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' ' ' s X 4i i: . .r' 4-• '---- :4+ 6 lIIR'Ak - 0..”4 • a.4.•••_ , • ...;:d" ••- ` • kl . - 4 4 ..e.v• -of r. - * • • • - 4 44-r: ri'v 4 4.• 5 ) , -.,, • .„ "-fP • " LOCAL AFFAIRS. FRIDAY bIORNiNG Court of Quarter Sestions.—Hon. Wm. B. BPClure, President Judge; Hon. Gabriel Adams and Wm. Boggs, Associate Judges, on the Bench. TUURSPAY, March 27. Commonwealth vs. John Henry Smith ; indictment, larceny of a watch, on oath of Bernard Gardner. Verdict of guilty, and defendant sentenced to six months' imprisonment in Jail. Morrison Knox plead guilty to an assault and battery, and was fined $5 and costs. Commonwealth vs. William M'Cutohoon ; indict ment, larceny of $26 from Wiliitun Elkins. Verdict of not. guilty. William Johnston, against whom there several charges of robbery, plead guilty to . petit larceny, and was sentenced to three months' imprisonment in the county jail. Commonwealth vs. James and Theodore Walker; indictment, assault and battery, on oath of William St. Mary. No verdict. Commonwealth vs. William St. Mary and William Arnolt; indictment, assault and battery. The Grand Jury ignored the bill as to St. Mary. Arnolt was convicted of assault and battery on oath of Mrs. Walker, and remanded for sentence. Commonwealth, vs. William Dunn; indictment, selling liquor to intemperate persons. on oath of Mrs. Brown. The prosocutrix testified that Dunn had sold liquor to her husband, who is a person of intem perate habits, which was corroborated by several oth er witnesses. Verdict of guilty, and defendant sen tenced to pay a fine of $lO, sad be imprisoned ten days in the jail. The Court also ordered him to pay pre'ecutrix the sum of $2O for her, exclusive use, to he Lund as aliart of the costs, as a partial compen sation for injury caused by selling liquid to her hus h:mil EILM:I Drum was all , ' sentenced to pay $ lit tine. and an additional ten days impri,onnent, for selling liquor contrary to the act of 14th of April, 11455. Commonwealth vs. John F. Neeley ; indictment, assault and battery, on oath of Johu South. The defendant plead guilty, and was sentenced to pay costs. • Commonwealth vs. Misty Ann Harriet . Murray : indictment., keeping n bawdy house, oti oath o f flolovrt has is. N. y,jraiet Allegheny Gaudy :19ri , 1111,11.n1 Thu rugu• Mr monthly meeting of the Board of Managers wa , held at the Court iimise VII the last Wednesday Of March, 2Citii, 'rho roll lseirie, exile.' the lollovving inetillwri an strorod to their [mules: Messr, Boyle, lioehring; 'tall. of Robinson totiship. Kelly, M'KniKht, Reed Snively and Toting. The minutes of the last meeting Were road and ap diroved. Moved that that the thanks of the Society be Ico dereel to Mr. itauudey, the publisher, for a bound 1' slums of the Agriculturlist. The Corresponding Seeretary reported that he had received a letter from Mr. James Bosun, President '4' the State Agricultural Society, concerning the lactition of the next Fair. stating that tho Executive Committee of the Stab. , Societe tiould Intel On the third Tuesday of Aped to consider that subject. The Committee nn Preniiizin Lir being railed upon to report, the Chairman 'mummer,' that the Coinilait ttio were prepared to make in partial report . but it was moved that u i action lie Laken upon their:report until the nolt monthly meeting, when the netion of the State Society will It- known. The Committee en Interregatorie of the Patent Office Circular, it•lteil further time to report. Grant. ed. A package of Spaniah burley woe received from the Patent Office and distributed among the tueinliers. On motion Hero/esti, Thnt the Chair appoint a Corn. miltee 4)1 four tdi ineroase the library. Messrs. 4uivoiv. M• night. id:obi - nig and litilloaley Wore uppointo.l said Coin in i Lire. h'roolred, That one hundred dollars i.e appropriated fur that purpose. On inotiun, the Serretury be instructed to notifi members who have not yet attended the meeting.. IA the next meeting of the Huard. On motion R.o,oiesd. That a warrant ho drawn i favor of David Ramaley fur $l2 on account of salary mid $5 for sontingent expenses. in all $l7. On motion adjourned to meet on th,• last Wednes day of April. dons: Yorso, Chairman. 11. R,.0 ,i 1 . Sc.,'y. Pieti.4 CI u.•(. - N n. 11. W. Wllllllllll on lL bench. Thor,lay, March '27. To the 1,11.4 C of Hillery vs. Peterson,. the jury re locoed a verdict jrt dlainitti fur $1.61141 '26. Samuel Marshall vt. .1111,' 1.. * eirti n v.ll MD. J !links Knot for plaintiff: S. W. Mack fcr defendant Action to roomer $lOOO far serrice• rendered California. Verdict of sl'26 51 for plaintiff. lleorge U ta...v. vs. FAI ward wan. a urvired WI, Pagan and Win. Alvtnn. N... 214. July Term. 1%.5' 'AfeCalmout for plaintiff: R. IVond lul defend.•nt Aotion to re.u.ve: the Value of a not, fur snO, ■ loged to hare been given by a firm of time," dent was m member, for survives rendered. Verdt for defendenL vember Term, ISn4. Plaintig non suited. Win. Ti. Edgar, tidministrator of Edward W deo& dereased, vs. dames Shields and wife. Altunball Ind Brown fur plaintiff; Flenniken f.ir defendent. Art on to recover $250, with interest for five or rir. yeaiv. being the amount obtained by decedent'• mottle r from the nr.lin.nistrators. who have not enough to fer.et the claims of the estate. in trial. The Mt, ft( Li "earl Ile. --We,. tueutioneil one tai last week that a man Lail been shot at lountmlle, Alit). The following in relation to the affair we fool itt the stark County Demur rol. A Mr. Baldwin whu keeps a tavern in I.nnavdlr. 111 eolll/1).. IV,. aroused by his wile iin Tues.l.il night of last week, who tub] him thorn were nilite.is the house. He arose. hot the robbers had gone lief, ho gut out. Baldwin, howeter. gate chase and gitoini them. calling on them to our. When eneising ih, railroad one of the culprits tell. and the oilier inime thately turned amt shot Mr. Baldwin, the hall elitei ing at the breast and liidging in the arm pit. Mr. It though very severely. if net went to a physician and got. help. Rid life was of till last Monday morning. when he seemed getting better. Strong hopes are now entertained Ilia recovery. The oftliin+ have been ini the heels of the Lillian wit, tired. hut bat, as tet failed to nab him. A man is nun in jail in ibis eity await hug his trial. wile , k supposed to hartl Linen the nitn paniun of the one who fired. Ile., C. M. l'..reh.—This Eent.lculan. whose sues.• in the cure of pulmonnry ilkenses haw been remurl, utile, is announeel to vbit our city ahortly. Ili• ad veritsenient will be fount in another eoluuni. The ititelligenee of his anticipated visit will he received with delight by loony now suffering from affection of the lungs, who are 111:1:1101114 ter place tlietusolve. 1111der bin treatment. His stay, however, will in, I.ut brief, ant thine desiroo. of consulting, hiin, r should du so at onee upon hip aril'. al. T2e L ,, ture niylif. tour reader. will 11..1 • 1 el1111',“! Inks the• opportunity or hearing one •if thr in...st popular and iu tere,tiug e.tu.mtional leruue•. ifou. Maitre Misllii, the lecturer, IS muster .)I 1,1, .11 I. itlol, andis elmsan alt cacti among of, nt thin time 1.0 fill nn engagement with Ow proprietera of the Iron City Common ial ( . ..11t, , .e, by delivering the opening lecture of the reruud term of Teacher,' Normal InFtltute. A Giatton.—A big burly fellow named John lireegor was taken itchire Mayor yeitrr day. en complaint of a restaurant keeper in the Diu mend, who charged him with having ordered and etitey rig/arca cy/s, which he refused to pity f r. Th., Mayor gave the fellow ri reprimand for his glut hut as there was no law to reach hie c the. could give the restaurant keeper no satisfaction. Seth. nf Fltrll - Tim entire household furiii lure of Solomon W. Roberts, Esq., will lu sold 11l auction, this morning. at icri o'cliwk, at his residence sin the corner of Federal and Robinson streets„Nlle gliony, by If. M. Boyce, auctioneer. It is all of a superior quality, comprising firousels and Veivuiali Carpets, French plate mirrors, mahogany book case, Bruml An old man named i'hnt O'Brien wits nttneked on the wharf and brutally beaten, yesterday, with a slung shot, by .1,,h0 kl'Nenna. Ilia head and feet, were disfigured b) the blows given. lie was beaten until be was insensild,. M'Kenna was arrested by officer Neup, and emote.; tad to jail on a charge of assault and battery, with intent to kill. . 4:17.4 4 .4;1 1 gPi ""444* 4 IF atFAVI44I44I7I,L'IO Daniel Sherry vs. Henry Williams. No. N The Week/5 I",iric/ . 1/ will be is,+lled thiA and can be procured at the publication office, in the !WWI& story of the Post Buildings. It will contain an unusual amount of interesting and atunsing mat ter. Price five cents. The !ale of superior household furniture, by Mr. Davis, auctioneer, at the recideore of Dr. Ponniu t at No. GS Fourth street, will (-oilmen,* this morning, a' 10 o'clock. Br. Brown has remove , ' from_ Diamond Alley t. Smithfield streets, between Third - ond Feurth strietF T✓wn.—Mr. Elliott, traveling agent of the liellefontaine and Indianapolis Railroad. SAX Ftu,semoo, January 19, 18:41. Mewl. Hastelb, cf. Smith, No. 287 It= Aired, Pit4thurv4— We anticipate that HOSTETTER'S BITTERS will soon be come as popular in Catlforuia as they have in the older States of the Union. Every party that have tried them wants more. and dealers who have bought them from WI have not failed to renew their orders. As the demand is daily incifeesing, we desire that you should ship ns, via New York, bu doz. per month until further notice. We have orders ou 11le from Honolulu, Sandwich Islands. Very truly, yours, I'ARK & WHITE, feh2holuw Wholesale Druggists. C larks• Stomach Hiltern are tioknowle4goil by all who have tried them to Le the boot Inlay luMkin.. of the age, fur We sure of Dyspepsia, °entireness, and a theca deresi state of the Liver and Stomach. They hate no rival. The proprietors do nut pretend to caution people from nedog other preinirations that are Wined upon the public under the mime of Stomarli Bittern. (or they have found that only one trial W. needed to render such caution unnerissnary. For &do, wltulewaln, Ly COLLLIM k CLARK, Third et-4, between Wood and Market; 1.11 , At. 11. KEYSER, 140 Wood enenett and by Drugleiela generally. la-Hats! Elects! I—All the Latest styles ul CATS stud CAPS can be porchased cheap, for csAlt. from MORO AN a cu.. No 161 Wood street, Next door to the near Church, a. 25 Ooe door from Birth street. =ZEE THE LATEST NEWS ::::MARCH 28 FOUR DAYS LATEIR FROM EUROPE Bosrox, March 27.—The steamship Emen, from Liverpool, arrived last night, bringing dates to the 12th instant The political news is of little importance. The Peace Congress is daily in session at Paris, ut nothing of its doings transpires. Advises from the Crimea state matters to remain unchanged. There was a review of 50,000 British troops at Bulaklava on the sth of March. The White Works were blown up at Sebastopol on be 28th of February. Advices from Constantinople to the 2Sth state that an Austrian courier had arrived there with proposi tions relative to the Danubian Principalities. A financial crisis had occurred at Constantinople; Exchange on London had risen 137, and on Vienna 250. The English pound sterling was rated at 1411. The Minister of Finance had appealed to the mer chants and invited them to devise a remedy. An order to suspend hostilities bud been forwarded to ((mar and Folim Pascha. The river Danube has been re-opened, and Lloyd's kidneys have re.eounnenced running. Adviees from Norway announce a serious emu- Herein' crisis there. Twenty commercial !means had ti,pended in Bergen alone. The steamship Washington bad arrived at Cowes. The Emeu passed steamer America, from Boston for Liverpool, on the 19th inst., in lat. 41;^ !,o', lon. Ilft" ll9'. An the 2fith, nt anndown, saw steamer Arabia, from Bitslnn for Liverpool. The Canada arrived at Ltverpriul at midnight on the 10th Prince Jerome ltonaparte ha: , been dangeromly Lit nt lintt tolvieeit was improving. THIRTY-FOURTH CONC4RESB. FIRST SESSION WASHINGTON (irr. March :fi r .— Selsrl,—(lll mo tion, OH matter , conneete.l with the oetion of the Nara) Board were mode the epeeiol order fur Mon day, t .11 MOE lull of Mr. Pugh, the Committee oo the .111. ,lielary were instructed to enquire into the ex plAlen • ey of pro% iding forollow;tnee of writ. 44 of error fr an ioltrior Federal Court. to the Supreme Court 4,1 the Pnited States in criminal easet. he Invalid Bowdon Bill tram ptosed. Mr. Ballan made a de , idial AntoNeldneka opoitid, ooiiiliating Mr. Bougie.' report. Measrit.Hamer, Seward and Meyer etwak iti s t mewaslon on the t , iitijeet. The Senate adjourned until Monday. /Lies, tin inotitin Mr. Faulkner, Oki Commit to. u n F.reige Relation, ierre iiistreeteal L. enquile into the exp....lie:ley terweielling the and I 'ta,sultu ayaieni, I. repeal H11.1 , .1W utile! 01111414' SO lllL:Cilrequire. that all iliplonnito• a:rents rhall be of the grade of envoy, trour.hi.. and ministers plenipotentiary. 1 he House resnmed the enneideration of the Poll delittiug tho right, of voter& and the Liebe, of Com Ilil,,ll.llerS of Eketillll, al the city ul Ilumphre) Slarshitil's amendment pending. re ,ittiring in addition to general ,Inttlifieattons, forelgl. el, to have been naturalized twelve month, before voting 1,1 mumeipril election,. a pet Itamentary sung gle between the friend:, and loc of the above amend met., unwed, involvitiz men, motion, and yea and nay cotr At five o'ehwk t'..ht, al I;eorgiu. tooved that the Sergeant-at.-.Arrne ,1111111101 l ahAehtret. and .....topel their ntterLance. Th(; Hover, hu ,al.l, trio left ith, , at a owing to the isetoui movements of the majority. Mr. Campbell, ef' oluo. iluliinantiy hurled Imek the eharge. Wearied with the struggle, the Heim° n.liourned by live majority. NY., YORK, Marsh -The Pten. mer 111in•o, Nr roe.l at f o'cloek P. NI., bringing. i1,'261 , ,0t0 , tree, ere. The !nails mna passenger, per the John L. Stephens from New York on the bib February, at rive.l upon the I,t March. The tiohlon Uate for Aspinwall, end the Prolher Jonalhau for an Juan :oft on the fifth. Tha missing neeeunt denk, ..r AAn „,. A c„ were recently washed nshnre near San Franeken. The first SPOtinll, twenty-in.. ot the :`,let.l Vale 3 Thin California I.egi.latar, i,u. 1..18..v.: •1L111.41, tlp election c.l lianl.e to the :-.l..aker chip. Ihe ludiant are e , ratnittino .1,1. n-billow, at the m.orth of Rogue river. tin the Vehruary :4 ptx.on, were warden :I. A Ikattle Lad taken nt Puget'a Sound I.etween a party .1 friendly In and the , 'OieLeta.. 'rue oteatn•r toluinhis wag to lento San Fran , i.e. in a few day• with Curii Wool and troop. for }logo,: neer. 'I ho Leg;elature rn ,,„„,.., 4. at.- Pre•ldent for the rettinval or .;,•u Eleven huiltlitacn wero Lurid dvwt) :40i1,,ra. I. sl:Luou. A I,al ~tr,luced into it, tditneni. Leg irlut..re for urerttng three new `tote. out of call fernta The tuittlet• Rector:lllv ere dull, sod money IN otrtngent. The recetpta of got,' ure rl,mtmnl n^ Floor work, dotne.tio en.l I at $ eO time! 1.5. Llni 4 Butter, hoioe, 36. 11 [palling tall.f.rtatil 11,111 the lethnnr• ..0118 ure reeeue. Iron Vail.nria.p.. , L.. Lire ['Ali rr and tr w Crain. , 1., tire 2e.th The ( ' Lilian wnr ,tounirr Ir-111 Trn1,111.1140 near “TI ttla .1 bro., blgaplred and fin, t.., ),..rd f-rt w• r. The %," \kr% vv. , Irtrtihed Nt i••••• , t , ht Of . ,late the , ottrO V I'ithalll9 1./oil the 1..o.(1.• ,•••rt•t "f Vet 1;118' 118.1 anti , 0, •-•1 tot I. true,! It partly .1,4,1 row l:atta 13tH. a tAte that \Vall,ea h to , rent.. 01.1 to i t t tack mot tie- I ro) Pal ow A tv•. if eramtat ha. :Put troc.p• 1.. dufen.l thv llu.nnn , tn, , 11 , 1.tr•.11 Y. ~teat , t,, andittane.latteiv pr,...eede , l i , Itteleint, f..r the Fint,• A were tats , lo h.. foliating gentlemen 14.. re ,Iterel Atli at the ht.! Cammot,i , ler —Thom, nehrnn, .1 Vorl. ountv. Audios I ienerul- 1,211 , tvi Arin.tront , ;nnerni—ltnrlbolctr.rr 1.np0r43, of Itr3A Ord rounty. Wfwn the nnininationti were annunnee.l, gnat en prevailed. F:ntire unanimity in th.• adp , lll - 11.. , 1 Lotent from Teta., Mar.•ll :!ti The ateasner Texa. er a% eti with Vera I'm, date. to Tasnaret rr natned at Pual,la, Iseturar.l in by ~ , ,141. 1 111.111 Ile had t.. xerrerides. last t . -mat f..rt relekrted havinir rej,•kal the term. pony is fanning t, Instill a rash - owl het weer Vero Cruz and the City Minter 'rho Cleanser Perseveranee arrived from 4inlvo-i , ,u with datea In the 22,1 The Lipan Indian, are -till troehlea ~,,, e. a nd the rittzen. of lb,• fn,nne, fir, fanning rninpaniec for their own pr..l4a.tion. BOI , ITOV, March 27.- Schooner Maria F.. Smith, which war !tetrad in our harbor lest rummer on mu, picion of being r •laver. and was finally releared and sailed for Montevideo, ban been captured and Parried into Rabin, having attempted to land 320 negroer, brought from Afri , rt. She embarked 500 on the coast, hut TOO died on the voyage. WASHINGTON, March 27.--ft is rumored here. and generally believed, that Col. Forney retired to-day from the flaioa newspaper establishment, his prefer ence for Mr. Buchanan, its a candidate for the Preai doney, .41pm-inducing his withdrawal therefrom. March -- The Pealneed Werki , . Lynchburg, Va., wan dentreyed by fire Tuesday last- Lona $20,0110. New Orleans papers of Friday ars reeelved WASHINGTON CH y, March 27.--Tho Washington Bank has stopped payment. It MIS givrnoil by Shot. Jon, of Chill-Lg.°. Non-Arrival of the Canada. II \1.11',1.X, March 27, 2 o'olork P. N. - The l'Rn rule has not yet been signalled below. lIOUSEITOLT) AND KITCHEN FURNI TURE at Auction.—On SATURDAY morning. March 211th, at 10 o'clock, at dwelling house No. 39 Fourth street, between Market and Ferry, Mill be sold, the °Lai, 110,,,..- 11 ,, / , 1 and Kitchen Furniture. .tr., among which are dining and breakfast tables, bureaus. wasteetands, bedsteads. beds and bedding, chairs, carpet-., h00k,., looking-o.liter., Chinn, glass and queenaware. cooking stoves and fixtures, kitchen utensils, Ac. mh2s P \'lS, Auct. QUI ) ERIOR HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE j AT AUCTION.—On FRIDAY morning, March 28th, at 10 o'clock. at the residence of Dr. Wm. A. Penniman, No. SR Fourth street, between Wood find Market. will be sold, his entire stock of Household and Kitchen Furniture. which have been well kept and in fine order, among which are `die hogany Hair Seat Sofa awl Chairs; Marble top Centre and Pier Tables, Mahogany Sideboard, Secretary end Book Case, Cane Seat and common Chairs, Eight day Choi,, 13rolue , i, and Ingisin Carpets. Hearth Rugs, Feather Beds, Martrenson, Bedding, I,oking-Olaseen, High and Low Post Bedsteads. Fenders, Fire Irons. China, Glass and Queensware. Office Furniture, Hall Furniture, Cooking St,ve and fixtures. Kitchen )'m-niture, Ar. P. M. DAVIS. m 1122 A octioneer MISCELLANEOUS ROOKS.—On Satur day Evening, March EUth, commencing at 7 o'clock, will be null at the Comniercial Satan Honina corner Wood and Fifth street. 4, an interesting variety of second ham] min rellaneutis hocks. comprising standard works in Hinton•. ..graphs, Travels. end general Literatrim, from a Private Library: together with a large colh,rtion of valuable I mnplilets, bound, an many subjects. A 1,0., a numerous list of Theological works, embracing the writings of Wesley, Fletcher, Clarke and Scott's Con• Liebraiew, Milton's Prose Works, Elegant editions of the Family Bible. kr, , kc. Ain., an excellent selection of volumes in light and ele. gam Lit. mini, among which are many of the recent nemen the English and American Preen mh.iff P. M. DA VIB, Auct'r. . - .£~}'~~+s:a':.r..rr ~•~+. yr6~ l~i~«~=r+."3':~:ii:'°'3.~'s rS ~", e'.. '__~,.N BY TRT,F.GRAPH. ARRIVAL OF THE EMELT Slaver Captured From Waohington Destrurttve Fire Stopped Payment AUUTION SALES 22MMIS COMMERCIAL. PITTSBURGH BOARD OP TRADE AND MERCHANTS , ZIA:RANGE. Ptysident. L WILMARTIL Vice Pteddentr. T. S. CLARKE, GEO. W. CABS Treasurer. N. ['OLDIES, Ja. Secretary. JAMES P. BARR- Superinlesulast. S. T. NORTHAM. 311. Clanntitter. of Arbitration for ilarch. UFO. W. CAB 9, V. P. ISAIAH DICKEY, T. B. UPDIKE, SAMUEL DILWORTH, J. B. CANFIELD MOVEMENTS OF OCEAN STEAMERS kmpire City. Now York .....11avana and N. a ...mar. 3 ....... New York vorpottl Mar. 5 Amin Now Y0rk...... Liverpool Mar. 1. I.lllnolo Now York.— Aopiuwall Mar. ft Etna Now Y0rk...... Havre Mar. 7 Arun Now York ......11avro, via (Stwoo ....Mar. 8 Star of tho Weot..Now York __Son Juan, Nit. Mar. 8 Black Warrior..... Now Y0rk...... Havana nod N. 0 Mar. In America ....... Iltertott, star. 13 Hattie New York ......Livorpol Mar. 15 Union Now York.... Miltraltar, Ar. . Mar. 15 llorin.to ...... •.N ow York --Southampton slur. T 2 Too ...........w. Now Irk lAtih•MO, A, ...Mar. 23 ktretillit Now York__ London. via Cork ....April I umpray Now York......Cartliagoott, _ ... April 8 (juitkor City astkitivl44l The long looked for opening of the ricer Iwlieg taken place, an unpreeeilenteil impulse 1111-4 lilroaay beim given to the general liusinn, of the eity. N hall e.• ars O. ,Verll with merchandise arriving lii the west, 1111.1 being in that direction. IK ,:I*.s large asiiiii,ts of inotelmnili.e are constantly arriving ht the railri•silii east and eest. A most ,11.1..11 alateii.alt,l Ly all, an. uln•ady Lein ) ; renlit,..l. Th.• muter ”, lnl iat. tip k'enneylr•anin Canal of hip enimannivatital will thr` will Ire I•*.illrit,ie in a .111) or tat.. mat i, but the .I. Incritl-toy he I.llls. 11.1.,..1, rid] all Il,c vAt,Nceptiunahlo 1011.4,t ...1, the, is hi nut....k. The Cninnn ni.pninted anon cr etn 111.1rt ,. e•1 Lr nur `lnt. rvferrliou Steul , ll% Ith Iptve repurNd, and the rep.rt LIMA 19-u 111..1.(1,1 t t • „unril,. In this re1. , 11 Is Vieth the /11111,11111 of the city rind ennutl ti,oF tai ruilrl.4l , , is, 1..11..11, ( 11y..f ;L t ., and P.Milry I sling, Ruud „ 32W1.000 Coy 4 PlttAnArgh to Pi IL und . :,on,toon ray of Pittrturgh l'itteletrgb un.l uellnrilie. ..00.0no City of Ptti,tourgli to Allegheny Vnlley.. .100. non l'ity of Pitulturvll o. ChqrlierN V 316.) I ,moon . ti , •110.011., . . I ',int) ..1 11..KIDerly L , r01111.1,)1,111.1111. ehind . $ I I ',linty .4 A lit•gilvt), t•. k'ntnt•urgh 31311 . .t 1.11.11041 1 . 6,1111, t.. A ii,Kl,,n3 Val log ,11.111111 „1 ciegbe.,‘ is. ‘.1,.,,i:,.,.1 I'ittAhurgh ',51,11011 County Allegheny t, Pitt...burgh .1.1 . 7511.1,1111 t%,,Lint Allegtir. 5.. \ eil.s 1 ..11,1111. Tobti $::..t00.1100 City of A Ileziwuy I The amount of mortgage of the Pittsburgh and Steubenville 'road Company is si`sta . ), tato Execnted to secure an Issue of that ittnount bonds. Fifty of which hood.. of sl,taal each have been at K4l per cent or earl. and doted. of iiI.DOI) each hare been given as collateral security for therayment tniitieys borrowed front Blanket. the city of Pittsburgh, the county of Allegheny. and for damage elaims along the line of the it.m.l, and are iiiithject to the payment of the following amount, siz 1)111. payetile. •. city and eounty. • Ihd,Analt 1,111118,::13 Cl4llllb T,.tx,l .$16.i,59, 54 Tbe present Ile. !-teelanlvtlle lepriey !I re . . 4 " Thar.• a 11 b I•uteh•.•e ••t real r•tate l:4 There will he to.. perrha-t• real e•t4lr 0 1•/ .'11n611,4 r 11,. •tAtn ..f It i. 114- •tniml in ttin kk llkott I.kkthint' d 111 hl the ,ty t••u ilste4•1111; t h.• I. 11,,• 4 truhet, t pear L•ciJ t6,,rqu461% ItiJmed 1 v 1.• In tcromt.o.l 1,1011. , r. ~,thti,lt ue.•,rt.+l e. I . tl,•r.•vrti 1. , ,•..1311 , 1. 1r 31 1113 , 1 11, pr ~1,1 ',lit. 3 Lll,l 1.4.4, rr , '• t n the , N!,3VtAr kl Catt,lwrincla. ntpi l'lll-1.101 1:,11 - C. tnpAn), io r•• 141,,,/ t.. tho •rni,ll..st I 11.3 t •.,,•k 1 Ln~e te,l tLe C•iltln . ll f114.•11,4, th , y will act•ria a .ut..rriidi ,, n. nndrr thr.•.,nditi.,u. Tito Aultjet t n.. Itrttught botore Uto l'ttuttoll NVetl 1=!!1 NI Nee 1..4. the ...Rey market n :Leh; e !Let LLe l'ltyyneffie, thetigh fr.LieeLL nil r... 11111 v. !tr.: nil tattle. nu l ti...re appcnil , u.. tittit.•tit.t.ot t.. ho ll• rmaynient titartt nu emps 11111 Itenliby I;31141 h•r warrhuntr. Thu dry nut hr, k r rs d.• not inlk ~1 ,tri• glad get aceoptahle parer at the uniilernte rat,. wlnrh lotto Lien ruing of Intr. Tio• fag. .11-,• , ,tmllng Ornir etterrni.r.,. 'belt rt 4 L. 31•1• iA.3111.f %.,1 - 1 large. 1 . 1,e ' , learner ler lel fr,,m , •1 ,, n, .111 I,ti ~11l about i.:(00,000 The rat., ,Ire nr (.111,,,,- ,;(,, 7 iper eenl. 1.1 enll iwttl, Ptllii ' , bent time; C.r.t • per veer. f,r 1.1 fir, X 64 pAper, imu date., 7(.1 ,•• per rent 1.,r ~f votlor..l wiper, 1'.1) any. , to G m 4.10.11.. go 1.1 iiliangti cioni, at 10..1.5.11 titi iiir Stirling. in hi.•ll tlivro In Any great donanti. The sink tnnthet mit,ll flrtuer. though the int:l,lo6one are Thr 1.1111e11141 11, utigli ti. 114-AI4IK 1r.t.'. , , 1 . 111,941/1V nmvunl 1,. $110,1...1.241s The I ailunru iu Iln• i•liilrTnneou y on Tneudnya. wus . . . • . $!,213.11711 31 , Vuutono rirouits Monilny 144.:4,2 IS Ti•aumry rurei pig. (including f41,01i0 (rnt Mil %vault iv) TlO.ll, y . .... A Peol 113 V !mlti! • . The Bank anekly rlaloniont, ‘shich u,e i,1,1,1b he nne inxpiring ,onfi‘lenre. Au in ig Annn under every head, namely : I,IIIIN Mild 1.. , 1 ,lir 14. M: 1124 The average of specie is a Hein); ittic, as the large sum of $1,500,000, received by the Bank America on Friday, maid only ootint one third of the amount ail the as ernge. The specia in hank it., probahly, milli,/11 more than the average t , tion, The lt..eion Liverpool 'teenier will only take n small SUM of eperie. The bank deposits whin!' show a gross increase of $770,000, only gain a net sun! 01 $133,3 66 . namely NlArrit 15--1).1.0,41th Ih-dlsrt averag., ACUIRI Dov.itn March 62---Deposits Deduct average deposit, Actual Depositm ... $.67,1.3X213 The exchanges at the elearingllouse last week were much greater than in the preceding week, viz: • Fachangt. t 1r the week ending March 17 Balancers for %rock ending, March IT At Philadelphia on Tuesday a good feeling pre vailed iu the stock market, with a moderate amount of sales. The business in loans was about $40,000, and prices, without any material variation, wore well stipported. At the close there was very little dispo sition to operate, and the general market closed (lull. A bill has been introduced into the Legislature of Massachusetts, which provides for the gradual sup pre.sion of bills of a less denomination than five dollars. Thn first section provides that from and after the lrt of October, 1356, no person or hank, or other corporation in the Commonwealth shall make, issue, pass, transfei, circulate, or receive, or cause to be received, any bank note or bill of any bank es tablished in or out of the State, designed for circula tion or use as currency, for any sum less than $2 ; after the lot of October, 18:4, for any sum loss than $3; after the let of October, 1855, fur any rum less than $5. The second section provides that nfter the passage of the act, uu bank bill above $5 shall be Ilk . .~ ~,~ • •••• e e oc • .: 1 41: 4,•••" . ••• N+•,.% •+ • •• 04- . .r•e • -•**- 1 •P . , . • % • ••• .. , , MESI r 1" 1, "f yt EREEEI3 TO A RRI VF. LEAVR FOR Lived~ w 1... .New Vwrk _New York live, p.,1. New l'wt =MMI:II= DEEM MEM EZEM •-•••• PI'IIY➢CNUII, hfitroll sl2ti :ty4 94 4.711 34 241 0,1., mpsci‘3e4 - 1 e.tnuatt..l 11,pt.tt• , ;43.14A ,912Pii k 11.31.11,281 tl'.~ w EIMICIIIII =ME IIMIZT! TIMM MEM Vii,. a:.~~ made or lamed by any bank, or be passed by any in dividual for any sum not divisible by the nnmler five; and the third, that offenders, for violating. any of the previsions of the mat shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $lOO. At Cincinnati, on Tuesday, there was a moderate demand for money, and the market motioned steady and comparatively easy, as to S to 12 '43 cent for good business paper. The bankers continue to draw on the Eastern cities at 3 prom., and on New Orleans at the same rate. Business of all kind continues active. The Dry Goods and Hardware importing houses are full of orders, and aro engaged day and night packing goods for shipment to all parts of the interior. A large number of merchants from Indiana and Illinois aro in the city, laying in their spring stocks. The six per cont. bonds of the city of St. I.OIIIM are selling as low as 70a80 per cent., notwithstand ing the flourishing condition of the finances of that growing city. We learn from a recent official report of the treasurer tbat the bonded debt of St. Louis on the 10th April, 1855, was 83,005,093, upon which rum there was paid during the year $55,700. Bonds were issued during the fiscal year 1855, for various objects, which increased the debt to $4,092,930. Of these bonds six hundred and ninety-six were sold during the year for the extension of water-works and other objects. The amount issued for railroad coin• panics was $2,000,000, and this amount deducted from the grand aggregate !sieves the city debt $2,922. 5118. But from this amount to he deducted $105,000 issued for private sewers, a bleb is paid by a tax upon the 3.11.1114. This leaves the bonded debt for general purposes at $2,727,390. The increase of the city debt for the fiscal year is stated at ti 551,000: of 4,16,1, sum, it is understood, the nceounting officers chant that $272,001) were left over from the last adminis tration. The total amount paid into 1113 sinking fund is $6118,110 111, and there are 111.44 , S 01l hand in the sinking Ire:very, ant:muting In $17,954 11. The amount of revenue inilleeteil from various souree• during the ipienl year $756,1127 lit , being an inerestie of $51,1 Sat 72 over the eidleelions of t t ,,,t year. Deductions of iitevild are to li ton& for wharf, barber, ;mil new limit', amount int; to 0159,#50 el. Lent inc . , f , r appropria;b4t .C. 911.770 40 of $: , 2,: , :! 11 ill remain t. appropriated. ' ti e rs is now in the r it) trita.sot Fo ling I AI Mr I %IAI s IC Mar .5. Mttit .IMI I t4lll fit itt. tot.l Oar r•—•lti. 1,1 t 4 • +Mali %SF. Iltjti• rt 0 , 11• 0.1 V) , . f..ur 1tt.,111 ‘A ilk!. 14 thr• I IL/1111{ rat,. N rm - 11.1/tll . l, gild 11 to. iloro..tie at P. , t+ A PPLES Ame d.. WWI ut:uL• yevitt-iday d :AJ Ma. n.. I. A ppleAl , lletrf al $1.2• fi. , tu first it 11.7 I. I M III!, Iu MI. Ifl• 011 nr. held RI n[l.l 11110\ Poi, of liJe !,100 hn , - eulogy 11I.tMr, It.. .1.1•111.1 ,-• nt. ,',• n.ll .tll.l nal It. ham. na loon -.11.1.1. at Lawn ,V•ro•I•Jv P. K 1.015141,, at.i Jinn, no.I I N r..t. 1. 110 11)11114 111 IWO P. Pla•dil./4 rs hunt, it ; flli l Ii • 111.41 1111.1 lI.YIIIN, c. .1111i1 ,tt • 11,1 . 2:41.11 41 , 111.1..1. .Iw-a 111 v ; nod 11, . 111,•1 3nu li. M.-1.11,.111.. 6 ..1 I.N III"ITEIL A \ I, F:0 Am t••t:tt•.: 14 I..t+ •t 4 , ...1 r•dl, wn.l for prim , T6..i. • • A t.•it.•r Autipl) .4 1:0,11. KAI.. 'it 1.1.1. lit VA BEM= BUCK WHEAT 1 , 1,11( TL.v 1.4 to.( la-. Ili 11111 Lest , Ise n %w k.. in GI It. on , t • lit I. I I. isanl. , o/.4 :it 111 I)11 YR lIT '.1.-• Mik Vur fr• di .I.•r. aI ci 1.4 Appl. , l add •.f 1 , .t. hiiol lind hada. 14.1 xII I n.,t I.g tug ore, j l 1..1 A it••• 11. T 1... %•••1 , /11•1• I••• • 01 Prvia, le. 1.1.1. f, • .lil %,•••1 Ml.• pc NSI ••• t•i•t, 111•11% I• 4•1• at f1•••':. Is nt 2.• 1.14 N •1., , n• • 'Ni../ fr , •to at 1,0 1.1.1. 1.1.1, nt ~,„I g r e,. 1.., 1.1.1. 1.. 01 .1 E •• ' I'" • it.. D• 011 4.1..1 /It .1•1111 -40 1.1 , 1 , ft •1 , ItA . Mr."- ns.nw t. a .1 t ,1,414 ••1 tt 0..• 1t.i16. hot 1,,t„ La. :I, 1,41 hn,.. At yav nr.•l pnn,. e... 1 f 1.1.. lt, in. I, ti: t11.1;..1.• • 11,1 - 11., 1.111 4 Rorie, n. •1 ...Inn, on tn• , li ant.. • woo n0.u1.• koslo. I VI 1.11. 61 1 •.i 6611 N 11111 . 1/1 61 111 , ,%11.611 . . est -1., 1 . ; Ki; Tl.e vu•l •texuser the. ~1 1...5• I. n lair muppll i'lloll. 1.1.10 • 111.1 m. it Full. fair •I 1 , 1,•1• nt 1/.. .t 3.1 Ittat, .. 111,.1.1 •.• 1.1. 1\ i•••• Ilb 1,1.1. It( 114. h . 1.1.1. •ak 111.1 ("nu 4%41e. 1,, I.'l. ti VI( SLAGII. 11' A IrAl. tr. t••••• II Nair. Ar •Llity mewl 11 , t; At ill, ..Al.. st fe ..rs. t. $l4 0 , t... 1 t. fair nnt—tuit “rsolur I , ‘ 1.4 '4 , I.it l• t.n.L nil tx nmalnal .. nll.l PA . .A•mt.r) .air. hare V•A‘ti 1UL:I -Niel, 31, td•tx NA. I LAnl At 4,01; •t : No I. do et AA. rnl.. 1.1! MEM t_l4llt y and Mil kt /TA. Th n 1.,• berti tt, ill. liar.. 111. , tturstifrot !or., 1-13 I•r, II MI IL. 141," I.v ...Ile, A !mi... I .tiv .yr ••I MIMEO ll=l ..I T.1,..•111 nt 3.; Intnitt I I It• It t At It. I , t I=lll2 1% iII Is 1 1 mwl i. t pt .1. ~ I. ME= Rolr• of Thornelay TI, 6t,e .die +. :I I I,l' IC 1.11. , 11• I - 11.40 , ti :h. 11..7 C.,t Er .1 11= ll= =MIME 1!1!=11111 .li% 51+4) la.nr -1 - ni ••11!•- 410414 Mt F. •I‘l% It , 11.4)11. nt e‘t das. 1,1110 It.. I, kw. •il 1.. . ..t. I z..., rt, "1 IN.• I 1,0.1 =MEC rrr:it 1.1 411.• Clv•••1 CI 4 H.:I: :Ur la t . I. 41 I'2 II t 1 till.- 19 1..1.• 91 Im 91.-s .1 {I'LT.,SI7 I. 1-9 )IA I.T I .:ok, A: 514.. ca/.10, At • , , 1./. r.r.K v K.P TIo warl .nil, 4.1 Nices ~.Ir+l “.•1 161,1 , 1 .1 .I,i. I, :41.•t1t pi t• tntlq. , l fi,ati ,••^ I "M. , . I'. I'll. • fur nl.• hal,11) ildy 1.451 ill ..1 w lo• I, .40 Nt I. un. log,. h;: , . 'Aro gr‘l.4. 1.1 1. , t , I 1.0. tn Foreign Markets Itt,4lolShtll mr toarkol quiol tool b.. Ilt , oal , , \ rdot.d•is aro, ldio I 11.-vishislla alt. 01 n•iuncti‘e; WI.Mt 100 l vallood IN.: 11'lloat lidat 1111 l r 01.; l, gaol , ' al 'AI,. r‘cloo l goo aro fol'orald, gold Is 11.001 g into ho, 11.00 10odeole.0 and taller placra. I' ,ma.- —Quotalloon chmeal for foot and a hall .19t,1 CIMECII 1 - 5.:::! 10 1K 074 1 - .729 '4 Al t,ICIIEVEIL—Morket firm with ntiolor:Wo eilloo of Cotton t• 11 tho 10111. 1.1 o hales, with n quiet ood 1.1 d. I..oriooN. March 11.-I`roviriiolol doll: Lord or - I I I vat, IX•Ilig large. vordid. Mnt 11 —C4.0 , 4:-. I •-ed New York Markel Srvi Your. 11larch 2701.—Enenlog - -Pbuir opetbd ith hld•is asking Is advance. N.. Imp...tont n 111.1.. Ix even, 11 110 rralired, nisi the tont Let cl,es .1 sl .14 at 9 1.1. '- pi els; dew.. is less eisstyrn demand, while the Ina.e i t r 1 fuse to pnichase more than sulliciput to supply the 1 1 ..1 passi rig wants; ahipplrw are not inn Ils. nun ItiAt 1.1.1. at $6,870u7,2..! for 1,/ltillion lA, ?tat.: and 41,40111, $:.2*,,,,,;57,50 for ex ti in Stole; $7.2.51...V. ton Mug to..lin. el mks •.f extra NVAAA•Iet end $501'410,_3 for extr.t t;ene s...., mor t,..i. cl os ing dull. tool the tendelly. if 1014 11 hr.:. 111 favor of buyers. In Citiontinii then. L..x doing, the market. however, is without 1111100111 M 1•11110, . 01,1 t•. Moto at $7.350459,2:1 for common simerthie to rhos, , 1i,.. hull, of the sales are at V.0.74ta.5. , ,50; Sonde-in is in fair request, and the minket closod a stunts 111 . 1111•1 , salvo 1:00 libls at $7,82048 for nit xOl to rhoi.,. owl lor fancy and extra. Sales 5(0 bbk, common Rye l'lrrlr r I the market is willsont material Oiling, Coin Niro] pl.lity and dull; sales 20In Jersey itt $3,21 1 1. Whisk easier, with n large supply, and only 14 very mod er ab. inland; sale" 300 bola: Ohio and Prison at 27 1 ...2.e25. Trllll- , actions In Wllltat are Andy toit limited ardent, 011,1 1110 10/11. 1101 Li without Important change; the demand is chiefl) $4 . home consumption, and the stock is light; holti•Al, moist inpAE full priced:, sake 1500 Nish. common red 0 0 essee at $1.82, and MOO bush. prinlo do. at $1,75. lino nyslerati.l4 metier, and somewhat mixettled, the demand heiny entiryly for tilling contracts; sales 12.000 bosh. at $1.12i.0 $1.14. in store. nod delivered, closing at $1.13, llirlivr•iirol; tin April delivery parcels can he bought in the neighborhood of $1,05. There is nothing doing in Barley; the st,.k is limited and the market very flan, In (eon the troll•Aar• [long aro only to a moderate extend, and the niarket heavy; strictly prime parcels aro wanted at 70 to on ~,„, tracts, while the range of all other ilesortptionm is i'M4lO,, sales f 1.1.000 hush. Oats In moderate requent at 40X,142 1 1 tate and 4.34.48 for Chicago, which are quit • /warn, Then,. Is a better demand for Pork, and the works' is tinnier .lys 2,2 W 'dile. at $18.120141025 for 111000, nod $l5 for Prime, indenting 500 hhl,. loess deltverable befom the first of Septendser at $l5. hoof important Agiottgo, and the demand 10 moderate: aides 250 1 1 11 M• at $11:2N048.75 fir vomit ry prime; $0,2540411 f , r coed ry laraa- and $13.25 i..r mparked Western MOM. 11.104 Mans "teeny, with out,., el 7 51.1,1". r o mmon at $l4; prime Mess Reed plenty sod dull st f 175gr..2t sales 200 tierces Ohlo. Moab. 111 Mir y..- 111104111 steady prices; sales 31111 1.444 g, at .0744 1..1 el Meru, and 143i0ri9 1 /. fon 1181110. 1.111 , / 11.055 .,. ; .01;0 :and 0 1 404,93,;. Nothing chum In Rayon, and pi iv .se woo. nally thy, mune. flood Rutter is ill &Malta at full pi i. 4 . while nemnn,n and inferior are dull and tir..•pline 1 11,.... quiet at 8011014. I.Bg.fin I" el 21.600 713 pi ,033,460 Vkfl 390:2r 1 22,23G,41.5 $l2O 604 290 13:1.110,512 $ 6,212.719 6.672 R M Baltimore Cattle Markel BALT Ira., March 27 utivt..4 311.! 41 Ortll W I.lllltolslplills. ssoolltolet w e re sold at 11 . ;,.; lingo tirtuer, selling at t., • • . 17 • '4 , 4 ' 4 4 , • • •-• r- j ,111.1. 5 1.1,10 =MEM =BEM 1:1111=IIIE1111131 Cattle. Market. A Lomite, V. Mnrch -4 - ~.,-. , Philadelphia Market. tILADIMPHIA4 March 27.—Flonr firmer under foreign mi ni and standird brands held at $7, without sales. tip flour In fair demand ; sales 600 bbls. at P. Corn-meal steady; sales 300 bbls. at $3. Fair demand for Wheat with bnt limi ted amount offering; salea 1500 hue. good red at $1,75. and 500 bushels prime white at $1.95. Rye In fair demand, and atrn,ly; sole. 5000 bushels Western at $l. Corn continues in active request; sales 12,000 bushels at 69, afloat, and lots In store at 68 1 ,x. Oats dull; calm 3000 bushels at 36038. Cloverseed in d6mand, anal further advanced; sales 100 taus. at $66249 'f 61 lbs. Mess Pork steady at $l7 ; imuiked hams 11412.; side.; 10; shoulders 9. Whisky stwaly at 290,31 is Wits., and 27 in Mids. Cincinnati Market )1i1.11 . 1127.—F1..ur liras; VA Mad. la I4uvi.inna firm. Bacon higher under fuvurible New Or leans advices; buyers ,dier 7',;;', fur sides, but they sum held at 7.1,:,; no sales have transpired. 'Whisky dull; Rains inn lads. at 19j„p41g%. Sugar firm and stead) ; wdes 94 lihds. at % 1 s i29, ; 1 4 f, fair 11.11.1 and prism. Cuff.: Pains 49 bap; nt. The river Is rising slowly, with abunt 15 feet ti filches water In the channel, IiALTI3II.II.F., Man loarkete ar, veia•rn.lly firm and letter. Wheal has ad vahred ivitto latah..l. 10- low ~1,1 at Howard kittill..s7,PJ.. RIVER NEWS. From Cairo. [By the L ni.n T..legrTh Line.) W.rither void un,l cloudy. Rivor rising slowly. (roiglth from Ciocitioati and N,IV Orloans. WO Flyer, for St. 'mined this Morning; ' , aunty llullitt. from Now It.lraii4 for I.oifiro illy, arrivtol lo time for limo Si. I.syqiA I,,,,,,nrigers Lai,: liiin loot ning'n train. Th, It. J tot Neu 0r1.".. at 3 I.m•k, I'. M.. igu,....11 1...18 tiny tram H Inn is , ; ”lo• in lo.oily •cLod Tue ItlVt.ll - Ai 1111 , k I.trtt wet.. t ii •.1 ,l•tel 11:11111.-1, and h.. a , mul, flea 111110'11 1 . 01.1 1111.1 11 N.l , 9.11.•,1 „ft anti .•11 nll ,1,13 .trairwr "1 , L , 1rt,..1" I, Ili , . r••0114tr 41.•it00.r 1.)-1 111.• t• 1 • I , I.• lir, ~tlomla) is. •• ilvst L., As, 1.)", - C 4 ‘l. , " ~,••. I, , •ltiLig Alav ultd G.llll • : 4 11. , 13, rt).l st 11..1' • 11l a Cut•t. M. 1141 }lam N'exl A th. , p.t.ket Ivitipao) him 15, , —••11 t. 1.11i1.1 I.ott w lAkt• .1 Ih. • 11.,• lA," 1rx.1.-mht 1.- 1., II i.s.ttit.. 1.1 A.l. 1:41.t ‘,ll 1.,. 1111 %. I.:, I.- A. act.l I'4ol %N. A.A.'. A 1,••4•• 'f'v• • 'I 1•••‘, tn. IS•Ni I /lit alko/, .41 ill° IT tit; /*art .11,11. , ,v , • I :.•t:t t.. 1, T.1•41t1,.7. up In. A [Kan., Tlsn •• /I/ 11•./11 the ..1111r n I.y 1.. u r. Ti,t. 1.. M 1... s, di 1, 1 i ..1 1•,¢1.1 ‘Viii 1. 1,41.1 V I, -I I. nit, thi. ell lot ...111.1i, i,. 111 11,..tit -- . 1 tr , //. II..•1 Use 11141—, IMINIIIMI 11E1=1 1. , A; I 11,. if It.: of the b:sp‘ltt-, ..tl.l least . L. r 1..• I+.J. , •f 5....111.1 •• k mitt) (Lunen ~ tly 1,11, 1110, att.! jrt It,. .Im, T•t• Lv t I .t.. 11111, • t 1..• I..nn•n. ..f ill•• u..ith• -1.. 1.. -tl , t• II 1,1% , y1.r III• {111.411., t.. , t 11.4•11 ' lt r nl.. rill ..11 . • I IiEIEMINIE=II i. v i.... ... =Mill IMIM31111111111111311111111!1111111111 'Vol 1 oN .1 • 10. `o 14,1 Izool ro 41 , ai4 th. • .t/.al 1.1,1 1112.1. , I. IV I. V Of-. 001 0 . 0 v .. r., o•11.1.1I hoot,. 110. 111 • r 1,1.1 r i I ‘4 , ltilatel at/.IIAI/1 , 1• ,, 111. 1.1.111 IZoolla 7.1 tstfc, •••it 01 Ih 1.) `oo.l/10. 1111,1114 p 111111,11,..1 In .11. r 0.1 harl wt. 411 , 1 /o 1 :411 Ioloolo41.1111) +lat 6-1 .$ll I.t Iti.;11! T3l. 1•1111 14,11.1 • la, ~1 tLo P. 411, ..113 14 • 11.•• ~I.callart Vann itt N 11 .,, ,, 1 1 , 0 - 1:1V. - r. 1,1411 , a,1, .I• nl,O, 11,,,,1 the hairth Ifiert t, .111 . Stli• 11/ lib a salt, r, , , haul, ,Ltuagt , I , lll[ll 40.1 The Kt.. Anti, hit.. (101. r.• 1 4 ,11, L•Gitt..; h, I 1.. I:oth 11.1 1...1 .0 18111 qt. Atel N.,. L*llll, .6/1 th. lAN, 1., It Lt, ‘nrnun, .11n. 1 , 11 St i. , 116 net tbe l'2th mitt ur rtsr..l I...v.t.rtts sit ;6 Tt I. Nrn i•-•IiAS. Nct , n,ka.. (It Ed. 11 rt Wt. rskrnstnls Ns. '2. Gran. Turk, rani k t• l% is ..11,ttsi . I: ; 4 man.. anti ntrrrs,l Its t 113rg, st:ttlsts,. 11 str ant .1 .1: 1., -I Ito us In rvotrtn't tuns . st,/ Ism IL,, purl nz.t,tl triu:6,l 1,. Ks,. thrto t.. m 11.• wart IT 110.0t1011 Ih. al, . 1.. Irf 111,s punnet kn.ts i,, stilnil manner 11... osstssitt ntss trntirtronted " IME=3100:1931r11 lirEell A I: - A ED f.ll7ntwth. .1. 111.1...., oe. FIAN •• Iteuurll. It/ tqvuovtil.. Atoll 1 , 111. 1(.4•111.A.11. NrYr 1.14,4, • I , lm 0t It.. N 1,11,1 , • 1.e.: I • I- .n. Nl+l 11..111 •• ,st HALI,4II. 1...1114 •• I %LI!! 1,1/1. A M US EM ENTS. r 1 111 1 , : A T 11E. .1. 1'w...14:n. Role I ,esse••• ;rail Nt•,,k II ~ I n.,••• 31: I'll 4, I ,, ..ratt. TI. :1,111 Pnr.itt.•tte I far, . (41 1 . 11,00 •. ••••11t.. A ...Aro. V. 7,b. y IT II M II I NI A I: 1 R. 0 1 0 i T 1T.11.11 EVEN MANCE! Mn olk s‘l.all VntNll.• • ••i T:tl.l. NI'ltrol••; 1 , •114,.11,1 , 1, •••••• . N1L11.4 ail, h.II, M Cant, ISMITIE (with \11.• y Ihk. \I r• IS k XV .tIIII:1 'l. 1. LA n•I • .1114. f, t.. 7; , utintit N'. Mt .krT111", !I'LL ER aw l ty u 111 .11,•1.1 and 1,,,i1,1111,141 1111,14: 01,40F.1tTA, 1.x4 - ruitK.s. EN:111111Tb ll,' Mortting r 1 •r• , ,,,i,1 Ittl,•tt I)I. C. M.•L:\N K'S LIVER PILLS AND VERNIFIICE I M P It U V E I) . 1.!: I 2 , 0 'ri ' . 11.1141)+11,bn e , :u.•l indoci,l lii it "mm 1,11.14114. de .Ir , • 1.• nulLa ilog, a.a :tsi I‘IPID)VENIKNT o:\ THE ORIiIINAL LIVER PILL AND FUG I.: OF DE. MOAN I.:, I.r. thnan n•nnalinn an the madi. al I, liar t 1 U1A11) 011: INIPROVF:1) LIVEI: PILLS AND 1 . F:1:N1111'0E nnattar nil nn , 1,1,, mild in Inar rt... II an OW LIVI, I'M 1',•111111ing. pntasod an anlnig n. tiro arnrinal n. 4of Dr C. N1..1,u4,•. \‘,. rool oolool000•nool lltein Ito Imo, Sul.. 100 , 1 tin 1.11, 1...1111.10 . 1t,n • tlnn L. any ,a.linr L 4 a ivnr Vnrniiingt ernr propnretl. Itentl ('erl 'nettle of Dr. C. 111cf.ainr, belosr. WHOLE' 4O11.1) rONQ1'11:1:1)! DR. I. SCOTT'S CELEBRATED TUN CIRCISSIIN I,IIIIENT. Thy tll l ,‘..rst:,l arrnit .1 by niploc3lll.4 thi+ I'EL IZlllt VEKI , KINII 101,, ill of lt ln•nnuti,w 1.111.1.g0, Solo T 11,41. SprninA. 5ttf1ii......•1 the .1.111.1 K. :• 1 / 2 11t1 , , Itnn.a. Ache. t . /MY .41k, ilinettne Inch it Pain Is 11w.41. enable. its la aslant to,untivnly that Dr. 1. i'xi,Kitr;A • rm9 ‘IIIITE CIRCASSIAN LINIMENT in tho itnntt nnfe nud pie:want rminnly vet dine, , vered, 'tensing nnminnlting. pr ,, pertien hir II EALINti DISEASE and E PROMPT ERADICATION OF PAIN. 'MI. many nt tnolitihnni to it:, vtrtnen, given by pennant of IIIII•Crity. sl tl4 111 , 111 , all to na , mt it WI It ntnulhtri Family II tie.lr. The MI.( intireMilmis nal malting nwrn than the halan Mg lest . Lit Dr n greet ilinetive,rer READ! READ!! READ!!! 111oRwormvx, Pe.. Sla.. 12, 16.55. 77,1, b , eer ify. !hut I have exturtittea the 1... 1.1 , larnup Mulnu,e n Improre.l l ertutfutzt, awl Liver Ittll,, 1,, Di. I. n,nt. ‘,114. Imet, IN THE HABIT UF PREPARING AN Ltl,'SINll MY ORIUINA I. 3IEDICIN ES IN lII' (.F MICE .10, - uLt the lam THIRTEEN YEARS. and that I 1,0Ii•-,0 be nun I Nll . ltOV ED 'CHEM. I make the above statetnerit the 1110, willingly 1.1 I HAVE NU INTEREST IN THEN! WHATEI Eft. I would further state limt itietl his CELEBRATED WHITE CIRCASSIAN LIN I )1 ENT in lily prartlee, wall the happiost etfirts, unJ that I ;101 you , sorut.i.au.ly recoruniund it. C. McLA.NE, M. D. All the rinuye Medicines preparud solely under the ,urper. vision of 'Pr. I. SCOTT. ~.Sold b) Druggists mei Tdrrchunts ovoryulluru. Tkin Ai EN UI NE Dr. C. INIA:LAIVI:8 IMPROVED LIVER PI LIS AND I NIERAiVED V aro slgn•-,I I, Dr. I. :WA Yr'r A U') ornanpnnird Ly corlirirate of Al. NI rLAN E. Th.• U KNII INK NV II l'l'R I'IRCASSI AN LINIMENT llr I Sell'lT itePompanied mills nigt.lll it, of I. :4, I'l', NI L.. PR 1 SOOTT & OR. Soh. Propri.l,4". tank Flew.% Nion;antok-o, Va. PR. O. 11. K EYSKIL, NVbole+alt.:l,4,•ot, I 4) Wood street, Pittsburgh. JAS. P. ' , LK:IIII'4U, Al, t, iwr lykik , ll Near Railrokil-Iti.4. A 11.•Klo•n y. k Flitt'AN Al PANE PEPPER--anti 11, 1; A. FAIINESTI..IeI{ 9 Cosner Yirtd and Wood -rt.:cu.. HIEZZIE 1131E1 1855. . 1856. • Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, LOUISVILLE AND SAINT LOUIS. THE PITTSBUITOII AND CINCINNATI STEAM PACKET LINE, For: CONVEYANCE OP PANSKNOERS AND FREIMIT THIS Lin In composed of seven arsbelass, powerful Steamers. tine quailed for speed, splendor, safety awl comfort, and is the ONLYIItOUGH DAILY LINK OF STEAM PWEETS on the Ohio river. It cumnects with the 11. S. Mnii Line of Steanierg from Cincinnati to Louisville and Saint Louis, hy which passengvil, and freights are ticArted rezeiple I through dila!, Two new S41\111 , 1:I have been 4 , 144 , 1 to the Line, which now consists of thv following Isslts Boots. Ophtior thqslrturr httsburgh. BUCKEYE STATE.. M.W.llo..mmona,,Staiday. CITY OF WII EEL] NG.... Joss,Mondsy. ALLEOIIENY I. N. eksati: 'Tuesday. CINCINNATI AWL IL4 I Wednesday. HUILA it PII I ...... . 11. LI. On %es. ..... PENNSYLVANIA Jens IL LINULTER... Friday. Pittsburgh, Steubenville and Wheeling I=l3 The DIURNA I s Capt..). A. Snotes, and the trottEer (Airy; Copt. It. W. will run us REUIJLAR DAILY PACK.F.TS between Pith.- burgh. Steubenville and Wheeling, mlnpping ut all interme diate porta. Ti,' DIURNAL will leave Pittshinich on Monday.. • Wed m• wlula Fridays, at 1.0 Wt.lock. A. 151.—tirnal.NIN.i, .01 learn 14,11w..1ing on Tneeduys, Thitrodayl m a d Fat orditslA, :a A. Fl WEST erri wilt uhu) litaYll Pit hthur4li nn T,4,1” vs, and :-'utoulsys, ut lu dA,wk. A a.1.--Rwmar.o , , Mlollthlyn, .Ins 0., al 7 feb« k, A Al bov . 2S .V&A Ti...t. 11111, .1 ASI ES PAR .I'ol4. R. will 1....tv0 for Ana inns nosltst.• part,. Nit Ori VA V. Thio•h 31st. ott I u ..'elck, A NI F.Jr 11.4g1l ~r plountge mind t. 011 1....art1. or to 1 , 1,1r1( 11.klitta'1 4 , Agent, Itegolor 1.114 ket for %V heeling, litarleita, liarkentinarg. flock I tigport. Pon. ro, , Point Pleiniant and 91..• wm nil I r,. rr 14.10 t olr Imola .I,noto,•r CII f.lt 1 I,* 1% • I .1 our. , o. 01l n 0 ,.. I 1 111 o 1101 1 la n/11.1 I. la ry 1 , / !du. ot 1 I . 11 ,A, is a , ••11,111, tul.lot nt 111. .14• trf, la / a VII heir) and -11,11 nto et n. For Zonedit b.. Mar I II F 011 I Nit! U. r ft! ~tl,' iCataGl...th,l-topt if 11 t hive 1.4 111. Arid nott , rfloolottle la , rta 1111 Tllllltr(1.1 I', 111 , 1,1,11 -;11, At I li ,, I ‘1 114 atilt .n pa-ala (WON 1, Irala I I 1.1/ Jul 27 I .1 I I \ 0.1111101, Ai tot, lent Lo.alle and Illinol. RI, er TII , .t, tool, Fitt I) L /KEN/ Gtpt. ii aa,' kalt""kl..„'rn:;ll all 'nt "Ina. 1 ire 1.1 a I isB.ll, 11141 11 otor.l I 1 , , 11..112K k ll\ tkol-.1 ., 1\ 1_• W , For Rl. Louis. 111 r 1l AI: i boon 11, LL 14- 1 1..... I I ki n -roll 1..•1,..1 I tin 1.• 10111 111 a• I la a I'I'IIOU A 1 ai 11 _-.U,. M=E=3l :It 10 A. f... ft , apply .4' 1.. ItARNKs A ( 1 1 1 loor Cincinnati. 51.,-onrr ST 14.015. Capt. J e 11,11,1 i N L 6 k, II L 111117,4 th—V. it. 11,. for 110. IN /VI. ',tad 110.ornalat0 ports 011 FRIDAY )larch k, ./1 10 A NI. 11 , 94 . ,11t proltaLp , apply lomrd. or to LI N' Ag4nto rbt. steam., RELIANCE. Capt. NT ILSON CI oosA 111,u W.,n^rltA—k. ill kn. f..r the at...,v0 Ana int,rtn,dv, portA on TII • Rel.A . ‘1,,, el. •;tll, of Itt A. M. 1 , ..r bright 1)1,..;e apply 11.1 1,..,.4ra. or to 05112 , , FLACK. LI VI NtieCoN For St Louis. .le.irtwr .1. N 1 . 111 , , , , , MA N. Capt. A. b N‘‘ -4 S ‘l.l . I. LIU 1 . , the AiK•Vi. .111 tutvrla. , lmt.- , 11 1 1111rA1 , M.tr..111 , 11,. a: 10 A M tr. 101.1 appl, 1.“,t1•1.../ 1. , H.ACK N 6 ' . 1 . 11N. A,. _ For St. I.ottls. I: , .1 II HALLMAN. 'Apt N: (1..,k, R. 1:00:val.,: -,111 kat.• r..r. th. 01,,v, ud 0/1.0 - 01: , 1,,i , 1.071 00 ATI . RDA t, 01 10 A. NI. r• 041 :t o , r it:0014.41. :TON boara. or I.: 1011 . _:0 FLACK k IA V !NOS'S 1,00,1 A. For I:lihritiunt I. 11.• Ilu.. tgagtoottgor outogo - Kg: 4 44lEll_ Capt. NI ttad tog tag-- t 1.: Tlbb: s tg leAtat for t gual iutorgoeghoto portp vu I' Itl DA Nlardg at lu o'clock. - A. M. Ir.tr 1g -gt All. r togagg.aggg apply goo board, ggr toll - 21g BAK"( 1g.:4 LI V 12 , :1eft/N. Agent, r The h.r. iianneug, Stiesmor T Irvr, Clerk I IV,rtt r will leave k,r ag • • the mei interwl,lntite pviti• no :'ATUR• OA Y. Mulch nt tho'rleck. A M. Ireirht or pleimpre iiri . 4) lentrrl or to ink 1. BAUNKS A COI.I.ING.:1011, .1y.131. i • Tin, tmeautt, C It' it EAKIN T. 'A ilt .1. 4:1; DAt.r..--Cl, tit. AllN STot• (or the shore 4ttei intente,hato pot to S Vrt' It I) %V. linti•lt :(1 A M. For ft t•i t ,,ht of cine , a.f.” apply on Itt turd ~r t , . lull FLACK it LI V N 41S TO :4 . ~'i-t',;~ ~ , • • •74.1" t. • .• • . 5 C1.". - 4 " 4 C. . • STEAMBOATS. fl T:V=l Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Louisville, and Saint Louis. PITTSBURGH / io'N es_ idellVtl daily at 10 A. 1. preciiieJy. No freight lixeivell after ultin o'clock ou the morning of ,p.irture. I=l 1., 11.4.1 t ..r itt. to .1 U COLLINtiISI,OII, N... hoot xtr.•«l For Nashville GE=l For St. Loot.. The mean -r NES HY URA FF. Capt. U.L !Sic kaptit C J IL ST !II lertvo and 11,Nrcnolaat, ports on PHI DA V, March '28c1.), at .11.) A. M. P frelett r4...ttatien nerdy .:11 1 , 111.1 . yr to For; St. - Cottle, Galettil Paul. TI.• ,tenmer A IT NI Copt Man; lgelerk, M racy Will leave f..r the rth"ve and int et - we:hate pt,r F'ltl U.l Y, 11a,.1i . .3t..)1. lit 16 A M. wlfl FLA(E S 13\ INGFTON, Aointn Poe Cincinnati and Louisville. THE ctdendid steautf,r Oirit L 477,1 1 .4 41 W Nrsa.r—Clerk, Daava, will leas.« for alawe all ais.l uatrm«dwlu lawlinaa ! 1:11)11. ?lard, ...Nth, at Ili A. NI. ft.•iglet 4/1 npixl) t For S. Louim and Illinois River. Th.• i'Apt Tl, it ALlAro.—Clerk. A. (.1 4.e tit. , 41...vt. and tut,n),.linte p,ntx ..ti TI Al, April 1.14,tqA Vor Memphis. and New Ortrnuo Th.. A Apt 1e —4l,k, H. K. lit itg4.l urtrnm-lu. n• . March 7s4h. fr.,111 ..r qprly t.I . . .. Nor SI. Loa and. St . Paul. The ,temtler IL% Itli o.tptlin IV ‘i:Dri• It Ili.. :11Id 1114,111,11.1.• 11.1 , .•tt Nit IN I) AV. Nlar,b 71-t. Ht lb 44 . 1..1:, A ‘I F it In'igia tr upply RI. \ LI V ING:IToN. _ For Lon letv lilt. st. , ani..r VI EN NA. C.kpL Cu ,s E. II .r. V 26 14 , 4 4.. 5 sill kin.. For I 11.. al.vv, and ilti,rurdmi , ts TI I 1..1t51 , A Y. 31o.relt IN, 1.. F. 4 freight ta par age, apply on hoard. marl _ _ A )10 N -- It NSPOILT A 'rION _EA LINE. Ittirni , NV, are 10,w pretianal'Air.44l , t II F.Avy husINE:4. , -; he PENN St ht .‘,.t A Ca . Al, ISAI Llti 44 D. TIIRiIDo ill TO AND FROAI TIIE EAST ERN CITI El- We 'an avaure our oiotal- and all 11.... 4,p00d to patronDo tle• Pentm nor that ii" 1.110 will Fpar , i I.• salisl . I" , 'IoP pees ,A WV-4,11 Fr..lolt. Th.. A Vol DA 'WI: ill" THE INCLINED PLANES ON THE ALLE,:IIh:NI Ml' 4D !MI I.lto AD will Kier inereawd dospah hto Ile , le:mm.o.4ou or frelkh iltilee on I'l NN tai vet, al the Canal 110114 LLOYD .5 I,ENDIN. •- • 17" I ER'S TRANSPORTATION LI NE.- Anticipnline Die want of facilities tin transporting Prourlit4 to and !rain the East .•rn yin Pennsylvania Canal and Itannw.,,, we hay. inereased our .04 . 1: of Boats. Are.. saw, to a 1a 101 l LE LINO, whirl, gives us a cap:n ity of over 1:01 tonre i•er tuna lli erwil way. We smut.. our friends. and those disposed to patronise the State insproventonts, theme will he nothing spared on our part to render general uititiliwtion in forwarding Eastern and Western Freights with promptitude and ileepatell. KIER Sr. Ittmll-7 (Simi) Ittniu P-ttfithurgh, CANAL BOATS FOR SALE. offet f.. 1 'f'W‘i kNTIALIN 10.11. T CANAL 141tV.U.S, KENNEDY 31. 1 . ..arl Sienna 51111.111..p1i0ti. S'l'( I(' I N ("I.'llltY. ('. 7 DALY ~.11,1 ..1 shu k.•I nll3 Fillh C 1.1111,411 1 .1. /L 1,1%.1 hat 1 , . 1 t 441ti.ul 111 I. 1. OW ht. ev-nlll. itn t.l II.•t. tolvistioit 11.+ illf•KIIIS tho 141614' 1 / 1 .11. C.,11111111 , , It, 1260/111 4 eel all I.iiele lIVSII Kl, at hie ealaliltalinient Ilk Fa,- lidt to near Itynn'a faiildiaid, on FIFTII .treat--oven at all idles to the sal of 11, piddle. lira. liesnlea Ike work his im iiiitifis•lnte. lirought tothe , iit the eiief .4 (100IIS in lain Idle ever !lilt ity. are u arrant...it In he of the brat quality, and trill Lie sold at the most reasonable priers. 11l Lae but one ittNint, Id the eel ma of Nliti tart alley and k iRL street, C. 11A I.V. Corner Mat ket alley and Fifth at C4IIPRELL N. POLLOCK, tioi.Esn I. 14 DK-tit:RS IN Staple and Fancy Variety and Dry I;nods PLAIN AND WAVED LINE GILT MOULDINGS. No. 95 Wood el., Corner of liletenond alley . r E Y refer to a I.ttg experience in this business its a Baba glaltallLet , to the purrionwr that he will get the !alert and hem styles, and at price, as low us any other ,stabliehmont. Au inepection of their neck tucpra no obligation to boy Equal attention will be ehown to Merchants, whether their calls be tor eintnineuon or purchase. mkt i'..:lotd,Eitw NOTI(2E - --TUTIIE TAX — A - 13 1:E8 OFTHE tar.:t . ENT!! WA It O—The County ConimiesionerN. have chnoged the time fur the Appeal,/ in said tram from Mardi :11t , i to May 121 h. ROBERT THOMI'`c 4 ON, inhlirot Assessor. I)HATT'S 11AUGERREOTY1'ES AND AM.- BID/TYPES, which give buch genernl satisfaction ate laily obtain.), in every kind of weather, ni Lafayette Bahl. Nn. ST fullftlll street. Particular attention paid to iiiihrotyping, 89 ttre time of sitting is much lig , kthau rr .pitied for Idaugerrnotypos. Pictures of children thken hi teniseernitla in either of the aboye tralued styles'. Audires typo or DaYgerreotype Copies run& correctly front cvriy kiwi of pictorts. Warranted perfect. Prices nwiderito. inu motto in, TO PLF.ASE. B JJ rh. lacy article iPu Y eo S to ; r it t r jr a lt yp F ig 'A tn Si ' in , mh24l HENRY • .• • A •• • - - - • - -P . f'- ' ' k`2 ,- .i? -T- - ?'' ,l '/.- , 31 -- ,F", - :,":,. - ..'"2 -- .:-C":; - ::--_:.4 ., , , .. 5_.,:,:„.„. „ .., :___,,,,.., 4,,,,,,,,,t0jci,..4„.,,,„Atr:r.-71,;!;;i:,4;..i: 4 .,, i .i, ~ , ,ti •it -. 4 .. 2 , , '' . ;' , g ere i.,-! , ..,-_,i, - , 5-4..i , ,Z,}1 - ;:;;C ,:1, ..-..., ' ' 1 ' '• ,' ' , V;4 ' t . rd' , F. , .' - . . - 4.tilfskr-px',le,t, -,.:-Y - -;:2 - r' . ..7.:-:4h. ... ._......." - . } ~:. ..:,,,„,:, 1 , ... -- - ov-:-.-7--4,.. ,;/;,-., 1 - ` - '..r, - "i'...,:1il ... ,-.:.---- ---. . ,„, , -- „,. , a - - ,,.,, - ,.0- „.1.,, ,4..,..,::. .:,.. :-,,„......, , .., HOLLAND rEns ELEerito.4.ll. EM LKQ Vk E AROMA 0 Eck Hollamba. cn. AY ilk-M. TWO - YEARS httvn aln.p .r i nince the intro duct inn of thin vuluabir .t ..l nc intn the Unitr,l Stat,• ,batur . dny, ing tine time it hie induct tniverraf popularity ris my for fryer and Apar, Dyrpoprin . j,,as j Apraite, Blind and Altrdiag Many of our must worthy cltigens testify to Ifs volderfnl efficacy in all affection,' of the stomach and Ilver. As • tonic, it never has been equalled, for the relief it affords in 0 all cases of debility, or weal :netts of any kind is almost in stantaneous. In nervous. rheumatic and niiitalOc-affee• tho", it has in numerous instances provid 'Uglily beneficial, ami it, 'Aber', effecter' a decided cure. When nutinent phynieinus prescribe, and their patients 60 linhenitatingly recommend , nurely wry nifty ranee t :butt, and exgrrly tent Ito virtues for ~urnolven. FBI' Eli AND AGUE. A nu. •!1 . IG9ht c' ..sestina eared -.l4l""erf&A‘s FN. t ro l 80/ref.—Si ref.—Michael Kelly, No 117 Brunt, mawin Sttoleld street. nsyo: '• Lint .Ittly. while rim:ill - it: 41i1 the river, 1,41iT betWel•ti NlktGht. and New (Means, I was token with f e v . er and futile. For eight long menthol suffered dreadful The greater Hirt el k this titer I I , ln 1.11110 , 10 to not k, and slant at least fifty dollars for dif ferent medicines, but I found no pertnatient relief. Three weeks ago, one of my friends insists! upon my trying Boor hovi.'ll Ilolletntl Bittern, saying that it cure Imes guaranteed. After taking it for one we•••l4%, I melt ntato I wfial noun: men. 1 liar.. twat, at work now few two weeks, and have had no return of the chills and fever whatever.' I certify &ha abort, 4M/anent Ix Irmo. 'Maras PANS, Diamond Homo, Or at K. ebrater'“, Gothic Hall Mr ts‘s!tt t 4 a t.th, ttf Itirnuttalstarn,.xp: a T burn found In ntst-tittive'st Initt•ru n rortststly Itrutlache null dot illty 311 mt ass hal ulso uttottl it with the grtsntsmit.t benefit" Mr. A S. Nittlst.l.tutis t tsf l'ittAttstrgls, KWt rtsusurkß that he Itivt esclterioneed mat-11 (viler fn nu itn UPC Err intatindfft. A -11ollender's Itinakm, living in the I{ Ilnnd eettliment of Sheboygan, Wioeonohy nap r " After iniffering for name time the misery attending on niter priei natioa of mind and bdy, I have been restored, by titling Itnerhsive'a Holland ilittem, to perfect health." The fart of tide remedy being In ouch high reptile among the ibilliindera in IVieetinsin, Michigan, New fart, hi every Itollxnd aettlerrient in tho United `fates-=argues much in its favor. • STICENOTII A-ND Iit:ALTTI RESTORED. Darninon, lir lug ten milen above Pltfriburgh,"on the Pommy] vutilte Costal, day,: 's When I CO niniew,l taking It,erhare'n Itolirrod Bittern, I could lewdly walk—now, I enlJor exeelletit heoltb.” W EAR NESB cIF THE SD MACTI AND INDIGESTION . . nif Merhares. 1141ond Ititfrrs. —The air., of Peter ilt• Witte. living to Hedlund Than. She- Wieeondin. eutfer...l intuit from ironic lode, of the nbiumelt and indigestion. Site had been under IL phytti coin's cute ti.r e. 400 11111, 1.11. the didenee deemed to battle even hid via ill z.die I.nrrltruwl MIIIII, Bittern at our office. which bud given tone Ii her ,tottnich, her appetite anal •arenetil are returning.. viol no firmly helieve that thin is another great cure effected by your medicine% We have mill to record ninny wonderful ciires cflect.l by add remedy, but meat wok another opportnuity. One thing you ran rely upon, what we liner publndled tire from perdoud touch respected In our community, and are literally true. .1. Qumran, Editor Shainyinin Nienntt.le, Phahnygan, Win. 11.141111MATIF.11. A (bee of Two Months' ::needing Cured by .Horrgctres 1701- i luta Balers.--lleorge Henderson, of Pittsburgh, us s: “Attor suffering for three months with rhettmatism--5 art of the tints so severely 821 to confine too to toy bed—l one been entirely cured be using itoerhavit'ii Holland Itltte . I 11:1 , t. 1.1 tale attack since, lint farad sltriost instantaninins relief in tli , . sonic tin4ficiiiii. it is, in my opinion, a suns tinineily 1 . ., iLeitinititinin." ====MMM==l ~r iork hi-. To twin...T. troubloil with 11.11,0111; rhamiiat wo would ilollitnit Hitt r 4. tit, rtiffirring t.. out poi will liedfri.rn F-• olio one finit rhirttan i unit Itngllrill citi7omir visnia Zabf/Ig. ruitst (IN PILES CAN BR CUIt?.D. are at liberty to refer to several well known gentle men. who hate coed, thoroughly teettuLand now rummtaend Holler 41 !latent as It remedy for pllem. si's are i.. 4 nt liberty to pul Holt their nanola, but will take pleasure to relrrting any pers.. - in them who denies this state.. ot. Vor this nifaction. one-half of the prescribed iltwe tihouhi 1.. taken--may haff.fenspr-onful—tunrning„ [won null might, ono hour L.fore moats. CA UTTON ! • The great popularity of this delightfUl Aroma ham Induced many imitations. which the public-should gnarcdagninet pur: chasing. Px not persuaded to buy anything elan until von hove given lioerhave'a Holland Ilittera a fair trial. One bat- Ile will convince you bow infinitely intimcior it la to all filo!. itnitatinnn. it4P- Sold at 31 le , r bottle, or Rix bottle); for SS, by the 010 pruprie,tt... BENJAMIN BAUR, 902, Illiinufacturing Pharnmerirtists add I.llr. Smithfield nod Third scrbets. RiCfBl.orFh. it. E. SELLERS d COMM. 5e,(.111/ And Wood,ntreot, And all Druggists in Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Birntinglintn, Manasster and Tempsrancerills. serar,drAgly INVIGORATING CORDIAL, A PHENOMENON IN MEDICINE. Health Restored and Life" Lengthened MORSE'S INVIGORATING ELIXIR. IT WILL replace weakness with -Strength, incapacity with Ndidency, irregularity with uniform and natural utivity. snip this Dot only without hazard of tune than, but with a happy effect on the general organization. WI-Boar in mind that ntl maladies, wherever they hsgin, tinich with the nervous system. and that the paralization of the nerve of motion and sensation is physical death. Beer in mind. aloe, that Mr every kind of nervous disease, the rim r Cortisi u., the only pliable preparation known. Dubn q iii and 9! I=3 langtouor‘ can convey an adequate id ,m of the immedi ate and .dinost miraculous change which it occasions in the disewetd, delnittatol and shuttered nervous aystri-ni, whether broken down by tV. , ,a; by nature, or impaired by .ieliess—rho unstrung and relaxed organization in at Met, braeed, reel, ifeel and built up. the mental and plivmced sytindomß of nervous diI , PRP... vanish together under its intlu ern,. Nor is the effect tent' entry; for the Cordial properties of the neslWitio rear II the constitution itself, !mid resters it to its nor MAI condition. giditiess. rush of blood to the head, teelanchely, hyt,tea in, wretchedness, thoughts of solide.struction ittnitity, dyspepsia, general proAtration, nercouttne...4, inability to sleep. dis.alle incident to elates, ..1 the ftr.4;taratio , . tam-tionA, hysteria, monomania, var.. tern.rtti 1 Il,ilatiou ot the 11,1 rt, impotently, constipa- Li.... etc., trots whatever closes arising is, iflre be any r.-li.nce h. he placed on I an testimoDy, able' tely The onparalliied effects of this great restorative In all enmplinids incident to females, mark a new emln the atitmis of medicine. Thientands of stimulantA have keen invented— lhonsands of forigoraiii4 ennrocted—all put:puling hi be .ineritioil in ill: various disensea and derangements to which the delicate fonnltion of woman mnder her liahle. EVERY WOMAN OP SENSE, Who iniffiini from weationtN, ileranirtne.tir, ncrronalinss, tre mons. pains in the back. or any other disorder. whether rm . uliar I, her colonlll to inall seat's—should give the I hi iei.riding 4d-dial a trial. tn. others, will find thin Cordial, after they have used a bot tle oi two, thorough rer,.....rator of tho In alt din, thins Cr,' to be Um l'he happy parents of healthy off spring. oho would Mot hay, been so t•nt for thin extraordi- I n ‘ r ) preparation. A nd it ja equally potent for the ni n ny dpwasee for a loch it is roronuilondedi . Thouaandri of young n „, t oo , restored tint not Ifirt it, stiowe has it failed to benefit them PERSONS, Ill' PALE et1: 1 1£1XXION. Or consumptiva habits, itre restornd'hy the one urn bottle or tun to bloom and rigor, rhanging the akin from a pale, yel low, sickly color, to a beautiful tlorid r: ugdaziru. These are some of the sad and melahcholy effeits produced by early habits of youth, viz: weakness of flu, back and limbs, pains In the head. I lituilem of sighr, lose of muscular power. palpitation of the heart, dlywirsiti, nervous irrino Wily, derangement of the Worth, functions, general do. billty. symptoms of consumptions. etc. Nonnilirotbe fistrtul effects on the mind Lire murk to lin do o,,ded. foss of -memory, Lvtitusion of it/ens, dept.:Anion moiritn. evil fornt.l hots, nvernioti to. sonietv, kelfsiistrust, dogetole, timidity. etc-, tiro sumo of the evils produced All ill. Whirled, Sliauhl reflect that a .liet a Iml mai Lauly are the mood ne la hraanote indettl, thrtnigli life beet:max a weary ratn.l..rt hourly 1 al' e the view; the whet 14,..taea .h.. 100,1 a h %With Inelett ..ll4,l Ilott Ih- happitioas of another betatnes hht,litetl a ills I,iot aa Dr. '.ll,qaa'a . larittorating Cot dial has b? , ,11 03nrtterfeltatt by unprhalphal perroaa I n hit are, all the vr...n lat. Cordial will have the proprfetar'a I.:a.ted or er the rot k"r ea.-h hatic.; : agii the fallow bat n•ard, 1.1,,wn in Ihi Dr. Itlorer•. In• lgornifng C. 11, Proprietor, N. T. The Cordial in put np, biphly concentrated, hottlee —price three dollar, per bottle, Pao for Bre dollar-1, niu for twelve dell•re. C. H. itINII, Prourietor. 102 Bromlway, N. S" 3014 by Dni,o44te throughout the United But., Canada ~e,l the %I tx,t . . . I'iiteLurgh Da GJ(J. 11, KEYSER, K 0.141, Wood nt. . ..1 ...FLEMING BROS, No. 60 111;nxi ntrert ; R. K SELLERS. Wood error. Allegheny (Ity _BECK HAM A 31'KEVNAN: . , All ES T. SAMPLE PCO ...... P. FILMING. !tout for 01ti0...J. 1). PARE, Cinclunati. ' Anpllolkorly 13RIVATE DISEASES--Pk. BROWN, No. 1_ 41 Diamond allay. detotels Ida entire ettentioi‘ ! Z ; N loos, brought on by imprudence, %outhful Mdulgence .‘•,` and es.c , est. , eypttille. Fyphilitic Ertiptlons. Gonorrhea, Gleet, Stricture . 1 rethn.l,Ensellarges, Impurity Of the }home[ Witti all diseases of the Venereal Organ. Skin Diemaca, Scorbutic &undone, Totter, Ringworm. Merenrial Dieensee.rlual weakness, Impotency, Nita, Itlleunitillsm, Female eaknees, moutbry Suppreastona. Disc/is:a of the Joints,Fisteln.in dine, Nervous Affection's. Pains in the .ffeck. end Leine. Firitation 41,f the Bladder and Kidneys. sucre.afolly treated. Corn guaranteed. Twenty years' practice (tee in this city) enables Dr. Brown to offer assurances of a speedy more to all who nifty come un der his care • , office and. Private Consultatfou 'Loop! 4tlparmond alley Tat`Chargra moderato. [aoaEodtrarly TAR. BROWN continues to be consulted for the care of SECIUT DISEASEA. success in cases is natio/tiled: The 4.9111.1eted are invited to ran withont &day. Persons afflicted with Venereal Die. oases, ltheiunatisnyfiles, Cr Seminal Debility, should not delay to get his advice. Lettenveontalping afe innned.owo ly o savored. vek.Orace and Private Rooms, "No. 41 Dlamond e11..v. Pittsburgh. MEDICAL - . BOERHAVE'S ❑RADACIIR AND DEBILITY NERVOUS AND ATIC AMECTION S. DR. MORSE'S CURE OF NERVOUS DISEASES. Lo¢ OF LI.hBIORC, A MIF.AT MEDICIN It FOR F 1 ALE A RIO Eli PF:IISONS, TO TIM NIISUOIDED CONTENt PLATING SIARNIAG F. MIME EEO= x. = - • • •••:: , . , • -. ;N.: aos - t , ,, . %.,, -?-•.i1,.".-:..., --,--i.,., 1- vfl.' , ~,,,, ; 0 " . A-0,4„.°4 ''' :: ', ~ -' : , ..1.-- , ' : '''',, -c...'t; '-'..; . r.x . t:i .,.. v• ;(:::/ - .,:...1- ;,., :- - .:0 ."-''.4.';1::.:•. ::,:.,.. 1,, , . , : , ...,, , ,,..„ .7 .....,• •, 2 : ,.., ; , 0 ,.,. p ,, e... • .. , -= 4, 1 •.it.„,,,,f :. „T.-- „.„:-.:,?..., , ~,,L, 0,: - .3 , -4 . ---.. .1.--... - - -0.; , ,,..': , .. , ,,, .„1 . . , ...,, 1 ..,,..,:.,,t:il ....4. 4 ,7:-„,,, 4 .77&i_ z,,,,...:•,,..',1) .., If. s. ~- . 2 ~I- EMI ,1 10 t 77; 4 • +-yY~~.~ I 1 1 7,4 , - , . • .~ - •' "I, 2'''~,f •'~~,,. 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