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't • tt o .....,i i, • f . ,4'..41 . *:-- ?' 0 ~., ~,-,-, . . 4 . ,,....18 •r. k.g.4 4 . -.." +-t 4.1 4 1 f-- '.. • - 1 0' --r.,T, . ..,.,..-- t:( , kti?-4,', - N,t4 , - t. d4' *44 14 44 , 4 1..,. i .44 4 4 4 I..t.arta . 1 4 . 4 •. 4 i..* r 4 4 f ' ' ' 4 oe, 4,,..Ar'Ci: 4 7t . . 5 it,,... ,j4,,,„0 .;.- _,„••• • ;e4"" a 9 . .g r ~„,1 1-44 4",„2."./ . •-• - 1 -. ..• 4 - 1. - ' ,t. 5... .:", 3 41-4 At. _. . r . -... _ • L.••••-• ;`. ' ''''.:',' ',' A.:',.7,i",-4,.....,....,..,. f r-, • z&k., ~.... , . , .. •., , 4.; 41., -r._ .. ~ r.... piTTsBURGII POsT Nti IN DAY .NI()RNINti t 11.• GOD HELP THE POO I( Thu raw altdig tht. sere,. 'fhe icy mitt heat.: , noun n. The Winter uettl ,heel T., ehr,,tld the curse I A 0tt..:1 -111. n help the ! Thu waning Sun, thy summer helm, • since warmed 0;011 thr.; their ,t,thly clothe , N,,n thou net gone, and winu, gleams In fry mail, and threat, nith woe The .thivering r. r,eild then ttn lova> with thee, liesonth anturnind equinox Like bird, that froul the winter flee In chirping groups or Clud. ihe tiock.i— Then !nippy poor' When summer stuile.l up"n their 1-:!. They Se:lfee could etlrll 1131 )I".‘nt eh• ni N,,Ne eILII they tree ire. Or quench their thirst fr. , vn fr..,en cup. The e he,l p. ; "Plant cureless heir of untold honrd, Rt siihen efts° unlrnottlt tO ear,. 11 . bile thus you lipe the punp t.f On find trltrt r}utir. ,4 the P.—r t I, rtonperel Miss, whi,Fe vacant otitot I, full of man kish Are there no ,Cu? wounds to liin,l7 u work that :Alan bring. (Iwo content e , , the Po,r All yu it Gres burn cheerily, Whose hearths ore mono. sh„-r Inr ley- lull Think. when the laugh rink: merrily. (if those end ecr= with •hiuc Mull I:\e, ..t t 1... Thom iNi srir, it I. is n g e'tir the o.• 1.1. Wh.i riiiihi•tis" in the 'l•hcu natal priiir, thou early . Tis vain to i.as it null litiseir.tn Ve ranting, rniiutliing Whi:ttie lira)er, nr, I xv,r‘l- art.. wt • Nu .tuuLot )e ki.rc I;u4l', Ito 11ti1 wili sour empty pritvert , w.st All ye ,Ite f..r trar iig•-. I I I.t veur !wart- ate marl di, , A/id drAd In th,uoo= Intl,. rm.., .1 mark y..n )1 ell the tqlsy Drd in paler 01. ,ttno ,o 1 :Nnr Nil) then, vil ,Ith hard rcl.o:1 Bence. hei....gar, th-u 1., .1., it i: d , l not inslilt to wrt.trh,ln Ball Pall n,l eet Vt.! The, sad whew"), ~,,e to the poor, and lend Ch.' 1.17 e all thy gain- lire viral a Such I, the tenor 1,,4.1 Int fibold fr.ta them, nml r.t• thy T!. •Il lot gra,,,,us muater WaM 1.0.4 r /0- nuy twit TLen all %OIL, ur,1,1 , ill In Will onn • A:pi 61u,- it, CLEt ELAND AND Pircsil RAILROAD. ~----.~ ~:_---~.y W ~m~ Ohto and Penugylvanin Itnllrend \ll 11.1.11 N, Tftt: 9finitTf.!: 4 T AND ttl It ..L: - AN LI : 4 'l. Lort , l• ott Cl.l.:Vrl \ NI. t- , un Hun h. I n. quit-kt, Ilk h• u. 'l"rirne n ..ur i• •I I.nn • •`, io• Ili • ou and r .: Cl, 11„ . 1 It•••,i ,u,, n : it s • 1 1. , tr,••••• ~ f Ip,• • •ort I, c. • '2.3. , A NI , 11,1 AlIttulc••• .it A sl 10,1 I! I t111:1.• ,, IA.1 al I ". 1 tl. ••• 11 ~.r.n, • - t ing Ili 111 • I.:t• I • • T (Ili ,p 1(••••1; 1 , 1.••1, :,•• I :••1 I ~• l's-,kug:cr. [ter 1.,;. a 1../ ill , .V , roo , • 1' / LI 'i ..,1 IT.. A \I thA: 11,. 3 • L,.0 • ftr, 1:1A11 , 11:r 4 . 1 , 1 L t.% e; 1,,11.1i /./.;././ /I I. 48f - t•.r • .1.1 trAititt fttr t'lt-t.t.ct I Ctoykittlto Valk rtrpl Akr JII 1..11. ~•..e Iw~n „• l'1•~:.In i: , l ... ~ ~ ~I It - M.11.S 1.1.. , 1 a 1,1 L• I , A?I Aug 1, , ,e LI: M I• 11. M T/ 4111 di II•../ I t .1..) }Alit. NIA Al.I.ll:Nt .INlo I.t.N T. , A 111,11 ,, .s'l 3tl •• (I«velatitl 4 iv / . /,..11,11)(VI ri,111,51 ,, 1 1.3 I I.• t• .1 +,l lit, J DIA{ \ JAIO J A AA14,111..1. :l Kt. DELAIVAIti; S.\ FET \ - RANCE CAJNIPA \ uluot P111LA14.1.1.111 The htlittmtnt.t etttitettittet th , ell,ttro ttf t't•tettet itehltrilted m t utitorniity with u Itrouuwue 'N. IJEJ awl Ink.' Iti Itrk. .41 1:4 • • 1...1X - tob, 31, ru 11..."4, 4 111 nittl 111131,i 11,k (It. Mir, Itinke 111Ccrent, dr , n•01v. , 1 tlizrtn g Fltl4l , 1.•11.1 IMAreEI. Eipell 4 tll. kr , durntur ll.r y.ltr. Marthe viii inland N.., I, tthargez . eud Lose. Lam o nt oil lnmr&lL toe pro. kato.o ..ti SI.. A. 1A... t. St.a.tio[kery. /1....,t.d ilk.llls-. Bonds and Alort.pw,n,ll.lJJ Philadell-thin City vs Pt, . . ithAsklulpli.ll. LULL 1,111 11/1,./1• road Six itt, CCLIL. l.an . . . . f.l9,Utitl Camden awl A0tt...,1 t ..•ttt .1. slU.llllu do do 111 , d, IoU Pt.uti , v I vutom lbolrodd 10 , / d. , North l',.titlst I‘ . 43 de Cow II Idop,l, d • 1, LI., Pi//I.Arli,lll.t ILlo i Ilan ntcalgt TkoNN d.P 1..1,1 plun and ,Pt% Pti 11:; h , !Nu, h.,Ptanptt C,popipptip . 2 tip p 1.1141.101 ph., ip.l.". :-• rip atid K. 11.1.11, •11 L1... t .11111.1.41. WIIs rm.., .1.1.1 c. 1.3.1./t1 ... . . . . . b•da do n( N 1.1•1:,• rt-cet.Lily olLei tLn ea ttli I) . .... . . MEM= N .s. Tlm lionr.l A ihrectort. t .1.. lan .1 h ~ I P 13. CEN'f. .tt t 6. ( . ..tid ;di Hu.] SIN I. I t 2 titter...At the ..11.1.ht....t..th).1.,.0,1, ••:. t0..1 “ii. 1111• I provltith - kAmund A. 11..bert John IL. 1..11w, I,lwAl J Jan,. e Hand. I/r. 111 111.1,,t..1, 11 ILLIANI M men c ND, JoStril p A. M I:A, Ac.•nt J 11. BlY.aff Bu AOENCY.- The ,illo•Wril) ,. rS 11:IN estal,l,slast a .AgYucy I u 11.1,, , at. t arulah nu) tas th , 1.11 Vmutp , An) pers.., by I..rwar,ling r:i.t...?: ..‘y thy $.l Ilauvuunes. such /1.1 lan sly) '••,' IIK.III 5, I, auk a aslo,,us, , , .1. 111, ,plt•toild 1101,0 ~1•11 !..111 1,..11 ter o,ll'. id. it ,Ilh , It /11111 asl 11,411,81, 111 , ) %, ill ri%e op, ••I v 11.« put...tan lf ,i1,,11,: pi `ia.".• 11-Ortnkan 111 ~111^. tilow silo um) Envelop, of quAlkittos e rds: . Ft' ktn;:ttt , lll, .-11 ...1 tt I lawn \l, v.. \ln. I. r). li. Pis 111 ttal I littolls. 1, tilload.., ear.l, 0. I. z • l.) promptly altmalml to. r.:,. , ,, ~t slitt, t• e • .. 1 eugravt...l, (111/ Send 1.1 ti.,111 I r.tt .•I ttlt. lt h -d building by mall or expre,g. P. , r3olat at a cluitaller 1.1100 1,1,11 , I• art,. 01,•I 14. thuir advanntgo to whir,. Ow :• • n. t w. ag,lts for the Stay ol same. 111 RANI k PI East:. 11,,v26,c1kw1V 50 South Thu,' Fitr ,, t. 0.'114101, 6 BBLS. LARD OIL: a groan Lyons' Katbdifoli ; 4 east Gnu] Shellac; 50 Cline Acid 10 Lots. Llubeed Oil The. Fowler'n Solution Coucentratml Lye. a nen article I', One pound worth ton of potash . For gale by (i./9) ILI:3I.INti 111{0d. 185 6 . • • , ITII THREE 1 , `.11,Y TRAINS Vito I 1 , 11"rs1.11:12(:11 TO CINCINNATI kl',Y hovrEwiTH 1 lIIIEE DAILY MAINS 1:(;II To bAYTUN AND IN 01110 AND PENNSYLVANIA the Y• r 011111111111 .. -:..-k I-I l 1f N.,11. Is, .1% . I o•ul 1 51,4.11. J 11.111,, I F.% .laligi • R NI. V 1r ./..1. N 4 , h." ".11:111-i. .1 T PIO .1. 1.11 •• I) 1;11r I A (II I; I I 1;i•::1 , A ..• •1/1 : I 1.11.1/.1 ! 11.• :It • I,titli••i, EINEM •' • • RAILROADS lILLVApoLI.: MMMEM 1.11"11.E )11.1)11 RAILROADS. \ \ AND CmLl MP! S. • II . 1 . 1 , %.'t ! 'l,, .1 al. I, • t pt. I M2-,--ti , ;. l I. th• 11•11111 Ml= I:\ THAL OHIO RAILIMAD r . 4 7, ME= I() I \I) 1IIIY11'1'111l1I.II() 0 .. , , o. 1. ll=l %I \ PE\ NSVLVANIA RAILROAD I‘s e'en Plit..l,targh nud Pli I I n(14.1 pls 11 =MEM ih. t 1,!! 1.!`!1 .itt ! ll= 111111111=11 FA-(I•,1 , 1111.1 1:11111•• )IIIIII• 11. 111•:,11. A 8... k• : \ . 11 r+ero. LAoruß h.,tnh, Rt ., . T. 51 Full, 1;.•.,:t•I , )1 K .t'Ill.11:1 , 11 a tht• EA'rll.kli lON ro 1).0.1.• ‘%1(1..111":". ria:1111'%1 Ii 1111.41:1)N 12 Ow uu,.t ‘...blabb• It, to thn retaluin4 the Ilan to an, rt.quil,ll bur ,Irle by Dr. I)E4J. R. KEYSER turd 1L K SEL.I.X.RE .4 CO, at :I+s coma per twat. angle , 41,., • r - - tA .4 ' 2,7 • ,th N E .\\l , 1 , 1 I. 1, 11 OE 11 1)1' E N 1 iiito.ll Northern Illinois to 1111intissippl River, KANSAS AND NEBRASKA. ALL T,) Chicago, Burling - ton and Quincy , N‘ r \ 11'1 T! 1., I r:.1:11 , \ 1,1.1V:1"S. ttl.“tlf 1:•.• t httl•t , tl., Vtt liL 1 1 11 , 1. /•111"lilact$•11. 1111.'1 , 11k. 1,” . 1.. U• • EMI! •1.. I- • Cur. \ \1 \ I , t Ave 1[1111: ri,t /1./Ily / altd I-.1.1r.1 /:////1 %11.-//// - /1/ /1:1:/// t 1.. /0/.//1,/,:/n/I , f ell.' I • tl.• ..1 hoLkillg I . • h •••ott !11: . $.ll 11 , 1.1 T , I •tlt. !•tlr Ila.••••• 1 at 1 :.) :Jti..1•1••••• . t 1 1 , ..• •••• th • 1.• • • .1••• •• t• •• 1 ,Tl , l.tt ,1..• \I. J.~ .I I. I l , i„ ~.iii i. ,, I ' l, II lIC I, 1 NI f I IL 11,1 'IV A N D I/ llt E ("I' It 0 1"I' fr -et:l7 C 44.- St('libk . ll% Ili' . N. luiliana Rai I road IIIMINE! (1)\ \l:l.l.\\ I I.l\lo 1 I \ I THE PEN \ IA AN , • hrt ‘• urn Yhlindrlphln & Piti.burgta =MEE l..rrat AMC Ara n ii 1 . S. 1 . . putt• nud CHICAGO .1N I) t'l'. LOUIS. Ii (111.110 ( 1), F0r...1.13 ( hi, ago ~.“1 II ,I I I ii L n~- f i \ ~i !i. i,, ' ‘1,.• •It.-I 1.“ , .. 1 !.• .1 ,•1 \ ` OW ilt , •t /I,i 11 . 1•`• 11,_ , •1 - • ,111.. i I ,pr•urtl, . V,- •T1,1!1. ‘ll t!,‘• t ••• 1/1 t .•I1) I ‘ l " l ' , '; u.N t;.•nrrtl 10• cit =IEEE! I %1;11.1.1" r iv) 1-,•11n , f 1... E A \ onn 1p mw prim ;ph.. a u .l ,;II rainthan An:, Fan in., in lnw. tug Ni Itglit, and ~tlntn.,r than that -I an , •111' , 1, nud Irom ILN ulna lntidtran - U., 1., got wt tot.l J. , 11/ tri• parnll,l, ruithlng 11l galls nn•tal Y EATON. Agent lunutretuxera, Nu. .So .4uurch etr,et, 011.4awt.1 I'lE4lLn:ugh. - 1.1 MIME s'- ,- t ,t RAI LIMA DS IL • It: N TR. AI. ItO I,'l' E 101\ A, Al ISSOURI, 1;.\11.1;() ,D EN MAL MILII Sill • •• lk t I ••1.1.171 - I*. k.• t z• .0. 1 ....a _ ..~~~, It fi 1 Llito II) R111,1i011) ~:~~~~ ._ _. Rte' .__=_' ~.~~..~^~y` t. I n„.l a 1„r 11. , 111.1t0A1) MEZI3IIO3 I=l 1I I I \ 111.11,1 Ml== t nr. 1 nt 0, 0 %, Itll , l to k I thr , 11_1...111 ri U 1,,.« i..._,.. :..k , 1 - ' ~ ' ' ,-* ... r r i , Zr s , , MEM MIS( Ie.LLAN IZE :IT DISC() ‘' Ell A)11'1,): I—th I.v ablo Chorniclit (Ig np•ti.u.d , : th• r.• 11 s'LW•c or r/LOY. II "T1,E(.1 . 1:.1.: 1 , ., rdit.l mot to , l' p0.q.10 ta.• 111 , 1 r Ni• 1 ,1 1, : 11,0:7., 111,11 S In 4.1 iu 1 1,11• 1.1 ./I.i m iiiitat••• , .. 1111, M..111L olNi a I 11, ;•••.1! 5. , =MEM • , 1 .llk A.O t 1 .111 , kAt . , :1...• 1.a., .14 Hui L. Neuritl.4l,. 1 11, 4.1111, 6.llll.laaiLt, 1,121]. i• , 'f% 0011`1 2 , id 1,1:01 . . A 1.0/.1.1/. Its.‘lt).• IM.. 1 .,11. n.•, übn ,III.CLIII:11-111i11.1•••1 .1-. 1.1.E1 "I II I. 1 , 11.1 s 111.• Ills .. I ! • 11 , 1,1.1 II 5 1 111 . P. 5• 5 15 5 .1.51. • !!.. ! 11, 51: 3:11/1.• l'.• hil , l Many - 1.1 . 1111113,11a...c k • n, l , t , Is A AT. I .11.;11 •I. It L:tv.. ‘• r 0,. .tiitt I 111 .1..• .1 , .% I! ..1 I , II• • •• 0, it v.. 1,111,1 th..tr ~, 1 111, I,••• 1.1/11 , , •••l/ I , ••11/4 • l • • • „ 00, to cured nary eil , ,tu.t:! - ! !r + cc.,ald never I:- t. , • idniutn •Jr luti tin pct :Lhy \1•• ...w pot t•.,. , • tt, &Ai, who wvilt 1 . 1:41.1., I .•. ..1 • 'I: ' ',. 111 I I. ii• • , I=l =ME 0•11.3i#0111 AIL V I . V .%--0. IA I tO/t :\(,); \ILN 11.1, .\1,1,(1 1:1 \. i . 11..1S 4. i ,F I \, I I:- WI %% it • . ( !I I I• 1 1(11• " ''''" ' 11~ i i, ~ ~ ~ - , , \rl F \ \ I -.11.1. I A. ~,, Th. IJantto.l t 1... ,•.1..1 I •.; t i I'. ii 11,-lii;rl. 4i1•41.1 t .1. I. h .1 I. .r . I I NI =BEM I. J. r. ))dalviv v r, , \ , I) Li \ 1 ) I:• 1.. A !I =ME r1 1 11(1 1.1 BRlck 100 -‘l.l 1 7 11 I I • t I 1 t I I I t• \11:10. kir 11,. 11' C.t I. 111. I I- I EA \I ',FEN tr \I \ 11. It I 11. t(lt I I. ATI., t). • . or 11 impt., •• \, ITI t. s I . .•rott KIWI AI. 1.1 . I Azi • si• . i kil I F. 13roarn'm k:auritce of Jllllllllil'll (angers preraniii ,, ti .illtII • 11 ,. / 1 . Ilt hid,. 1,1 .11,r1. all .1 10.10.• Ow 1.1 , •11.. .• • p.• 11l t Itild I it I. I ;111,1.i I) 1.. 1311,!%, 111 iINIIII.II tI. , Ipotl I 1, ‘t 1111,:t It • . . !.) ,NVA , at 11, atol •••••••a . ..r 1•WI and i'll,•••T i•. 1 . 1i11.t.1 all Ow r•••. 1...• A.,...th• • art, nt t Pitt by A FA lIN ESTUt 'K c'• 1, A Al:1 111 IL P. \ FITZ. LEE A. BECKHAM. (111. Sperm, Winter I.3loi.ehoil, c,pi , . Ileci M 1.I.E1: S 1:1i11-:T:-.4 MI )lid lr M..lltt he 1 r.t . ito. I'n. , • . . . For rule .. I.y H MINFIR A (\l.. ti, l' No. 1.r2 Soot 11ti..1,1 :41,1. NrOT 1 l'E.--i have Ow. , litv s ,, hi out my MI ,11 t...,,,,t io tb, firm of HoSTFTTIII:. I , NI rni A ( s ll. t., ruy late larttotr, JACOB LIOFT.E I TTE It. Pittsburgh, Nor. 29, 1898--toos3oJ L. kIuST.ETTE.R.. . s. • t J - I-El ;`' =MEE 1 1 ‘ •1,1 \ 1 . 1 . 1 INSURANCE U.\ .\NII_MECHANICS' LIFE, A`l , !LINE I \ HANCE COMPANY OF 11/E1,1.111A i iii-'.. , . , ;..ny Fire I n,nrance no Mtn,. 1;0...1,, az n.,,,. .r. Marine Ins,untnee en V.e.”1 , .. C.rgo Inland Ire.urance jai Ce.ods, by Inverx, t' Iladrnads, and Land Carriage generally. A Imo, Ins.- r.nr t• 111.Nt InVor,ible term, lIIIIMEJEN IIIM=III! I'luvL•• I )in4i•~•, K. U. 11..1m1K,1i1 F.. 1 I . Nh !,11. Fr .I. C. Rrvu,t,r, luau 1,4,11. IIoMAS It. FLORENCE, PreAlden( I REFERENCES. IL. Wt.:1111/ , k, : 1 . NV. 111,k, A. 1,1,y 41.11..1 K 111 TT,II 11,•r: I'. II,: .1. 1: I: SI I. r •I ('...11..4iny 1% .1 Ih•I 6rnt rin.r. 11.! ai • but unuhui pt lin., 31anu,, •t/111 , 1j114 n.-•. its mull =EINE ,t.k-kh.,1.1r,, .1. BUNTER. Agent, No !At %Vat, str..ot THE FRANKLIN FIRE INSt:RANCE lA. Jon./ lett 'hal L. Nl. lttme ker. Th... hart. TI/l/1/l4 edeet. ,11111,1 I: smith, 1;, , .. IV. Itleletrtl, „ Adelplit 1.. !tom, Ilarld Bruwne, 310 - It ,t:. 1'11,3. N. I:Att:KIP., Itt.sltlent. -. 1,. lisseet.r., Setret:tty m t make ,Ittur 1111, tetritetnal „r knitted, 111 every . I:t.te tlottert, ill lOW., and ceuotry. at rates a, 111 a WI set nrely. t /11‘1111,,) ICII larol , 114 , II ~,,p rentlttms, &tidy Invested. ttf- to tile \ ,! Ow J+l.lBBir) 1-1. 18:01, ti 08- .0.1) Ali .1.1 ./1 A1,80.1).8 r 181 US h 1,1777 8:1.V118 17 61.559 181 84.248 81 111111113M1 =En 1.1 ! ,u.l )1!Ilt n , F..nt: 111ndrod 'Chou 'l,l 1. , I: 111 , 1 , 1, adt.:l,llng ~,leurn th, ' •,•• ,•11 ill.Lllty and dimput3it ism In •.111 Id.ddlicna J / A I:1 , 1 Milt Ct IFFIN. in .[ and TII;o1 EIII . II.tNTS . NIEckIANICS' J; kl 1\ -1 1: \ I1)111'\\\. No. so Nv,d,,,,t 9500,000 S 4)0.000 I Arnt. tb.• oil • • its. 1, i t nno.ti tvipau.,lliu . 1 at ,, L1.:3 ‘ , l 14114 E. „Its. T..rktn, .1„1, 1 , 11. K .t.l, I uu, . N N% .-t., N I',1" I. ,'l . l-1\ E.\ -,.N. II 1.1 , I. .r I. I: Ili. 'III 11.. r IMMO 111 0117 .1 11l \ TER. 1 n nt, ].I )t: \.l I.\ IN:q I:.INcE CUM 1' '5 t'.l If. •II I •)I .hpurl./1 tool t F - .1..1. ..01 I'l \ I 1 .111.1 rl Till I \ :1 \ F:S LIFE INSI ,s, %ND rr.l,l' , 1/111•.\ Y, F'r rte I'l I 11.. =EEO ITIMMIZE NV ,,IER\ I\-.1 kNI E .1.10 1.111,1}:, Pl•-.1••ut ,F. NI . • • and M FUNF Itko ;.“1.1 %h., ‘I NC' 1tt.1,1,0i. .1 NV 8011., %V IMIIIMMI • •t t • •tot, I.lll.l,largh Dollar !in% Ingot Institution, • t • I i” , ilt I Tli II Yi I'it• It t itl. II BANK, V 111 N duilc from to o'clock: II .t: nrttl •••,11111,,, fnun i to mn mgt Limn Mx DoLLAR, to.. yeAr. to Jun. , 11, ,ta of eti io`r i. I a. 111111. i..tir (tr.( ~ I h ` 1,59.51 t! lotter. 1:7 1_\,14, Itut.v. wad R.-8n . .; r ALIOII lilt. .Ihcr. / - •.1J . . =ME= Nu - ylvit 1;1.: 1 N'. .j IT T I I and s!. - t. ”.. and the 4;1.1 ./, IA 4 . .. I; r11.111,tt•.• Aiditioner in the - - ' •iy t 1: .I.ite mot al/t1 L./ .•11 • I 1 11,11 , •1 , 1•01,,, it. 014 - 110 , 1 I . I. I I .St 1. , ,t(111 I. I • , 11:11/, , ill 1 . /10•1 flur i• %. 11 ttt cIIIOII4C, . k, All.l 111,,,..11.1.411, verak and JrLlh n.l. .1. lei ••• it poi :::on l) d, nu tilde lit will he ti rat. it it thi lion., nl,l II •tweitistitliii iettriu•nt will ho ailnutii I btu, nllrrhint; and thorough exp. • t o t st idell preference to Ilydrolitithy, , t L.. 11. the old and now world, 'nor., --I n,. I. I • , i1 113 eve.) . in of duietuie, including In k umpu. n, firoachitni,) it i 1.7 Agthruit, Utituni..oun, Nctrouy, told : I Totittinuninla of curen from highly repututde vet y in the Union. OW Inf k: :.1 ,Pill , •. TLa It«rorou t 0,0 into invited tit l‘ ..:1, wkt , tl lu 1.1.10 otommt•twemttritt awl oft., t , ..it t.., tt • .. trotttlt, It Inn luxury Ina/end 01 ututlott :tt Ittt.t. / matt/W.l might supptm. Itt Chalks Itrutver, Water/mut l'ultut t r, \S t% ‘P ./..w, II Will lam., Tholui.t.tn 8011, J. It. II el ./ tt, 1 . 11. t::1,1t. It to 11. 12/%1/.311, 11. N. It L• ‘1,11. , 1 11....t.0r Rams's Inst it n• .1,•-••••••1 I ie.o.ti.ful troantient. •• : I hul, A 0,0.11,10) 1,/11‘,Li,/ bkll/rO/ t T NT00101..11. Dotvitl Hut. Johtt i;, !..;: I.oot,ottou, Jolat %t tt F.,: ; „ 1,. F 1../t(“tt, U Ortusb) tirwgg. - - 1 11 A t) H)lt 'FILE Ill)LlDAYS!—Cii.trc ,,,, i,,, Nt I:. 1I • 1% ~..1 ntrt...t, I. jut ~ • i 5......% , , qui.1.1.0 /‘,....0r I u.i..flt or 0,10. z, ti , y , ,t.. 1 7 .. i:,„•Pi...0 , . F0ng,,,0l I boa int,it .• ~. -. :,!..1 • “lit.kiiiitl g All lb,. tic, impr,,, IF . I- ~. ~,,. • 1.1. I, Fr, liit , 1 , •lio% lug. hail ..1 mi., in , iio , \l\ st, le, vti..rv,..l ly,, 100. 1,11., Sr. 1 ~L , r 1.i.111,0, ,Illi +1.114; ilium th...k, ,i,., .li. .. .1%. .1.1 .10 th , ,/, I...''' \I \ I`l I'' , .I'' I 'I , al. ~nil d,, d„ Kona k ant fr. nit. p 1.,. hal4he.l ha k fi,ut. plain I • tat new o.lle, Log. r than tut) Lunde here . i .1 i , F.C./NI , HAND c. • ,I c,. [Ave Piano Form, with irun frame, nearly $2151 .• I'lm,, w liood order 162 ,:„ ......... 100 I'l \ of every ari,ly, at prics brat s.li to pi. CH kit 1,01"rE 131,C)1E. 116 \\ - „„7 et., ,i,., 1., nlmva Fltt h. ‘HI . 1.. T, ' 1 A ICI' !-- A t ied. and dmly r"ming to band. a Large aml I inet.t of g ,, ,ide in the above line, mcluthng— S Carpet, Tlire,-ply, superfine, Medium and Low-priced lug:tains; \L. 1.21,..,, cold T.i,, , ,try I ogrtuns. la great variety of pat. I It I L nand, I , 6lllaalies and Vellll.lall Han uud dtmr Car lid pattern,. of rill Clutha, various qualities ud widths: Vro,ilen nail Linea CI limb Cloths; Padres; Canesa Halting. and ling CitrpetB; French Embossed and Vie t-im ha.' and Table Co, el,: Hearth Hugs aml Door Iles, grits sanely. All other articles usually found in Limpet N,.tc , nhtantly .11 Lao) at Fourth street. near Wotal. IN. U. ,t IL Id'CALLUNL I:. t iot.i.EGE.--DAY AND EV EN INU CiAsas IN lit EF.I . IN(I.—In all departments, including io•w and highly valuable improvements, which are a 'A...ruin., taught. Large classon attend evening" only t a thorough mercantile edualtion. Lectures upon all tle• st adios delivered to Evening Classses. Arithmetic m•n Nysteni 1 and its application to business. Also, writing ..L•110 I,il In tin , Merril stile Cuomo, or taught separately. Call for a Circular tar Lull particulars at College Ile 1, iin p.eitii Ow Post Oftice. hE W. JET. &INS, Principal, novl4 m . vli i A/.. I Nvvu~rl. Foß. ur 2: r E k ß e ß oo l: t • R n i t.. " .—1 iarper s I:al 1, , 11 . 3 Magazine for February—price 10 cents. Peterson's Ladies' Magazine for February—price 17 ets. Leslie's N. Y. Journal for February—price 18 cents. Valli., Notions for February—price 12 cents. bunion Illustrated News--kwice 1) cents. Fresh supply of N. 1. Clippers, containing account of Frizo Fight of Walker and Hayes. C.A.) expert.] this afternoon, with vurioua new Books— awl for sale lower than elsewhere, at IaIIFFER'S BOOKSTORE, No. 30 Fifth at. BANKERS AND BROKERS Ai'STIN I.IIOMIS, tiniek and Bill Broker, office No. airth .are , t. Wood Draft, 31,,,i 4 cauys. and Loans on eollatorals, negotnit..l. I , take bought and M,ld ou 1.,111101,(101I. lanJ 'VT at ratan bought and Partirular attention paid to t h e pun haaa and or Op p, Stoeks. All coinniunicationx attended to promptly. Janl9 - DI A Title KS S, FRIEND, Bankers and Ex chang.• Brokers. and Dealers ill NOU , s, Draft., Accept -1/11,1.3, Uold, Silver and Bank Notes. EXCllallg°. on the Emit erL and Western Citica constantly for vale. Colleettons made in all the cit.., throughout the Culled Deposits received In par funds or current taper, at the o.roer of Filth and 11,55] streets, feb3 $300,000 5:400,000 11.0LXLES & SONS, Baukent and Ex- N. change Broker.,, and Dealers in Not., Bruits, Accept. 111/1,14. Gold, ativer and Bank Notes. Exchange on the Emit ern and 1; extern Cities treistantly for sale. U.Bectious miMic in all the cares threughour. the United States. Dep caltel received in par fonds or current paper, Nu. 67 Market rare. between Third and Fourth stx, j ja3U:ly I E. ARNOLD & CO., Bankers and Ex - ‘__A change Brokers, Dealer.; in Excliar.,-e, Coln, Bank Sight and 'l' tate Ac. Collections carefully at tended to. and proLveds remitted to .I.ly part of the Union. Stu, . bough t 11. 1 / 1 i said all ish- No 71 Forth street, next door to the Hank of Pitts bough. repUi JOliN WOOD'S, Banker and Exchange lirokrr. Deal, in Eitell.anire. fritutaenial and Bank Noias rte kle ught and null on commission. aticrideil to inter, ,t pail 4.1.1 ay - Fourth Slll..`ef, nearly Lite M. 31. flank. der 16 r1 1 110)1.„S WOODS, Commercial Broker, and heal Estate. Sir., N 0.75 Fiitirth Pa. jans CLOTHING STORE. JOHN AI'CLOSKEY & CO .) FOR lEftl,l. OF THE CEL Ell T 1.:11 CIAYIIIING DEpoT uY I.IIIMITI' : 4 11tEXT, 1r hieh h. won an uubmudc l ro , pularity under Own.une of the THREE WU DOORS, have, for the pur p. .4:tegwritig usure np:uw for their imwuaa , • bwines, reutoed to the Apaciuus buililing; on the ) 4-1 WV:ER OF DIAMOND ALLEY AND WOOD STREET, Where they have may the most splendid htea.k of CLOTHS .IND HEIDI-IRDE CLOTHING, That has erier been ufferni Gt the Thar prilleiteil fa this rertgaith t. I give them A n.l ttn, null wltrruut thwu giAA.l any tit:unit:4e ron.d In Ow Custom Work to the Best Style, A‘lo UPI.,:s THE .11 - 1,N.TE. , , Nollt FOR LE.] •ti ASD 131.,1N114S 1“.11 ulcutaral uirh thole of uur custom., arsl -41, the pukhc fli t ..ur unit uot but 11. till 21, 1 nil in. muy 1.0 fAtortsl u Ult. N. 8.. -We ifeetre .atr ptir..n, n, litelertattet that we ha, e letti_er any ....hae,ttett .11 the 11.4.btug itu-iii tat Lahesly etn.-e. out atteattou a det..ted esetsoel) ta. the house abuse de,colatta.t. ntar'2l JOHN M'CLO:SKEY s CO. WApt H.,11P1 r•I qkNIPLE CIMITYLL. ITAMI NA: CAMPBELL, late tf the Tu. 11,,lemtle A I EN Ir adalitrAi 1 Itti,nl A 1V...1 Mid tl.O kot. .1 , ••1•1111 , 1 / , 614 N• 1..11'1 ILI LA, Na Ilritt hill l'Attr - Moll. Alut)ll4:t Our tla• nn! most 8 . 8.118p1t , t, 881 LI, y. lotind, Ch.ttling, 81,tion ; I:ayB,B' ,18,. A LI I toloralu: atol Draw A 88,11 st.. Ito fBB, Cr, az. A tal, Ti,. arid Stuck!, ; A 5p18.n,11.1 alai ttu , it of Sillpelltkl ; ti... MY. 1111, llomiery ; do. Bove' do. .‘BB , l 1181.4181, :dot t. azul Draw,. , Ca.ittoo !'lan. , -I do I )um !Jima„ ; .A.B/8.1 I Lull .t 1 to Maul, m.d Fur [llene wt.-at, Sc. A 1.,. Una , rtrlla.l of all 1,71,7 d. , •7 ‘1 \ I I th \ I. h.. 1 . 41 k, Lnl t joy N e nnytt.: our old it...inaintinces, and all dealern in out lute. to all and exttoune for hkneol, %VI. , are uow "V. nd]. our thud • and ..(Irlfro4k 15 11111 and e:doplete. 1l w etedile on Thud street, half bay between and Nirker• uct E\V (.1,01 . 11 ING STORE, A.t. 4 Sixth •dreet., opp./...te Lther ty The 5111,1 iher ju.d. • o no• .00t emt.o.l,llllh•ut. where he ha... al. ay, en hand a .argo•awl rh .ei,..rtment of all sell - -.',ctArrittm:. %liki. 1., 511 I 111 OW liy and will sell at Lhe rated ,onahle prleez. 'rhe I,n ills' are re 4 ll,ltelito Kiee ill/ ren tuar9 I y ; ~PPI:NIIEINiEIt. MEM P 31.1 Ft ti•ttltl t •tt. .J•tittiNta Sh. If. ITEM DR l." GOODS. ARRIVAL, oF FALL (;()01)S AT I 31.1 x ket sure!. 1 . 30,411,1 a. 1. 1 8.5.• Ind Ittirs, 1/1 - .PAIZTNIF:\ T nau.uall3 lull. sod • oino son. th• rlehtst and Gdods that vo• co, beento ....nth as Extra .mper riiti, r tI • u. n llrrinos. rs... 31. a. de • , . , Colon . PEPLE VV, —The ts.st astsd [went 111 Ili, E.f . ..,1t, .1 , 1 I nr.•rt.ll, 'let., 1././d tty 1, lir•.ljrPldot, Cwdotrwe Moire tat. Vel et sp , Twit L-r ~,U, t large sNiortaient of Mell.:llNiNG UOUD: t 4 hi. .1..4 Iptli 0.. kIt,,TIC said DEPA.RT . nal euppl ia.l. nod we lest confident that is, i:aa • .tlvi greati r •a Litt. We base el', Urns lo tale, Is•tore We sohnt un rzaminnu,.n of our stuck 1., lore I•ll,Lla.rilig elw u herr, as all aia bud it to the. - dl also Us- almost daily itt the risoipt of new tool dt sirnlde ido.sls throughout the sed.s. V E (Form,' v rOllll.. 1....11 a LoNe.) sop) N 0.1.1 31Arlo•i. strei ts 19ast/tug:li, Pa. r•-vt ‘1 no oh. of Sprkt d too ".:.1 I y .I,m H. `....h.wilt.or t ,r, I'l. napp, nut.. It S 1 urph), 11,. -1.01 l'mt.t.tetter I..Ar M. W.lltnru J 13,1, -son. A NSION 110L'SE, GEoRGE A U RENTZ, Su. 344 idisily strsst. just beside the i . m.sger Lic.pst the I , ,,nicylviiiss which nutter IL 111,,,t k•obilt house in the city for piosiengers ~u“ b . , that nsid. 'rho mom n o wt hartmi, at ron , kivrahle exponse, fittot up, xto;lout ot the MA\'SI N 11 ,, C E, would rto,jo,t foli ....h. it 3,horn of public parnola e. Thelo is ottatrhod 3 aploodui e7.r Itl.li a n d exteo,,t \t'At;,,N y Ala), amp', IWO .11110d/IEII al to trnvotors and teamotors. I...trder and liar u Lit tw turmsho.l with tiro boot the market ,au afford. J.IIIIOI livrAugtit, Itirtpatrick, ./.41tt D. )lot rote. \\ Ater P A NI 1`,.11 11.,:i) Illugsttlt, t Kola, ~ org- It. It i. 1 ,11,5, .14.novi Itt ti P. JAL., SIII./10. rlll.llO (11.11:1.1:S A. CI I [.TON 11)1 t' t.'oNSELLY. I 00i) INTENT HOUSE, e,.rnor itf Lifer (I n.•nr tI Railluatt j..ni.t ly SUANNON, Prop Actor. ANT I I , K. I NS \V. C. 6.1L1.At; II E It, T EvOrth ,LretL. Lbet, ish assiiwJ.santi •— . 11"1.1K1 las.n leased by tile sal...rtl. r, wri t Colltirlet4 ly tenovatisl. Ileis at all Iwo, I.tenarial to furnish °very luxury tluit Cull th• foLLL.I In ttit let rogulansi restaurants in the States. his Spacluttr, Uai win always lie h4p1.410,1 wall the very neat Liglivr, ..1 ev•ry J,urnpUvu, in 14+ 5e.,11-1411, viol, always be (anal nI NV IlklttS hall. l.Nr7i W. C. liALLAtillEll. ()L:lt limmaw CLOTHING THE NVIRJLE.SAI.E TRADE. Th-y ure preimred to N,ll thk• Lowest. Eastern Prices! Ls ou ha.l a full and Geauciful Ek.s,i tent of CLOTHS AND COATINGS, lii ~f I..1(.1,1 NO. SS WOOD STREET, HOTELS LT. ('LAIR IioTEL, corner Penn end St 4tr...q.N. Pit teallll . ol. l'&--The undersigned, forniet 11..te1." itavio,, taken tins birgl. and COMM., lii and lin , Ma; ri . ntt.ki rt in tn.i.,inhcvnt sty], Vk tinny invite il 1••114,01,1 11.11,:ing I• il., A I :L2 t,..urt , .1. with in o.llVvillvn, of ti.' ao.I I 1, , 07 toe ht.nost. fl%, N+1l114:4 trilarp, . . RESTAURANTS stmt, l'alAburgh. All pernons fond of titrtirt LI VINO will plr+isc all judge btr them:wired. Alwatri on band, 45 the tot of Oysters, Moat,, COLL., Tea, house fr' litible Bread, Ile, Custaribi, warm Corn Bread, NIuM and Milk. Fried Allis!, Wattles, Buckwheat Cakes, 8,. Tht , cook:r ut will lie such an will g nttify epicure& tah- Families supplied with Oysters at reasonable rates. oct'27 tf ( - 1(.)ItS1:(`01)1A OYSTER AND COFFEE lious E. U. BARN A RD. i'IIOPIIIETR, NO. 40. Fltth ntrect. 1/. wee om.l and Mai bet, IlitbMitr g lt. J aultd.l. r KENNE'I' ALE.—W. D. ENGLISII, Sttlt. Bottler of 6.11199C8 coleltratted Kentlett Ado am own Tout. Also, Common Ale and Purtar, in quart an. 1.,,it Thc attention of fatuities, and the trlida, Is raapectfull) Slab. Itmi. aulLy ATINEIIAL WATER AND SARSAPA RILLA.—W NI. D. ENGLISH, Pitt street. below Penn, is now manufacturing and bottling the above leverages on u extensive scale, His articles me of the best quality, and manufacturval from tim purest materials. ortl7:ly rr HE ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY-- A. rmsisultoil, ROCHESTER AND NEW BRIGHTON EXPRESS.—For the especial accommodation of the population along the line of the Ohio and Pennsylvania Rea rmed. between Pittsburgh mud New Brighton, a hose intimate business and social relations require such Agency, TBE A DAMS EXPRESS COMPANY Imo.) made snob arrange merit with the Railroad as to enable them 50 put a trail y - Messenger on the Acromnudatim Train, who will tail' charge of all property and 1/11.1113CS“ properly entrusted to tun. Ile will leave New Brighton by the Morning Train, remain in Pittsburgh and Allegheny City during the day to attend to sorb commissions as may be entrusted to him, and return be the Evening Train, with lets (loads and Comma, mons executed. All goods. Ac., will be doheered or ladled fur Sc the two cities, within reasonable distance, without extra. charge; hot to insure such delivery, the direction on podia gen, especially fur private houses, should be explicit. At Nt ay Stations, all matter wRI be left with the Station Agent of the. Railroad CoMpattrA,Whop the proper party is not at the Station on the arrival of the Train, to receive his good. The charges for carrying packages, Se,, wed (Or serviet, rendered by the Messenger, are intended to be-within rea sonable limits. When the nature of the business is such as to admit of It, special agreements will lie made. HENRY R. IRVIN has been appointed Messem,"er, and will commence his duties on Monday, December 2.1, 1855. OFFICES AND AbENTS. Pittsburgh-6k Fourth street. Allegheny City—Telegraph Office. Haysville--Captain Hay. Sewickley Station—Mr. McLaughlin. Rochester—Mr. White. Beaver—Dr. llandler, New Brighton—Mr. OFTWE ADAKS EIPIUM CO. t Pittsburgh, Dec. anti, 1855. .1 DISSOLUTIO! iN OF CO-PA.litNEßSlllP—Tbepaiinecship heretofore existing between the undemigned, under the name and style of SPRINUER 11A_RBAUGH is dis solved by mutual consent The business of the firm will be settled by either of the undersigned, at their old stand. No. 295 Liberty street. The huminees will be confirmed as for merly by Springer liarbaugh. SPRINGER HARBAUGH, AJI4N FORSYTH. Pittsinzrgh, October 24, 1855 PRINGER HARBAI3OII, C,onbialssion Merchant, Dealer - 17 to Wool, Provisions, and Produce generally, N 0.2.95 Lib erty street, Pittsburgh. 0ct2.4 TARCH---1.0 boxes Wood's Starch, for tale 1.3 by tassaj BMITH, MAllt .4 BUNTS& I fa% • AYER'S CATHARTIC l'ltil,S OPEILATE by their peeerful infiu ! once on the internal rincrt.. to purify •.. K. the blood and stlmultete it into bean li • . • 'h. , ction. The; Mt111(110 the °LIU/WM{4 • .•. A . • . - 411.;' - ' • ~ kl. luta:law, Low, ts, liver asid other ic talons of the body, and, by rctiturlhe their frregillar action to health, cur ~ • ail --?•:, met, 'w herever they exist, each do. f illi ~(4- , ' ' ' VA nallgvinents as are the first caruseset ...... ws-- -- disease. An extensity° trial of their virtues, by Professors, PhysleAana and Patients, bas shown cures of dangerous diseases almost be yond belief, were they not substantiated by pert.ons of curb exalted position and character as to forbid the susideldn of untruth. Their certificates aro published in my American Almanac, which the Agents below named are ph:mod to for. nish free to all inquiring. Annexed we give Directirma for their use In the cptoploiliti which they have been found to cum. Fos Cosrmciats.—Take ono or two Pills, or such gnaniliy as to gently move the bowels Qostiveness is frequently the aggravating cease of Piton, and the cure prone complaint la the cure of both. No person can feel well while under a costive habit of body. lienco it !Mould. ho, as it can be, promptly relieved. Fon DYSPEPSIA, which IC !sometimes the cause of COSTTrr• NUS, and always uncomfortable, take mild di:ism—from one to four—to stimulate the stomach and liver into healthy nes lion. They will do it, mud the hearistrurn, body.buen and soul-burn of dyspepsia will rapidly disappear. When It has 610110, don't forget whit cured you. FOR A FOUL STOWAGE, or Morbid Inaction of the /imerla, which prodtwom general depreaslon of the spirits and had health, take from four to eight Pills at twat, and smaller doses afterwards, until activity and strength la restored to the syetern. Foe NERVOUSNESS, &CIE ITEADACLIE, NAUSEA, Thin in the S",aaaelt, pack or Side, take from four to eight pills on going to bed. Ir they do not operate sufficiently, take more the next day, until they do 'these complaints will be swept out nom the system. Don't wear these and their kindred Meer,' , dors because your stomiudi is foul. Fan SCROPULA, RRYSIPELAS, and all Diseases of Vie SUN take the Pills freely and frequently, toheep the bowels open. The eruptions sill generally soon begin to diminish and die appisir. himiy dreadful ulcers. and sores have been healed , up by the purging and purifying effect of these Pill, and same disgusting diseases which issimed to Bate:ate the whole system have completely yielded to their influence, leaving the sufferer in jierlect health. Patients I your duty to soci. ray forbids that you should parade yourself around the world covered with pimples, blotches, ulcers, sores, and all or any of the nixie:an diseases of the skit because your eye: tem wends clean.sing. To PUDIFT TEE BLOOD they are the best medicine ever dins covered. They should Le taken freely and frequently; and the impurities which sow the needs of incurable itSODSOII be swept out of the system like chaff before the wind. By this property they do as much good in preventing cickneod as by the remarkable cures which they are making every where. .1.11 . 'YR 0351 - PLAINT, JAUNDICE, and a/7 /Minus Aifectionn, wino rum lama dermigement—eitlier torpidity, rimgestion, or 4,,,tructions of Ow Liver. Torpidity kind I..ongention %Atha° le bile and render it unlit fur diges . tion. Thix in dial, rrOnti [tie 14.1 th, and the omstitutiun La frequently undermined MEEMMII on of the ductwhich empties the bile intothe stomach, causes the bile to overflow into the blood. This produces Jaundice, with a long and ilangerons traits of evils. Cos tiveness, or alternately costiveness and diluxhi.aa, prevails. FeveriNli symptoms, languor, low spirits, wearine,s, restlesr. uess arid melanchol y. with sotootiniH Inability to sleep, irn.l s-metinies great tin/R . 341e.; .1110L1111419 Users Li eovero puirk iu the the skis and the w “1 the area become it Yellow; the stomach :wid; the bowels go, to the. ,olch ; the u bole spinm irritable. with a teudent4 to fever, loch luny turn to billow racer, bilious colic, l it, tic dinrC dyxouti.ry. L'e. A medium dun. of thr,, , or our Plitt, at night, followed by two or there iu the morning. awl •,-pout.-41 u few - days, will n'move the calltie of th,to trot- It is wicketi to suffer such point when you au curt" theta for 2.5, cents. RHEUMATISM, (Jour, and all Infiammatm-y &rent, are rapid ly eared by the purifying etbala of these Pills Upou thb 6641. and the stimulus vhtch they afford to the vital prin eiple of Life. For these and all kindre, 1 complaint. they ohould be tokeu in nuldilores, to move the bowols gently, but tritely. Ana burs= Pat, this in both agreeable and Pill can be 11.1 e more pleasant to take, and sertaiuty la. been novae more efti,tual to the purpose fur a Icicle a loin, pill is eniphmsd. -Prepared by Dr. JAMESC. AYER. Practical and Anal3ll laocea for $l. Sold by IA A. FAINESTOCIi A. eft., et wholeaate and re tail. by Avery 1 ruggi3t ut Pltlaburgh, and by an Dealers everywhere. oettk4maLtav 6reat gaud Pic* xsoWge.o, o f CASankosNi TOR THE COMPLETE OHRE OP Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Bronchitis, Spitting Blood, Asthma, AND ALL OTHER LUNG COMPLAINTS' TIODLNG TO. CONSUMPTION! 111 HE above 'Enrichment, prepared by an experienced Physician and Cianuist, horn non become a standard Preparation, and is offered for the COMPLETE CUBE of those diseisse.s of the THROAT and VG - NOS, which, If neglected, usuallytermlnate fatally' In sir ITIFP'r lON. It contains no Opium, Calomel, or, any mineral whatever, but is composed entirely Of those florbe, and Vegefaws Sfrifstztacce, which have a specific Influence upon the Longs and their connected organs. Its Immediate effect to to allay all Irritation, and gently remove the phlegm and other morbid smote-. tioos, from the Throat and air-passages, thus relieving rho Cough, by subduing the inflammation end-other causes which give rise tQ.L It is approved of and re commended by Physicians of the highest standing, aml may be given with perfect afety to the youngest child or the most delicate feresle Lent than half cs bottle will generally cure any onll.l oary COLD or COUGH, by followtog the directions.' One battle Is usually tufficlent for a ease of enz 4 few doses will relieve Tickling - in the throat) or Hoarseness. One bottle will effectually stop Spitting Blood. Three to Stabottlee only are required in Brogseht. 4 tie or Agitturna. Your to Eight ballet will cure any of Incipt- i ent Connetiteption. Oru bottle Is warranted always to do mood. and satisflt the patient that he is on the right road to a CURE. Judge now whether or not it is beet to use P. Certifi cates on tae at the office from multitades of restored suf-1 ferers. L SCOVILL &Co., Proprietors, • No. 304 BROADWAY, (cor. Duane St.) Nero-Fork. For Sale by all Druggists throughout the United Otatimit) and Ganadas. itsi - For sale, 'wholesale and retail, by IL IL FVUX/ 1 8 CO.. corner Wood and Second streets.. Sold also by 11.ENDIsh.SON A BRO., Marty street; H. P. aud BECIUIAII k McKENIYAN, Allegheny nortlnstsw CITE OF ASTHMA AND CONSUMPTION. NEW AND VERY WONDERFUL. HYGEANA BROrOHT HOME TO THE DOOR OP THE MILLION AWONDERFUL DISCOVERY hay recent ly been made by Dr. CIiIITLY. of this city, in the treat ment of Consumption, Asthma, and all diseases of the Lungs.:' We refer to De. ettltabl' lIYORANA, OR I3IIALIN6 lITGOAK VAPOR AND CREAM' Sifter." With this new method, Dr. a has restored many afflicted ones to health; as an evidence of which, he has innumerable certilientea peaking of tho treatment. a physician remarks: " It is sold nt that inhaling . --constantly breathing au agreeable, healing vapor—tho medicinal properties must come to direst. contact with tho whole aerial cavities of the Inapt, and thus escape the many and varied changes produced limn them wizen introdueed Into the stomach. and subject to the process of digestion." 'flue ilygeana is for sale by ell the Druggists throughout the country."—Neto Thrt: Dutchman of January It The inhaler is worn on the breast, tinder the linen, with. out the least inconvenience-4hp heat of the body being sufficient to evspomtp the fluid.. Hundreds of wars of cures, like the following, might be named: tine zeickage of the Itygeane has cured me of the Asthma, of six yearn' standing. J. Y. KLEIOCIRT, . Yostumter of Duumniinn, Po. T nm coma of the Aathrue, of ton years' stainfidg.l;y Di Curtis' Hypetna, Alutosacr EASTON. Brooklyn, N. V. Mrs. 1' km., of No. 6 Hammond street, N. 1. 7 W 3.1 cured, of ,vero 00110 of Bronchitis by the Ilygeana. My sister has beou cured id' n dlstrosoing cough, of secend years' standing, and decided to be incurable by the physi cians. She woo cured In one . montli, by the Ilygenna. J. 11. 11/41.111FRT, Richmond, Mc. The Rim. Dr. Cuzavra, of New York, cotillion of our mei:H -i:lna iu the following language: Derr think highly of Dr. Gallia' Ilynnun n rum. mly in thsetunn or ti n . throat and lungs. lug 1.0 tome opportunity to testify Its eflimey. I am convinced that it Is St most excellent medicine, both the Syrup and the isalitilino2 application to the chest. N. IL—Dr. Curtis' Ilygmann it the ORIGINAL ne 4 - )NiAr Li EN LINE A ItTICLE; all others are int..n, and truunruu.9 cuuntertUts. Shun thew. na you WvUld, ./Q- Fur sale by Dr. Cku. U...E.lset, 140 Wood street: R. E. Sellers A Co.; L.o A. lleckhant, Allegheny City; John Sargent, New Brighton; C. L. Roller, Rochester. Fbr the Removal and lifrafaftent Curs of all Diseases trristng from an impure ,Sl,aie of the Bloat, or Habit of the gysterti. This truly valuable preparation Ia extracted from selected roots the tieest description, by means of au expensive, wed povrerful apparatus, which obtains the Medicinal and active principle in a highly concentrated farm,. CO sicieutlamilly come bluing the several vegetable products in the prucess that a compound extract of Sarsaparilla's obtained infinitely supe rior to any other for purifying the - blood, and the cure of Scrofula, Fait Rheum, Ulcers, Fever, Bona, Cutaneous Eruptions, Rheumatism, :Mercurial diseases, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia. Bronchitis, Cotistimption, Feinalei RP regularities, Loss of Appetite, and General Debility. This powerful remedial agent acts simultaneously upon the Stomach, the Clrculatleat and the Bowels, and gently later!, while it disengages mid expels from the system 411 that Is irritating and prejudicial to bodjly health. Ilene/ purely vegetable, it is perfectly harmless iu Its operation; the moot delicate patens may take it at any lime with perfect safetjr. The astonishing success of this medicine constantly in. creasing dining the last sixteen years, Lisa secured for it the distinguished commendations of the Faculty-and it enjoys a wide-spread popularity and extensive patronage whin/it-brown entirely out of competition every other preparation of Sant* parilla Atteutlon is respectfully solicited to the following certill. cat.: _ . . . ..... Taor, N. T., September 1, 1834, Marrs. A. D. tr D. Covo4—lientiemen : I ho se for nem-ly three years been troubled with that dreadful iliseat , e, Sett fl la; so vouch so, as to be Offen:nee to my husband Mid to illy- Bei( ; and to obtain TON-A, havii tried every kind of medicine that came under my notice, without effect One of my melee. hors, who had been mired of a similar complaint by your Sarsaparilla, advised me to make a trial of it. and I can truly say that It has done me a world of good, having completely cured me. Hoping that my evidence may Induce otheril similarly afflicted to adopt the name remedy, with the gloat satisfactory results, 1 remain gratefully yours, Sault .1. Pamut&M. .Prepared and wild bY A. B. A IX II.ANW, ikrUggtall and Chemists, 100 Fulton street, New York. Sold also bm . B. A. FARM:STOCK A CO., FLEMING BROS., Pittsburgb. and by Druggists generally. Ptice $1 per bottle, or aic bets des for $5.. nuelllUali 4 . _ -- --4 O LI V E OIL-40 baskets for sale by a B. A. FA.IIbIMOCK A CU., -- ... MIMI _+ uv hsy ~S~: MEDICAL Ilidlitvstion 14 the 4,^allitorn. Obstru- INHALATION Ncror Youx, November 15.1554 SANDS' SARSALIPAR V LLA. QUART IRYITLFIS. ANOTILER CURE OF SCROFULA car. Wood
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers