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I s :, . -f, a 1-, , .., ',F,''. 4 1 , • . 1 '''q e g ~; -... t , .4, ... ti•al ~1,,,,pr° -1 l'' .1. t. 14, ...''' --' ) , ''", ' .i , ..0. i s ~, ~ ,t ,i. •I' 2 ,„i ,•• , . ;.• , ' ,J* 0' i, 6 ''. i ' - iti. ----. 7 ---"' t . ..;‘7 - .-- '4..\ - -- -- • ~ 1. ~i4 , ›iilti , r ~ ,r , . , r o ,t ; p ,„"..°0-,,, , ,,i4.,„ -- -.- '-. '4' . t .., ~,-, ‘4 - •-•- - , -4 1 . ' 41 , 4.. -i t ' - - - ... ,•- 1. ;.. 0 . r .5.... -- .- .....,10-• .. . ' ' • x. A 1.1 , ''' 7 - '‘,,..,...' :•• - ,.. ti k ' 1 , 5 . , ,, ' ' . ::,,,!,1% ' ;, '-, : -,. • N . - , 4. • r -- , ,.:.g-A. „ . ~- .• . , ,A st ... ,. 4 .i i i* 4105' #A 0 p 4'4414 , o.4tVt d *,q'i::;4 AN , r • 4 * t . 4;"' etkie2LitSl44 4 4 l 2 4N4`404,0;14r..41,06i4 110 °f 3I V6 E.101, ' VABLE and CIO .." ° v;,l;9y z amaller lug* . num fOr 111LXIXdilg bliiiding3 of sTßAlltl AXING Ate ! every n sixl m o bev pi tatet i ot Lg. m u atca etoiz.st#TE • . WATBVIP 447!tr7. - bmi4. eu t in i s treorFzplari, for ti37lttirmor 12.....rtorforte,"etalawc..Thr, ittazA.-34.7ind per . I* TP-ttlirgi. )o6al47 - , Oni'GAß Af!! , facteries. tnllllioga, kA i ._ %-110T - Al ll -0 conma „ *444rlAfttt'S It2°..arjr,Dllo.3,'WONGS:dthetlnPPtlYl*l7l anitswolo er Oo r i s m Boer and' _II a sr i rOtt, El Cal ty,ef.pattenu'rix tortd PENNIIIMIIio eir 'lnmates andmirror maitde ENASINLIID,OkATM3 AND VSNDEft 8, or home and itsi. ern mazotfactlae. 110 T Alit AND YENTLLATIPO‘ ENOISTIEms, b Nl e reioE Pik SPEAXINO TUBS CO AND TIN ROOF 2NCUii4 litali9 AND MON IfITTINGIBuf every desetiption- for et .itavegoitOckil, tees, elbow; & c, in every Ate. Mosul. . . • ',Addl.' iIIIASS AND TriON,P.ITTINO, or Plumbing. HATE WATER CLOSETS, LEAD veymo:K. thehost description of Plumh. er's muteriulth FCBAB ANYDLIV LPII wrought Iron PiPe, Sit!weas, IitABBLEIZIMITION - avA zm-STAXD TOPE PM BASINS. GALVAIiiii,NDJBMPASItiat - AIND• VAST S. 46.4:-YiTl2ll.4l4,lidanitterielf stuiety. CLUMLIEES, BRACKETS, PENDANTS, &e., ninny, ap2o:iind 1113111Z1 ~.~~ ~!.. ~~~; OPENING this day, a large nsstrttnent Wateloes. Gold Levers from $27 to s2(n. Levers from $l2 to SSo. - Silver Oillndera from $4 to $lO. Itallmd Time Keepers, $lO. Frodalnam's Chronometer Series. $2OO. Do. in Silver Cases, $175. Chains, Seals Keys, &c. iVatclies repaired In the beet manner by mys W. W. WII,BON, corner of Market & eta. 8 111NDRIES-- Nu boxes Monk] and Dipped Candles. 25 do Star do 100 to Rosin Soap. 310 kegs assorted Nails. NO do r. Corn Broom, 60 bales No. 1 and 2 Batting. 25 dot. Bed Cords. 25 du Bucketa 10 do Tabs. In More and !or sale by reys JOHN MOORHEAD. F RE SH PINE APPLES.-3 eases, first . f scason, lest received per Express, and for sale by ap22, . B.BYMBR & AN DBRBON, No. 29 Wood st. BAWERS.—We have now on hand a Tu D aisoranenter Linea, Muslin, Lade Thread.oause, M. rtuo, atanDottoo Dyers W . ell also( at L RIBAHRNI.D & SON, ; .No. TO Wood street frIIIIMNEY TOPS-300, of various putterns, IL) for eale'hy [opal HENRY H. COLLINS To LET—A large and commodious Ware am saluted in one of the beet business squares on Weed st mo, reet. Enquire Of JOHN HAFT, Ja, eon ' Corner of Sixth and Wood ---TEARIN CANDLES-40 boxes just reed S and for sale by (sp2fi) SPRINGER I:UEDA - UGH. LARD -47 bble. to arrive and for gale 1)9- spy SPRINGER HARBAIIOII iIsTELE sALT — F - olt EAlititY USE. received and .fur sale by ap2 RHYMER 3 ANDERSON. BEDFORD MINERAL WATER.-10 haff bbai,itot. received fresh tram the Seri nini and fur sale by traYs.l MOOfeIIEAD. _ _ _ .TW PAPER HANGINGS. &gust, Plato nod Thpeetry Patterns of brillbult colors, ch-manufacture, with a greet variety ofArnerieen Wan Paper and Borders. Nur Mite by • span W. P. hiwasrica CO. . lre Wo e d street.- 11 ATERRIPES.:—Stone Water, for A ewe Kirnartr. e. r.. -1.4" E MS. I -20 -bash.' of 016 .E 014411 Mt. card. and pleikarira granaduanae tenalvad :or sale et ttie seed and Agricultural Store - Tr& al Ellik aprl9 JAMBB WdEDS4,24 .t.tdl,l # t •„ 1 -'1;." •.. • . N Tran)A - b T AT 71-frsin - .! • 4. .. , • - - - 4, WILLI . . & ALLEN DrLumBfScg'4A.S!XITTING; & sTE Am .I. FITTING. 25 JUZ4 I4, " 43 WET PI TTSBURG If." wAnalso. ism] 5,Wr - - 1 4 , : i i, ,, 81 1 , !i i,he /4'4 Mgr 2144".nre. ' • 44, tti*tte.c 11, 1 ughliflfill o - : • 6 ..,., ~: ". mopes N y :-.., a.riAl../ FURVACP: • frjIb 7 ':APAMS EXPRESS . - Com ..E.:.:MTSMIREiIkit()CIiESTErt. AND NEW .RRIGIITON EvitEss:_,por_„the especial aecommodation of the large line of the Ohio aud Pennsylvania Raid. roaa,6otwreitlhttsburgh and New Brighton, whose intimate buitinessiind Social relations require such Agency, THE OA - aIgALILPRESS COMPANY have made such arrange. meht with thiSidlniall ea to enable Theilt to put a trust r Messenger on - the ..thsuestessilation Train, who will tel.', charge .4 an Property and business properly entrusted p. him. We Will leave New Brighton by the Morning Train, remain, In Pitlidritrgh and Allegheny City timing the day attend td .awb eatostuosions as may he entrusted to him, nud return' by the Rveniug Train ' with his Cants and Commie. Mons executed. All goods, kc., will be delivered or called for In the, two cities, within reithonable distance, xithout extra charge; but to insure ouch delivery, the direction on imam. y,for prirote houses,stionld. be explicit. . g! lt Whorls, matter will be left:with ale Station Agent of llfe 'Railroad Company, when the proper party is not* the &Oen on the arrival of the Train,do receive his The elisrlive for carrying package; ac., and for services rendered by the Messenger, are Intended to be within rea m:maids limits. When the nature of the business is such as to albeit of it;Specialagreementa will be made. ILMINRY R. IRVIN lout been appointed Messenger, sod will commence his duties on Monday. December 24, D 355. comers AND AutINTK, Pittsburgh-64 Fourth street. Allegheny City—Zystpli Office. ay. Rewiatley Elation—Mr. McLaughlin. Rochester—Mr, White. Beaver 7 ,Dr. Chandler. New Brighton—Mr. Hoops. Ornos AD.ur.s &rims. Co. I Pittsherglklhr. 20t1r, 1852. f T' 0 THOSE WHO WISH FARMS ! ! !—To We FERTILE LAND at a CHEAP PRICE, and t , II easy terms, your attention is called fd the Ridgeway Farm an d coal coMpany. 'Twenty-five =Ms, or Mgr. in PaTor tiondausiven for )Or payable in Instalments of $1 week orper mouth. It is located to Elk county, Pa, and has ontr of the best markets for Ito produce in the State, The soil la a rich loam, and is not to to, stirpassNl for fann ing, as examination will chow. It hi ALL COAL LAND, underlaid by two rich vein•, which, on' account- of Its facility to the Lake market, will shortly become of immense value. The Sunbury and Erie It. IL passes directly throno it, which is now under Co2l - from Erie to within a short distance from way. The Allegheny Valley IL IL also passes through connecting It with New York and- Pitteburgli. The Thais-o at' it is of the meet valuable kind. Title unexceptionably good, and warraidee deeds are given. It presents a c0,..1 and substantial opportunity to commence farming, providaoc for one'. children, or making an inintittuout sure to increase iu value. A new era is now opening to this region of amo try, Ind it cannot but become of great value. In a shoo t time OM Land will be treble its preeent price. Further particulars can be had from the pamphlets, which are scut to enquirers. Letters smswered promptly. Apply or address SAM'L W. CATELL, 1.35 Walnut st., PhDs Fali information le contained In the pamphlets. I feb;-.:On 0. 1,..600TT 0. 00001 , .. BROTT & CURTIS, Dealers in Real Estate, St. Anthony Falls, NI innesotu Territory. Land hoof lit and sold throughout the Territory. Money hewed., invest • meats made to tiro beet advantage. and Land Warrants loes led. Also. Agents for the sale of bite lu the town of sr. CLOUD, 66 miles from St. Anthony. and head of naytguh..o above the falls. The survey of Ito , great Puente bathos I crosses the hitsalasippi at this point, nod the numerous vantages it possesses an a place of htenuees, will make it te. of the largesd i eltity In the 'Northwest. Rs:Governor Ramsey, Minnesota. Ikm. Wm. H. Welsh, Olio( J 1.14, (,1" Hon. J. Meeker. lion. H. hi. Rice, Delegate to Doms,. Rice, Ifollingshead Ir. Rocker, Attorneys at Law. Messrs. Borup d Oaks, Ltankem. Rev. T. H. Fullerton, Register of 12. S. laud ()Biro. eep3:l E QIIINCEY'S NEW VOLUM ES—anl D other new Books, just received by John S. Davison, Market, near 4th area. Be Quiz:mays Memorials, 2 rota. Contributions to Literature; Descriptive, Critical, /1111... r. on; Biographical, Philosophical and Poetical, by &atm I Winona, 1). D. Popular History of the Norll4l 1111.1 e, Conant. At Home and Abroad, or Things and Thoughts in Am, ri. ea and F.urtme, by Margaret Fuller (Wadi. linotrhsige Power, a view of the Produetiyo Forims of Modern Society. and the Results of Labor, Capital and Skill, by Charles Knight; numerous engravings. The Heroes, or Creek Faii y Tales for my Children, by her. C. Kingsley. Hypotla, - hy soma &nth° r. Edward Clifford. or Memories of Childhood; Carter's Loot Juvenile; Motleys Dntch Republic, in cloth and sheep: Wire's taws of the Ancient Hebrews. A Second Journey Round the World, by Ids Pflefei. The Queen's Sermon, It. , ligion in Common Life, by .Car. Pedlield's Comparative Physiognomy. 'Miss iteecher's New Baas, Physiology and Colisthanie ercases, and attars to the People on Health; also, her Do mestic Economy and Receipt Houk; the tired Book. for The Wonders of Science; or Young Humphrey Daly crin• Cornish Apothecary Roy, who taught himself Natural Phi losophy, and eventually became President of the Riyal So ciety.) the life of a wonderful Boy, written for Boys; illio tratM, only T 5 cents. Abbot's Learning to Think and Learn ing o Talk. Dicken's Little Yolks, for Children, 6 vole-, do. HALF-HOSE--Blewled, unbleached and inland cotton, of beat Engllah and German make; also, silk, merino and merino feet, now on hand at L. lIIRSIIPELD & SON'S, Vaff Nu. n Wood street. OIL CLOVES-6616i. for Etale by np`i B. A. PAIINESTIKIi & ACOMPLE'T'E 1.13 T OF MONTIILI kfACIAZIN ES, for 51sy, 1556: alurper's now monthly Iliarrrinu. Putnam. monthly linulterhOcker ; ..r N..w York monthly 11 ou.ehuld W0r.1.---cookluct.,l ly Chad., 1... Latly's 11...14-I,llr.r..dplntr. Graham's An.r.cost monthly Alnglmmo. Peterson'. Lady'. Nittl..hal halloo's Dollar month 1)121log.7..111... Harper's Story Bo u t The Museum. The Schoolfellow for Boye and Prank Leslie's New York Journal. Prank "Leelle's Gazette of Paslibm. Yankee Notitate; full of immic Blackwood's Edinburgh :Magazine for April. Chamber. Journal (London le.dition) for April. Just received and for tale by W. A UILDENFENNEY & CO., my 3 Fifth street, opposite Ile Theatre. MAGAZINES! MAGAZINES!! Frank Leslie's Fashion Rook fur May. Freak Leslie's N.Y. Journal Uoday's ladies' Book ss rahanz's Magazine Peterson's Magazine Ballou's Magazine Et 44 llowiehtdd Words Harper's Magazine ' 44 Putnam's Magazine 44 44 Kelekorhocker Yankee Notions' Blackwood's Magazine for Loudon News and Punch fur April 19. For silaby IL. MINER & Oft . - i Y .. t:' ' l l-;' 4' • • t ' • ~• ••• 010 "Ni s. • „ 7 . - v..Za • , • • ``-*, 'Ar• • e - - • FMM=WIM ~-~--fir - 4 1 1 1 A4ta des, Red.: used o..2l•o&B"Patettt illFalobet . ou taluttet the eunuch lot they,pptugto,hajegleett . eptite estiehmtion to our eutitontenti,i•eilittrhollettifillion reco mmending them t7..1 article, andoupoh preferable on account of their siniPii , ity of conatruction, to the old fil#lllolo4 Oil I.llobed, Or any Irrller of 'Willett we hare any kuonledge. I'vry reepectfulty youce, • • ' - • F . &W. M. FABER kCO, Aught° Rulltlere Thin certifiee that the Oil Cup patented by Mi.:Trott has been in use on our road for two years past. We find it to ho an economical and durable OS Cup, and can recommend it as such. GEO. W. GEIER, Foreman of Pittsburgh Shop of Penna. Central HE. November Sfith,lll64. • To. hi. P. Eaton, Ego.: This 'Certifies that vrahave had hi use the (Went Oil Globes or Cups, sold by Moses E. Eaton, Eatb, of Pittsburgh, and consider them very meek soperior to any thing it the kind we hare ever used. Treasurer Ohio Tool Company. Colombo., Ohio, Naromber 21;1855. a 124 This invention is intended for use where it is &aired to im part n fine, smooth, and glossy surface to the wood; but it is applicable, with advantage, to all kind of carpenter's planes. The novelty consists in placing the cutting chisel. or hit , in front of tic wedge, instead of behind', &ail common planes; also in applying a inetVlic month Piece to the Ism of tau• plane, In front of 1110 chisel, which month piece serves as the rest for the chisel, and confines the throat of the plane. • But the mouth piece Is so close to the edge of the.bit aA-to prevent the plane from ripping or splintering the wood in the least degree. Indeed, we have seen the implement up plied to mho planing of wood against the grain, and trans comely to the grain, tearing the wood perfectly smooth. 8o perfect is the operation of this Instrument that it may be ap plied to the planing of seueers--with entire success—a thing which cannot safely be done by the common plane. The peculiar arrangement of the month piece, bit, and wedge, nilords a complete and firm bearing fur the bit throughout its whole length, and dirpennes, under all eir. cum stances. with the use of a cap or double hit. Thle is a very simple and (-tractive Improvement, destined. we have no doubt, to find its,way into eymyycarpefiter!ii shop In the land. Nu tool chest - is compleie without it. The in• venter is S 1 m. C. itoppe,r of Pittsburuh, Ba.,ared hhi Patent bears dale January Ifl, 44' MOSES F. EATON, No. 139 Bind street, Agent for the µMonti.. A CARII—I, request, the attention of my JCL frinuda and time to my stock of SPRING AND 'SUMMER GOODS, Which I think contains a Inrger variety of rich styles than any other thrum purchsea. I have taken epeeist pains to obtain all the shades of FANCY CLOTHS nenternlly desired, viz Pease, Dahlia, Mulberry, Brume, Drab, Brown and Clive, with various tints of tires,, Mid MU, I bare OilSerlriXithenalusearo 1p !electing my FANCY CASSINIERES, which embrace a duke , assortment of light colors, Kincaid.. for l•wening dress IaBA mourner season, with a number ..f Black kla.stic Figured Goods; also, intended fur the hot weather. My stock of VESTINthiI Ls an large as can be found elsewhere, eoniprlaing every variety of Silk Patterns; plain Ord ligured Ureitaditias and Marseilles. My assortment of Bays' etotian g htt. ben Itt , nttott.tl tom 1 too prepare.' L, fill all ,ilern in this branch with her, haiinfilelitofl to mydelf and buyers than hitherto. I wool.' gill special attention b. a .4.1.4 . 4 pnttty small PLA T peculiarly adapted to eltildreit's dress, which, I think, 1.11. clot fall to LAVAS& Also, Draettaa, Argentine Lnetrea, Mtda Merillose, French Nankinnettea Drab ItalLitt Cloths. will, numerous styko of Worst...land Linen (locals, intenth-d either for niert's or boy's clothing. ap . 26:lntd&w SOLOMON STONKR, 80 Wo.al st. NEW CLOTEIINO STORE, No. 4 Sixth street. opposite Liberty. Th. subscriber Is*, just el •••Tl ed this new eittaldbiliment, where he has always on hand :t large and choke assortnient of all articim of Cl.Ollll \ winch he warierita'imual Td any in the city, and will sell at the mart reasonable price. The public are requested to ONO him a call. [mara.ly) B. OPPP.NBP.IIIIICIL _ • ANNUAJ, STATEMENT of the Coueee tient. Mutual Life Intim - twee Company, for the y ear endiug, llst January, lard; : linlauco per statemout 3 3 ut. 1,141 wiry. 3 &. 6 ---V.164,450 43 received fit and rilska during tha year. Intore-4 " • " . rotarrompti (Or the year. 4:66,983 7.1 Dednit paid ettlatiets, medical exaM luatiota, 114Vevtlsing, print ing, ststioueey, runt, Mien, pa:4ll4M mnanuimion to ...... . 11..&T 15 " loseran uu 113 pull- • liividAnuin during tint puir...=.1.746 00 ... 14 `` Presinuiu Notre on Curie 4,4.-11 Net Lalauce, dun. 31, Ou 22 pulicara dun, and awaltlug pnxtf...s4ll,6ou ANSETtt. Bond n. 1,1 Mortgage; luaus oil lieel EmiAto Vi 43.416 34 ilauk SI..cL Loam. 4&.0 I,lt, US, city, and other cur. 43,302 79 Mortimge Ronda, Bank find other etoeks Cash In bank-- 00,129 34 Prandnut notes, bee, Mg it per cent. intnnan 1,050,448 02 llalauee of in,111101.111 in tho lewd+ of Agetste and in transit ..... .• 21.475 09 .2,271,53; 4, Am.,unt of lve% during the yew.. $221,115 111.) Total amount of 'imam paid to datA.1,304446 42 Total aulotiiit of dividends paid t o dale 000.434 Du Thu altrecturx hare declared a di rldrild 1.4 credit of 40 cent. on premiums pled upon LI FK Pollen.* during the nod 16 per cunt. Upon the premiums on short term Foliele. January 3/, UUY 11, 1.1114L111, A. A. CA RAUCH A UItU. , Agents, ap,ls:4Aril owner Fourth Sillithillgd FILM. J. T MAT PITACL. VREE OF CHARG E SPLENDID P EWE Egli ILA VINtl S. rot i tied •• Bolton Abbey Ili I tin Nth, Xitnea" a .pleiolui suet engraving, In to the rhla brute,' paiuting by Landeeer; od the ... Departure of tbe lerat,lit,a from Egypt," s large and beautiful engraving fret, a paiutiug by I). Roberta. The retail prior of the bore rli graTing, la $3 1,3 r copy, but will be Nod frrr of clump., oo follows: The tialairriliere have eatablialied a BOOK AGENCY In Phileanlplint, and will furniali any book ur publication et the retail pile, free 01 !wattage_ Auy penionw, by forwarding the nubacription price of any of the $3 Hag/maim., such nn Ilarpeea, Putnatil'a Graham a, Prank Leslie'. Peale wain, Ar. , will I tveiTt the inagiuGuea fur one year, and a copy of /pith., el the ale,. beautiful eugrai hi., free of elutr,/e. or If etilaieriletc: te as, mud asl Magazine atieh Peter non o ind Chnllrt, e 1.4•411.15' Chi Int.. Annlani, they will te 4.1V0 both nun r ,etialueit and a copy et either of the above ell graviugn. Es er3 ileserlption id Engraving .in xis ~1 1. neatness and despatch. %lewd of Buildings. Newspapee Headings, V sewn Machinery, !ouk. Illindrativrot, lasi... Oortilirems, Business Ls` trds, ay. All orders sent by seal promptly attended tu. Persons wishing view. oi their tinil.l logs emosved, inn amid a daguerreotype or sketch ol the bedtime by mail or expenses. Persons at a distance having Dateable articles would find it to their advantage to address the oubscribcra, no we w,ooc art m agento for the sale of the same. BYRAM HERON, apltialawly6o South Third street, Philadelphia. BUSINESS! BUSINESS ! tfil I. PROPERTY FUR SALE—Eltuate on Big Si- Doekley, it mill house of 3 stork. ' 3 run of stone, stunt new anthill other gearing and fixtures complete. Aloe, 11 saw mill, 3 good frank, houses, :5.1 ucreo of land. Prim s;,t,uou A STEAM SAW MILL, Situate uu the Ohio river, near St Mary's, 60 miles below Wheeling. Price $1,500. TANNERY FOR SALE, situate at Moundsville, Ya. , with veto, shops, ac., all In good order, large dwelling house, 1: acres of ground, &c. MOB SLOW. ap2s S. CUTIIIIEII.2' k SON 51 alarket at Jrto. R. Kum% late of Humphreys, Hoffman & Kismet, Milk. IL W. Underlain ].ate of Pittsburgh. KOONS & HERSTINE, Fl lOURFACTORS, AND Generil Produce Commission Mei Jhants, 47 NorU, IV/tames and 95 North Mier. Vs ...at, Wow Race street, lIISYRR TO Bagaley. Worxiward & Ch. Phil. i Bryan, &moody & Pltis'lL Garrett. Martin & Co. " L Wilmarth & Co. Wood & Oliver, •• Hull & Liggett, •• Sliter I rice &Co. ••J. & W. limit •• Caleb & Co. " Mtg.ley, Cosgrove & " Truitt, .rother & Co. " Watt & J..b. Lolinior & Co. Ciocitinati. Fosdick Foulds, ()Mei noati. A. A. Pollock & Co. • " 51urrow & Gottior, •• Tweed & itihloy , " J . S. Chenowetit & Cu. •• And Pittsburgh and Philadelphia Merchants genet ally. Jxkhdapegm WANTED—Six good Girls, to do:general housework. Two or three god Cooks for city and country. A Boy of 17 to /cam a trade; must he wall recolll• mended. Also, places for four or five Girls to du chain ber ur dining-room work. Four Boys In stores or to run errands, and five or nix men /finny kind of employment. Apply at LOIVRIVS Ne 4, Intelligence Office, fetal No. 14 Fifth street. PRUSSIAN 131,uE----15 cases for sale by IL A. FAHNESTOCK & CO., • corner Vital and Wood .1 abet. D RIED PEACHES.-200 bush,. Bright Halve% Pearboa, in store and for sale by FORSYTH &SON?, amyl 7b Water etnvt. BACON.- • • 10,000 Bacon Hams. 15,000 " Sbooldera. 10,000 Sides, In atom and fur sale by FORSYTtI k SCOTT, toyl _ 75 Water street. POTATOES --150 bus. White andßlue .IC7i;- nbannocks for salo by I myl HENRY U. COLLINS. .1) OLL BUT'PER-3 bbls. tine fresh for soleji_t# by my/ lIENRY IL COLLINS. A• A. MASON & CO. ' will open this intoin'- A. 2500 of jlerage de Lefties at 12%. Aleoo6ooo rut& of Muslim de Lattice at Whs., worth libc. CA. MASON & CO., are N.,/ new recuivitut sonic /op pieces of rich Challies at 6 and le cents per ye: Not [.suer prices. myl AA. MASON & CO., are now opening • some OW mums of Nem/ tio:xls, Just purchased at a ',treat redaction In priced, and. much leas than the ant of im ,pPitatiou, and will be sold correspondingly low. 'S 1. POTATOS. -50 ..bnahels, ." -01,66. °ale " •kJ l,ated Purple Chill, one of thesnostreitaole and value. I'6 Potato.. known, at 47 With street. . ;. . specs JAMAS ••-• - • ''.4ll k"" -4titt A Ltl3.Eli THOMAS, [From the New York Scientific American.] Patent Finishing Plante;-;' CLOTHING. $it.'2,411 144.1Z4 (11)9 ,ncimbog sat.- Utle unpaid 1.1 yr...a.r EfEEZIE IMENII PIIILADE mire • - ;,` •i• , . I P2 5,4 ' •.; :Tr- . 4414! ~~ ~~~ Y~ ' - t:sStritA N e .-• r - 1:4 1 A11:511 RS ' 'AND AIECIIANICS' LIFE, RR AND ..MAIIINE INSURANCE (XLILFAL4I7 UN YIITLADELPIIT.t. Ogrital " 5:;1110.,000 Amount securnlyiurested - $ , :t10,000 This Company effects Niro un Furniture, &c. Marine Insurance on Ve,oubi, argo and Fredght. Inland 'lnsurance on Goode, by Ricers, Lakes, Canala,ltedlronda r aml Land Carrh4te generally. Also, Inam ranee upon Liven, upon the most fitruraide terms. Run. Tbomss B. Florence, ilimmet E. Nea t Oeorgt. IL Armstrong, Cl=los Dingee, RI. P. Middleton, E. IL Frelmbold, :t g" i lelnkbold, . Fred. C. Brewster, ifetosMandergetil, lease Leeob. THOMAS B. FLOILENCR, President. EDWARD IL lIILMBOLD, SecrelAll. PITTSBURGH REFERENCES. ion. T. BL Howe. Hon. J. H. iirelintock, lluu. P. C. Shannon, Col. S. W. Shirk, Run. J. 11. Guthrie, A. B. fil'Calmont, Esq., Thomas 3. Keenan, Esq., Wilson M'Candleati Esit Cu!. J. Heron pouter, Get. 3. K. blourhenil, It. M. Riddle. The character of the above Company 11 of the first class, and Conlinltes the rare and unusual privileges of Fire, Menne and Life insurance. tientlenteti of elevated standing are associated in its Man ligament, and interested as titockholders. TIIOIIAS .1. HUNTER, Agent, No. ISt Water ermet. Jr, THE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Off DEnacreas—Cliarles W. Banker, Thonnur Hart, Tebia. Wagner, 88IIIlltd Litant, Jacob IL entli, Lied. W. Richard., Mora D, Lewis, Adelphi E. Berle, David E. Breath., 31,ir. CHAS. O. BANCERII, Secretary•. Continue to make insirrance,i,erpetunl or limited , on ivory deseriptlon of property, in town and country, at rates on low as are consistent with security. 4 The Company have reserved a large Contingent Fund, which, with their capital and premiums, safely Invested, uG ford ample protection to the assured. The Assets of the Company, on January lot, 1851, no pub lished agreeably to au Act of Assembly, were as follows, viz : Mortgage $918,128 Real Estaut 84,377 7.4 Temporary Loans 83,814; 17 Stocks '61,859 Ott Cash, Ac 61.346 81 Blnee their Incorporation, a period of twenty-one years, they have paid upward of One Million Four Hundred Thou sand DeHam haloes by tire, thereby affording evidence of the advantages of insuraure, as well as the ability and disposi rh to meet with promptness all liabilittee. J. GARJJLN Kit COFFIN, Agent. ap24 Office, uortheast oar. Wood and Third r:+. PENNSYLVANIA INSURANCE COM PAM', OM PITTSBURGH, corner of Fourth otol Stuithhohl mtreete, AUT HORI 7. ED CAPITAL, $300,000. Insure Buildings and other property against hats or dnur age by rir«, and the perils of the lies and inland Na , twit v•n and Transportation. DERSCTORR. Wm. F. Johnston, Hasty Patterson. W. ArCh Mock, Kennedy T. Friend, 1). Al. Long, I. Orler Sproul, A. J. Jones, t.leorge K. What+, Jecub Palmer, A. A. Carrier, James S. Negley, W. S. Raven, Wade Hampton, Park, Jinn. IYM. JOIINST()N, Tr.,bient. RODY f•A'r11:IISON, Vivo Prelndet. A. A. CARAIIII, P.crotury and Troteurer. S. S. CARRIER, Assistant Secrrtars. dr< 2.61 n THE ITNITED STATES LIFE INSi: RA NCE. ANNUITY AND TRUST CUMPAN Y. PHIL... DLYHDI.--Chart,r.l Apra Ib.O. Chador lwr wJ CAPITAL, SIIIALLESO. Ot eouth,..t coriwr of and CLcrtu ut KIT Plci la. lelphie. OFFICERS OF THE MIMI.: BOARD AT FOIL A El.l' II IA eteplie-o IL Crutrford, Pan' H. 1343,1thrt1, Ambrose W. Thorni.,...n, lawreurt• Johunon, heounmin W tleo. WI! en I Jnc,•b I. Florence, Jwtrn Dever”tit, Willinm M. tlo.l3will, Witlmzu 31ekiee. Pl'estdenl—itepttrn R. ernwfor.l. 13, /3-.4.3lent—Aulbron W. Thompson. Metlicul Krttlniner-111tsturgh--Jaules 11. Wilson. 11. 13 f Wy—lt. IL Mowry, M. U. 01 , 31. F. ALIINOLth No. 74 Fourth street, I'ittmburich. Pittsburgh Dollar Savings In No. in .kburth JY rwt, IIEXT DOOR TO TOE PITTASUR.OII BANE, Is NOW OPEN daily from 9 to 2 o'llovk Weduntda . ) and .'Hardie, evenings, trout ; to J a flint.. Dev.lts rwris,4l of an MUM. not le. than Of,. lAA tar. and a dividend of the itrulita declared tune a year, tn Jan and lledentlarr. I tilertut Wag d0d0...a at the rate of tux [...1-tsollf. tsollf. ion ALIO 11M, on the fina of December. 1506 4 Books containing the Charter, Hy Laura, Ruin. and liegn latknia, furnleltA gratis, un apt ,11.tia,ai at the other. Prf-Sofeot—to Or) Itt• fs A LifittlY, ricn Johli 11. Stke.ntrerger, Char lea Alutyp, :S. ';rattan dlurpby, Thoolvald linthatatt ter, hunt M tott....k, M Muni J. Anderson. TIWISTII2I. Hopmell Hepburn, Ovorge It. Whit., Juni,' W. Haiti - nun, Alysakutlk,r Ilro William Phi!Him, - . John 0. Rachofen. James }ford:rnt. Hill Ilurgw3h. John M. liirkpntrick. All,•rt eullrerinon, John I). NVl.‘ont, IC)..bert Ch.,tt••r. lb)lw)rt Morrow. J. i iwrdiner I. •.)ltin . I% alter P %Innlin)), Aloof,' A. Carrier, A. M. Poch. t., John S. COOIgrILV, Henry L R 11104,1), Cloh - hw A Castle)), R-01.11 Rohh. E. ti. Ealrizsgt.l, troorgo It. 114thilo, Fraitri9 Felix. Joni„ 1th....L., tlt,r{^• P. Wilmot)), Jame.) Sind), Jnonw S. Ilenn. tie.w.n. M. SelJen, Wtlltnnt S. Haven, Alex.nnter Tsislle. Sevrertary and Tr...urer-4'llA Itt.L24 A LN )I.TON Jyllhdly 2.0tr.t,!k41 u. EH= 1,8. r a• BANKERS AND 13R(.)K.11,'R.5. AUSTIN LOOMIS, Stock and Bill Broker, .are No. AT Fourth ahoy.. ‘v,„„l In a n.. Ihnuta. MOrt4ol,:t.. nn , i 14. .41 t . ..11.1t, nenotiatoo Stork. 14. - .ught a1..1 4.4.1 1.1, 01 Lund IVarrau., 14.urlit ant a. 1.1 Fait willar tent...o paid to the putt LuH, out gale of C. pro ' , hob. All conntounit-ALlota 1ut0n.1.41 to prompt!) jant 1101.:§1ES & SONS, Banker,. and Ex . change ltroltora, awl Deulerm in Non-, bran, Accept • 21/KVA. (bold, Silver awl flank Nob,. Faeliango int the 1.7.1/4- ern 4.14 IVeatrrn Cotie....nertantly P., male. llollectioni male in all the rib.," throughout tb.. Cartel State... Ih•tannia ro.l.tred In par fitn.L4 •urtent N... r.1.1' 4tro.ot • last wnet. Thud tout Fourth Ina E. A IiNOL D & CO., Bankers and Ex k_A • elmuKt• Broker., Dealer,. In Exchangr, Coin, halt:, Notes. ?light sad '11n... Colfortt.tin carefoli, tunalot/ to, nod retuate.l to any Irart of tho Crw n, iltocka bought and rwdrl on C4.11111164Ri1,11 Ahr . No. 74 Fourth str.et, [tent 111.,1" o, rho !tank burgh. JOll N WOODS, Banker and F:xeliange Broker, boater it. filchasigo, Counnor, jai a... 1 Itahl, Notoa. sink bunght tool r0.1.d 00 1'4.110..0 1%.111, t 101 i. carefullv at tetuhal h.. Interval paid ott 4.0'- No. 611!,t Fourth stroot. nearly optuantn nip SI 31. Bank. tit" I ti ri I i.IOMAS WOODS, Cumnlereial Broker, and Ih.ler in N'oo'n, Bonds, Stonka, tooth lientto, dr , No. 7.5 Fourth ntrort, hU•sbark,,h. Jan!. DRY GOODS c;()( )1)S. 7 4 '1 frt.. t . AO.. ritAA e A I.AI jA.t Ar” OA, ArrtNal I l/kAWN, t.. A bleb Likey wtAll particAlal Aticuis.q. At thew cuAIAnIAA, awl Ow p.urrally 11. start, 0111 Ina W' ha, never 1.-..51 110 /1311 1, , 141.. Anti .lAroi ALIA A 4t...1. A... IA 'A...L. Uur b1ir.24.4 U, kW!. DEPAirrmKNl' stylen find eitiem t.l tennuo- ExtrA rich Bina and I 4.1.,red hl.uraritittur .I.per, and tiltitatAl •. Noun, Stritm4.l and Plaid Mark " Twisted Silk I , l,,iinnvi " " CLAM " " Barely Lawn •• Al'.., Tlersnett, CitallA, l.na ue, koL. SIIAIVL.S AND NIA Our Shawl and Mantle lira,u, u supttliod with all the Jew styles of Crape, Cashinerey dtulla, sllk, lirocha, l'iluirtkutatittr, eliantilla, Laos, Ac., Ac. NEEDLE WORli - . Our stock of Collard, Plouncitigs, Sleerea, Ao., is not su, I.litell by any stock Wcst of the Mouutama. Alas, u good sasortment ul MUUK.NINO AND 110USF FURNISH - 040 OWLS. DOMESTICS. Prints, Gingtuune, Chucks, Maehue, Tlrkingu, Kentu c k y Jeaua, Cossimecka, Cotton, Linen and Pont Stuns, dc. Also, 01.1 VON Ilksiery, Ribbons, and every other art tele usually kept in a first-clams Dry bloods ]loons, to whirl, c,• eullcit o call 'and examination before purchasing °blew/Jere, on we feel confident we hare ouver beau able to exhibit such a desirable LOVE BROTHERS, Formerly Young, Stevamaln & Lore, mhli 74 Market street, Pittsburgh, Pa. MANSION HOUSE, GEORGE AURENTZ, i'HOPRIEWR, No. 3441 Liberty lotrevt, juat I.N.rotio on. Paamcng, Lkqx,t of ti.• which make. it the Usual couveilicitt house its Um city fur passengers, arri ving by that rucal. The proprietor lulling, at conahlorablo expense, tilted up, in excellent style, the MANSION lIOUSK., would eapet fully aoheit a allure of public patronage. There le aplendid BTABLIt and extenisive WAIION TABU, afford ing ample Beeolll4l.lnLinil to tricielans and teamsh•rs. lie Larder and Bar will he furnished with the hest the notrliet eau afford. lel& • ST. CLAIR IioTEL, corner Penn and St. Clair streets, Pittsburgh, P&—The undersigned, former ly of •` Brown's Hotel," Miring taken this large arid cm/lull. (Ho. fIt}TEL, and having refitted it In magnificent ea, h., would respectfully Invite his friends and the traveling public W give him a cull. Assured. with the can (lie house and his lung experience tu the business, fie.,..„ n giv e entire satisfaction, and his charges moderate. feb2 WM. C. CONNELLY. QOO INTENT ROUSE, corner of Liber ty and Grant streets, near the Railroad Deplit. Jab 13,1 y JAMICS 811ANISON, Proprietor. RESTAURANTS ENNET ALE.—W. D. ENGLISH, Sole IX. Bottler of SMITS•S celebrated Kennett Ale and Brown Stott. Also, Common Ale and Porter, Iu quart and pint bottles. The attention of familial, and the trade, is respectfully solicited. unity MINERAL WATER AND SARSAPA RI 41.A.—W111. D. ENDLISII/ Pitt alma, belOw Penn, la now manufacturing and bottling the above beverage. on an extenalve wade. Ilia articles are of the loot quality, and manufactured from the purest materials. HOSIERY AND GLOVES— Another very large assortment of Summer Hosiery, (Doves nett Jflttn of avv.rylfrecription,just received by A. A. MASON & CO. TUNE MAGAZINES--Just received and fey for sale by 11. SWUM. & 00, No. 32 Smithfield street: uarpeez Magazine for June; Godey's ,Ladyee Book for June; Peterson's Magazine for June; Art Journal for May. All the NEW BOOKS published azelor sale by H. MINER & CO, myl9 • • Na 32 Smithfield stmt. EMERY -75 kip for sale by: . • • Jam a AwIAWMON s 00. 4~ ~"'ta , zs ~'.ci. .. L.?ia.: E=2 Cw•s N. 11.4:ecKza, Presidc.nL $1,211,70S 44 M=ISI HOTELS •~•~` r MIMMII . , I • I , ta 1 , 1 A310 3, ONLY NOVEit i ttVVIIINk. Mtn' Tli AI \ FROM PTV - - , l‘‘ gpVitaiX CINCI NI% A I I oNLYARrE - .7trllftp.RE DAILY TRAINS P/ W/ I'iTrSl37ili4l4:4oJ,LlA YTON AA 1) IA DIA AIAPOL OHIO AND PENNSYLVAN: A LITTLE MIAMI RAILROM'N VLA CRESTLINE AND COLUMBU6 Quickest Route from l',usburi;th to eincinnoil Commertau at Cincinnati with U. S. Mail Line henna In, Covington and Lexington Railroad, 01110 and Miesis.oi,to Railroad, and the Lawreneeburgh Houle. Connecting s Columbus and Xenia, with the Dayli.ll and Nona, and iffffirusa Central Railroads. THRUUtiII TICKETS, via 0/1111111111M nod Cincinnati, to Lexington, Louisville. St. Louis, Inaranapolis, /re., Sze. Via Columbus and Xenia, to Dayton, Indianatadi, I•rrro Kanto, St. Louis, Sr., TILE LIVI'LIS MIAMI via COLT7III - fffS, connsvting with the Covington and Lexington linffrand, the U. s. line Steamers, the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad. and the Law reua • hnrglt Itouls, offers la.:duties no other route can give, as through thltets by all OW uhuve rotten can only Is, procurs4 Pia Columbus and the Miami RAP road. .• . - - The route from Creotline vin Columbus being the oborbad to Cincinnati, enables it unifar , a anti su.fr. stwr 1. 42 """' - "" n° are certain, and inisaiingern hate full time for sneak fly :in. Forrest and Itellefuntaine route from Cmotline. a dtrlwerouz and bretee-ne.ck spend is requrrtd, anti ctsatrelird to utee ensue distance. By the route VIA Columbus to Cite-loyal] and Itotiauttpli4, pliotellgerel rule over reek halluded nud .ttiooth. By Lice FOreKL and kollotontame route, passengers ride over the roughest roads in Old. TIIItHIC DAILY TRAM.% VIA COLUMBUS AND EMIDEUE . . Futter Theo leaves Yiti , doirtrik at :WO k A. M. Crest)hte, Columbus, Xenia. Cincinnati. M.. Lins. Lexington and lndiunai,dis , Sin Ltmn . urv•l•nrgh !tonic. This Train arrives at Cincinnati 111, 1,11”, and forty minni., in advance of the Forest and Itellefornao.o. SSCOND TRAIN leuvrs Pittnhorgh at .J'elocli A. M. L r Creuttine, Columbus., Xrnia mud Ourduunti. Lain trinkesconotiellion only via I`,o4timblPl to Ciurintinti. THIRD TILUN leuVen Pittsburgh at 3 ,ggitick P. M. h.r Crestllnn,Columbus, Xeuln. ellint/mai, Lunn% illy, St. L L •ttl, LelLlUglon and Isulintutph, vin I„,twroltutdalrgh TWO LalLli 'TRAINS. VIA COLUMIII./r 4 ., 1/AVTON, =II FIRST TRAIN Icurrx Pittsburgh nt 3:00 o'clock A. M. fei Crestlino, Columbus. Xenia, Dayton. I oil innmedie. idtki i•t , Torre flame, Limo ors, Si. Idiots, Cairo. nr.oliti .te. NW:MD TRAIT tear. Pittsburg-1i nt ::10 look A. M. Mr Cre,it I i no, Columbuo, X. 01.101.. Dliy LOU, ludlunapttia , Lt 6 yrltr, Terre Iltutto, tricmittes. St. Cairo, Mans, tile, Tim:, 'hum l..ve Pittsburgh Id S o'elierlc P. 31. 1.1 Coestlitto, Columbus. Xrnh., thaytell, I inlinummlis. I Terre Haute, l'inceutres. St. Limit, Firttusrillo, kg. N. R.--S.,curo your tickets in Columbus, luta you are out e of euttuections. Steamere leave Cincinnati daily for Meniphia, Natchez, New Oirikwila, The Colunibue being Übe direct ronIP, the Tim , . Tal4-1,,i the Pastern !toadsare tirrnrii;‘,l to riltl in chose with this reliable nuUto. Nur an infurinnthm and Through Tickets, please apply Ft the G h and Pennnylvauin itice, (corner ,$1k,,,) nndor the Monotnpatiela J. ti. cuitny, Ticket Agent, Or at federal Street Station, PARE IS. Ticket Agent. tiflo. 0. SKSSIONS, Agent, l'ittmi,4.ll. dee'2ol I , W. STILADN,It, (tenet - al Agent, Cincinnati. 01110 AND MISSISSIPII RAILROAD BROAD (LURIE RA IL RU 4113 I•l7'7'Sh . URG II TO ST 1,0175, pi REcT . TIM route tnAk ot:re ' Fla.cedg, c 11.41 frt., on,! ..,a,“10. zt. AI , .k 'CE IF ANY irrilen L g .a g , wut. s, earog.",. rtoot.) neat., .itich give great to lb, la% 1.1,, and which 1.4 unntiminalih.. 'toy t L.. Icent. The Tr.1,,,t f fhb, Noel,* nr• i Ihe Latod,..l,krefall au I erperienced men. 31;ellieery ell <t:tract,. au,i uell kept up. TWO DAILY I'ASSF.MiI ER TRAINS, etween and Pt. Louie, yin obi.. a41 , l i',1111”) I rniva itediroaii. 1,11 .L.. fellow/ : FART TRAIN LEA vcs AT 3 A A. MAn.11141,/ LLAVER At 7,311 A. M. 1:amt....4 •• .; , 11 P. I. collOrwtio , M , nt Cri,t6lll. fer Iti.hattapehr, nth! t 10,,,, 1 y the ohte uu I Nlim•sehtphl Ilttalrtteuj 1. , Saint 1,111, Paarenio-rs tor Cairo and Nen' Ila jII t o h o (ho 111, 1/oa4 l'eatral 11.1111 rail alai, at 12,1111, le on , lu ailvanre of any artie - r raailla• The Pavia, Rallin,.l being coinplehinl (rein St. Louis to Jetfetaini l'ity, colineel. at .1, i(ers..ti Putt n ;Ili Ka1i1..., milking the chonp....t. Halal Illutal a:1 , 1111,4 W. I.le route liana. end laamerato.rn eant....-11.1) hate. A Second-0.5n 0 . 11 . will Itli the }ATI v.ie Train. milting at St. Al at tl;e rail., I Italy a.lar hetneeri Pit tAtourt.',ll and St. leans or Cairn' Will Call 1 , 1-Th h•-tmll 4 hle R o ut, i noVtin. and lb atit I ItAil I 1./..1, tLu tunklng earn vonnrrtiuna. uud avoidltit: tht. itr ttn ne% and t‘ghhi, Ticket, ro.wl for any r.....•,,abh• Length ~f MA It - kl iv, I •I.k.S.S. St 1,1.. via fitliefottlthic 311i1 I Eli., $l5 Ib In Ct.lansln, 'dm, .. . n.iro t•• Si, 1,111, Tllll. .1 till TwKETS tww, lot .4 A T Johnown. Thl,l .‘,:d Venn... 1.. l• ‘'.• cwriler •N1...A...wit...1a II . Fwd., t A 11. t'itt ii 11. 1 , . Swpwrlnt..ll.l....t I.lw. ww.l Al ...no mil.. 11 It. 11. 1%1 \1 LAND. T 1 . 1.1 A NIA RAILROAD. Tlll..ititlAT lhn Ail:wit.. I will. I.l”..trrte. Slat." by IL , •••111wit...1, Laths:,,' .1., .4 ALSO .1 1 . 111-1•11r,l, w,t h 14 , 1. •4 nil 1..1 4,., lio• Lak.- ova., th•. 1 113.4? ,01.1121-r, und itELIC.I.I ‘,14. 1. I•icr.t , ;llT 1....,,.! I 11, 1it.1.4. Baler bel ‘ll,tlll Philadelphia & PitiAburg h. YI Kt•IT I. syx. I, 141. ASI4.. -11... k. Wt.] l,ry 11ar.111.1 , , I.•:, ( . 41k TIIIIII. 1 null Pori, t and 14,c 1 , Lewd :lad Lard nit per fir' ❑ 0.31,1 ant; fm.. ; 1.1.1 w, • runt L. • Naar. n 111 All to th.• Ap...1. . will F6D4A/IT AIIENTS--‘l"Apa .) 1. Ellr• , 4t. s.• Ywk El'lLslaaclpLux: Nbagrax 1:.1, C hmo• . ongulan • (..1111 . 1010111, .hi..; .1 5 N1•...f 11 , 141. 1....11i•S . . 1411kAll.un, tar AC, ilk, I 11. n. Ilt.oUtiT.N, Wu. rul Froi4l)t Agrta, I•hilndldld,;a. 11..1 Lomilmticr. nip„ Sup.trilltettdont. ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILRUAI►, • CARRYING TIIR Great United !)late■ Mall and Krprete TWI) TILAINs Itt'N DAILY tql $44 ll' II gilt I r..iti I , OII,:qUE ro I. AND CIIiCAIIO CAIRO. • ....ill.° with TrKiwi of Om irlii • .1 K It. nod Chicago and tLn itihmt Jut , t and ...Kg It 11 h . 1 , , (Alto), DUIIUqUE Chtrayii i As 1.1 A. M and Itirtii M 1,1 , 1`: ANT rAIR, KX Ph t,,r St. lA.IIIII by this train taioi ih ears „f Uhl.. mud Miss. IL It. at Sandoval, mud are r..tri led dire. t St. Luis. H.:::. A. M. and 4:10 P. Al —ln ut;4l a IND Ii iLLNA El coutowttng lit Ltilllh,th 1)111411111,./ With n Daily Lint. of Stearn PackelB for : 4 t. Purl and Llio Llior 111,..ri,. 'P lt: i .. rle nn nv t err in , Cairo for Chiengo and at 7:30 A. M. and 71.)0 P. Al. l'asengern front the Kant end placer on the Ohio river, doettsed for St. I.osin, will nano 1'.)0 milt.« t.,1i000 111111 1111- oortitin river navigation from Cam, to St. Louts, and nt ri e tilleett hours in advance of the river Maths by taking the car. at thydro. Tickets to St. Louis, Cairn, Dubuquo, St. Paul, and all hi, portant pine. hy,,thls route, MU Lai bad at the other the O. a P. and C. & P. Railroads is Pittsburgh, and Michigan Control Railroad in Chicago. R. It. MASON. .la 6 Snperintn't, BINGHAM & CO.-TRANSPORTA kA 'PION ['IMF-VIA PENNA. CANA1..:4,... , 0..10. and RAILROAD.—The ent.erihere ore pnr • •- letred t ini, FORTY TONS IF Phi/DUO< 1,11 t tai. riot, dolphin, Intltlinorn, or New York, via the :Mato They will pay particular attention to Way Freights botii,,o Pittsburgh and Johnstown. Haying a !MILT LINK iihs FIRST CLASS PENNSYLVANIA CANAL BOATS, no hop, to bo.b/e to render entire entittlitetion. Ill:V(111AM it C. 1., apt L:lm Canal . Beau. Liberts s., KIER'S TRANSPORTATION LINE.- - Anticipating rho want 411%6141es for trauseurtlng Freight. t, and front the m.t. ern Utica, vat Pennsylvania Canal and iticir o ads, me in t , increased our stuck of Boats, kr., on same, to a D. runty. DAILY LINK, which gives us a captivity of eier 1;iou tolls per month each way. Wu amere ear friends, and those disposed to patronise the State Improvements. there will le nothing stewed en (ir part to welder general satisfaction ill Im:warding tam, II and Wettlortt Freights with promptitude nod despatch. KIBIL A .uvrcilxid., * angll:y Canal Basin, Pittsburgh, PR. II AT LONG EXPECTED BOOK, the, T SrAktLoW4ri.AJsZt PAPPAS, by Frederick S. Covetts—ere treat Llme. The above will no doubt be the popular Spring book, and In destined to a large sale. Pi uribustah, u snug that's by no author—a deed without naate—perpetrated by Q. H. Philander lkw‘sticks, P. B. Just t eceited by W. A. (lILDBNYENNEY k Ca., tuyl2 Fiftitst., opposite the Theatre. _ . AGARDEN LOT FOR SALE--Coutaining six acres of expellent Land, situated OEI the waters of Chru-tiers Creek, in Robinson township, 44 wiles from tiro city, and hear Broadhead's Fording: The Land is well adapt.' to hardening purposes, AS it hex sloping b. the South; has a comfortable Frame House tal feet by It), VIII• and a half stories high; a good spring of water at the den , and a variety o 1 choice Fruit Trees Just cetinneneing t,• bear. Price $6OO. For further.particulars, apply to BLAKFLY k RICIIKY, Real Halide Brokers, feb27 Corner Seventh and Smithfield ata VRESII SEEDS—Garden, Field and FloNver of -the inlet approved and rethiltio )111 - lete,, irliolesale and retail, at the Seed and Agricultural War, lipuse, 47 Fifth street, oh (apti) .I All B.SWAILDRi rP. SODA ASH of a good and uniform quality tuanufartured by the Pennsylvania Rail Manufactnring, Company at Teu - entum; ou blildluvi for sale by FLEMISru BROS., ALM, 3 groan T.udlum'n Specific. 4 gross Hshiflatl's German Niter 1500 'fba. simiur; 601.1 tb& Uum Teagarantli ; 400 lbs. Nutmegs; Concentrated Lyes a new artfcle for making Soap one pound worth ten of potash ; on hand and for sale by my 3 FLEMING HAM LOT OF OROUND, near _ AtirenEt; bl:soId ttiryloWlf applied•for soon. It contains onn-lottatt pf tin hem and is in 'a oantrat poottlott. ALAICHLT. MUM • 1 - * „ • S ' . 4 • h. AY -• ea• M=MMR4M;=!;= "'S.:~ M. Ala ROADS. Ohio, apt.'Penmsylvanit S IT NI NitAlilq GE3l.li N T T IR IL: ELI ; RillA INS , DAILY ( EAUFIPT SUNDAY.) . • F.P. TRAINS WILL RUN DAILY, NNOKrT SUNDA I'S, UN flailOWB 1,31 V, Pitimlnlrgh ror Crestlino ut 3.00 A. M.. 7:b A. M. and 3 1.. M. Leaves ,Cruitlisie for Pittsburgh at 5:00 A. 11i 7;00 P: M O . auil 1'2.50 P.. 1. • These Trains mike ci.a, connections at CRESTLINE high Train t'o LUM BUS, DA VTOS, CI NCIN NA'rl, /MLLE. FON'rAINII. INDIANAPOLIS, Cll. ICAtli), SAINT LOUIS, and all !hunts on rondo extruding rot and South-wi•st through 01110, INDIANA and ILLINOIS. TRAINS FROM PITTSRUIttI II connect at MansflPlitcrilli Trains on Sandusky, Maustield and N,-work Itoatl, for CIII CAUU, TOLEDO and SANLIUSKY making an quiek and sure connectionet to C'fi ICAUO. an by any miter route. Con nections are made at Alliance with Trains uuClerelana and Row!, for (11.11 V ELAND, CIIICAGO, DUNKIRK ruin Itt.;itYA 1.4). Px..a,•ncera ion% nig flue,burgh, at 3 P. 31. for Seluansky. Toledo awl Cliicag,u, have the taainlit of a nigliCa rapt, ai Nl:tunnel,' or Cleveland, and arriro iu Chicago early next evening. Tritina Knot from en-Anna malty close ronnertiona with Trains on Pennsylvania Central Itailrmid for PIIILADttIe PH LA, IiALTLSLUICK and NEW TOKK. . . . . . Tllltilllltill Tit..:Kha'S aro sold to Columbus, Dayton, Cin cinnati, Louisville. St. Louis, luillanapulia, Bellefontalue, Chicago, Rock !eland, lowa City, Ilitulieth, Idilwankie, Cairo, Springfield. 111., Fort Wayne, Cleveland, And the prin. cit..ul cities in the %test. Through ti01....1$ over thii line may be had at all of the ahoy. , pieces for Pitiffilmrgh, 'adelphia, Baltimore and New Y.rk. N F. 1 %, It Itl,lfrri ACri IM IDATI..` sq' ATV leaves new 1011.,a ;, A. NI. ' P. 11. Lea, es Pit nrgh k.r w I.lrightua. A and P. 31. F.a - ticket,. and ihrther ilGamauou apply to A. T. N li. at the earner Ake, wit, the Ahotalapthela home. or at ihr ANleral par”et- Stat ion. to (1 El). pA RHIN. Ticket .A neat. JOIIN IS ELI. Pameaper Agora. li. )luttitE4 CENTRAL. ROUTE NEW AND DIRE.CT ROUTE OPENI THEOWI Northern 11111101 w to Blissloelppl River, lOWA, MISSOURI; S A.s AN-D NEBRASKA. ALL RAILROAD Ti) THE MiSSISSIPPI Chicago, Burlingion and Quincy RAILROAD. FORSILT.LY TUE CLIICAOO AND .AUDONA. AND CYNTILAL 11/11Thit nue" limuto.th, IS NOW COMPLETED, and Trains run the entire distance from CIIIC.AGO TO BURLINGTON, lowa, without clutugt. ,d Car, The Only Dirs,t hone to Burlington. Quincy, lisoknk, 3inscatine, Oquawka, Warnllo, Fort Des Moines, connect Hitat ole, and the OSLT ALL NAILAOAD 1011170 from t•. St. Louis, Bloomington, (Indult, Decatur, Ulan", Sprint:- field, Jacksonville, Naples, mid intermediate ,tations ou the Illinois Centnti, Orent Western, anti Ohio and Mississippi Tillie. on the above Line leave Chicago on the arrival of Trnitm from the East—monling all laying over at any of the :4+4,04 leave Iturliushaa dully fur 2.ruthern 1111 d (10111 reel ion 4 and Not t hern . Nlhol.4lri—making, the yuicke44mid 141.44 reltahlo route to remit all the. Important prant4 sertlt of ti,•• tar a 4 Courtud Mutt, with from forty to fitly oile% 1e44 stagiu.; luau arty oilier route. The Itoud. h•r a I 1/ . 1. portitoll oil the %t0y,14 bid witl, t h e CONTINUO, it.4l:, the ..itee.the-t ri ling fuel 14.4 t Itailror4.l in the 4t,4 Led with the meet ntoolertil.noontotietes and Plegllllt Gtr,. Ity (him route. Inww - ngera are sure oP making come , 1,. al, aml art LI tug at CL. I. KJ is eo advertised time, avenloo texas long delay of tugs and Ice, and dangers of nal as on Ilse root,. by A boss, Ltaggago checked direct through than Chicago, sail nn that gc k,r handling at any pant. THROUGH TICKET: , hr titit, route can ho purchased at all the Railroad °nit,. in Clot FAA; at die Office of tit, C. 0.- p.m). corn, ei Clain: and hake ntreeta, in asp tiraiiira itottdrng; at the Ih.ptit of the and :stalk,. Central Rai corner or fake And b v .,, I, It .q.p.nitt• Tn.o..ta elticap, FREIMIT rt.titt. will rc,.lvc Illlllleit. t,, tit-T.lllth. C . U. HAMMOND, :411;1. C. E. FOI.I.ETT, tieneral Ticket Agent, Chicago. 4"4" - TICK ITS can la. procured at the,principal lhtilnmd 1,1 the comitry. Bill Greta* A snerienn and- U. S. `Express and Moil Route 72 MILES irF DISTANCE SAVED, SO, 040 CIIANot, or t An, AND BAG. SVOIDCD Alit LINE ROUTE' d VDT LEN CIIICAGO AliD ST. LOUIS, 1 IA eliStLklitb, ALTON AND NT. lAWIS It ALI LILOA D, leorioco ly Chicago and I ST. LOUIS Trains I. r• ii. I I j,” ~,r 1 1 .m0t.. lotL l'inter I daily. Sunday, 7:1:i A. iildiurday, 1.41 v , Frtl,lo I . ll,l4rtztt daily , s.l3l.layi excopt.,l A NI I=l= .. d r,,t t:4,11 tile,.,) with. ut . UV , arid ,with the ' I 4/0 , 1 , 111 NCIII.:, , TKR mod IthER, mulakag x. Itolso collooction Avid/ Pa.lsengor Truismfrom Altob - trtg.'llw,o, Not-, for andolog-Anco, aro tooturpo,no.4.l on tho teol np With it3thw and .Tarrson:, NII•4.1114. li. pa. 6 ..ligent oppilittloity ‘,l , Ll+ 111.1. , ...111.10.1.• 11.1 1,101,,14 . 1,"11111;.: St. 1,4.111 S n.rt ..All,l Ir nu tin fT,IN of k 1 ISA: , uud NKIsKASI:A Inca Is the tilt.l, dint Nsonis, and nll ;soul.. tin Inc rinilloirl.snil rivers, n t int ssi 1,-.• 1.. N. 1...111-, 111 trty,rrett tun,. lose 10 ISltu , lningl,ok, 11.1 tin) -righ I. Milo, ken 41 ;lpriuglielil, thau 14 any utb, 11,/,‘,11 (Ivor thin routo 01LSI t* irOell,ll at fl areal. I;.uiroall het iu Nes, Yuri:, Hoehn, Hod,- ohm. itasawre:Albany, llofa,, J. nth!nt ,tll h t hri.ogL•ist the Statee, fuel m L'hh.nve at the No. A., Deal I,,ru street, ,lap.orile the Tre ue.ht !tie! Ai the INT,/ of the Illho. tAmtral )14.11 will 1).4t.401.41 4.1 14.. t. to. 1:.,11.144 a nng Int.. l'llo-4,444. 1.4 t.• nn, taunt the brit. I' Ur/RU IN, Jr., Stlywriulendent. 11..1. D. : 1 C111 . :11.MY.R1101tN, Getiernl l'iotmenizur Acent. NEW AND DIRECT ROUTE, FlZolt PITT:MaiI - WU TO I'• ,lo mt... i .t.,,,,ai."iin, Citic.go, Cincinnati. Trrro Ila.ittr, 11... k I Klund, 1... u, ~lii, V 11.1,111,1, lOW. City, t 1,111., I.:vim - m.lb.; Dubuque, I •3, 1.. n, Our., . Um1..11.n., - .71,13.1., A1t.mp1...., Twain, 7,114 , 1100, % ~•k..i.org. l'oru, Nt!Vi ark, P, ew t wit... AND THE PEINCIVAL EITIE, IN THE w E., vin e,./I TH, Eta Mr !tilenbeiii llle & Indiana Railroad! \%1,.b „,n11.1 , 1,1 ,ill.l nu , ...-esfill 1 1 0.11111V11 Snub. alltl ais.l kits route °H.,. I. lilt um - ka1i...1 nit 1:“.,.1 .11101, II t.it 1./ow ==l On and nib Nit IN IP 1 . , N. ,, tulwr su,. 15:.5, DA ILY LIN I' "I nod r0.....4; Ztenturr, celtrinutthig d v nt•lio.rl uu.l tt, cmultuAlatilt,.; , ‘Ojeor,, PH te burgh very day at 6 P. M. . ........... Captain ilonnort. FAIRY tgIEEN " J. Ratio. sleep [ward, laid reach ii.•tthenv ill.• at . clod< the billoe lug ..... rtiing—esittnecting with the Fx•t Train at i:l5 A. X. iitakilid direct connection with Train for all the shoe cities—thu d obtaining it rotutortable night rnt, :1111.1 11...4aing :11G Plague if .aghi trarei by ruitroail. tbr Fare tui cheap lis by ittiv other Railroad runt, For Through and Weal Tiellietx, and further Information, inquire of JOHN .1. HOUSTON, No. 1 It Water Street, Pittsburgh. UFO. W. FULTON, Superintendent. DXVIOINY, 13..nern1 Agent. noel 3 PITTSBURGH & CONNELLSVILLE RAILROAD OPEN FRoNt WEST NEWTON TO CON NELLSVILLE, ti tlysu It t miles frost l'ittsburgll, un Wn Youghloglien) ve r. Th. new Ile.hel:.B Kowa now open for the transtiortw lion of I,.wsoinzoi And in connection with tins tine stivartioi EOLIAN, Irvin I . lltsburgh to ContiollAvillo, tinily, tot follow?, The epteainer 3:01.1AN will leave Lot wharf, above the ht - 1.1,;, ery afternoon, at half-pa/4 three i.pi IPlopi Newton. rennevting there with the Morn tte.! i.n.vin g for Omeletllaville, and reachin2 tittwo• at Si., in ton'tyr lhu ZCLI CII for U 11 iOll tOW n. FM, tr P..oununrtuu . $1 75 Fa ,• d. Unipoilown 2 25 A Tratri will leave eioniellsville in the morning, et relf, o'elP wk. ler Went I , ,:torten, and connect there with the meant, Eeliao iu bate to remit Pittaburgli at 1 P. 31. Farr limn Como.llsvillv to Pitteddirgh $1 7tl For from Ilniuutown to NU...burgh 2 25 Tito Loral Proight and Pumsetigor 9'/Mill am Ira,. Can. lit•llgville at 10::W A. N.L., and r•rnruia2 , ill lwvn %Vert Nrwt.;n at 3:30 I'. M., stopping at all way Idataonn for freight alit pa.s.,llgrrn. on Sal unlity the areal afternoon train will lie user anti! tin. following morning at 8:30 o'clock. Passengers by the Saturday afternoon boat from Pitt., Idirtdi eon by this arrangement go forward without delay. For informatium apply to tho Utillimrs onboard the .leamboat FAHAAN, ur tu the Agents at West Ne b wton and D. W. CALDWELL, uctlin_ Assistant Superintendent. ALI,EGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD TWO DAILY TRAINS 'FROM PITTSRUROD TO KITI`ANNINO. Lonvo n follows: No. 1, liirpress, 8:30 A. M., arriving at Kittanning atll A. M. N.. 2. Arrtnniodatiun, MO P. N., arriving at Kittanning 8r.:5 P. NI. Pare to Kittanning, $1,535. i:TAGIS WILL RUN PROM KITTANNING, in cornier ton with the Trains, fur the foll,ln leg places: Ilil --- F - lilY' ,114 - : — Eg --- Alstb 4315.1 - aRg - Q. IT , .. . , ~,. ),..7 Engines, with the hated Itllptfq:ellletiP, Warriltited tiAgt, (reality, on lintel and'auide Co 'order. .I:Wilerti of Juniata' if. made on abort notice., Ordorifilled With efogetterL a t; ;19 L L ibertyitriß,Pittabargh, Pa. • •`,. A . , lip= ~ ! ~ ..., :, .. .... W . : W. Wity,LAct. ORTABtIE 'Fi&RINd VITAS . Th . . P,hit,..,ft,k Hag 0u h4,,d,ulif be ruaniiractutts, Portable , F iouring Hillii,.of an inippefied antilltyr, they idu very CUM „Cllll'L'CitiOrt:driu jirelgt:Lbyg;tieam” iw'4,wate(lirlf:rtoh'olirfnteetill.owbneV,laneisdtrillpid'klij" a valuable inatnhation to trou.ntastera, lunlbertnen and,llnue atock Hiedent. Orders filled a 119 Libe rty etreet,Pitteburgb. , ap22+Lir W. W. WALLACH. . ___._—, _ _ EESON'S - HYDRAULIC OESIP:NITZR: WATER LvAir,..-3e undersigned keep conelantlY on • .Laud niers° atoll; of Sae article of the best quality. The attention or Contractors andslitiPdere of Navigation li , clv, ' ,Agneducts,Bridtc6, ttesarvoirs 'for Water Works; .e.c.; Is re -3 que....!.....„, ...r...ie.., _. The well known 'reisateacaind - lin- V Alai FOR SALE.—We offer for sale a rt nrik:', talel4 i u fi s t, „° water. i .„ 4 140 . 0 r t.higieezni'ot.; ."'hier''' 1: Pa of HU wren, about 834 mile* from laararee Sta. ' — ..Th'' , 7",`A. l 7" atnWianwieaSeeed kaLf4w occlOP ' , et:waterer aterip.-- , 1 i EN.GUSEt it r we 1145400—,,, 'non (on the Alleglidny Willey RIVIIM,.-: flint' Itnpiirie , merits condo. in part 'of a good and 706* , itkiAlin'g boom ~CiARM.Sr CM,Pgl.Blk,—tperiOtAlLSl4: (came barn, Ao. 'B6 sere' stir the hind is cleared and callitti,-('' Emend; Cantorrittatittig, at:, Ac.... .A. frelb arrhat at., tell, balance timber. The whole .._ in watered bii2.42elkeat 0, us Fourth street carpet star e . ' • P ri ziPi 4/ 11 ,7 to Ew.7 7 .1 "AAJAr & saWPkr• • '..) 11 0 511 U. D. aIL MAO= . . ..... - FARE. FARE. $1 7-.5 ..... $3-76 3 25 Brady'e Kuhl-- 225 ft.'d 2 25 Heirect4burg,...,...-.....- 2 50 to all of the chore phat....4 tee. I , e 'procured et the 0111. ••. 'li, of l'eau and ptreets, and at the Depot tni anon honer will leave the corner of Market and Fifth. and Penn and Wayne streets, at 7:4U A. M., and*lio Pill., In connection with the Train.. A. 110Pl'Eit, tars Stworflakettdotit. FARM POR RENT.—A amall Paim, con acres, ralle'LeinW the city, .1.1 ,0- nll. Maui he4t.w. There to on the 1.1,t11 idtl2l. a huge friun h , ease mid stable. al.swit too bearing apple [real; also peach, hen" , and plum trees., grapes, &c. Thin place Wytilifshit goes gluThwier. For tennaappy to eiya B. C. & J. 11. 5..twrE1t,..N0.41 Wood at. - • pas j1)14... MORSE'S, IN VTGORA.TING CORDIAL; igui.yomENON lIRDICLVK • Health Bet:armed and, Life Lengthened I T vi ,BitAlNYAo o 4 ; TlNtikiXiii. l'id] weakness with strength, • :hrieriry, irregularity with truth - inn nod natural notivity,omit this nt,t only Tither hruftrd or row , tion, but with it•happi , etlPft 'oh the general oiganization. air Bear In mind that all maladies, wherever they begin, finish with the nervous system, and that the parapzation pl _the min% of. motion , and seniustion le ribynical &nth. near in mina, eta., thl4,rofpvery kind . 14 nervints disease, the Elixir Cordial is the only reliable preparation known. buiguago can convoy.an adequate idea pf the immedl• ate and almost miraculous change which it occasions in the diseased, debilitated and &battered vervain system, whether broken down by excess, weak by nature, or impaired by sicknoue—the unstrung . and related ore,unization is at once braced, revivified and built np. The tnerital and physical "Ymptoms of unrCuus dilmlanoVanivh togethornadatatfrtniflw eare. Nor is the effect temporary; fiwilieerirtblilli4ettlila of the unaliciuo reach .the conatituttondtsolf; and restore 41 to its normal condition. 1.088.1:4` dICKNICIftY,. - Conranloti, 01,1Intsi, rash of blood to thi , head, MelatifinifYi dotdiity, hysteria; viretehednesii,"fhoughtsnfielf-ddstrafflon —fear of hissnity,dysmensia, general •prostrialini;frrltalilli• ty, nervousness, arability to..sleon, disease incident taminies4 doray of the inopaguting hineffons, hyeceria, mononsulia, vague terrors, palpitation of 0, 1 dim, etc:, from %chafer*, mums arising Is, If there. Icy : any to be placed on human testimony, absolutely libie . ..„ The uuparalli 4,1 effects of this great restorative in all coin plain to i teak a new tea In the meals of Thouicands of stlntulanta have beep invented— timelier/As of inylgorants rotieortril--411 011.11 M -tug to 'be %pc-eine/1 in the vations.digreweaaud derangements to width( Lite delicate formation of woman tender her liable. EVER Y WOMAN Olf .94Nfi10 . , Who suffers from weitkisess;ifermwuient . , ParCiattsnes,tie mora, pains in the bank, or any other disorder, is - halter fa. cutter to her .me, or common to both saxeso-ahotild ginkthei Invigorating Cordial n trod. A itft lED PEFOONfits Or others, will tin& thin cordhd, after .they Impala* a!ipt tle or two, a thorough 'regenerator of the syiithai. directions are to Le found the happy pirents of hatiltify."-:ditt' , " spring, who woold wit have teen - so hut fOrtidscidrirautili.- nary preparation. Aud it. In eqpnlly ,poteut fur :liar acuity; diseases for which It is recommended. Th9hBiuhht.tlt,Youn4C nezn hurl, prep restored by wing it, and hot in stance hay it failed to benefit' them. ' • - pratsmys OF PATIN •003(PLENI6N, ur ror..umpticv habits, are irstorial by tleuiu.of two to bloom sod rigor, cliri&4s.tbe skin front low, sickly' color, to a beautify florid coruploaka. „ • . TO Tlll AfISHUIDIII4. These are amour - the sad eked Melancholy - effects proditeati by early habits of youth, Nis.: aoltnesa•cif•thO'huel Sind bulbs, pains in, the Amtd, dimness of night, loan of museulni leaver, palpitation of the basil, clyspepeia„ norvoua Iroite- I dt•rangefuent of the digestive functions, gertiti dn.; bility, symptoms of connunptious, etc. , Mentally, the fearful offsets on the , blind ahr . mxiit to 'be dreaded. !sets of if:winery, as:linkup of ideas, depressiorrof slants, evil fonslastings, asenden tr society, self-distrust, - love or solitude, tinndify, etc., lire some of, the evils All thus afflicted, BRAME OONTEMPLATINO MAI:IMAGE, , Shouldretlwit that a notnol mind and body are the matt 'tie reilulitite,i to promote connubial Unplanned; intiolet, NA 'Liana these, the Journey through 6.44111e6 .3, Wt 1877 pilgrimage.- the pru.pert hourly thitherto the view; thi4pilm4. dhadoweil with despair, and 1111:,1 with the nielan rholy reflection that the happinedd of anothei'beconYt4 blighted with your own Dr. Morse's Itivigns Rtingeordial lots I u coppterfeitell Ly nuprinclpletl penmid. n infra-anti the genuine Cordial will hare the preprietor'a Gar:-simile peettal over the cutk of each bottle, and the lotiona , ing words blown in the gla4s: Dr. Ilforme's Invigorating. C9r414,1. C. 11. ItINO, Vr iprleto, N, T. The Cordial is pin up, highly ceneentented, ip pitiVticittl4 _pr,, three dollars per bottle, two for her 1.10111111,1e142461." 14. el cc dollars. U. H. NINO, Pruprintatt,. • Nt2 Sold by Draggieta throughout the United and the West tedice . A dh" N T S CURE OF ASTHMA IIND CONSIIIIIIIONi DRODOHT HOME TO THE DOOR or TmesuLwom AWON I )I , ', RF L DISCOVERY has recent- . ly been mole by Ur. CuW7IS, of thin city, In th6,iie . meat of I .ttsutuptiun. Astlnna, and ail diseases of the rungs.' - Ut. Cools' Mlct: cc, on. LALALING II ram,- I von eau l'llooo Synt.r." WWII this new ntettuwi, has rrworell many atili,te.l tin, 1.. health; as au elidencr, of whirli. liss lautlimerahle reritilewles. Speaking i f Lift trssottntsitlssi phy.irian remarks: "II is evident that inWling . --ocistantly breathing an agnouble, healing vapor—the , Mud/CIL:4a icopertfes Intixt wen its threat coutart with the whole sliml cavities of the hcigs, sod thus esenpe the tunny -1 awl Tart,' ritanges pr. hineed upon them when illt.tlnitterti itllo 81011111 Ch. 4/111 sutcj.rt Is, the process of ingoetlon: The fin:cans 1 , / for sale by nll the Drugnotts throughout tic contry."—.Vem loch I).4.:,hutun rtAlultuary The Inhaler on/ .1 the breast, under the !honk, with out the host Inv. senience—tlio heart of the body bolo? sullieietit dr wotporato the truid. Ilumirods of cuts LI: curry, like L 1341 following, Might (Sc' 1/311/01: One lat.clAge 11.,. Imo cured rim of th e Asthum; of six year: .1. P. litasuunr, P..tutuator of linc..untom Pa. I ant cum! the Aethma, of ten years standing, by Dr Curtis' Ilyganun. Itlatinanzt EASTON% 'Brooklyn. N. Y. Mrs. Pnui... of No. b fhaninond street, N. Y., vClertmied tit a !weer," case, ui Bruliobitia by tho Ilygenua. - My sister hen hero cured of a diestrossing cough, of snrers:l year , : sbsudieg, Clot tireitleti to be Wearable by tlic ikby4. ciatet. disc was cured in one mouth, by the Illigetata, J. IL GALICItitT, Illeinuond,l4. The Roc. Dr. CIIKEVSR, of New Ygrit,loltillett of Orirluela rise io folloning.lang-uage: Nrw Vous, November 15, ISM. DoscrSir--1 think highly of Dr. Curtis finpetanna n rem cds in diseasce of the thrmit and lunge. Daring iiad none opportunity LO testify its efficacy, I nm convinced that it is a most ese, , llent medicine, both the Syrup and the inhaling application to the chest, N. IL—Dr. Curtis' limana is Dm ORIGINAL and. ONLI ARTICLIt; all others aro lose imitations, ur nil* tad I.N, u mus man w r f e b... nun them an you would POISON. 44 - For wd, Ly 1)r. Geo. IL Keyeer, 140 Wood (treat; R nelh•rd & Co.; too Beckhnin., City; John ttanzent. New Brighton; C. L Rot:header. tnyl4:diarcm r IIE sATIsFAcroRy Er:mEDy—Fr.in punt+ 1,11 LllO COUlltry, 110111181111 durtli;, U e .proprir tore ore ethmwt doily to Iveeipt of euoh fluttering teetiltud niul. iw the fol h iug, MALI oto Lt. A. Mal neetocles uuequal ed Vermitogo: April l9tlti 15415. • itsars. If .4. Firknesetst . hai.o la.sm selling y o ur l'ertnifugo in this 'dare for live yearn, and lake ithgnotre iu stating. II the in litrmation of the trade and of the inthlie, Ilwt it hest, been, .0 far as I know, one of the . most .tisfne- I..ry reliwtho4 in the Illitrket. and One of the must tellenble inedient. we have. I hate also pernonal knowledge of am Foal efforts in numer o us caves Under the treatment Of Our pnyniennel, all of when, mm it regularly, and always found it to be safe and sellable as a worm npeciftc. I can reeons mend it no one of the isafeist and best In the market. • A. .SlX.t.t.Lltrilit'lbtCli.• I'leparesl and ittahl by tiara/ ~.01-n@t- of Wood and First ats., l'ittaburitb. .•.- - - - - Urowu's Essence of Jamaica. Glos•nr. r I 1 11 is ESSEN et; is a preparOon of ulgisuar. exeelletiro. 1 0 ordinary diarrho.n, iucipicnt cowl y: in ,hort. w 011 cages of prostrittiiiii`orthe digestive rituritobs, it is of iumtnuoble value. ammo the preva lent.., or rutupluintn, it, is peculiarly efficircluruir . . no huuily, individual or traveler should 1* without In.". CAUTION.—Ito sure to get the soutthie Egence which in imparts] <oily by Y. IMLAY:Y. nt Ids Drug and Glietuicol Store, N. E. nurner of Firth and Che.irrut streets, Pldlndtd:. phja, and for solo by 01l the respoctablivApothnuiles 1n the' United States, and iu Pittsburgh by B. A...FAIINESTOCK .CO., SCULLY' & CO. . . And In Allegheny by • H. P. SCHWARTZ, 101146rud LAS • - W. W. WALLACE'. STEAM MARBIJE WORK & 319, 391 and 33 . 3 Libeity street, " Oppoente Smithfield street, riII . SEL - 1:014 . PA, ON U NTS, TAB LETS,, and, GRATE noN ES always An baud; Slime aunrShablti thatink , sot i ;nits tOr Oenistuilek wade hi wilftte. ' N'nro iirt. anti Waslistaud Tops, and I lilittrain g Stones made machinery, in less time and better Myles than can he done Icy olenl III:WW1! labor. Particular attentio. id paid to the 1113110 facture of • ra Alt L m Di tt of which we have a largo variety of beatitifld patter nit. Builders toot others are invited to examine oar atock, &a' Vee , feel persuaded 114 alter doing so, and learning our. price" 415 mud upwariLs„) but few who are able to own a good Louse, will be willing to remain lung 'without, prucuritig utte or mono Marble Mantles. ' They require' no 'serolibliig liar painting ; are nhvay3 neat; are an ornament to a room; TM% not liable tit take utv, and cost but little more than a good wow! mouth,. Marble stild low to the trade. flearth Stones made to order. I tor atonic of Marble is the largewt. In the '.VmI, nod 1 . 4 4 ittaisufactorell by the brat wcaltsnou, aided by machluery, to worthy of attention. • , Orders, whinnied to tun, at 319 Liberty. etreet, Pittsburg!, lillelfrith despatch. WALLACE. b'S r . - - - L PATENT 10 BUBB. &NWT 31AC111NES.: used In • SOU Mille he the ll cst. They rail light, clean well; are durable. Ittel when they become suionth, the edge ran ho rnuowwli hysracklug• the Burr. They hare been used der live ynara fa: the .Clty. PittaborgiWounot the lanced !inns in lbw Westratid are warranted to aliginiwall. Poe litutilcuinisofee bandliM i Li tirdeni filled at 319 Llierty etreeL.Pitteburgh. • •.• :•• a • WALJAOLz MO MILL OWNERS.--4renelc Buir and Laurel 11111 Stones, Bolting Cloths, Mill Irons, Serena', Screen Wins, Corn and Cob OrtndermAtatit'rrinf Proul Stalk fix,, alwnYvAllq.944.A4d put& tsi,ra r ,, at .si t , Liberty otteet 7 :Pittishurgh, rrnip A , , — l7`. ivALLActe. • .~- . _cam_ EMMI , t+. IMI!M=MI MEDICAL:, 1' CURE: OF NERVOUS IVISKASES A GREAT }ILICIVANIK 1011 Fjeckutsj Ml= Ilttaburgh ..... ....Da. With H. ft kIYSI , M, Ya./4diroadlit. L}ol IND BROS, ,No. ZO V,VOOtt gatraet; It. F.. Q DLLNR4, WQ‘al atral44, ty... IteKll ANL & VICENN.,O;_ , .J AIRS SAAIPLK & CO.;' J. N. FlantlNO. gput PAILK, Citheinnatl. (aral;di.wly INHALATION EZI33M NRW AND Vratle WONDI6.LPD.L. HYGEANA ' •Y,t=ciack. • F. SF 4 l L L ^ • 4 . F1; 1 7 . 1 44- - 5 - 4 -l e4 for.f.-401* - .".L. . . , 47 3 _40111.16XA5P, - AgIVS 'CIIERRY:::: . - . ' 7 : . • imuitiii. niii; - oiliciiw"iiberaii: . otc„.l .. L ____,- - - Nita, numennus.,,,wroonN, ..troir;ymupw.: ' .. ..: - , - AMIE& Mat , 1 .,. ' 1 , ' ' Wif.?l." - ': :- ' - ' ." •, '. .t. 7;... - • - 'Tirteßtiortiiieharei*O.dOils ‘ . :... • ... 04,mit, with thionskwoßif sown an article Mblch - stddeni - iidts 1 - trieta. ' - ; , P i ~,---- fre - theltiTgeot - '4**ll;affiiiiiiti. - shed. (Wald& is• imimgaiietethe 414142L-Italatw ; f its fith oinnet eilt! alui ctizat 'A t il enterratimion s3" 4 w ..elli , 10 1 ~' i' 44 the. countriMbtaindaht penota‘kptr. r j et • . 4 . - - - •,. • It" .iielPlineint;W biiii besii: - rim Mad tronsalsrinintatidaTim.- calsPOf the fangs, by its hem -- When - °, 0 1 7 0 M i t v g= riority over every other medicine of Its kr frr a *P-" c l i ft . aPlriali9 ITlllrliftrOftivOitlaltlttitlithd publit' tifkiWiter_t_ gnat ' , n ) l -ti'atnAt, • 47 4l l) ghat distredslng , ann , a 2 getitlninterttto guns, which are Inc tto our clfinitta:::: . , r . , ~.' •:.t,, , Nothing Installed louder fiii,Mitiliairaitt 1163t4f - =lat' PllimattvthaTtAheiilsvpihig PrtnsaetitildlatidlOOdon• staniptlva.ktenplantys nor hsafingAnrolentaafAittessmingl nunVorthil.F IrtnEgtitiotii and am', E allt ttit..akse, 0910. quote fronody lout been provided, on'vilai cti:4ll cilivad ‘ rari depend litr ptotectlottltoni attnAidrirlltit . . 0 gout, until the intrixlnetiniuntth&ClMEW This article hi the product of a long, latiortoint. andr MP* successful endeavor te tor tilittalbe, ersouniallti . with- 'an& Ili theme 94/141 044.3,141".4.0..1440*10Tr cives - propared to u ,andlup ,_ *I :con4demin. their It theredstinydepmawelobiogg.4ffir . Ivh44.a2eY of ~ ,r i v y..,..p4,..lfthak- 4 ta=i , ' them. it en mint t MUTANT. Seases, - ,* el iiiiiisea ea film . affeffliensottlatthostfandlungs yieidlaiwoo _ on theassurancg of Intelyont Ehyldcl=,i , ' Weak& totenh*-- In litentsiWWWlk ' tningttnentntniirterdninifflinOTeritlititt hiliketidaitm(K. Here a,,1 does:ante the Chleitordh* eigifit ijk, d:, ..4 at'attlitt, yonittitiyaddnd idbeintlist liniktOttirfluaina._, txukit milinnthetcp freeltittiMiednaPishikttlide The afflicted -l easdliiiine it .A - ritneo-thit - -..,. ;: , 1 ,...4.. tem str.thein:=nints .ihtaddltti#oo ~,.. 1 . 71 4. 4 4.. • . 4 ..-c priceless tothetta, All shonl4 knettt.th..4tor . ~. .. _.... prieiid to no 'dna. "" riatialeeatiid 41re difitdistes • everyntiore,4notaniplaltthmannittyiniSWlVit , flow feithfally,we bays , antettott:thketal*OlonitlinVtt4 • ttintant that 'atiMiq ills lirtinia male the:ehtleSs ; -41Sai . ', globe.; ,- , The sait,inttet aMn r intAtil ' I ITIOW'iNie-: - ..4 without it, nistbut kw pitopleiLA:W we in hthhhiatietairmi lettilk"itlittil intenkent vio hittioq . alkOttiiiiat , - 7',.. __,., . lately entployetklu Wit Arnetics,r-VAMS.,,„ -- ,•,-' - i '.f ; Australia and thettrlnif Idlitteti'ol:t. ', , 9 kt f, 174 b m T pPie t 4*: ,reppYVrMenmoret , - , i a - - -- V i r , 0 , 1 =21 loCits kind, it IttliMhide .., m int#09 11 1....,.. .- . 4r - Still ills affßodadlnPn# b ß. - frett‘7= - 7 . - Wh. . wharld orysittlf Mein , impOttar ---.. tesserauffitedtashicllttelitinallig lieut., Every bottle M this rnedtcht.:Mtg • '.IIINRAIWIC... , - iite good as ever has been-madeficte_ - Autitarvire-cat , y ,pahle of making. "Nritaltinittekiff in it' thlthest peitition atidalktetiatititl t dTsne the ,patc„4, 10 4A1141# .._ Siarit;cartelynnhattarm.oe' rA,n 1..•, . W, maims pile • _ antd- hydhoife 5h4 . #44 , - CAM Odielt;;4!;+kM4W.X.:PT4lr;; ) .BY P9 n 4I, I 4 I SPCOMVAIYCVAM 46 IIW' gtsar-itiritet orld,• iti*Sl iti Ate ' • .-,.,. 'that rattoationntleet .6:04: -:*- Wk. Premed by, 07:44,i•_444.1x1141A••• : if:. chotobsttoivotEas: - ''"' - - er , '"&A , ,::„. ,, ;';':' w .eclf4-by . 4 4,AV1V441 4 99E t :A4104 ",,' •, . ',.. ,: •t , • teal, by every ru tu Pi rgb,,andl_ •' 4 4 4 • ...,,, „,„, OVerrWhere.; ''' '.. ~,,14-471.14 ,t.±,,,, .11 . rW 7s- ,..,; ~.- . .:_. Cati g b ic (ka air . / *NW: • nitr i ff e- 8 0 0k , 4404047 ' `; 7- 11 Tirliskiii4xPectoiSi4VelmhAVArs. ' lllSikia"l ' l WTtiadiVirrs i l t hW w • ;Nils:m*444v " •le • _ . -t#oBo_,=AwsokSti,lo6, _ eveWelielißleareno sonnewriiumnieonneazuelne. lihl any =p c lena vitamin:but Roo* 7.TroVitorVESitatamek. he holigenempore the tkage=imiAtmerilion si organs. 111 immediate effect le to allay all IrryajNti,-17 and gently remove the J..legetvaelber...auntal Wm , tlonz.from the Ibinitao atrimaaages.. thus relieving,. the Cough,•' by` intdning'theintlierMatko7ittir Other cau4el which - eeennendedbyThystelini orate ,eo,4qoAtnt i Api, may be givenanthverfeWatety* 7Oung '7 l " the.most,dellcsle I=n Lao glum lia l tf a bottlawltl..ger,lnttA atly.ortlia nary 'ciitailirtOittriArtaffeb44lre one hetue:tn sidititenitO6iinis6ioultifickx ,, enza' 'vein A i train - 4-lAe jeut • ere w e s , . ,oto.botknat tgectitaz:itiorbgpiming.atitied: • hree to AO l'ati f t 0, 4 7 ,".F754/M!..ISMINP*4I.4 lila or hntliilii -•- • • Four do EitiAt bettUis ent .CoinfaUiPtiola. ; One fugue 13 warranted alwaYll t< l 4 o entand pu g the patient dud he fa on the tight•rnadtef!‘ Vft Judge now whether_ or Dot ikla ' fialiUeil4., cart' Ifi-y, Wee on Me to the - '•• ftnnidndtttralkotri*oted'aut: . term. - • • woli,ra^ A. L. SCOITX*CO4 - -- ,Frooktbri,k, No. 304 Bito•OwAx.,toorSlMAtar Neto rir44 . i t , l br S aie b Y ARP , For late, wholende inutirobitt;* 'kkGttltrir comer Wood,andliecond Solt! alscibi , lIENTIERSON 4,Bitill.;Jabert7__atiaer; ,11 . ..P.r. 4 tionwAtim•find BEOKTIASI4,24cRENNAWiLIre...'7.` The Greatest Medical Diseay.prv4- . OF T AG E. _ KUNtDI( > . 4..4. o o.l4l7;:tosAiiitc#o 7 *_ - .i otie•Otohi roniinivit 'piwinte that cureirmery.kindatibilitor;letaiiiheWrei common - Ile has trentedit In over eleven rinnareu ciao!, nrid Mint: failed except In: two outes:(both.thiulershnmor).lhaleur?' now in his poe.,ussion over two landrai, cerpikativor . 144 ; 4 value, all within to-euty- nilloe of • Two hoUleanre wart - Amodio minim narahm wee - tnOtt, One to three lxiltles will cure the. wore.t,tindor *WO the the face. r. Two ,te thruut94has wAl.scciar theuystehkut Gbilr Vl.r , Two hotheouriwarranted . to cure the weiretialker month tuntstdimikh - - I- -, ' " . ~ s Three to live ballot are warranted to cut e the worst elute -'.-.: 4 of erysipelas., • . iyrN tod all ; r - - 4 • Otte or two bo t tles are was ran to cure humor la - OS Two bottles are • Wart to,cure Fopping orAißeOlt liali , 4 ,1 * blotches among the lila. _ 4.. ... 4 , Four to-sixi)ottlenaro Warranted tacnre corni, 4 —.l3 .Lo r .,' . i. - , atop;- ulcers. ~ ~. (Me bottle ivilf-difilf Walk - unladen of the skid. ~.., - . Two to three:*Woe twolmtranted to, , Unre didninst4tig CiS' pedlar, GIS. of rlimumoOdm , - Two or three bodles yst raxarnaded i to enns4 l .ta v [ 9 ,l lt ' it of ringworm. ..;-. _..r.,,' , -i , Three to four, bOttleartre warrantedtanurevalitrbetiniPvc‘. , --,- ',• Five to eight : bottles will enre,the worst inse 0r.rcipa b i,„,. 1 ,.. ; ,. !, A benefit is Idivaysittaurike ed Trortrtie 'ilidif4colile - arldl, - ' a Pertts3 Onto id, warranted Whfn , the-above qunntity•:4llo3.S tal,n. Nothing broke no improbable to Vim/ iihdlinvVltt ViidiV ' 4 ~ ...^ tried all the wonderful. totklulneeofYthe daYsliethetieVidne el:v ~/ moo weed growing in the postuvmonlelong old done Truths, v - should cure every humor in tbeityetenti Isklt is :Aoki', Axed , fact. IT yob lowa , * lintocu'it , hei*Vitart - Wire ete'ilitalik nor arida, home-or leLabutikeultlng-nounLeenen and liotoldl: yonre. rpediflixf over& thefuek9d b°llleB of i t in the eklithY, ..... of'Boetou:' I knot ihteteete in eititrivitifie% It' tiintsdidiedy"— T I. dons some afAa,dte. ll, E gaY.,fnenr,49_. o „tu4l:idataatchttettt. ,- :•,r I gave crto CnUnren n year onA: to Oux_reuPla ofalxty. I , 3. have seen poor, puny; Vroivisir- lo 4114re0, 10meg...flesh, '"! t 'Wee eoftand dab - hy; lIISIORNI tnii , perthei r talteolirlialth lik - ' sue bottle ,- -•- , ' • *;,'•-• L._ - ; ~-.Ntar:ri-b4!..k. ~.-"t:".M.,.4 i TO Mew wile' n'nd l iiiteiVtc:' a ;lit hOldethe„ one tkia, Will always cute it. , It gives guatfteliattOdatillig - attlVdtg:7 ,- 1. - !:. , zhi.w. Some who have been -coddiewtoe-yearo, haves r .. : ' ud beel ?r e .g o " o 444 l t- WitartAhat.***** l 2 it ' a! z quite east ~,*here tharti - te . rile .., , *itiif,thOlem jA .,,„ :Lions of - onWit'feiglitii:'• ': .:#4 , qiL ff - '''los t i piWgt not bit•Qafted.4her4l , • ,1 .• .- ' 'itvlibitr-4 .„ . , .;,. , ~,,. &pato a weelr,alleid is illritia. :- . s , , ,:,,lt,-... s rowthrOlF,_ lit contrary, F bl4 . ,4l :2 o4o 2l7atitUtgekswidf4„W,. - 4 like a newserrqn. A .... inpliatC 4Ae.AOLlat*lttta t . - - .;-. • i Onoondtrunrifft . . /nee ak.„o diet ivervim ;: : assulw -4 % , thititerptifilit.e' - i. . -.-,,,...: b .t wise aneltortrperditc*MuiiilauttinathiAMgc, . .` 1,10k4it.; ' 4 Scluk.W.Olibik****loo*-1414*-00,04,405074. ~'..:: t =viTt4:64.faii,osurervor ~g ,,,- i :40,_ ... P e/4 47 Children"Ofecilitit ;' Les,-o. ':, ape t O !. d6t e yiNad,.thild l 4 llo 6l l fill.'eat•adkairiXtlinfil, - - ,.birrr , -, mada,spom- bleloAtcolurtipakaiktei4klV , t On t h e . bOwelii•twlefiek4Yo , ?l,;, :1- cvi , '.. - :‘e:A.-1 • .4:-:K;'W;4„...f-I , v, - •`; - "r ' "0,. /1 ". 1 g 1 1 e tPMC.,", 4414 45 1/ 4 0 ,50**,,f5t 2 R147 t Bold, wholesale iuid'tlitedl, 4 d 4 r - .41ffi9ti1.,50415 9 64.° 1 : 4 - g pt.nver, turner ofliliglo relletivin' af.t.« . gelpgrkettedi Arfes& , .% g giien,Y. .. 4 4 , .- ,L-,,,....4., . - F 't, ± ,l- o , Aar.,9),lrlitatylitw ,, ,i4 , - sAlitis , 14*C ' Altlit.t.""' - J N qUAAM•IIOMetik k..r3 , :•,..--- 4 , At - Po the .Weviatia zold'ftwt., t thhi 41 ahvi m : ....i imm...,..,, , , ... . - froth trri!finpriti4ZarY*ll44l . . 7, ..' '.C . 1. litaitjof the oshotrtiz.. - to ...,!,, t ; 4.0 ',,, ‘ 0 HEALTH. depends .principaill p yppon.,:the , & _ - conditionfot the,Orcied-+iti oxldatioiwtij itcrikip, through the lungs, and taistriltutiewinto4n4ront4 obis ; - ~2 _ _ir 'sorption, elm:dation, r e minttogykipseriejko.mostuitiW , r , the phenontion orlare: Thal; orliatui Wit .t.m.UmCwith.- , wohdorittV gyiiipattettd. ii.ffittteeerit any coupg-thiait liii-',71 properly a ff ected. theywil becomericritatsdia4-42146431 1e' -T , atomacb gets 11464.-Juilils a0411..,k112450114..<0;441w4,'P", dell, in th;i s h (% '' and iilnba;ationNardeVnith4 . • 16 .. ' heat, lOW Of Itirpetiteittt debnitA r li" tdor-' * -''.: hid nozioty.4sPr eo llopilt s •Virit4 iiittlr 6 4 l o4 l topsand , ,Silitkrttilfz Position tinot&O,-14 . 4 443 1 41 11 e - 14 , t . ;ikt.tt.4-,:;(410/1iti, retel .. du id be chir&With' theft recon4 Or dulkeastiioc4ems *wk., ,-.. CA thesammtuenceltls :11114..erldeht ittarnittialekli - n7 , SAN ne.ded that sett ektuunetnadviugy tfizitivog-Ailifilitgaliii DS' VgIBAP _4lti.l4.Ut AttOlikabl;4 4l o , •'; "` was, streuVieni the si . *. re . Anoiteri„, tho;disetts&enentstrnoimplet6 ettet t „- - % Tietiollow,lng . inuakitilio - .2*6 wittifit thousands thakere frolettagote*bacobeineei 1,90...7- ku quartan..orAbaliatAttk 11,032nritet - -- 47-. • ~.!.• ~ Lynx Vki, ' IllierbUita.w4Tß``, n Arc n ri • *AI I .3o L a titrVlLY . o ntlemeP7./A` 4 h 6 ,4 swing a - 1 - ru - ;with my Aito Aunt Pet , 4• , ,,, 7 , - ; Unit for Orval) coil arthWatititrit MO 462.' I. '._ ~....,. 4 , : i .,.;•." -,, Itivtir withoutanytilitteultrMthipe.e:9l , • - rmi n mi ittikindettinentitilistrni, -11111 'V'" wt Ay brday cre*VOitos7ulatittila .11:064 " pAniuktiukt,he-taimilioexilltaktObse te.f r t i in,..,.,_h_ 4 , - mid aliont titn , wagmiAikir'in'ipftntt tdr,',., ~,,,, ''!".- 14'7 "lireatiful,'"kesWrig-rer!~lll## Vin'' ~ " 1 _i_'..,,„,,,„, .. 441 V.0„, f,..,, Albany on . 1,13 . 3 ; 40 f -06 1" 1 1 011 "it r ,,_ ",!'?"!... 4 %, , Wiper kfthhilithe' Winn i`l! ' , 4 - :,, apre we wero*nabind , tn'tntritlitje , - .T - ~..#4 L. ~.•.t lestly anffpnieit hikinild mni,'"htrit , ~,nlatlt oh b-itMt, _,... 4 5 66 4 sips him tfindinins tfiiit.36 , 6al , l reitell, tatypitp., _Au , e t x t,, , T ; , t_ ge ry something remakes! to be Ait*ffiAnltirt ".aMb:lenn' s!!''' iteiltable. Beinc nytire ,notksit47.ttrzTY't:Lt!tilMli,7va „... procured ItUtilot'* l 'l-rwAllankiltgr ry r4V,If Terserering lo4l i It,/ 4444 41 1 6 C .k 4 ? 1 0! ) , 1 00,, ~, 0, te,grapple with. the tifeenskontt curt hinatit upbtire -;‘ , - z L, eTmeet; th,,,maling ima , pititrin , thir Tilits , Ami , iiitir, 4.: , netltoknPrOlidr'whOlifB vfloelbtiitte t 6 rAtuticc:Thlucknk-_,l-,...,,, „ c zniged,i,paretaim.,3 a 'third 6ottlivtilite-tiorkitiktiblqmi, . w aii ng , hijzis 46ge brokioinaltome - iiwi':or bouteltia, , eight/Cur an -.lnch • long , nun*. Ott: ° alteeittitaPtdevoltr t " -- .4,:., 1 ouniettnned and heated, up. tisk pay petirtsttlocond„ IT ,-,..•-, I In , no 7,P, _____ ,P 0 .079 - za , 4lbej - I .,%..vipiPlari awl qui pestgqoptirl kinds VI twl ,ol l , l e = f t. „4/_thishntS„ poen elbc . tfii . 4 ntraiwt ;, , Can CertiTY, Dittbe -ff-3-mintainshipatraketatooSa. Whicbp under 10 . 114 Q*STMAXVinottttl , " kL B3 ' 1 - 7 9 . 0 / 14 r !ski.gpuik44 , ,,.. iu,. ,14,.m,Asagy a ,. . Autm At* A 4- Alati.l3-Elkiweis nteltnilltkWitpri,,,,,npe!nhhlnti*,rmes ATOt AY DMOPIAV - iii'Minttlex Or 414 Itilitt4- VW* • A ..? , 14,A.;".- : Af , ; -, , , ?.. , .•:'. .. -.;•4 ,. .: i , . -;" :.4j.••;.V.er:,H. , ,.. , , . :-...,....,...A2,1"....4.tn5.,..."--:!. '~~4' ~.............kY~'iii;.: '~x `~ === f: 11 . , , - , • ~ # T ' 4,5 }~ ~~~ 4. , =MEI , cys , ' • ' • 7 4! " " sir: =ti; ;~~.,. r r " . "‘ %4 `ril 3: • !••,. • • r• ,41t, ; • - $ y'~` i27i s' s , Yl.; 7 -.. .. +:~k-_ -:'+:y S Ir.~ -, ~ t ~ ~. Inn
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers