vOLum E ' X Vi. PiTTSUit.flai, ',:dtiltliii.lNG P4'i''. pt.-, onv—rrf,l•,.. JA . :.I.ES P. 11.111ttit., Te;F.7•SS.—VI - oo Dnl6vn- -trictly in I Dollars israrsowly ,710.011 1110 yea , copies. Two , •• •L rLo C. 1111,1" . 1.3 . the Nov , %:,,S,• !ZAT'ES cH ADVIC!ITISING 77 - T-0 • • or, 1, - , 11 •p 111 I 1' athi " In. r . EI:1311M! Ono inaertio' Two insertions Three insertions 'One week. Two weeks Three weeks One month Two months Three months Four months Five months... 81. x. menthe Nine menthe One setr Banding Curd, six lin 1 75, • S 2uG 1 501 1 Uo! 4 0,, 2 8.•)i 5 013 123 100 bUJ 3 351 . 2 50 ISo 1 5 7uo 4 051 350 235 25u c 4 00, 8 CO, 4 50' 3 Ou• 3 013 10 013 0 651 5 001 3 35, 4 11 ')0 7 35j 5 501 365 550 12 0,, 13 00 1 i; (TO; 4t, 1 ' , " 00 1 1 0 35j 4 oul 11! . ,j 005 ku Ohl 13 351 15 001 d5l 12 Ull to or l(IT, por /43 iJ run 10 00 CLa - iGYAI3I.I 9T PLT.AL,UP Ono wicaAre, per annum, oxclr.f4iv, o tha p tp".,) Marriage ueilee,-, 50 ; DI Atli notices, PITTSBURGH SATURDAY POST A 161 431310Ti1l SEMI. ONLY ONE DOLL 1:Z, PER 'ELM, IN CLUBS OF TEN Single Subeertptlnnu,, - - 02 per annum. CONTAINS ALL THE CURRENT NEWS OF THE DAY, Politic.ll, Literary, Agricultural; Cutunwr vial, Local, Telegraphic ana sliscellaneous. This Paper being of the LATIGEST stzr., and neatly prints ou tine white paper, in large, clear type, will be found by the subscriber to give better satiiin, , tion than any paper puulislied in Pittsburgh. Those who wish to take a paper from Pittsburgh, will flail tLia AiTUILDAY POS.i" a eak and proiltable investrneut. JAMES P. BARR, Editor and Proprietor. Addrres, supl7 BUSINESS CARDS Jen• P. IIAktEL. B AIR It tk: ,111. YEW'S' BOOK AND JOB OFFICE, POST BUILDINGS, Corner of Fifth and Wood Streets, pri"rsinJitui rplIE undersigned having made extensive additions of thto LATEST AND u ANDsom EST STYLEi , OF TYPE, and improved :%ianniuery, to the MoRNI:siG POST JOB OFFICE, invite 0," .' Itention of Rail Road Officer,' klerchante, business tuna, 1111.1 the public, generally, to th, 'r enperior facilities fur executing with dispatch, on reasonable terms, all kindii of RAIL 'ROAD, iFIE ti; ANTILE ,• L L DESCitIPTIuN uF AND EVERY °Tit El'. PLAIN & FANCY PRINTING Jaairi ur inaterial ',Mug ucurly t.ll cau givc , assii railtii of the most cotuplutti satislactiou, and Holicit ord. B , YOKS. PAMPHLETS, RAIL ROAD 'SILLS AND CARDS, BANK CHECKS, BLANK NurrEs, LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, BILLS LADING, CIRCULARS, BUSINESS CARDS, I'AI'ER BOORS, LEEDS, MORTGAGES, BONDS, Particular atteuti,n will also he paid to the printiii,c of Posters, Programmes, .t.c. fi.r Cimcorts, itT: BA It IL Oircuxua ff.IIUFFMAN, liIPC,EVER.I" Et CO. FORWARDING AND .5 , ..q2444;04 1 4,1 , 5 SIO N . 1; RC LI ANT S, DSALIECS In PRODUCE, FLOUR AND WOOL. NO. 114 SECOND STP.EF. BIFLE.ENCLtI: ;' , lprie4gor Ilurbangh, Jeo..Ade E. Eider, St.Lonie; Pittobur..„;h;ll....M, & Wyle, i'..11. Palmer, (4arr , d .!darkeu, ! , •cCaudleos, Nleatth & Co., " Santee le Co. Childs .k bterlin g Eag,aley, Cosgrove A Co., " lard, Gilmore A Co., P. A. MABOLI ff. Co., ward T. Mutt, U. W. Smith, ‘Vhooling; Weaver k Graham, A. J. Whreler,l3ankor, Cincin,lote Tile People's Shoe Store. D. S. DIEFFENBt: Chvap CaNil Deu'ern iu ,L.l of •Fatilkionable SIIOzS :AND GAITERS, For Gentlemen, LiMie3, Y. , ut as and Children, No. 17 Fifth Streel, near Market, ocB PITTC BU RGrf, PA 13=1 I=l PERRIN & JWINSON, l'roprietuie 01 cliiia: Patent Elastic, Fire and Water proof LCement itoofing. 133 i'lll.ltD STREET. ORDERS for ROOFING promptly and faith fully executed, and all our un.rli warranted. goofing material always on Must and for sale, with di- CtiOn9 for use. ist2.:ty DAWES SI. CLULEY, 'louse, Sign and Ornamental Painters' AND GRAINERS, 144 WOOD STREET. Dealers in White Lead and 'Line Paints. A:9 , ', thin, Varnishes, Putty, Mixed 'Paints, Window Glass, acd every article used in the trade • inll2o:ly2d MILLINUAR, MONONUALIELA to PLANING MILL. would re.ipectfully inform the public tn at he Min rebuilt since tic tire, having enlarged his e.nthlishmont, and tilled it with the !I -, \Ve.t .Lll,l most iIp p,IVEA machinery, is now pre,pired to liirtfisil flooring and p. mod boards, scrowl sawing and res +wing, doors, Maill amt shattyrs, kiln dried, frames, mouldings, box making, sic. &mil) Pittsburgh, September 7, 1857. Lselo EORGE BLETCLLER, NJ . M A N U F ACTURER OA Till CELE:DILATED GOSSAAIER VENTILATING WIG, ELASTIC BAND TOUPEES, id every description of UItNAMENTAL LiAlit for Ludic sl.d Gentlemen. 211— id FOUR:ILI street, bemoan Wood and Market, Pitt, ....roat, Pu. oc7:ly Fall Styl. Hate. 4 7 2 11.11cCORD & CO., 131 WOoll STREET, "'AVE just received the • t, FALL STYLE OF Gent's Dress lititri; Gent'n Soft, 11,itz; Boy's tiutt Lists; Yo.ucy Ohildrett'n «4T:icy 11las; I.[ltllet? tti:t t Joacitsia Curl - Inge iteponitorr. ; 3SEPIi to 11 LT I-;, ying vit uai eji 11088 in ill, parime l f,renillilt,,u u w aged,} on the i I rib 1.1 g T near Rue, LetAnain -" Petaburgh nod Lawreii , eville,reepectirilly invites the publii nspect Ins stock of C A IIItIAG BUt43 11-T6, c. And b. f - • ticularly Inform . gouty men purchasers, that one pile , only is math s'ottrteen year; uxperimice in the busiuess enables him n • before his p.trons the same choice collection of Car ria 408 which, 80 many years post 11 has been his partnnial daoartunint to select, from tut- various and most taleutee 6. .-,tern manufacturers. The dsiecces of his new system is • tlplete--tho economy of his arraugumente will supply tia be-t and most fashMaable counui , icturee Ott tuoderate prices. Unencumbered by those expem,no, which th, mama I. - decorating houses of business has heaped upon the priei • go - xis, (mein.; to large rtthus, WIIITE will au ready money only, ut much less than the usual prima. eqlyearriages nipsired in the best with despaist. rasiyl2dhei QT. CHARLES LIVERY STABLES.- LY The underslgtred has bemzht the lease ~ ,,,,,,: „ 5 , 3 , ,s, 4 of the above named Stables, to- ~y 0 ?, . f - getter with a portion of the ex ten- ,1 . ;',f ,: " . .r . --• C2i. Nice stock of Ilers,ianl Carriatfes, late the property of James Mathews, deceased. lu addition to the stock before mentioned, be luui also added a number of FINE lifiltSEti, BUDGIES AND CARRIAGES, which were fel nicrly ed at ilia Livery Stables Third, below Wood ritreet A, he give , his personal atten• thin to the , businesq, s co:dint:sore of 1(1e patronage which ha him hitherto received Ire n public is solicited. JACOB GARDNER, EL Charles Livery Stables. N. B.—A HEARSE And any number of CARRIAGES coo always bo procured for Funerals. dc2.9 IC SALE—A Drug Store, located in one of tho beet Bituation, io tto: city of Pit t-rillrytt, for e,th , r a jobbing, retail ”r pre,i lit' 1., loeme- , 4. Purdue-- er, win find an a dvant ge of lire o ern r Deo For inform:— tem inquire of • .101 IN II krP, No. 166, corner Sist.n and Wood roman, (00 Nurt,..:4l WESSEL) 11061 S -- For Halo by FLANNELS—Red, White, Gray, Greci„,. Yellow, Plaid, etc. Ch-apur than the C. [JANSON LOVE, Formerly Love Brothers, Nn 74 41 ur'r 0-c.t ACONET FLOUNCES AND NEEDLE- U WORK COLLAIth.—A hitge assortment, and very heap. 0. 11.0180 N 1/OV.e., fanasriz Isms Bros, No, IS Karts* driest. HOTELS & RESTAURANTS WELLS ()OVERLY, PROPIWTOR, Corner f,f StPeel and Irkel Spar., 1.1A.1iia.•:4; G, PA. F LS • NEW AND ELEGANT HOTEL, ...!y n. tea by the Guess J Ilaiddibiirg, bo.in Ina kid it, ;dr in of yUltri by the under rignial. i i talcum thin intdlidd of idling dn. attention of bk former and tlii• tiaiiiiinng, community, thorete. Wrcnrq x front .0 •rt: surrlred a r:•.1 )102 feet, on, the pey,c7rai of . city. IV! y-Cluo . (ert front on Mar. ,t cannot tail to proN e alCractivt , as well as in -811-311,,, I=EM The C119.31131 , tii,S ere of thi , tr. , well ventilated, and lighted with gas—a nunihtx with omilectitig daors—making them very desirable fur (auntie, The LiALLtti are wattnisl througimut by heaters, and every modern improvement, in 1:i'•1.. has been added, that n . conduce to the safety, cornhet and hap pineal of the guests. Vimitors therefore, net abaurvd that the "JONES lituUsE" has bee,. made perle,d in all ite appointrueute— that each department has been phic -d ire charge of UPC /LIE:it:ED AND COUPtT T Pkll,o , 1.1 every particular tla aystem wi,ich hii hero adopted by the Proprietor, will afford to those who may make 16 their home, as great a de gate of comfort ore may be obtained at any similar establish-. flout iu .`lO State. T.-, secure thbi result, le lees furnished the Public and Private Parlors, Cuainbers, Dining Room, Ac., uith \KtV FURNITURE: and also arranged within Ile builaiug, a hue ilkuutu•SALoon, 01C1'1Ell 6AL 4/A, DELE,SINiI Room, Ilor AND I oLD BATIIB, Ac. The CULINARY DE.'ARTMENT AND PINING t4,Dom will receive the especial littOntlt al of the Proprietor, which. he treaty,. will be it sufficient guarantee that all L11.1t(33 will be suited. After returning his heartfelt thanks to his old friends and patrons, fur the ~morons p.V.1,/intge au long intended to him at the "COVERLY 110138 E," and also to his friends and patrons at the "COLUMBIA IluUsE,v Cape Island, during the solson of 1555, he respectfully solicits a continuance of it at the "JONES I,IOUSE " ja9:, WEL LS CO V EII.LY. • --- . WASHINGTOA HOUSE , OE?. PENIVA AVENUE 4 THIRD ST., A. F. BEVERIDGE Eal=!!! Carteer Irwlti Street and Dtaqueens Ntiayr I'ITTSBij2;vII, PA. B. !). MARKER, - _ pRopR,r.TOF, ,Form,rly of iio "Marker ilouae," 131,,iniville, Pa.) 11 E SCOTT HOUSE IS NOW COM- A pLETED ANL (WEN GIJESTtI. It ix situated tral part of the city, Le,itig COD VeD imt t L.) ali :a.ailruad is•poni and cqeatutacit Landiugs. Tno House was built w Faoti, with all Ire , dern Improve ;lienta and fitted up in ,plvint entire vurhiture bein ; .: new—and wit! in cvr ry I , Spot t Le a drat amid Hotel. Fie- STABLE:- are atinclavi to the premises. 11. KANAGA. r 1 7 :1 0 S I{ =e,1 1 4 _MA Opposite rile Penuo.. 111...11r0ad Jepot, l'A. S tr rr 0 a;ri 0T E Ift/lIMERLY U. o. LioTEL, l'.l - 1( (JJ, PA. ,T2.16.ES 5311AliN • .Prewietor. lIOLJSE IS LOCATED ON T.IIE ~.t. NN .ud 1 ,5".‘161.11..NGT•i16 ,trorts, bntwoVm D RAiLito.hal DEI-OT, and u thurouw,li 17L4)r,t,Itur,t. Telll,doll.l and Coini.,ner ILILtI bc`e" turuuuro. cud ie 114.11.4 the 111‘..1. Court). aleui in i'irt.nbarEli, or Travelers by Railroad, Ea.tt. or Wo/A. LeyB:ly 41;013..NUC0Pb....E faEsTAccroz By ELI lOU 'Nis. I FIE :iTRT:r_,T. Time at'tlitlou cl Mvrekt,,,il - 2-,1;-:.=.27..0 an Mi ce dm cc to [Het I . W.P ior tin aflotdonr a T: ; A UE. - , rv:Ar, Luca ii,y r ; ) UV 11,45, I.i•I 11, y niv21,411, caul. j.,11.74:W11g I no LA IL,/ ;-;• Via; ot the ire..-sheet the hinrnct ;Wu cls. Excelsior Restaurant, 1. (.4 11 WOOL! ,Nf,re,f,t, W110:..6: 4 ALE ANL, v.ETA I , EALER LAKE AN' free 4 Lizat.iittc.re 03. suvria, W 11.1.) CIAME, all ill tliw r tt .'tb'vlY • • t G.r anti Fitth Cc ANSiUN 110 US ,E A UREN TZ \, ..:;44 I,•t Jur( the. u , liar L'eun , Yiv ,,,, l. Winch MARA, Its thlt City iur am. /1,., that iii proprietor Laving, at considor,Ole fitted up, ,11,•u; ,t:, lc , !I, rumpoct ,!j, public VALI VI: There it iittnCht - ti t .1 , ! ob,l ,-- 2AELE ud ,•1:["1,11,t, atioru .; , 2cornu.,otiAtion to t 13,• !, 4 ,11, , 1 Bur 1,1.11 be iltrEllteiit.': .host Lltc.:tilarket _ & CO., •!-,., 1 CLAI 11(iTEL„ curlier Penn and 6t. uroli•c•iigui it, forrut•r o i • aving 1•.1:01.1 13Igo ithvi colunio (Lou, lii"f r.ruii•l it fn out sty le, r •spectfuily v+a• trit•him th.• imveling hp I,lv Info a can. Ansurod, wrtn the' couv euii•uve .1 the u.us.• acid his lung ii.q•crierlit ir; Inc u give. • •• ad har4va lII=M2I A MILLIKEN & CU. have on hand, at cA L c _ll :iA\ Ll FAG- No. G 1 wittmeld streei„ a t o ;e meiortwent of Fancy Ind Plain Fin saute, which they w.ll cent. lower Mao , mstomary rates. Terms, ca.-11 piec:27:y OODIVELL'S FURNITURE AND 0.11-klltS, Wholesale and Retail, embracing every 5 yie ul FL uiture, iv lioaewomi, Mahogany and Walnut, amiable for Parlors, Chatubeis and bluing Rooms, equal to lily in New York or Philadelphia, and let lower ',roes. Every article [nude by baud, and warranted. Cabint-makers sup plied with any quantity of FURNITURE and CHAllts, on ieuicomble terms. Hotel.' and Steamboats furnished at the shortest notice. Warerooms, Nos. 77 and 79 TlllltU Street, Pittsburgh, Pa- 0c*2.2 4,IWEET CIDER.-4 bbk. Sweet Cider, fur ~alu by .1 AM t A. FEW. Wntor street. CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAP'S GIFTS t•very dencripthAk iu [19.1 41t9 , : y Dry thodrs call /Ind St, them. C. 111SzoN LOVE, E we, ly Lt ) 1; E 131:0T r,!:-, 74 MarlL•t iy[ucrLAUE—For office use, in convenient form, fur nmf by W JOLLN )N oUO., LILV • 57 W:..1 street.. DURT FOLIOS AND DESK PA DS for sale by JULIN:qON & CO., 57 Viio,4l xtreot b arre sAmerican and French, j .for by H A. rit , 'FliCK A. 00: FiNE SILK UYU\UE. Bivaclind Cupping Suit Spouge Guud Curriagu sponge , Xt. J0. , ,E111 FLEMING novl-1 Comer Ma"kid nod Diamond. Gum DROPS.-300 lbs. just received and 4wBm.,:y B. L. FA ESL'OCii CO., 11vv.:0 Coruvr awl F“urth stro , l4. TiiERMOMETERS—For sale by W. (.1. - JoiiNsToN ez NicCORD t, CO nevl7 Stationer,. o 7 Wood street. IRESH LUBSTERS.-10 dozen in cans, Great, ANDEBSON, ne'vZ4 Nu. :30 Wood street. ALUM. ;0 barrels-for sale by B. A. FAUN LiTOCiii. k CO., 111,1 s Corner Wood and First streets. FRINGES, for Dress, Trimmings. A liallilat)111 , 3 asdurtruout ut nsiuced rntus, at no , 11 0 •ri Er' 77 Market htif.•-t RYE FLOUR.-20 Barrels Rye Flour, just received, and for side by JAMES A. FETZER, 89 Water street. PL RE OLIVE OIL, At . .108 — s,P11 F i./Y>SL'va'S, vi!..s cor n e r Ni.rkpc irtro.t and the I);4,nnnd :3EMI-ANNUAL AND CLOSING OUT SALE. OF DRY GOODS. nut, Dr (7,0414, at very prices; AWLS, in gr,al vrtriety, 12w prices; siL \ 01.)1./D 4 , a hug , ;tick, of vory low prices; L/ G , ./0 11,S, itt very low prices, A. A. MASON & I,E. 25 eikTEl ST,EF,T, tln. m!flre of N ENV Altlll V A L.— 'lO box ,m ()ran g , ; 20 do Menalart le•racma ; '2.111.> dru m.v N w EigA, jast rec. ive,l orpl fir amid by REIMER A ANDERSON, - No. 29 Wood mtrvm Jal9 Oppoiite Er. Charles Hotel. QTAIt,CII.—;M bxs. ltoehelger Pearl Starch 100 ado I.y PINKY 11. COLLINS. D 'w BLE MEDIUM, Double Crown, Medi um ,a.mz,Lraw a,ol Ra g Wrapping Papern, too male by W. 18. HAVEN, laIH 4`, rr,r Marla , -t. add SArotol aorta. PIA NUS RENT.—Two elegant Rose u-uud 6!,4 Piaooa, wilt la• r,aoed to private tam- Lit a .•nly. Apply to .11,11 IN 11. MELLOR, 1,13 82 Wood htrect. OIL CLOTH CRASH.— For Stairs, a vari 4-Ay t A .avin. at 1..21 1 . a, 4 PTV" r IPA HENRY 1-1. PUBLISHED DAILY BY JAMES BARR, TH “,POST BUILDINGS." , lORN ER OF. WOOD AND FIFTH STREL JONES itOt_TE L). C SCOTT HOUSE, .FUR'SIT ;RE I da N DI A RUBBER (2 LOTIIINU—Of the , best, aud Aldo see. .d quality, fur sale whuleattio aud retail by ~... J. I U. PaULLUS. , A, . mum; j)PEN DAILY. Inon eiock ; en w •,turdAy from May to November lit, from 7 to 6 o'clock; Old from Novi Ir' to %fay lat. from 6 to 6 o'clock. readved of all amts not lens data UNs 11ott• a, Anil a dividcad of the profits declAred twice a year, in uin dud December. Intereat wiei d e clared at the rate of Mx. 1,• 7 nt. per annum on the first of December. 1555; ad,. ins June and December, 1856, and in June and December, 1557. Interest, if not drawn out, is placed to the credit of the dopOSi ton as principal, and bean the same interest from the drst dayei of Jane dud Ducl : 66W, compouuding 0.0, n yt,r without troubling the ilelidrlitar to call or eVerl to pi,6ent Ina pails book. At this ine, 'Honey will double iu !eye, thari twelve years, making iu d.e aggregate EIO HT AND ON PEEL CENT. A YEAR. nookb coutainiug thr Chart,, Ruh lationn, furnixhod ou upplicntiuo nt thc • Preside nt,-GEORGE © BAN VICIS Pitrith Willimn, T. Anderson. James W. 1111011140, John o.7ilatilmield, Charles Nnttl., Albert Culbertson, P A. Madeira, John B. Canfield, John li. Mellor, J. Gardiner Coffin, Walter P. Mars'edli,. Alonzo A. Carrier, Wilson Miller. David Campbell. A. M. Pollock, M. D. Charles A.Colton, 'Teary L. Iting,a:t, William Douglass, Julio M. Sawyer, Francis Felix, i.leorign ii. Seideii, George F. Gillmore, Alezah.lor Tit Ile. James S. 'loon, Theeimild Um1,,t,,,a.;, William S. Haven, " Georgr It. White, Secriituni and Tioolzurrr --CHAS. A. COLT , Ji.: ; fl:' BANK aF' II ®fir A. a. J. STEVENS & CO., DES.MOINES, T`''''''' • ('IOLLECTIONS MADE and prompw , ~ ~.._,/ milted. LANDS selected and locate:. Capitalist. wording to make investments in the West, can do su throuJ this house. Correspondence solicited. j my2l:sni WEIIIMMIN _ 1 0 44 .11 -47 BANKS. ii.l.44lLll_,Ait SAVINGS a; .4. , Nr. NS Filurn ro.pbt.rn, Jameß 81/idle, Alexatoier Mit:Hoy, Robert Robb, William Lovely, Hill Burgwin, MEM • AUSTIN LOOMIS TILOS. D. LOvMI.., A USTIN LOOMIS & CO., Dealer 4 in PriAniasury Notes„Buivls, Murtgsgeg, and all Seca r 1, for Money. Money Loaned on ,Checks at short dates, with collatet al security. NOTES AND DRAFTS BOUGHT AND SOLD. Persons desiring Loans can be accommodated on rea.mot He terms, and capitalists can be furnildied with good seen to ties at remunerative prices. Abe, attend to the Sale, Renting and Leasing of [teal Zstato. No. 92 FOURTH street, above Wood. reltoot *lts. AUSTLN LOOMIF, Notary Public. HOLMES & SONS, Bankers and Ea /. Chan ge f*kers, and Dealers in N. ten, Drafts. t • Gold. Silver and Bank Notes. 'Eh:change on the Lao:- era and Western Cities constantly for sale. Collections made in all the cities throughout the United St•tti.s. Deposits received in par funds or current paper,N,,' ei Market street, between Third and Fourth fits. I jr-fitly THOMAS WOODS, Commercial Broker, at,cl Dealer in Notes, Bonds, Sto,ke, Leal Kstate, .76 t'..urth 9truot, Pittsburgh, P OliN WOODS, BANKER. AND .N.ICLIENGI tft STINKER, Dealer in Exchange, Cocurnercial and Bai.k Notes. Stock bought and sold on coanuunnon. Collectioos orehilly attonded to. Interest paid on Doposita. No. d 7 JUNES' NEW BUILDING, Fourth 6troot REAL ESTATE AGENT,* JAMES C. RICIIEV, REAL EST/TE g 0 K II d to. 63 FIFTH S r fitEe.T. .. HOUSES, LOTS, MEM ci Eispeetail utteution gi ni eu su i Lectivith.. 6 t /arms and din ,t.ttitti; of them. Term, re:l.-tot-mt. it . dacl.6:tittvi i CUTIIBERT & SON'S OFFICE, No. 51 >jo Marko; etreer„ for the oat,. awl purltu.e. of iteal rate,. renting 11012V;e3, iat011 , 1111;4 t 11,s . urm,:e and rddtne, .•tnining Lanus op bonds, rut,rtr,..g,, Ac.,; nialsing LTiss, deeds, ,or, &c 4 writing loners and col, th parties abr ttc. wc BELDEN SEYI)OUR, teal Estate and Insurance Agent, CLEVELAND, (JUDI i.i:FIRENCY.S.—M , -,iirN. Hanna, Garros,ll Rt ksrt arkd. Esq. Jyll:y WESTERN LANDS. ALEXANDER GARRETT, TEAL ESTATE A€ ENT, NO. 1 , WATER 1:EOf, CLEVELAND, OHIO, 11r.:1 for side Lands in Illinois. and lowa 111, will eacll,.iign Lauds in Wisconnni, or niannthetnres.,,nl also for only pri ty. 111 bitters of inquiry antiwnril gratis, ao 1:ly OHIO TONVYSIIII) l'ii/oPERTY FOR LE.-11VENTY-IX. ACRE-( f drrtclass (isi•ii •a Lands, situated on tin Alloutieny and Now ilacailinnised road, about hive miles tram A.l• -tilleity city— Wont ton ktereB cleared, ban nos gad ti tabor. Will St a bargain, an-t bu*eadt4.l bank page ',,k,•11, it siiplosl tor tuon at. JA'ti. KlCllkl"tii, der Real Estate ltrolier, 66 Fifth street. r i ARDEN FARM FOR SALE.—A Garden Farm fur sale, containing Twenty-four Acres of First cittsi Garden Luna, well improved, good Landings, tine Ci - mad, excellent Water, Coal and Limestone in abundance, t dilated in Robinson township, seven miles frum the city. Will be sold at a great bargain. Apply to JAMES C. RICHEY, dell Real Estate Broker, isio. 65 Fifth Street. 1 - ,VORTII FAYETTE TOWN6IIIP LAND FUN SALE.—One Iliindreci and Fifteen Acres of First 4:lass Rand, for Wheat growing; about Ninety Arco clehrcd, nlnnef good timber; comfortable farm improvements; Large ./rcniord ; excellent Water; Coal and Linn ~t one, Forty-lire Acres ill grin, will bu told low and on envy Apply CO 3A3IE6' C. RICHEY. doll Real. 17...tate BroLur, tifi Filth atrc•4. t, 4 -I ARMS in Exchtonge for City Property.— A farm of 350 wives, on the Alle u ,i,eny rirur, neat iiitt•lnning,l3o acres cleared; . dwelling house, hard; ii ii or chu:•d; coal, limestone and iron ore. Alen, n farm 4,1' 100 :scree near the above. Also, a farm of 8.3 acres on Pine r ,ek, 4 mime from Kittanning; 30 acres clean d; to, o houses, i.od a saw mist in good running order ; a first r.tr locathm busitcuss. 250 acre:4 of land at mouth of Red :-. k: 40 acres cleared and iu ,;—,od order. Price low c o d terms utt y. Will be ti:flanged in whole• or in part for city pro- porty. 6. cuTLIBERr novlo 51 Market stri et. ONLY $750 FORA TWO S FORA' Dwel ling [lunge, of four roui.l6, with lot of ground '4l/ foot .rout on Monterey !Street. Allotiui uyCity, by 110 deep to no :dnly. Terms, 1,400 in hand, be:lance at nuo, two awl three )o.ars. /S. CUTHBERT & nov - 2,4 61 Market ,truet. 1 4 1 0 R RENT.—A large dwelling house, on Ross-street, at head of Fifth, with icutn-diate poaa. a. -gun. Also. two anion lions.is in ziplat, , 's Court. 1 -1 ,., 4 OR $750 will be sold a new two' story AIL Pram. Elotiso, with agouti lot of ground, in All;% - hen, city. The la in 20 foot front, nu Mouteray stroot, by 110 lot to an alloy. Terms easy. S. CUTEII3Ker t SON, 1 ,04 strut. JIOUR TO FIVE DOLLARS PER ACRE for several small lots of laud, ten [rem M uncle die, Marshall county. Va., four miles from It. ll... Station. Rich lull and good timber. Pd., yA to $5 per acre, nil time, lrom 6 to 7 years, if desired. Also, 700 acres of gee., land, 3 miles from Cameron inn, B. Ohio IL It., for sale to. suit purchasers, at trout Cu $lO int" acre, an I on easy Rectal. TOUR REN dwelling house on Third idtroot. Aldo, one ou Hoest r et.. with irumediatii poe- FOR SALE.—A Dwelling House with a good Susie Room, situate on Itobiinton street near Fed rat, Allegheny city. Price low and term.; easy. jail 5. & SJN,,II :.larked st. VOR comfortable dwelling house (frame) of hart and eight rooms, portico in front, \itch n lot of ground 7K Veet front on South avenue, Alleithon3, try t2O deep -to Rob coca street, with fruit and abode trees, shrubbery, Yritig $1,500. 8. CUT.LIBELr ASuN, nov2 • 51 M.trilet street. NIERCHANTS' AND MANUFACTU KERS' BANK STOCK, or PAPER. will be taken at pax, either in whole ur in part Fay tor several very deSini We locations for connt, - y residences, near the city. One lot Of 1.2. acres, one of 14., (,1 10 and 3 acres. Fur particulars call at our office. . S. CUTHBERT a soN, oc t27 51 Alart ctroet. FLANNELS. White, Yellov Red and Plaid, of all grades, and at ER PRICES tb au they cuu be got for at any other ezi. tablietiment in the a ity. O. HAM , ON LOVE, formerly Lore Bo then, ont2l No. '24 Market coops. HoUSES, I JOTS AND FARM S.—W e would invite thu a t.Vmtion of rersons who wish to purchase A HOUSE, to the great variety of Pi 011tle I, Farms and Build ing Lots we have , for sale. We have now on hand Lots at $lOO, each, and a. ; $2OO, $4OO, and upwards, aud on very easy terms. Som eto payments averaging fourteen cents a day I Houses an d Lots, at from $7OO to $lO,OOO, in various locations in and in Uacont to the two cities. Improved Farms at from $lO to $5 J acre. Also, choice Farming Lands at from $2 to $5 "f acre. Persons having property of any kind to dispose of, wi ll Mad it to their interest to give ns a call. We also, attend to the Renting of Houses, and Collection of MITIVERT a BON, Market itaset. PITTSBURGH,. TaURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18. iSSB F' VENN" BUILDING John H. 5hu..0.h..T.• Groan. Mu: I ac M. Po ann,o Kntly, Janneio H•+niman, Joim S OnsgOevah ~:..::1 :, ~ o-: ;..,..1.,..~i 6. GuTivIERTh SON, ut Jlurk<•t etrnet S. CU TUBE:Br a SUN n 1 .51. i kst st reel. CUTIIBERT SiN 61 Mttrk,tnttl et "ARPETS AND OTC, C • °TITS. v:.',10 L. - . 11. I) LIE LLiPS havt, I : N 524 ST t' i. 41 1, at, .4. ...tro4•t h.+ Lit rir P , 0 ,1 Wit It •.ITU'l•r,.tjAi; t ;! 't E t • , 1:...0.113' % -. ./Dr Z.Dt'i,74. A i 1 Z{."1'.11.•:!:. • ^,t•• , lt 1,1 li 01. n?ton 41 York 11.t+rt.,: i . , • th-ir INDIA l;A: ilt;. 1,1 I IJI r:f It ; :1190, LW,. I.,tt3tcr tAr 01110 PTICE-PROOF :N I.' I. t N slued Paints, Varn6be9, Putty. El•llt:g -ND PAIN'I I A \ "I; r•i, tow r; . • :Cray EllsMl El= ;;Aii.PETS, OIL AT Ca.Fpea ~store. ',,lkr. L J 1.3 Ni respectfully . invi:., tht-:r f,nior customer 4 put.lic u.•l ,h) t r t•fltbr.t. tilo ‘1•1 h:‘ , l I (Mlle or Ve Vt•l 1 alloi i:1 - 11S,vi,!.. .01•1 . .,1:111011 : ulEcu, I , 9.ntmlk. and .t, t 4 i• , k... 4 , 1'1 0/h, 'll . 41 - 11 , 1 H ..1 I'aii:t!..l(3,, Butt 1•'1 tk, w;ty L. k•Ai, , Juzi ul Ik..okliig or jr.l 11.rt1,1eit1r , 11112,1.1 t. 1,1 Ills:11.'7 . 011: , :.,5 I,"nr,s Ll': ~1 " 119 1. 1 10 t1::1 4r,.e : 1 — 1 , 1. .. II WOOO, 15 . LI ‘ DM. 13( )f) K S ND STA'FIONEItY . , V, • r , I' D!N Et. AND 1.)1:1-1.j.,, 1.7‘. No. 41 Elio, ntn i'v—:'aaa ~~eE ea I p. T 1 1e: iintier,iguoti nave enter:a into Co g P Nhip, o 1.0 t ictu. C. Johamh.n. 121,1, ti .I , ILNL I To S. .111.., C. PaLvi,ul,zh, 3. INoi. I=l C. JoiiNsTlifa &, CO., STATION I;())k rtartilfac'urer,4, otl,l JOB I . l:lVti:C.9, 'fllitH and I•ourth, BLAN ii i;UU • Vay IS Ludgo-r.. C.,11 Buukm, 8001-1,1, I.l.sukti, Bill Saks, Kee -ipt Fur 8:110 by V+ M. 1.i...1011N,1'UN Si. CO., deal . Wuod ntruet. TOBAUGO AN D ;:,ECTA w & 1). iiiNEIIXI:., E=l3=ill N L: i.: if AV CIiARS TOBACCO, PIA,NO:) A.,ND:.MUSIC L PERBI-tAND FiLlig. Till. . 1 ...15e1t/t.i . OF :11.eitauiv.13," Sous, 11 take pledawrt a, n - 1, ,, UL1C11141.0 1 ,,, • pet . r , IVLI + lu.itl a C„UUh, I utk, wl/1,1. ivr t\,lLunite AL.) it tune, L.;_11,1 olastiel4 ut [...kit:, and tultyttll.llAtitite eZterit.a to et•unal , L,l the 1.41 , 4 D ver brought to thin L tuechnn:s ti aI. .t. Dl* tie rlat 1;11 outed iutenti , LI 01 vt' ,.. l .1; JUlle, iI.CU W:t11 Ole rtu ihdteacy U: ti.•6l - 064 , i nr. itety Lut tardy 1 . 1 , a IT,.peCtill 113 hiVito t.ll>Tuel, , uue akd alt. se. etner per e'lanertl r LW., Cu call. ;;?40.1 'WU lu:strummer,. Li LILL:, .4. a: -urea, Just . uelt , ~ „ i 1 Nt_ 1. i 1. 1 • - In t.Le 1l t,i•l. nr . tWevil ?Si • , ,n is - ....ra VI I,l.Ltnl nnl , r 1a . 114,La all air Pi V I I , Et) I-L, to us b) L.: tv CH I, u1t . ,11., ul lily, II inay . aa H ILI , OW lull I.l,Avr •.i •l I WI, , • lit, :cll.: • L. 110'1 all ..Ij.L. !..dt ",) 11- wit , . t 1.,x1 l'llAik,F; I Ir. Li/ my -7 .11 " 'lt Shs. 1 a t ottid tt 1 , 14 , t+ tl,tll.!tit it, tort c. 1.• .)i Ikr to 119 v tho,r tlt.,v It it atlirt• .1 their it Lon •1/, Oy . 111 , t.•. t. Or,, ES tip l'.)111ABLE, t.CE+IVJ :r 1,, t. ohlr /11,1 .1 hail ttl,C.tt, t'VtilVt• t' IN l'iANi) act,' Lino I.J • r. 6 . it to Ndudeuu (tar et:tat:hen) ti., rJei.,Jl/13, r, ue and OCI:11t. 1/C ~ I 7.•Ln Aponte I.)r t e L td may no luau Ito Ylit !Ile y ranclpal towlin 01 the United Zit:l[es, and the l;1/1.13y111.4. 1.15 ~ A Via:. jr.: J. CO., ButlJ..u, a.,1 07 1. ninon Yu, k. l:,11 A r.:.urrt; II LU 11, 0111 d-J,n abuet , Filch, d, 17 .\11,11:1.t..:tur4 Pitt.sut. , eh . -" _ u 5 NGi.I. (di.l'.l) ti V • PAltLUit G itA. ND PIANOS ! ! AND \l:\V S'i PI ANUS, le ii, tau •:,_, SUN j' 'Lt,: ON, just teuelveu truiut a J muuul iillur) Ui CIA. kering, butts ' , the he LA, rut., beat LIE-Er • Full i , i•yeir ~ CTUN't• tirarld uu„ Furt. - •, with superbly owl vud ruse. PI ice 'lt, Full ki,.veu uctavr wood e $7OO 13110 New l'arLur tarund ,ecru Cur e.l nu; iu power 1,1 lirarid, uct.ll;.,ying 0./ly the ~ t 1111 erthum y V• 11110. riQUAltr. rw, full carved Lorna Xi Vth, see, eri ()cteves, D tied Feet work. T u Ve—kjIIIIJI Al ylo. • Two :li,saarsi. carvi:u wuuldioga , it vs, 1 - ii.t4V,• plush rouild G , .1 - 1,1. is, ...von (014.. , /, Tunis 4Vatutu, !mow nitwit trout Corusrs, si•ven uettl.Vod. Four " " F. , or •• ‘• " " Atl ut the utows arc of Cusir LE, sod with lull tram thi•lr hew Pat or \ Ct4oll. L Eiss lua taaitt iDyf.,r Cur it,r, awl V warritut,il w purcha-ors. Ear sills t then r,du.:.:ditic . J9ll`. 4l ASuu' dt Sole t fur Ctn.:l:snug & .11essi . *. Cliaries oF THE PIANO, 5 B.OL311;, e A q6 l '. citi;A:.; AND :"INtiiNIG, ANCiENT nNu MODERN LANGUAGES, An tiorniaa, Fren_li, and t-panintl, 'auz.lit by Caud. I:l,q , :it, at :ut, priucap.d id,24 3.11 a PEACHES.-51) doz. in . 2 lb. cans, j 1/61 r.s.t.p.,tl 83. r by tih't 11ER Jc ANDERSON, dk 17 No wo..t. =tr-ot. NI L IL'S celuliratel Cough zSyrui), a ,11ry t't.C., only uf at FL ,:I\l::4(i'S, „ t i SL EA 75 41, t;ti,k,ll ~upera :ir aIId Kura Flour; Cr till'• 01 t'F71...1C, MVICEER az CO., 114 Lanni +Crnt. C Li ERR U gruss for salt CoLLINA. Dl', Holland t_iin, Scotch .un.l arid eti.o sine li ur „kid ‘411.11y, ru At; rn grid for ne+L' 1,) tu• g.ilwn , icy I.lAlVolltd, ISt:,fi it'iN LEE, or th , . 0n0.n.! 4r.,1 WAT P VICO PIPER-400 ream:: C own, ao•! Chondo Crown, Beaux Wr,il.picg,. Po rer-i,,od nod fur sale by JAS. A FET IR. &9 Water Er ;rot LCOLIOL.-20 bbls on hand, and for Wale t.x, Idel6l B. L FAH \ ntiTta - ”{ * ell JOURNALS, LEDGERS, DAYA3(fi K 5, CASH BOOKS and DOCHETS, for eate and ntodm to ~rler, by W. S. 'HAVEN. Corner Market and Second stream. tl bbla. just received and P.l- sal° by . .,th:9l B. L. FAUN gS f..`OCK &C C. DorrArol s.-57 barrels White Neshan lt. ocit Potatoes, arriving per steamer Lehigh, end for (40131 luvvalg, 2S'oa®va. t 00. . • -. A41 7. 1 - 7734 111111.. i - i•'_ .1 ¢ U. HiilAll':l 7,humfacr. , , r• hel OA . l'ittw'otirgit VM. C JoJC*IO.M viALLL:S f IZ: bu rd.rt s d of 114 ,t.'T 1? E ET Ln 4 , 1* J 0113: kv. Liu./ k'm t t't F. ...... 13,1 uu ELE.III:\ r %Cr• e• on:1 n 1 str—f.tl INSURANCE MERCHANTS' INSERANCE COAITO, Of Philadelphia. R \I. v. A !I,llllt Capital stock T.,thi 1..1 i Cargo 10.1k1 vu tilU Obb, ,11.1 Iributarirs 1n. , ) IPS ngnitist •,r ,b4nat;k• by fotr.•, A ifto, against the Ynriin ut Ntiviglaion :❑.i MINIM Vim. %. l'uLtii, J. C. ..M..1.11K01L0..1. , i . lA i: P t:1L.1.• . .., 1. , . 3. kl ce3nn, E. F. Nritni,r, ii.,n,. Onilln. B. L. Wooktou, 301111 A. Slar.L..l. 011,4 kt WrLoo.. JOht, J. Patterson, Elwood T. Pusey. OFFICER . 3. WILLIAM V. PETT T, Pr est,/ en!. E. F. WILIJUt, Ft.<:•:. Prr.nden: P. J. McCANN, ..Secrelary 13 Philadelphia 1 PhtlatZ , i) ,, ,T,i. I Boigor, Lamb A Co., ' eltciumity., Juatice A C,, , Truitt, Bro. A C 0.,, Buck, Horgan it A8,.801c A. T. Lalll, & Co., i PnruToy, Caldwell A C. , PITTSBURGH OIFIC.E, N0..97 44'A'PER .•.TitEn. t.u7 R. ^ W. POINDEXTER, Ai v. ELHANCE MUTUAL INSURANCE COJIPAMi, OF 'PHILADELPHIA Office No. 70 Walnut Street CAPITAL sl77,674—ASSlaei $232,0 , d2,-BEOURITY I NVZSTED. 1 1 1 JA E INSURANCE uN 1IIII:GlIANI)16,2:, iCh., 5,c., J1:11 try. l'ne Mutual principle, cuaarlueil wait Wo ~tune ::.,tll Capital, if utit,eti the Inbureil tc enure it, the 1,/ “tlt, Company, wittmut liability for 10,t.e. Lin script Cortflicates of Linn Cutup Any ..mvertible, at par, jut, the Capital of tiu evinpany CLEM TIMiLII.I, resithlit. B. M. LIINCUMAN, beeretaty theta Tingley, George H. :"troud, William lt. Thompson, John it. Worrel;, Bittnnol lliephtrm, Coujornin 1% , George W. Carpenter, Z LotUrop, Robert Steen, 11. L. Carson, Gnarl. Wood, Itunert Toluud, Mareliait Bill , Col todius i"teceloron, 'l' Bunting,- Ctrurlee Leland, tit illiaur. NI wiser, Vim. M. 80 J. G. COFk'IN, Agent., jyLl y' Corner 'fiord and Wood iireet... AbID 1,1.-Fb; INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 149 Chesnut. Street, Upp JoiLe L e etIStULLI Hun, • WILL MAKE ALL Ii II N LaOF iNbu i...A:\UE, either Porpctuni Itiutituo, ttu ei, Iptiou ut Vroperty or slerchttutii., , , ut I,tsottat,l, nuea pro/11111111, I.I.OISERT P. &1 NU, Procsid...:l:.. M. W. .13 !A. lA, it.o Dutr.grolLs. etittribb unyon , it. It. Copt„, Gngtlela, Littorgt, W. I;rule. t'. tt. Junnith Paul. Sitertunia, Julia Clay [Lai, 6. J. Alttg,rgt,et, Witor. F. ISLACKBUhNE, ,iocretary. J. U. UUEJAIN, Jy4. y Curu.r Third awl Vtit,ud iN INSURLINUt; CUMPAN , OF PIIILADELI'iIIA, iItANKLIN 11L;ILD1N1.36, 414 %V .111LEET • .Jf6tilliZeLl LlLitiOr tLu Lietterdi lUmtirlluLa Lay., WILII 1.:• , 1•11./t1 SIUU,UU4I, prlViluguLL wlueru,. Iv::',JU,L'U Ir, againat login or dual Lge by 1:1.. P., I I, `,l? and uilgettlb: LI. O. LAUGULIN, Premilrut. ItlUll'LL z01.1.1.1i,L) 1 1 / 1 :0.1 - 1,01. y DIRECTUR U. Laughlin, D..t , Liarw - uud, C. ..totenuury, It. 'l. .. . ohowaU , 0. U. 3u our, zicuLt. TITE CtiAFFEIS, OfliC4l..aftveAte Outrtiu , :, ui% L 1 4),1 dt PITTSBUriGII a iit'E FIRE Aitt 1.) Si rt. lit aIN /SS URANCE Cu.i PAY I, OtB.S.Elt u 1 WATEa Prirel2Uff..(.4 . ll, PA. .1.101.41;1SA' I.W A Y . ; ALEX. 1:1112,D.r.i, Ytett Pron..atut. E. A. anicti.kitT, necrotary. 414-This thunpauy 11111$08 , ry• totturan...t., uityrtulatuit, Ot. count:4:o(lwatt LIFE 1:1811.6. Alen, agaiuct HULL A.ND UnHUu LiL9iiS .0 111.1 a ..^ , llsßießippi Rivera andaributanna, .3,44_,1i.1111.N Y.:itisrie, dud ogoinst LOdli and Damage byiL c, su4 agalhaL Pcrils ul tno Men and luland Navigaticu arid d'raLdpurtatact.. Policies matted at the loweet rate, cohcatout It I. ad portico. Robert Galway, Samuel 74 ' 0 ch. k , - h, jk.aapti P. liazzam, M. D., JuLu :l.e,dt, i Lamed Marshall, Darla 4ieuey, .:utuk. W. littillllail, Charlet! al LJtaaut, auemander Bradloy,• JUSeph .:. Leer h, Jean Erlertuu, N. F. liart, Davtd U. Cilatabera, ktubert 1,. dartl,), V,'llliatu Car:, ihe. :lb_ T.d. :ITIZENS' INSURANCE COililPilik: OF -PITTSI3UROII. • ‘VILLIAM President. AAAILLEL L. KARSIIILL, Sccrettry. U b'FiCE: 94 Water street, between Market ttmt it , tyst. strew, '.7-41 - luta:tree, HULL AND CAltlitt thy. Ohio , ad ..dtssusst . ppi Ithers and tributartes. immres agaiust Loan or Damage by against the Perils of the Sea and Inl9ahl Nt4‘l,.,,,rrittuu t'rttuportatiou. EMCEED liagaley, Siaduel idea, Cooper, JIMOS Park, Jr., tanac M.. Pennock, Springer Llarbaugh, Samuel C. Young', John Caldwell. WEST Bit'ANCH MUTUAL INSURANCE COAIPANY, LOCK HAVEN, CLIATON COLT.YTI CLIARTERED BY TUE LEGISLATURE OF PENNSYLVANIA (trsh Capital $300,40 Premium N0te5...5132,34:3. ; . 1 111S COMPANY WILL INSUItE UN Buildings, Merclkandisu, furinturo, &c., w tuwu !lon. J no. J. Pearce,l Hon. G. C. Harvey, Charles A. MU: .1 JIM B. Hull, , Charles , Peter Dickm,ou, I. Abrams, 1 D K. Jaokman, W. ,e, Thomas Kitetam. HUN. U. U. I.I.aIiVEY, Presideht T. T. ABIIAMS, Vice Preaulent. Tai,a. KNOB "2, liezrotary. REPIRENCES: cane' 11. Lloyd, Dr. J 8 Crawford, 2...1. Willegardner, Julia W. Maynard, A. Upiegt all, A. Mackey, Llou. 6 Camerou, James Armstrong, .1.. White, fltos. Bowman 1) U, William Fearon, lames liuigglo, Wm. Vauderbelt, Lion Wm, Bigler, kiFFIII&----NO. tla 6.THEET, e1T.71313131i0 it do2l:tf J. A. Ll,t'Etl t, Agent. 'HE FRANKED/ . FIRE INSURANCE oompANY, DuLectoss—Cluisles W. Banciter, Thomas Hart, Tobias ti signer, Samuel Grant, Jacob IL Smith, Goo. W. lUeb:l,7d,, ordecai I!. Lewis, Adolph' Born, David S. Browne, „Ver. r . is Patterson. CHAS. N. BAisoFdsn, President. Olden. U. kitaitos_nr., Secretary. 2.ontinne to make insurance, perpetual or limited, on eery lescription of property, in town and , ountry, at ratos at low ,re consistent 'With security. The Company have reserved h large C..untiageht Fund, with their capital and precaufus, safely laves - tad, at ample protection to the aeeured. rho Aseets of the Company, on January Ist, leo:, as pet., Its red agreeably to an Act of Assembly, w e re 1,„, n,ii..,,,,, 017 , 'tortgago p I s.P.:.e IS Seal Estate ~ 1,..77 7, Temporary Loans 63,,e,;; 17 ?Rocks - 61,f51 00 Clash, ico - 64,34t3 ,i 1 Since their incorporation, a period of twenty-one yeart7, they have paid npward of dna Million Four Hundred Thou sand Loollars,l oases by lire, thereby affording evidence of the advantagim of insurance, as well as the ability and disposition to meet with promptness all Liabilities. J. GARDINER OOFFLN, Agent, Office, north-east cur. Wood and Third sta. 7.",.r °TICE TO FARMERS.-- i TURESTUNG 51ACII1NES.—We have la in, e the improved Railroad Powers and Threshers, with Sepnre tors, ready for d e livery, at our sh.p. %Vail these mactlineN any farmer, with three hands and twr horse, Can :lineal 175 bushels of wheat per day, double that qua!) tit) pas, in the most perfect order, and warranted in every •nest. Price $1(10, at tau Seed and A g ricultural Shire, 47 Fifth street, Pittsburgh, Pa novl9 JI,IEt WARDROP. AVE:\ 'S Commercial and Albatros Pens Just secured sad f. ,r ask At the ~,tatty cry Waftc 1:01,1• of UAVE\, Coru , r Mar Lot and ziecorid str,te. BEANS. -4 bbls. Beans in store, and, ur toile by McCA-N DLESS, MEANS Co , PITO Coroor of Wood and Water ,tretuta. For Sale. AGOOD DOUBLE MEDIUM PRRSS, HuitAblr for a coniitry ofik-, rill be sold. Apply at the °lnce of the " \ BARB. & Boat Building. j111 . 075t , 1243tW MOSS.-10 bblB. on hand, and for .aIF 1,71 B rfi }IN ENTOect & oTAsa.-20 easki, first sorts, for sale by 1900 ' 4' )" . 44 TW' ( J Story House on ii.,1.1,1 , ,1 ,tree-t, Aile.slieny $760 for n 1320 - E A PA .--INE.i4T , r 4 I: ;a 00 con. 'nab: , 44.,i11e of 4 r. , ,11th. , ./1 :gooter , y street. A choice - A t PPLES.-50 bbls. Russets, for sale by 1, , d11 , 11 4 tot„,, Cu”" , , eare,t . , Ziontli Pittsburgh. Two M ds2l wm . u . E mprii . f r co . dw-dlitor it us-e, cb.-_,. , , and on easy. terms, is South Pitts -- --- - 1mr..1. for eel, ..v si. CIITIIBERT A SON, 'PILE immense stock of Goods at A, A. MA- ia , i 51 Market s reet. _ .11. SON & CO.'S, is now selling off at Auction, daily. To day and to-morrow, December 11th and r4th, will ue sold, POOKING 7,Ti.),VF,S AND TIN WARE— es shaurt.T, 60 pca. Merinoetr, Pwam , tbas; Alp , , -as; Call, , i,...1 !louse Furniture, llirdware,Druss and Copper Kettles, ruerea, DeLains, &c.; 200 Silk and Velvet Bonnets, latest Brit 9,. Copper and Upilvanized Iron Coal Boxer, Hollow Ware, styles; 1000 yds Silks, Millinery G 0.1,, Embroideries, Laces, brotaunia Te, Sets, Table Cutlery, Bird Cages, Squirrel etc., etc. Sale at to o'clock, A. M. II on-es, etc. Ado, all lam's of Job Work made to order in dell E. W LYND, Auctioneer. the most ENtisfaotery manner, by CILOVES.-1000 lbs. on hand, and for sale by (J S. 4 RALINSEMIIi 00. fa iltodav 0)1,i moms r,..1. M C A N N S_Go,,L3 E SECw. SE , SION OF THE NuK A . A, I. C ~186, at the IRON CITY COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, A . BC it TT, pr „L. P.ftil Sch.; , 124, will comn , ,k,, On Monday Evening, February Ist. (.13..4, will nnivt on :Monday nrid Thursiky . hit(llrfla 1111.rairign if each Valk. $.: per Stisniou ,t LOSS:Mi 1101.tW:NG LESSONS, a MN CITY 1:01111EllcUL COLLEGE! 4'o- 1., fan h-i i; I ON ill E COHN ER OF WOOD AND FIFTH r1,EF.1.1, 100. Dovn.',4 Anction 'loom, is now eion ; 4 ;;o toi - ,- ;;ic.; ,0;.1.,,i10 ,itusk at C *IT PRICKS FOR 1'.t.:!1 ‘/:\ LV. lie w ;II ..41 toot. Black l'uternham ovor r.t. 'hat nso.l ['.roll at . $5,01110r $.3,75 I- lor. Stock Petersham th ei CO.l t 141/0 '' 4,50 13r,,w1, 5,00 " 6,75 - Rat. 41.16 '• • 9,00 " 0,00 • . 4.,...1•110:61 r,,,4 .o - 5,00 " 6,00 k in • 10,011 ° 7.110 • 5,00 " 5,00 • • 0 7 tru " 450 1.1 ... I'li, , Ln . . 10,00 " 0,15) ", hal t ~. 1'1,44 . 0,00 " 3..00 19.ar-k Q,_ 6,110 " 4,50 5..151:,,,s _IX . . 10,00 " 7,00 ~,it,, It . 6,00 " 4,00 0,4)0 " 4,60 Wu „ • WO', C , ,,, 11!1i•rt. ... .. . . 5,00 - 13,1)0 Dr,..wu C10t0.... ........ .......... • 10,00 0 ti,UU 01.6.7 k -6lk 21ott. -...12,00 '• 7,00 :-.6.,,..r Pine 10•• ms Frock Cora, 15,01 '‘ 13,00 `` •` 10,01) `` 6,n11 .„. ni•nin,4 tit tilute rind pflTuf- M n fattAi. del:3 ti uu WORTH D. 1 oj Vlr "11E: CILA NUE EVER ()F -it r.t , L.: etn,p Elabroidt•rftn The• A I; I Je 4.1 " wiihuut r agard TO COST t..4lpt. Mark St...cling 60.,uurl Xi. Jottli ri. Dilworzli, Frauds S,:llere,, WilLnm B. Lla}a. Julia Stlipturt, Waiter kiryiwt, ,21 Ob4l 7 .4 , G!' 00 1 '4l ANNI'Y MISCELLANEOUS. 7 / 5 ( t, / ~ ~ ~, ~ ~~l~,rl~l~~CfJ 1 --,-- \ ( r ~= =--~= NORMAL CLASS. 111•=!111111111 N 11ECllav1CAI, ;ICH ECTUR L, 1 • I) DRA WINO, ...ftf cow TE:i; z: TIME' it l;rli CI:AE.IP CLOTHING. Z. L EISNER, ,SELLENG OFF!! ID"r' ,Lo RE , iAltl) TO ;UST, liard.ei street, PITTSBURCIN, PA r‘f ::11 I , IA tile , Jaunt importation, =EMI , LXICOM LI ulUhlz.4 , 'kirt..; IIMM!IM!I II I Eli'. ASU It ANC Y BOGUS 1.1L5iLE.... , !t0t,, Como Ono, Coule All, awl don't tulqd the phice, .11“, lirikeat , aka e Cot e 3 Wanted, psnA R. L'a la ELL, Gcry iIA‘E "I'AI‘EN the V. . -1,. g0i1 , 11^1.1111 J . , 11 , 1 pr•Tarod to PAY Tug 11 UAllti FUR '2,4.1..,;.it; IST - .ti LAT 111 E. It to Lite propriettabCte LAM:, P8.1, - ,Z6 • , any. t noir, h•tn ut . White ur Ited Wheat. They Intond to duiarna Fawtn Fleur, and are willing to pay a - rnuan. to th. Inrvr r , !LI tL.• 3ll+ipe Of an extra price, to in .1 heat rune a chJice yaaltt Qf Wheat, and to bring It k..iiarket Io Ku.,. unlor 3tlnecral Water Depot. BUN! , UM 11. S. BURKE - R. BUFFUNI Cv ,, liauufacturers ul I In, ,/ i PL AI., ant .t. r b• .1 Li e., .• I ri rtgil Cs cel. brtsted .n tort,/ . , Crle.rtatt 4t.reect, I'iTTSBUII3/1, Pa. , nt!•,l to .11 parts u( U. country ~,rtoet uatlw. aplc,:lydew Lloyd t Co.'s Trausportation C 0.,) & — •1 e .41 r.O .0k Vi aIA Intlthf riteUdiVe.preiral tailAl3 I I:11. r,T A It, •n, itt u prepared to du it utAvy z..1.1.;:kN1A CANAL AN L: RAILROAD, to stud (ruin tilt Eatotcru , •;111 CF:t udo and all those di4p0a4,41 t., pa- LI • .tilcal 1.110 Ce Lonny IV/11101 lalllol,l Nod 11.3111/1311, that 110 131.111, .iL. oplsl v 4 l Ut 111,11110 I. •0331 y 1111/1 sole truant Lot ca ii Lour 11.111r,,ta. 'rue A ',.t.ADA.ct.r. Vf 1 . 111; INCLINED .'LANEb 1 , , A iti..411e1.1) n,u1.14L114, win g ive ENCII.E.iz‘D D.E.,iFITCE ~• •trausuuthwu ,•1 Irt-igha. An experience of ei g ht year, In anui,rtatan. In pruuliaing the 0 ,1. ev,y t or 1.11,.• ;11AI CHU 1,0 puaatbly Unerb•. •iiil 4iitiCo LNN AT TUE CANAL ISA:aIN. L.LoYD A UV Ai)IES' i) MISSE' WOOL 11001 i 1,1.4 j open. d ut Ski AN I CAL. Al AliN ESL grues 1 - 1. •ta tly IS. L. FAI.f.S . ESTJU & Cu. i'..,; 6 ' . II . LLME:N ' STI - CAVELINU6LIAWIS. 15 At, quAllty I. of likaudw' Cue culvr,, re .1 ,Lt 77 alarlzet street. t)tiEIiEEPEI-I'S, ATTENTION. aud Tab!n eutlely I'.:, and C. p r, war, , A.c., fur Sato at KAM Sinklineld et 'a, I JI'BE --j1)(1 lbs. in store and fur B. L. F ALIN NSTOC CO., k...!urutr vvd au ourth strbotd.• I L I AG N 1 CI EN Ilayadare Dress Silks, iy . A . l : 1,1.4-,1 IL./, %Ili Vllieinia4, I,Mla tratalt ul. :41:1VOR, tS.carte, cloaks, To, uud the cliteapeet 1,111 ',Ant asserted stuck or au.] Staple Di) Guelle )tit.he C. 1.1.-gt4LiON Lt VS, , rtler I y 1:,, Xiarket ntroet. ARDA M ENT OF ACTIVE, F, N ERG ET IC BUSES 1: )IES lii:L ~ t ~ o~.c ‘1.,r1 Vc Ler K y ,1111tai this yotii E I t! : ‘,.:\ " 11‘ . :N i ti b I, I N ImENT.-10 I, L. FA II EST , & C•l,' Come, or 14,t1 and Fourth pit.root, III.) 1 4 ,1 i. :111 I, MuLASS - lOU - Oak , • •pera.6.-, pia; Landing mild for sale by _ _ -116 sacks Ear Cora, just re- J Ari A. Pe,TZEJEI, L: AR CORN : , r o o !Jy KIM & SCHWARTZ. * Nos. 44 Wylie, and 102 tirmithfle ertreets, k. R Z • y• to 51 r. F. J meref.l College, Pitts ilovl4:6m(r. EMlllin Aa — At FIICS I`AJef."-er.3 , ind iburtli streets T. KENNEDY A BRO -_ - ---~ IiaKNET4 77 Market street )11:1. 4 Vrtt Fl t..i1.1111 k CO Rp IVuter street S BF* THE II:\ I:1;i: POST. THURSDAY MoRNING LVCORI tht , I..outiClA ti 111,d, .1 An. i 5 J rhe American aurae -Tamer. ht Snit day Itrey, :in American, now on A visit to hueii skill in taming Lim horse and oompl-tuly aubjecting him how , v-,-r will, VICIOILI to hie will and lulstery, is begiuing, t•e attillei public attention, w•.satlorded an 01.p.,rinnity of exhibiting his pe culiar riwers in this capacity before the Queen, the Prince Consult, Inc Princess Royal, the Prince of Wales, Prince Altre,d, and other mem ber, of the Rityill fatuity, with the ladies of the ',urt and most of the foreign Princes and dis tu,guished visitors now to London, including Pence Ft.• let of Prussia, the Prince “t Prussia, Prince Frederick Charles of Prussia Prince Albert Prii , s,a, Prince Frederick Al !Jeri of Prussia Princi, Adaltiert of Prussia, Prince llenenzollern Sigmariugen, the Duke of Saxe Coburg and Gotha, the Duke of Brabant, he Count of Flanders, Prince Wilharn of Baden Prince Edward et Saxe Wesmer and Prince Ju lius ut Holstein Ulmiksmarg The performances of Mr. Rarey, welch were of great interest:, and elicited the amazement of all who witnessed them took place at the Riding-School attached to the li)yal news at I.luckingnam Palace. The bake ~f Wellington, Major General Sir Richard Lard Altr,t Paget, Clerk Marshal; Col. , Clerk Marshal TO the Prince Consort; and Major Groves, i'rown Equerry, were also pres s Tills was tie secenil occasion on which Mr. R trey had aai Ole 0 ,nor of exhibiting his skill bilote her M t . r.-sty iiied Prince Albert The first w it at i .ci, a week ten days ago, when teats tit ;tic ~ :Oeu by theal t h e i„tio, ines :it novmltf, occasioned so high„ a degree of urerest. :Lila iistommluneut to the ray :Li party am to lead w a wish on the part of the Q teen and trio Prince Consort to have the eithi oi Lion repeated. Oa that occasion the subjects on which Mr. Rarity operated were threo in nom 6.ie. ti tl e was a d iiee spirited black horse, of high nervous temperament, which had been re in re! to Mr. 11101er:iota, of Picadilly, of whom h been bitugui fur a large sum of money, ei, the grounds of his being result' and all but unmanageable. Tuts ttuimal, it is but right to b too seen and handfed by Mr. Rarey, tit Mr. Anderson's mtables, prev.ous to his being token t.i Windsor! At the first interview with tau horse in Picadill:y be was placed in a loose box, cum!' Mr, ,+y' entered, cracking a whip. by tins u•tu- , itil extititittJu of violence, iii atom ti struck. nut with beta his hind legs, au ii uttered a kind of savage yell. The COM panty Who uaa as,teni:ded witness the expert meat were then :tatted to WILL draw, and Mr. it Liiey was lets iidoue win horse On being c %lied in again, in lee.. than a quarter of an hour, they were mu:laze:l to tidal the animal prostrate on his side amung st,r:Lu, the stall, with hie hes.i slightly iiii-eel, and Mr w h om h e ,A 1 is eyeing without the symptom of alarm, lying beside mud Mr itarey remained with loin to this p4r,itiotl for some titiv2i, during which tie knocked Abe horse's h.trti and litud hoofs to gether, made a pillow tit his thighs, and finally g at up and ran a heavy wheel barrow up to and around the still prostrate creature, withuut pro diming in him urn :;gn[eHt. SeuHatlOß Of tear. On a subsequent day, in tne pretence of ala i company, the mi.-ttety of Mr Rarey over tit same nurse, Willa' he had seen in the inter „:, itad become bu cvntpletu Ltuir when laid on stile in a lop-ti box, a plank was planed Linst his shoulder to sight of the horse and a I ,rrow run up it. lie never moved A arum was also beaten on his back, and an umbrella opened in his very face ; but he rema nod stock suit, and evinced Lo rtgu Of apprehension. The -ante horse was afterward put through a course :t similar treatment at 'iindsur, before the Q teen. The next subject on which Mr Rarey experitnented before ice Court, on that occasion, wa- a young unbroken colt. brought from a farm ..t Prinoe Atoert lu the viotu tu t which had newer bren hi:milled in any way, and whoa Mr Rarey oid never before 05,111. This colt was led into ,:te tiding-met:out :it Windsor in a halter, and left ail 'lie With the nurse-turner, who intimated a wish that the company should retire fur a tew minutes t t the ft/utter end of the building' This request, ought to be st.sted was not dictated by any -cling on his part that the treatment to which he was about to subject the animal was of akuati shirt the specialo:s WlttleSts without any iiiiiutiuu of pain, I,:iisimpty because, for the pros out, told for ports aen of his own, Mr. Rarey wishes to preserve his own secret. After the iapse of about a quarter of ita hour the Royal party were suminioaai to return, and then they s tw as in the former came Lets wild colt lying on the ground, nod the liorsembouer by his aide, r4nO sat upon him and hamiled alb legs, feet and every other part by turns--a process during which the creature remained wholly passive. After Mr. lterey had parted with the cult, a handsome bay charger, belonging to the Prince- Cims.irt, was brought w hits in tile riding-school. This horse one of mg!, spirit, whlch has always eouw-n great restle-shess while being mounted, i,tl a constant tZudency to wk.(' fright would, it was thought, almost defy Mr. Rarey's attempts to tame inn, ; but the result was it .iioCeS.9flll as in each of the previous instances. In a short time the horse-tamer had him down,also, as sub missive as all the rest, and was seen crawling ,itnuog his legs, sitting upon his shoulders and hips, and knuckiriA Lis hoolii together. Then, iimding the horse rise, which he did instantly, Mr. itarey jumped upon hit back and held 1 by turns an umbrella over his head 'end beat a tat-too on a drum, the hitherto previa, restless animal, now owning subjection to a now master, Nrosining the while almost as aititien i tess a s a , ti-tue. Ali this, of course, made a great int n on the epeClator ,, , but among some e r 'Lein a question naturally arose whether Mr. treatment was capnbie of bong commu u:cated to others uul pracuaed by them i with • lila! Litice,,, or whelb...:r it w2s9 r, thing peculiar himself, fur in the hater case the public bene fit to accrue fruta it would he eomparattvely litu .ted. It is said that Sullivan, the horse-whiep erer, at-i. ho %vat- iles.iptated, t'ron . i tile extraordine cy power he accquireil ever the animal either could not or would not inipart b e secret to any and the inf.:rt.:ace aurae s horseinsn haelong been that it was incommunicable. To show that Ms. Rarey's pr,iii-er in not a thing per,,on-.1 to hitns'!f, he BiIICQ his exhibition if it at Windsor, communicated the secret of it t.i .Major General ha lin:hard Lord Al fred Paget, a:A Col. Hood, under the most striii g,,L,t obligations, of eJurtie, that they will not it to others; and Lord Alfred Paget,_ who is now ;Lb inuidi, of a horse-tamer as Mr. ltarey, on Bitturday ipive a siteee-slut exemplifica tion of his ::kill the Prince t, and tneir lugust 14. king for hie •utject a t,e,:u itful t , i , ;41 •) party belonging I) the Prince of • L A tired was l e ft with the p , I" :L 2:i in the ri ,hug below!, 40-1 the aritni- , :uon of th e royal nasty it pr.,str upon the ground with his lordship sitting, caressing it, Dandling its feet sad ;eg., re,t:ng 11 its haurictiei, and in allre -ets tr , -:acing -p. it in matiner proving its dem ide 1., That over, Mr. Rarey kppeared with the black horse from Anderson's to hiGLI releenee has been made, tut his nit-aery 'll, , showed in a va riety of ing, hiturelf at one end of riding-nehooi, he called to the animal, Sic ch he had Lett at. Ike other, and it immedi. ately cantered t,war.i p pl,yfol manner. It lay down" at his bidding, or followed him like t -bur round the builcbcp,.. When down, a plank was laid upon his shoulder, up which Lord Al fred Paget ran a Wilet!.biAl rucsr. Finally, when the horse had regained his lego, lit was mounted by \-I.r Rarey, who se.,; n the animal's crupper with his back to the head, beating a drum and crackmg a whip over bun, this treatment result ing iu neither motion nor fear on the part of the horse. One of the fine stud of oream-col ored horses belonging to - hor Majesty, was next subjected to the ruauti ulau , n of dr. Rarey, with au equally successtul and surprising result, co far as laying the animal, Niqt - ich is an entire horse, down, was concerned, and handling.him all over .with the most perfect freedom, the horse tamer not deeming it desirable, on so short an acquaintance, le carry the f miliarity to the ex tent of opening an umbrella in his face, or crack ing a whip, or beating a drum over him. Be sides the frequent display of some vicious pro pensities, this particular animal of never permitted any one to ride him ; but he al- FEBRUARY 18
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