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'213. 6 i 0 -4 ° :t:'.l' i.l - ..zorfeiltsPv ~„,k, in ~.raot. 4f .a „ .. ~,?..,....... " '''t . Z A - ' ziaiklia 4,4 44. 17. 4 k1 . ' 4 s : Kl*-% , - J.,_ •- ‘ ,- ,zi1i14,4 1 reN, v, ,t , ..si - .,, , ~.1,;•,, -4 , ~.1,,, , ,,,,_.vt,}1. , -, ~, , 1t.,t,A...,...„,,,,,,,, 41 , -`.,e•,:',• ,e .6 , „..k. ,, ,,..c . .1)00.v , ,i.i30 t -I,i-itiy:efti.:,4•••,.. - 0 „t'• l' _Zsa adk Aplt pa. '.. o e" ''' • ..,),.. :4 ~ .r,,- . ~,,, i Al r ik tit,,v, wvl 4s rsee:?, gi. 0- lt t ' tr , '/L- ' 001,.'faZ iltst..t.;:rd 4l .-441r . i 4 44 4 i:ti•' ' i ' . .... , i4c . .ct, ulfs.,M4ze i....0,50r , ffr . ~: , ....vsy, sli ft, v . tf ° , ptv", 4 t - f - `q - 4 .0" . =' , 7 ' ? .., : ' 1 i i o „ Ba le t iVt i Ef ' v : 4 retP t' 4 .,.. t 4 .. 4 ,% ' ' ' ' , c l 4.,404 Of, 1 ,')., s 4.5. ..i.,.. a .„ 10' .. 4 C .... Ai * 4 4 n; * 4 ,tille;. % A.:44titoil Sati i tijK, :11. 4. 4 q, f44 ittß,' A sa - i 4 „, l i ii‘g. , ~044,e,... 4.-1, 41 4"44 •5' 14 1.- Y•ilaa ' tN C ' ' '-a tt '',.f . I - chum I ati.V.,oo*.ttilsVtt4l:;l4:4l,ht•l'aegr4‘v:irit , e b ° 4l;: i 'l,e : r' , church ' - mio/4 474. s, ~4 4 , 4 .,. vibi:4,..A •:A... , * -Pd 4, .}:,..iki member. 14.tt; ";r t O'' ' cl.; t ` Ir'...ii:‘',4 sessiot2 bc 411 b' irt o • * ....+. 43 tb0 ,,, , ,, A.,*.t.a . r. ,.... ... 3,,, ,i; ili,i i. 1 • tot ',erg ir f R i l• 1 040 1 r - tp,'* , ' fa i, 4 "e • t, II etter Iil„ . 4......:* , .46 ' 4: - ..e, .1 . *..lr. 7 ....., ..,,•:, 1 -..,-4 ki , k r.,..z , • f.c l / 4 . :... ",, ~\/..,.,,,,. tz ....,,, d 4 74 :., - •Gerk, - '4 ' 4 % ."'444 LJa:va* . .. 41.. ; ` v '. .,• 4 -. s iaa '' ..., ''' ‘:.:? 40 i " ''‘' f ra.V l te s 4 l t t,.`• c.". b ` - '4; :, ,a l '& ,- .1 A lecletdene ty. His tut the United S livered the sea * Aws4 4 ‘ U . F.s.V t i Pi .1 ° 0 • =. 1 "' u - 3. '' ';. e.- ! , Opentsty of elo 1 04' i i *, 4 ic I , 4: '? 4 ' ' ' 4. 4 ^ ' ,-1 ' susf% ~/4 4 4 'R; , 4,b . .; 1: • 14 ri 4 1; .. ' , ,... 1 4 V. ,,,a ....-. el in of these yards :fi e , P b:_ir 0. `',....f.;;. * ‘' ..f , '''. .',,:: _., 1, -.., li p . lent diluter was sec T V " 4u •”,47.,.,.." 1 d Vii,, 4 - - , l 'a. ts s'2 L by Mr. Isaac Bauilms ' il l st,", it. ; v 7 0 1 A7: e.„ .i .t ..- 5: 4 : 41 4, 15 , ..2 '' ,. ....t•Yr w ' ' ,7:- 1. .;- ,. .:7, ill 40. 13+ ,; 4 WC 1 P f, -- fr S. -, ,f V 1 / 4 7, 4 4.1 '. ~.. 1 1 0, is estiddished in cones Hon. The 'dinner was ('' J Ait 4 CfP,l, 4. 4:Vi•-?= . 4. 4 ' , j4 --1 number of drovers, butei .1.-, o _ 4 oN•Frfk.. !..4'• e o r , • . o.o.weeti 4 i , .; , .:1 f.... , ,, 14 . ,r. : „ 1 press and a few citizens pa passed off well, and will be f,sh'll':Vitte'44 ° ^A / '*•s" l / 4 1 . 4 , 1 ..-c ., ‘, „ i_ ., , t....50 1 :4 , 74Pr4 4 0 4 .4t.4...tr.' - t':', „z ', r _. wbo participated in it as a a j ... 0 ,,,,, . 14 4 1 kr•s 4 e - " ';•4f," '"' tt;""s"•C'ils... Pennsyfrania Grand Lerlye 4 3:0 7 1 ! 1 ' ,A ' Q 4' V . '; t t,a* . 4, ' I A - * ..:i%;‘, 4a t i ....,„„..,..—This Society atuteut fayette Hall, in secret session. ftf ='' •I° ~,,, t ,...1,,,*43' ;..."? 1 ' 4 • 'u , , , lt V . 4 4,,," " ...,e 1 41 i 4 1 ' 4 , ft..rA rt S .1.44 1,-.r"" AN- h. 7- *7 '' , ....0ii-i...* ' C . 7•4 *- 4: - ' '. . r',:(7: 14 „,11. ' 104-4•:: : :;,%',. :41" „,:, - ~..,4 -1 44,4 .7, ,,r •1 f State Thomas P H7o 3 w7r t d , fromEsg.. d o l f i. t. ,: *b..4i t , ie . ctt Is •. 4 .., ~ .4 .. r the address welcoming the members gtta. es. le. f 0 ...• a ~.v.4,....ai -4 ___--.4-.-6-444-4.-- - . 4 4 '1 yi..-4„ 4. ...:I.L.a . allZ ° 'I fa ••,f't *.: ' .4- 4t 4 ifii trili t r tl a '44 4%. 4 ,, 4 4;1'4.'4. New Poet Offires. -The Postusaste . f ..,..4 1 4...„ •0 ...,, 4„s 4 , 0 'n... s 4,_ ordered two new post offiees in Peons. 1 :0151. 4. 0 ,7e •-_,.b10 .-7 'o •:: 41, 4 ii n i, ,4,..c:5 1, 4eo 44- 1 4,4 • • , :t, .- 0' ~4 ta 4 , 7 • .q toted the following persons -Bald rtt,.,7,,,,..T1tt-14... t r,. ..75,.. 4 , * .1r.0 4t4- 2 1 ;11 4 „7 .4 f :1 4.- 1 1 ,, • fi a t:county, Pennsy I vania , James Irmo, * , f. 1. .f, g'„,,,,t , aft - A 4„T it t •\ • .%.,;' - g " A- .4- '''" , -4'' -t t c if T . 'ti" ' t . ' *4 'a7 • ,t t 417!;. .4 •, 4 J0 4 t tt, 2 1.;....: isl 4 4 f a , 41 4. 4 1 k:t .-.4.r, t master. Tunnel Hill, Cambria aunty, Pi *--. 1 8 .‘ 1 1,4 1 : - ..--,: , ,. ill * t 4 S Ma ; Miss Maria Mageehee. P i 4.., .4 . . it 44:4 bp c r .,, . 44 .,1 4 . ; 1 . ,, . 44".. i '4 ° ,11440 e , 444 'ta.; . ft - 1 1 ,;. g tas ‘ ,-. - -k -, '^ l & ‘".loaa l ".,l*Vlp•ala a t' - ,6.4 ;•,.`...: 1 - 41% 4 At ~ . ‘., •t-04... • t4e - evi501..;44 014 b c44.1.,,,V; ,' , i - Arlo 4 ~., t . 'TP,,,,, 4 1 ,,,0, *1 47 1 44:. I. IR 4 SILI - - 2 ;” ?f; .,Q+4, one :c r o A l ' ore.l llo ;n se ut oj b - s R I: l j :0 "Y rOb - be j d uli a tu ge l3 o l l a m 'ark er , •V • •I .% '4 l •%'`` . o.;;* k : 4 ",ct. •e-%'.Nltr kN'' .t il ... •":,' elate then r o o : house o o f n S T. iNl ""e 6 e4;t I " •'4.,`' 4- 1-% 1A . ., I ' 4 4, 44f,414 t 4.1 t Refuge the s te a' B y e :t i e r l i [ L a e : by i ' ,:ffi . e ‘ t elr ' :1 t re' salel' ' ''''i el , t " re. 4_ ,-- .74.N ytta, -, . c o al o- we ' aza...l' 4. * , d , 4 u ."-s. .c.. * • .4 .4 . ..,,,,irf i m zi., * •-•a•-t. a -- . pa4a), 1 4412 1.. ,t,p w , r ,vz,,,v e.. ...r , A ,- , :. ....kaF4Vt,...t.„„to c*f . .,..a ., .ta.i t r"...4.e t ' '4 , -: 'e 1 ClontheinAgiatkul4thanCOlMLlMuU.r...........„._etrisald:S:lescaßiloeodms, this 'ftim I c • - .4•4,, 4. 4V„.,n,„,..„ . ",,. o . ' 4 Arti:;`i;C b 4;''_.}', 4 ' day) morning at 10 o'clock. _ Oh ;••.T• V iv .o.:T - :efrd.. - s* • 'eV' g..,_.V•.•••••r4., f• - •,;“* . • sr.-V lk , , .c.) 4•.-...ec00 , e t -..- t. nun ':.l%t• '• 441 V 4 VIZ . " I%lYr.tVr. '.'i•x4•T-'474'•'''`4 CSIT, 'i t Z tr e` 1 1 4 k .I r 4 tri l / 4 4 44- 43 111 4) 1 i l. ''' • l'e44- 1 : 464 . g c, , ,k•ii ,1 - 1,,m11 , ,, bi 1 the Co j WA i re % 4 4l h ir t t tt t' W.. Col. i re:v ie ,, ..lai rt ,, r, . .'" • , e „,,-. . 4 , , silvania '- ,h -e-Vr..c- I P 4 i; k . f ...T t e e - , Z r i 4 4 ,4 f;4rl`-j s • preceedin ~,i. e . t 'a•: . .. '.• 1 . Mt ,I 1 1 ' '. ' ' . , , rn ' i ' ll ' l .- ;.a att . ' $ ll' . 4 4 ; 1 P 4 it who antler, ' 4 ... 7 + - 1 L4a. ''.v . 2 . 1 . v. • " 0 . '''' : * .g°' -- v i,,,,,v __-... .. .0. ...,,.. . 4 , ~,4 certficttUork 1 . "1 % qn ''• - a. ell'ii, qt -.. 4, - '.;' - i.r,f, a,....,* ,13,,,„„tr.k . a- tze2,4,,, , 00.- .a. $ 4 - ai,.. ~.• ; ,- 4• J:art- - .44 .r.p ~. -aw,... -- ta --, .p..qa,,a- . .t.t* * v 444. ' ' 4 '- -% , ."4*. • 0‘.ti r Ve454. -eitiol , t r "*slo ' o ' . '' ' ''9' . - ‘itxxm,T. , ..4.i'Zi 4•X• 11 "girdr:r . ..., ...' 4:l•l:N r ifrr ,er/ iP 4 0 . 4440 :,,PV.4,..t 4 44 1 T .•". • `-o -,,.. ...,,,,,-- ~., ~.1 tt,, ~.. ra,.._ „ , 4 ..o i ntA. C s w: !::::l: l'. ( l l l l t i l i n i:l bj et ic d ,o lllc r iw l a a , . , an: i taank,:anneodb yht hse r n • VOrs:tvi?'4l' ck . d.e..:7•92'' s.- '4, - : e husuus did not de 10 " 4 4 44 1 Z .P. L . gl i ttit t . P;Z". r k 4 , 1 ; .7%-.... `;,'' 4 ' 4 .t. l - JO. 0 ;el-fi ""1e 4 4 44 .' 'b.. ),''''' 4 ,, ei Mr. Butler-We i 'ie l `'4*'ts. ei. tf.h . 4. ~.e 4 oa C ';)• Mr. Bocock, of V, .leP •... ~ -1 1, 4 %tvkit.1, 3 , .."•..' =- ...., that the States must 1. 0* t . la *.;.-.. 7.,,,( • . ,,q ~*••?4, r. ~,..,4 f . l• Is.. 4... Convention was bound ..k. _ 44 .7.4 . ..--1.44.1.,404tu., . ,4g. : t a ;a.' i ~ :i 44 1, ...q . e4l:. v7 , * stA i r A ere ~,, q ~,,?., ‘:„‘ 4 4 Representativea, so far 7 ,,,....,,,,,A*0.4 eg. C 6". - .... -4 . .' 1 .0. - 4 , a 4 f •:.• kt.f4...4.47•4:c de. a l , •.,* 4 i",.1',1,... 4 i'l.{, .. > 4 • .7 j..4,41..!,k,V%.3(.1.4114r ~,,,,--..:,,,,- ~1 _________ _ ~,,,• „,,,„ 4 ,-. 0 .0_„,,,,. 4. , ~. ... i'S'r :..'... t... , a l e 1 11it.'434” 17 e-... 4 %1 . *L v' ' '4" l •t" lt , c'... -; •• t ,' l ^, - 4i •• At -.l'. A 04 4 rt. - Tr 4 * ".4.‘ "a • . 1 0,4 t -ar..-4 ....,•"...ii 4 !...... it gr t .. t r tft_lte•• l " l !Ml . tf . ; g 4 : : .4'7 la , -aPp to 4 7. -rt'"?s wilia t ''' '- , a4,.' -1- 'l', tz - ~. a• P. ~..._„".. . t..._ . v.& •as.a ,„, ,67 :,, , .:- ,i ,,,„ f „ ..1 , .. : i Ke 1 Ca b t a hely:;TvddSa transactionhin a n a s ey t he s auk i t r i I i e o r an dt took the n e rt hoinHdthreve:esedutanhis: the r°° . o e ur c b' ' ' e h: v i l t iwz - ..„*... k -4fi .4.4 1 51-;.:7 ,,, ,, , ,,#,,-,:..1 L . .-4., .. . .1.- t•-•.:,t.. ,—,...„ „,...,..„.,,,. o,{ T a ", * 1 t* 4e* ' 4 ' r" 2-6:- - Teteki t ov, - .-rv...t.sfkt. ~,,ft.a.e ,v-=, *‘ .7 - g ‘.,,,, 1: t k e t 4 , 1 itSV. S. 1, t ; 4 1.... *ti; : 4t t :e.. 1 . it ,' i the'ATlhrrl. 4 431' W; 4* .,.. 6 tv' .- - q t 4 0... e. e evq!... , A ` ' 4 ''l • . , ~ii.,,,i ~....„„ •.. 4,,,, 7 o _ 4, ..,...,- , it. , ' ru jn i T o e t d h lhi :c ut ow of m o i r t d ie e e r. d...4 , 04,a,k,,,-. 4 ,e es , • a• -.,,,, ~....v ~.. -6. ..,. - 4 .. ti .. ... RA • , , .„, .. ~ v. „„. ..., A 1 resolution sb . : : 8 " : 5 1 : : i w i t y n i a , 3. t j o t i lhi .. table, -- 4 4,0 14 14rnt, 41 4. arl'''4 6 - 490.L.75=.4 1.43 ~ .- 4.4. ,p- .4..,'`.ittrtuettet •z j t ,......, 4 ;,41- c'ev,.... 4 bear ana and Missouri, be appointed to ..1 1,44 4 - pe oiss',. , a , es* ' 1 4. - -,,e'...0,7 it s - "i Ne • 4 . 4 9 ' " '''' 4 l kr 4' ttp .4 ' t' l) V : ri - `,.-vit l"? ',:A i 4 .. .;;!. 4 ".. - : 0 ; ,- , ; 4 than adopte. 4-tc. '' t 4 - ;4 - It . ;, 4, -. aat , l'arart,- , z , ....%. 4r. ' ( 4 4 ) S.:. p ~. committee e nc e o t t f es on o t n e S :f i : th e ::e f : C h7S b n ts o e s te o ll , c s e t ta x t„ Oig - 1 4. 41 *-T , ',.'i.t,ritP,..;6e-4zt,+,,,,t' 4.t t 44- - 4N.,t 1 / 2 .444- . 7 4 ; s‘ - Ata.t. stftiPTC.Ar,AN kti .. " :4 , 4 4 v‘w, i. 4. \ - ' 4 - 4 1 t 4.1 '1' . .5; i f .(4%" k . ..'" ..441 4 . 1 ✓ Z 41.16 4i 14; 07 7 1 ''' ;,. ,„3 4:•;* -4 , t - tl 3" ,tN -(t e .4 ::: , . i7 vM'' '. *.-4 -,4 1 ,, T.ff....".c. ' 4,r,,f ~ , , t : ,:. - , , _,, - 4,, ~..t s '‘., ____ ovir f B. F. Ayer, N. H., on Platform 43 P1 .1as mn tma w n as ,"%l t t. h 7B , 4 - 4ka•••• , tfr,,,. 9 e. , ,Na• , l'aftc....:".. i - tP4a,.. , 4r ''-s,vt AP, v. , ',.'". . - ".',, it-C. Ile- . Hallet, Ma y s . s s .; ..l lN Al3 . ub ß trr: i , ri, : ril n ., ce h , C4 R . G . 1. 1 „. ., 7. :iii: ,L., C P 17. , ; . }... IL V. Wright, N. J.; J. j( l l i v a i ; 4. y, ...ko„.„1.• * .4V,, , f & eite1.'p'":;4. 4 14,.„--'"'f n . t aa , ,-*; , ,,.7 , 4 . .../4v , • „ 4. . - 1.r05tr i 1 ..4. .., - :....-... ~,a , : 11 ,...., , ,,... 4 F r --- „fora..o 'ft.f N.1, , ,,z•ra,.. „-,,, , o '4 e tt .- ..'„) ... . toit - '''. ehrti', , \%,4 4 44,*.....0,..*1 4,i' 4 . ~ . 4 'l F'.: it.....,.% "' ''. ~' vit 14, I- ~ 1,..1„ . „ . ~,- al 4 , , t 4 ,to t „ %. , , .,e. t - %1 . :,•*. ~-; p..*r t , .Ja t e. el .„ .. ~`e I dt f01 t y.i . ,.4, , , , ,,t. ,, ,...0 . 4 . , „, t. ,,; , ..0„.. , ,....., , i'.14 .4 i 4 . f,.... 1 - .4.'1, .'b4, - 4.•0•i 41,4 4 0 ,01 .- g , inig,i • i...i". - ... t. ; , *41 : !.k= .; ~..4 ', I ~, , vs -tist.4e V t d o k r 4 t4 44 T V.. q t. 4l.s ; f re Nitoi ' J,„ ll 4: l ~i;Nw.VAN,...4t, •-0 10. - 1 . 4 .4 4"r7 , - ,0444 - N icr 4 "" # 4 4,',., te, & - t .,,. .1 0* , - ,A. . . ~,p0•12,4,t,-.1A:11=. ied b c.. tt 4 o . ~ , ,,...o ..,'0 t‘ - ,, i• -' Mn.f a * .t o "' 44 * - •* 40 -------- AD A e l u ti. gd : leA J y: ae CS ob eCP T 7 ho ez : g p V so e. o, N M Vel is. i ; S: Pi A en. eb e e'j S N o h. til C e .6 , La L. Vallandigbam, Ohio; Falls, Tenn.; T , eion ii .; . J d t: ir t: 3 4.....Rb 0 0d 8 en e5 11 ,.. j a l o g n h c; n l o: ,; K li l!. A ” F r W k iek . , ,, C. ', Oreville, blich ' .; S. D. Rogers, Florida; II ~ 7 ;14,... , : : :,..t.a .a•t•,•• 44 •*..1A?,..1.a. A ,t,L. t Vlz 4 i2v 4,",,, ~.- " ,,t e.; , 1 I S. 1 i , i, :1 . g. g ; ,,,, T c h: L . S. Wilson, Iowa; S. Clark, IS is., 1,.." 47 .4tirVi A r•,41 , 7, ,, -.1 . 4, • ,-, t.... 4, .e - fiaVix°:: *-* ''''- 1 -0-i 1-' fe`p& ' NW 4 ' l ‘ S l tAft. t t k'v r io ,:, - 4 , 1 v v' ' * 'l " '' ' . V * Soo the fro k on wa , o v t: m d . aF:ki r n igh to t, c:rov l e ie Pi m nn o s , y e l d v i an th ia' a s t :t44V r . 4 'NI fr-t,..tkv . 1V,Z t. 24., ), ~ '‘l 4 4 :es 4, - •yl• ‘..',, t 1 4p -I,i . tei V.1, 11 41V 4 '' b ,- '' * 4 .' •- •••4 c•F 44 Ifll, 1 ~r .., 4 . , 'vs , e l' . N 4 '44 '2.0 . '''."- Oc✓'''.‘ •• :S .- t , ' 4 1 1 .e 4- 4, T 2 ‘ - f t-* ...1. tr,. i attillott i tet seats, in the gallery, be appropriated to rig W -4 ;' , 4' ,Li 4 77 'Oil' '',< 'P,k*:'4 4 ' 47 : 1 4 ' 31. 1 X:: :.:'4% ' ; , r t' ,"- i t Cries of •• No, no." ki 44 1', 4 ., 41 3- .4... 0 4r€4i,...1- 4 4FA-Vii4s, ' - ":-; -* '„f 4 ;r,....;.1. v . ;ti' II '''.3'.,.71.",•: opposed the resolution. If I , , i : t . '"' ..:= 1) ;01t. fr ;ti 4 ,* °. l , " ... " 4 ?4..-...: cr' s :' ..),e, 11. ; 4 1• ',AO ... 4 ,,, a . 4 ,..*',, • ' - theM fnut,keepthem out. No man ' P ert ,y... .„..?" ..4 ,...".;;.;c 4 "•• ,.. ..,'4 , , , , r. 9- ; . ....j ... ,9 s-* . ai r. . ` ,. ...,. - ...., z - ;. ta,a ~.--17.1.7...-"......„. 4 ;14 . ;5 , ladies, let them in; i in•lcoali nill :::: f tlon. He would move Mr. Pettit of of I th nd e i 7Co a evention was the business of und a ~ .. ......- ...... - ~,,,,,,,... ~ •„*... 4-, .„. .o,t , a e..., - , ~, • -.. „ h e wou ld e 1 iii:7297tr , /a.%.*.'"„r,-,.' 1,- •7 1 . • ...- ~, ••- • ,. -, ..•7r ,a .- - ~1 - a ~.-L`' N.N.4\''' - .^ E;n. : ~ ; I• all pr e er nes, 1 sad 1':ft ‘ i•Z 1. :4 , 5" 74:4. ... ( •:"47 fr ' '- ! - I 44 :':' ) ' 1 " t 0m ; ; : 1 % .'4 4, 4; * i* ;/ '.4 11 1 :C 4 'L 4* ' 4: 42 -4 `- t 7 - O.^ r. - 14- 1 4r.1%. - . ' ''' * l , tt , ' r ,a" '' '". ' ri.' 4yt 4 7 .** tl . A - ' 5 ,.. 1.. P . : ''.* I .V ele,C 4 p*:1 4. .7..1 ':,.. 4 ~, `i d "e',..,'.ri!'t ~ e.„_ , .., e V.) -4 ~ , ~ 1 '• '> es t o adies P on p the p t7ble. " OLIVE .. , •,...:4 4.. 4 ., a a., va.„-,.., ~.• , a „,,,... 1 , ..,,,,,..,„„,,, 14 , , „ ._,..,."' . .4 %."41- t. 44 .1. - • ed till ten o'clock to- tor Mae "...t.4,41rt ' l 4 .4•.'.4!' -4 ...' 4 . 4 ' 4 " ~ .'e ,- . ' 4 : 11 r4-.el r , ,•.,,... n ic . 4 , ~,, a -*?.?3, 0 , r y, , '', A .'t • j. •' ; e.l , - -,., •-•-„:- - ' I meat them at all pr 0,...... a.7,,y' s Mi/.1' ,4 3%-c, ra. r i - -"-z.,totv,•• 1.,,, 0 t ~.. *••• , :- •'. - a „, * ••• "* 4 = s pa .4i t ..'44 .4 7.5 - 4( 1 47 . ..c4„:,' =- „„,,,, , " -,,,,..11 „ :4:, , ,,.,,,[ t1T , e 5 ....z7h , „ . 7 ,, , ,,v..-- .....-,-ni....-.:,-;,, Ti : a the resolution to admit I eb m u o uti rr isndY : Y :C iaat ta o i n d o v a nans t e ° n h ti i o m t Nationalhen adiourn eAVAlf;tt l ''''''l'l l- 4 CVA*4 4 4,1 444 t i t' 44 , ;'" . 4 *.4 r4 * i'.,`" " 4 - ~' 4 ...4 - -,„.. ' tsr.,. It i : 424 , 4„" , ..f A A tt ' ' . " .. 4444, ~,, 01fil ,Ir> n , 10. 4.1'. iii 43 1r , l i t "17. r $ 6 1. . ''' ''' '4 , ."*.....-. - ' , a , '. ) 4 et , ilr• t% 4. 5.. 44- , ec, R . .. , t . j .- . 4.; ~.,„1:,- , :' , ...* - 0 .-: - '4 +.t...., . ...owe ift . .114 4, „1.. ta....„„a , - ,li 4, , - • ...,.. . 1 • 4-1.-- -- , r 1P-' ''' '' '' -i ' -' '. ''''``' ;„..1 6 , 6 0 1k , ",..... v i,a"..&_:.4 51 ' 47 - , :re.• 4 1,e;,„1tar 1 at: ' ,*,51.7 4 1 ,.?,,.4: -. 74 r7,04 .----.. . r „a_ c , . - ,; --- ,,,„, - , - . - 7.,:fr, -( -77' ..4. :7 -7 , ,'''''''''',.. , '". ''" I ra , - -. , c ~ a- .• I ' • 4 )7 40 ""- 4a. tfow.7.? ''-"? fl,' 41. 44 ,p- ,, ,t ~ , ~„, r , ---, . e ~.4% , —,. r ~..1 . /.... r, , 7.1". F 3 ''': -. 4' . 4 ' ' • • . La . • af t ,. cl,' Af1iNip1iqnma ..4 4.4,,,e',„,,,... ;$ 1rr.,,,.P. t tl ~„ r . O- 4 , - l i p, .;° ,'" ..„,:t , ..., i ..,.., „6rs' 1 r• •.. •-•'. 4,1 . , , , • •., , . . • t _ *.e, 47' it-044,. ,:r4, - 141-41•NrAt •5 .1 •7 3. 1 y ""' ‘.-1 - ii NV. ~.. , ..1. ~.."' ''' ''' i".r ,'" Z. ":. l'• '•' : 4 I' : .., . • & . .., ,_ ... •,, _t' - • ~ ,• • tit 444 ie4 irt, t e 41 - $4 , '4"° 4 14045;1*i1t 4 ', 1 . 4 . *4 4 ,,, q , i 'Vi. i I;,:tft , ,••••,:z. , , '-' ; I 'o P :' ''' to !L I I 's s e.' ‹ . ... 4. !(..`r ... -;' 1 :'-%; - ‹, '' " 6 '' t 4 V'e . .1 ,1T4 0 . t .F t b... „ ... 'V e5ta;01L1kZit ,40 11 % 11, 01 41, 4,,, ttitt o o."ltt s 4 ; 4 " , ,,) ,' " il b - .4. 6% 1::t. 4 ‘,5tr ' ~' * i t , * t '- 'l- - . ,1 1 ., t f.' o l, l , " ‘ a t . s 7: 4 4. U . : .5 ..2 . ' i. - .... F - 1 ', " , :. ~ i , ' , ', ' ,,je : , ;q`'. 1 e....".;2 c' - V I .4 ~ ~,,,,,., t ..$ .., 4, 4 . •",„04 .-* 4 ' - a- - aa"tte •.- '• - '••-. ar ~ '4. a a" • ' #OllO. l -I% AN * • ' `` .......a * 0" j e ~ . ll a ../. ~,,„ .n.. a .1. ..„,,,,,, ) . ...1 ~. , .....- .. . I ". 1 , , ,t, gi i- , .f. .„ , • I ~ , - , .- , •.. -•-• .... -. } 4.. •••• • 444 - l' t ~.4 2, • 6 , 4 • • •••• .., 0 -r • • ..F. 4. ''''' - i i r• - I ,f '''' - _... 441. j . . ~.- ~, , . .. -, ' l / 2 ...';' :,--.,. -- : '," , . - ', 1 .. :, ,'--"*. , ,- , ' ~i-,t• • : A eV ti* ' ittlt . : ; gl;: m 4v 4; :24;1.5t 4 •1444.. Ai • . 14thgrtg i •-• •t" 4 . , . a a 4 - ft t t s4trm, 4 "i 4. *i f • 'Ziti4J'N : , • tio ';42;r:ic 41* LOUAi: 4 XFP A IRS. . pereons now .yelling spirituous liquors , in thk city nuinher several thundmd more than are allowed'under the new li .4lisajaw. A niunher of the township and ward con stahles-made their return of those unlicenftd vend ar.s.AO the Court of Quarter Sessions yesterday. Those' *ho wore derelict, Judge M'Clure intimated wouhl be proceeded against. The following are those banded in: Prrraatmaa—lat ward, 73 ; 2d ward, 80 ; 4th ward, 18 ; 6th ward, 36 ; 7th ward, 4; Bth ward, 11 ; 9th wird,l3. Awccusgsr —3:l ward 7. .: - Biutsuess--Sawickley, 1 ; East Birmingham, 14; Driquesne. 8: Lawrenceville 0; Sharpsbnrg, 3; S. PittabMxh, 2. TouStSsups—Robinson, 0; RIDOU, 0; Wilkins, ; Rinssa; Patton, 0; Chariiers, 6; Findley, 0 ; Snow don:O.. • Youthful per:lefty—Eighty Dollars Stolen by too /fey' s: 7 —Testerday morning Capt. J. P. Smith, of the steamboat "Rid Thor:" made complaint before Mayor Bingham, charging two colored boys, scarcely in their taliai'rned Julius Blackson and Joseph Fisher, with-grand larceny. Bo stated that be left hie coat t! . 0144 np In a room on board the boat above named, anithat - there was a porta monaie containg $BO in biatikfitotetiln one of the pockets. Young Blackson, whilele . was engaged on a pistant part of the boat, enterad the room and carried off the pocket book and tententa. The accused were arrested, and had before the Mayor, during which the taßleitantt admitted his guilt, and stated that be hiX_Zirtbated the money among his colored or 0,41,:k1e3AS ibtOws to Win. Junes $3O ; to John Johnson r. $5; to Joseph •$.20, and to Wm. Hanna, a 44'1471.50.9. tdui balance. The boys named, with the exception of giber, gave up the money, but he re _ fused to r ilo 60, and was, therefore, with Blackson, committed to primal. '• honey than Sense. Officer James E. Parke took into custody a man named Thos. Mills yesterday afternoon, who was taking a p cifound d . titrqtAtio a'ement at the corner of Wayne and lentr - stroets, N hen aroused from his stupor he phiiiid*llerrge-lerionsly drunk—supposed to have biannteiituitsCby" imbibing too mach whisky. Mills aittiOnillifore Mayor Bingham, who ordered him toles hie - anserated,fiir 24, i bours iu the lying-in-asy lum, nveilrtileb, p. Phillips, Esq; presides with such hi g iliellin d grai e. On being searched he proved to have on his person $Bl in gold mut notes, whixli would moatiartitinly h&ee heinkilibbed, bad be been alt9*'ed to wattin >t curb-stone lodger during the hope Mr. Millet will awake this morning a wiser and a better man, or he may find the next time 4 ..thitba; l sinmk;' with his pocket full of rocks. andiiiiitiMaitidliiitorYorti sleep on the pavement, is very expensive.`' A araftd dud Lostruestatat cotte,rt will be given this evening, at. Masenie Ha 1, by the Pitts burgh If3ieiii Society, for the benefit of Passavant's HuepitaL the society is composed of thirty-sir of the best amateur musicians, in the,city, and will be asAte ' ajtY a 44,1 "Orch i estra..4 ad Young's celebrated Brass Vial, insuring iiiiend doubt an interest • ing-and satisfactory evening's entertainment. Apart frorii the i#lteleall ability of the ladies who compose theSooletyi the benrotent purpose for which the pro ceeasare to be deUroted, should commend the concert to our citizens; and we hope Masonic Hall may b. crowded. .The Concert will be conducted by Prof. Wain slink. U. S. Troop for Kaftans and New -Iferico.—Three companies of U. B. troops, numbering 220 men, passed through this city yesterday, destined for Kan . sae and New Mexico. They were under command of Lieutenants Du Bole and Merrill, and comprised companies, .k .and B of the 2nd, and company F of the let dragoons—the first two to he sent to Fort O'Reilly, in Kansas, and the latter to Santa Fe, in New. 'Mexico. They were a line suldierly.looking body of men, and Judging from appearances will .10 the State some service, should "the rude blast of war blow in our ears." They were drilled at esrinie Barracks. Dr. David H. Riddle, of the :id Presbyterian church of this city, last evening in Dr. Pro,sly's church, delivered 'is lecture by reyte.t before the members of the Associate Reformoi Synod now it, sessinti'here; 'The audience was a large and Intel. lectualene, and the address of great power and beau ty. lE. subject was " The Scotch-Irish Element the United Slates." The Reverend gentleman de. livered the same lecture in New York city some week, Opening of ih " Union brer. Ford.."—The open. log of these yards took platy yesterday. An excel lent dinner was served up on the occasion, prepared by Mr. Isaac Bailsman, of the " Davis House," which is ealsildished in connection with the yards in .pies. Hon. The inarner was a sumptuous one and a largo number of drovers, butchers, several members of the press and a few citizens participated in. Every thing pa:m.4 off well, and will be loag remembered by those wbo participated in it as a most pleasant affair. Pennsylvania Grand Ledye of the Protestant A., sociatioa.—This Society artseutitleel yesterday at La fayette Hall, in secret session. About one hundred delegates ware present from different parts of the State. Thomas Howard, Esq.. of this city, delivered the address welcoming the members to this city. New Poet Offiees.—The Postmaster General bat ordered two new postoffices in Pennsylvania, and appointed the following persons : —Bald Hill, Clear • fieldt;ounty, Pennsylvania ; James Irvin, sen., poe-t master, Tunnel Hill, Cambria county, Peun,),lt a ule; Miss Maria Mageeban, postinistre.s. Taken to (he Houee of Ittfuge.—Julius 131ackson one of the colored youths who robbed a gentleman'. state room on the steamer Red' Eox, was taken t , the House of Refuge yesterday by uffteer Parker . The Attention of the trade is called to the sale of Clothing at the Commercial Sales Rooms, this (Tues day) morning at 10 o'clock. Court of Quarter Sessions.—The June term com menced yesterday, Judges McClure, Adams and Bbgga being all present. Judge McClure delivered orally a brief charge to the Grand Jury. He spoke of the smallness of the criminal list this term, which evi denced a gratifying ;decrease of crime. There was not aslngle crime to be tried of the highest grade. The.jory had nothing to do with the guilt or inno cence of the party presented—this was the province of the petit Jury. The duty of the Grand Jury was simply to determine whether or not there should be a trial of the acetifed. His Honor also remarked he would Hite the jury to assemble as early as possible so that business might be transcoted with dispabb. Their duties were more clearly laid down in the oath they had taken than any thing he might say, An. After the charge a partial list of the tippling houses-in the city and county was returned, when the Court adjourned until this morning at 10 o'clock. • - District Court—Before Judge Hampton.—John Ogden VA. James Wilsim's executors. Action to re. cover the amonnt of a due bill. Verdict for defen dant. James B. L Bunting vs. Wm. Magill. On trial. ilir..llEvery. flay brings forth some new evidences of the ;tittle's of DR. J. HOSTET TER'S CELEBRATED STOILACII BITTERS, from VariOtlS houses In Melillo, Vicksburg, klemphis, Galveston, as well WI from our own. citizens, and from ether different snctions of the United !States, we ere informed that those Bitters are particularly adapted to vertu sickly climates, (particularly along fliers) and deserves the favor of the public generally. As a pre ventive and dlspeller of sick headache, languor of the body, loss atm:petite, derangement of the liver and stomach, n.l well as a sure preventive of Fever and Agate, and all 111. low attacks, it acts as a gentle aperient, and gives full etrenkth, to the stomach and as stem.—N. O. Picayune. Yur sale Liar the principal Druggists and Hotels throngh. out the .United 13tata and Canada, and by 1109TIMTER & SMITE!, PnlrrltreitiCiOtnge and proprietors, No. 267 Penn street. Skozokik . h Bitters ere acknowledged by all vilDikeire tried thenito'be the beat family medicine A the ego, fbr the earn of Dyspepria, Cartirenem, and a die., dered)we the Lim and Stomach. They Dave no rival. The proprietors 4o not to.caut#o ,l PeoPl o from wins mb'r PrefarkOotts bbit am palmed uwn th e pnblk under the emu, of Stomach 10flOrl, D4 l fbey... ha ve MOO that only one trial was needed to render rot cannon nnnecemary. For salt, wholesale, lry COLLUM k CLARE, Third street between Wood and Market: GEO. H. Jinn% 140 Wood treat; and by Druggiets generally. - - - Fir Stock-nage and Hosiery for lATian niter.-- rt If you 'don't want your feet pinched with bad d s Ehooe- Stockings, you will take our advice and go inc. Datea, tier of Mu:kat alley and Fifth street, and buy some of those elegant fine fßocklnim, that make your feet feel nice end comfortable. DALT AbAL waked and Bells every variety of Meier: guili sou can montlou, at wholesale and retail. Bewail* the place, corner of Market alley and Fifth ncrl gERRINIi-50 bbls. Valtimore received and for aide by[toy3l] HENRY IL COLLINS. BLANK 800113, Ledgers, Journals, Cash sad BO' Books used in counting houses. Also, Court I,,,ekta-43tranfl: Kist and Railroad Books, on band or made to nrdr•rirttledio'any, pattern mall:0. and bound to any style cletint. -W. 2. MAVEN, alai& Book Manufacturer, Lo ss Market at:, Oornorof Renaud, Ofra t .itlltet • " • - • , ,N. • - t , • • 0 •-• •-s• ••• r 344 .•• • 4* AII4 1 -4 • , 6 „ 2,1 , „ • ~ - THE L A TEST NEWS CINCINNATI NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC ZMNM ,t of Jti t!. ; . BY Tr. RAPH. CONVENTION TEMPORARY ORGANIZATION. ____G_ EXCITING TIMES. THE BENTON DELEUATION FROM MISSOURI EXCLUDED THE NEW YORK HANDS AND SOF7'S UESTIoN UNSETTLED [FIRST DZSPATCIII Curctsrfavt, June 2.—The boats from Kentucky and Ohio and other towns, are arriving this morning litre ngod with passengers. There are supposed to be twenty thousand strangers in the city. The cars are motnentarily arriving crowded with passen gers. The Burnet House has three thousand cots in adjoining warehouses, and all the Hotels are over flowing, and many of the delegates are quartered in private houses. The Press is largely represented, there being 160 applications for Reporter's desks. The Convention assembles at 12 o'clock. The Buchanan men are very confident this morning. The liards and Soils have pamphlets circulatsil urging their respective claims. [sEcoNn DEsearcni CMlNsari, June 2. —At a quarter before 12, at the signal of tiring of cannon, the Convention con,. wanted to assemble. It was called to order at 12 o'clock by R. McLane of Maryland. Mr. Richardson of Illinois, nominated Samuel Me. dory, of Ohio, t Editor of Columbus Statesison,) as a temporary Chairman. Carried unanimously. Mr. Hall, of Massachusetts, called for the rued.n4 of the call for the Convention. • While the call was being read by Mr. English, ..1 Indiana, a sudden uproar arose at the door of the convention, when the crowd rushed into the Hall, fighting its way amidst the direst confusion. It was soon discovered that it was the Benton del egatiou, from Missouri, bad resolved, to enter by vio hence, knocking down the doorkeeper and rushing in, headed by ex-Governor Price. For a few minutes a scene of confusi :•nriossible to describe, ensued; the members were , —; on the chairs, and it seemed its though a serious riot ens about to take place. After awhile quiet was restored. The reading of the call was proceeded with. Mr. McLane. of Maryland, stated that when the credentials of the Missouri delegations were present eci, the Committee of Arrangements gave to.ket, of ilduligslon to the delegations which presented rrioiLi f.cir uvtdeuca of their election, and refused the others. New York also appeared with two setts of delv gates, but as the committee could not decide which was entitled to seats they declined giving tickets ti either, unless they could arrange the matter anion; th em selves, as Wit done in the case of the Miss, sippi delegation. Both delegations from New 1 oil. now await admission. Medary, ou taking the chair, returned thank • fur the temporary honor. lie had attended every liens:.-retie Convention since the first that notuinated Gen..l:ickson, and had the honor to be a member that which nominated Franklin Pierce. lle eyeu meuted ou the progre,, of the Deurecracy and 0• extended inilitence: be, believed the t oeenaiotia storms in the party were ealculated to purify it, at moss' u , Oki that it eta dmitined to tnumphdemlte tee .ry quarrels. mtroduced Rev. Mr. Nicholson, of Cincinnati. Rho delivered a prayer. Alexander B. Clitherall. of Alabama, and F. Ritchie, of Virginia, were elected temporary secreta ries. A. U. Brown, of Mimiimippi, introduced a rem lotion admitting alternative , to mate iu the hall. Mr. Harris, of Illinois, proposed that certain p rom tnemhers from each State be admitted, as the Ihall is not largo enough to arcamunodate all. Mr. Craig, of North Carolina, moved to lay the , resolution on the table, till the Contention had or ganited finally. Carried. Mr. Harris, of Illinois. moved the appu.ritment nC n Committee on Credentials on each nuciintested State, to be selected hy the ilelegates yarned The following committee was app....intact Lt Mar t low, VL; Jam. S. Whitney. Mass.; 11. J. Burrows. IL I ; E. A. Phelps, C0131:1.; G. S. Cannon. N. .1 II It Wright, Pa.: Jas. A. Bayard, Del.. Duro S c ott, MA R. H. Garnett, Va..; K. It. Heath, S. C : \V Avtlen. Ala : G. M. Vulen, W. Telford, Ind . .1 li Stedman, U ; J . W.Stevens.m, y., It. Wiggins. Mr. G. 11. Thunia,, Tenn.: Thos. 1,. Item!. 111. War I 11010, Mich.; David L. Voles, Florida, LI Henn, Iowa: vd. Jonertu, %t J. I.nnea.ttcr Brent, Cal . Colbert Caldwell, Ark ; J. M. liryant, Tea.. All.ert W. Lamb, ardent, Jr., till., F. ti Mera•. :A..nth Carolina. .Ae noon no the Cirumittee en' nnii,tittred. Richnrib.on, of lil., rm.° 30.1 said ho did ii.it desire to interfere in the quarrel, of Steles, hut. toe Co,. %entaia owed it to itaell, rte dignity and Ito propriety that nu person should Le allowed to force an en 011.0,0 and half ot er power the do., keeper. li should protect it,elf from r Mien,' and tripillt. Mr. Hall, of Mils., one of the delegate. who fereed the door, arose. 'rho chairman refusod to , recognitu him. The gentleman most present Ilia grieviuwes 1.. Committee on Credentials. Hall made another effort to spent., Lot was inter riffled with cries of " order." Mr. Price. of Missouri, rune and nald the dclegs tion submitted to the decision Of the chair, and at once withdrew. Mr. Bocock, of Va., called attention to the fact that Missouri's seats were contested, and that Mis noun had been allowal to appoint a committee man : the Missouri member was cunwequently withdrawn. Mr. Charles W. Wicklifle, of Kentucky. offered a resolution assigning unoecupied seats to outside dole gatet. Judge Wilson, of lowa, opposed the res.dui ion, on the ground that the last 11.0 nm •re Convention w a n •evermitlen vtat."lllo prt• - •,llre, and all fair rvproNelit atiun of States dune array with. The following Committee on urganization wee ap pointed Maine, J. D. Caldwell: New lianip•lllre. Henry R. Rust V'ermiint. Knot. Harvey: Massaehusetto, Isaac Davis' Rhode Island, Albert I, Gallup : Con necticut, Peleg C. Childs • Now York, blank; sew Jerty, C. Bates ; Penna.. John 1.. Dawson. Dela ware. Dr. 0. Salisbury ; Maryland, .1 M. Buchanan. Virginia, Pietas Powell ; North Carolina, .1. B. Hot tin, South Carolina, C. Macbeth; Catkin, Mired 11. Culquitt ; Alabama, John Fort. M1,1,511 , y.t. Barksdale; Louisiana, P. A. Morse: (This. O. It. Dorsey ; Kentucky, Beverly 1.. Cflirk ; Tennessee, J K. Walker: Indiana, Phinnae M. Kept r Illinois, T. It. Young: Missouri, John S Phelp• , Richard 11. Koine, Michigan, D. C. Thuile r. Floe ida, Chas. E. I) . %ke T , /OP., It kohar.l I', 11 ut.lcird lowa, James C. Randlett ; \V i•coirmiti, Win. son ; California, P. C. ltu•L A resolution to authorize the Coioluitte.: 101 I Irgo • tlinitiutli to appoint roles was adopted B. F. Hallett, of Massachusetts, nc.:ed (1.3: /A cote mitten of cum from each State lie app thy. All the resolutions relating thereto be relorrol to said committee without debate. Mr. Bayard, of Delaware, opposed the ic•olutin, till the question of contested seats was settled. He moved to lay the resolution ou the table, in 1,1,14 n or carried. ii. B. Wright, of' Pennsylvania, moved • at when the Convention adjourns, it adjourn till ' Col. Black, of Pennsylvania, *anted to put Penn sylvania right on the matrimonial question anti was proceeding to attempt to amuse the Convention, when he was interrupted by Mr. Butler, of Massachusetts, who declared that Massachusetts had culled for