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CARRYING TIIK Tine ~,,,,,, ii, ,,,,,, i I..i ng v e ry Wee stel ~.iziln“,lo, l N, an,l Great United States Mail and Express. !war the pr04e....1 rites ..1 two Iniiliood :.0..it000, i.el the TWO PASSENGER TRAINS RUN DAILY au Its entire \,,,..hg,,grfe,iiint1,,,r5h6rk,n..itii,r1i,„11,1:1011:.5:11.1.5i.,05,15,1,5;1ttti5w t 5 . i.1 „5 ,....J ,1 5 n Islam; le longlli f - 01.1111.1(112F, To CAI IW, li Elk A8A 51 1.1 1 & CO.. AND nilliktf—clill Formtli etr,,t . CHICAGO TO CAIRO. • - -- - -• ~ . e , -- 71 „ — 7 1 ---, • , , This Road, in connection with Trains of the Ohio Mid .A.RARE; CIIAIS.I.h.-- no bu )scri.l.c.r iIIIA- Mi.,srmippl It. It. and Chicago end Ortkiiii Itattroul, forms tug ~,,,, , ,(,•a in ,wither haulm.. which iltilisileiti his the meat direct lied only coutitoos. R. It. mutt, from m loth, time aud Al... Mimi, smile. 1.. clogs). of In Tea and , CHICAGO ni ST. LOUIS, I.snsiery Basin..., The stantlingsif the limos. is well know ti (MICAH() isi CA110), . the first 551 its kind, the hasiness i a ,„ ;n o n „,,,,...,,,,,, , , I,y CHICAtio To HUBUQUF.. i Q 40011,55 of thy 15.. l class in the city. Train. lea, Chicago SS litres ; T ., in g y...s g aisrJsstso itt'sCos s ii 1150. It is 0 Purr • 100 s, 00. 1 la A. 11, 115.1 10... M P. M.—ST. 1.01:13 AND CAIRO EIrtIES.S. a note lortune For particular. emphre of Peemoigi.ril far St. Loniii by this train fake the rare c.l the „ I:tit w, A. Arel.lllll, c.-,..., 1,..., istli etc. obi.. Milt Ml..+. It. It. at Sandorni, awl .111.1• mrriod direct r , ll° LET - A well lit - 6811nd Sterwe iin Market - Of. Len,. , A. Al. 01014:10 P. M.-105amyiti. AND GALENA ItlelleSo. sins , lit 110111104 h ( ipisisitti• Ihilteillte . ) with it Dail) I stret, Isenen Third and Voartle - A .5.. sl -{and i..r 0 1... t. ..515-s• , Cliohing Rime -e Lion. ot shlon Pm Lets for St. Peel 11/111 t h e Upper 11104554, A Loge Stom im Third sir,. I. ii.ir Nei. t ~tri.w.t - ;al e riser dia.. Also, two well tiiii..ll.o Olfee. Kama... Thh , l ,-11...•1 Tim ii-. 1.. e.• i 'aim fire Cliawo and Dubuiple et 7:30 A. M. Ell.lllll , Of i1t•1'..:,.r...1rj K. I'. HAZZA M. 5:1 Third 0. ~,,,,,..,, P. N. et lit NEI{ STORK' To LET--ThP Shire Payenger.4 from the East and pla.ssi on the 011ie river, lest itied 15 r St. boitis, will -.eve llsi milts. of ti,,iiiiii o and iiii 1, ..j.,,':.:r":„.,l'ui":lml,i'-`;,(ii,:.7V.7:::,i,1,"::,..,,1,',.t.1,";,.;.),7„„'..ri1'1i.r„'',"„1,),'1na::,' f1 ,..1:,,.. rtivr , rolvigation Iran Cairo to St. Lurie, nil arrive I. vAures. Ifs bl3Oll . It' A. WI •IX It, ; I '' .o looten to athaties• of the river roan,, by taking the c.o. at Cairo. OWNERS (IF I 11°1 El I'' t . , 2__ .___C: ' (n',l' -resiuent-• ii,k.-0, c., :L. Louie, Chn., Dubuque., St_ Paul, aml all ltu- Nj others) arc intormed that we witiiiiil to rioltoo_i p. , rtem piec... 15y this r”otti, tali be loul at On, ottice of the Louse,. and coll.wring rellt.S. Ids , ti• {nano' , . repeire, pay- O. .0 {'.:031 C. iii I'. {Lull rise!, Ili l'itt,hurptit, and Milthigen oel itl taxes, AC , .4.. Our ,I, iipe-i for Steil nevi,' , . aiti Csitlrid Railroad le Chicago, IL B. MASON, bnalerate. It.',' invite the atteni.ti of protsTiy iet iii•ls. es Joe Superb/Writ. le-riAlli theewho rosinh , sate! the. ..ily , l, thi a brat),•ll Id • ....r 15......1' ... W . .k." " .. P .li " L " l. '""‘ " 0 I " . " .l ' . "'" ". '"''' . " . ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD 1 .,—. 0 ,. b.i ..,...1 1.411111.313, 11131..• /311.3. ..I 13.3111,-. . imiunfectilired iirticlos. &c., for fat own, t oi•-ileto.. ei..l others Itinaness lit this kind attnd.ol to proMtly. ati.l all , NtlIV OPEN ....1111/11111 ai 1.3a1.3 ,e.r n itiy.-505fidraf...; All ;mina ies 1-55 5 mr51i mg 7 ' 55.5.1 estr or 55511.1.1 matters mast enclose a pat-At:oop 1..1.3) Fll.Oll P I TTS lII.' aciut To KITTANNING. potac, ,an ri.iily S. CUTIIItt.:ItT A Si IN. , P.ent F..tli all•I liiiiii ral et. , lits. • 101 1111.1 An, FRIDAY. Januar2, .2.5. ISSS, Freight arid P. feljr: 1`,... h i Ilai ket st.. Pitt:41,1.1,15 .nil Trani'' w5 ll 1 -:ii.. l'itiAniritli io , t 3O P II , 4 .l.tinig ia - .iii z-iiiiii.ii.. at n. log et h Mention., et ti - . 2.5 P 11. litteorrring • I)IL RENT—That large {toil CollYClllent Leave Kitt:ooone at ; 0'.1,5. - 1, A. i 51.. arriving at Pittsburgh M 31,11011,10, situate on Water street. beta . ..en Mexloo et to A. II 555,1 W.. 1 or.s.t., tortnerly In the ,55,5115 . 5.. c of Leti..., A S - Ciii /ES. M 1 LI, RUN FINN EITYANN !NO, in conneio Hutt 55101a15155 for Storage. limitary , C o mmissmil 11... e, oc lion wit) the Trains, Or the fillies lung placin, 3 Boat Stole li.seasion on lilt of April next Y&L.F.. marl S CUT WI ENT Ar , 13, :ii Nl:trk. I ,I. Iturnl Villagy 51 M,Clttrion . . . stein , - - - __ ,_ ._ :soot g 2 ryOlirail)'s Bend rpo LET---. 1. Dwelling I liiii,e ,ot I utnii i.„„,,,„„,,,.. 1 25' Ntabiiiiing, A._ It," I', i-nv...,, itik•ity all,l I , on. at preyent occupied Mi,1,115-55 .. 1 73' K,llorsl.org 1. .5 11 . Ellie , i P0ei..!... giv,•ii ..ii iii, 1,4 .•t April. ! 1t,..1 l'ooil . *.!. IS Tex. A ppl) le A M . . LOONI IS. I'll. I:tooth It. it„. n ... s ,b n e g 2 fin Bethlehem 15450) lit to AUSTIN I10A:11S. tc2 Seirtl, 0. Curl„,m, 2 71. lleclormorborg , rill) LET-- I'--Fur a term .. , I . rears, that lar,L , l , I,:•*:'6'''.'r, 300 :.. , tooloonuale • • ,Iwne ..: 101 lirsikville 1 .- " I " 1 " I "" di " III. i'"""Ig 'n, ‘."'''' ''''''''• "'” the In - Fare to Kittanning, $1,N1.5 Tutor, Well kittittit as the - Pisa :stet.° Mill. - Mechanics Tkkets to all .51 the 5.1.5 re iiltwer .an U. pr is itssl lit lb iir lltalitlfiletel ern St 11l Biel 11,,, , •011 .•,,,...G.Oli li,lllll 1.,m (1113 1 , ",,,, , , ”‘ II ~ .• laird 1 ..11 • i • a)io - ,ic, -(. kind 551 business. S. CUTHBERT “I & 5,55. • 5,,,. 1' ,111'-e, v5.1l leas. the not not of Market and Fifth. nil 1.03 ' I Mi " k ” ` li ''''' ' 1'555.. ate: M 155 1..• at., IS, AI 2:50 I . M.. 111 (3.1.133 . 153. With Ile _ _ • FiRsT this .5 ,L, m...r.,.,.: ~,,, I„ , „I. ' r ise ,- 1.15C2A1 A. J. lIOPPER, Sup't. tainesl. nob liberal pi, 1550555...., application to 1,.1,2.2 111..11i ELY A RICHEY . Ut Ili. S.\ I,E- - A Liii id' i lrfinwl on Penn i.t.. „ . ~ Rillt)11) LS, l _. ~,..,,, „n ~,,„.,,:,,,, ‘,..k.-111,....:1:k..,i....i i i . ..1 1,, I l'A 1 IA It AN I) Ati II ll] Clilt FA . it., t....., ,„.,„ ~,t ,tt,t-t, .- .•,..,,,..., ~.. ,r.,,,, t.,..,,,,, ,„,...,„,,,,,,,,,.,. ,„,,, „„„,,,.,,,,,„,„,,,,,,„,,„ r ,,„ _Ft )1; Litt, Pr,,,ltth,tt 3:01 cure „I INT/MIDI ,e1,m1.1. , 1 .1.,.. r t ‘ ,. .05.1 t POP) early Isi Mad , t,. ti id lie 'V st 'se litrllllsl FI.. ..1 -. I• 5.11 It 111, .131 1. 1 . 1111.1. I'l. ranges. AV. 1.1.1 . /... 11.1 H. A.,. r. ....).,1"1 P. rosier, NIt.IIT 5a1..., jliA plan 1.. , , te1 , ..7 i BLAKELY & RICH Il' .0551 ail t .04. I 1..11 . { . • -I 111... A,. ,1 Itit tt Itti , i . it ,1111111,11 31121 t ' tIAIII A .5,1 All IStl t COAL LANDASS FARRFoI SALE-- A Cirii Ti„.. ~a \ viTi; ki, Avfliorry.,,i,,,l, ,1,.,,i,,,-1,, ~ I.,_J of 1.:1,1,1, tii.• A, t.- , -. in Ii tisLeortaa tontorlop. 5.1 ~,, . t „ i ~o , 5 , . 5 .1.. n t .., 1, "L... ... 5 , iii t i„ ,„ ~,,4,1, Maim cotwit. i ilms. limms'ss 0t , .. • " - to 11. ,1 " ,11. '• . 5 ... ‘a: ... in.! • I 5.51 ii e ... b on. ‘5.5 I o. .5 0.11..4515.5....5555 al. ii half Holes friss the Iti:iii.i 1.1 thi• CA I' Sittliiti I iPi Ili •i• 1. II .11.) .1.J111% II •111 • •.1.-131.111 11.1.3111, M31..113 :Wove tat al lift. lite err, rili• Wel., frit... I mpr.t. tae, '' c., -,et of a goo.l 1 , 4 it Th.• •.1 t froth :Pt, to 4 loot; and h. In ti,..h•••l barrio-A: 40....44. taills..4 A Lot . tr....t0l .01 I . •• 111/ • , ‘l , ,troirt Aroma-. Ito 1., 12 4 toot. (Oho ~,11,.s 4 19 4 ) ‘'. uatt.-4 111.1141. 7 .1,Y 1:1 , 11K1 - _ To LET I in Etv:llt stroet, ill a retired at,.l .iatot part ..I tho Itotooktt ..1 1,..a ilk, 5....1 :t..1 tioado..l 11•41-4,.. o h 401 k. 111,/ Ulllllll .1 /11/1011. - - . .tik 11q , ntatiot.. Appitl:l-1 1 4 .1 1: h K V L K A: t RICHEY. itt.ti. F:•1 tll . 4,0 At I ~.11i• rI r.• hi:, A. - -1 4 L " 'l 4. - • - 0 , • - r.;447, - , • 7 17: . OH AlO :•• .1:1) pr.., ,t) t• •L, .•f ..1 Li:•- IN% r•—. , l ..r••11” I T. , 1.r..r I —mg: 1. , lir , It.mt km-4 wa,ll :I • r, u,.1 10 - .ll3tit . .1•• hull tr•••,..1.• , • 1.3 EIDEN .11 HUCSE ANl$ Inir Et.g .t .•I uk .111 d et.. Tlit• n thl/11N IA CO lISCELLANr.()I'S F. Browte.s Essence of Jlatasalen rr IS ESSE i , a prepttr.tii.al ~rboary ,li.tlth.ezt. tie ;pal.; 1.,. in 41t., - t. m all :Jai.. •.1 111.. 111. :MI , it ti 'l3 a .•1•1•i.1.1• Ch•• 1 , 1 .1 ao.I .•.1.1.1a5at,.. it I ` lll - 1., .ttr, t.. c•-I ttirt.• • .a1.1.1t I, V. Ittc.lW ti .st I/11/ • St..sts, N I: e"rll., •.f Fllth no I t'4.-•.•.nt -1,•••••t • I 1..1.1. , 11•41.: kl r n 1.1 12110 , 1 Cott. e, 411 , 1 in,;hl 11 Y4ll`.K. , 'l'km'l 0 , (11 And m II P. ScllWA!try. I.E. A. LECKIIAM sti.e OR RE \ C. , lllltl' _L . S.—AL t.A5:,14;1•. Al- —mil, , nhont 24 a.. r pl., , 011,11 I !I , I, II t. • .I.IIOA --ar , .1;1 1,41 -prlor • IT .1 11 L. Prr, low rurd 1,9 ID. ucs rta...zr I:1.A I(F.LY k 1:1r111..‘ (Zit:\ ErS FI.E:- K AN, 'l , AND Nl.:liltArrkA N‘. • I t•, It 'lll4l ftt.y r.f F 11•• . it t•Leh, I N Tri LEN A. MASI )N A will. )1(1 \ \ 111,4,.• 11,,1 i!.. 1+1.1:ING mAv711.1.1;• Gr., , and 11,.1 WA NT El , .h.“ $., cit 1). - •. t., Al Si IN F 1,,,:,„ I i fint 111-.11,LZ. I. Ciln 11' AERA N TS t , .r rttlt• 1.1 mit.l9 AUST: I ANTI ‘VA"I"N'N WANT ED I ' Y Ar.`Ti RYE EIAAA', -3 , hit , . :AM 'ru, %I In A . 111 Nil , 1; f ,, ur \ gr.., I, wt 1.., nut., 1, `1% 1 1 1,1 p...1\1•1 1. 11 1 11. 4.1 ..1,11.\.. A1i i.si 1.11/1.. 14110,11,1 . 11.1//1, J N 1...%%1:11:". IL.I. l.t • Indil I N. , II hill, )1 IS 1F:\1 ItS ! ' k ,t 4 -"" • '''"*." .41. I . :. • L `Tr.,: Shawl.. M.1.101:1.,. 14.11, 1n...1. 4, limit. . .131 , •tt th , y ntt. Intl. uthl.• N 4.. - I; VI !Ili ,Tl:v.v.T VOR SA LE-- A Nalital.l, , FA 1:NI ‘.l with I I II I LI- 4I trim Ow illy ash. Hod pm. .0 I The Farm will nil It LillV Ir F LEN! I \ '7250,,,zEN I.OIN SY IN 'l' r:y I'm App I For tulle Ily ILEVNIEI: A ASI mLd S., :V. 1V.,N1 At...1.1,k+110 St. 011,11. pi 11.4.4 H (iNIE sEitvicE_-A MANUAL. intvadrd et.re 0ce,...i.mx11, 11.,1,1 . 1 , .:111 II•11Im• t•I c•mi Kitt .0141 :1 • Hymn.. 1,. R.-. W • in Its , .II 1,. I: I. ••• t. , r 1.1 .•,. A narome'. Chu,. I, 1'1111:0•11.11,t K. 11.• tilhl T HI --li 4 To;.- L. 1111:SIIFELI) (1\ )_ . 7 will .1.. tit if 1,111 . . . li./111),S 4,0 Ilth NI.. h. I-it, M• 11 kb 3 rrl , tin e4•tslll,l PEAciIES—DI bushels, fwr mhl7 SMITH. Al AI It iluvrEr. 1 - 4 1 (llt ItE - NT —The St.rt , and I hvelling, 1 11,1 et Virst and Markel slrevls. The Ilan .1. 1.. thnolle,ll.oll. allll it tt41..11.11..11,a. +lllllil bri ta .1 tavern Apply le NV-1 l; r1:1; 111:111T A 111.. N.. 2;1 , Liberty (lASTI LE Si /A I '- hy II A. FAH 1111=11 (ZAN I ) I'APEK-111 ream , 1,0- I.N 11 A FAIIK-1•1 , 41 \GE PEEL —:;( 1 ( 1 I.r ral , I.\ \J II n FA II F.:-MC Is A TIARPER'S MAi;AZINE: Fi )11 Ap L i; ,• tv,l awl lor l.y. II \I i \ 8 PLAIN BLACIi SILKS- -.N. A. 1...1)N S. CO.. have just received, pet Kap, • . 1 sery rich BLACK BILKS. every sc idth otialtij ; lei. Jo GENT'S SILK cli.l ATS---W.• opened 35 doz. all eizea ul lieurg 11. i I. I i.deti, vat, of tine oputlity, and 111,41, 51 , k- , C. A 111 - VON NET PRAM Es-- do) d", "r kir Spring Styles or Wire and fm hrun Fir N. just reo,ived by A. A NI ASU:, A 01 111112 U pi(i ETAL-- ioo 1.,.. A nthracite, extra . •• 50.1 ChArmal. mlil7 • .10115 310.101E11r w A ItEll6C - SE TRUCKS I -- heavy ironed; • . '• light •• lirta•ers • True], nlll7 J.CSIKti %V A l'ltr 5;F.1.1.5---Four dozen Gorman l•runer; 10.101.1. jtist at th• an... 1 and A gru-0 or.,i W.trelemSe. -IT Fifth al rert. mli IT JAM IS WARIIIIM. WANTS A SITU ATI( iN --A Warehouse Man “r l',,rter, a , e . rinen, v. Ito it .1 good English achrlar. Apply t.. linl,til .IA !KS W AI:1114W hu , lsels Seell for liale by iuuhlll II RN It l' U. t'..1.1.1N S. Dkl i i [ES -- 2.0 1 ) bus. till' , day rvend and for tale by (od,ln HEN 0)1.1.1 —.Mackerel, White Fish, Trout, Sal. 1: won. &r. Imhl7l H-ENRI . 11. I'OLLI GIIIIIINE'Y TOPS, of five different pat tern, for malehy mlll7l HENRI' IL COLLINS. H A RTER'S MAGAZINE' FOR APR - W A. lIILDENFENNEY S CO. have Harpr, L.. . 1,111, tor rate at their eh Ilooket.orn, 1.1111 o th ,:rtmairo. tuh'2U • ; , RAILROADS ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD, it Ilii• 1 , 1 rw7.11.4 I. i 7.71 I,l_lll i tit ilit) tii 1., .1111 )ittt Ow) r iitt , itti, hill, 14 . , v..11(1111111,14 tii tit At ..tico. It•tttlit 4 atitutt.ttt . and att•l until p.-111 .411 In 14 - .1 ttt Ix., 11l ati•,• Ntx Jun , 11. I. :5.5•1• [l,l. LI tni,l[l[ll‘.4l..l • .1 -ft ‘• I.W Isn F.111)1, i•V NIF.Hrr , „ • %LAT I,Z I=l Lt..,, t , k• I kr in I. u•lltutt..val t5,•,•11., F~,. It harder• Pe • er and Ague Cure. ...,I.• I .I.IIN N111) . 1 11.1.1. Audi 14-Itgrj.t -.l.tu I. I\l HE cid la (IF 11)\I NI( lIME=EI= •t, r . ••• 1.• • , g • ti, -•••11111. tot :t..:• I,rtio:.• m 1.1: 112t:‘, , , tI. I:; r • t.. 1.. i,, • .11 .41.1 111•' - tt3l.-.1 •rrid .1 .•. 01.. t ,, I. , riy 0,11.11,, It. ai.•l 1-41,1-4 111. , 1 ..1 to - • t• ~•-•‘ no 1 11.. , 1 s 1.11,1 v. ~rll.ll 1... 7. I t.. l.v b.. 6• "•' PI • \ ,k4J ~ 1• „ NI. I I —I.-I 1,11 . 1 R:41.1 11 141 1.. , 1 rth t.. lb.. 1.1tac....,f I. . 111.41 111. 1.0.1,415 •t 1 • $, I \ 1., =ME • tit,. .1 t 'hut •It A ill : t. tt LI I. h • nlll.- -.Ail 1..5 slit I .it•l rt lurr It Ch... I LI, I , m[..l Jam.:. A hi..., Y... 1.11 1 ,•, I I•'1 11...11 , A). .111.1.1/ . ~ , I.• • ! I. ins tv..-t3 •I. I i.• ,•r• 1.1 th. 1,41111 =TM 1,11,m I El.. 11L° t ttlt 1.1 41 • ; ,tl.l 1.,•1. tit• t/ 111 1111 .. I . lil.ltls •.1. .111 ittitll ;111111.•1 • t 1 t lt.trufil fA IA 1t...1 A • , 1 tt, 1.1. It .J.. 411. 111.0, .1. a.. tl.•. k.. 1 1 tVt•Ittl••1. 111/.0...01 ,1 till, •1/1••1 1.4.11 I. ••1 itl 411.1 1. 1.•1 , / 11..1 1,1 • a Ell t.. 1,.• 1,11.• . tE El.. LEgt.•. N% 11.1. A F.; nil, t Cul \'l' I;1 STI 0;1 •., .11.• J 11.7 i. OrN t•--I. /0••12- , •atr.. II tt•k.al t.w..1 •: 3t.•1 w .11 I.•-• I I—, ati,l • t U•ril CUTII ItE1:1' -Ws. ',I 11 SCVDS' SARSAPARILLA IN ill Aicr tokrri.Es Tit, It ill I..lll.thit• l •.,i'lt/ I 1 ttXtl t itt OA front nisaat 1 -.. ilia..., la 111,1.1, ol an ....patina , .11t.1 am...tali, a In. it 1 Lain- the intalit mill and arm.. 1•1111111 tit tti a 1.141,1 y •an. antiat...l farm, ariontillaiilly volit .r ion., ilia .a taolia.t.• tn.- pr,oaa. that a astia. ..I.ltuitarl udinn , is ..up. to ;.to lar Oa. 1.1 tin .I S.ll I rtitaaioin- Erapriata:.l:ll-untatnan, Complaint, lippaiani. I%.turititiption. Fanial.. low , al A pliattl.. un.l u' Dalality Thi , jr.narlitl ti,tlt H..ina.'ll. .10.1 lha War. and W . 111.1> .0 UM nt ilk it di-erig.,..ni..ll•xirck fitan the. spar. all I Intl pr.. 311411. !width. !_loin;; WI, it to parnaaly kit ink,. in it_, ,partition; Ilia twintlltt mal Ott,- it at any lima with parfeet TI 11-!..111.i4111,, .m CI,. id LI/ L. 111.4/1111W couttltuttly lit. .11111114 U. 11141..,ttr041 ft, it iltt , .11.1.11;:111,Ittql1,11/11/ , 11.1.41,11, ..I tii, FUI I\ild it t.itjt.)...l with-11.watt I...pultirity II f1it . ..4 1•1,111 ,• ly out .4c...1.i...ta10n t..r) prrimrat,ti of :tan.. partlltt. tl.uti..ll it..tl t..i..lL,l.iugreiliG f /: d ha, 11, • ). at • that ,11,.1.11111 1..111 , .Itio. I .1.. .41...-4,•• II 11,1 1.... “ 1...• 1 t... 1 kind th,t ~/1•0 1111.11'1 111, 1,11, M 11 1i...1 1 . 114 11,1....1 1.. ,I. I. 11341 1.., 1 a "...aim 1111 , Inilit by y.. 1" . .11, ads swal It. 0,, a trial mai i can tt..ly Ili it I: ...•t It "log . - ..1u1.1 , 1 , 12, t...• ins t.,5.1.1.... 1....% ;an,. 11.11 1.. .d.. 1.1 II..•all 111, :.,11114' r.r I 1.111.1,11 -1.‘1,1o11) ;T, , 1 A It N 11t1.2,1011 .11.1 t'll,litstr, y.. 1,1 19 , II A YAIINE:'I' , n • K k (%). 41 1t1t , 12 , , ralxlourt.:ll, 4. .rally. Pt it« $1 pv. 11.1.24:1nt WS. II .1V EN'S N,,. I I'EN.-Thi VS- L,ll,•ni IN, outwit.. top,' I, (011,0 in idsce the !...i.lllO, 70s I'oo. i. 100.11, delnlng, raver will, I III", 1.1111111 .3011 It. Ht., ht.., th any e,e. il.ls 1. . Ihe I',llo/0 netl i',llegeA, and piefetri..l 1. , toy 101.11 ell, 00 0.- .10 ed. I h.,. III•I IIIUIIII(tli {III , tl I.Ln4t• :mod 1.. t • , 1 111 , ,,, I'. or, 001 mu 0'0.1) i.. t An y .I.lllllllt. W. S 11A Y gN, )1ax4.1 Tnvl 1001 - 1; .17.1 N ES 1 , 011 .11'1{11,- 11,0 p. , Cm N. 0 Nl,olldy tottlne. 11.0 - 100'. Sir) Nlaeorf.iiie; Vsoimee IN .4,11. fel 11,.. „ 4111. I' II Jame , , The 1.,,e0 ..1 110,00 I, 10100141, .10.1 r.'eet , ed sod IL., .ole W. A. UILIit.N FKIIN EY FOlll it.. opieedle IL, Thcalrc. I3UNNETS. -A. A. (11AS()N just oirenlug :1 k t•ry 11 I II St`ll•fitlll /dOltii of Spriog I.4l,llo , t,eomprisieg the nem Sty l , n lof -- Braid; Jelin) Lind; Satin Strut (1031000er 1.4051 15 end ” Floret., I)iatntnnl" Mimes Si' 6trnw ; Split ", Flaw. 1101'S' IIATS, Sr. Alto, a largv assortment of struw ttous, ur.i. Oarbt 1111122 II,ROSS CLOYS ANODYNE just reveiveil and Mr Knio Iry. FLEMING lilto4. gray Paynon's " GeleLimt, Sal tbs. Sal Ammoniac. 300 " I 'cud, Tartu, bbiel. nun lirkm 10.1, 2 " Rose Palk., 4,llllary I t. I V 2-. itl. o R I x.ll 111111 =UM us , •:I:.tte•. . I 1,4. It.. PI • it!, • The Itetet they • Al. .1 111$ Vi 10.- r• 411••• v 1,1 11,. 1.. „ i .~I.'„ =MEE !Ital..] 01.1 , 4- h• r ..r • r-, 4,1 1,1 .4 II I I \\ ' =IE=MIE=MIII! . %1.•-t \ ts I Th.• .v Nyltena =EMI= RAILROADS CLEVELAND AND PITTSB RAILROAD, OUNNEOTING WITh Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad, VIA ALLIANCE. THE SHORTEST AND QUICKEST ROUTE To Cmcnati AND ST. Loins, is vv CLEVELAND. Thin Route is One Hundred miles shorter and aLout nine bouts quicker than the circuitous one via 11111i11.114.10. Three Daily Trains between Pittsburgh lied Cleveland. Your Daily Trains between Cleveland and Chicage. Time to Cleveland six hours, Chicago twenty-four hours, and St Louis thirty-seven hours. On and oiler TUESDAY, January 8, 1858, the Trains on this Road will run an follows: - - The trains of the Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad Wave Pittsburgh at 230 A. M. and 010 A. M. and 30) N. Leave Alliance at 7:30 A. M. and 11:4o A. M. and 13.2.!, P. M. Arrive in Cleveland at 10:00 A. M., 2011 P. M. and DA° I'. N., winiecting Chore with Cleveland awl Toledo Railroad for Toledo, Chicago, Kock Island and it. I.olliel. Passengers for Toienlo,Chicago, St. Louis and the North west, leaving Pirtslairg un the 55 , 11 A. M. train, by going via Cleveland, will arrive in Chimp at 0:10 next morning. Purview,' for Toledo, Chicago, St. Iswir, Rock ()alum, awl the Non li•w,d, who wish to go through with out detention, will take•the train lea, ht LAM rgh .t 0 :00 A. M., as that 6 the only train by which close connections are wade through to the above points. The trains leaving Pittsburgh at A. M. and Wellsville at 0:09 A. M. an, the Oill) 011, by whits , pat.oligers can reach stations South of Anntllco, or ellatlOtk, on the Tn..- ruwas exu.sion. . . Cyr 'Vicki tai fiir Clevela.ll4l. nod Ow North-wi—t via 111 . i,11.1,111e, ars. $1 ia Al 1114. tit 1111.1:4 , 11 uith trait, 11. r Cnyaleitut Palle and u . Tile (main Toiled° and Chicai, run frilleue: Leroylanil at S'.O,J A. M., ,11141 6:15) I'. 51 Arrivii at Chic.u.iii at 10:10 P. M.. 1,10 A. M., awl 0:40 A. M. Tritium het, l'hitutio fur Ifieik behind and Of. tabloid at II:0u A. M. and 110K1 I'. M. For :it. I.ooili at 9,15 A. M. and 9,31 1 I'. Of. l'aer,ng,re fur it. oiiir look 1,010141 Itailneel .111,4, andLll ,. 1 , 10:040 , , ,01,1 I.E. In nli, liAils , a , ll.o tit. In 1 , 5' 1110 .t. Al Train arrive at ;At. Latin at 11:x) HAIM' I, 01111,,,, /11111 liy 11.. /e'ai M. Trani at : l on In' at Daggnuse PALLE IA ALLIANCE AND CLEVELAND. In loss. 2.lcrs. le rifts,. 2.1 'l`l, Alliance $2 30 ...$l6 Oil $1:1 sn 400 Iteek .I, 00 I 1 In) tialeolk 1 , 10 1 Allsieagii 13 INI $lO ix! lii 25 ..111 IMI I I 4.0 Durlinetiiii, 10 00 31) 11; .. 10 .x) 14 tigi•re are i•ri.etir , floor tit 11 ether ~f {h, eit, it i. 311), in the 110ivie, .1. [4:IIAND. Sup't. .1 A. U.11:1111EY„\ I•ltt,.l.tirgh CENTRAL ROUTN NEW AND DIRECT ItourE OPEN Northcru 'Woolpt to MiusilAftlppl Itiver 101 VA, 51ISSOURI, KANSAS AND NEBRASKA ALL RAILROAD To Tiff'. 511S:kIS.,IPPL Chicago, Burlington and Quincy li.11L11()A1) F lILLLS 1111 C 111,04 ”. AND 41,1 t., I=l Irl N:i\% ‘ll.l T 111.4, run th -1:t 1..11 1,111, 1;.•t31.• L. 1.... 1.., tom.. y. 11. 1 ”....tk.k. ty 11, t 1...:•.• Sl., n... 1 tt.t. 14/1 II In., (Iv lk...tt.tr. 11.1.1, .111:1.1......111111.. 1 11.1• 114. 4, .•1.11 log ,•1. 114 , 1411141. 1 11011.51. r:,, .14.1 111114 11141 , )141iL1••4•1 • Tl:t/I, 411 11, .is... 1.111 , 1410 , • 41/ 1114.111 - 11A1 ..1 Tr:1111. 11414 tit. I•.t ••:.1 .41 ..5.1 •.I lls. .1311, rtt IN 1 i'..ntr..l It.. n.ist.. 1.. r"441..1i 1i... It. 1:41, i 1111111. 1111'k 1,14 1,11, 14 fin 141...• l's:4l 1 1 4.1 •.114 1 1 511 , 11 , 4 , 41. 141 ••I th.1:5 , 1 th, ...tits: .t.. 1 1..,•!...1 ill.' - 51:11 Th. Ilk 4.111 1,,111,111• • 11J 1 ••1•11-11. 11 51 : 11, I. -5, •1 •111,•. I=l I ••1 .111 ik‘11•1 I_SI. -tit— • ti it. iti .tit. ' Fltr IT r. rr rr 11) 1 r Ili. , A*IS 1.• 140,1 , /1. 11 • I %NI \ lit 1.1." I-r. Ts. lt• I I ' Oa— K t-ttr. 1•1 • ttrt •I 11 , p , 51 tint t est Asserirets and U. S. 1..: %pre** and I'4 ITT IN, is r {l Ei AI It 1.1 N ft 0 T CHICAGO AND S'f. 1.011.1 S 111 kiTo 4 .l 1°,1:4 it lI,RO II), Formrrly Chicago etud Jt Insf I=l I I. oti. L.l I'J", I tut • A. I r A It I • ~:t. Ipl• 1,11.1 Nir I Si tt, 1:1, kNY A:4 t- Apo-. 11. 1 11•••111.1. • ri •1.. NI.- •i 1/1111. 1 1 1 -111.1 .1., It• .:• • —• •..,' ..1••1 nil) 11111% , s , Vt":l•Ml,,tlt . i , i. 1,1" I, ../I) Tt.,,ugh r :•11 I. ;PI 11 , ! m T,. !S ~, t w IL -I. r• • 1 . 101 it .1111.1 io•t - I MI,. N, 14..1.4, kra•l At tit. , 1,1..4 tl. r r..ot .t 1 Ow %A:l.d,, it..ak.d• ',tugit!“ I. , to W.) t ..11 lI,• Go it. Ctr Pan— r NNW AND DIRE(' 'l' ROUTE, gg r.ll •it i PITT-.1:1:10111 T.) 11.0 it.., 1t... I Vo , ran. /.11.111;i, I )1 X tt i.l 1,111 ,1111111 t•‘l, TILL CITIES IN Tilt VO',T AND 111 //v Steubenville St. Indiana Hail rua4l NV 1111'11 il. 110. 1.4111141..1. , 1 .11141 mn. 1-1,4111 441. 4 14.11,41. 1.4 • :'..trul , r•nvillo and k. 1171144. 1 14111111111114 1411141 4 :.1 11.1141 1'14,111144.1 1.11 /11114, Cl 14411, t., the tr)"..1., c.. 11,1 .ell 11111 is ,111,1 Au) ruLttiltA 1111 mul aft, SbINIJA Y. N,somb..r :Ali, \ll 't LINE ch•gstut noul ' %ill .11.11 ,:••11;11•1.11i111.11, , .1 all , l C.111111tni.1L10,:, N kJ.. 1 . 1 l I burgh I,ery Jay ut 5 P. M. VKNTURF Capbun ib,uNtrr. P.A11(1 . I)UEEN J Oat - KI.KA, on IK...int, and reach 7 o'clock the follow itiug --conniectlng with the F.l-t Train at A. M.,llirect Clinto Ono n Ith Trio, for all the alKoo obt.tininA n roinfortAble 11Igili'n the r faivrie night trued by mgr . /rood. s e - rare 11.111,111. by any other Itailrotut route. For Through and Local I)cl:eta, and further information, inquiro o f .li/11N .1. 111/USTIIN, No. ill. Hour.i root. I'M...kir:l. W. 1.1.1.T.).ti, Snporinlon.lont. 1.. Di7VF:NN V, 1 ionrral Ago., ino I.; ITTSBURGII & CON N ELLSVILLE RAILROAD OPEN FRoNI NV EST NEWTON TO C0NNE1.1.; , V11,1.7, tit) -oglit nolo, Ir.. thy , 1,•tig,11,..h. it) Ili r 1111,1 lint dziNN 1.1% "1441 1"I 1rIt.1,1•••n Li oi 1.:04114•11gitrel Mid i1 , 11,11t. lit 1•.1111., 1.11 ,t OP' 1111" •r Eitl.lA ti, •••loi Colludik, ilk, • WI) font Ari, N 1,111 11,1,l• 1.4 ,01,111. th.• 111......gu1t.1a 1,114, atte, 11,k,, at ball 14,1 Out 1. fin W.Ti 1 . . , 111/1.1 . 1111:4 ‘,1.11 the log Tralu luaNing at S t 10 rlO 1'uitu,•14,111.., and t.,N. A. M.. sii Iwo Ibt thr baba, it. Nnrr tu l'unitoll....fl Fare ls. Um. A Train will eutitif.ll.. ilk to lb , a. , ailitf..kt 'el Nflt, fur %V.v., /11, k .•101 , 1 . 1 li,, a till ill.. okttfatiofr Koliau 7:::0, illll. V 11'1101 1 . 01,0011/ I'. M. Far, Omit G.oll,ll.villc to l'ill,liorgh (rout Uttb.litom II 1.. I.lll,d.urtzli 9'lu+ Load Frl'iOlt nod 1 . 1441( . 11141, Tr.llll b. 31.• tiollnvillo tat 1U:30 A. Al., and it•tot long, will Ira% Newton et :1.::0 P. M., e1t..1.11/11 tan) won fb•i ; •l,i and pamenwern. Saturday the inaial afternoon train will lie over until the following feinting at 'A:3O hutment...erg by OW filaturday afternoon boat (rota Pith.- lairgh can by this armagetnent go forward without dri,,y. For further informationopply to the °Meertl . butuJ th,, nieainlanit E(/MAN, or to the Agentn at Weat Newt.. Mid D. W. CALIEWI:I,I„ octal) Aralintaitt Superintendent. IKON CITY COMMERCIAL COLLEGE-- tllO lray and Evening (lames. l'e ttttt unship, Book-keeping, At ithittelic. and no applica tions to Imninean, taught in this ext,llSiNe Commercial School and Model oounting-house, to largo classes of Lathes and (.lelitlemen. Succem 6-nuranteed to all who attend. A few 11.1011 e from un unsurpassml penman correct the worst Imnd-writing. 11,iok-keepiim, velum correctly taught, in emilly learned. Merchants and buninens men apply here fur first clam, Book-keepers, Acoonntants and Clerks. Call and obtain ispecituens of Mildness writing---11 circular tor full infortim tton—opposite the Post Unice, at COLLEGE lIA LI,. decl9 ALLEGILENY CITY Pew.Eray FUR SALE. —A Lot of Ground on Bank I.nes &2 IGGt front by ou toil Co erected u lino Two Story Brick llontir,Gon takoog sol.n roonn*--and a otul/cr of out bowie, nll ,ery tutiul .GI conrooloot. Apply to feblB tit 14 FLY & RIOILEY. • ..• ' NEW BOOKS, MUSIC, &c MRS. SOUTH WOR'Ill'S NEW BOOK- Itutia : The Pearl of Puarl River-by Mrs. Emilia D. E. T. Suathworth. The Contldontlal Oorresisiuden 1, of Nalade.m lkinaparto with his brother Joanpli. The Prison of Woltroverilen, and a Glance at tho East Indian Arehipelago-•by Water M. Gibson- Memoirs of Henry the Eighth of Englund; with thn For tones. Fates, and Charactors of his Six. Wives-by Henry Win. Herbert. A Treatise nn English Punctuation, designed for letter writers, authors, printers, and correctors of the yinsts•-by John Wilson. Edith, or the Quaker's Laughter; a Tale of Puritan Tinavi, by one of her disrviiilau tn. ,• The Physiology of Mat riage-by an old Physician The Homestead on the Hillside, and outer talea-by Mary J. Hairnet!. Lai:mere-by Mrs. Julia C. The Creole Orphans; a Tale of Lonislana-• cock, SC D. Woman's Faith ; n Tale of Southern Life. linty-hy Julia Kavanagh. Camplina of the Red M. u. Innainv and Realities in the Life of a Pastor and Teacher. The Song of Hiawatha - by 11. IV. Itottgfollow. Mimi, Life; or 80 . . am! Bchina the Curtain -by A him C. ItltCtilet, (formerly lire, Mow. l ft.) The Lost Hunter; aj'alo nf Fatly Times. The Widow Ittslott Pitpefrs-- 1 1 Francis C. Whitelinr. For sale by 11. MINEIt .4! mhf, No. 32 Smithfield street • MAO AZI N ES, NEW BOOKS, , c ._ ,Iray: by Julia liftronatt/b-price amts. Solos of a Volunteer--aft A otobi.atraphy ; 110 ti n Attache at Mluirbl; ilo Vortollra; by Miss Womb,.; $1.12 11.. Three Marrlanto: 100 do Phoenix ; by Jolla ; till it.. uLI Fan. House; $1.12 a.. , 1 I y periou ; $l.O 11m/tor's Lib.; 1.) .1 (10rd... Confining ; $1.12 Catnittlros of Iteti Mon; $1,12 .1.. NVountrt'. Faith; 7tt .1, 14.10 Iltintor; $1,12 lb. Cr.. 00 I nithaft..; It) .I S 00 In hiddenPalb; $1,12 .10 Widow r Fmk/ rs. $l.ll do A lone ; .{1.12 1t..., Clark •• $1,12 .1, Scabtstr.l Si:,,.' State-; 1.) . 1 1.0• 1 • sol. 4 1 - 2 - 5 ff. , Jack s..it and /11.10, ; $1,12 do %nth,: 3.1. Star l'aport: $1,12 I laryr'r Nlattaf/.11... 1, March: a) 2.1 .41.•)*.• 14/.1)'4 flo '-Iff .1, G Menniroto . .1.. .1.. halloo's .1.. I'eftor..ll l 4 .b. I.4,lnt's T..l..nrital, .10 IS 0, Yank:',' Nf.tlon4. 12 .1, 0r1A..1 111 trearml.,l ; A.. 1.., , tr.1..1 111.1 rnt,.l F t.b. 0 ; 1.1 .t., Punch Feb.l.; 12 tb. Oat, b. Books, Staff...or) I .l.o•lty.itt, mild farce. i• 111 marl LAU VVEll'r) 11,nik :kr Filth T Tfl Elt A N ROA iK S Luther:w Hymn 1.1r1.11,44. Small C3E11,11.111, 1•111.11,101 Il.anc Journal it.....t1.1) It Manna! of Sacred Ilydory . Ifift. of Melatolloot Th., Blind 011 I .11 tt lEil/11 , /,„ Ti... of Krno.nonfltor 11,0,1,1, of thc Tootantent. Th. M.., Lath.-nn. Itttftk .N 01144110 y haul mud b ,al.• I'v 11 T. C. 41.10 ;AS. nuttl lif•troct. I ifTIIELYAN 11.1 l Hi,' 1,11.1,,•1 and for atlc ./tIIIN P. tAll•nN • r±.Slob.'l.n.'nrF , •ortl , .tr....t_ - TI 11...L..t. l'lstlttrin. ft, the A .o,lon Ctotl.- c, in f I.ntlo-C4 Chrnaloa, 'l't Tin , Lotheron Faittil Prs).fr 11....1‘, nab 11) trn. anti T......., storl,'•l.ll*.f of Lot: r and (tic 1 4 ...fiamit1i.44 rot Thu, ' I Ifif, of SI-Ittorthon; A tottoaffl.'• Scotsl Itrr, 'tor 1/..narto.l Im-tangle . ..l Work., 4 t . I.lii or_ a. 1% ..r• 3 I .riLli,nri ••• • SIB at, i 'at., Ni.. Th, It,. In ti..inuars , t' t..r 0 , ,1410 5..4 1sof) 2: lA/flacon 11/ not. It .2,,, A b., orlot. moitarstol) or .1 101.• 1 0:01..-1. 11 , KI Fftto ..41,4 V A 1.1 1 ; NT I N ES. Titoffi iest a50.11.41i10111 111 )I. ti t•-‘1 ~.•1 n.ll I. ...AI low et 11,,., to IE, 114...- port Ihr , ..t r I, 1. .4." . 1.1-. I r.. I .r) 1.•,. • •11 ~.t1 unol 2 , 1 r cont. I.AUFVI4II'S 11.41 K 114. No 3.1 Fifth .11”,t -1:101S11 FERN I,E.\ VES NEW VoRK In.o 4..1 to i1t.0,. 1.0-ratt.r... it .111,1-111 • N.. 1.4 A... 1 G..' .llffto at) 1.14 , io• .11., 11.• SI (1,1, :1311, S.•• "t 0 10,11. If %SS I'l , l;'s t f o •:11; I ,4„ I t ~• r• •••• \ ••II :, in,. 1.1 J ttootty t pl, tu I . Ti.lll\•-.40.; .1.31 U.. 1.11 , Mgt! .48 .at -.• tiltoe.tl ti. 11, 1: Y. 4 1.1 l• =MI 1 .. %I t:.-i,i~.J 31 ri~l,l~ih, \h 6.Lnti I=ll b,„ tkit4 4 • . 0 * * I et .: 3, , ,-, t Litt .tt 1.%1 It YEICS Nittrtt. . (ZT: \ \1•1111' \ \ IVEI ) • 1,01 11/ ..1.0.• • • • ••1 ••1111.•1•1 , • • 111.1..trki-1 1 Ist," al ~ .1., ./.. 1%111..4 to, Nr, 1'•41/., 11., x ~11 ..klr a.l• . . I 'J:. 1., 1.41.1FY1.11 - :" Ftlll. I .X . it k. ••1 . 1•••• IN I. k. • _ s. . i'll l l 1.. , 1., th• ICS sl, 4.1.1e1.• •, 111°,'t N• s , %% • Ie 1. I • I 411 V rli.:411 , 11}:, Yttl It •I l• • I t'll Itl.l In.-I, ....I nk•s• 1,11111,1 N I;NV I;(14 NEw ‘11%•," 1 . ,•. 11 •14.-41.-44 , 1 11111.111 , 11,.• 1.• 1., 110,1 'r •• NI , rint..ll .41 11,41.. NI4 ,111...(11 I. .11111:, K.ll 111,. 1 1 11..1 , ;TA, . 1,4 11,. 3.1111., ••I 1.1111, J.‘11.4 4'l, 4.1. 114•411. 1,4 N 4 /4:4,1. 14. 1..1 ‘1 4.• It 11 .1:1-1 111t1 44441•. 1 , , ‘% I.II.IIF4NFF.NNEY A 01. 41•1 F rllli ..1.1..-11, 11, Tlp.alr ENV N 1;4 HIS N. 74 Nlark,t -tro•r. I Tli• • ha, t. MN! •; tt.! ttr• tt-w i.mot; litt•ir 1,01 ttrri,Al !TIC! \tt tit, Itt ~ dl 1..., LWOW 1,1 t• th, 0.01. I vill M9EMNIIIMIMI 14, I , R K,S •• FlO, i/KVA iLTNI ENT t.. 1 iv. 411 ti • 11.•.1,1 Stl •• no.] k •• " •• •• •• •• Lass /I Sil M I.S .I\l , 111 au Zillau I and ILnrtl•. lt...mt .‘11.1.11 , ..1 ti,11..t11 ilu in Crap. 0.4104,, Sta.ll.. 1;1, 11.1“111,11, • NEF:III.F. tt, of o.llmr, 11.0111/rll., .k .u. .1 ‘"' Lo-w.l by alt) vt L NV..qt t h•- 11..11 ttt.2ll. NIM It\ I N 4 I, Hot :41 FUItN ISM N 43 (,04,11t,, Prttlls.hat., M 1,111,. .leant,,tt'atutinctitt. l'ato4ilot•rvh. Cotton. Linen and Punt 1.. mai t•vt•ry othe, .11.1. 111.1.1t1 . 1 a tl,l Dr) ti.totla ll•att , , to 11111111 Mi• .011111 .1t . 3!1 .111 , 1 ,A.111111111ii. , 11 tal clat:ittt: t 4511114.1 A ..• lea,t• Iwt attl” to 1,110„t IA it Itltt 1:11:-, tl) 4 Marko. 4trovo. To TIloSF; 1111() WISH FAIti;_•;!!!- _Tt. havo EICT11,1". LAS l• al • l'l.l EA 1' I . lile and 4... v lornts,,oar attoantion in call.sl to tine Ilinliaaidy Fain. a 31.1 Coal nirao. or mi., in innoiss are l vv.-n for vaio, pavabla is land/ill...sits of tl inar ansli or 14 Is, month It in I..nated m Elk telle of Ilia bent inarkatnn for It.. itrisilics in the Slat,. 'flan soil is a rain loan,. and in not to In- sniriaianisi for b u n,. 11.4 ..anniination will allow. It n. Al.l. AIAI. LAND, linnlerlainl by two rich N. 'II,. N 1114•11. 011 arroont of its Inrility L. line Lake 1010..4, 4, 01 .41/..111 bo011ip• Or I;11114. Sinninnry and En-In• 14 it directly thro./!fit it, Si is tad, . sir.. inn. from Finn ti, within a ninon t dist:inns- Inn. Find,- asi Tho Alir¢houy Vrtilay li, li a 1... pas..., throng'. mi n ..nntinatio,,, it N.-,.Voris anal nan it is .4 On- wont ,/11111111e Mi n d 'rink awl M wit. , t 1 1 ,414 nr, gasa.o. It nit oprorl tinily 1. , contru.•ll. , farming. la, wi , 11.1,.. lii MI inuHttu.att aur , lu Incrt.a., in sal... A no, r.rt is I 1), and it o t but ht. , 01/10 .11 gnat( "due 111 It r 111•11 tllll, Lond will Is• trt•l.l.• i Flu thud particulars eau Ia• had frost the pau4,111.4.4, whid. -ut ouquir.a., anaw..red Apia) a•lllwas t•ATELI. wmout rho., Full law [nation is conlailt , l iu the pamphlet., . „ • . .... 1_? 13.0'1"1' & CU Rl' I, Dealers in Real Estate, 11 st. A Whim.) in ilusota'fol I Ito,). Laub Isaiah itil sold thrs , ll4lnnit tin Territory. 7.l.iiioy loaned, jrivisti mow. mail,. lo boat ad( aiitag., lama Warrauts lora toil. A 1.0, Awailli I, dot sal.. of bola in the loon of l'l,ol it,. tl:i mike. fins St. Aathouy, and least of on. 01.., .• Ow Falls. Tts.• eau oy of tip great cr.... thy at Om and the iniiiii•rous to! (au tag.. ii m. 0... as a pima. of ill umlo it on, of the largest Mies its the North wont.. Ex iltiX orutir it.a.natte.y, Miblieseta. lion. Win. 11. Wetelti., Chief Judie' ut 111 in...4a. Ilou .1. 3loolorr. 11. NI. Kim, Ih.leiiato to Cotigreati. Rico, 1 lollinitslitatil Mosmrs. Ik.ruy S Oaks, Bank,. s. hoe. 9'. M. Yullortisi, liegistia of Lb S. Lod lif e. sopa) JUST REC EIV ED Plitatim'a hlat.,(azitio fur March. liiiii.lorbookur, do. Prank of Naaliuu for Harris. For rob by ( midi I RIFLES, RIFLES—RifIe of our own raun factun,, ToorrAnted, for VU, au., in cane of a failure we refund the 1111 l uoy. Any of uur pats lutlc frlousbi wishing to rub. an Amy for KAMOLN, mil at the ENTERPRIRR WORKS and got your supply of arum; you will voter regret—but conclude that [him us the plum to it d your looney back—nt feh2tl DOWN k T 136 Wood ot. P _ 11U N I NG POOLS—Sawa, Chisels, Kniver Slows. Scrapors, and dl uecessary impletuents to priming the orchard or garden, ter sale by Istria) JAMES WAILDROP. LT AT 11 DYER--Large supplies of 'Batelle mid CrintAboro'd flair Dyes just reed by Jos. Corner Market at. and Diamond. MEM 11XSURRNCE LiARMERS' AND MEC/LANICS' LIFE, L PULE AND NIARINIS INSOKANCIi: COMPANY OF PIITLADVIVIITA, Capital 3300,000 Amount eocuroly invexaed 9200,000 Th. Company effects Fire lusurence on Buildings, Goods, Furniture, ,ke. Marine I !DRUMM° on Vessels, Cargo and Freight. Iniuna Insure.... on (10,018, by Rivera, hu.kn.,l enenin, IGniln e uts, Mel Lend CA' tering , . mmerully. Also, luau- rain, tn.. Liooe, upon the most f4voruble u-rns. TliiinniA It. Flioreilen, Jll.llll. R . 11, 11. Arnot rung, Markel Dingo., I'. 711Iiidloniii, E. IL e.lls.wntor, 'rtmlaA Nlittokraultl, (dam Lecch. 'fIIOMAS IS. PLORF.NCE, MID IL II KLNIBoLD, I'lTt.lllli lioll It KIoItRICNCES. lit.. T. M. flow, 11011. J. it. M'Clultot.k., -by .1. S. V., lhal. P. C. Shannon, Col. S. W. Bhak, ll.ah J. B. Guthrie, A. B. M'Calmont. Thom. J. Kranz., F -a4l_, Wit. Ni'lltilhata, liyy lot J. Boom Foator, Go, J. li. Moo/ M 1041./10. . . the above Company in Oi the fiat clams, and nnn Lmw the rare and unusual privilelnn ul lire, Marino awl Lill• inhurancr. . . . iif irt.unrling Cr. nkurcialaiti in its Mall -1‘,4C1111•11t, ull , l intervi , ted us J. IIIiNTER, .Igrut., JY N.. Wittiir striint. lIE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE ill( IliAlibil.l . lllA. 14 WATnRi--I:lmrl.•.M .W. Tlionins Flail. Tobias J.. 0.1, R. Smith. W. It.idinnim. .Li A. 1.11.111 LbLvid Brown., BANClifill, l'iL Sas:rsitrary. Glli11111.• lit In/do. 11.111,1 set•. 1.'111 , 111:d or iiroih.l, ou every / preprli). ni hm a aiol emitr), rat, an low t, are re/1,11.40ml xlll 14,111 . 11 . T. The romp:lily have reserved in large /scent Fund, s, h their capital and prolutua., safely iuvested, of .1 mniok. pr..tvetital ti.. '*4l.• of the Company, ,a/ .liiimary Ist, Pill , ne put,. 1/...hef agreeably u, ani A. t Awn, tohly, were is follows, vir., tiS it , al Enlati . At.t777S S3,htih 17 . 41,589 64.346 Cl Finco no•orporai,ll, a iwriod Lw0nt.)..,,,0. yo o r., plod upward „t 1 MO 111111, n, Four Hundred TIP,II- oal I , y w Ilroby .-LtfordL; o o p.ni.l,•tw Lho a,ll 0.14,, •it lissom. , wol las ability and L. , 111,..0. all J. GARDINEIL Ag.nt, IA ' 2-1 ortli-•-:wt rew. Wood and Third yin. I)ENNSYLVANIA INSUItANcE CoNI PITNBUIttIIi, conk, ,•1 Folutli ntron.tP A 1.;"1 . 1 lk)Itl n:1) CA I'IT Al,. V;o0.()00. 111311, Itllll.llllr, .141 I , olrl II) I ,,.,4"1 . 113111 Lc File. aml 11,. I,lls of U 11• Sr.:. and I illAud T1,11.1.,11,11“11. Nk F 11 k, I/ M MEM ` 4 . 11.3 d.. 11.014..1, tV M. F..loll>it+lN)N. Prchl,l.•ra ItoDY I . lRP.lllL,and Tro.lir• r S 0t1.11,11, THE ENITED sTATp:s LI Fli INSU i. RA NCP:. AN NI ITV AND TI U sr /M l'A NV.I nu Apt!! D.lk, Cam ter I'vritol.ti CA VITA 1.. 11, Ur Third and Airratuut O'FIr2BILS OF TUB r R. BOARD AT PHI E.ADISLI . II IA plan R. CIA. for.l, Pant G,r1,1...1, Atilt,, W I.4wrenve J•thntvni, W Mell•••)try• .13,4.1, I. l'l.,rno, JAM , . U. Vi• 1 ,113., dl.lll M /•io iN i , t, 11 11113.111 Mt h.,. rt,tl-14: - R,• Ion!. I / . ,.•••1•••: .k,,11••••• Th.. f . 41. If••,..vlFs. - Ftti :dm Th. ..11.1111,t 11 ilm , tt, 11. V, Ii NI.. Iy. it. II ti KO. K. ‘ILNOI..II, N• 1. 71 kt•ttrth str•lt, inAt I: y vr ESTE ILN 1 St' RANCE COMPANY rtr.rn .11 -- DEMME, PnuiJ..ot.; M. NI %1 .11 °I.-it, ,Ithet 411 isks, Fl UK And NI .NILIN 1114,411 y ..1)114,1 and pr,optly 11..11.• 1.) 1/Ir..•ttns .1.104.rew , 11 1. 4,1 1.. t 4.1 art. L. r • Till. r••• 11,1,11 E%. 1. , 'ltalia... lb- I itArmets ..fl. 1111, I!,, a , •11 1., I • J:. 11 J 11,../ r lUr ./ WI( ,olaitlt, I 11;,,a.n. I:J.4g, %V %I Il• 4 Nom. k. ril••1/4. fitli N•• %lat. st t k axt Iteouto Apais4k • n i , ml Pitt.,,Pur.;h ............. DollAr Savittgo. Institution, bi VAT ittoUß 1. , IUK I'ITTSULIEIGH HANK, S Ni (WK .>: fruan to 2 o'L.I.:1; .t 1.• •• aul 4./ frtlin 7 to 14•1••,11. , of On ~ 1 1114 1.00 tlinn 117.1 R Awl • ,11‘1.1. , ...1 11... I.lnrit. loctri 1,4 n p•ar. in Jim. • tall.-r 1111-1.10 I :hi , t L.t,1 , 11 .0 01. R: .t • f 14. You - t,r. thy 14111‘. Utiles ...I 11"01 . ut lIH vittict. 40 , 440; %.1. A 1.111: iier. PAW PIM Tg. J..ltu 11. SN..x.talwrv..r, ••• o. It 11 hit... (11.1r1.% ti 11, .1 ‘l.l I. .1 •1.11..t.•11, N tirAtta..% Murphy, ll.ll'llll, I:%lll.t.totter •• %:11.4 11 1% .11%.11.1 11 .11%suu J. A litlerm.tt. TM ,1-V.l-., 11:il 11,:r 111. 1,, IL .Niort .1 I. .",1, =EOM ;•••• 1 .1-11. I...‘ttssavr f•—,ur.,---4:11}0:1.V., A. 0/I.TON 1 . . 11, )1 K Th, sulkAvribers have 1111.1s.lelyttot, atel .111 at.) wit,. +thou at the ft . ta:l i/t It ft. 111,14 4,0 1.er..h.r0. by lorwar.ting the subscript,. ' , ft , ••1 the iv.:ett..ll as lisele e r ' h, thel. I'll, 11.111: 1111111.1 W ., 1 . 111/11.1 1, - .111•••wui 11,1,, 111••1..r wto year mad a apletolal lithograph ole t .oloo_ tot, .la. k* ti or Via) . it e,lhv t h the)will gel eiye .4 Ile thee. ',of - traits II std.:lllm o, to sl.i worllt of M.ht.:‘ , hte , . thr.. pot !nuts 0111 he neat grotto. Niue, Ito 1, o le• tan. %. .11 II Kovel.pos eNer) .I.e.ertptiott atol cite in !save or stoat! .lohottit , nth, ,a 1 Ihea, hte at 1.1 oilier, I . :t.Ty iptiott Fhtterliv;ag ott 'lt, ,I se 11th 11 , 1111 ,,, 3111 d desitatelt. Vier,. 1 , 4 1.1/111•110,,, NI . V•91:11•4•1 1 it11•1111,,t. „w, 2.1 )1. Illaettanotts. ret Ittletto, Cart, /11/11t It) Mail t.r 11• It./ 1t• P. reale o,alt tla tea, of then 1..1 III:. • 11,, , .1 411 .1 , 114 le• .het. ..1 the lo ad Ver•,, 0.. at,. .Ithl.thee logy zah r . saleable vete I, would liit ti to Ili. ti ...Isatitst, a.1.11 . ..N. 111. rthees, the we %toad net agents I;e 1 Is, oalr or Ow 4,11111 . . 1:1 " ItAM 50 Sc,tith Thi r d etrwi, Phibulelphi. 1)1.kN()S FOli 'l'll N; • Lire ilLusse, ll\ %1'...t1 sin...L.l.v jumt ...,• -.Lg....4 a cooildete ....,:ortllletit ot 1,, LO,„ 1;4:i, .r.... -. 41 ,. :t . C . ,:, - and 7' ,e• 1a,.. hallo V"rtes.l , l the l ' atent' • • ,10.... :ol coot:I:MOW all the tea Itaptvve t, Fun tir ata, zoteoq, e.lO. II are the 1011.. t, mg : Fuzol,l Lotle. X . IC. a;, ie, earvo.l lyre, 1,: - .4. c.o. So. Full Serp..ntits.., toll) sliding mime - .1•••6. 111.1 1111 iiti 11 , . 4 1, l i l . l 1 1" It.. I,IIIA N IN. +tsli., fL. II .141 do du tie Milli !wad lit•pt, '-../a ItAtatel eta tlera, lintata,l hack all , i iron , 111. 1.13111 sL.pinr. ..runrlc nuished tack and front. Tile octavo in it new drala, huger titan any made . Ms.', h..v, r:d SECOND ELAND PIANOS. tie 5tr....w...(1 6 ,Iclave Pint. , Forte, with iron frame. nearly ILA v.1,0d 11.~ uevr, fur s•_... in.. Mal, ,, gatly i, "day, Piano, ill g. Pod ~I , le r 102 /1., do do do 1W) PIANO emo ,L.... 3 ~1'0,,, c y vadet.. at pri,,,, thou $5 0, $ - Al. Kal.• I.y CIIARLOITE 1,11:516. lIS 111..1 ~c.., dm l'. Second d.or a 1.,. Fifth. to lil'M~l'Bl CARVETS!!--AT NECALLUNUIi—JUST RE co“od. ulul dully cunitng to hand. it large nod a holt, utmortiorql t to the abort. hue, including— 11.11.vt and Tapestry ttruasels Carpet, • Three-ply, Superiint, Medium and tow-priced I grainti; 'rapeNtry tom - mini. ;a gram, variety of puab ••• a.) lutniaaka and 1 ouitian Hall mid Stair Car ., LA. • • • • A ISt )--lhoul I fat pattene+ of 1)i1 Cloth, varionn quAlit.iNg ant will In AV tmtleo and Line o Conulk Cloth,,; C. 4.40 Alatling Led and Ruiz Carpets; French Coilomed awl te, toria mel •fable Co,elr.; nom lh I:ut,•n and thfor Slate, n 43. A* other valid., toomlly found in Carnet. , o nnlantly band at 57 Nonet h strevt. noun K. D. A IL ADCALLUNI. A NI) VALVAuI.F. l 3 10K S just received bl .1, DA I (SON. tO AI A RhR Arent, near Ftenrill : l'lnastsanity in Ow err. F.. M. V,w,lua.•n. Tin' i 4.5pe1.0; Er.eldel: by Itev..t. Gut hrio, D. It., Edinburg. The Teo Teton ContiieL. or Ow II leant, of the Dieruption the Church of Dr hueloroto—tilth edition, FAhohorg. Dime Him la. utiful Story illustrating, the Tnites met Truth. ‘.l the Dierttpi --Folihburg—sl.2h. =l:2 Thi• Lt.rol; of h.lmet, with Sacral Harnio 111= Nlaran) tot '25 man, 45 I . tr. 6 . 2 coy. and $1.50 p r volnme, j. 2 5) .1. S. DAVISON. I EON CITY ih./LLEiI E.— [JAI AND EV ENINO CLASSES IN 11l a)K-Ii BEN u all departments, including many ...V: end highly taluuble iniprovementa which are net elsewhere taught. large classea attend evenings only c a thinimgh mercantile education. Lectures upon all tic studies delivered to Evening Clams.. Arithmetic t new wyeutn) and its application to bushman. Also, writing inclnilisi In the Mercantile COUIVII, or taught separately. Cull for a Circular fur fun particulars at College Call. the Pout 011ico. F. W. JENKINS, Principal. uovl.l • MAU AZI N FOR FICIIRLIARX. — IIarper ' s Slagay.lus for Ifelomary—priss rent. 14 . , Lr. 21 . 0 for Fkowary—pri,o 10 I,IIIILN. retorbou , s Ladles' Starasitso for February—prim 1 i eta. Loslio's N. V. Journal for Yebruory—(via. IS roots. 1 as 10. Not Low for Polortutry—prier 12 coals. Lood,,ti 11lisetruled Now--pricy:Nlctobt. Fr il.ll supply or N. Y. Clirpt , ns., euittaiuing necomit of Drina Yipla. of Wzdhor sod Hay,. EMI= I.l.l4.lexpe.ted this afteru.... , n, with vario u s new ento lower than eitieWilere. ut . . _ . . LAUFFNICS I.IOOIiSTOP-It, No. 30 Fifth at- SLEI6IIIB, of the most beautiful and unique designs, perfect workmanship, and best niaterinl, iiinnu lactinod and furnished in two days' Unie, py BIG NIA)I9 & CO., No. lerDiamond alley. Pittsburgh. rrith - Liontidential Correspondence of NA POLEON 11014 A PARTE wits lox brother Jteeph Bona polo, oomatlate Ring of Spain_ Selected and numb:And, with Expluuntory Notes. from tho " Memoir,' Do Roi Jaßeph." 2 volumes. For solo by D. T. C. MORLiAII, CI received S-200 drums fresh Figs just C fur sale by NEMER At ANDERSON, Na. SD Wood dames. ~. ..~ 4. * " $ ~:1 'i 44 I'all.'r.Yun• 'l' VI t••.I lirlt•I . lit" it 1%1111" A I 'an 1.-r, NS , S D. F. k, Mit,IIMI!!III! Klrhraitt.k, .1,11111 'tl'l'., .1, I=MEI 11. ter) I. Ittnerwtilt true , I:141411o, =EI MEIII 4: 4 ;4* ,k , " ta RffElga •, • - •• •ver , !••»rr.",' " ,r;r••"-•—•:#:: B,A,NK A UMILLOOMIS, Stock ,and Bill Broker, alto No.924tourth street, above Wood. Nutes, Drafts, e tneptsi -ftlortgsesst, and Loans on coftateink, . negutiatech Storks &algid and sold on couunhOolon. Land WarretlES bought and sold. Particular attention paid to the ptircbase and sale of Cop per Stocks. Alt communicatiotui attended to Promptly. - NT HOLMES & SONS, Bankers and Ex change Brekeni, and Dealers In Noteejtraillad, 'Accept. tutees, Gold, Silver and Dank Note.. Rxchonge on Cho .16EA. ern and Western Cities constantly for sae. Col lectiens wade in MI the tines throughout the United Staten. Deposits received In par funds or current paper, No. 67 Market street, between Third' and Youoth eta. CI . E. ARNOLD & CO., Bankers' and EiL . chartgo Brukurs, Thedete lu Ezehainp4Ooln, Dar*, Notes, digit awl-Time Drafts, &c. *Misdeal earofully. at tended to, and prucueds mutated to any part °tithe Union. Mocks bought and sold on cointuiselou. air' No. 74 Fourth street, next do& to the Bunk of Pitts burgh. - sityl3 JOHN WOODS; Banker anli Exchange Broker Dealer In Exchange, Commercial and Bank Notes. Stack txmglit and ould ou commission. Eollections atroluily attended to. lotoidet paid oh liopatat. No. 58% Foorth street, Hearty opposite the 3L 111. Book. docle riIIIONIAS WOODS, Conunereial Broker, and Draler In Nots, Bonds, Stecks, Real &kite, au., N 0.75 Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Jau6 CLOTHING. CLOTHING STORE. .1011 N IVI'CLOSKEY & CO., FORMERLY OF TIIE CELEBRATED CIAtTILING DEPOT ON LIBENTI STkXtT, which has won PM Ultbollll.liNi popularity under the NOUNe of the THREE RIO DOORS, have, far the purpoao of acquiring more ewe for their immense business, removed to the nitwit/U/3 building on the OURNER OF DIAMOND ALLEY AND WOOD STREET, Whore they have now the moat splendid Muck of CLOTHS AND HEADY-lIADE CLOTHING That has ems been offered to the public. Their principal object for this removal, is to give then imire facilities for THE ViIIOLESALE TRADE. They .re iwepurell hos II Hooctu a the Lowest Eastern Prices . . Anil they will warrant them be try good na any nuusuft turod in the Uuiun. Custom Work In the Beat Style, AND UPON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. They have on hand u full and beautiful assortment of CLOTHS AND COATINGS, FOR riLocEll, DRESS, WALKING AND LIMINESS COATS. I) inturrstS are Dirotical with those of our customers, nil at. asmare the public that our fidelity will tall fail is 1111- . .4; all ~riors we may he favored with, NO. SS WOOD STREET, (EAST SIDE), COLNEII JP LlAlliAlp ALLEY N. IL—We ,heirs our patrons to tonlerstapd that we Inn , longer toy eetniection with the Clothing Boehm -as berty ,greet_ Our attention is devoted oxekunlvely to tl et,, above designaual. tintrZ.3 NENv 4.:1,0T111NG STORE, No. 4 Sixth eit r. 44. opposme Liberty. Thu sulswribor has just UpV11...1 ...1 11.9 new when, ho has always on hunt tat g , and choice assortuteot of all artishm of CLuTfIING, a Lirh he vi.trrauts equal to any iu the city, and will onll at the west reasonable prices. The public are requortod to give him a call. [niarthlyl B. OPPENIIKIDIKIL. DRY GOODS. FIRST ARRIVAL OF FALL GOODS AT LOVE BItOTfIEI`4, No. 74 Market street, Pittsbnrgli, -Aga of the original H.n Iliac. our DRESS tiJUU4 LKPAItTM F—VT is unusually full,and ....nun some of the richest cud lutist desirable 1.1...6 that we have ever born able to offer, such as Extra sopor Silks; Yr,111.11 Merinos; Cashmeres; 31.. int ; Plaids; Stripes; Ootiurgs ; NEEDLE WORK—'l'he best sasortinent in Use city. - Collars. Chentirottea, Sleeves; F6oolielli4S. Edgings and iisertinga ; Sluts 6, Chinks. 'Calmar and &Arts; • New style Brodie, Plaid, Cashmere Moire AoL Velvet. Stellas, Crape Silk, Ae. Together with a large assortment of NIOUILNINO GOODS of all ilerrriptems. "Lir utnik,%-rric and ROUSE FIBUSIItiIIING DEPART 11 supplied, and we foel confident that We CAll ~Sir 4i at- C lutes-meets mew thou sac have ever beets able Ikea exumitratimo of uur !dock Ire ituretlaSlng elsm.therv, aI :dl will find it to Weir Mir Lo 11e It ill also be almost daily iu the receipt of new and d dirougittrut the season LOVE LSItUTLIRItri, (Formerly Y 11111 l tt, Stevenson At bove,) septi Nu. 7:1 Market. street, Pittsburgh, to. HOTELS. MANSION lIOUSE, 0 EOltti E AUItENTZ, Vain-stems, No. 344 Libert'y tartlet, Just beside the 1'.1,-.•siger !Alva. ol the l'eausylYSlllll ltailroad, which makes it the loon? eon villient Inman lu the city for passengers arri ving oy that road. To.. proprietor hnviug, at considerable expense, fitted style, the NIANSIiAN would respect lull) ,olteit a share of piddle patrnage. There in attached n , pleilid STABLE std exteu-dre WAGON TAB.!), afford ing ample arronimodation fe travelers and teamsters. ilk Lar.t,l and Bar will be furnished with the best the market can athe - d. fettl:y T. CLAIR 11OTEL, corner Penn an St. 17 ('lnir streets, Pittsburgh, Pa.—'l'he undersigned, former- I: .d lintel," buying taken this large anti tumult. and having refitted it in magnificent style, w..11/.1 r..spectfully innh. his friends:n.l ago traveling public Kile hoist Cu!. Assured, with the couvna%iruca or Um) .usd his I.dtg experi•ni, In the business, n give efil /re ,ntedurtion, slid Ins charts tinwlerste. 11 . 5 d. C. aINIiF3.I.Y. i 001) INTENT HOUSE, corner of Libor kj r ) and tirnat str,eta near the ltailrouti Depot. Jan 1.3. 1 y JANIES SHANNON, Prupriotor. RESTAURANTS WILKINS lIALL, W. C. (I.ILLAGIIIiIt, larib Ntrefq, I.OtWWII iVuod and Smith. beld.—This spacious tntahlislinient has heeu ko4 by the sobsa riber, and completely renovated. U.o is at all 11013 Th priglatti to tarnish every luxury that can be found in. tint Less. iksnitated matannuits in the Stab.. Ilis spacious flu skyey,' be supplied with the very best Liquors. limns oi every description, in its season, nlll always be 10,111111 St NVili,as %V. C. GALLAGIItiII. ( ENDKAVOII. IS TI) PLEASE.. Lowrie's Eating House, 108 IVw.rl stred, All porsvas Land of LIVING will plea. call si.dpsl4e for lIINIIIMVe<I. Always on baud, , s the best .4 Oysters, Mss ex. OAR*, Tea, Immo made 110111..1.i1.. CusLusls, warm Co , . Aiwa, NI usli aud 111., Fried NI kah, allies. littch wheat Oakes, &v. The ,ss4/ing wEll ts, sorb as will iv-may epicures,. 44jr" Fitll::iiu. Sup p lied a 101 oj stern at reastaukblo ratut, oct.:7 tf - 101: N U(2O PI A OYSTE ANI) COFFEE v._,l LW ILSE, D. BAR NAM.). l'uomicros, N 0.40, Filth street, 1..• L woen St • ..1 and Market. l'tttsborgh. jau I itty Sole Kk:,'„N,:,Er '1; 2 , \ L I I, F. r : 11 7 ,7 W . . w b l r ) . . w E d N K t.l ,.. L . l 4 ti t ll - 1 ' Stout. Also. common Ale and Pet ter, iu quart mid punt bottles. The attention of fantilim and the trade, Lt respectfully solicited. aull:y MINERAL WATER AND SARSAYA- ItILLA.—W M. D. ENG LISII, Pitt 'Arent, below Penn, , w unninfai.toring and bottling the above bererages uu ...ktensivellia nrtietui 1111,0 Of OM and uuuud;u (ruin the purest materials. rrlIE ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY - A. I'ITTSBURUII, ROCHESTER AND NEW BRIGHTON ENPRESS.—For Into earnxial accommodation of tbr population along the line of thoChio and Pennsylvania rial, between Pittsburgh and New Brighton, whose intimate tiiminess and social relations require such Agency, THE AII.I‘IS EXPRESS COMPANY lone made such arrange ment with the itailitsul as to enable them to put a trusty Messenger on the Accvnantodatien Troia, who will take charge of all property and lnlitilleSS properly entrusted to limo. Ito will Move New Brighton by the Morning Tann, remain in Pittsburgh and Allegheny City during the slay to attend to such commissions as nosy be entrusted to his,, and returu by the Caning. Train, with his (bash and Commie slons exisLitted. All goods, Ac., will be delivered or railed for in rho two °lli., within retainable distance, without extra large; but to nano such delivery, the direction on packa ges, ,mpmially for private houses,.should lie explicit, At Way Stations, all matter will be left with the Station Agent e( the Railroad Company, when the proper party is not at the Station on the arrival of the Train, to receive his goods- The charges for carrying packages, Ac., and for services tendered by the Messenger, are intended to to within rea simble bailie. When the nature of the 'minima is ouch an t. ailinit of it, special agreements will be made. II BNB Y It- MVO has been appointed Messenger, sad will commence his duties on Monday, December at, 1365. . . _ . OFFICES AND AGENTS. Piltsluir,tli-64 Fourth street. Allegheny City—Tolsm - evil Office. llxyav ille—Oaptaiu Hay. Sewickley Station—Mr. litol.sughlio lioehostor—Mr. !buyer—Dr. Chandler. Now Brighton-51r. Motel. OFFICE ADAK]] Lx PlttVi Pittsburgh, Dee. 20t11, ISLA J BUILDING LOT FOR SALE.-A lot foot m WYLIE attFeq nd extoudin g bark 100 feet t lite. line) . On the back part of Chu lot Is a Collor Wall Loft fol. two MUSH IWILSOS. Tlllll lot is in a deximble lototioi for a CVSilielICO ; auA will be Add low, sad uttfauFablo turn Title good, :tad clear from iucumbranor. Enquire of oko. F. 01 LLMORK, 12 at the office of blunting PueL 1(kA1 WOKR:4 FOR SALE.--Sixtythree N,J acr,s: of laud, 250 of Cool so. * 0.1111:11IS th ertlVlS suonandid operation. SVI the U Yarin is situated 00 the Monongahela river, 34 !alien above Pitts burgh, awl to AupplJed with a Yana House, Barn, Tenaist I lotrost Orchard, Railroad, and an excellent harbor. The Volu of Coal hi five foot thick, and cauuot be empanel% in quality. For further particular:l apply EIettOILSO N ft PAYNE, OOFFEE—Prirae Rio and Java Coffee, green ki and run.mand, For auln by S. J AYNES, fold rain Tea Storey No. 38 Fiftb street. VSEIOLUTION OP CO - PARTNNltStllP—Thetuarttiorehip heretofore et:King betwesin the nmiereigned, under the mane nod style of SYRINGItIt ILARBAOOII & CO., Lv die. eolvt.l by mutual cousent. The bitnitreee of the firm Will be eettled by either of the nadondgued, at their old eland, No. liberty street. The bastuess will be contlnned tte ne ly by Springer Ihirbaugh. Pittsburgh, 0ct01,,,, 24, 1855. •Ct PILINGS& Commission NWT.haul, Dealer •I,j w Wool, Pnorisions, awl Produce gunerolly, N 0.205 Lib erty street, Pittsburgh. oct2l JUST RECEIVED , OfsiisOA isiM.ENT— bbls. No. 1 Lard; 25 kegs 5 bbls fresh roll Butter; I bbl small Wblte Beam; 300016 e Bulk Pork—Hams, Bides and Shoulders!. For sale by (mhlo] ATIVBILL, LEX & (XI _ _ boxes Wood's - Starch, foisafe Sby f dec3l SMITH. HAM k 11UNTElt. PT—TuRpENTII s T Sbyfbal •„5 '''...; ' "' ,'.-5:. '-.. , , „." '• i .',...:,.' g , "1"- , 1".,., ''.,,,...'....‘,- ':"..,,,,. '. - '5 - . , , , ;, - 5.....;;' , 4 .- - i.' l , - ,1" - E.• ' JY.;::,...' -- _ , l' -.•'-‘, - , 2,- - , - r-.7.,, ~,- si : ,f• • ‘,.. , ; - ,Y f •;: :-, ,•'.• , :fi,..'14' '.-'.....' - .'' , '','•• -7,, ~•: - „. f a . ~,,17 .3. , . 1 , " , 4,1 ,, f• T i ' .... It''''V''. ' :•• , f •'- , T , ..,,, ,` _;,-; . t :7 ~, , - A , - ,, - 4-- .., ±--,....k 1 ~.- -- -,r-:, - . , -N, - 4 , fT ~ '' -4 , 4 (- e , ' , „s -", , „.., '4,, '",/ ~.. 4.. - ` '%., ir• -, .7 , . 4 ' 4. ( i' . :4 l i,j.e,..Kg . W.te - A?:1 ; '4 , " ,-- .:-.''' W-'li - i - 4:4VV: - , -' ,, ,-,?!, 1--, 3.-11; 1 '-'4 - J' s ~..f' ''' P,e•i-'••:J' t-3; 1 7A -. 3), i , ' -,-- ~ r ;,, , .r.i:;§: ;--3--:,: -. ...%*' ,- ".:'- , ;_ ,, , , ~;:.=•.„ .. ' 7 f:- , ; 1 -':-.. i:k. - .-1. - -- • ,_,,,- ,' , ~,i ~-,,,, - 14. -...--- j , •', t ~ •"- ," ' ~'''...:' i' •'-' .. ..1 , , '...r ::‘,' ,'".": 1, . ~ Ailaik , 4,'„4. - .. •;:"4 ••.. • ..-r.„, 4 A i , ,r. . , - 1 '''',.' -. ri. ,, , ...........== • ^ '`. ' , ~.f, GREAT . DISCOVERY I r , 1 r , '„7-* - rs-, ''; „t "'", g , ..r. " . :%P. A MPLE TESTS, both by able Praetilionere i; ~- ,- '' , . .g , ~..- „ , „, , ,tr,7,...'e . „L - 1 , -Eutd Clunnital ha ve ttOttiOl the great f ,:: .:„ . , •••'- :-• '11''":" Akio of ,P11,0,P. DI GO.ATIV boautirerpotobinatloled "..! ^ 4 . 1 ELECTRIC OIL," for tho itia cur. 6(1'011 4 : the • . p o w. tho Tee on rendering their *Mot fait man DOC • * ...). or Ap_ i . , ,.. bo 4 mJ4akeabland aatlefactory. Mors item 20,00 n ha , ...: =' - , the Lava teen solsl4ln4 very kola Otati..eVtailla lilli= 1yK1 . „,, , , Matt It le a as eplenilidillexnary,Lerinw l hate sOknowtodged: , ~, and nothing Ilkirit Ann efe. Umfc v,elliat4- WhY, Or • , amiss alone, it la worth* 00,0110a'liaz r telhe_silt „ always cures there -o,lnM4ortnentoreln 't.iteintr.,Vier A^ But whit hilt not.vratthiatt linuln4lde gill emu fel t ,'therm, 2 ._ 'therm, B u rqlescesnalteg InePrsiiereis ;4l4 4l 4l l l ,## l 44 Ore: umfed I tly , V lhe• Pt U k in WM ' r-.- ramawil, . , PiaPitatki; Tr BPthichiti i 1 Piles, womb cqm ter, Craing t rac. Sere__,Pl 'Owen , , en Wean& of -ant au.s. , '"w= e - 1 anneal DO 1111118 SO the ,peekliol. , , lieontillit___Al...tilm____wil give fre.elp for eilld Maxi pare.. Vila YO.lowne P" . ” ' 1 .- Certainly it IDOL Such men asitqf Vaottin magi,' honor . Mao and high 'eluded Merchants, mayors, Thxtors ane others have ai sold after from • tea to • LAO& They say the ELEC IIIIOOIL is thellnest modIW otuntdnatlott ever pre pared, neither offensive nor injuritruktnit eirectuid 111611 the e 140',0 and imm , 3' ether come. 'Some honokabliitt heart' time, business firms e, it !strife, sold Wins of tliid i ciitt= tawnier- - - coat tar, no. he.) external' ea, MEM ~. '--. tine, bituminous, or co.- .....r, do. Mt) tixtes..._ -„,-,.-- ---- r .,..,...-_. ,- ....,..„ %.,,,.. until their customers returnothbWlo after bettWa&lr tat , ..., - ''• ~ •••• C. -. '.., ' 7' - -.V - 4•zie ', remark that ' , the rernedymeti worse- Pam the OM, yet ~ - : , • 2:::- ',...-Z.":".;..7,r , :.„ .Z.,,,,.'% r tt such men have never reasomended nor EATeliaftlntenance' k -..- : 7.,' ~, ,-, . .4.-'44-34t. to them. Ent see Mime of out ' Mist merchanti ordering more :„ . ...' , - .445.U 4 days and abeam giving edilltimisnartimotry to l ' , ~ , - :.-",-''.- '4 ;I v ,: value ton of this wonderful. discovery. That a groat many 1.- '... ''",: - .1;•" - -, ladies ore using tams a medicinal toftetarticla forthemselves 1 •• • ~, , s- -!- • --; ....:. ~44,,,..4. , : , ,,,... and their children, is well known.. It. axes all.Pitnples, Z i t; ...,:- 4. i , ... ,• ~.::-!;‘ , .„.7Mc,:/:.. Blotches and kkuptions on the Lice andnectrAnio short • i •• , "-- 7 i- - ' 1'i.,,,:-.ffi.rfgi Limo, you would scarcely credit It. It frequently reduces a It ' retinfial swelling in two hours; has denote -in- an hour: ii' •-• ' ,, - ••••,,,,,,,-:n-; mired many effectually in 'air hours. •If ladles knew the a .....:-.--..,.. • ....„. _.-.. d1.f.,...*„4 . , saghitig, strenglluming and. heating virtues in •this Oft, they a , ,' - - . .......' 7'.4f, wouldnever be induced , to use any thing also for womb com . ... 7. '.... , :_ - 1.i . ....,0*.. 4 ., plaints or pains of any kind. ~ . We now insert a letter just received frem TIMM! War, ..1. -.. ,: . .....i.roi-•,-.,•,...,,, Esq., who went to England six weeks shamk(to CLIO IF-,...t, Lenoir, 1n1Y19,1 )1 1 . - `: • - t'..'°;...3470 Peer. Da GRATH, Phila.—Dear Sir : When I loft hOIDO fur 4.. _ . T . ~.. ~..„........._,..,..,..,.; my health, (scrofulone eruptions, Ac.,) L never expected ts 1 , . " '-..- 4.1...,; . ,,417. , .! return again, believing that my complaint would KM carry A Lr5e ,. ,...,, . .. , „ i „ ,,, .x me off. When-you gave me three bottles of your Il lacizie r"' •- ,- ' • )-. ' ..: 'P, on to [aka with me, as merely it palliative, I did not think.' . • .-. . ..1 ~..f . ..e „ „,,,_ would so very soon becelled upon to thank you,as.l neWan, . I. i.., ,..,.,..:....... , for my complete restoration. ... , -, I. I 1 .; .;. ..-. ;. - :.: ^... '% I can only my, before the departure of the ateemcr , that A ...- t......,..;::.-.4. ~,,,_:......„.. yon have only to come bore with your Oil, to make a fortune 11 • • ...,..-.i. :3 , .......,.9. •••,..,..-. ....r: in one year. There is not another shutter medicine-in Stag- t: , .4- - i,r,. -: , e.r.. laud, if In the world. I will write by next steameti.' , - I . ; ,:, ,• . th., rft ' 5- Yours, moat truly, ~ _BAUM Witkl. P ' 4 ~., 4- It cannot be their imaginatiom, who date that old Sores, 4 - . , ~., .1..4., „ ,,.,... that have dischannel from six months to live years, have F.c.... . - , -4:, , '.. .' 4, A O ' ', ! .. ........1 been cured by this clii. It cannot be untrue, nor a derep• X •, , .... ~ .„..,...... thou, whore pain is relieved ' in one day, often in half an hour. 1, ..‘,..., 24 - , ^ ~ tri, . ..4-,,,;,.. Not common sense dictates. uot—and six hundred Written p,.•.:-V. - ,-;*: ..b.," - :rt.., '..iA letters say not Come and see them. A regular. Doctor in k-4." . .° - ,, ...r. , .: . ._ ,.. .1. , • . .. ~ t attendance; and Ladles can consult a Lady, „privately, by - :....,' • 2,4. 4 .; ..- . ~ ,, ,c , dropping a line to this °Moo. " Advice Promo distance, mak- 4: _,. • , ,t , W. 14, .__, , .,;:- ;: j• log inquiries that any physician can answerosill be_ prompt- • . ...r4f,,e er. .. ....,,,,, ly attended to. Alwaye endow) a damp, mom satvi• are ~. .."',.1. , .. '• .• „.- 1 , .'.,,",'•', -, • A freely given, and we are drawn upon too often In this way. * . • .I:4'o_ . - ....,,_,...Tel All awes treated liberally, with-or without tiro Oil, as I have ..,, 5 4 .7 .. .„,, -. !,- J ,i4,. ~,y. two Physicians oseociated for this express pummo. g _ :!...,,t,, , :: ... , ...,:711*,"4:" - .:, , r.• PROP. O. DB GBATII, ' -'''',- ' -c 4liit' - ` , ': , No. 3ft South Eighth street, Philadelphia. ti. :.,0 3 2.. „,..*,,, • '- 1 . - ,*„.... '-.4 , ,--• ‘' , •, -- t' N. 1t.,--The largest bottles ten times the olumpost Please 1 - ...%..?..,, .."1 , ::' , . notifynt ine or any case or Caputo to cute In from heti On hour S i' - 4 ..•:, . .4- . . e :..v..-...: , m..v,,,..0. ~:....;.; oe wks, as l whib to ouro all. OW- Fur ado by Dr. ORO. IL KEYSER., N0.'140 Wood :-.. - .7•, 7 i1.. ';,.-il - -:-, .: 471 street. nutekeAsw , : _,! , ...z • ."' • , .1, ~ - ..,4,,,,,. JOHN ArCIA)SICEY & CO. JIYGEANA BROUGHT BOMB TO THE DOOR OP TUB MILLION. itWONDERFUL DISCOVERY has recent. ly been mule by Dr. Corns, of this city, In the treat. meld of Consumption, Asthma, and all diseases of the Lungs. We refer to " DEL. CURTIS' ELTIIKAIIA, OIL INHAUXO'IITaILAN VAPOR - AND CHERRY 8111 UP? With this now method, Dr. C. has restored many afflicted ones to health; seen evidence oD which, be has innumerable certificates. Speaking of the treatment. a physician remarks: "Ilia evident that Inhaling —constantly breathing an agmeable . healing. Tailor—the m.stitinal properties must come in -direst Contact with the whet.' soial cavities of the lungs, and thnseeecapo the many and varied deluges produced upon thenawben :Introduced into the stomach, and subject to the process of digestion." The ilygissua is for sale by all the Druggfsit o:fought:et the country."—Pees York Dutelenan of Januaryl4. • The Inhaler is worn on the breast., underlies linen, with out the heist ini.•onvonimpas—tlis heat of the body being sufficient to evaroratc the Auld. Ilimdroda of cores ofeurea, like the following, ;night be named: One package of the Ilygrana boa cured too of the Adhere,of six years' standing. J. Y.• Kicemnsat, Doetmnater. of 'Dungannon, lw. I am mired of the Asthma, or ton years' standing, by Dr Curtis' ii) g 1,110.1.. Mtseo.u,zT Nom; Brooklyn, N. Y. Mrs. PAUL, of No. 6 Illuninotol street, N. 'Y., was cured of a severe roe,' of Bronchitis by the Hymnist:. My sister Ilse 1.-on ouresi of a distrisishig mnigh, of several years' standing; end decided to be incurable by tin physi. clans. She wee cured in sue month, by Um flygearus. .1. IL. Ositemm, Richmond, Me. , The Rev. Dr. CHZLntgri, of Now Yor; teatilicaof caw medi cine in the following language: •• • , • • Nrw Yo34Z e 'criemberis. Dew. Scir' —I think highly of Dr. Pygmlina all a rem edy in dissums of the throat and lungs. nwrfdi had some opportunity to testifyits efficacy, tam COliviticW that it is a most excellent medicine, both tbe- Sys - np and thd inhaling application to the 11.—Dr. Curtis' Ilygenna is the ORIGINAL and ONLY if EN ll IN It ARTICLE; all others aro busolinitadorm, or vile end mean:us counterfeits. Shun them as you would reuses. For sale by Dr. Geo. 11. Reysei, 140 , wisod.street; R. F. Sellers & Co.:-Leo A. liockham, Allegheny City; John Sargent, New Brighton; C. L. Kaiser, Rochester. nun:dime= 4 Nu, 235 Liberty street. BPICINGKR HAKIAUU MAX. FOICENTIL in store FIIEMDiEI DUO& ESIEI ` , MEDICAL( INHALATION FOR. THA * DE OF ASTHMA AND CONSMION, NEW AND VBEY WOBIDEEFUL. (great datgattellg. 0;24 Dr. Rogers' S Y rn p ; r . 1•1 \. ---1 Ton IMCCOIIPLIM Mita 011" Coughs, Colds, Inflinnus, Spitting. Blood, Asthma, AND ALL OTHER LUNG COMTLALITS TX101213 Tit fit Inritixonejtspeetorant; prepared lar an experienced •-• 1..' - Physielanand Ohemitty has nalrbeenetta standard el, Preps:tam, Ind hp sdered feetho OCKPIXIS _OWLS of those-dhiesea.wl the:MB:BOAT Ind'IMNGS. which. If negleoted,,jeindly.tanduidtifitany In COW.; SllliflPT.lloPfe coat is °stunt Ocenneg. or ' inineselyhtderwri butt cesepoOed- then) Roota.,ilerbs,-and- Vegetable SubottlittOttl..,which have a specific inflames upon the Lana and their connected organs. Its Immediate effect is allinitation. and gently remove the phlegm and other morbid mete- Oen., from the Throat and absoassages, thus relieving the Cough, by subduing the lufammalion and other causes which give rise to It. It is sig i V of and re- commended by Physicians of .the hi Wanting, and may be given with perfect linty to yoongeo child or ; the most delicate female. • Loss than half a bons will generally awe any ardier nary COLD or COUGH,by following the directions.; t, One bottle Is neatly mania:afar a ease of doers will relieve Tickling Ova" lama) an foto or Hoarseness. One bottle will effectually stop spitting Blood. Three to &a Hs or Asthm a. bca6s 'onkr &i are pared to Broncill-; Yaw to Eight bottles w>D awe any use of Incipi ent Consumption.. One bottle Is warranted always to do peed, and satisfy the patient that he Lon the tight road to • ntarT„, Judge now whether or not it is battens. It. Certifi cates on file at the °Bice frostrindlindes of restored Dui ferera. A. Ti. SCOVTGI. 6i Co., ProPrietoror No. 804 BROADWAY, (eon Nuns St.) New-York. For Sete by all Drage:ea throtatbad tend litshisi and Osaka& war For sale, wholesale and retail, by B. B. EHLERS LO., corner Wood and Second erects. Sold also by IDINDERSON A BRO., LibertYAts.s4i IL P. SCIIWARTZ, and DECKIIA3I k MakEiCiaN, Ag=emY City. no WATER CURE INSTITUTE, Hand at, (South 841.00 between Penn street and the River. Pittaburgh, Pa. DOCTOR BARU, Graduate and Practithmerin the Old S.eltools of Medicine, Allopathic and Iftumovathic, and for the past ten years a successful Ilydropathiatluis opened a WATER CURE in the above lomllon. The perfectly safe, directand immediate effect hie trystem has on all Fevers, and all dlaasSes acute and chronic, while it (a mild, grateful and invigorating tothe weak enddebilitated, renders ft peculiarly desirable iu lumens., who will be treated at their homes. Allopathic. awl Homeopathic treatment will be adminis tered where dadrod; but, after long and .thorough experi ence, Doctor Buns givesa doubled preference tollydropathy, which has, throughout the old and new-world, proven so eminently snoxvwful lu every amnia disesse,lmluding In cipient Coustouplloa, Bronchitis, Tomcods, -Inflammatory awl Chronic Itheumathun, Asthma,. Loden, Nervous and Liver Dismose. Trothuonials of cure font bledir reputable riuretuf of nearly every State in the Unkin, can be examined at Doctor B.11:l2:8 oftico. The Reverend Clergy are invited to consult him gratis. Warm water being weal In the commencement, and often throughout the Wahine* it is a luxuriinaterel of unples tont, as those unacquainted adorsnipapa Iterrasscas—Meears. Charles Brewer, -, Waterman Palmer. W. W. Wilson, W. IL Williams, Thompson R. Wel diu, D. T. Morzmi, Wet. B. Thaws, IS, D...Enallah, B. hL Kerr. The undersigned, haring vhilted Doctor Bsstri's Institw lion, and witnessed lde auctsmidni treatment, cheerful', recommend him as a tharongldy edrusited and Wilful Phy sician : Chariot' T. Itusseo,oJos. Tireonnoll, Thwid Mat, Jahn 0 . Curtis, Hobart Patrick, John B. Livingston, Saha Wright, W. W. Patrick, Bloatit F. Eaton, 0. Ormsby Cling, octlecdia Ell - TIFICATE PROWDELAWARE-- ' iNravy Dittman, March 2011, 18.54. Marra D. A. rithaestock tf M.—Gentleman: I fool It to bb my duty to you, as well as to the public, to inform you of the wonderful effects ,your invaluable Vermitlige - had on my ,children. Ono was taken in, a short time time, and I called In my Dimity physician, Doctor John 11. Perkins After an ' examination, ho pronominal the Meal ;aorta from and preecribod Fahnestock'sVenuifugo. After the taken a few doses, bop discharged, at - the'lltst operatkm,'. PLYTY-TIMEK OF TILE 'DARCIPTIYI=IOII ever saw In my life, and hi the codioo. ot tho„dajatid ;tank% ho dia. chargod between a Quart andltalfplUt*Allaitgo INOSSIM HO In 'iti*mlitOtt . got Itrolli.-orol. htirregtiod tumid, elem. It tuts badlv good ettecilidttithyjAhotoWron. Ton may uso blic. 'Mtn. Sold wholesale and retail b &Wilt' thOtt *armlets and coca merchants throughout the UnMaStatas. Ideitadew, lA-____----- AV - 4' YOU TRIED'" ' .'' '''''' waranrs NUMMI HATHARION I' I' not, trylt, and.you will wrier be without it, Bo emu to ask for WRIGHT'S PREMIUM ILATHABION, Or you may get a wortbleesarticlu. Borarde by all Druggieta. 26 cents pee lbotile. Whelan& WesteragoVDr. KUSEB , B. IS. =WM & CO., and JOHN I suds White,Fiskt . Fisk! fight RAKER & I.IUPAARD . earfrll*Et bare ibr sals and teep-coustnnuy an hood, a AM supply of IntliS/1 AND SALT WIIITIC 11811, and all other variodoo of HY /UM acelle.2en in - a._— _ =n"=f 1,, 1 -4 -,, '4- ~;.,:, , - Tr- 'l.: ..- ~.i ,4 ,- ~% ', ' ',,, , -ei •:'..,..- , - ~,,, f. 3,:. ~' 1.-',' .;q_... 4 ,, 0 ..- N-' .... - t:c4''''`";:'!.s --...---, !,--i4J ~...--,1z., ,- - '-, -... i f . . t.. , • 1- .' e5...f.;••?. ....e . T , 340.Y.T.;: , , - 7:4- It ' 44 , 4 1 - ~ : • .': ... ..t..,:,,; ;,,..1.4_ 5,..,...,..., % s . ' t , N, \S'., •. • Af ' • • •.4 - 1••. • , - • " '. }. 4 , . IMMO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers