sale by JAMES A. FETZER, dec7 89 Water street. DURE OL E OIL, L At JOSEPH FLEMING'S, try% Ooru.r Mar atreet and the Diamond GREAT SEMI-ANNUAL AND CLOSING OUT SALE OF DRY GOODS: Fine Dress 00043, at very low prices; SIIAWLS, in great variety, at very low prices; WOOLEN GOOD', a large stock, at very low prices; DOMESTIC GOODS, an Jr:memo stock, at very low prices, At the store of A. A. MASON & NO. 25 FIRTH STREET, NEW ARRIVAL.- 20 boxes Oranges; 20 do Messina Lemons; 200 drums New Vigo, jut received and for sale by itEYMER & ANDERSON, No. 39 Wood street, jal9 Opposite St. Charles; Hotel, QTARCII.-300 bas. Rochester Pearl Starch 10 for Er Llo by ['al9] lIENRY 11. COLLINS. DOUBLE MEDIUM, Double Crown, Medi u= and Crown, Straw and Rag Wrapping Papers, 1;.)r sale by W. S. HAVEN, JalB Ocrror M3rtr,t and Sednrd vtreets. pIANOS TO RENT.—Two elegant Rose wood 6% octave Nance, will be rented to private lam- Bite only. Apply to JOHN IL MELLOR, V 1.3 82 Wood street... nu, CLOTH CRASH.—For Stair 8, a vaxi “ty cf stylt•ti at /1,24 1. & PTV— btN DIA RUBBER CLOTIIINU—Of the besf, awl aid° woo quality, for sale wholesale and retail by 29 J. * H. PILILLIM., DOLLAR SAVIENIGS BANK, No. C. 5 Fhtirlit Strut, MIDDLE NOODI, 3011E8' NEW BUILDING. OPEN DAILY, from 9 to 2 o'clock ; also, on Wednesday and Saturday evenings, from May let to November let, from 7 to 9 o'cloca; and from November let to slay let, from 6 to 8 o'clock. Deposita received of all sums not less than ONI and a dividend of the profits declared twice a year, in June and December. Interest was declared at the rate f six per cent. per annum, on the first of December, 1855: also in Juno and December, 1856, and in June and December, 1857. Interest, if not drawn out, is placed to the credit of the depositor as principal, and bears the same interest from the first days of June and December, compounding twice a year without troubling the depositor to call or even to present his pass book. At this rate, money will double in leas than twelve years, making in the aggregate EICIOP AND ONZ-lILL2 PER CENT. A TEAR. Books containing the Charter, By-Laws, Rules and Regu lations, furnished gratis, on application at the office. President--GEORGE ALBUM.' PIGS PRISCDENTEI. Hopewell Hepburn, John H. Shoenberger, James Shidle, N. Grattan Murphy, Alexander Bradley, Isaac M. Pennock, Robert Robb, James D Kelly, William 8. Lovely, James Herdman, Kill Buirgwiu, John 8 Cosgrove, PRIISTEIEB. BANK OF lOWA. AL. J. STEVEN S & CO., DESMOINES, COLLECTIONS MADE and prompt., mittud. LANDS selected and locatoi. Capitalists wishing to make investments in the West, can do so through this house. Correspondence &elicited. my2l:Bui WELLS COVER LY .6.I:IOTLN LOOKII9 11108. D. LOOMIS. AUSTIN`LOOMIS & CO., Dealers in Promissory NotesOonds, Mortgages, and all Securities for Money. Money Loaned on Checks at short dates, with collateral security. PROPRIETRESS Persons desiring Loans can be accommodated on reasons. blo terms, and capitalists can be furnished with good securi• ties at remunerative prices. Also, attend to the Sale, Renting and Leasing of Real hlitate. Office, No. 82 FOURTH street, above Wood OS. AUSTIN LOOMIF, Notary Public. PROPRIETOR ; HOLMES & SONS, Bankers and Ex . change Brokers, arid Dealers in Notes, Drafts, Accept, auras, Gold, Silver and Bank Notes. Exchange on the East ern and Western Cities constantly for sale. Collections made in all the cities throughout the United States. Deposits received in par funds or current paper, No. 67 Market street, between Third and Fourth sts. pa3o:ly 'THOMAS WOODS, Commercial Broker, and Dealer in Notes,Bonds, Stocks, Real Estate, /cc., N 0.76 ?ourtli street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Jan 6 JOIIN WOODS, BANKER AND EXCHANGE BUNKER, Dealer In Exchange, Commercial and Bank Nmtes. Stock bought and sold on commission. Collections cArefully attended to. Interest paid on Deposits. No. 1.37 JONES' NEW BUILDING, Fourth street. je3o REAL ESTATE BROKER, No. 65 FIFTH STREET. PITTSBURGH. PA BadS, Bought HOUSES, and LOTS, aold MILLS, on I and BIIItN ACES, oJnin: laalon Warrants bought, sold • Bonds and and locatad. Not,n Negotiated Especial attention given to Etch-dividing Farms and die posing of them. Terms reasonable. CUTIIBERT & SON'S OFFICE, No. 51 Market street, for the sale and purchase of Real :,:,.tate, renting houses, attending to insurance and repairs, obtaining loans on bonds, mortgages, &c,; making convey ances, deeds, bonds, &c 4 writing lettore and corresponding ,rith parties abroad, &c. oclB BELDEN SEYMOUR, Real Estate and Insurance Agent, CLEVELAND, OHIO. RErzaratcra.—kleasra. [Canna, Glarretaun & Co., Robert Parks, Esq. jylL-y WESTERN' LANDS. ALEXANDER GARRETT, !tEAL ESTATE AGENT, NO. 60 WATER STREET, CLEVELAND, OHIO, illll3 for sale Landis in Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, NI ichigan and lowa. Ho will exchange Laude iu Wisconsin, to., for eittsburgh manufactures, and also for city property. .111 letters of inquiry answered gratin, by addressing me as %bare. anthly OHIO TOWNSHIP PROPERTY FOR SALE.—TWENTY-SIX ACItIIIS of tirst-class Gard on Lands, situated on the Allegheny and New Brighton .I.acadainised road, about five miles from Allegheny city— about ten acres cleared, bah ace good timber. Will be sold at a bargain, and suspended bank paper taken, if applied for ,ouit at JAMES C. RICHEY'S, dell Real Estate Broker, No. 65 Fifth street. GARDEN FARM FOR SALE.—A Garden Farm fur sale, containing Twenty-four Acres of First Class Garden Land, well improved, good Buildings, fine Or chard, excellent Water, Coal and Limestone In abundance, :dtuated in Robinson township, seven miles from the city. Will be sold at a great bargain. Apply to JAMES C. RICHEY, Real Estate Broker, No. 65 Fifth street. NORTLI FAYETTE TOWNSHIP LAND FOR BALE.—One Hundred and Fifteen Acres of First Class Land, for Wheat growing; about Ninety Acn s cleared, balance good timber; comfortable farm improvements; large Orchard; excellent Water; Coal and Lirmatono ; Forty-five Acres iu grass, will bo sold low and on easy terms. Apply to JAMES C. RICHEY. der/ Real Estate Broker, 65 Fifth street. ['ARMS in Exchange for City Property.— A farm of 350 acres, on the Allegheny river, near Kittanning, 130 acres cleared; dwelling house, barn and or ,:hard; coal, limestone and iron ore. Also, a farm of 100 ,tcres near the above. Also, a farm of 83 acres on Pine creek, 4 miles from Kittanning ; 30 acres cleared.; two houses, sad a saw mill in good running order; a first rate location tor business. 250 acres of land at month of Red Bank creek; 40 acres cleared and in good order. Price low and terms easy. Will be exchanged in whole or in part for city pro perty. S. OUTLIBERT do SON, novlo 51 Market street. ONLY $750 FOR A TWO STORY Dwel ling House, of four rooms, with lot of ground 20 feet front on Monterey street, Allegheny city, by 110 deep to an alley. Terms, $4OO in hand, balance at one, two and three years, S. CUTLII3ER.T & SON, nov24 61 Market street. 'OR RENT.—A large dwelling house, on If Rosa street, at head of Fifth, with immediate poeses- Bien. Also. two small hot - tees in Splane's Court- S. CUTELBERT & SON, nov2l 51 Market Street. L'OR $750 will be sold a new two story Frame House, with d good lot of ground, in Allegheny •ity. The lot is 20 feet ftont, on Monterey street, by 110 feet to en alley. Terms easy. B. CUTHBERT & SON, novl4 51 Market street. FOUR TO FIVE DOLLARS PER ACRE for several small lots of landeten miles from Mounds ville, Marshall county, Va., four miles from R. B. Station. Rich soil and good timber. Price $4 to $5 per acre, on time, from 6 to 7 years, if desired. Also, 700 acres of good land, 3 miles from Cameron Sta• Lion, 13. At Ohio 8.. 8.., for sale to snit purchasers, at from $7 to $lO per acre, an I on easy terms. S. CUTHBERT & SON. novl4 61 Market street. LUR REN r.—A dwelling house on Third Street. Also, one on Russ street, with immediate pos. session. 5. OUTELBERT ts SON, nov7 51 Market street. VOR SALE.—A Dwelling House with a good Store Room, situate on Robinson street near Fed. rat, Allegheny city. Price low and terms easy. Jail S. MITIIBERr & &)N, Si Market et. ''VOR SALE.—A comfortable dwelling house J. (frame) of hall and eight rooms, portico in front, with a lot of ground 78 feet front on South avenue, Allegheny, by 220 deep to Rebecca street, with fruit and shade trees, shrubbery, stable, &c., Ac. Price $4,500. i - - - S. CUTHBERT, SON, nos 2 61 Market street. MERCHANTS' AND MANUFACTII ILERS' BANK STOCK, or PAPER, will be taken at par, either in whole or in part pay for several' very desira• ble locations for country residences, near the city. One lot of 12 acres, one of 14, of 10 and S acres. For particulars call at oar office. S. CUTHBERT A , SON,• oct27 51 Market street. FLANNELS.- .White, Yellow, Red and Plaid, of all kratics, and at LOWER PRICES than they can be gut for at any other es tablishmentin the city. 0. HANSON LOVE formerly Love Brothers, f* ---- ' , ---- No. '24 Market streAL BANKS.. N William J. Anderson. James W. Hallman, John G. Backeien, Charles Blm, Albert Culbertson, P. A. Madeira, John B. Canfield, John H. Mellor, J. Gardiner Coffin, Walter P. Marshall, Alonzo A. Carrier, Wilson Miller. David Campbell. A. M. Pollock, M. D. Charles A.Coltono Henry L Ringwalt, William Douglass, John M. Sawyer, Francis Felix, George FL Belden, George F. Gilimore, Alexander Tindle. James B. HOOII, Thoohald Umbstaetter, William B. Haven, George R. White, Sccretaryand Treasurer-011AS. A. COLTON. L fe3 NOTES AND DRAFTS BOUGHT AND SOLD REAL ESTATE AGENTS. JAMES C. RICHEY, act2L . ..__ HOUSES, LOTS &Nu FARMS.--IVe would invite the attention of persons who wish to purchase A to the great variety of Houses, Fortin and Build ing-Lots we have for sale. We have now on hand Lots at $lOO, each, and at $2OO, $4OO, and upwards, And on very easy terms. Some in payments averaging fourteen cents a day 1 , Houses and Lots, at' from $i 00 $lO,OOO, in various locations In and adjacent to the two cities. Improved Farms at from $lO to $OO tp acre. Also, choice Farming Lands at from $2 to - V.li acr,. Persons having proporty of any kind to dis•rose of, will find it to their interest to give us a call. We also, attend to the Renting of Houses, and Collection of B. CUTHBERT BON, it Megril,st ttivet. PITTSBURGH, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19. 1868 fIARPETS AND OIL C,,OTHS 110 P EMOVAL.—J. & 11. PHILLIPS have IN removed to their new building, Nos. 29' and - 28 ST. CLAIR street, west aide, between Penr. street and the Bridge. J. .ft. H. PHILLIPS, MANUFACTURERS OF FLOOR, FURNITURE,tIARRIAGE, TABLE, AND TRANSPARENT A. OPAQUE WINDOW SHADE OIL CLOTH!' Of differpnt Colors. Also, DEALERS IN OIL CLOTHS & WINDOW SHADES, Dealers in INDIA. RUBBER GOODS, of all 'kinds, made under Goodyear's Patent; Agents of the Boston and New York Belting Companies, for the sale of their INDIA RUB BER BELTING, HOSE and PACKING. LEATHER BELT ING of Eastern manufacture, a superior quality; also, Lace Loather and Rivets. Agents for the 01110 FIRE—PROOF MINERAL PAINT. Dry and Mixed Paints, Varnishes, 0113, Turpentine, Brushes, Glass and Putty. HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING AND GLAZING, in all its branches, in the best and shortest time. Ide2o:ly I J. dc H. PHILLIPS, 114.1 re Nis. 26 end 2 Bt. Clair street; Manufactory at Phil. kipsville, on the Ohio river, three miles below Pittsburgh Nourth Street Carpet Store. IVD. & 11. M'OALLUM respectfully • invite the attention of their former customers and the public generally to their present stock, just selected for Spring sales, embracing the very latest styles of Foreign and Home Manufacture, eousisting in part of Velvets and Brussels, Tapestry and Common Ingrain: also, Brussels, Damask, Twilled and Plain Stair CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS FROM 2 TO 21 FEET WIDE, Rugs, Mats, Stair Rode, Canton and Cocoa Matting; List, Yarn and Itag Carpets ; Venitian Blinds; Painted, Buff and Green Holland Shades. It will give nn pleasure to show goods to ali who may be desirous of looking or pnreliasing, and we are determined to offer inducements to any who may favor us with a call, at the old stand, No. 87 FOURTH Street, near Wood. myth:ly • W. D. U. II'OALLUM. R OBERT A. LOOMIS, (Succeasor to B. T. C. Morgan,) STATIONER AND DEALER IN BOOKS, PERIODIOALB PRE undersigned have entered into Co- Pftetnership, under the style of Wm. C. Johnston & Co. SAMUEL R. JOHNSTON, JR., WILLIAM C. JOE:ISTON. Pittsburgh, September 5, 1857. R..IOIINBTON, JR W H. C. JOHNSTON &. CO., TATIONERS, Blank Book ManufaoturerB, and JOB PRINTERS, No. 57 WOCKI ntroot, betwean Third and Fourth, Pittsburgh, Pa. se3U BLANK BOOKS, Journals, Day Books, Lodgers, Cash Books, Invoice Books, Check Books, • Bill Books, Receipt Books. For sale by WM. G. JOHNSTON & CO., de2.9 57 Wuod street. & D. RINEHART, VV 0 SUPERB GRAND PIANO, IJ FROSI TLIE FACTORY OF Steinway Si. Sons, New 'York. H. KLEBEIt & BRO. take Tleasnrein an. - nouncing to the public that they have just.ver , rA received a splendid UItAND PLANO - r from the factory of Steinway & done, NOW f York, which fur exquisite sweetness and voltune of tone, lightness and elasticity of touch, and a Int.ittasteful and ele• gent exterior 113 considered the FINEST GRAND KANO ever brought to this city. The mechanism is a DOUBLE ItEr'EATING ACTION, a pa sated invention of Steinway & Sons, which combines with the utmost promptness and delicacy of touch a degree of durability but rarely attained. We respectfully invite the public, one and all, whether pur chasers or not, to call a:al elf3o this unrivalled instrument. R. KLEBEE & BRO., No. 63 Fifth street, Sole Agents for Steinway & Sous. N. D.—Also, just 1 eceived a fresh lot of Nouns & Clark's Pianos. delB 13RINCE dr, CO.'S IMPEUVE,v PATA ET .„U„ MEI ODEONS. The Oldest Establish. - merit in the United States, and the largest in the World. Between 18,000 and 20,000 ":" ut . these Instruments has been finished, and - are now in use. The latest improvement in our Melodeons, Is the DIVIDED SWELL, secured to us by Letters Patent, May, 1855. By mesas of this swell Solo l'assages may bo played with the full power of the Instrument, while the accompaniment is soft and subdued. Hereafter, all Melo deons made by us will be furnished with this attachment, WITHOUT EXTRA 011AltOkl. I Extract from the Com. Advertiser, July 27th•] " Mzsaas. PIIINCT & Co., could realize a handsome fortune by disposing of rights to other manufacturers to use their new improvement, but as they prefer to make it a feature in their instruments, it can only be obtained by purchasing one of their manuftctine." The styles and prices are IN PORTABLE OASES:— e our octave Melodeon, extending from C to 0 ..... —.415 00 Four and-a.half octave " " Cto F 00 00 Five octave Melodeon," " Fto F 75 00 Fire octave, dolde reed, " " Fto F.... ..... WO 00 IN PIANO CASE: Five octavo Melodeon extending from F to $lOO 00 Six octave Melodeon, " Fto ko 140 00 Five octave, double reed, " Fto F; 100 00 organ Melodeon Our churches) five octave, 8 stops, one and-a-half octavo pedals, hair sets or reeds MO 00 Agents fur the sale of our .melodeons may be found in all the principal cities and towns of the United States, and the Caliadas. GEO. A PILIN DE Co., Buffalo, and bi Fulton street, New York. CHARLOTTE BLUME, 118 Wood street, seconl door above Fifth, dell Manufacturers Agent, Pittslun Of every devription CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTING, Re., AT T 1,113 BOOKS AND STATIONERY AND NEWSPAPERS, No. 41 Fifth btrovt, Pittsbuigh, Pa. Co-Partnership. TOBACCO AND SEGARS. tIiANUFAOTUI Ith AND TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGARS PIANOS AND MUSIC PIANOS! FULL GRAND PIANOS I -- . PARLOR GRAND PIANOS 11 . AND NEW STYLE SQUARE PIANOS, foom the Manulactrry of UUICKERINU & SUNS', ilusroa, just received from the manufactory of Ciiickering N Sous', Boston, the following desirable and elegant stock of tileir PIANO FORTES : une Full seven octave Grand Piano Forte, with superbly carved case. Plies .4800 one Full seven octave Brand Piuuo Forte, elegant Rose wood case. Prh e ..$7OO One New Parlor Brand seven octavo Piano, mark equal in power to a full Brood, and occupying only the to rn of an ordinary square Piano. Price $BOO StiIJAILE PIANOS! Two full carved Rosewood, Louis XlVth, seven octaves, wish carved Deok and Feet work. Two Rosewood seven octave—Clifford style. Two.,Rosewood, carved mouldings, seven octave. Four` , Rosewood, plain round corners, seven octave. 'three Walnut, plain round frout corners, seven octaves. Four cg 4. 4( Id " ti Four '•Four Rosewood " " 66 " 6% All of the above aro of their NEW SCALE, and with full iron frames, and their now Patent Action. These Instruments have been finished specially for the subscriber, and will be warranted to pfhasers. For sale 110 at their reduced prices. J 0 MELLOR, No. Wood street, del7 Sole Agent for Chickering & Sons'. InessrA. Charles Si. Lewis Grebe, TEACH - FAS OF THE Vir-4 1 - . F:Vlrttato, vioLuv,lr4 l7 -7-7"''; ORGAN AND RINGING, ANCIENT AND MODERN LANGUAGES, As Greek, Latin, German, French, and Spanish, Taught by CRAB. GREBE, Cand. Theol. .1W Enquire at the principal Slavic Stores. — =‘, [de24:3m-o - LIRESII PEACHES.-50 doz. in 2 lb. cans, just recolvod and for sale by REYMER & ANDERSON, del7 No. 39 Wood street. MILLER'S celebrated Cough Syrup, a never failing cure for Coughs, lulluenta, etc., only at JOS. &DEMING'S, dels Corner Market street and Diamond. s PONIiES, of all kinds, at JOS. FLEMING'S, (MIS G.nmer Market ateeet and Diamond SUNDRIES. 91 sacks Ear Corn; 75 do Buckwheat Flour; 50 barrels Superfine and Extra Flonr; 75 do Prime Apples (different varieties); In store and for sale by 1111FF,11.111, IiFCREERY it CO., de23 11.4. Second street CIHERRY PECTORAL.-20 gross for sale ` l %-) by 13. A. HAHNESTOCK & CO., Wholesale Agents, deli Corner Wood and Bizet streets EGGS.—Five barrels for sale by nor2l HENRY H. COLLINS. LII-LENCH BRANDY , Holland Gin, Scotch J. and Irish Whisky, Port, Sherry and Madeira Wines, also some fine old Eeeonomy Whisky, in store and for salt by the gallon, by LIAWORTII, BRO. & BROWNLEE, del9 Corner of the Diamond and Diamond alley WRAPPING PAPER-40U reams Crown, Medium, anti Double Crown, Straw Wrapping Pa ! per, fall count, Jast received and for sale by .19 JAS. A FRP 'RR, 89 Water street. LCOHOL.-20 bble on hand, and for sale by fdelsl B. L. FAHNESTOCHS. a CO. "JOURNALS, LEDGERS, DAY-BOOKS, efi CASH BOOKS and DOCKETS, for enla and made to order, by W. S. HAVEN, Corner Market and. Stroud street& IVORY BLAOK.-5 bble. just received and for sale by 0091 - B. L. FAHNESPOCS. & CO. fIOTATOES.-57 barrels White Neahan 'lock Potatoes, arching per steamer Lehigh. and for cabs! ideal SSDliallti, £ 00. 13=! No. 129 WOOD STREET MERCIMNTS' INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Philadelphilet. WM. V. PETTIT, President D. J. M'CANN, Secretary. Amount of Capital Btock paid In and inveated...s2oo,ooo 00 Surplus 63,428 35 $ 263 4 28 35 Ins me Cargo Risks on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers and Tributaries. Insures against loss or damage by Fire, Also, against the Perils of the Bea and Inland Navigation and Transportation. DISZOTORB: Wm. V. Pettit, J. C. Montgomery, John M. Pnmroy, D. J. McCann, E. P. Witmer,Rene Gumbo, B. L. Wooleton , John A. Marshall, Chas. B. Wright, John J. Patterson, Elwood T. Posey. ornimas: WILLIAM V. PETTIT, President E. P. WITAIPR, Vice President. D. J. MaOANN, Secretary. 11.11/11IISNOBB: In Phlladelphice: In Philadelphia: Niger, Lamb & 0 0 , Steimaitz, Justice & Co., Truitt, Bro. & Co., Buck, Morgan & Stidfole, A. T. Lane & Co., i Pnraroy, Caldwell & Co. PITTSBURGH OFFICE, NO. 07 WATER STREET. an 7 B. W. POINDEXTER, Ai RELIANCE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PHILADELPHIA Office No. 70 Walnut Street CAPITAL sl77,674—Aseva $232,092.--Szurant INV.C6TRIL FIRE INSURANCE ON BUILDINGS, MERCHANDISE, FURNITURE, &0., I❑ town ur country. The Mutual principle, combined with the security of a Stock Capital, entitles the Insured to share in the profits of the Company, without liability for losses. The Script Certificates of this Company fur profits are convertible, at par, into the Capital Stock of the Company. OLEM TINGLEY, eresident. B. M. I.IIIqOIIMAN, Secretary. DIRVITOSS: Clem Tingley, George M. Stroud, William R. Thompson, John R. Worrell, Samuel Bispham, Benjamin W. Tingley, George W. Carpenter, Z. Lothrop, Robert Steen, IL L. Carson, Charles S. Wood, Robert 'Poland, Marshall Hill, Cornelius Stevenson, Jacob T. Bunting, Charles Leland, William Musser, Wm. M. Semple, Pittsburgh. J. G. COFFIN, Agent, Corner Third and Wood streets. PHILADELPHIA FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 149 Chesnut Street, Opp.isite the Custom House. WILL MAKE ALL KINDS OF INSU RANCE, either Perpetual or Limited, on every description of Property or Merchandise, at reasonable rates of premium. aouRT P. KING, President. M. W. BALDWIN, Vice President. DMIOTOBB. Oharlee Rayea, II R. Cope, ALB gliah, George W. Brown, P. B. Savery, Joseph S. Paul, C. Sherman, John Clayton, S. J. Magargee, Wilor. F. BLACUMAINZ, Secretary. J. G. COFFIN, Agent, jy4:ly Corner Third and Wood streets. NEPTUNE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PHILADELPHIA, FRANKLIN BUILDINGS, 414 WALNUT STREET. Organized ander the General Insurance Law, with a Cash Capital of $lOO,OOO, privileged to increase to $500,000. In sures against loss or damage by FIRE, MARINE, INLAND NAVIGATION and TRANSPORTATION. • OPPICZEtIi: IL 0. LAUGHLIN, President. /LICHT SHIELDS, V. Prat, GEORGE SCOTT, Secretary DIEL6O . IOIIB H. 0. Laughlin, D. Sharwood, W. 0. Stotesbury, IL M. Carole, B. B. Showell, 0. C. Butler, George Scott. TITS & CHAFFEY, Agents, Oftlce Lafayette Hall, entrance on Wood et PITTSBURGH LIFE. FIRE AND MARINE INSUIiANCE COMPANY, CORNER OF WATER AND MARKFT ST.REETEI• PITTSBURGH, PA. Collars; Sleeves; ROBERT GALWAY, President. Bands; Edgings; Aux.. BRADLEY, Vice President. Setts; Laces; P. A. Basinuinv, Secretary. —This Company makes exery insurance appertaining to Trimmings or connected with LIFE RISKS. Skirts; Waists; Also, against HULL AND CARGO RISKS on the Ohio Ribbons and Veils; and liliasissippi Rivers and tributaries, and bIAIIINE RISKS generally. And will be sold without regard TO COST. And against Loss and Damage by Fire, and against the Perils of the Sea and Inland Navigation and Transportation. Policies issued at the lowest rates consistent with safety to all parties. DIIIBOTORA. Robert Galway, Samuel WOlurkan, Joseph P. Gamma, M. D., John Scott, James Marshall, David Richey, James W. Mailman, • Charles Arbuthnot, Alexander Bradley, Joseph S. Leech, John Fullerton, N. F. Hart, David H. Chambers, Robert U. Hartley, William Carr, Jno. CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH. WILLI . Ani BAGAIRY, President. SAW:TEL L. MARSHRLL, Secretary. OFFICE: 94 Water street, between Narked and Wood streets fey- Insures HULL AND CARGO RISKS, on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivera and tributaries. Insures against Loss or Damage by FIRE. Also, against the Perils of the Sea and Inland Navigation and Transportation. DIBBOTOUD William Bagaley, Capt. Mark Sterling, Samuel Bea, Samuel M. Kier, James M. Cooper, John S. Dilworth, James Park, Jr., Francis Sellers, limas M. Pennock, William B, Rays. Springer Harbaugh, _ John Shipton, Capt. Samuel C. Young, Walter Bryant, John Callweli. Jag 2 WEST BRANCH MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, LOCK HAVEN, CLINTON COUNTY. URARTERED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF PEBASYLVANIA ar.sli Capital $300,000 .1 - temitrin itiotts...sll93ls rimllS COMPANY WILL INSURE ON A Buildings, Merchandiee, Furniture, ltc., in town or country, DIIIZOTORB I lion. Jno. J. Pearce, lion. G. O. Ilarveyahuries A. Mayer, J ,hn B. Hall, Charles Criet, I Peter Dickinson, I'. T. Abrams, D K. Jackman, iW. White, Thomas Kitchen. HON. G. C. 'CANVEY, President. T. T. AMAMI% Vice President. Taos. KITCHEN, Secretary. HE Samuel H. Lloyd, J S. Crawford, A. A. Winegardner, John W. Maynard, A. Updegraff, L. A. Mackey, Hon. 13 Cameron, James Armstrong, A. White, Thos. Bowman D.D, William Fearou, James Quiggle, Wm. Vanderbelt, Hon. Wm. Bigler, 0:5 FIFTH STBEET, PirrBBURGH. de2l:tf J. A. LIPPRIV, Agent. ripIIE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PHIL DKLPPIIA. lltaxmons—Charles W. Dandier, Thomas Hart, Tobias Wagner,Samuel Grant, Jacob R. Smith, Geo. W. Richards, Mordecai D. Lewis, Adolph' IL Berle, David'S. Browne, Mar ris Patterson. Casa. N. 13smossa, President Cass. G. Bsiscrima, Secretary. Continue to make insurance, perpetual or limited, on every description of property, in town and country, at rates as low as are consistent with security. The Company have reserved a large Contingent Fund, 21alch, with their capital and premiums, safely invested, af• ford ample protection to the assured. The Assets of the Company, on January Ist, 1851, aa. pub• lishod agreeably to an Act of Assembly, were as follows, via: Mortgage $918,128 88 Real Estate- - 84,877 78 Temporary Loans... 83,988 17 Stocb 81,889 00 Dash, do 64,846 81 svaivos 44Eil Since their incorporation, a period of twenty-one yea% they have paid upward of One Million Four Hundred Thou. Band Dollara,l oases by fire, thereby affording evidence of the advantages of insurance, as well as the ability and disposition to meet with promptness all liabilities. J. GARDINER OOFFEN, Agent, non Office, north-east cor. Wood and Third sta. NOTICE TO FARMERS.— THRESHING MACHINES.—We have 10 more of the improved Railroad Powers and Threshers, with Separa tors, ready for delivery, at our shop. With these machines any farmer, with three hands and two horses, can thresh 175 bushels of wheat per day, or double that quantity of oats, in the most perfect order, and warranted in every res. pact. Price $l6O, at the Seed and Agricultural Store, 47 Fifth street, Pittsburgh, Pa. novl9 JAMES WARDROP. .I:IAVEN'S Commercial and Albatros Pens Just received and for sale at the Statioaery Ware house of W. & HAVEN, ja2B Corner Market and Second streets. BEANS. -4 bble. Beans in store, and for sale by MoOANDLEBB, MEANS A: 00., ja23 Corner ot. Wood and Water streets. For Sale. A. GOOD DOUBLE MEDIUM HAND PRESS, suitablo for a country office, will be sold. Apply at the aka of the F' Morning Post." Jal3:fitda3ti, 1 RISH MOSS.-10 bbls. on hand, and for wile by I fel B. L. VAHNEBTOCLE. Ac CO. DOTASH.-20 make, firat aorta, for e.ale by 020 APPLES. -50 bbls. Russets, for sale by dm WEL EL 8-VITH' & CO. THE immense stook of Goods at A. A. MA BON & CO.'B, is now Belling off at Auction, daily. To day and to-morrow, December 11th and 12th, will be sold, 200 Showier, 60 pcs. Merinoer Paramettar, Alpaccas; Cash mere DeLains, &c.; 200 Bilk and Velvet Bonnets, latest stylea; 1000 yds SIMI, Millinery Goals, Embroideries, Limy, _ etc., etc. Baba at 10 o'clock, A. U. dell E. W. LIND, do *neer. CILOVEB.-1000 lbs. on hand, and for sale ‘,/ by ( de &lb SAZEINIM, ON NORMAL CLASS. FrHE SECOND SESSION' OF THE NOR MAL CLASS, at the IRON CITY COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, Under the direction of A. BURTT, Principal of the Fifth Ward Public Schools, will commence Om Monday Evening, February let. The Oleos will moot on Monday and Thursday evenings, and Saturday mornings of each week. Mims $2 per Session of Sixteen Lessons. JB2B AT IRON CITY COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, ea- IN mr.olleNithu„ ARCHITECTURAL, ANb6HAVON DRAWING, .D Hy JOHN lIIILHZ. 41W- For further information apply to Mr. N. W. JEN KINS, Principal of Iron City Commercial College, Pitts burgh. [ novl4:6md. NOW IS TUE TIME evta BUYING CHEAP CLOTHING. ON THE CORNER of WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS, late Davis 'e Auction Room, is now sell. tog out his entire wholesale stock at 0./ST PRIOES FOR OASH ONLY. He will sell Pine Black Petersham Over. coat that used to sell at 55,00 for $3,76 Fine Black Petersham Overcoat 8,00 " 4,50 " Brown 8,00 " 5,75 " Raglan e 9,00 " 8,00 Niggerhead Raglan 8,00 " 6,00 Lambskin " " 10,00 " 7,00 -• " 8,00 " 6,00 ~ " 7,00 " 460 Blue Pilots e 10,00 " 8,00 Whitney Pilots 6,00 " 8,00 Bearskin 6,00 " 4,60 Baqrdmaux 10,00 4 * 7,00 Satinett 6,00 " 4,00 " 4,50 Wine Wove Caasimere -.go oo o " 6,00 Brown Cloth 10,00 " 6,00 Black Silk Cloth 12,00 " 7,00 Super Pine Drees Frock Coats 15,00. " 13,00 " AI 16 l• 15,00 " 11,00 1.1 4il 10,00 " 6,50 Pants, Vests, and Furnishing Goods at these and propor tion rates. de23 $B,OOO WORTH SOLD WITHOUT REGARD TO COST, AT D. Montgomery, Mchard bhielda, Witlinm Oeborney I•HE GREATEST CHANCE EVER OF FERED to the Ladies to buy cheap Embroideries. The go ids are all fresh and new, uud of the latent importation, cousisting of CLIMIINGS, UOSIRRY AND MAZIOY 000D8, vs.tadies, Come One, Came All, cud don't miss the place, AT J. AI USE'S, Nu.os Market street, bezw,en Third andlikurth struts Wheat, Rye and Corn Wanted, AT 1111 PEARL STEIL= MILL, ALLEGIIIiINY CITY. 11 E SUBSCRIBERS HAVE TAKEN the alxyre eetabliabment, and are prepared to, PAY Mil 131011161 . HAMM ramis IN CIABB YOB 26,000 BUSHELS OF WHEAT. 10,000 " RYE.. 10,000 OORDI. It la the intention cf the proprietors to offer axe PaMIS for any oboist) lots of White or Red Wheat. They intend to make very superior Family Flour, and are willing to pay a premium to the farmer, in the shape of an extra price, to in deem him to raise a choice quality of Wheat, and to ring It to market in good order. JylEulyd&w R. T. KENNEDY & BRO. Mineral Water Depot. J. O. BUFFUbI IL 8. BIIIIREB. Ar C. BUFFUM & CO., Manufacturers of u . Sarsaparilla, Mineral Water, Pop, Bottled Ale ant Porter; also, Bottlers of Wainwright's celebrated Wintertcw Alt.. Warehouse, No. AB Market street, ' , mammon, P. orders tilled and ahlppod to all parts of tha country Conant notice. apledyclaw Lloyd & Co.'s Transportation Line. (SUCCUSSORS TO LEllauN & C 0.,) r 1 1 1121:fliDERSIGNED having made extemdveipreparationn Tile. PAST woman, aro now prepared to do a HWY butt rust by Through to and front the Eastern Cities. Wn can assure our friends uud all those disposed to pa tronise the Pennsylvania Canal and /fathead, that no pains will be slowed to insure a speedy and safe transit of all goods intrusted to our charge. The AVOIDANCE OF TILE INCLINED PLANES On the Allegheny Mountain, will give LNOSZASIDDZEIPAICII to the transmission of freight. An experience of eight years in the Transportation business, Justines us in promising the public every tacility by our Line that can be possibly offerei. our Wilco is on PENN STItEET, AT TILE CANAL BASIN. fel/.5 " LLOYD . CO LADIES' AND MISSES' WOOL HOODS of every color and size, Just opened at fts9 allatiElat sT Market. street. HUSBAND'S CAL. MAGNESIA.-5 gross on hand and for sale by ilels B. L. BALINESTOCIK & CO. CiENTLEMEN'S TRAVELING Alfew of good quality and of handsome colors, re calved and for wale cheap, at HORNE'S', oat) : yr market,ertreet. 110 USEKEEPER'S, ATTENTION. Stoves, Hardware,llollowware and Tablo Cutlery el., ' Tin and Copperware; Toys, ft., for sale at decoilt KIM 6; SWARTZ, 102 Stolthlleld at. JUJUBE PASTE-300 lbs. in store and for Qv sale by B. L. FAH.NESTOOK nov3o Oorner Wood an i Fourth streets. 24. AGNIFICENT Bayadare 'Dress Silks, Painted Merinos Moos de Lain,,Valencias, Also, a splendid assortment of Chew's, erb, Cloaks, Tel mum, am., and the cheapest and best assorted stock of Do ahatic and Staple Dry Goods in the city. C. HANSON LOVE, eel) formerly Love Bros., No. 74 Market street' A REGIMENT OF ACTIVE, ENERGETIC BUSINESS MEN Wanted at 65 Fifth street. Men of energy and small means, Out of employment, this is your eel° Onanem to rank o mn , p.v 001 loon MEXICAN MUSTANG LINT NIF,NT —lO groan on hr.nd and for sale by B. L. FAHNEBTOCK d CO., fal3 Corner of Wood and PoTuth amen. HIDER MILLS. 6 of Efickok'a Boyatono NMI, of 1857, In Store an tat sale at toot. lnovlol JAMES WARDROP 0. MOLASSES.-100 bbls., in Oak coopenv, Jast landing and fat' sale by J 32 2. WM. H. BRITS Els CO. BABE .4 11.SE:II% Pod. Building. :VAR CORN.-116 sacks Ear Corn, just x,/re ceived and for sale by JAB. A. FETZER, de22 89 Water street 1200 FOR a Two Story House on Robin3on street, Allegheny. $750 for a comfortable house of 4 rooms. on Monterey street. A choice buikjing lot on Carton street, Routh :Pittsburgh, Two dwelling houses cheap, and on easy ,terms, in South Pitts burgh, for solo by B. CUTHBERT A SON, Ja29 Market a root. COOKING STOVES AND TIN WARE- House furniture, Hrirdware,Brasa and Ooipper Betties, Brave Copper and Galvanized Iron Coal Boxer; Hollow Ware, Brittennia Tea Sets, Table Cutlery, Bird Olgoz, Squirrel Houses, eta.. Alan, all kinds of Job Work made to order in the MCA trAtieraCierY manner, by & SCHWAB= Nos. 41. Wylie, and lON Reothilairienago:da, MISCELLANEOUS. DRAWING LESSONS, Z. L EISNER, SELLING OFF!! OF EMBROIDERIES, J. BUIEIWEI, No. 65 Market atreet, PITTSBURGH, PA. Sir AT FIRST COST.lat PENNSYLVANIA CANAL AND RAILROAD, JAMES PATTON, Jr., Federal street, Al legheny, Wholesale Grocer and Tea Dealer,aud Licensed Liquor Merchant. Dealer in Clover and Timothy Peed; Butter, Chtesa, Lard, Bacon, Flour, Halt, Fish, &c., and Ootua. try Produce generally nov2 JAMES PATTON, JR, El Federal street, Allsgheny, Is now receiving in store the following, which he will sell at the lowest cash prices, viz:- 123 bbls. new crop plantation Molasses; 27 Ude. " " Sugar; 30 bbls. Grocers Syrup; 10 bbl& prime roll Butter ; 800 the. " . Feathers; 120 boxes " Cheese ; 800 Bacon llama; 40 half chests Young ilyson, Imperial, and genuine Old Oountry fens, with a general assortment of the beat and largest stock of Famiiy Groceries to be had in the city,whlolii Is tor sale for Cash—remember, Phi'PTON'S, fel Federal street dile:. spy City. SUGAR.- 20 btila.l.laltimoro Yellow Sufiar 5 I.ads.lsland 10 bbls. Refined 10 " Lovering athaerted Received and for aalo by JAMES PATTON, Jr, nov23 Allegheny City ATTENTION, ALLEGHENY CITY.— Tho subscriber would call your attention to his stock of b`IOII.LY GROOSILIES bought, of late, fa New York, for CASH, which ho will sell at sower prices than any other house in the two cities, for Owl. Corns and see the prices, at JANLES PATTON'S, Ja., Federal street, near the Diamond, AILEULIENY CITY. ZS TTON, JR., FEDERAL STI3EET, ALLEGHENY CITY, Ini now receiving a larger stock of GROOERLES, FRUITS, Etc., Etc., which he offers to sell at the lowest ()Ant Paioie. 3 Wads of Lovering'd Syrup; 38 bble. Grocers N. Y. Golden syrup, et 4.2 c.: 40 " Assorted Sugars; 140 bags prime Rio, Oel Gov. Java and Laguayra Oodae; D3O boxes, now crop, M. R. Bunch and Layer Raisins ; 10 casks Carranta, new crop; bbla. Lranbmries; 20 boxes Figs, Citron, and Orange Peel ; 4 bble. Jweel Malaga Oranges; 11 boxes Lemons; 1 bbl. Dried Hungarian Cherries; 4 cases Sardines, beet brands; 10 boxes Malaga Prunes; 4 boxes Olive Oil, pints and quarts ' - 8d cntrons Prunes Fancy Chriatina.s Boxes; 4 drums Saltanaßaisins; 8000 Imported Cigars, "Jenny Lind," " Washington,' "Buchanan's," "Columbia," - LaLovely," "Opera." 30 boxea assorted Tobacco--tiraut's, Webster, old; 100 bags aeaortod Nos. Shot, Percusion Cape, Powder, Lead, Fancy Soap, Sperm, Wax and. Star Candles, Cheese, Rice, Fibh, Mince Meat, Oyster., Preserved Fruits, Pickled Salmon, Lobsters, Etc. delB IEE, FIRE, FIRE CRACKERS.—You can have them ut New York price; at JAilciS PATTON'S, Ja., I decal street, ALLEGIIIINY CITY. FRUlT.—Raisins, Currants, Cranberries, rigs, Hungarian Cherries, Plums, Citron, Orange.; Demons, Ac., Ac., for sale at lowest figures for 0&1311, by JAMES PATTON, Jn., b'oderil street., ALM/LUNY CITY. A 'WORD TO TEA DRINKERS. THE PRKIN TEA STORE, No. 38 Fifth street, has imported into this market some of the finest grades of GREEN AND BLACK TEAS, grown Ia tho Celestial Empire, done up in all the various Miley packages which Chinos() ingenuity can invent. It Is a luxury and comfort to drink them. Proprietors of steam boats and hotels, and private lamiliea are invited to call. oct7 KETUIUPS.— lo dozen Mushroom lietchup. 10 do Eughah Walnut du. 25 du Quarts Tomato do,- 60 do Pinta do do. For sale by ILEYMER & ANDERSON, uov24 Nu. 89 Wood stroot, opposito St. Charles Hotel. NOTICE. TIIE OLDEST: AND ONLY EXCLIISM TEA STORE In the city of Pittsburgh. Extra Ono En veror's Chop, the boat Green Tea imported, being of garden growth. Also, the finest quality of pure Oolong Tea s . ....ossossing a delicious fragrance only to be found in the genuine article. No apices kept, or anything that is injor:oua in the flavor of Yew,. Customers can rely on get ng o I.nre article of ita own flavor. IY/ S. JAYNES. 88 Filth Aran Lippincott, Shorten Sz, Pearson, NO. 104 WOOD STREET, NEAR FIFTH. MANUFACTURERS OF TRUNKS, Va 'ices, Eat and Bennet Boxes, Ladies Traveling T. alias, Carpet Bags, ac., keep constantly on hand a ' , lugs stock. We are prepared to do a wholesale trade, and hav ing facilities to turn out good stock at reduced prices, we would invite the trado to call and examine our goods be fore purchasing elsewhe. et '8 rEIWI 0 LOTS OF GROUND on West Com mon, Allegheny, with u double frame dwelling hones, for sale, price V 4400. Terms may. CORNC H SE LLERS.—Smith's Patent, ar - ranged far hand, horee or steam power, warranted in every respect, and will shell from 30 to 40 Itel:leis of corn per hour. Will be &Lid low by uov3o HENRY IL COLLINS. qI I OItREDOES.-100,00U No. 1, just reeoiv ed and for Bale by n0v2.5 R.IRTS I SKlRTSBishop's Skirts Quilted Hooped Skirts; Holmes' Hooped Skirts; Missea' Chrded Skirts, Ladies' Corked and Quilted Skirts, white and colurei ; • new suppty Just opened, at JOS. HORNE'S, de9 77 Market street. NA.MUN BAltli.--400 lbs. just reo'd %.„/ and for sale by Lile9 . l B. 1.. F'AiiNESTCOI(..k Cu. WINTER, GLOVES.—A full supply of Cloth, 80k end Merino, of various alma, at low pri ces, at fIOHNJE'B, uoyl9 77 Market street. QTOCK CHOICE!—PRICES LOW I—NEW W,INTEII (100 1 / B .—sluSill.'ll. HORNE has Just roturu ed from the East, where be hwl purchased large additions to hi, already extensive stock. Trudiug directly with Fran .CLS.I3B DOUBT/NO tiousEs and With •the .51siturscrnitElls, fur CASH eXChlsively, he Is enabled to offer the best selection of Goodp at the lowest poqsiblo prices. We are now opening, for daily display, the largest and cheapts , t stock of DRESS TRIMMINGS, RION EMBROIDERIES, WLNTRIt WOOLEN GOODS, RIBBONS, ULOVES, UUSLERY, &v., &c., Ever before exhibited in Pittsburgh. Purchasers are invit ed to examine the goode,and learn the prices, at de9 JOS. HORNE'S, 77 Market. street. o-_~.iwi s6oi FOR a two story frame dwelling 1 4.1 401.1i10 Ulla lot of gruuud &CI fee. by luu, utly situated on Mt. , 1 1a.stliugtou. Terms easy. led S. CUTIIISEICT if. SON, bl Market NOTICE TO BUTCHERS.—Largo Meat Cuttera and Sausage Filters, of various sizea, at Nu 47 Fifth dtroet, Pittsburgh deo4 SUAWLS 1 tiIIAWL4II I We have Jast received this day a lasso lot of Blanket Shawls, which wo are selling at van O. IiAN..4ON LOVE, Fort/Indy Love Brothers. noo No. 74 Market street. APPLES. -150 Barrels Apples, various kinds, In store, and for salt> by JAMES A. FETZHR, 89 Water street QTEEL PENS. -- Gillot's; Pratt's ; Per ry's; Pleineaa'; Jenny Lind; Cooper; American, liaaxles & Bon's, and Ilaven'a, ;ma received by W. el. fLSVEN, Canter Market 'aria Second ate. FOB. RENT. The large ward:mime, rio,v occupied by W. U. Smith tio., Nos. 151 Sim and 122...,!ec0nd dLI ents. Enquire of PARR, .11ct.;UicUY Ned 149 Vast and 120 Second atr=4,ta. IithORIDE LIIIII.-50 casks for Bale by itiovlei It 1 VAlihi,elf ,, Cli 00, EASONABLE GOODS. 14.7 Gentlemen's under garments; embracing silk, lambs' wool, heavy merino and cotton nuder-shirta; drawers, of the boat manufacture, and sold at very r, dneed rates. NiCiEtaLSON'S SflllttS. A large lot of cravats, ties, pocket hdkta., scarfs, ike., and all other articles in the line of Yurniahing floods suitabat fel tho Beason at nova 1/AliNk:ti. 77 Market street. WARRANTED TO SHELL TWENTY V T BUSHIM.9 PER HOUR IN THE HANDS OF ONlil MAN—the Corn Sheller now exhibiting at No. 66 Flab street. Now, don't be excited if you have hem, humbugged, but give this machine a trial, and if it is an imposition, say so • but if thoroughly wished that it is the beat hp/Endue ciethe kind the age has produced, then boy territory and make a fortune, and quit your creaking. Call and we. an2RAtawitf VXTRAOTS FOR FLAVORING.- 10 dozen Lemons. 10 do Vanilla. 10 do Rose, for sato by REYALER & ANDER:3ON, N0...19 Wood sc., noTRA Opgosite SL Charles 1,10(431. BUFFALO SHOES.—A splendid article of Gents' and Ladies BMW.) Over 6hoee. M5O, Oenta' Colt Over Shoes, at the People's Shoo Mors, No. 17 Blab street, near Market. 01111LNEY TS.-200 Gotiu.3 Chimney OP Tops, for sale by HENRY IL COLLIN& WIT are now opening our second, and by far thecheapeat stock of Fall and Winter Dress Goods. Shawls, .tc., that has ever boon offered in SON this city. C. HANLOVE, Formerly Love Brothers, 74 Market. et. QUIT.LY YOURSELVES WITH SHOES pow whtht you can buy them at such low rate, at the I'KOL LES SHOE STORE. We will continuo to sell at great fy reduced pricea fora short time longer. Small profit.. and cash returnu is oar motto. All atiffili of Overshot. sold low. a BIIIYVENBACHEII 00. BLACKBOARD CRAYONS—For sale by w. 0. JOHNSTON * CO., noril Statioace4ls7 Wood .treat! NUMBER W 9. GROCERIES. B. CUTHBERT & BON, 61 Market stre.st REYMER St ANDERSON, No. 89 Wood street XAMNB W AUDI/OP. BLIAWLSI DIRFENBACILEtt dt CO
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