a verification of the vote on a motion to appoint a committee on platform by States, which had not been recognized. lie had a right to demand such verifi cation. Col. Black wanted the floor, but was nut recognized by the Chair. • Urinivuld, of Massachusetts, said that M11:0.11. ehusetts did not desire to vote by States. Mr. Butler—We will see about that. Mr. Bocock, of Virginia, held as a point of order that the States must be called uu by resolution. The Convention was bound by the rules of the House of Representativea, so far as consistent with the pro ceedings of a Convention, The ayes and nays were always taken in the House when called for, before the transaction of other business. A call for votes by States took the same character as a call for ayes and nays in the House. The chair decided the call to be in order. • Mr. Pettit, of Indiana, called for the reading vi the raw' 'ion. The vote was then taken by States on laying the resolution on the table, and the motion was lost; ayes 84; nays 177. The Resolution was then adopted unanimously. John Cotton Smith, of Connecticut, moved that a committee of one from each State, except New york and Missouri, be appointed to hear and decide at once on the contested seats in those States, which' was ruled out of order. The Committee on Platform was then appointed B. F. Ayer, N. H.; 0. (3. Eastman, Vt.; Benjamin F. Mallet, Mass.; W. B. Lawrence, R. I.; Alvin P. Hyde, Conn.; E. It. V. Wright., N. J.; J. (Haney Jones, Pa.; J. W. Salisbury, Del.; C. I. M. Givirin, Md.; Aug. A. Chapman, Va.; Wm. S. Ashe, N. C.; G. W. Dudley, S. C.; Aug. It. Wright, Ga.; John Cochran, Ala.; Jacob Thompson, Mill.; Pierre Soule, La.; C. L. Vallandigham, Ohio; B. Magoffin, Ky., W. A. Falls, Tenn.; John L. Rhodes, Ind.; 0. B. Fioklin, Ill.; E. T. Hudson, Mo.; Gen. — John Hull, Ark.; M. C. ()ravine, Mich.; S. D. Rogers, Florida; H. P. Bee, Tex.; Thos. S. Wilson, Iowa; S. Clark, Wis.; S. W. Inge, CaL Col. Black wanted again to prove Pennsylvania's soundness on woman's rights. He imovedl that all the front seats, in the gallery, be appropriated to the ladies. Cries of "No, no." Mr. Pettit, of Indiana, opposed the resolution. If the business of the Convention was the business of ladies, let them in; if not, keep them out. No man could yield to him in gallantry; he would be glad to meat Went at all proper times for all proper purposes, but not at 'a National Convention. He would move to lay the resolution to admit ladles on the table. The Convention then adjourned till ten o'clock to morrow morning. MEE :wa9.4 • f "".144 Cowman, Juns 2.—The committee on Organiza tion have agreed upon General John E. Ward, of Georgia, as permanent President. The Committee on Resolutions are in session, but have not yet finished the platform. The Committee on Credentials are endeavoring to harmonize the New Yorkers; the Soft are disposed to compromise, but the Bards contend that they are the only Representatives of the Democratic party. The e xcitement is increasing, and Buchanan's friends are becoming wore cuntident; the outside pressure in his favor is immense, his friends declar ing that Pennsylvania, Virginia and Ohio cannot be carried by any other candidate. THIIRTY.FOURTH CONGRESS NIEST SESSION. WASHINGTON', June 2.—Senute.—Mr. Bright.being absent, Mr. Stuart took the chair, and laid before the Senate a message from the President, in relation to the affairs in Central America, which has already been published. A resolution was adopted that when the Senate adjourns on Thursday nest, it adjourn to meet uu Monday. The presiding officer laid before the Senate a letter from Preston S. Brooks, addressed to Mr. Bright, in which he disclaims any intention of offending against the privileges of the Senate, by his assault on Mr. Sumner, but says he felt bound to chastise him for insults to his State, and to his relative, and having sought him is vain elsewhere, deemed it proper to Indict that punishment here. The Senate not being in session, be did not think he was committing any breach of privilege. The letter was read, laid on the table, and ordered to be printed. The Senate then adjourned till Thursday. BosTIJN. June 2 --In the House to-day an ineffee• tual effort was mode to withdraw the resolution lip. propriating $20,000 in aid of Kansas. The present indications are that the matter will Le indefinitely postponed. The Traveller publishes a letter dated Aux Cayce, May 10th. stating that a forinidaLle insurrection had broken out in that part .if Hayti against Sou . and that from 2000 to 2000 insurgents wore mateL tag on Aux Cayes. Every male in the town hail bon called out to juin the troops in repelling , the troopsmarched to inert (Ile insurgents and de food the entrance to the town, and an the letter elo..ed the alarm was tenting and a rep. rt had riireA that the trixips had been -repulsed. The populace weir greatly excited, and the stares were dosed. Election In Wabhitigton City WA4111%4170N, June 2.--There Will a good deal of fighting today consequently on the election. to on o pr e cinct One tone was dangerously injured. In the Seventh Ward the fighting WILL, very sharp and tavern! were slightly . injured ; in the Fourth Ward. stones and dohs were the order of the day. We can. not learn that any body was killed, though it is cv ported that in the Fourth Ward the mob after crept mg a riot were dispersed by the police with pistol shots, and etreral were wounded, but not sertously. The election is very close nut the returns are not fill ly counted. An Editor Killed. BALlildvitt. Juno 2. --Thu New Orleans mail we reeeited on last Monday. An enewunter took place at Bayou Saxe between Mr. Marks, editor of I.dy.r, and Mr. Itebertson, editor to the ltoliert.pon was killed and Monks wounded. Itat.rtuuttr, June 2 Date, (rum Mnt", to the 'l2d ult. Plate that the Purl,la Wll.ll bautolled (ruin the country. An attempt was made to reNcue hun by the chut:h part.. They dt.l nut •11,:ee..t .`,everal 'tern arte,ted. the 13",h1. Jailed f, dean x Cray l ATI, June —The Cumulate., ui Creden till Is ant this Illtertic.sl3 rtth cbwed doors. to bear Lite Nl;,w , durt r.wtteste •eut rase Their deetrdou tog, t., admit the Abb . ... ,or anti-Benton delegate, rho New York eaw w.ll ho beard to tn.urn.w From New Orleans. IRLEA",. Jutto 2 --• At the mut.."-iipal etc: ttk•Loi there ha, loanu W t 4 •Kue rutt,rs ut .otnn June A New was roUled at the tlitit Ilutzfe hot utght et $4,600. A MITSEM EN 'N. rpi I EAT RE. --J. ISTE Fuole Lessee mad Matmc, %%r II itt-Lia, At.sicr Forrm Al I.e. vils6ref J t 11,11. r, • 11,111. Arid r„ obi 1.1 • ..1.,rv4.1 , ht. $4- (V, tillc.tt, 1.1 it,qi url• rxtrk 2.1 t. 30.1 • 111, 1 ^bk.,. Mt .1 II NI. k Taking she Chanres--t...., Slr ./ II SI, 1 wi.er . 1.0 1i1.1.1 . 14., Julen It. Mr. Eitcluoiu.a. Me. Nlr. The Prople• Caudldnir.- M. 1. k,rm. lirlda. SAW. A 11 ) ...isg J.I.A M I %1 r • 1 A 1e,v(i...1 f.av---la.tr, GRAND VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL N E T pirrsiaißGii MUSICAL SOCIETI. 31 A SON IC WI LI.. TIIK lIENKYIT UL' FI 101 1111'. kNto c . loolfl .401_1 FUelidny E‘ening, June 3d, 1%.54; o,,rturvo— lk..l sail an. r, tufty b.• lamp) rt 4 Dimit • ii. , ly m411.0r, Fu its ht. 'hon..-- l'ltnotont t'borus . 111.1 C,511 , / 1 hash n faith-I'n .:11 7 qubisterl Le NI) tv.uut nr. IP , Clan , eta? u. I ils.trtul,--"Ull,it.\ ' U C\ I I Illt ASS It AND - •• NI,LI • .h.. 1. u. I.ourvt I ET 1 4 quArt•qt..--- .- Nstin•lntn. lam .11..atniu$ 11.••• T 1..• {kw-lu. A. FT I. KIIA Uuetl ' sun ruin .1i; ill.- sun put 7 l•na • Nolo, awl gam • 1.4•1" i I •4111.14 , t •1.1 11, , .1 KT eljt_ urea nt hirlwe It/ . 1 ,•lutt Ar 4.. n. rho Lug ilste f I UM (ow eln, L. nod ham II . trill -h. , . _ . _ SE C NI) or nu MHPEL TR() P WEST & PEEL'S ORItIINAL CAMPBELL iMINSTHELS Isl A SON 1(1 II A LL, I, n •••1010l) ti"vd and Vatia•ti elet.•t t..1,10t, iL “t, •.:.5 it tile. CotrilLe nt 8••, lock Atr I` NIA totit er J(4IN W. AItNI Y Ili LL I'ohTsa and Di.v..uurou, the Poisting and Distributing nll kinds of BILLS Flit (NINCEIITB, LECTUIIF.B, F.S ItIBITIONB, go, All rnuunnwvatloue—ulther by mull, telograph, ur othur• who---dtr , rt••d to tliv olfico of the Morning Post, aill receive niteu lull. sta NEW BOOKS! idiospacli ite“,ilectioos, 'LAW N . ...ga1...nil Lite in )I,de°, leer. Salad fur the Social, $1,12. Defence uf, the American Policy, by Whitney, *ie. Bousby Papers, Forest Tragedy and other tabs, Grave iirw.uw,od, hayard Taylor's Travels, 5 vole., $5. Macaulay's II istory of England, 4 vole in 1, $l. Cyrilla, a 11.1,11iLilV, by author of Initials, 40e Pick Tar Die., or, The Lent of his Rare, 20e ilardscralible, or, ti,o Fall of Chicago, 29 - Nlarguerite b Valois, by Dumas, .sue. Philip Bello, by Capt. James (Irani, Rie Sitarrowgraiss Papers. by Fred (:iicretis, Kingaley's Poems. ,ne. Phi ri-bas tab, by Doped Irks, r. Forbes' Volunteei's Manual, 2 vole Sehatsyl and the Cireasislan War, to Mit..l.le, All Aboard. or, Life on the Lake, 76,. Colombo, 90e. Letters of Lady Montague, 51,12. Bogen' Table Talk, V)c. Private Life of on Eastern King, 70e. Fred Oration., or, Masks and Fact's, but, Hiawatha, by Longfellow, Hoc. Evangeline, by Longfellow, 70, Macaulay's Ilistory of England, 4 vols., $l,BO. The above, together th s large rmeortment of Books and etationery for sale lower than elsewhere. All you newt do is to ..all and see for Remember the Place is at LA I; ' , TER'S Book Su , re, uly2l) N 0.77 Fourth street. NENV li001)&—A1A. MASON &C 6., have Just received 2110 cases and bales of new styles Caliroe. and Olugharna ' Bleached awl Brown Muslin.. Eliocks, 'Laredo, Summar Stuffs, Linen and Housekeeping Goods, Ac., to., all of which will be sold at minced prices. BEAN S—Received'and for sale by my'2.3• HENRY H. COLLINS. LIME -150 bbls. fresh this day received by tny2s HENR'_H. COLLINS. • ;opley's Pot Clay for J. SetliiiiNVl AK KR. • • •P • 4.7 a kq 1". ;Lk 0-..4 •4+ iccaur.E 4/` .l ' "-• 4 =llll MEM From Cincinnati I?ront Boston CM= The Co d Neat• Robbery rasa of .J. 1.90% 1 hint. 1t...c..,14rer It. ti,ir • l' u It AMME I.I.ItASZ , \ I F.'l' • . .„.. M With tho re RM.' NI I NSTRIM: 4 I', NOV F A .It , N 1, Avt.l 1)0T CLAY-20 tons C, sale by I my22l C)SP;BLS. LOVERING'S SUGAR; f• 16 !Aids. Syrup; 20 bbln. S. House Syrup. For &ale by V. K. DRAW), No. 1 Diamond. UGAR.—Prime New I r earls in store an for sale by imyb) JOHN MOORHEAD. VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY FOR NA LE.—The undersigned offers for sale on favorable terms a Mize uumber of Building lots In the Third and Eighth Wards of the city. The lots trout uu Pennsylvania Avenue, Watson, Vorbos, Locust, Maria 'Vickruy and Bluff streets. are but a few minutes walk from tho Court Rouse, I and will tio sold very cheap. Persons desirous of securing a convenient and healthy lo ! cation for a home, or wishing to purchase for speculation, ! a part of the city which will continue steadily to improve will And it to their advantage to call upon the undersigned. calurropuka MAG.& Attorney at Law. fay2ittf 0.10.1 Fifth street. OLIVESOAP -25 boxes just received anti for sale by my 26 SPRING/2 , FIABUTIGIL NM= c -# ET= COMUPECIAI„ PITTSBURGH IRTA RD TRADE AND M ERCII4VP :ExcnaNG E. PiaidmG 17*t71 , 4iA7eas. T CLARKE, W CA B 9 Treassiivr- N. HOLMES, JR. Secretary. JAMES P. BARR. Supointendrnt. T. NORTHAM, JR. Ommittre Arbifration for May GEO. W. OARS, V. P. JOHN A. WILSON D. M'CANBLE9S, PITTSBURGH MARKETS °MCI or TOO DAILY MORNING Powr, lay, July 2,18 M FLOUR.—The sales to-day foot up 1073 1)1,6. 1.8 follows - - r 5 hblm. superfine from wharf at $5; 100 1)1.14. do. from atom fl,; 100 1..1,15Al liter's floe from store at $3.25: 25 14)10 rs trot from store at $5,75; 200 Idds. do. Oldo from wharf a t ;1: bbls. superfine from do. at $.1;157 , .. ) .; btl Idds. do. from wharf at $4.81; CO Idds extra from whorl at $i,.25; D't 1.1.015. do from wag.)o at $5,354._; Idd do. from sloe at $5,75; 3u bibs. est', family from store at SO.2U; eu I,bls au. pertlne and extra family at•05 0 , 2 '- SIIIPSTUFFA.—SnIi. boo reeks Bran at -Mc 100 ftv. from whart. • • . Mt/LAS:AR:A Ist tiity Jute. !MIN'S! 1.1,10 tutt at $l.lO, t WI( 1: 4 .K EV .17v btAs n. titled al 94t•tat.X.. • it Al ./11.0 !AA) Itl4. • UMI M. alt.att Jar anti houu• at and , tiaat Ito stiouldera, an.l halm, at 7 ; wrat..rti Itanal at ?..I.akJ itrl colll,ll y OM. tilt . all 1 . .. a. .nab. '21,,,mq at 7 11.000 at ',.• ~, ‘1,a1.1, at 7 all OM. nt :LOUII n.a. akAlldela, aides and Lam,+at I a. and 1t0.4 augur ritristi hams at 1:24. , thirty 41a) PORK —Sit, s , oat ,314ji0. - 5 Will .1 9r I.r kixar A :in Ert :101.14 , c.kd import...l at *P , (. 9,r Philadelphia Wool Markel. Tb•• 41.. tug nrr the Itrwen Curvet)! oI W it) Palls)-1 phi.. OHIO AND T.F.NIVI.N ANIA 1C4114 o-ue•ony Floe. 41 l'uxony Full I:1.441 1. 4 do NEW Vifith: AND NIICIIIiIAN 1 . 1111 1111. %JIM F». ~e 41.. .1., '..moron 4. Hoek a ta.,‘ y C•i.uda J. 01.110 ANL. PitNNYLVANIA TO. It 1 . It Maw. 'Cul. 4. , I I. vr V :Trint4THU I=ll MOM= 11 , inatlttl hit h• 1.•1, .0; l• I an...unt log 1.. Intl hK. P.. ha... slyuls- Pi. n.. I tl Apt 11 Ow, girt • I 1• q•-• in 11, N 1 as, 'I ii pant hut tit. tan tun, 1te...1 1/..1 111.411 - 11. , .t -dirt i• • ..I •ti•ngli th.• ni•rtiet •tnut• - •liat• ve.ants, ap•l Itil ft[ ti,lll .111 a....nre iarg, xin•tint •4 ta a ..l than til.y , .01 1,1.1. and I.y A 1...41.1 ..1 . - an. I hat.. in• t.yight at lan jaw... It ...a. the ai.E. last r.at Is 41. all or , V me . .., Y and Ow 14...4...1 • Mal 111-• n.-it sit wont!.a lat•ii..) aOl I. • 1....1 .• nt 140 i, than last ...team ~,i• .1. .;•-ak • f a •Ilastavant•,• under • ho L tninny tot. to Int., II hai. 1a..•• the • ot,w arvetai y•att. ans•tig lb , n Ca.anitaiital 4.410. 0 a. PP .1.•,•11.1.• if/ kt V. he, !1;. , 14,01:0;1 ;0 that ••••il .111 adaattc., Ow, .•t..p• ih« ninth , ' At ••••••• .• !war ..ft • d•ttianil 1.141, .4Yaret., . thit. hrittalng al•aat IL. • • • lovli ~cur it the inaattler liner tante an. .uptili•al Ina .autta .010tIy . th....vottier In at on., nt ntily•t. an. t., else aig.tst ath- ...ll* g••• 14 tilt lle nnd• hllll 11111 .y - ttipistily Int hint at Um .1.14••••14....ta1. • thin, no.tinvtitt.l tyy any eavaront ,a;; 1.4 Lu ryaid... and in .44er Ilvat. In- may 4. 1 10 hvAt rm. ~(.I.....hint•eta 1 , 4 .• in- 114.• sii•rlit bolt. I.lin in The ..nera Int* land 1...1 ..1 hlnn.l ore una Cheer - 10111y ;.;...1 , 1•04 Atter hi•kinit, at 11, • and airing the a ~,,,, !ow I.lo.rit - 4 up, i i , h a w t.• .4i ttt•od 11...1 • dill•tmit hit., all i•I ar• • •n•lentni.ii, larran 40 LI, •• • 0.4 n... 1.1•14, 0.11 was lL• «Iho ;;;;1 11; 1.1••••ti•g, uj,. t p•tt ntl.. Ito. It ht an - plod »a b.l t• in. , 1.. 11 , ...it nrut lool«1 at .4 ,.,.,44. haa I.•ught lir. • .4, and in fa. t •••4•1 U. 1,11; it, for tt.•II Il•-r Th.. itnintifvtait , • 1.-ine thanLtit. La. y•,•4 • .11stn.! watt. 1-r tl..'tint-00•/. P. hoc. 111.. .61 L , hlts g . •I •th, I ant 1.01.1,. ; •ft 11;1 , er.4 ,ttArdl ,et.L.4l; •••intot...toti tnei 1,11 it s. ••••ri..ai• no loh i... 1 n.. 1 ,••• •tt nig-nat1....1 .0 ..1•1••• t • ..• • /•4 1, • , ' ,1 •-' .l - 1"•• t• Ilin T ..;"I . i : ':l• ; .'S SALE OF lilt.k)l:N ItENTS TiliAtt;DAy June sth, at 8 n'e/ork. Nlertlkitt.tti N.t change, f ^unit .tna t, 4+lll be sold, by ol 1 hots. Mellon, 'Kul, Truoo, of Km. lAtrinter, Jr., L.i tto.t ettnu....l ground relit of twenty-two an.l a half dob tars. paiabie quarterly. boning ottl of it lot ,e 1 p,lB‘tltetl fu hoed' • e platt, booting '24 fe. 1 on the titooughurE .rot l'itte ttrJh turnpike_ to Lalirratirtoril/r. ntpd extending ta...e of rani outrb .ma half the distal :,• to Ile. Hotter moot, awl I.rtog the0 , ...el a tlxl-1111t; pr..perty of m t+.1.11 %yr.. led - inter. b• •m 1 ,rtt-01 11aotelx perpoinol lease, ilalod 41 , 011 l•I ;.-••••rde.1 r ...I. I It. poo' 21. A L. , . -I be ~sash of 0.. I tato other annual grvalnd I ~ I ,e r,unon.l nodeign4i leeninct not of n Tot .t • ,t I trout tipoti uldgb the N -reel )104)/14/1 , 1 CilUrCit uevened, 414 WYlle et., In the • fthe city el I . odeburilE inte - Ninetli, to ot rty • 4.4ltcr. Jn.yeltla quarterly IkweVer.acourd i, L 1...4 of June, a M'Clellturd nml Uri% Io Wilf. Larl n;. ;t Decc.rde 4 to dved book Mr, - • All that certain miler winual ground mut of eictht ,ys doll.. - it...unit; out of a certabt lot of ground 1,1 14.4. In the Ft,. Ward, city Ilittsburgit. and Cattily Its l•trl• N lo.acse..•otoraii..)l ••I Anderson. boon: pax( of lot Su. 342 fl ,„, the gettoral plan of anal efts, I.eicoluonr. ott the corner .4 „ r , I namt.ll.l and Jail alley rind running In a auttlivrardly di ,.,,„„ t along ; lu a Hu., parallel ,t ti all. Atl t.. the place of l.egiiinll4:: being the oat,. t•oilol rent recorded In deed of lEyshir, ,to in., 81no1era. ,Int,ol Alas 18t11, 1546, and r0v..r.1e.1 to p 21 roil to mold Iyxter 1.41Kne.1 by eurbarauiricrit ..tt•tor , ' b. V.m Iwrtutor. Jr. 1• , ion • tut , tlord csolt, I,alanoe In ettrutl pot)tnents, at 4 I It be, watt ton•rest ml,l 4 Ar I'. NI. 1.1A1 . 118, Aunt,. 131'11.1 ) 1SO LllTSIxt Atte _LP --to. L'ICELIA I' EN I.'S IND, inn, 1.01,, at eight I .1.. at the loatlto' tln. band, torirtn Stss...t. will lay 1.. 5t...4i 0t....teil toriltlin2 lob, t o 11, r a p t .l), ouproxing ....I mix It Ili. nougliant. Ito. 4 lute et time rortler ut Carson n • , trlo, 0.. N•ft. 841, Si. S. pod wt havatninnelt a tr,,nt t law( 01l Aarsou it tell.. extelidirit back IW tout Chestnut I Al lo•t N, , no. 1,8 mg • front a 24 feet oli enr.ton etti.el. ell•oolilt, hat A It.. tent un Chestnut A 1.... 4 • •(..L. Stu, 214, .213, 2111. 217 b u d 2.18. hay ' Inn earn n fn .td of 111 but o n 1% ashstagtou street. extelnhog I tern ' --Ti. I,reernt Intl. al with, too caturul to mak 4 4 t ';' ...l " - "'"‘ . 3141. A lot No 741. at the corner of Al molototto,l and lt.et hat n'• 11.41atuf littlest It -11, I. Ira' lOC n front '215 l•-•.• 1 •II W/oloo2IL•11 lt....1•1•1 $1 rice hottle or oil 1.411 ex tor sa, the tor, . • t. along NI Kee xtrret 41.10 " ' " fort to Milco f r • i•t 1•• ton, BENJANIIN 1 4 1.11 4 1.1Ja CI Manothebtrlog srilt Tole warratti..... . ' ouat rbattru.. - eultat• nod Clooroata, P,ltatan it . F. I'. At. DA% IS, Aur t. , m0m..., a tie. ~std and 44..1.1 street , . .1..1 IN/ F A ell A N (Cs , Sic sT oo-k ltroz. , ,sts sone/ally lt , ) - 1,1 " " 'l'i•, Till:lt:4l.A V FA INti, done 5, at • l•- 1.. it Ito. Mon hoot.' 1-.0, It Log, will 1.• Rob!. • ',to ttn I'. lid DAY IE, A neti.ousei I 11 , 1 ft ;• VIS, 1. \.v %.F.l Jew.n 6.1,1 .4 . 1,1011 11,1“ 1.41, ‘1•• nt %1 la-at tkrt.l.a.•lo 4111., 1,:.! tar ha.. C.a. a. • !leap., . • 1.14.11 l' ...anttl..l ...a, at I.L- , 1..F , 1 111.1 In Mal us or: u , ;oat , . I.n. ta.in .N 1 It. .21 1 / 1 1 e.. .41 .11 Si, 11 • ,.12ti,.1 .1 T.l Ile t 1 . 1.111.111./5, A.! 11. /•11, tl. 10. Ls.. 11 I N a.. 1..• 11=11 tr:. I , l‘ml on. su.a .111.4. 1,, ...1."4 ;4111.1.1. at - 41 t" , kti ft-TI, 1.1 7' ', 4 I • 11‘....0.051....1/.. 1.1.1• 1 1114. 1.11." It ihlt.. 11, 1.“.111... vet. nano .o Chronic Dlarrhars h.“. 1,4 the o(• rrepok tentil, In., tit . ruff. .4 thi. dreadful 1i1.4.11C 1•y 1,3,114 lIAt I t HOLLAND f11171.:82 , W. 641111 bar 1.14`.111111. I.•ss stag Ow tat, at. , to any pc.r..ti ••tat.- j IJEFENcE ~1* th, ,‘,,,,,,,,,,, l.„ii, ~ is 'h., 4.1 L , ,i,- - if. , 1L.... fon. 144-I,ln ,/1 1.4 • ~• 4 1411 . 4,10,.. .141 ...1. , .111 I. Ow 11./1. Her, • in, .1 tlia 1., a.. ... in ii... 1) ITTII/1' Itli 11 GAS S'll,A2K AT AccrioN ~o ~,,, ,•.., ~., I litho, ..I On I 1,,i,,1 4-4,,,-- 1., 11.,, I nu TIII . II6DAV EVENINO, Julio 611 t. at ti .4', ha k. I ti... ~• 11 Ii 1 . 111 .. t W. la.. a' • lia'r . ...• I. ln . i , tl 1 •tk 1 a the Nlerthattlii . V.l.clitlitite, YOUI - 111 meet, will let Auld• IIY ,t, Ili I /.1..),11, 12u•. 1 , 1. 1. 1,1.11 1'... , !I I ~, i , ., ,. of the Pi Linn, e l'iiitiotleo, ;Ain ;hare.* Pittebusgb line TI., t stin. .. ,plod l. .0 of the I/1114 ;ph, Pit-tw t •ilal to hr, ' 1 ,u. 1•111,, ••••• k .1 110. liner p,..ii tall} ,U. a itivint • t eption ilii 1. lil • I 1...,,,,, 1. pie ,1011ars la, Pihnre Pits the nth of 51111 e, and ''''' 1.. I. I. ' II." , 1 . 1 " m o , '^ o' out .au , . •'t '. .. -.. 1• ' p ow,i, : ..i, ia hilia.. 0.. let .4 July next. i.,,,,, 1n• w hip..., i ail. ,i,woillii-, .-; , t poi,, ri .1 li ~. ' pp, .7 P. N. DAlrli.. 4 -,Auct. . nil-plate met 114.1 1 , 14.1,1 e u , ak, ,iii I. .., 41444,1 L. 14 ! , , • , - - tit , hand. a eiet ) Anna a tin qaialet idt...ini i e mitt, I.‘ .. '\ I' , i I i liI . S SALE OF BANK SToel. ~,i o ~,.,Ao,, Jo id ,„,„,,, ,„,1„,,,i,„..,,,„ k ,,,,„,,, „„ . j ..,, rill 1., IIA I.:VI:NINO. June alli, at S n'idot It., 1411. 1. 1 pleb 4 1114.1.1 ha, tog that read this t o ritual], .0 1 -1,. .0. PI, ‘l , 1 1 Ilan:- EN , 11111.ge. Viittrth atre.eti, will bead..', by For •air 1.) II MI \ Ell a 01, , •41••1 •,. 1:• 0 1'4 1 . 1 - , 1 7 •.1,11 1 1 1 • 111 1. k Isllllln ' 11.1111 31411111,41111 1- troll. P. U. DAVIS, NO :1:.!.`i11111.1.1.4 . 1 1 1 nll, ttl . t.' 1 , 14 k. I Ilici-in, I. - - .. . . 1 .., :-. Auctioneer. ANTED -A Situatt. n Its ilovi•roess or IA ta, her, la; a young hay wi.ll qualified, mud La,'?Lk. lAli El) .1' lA NO poy, tool, °tol,. !alio eking len, 0; wouldlwouldMA ebincl to 0 inc„, , for sale ,-..... 0,..,,,,,,v) ', ,A_ at n lairgion —A to CHICK FIRING,. - ~1 It Pi/10,h •SeVei al girls hi J.. twos*. ot k, in idy nod VlA'''. thalitl, daniag. il in the furniture,' 1 ‘ I I count: y, and a lap) la run of ,-,..,,,a., I. 11 211140 111,1 v 111 11.4 i 1 , 41 401 x 1 4 ,14 It , 41i 1n• °hoary.' The it, city. - tro went, iri 1.•, a Ity 101111141, wiltbe gold at a reduction of For Sale--.A nutall twin.) In g...^.1 ordri and iii.ingair“lid iI . IF I'S I.h. .Ll. A I,:-, oil xlllll% of on months. ha itie,s. In a 100i11 %Magi• alaiut fillet.° ni Ira I, theJOHN 11. MELLOR, SI %clan] at., lily.Tlie diNiii I 01x1/1114 1.4, it. Want 0 111 Sell at a' ii•iiat I ii.,' , Agent fur Chlekerlirg's Pianos. hargnio. Inquire all W. BUNN, lit alit Ai...wry altd Dad iiitviici 011ie, n,a th side u( Ohio stniel. rout tit iluoi eiut 01 ' rilliE GOLDEN GUN—At the Enterprise the Inanii.z.d. Allegheny cif) in)2l( i Wiirkii. Ni. 13i , Wood ntrret, will Lie found a splendid it...win0...1 or friii:CKY LON STB.ANV II AT- -"{'he utt,l. l'oCli ET AND TABLE CI'TLEItY, tam of the putill, is I.,itie-os.l to .-iii elitli el) 11,, ~I . 1t,,.-,. loot u,,,k,., nty le of STE AIV HATS. lent recetred bolo the trot. ht , 1i,,0n. Inidtile, Porto 11.1outotip-s, Powder Fliniks, Itittart, •-ionloning tho ninny , i p ua lai,„. ~i,„l, 1,„„„ 1 . ,,,, t , to hair ' R.,. r Airaoa, l'ereinedna Cape, Shut Punch,. and Belo.. anted to niakn the Sueo met suitable in every way us a ; 1t5.101.V1118 AND RIFLES of MI kinds Ina patents. 1111111101 . flat 1 , i re Of We GOLDEN DUN. Repairing attended to at short attire. Look out for the It is the only Straw lint which the nun or liAltil. weatherßOWN & TETLEY. a ill not 0115.1, either in the brim or .1000, bell 4, tin bl'llldeil „,,,Is No, 131. Iltaid mtrri.t. ,jl. l l L. prOVellt 01111.114111 1 1111.)' of it in any way. • - • I tart - thim entirely new atvle, called the eta 1.0 N( lIAT, 1M • CUT , . • SAl‘ S . , htlievis.: It F. In the Straw Ilitt that will go.- the wearer I ill_ l LI. AND B USS C alma" tool torn kythe: eon, aatinfai.tion. CII Alt LER 11. PAUL: O /N, 7:i Wu, , d st , Anvils. Willow% end Nies.; iii)::0 nest door retail the corner of F.airth j 'lump Chain and Ftstures; _ rr 0 1, EAS E , for a Term of Years.— 4 Manure Yorks. Together with n large of nod extens l is i. : Y an ' t u rrtilent hr needwere )ant ret'eireil and fOr _ji Road. and the Coal, Cara , and laailitnutivtat ot tn ' I sole 100. at NO. 153 Wood atrert, between Diamond alloy and Chnl Liern Coal Compan:, ore 1.00 Whited fur lease, on the , Fat th street, Pittatiurgh. RAbl*L. FAnNESTOOK. lonot 1111 iterate terms. 'fliey axe iiitlio lent ender. 1111 , 1 at o il , „ 1 .., 1111,1 opt , . for 1118110(11411, For fin titer particulars lupine of I . —_--_ ___ MAITHEW lIAIDIIKtN, Agent, I S F.N EGA HOOT—ti sacks for sale by u,3:10.0w Robinson 'Pp , Allegiseto Co. 1 B. A. NA IDIESTOCK & CO, ! ouruar Viral and %Swat atretta. FURNITURE!' .-'rlie New York Musical \l' K No. 31 Fifth Street • TIM: subscriber, having enlarged and fitted np In good style his SPACIOUS FURNITURE WAREROOMS, now tirade large, and valuable additions to his stuck, and now invit.lll4 friends and the Public to call and osaunee N 41 , 1, I porrhxeing Apes hero. His stuck Is WELL ASSORTED, amounting to sheot $50,000 Worth, l'onbisting of every class of goods: RICA, M M E D I U M, and LOW-PRICED. And en,bracingiume very fine ROSEWOOD PARLOR SETTS, mvercd with French berstellosOAK CLIAMBER SETTS, and It great variety of new styles of Bureaus, Bedsteads, anal Sofas, Book Caere. Ac, &c. All of which he offers y at wholesale prices. LIS_ Every article wareanted to give t iltaisfactin. or the money refunded. ll. or my.in No. 3141fth street. CUPPING AM) LEECE.INC. Mrs. E. ilooK may he found at her residence on SIXTII street No 39, between Sinithileld and Wood etrect.4. She hike the testimony of many of the regular faculty as to her akin and - Mug experience din her line. Orders will be thankfully to eidved. ard&Suirlaw SCHOOXMAKER, Manufacturer of. J • White Lead, Red Lead, Zinc, Paint, Litlaarge, Patty, Sc. Wholesale dealer in One, Paints, a.rubdies;Turpentine, Nu. 24 Wood street, l'ittablugh. my 22 EZZIE =RI .-- ' t..-I.terl 4- t "4.,, , ,': -,- .• ,„ ,„_. , ': ' , MN . : -' ; e ' :' , ;": ' "!'" . % T:'Or i k *4' 'W''l 7i.t".' t j'i . - .., , .„ . „,,;;,,,t: - .Z t , , , • - .. 1,1.,„ ,L;,_z _ .: : 4 ' .:,: 0..5,,,...;.2-:-'--A.-,<,:,.-.,_;:-..._..;.,-..;,-z,:‘,-....T..kfrr-VA-Verlin, , c -,, W. PHILLIff. JOHN CHAFF IXIGL63 I; 11101101 4 , 4 x .0) 41)44: -• ;:7kitat. YC 1.1. EL' oot J !I f:trt: :New Vogl. Market Cincinnati Itlarkct =RIM IME:=2 - . _ Tut RMS.—There is no perceptible change inthe river .. .1805. .-.--------- 1856. since Saturday night—with 4 feet water in the chioriet by . : ....,. o„pittsb_ - - urfiti, 'Cincinnati , the,metal marks. The wentherwas warm, but fl out A., . cloudy in the afternoon, with indications of rain. The ~. LOIAVILI.F... AND SAINT LOUIS; steamers `• Joe, Conn" and "'Fannylern" r lend yoster• 1 4- ' - ': . TEM,,PITTBBUItI3iIi AND CINCINNATI' day—the ibmwr with 225 tone height, and the latter with - ' ' tiTICA.Eir•PACIKIR4I' LINE,' .2.50 tone and a barge along side.FOß CONMANCR -Olt TASSENORES AND FREIfiIIT Pittsburgh, ECinellvatatati, Louisville, and Saint. Louis. Tim Lon M cemrised of gOVOn flra-CUILDS, powerful Steatuers, nne quailed for speed, splendor; tutfetyliMMO7 ' and comforts and is the env TURDIKIL nui.r uxr, OW artist Pecans on the Ohio river. It ontiects with the 11-S.-Mad Line of Steamers from Clocinteiti to Linileville and_,.rd Louis, by which passengers and freighta are ticketed awl roxiptod through dual, Two new Steamers have beau added t. the Line, which now conaista of tilefollowing boats : e._....,_, Days of departure fteats. `",'"*'" ' train Pittsburgh. BUCKEYE STATE.. .. . .... M. W. Brut [morns,' Suuday. CITY OP WIIEELINO.... Jonas WLtrair....... Monday. ALLEGUILNY .... . . -....-. I. N. C0015..._..... TuesdAY. CLNCINNATI -......-- Aga/ Wedneeday. PEULADELPIII.A.... ...... Osecr. Thursday. PENNSYLVANIA.......... Joan KLINEJI.T.U... Friday; PITTSBUROII.- - . -. .. --I.'. O'NEAL i Saturday. se_ Leave daily at It . iA_ hi. precisely. No freight received after nine o'clock on the morning of departure. Per partici:dal; appty on.beardt or to, JOAN B. LIVIN6STON ' JOIE* FLACK, }Agent4 Idonongshebt House Buildings. PITTEIBUIDEL, November, I.l3ss—ideolill __ Tut fine pnieenger steamer "Purest City" , itthe regular packet for Wheeling the mornlng—leaving'itjo o'clock• TuE St. Louis Democrat, of Friday had, sayi that the steam rrn Monou Omits," Capt. Cos, and "Arctic" have laid up at that port for want of business. Tile steamer "Qrapeshnt"an iced fruut Ciuvinuati yester da. morning, loaded to the guards with freight. She Looks XS well as ever, and Is now ready for the low water business. She will leave again for Cincinnati during the week. THE fine steamer Emma Graham" k the regular packet for Zanesville to-day. Sho is ever up to thee and never (file to fulfil her euogoments. She leaves punctually at 4 ticluck, I'. NI, These deg business with her must bear that in mind. flan new steenter -Joe 0.1 m" will leave thug evening for it I olds and Dubuque. For opeod, comfort, safety, and attentive offii Pr% the "Coon" cannot be en/Teased by any Wet new running in lb is trail.. We cheerfully recommend her to the traveling public. Capt. Woodburn Is In nut. maul, and Mr. J. W. Chambers In the clerk's office. Fun Uvet<r+art. -I Cr deffire again to call attention to the rawer litterva " w9dch was unavoidably detained yester sy . she will I,..sitively leave at 1•L o'clock today. She I tght of draught. and speed and comfort steeds A No. I ler oilic..t.l are ...titer...iced boatmen, and will be found tt.•ntive and it,ointnodsting to their guests. Capt. John intuit is in otuntstrl, and Our amiable ftiends, Johnston IMt rash. ion in the clet ,drice. The Louie% dl.• t Win,. of the .1 nays . The f31,1' wwii lellmg yrr) hull ywitertiev, with only five eet three mai, water in the butt evening liy the nark lin the there were three feet three inches to the .*4. Lterihit the pre vuitt, tiveuty.fottr hours the river bail ,rested vii Incite. PORT OF PITTSBURG-II 1 Warn Tux ARK I 4 trou.-t Ca.). Way, Wm-Wing L.rimt•r. H114•11,11Cr. • Ch. A vet), Turrruce, Gallaixts. •• Ecutualit alum., Ayrrs, iiuti illt •' Vaulty Fern. DWI, Dubuque. !;t tipetsbut. DE.PAItTE.D. t I ihurisiti, Shon.l6, Wherllng. Lorimer, AUCTION SALES rpI!.I.DE SALE OF SUMMER CLI)TIIING. lot and IVEDNE:IIIIY 14tAiNINflt.. June ;1.1 e n d 4th, eolltunalcut, each they at to o'ckwk, will 10 to cher. a cdrusightueriV, at the Commercial Sales to ...if • of Wood and Fifth streets,— :as. I ads plan. and fancy Camintere ratite ; •• ..at plain and fancy) •• - Cottouale and •- at Coahtnero, flararalles and other Teats; :s. Innen and It I tit t,,ttaii•• Coals; ~ pn. en ...tau Black and Brown Chilli. , " Patin Vesting.: low trio .1 ; •• Tweeds : • •• Cottountie, its. T.. a toch the sttentioir of the Tratic is Invited, as the sale of this 5t....k tuu,t be dosed_ P. 31. DAVIS, jelt Auctioneer. LIINE COI'N'FRI" SEA : AND CITY traiserty'at A net ion —On Thursday evening. June lith, at lo,k, at the Met. leant.. Exchange, nth Street. will be 0.14. that into..l4e lot of ground in East Pittsburgh. being No 1: to Bets it plan, haring a front of 50 feet Doll I t t•11.1.11. all 4 -4 Au g-1111, I'llllall./111.. laud: 100 feet 1' Ileury strcet This lot ft situated near llakland to one of the i t i oa t I,.ations adjoining the cily. .1 It, hula in the ails ward, loosing each a font of 21 t Can Itraton at., rs tending hack let tee., on which writ i,l Y w HA ataxy brick dwelling bongo,. A Ivo, Lots No. 5 and it in beta A Berger'd plan, having earl, a front do feet vn Sumner . extending bark feet an all.) Three lota are situated In Pitt toarriship, 11..• upper watr.r itrks, ins healthy lorrtion and easy of ow, aa . Al., That beautiful country neat in the Borough of Law• laving a trout of seventy-live fart on Butler at., tar., hasten[ 1.14.1 twenty-flea feet en Chlslett st.„ and one I.o.drAd and twelve feet rot Stiturnitt at., on which is erected 111 elo.Hint brick cottage honer of alt r.C.131, and a spacious t.‘ll. ,mihmidnigii, kr. This propel t, b act; .411.16.1 with air Ingo of pure writer, hurt and shruidatry, and connitatids tine view • of tle g h. ur Valley 11411-lo`ty snot thug a rare chance to those art/Ong 4l a .1.0,..111110.10 . Termsui Alm Tole. rout. P M. PAY'S, Atte.' rizE SONGS.— it,new Pon. SougE N•. I. tlavet and km—by V. Drvetel. 'Punk the first prim Ono heart for rue--hy T. do In linche. Whore aro all the tarda that Frank B. a ell. I No. 4. My gentle mother'a song—by CC. Converse. Took the st+:a.l Mt, of $lOO. N... a. Th., Batiy—by B. D. Allen. No. t; The Flowera—by Frank Darlsy. • I N. 7. The Parting—by H. C. Watson. No. s The '2s...remote—by Robert Mind. The above eight Panora were selected from 400 'tent in for .atratit ion, mall it is the best collection of Bongs ever pith . lislosi iu America. They are Issued in anperb idyls, and null .0 the low price of Twralvv-Fivs GENTS EACH. For esl.• at the lituale store of Inyti JOllle H. MELLOR, S Wood it._ Dit 1 BIDES-200 prime to arrive and for ..,aly by inyint SPRINGER II ARAM:RIM DEPOSIT — S must be iraule with the " DOI: LAIL SAVINtiB BANK," which is removed to No, a Fultrth street. middle room tif Jones' Building, in the-month f MAY, is order to draw inte AS rest . A from the first of dune. Cil. COLTON. Trettenrer; - . _ P ORTSMOUTH'S LIVERY AND SALE STABLE, ON MARKET AND \YAU MEM' • alli* IaTTANNINIA Fresh Arrival of aitiiitshtilr., :.. li.] UST received at sTEINitt 3 / 4 404- z xli?...ty-• ) i •y wok.% treet, where all tho dellranlea of OtoltlnlaS i oli afn bo bun, ssrsod up in any desirable style. lie Is also_ p_ifilly o,sipt of New Potsioes, Pas.i. Waage, Prop!, Alice P+- a A LMONDS -3 bales soft shelled; • - - .., na.v. :tad a prat vanity of Lilco Flsh,‘vatich will be sold • 25 b ox es angled: Jest received ilia fot . - . __ 4 4 1 4 , k, ..t . -- sr , -- - tliiiaut. t., tarailit•n, { oasis, and restaurant" ; 0,1 the biota reasonable ...b, by (my3ll . _ . &My NEIL & ANDI,KRWIN: ," '. ''All t 7.4 1 :Mtr..pt,l, I ‘ . # - "`" 'lfillef term , lot or i.inotia, Grans SUNDRIES- ' ~ t .ll' 4: ~ '../T i ' :".• 1400141 H 141.. it ' LW . Nahlkol aS''' '' :16411 -Tfangm__.. n , il , oog l. imiii i V . - Jost r‘...,6 ,,, i, .lan. widens s. s TE LNitucz , - 10 dove/jolted ineldei;getris;: .. i. .- ~,!-.. -1 3 -t01e14., . -59xtbiATIO *"'' -.,,F, prke apples. “ , .• ms2.l "A Lt 1:11) 1 s. 76 No. 111 Wand erect -.. ....„. Vidar.-troudoilidetew :. - „.... ...,.,..„ ~, , . 0 10 0,404„„A.44.. , ..„. ~ , ~,,,„ 1.1 ~..,:4 . 6 . do. 96 • .• do; for sale by q 1 WY39 MILLIE. & ILICKETBON. , my3l Per °Wit ' : f:m • . . urli°"l" F li SMlL Thin k Ali d : proisi ' D j EßßO tuit te i rN t. ,i chari tg e4 .3eQ es u - s t. f : t ,l at°' '' ' et }3 I , I A C C Y :Ci2f--1.1 1 :5 1 : 1 - a1 44 ::t7e.p o ais filv li Ori oo :e:- trt . :.: - T-:i i 1 , - . ~~. m~~~~,y, REM Pittrburgh, Steubenville and 'Wheeling i 3 seketa. The DIURNAL, Capt. J. A. Swami and the FOREST CITY, Capt. R. WAr„ wilt run. ae REGULAR DAILY PACKETS.; between Pitts burgh, Steubenville and Wheeling, stopping at all internie. - theta ports. The DIURNAL will lease Pittsburgh on. gondola, we' , nesdays and Fritbsys, at 10 o'clock, A.bL—ltarintrwtto She win leave Wheeling on Tuttadays, Thursdays and &nnrAnYil, mt. o'clock, A. M. The FOREST CITY will also leave Pittsburgh on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday., at 10 o'clock, A. M.-110TVIt0 11 0 1 , she will leave Wheelie% on Mondays., Wednesdays and Fri days, at 734 o'clock, d.. M. For freight or passage apply on board, or to J. D. CULLING WOOD, Agent, No. Ibs Front street. Regular Packet for Wheeling, Marietta, Parkersburg. liocklngport, Pomeroy, Point Pleasant and GaMpolls. The new and very light draught 'Learner CHARLES AVERT. awn. W. P. TORIWICI, will leave for the above end intermediateports ever y 4 Friday, at 4 P. 11. - The Charles Avrry is now receiving freight at the Monon- gahela wharf, between. Ferry and Shari streets. - Zanesville Packet. • • The steamer KAMA GRAHAM, Capt. Slox -000 Arcas—Cisrk, N. G. AnOrr—will teem for the above awl intermediate peke un TUE - DA Y, June 2, at 4 o'clock Y. W. Fur neighs' or passage apply on board of to W W. IRWIN, Agent, 114 and 115 Water street, at J. Collins A Co.'. office. royal • For ein •tnnatl. The steamer MINERVA, Capt. Joint Goanon --Clerk, J. R. Dmutecia—will leave for the above aid Intermediate porta on TUESDAY, JUDI, A at. 11: M. For freight or ponsage apply on board, or at the FITTS BUROII MARINE ASSOCIATION HOWLS, to. 82 Water Je2 - The steamer J. IA CARSON —.Rapt D. Z. Beremr..--Clerk, W. B. IDuen434--will lear& for the above and intermediate potti ad' WED. N LIDA Y, June 4, at 10 A. M. For freight or pasetto apply on board, orntilliDITTS IM2 RAI It 1 ASSOCIATION ROOMS, No.. V.: Water etreet. my2B For St. Louis, Galena, Ditliqtte. The new steamer J. U. CON, ChM JAMB Woomouitt, will leave for the above and tnter mediate puns on TUESDAY, June 3d, at 4 o'clock P. M. 'or freight or plumage apply on board, or at tho PI rrs• 81/ NO II MARLYN ASSOCIATION ROOMS, No. a Water street. jug.. LR MON t CO.-TRANSPORTATION J.,4 LINE. Baring made extunelve p paretions this Winter, We are now pre lanre to do a IIEAVY BUSINESS by PENNSYLV tlethAt. mud RAILROAD, THROUOII TO AND FROM TILE EitST ERN CITIES. WO can assure our friends and all thone &sp."! to patrouwa the Penna. Canal and Railroad, that no pains will be spared h, render general eatisfiction to Ship pers of Eastern and Western Freight. The AVOIDANCE OF TIIF. INCLINED PLANES UN TILE ALLEDIIENY PoRTAtiE RAILROAD will give increased dispatch to the tresnamimion of freight. Utli.e on PENN street, at the Canal Buhr. LLOYD & LEMON. ..1111 Q'PEAMER PAUL JONES FOR SALE.- The undersigned offer for sale, the fine 'Lamer PAUL JONES, as loos now lies at the w hart at Pittsburgh. The PAUL JONES is one year and four months eld— length leo teat, beam 35 feet, hold 6A feet, two engines,' a) limbs, 22 inches in diameter, 7 feet stroke. She is In compkte ord..- and well found in all ruspals. The cabin is .1 the moat approved style, and Sued np In the must elegant The PAUL JONES will he sold on the following forms:--. say onolifth 0181.1. balance 4,8, 12 and U• months, with in.' wrest and approved security. If said boat la not sold at prirlite wile before the let day of July next, she wilt two 6 feral at public auction. and sold on that day. Any prr.on having claims against the PAUL JONES, will forward them to the undersigned fur settlement along with balance of the chin., as soon as raid boat is sold. W. A. CALDWELL, I ~, 31 ARK_ STERLING. Ily24.tjyl chJ --- A RARE CHANCE FOR MACHINISTS Ur those who wish to Engage to the OR ENGINE BUILDING BUSINESS. TIIE I'NDERSIGNED offers at private sale until the Wilt day of June next, the whole stock of I Tols. Patterns. Shafting, Heating Pipes and Fixtures, in use In the .• Pitt Machine Works and Foundry," located in Allegheny City, corner Main and Cherry ttreeta. The stock of Tools consist in part: First—of a No. 1 Steam Engine, nearly new 1 4 inch cylin der, it feet stroke, with cylinder Whir 44 Inch diameter, in no., only one year. Inns tarp and one small power Planing Machines Twenty.three turning lathes, various, lengths and sizes; which swing from seven feet down to twelve Mans overt the shears. tope large Boring Mill. Stogie and doublegeared upright Drilling Martine. tine excellent ilear-cntting itngioe, wilt' a great number of arbors and cutters in good order. I lee Balt and Nnbcutting Machine. Stabbing, Fluting, Punching and Filing Machine. Twentreeven Vice., Ingo.] order. A great number of Stocks and Dies, of all sixes and tar sass. I u short, a complete set of Tools for Cotton Machinery, MiliAlearing, or Steam Engine building. Se,oruL--.A cast iron Cupalo,thirtraix inches In diameter, in good order, with cast iron fan and fixtures, all complete, to blow it. Core Oven, Annealing Oven, brass Furnace, Crane, cast acid wrought iron Ladles and Shanks of various sizes. and a full assortioeut of Flasks and other tools nocawsato, for a Foundry. 'Fiord—Five Blacksmith's Forges, with fan and fixturesto blow them, together with a full art of twigs, swedges, ham mers, and tools for each forge. i)oe small Trip Hammer, with a great number of dies mid ea...lace. to good order. Otte patent Bolt and Rivet Ninchine. Fourth----A complete stork of Polly Patterns, from four to sista inah diameter; Spur and Bevel Wheel Patterns, of sari mi• vino, apal pitch; a great number and variety of Maohine Pathrii. and a groat number of other Patterns, too !Mater na! to mention. Thew" Tools are all in first rate order, and thee k have Iren for a 'lumber of yeara in successful msuation :- and as the present proprietors w hit to discontinue business, a rare chance is offered for the purchaser to secure at once n icirsl established custom. The Imiluings can be leased at et tali rate for any niuuber of years. For information as to price and terms, apply to the prow rut proprietors on the premices. JENRS, RICHEY & CO. N. R.—lf the above tools are not ~old before Use 20th of June, they will to olfered at public sale. NOTICE I,..reby g iv. to oil poro my? w lat• lotto patterns or work or uoy dooctipthoa In tho -Pitt Mullion Work.," to bare them tak,u away beforo tho loth day 4 June neat, or they will he otherwise dlapased of loy2B:d9tv JF:NKS, lIICHNY t co. - - - IMPORTANT.—The Subscribers iiTe now' opening a Spring and Sumximeamortment of Geode, co prising is part a large and well selected stock of the heel ,putlity and most fWilonable -styles of Summer Clothing for ihwees; fine English Bridles and Martingales; Fancy Hal ters ; Horse Brushes; Curry Comb; ; Carriage Dusters; Car pet. and Enameled Leather Traveling !Sage, Ladles' and ()elms' Sole-leather Trunks, As. All of which, we aga confi dent, are superior in quality' and lower In price than ever offered In this market. Purchasers are Invited to call and extunlue our stock et ths sign of the Holden Uorswhead, o. S 6 Wood street, corner of Diann:aid Alley my 3 B. H. lIABTLEY A CH. - -- TWELVE HOURS IN — A D VANCE *OF TIDE MAIL! roy- THE EASTERN DAILIES are regularly received, peelve hours In Advance of the Mail, and delivered to sub• scribers at the .following rates : • • Philadelphia LEDGES., Inc.-per week. ' New York Daily TRIBUNE, He. per week. HERALD, " • " TIMES, . " ''' " • Air Leave your orders le'. those, or any other Eastern papers, at 71 Fifth street, for my2.l RICHARD SHANNON. BACCIN--300 piecee received and 'for sale by myaIHENRY- H. coLuNe. CLI_ERMAN SOAP— , 10 boxee just received I_S end for sale by , criy26 SPRINGER Om:titian: WHEELING, &c. ZANESVILLE. CINCINNATI. For Cincinnati. SAiNT LOUIS, &c. MACHINE, SUMMER GOO6S- L. & SON, No. 70 WOOD smut, 4111 open TUTS (Wednesday) MORNING, their new Mock u MEN'S FURNISHING 00C/DS,. POE THE KIMMICEt SEASON, Tint arrived 67 the but Ammon. - QPIRITS TURPEpITINE,24 bar,rels fu X) Bale by [lnr 22 l' SO,II.OONMAKEIi. .11111 OCITELLE OCHRE-5 casks ,just reed IA and for sale zny24l, • WAIN° BROS. 17EU BUTTER • 101egs for sale by my= , BEN.ity,o,9ol.u.Ns- PHEESTILL-DX) boxes • prime New, W. R. IL) for vatting, received and for sale by in 31 HENRY IL COLLINS. • • RM . ') APPLES-100Ims. prime just re calved and for sale by ILERRY EI,COLLINS. ENE • . • .„ , 6, • .„, _ ,:.-.._, "•., A . ,.. seiiitikilnit , tftr*iugtivantuttl-- 31, t . i r--... , ?..',' , ..,' 1t.,,t4414 . '., ie L L A 44,3,-- , ~,..4•1,..4,-..'-911,,,,,,,, .f, , , , 4 , 4 , 44,- , ...,6. 1 `,T7i1,4....7% - rX ."!. , "'T r ,' Pili': , ~,, ; I, f *, . ..;-? ",,,,, _ ~....----.... ....., -•,r3:'. audio otherireffSitt/ 1 . 1 . -, " ,,,z3.2,7 : -.-..,,,,,-, •-•....J-,2.,„, .--'-'-'• Nature qn4.:3o,l**' ,I,4*(44:lollrikatta, 7 ' ful tunic in the systettg,-;l4.tilreetinli.-M, „4*-:-.,. the cure peretaneng:. -4.loo,3*.ift*tiOr,f4".iltdotifziditiWir„,..,„„o72- --'_: the system, but, bySenuttlut 10P--_Xtlti, ll4 /? ilVilef l: ' ,- r - .... non. enables it.te thrOWldit. ~Itter,.44lo4:ll ß ..atiti nin er. .. eradicates the tilatinse, - ;'.-.--., - - , ; , .',- - '_-, 1 -' 2 : ,7-4 ' , '''''" . 4..! ,& ! :- .F . _ When Its medleinid:iirtnestate.'socinifentallil . „s., „, edged, and.particularlytere, - where It haahectiniti* , ~._ • , tar a familittinxlicibeithitit is cold by intuit A as well se nirtitis Vinikglst.4. - It vainftliente AO' offer further eviderineilet SS thereittkanithlltini„Snill .'i- - have tried many advertised rembdtisl,' , AndigfArkikt Dyspepsia in oneor more infitiiihrendMlP'ertnititk'filp rit, the following certificaniOhnilntlitdigeßYA, „Vir . i:. be doubted, coming as tIM-dti - ficinipeinetiOnot II ft^ - - WHAT - ITU - DOING FOWlffir BIM' -1 -- ,,- •,,-_, Win. rebuchnumi EiteblltiWellleitaWnlithoertAtls ll- 0 , " I bare frequently ' used-IkiehaVe's Iltdlirrid:Biftsieig, , fiat It juvariably-relletesindigestienund`tinhilftk.'! • , .- Rev. Samuel Babcock".esYtt.t "I found 'ltieCialrelle ffiostt its use for a severeheadziehe, - -whir' iildCle-1 hair ,toug i "tio:r z J. W. Woadwell,'Esq., sitytt.J. have - need neseli? l , ,T4'iltqi land Bitters myself, and roetWEendedit tt, ttkorpOrtiiitSwg, it tohe Just whahlt is letunitented , " ' `: ''' ~.---- •.' ea .14mathatiliielk; of-Leireelittlitir, - eitYWllirtniq - 4 rived gresikti etietltfrom lie use for weettnees:Of IV-tip/sic, - and Incligairtiott." - . ' ' - ...." ,!. ;- . , ~,.,' James-Ai. Murphy enys: u After itiveral - pnysichantlian, ratted, Bterhave's Holland Bitters removed.. he p al, ',,fotitn• my heart and aide, arising from Judie:l;6;6,n. '' ",• , -,,,,, ..,,,,, The editor of the lOttanning Eine.liwas`Sa3lo... .'''_.t N 147, of the best physicians it. this plime iiiia lesteth':..hti! : , iiw: m a .s Holland Bitters cared eof thoworsethrtn' dSz 4 WLt Francis Felix, only manatheturer or ths"oei ' ,--.`. tract Greene, says: "I know that your; ',lbbilairdlillierria oue of the best medicines in - the world - Ihr a dieoxdsred stomach or liver." - Dr. Ludwig,editorof the "Ftlehel." Baltimore,: prom:owned it a medicine deserving the confidence of the pnbitc. - Dr. Therhart, the leading physician - or Boma., has prescribed it frequently during the Wt. three Years with marked success. in debilitated states of the dluestivii Organs, ...,• . or of the system generally. The manager of Ballou's Vinegar Pastor} , says t`"l - '1'.44 4 0 it myself, and was therefore induced to try ita-effeeexP o t c li my wife, (troubled with the great debility crantriCOO Or ' a consumptive habit,). awl mall,' it de4 l l, her toore,g, _ Mau anything'slie,hatOwer treken.":'_X ',. L.j...-:,,i ,:',.• ;,-..,,::-.:-. Whoever expects to find - lifthis a beverage wilt,ba,dhatr,3 pointed, but to' the sick, weak and low spiritndOt.,sitil ~ proves grateful aroMatic cordial, ptassasWedofeinguhM.rein- .- ilillTlGift ~ ::,,,,, _,..... .• The great popularity of this delightfig "Morns lies Andiciai many Intitatiol36, which the public should guard against puts. Chasing. Be not persuaded ,to buy anything ehte_tuitn on, hanegiven Boerhave'l 'Holland DittereAtthir trial t' 11 + 4. ' tle - will convince you tiosri . NhatettOptcrhir 4.114 to . ljl tt aeo, Imitation s. AlirtFold atill,Ter bottle ; - ttie,' - ofitii.bettleolo4s,-Whgeole. proprietors, ' 11T1N31.31.TR PADA Ja.,..t. Op., MannfaMattingyinwrnaceuthiti end Chemists -- cox Braithßeld and Third, streets, kittalwirpb.%...;., . 'etrtitaksasara.,.... . ..- ,--..., Philadelphia, T. W:lTytift k Sons, 131 N.,,241 street. •Bew York, Barnes ,I.' 'Park, 304 IlMedway, corner Duane. halt;?, more, Crisman - Brothels, Gay street and Petupt., Avennew , Cincinnati, Johttli. 'Park. Chicago, Barclay Crothetx,2l2,S, Water at. Bt. Ihnis,ltainard, Adams 4: - 0., N: Orleans, A- Wright ,t Co. . A CARD' TO TILE LA mgs,-- Dn. DIIPONCO'S GOLDEN 310biTifiX 141.0,,,F0tt FEMALES.. The oocubination-of co's Golden 'are perfecfly harmless., .flui r wininti.beent, ; .. used in the' private practice* old Dr..Duponco - for Over years, and thousands of ladies can testify never-failing success in almost eyiwy "* . 4.in.„nitrigi • irregularitir4,relinving painful and ..dietretsingratienatrus- , ' dos, particularly at the change - of lilt- • Fiom - Ci`to IO Pills will cure that . , common yet dreadful iliseenejdlin Nearly every lady in the land suffers from Mar cumplaint. alxwe pilrlia.4 permanently cured' cure you if you use thee. They cannot hatpt " yott-ot2.'j to contrary, they remove all obstructioult,retilfedolta proper channel, and invigorate ther *litffe'syStettil l . 4 . 43.t0t whose health will net permit atilitrivisittifilinitfi,iefit A n d these Pills M 1 emccessful preventive. For naitietilarintin.di ..rettionson thepos.. . Price sl—end NG) As,l 4 Mlit.* t igri confidentially, by mail, by enclosing $l. to. elan:4%9l'Am foln;,_ leaving agents: Sold by SAMPLE & llSEG,genei* City; FlJl.:Tii&StlStore.; Birmilikhant, PP• rlAN:SCono and by W. A: . GYLD SYPSNEY &110., No. 4:1, opposite the Theatre, Pittsburgh, who wiltscipply;dealersrat proprietor's prices. Sald by all Druggists in citynud United States P . RIVATE DISEA ‘ SBSt—BR: BROWIS;tN N, itt •, 50 Smithfield street, between Third. and Votattr •-t,:- . streets. devotee hisentire attention to an Milne Pros- - i tics. His busitteea is, for the most part, condned.4.6i , s , - • private Venereal Disozw,srut such painful areanugi , .= broughtua,bp ixopyliancu, ytUllhfulAudzugettuand excee4 - Syphilis, Syphilitic Eruptions, Oonorrlnat, Wed, Stricture ~U rethral Discharges,tropurity of the Blesal,rwithedl diseases- -, or the Venereal Orgeu. Skin 'Diseases, Scorbutic r i 1 ,4 =..- • Tatter, Ringworm, Vernal-lel Disease, Seminal ...,••• Impotency, L'ilea k Itheumattsta, , Ittenale Weaknettadouthlf ' Suppressions, Disetniee`of the Jointa, Fistula in Alto, Norms AffectioutcPalne ,In_the Back and Loins, Irritation.of the,-. , . Bhubler,andßidnepherMairully treated.. Cureguarantied... : Twenty yetreltractice(tett , ln this any) enables Dr.,•Brown ,• , to' offeelastunimpedy cuts to all who may coms.un- -•4 derlis ca.. •. , _ _ • . .. •,,, i ‘ - . • OM* and y Prlvat ' a . .. - Cealtiiation Rooms 50.8ndtilleid 9t:,` , .' ' - :between Third and Prot* streets. • •, , 4, i • ler Mama =aerate. 1 - 00V 6 edeWlY ~,.• , t DR. BROWN' ciontio - ifri.)p vtitiAillted l'o* ti - the cure of 'SEURET'DISRASES. - Ills sfiCiis6s,lll: long-stauding easea - is unequalled. The tiffileted are invited to call without delay'' PersonstiMicted with Venereal Din. , eases, Rheumatism, Wee, or Seminal Debility, should not ea to get hie advice: -Letters conteitd l 4S tee,'iminedthisi ). ty answered.. , . ~ **„. Office and Private' Roma: No. 60 Smithaeld street, . between Third and Fourth streete,Pitudmigh: ~ '• 14e i TN THE COUR' STATE OF DEL. Ebenezer Cloak CIL iticluird C. Dale, Thomas F. Pale. j And now to wit, this twenty-seventh day of Altirgh,l4o4, year of our Lord one thousand eight hthrdred azidAtbrAx.i. this cause coming before the Chancellor, upoi thirldetiOn`OL Joseph P. Corneas, Esquire, the complainant's Solleiteriall4; the writs of MUUMUU aforekaid; anir the Sherifros thereon being seen and examined,' it is thelenike - digerea . by the Chancellor that the afbresaid defetniantiMchanr.C.:'. Dale and Thomas F. Dale, appear in the Cable otr l titeidkic, the Z'id day of September next. And'it ISUiderea rooted by the Chancellor, that copy of if*" ofiter, elitdr inserted iu the Pittsburg! Post, s noreptittei'paittilieit ih the city of Pittsburgh, in the State bf Pennsylvania, and shall ;be continued in said newspaper for the space.of one month; and also that a copy ofsaid orderahan for the stque aimed or time be posted in the olliry or the Register of lids Courteattr at the Cot:10110u.. door In Ibis 'County. . Statedf Delaware, 1 . Kent Monty; SS. f I, John IC. - 31#1s, Register in'Cluincery F.ent county, aforesaid, do hereby certify that the foregnlngk,A4Ftlecief nlthe order in the above mime, One of reCord irtttacours.. In testimony whereof, I base hereunto eutin3t.hotid,at4,... affixed the seal of the said Court, at Dover, thja D. lat . * JOAN S. UMW. inyt4lnir T OCUST GROVE FEMALE SEMINARY.`' A.,1 The:Trustees of Locust Grove, 11pIscotaillatdchoyftz. , give notice to-the 'friends of the institution. that tlielfevc.... 'Wilmt H. CLAW, having been c0mpei1d1.14:1 , 1•94:.... 111 health, to resign his charge as Rector of tinksatuor,tlMrg . .tu. have been so fiirtunate as to secure the:valuable setylt*,:ork I' the Rev. Oconee T. limes, of New Yerk,:foilho cataWlood. _. lion, and who enters at once upon the diSchattrAt-hirski, ties. From the very high and nattering, gmetuattettleas which they have had of Ittr. Rums., 010 hav,Oledeltl44‹ that eminent fitness for the work committedto . hittOtad 'tilsa they believe that under his managementifoi*SeinitutOsan : not fail to procure a large shoratif public anptuppOrti'i:` Persons having, daughters or wards to eduente ate partiC..., ularly desired Ito acquaint themselves with the advantages.. which this Institution affords, both as respects liii beitutilbl , 7 4 , and maintains position, two and a half miles, shots the dry ; ..., 4 and also the facilities for the thorough,awl uufined educetkat presented in its efficient corps of inatructors. , '-y d ; ' .Clnniors may be obtained on application,totho , Rectgraer either of the Trustees. -IV:3*A dpa. 184 Jona IL Suomnatate, Osonea-lt,3l , tatas 1 . Wawa' P. Jontorroct, OtivdtW.ltailass, I :' Tusoootte 11. Ltinact. 4,.8,5 1 1 1 1. 12 1.. : ,.. ' apalsodlinobilmtchi VOAL, SLACK AND .LIMK-: :ASeittedl*k Wade for delivering in thestoteaof , thollitirkir , dr - thtt , Pittsburgh ties Company, 176,000kbilebeleorititsuninOtA r* . Coelpbo,ooo bindlela of 'Slack, and 6,oPktitiehelaefi:DlM„.yi be nmeivalat the Office of, the Coven , nn i['flUhl the 29th lust., at 3 o'eloqit, turC0at,3140414:410 te be of such quality anddeilyered at enabling% rindin ger - , ounstaieulus eball be apptoved of and directed. rbe e standsoksviwioputation for OW a n d "-lark r be,• ' 4•44) pounds per bushel, . - ; Payments be Made .morlibly, retaining kker,AX..dtAta • security Itir oeritiimiece of contract. " It. Propoeata4obe directed:: to Jaw( Maw, Dul..; rept% dent of the - Col:oo , 4Yr AtL4* 4441316:" rx44161.154°,...811u. d &EA," or for . " Lito.V v tet Itie case may be. 44.,UE5:T1,03150N Engineer Wilco_ of tii*VPlt torah fkkeo, z • • -Nagaliditt - OW DIVID Y eartnreardl2..... 44ll TWAN MlCandreillia M 40004—.t/4-' • (SucotailealariNnaithii lIOL • . ‘nioN, NAita,ol4oli ATAM4,II.I4#II'.I - Manufaettitl eirtrW_.:4nier of 'woo' Eas4.Watee..4 l ; _ • kttlltAliii FAN GO ITAS_ ItElllo.llla - H ¶ .1: -to No. 78 AM M bpPAßtita to , - It.taudi and la ao:akrn*ir94 bunds.bb -caltatual lutr i t „ o t pibtle gkey*t44 o, A l, l ot a illkonthgt;'.mayvanWey tstpt i vic6 camik„- ; 114000 Otta I.r.Wir.43ll"lsf*a.iet4ll. -411:4:•—•481tfariistat..- -01024171,3 or,,tz x '~ ~.... ,__-:,.- -r,'' i.tr , -;' ~ = '' ~,i...:l':L-; 7';,l=--ill„'.'n ). - 5-•,'-.frTf,_,,, - x''''.'""`''' '/,' -,-;•ktc.);&,'-'4l%;.C'; - ''''';',, 1 t4.':•,t;:-4-I'tt:%'(7'.(-Jc's`" .4,:tfo ","-- ' ' -. ',. ' ', ' 7 •-‘,-.TIOP:c,,k ,- ,-, 4.,-- -:,- - ' *,oboo" '' c +,K ';., ,ifro' ..- ~ . 4fl' , V.':i ., ' ..: -- - OF CHANCERY OF THE W ASE, iu 'Enid fur Slug cot9;tty.: fi)c Partiticuk PIM ..,-..., —,.,.. ~.... ';' , 4..-. 4. i . i**,;: , :i 3 ..: - ; ,, ' ', : ,1 . 0 ti ' j ,.2,4:1,?5' '-.,,,,,,p-:-_,,c,—, -` r .S'`i .`_`%_. .7.':.':' ,- i . .31::', - i'Zft . i` ~,; _, , ,,1::_ , ,, - ,..; . -..n47. , ,: , :...;t , . , -,:..:. , ' {,.. -. x^. .= • tt, • -.74; % • „ J§ • -4 0 . - ' - '""* ,R 54: . . . - .... - .:.iw - ': . . ' t '-..." , rl.: • y. ---:_ ' ..'• ' . ~ . . '--, 4 I , ''..:-.0 .. iLL :.,::,. r • :."..4 , 4.9'. • - !- _-,r , ' , l , tt: . I ' . ::', & ,,.. -4 ' © '::::'.,1 ~y '.~~ -~ -.44- - - 4:4- ..•icA. . „..- ;411 ..„2.4,.,,, . ...;..1 :v. ~,,:re . , -,,4,-. c _, ,, : , ft,t . ~,-,. i -...,,,..i5f&.---'- N'T. , -;V: - : ',,Af '', _l - .5,,, , ;1-1. -4 ).;';': . :1 0.).....? 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers